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The Rabbi and the Chinese Resturaunt Narrative 013: Nimrod & The Tower

The Fabian Socialist Window The Fabian Socialist Window The Fabian Socialist Window The Fabian Socialist Window
This is one of the most interesting piees of histor! "#ve run aross in a $ong whi$e% not on$! for the
histor! it unovers% but a$so beause of the s!mbo$s it uses to evo&e ertain themes% and it#s
onnetion to urrent da! groups and ideas' (ou might want to open a op! of the image in another
window so !ou an $oo& at the window to see the s!mbo$s more $ose$!'
The window was reated to e$ebrate the )abian *oia$ist *oiet!% whih was founded in 1++, in
-ondon as an offshoot of the The )e$$owship of New -ife' The idea was to bring ma.or soia$ist thin&ers
together to tr! and figure out how to onvert the wor$d to a soia$ist soiet!% primari$! through peaefu$
po$itia$ hange% b! ta&ing over ountries from within' Their primar! wor&% origina$$!% was in the area of
pub$ishing pamph$ets promoting soia$ .ustie% whih is rea$$! .ust a p$a! on the word .ustie% sine
soia$ .ustie is atua$$! the opposite of .ustie itse$f' The window itse$f was reated in 1/10% was sto$en%
and didn#t show up again unti$ 0001'
-oo&ing at the window% we notie severa$ interesting things' )irst% of ourse% is the 2uote aross the top
of the window itse$f' 3Remou$d it nearer to the heart#s desire'4 5hat is being remo$ded6 The 7arth%
whih is sitting on an anvi$% being stru& b! two men with a hammer% one of whom ho$ds it in a pair of
tongs% and a third man &eeps a fire hot to ma&e the 7arth ma$$eab$e' 8nd% of ourse% what do we have in
the 8$ins&! method of soia$ hange6 9eep the peop$e ma$$eab$e b! a hain of onstant rises% in order
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to remo$d soiet! into something the 3ommunit! organi:er4 wants' Not what ;od wants% of ourse% but
rather what the humans doing the remo$ding want'
"nsribed on the firepit are the words% 3<ra! devout$!% hammer stout$!'4 This hear&ens ba& to the entire
onept of dominism% of reating a perfet soiet! on the fae of the 7arth in order to bring ;od ba&
to the 7arth' 5hi$e dominist oriented Christians wi$$ see this as the path to bring Christ ba& to the
7arth% New 8gers wi$$ see this as an attempt to fore man to 3evo$ve4 into godhood' The idea from the
New 8ge perspetive is that b! reating the perfet soiet!% !ou an reate perfet peop$e% and ma&e
evo$ution .ump humans forward to the 3ne=t stage%4 whih is into godhood'
8$ong the bottom% we find a group of peop$e' This represents a number of peop$e who were deep$!
invo$ved in the )abian *oiet!% in$uding suh peop$e as ;eorge >ernard *haw% ?';' 5e$$s% and @irginia
5oo$f' The person getting up to $eave is ?';' 5e$$s% who approved of the *oiet!#s goa$s% but not of the
methods the! were underta&ing to attain those goa$s'
)ina$$!% notie the shie$d diret$! above the 7arth' An that shie$d is an image of a wo$f dressed as a
$amb' This image gives the entire game awa!% for whi$e the outside point is to appear as something !ou
are not% a friend to the nations% whi$e atua$$! fomenting revo$ution' 5hether or not the reator of this
window rea$i:es it% a wo$f dressed as a $amb is a $ear s!mbo$ of *atan'
8ugust +th% 000/ B Tags: fabian soia$ist% soia$ism B Categor!: Christian -iving% 5or$dview B Comments are Comments are Comments are Comments are $osed $osed $osed $osed
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