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To understand and use simple greetings, to introduce oneself and to understand
and use the basic forms to say good-bye.
To familiarize with the names of the members in our class.
To follow simple instructions in English.
To create a relaxing atmosphere from the beginning of the year.
To set up a good working relationship among the pupils.
To revise concepts from the previous year.
To produce simple sentences orally in English.
To develop self-confidence to speak a different language.
Classroom instructions, Hello!, Whats your name?, My name is + name, Im + age, any
word in English our pupils previously know This/ that is+ name of a cartoon character;
When is your birthday?; My birthday is on the+ date his!her birth +name of the month
"teacher#s help$.
%racticing greetings and introductions in English to familiarize with all the names
saying goodbye guessing the name of their partners saying one#s age reviewing
previous vocabulary responding physically to classroom instructions producing simple
sentences orally in English asking for their partners# names working in group activities
co-operating and interacting with their classmates having fun while learning the
language carrying out different fine-motility activities "colouring, sticking with glue,
cutting out, etc.$ writing some words in English.
'howing a positive attitude towards English and the English classes participating
actively in games and activities proposed in class developing a respectful attitude
towards their partners and the teacher acting in an organized way when planning and
developing activities showing enthusiasm and interest in expressing oneself in the
English language and in participating in classroom activities developing awareness of
the importance of greeting people respectfully.
Mor"# "nd Ci$ic Educ"tion: in this unit we will work out co-operation, well
behaving and respect. (e will try to develop in our pupils respect towards the
norms regulating linguistic exanges such as listening to others, keep one#s turn,
etc. )n the same line, we will also try to develop attitudes aiming at*
reinforcing respect for human rights and basic freedoms
fully developing human personality and man#s feeling of dignity
promoting understanding, tolerance, gender e+uality, friendship between
all nations, indigenous peoples and racial, national, ethnic, religious and
linguistic groups
enabling anyone to effectively take part in a free society
continuing the ,nited -ations activities aiming at maintaining peace..
)nsight into this concept can be gained for instance by means of the human rights
instruments below*
the ,niversal /eclaration of 0uman 1ights, &234
the )nternational Treaty on the 1ights of the Child, &242.
(e want our pupils to be shaped into critical citizens who are prepared and
competent to think and act constructively in the democratic constitutional state,
as it functions today within the international community.
Educ"tion %or Pe"ce: it is essential that we consider the role of education in
preventing future conflicts. Teaching peace has never been an easy task,
especially in those countries where people are suffering from hatred and
violence, but we should always try to make our pupils think of the conse+uences
a conflict may bring with it in order to make them aware of the importance of
living in peace with our neighbours.
The pupil uses and responds correctly to the greeting Hello!
The pupil shows a respectful attitude towards his!her classmates.
The pupil identifies target vocabulary from year &.
The pupil understands and responds to simple +uestions.
The pupil participates responsibly in classroom activities.
Acti$it' 1: (!e##o)* +"r, up (esti,"ted ti,e: - ,in)
6ims* to create a relaxing atmosphere from the beginning of the year to
familiarize with the names of the members in our class
7roup dynamics* whole group.
8anguage* Hello!, Whats your name?, My name is
9aterials* our puppet.
Acti$it' 2: (A n",e .",e)* De$e#op,ent (est* ti,e: 1/ ,in)
6ims* to set up a good working relationship among the pupils at the beginning
of the year "students co-operation$ to familiarize with the names of the members
in our class.
7roup dynamics* whole group "standing in a circle$.
8anguage* classroom instructions, Hello + name of a partner.
9aterials* -
-ote* the pupil who does not answer correctly stays in his!her place in the circle but
looses 5 turns to answer again.
Acti$it' 0: (C"n 'ou s"' " 1ord in En.#is23)* De$e#op,ent (est* ti,e: 1/ ,in)
6im* to revise concepts from the previous year.
7roup dynamics* whole group
8anguage* classroom instructions, any word in English our pupils may know
9aterials* blackboard, flashcards, realia.
Acti$it' 4: (+2o5s t2is3)* De$e#op,ent (est* ti,e: 1/ ,in)
6im* to produce simple sentences orally in the foreign language to develop
among students self-confidence when speaking language different to theirs.
7roup dynamics* whole group
8anguage* classroom instructions, This/That is + name of a artoon harater
9aterials* blackboard, flashcards, realia.
Acti$it' -: (See 'ou ne6t d"'7)* C2"nt* Routine (est* ti,e: 2 ,in)
6im* "students$ to respond physically to the instructions given in English by the
man who performs the chant to try to leave among pupils a nice sensation after
finishing the first English class of this year.
7roup dynamics* whole group.
8anguage* classroom instructions.
9aterials* a C/-player, !ool "nglish C/.
E6tr" "cti$it' (%"st %inis2ers)* they can choose one of the cartoon characters cards and
colour it writing the name of the character under the drawing and their own name with
the date.
;or the ne6t session we will ask our students to bring a passport-sized
photograph of themselves.
Acti$it' 8: (Open 'our sc2oo# 9".s7)* Routine (esti,"ted ti,e: 2 ,in)
6ims* "teacher$ to get our pupils attention to start the lesson, in a funny way
"students$ to respond physically to the instructions given in English by the man
who performs the chant.
7roup dynamics* whole group.
8anguage* classroom instructions.
9aterials* a C/-player, !ool "nglish C/.
Acti$it' :: (N",e ;"* De$e#op,ent (est* ti,e: 2/ ,in)
6ims* to set up a good working relationship among the pupils at the beginning
of the year "students co-operation$ to familiarize with the names of the members
in our class
7roup dynamics* whole group, small groups.
8anguage* classroom instructions, My name is, Im + age
9aterials* one &< x &= card per student, passport-sized photographs of students,
glue, coloured pencils, one safety pin per student.
Acti$it' <: (+2ose %eet3)* De$e#op,ent (est* ti,e: 1- ,in)
6im* to set up a good working relationship among the pupils at the beginning of
the year "students co-operation$ to familiarize with the names of the members in
our class.
7roup dynamics* whole group.
8anguage* classroom instructions, This is + name
9aterials* a length of washing line "long enough to be hung up across the room$,
a sheet, four or five pegs.
Acti$it' =: In%or,"tion c2"rt: (;irt2d"' 12ee#)* De$e#op,ent (est* ti,e: 2/ ,in)
6im* to set up a good working relationship among the pupils at the beginning of
the year "students co-operation$ to familiarize with the date of birth of the
members in our class.
7roup dynamics* small groups "= groups$
8anguage* classroom instructions, When is your birthday + name?, My birthday
is on + name of month the+ date "teacher help to say the exact date$.
9aterials* blackboard, white cardboards, coloured pencils, rulers, rubbers,
Acti$it' 1/: (See 'ou ne6t d"'7)* C2"nt* Routine (est* ti,e: 2 ,in)
6im* "students$ to respond physically to the instructions given in English by the
man who performs the chant to try to leave among pupils a nice sensation after
finishing the English class.
7roup dynamics* whole group.
8anguage* classroom instructions.
9aterials* a C/-player, !ool "nglish C/.
E6tr" "cti$it' (%"st %inis2ers)* they can choose one of the cartoon characters cards and
colour it writing the name of the character under the drawing and their own name with
the date.
PRO>ECT ?OR T!IS NIT: Create our #$ersonal %etails !orner& in which we
will hung up our personal identity cards, our birthday wheel, photographs with our
families or our favourite photograph, etc. This corner will be there during the whole
year and we will be adding things to it whenever we want.
M"teri"#s: blue tack, photographs, cards, birthday wheel, etc.

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