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THE 10

9:00 AM7:00 PM
334 Amsterdam Ave
Optional Surrogacy 101 prep session: 9:009:45 AM (Adult Center, foor L1)
For those who never attended a surrogacy workshop before, or those who would like a quick review, we will provide a short intro to the
terminology and basic components of typical surrogacy arrangements. This 45 minute workshop may help you make the most out of the rest
of the program. Coffee and pastries included!
Registration and Gay Parenting Services Exhibit: 9:3010:00 AM (Auditorium, foor L2)
Gay Parenting Services Exhibit - more than two dozen tables where you can meet and receive information from leading clinics, surrogacy
agencies, lawyers and other professionals, in addition to several community organizations. Also 12:30-1:00PM and 4:00-6:00 PM.

Surrogacy seminar part 1 - the expert panel: 10:00 AM12:30 PM (Auditorium, foor L2)
A panel of medical, psychological, and legal experts will provide an overview of the entire surrogacy process for gay men. Also, representatives
of sponsoring surrogacy organizations will provide a brief description of the services they provide.
Overview of role of agencies
Victoria Ferrara, Esq. / Worldwide Surrogacy Specialists
Medical process
Dr. Robert Kaufmann / Fort Worth Fertility
Dr. Brandon Bankowski / Oregon Reproductive Medicine
Legal considerations
Meryl Rosenberg, Esq. / ART Parenting
Psychological considerations
Gregory J. Payton, Ph.D. / Columbia University
Lunch / Expo / Book Fair: 12:301:00 PM (Floor L2)
Enjoy a buffet lunch and continue to explore the Gay Parenting Services Exhibit and our Book Fair. Lunch is sponsored by Fort Worth Fertility.
Surrogacy seminar part 2 - the personal stories panel: 1:002:00 PM (Auditorium, foor L2)
Hear the diverse personal experiences of several gay surrogacy dads and the surrogates / egg donors who helped them.
Eric Rubin
Eric and his husband Jim are long time members of the MHB NY group, and proud parents of a baby daughter through surrogacy
gestational surrogacy.
Jessica, a mother of two and labor and delivery nurse from Pennsylvania, is the gestational surrogate who carried Eric and Jims baby.
Michael Barbaro
Michael, an Associate Chaplain at Trinity School in Manhattan, is a single dad of newborn twin boys.
Danielle Pawlak
Danielle is Texas stay at home mom to 4 children (triplets and a single boy), who dealt with fertility problems herself,
and later carried twins for a Michael.
Breakout sessionscome meet the sponsors: 2:004:00 PM (Floors L1/ L2)
Attendees will have the opportunity to take part in up to 6 introductory 20-minute group consultations with the various seminar sponsors. Take
advantage of this opportunity to shop around and get to know these agencies and clinics more closely. See the Breakout Sessions tab for
a list and schedule.
Private consultations with service providers: 4:009:00 PM (Nursery School, Floor 2)
Several clinics and agencies will be available in offces on level 2 of the building for private consultations with prospective parents that wish to
explore the options they offer in more depth. Prospective parents may request to coordinate consultations in advance using this form (available
soon). Consultation slots may also be available last minute for those who want to frst hear the providers during the breakout sessions.
Coffee break reception / Book Fair / Gay Parenting Services Exhibit: 4:004:30 PM (Auditorium, foor L2)
Gay Parenting Services Exhibit resumes & open to general public (free admission)- more than two dozen tables where you can meet and
receive information from leading clinics, surrogacy agencies, lawyers and other professionals, in addition to several community organizations.
Surrogacy parents with their children are welcome to join us to interact with the prospective parents and reunite with the representatives of the
agencies and clinics that helped create their families. Refreshments will be served.
Psychological, ethical, and legislative considerations of surrogacy: 4:30 - 6:00 PM (Auditorium, foor L2)
Current laws in NY prevent women who reside in the state from becoming surrogates, and forces an increasing numbers of prospective
parents, many of them gay, to cross state boundaries to achieve their parenting dream. As legislation is pending in Albany to legalize surrogacy
in the state of New York, MHB is offering a special discussion on the arguments for removing these barriers, and possible ethical objections
some may have to surrogacy.
The goal of this program is to help prospective parents, surrogates, donors and practitioners make informed decisions about the various aspects
of the process. Rather than pass judgement or provide a defnitive set of rules, panelists will discuss evidence about the way surrogacy affects
the involved parties, and suggest practices that minimize the risks and maximize the potential short and long-term benefts to all involved.
Our featured speaker will be the prominent researcher, Professor Susan Golombok, Director of the Centre for Family Research at the University
of Cambridge. She will present the fndings from the only longitudinal study of surrogacy families and surrogates ever made, and discuss if
there are any parts of the process that are psychologically detrimental to the involved parties. In addition, experts in reproductive technology
and high risk pregnancies will discuss how various surrogacy related practices may affect the medical well being of donors, surrogates and
newborns. A leading legal expert in the feld will discuss suggest legal protections in surrogacy arrangement and consider voluntary vs.
regulatory approaches to achieving such protections and other ethically desired outcomes.
Professor Susan Golombok, Centre for Family Research at the University of Cambridge
Professor Golomboks research examines the impact of new family forms on parenting and child development, specifcally LGBT head-
ed families created by assisted reproductive technologies including surrogacy.
Gabriel Blau, Executive Director, Family Equality Council
Nathan Schaefer, Executive Director, Empire State Pride Agenda
Dr. Georges Sylvestre
Dr Sylvestre is a high-risk Obstetrician, a MHB board member, and a two-times surrogacy dad.
Dr. Michael Doyle, CT Fertility
IVF expert , past speaker on Ethics in Queer Family Formation (Stonewall Foundation, NY 2012), and Surrogacy - Ethical Journeys
(ADFH, Paris 2011).
Attorney Steve Snyder, IARC
Attorney Snyder is Chair of the Reproductive & Genetic Technology Committee of the American Bar Association (ABA), and their liaison
to the National Coalition for the oversight of Assisted Reproductive Technology.
Special Teen Panel: Surrogacy children of gay dads share their stories: 6:00 - 7:00 PM
(Adult Center, foor L1)
The panel is offered in cooperation with the Outspoken Generation program of Family Equality Council. The program strives to empower those
with LGBTQ parents to speak out about our communitys families. This panel will be the frst featuring exclusively children in gay headed families
formed through surrogacy. Parents, children, prospective parents, psychologists, social workers, students, researchers and other professionals
are all welcome!
Time Classroom 1 L2 Teen Center L2 Adult Center L1 Classroom 2 L1
2:00 pm
Stephanie Scott
Kristen Hanson
Victoria T. Ferrara, Esq
Doron Mamet
Dr. Robert Kaufmann
2:20 pm
Stephanie Scott
Kristen Hanson
Victoria T. Ferrara, Esq.
Doron Mamet
Serena Chen, M.D.
2:40 pm
Sherrie Smith
Michael Doyle, MD
James Speer, M.S.
Jerald Goldstein, MD
Eloise Drane
3:00 pm
Sherrie Smith
Michael Doyle, MD
James Speer, M.S.
Jerald Goldstein, MD Yifat Shaltiel, Esq.
3:20 pm
Mark P. Leondires, MD
Brandon Bankowski,
Steven H. Snyder, Esq.
Said Daneshmand, MD
Bruce Shapiro, MD
3:40 pm
Mark P. Leondires, MD
Brandon Bankowski,
Steven H. Snyder, Esq.
Diane Hinson, Esq.
Carla Lewis-Long
Creating a safe, inclusive space for LGBTQ issues and people is an essential part of what The JCC in Manhattan does. The
LGBTQ program includes a blend of social and cultural programs designed especially for the needs of our constituents. We
combine monthly groups targeting Queer Youth, Yeshiva Alum, those seeking a spiritual connection, and men over 40 with
special events celebrating Gay Pride, Jewish & Secular holidays. We have been expanding our LGBTQ programming to include
singles programs, walking tours, writing classes, life coaching workshops, panel discussions of relevant issues and mind-body
classes. Our programs are appropriate for the old, young, partnered, single, child-raising, religious and secular. Our community
has no entrance requirement.
Family Equality Council is the national expert on LGBTQ parents and their families. We promote lived
and legal equality for these three million parents and their six million children. We foster supportive
communities, educate the public, and pursue policy change to advance equality for LGBTQ-headed
families across the United States. Current legal and cultural structures hurt LGBTQ parents and their
children. Through our commitment and expertise, we are the national organization advancing an inclusive
family agenda within and beyond the LGBTQ movement. Family Equality Council is committed to a future in which families with parents who
are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer are legally recognized, valued by society, and afforded equal opportunity to thrive.
The Empire State Pride Agenda is New Yorks statewide lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT)
civil rights and advocacy group. Our mission is to win equality and justice for LGBT New Yorkers and our
families. We recognize that while signifcant cultural, legal and governmental advances have led to greater
equality for LGBT New Yorkers, we and our families remain highly vulnerable without the vast majority of
rights and protections that most New Yorkers take for granted. Through our education, organizing and
advocacy programs, we work toward creating a broadly diverse alliance of LGBT people and our allies in government, communities of faith,
labor, all sectors of the workforce and other social justice movements to achieve equality for LGBT New Yorkers and the broader goals of social,
racial and economic justice.
The Centre for Family Research has a worldwide reputation for innovative research that increases
understanding of children, parents and family relationships. It is internationally recognised for its
research on new family forms including families headed by same-sex parents, single parents by choice,
and families created by assisted reproductive technologies such as donor insemination, egg donation,
embryo donation and surrogacy. The studies carried out at the Centre for Family Research contribute to policy and practice as well as to public
debate on the ethical questions raised by the creation of new family forms.
Susan Golombok, Ph.D.
Susan Golombok is Professor of Family Research and Director of the Centre for Family Researchat the University of
Cambridge. Her research examines the impact of new family forms on parenting and child development, specifcally
lesbian mother families, gay father families, single mothers by choice and families created by assisted reproductive
technologies including in vitro fertilization (IVF), donor insemination, egg donation and surrogacy. Her research has
not only challenged commonly held assumptions about these families but also has contested widely held theories
of child development by demonstrating that structural aspects of the family, such as the number, gender, sexual
orientation, and genetic relatedness of parents, is less important for childrens psychological wellbeing than the
quality of family relationships. In addition to academic papers she is the author of Parenting: What really counts?
and co-author ofBottling it Up, Gender Development, and Growing up in a Lesbian Family. Her forthcoming book
Modern Families: Parents and children in new family forms will be published in spring 2015. See here for complete bio and publication list.
Gabriel Blau
Gabriel Blau joined Family Equality Council as the Executive Director in 2013, bringing to the organization a deep
passion for, and robust background in, the LGBT movement. He believes strongly that Family Equality Council is the
key to reshaping the way people think about family values and how families with parents who are LGBT are treated
in this country. Blau represents a new generation of LGBT leaders, one whose enthusiasm for social change can
inspire families and policymakers alike.
Blaus career spans both the private and non-proft sectors, including digital marketing, strategic planning, and
fundraising. Blau has eight years of experience in the private sector, having co-founded and operated VisibleU, a
digital marketing consultancy frm that developed best practices and strategies that focused on small businesses
and nonproft organizations. Blau holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Theology from Bard College and lives in New York with his husband Dylan
and their son Elijah. They adopted Elijah domestically in 2008 and have been strong advocates for him and their family in schools, camps and
the community-at-large.
Nathan Schaefer
As the Executive Director of the Empire State Pride Agenda and the Empire State Pride Agenda Foundation Nathan
Schaefer is responsible for advancing equality and justice for LGBT New Yorkers via the various facets of both
organizations. Nathan has ushered the Pride Agenda through to several accomplishments during his tenure,
including the rollout of a new brand and online presence, unprecedented support for civil rights for transgender New
Yorkers, advocacy for the passage of the Child-Parent Security Act, and for a bill to protect LGBT youth from the
so-called conversion therapy practices. Prior to his tenure at the Pride Agenda, Nathan served as the Director of
Public Policy for GMHC, as well as Government Relations Associate at AIDS Alliance for Children, Youth & Families
in Washington, D.C., and the Director of Education and Public Policy at the AIDS Taskforce of Greater Cleveland,
OH. Nathan earned his Masters of Social Work in the Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, OH. He serves
as an adjunct faculty member at Columbia Universitys School of Social Work.
Georges Sylvestre, M.D., MHB board member
Georges Sylvestre is an Obstetrician/Gynecologist specialized in High-Risk Pregnancies, currently Division Director
and Vice-Chairman at Jamaica Hospital in Queens. Georges and his husband David Margolis live in Manhattan,
and are the proud fathers of Tristan and Noah, born in 2010 and 2013 via gestational surrogacy. Having grown
up in France, Canada and Switzerland, the Sylvestre-Margolis boys speak French and English at home, and has
traveled extensively across the world, making a point of meeting other LGBT gay couples raising children. Georges
profession and personal experience give him a unique advantage in understanding the medical, psychological,
ethical and fnancial challenges of the IP/couple egg donor Gestational surrogate triad.
Gregory J. Payton, Ph.D, MHB board member
Greg is a lecturer in the Department of Counseling and Clinical Psychology at Teachers College, Columbia University and a
licensed clinical psychologist in private practice in New York City. Greg received his Masters degree in Human Development
and Psychology from Harvard University and his Doctorate from Columbia University. In his teaching, research and practice,
Greg emphasizes the resiliency of the LGBTQ population and works to support their efforts at creating families. Additionally,
Greg is an alumnus of the Point Foundation and currently serves as a Mentor and member of the Alumni Committee.
Greg and his husband Robert Lafferty welcomed their daughter, Grace, into their family in 2013 via gestational surrogacy.
Victoria T. Ferrara, Esq.
Victoria T. Ferrara, Esq., Legal Director of Worldwide Surrogacy Specialists and managing partner of the multi-lawyer
Law Firm of Victoria T. Ferrara, PC, has been practicing law in the area of assisted reproductive technology for over 20
years. Vickis clients come from around the world as she has represented intended parents from South America, Asia
and Europe as well as many clients in the U.S.A. Through her handling of the landmark case of Raftopol v. Ramey,
Vicki was instrumental in changing the law in the State of Connecticut to create a new way to become legal parents
through surrogacy. Vicki is a fellow of the American Academy of Assisted Reproduction Technology Attorneys and she
has written and presented at U.S. and international conferences on surrogacy law. Her agency, Worldwide Surrogacy,
is a successful surrogacy matching agency with offces in Connecticut and New York.
Michael Doyle, M.D.
Dr. Doyle is the founder and medical director of CT Fertility, which he started in 1991 after completing his advanced
fellowship in Reproductive Endocrinology at Yale University. Prior to that he received his undergraduate degree
from Brown University; his medical degree from the University of California, San Francisco; and his residency
at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania. Over 5,000 babies have been born to parents who have been
successfully treated by Dr. Doyle, including over 500 for LGBT families who consistently praise him as a highly skilled
expert who balances great technical expertise with a highly caring, hands-on and fexible approach. Dr. Doyle has
authored numerous articles, research papers and book chapters, he is a frequent speaker at medical meetings and
conferences, and acts as the resident expert on prominent community and professional portals including Fertility
Authority, Family Equality Council, Proud Parenting, Surromoms Online, and the Center Families. In 2009 the
outstanding results of his Frozen Donor Egg Bank were featured to an international audience at the ESHRE conference in Amsterdam.
Brandon J. Bankowski, MD, MPH
Dr. Bankowski has devoted his professional life to providing the best reproductive care possible. He trained in
Reproductive Medicine for 7 years at the Johns Hopkins Hospital, ranked #1 in the United States for over 20 years.
Hes a partner of Oregon Reproductive Medicine (ORM), and cofounder of ORM Global and ORM Genetics. ORMs
mission is to do all we can to care for the fertility needs of our patients. With our Embryo Clean Room, we have
achieved the highest clinical success including donor egg/surrogacy fresh live birth rates of over 85%. Our teams
approach is thoughtfully designed to create a strong, open connection with patients - guiding them through their
decisions, visits to Portland, and their pregnancy ultrasounds. For almost a decade, he has helped patients from
over thirty countries successfully create their families. Dr. B is friendly, accessible, and reassuring.
Steven H. Snyder, Esq.
Steven Snyder is the founding and principal partner of Steven H. Snyder & Associates, Attorneys At Law and the
International Assisted Reproduction Center (IARC) in Minnesota. Mr. Snyder attended law school at the University of
Minnesota, graduating cum laude in 1982. Mr. Snyder successfully litigated the frst and only contested Minnesota
surrogacy case to date in 2006 in which he won sole custody of the child for a single gay father. He is a member
of the American Bar Association (ABA), Chair of the Reproductive & Genetic Technology Committee of the Family
Law Section of the ABA, ABA liaison to the National Coalition for the oversight of Assisted Reproductive Technology,
Chair of the Minnesota State Bar Association Family Law Section, and a Fellow of the American Bar Foundation.
Mr. Snyder also serves on the national legal advisory committee of RESOLVE: The National Fertility Association,
is chair of the legal advisory group for the American Fertility Association (for education, support, and advocacy on
behalf of infertile persons), and is a member of the American Society of Reproductive Medicine (national organization of fertility physicians).
or call (203) 255-9877
With comprehensive surrogacy matching services and legal
counseling Worldwide Surrogacy Specialists will guide you
along the path to parenthood and creating your family.
Fulll Your Dream
of Becoming Parents
Visit us to download a FREE copy
of our best-selling surrogacy primer.
Robert Kaufmann, M.D., HCLD
Dr. Robert Kaufmann, a world-renowned infertility specialist, is the founder and Medical Director ofFort Worth
Fertility and Texas Reproductive Center. He graduated from Sackler School of Medicine and went on to an advanced
fellowship in Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility. Along with his premier staff they have been responsible
for over 1,600 surrogate cycles and over 2,500 PGD cycles. He has been the recipient of numerous honors and
awards, including Top Doctors of America 2005-12, Top Obstetrician Gynecologist in the United States 2007,2012,
and Compassionate Doctor Award 2009-12. Dr. Kaufmann authored over 50 articles and chapters and has
lectured both nationally and internationally. Dr Kaufmann has personally been affected by infertility, having had
his two children through IVF, which has enhanced his desire to provide the best care possible for his patients. His
background as a clinical fertility specialist, along with a caring staff and ancillary facility, including a premiere IVF
laboratory, affords patients excellent care combined with a personalized approach.
Meryl B. Rosenberg, Esq.
Meryl Rosenberg is an attorney specializing in third party reproduction. She is the owner of a comprehensive
program devoted exclusively to surrogacy, gamete and embryo donation, and other matters involving third party
reproductions, as well as second parent/stepparent adoption. Ms. Rosenberg has authored articles in publications
and on-line on the topic of ART legal issues, and on surrogacy and egg donation in particular, and often speaks on
the same subjects for professionals in the feld and for intended parents and those seeking to assist them in building
families through ART. Ms. Rosenberg has been a guest lecturer for the University of Maryland School of Law, is a
member of the executive committee for AAARTA, is the current chair of the Legal Professional Group of ASRM, is
a member of the ABA Reproductive Technology Committee, is a member of the Legal Advisory Committee of the
American Fertility Association, is a professional member of RESOLVE, the national infertility organization, and is
active in various other non-proft organizations.

January 10, 2015
In cooperation with Our Family Coalition
February 1213, 2015
3rd annual International Surrogacy Conference in
cooperation with the Israel Gay Fathers Association
and the TA Gay Center
May 3, 2015
In cooperation with several national LGBT family and
surrogacy association featuring both surrogacy and adoption
opportunities in the USA for European gay men
Stephanie Scott
Stephanie Scott is the Executive Program Director at Simple Surrogacy. Stephanie is responsible for the initial
screening of all Intended Parents, Surrogates, and Egg Donors who apply with our program. She reviews all new
applicant profles, records, references, insurance policies, and ensures all applicant background investigations have
been completed and cleared before matching within our program (investigation includes a search of both Federal
and State criminal records, as well as a Residential History and Social Security Verifcation). She also ensures that
the surrogates in our program have optimal medical coverage to cover the pregnancy and delivery and arranges for
all parties to obtain a life insurance policy.
Sherrie Smith
Sherrie Smith is the Program Administrator for the Maryland offce of Center for Surrogate Parenting, Inc. She grew
up in the Boston area and has a B.A. degree from Chatham College and a Masters degree from Boston University.
Prior to joining CSP in 1999 as Program Administrator for the Centers East Coast offce, she was involved in
the education feld for more than 30 years. Positions include Senior Editor and Product Marketing Manager at
Houghton Miffins Educational Technology Division, Project Specialist in Educational Services at Digital Equipment
Corporation, acting Director of Educational Services at the National Geographic Society, and Director of the Teacher
Resource Service at PBS. She has also served as an educational technology marketing consultant. Sherries sister
has two children born through the Centers surrogacy program, Lily, born in 1990 and Chase born in 1994. The
Center has been a part of her family for many years. She is thrilled to have the opportunity to help other families
experience the wonderful gift of surrogacy.
Doron Mamet
In 2008, following a surrogacy process that Doron and his spouse underwent, Doron conceived and founded
Tammuz International Surrogacy Ltd. with the goal of enabling many more couples to join the circle of parents
through surrogacy in the United States and India. In 2009, Doron initiated and developed the South Africa-India
plan, and in 2013 the Israel plan. These plans were opened as a result of various needs that arose over the years.
In the past, Doron served as an executive at various high-tech companies. Doron has many years of experience in
managing large projects in Israel and abroad. He holds a BA in the social sciences. He is married to Doron, and is
a father to Talia and Matan.
Dr. Mark P. Leondires, M.D.
Dr. Mark P. Leondires, Medical Director of Reproductive Medicine Associates of Connecticut(RMACT) and, is board-certifed in both Obstetrics and Gynecology and Reproductive Endocrinology and
For two consecutive years, Dr. Leondires has been selected through a peer-review process for Best Doctors in America,
which represents the top fve percent of physicians across the country. Dr. Leondires received his undergraduate degree
in biochemistry and history from Colby College in Waterville, Maine. He earned his medical degree from the University
of Vermont College of Medicine in Burlington, Vermont. He completed his residency in Obstetrics and Gynecology
at Maine Medical Center in Portland, Maine, which was followed by a fellowship in Reproductive Endocrinology and
Infertility at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Maryland. After completion of his training, he fulflled his military obligation by serving as
the ART Director for the largest and most successful program in the military health care system at Walter Reed Army Medical Center.
Jerald S. Goldstein, M.D.
Jerald S. Goldstein, M.D. is the founder and medical director at Fertility Specialists of Texas. He is board certifed in
both Obstetrics and Gynecology and Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility. He received his Bachelor of Science
degree from Tulane University and graduated from the University of Texas Southwestern Medical School in 1992.
He was an assistant professor at Washington University in St. Louis before moving to Dallas and building a state of
the art Fertility Center.
Dr. Goldstein is the author of scientifc publications in peer-reviewed journals and has lectured on a variety of topics
related to reproduction and fertility. In addition, he has been voted by his peers as a Best Doctor in D Magazine for
2013 as well as listed as a top doctor in several publications. Dr. Goldstein is a member of the American Society of
Reproductive Medicine, American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology and the Society for Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility (SREI).
Dr. Goldsteins areas of expertise include in vitro fertilization, donor egg, and pre-implantation genetic diagnosis.
Serena Chen, M.D.
Dr. Chen received her undergraduate degree from Brown University and her MD from Duke University. She
trained in ObGyn and Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility at the Johns Hopkins Hospital. She is Director of
Reproductive Medicine and Third Party Reproduction at IRMS at Saint Barnabas in Livingston, NJ. Her focus on
LGBTQ Family Building is backed by 18 years of clinical experience and leadership in egg donation and gestational
carrier/surrogacy. She has been voted by her peers to be a Top Doctor in NJ Monthly every year from 2007 to
2013, and has also received Best Doctor honors from USA Today and NY Magazine. Dr Chen loves inspiring her
patients with information about their health in an interesting and accessible way. In the offce she does this one
person at a time. On the web ( and through social media (Twitter @DrSerenaHChen) she hopes to
raise public awareness about LGBTQ family building and other relevant health issues such as Fertility Preservation
for cancer patients.
Eloise Drane
Eloise Drane, founder of Family Inceptions International, is a pioneer and relentless advocate of family reproduction.
She began her journey in 1999 as an egg donor, and continued as a gestational surrogate three times. Eloise
found such fulfllment giving the gift of life that she founded her own agency. After earning her MBA, Eloise
established Family Inceptions International with the belief that everyone regardless of race, religion, sexual
orientation, or creed deserves the opportunity to create a family. Since 2008, FII has served as a unique agency
offering inspired solutions to its clients. Eloise has made groundbreaking advancements with the installment of
Reproductive Tourism. Facilitating cross-border reproduction arrangements extends the possibility for her clients to
complete their surrogacy or egg donation journeys either domestically or internationally to India, Mexico, Greece,
and Barbados. As a mother of four and active supporter of many organizations including Fertility for Colored Girls
and Families of Color Initiative, Eloise celebrates each family-building opportunity.
Melissa Brisman, Esq.
Melissa B. Brisman, Esq. Owner of Reproductive Possibilities, LLC (Surrogate Agency), Melissa B. Brisman, Esq.,
LLC (Reproductive Law Firm) and Surrogate Fund Management, LLC (Escrow account management company).
Our three companies work hand in hand, and individually as needed to help intended parents throughout the
world realize their dream of building their family. The agency locates gestational carriers and manages gestational
carrier arrangements exclusively. Our tradition of superior knowledge and customer service has allowed us to
successfully complete many surrogate journeys, resulting in the birth of almost two hundred babies each year. We
offer a personal touch that can only come from years of experience and the support of an excellent team. Melissa
Brisman is a parent of three children all via surrogacy. Melissas excellent reputation is based on her compassion
and empathy for all intended parents, same sex and heterosexual alike. Melissa legal expertise is put to good use as she is considered a true
pioneer in this feld as she advocates for changes in the law in this feld.
Yifat Shaltiel, Esq.
Yifat Shaltiel has been practicing law for the past 10 years, specializing in adoption law, reproductive law, and
estate law. She is owner of Surrogate Steps, a Surrogate Mother Program, and the founding attorney of Shaltiel
Law Group. Among other professional affliations, Shaltiel is a member of the Assisted Reproductive & Genetic
Technology Section of the Am erican Bar Association (ABA), a com m ittee m em ber of the Health & Reproductive
Rights Com m ittee of the Womens Bar Association of the State of New York (WBASNY), and a professional
member of RESOLVE: The National Infertility Association.
Said T. Daneshmand, MD, FACOG
Dr. Said Daneshmand, the Practice Director at The Fertility Center of Las Vegas is sub-specialty Board Certifed
in Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility. He completed his residency and fellowship training at UCLA Medical
Center. After joining The Fertility Center of Las Vegas in 1999, Dr. Daneshmand was integral in establishing the
regions frst egg freezing program. He collaborated with his practice partner, Dr. Bruce Shapiro, to develop IVF
protocols to improve pregnancy rates, including PTEC (post thaw extended culture), one of the most successful IVF
regimens currently available.
Their groundbreaking fndings were published in the internationally respected medical journal, Fertility and Sterility,
and Dr. Daneshmand has also served as a reviewer for the same publication. Additionally, Dr. Daneshmand and
Dr. Shapiros voluminous research has been presented at both national and international conferences. has also recognized
the Fertility Center of Las Vegas for their stellar pregnancy rates. Currently, Dr. Daneshmands special interest lies in developing protocols for
patients undergoing IVF, focusing primarily on patients with previous unsuccessful cycles.
Diane Hinson, Esq.
Diane Hinson, a cum laude graduate of Harvard Law School, founded Creative Family Connections on the principle
that everyone can build a family, after starting her own family as a single mother. She has obtained landmark
rulings for same-sex clients in Maryland, helped opened the doors of IVF clinics in the metropolitan DC area to gay
dads, and prepared the frst draft of gay-friendly surrogacy legislation in Maryland. She is now working with HRC
and Family Equality to change DCs surrogacy law. She serves as HRCs pro-bono counsel for surrogacy issues,
has taught surrogacy classes as part of the DC Rainbow Families Maybe Baby series for 8 years, and gives a
workshop on surrogacy at biannual LGBT DC Rainbow Family Conference. More than half of CFCs clients are LGBT
Diane is well known as the legal expert who answers questions from both intended parents and surrogates on the Surromomsonline legal
forum, and skillfully guides clients from around the world as they build families through collaborative reproduction.
Pierre Asmar, M.D.
Dr. Pierre Asmar is the founder and current medical director of Washington Fertility Center, a leading provider of
fertility care in the United States and throughout the world. He specializes in Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility.
He completed his residency in obstetrics/gynecology and his fellowship in reproductive endocrinology and infertility
at the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, Missouri, where he also served as an instructor in the
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology. He was a clinical instructor at the University of Minnesotas Department
of Obstetrics and Gynecology. He is presently a Fellow of the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology
(ACOG); a Diplomate of the American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology (ABOG); as well as a member of the
American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM), the Society for Assisted Reproductive Technology (SART)
and the American Medical Association (AMA). Over the past 30 years, Dr. Asmar has dedicated himself to helping
others create their families. Experience, excellence, and success. have become his trademark.
Worldwide Surrogacy Specialists (WSS) is dedicated to assist couples and individuals with the desire to achieve a family through third party
assisted reproduction by providing attentive, individualized representation at an affordable price. WSS is a caring and highly competent team of
professionals led by Legal Director Victoria T. Ferrara, Esq. We are here to save Intended Parents time, anguish and money, and to be a source of
support for all parties so they can focus on the joys of creating a family. Worldwide is a member of Resolve (The National Infertility Association), the
American Fertility Association, and the prestigious American Academy of Assisted Reproductive Lawyers. Please visit our website to learn more
about our dedicated team of professionals or like us on Facebook to get updates and the latest news about the surrogacy journey.
Simple Surrogacy was founded in 2002 to assist couples and individuals in achieving a family through assisted
reproduction. We were founded on one simple principle: to provide our clients with the highest standard of care at an
affordable price. We are one of the largest surrogacy and egg donation agencies in the U.S., and are highly regarded
in the surrogacy community for our expertise, support and professionalism. Simple Surrogacy has worked with many
International Clients on their journey to becoming parents, using our personal attention to detail, prompt response
and matching times, and affordable prices. Our counselors, coordinators and owners are all experienced in assisted
reproduction, as former surrogates, Intended Parents or Egg Donors. It is our pleasure to offer our clients that insiders
expert knowledge at signifcantly reduced costs that enable many people to become Parents through Surrogacy.
The Center for Surrogate Parenting, Inc.(CSP), started in 1980, is a world-renowned surrogate parenting
program with offces in Encino, California, and Annapolis, Maryland. CSP was the frst surrogacy agency in
the world to help a same sex couple realize their dream of becoming parents. More than half of our intended
parents come from outside the U.S. CSP was established because we strongly believe that raising a child is
one of the special joys in life and all intended parents who are ready and willing to take on the responsibility of
parenthood deserve that opportunity. Our goal is to provide you with the most professional and experienced care
and guidance available in order for you to create your family and to ensure your journey with our program is as
calm and relaxed as possible.
Tammuz International Surrogacy is the undisputed leading agency to guide and accompany Israeli couples and singles in their surrogacy
journeys abroad. To date Tammuz facilitated the birth of about 200 babies, most of them in India. We are dedicated to promote surrogacy
practices in Israel in general, and for the LGBT community in particular. Tammuz developed unique and innovative surrogacy tracks, and our
clients beneft from a set of workshops specially created for intended surrogacy parents. The agency is active in advocacy and lobbying for legal
and parliamentary action to advance equality in surrogacy practices in Israel.
Founded by Dr. Michael Doyle, since 1991 CT Fertility has created over 5,000 babies for gay and straight parents from around the world. As
evidenced by the high ratings, popularity and success rates reported on the Men Having Babies website, CT Fertility is clearly the leading choice
among gay men for surrogacy and egg donation. Based in Bridgeport, CT, and with offces in Manhattan, the clinic achieves exceptional results by
coordinating every aspect of the medical process, all under one roof, including the fnding and pre-screening of highly qualifed and immediately
available local egg donors and surrogates. CT Fertility personalizes the parenting journey by offering a wide range of treatment and egg donation
options, including unique features such as non-anonymous donors, a guarantee number of donor eggs across all programs, unlimited IVF packages,
progressive discounts for frozen embryo transfers, automatic access to back-up frozen eggs when needed, and a new freeze & hold option.
Love is Family, grow your family with the fertility experts at Oregon Reproductive Medicine (ORM). We understand that our work can have
a profound effect on the lives and dreams of our patients. Our mission is to provide the most compassionate and advanced fertility care possible.
ORM is recognized for our personalized care and for extraordinary live birth success rates. ORM consistently has among the highest success rates
in the U.S. leading families to come to work with our dedicated team. Working with out of state or international patients is one of our specialties. We
are honored to be a part of each familys journey. We cherish our work with our LGBTQ families across the US and across the globe.
At Reproductive Medicine Associates of Connecticut (RMACT), patient care begins with a partnership between
patients and an award-winning team of Board Certifed reproductive endocrinologists. RMACT has offces in Norwalk,
Danbury, Stamford and Trumbull, CT, and affliate New York fertility clinics serving Putnam and Dutchess counties. For
more than 10 years, RMACTs Third Party Reproductive Program has included Donor Egg, Donor Sperm and Surrogacy
programs. In 2012, RMACT expanded this to more-fully service the LGBT community through GayParentsToBe (,
an informational resource and link to gay parenting services. As part of RMACT, GayParentsToBe provides an established professional network
and proven medical expertise. Our dedicated team includes Andrea Braverman, Ph.D. and Medical Director Dr. Mark P. Leondires, who married
his partner in 2011 and is a father to a son through surrogacy.
Fertility Specialists of Texas has helped thousands of couples achieve a pregnancy thru advanced reproductive technology. Patients have
come from all over the world to visit our world class facility in Dallas, TX where we have helped them realize their dreams. Building families
means helping all patients including single patients as well as lesbian and gay couples reach their goal of having a child. Our team of physicians,
nurses, embryologist and counselors are experienced in helping couples navigate the confusing terrain of reproductive medicine while providing
exceptional care. The frst step is to meet with one of our three reproductive endocrinology and infertility specialists who will explain the process
and answer questions. You will also meet with our third-party coordinator who will closely coordinate all medical aspects of your treatment
including working closely with your egg donor and gestational carrier.
At IARC, we have extensive knowledge and experience in the feld of surrogacy and ovum donation. Our agencys procedures are based on
over 1,000 surrogate and ovum donor births to intended parents of all types around the globe. We are proud to offer full-service support with
all legal, medical, fnancial, emotional, and educational aspects of this process while always remaining concerned about the well-being of each
client, fertility helper, and unborn child. You may count on thorough education, transparency, and personalized attention. This is not a one size
fts all process, and we help intended parents to make decisions that are best for their needs. We know this is an emotional step, but it is also
one that is flled with excitement and hope. We hope to have the honor of speaking with you as you decide your path forward.
Northwest Surrogacy Center, LLC was founded by attorneys 20 years ago and has become the leading surrogacy agency on the West
Coast. We have short wait times for matching families with caring and responsible surrogates. We work only with highly qualifed, accepting
medical professionals at some of the most successful clinics in the nation. And we provide unparalleled support every step of the way, from
the application process to the birth and beyond. Our agency has a deep commitment to helping diverse families have children, including LGBT
couples and individuals around the world. If youre looking for an extraordinary experience as well as an extraordinary outcome, Northwest
Surrogacy Center, LLC can help you create the family of your dreams.
Dr. Robert A. Kaufmann heads a recognized team of physicians, nurses, embryologists and support staff that provides patient centered care
seven days a week to patients in Texas and around the world at Fort Worth Fertility. Nationally recognized as a leader in IVF for highly
successful donor-egg and third-party gestational surrogacy programs, Dr. Kaufmann continues to invest considerable resources and his
passion for the specialty into establishing the most comprehensive infertility program in the world. We will help you meet your goal of sharing
a genetic link with your baby and only partner with reputable egg donor/surrogate agencies that maintain our high standards. Dr. Kaufmann
has been given numerous peer and patient nominated awards and truly cares about your success. Fort Worth Fertility also offers a third-party
coordinator who will guide you through every step of the way.
Our primary goal is to make the process of selecting an egg donor and/or surrogate as easy and as stress-free as possible. Egg Donor
America and Surrogacy America was founded by fertility expert Dr. Pierre Asmar. We work with a diverse group of intended parents, from
single, gay, and lesbian prospective parents, to traditional couples from the USA and all around the world.
Surrogate Solutions is a small, intimate agency that assists singles and couples in having a baby through third-party assisted reproduction.
We match intended parents with compatible surrogate mothers, as well as assist intended parents in fnding suitable egg donors through our
referral program. Founded by Gayle East, an RN who became a surrogate mother after walking the road of infertility with several of her friends.
Gayle had excellent pregnancies and deliveries with both of her children, and she loved being pregnant. As a result of her surrogacy experience,
Gayle decided to start her own business to help others who are not able to carry a pregnancy. Gayle is very passionate about what she does,
and she is committed to ensuring that Surrogate Solutions provides intended parents with the attention, education, and support they need
throughout the surrogacy process.
The Institute for Reproductive Medicine and Science at Saint Barnabas is one of the nations leading fertility centers, providing
advanced infertility treatment in a caring and responsive environment. Treatment is individually designed for each patient, and may include
intrauterine insemination (IUI), in vitro fertilization (IVF), ICSI, blastocyst transfer, preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD), egg or embryo
cryopreservation, or egg donation.
We help you create or add to your family with sensitivity to your needs. We believe that everyone should have
the opportunity to create a family, regardless of race, sexual orientation, religion, or creed AND that every
child is a gift. Youll fnd our beliefs, along with our caring commitment and expertise, expressed in every
individualized service plan at Family Inceptions International. Interested in building your family abroad? We
are passionate experts on the ins and outs of this fascinating and fulflling mode of family creation, including the
processes of egg donation, IVF cycles, and international surrogacy. We will be honored to walk beside you on
this journey and rejoice in the moment you hold your child in your arms for the frst time.
Family Forward Surrogacy is a Washington DC-area based boutique surrogacy agency focused on providing personal, high-touch support
to Intended Parents and Gestational Surrogates. Our standards are high... we match Intended Parents only with Surrogates whom we would
trust to carry our own children. FFS works hard to make the right match and remains active and engaged throughout the surrogacy journey.
Our founder is a mother of twins through gestational surrogacy and our surrogate coordinators have been gestational surrogates, so we truly
understand the journey from all viewpoints. Nous Parlons Franais.
With over 40 years of experience, the physicians of Washington Fertility Center have helped thousands of people overcome the challenge of
infertility, and fulfll their dreams of building a family. Our fertility center offers comprehensive infertility care for both males and females including
fertility testing, fertility preservation, egg donation, gestational surrogacy, reproductive psychology and other infertility treatments. With experience,
board certifed physicians and high IVF success rates, Washington Fertility Center is the premiere destination for fertility care in the Northern
Virginia - Washington DC - Maryland area. Patients visit our fertility center from around the world, with 4 convent locations in Annandale, Reston,
Haymarket and Fredericksburg, Virginia. Our caring and knowledgeable staff will help you through every step of your journey towards parenthood.
Reproductive Possibilities, LLC manages gestational carrier arrangements, from matching to delivery. Our superior knowledge and
customer service has allowed us to help parents with the birth of almost two hundred babies each year. We offer a personal touch that can only
come from years of experience and the support of an excellent team. Melissa Brisman frst started helping couples become parents of babies
in 1996. Her excellent reputation is based on her compassion and empathy for each intended parent. Attorney Brisman has been instrumental
in creating the law in many states regarding naming genetic parents on the original birth certifcates of their children delivered via surrogacy.
Her experience has allowed her to create a surrogate agency prepared to successfully help parents build their families. Melissa shares her
experience and knowledge with doctors, their staff and intended parents around the world.
With an egg donor success rate of 71.2%, IVF New Jersey ranks about 20% higher than the national average. Egg
Donor Gestational Carrier success rates for 2013 stand at 91%! With locations in New York City, Short Hills, Somerset,
Hamilton, Freehold and Flemington, NJ there are many important reasons why IVF New Jersey should be your frst
choice: Our own fully screened donor pool; Short wait times; Usually match in 2 months, sometimes on your frst visit;
Will work with agencies or frozen egg banks; Offer shared donor cycles making treatment more affordable; A variety
of discount programs; Dedicated donor staff with each patient assigned their own donor coordinator; Procedures and
diagnostic testing performed in our state-of-the-art facility; Working with the LGBT Community since 1991.
Have questions about building your family? We have answers. Whether youre looking for a complete surrogacy program or you need legal
assistance with third-party reproduction, second-parent adoption or step-parent adoptionwe know how to help. ARTparentings founder, Meryl
Rosenberg has been guiding LGBT and all couples and singles on the path to parenthood with a personalized and caring approach since 1993.
Our comprehensive surrogacy program: Well guide you from start to fnish: fnding the right gestational carrier, overseeing all parties screenings,
managing the expenses, and taking care of all the legal steps. A range of legal services: When you need legal assistance with surrogacy, egg
donation, second-parent adoption, step-parent adoption, or a birth orderwe make sure you are recognized as the childs sole parent(s).
Surrogate Steps is a surrogate mother program that specializes in screening, matching, and bringing together Surrogate Mothers and
Intended Parents to help all family types around the globe grow by means of surrogacy and assisted reproductive technology. We take pride
in conceiving dreams together with families to have children and become parents. We work together with a team of specialists nationally and
internationally, including attorneys, psychologists, and social workers, to guide you every step of the way throughout your surrogacy journey.
Since 1988 The Fertility Center of Las Vegas has facilitated the births of thousands of healthy children by providing the highest level of care
with the most advanced fertility treatments available. Together, Dr. Bruce Shapiro and Dr. Said Daneshmand have pioneered groundbreaking
research, which has improved upon the success and safety of IVF treatment and garnered them recognition from patients and physicians
around the world. FCLV is a leading center for cutting-edge reproductive technology and is a full service clinic housing their own egg donor
database and on site genetic screening laboratory. They offer 2 unique IVF with Egg Donor & Surrogate unlimited packages with only 1 clinic
fee - limiting costs and guarantying your chances of success. With more than 18 years of surrogacy experience and 30+ years providing
assisted reproductive technology treatment, you can be assured you will receive the highest quality care.
Circle Surrogacy is one of the oldest, gay owned, full service surrogate-parenting agency serving clients
worldwide. Founded by John Weltman, Circle Surrogacy has been involved in the birth of more than 800 babies.
Since 1995, Circle has helped couples and singles from 68 countries and 6 continents become parents. Its
dedicated staff of professionals is made up of lawyers, social workers, parents through surrogacy, and former
surrogates and egg donors. Circle Surrogacy provides a choice of specialized clinics at locations throughout the
United States, as well as a large selection of egg donors, carefully screened surrogates and a variety of fexible
programs and fnancial options.
Beverly Hills Egg Donation is an egg donor agency which pairs intended parents who need eggs in order to conceive with egg donors, aged
21-29, who are willing to donate their eggs. We are happy to assist single and gay couples in their quest to have a family.
EMD Serono, Inc., a subsidiary of Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany, is a leader in the US biopharmaceutical arena, integrating cutting-edge
science with unparalleled patient support systems to improve peoples lives. The company has strong market positions in neurodegenerative
diseases, endocrinology and in reproductive health. In addition, EMD Serono is growing its expertise and presence in the area of oncology, with
more than 15 projects currently in development. With a clear focus on the patient and a leadership presence in the biopharmaceutical industry,
EMD Seronos US footprint continues to grow.
Lotus Blossom Consulting is instrumental in helping clients identify egg donors and surrogates nationwide. We are able to do this through
carefully selected strategic alliances we have cultivated with egg donor and surrogate recruiting agencies. These alliances allow us to:
exponentially expand the pool of qualifed and available candidates, and match close to desired criteria and ethnicity in a short time frame. Pre
negotiated agreements with these agencies allow us to mitigate fnancial risk factors that are often inherent in the donor surrogate selection
process. Patient advocacy does not end there. Being able to implement a multi disciplinary team of unbiased professionals including the
fertility specialist, embryologists, attorneys, insurance agents, fnancial and estate planners to suit our clients individualized needs is truly what
differentiates and distinguishes Lotus Blossom Consulting.
Fertility SOURCE Companies (The Donor SOURCE, The Surrogacy SOURCE, and Prospective Families) is a national egg donor and surrogacy
program, with a local presence in most metro areas across the nation. We are registered with the FDA and are compliant with all regulations
and standards set forth by the American Society for Reproductive Medicine. We have been in business since 2003 and have served over 2,000
satisfed Intended Parents since inception. Our company is owned by a group of prominent and successful fertility physicians and business
people with extensive experience in the fertility feld. We strongly believe that everyone deserves the opportunity to become a parent, whether
they are married, in a domestic relationship, single, heterosexual, gay, lesbian, transgender, local, or international. Our commitment is to
provide the most compassionate and skilled care to couples seeking third-party assisted reproduction services.
Surrogacy Beyond Borders is a full service surrogacy company offering low price and high quality egg donation and surrogacy services
in Mexico. We have a US based program offering fully insured, escrowed, transparent and ethical services at half the cost of US surrogacy.
CEFAM is Mexicos largest clinic group with 13 branches throughout the country, and it is the only clinic in the country with its own surrogacy
program. Our medical personnel are trained at the top fertility institutes in Europe and the U.S. CEFAM has helped in creating 5000 babies
through assisted reproduction since 2008, and you can be sure that our bilingual surrogacy support staff and medical team will work with you
to create the very best Mexico surrogacy experience. Our name and reputation speak for themselves. Surrogacy in Mexico is governed by the
civil code of the state of Tabasco which is one of the only jurisdictions left in the world which does not discriminate based on marital status or
sexual orientation, and we work with our center in Tabasco to create a seamless experience. Intended parents come to our Puerto Vallarta or
Mexico City centers to start the process, and visit Villahermosa, Tabasco for the birth of their child.
Creative Family Connections LLC (CFC) is a boutique law frm in the Washington DC area focusing exclusively on Reproductive Rights and
Reproduction Law. We assist prospective parents with family building through collaborative reproduction via gestational surrogacy and gamete
and embryo donation. We perform all necessary legal work, match parents to gestational surrogates, and support everyone throughout the
process. We take care of the details so that you can enjoy the journey! CFC s founding principle was that everyone can build a family and
we remain passionate in this belief. We have obtained landmark rulings for our LGBT parents, who comprise half our clients. We work with
HRC and Family Equality Council on legislative and policy issues affecting the LGBT community. Prospective parents come from around the
world to obtain our compassionate support and creative legal expertise. CFC is proud to provide pro bono and discounted services to support
the mission of GPAP.
Lotus Surrogacy is a full service surrogacy and egg donation agency. Our agency was founded in 2009 by Attorney Dana Magdassi. We refer
our clients only to licensed fertility clinics that have excellent results and high success rates in IVF and surrogacy programs in India, Nepal and
Ukraine. At our large donor bank you will always fnd a donor of your preference. Our donors are dedicated, attractive, intelligent young women
with children, from Ukraine. Although we work with the best clinics and a professional staff, we maintain an affordable price for our services
as we provide our partner clinic many clients every month. There is no waiting period for a surrogate mother and once clients have chosen a
donor we can start immediately with client surrogate program. Our mission is to give personal attention to each and every client.
Maryland office 410 224 0151
California office 818 788 8288
First surrogacy agency to help a gay couple
East Coast Surrogates
With over 500 babies created for gay
fathers, CT Fertility is the leading
choice among gay men for surrogacy
and egg donation.
Among the unique
options we offer are:

Non-anonymous donors.
Fresh / frozen / shared or
unlimited IVF
A guarantee number of eggs.
Automatic access to back-up frozen eggs
when needed
Schedule a free consultation during the
conference or see us at our Manhattan offce!
Michael Doyle, Medical Director
Oering compassionate and cost-conscious
guidance to surrogacy and egg donor
journeys for over 25 years
Let our family help create your family!
Ferti l i tyTexas. com
8230 Walnut Hill Lane, Suite 300
Dallas, Texas 75231
Pregnancy rates among the highest in the nation.
In Vitro Fertilization (IVF).
Donor Egg Program.
Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD).
Financing Options Available.
Centrally located for your convenience.
proud to help
members of the
lgbtq community
start their
ten ngers,
ten toes...
from as of 10-15-14
# of
Journey Cost
Web Site
NW Surrogacy 9.5 23 98,000 17
Creative Family Connections 9.49 37 137,000 20
IARC 9.33 19 99,000 24
ConceiveAbilities 9.33 3 107,000 18
Tammuz 9.22 27 77,000 16
Fertility Miracles 9.15 20 124,000 17
Family Source Consultants 8.94 18 91,000 18
Worldwide Surrogacy Specialists 8.86 16 123,000 18
Simple Surrogacy 8.76 39 90,000 17
The Surrogacy Source 8.75 8 110,000 16
Center for Surrogate Parenting (CSP) 8.5 8 113,000 17
Surrogate Alternatives (SAI) 8.42 12 128,000 25
Circle Surrogacy 8.1 90 126,000 19
Extraordinary Conceptions 7.63 16 139,000 17
Growing Generations 7.5 18 171,000 21
Reproductive Possibilitis 7.48 23 125,000 21
# of
First cycle
cycles per
Web Site
IVF NJ 9.83 6 40% 1.6
Virginia Center for Reproductive Medicine 9.69 26 65% 1.6
Fertility center of Las Vegas 9.67 15 86% 1.3
Fort Worth Fertility 9.50 14 58% 1.8
Fertility Center of IL (FCI) 9.50 13 73% 1.8
San Diego Fertility Center (SDFC) 9.50 4 100% 1.0
California Fertility Partners 9.43 7 20% 3.8
Fertility & Surgical Associates of CA 9.43 7 71% 2.0
CT Fertility 9.34 100 80% 1.3
Surrogacy Centre India 9.25 4 50% 1.5
La Jolla IVF 9.24 21 81% 1.3
Oregon Health & Science U. (OHSU) 9.00 4 75% 1.5
Dr. Pai - India 8.67 6 33% 4.8
Oregon Reproductive 8.55 20 95% 1.1
HRC Fertilty 8.42 12 82% 1.4
Pacifc Fertility Center (PFCLA) 8.20 20 47% 1.9
RMA NJ 7.83 6 67% 1.3
Cardone Reproductive 7.25 4 25% 2.3
New England Fertility (NEF) 6.91 11 55% 2.4
Markham (Canada) 5.86 7 43% 2.4
Men Having Babies, Inc. is a nonproft international organization that spun off from a program that had run at the NYC LGBT Center since
2005. It provides guidance, advocacy & fnancial assistance for current and future gay surrogacy parents. Over time it has expanded to include
over 1500 couples and singles worldwide and has been offering workshops and seminars in a growing number of locations. It also developed
elaborate online resources, a directory with ratings and reviews of dozens of surrogacy agencies and IVF clinics, a fnancial assistance program,
a speakers bureau, and a vibrant online community forum.
Since 2005 we have been leading monthly workshops and annual seminars in NYC, and
starting in 2012 we have been offering seminars and conferences in cooperation with
LGBT parenting associations in Barcelona, Paris, Tel Aviv, Los Angeles, San Francisco
and Chicago. Our conferences provide unparalleled opportunities to get unbiased
information, access a wide range of relevant service providers, and connect with others
going through the surrogacy process. At the 2013 NY conference, about two hundred
parents, prospects and professionals enjoyed 11 hours of programs; more than 30 clinics,
agencies and community organizations exhibited, hosted breakout sessions and offered
on-site consultations; a book fair of kids books with LGBTQ themes; and special interest
panels for gay men who are already parents, and men who are HIV positive.
The Gay Parenting Assistance Program (GPAP) was created as part of our mission
to promote the affordability of surrogacy services for gay men. GPAP provides grants
and access to discounts for gay men who require fnancial assistance in their quest for
parenthood. Since the beginning of 2014 several dozen individuals and couples received
access to generous discounts from about thirty service providers through Stage I of the
program. Additionally, 10 couples and singles have been selected to receive more than
$600,000 in cash grants and free services through Stage II of the program. Funds for this
program come from event sponsorship fees and direct donations. Applications for the Stage
I are accepted on a rolling basis, and Stage II candidates are evaluated periodically.
In an effort to promote transparency and affordability, Men Having Babies conducts surveys
to receive feedback on program needs and ratings of agencies and clinics. The hundreds of
responses we receive allow us to offer exclusive rating tables with satisfaction levels, success
measures, and real cost fgures. This information has already helped many prospective
parents save thousands of dollars by identifying affordable, effective providers. The directory
includes a comprehensive listing of over 100 providers from the USA and beyond with
contact information, descriptions of services, video introductions, and reviews. A universal
consultation request form allows our members to contact dozens of providers in one step!
Men Having Babies has a vibrant private Facebook group (groups/menhavingbabies) where
hundreds of current and future dads fnd peer support and networking. As part of our advocacy
and community-building mission we also offer a broader community Facebook page called
Living The New Normal, that allows us to converse with surrogates, families, and other allies.
Based on survey feedback, we also launched the worlds frst Surrogacy Speakers Bureau,
with over 300 parents and future parents that are eager to speak at public events, take part
in academic research, and give press interviews!

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