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Case Studies

Pragati Insurance Limited was established in 1986. A group of young entrepreneurs of Bangladesh
who had earlier launched a commercial Ban in the pri!ate sector sponsored the company with "#
million $aa capitals. %ponsors included shipping magnets& 'ngineers& (oad Builders& $op )arment
'*porters and Importers. +aret si,e of Bangladesh in the non-life sector was $. 1&#.# million in
1986. It has grown to $. .&96/.119 million in 0##6. 1ith the arri!al of pri!ate sector power
companies lie A'%& gas giants lie 2345AL& %6'LL and disco!ery of new off shore gas in the Bay of
Bengal and other pri!ate sector infrastructure industry in the country& it is e*pected that there would
be 7uantum 8ump in the non-life insurance premium portfolio in Bangladesh once the decision as to
utili,ation or e*port of gas is taen by the )o!t. Besides& they insure all traditional lines of non-life
insurance businesses !i,. 9 :ire ; allied riss including flood& cyclone& earth7uae& $yphoon& malicious
damage& burglary& riot& strie& damage& house breaing& industrial all riss& <4%& machinery brea-
down& loss of profit& business interruption& 5A(='A(& personal accident including wormen
compensation& motor insurance of all descriptions ; !alue& $ra!el medical ; medical insurance
including treatment abroad to name a few broad lines.
The Challenge
Pragati Insurance Limited >PIL? was facing a challenge of speed. $hey urgently needed to migrate to a
new system that would gi!e the company the fle*ibility to 7uicly handle the administration of
insurance business. $hey were faced with a comple* data migration& with the information to be
deri!ed from multiple policy administration systems and correspondingly multiple data sources. $hey
were looing for an automated insurance management system which gi!es them a solution to support
their own de!elopment and introduction of a web-based personal general insurance product and to
integrate it with their e*isting bac-office policy administration system. $he application& which had to
be de!eloped 7uicly& also needed to be customi,ed to respond to Pragati Insurance Limited@s specific
needs. $his ability to rapidly e!ol!e according to needs demonstrates the long-term durability of the
system implemented. :inally& the company was also faced with the challenge of eeping costs low in a
competiti!e maret and maing the transition to the new system smoothly and rapidly.

The Solution
6a!ing considered all options from a ris& business impact and cost perspecti!e& the integrated pro8ect
team proposed a pragmatic solution& which carefully balanced ris and business impact and further
more afforded sufficient time to ensure that there was a high le!el of control and probability of success
at outset and PIL will get the first and the finest Insurance +anagement %ystem >I+%?& de!eloped by
some brilliant Bangladeshi programmer.
$he 2)I team of e*perts drew on their e*tensi!e nowledge of the insurance sector and solid pro8ect
management framewor to plan the con!ersion and implementation. As part of the implementation
process& 2)I specialists for each of the solutionAs components were deployed into targeted sub-teams
it had formed for the engagement. A number of 2)I and PIL officers wored together on the pro8ect.
2)I understood the e*isting system by which PIL management run their insurance policy. 1eely
meetings were held between us to discuss progress and issues and to ensure that the engagement
progressed smoothly and on schedule. $he chosen solution was based upon the creation of a data
staging area& complete with a simple user friendly 7uerying system that effecti!ely mirrored the policy
administration system& to incorporate e*citing plans& smooth accounting system as well as other
institutional common acti!ity lie 6( +anagement& Payroll +anagement& Asset +anagement& :<(
+anagement& 5entral Ban (eporting +anagement& Behicle +anagement& Agent and 5ommission
+anagement& +anagement reports etc and enabled the PIL customer-facing staff to easily and
seamlessly ser!ice their new client@s business.
$he I+%As 1orflow and Imaging component would automate the worflow process& routing wor
automatically to appropriate users based on wor type. $his component allows for a CpaperlessC
en!ironment& and all incoming >and most outgoing? documents are imaged and may be !iewed on
line. $hroughout the engagement& PIL and 2)I wored !ery well together& due largely to solid
communication between the teams. 2)I was !ery impressed with PILAs business cooperation& which
was among the best that weA!e personally e!er wored with.

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