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CCNA Guide to Cisco Networking, Fourth Edition Chapter 7 Solutions

Chapter 7 Solutions
Review Questions
1. What is the administratie distance o! "#$%
a. 1&&
'. 11&
c. 1(&
d. )&
(. *ink+state routing protocols ,,,,,,,,,,. -Choose all that appl../
a. use link+state adertisements to noti!. routers o! route changes
'. send routing ta'les to neigh'ors
c. reach conergence !aster than distance+ector routing protocols
d. determine the 'est path ia the hop count algorithm
0. "#$ has a ma1imum hop count o! ,,,,,,,,,,.
a. (22
'. 13
c. 12
d. (24
4. Which command ena'les "#$ on a router%
a. router network "#$
'. router rip
c. router igrp
d. router osp!
2. Which command will show the #$ routing ta'le o! a router%
a. show ip route
'. show ip protocol
c. de'ug ip igrp eents
d. show run
3. Nonrouta'le protocols are a'le to pass packets among multiple networks. 5rue or False%
7. #G"$ can use which o! the !ollowing as metrics% -Choose all that appl../
a. 6op count
'. 7andwidth
c. 8ela.
d. Split hori9on
:. Which o! the !ollowing is a routed protocol% -Choose all that appl../
a. Net7E;#
'. 5C$<#$
c. #$=<S$=
d. "#$
). Which o! the !ollowing helps to preent routing loops% -Choose all that appl../
a. Split hori9on
CCNA Guide to Cisco Networking, Fourth Edition Chapter 7 Solutions
'. Count+to+in!init.
c. 6old+down timers
d. Split hori9on with poison reerse
1&. At which router prompt can .ou use the router rip command%
a. router7>
'. router7?
c. router7-con!ig/>
d. router7-con!ig+router/>
11. At which router prompt can .ou issue the network @network >A command%
a. router7>
'. router7?
c. router7-con!ig/>
d. router7-con!ig+router/>
1(. 5he de'ug ip rip command can 'e used in user mode and priileged mode. 5rue or False%
10. Which o! the !ollowing routing protocols can route 'etween autonomous s.stems% -Choose
all that appl../
a. #G"$
'. "#$
c. 7G$
d. EG$
14. What o! routing protocol is used within autonomous s.stems%
a. E1terior Gatewa. $rotocols
'. 5C$<#$
c. Net7E;#
d. #nterior Gatewa. $rotocols
12. "#$ and #G"$ 'oth adertise a route to a particular network. Which route will 'e added to
the routing ta'le%
a. 5he "#$ route
'. 5he #G"$ route
c. 7oth "#$ and #G"$ routes
d. 7G$+enhanced #G"$
13. What command is used to displa. "#$ timers%
a. show ip route
'. show run
c. de'ug ip rip
d. show ip protocol
17. What two commands are needed to con!igure "#$ on a router% -Choose all that appl../
a. network rip
'. router rip
c. router network rip
d. network @network >A
1:. A metric is a aria'le used to determine the suita'ilit. o! a route. 5rue or False%
CCNA Guide to Cisco Networking, Fourth Edition Chapter 7 Solutions
1). A maBor draw'ack o! link+state routing protocols isC
a. "outing '. rumor
'. #ncreased memor. and processing reDuired on routers
c. Slow time to conergence
d. #na'ilit. to adapt to network topolog. changes
(&. Which o! the !ollowing commands would ena'le a routing protocol that is onl. concerned
with hop count%
a. router> router igrp
'. router-con!ig/> router igrp
c. router> router rip
d. router-con!ig/> router rip
e. router> router osp!
(1. Which o! the !ollowing are true a'out administratie distance% -Choose all that appl../
a. 5he higher the administratie distance, the more desira'le the route.
'. Administratie distances are used with static routes.
c. 5he de!ault administratie distance !or "#$ is 1(&.
d. 5he de!ault administratie distance !or static routes is higher than those !or d.namic routes.
e. 5he de!ault administratie distance !or a connected network is lower than that !or the de!ault
route o! #G"$.
((. What does the num'er (4& stand !or in the !ollowing command%
"outer-con!ig/> ip route 1)(.13:.1.& (22.(22.(22.& (4&
a. Num'er o! masked 'its
'. 8ecimal su'net mask
c. Num'er o! hops
d. Administratie distance
e. Autonomous network num'er
(0. #! .ou want to monitor real+time "#$ tra!!ic, which command would .ou
a. router? router rip
'. router> router rip
c. router> show rip
d. router-con!ig/> show rip
e. router> de'ug ip rip
(4. Which o! the !ollowing does "#$ support% -Choose all that appl../
a. *oad 'alancing
'. *ink relia'ilit. metric
c. 7andwidth metric
d. 8ela. metric
Case Projects
Case Project 1
RIP will only work until Big Tin adds more routers. This is because RIP updates can only traverse 15
routers and their autonomous system already includes 14 routers.
CCNA Guide to Cisco Networking, Fourth Edition Chapter 7 Solutions
Case Project 2
ogan!s could use I"RP as their Interior "ateway Routing protocol. #onsiderable $%& bandwidth is
still used 'or updates however( I"RP only broadcasts every )* seconds instead o' +* like RIP.
Bandwidth and delay are the two metrics in use by de'ault when I"RP is con'igured. ogan!s may also
want to con'igure I"RP to use hops. ,uggest that ogan!s sets the ma-imum number o' hops to the
number o' routers in the autonomous system. I"RP can support up to .55 hops.
Case Project 3
The router rip command is con'igured at the global con'iguration mode prompt. In this case that prompt
would appear as newyork/con'ig01. 2nce the router rip command is entered3 the prompt will change to
newyork/con'ig4router01. 5enni'er is unnecessarily con'iguring three network commands instead o' the
one re6uired. 2nly the ma7or network number should be con'igured( subnet numbers /or inter'ace
addresses0 should not be con'igured. The one network command should be network I' it is
con'igured with three commands as 5enni'er suggests3 the router will simply combine the commands
and con'igure 'or the ma7or network number only. In other words3 it will work3 but 5enni'er will get it
wrong on the ##&% e-am.

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