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PF/ 3463
1. Almost all the conflicts amongst the member states of South Asia are
irectl! or inirectl! base on religious sentiments an leaing the gro"th an
#reser$ation of communalism% These le to the gro"th to an e&tremist tren in the
ethno'religious s#ectrum of this region mainl! centere in Inia( Pa)istan an
*anglaesh% Funamentalism is the outcome of such e&tremist gro"th% The +&for
ictionar! efines funamentalism as the strict maintenance of traitional
Protestant beliefs such as the ignorance of scri#ture an literal acce#tance of the
crees as funamentals of Christianit!% In the American conte&t( the term
funamentalism came into common usage in the secon ecae of the centur!(
"ith the #ublication of series of #am#hlets calle the ,Funamentals-
% These
#am#hlets "ere mostl! #ublishe bet"een ./.0 to ./.1% These "ere a set of
conferences of the "orl2s Christian funamentals association in ././%
of American religious agree that funamentalism classic #erio follo"e( in the
./30s but the! ha$e use ifferent criteria to ientif! an account for it%
5ohn Stratton 4a"le!( 6 Funamentalism 7 8ener6( +9F+RD :;I<ERSIT=( .//4( P'..%
Ibi P'..%
Ibi #'..
2. ;e$ertheless( it is im#ortant to bear in min that funamentalism is not
sim#l! the hallmar) of fanatic or a traitionalist%
Contrar! to common belief( it is
an arent enea$our that is imbue "ith an acti$ist stance an an earnest
etermination to gra##le "ith o$er"helming os% 4o"e$er( in the South Asia( the
term funamentalism bears a little ifferent meaning% It enotes the tenenc! of the
socio'religious grou#s to attem#t to ma&imi>e its economic( social an #olitical
strength at the e&#ense of others% As such( an! ecision or an! action b! an! of
such grou#s to match "ith other grou#s certainl! contributes to the balance of
#o"er bet"een the grou#s% Such tenenc! of balancing the #o"er bet"een the
countries of ifferent funamentalist grou#s generates internal #ressure an #ulls%
These also affect inter'state relations "ithin the region%
3. The com#le&ities of religion( belief( culture an also the conflicts among the
communities ga$e rise to funamentalism in this region% The e&isting socio'
#olitical conition of this region "ith #olitici>ation of religion turning the situation
too more com#le& issues% As such the funamentalist grou#s of this region ha$e
emerge "ith a ne" energetic force% This rises to funamentalism an its
!namism bears certain im#act on the balance of #o"er in the region% This #a#er is
an attem#t to e&#lain the factors contributing to the rise of funamentalism an to
anal!se the im#act of funamentalism in the balance of #o"er in the region% In
oing so( the #a#er also aresses funamentalism in earl! a!s an
funamentalism in the region% 4o"e$er( the #a#er "ill limit the anal!sis bet"een
4inu an ?uslim funamentalism of Inia an Pa)istan%
=usuf ? Choueiri( 6 Ismamic Funamentalism6 Printer Publishers( @onon P'..
Shelton : Aoi)ara( ,South Asian Strategic Stuies- SA8E Publications2 ;e" Delhi( P'34
4. The aim of this #a#er is to stu! the causes to the rise of funamentalism
an to anal!se its im#act on the balance of #o"er in the region%
Fundamentalism in Early Days
5. Funamentalism is not a ne" terminolog!% It is as ol as the religion itself% If
"e loo) bac) to Islamic histor!( "e fin the funamentalist attitue of #re$alent
race an time% The Pro#het 4a>rat Ibrahim Ahalillullah B A%S C "as thro"n into the
fire b! his race as a #unishment for #reaching the religion% 4a>rat ?ussa BA%SC ha
to esca#e "ith his follo"er for their #rotection against the anger of the )ing
;amru2s force through the i$inel! built tunnel on the ;ile% The ol religious
custom of ,sati'ah- B"io" burningC in the 4inu religion is also a
funamentalist act% 8autam *uha the founer of the *uhism coul not #reach
*uhism an sta! in Inia% 4e ha to esca#e to the 4imala!an region for his
safet! against the 4inu funamentalist of those a!s%
6. In the earl! a!s of histor!( the state la"s "ere go$erne b! the religious
binings% In most cases( such la"s "ere constitute suiting to the moti$ate
reDuirements of the ruler% Thus traitions an beliefs of $arious races are generate%
The e$elo#ment of science through the ages has not onl! gi$en the "orl
ci$ili>ation but also "ien the sco#e of abilit! to thin) realit! an originalit! "ith
logic% The beliefs an customs ten to ha$e conflict "ith the sacre lessons% This
conflict is strengthening "ith the e&isting of the arguments an logics of science%
As such the funamentalism got its motion strongl! "ith ci$ili>ation% Eith the
#assage of time this region has also become a com#le& societ! of $arious religions
an man! conflicts arouse grauall!%
Fundamentalism in the Region
7. India. The #artition of Inia an Pa)istan in ./4F "as base on religious
line% *ut the ?uslim minorities in Inia remaine a ominant factor in Inian
#olitics amongst the minorities% The Congress "ante to )ee# the ?uslims at their
arm#it "hile #olitical #art! li)e *harati!a 5anata Part! B*5PC o$ertl! claime for
4inu ;ationalism% The #resent *5P le coalition go$ernment belie$es that the
Inia2s religious minorities o not ha$e an ine#enent ientit!%
The *5P is
committe to the conce#t of +ne ;ation( +ne Peo#le( an +ne Culture%
belie$e that cultural heritage is the central to all regions( religions an languages
an constitutes the cultural nationalism of Inia%
The cultural nationalism is the
core of 4inut$a%
The election manifesto of *5P feature the builing of a 4inu
tem#le on the site of *abri ?osDue%
The *5P le coalition go$ernment launche a
massi$e militar! o#eration Hust three months bac) to retain strategic mountains in
Aargil an the sectors sei>e b! ?uslim guerrillas re#orte b! Inia%
estruction of ;a$al aircraft b! Inian ?ig'3. on .0 August // on the issue of
crossing the air s#ace is also the funamentalist e&#ression of *5P go$ernment%
Accoring to the anal!sts( the #resent *5P le coalition go$ernment intens to get
strategic gain out of this incient before the election of Inia%
. !a"istan. Islam is a ominant factor in the state #olic! of Pa)istan%
Perha#s( the Ino'Pa)istan historic #ers#ecti$e influences Pa)istan to"ars
Frontline( Inian ;ational ?aga>ineI <ol .1( ;o 34( ;o$ember 3.JDecember 04 .//G
Ibi P' 3
Ibi P '3
Ibi P '3
;e"s#a#er( The Eashington Times( Suna!( ?arch 3/ .//G( #age' *4
;e"s#a#er( The Dail! Star( 5une 31( .///
Islami>ation% The influential #osition of religious #olitical #art! 5amat'I'Islami of
Pa)istan inherite a significant #osition in Pa)istan2s #olitics ue to its maHor
theoretician of funamentalism in the region% 5amat belie$es the Islamic re$olution
as a goal of #ious ?uslim% The nuclear test b! Pa)istan in the res#onse of Inia
#ortra!s the funamentalist attitue of the #resent go$ernment% The continuing
is#ute o$er Aashmir issue incluing the recent Aargil fight is the biggest thorn in
Ino'Pa)istan relations% The Aashmir issue also #la!s a great role in the omestic
#olitics of Pa)istan% Pa)istan2s firing of surface to air missile on .3 August //
aiming three helico#ters of Inia carr!ing the Hournalists in the res#onse of Inia is
not onl! the go$ernment2s ecision but also ue to internal #ressure an omestic
#. $angladesh. The use of religion in *anglaesh #olitics is as common as
other countries of the region% In fact( the G
amenment ha little im#act on
Islami>ation( but it significantl! o#ene the ne"l! ine#enent countr! to the
Islamic "orl% Religion in the #olitics "as absent in the initial a!s as a result of
the #eo#les hatre to the 5amat'I'Islami #art! as regar to their collaboration "ith
the Pa)istani militar! Hunta uring our "ar of liberation in ./F.% In ./FG( the ban
on the #olitico'religious #arties "as lifte% Since then( there has been rise of the
religious funamentalism in *anglaesh%
This "as further accelerate b! the G
amenment to the constitution "hen Islam "as eclare as the state religion%
4o"e$er( the #eo#le reHecte the 5amat'I'Islami in the election of .//6 in "hich
the 5amat'I'Islami "on onl! 03 seats "ith G%1F #ercent of $otes%
Factors %ontri&uting to the Rise o' Fundamentalism
4ossain S!e An"ar( KReligion an Ethnicit! in *anglaesh Politics22( *IISS 5ournal( <olume .3( ;umber 4(
+ctober .//.
;e"s#a#er( The Dail! *horer AagoH( 5une 3G .//6
1(. Religious Di)ersity % The ifferent )in of religions in the region is a maHor
contributor! factor for funamentalism% Such religions ha$e their o"n beliefs an
ieologies% The ientical ifferences of beliefs an ieologies bet"een the religions
ha$e influence the man)in to be funamentalists o$er the time%

11. *arious +ocial Ideologies. Different )in of ethnic grou#s an races in an
area abie b! certain traitions an beliefs% As such it generates $arious social
ieologies in the area% There are number of ethnic grou#s an races in this region
ha$ing ifferent traitions an beliefs% As such the $arious social ieologies
bet"een the grou#s an races act as catal!st to influence one o$er another an
thereb! contributing to"ars the gro"th of funamentalism%
12. !olitical. Certain grou#s of #eo#le from $arious countries of the region
al"a!s ten to use the #olitical instabilit! as a tool for fulfilling their esires%
Religion has been al"a!s a tool in the hans of the #olitical leaers to legitimi>e
their authorit! o$er illiterate masses an minorities( as the! are more rece#ti$e to
religious ogma% This has al"a!s le the minorities to act as funamentalist% The
failure of the go$ernment #olitics also contributes to the rise of funamentalism%
13. Foreign ,egemony. Foreign #atronage o$er the maHor or minor religions
hel#s in gro"ing funamentalism for achie$ing their aim% Continuing tensions an
gro"ing conflicts in our region ha$e gi$en foreign forces an o##ortunit! to e&#loit
these tensions to their a$antages% The great #o"ers of the "orl ha$e e&#loite
such tensions either through a grou# of #eo#le or through the go$ernment
machiner!% Such acti$ities of the great #o"ers of the "orl contribute to"ars the
rise of funamentalism%
14. !artition o' the +u&continent. Though the se#aration of the subcontinent
in ./4F "as base on religion( !et large'scale communal $iolence an a massi$e
e&change of #o#ulation accom#anie it% As such the minorities in each state ha$e
create another facult! for the rise of funamentalism% Pa)istan2s claims on
Aashmir is base on communal groun% Such claiming becomes the basis for long
term tension an conflict%
15. $a&ri-.os/ue %risis in India. The *abri' ?osDue crisis in Inia is an
historical factor for 4inu'?uslim ri$alr! in the subcontinent% This has also
strengthene the rise of funamentalism in the subcontinent as a "hole% The
4inus began to construct Ram Tem#le on the site of the *abri' ?osDue follo"e
b! its emolition on 06 December .//3% This incient has not onl! generate the
clash bet"een 4inu'?uslim in Inia but also in *anglaesh an Pa)istan% Certain
grou#s of #eo#le of *anglaesh then tene to emolish the tem#les of
*anglaesh% This #articular incient has influence o$er a grou# of #eo#le to be
funamentalist an also acte to strengthen the funamentalist grou#s%
16. !oor 0iteracy. The #oor eucation rate of the region is one of the
im#ortant factors for the rise of the funamentalism% The illiterate #eo#le generall!
e$elo# a tren of blin su##ort to e&isting or #ro#agating beliefs% Due of the lac)
of tolerance( emotional attitue an illiterac!( the beneficiar! grou#s coul e&#loit
such communities easil!% This ultimatel! le to the $iolence an terrorist acti$ities%
17. $alance o' !o1er% The attitue of $arious socio'religious grou#s of #eo#le
is to ma)e all out enea$our to ma&imi>e their economic( social an #olitical
strength at the e&#ense of others% As such( an! ham#ering on the interest of one
grou# certaint! contributes to ma&imi>e the strength of ri$alr! grou# for going to
irect or inirect conflict bet"een them% Ehile going for such irect or inirect
conflict( both the grou#s ten to become su#erior b! economicall!( sociall!(
#oliticall! an also in strength% This attem#ting an ma)ing all out enea$our of
being su#erior in the res#onse of an! ecision or action b! one grou# contributes to
the eDuation of #o"er "ith other grou#s% Thus balancing of the #o"er eDuation
bet"een the funamentalist grou#s certainl! contribute sociall!( #oliticall!(
economicall! an militaril! in the region% 4o"e$er( in the region( this attem#ting
of balancing the #o"er eDuation is mostl! bet"een the 4inu an ?uslim
Im2act o' Fundamentalism on the $alance o' !o1er

1% +2reading o' Arms Race% Rise of religious funamentalism efinitel!
estabili>es the communal #eace an harmon! in the region% Such #henomenon
"oul li)el! to s#rea u# more arms race in the region in the search of local #eace%
The arms race bet"een Inia an Pa)istan certainl! reflects that the region has no"
entere into the $orte& of a missile an nuclear race%
a. .issile Race &et1een India and !a"istan% Inia has e$elo#e
missile such Prith$i Brange 310)mC an Agni Brange 3100 )mC% +n the other
han Pa)istan has e$elo#e 4alf missile% The test of 8ahuri missile b!
Pa)istan on 06 A#ril // is at the res#onse of Inian Agni%
&. 3uclear Race. The fi$e nuclear tests b! Inia on .. an .3 ?a!
.//G at Po)hra esert "as again in the res#onse to the Pa)istan 8hauri
missile% Again the res#onse b! Pa)istan "ith its eDual number of tests on 3G
an 30 ?a! .//G ha$e left no oubt that the region has no" entere in the
most $orte& of a nuclear race% Inia an Pa)istan ha$e name the test as
4inu an Islamic bomb res#ecti$el!% So both the countries are in a state of
balancing the #o"er eDuation% The nuclear "ea#ons #otentials of Inia an
Pa)istan has sho"n in a gra#h as Anne& A to this #a#er%
1#. 4hreat.
a. +ecurity o' the Region. Attem#ting to"ars the balance of #o"er
b! the $arious funamental grou#s affect the o$er all securit! of the region%
The nuclear tests b! Inia an in res#onse b! Pa)istan name as 4inu an
Islamic bomb res#ecti$el! ma! be terme as funamental attitue of the
countries% This has bal! sha)en the securit! en$ironment of the region%
&. Regional !eace. The interstate relationshi# eteriorates either ue to
the emerging of the state as a funamentalist nation or ue to the
funamentalist acti$ities b! an! grou# of a state% The recent estruction of
;a$al aircraft b! Inia an Pa)istan2s res#onse b! firing surface to air
missile aiming the helico#ters of Inia is the funamentalist acti$ities of
both the countries% Pa)istan2s res#onse is certainl! to balance the #o"er "ith
Inia% Such acti$ities for balancing the #o"er bet"een the states an "ithin
a state bet"een t"o funamentalist grou#s affect the regional as "ell as state
#eace as a "hole% The Aargil fight bet"een Inia an Pa)istan on Aashmir
issue efinitel! ham#ers the regional #eace%
c. Economical +ta&ility. The funamentalist acti$ities for balancing
the #o"er in a state ma! cause #olitical instabilit! an communal $iolence%
As such it creates an unfa$ourable situation for foreign in$estment an also
threatens the trae an commerce of countr! a$ersel!% The funamentalist
acti$ities for balancing the #o"er b! the state such as nuclear test ha$e the
;e"s#a#er( The *anglaesh +bser$er( .3 ?a! .//G
a$erse affect on the econom! for the thir "orl countries li)e Inia an
Pa)istan% This also restricts the flo" of foreign ais an also the foreign
in$estment in the region% The tenenc! of these t"o states is the allocation
of more efence buget for balancing the #o"er% Such increase efence
buget for the thir "orl countries #ut an a$erse affect on the econom! of
their countries as "ell as in the region%
d. !olitical +ta&ility. The use of religion as a tool of #olitics is the
threat to the #olitical stabilit! of a countr!% Such t!#e of #olitical grou#s ma!
tr! to e&#loit the minorities for their interest% As such the go$ernment ma!
ha$e to face the sub$ersi$e an sabotage acti$ities from such grou#% This
ma! turn into the #olitical instabilit! of a countr! in the region%
2(. 4rends o' .ilitant 5rou2. Almost all the funamentalist grou#s are
ha$ing militant grou#s uner them% Attem#ting to"ars the balance of #o"er cause
the militant grou#s of being more #o"erful an strong% Such tren of ma)ing the
militant grou#s stronger cause $iolence an terrorism in the region%
21. .igration Fashion. The minorities in a state al"a!s suffer from securit!
tension ue to the funamentalist acti$ities of a state in the region% As such( the!
ten to migrate themsel$es to the close religiousl! affiliate countries% *eing
migrate( the! ma! form alliances "ith the funamental grou#s for balancing the
#o"er an to retaliate the o##onents%
22. 6nderground Acti)ities. The strong funamentalist grou# ma! su##ress
the minorities of a state% This su##ression ma! cause the minorities for retaliation
in a state of the region% As such( the minorities ma! ao#t clanestine acti$ities
against the funamentalist grou# for balancing the #o"er eDuation "ith the
o##onents% The s!m#athi>e countr! ma! act as #atron to"ars such acti$ities in the
from of moral an financial assistance% Such #atronage( acts as unseen ais for
balancing the #o"er bet"een the minorities an the funamentalist grou# of a
23. 6nity amongst .inority 5rou2s. All the minorit! grou#s ten to eDuali>e
their strength "ith the o##onent for sur$i$al% As such the minorit! grou#s ma! go
for alliances against an! funamental grou# or acti$ities in a state% Such unit! or
alliances #ro$ie the minorities of the countr! "ith moral( strength an #o"er to
react Duic)l! against their o##onents%
24. E''ect on +outh Asia Association 'or Regional %oo2eration 7+AAR%8.
SAARC is the onl! regional forum has the charter of #romoting #eace an
e$elo#ment for South Asian #eo#le% The nuclear test of Inia an in res#onse b!
Pa)istan a$ersel! affects the ieolog! of SAARC% ?ore so Inia an Pa)istan are
the maHor countries of SAARC% The arms race bet"een theses t"o countries oes
not commensurate "ith their integration in SAARC for #romoting #eace% The
Aashmir issue also hiners the #rogress of SAARC for #romoting #eace an
securit! in the region% So the attem#t of both the countries to"ars balancing the
#o"er has the a$erse effect on the SAARC as a "hole%
25. Di)ersion 'rom $uilding the 3ation. The funamentalist attitue of the
go$ernment for both Inia an Pa)istan #la!s a $ital role for omestic #olitics%
Such attitue gets into motion from internal #ressure generate from the rall!ing
cr!% As such( an! of both the go$ernment2s acting is in the res#onse of other% The
attention of acting in res#onse of other i$erts the #eo#le2s min from the nation
builing an also hel#s the go$ernment to gain su##ort from the general mass%
26% The tenenc! of socio'religious grou#s for attem#ting to ma&imi>e or to
ma&imi>e its economic( social( #olitical strength at the e&#ense of others ma! be
terme as funamentalism% Funamentalism is as ol as the religion% In the earl!
a!s also certain grou#s of #eo#le in all religions emonstrate their
funamentalist attitue through $arious acti$ities% De$elo#ment of funamentalism
in this region can be foun out from histor!% During *ritish colonial rule( ?uslim
"ere sta!e behin "hereas the 4inus too) the full a$antage of *ritish rule an
"ent ahea of ?uslims% Thereb! conflicts arouse bet"een these grou#s% Creation
of congress an subseDuentl! the ?uslim @eague are the result of this% *oth of
these organi>ations ga$e lea in the freeom mo$ement uner their o"n banner%
After the Ine#enence in ./4F this conflict became more e$ient in Inia an
com#arati$el! less in Pa)istan% E&am#les are Aashmir issue( *abri ?osDue crisis(
;uclear test( recent Aargil fight an estruction of Pa)istan aircraft b! Inia% In
*anglaesh( intensit! of this #roblem is lo" but "ith some amenments of its
constitution( this has ta)en a ne" course% Some religion base #olitical #arties ha$e
been rehabilitate an got their lost #o"er% =et( this is not $er! gra$e in nature(
"hich "as #ro$e uring the last national election in .//6%

27. Religious i$ersit!( $arious social ieologies( foreign influence( an man!
other factors ha$e contribute to"ars the birth of funamentalism% Poor literac!
an *abri ?osDue crisis in the region cause the funamentalist to be acti$ate
more% The religion acting as a tool for #olitics is another region for its gro"th% The
attem#ting of being strong b! funamentalist grou# al"a!s #ro$es that the! ten to
become stronger than other such grou#% This $er! tenenc! of being su#erior has
contribute to"ars the balance of #o"er eDuation%
2. The #resent arms race an nuclear test is ue to the funamentalist attitue
of both the go$ernments for balancing the #o"er bet"een Inia an Pa)istan% As
such a threat to the securit!( economical stabilit!( #olitical stabilit! of the region is
still e&isting% The regional #eace is not $er! much health!% This also contributes to
the rise of militant grou#s for becoming stronger% The funamentalist acti$ities of
these countries cause the migration of minorities% This ma! also cause unergroun
acti$ities of minorities for the attainment of their goal% A strong communit!
bet"een all minorit! grou#s ma! be forme to react against the funamentalist
grou#s of the countr!% The funamentalist attitue of Inia Pa)istan also hel#s their
res#ecti$e go$ernment to get the #o#ular su##ort an also to i$ert the attention of
general mass from nation builing acti$ities% The Aashmir conflict an the nuclear
test certainl! against the SAARC charter% SAARC2s obHecti$e to #romote #eace in
the region is less li)el! to e&ist% The future effecti$eness of SAARC certainl!
e#ens on the attitue an lo!alt! to"ars the SAARC b! her member states for
the a!s to come%
.% 5ohn Stratton 4a"le!( ,Funamentalism 7 8ener(- +9F+RD
:;I<ERSIT= PRESS( .//4%
3% =oussef ? Choueiri( ,Islamic Funamentalism(- Printer Publishers( @onon%
3% Shelton : Aoi)ara( ,South Asian Strategic Stuies(- SA8E Publications(
;e" Delhi%
4% ,Frontline-( Inian ;ational ?aga>ineI <ol .1( ;o 34( ;o$ember 3.'
December 04 .//G%
1% ,The Eashington Times-( Suna!( ?arch 3/ .//G%
6% ,The Dail! Star-( 5une 31( .///%
F% 4ossain S!e An"ar( ,Religion an Ethnicit! in *anglaesh Politics-(
*IISS 5ournal( <ol .3( ;o 4( +ctober .//.%
G% ,The Dail! *horer AagoH-( 5une 3G( .//6%
/% ,The *anglaesh +bser$er-( .3 ?a!( .//G%

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