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Klaai QsiZvtU

The ffirailj' (p5 MLj-g Suth^iino Prcnclerj.^rt will Vent ap. opos hC9 hnrtPf
XisE ProicV-^rttf-ct'E 90tii blvthd^y ft'wi 2 ^ P"i ^day# 19xx3^^n
liMiiMBiVVi^!>irgrf at tb FrfJ?dc2:^a8t rfisiclcmc at 11^6 Sutii TW.rd St.riyb
lliBB Prosdtrjaatj a yawthd^iX nenafenaricny vap ftri^nj-oyed at thn Wlant OaBfltta
dirfjig: th iir3.r 1?0O* A Biw>d>0r of Kaiy*a ^tanoaal Ckarck, aba ia beat
bnawa in the -vilXaee for htar tecVdfc, -'Taei \XUUgo I^ietsrdayc**, a wlilaBieol histaricad
aocaxit of hiT osrly oHlldhood in rTayRaat;iIi. Kiss ?re<Jidfi^ast iiifet>rad tkm wark
after she waEs ^ CO yeara
I wonder why some folks take LSD,
Just why do they want to begin?
I can see no sense in taking a trip,
If you never know where you've been.
Then when your good health has forsaken you.
You will suffer terrible pain;
No matter what you say about these drugs.
It is all loss, never a gain.
Our body is the Temple of our soul,
And respect it as such, we must;
If we want happiness and contentment;
And loved ones in whom we can trust.
The straight and narrow path is always best.
No substitute can take its place;
Just remember God loves and cares for us,
He sends us His redeeming Grace.
But we have to earn this redeeming Grace,
By the kind of a life we live;
Instead of destroying, we must build up,
When we do this. He will forgive.
I was thinking about the "long-ago",
Remembered a lady I used to know;
When hanging her washing out on the line.
Her ideas differed from one of mine.
She hung all her blue towels together.
Then all the pink, yellow or whatever;
While I alternate the colors, just so,
I mixed all the colors like a rainbow.
Neither one is right, and neither is wrong,
We did it our way and sang a sweet song;
There are many ways to get the work done.
Just so we finish before "set of sun".
1. Name and copywright
2. Dedication, picture. Do You Ever ?
3. Index
4. Index
5. TheGreatest Story Ever Told; We NeedTo Have Hope.
6. HowDoWe Work ? Thanksgiving Thoughts.
7. Two WaysTo Live(or Die); What is a Christian ?
8. God Gave Us So Much.
9. Healingis a Miracleof Time. Story of the Talents.
10. Are We Like the Pharisee ?
11. Are We Like the Pharisee ? We Need Jesus.
12. MyCup Runneth Over. "J" or "Z" ?
13. Should We Have a Temper? Shepherd &the Sheep.
14. Blindness. Think On TheseThings.
15. TeachChildren the Right Way. GodMade Our World.
16. The Devil Works Hard. Let God Be Your Guide.
17. DoWe Worship God or Idols ? Baptisms.
18. ArePeople Like Flowers?
19. Springtime. Does It Pay to Gossip ?
20. Robins BringSpringtime. Is It ReallySo ??
21. Freedom For Women, To Do What? Mini Skirts.
22. An Ode to Hats. A Winter Snow Picture.
23. ASafety Hint. LuxuriatingIn a Hot BubbleBath.
24. The Miracle of Time. What is Happiness ?
25. WePass This Way Once. Do WeUnderstand Others Problems ?
26. Country Life. Get a Wig, Do I Dare ??
27. Why Listen? Negative or Positive.
28. Sorrows and Griefs. WeGo This Way But Once.
29. Why Have the Gripes?? KeepSense of Humor.
30. Whereare WeGoing? The Kind of Parties WeLike Best.
31. Why DoWe Hurry ? Don't Judge Quickly.
32. A Lesson From the Birds. The Door of Tomorrow.
33. A Mothers Love. Our Mom.
34. Boys and Their WorkPants. Vacation Time For Kids.
35. Rosebuds or Roses. Hidden Talents.
36. Special Angels. We Can BounceBack.
James Prendergast was born in i
Xipperary County, Ireland, March
1S44. When he was two years old
he came with his parents William
and Johannah Prender;rast to Amer
ica, locating at Lebanon, Warren
County, where he. lived until his en
listment the 12th day of July 1363, in
Company G, Second Ohio Volunteer
Artillery, and was honorably dis
charged August 23, 1865, at Nash
ville, Tenn
July 31, 1881, he" was united in
mar! iage to ' the wife, who with
three sons. William, Bryon and Jesse:
on< danght^^r, two .hrnthers and one
sister survive him.
In earlier years he was a very use
fui man, industrious, strong, and
capable ofperforming many kinds of j
hard work, until becoraipg '-the vic
tim of an aniictioa which caused a!
decline and long illness He grad-'
ually became weaker and was re- j
lieved by death Friday noon," at his
home on Main street.
He was a good father, and will be
greatly missed by his family and
friends. -5^0^ KA
-S-imue! i>r was horn near Xsnia.
Ohi;.., Oil D.-cembero. 1837, and spent
most o" his bii-hoo<l days at that
p'.H'-t: 3}iStO\JSX
He -terveJ his country for three
years during the Civil War, and af-.
ter receiving his discharge he re-en-
liked tor t.hrpp mopths longer~nrhis
country'sservice Hewa.s a member
of Company 1. Slst RegimenTUhio
Voluntrer lufantry. an ! wag always
ready for duty when called
Mr. and Mrs Eyler were residents
of Harveysburg for some years, and
here it was that his wife passed
away on May 26, 1909 After Mrs
Eyler's death, Mr. Evler cameto
Corwin, where he made his home
with Mr and Mrs George Thompson,
and later went with them to Morrow,
having lived with them for abou:
Sve years
On November I2th, he went to the
Soldiers' Home, at Dayton, and en
tered the hospital hoping to get re
lief from a disease that had devel
oped some months before But the
splendid care he received from the:
nurses and doctors failed to give him!
relief and he passed away, Friday-
evening. January 21, 1921,. at the
ripe old age of 84 years.
He leaves to mourn bis loss, two
childrena son, Fred, and a daugh
ter, Bessie, who live at Washington
C H.and a number of friends, whq
have so kindly ministered to him and!
cared foe him in his declining years '
and in whose home be will be
greatly missed
Prendergast, an old"and
respected citizen of Waynesville An3
Schaeffer in charce Tnf^,. ^
Miami cemetary ^ - >n
James Prendergast was born in
Tipperary Coanty, Ireland, March
IS44. When he was two years old
he came with his parents William
and Johannah Prendery^ast to Amer
ica, locating' at Lebanon, Warren
County, where he. lived until his en
listment the 12th day of July 1863, in
Company G, Second Ohio Volunteer
Artillery, and was honorably dis
charged August 23, 1865, at Nash
ville, Tenn
July 31, 1881, he was'unlteJ in
mar: iage to the wife, who with
three sons. William, Bryon and Jesse;
one danghte.r two brothers and one
sister survive him.
In earlieryears he was a very use
ful man, industrious, strong, and
capable of performing manykindsof
hard work, until beconiirg ''the vic
tim of an aniictioa which caused a
decline and long illness He grad-'
ually became weaker and was re
lieved bydeath Friday noon, at his 1
home on Main street.
He was a goodfather and will be!
greatly missed by his *family and i
friends. WA
.Siimutf! itir was born near Xenia,
Oh'!.., Oil D.-cerr.ber 5. 1<S.37, and spent
niost oJ hj3 bi)-hood days at that
He .served his coujitry for tl^ee
years d'jring the Civil War, and af-.
ter receiving his discharge he re-en-
listed for thrpo months lonf^eFln^is
country *3service He was a member
of Cumoanv I. 31st Regiment~Ohio
Volunteer Infantry, and was always
ready for duty when called
Mr. and Mrs Eyier were residents
of Harveysburg for some years, and
here it was that his wife passed
away on May 26, 1909 After Mrs
Eyler's death, Mr. Evler cameto
Corwin, where he made his home
with Mr and Mrs George Thompson,
and later went with them to Morrow,
having lived with them for about
five years
On November 12th, he went to the
Soldiers' Home, at Dayton, and en
tered the hospital hoping to get re
lief from a disease that had devel
oped some months before But the
splendid care he received from the;
nurses and doctors failed to give him!
relief and he passed away, Friday-
evening, J-anuary 21, 1921,. at the.
ripe old age of 84 years.
He leaves to mourn his loss, two
childrena son, Fred, and a daugh
ter, Be.=sie, who live at Washington
C H.and a number of friends, whq
have so kindly ministered to him and
cared foc-him in his declining years'
and in whose home he will be
,ffreatjy_missed -
died at the home of his nephew Brv'
an Prendergast, Sunday moridnr
ihe funeral was heh? if i-i,., "'"."ung.
Tuesday afteSoon Vv
Schaeffer in chared fJ;..
Miami cemetery ^ Interment m
T(^/^SR(?aST- J^S/JhuJ
^. Lenmai^^J
Prendergasf J
The; Friend's-Me^ng House,!
WaynesviUe, was the s^Sh- ofS
the double rmg junrrligeM
cereinony, of Rcbecc^ "'A-P
Prendergast and Jeffrey j
man Apnl 2a at 1:30 p m,
The bricic IS the^t^l'11 urfi
^raco Pre^rgafrf- of|||
and tiib hito, Jes^Prerid&^g^^wB
Thegroomis the ^ of
^Ph .Lehman dh'
dleburg Heights iF
!I1ie bode wore a fjoor leng^JT-
-rr Mjc^ wJv>v.rumeo4!
hemlme andattached traj!fc::5he
earned a viwuquet of': white'
iaisles, yellow, and-^ pink":
iweetheait .roses and :bhby*s
breaCb. " ' ;
;,Mary Alice Prendergast was
her r.^er's 'maid of honor
Bridesmaids.- were Pam: 1^"^ |
niap,,sister of tHe ^oom, andH
Julfe Ban^. Eachwore Af
hne green floor-length B
dress "with ^conti'asting -ivOry 8
lace collar and' carried a 8
bougufit^ Qpr-pinJs^ .-wiiite' ^dfl
yeiiow daisies and baby's'
breath. ' r- ,: - ,
Mike Labriola of Canton was-
IVfr and Mrs. Jeffrey C. Lelmian
best Marit and Peter Leh^ sequined neckllh^
nxan. :bn>thers: pf the groom] ^yeiiPwS^h-f^
as ushera. >1 roses r sweetheart
Mrs: Prendergast wore ^aZ7-le^'^
length yeaow dre^ <iress :^awlg%Xt ^d
hJ^ reception was
at St. Mary's Episcopal
Church mWaynesville.
The bride is a;graduate of
X VaUey yiew_FlK!t0f _
WaynKviUe High School aid
Ohio State University. She
^ployed with. Professidhal
Therapeutic Services inDayton
as a physical theripisti Ihe
g-oom is a .graduate of Ohio
^tate and is employed with
Pantry Pnde Markets in St>
Marys. ' * ^
The couple has recently ,
moved to SL Marys. . .

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