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Question bank

1. Define Thermal stress. (02)
2. Explain the three cases of body subjected to thermal stresses. (10)

3. A steel ring is to be fitted on to a wooden wheel of 2meter diameters by increasing its
temperature. Maximum stress induced in the steel ring should not exceed 120MPa, when it is
fitted on to the wheel and cooled. Determine the initial diameter of steel ring and increase in
temperature required, taking E
=200 GPa and



4. A horizontal rigid bar AB weighing 200KN is hung by three vertical rods, each of 1m
length and 500mm
in cross-section as shown in fig. The central rod is of steel and outer rods
of copper. If temperature rise is 40 deg C, estimate the load carried by each rod and by how
much the load is descend.
Take : E
, E
c ,
c .
What should be the temperature rise if the entire load of 200KN is to be carried by steel rod
5. Explain circumferential, longitudinal and radial stress. (6)
6. Prove that longitudinal stress is half of the circumferential stress. (10)
7. Prove that change in volume,

) (10)
8. Derive Lames equation. (10)

5. Derive expression for circumferential stress and longitudinal stress for thin cylinder which
is subjected to internal pressure. (08)

6. Derive an expression for radial and hoop stress for thick spherical shell
7. A hollow cylinder is 8 cm internal and 12 cm external radii . It is acted upon by an external
pressure of 140kg/cm
and an internal pressure of 750kg/cm
. Calculate the hoop stresses at
radii 8 cm, 10 cm, 9,10,11,and 12 cm and plot them to a suitable scale with thickness of
cylinder as it base. (10)
8. What are differences between thick and thin cylinder (03)
9. Derive an expression for change in dimensions of thin cylindrical pressure vessel (07)
10. What are the assumptions made in thick and thin cylinder (03)
11. A cylindrical vessel composed of thin plate 1 cm thick has a diameter of 1.2 m, ands
being hemispherical. Estimate the thickness of the ends in order that the circumferential strain
may be the same in the ends as the shell and state the stress in the ends when the internal
pressure is 12 kg/cm2. Take Poissons ratio=0.25. (07)

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