2pac Interview On KMEL Radio, '96

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2Pac On KMEL's

Westside Radio Program

interviewed by Sway..4/19/96 transcribed by Davey D
Earlier this year..Friday April 19 1996, Tupac Sa!ur graced the
airwaves of KE! "adio#s Westside Radio progra$ in %an Francisco.
&ere, in an historic interview he let the entire 'ay Area (now e)actly
what he was feeling and thin(ing at that point in ti$e.
For those who weren#t *p on the bac(drop at the ti$e that interview
aired, +,ac had not spo(en to anyone e)tensively since -oining .eath "ow. &is alb*$, #All Eyes
/n e# was the alb*$ of choice for $ore then a few head0 especially here in the 'ay Area. 1he
"ad "oy/ Deat Row conflict was at an all ti$e high... 2o one fro$ the .eath "ow ca$p had
spo(en on co3fo*nder Dr Dre#s depart*re. ore i$portantly, +,ac had not been thro*gh the 'ay in
what see$d li(e years...y boy Sway of Te Wa!e #p Sow was the person as(ing the
$irst o% a&& 2Pac congratu&ations on your success'''Most peop&e %rom te "ay (rea cou&dn't
)e tere )y your side'')ut we %e&t &i!e wit every episode you went troug we were tere''we
saw you troug te media and we were rigt tere' "roters gotta a &otta &ove %or you ere
in te "ay (rea and we wanna !now wen you're p&anning on coming )ac!*
2Pac+5#$ co$in# bac( for s*re..and 5 love the 'ay. Everywhere 5 go..and every episode 5#ve
been thro*gh, 5 always felt li(e 5 was sharing it..both the good ti$es and the bad ti$es with the
'ay Area. 5 felt li(e whatever 5 a$ the 'ay Area had so$ething to do with $a(ing $e. %o if 5#$
bad they had so$ething to do with $a(ing $e and if 5#$ good they had so$ething to do with
$a(ing $e. 'etween the east coast, the 'ay Area and !A and 'alti$ore, those places $ade $e....5
owe the$ everything. 5t#s not li(e 5 -*st got love for one bloc(. 5 got love for those co$$*nities.. 5
got love for those areas beca*se everything abo*t those areas $ade $e who 5 a$...
Fro$ the crac( heads to biggest ballers to the teachers to the principals in schools to the police that
p*lled $e by the ar$ to the $a$$as on the bloc(. 1o everybody who help raise $e and 5
appreciate it...6ith all $y fans 5 got a fa$ily again.
6hen 5 started rappin# 5 was tal(in# abo*t bro(en ho$es and now everybody is alright again -*st
beca*se of $y fans being behind $e..they $ade it $ore then -*st an artist thing..instead it was li(e
the$ saying #hey that#s o*r ho$eboy and we s*pport hi$. 5 appreciate that... 5 went to -ail and they
$ade $e n*$ber one.. 5 appreciate the$ stic(in# *p for $e when everyone was (ic(in $e when 5
was down... 1hat#s love and 5#ll never trade that..so for the 'ay and ,hilly and all those areas and
all those ghettos and towns..5 love y#all..don#t let this east coast west coast thing get to yo*... 5 love
yo* with all $y heart with everything. 5 do this for y#all....
,t seems &i!e every time you come up someting appens to )ring you )ac! down'' Wen
you're caugt up &i!e tat wat is it tat goes troug your mind wen you got mi&&ions o%
%ans wondering a)out you*
2Pac+ 5t h*rts $e in one way beca*se they be loo(in# at $e saying #.a$n yo* got everything
why are yo* doing this7# 5n $y heart 5#ll be saying #.a$n yo* (now 5 don#t wanna go to -ail..5#$
trying to live.# /n the other hand, 5 can#t really ta(e it personal beca*se 5#$ a reflection of the
co$$*nity... All yo*ng 'lac( $ales are going thro*gh that..5t#s happening with a lot of yo*ng
'lac( fe$ales also yo*ng white $ales... A lot of $inorities are going thro*gh that where they try
to co$e *p and get p*lled bac( five steps...
1o $e it#s not personal beca*se they#re all going thro*gh it. 1he only thing that $a(es it different
and original with $e is that people get to watch it fro$ beginning to end li(e it#s a soap opera. 8o*
get to watch $ine and with everyone else they get to hide and go to their ho$es and get over it.
6ith $e yo* see $e dealing with $y greatest pains. 8o* see $e get over things....
Wat went troug your ead wen you got sot in -ew .or! and
tat wo&e comp&ication*
2Pac+ 5 can#t front. 5t slowed $e down. 6hat went thro*gh $y $ind
was #li(e da$n 5#$ shot#. 5 *sed to believe 5 co*ld never be to*ched. %o
now 5#$ $ore caref*l. %o$e people $ay say 5#$ disrespectf*l..b*t 5#$
$ore ca*tio*s beca*se 5 have been shot. 5 (now what that feels li(e. 5#$
not trying to be in that predica$ent. 5 (now we all have choices to $a(e
and $y choices have already been $ade even if 5 wanna change it.
6hat 5 learned in -ail is that 5 can#t change. 5 can#t live a different
lifestyle..this is it. 1his is the life that they gave and this is the life that 5
$ade. 8o* (now how they say #yo* $ade yo*r bed now lay in it7 5 tried to
$ove... can#t $ove into so$e other bed. 1his is it. 2ot for the co*rts. 2ot
for the parole board. 2ot for nobody. All 5#$ trying to do is s*rvive and $a(e good o*t of the dirty,
nasty, *nbelievable lifestyle that they gave $e. 5#$ -*st trying to $a(e so$ething good o*t of that.
5t#s li(e if yo* try and plant so$ething in the concrete..if it grows and the rose pedals got all (ind
of scratches and $ar(s, yo*r not gonna say #.a$n loo( at all the scratches on the rose that grew
fro$ the concrete#. 8o*r gonna say...a$n9 A rose grew fro$ the concrete7 6ell that#s the sa$e
thing with $e.. Fol(s sho*ld be sayin# #.a$n9 he grew o*t of all that7.. 1hat#s what they sho*ld
"roter you must )e tru&y )&essed to go troug a&& tese tria&s and tri)u&ations you've
)een troug and you're sti&& maintaining' Even now tey're sti&& comin' a%ter you' .ou got
tese demons and o)stac&es tat !eep comin down arder and arder' ,t seems &i!e
everytime you turn around/ you got some)ody !noc!in' on your door trying to ta!e
someting %rom you''''
2Pac+ 1hey co$e harder and harder. 5t#s li(e everyti$e 5 thin( this is it and 5 go all o*t to beat
that and 5 win or 5 lose...5 co$e into the ne)t one and it#s worse. 5t#s li(e the twilight 0one. 5t#s li(e
so$e evil, *nstoppable shit that won#t let $e go. 5t#s got it#s hands on $e and it wants to see $e
fail. 5n $y $ind so$eti$es when 5#$ dr*n( or 5#$ -*st laying down..5 (eep thing to $yself, #.a$n
is this tr*e7.. A$ 5 gonna fail7 A$ 5 s*pposed to fail7 %ho*ld 5 -*st stop trying and give *p7 '*t
then 5#$ li(e #2aw, hold *p hold on..that#s e)actly what they#re waiting on $e to do#... 1hey#re
waiting for $e to give *p. %o now this is -*st a f*n little ga$e that 5 cry at so$eti$e..that 5 la*gh
at so$eti$e..that 5 s$ile at and have good ti$es and bad ti$es..'*t it#s a ga$e. 5t#s the ga$e of
life.....o 5 win or do 5 lose7. 5 (now one day they#re gonna sh*t the ga$e down b*t 5 gotta have as
$*ch f*n and go aro*nd the board as $any ti$es as 5 can before it#s $y t*rn to leave...
0ow did you %irst get down wit Suge Knigt and Deat Row*
2Pac+ 5 *sed to always see %*ge. 6hen they did the so*ndtrac( for Murder Was Te 1ase and
5 was going thro*gh all those legal proble$s..&e was li(e #8o give $e a song dog#. 5 gave hi$ a
song and 5 got the $ost 5 ever got for a song. 5t was da$n near an alb*$ b*dget. 5 got so$ething
li(e +:: tho*sand dollars for one song and they didn#t even *se it. '*t 5 still got paid for
everything 5 did for the so*nd trac(. 5 re$e$ber when he did it.. &e did it not beca*se he was
-oc(ing $e, b*t beca*se he (new 5 was having cra0y legal proble$s and 5 was a $an. &e had
as(ed $e to co$e to .eath "ow and 5 told hi$ 5 wasn#t ready,. 5nstead of ta(ing it personal he did
that for $e and 5 appreciated that.
%o when 5 was in -ail -*st sittin# there..5 was gonna 4*it rappin# b*t then Pu%%y and "iggie ca$e o*t
in 2i)e Maga3ine and lied and twisted the facts. All 5 wanted to do was end everything and wal(
away fro$ the shit. 5 wanted to get o*t the ga$e. 5#$ trying to get o*t the ga$e and they wanna
dirty *p $y $e$ory. 1hey wanna dirty *p everything 5 wor(ed for. %o instead of 4*ittin# it $ade
$e wanna co$e bac( and be $ore relentless to destroy who *sed to be
$y co$rades and ho$eboys.
1hese g*ys were $y closest clic(. 5 wor(ed hard all $y life as far as
this $*sic b*siness to bring abo*t east coast west coast love and $a(e
everybody feel co$fortable. 5 drea$ed of the day when 5 co*ld go to
2ew 8or( and feel co$fortable and they co*ld co$e o*t here and be
co$fortable. %o when people as( $e abo*t this east coast/west coast
thing it#s not silly at all...b*t yo* can#t disrespect the love. 8o* can#t
disrespect the peace treaty.. 1hat#s -*st li(e when the 5ndians $ade deals
with the white d*des and they wo*ld -*st co$e and rape their wo$en
and shoot#e$ *p and leave...of co*rse the 5ndians aren#t gonna love white people no $ore.. 1hey#re
gonna want to (ic( *p so$e d*st *ntil people thin( abo*t it and re negotiate the ter$s of the treaty
and that#s where this east coast west coast st*ff is at right now. 6e gotta have this beef and these
words and this dialog*e *ntil we can re negotiate the ter$s of the treaty. 5 love the east coast..5
fro$ the east coast, b*t they have to *nderstand yo* -*st can#t be saying shit abo*t *s and thin(
we#re not gonna ta(e it personally... 8o* -*st can#t be calling *s fa(ers and pretenders and non3
creative and say we can#t freestyle..and we -*st sit bac( and say #2aw it#s cool #ca*se we love the$
beca*se they started hip hop#. &ell no, we#re gonna ta(e it personal, -*st li(e a (id wo*ld when his
bigger brother who ain#t doing his shit steps to hi$. 1hat#s li(e a little brother $a(ing lots of cash
and the bigger brother co$in# along and sayin# #8o* owe it all to $e# 1hat#s wrong.. .on#t be $ad
beca*se the little nigg*h is co$in# *p
Pac you gave a &ot o% &ove )ac! to some "ay (rea artist &i!e E456/ Rappin' 5Tay/ Dru Down
and te wo&e crew'''ta&! a)out wat made you decide to wor! wit tem
2Pac+ 'eca*se 5 can#t always be in the 'ay. 5 (now how the 'ay is. 1he 'ay is the type of place
where if yo* ain#t there they#re gonna tal( abo*t yo*. 5 wanted the$ to (now that 5 love yo*, 5 feel
yo* and 5#$ gonna represent for yo*. 5 (now 5 gotta a certain a$o*nt of acclai$ so 5 bring the 'ay
with $e... 5 (now E456 is what 5 was when 5 was with Digita& #nderground. &e is the 'ay right
now ..hi$ and 5Tay. %o 5 get the$ on $y alb*$ to represent the 'ay. 5t shows we still have love
and we#re still all good. 'y *s being representatives we bring the 'ay where ever we go.. "appin#
41ay has always been raw to $e and 5 li(e his style. 6hen 5 was in -ail 5 *sed to always listen to
st*ff so when 5 got o*t we clic(ed and did the song. 2ow he#s in -ail and 5 gotta do what he did for
$e. 6hen 5 was in -ail he *sed to send o*t sho*t o*ts and show s*pport, so now 5 s*pport 41ay.
Everybody pray for hi$ and send letters. 5 hope the brother gets o*t of -ail as soon as possible..
;"appin# 41ay was released in <*ly #96=. 8o* (now its a str*ggle for every yo*ng 'lac( $an... 8o*
(now how it is only >od can -*dge *s.
-ow is te east coast 7west coast )ee%/ rea&&y )ot coasts* Or is it "ad "oy and Deat Row *
2Pac+ 5t#s not both coasts. 6hat it is..is the people on the East coast are real pro*d and real
c*lt*ral and real strong li(e we are on the west coast. 6hat happen was "iggie ca$e at a ti$e -*st
li(e 0it&er did with the >er$ans. 'iggie ca$e at a ti$e when they were open to so$ebody saying
#6e#re the $aster race and these g*ys ;west coast= are nothing. 1hey#re pretenders and this is why
we#re not $a(in# it in the b*siness. 5t#s beca*se of these g*ys. 1his is why we#re not doing nothing.
%o the east coast really not hatin# *s or (nowing anything abo*t *s..have -*st been listening to their
s*pposed to be leader. 1hey were listening to the person who#s s*pposed to be representing# for
the$... 1hey didn#t (now that what they were doing was ending o*r c*lt*re. 6e ;west coast= held it
down for yo* all. 1hat#s how 5 felt. 5 was in tears.. 6hen LL was o*t there dancin# with wo$en in
silver s*its which 5#$ not $ad at..beca*se 5 $ight do that one day.. '*t when the East coast was
trying to be creative and test other bo*ndaries we were holdin# it down with this hardcore shit. 5t
$ight not have been what yo* ;east coast= wanted b*t it (ept rap alive for years. 5t (ept $oney
co$in# in. 5t let the$ ;the world= notice *s. %o how co*ld yo* ;east coast= loo( at *s and say
#8o*#re not good eno*gh#7 6e#re fro$ a bro(en ho$e. 8#all ;east coast= didn#t teach *s this.. we
ain#t got no s*bways and graffiti.
5n spite of the gangs and all of that we still ca$e *p with this c*lt*re. 5 feel li(e we never got what
we deserved. 5 too( it personal beca*se 5#$ fro$ the East coast and 5 (now abo*t that c*lt*re b*t 5
(now abo*t this ;west coast= c*lt*re beca*se 5 was here when it was being p*t down...%o now 5#$
doing what the East coast wo*ld#ve did if the west coast did this to the$... 5#$ riding..for $y side.
8o*#re wrong..5t#s not right..
"ecogni0e *s. 1he only way the east coast is gonna recogni0e *s if for *s to do it on record, by
$oney, by sales and by representing. <*st li(e KRS4One...when PM Dawn got on stage and he
had been tal(ing shit abo*t hi$..what did K"%3/ne do7....;&e b*$ r*shed hi$= %o why are
people telling $e 5#$ wrong for doing what 5#$ doing. 1hey love K"%3/ne.. &e is hip hop..a$ 5
correct7 5#$ $ad at 'iggie and 5#$ r*shin# the nigga. 6hat#s the proble$7
As soon as the east coast separate the$selves fro$ 'iggie we will do shows in the east..
Everything is bea*tif*l..'*t so far the east coast has been with hi$. Everything 5 read..every letter
5 read. every interview 5 read .nigg*hs (eep saying #F*c( +,ac..'iggie 'iggie this and 'iggie
'iggie that li(e he#s representin# everyone fro$ the east coast.1hat#s why 5 attac( the way 5 do.. 5#$
a general and 5#$ a s$art general and 5#$ not gonna attac( at no blind soldier. 5#$ gonna attac(
those who attac( $e. 1he only reason why people was $ad was beca*se 5 ca$e o*t of -ail and
$ade this a reality. 6hen 5 got o*t of -ail the east coast west coast shit was really started.
1a&i%ornia Love, when 5 was singin# p*t it down. and now nigg*hs is $ad beca*se $oney is
f*c(ed *p, attit*des have changed..it#s not as safe as it *sed to be. 2igg*hs gotta thin( abo*t their
b*siness and that#s what 5 wanted to happen..2ow let#s go to the table..!et#s tal(..!et#s $a(e
peace..let#s wor( it o*t...let#s give the co$$*nity the $oney.
So are you saying a conversation wit Pu%%y and "iggie wou&d'''
2Pac+ 5 wo*ldn#t sit down and have a conversation with Pu%%y and "iggie..beca*se that#s li(e
%carface sitting down with the d*de he#s hoping to r*le. 1hey are not on $y level..b*t 5 can sit
down with the />s and fro$ there ;bac( east= which we are doing. ,eople need to now we#re not
beefing with the East coast.. 6e#re abo*t to start Deat Row East with Eric " and all the />
nigg*hs o*t there. 6e got "ig Daddy Kane.. 1ristoper Wi&&iams..we#re trying to get "o))y
6e#re trying to get the East coast .eath "ow to be li(e the 6est ?oast .eath "ow and $a(e it
$a-or. 6e#re not doing that *ntil we get this b*siness settled.. Even while we#re doing this we#re
trying to get Wu4Tang.. 5 feel as tho*gh they represent the east coast the way we represent the
west coast and 5 love the$. 5f everybody#s raps is what they really thin( then everybody sho*ld
*nderstand what 5#$ doing. 5t#s gangsta shit..5t#s warrior shit.. and it#s all by the r*les of the ga$e.
5#$ calling for dialog*e. 5#$ gathering attention for dialog*e which is what yo* do in a str*ggle for
Wat's going on wit Dre and ow does tat e%%ect Deat Row *
2Pac+ .re is doing his own thing.. 5t doesn#t effect *s..y ta(e on what happened was that Snoop
went on trial for $*rder for his life..so$ebody said .re was in the car.. 1he -*ry believed that c we
needed .re to be able to say he wasn#t there..once they wo*ld#ve saw that he wasn#t there that
wo*ld#ve saved %noop#s whole case. 1hey wo*ld#ve saw that the witness was lying. .re never
showed *p. &e said he was too b*sy. 1hat#s how they told $e..6hen they told $e that 5 was li(e
no $atter how dope he is and .re was one of $y heros in the $*sic ind*stry..5f he#s not down for
his ho$eboys.. 5 don#t wanna be a part of hi$ or aro*nd hi$. ,l*s 5 feel that what was done in the
dar( will co$e to light. 1here are secrets that everybody#s gonna find o*t abo*t.. and yo*#ll (now
what 5 did it. 5 swear to god y#all we are living by the r*les of the ga$e.
0ey Pac wy don't you ta&! a)out te pro8ect you are doing wit 9odeci rigt now'''
2Pac+ y ne)t single is gonna be #0ow Do .ou Want ,t# , (meri!!a's Most Wanted, #0it
'Em #p# and #1a&i%ornia Love# .. the version people co*ldn#t b*y. &it #E$ @p is a song which is a
classic hip hop record..$eaning it#s a straight battle record to all the 'ad 'oy staff.. 5t#s to ,*ffy, to
'iggie to !il Ki$..to all of the$.
Wat a)out Mo)) Deep*
2Pac+ y little ho$ies is attac(ing the$. 1hat#s why 5#$ not even addressing the Mo)) Deep
iss*e. 1hey#re not even on $y level. 5 find it disrespectf*l that they wo*ld even thin( they can
attac( $e or the 6est ?oast... %o 5 don#t even address those b*sta ass fa(es.. ,lease print that.... 5t
is on and poppin#. 5f yo* don#t see $e r*shin# the$ that $eans it#s ca*se they bowed down.
1hose obb .eep fools they don#t want it.. 1ino :L, obb .eep , "ad "oy, "iggie , Li&
1easar, 9unior Ma%ia all of the$ is on o*r hitlist and 5#$ getting with the$ with $y new clic(
called Te Out&aws. 1hey#re so$e <ersey d*des who are (eeping that east coast flava poppin# . 5t#s
so$e west coast d*des, so*thern d*des.. 5t#s the epito$e of what 5 represent. 5 got "ig Sy!e fro$
Tug Li%e ...
6e got #0ow Do .ou Want ,t# with Ron 0igtower doing the directing with $e and we got all
porno stars. 5 got -ina 0art&ey fro$ the 'ay..and all the big ti$e people. 5t#s the dirtiest nastiest
video 5#ve ever done. 5 got a playboy version and a reg*lar version. 6e got n*dity. 5t#s the $ost
a$a0ing video yo*#ll ever see.
6e -*st did the video for #(meri!!a's Most Wanted# which is the classic dis video. 6e got #,iggy#
and #'*ffy#...
6e#re doing videos fro #(&& Eyes On Me#, #, (in't Mad (t .a#, #(&& ()out .ou# .. 1he record
co$pany got all the $oney in the world so we#re -*st gonna p*t it o*t....
6hen things get real slow, we#ll release a ho$e video with #(m)itions O% ( Rider#, and a co*ple
of the hardcore songs....5 -*st did a re$i) to #Wat's .our Pone -um)er# with all new lyrics. 6e
too( that M1 Lyte beat fro$ her new song she has o*t..;Keep /n ovin# @p= 5t#s so frea(y yo*
won#t believe it... 5 got a whole new alb*$ o*t...waiting for the so*nd trac(. 5t#s clean..all
positive..all in the vein of songs li(e #Keep .our 0ead #p#. and #"renda's ;ot ( "a)y#.. 5t#s that
type of st*ff. 5 -*st p*t o*t a hardcore do*ble alb*$.. and ne)t 5#$ gonna p*t o*t an introspective
alb*$.. 5t#ll be li(e a #Me (gainst Te Wor&d pt +# 1hat#s what 5 thin( $y fans are loo(ing for...
5#$ gonna show that 5 appreciate yo*r s*pport. ...
So you wor!ed wit 9anet 9ac!son'' , was wondering i% you can oo! me up wit er
2Pac+ 5f anybody finds <anet, tell her 5#$ loo(ing for her. 1hat#s why 5 said that shit in $y song
#My Minds Made #p#, b*t give $e <anet. 5 feel li(e she got shit twisted and people gone $ade her
$y ene$y. %he ain#t $y ene$y.. 5 ain#t $ad at her. 5 want her to (now that. 5t ain#t even li(e that.
%he $et $e at a ti$e in $y life when 5 was real i$$at*re. 5 was co$in# *p and going thro*gh a
lot. 2ow she probably sees $e in a whole different light. aybe not and $aybe she will. 5 want
that opport*nity. 6hen 5 see <anet, 5 #$ gonna try to $a(e right where we $ade wrong.
Let's ta&! on some oter tings &i!e your new movie and soundtrac! you're wor!ing on*
2Pac+ 6e got a $ovie called #;rid&oc!# co$ing o*t which is a $ainstrea$ $ovie. 5t#s $e
co$ing bac( into the theaters with Tim Ross fro$ Pu&p $iction.. 5 don#t (now who it is, b*t
there#s a big na$e fe$ale in the $ovie. 5#$ the $*sic s*pervisor for the so*nd trac(. 5t#s $y first
chance ever doing so$ething li(e this... 6e got (&&anis Morresset and all these other big na$e
alternative gro*ps . 5t#s s*pposedly people 5 wo*ld never get with.. 5 got the$ all on the so*nd
trac( -*st to show what (ind of range 5 got.. 5#ll be p*tting that type of so*nd trac( o*t and then 5#ll
be p*tting o*t a rap so*nd trac(. 5#$ gonna do it li(e a +,ac alb*$ with $e doing a whole b*nch
of solo songs and %noop on there doing so$e songs. 1his is -*st to show 5 have a b*siness $ind as
well as a creative $ind. 5 can $a(e $y way in this b*siness besides rapping.
Wat's te one ting you wou&d &i!e peop&e to !now a)out you*
2Pac+ 2*$ber one, when 5 dis y#all..$eaning li(e when yo* co$e *p
to $e and 5#$ not giving yo* the type of reaction that yo* thin( 5 sho*ld
give yo*, it#s not beca*se 5#$ *ngratef*l... 5t#s beca*se 5#$ nervo*s. 5#$
paranoid, 5 -*st got o*t of -ail. 5#ve been shot, cheated lied and fra$ed
and 5 -*st don#t (now how to deal with so $any people giving $e that
$*ch affection. 5 never had that in $y life. %o if 5 do that ..don#t ta(e it
personal..1ry to *nderstand it and see it for what it is.
2ow 5 *nderstand what its tr*ly li(e to be a fine fe$ale who goes to a cl*b and all the g*ys -*st
r*sh yo* before yo*#re ready to be r*shed. Everyone is to*ching yo* before yo*#re ready to get
to*ched. %o now 5 have a better *nderstanding of what it#s li(e to be a wo$an..5 have a better
*nderstanding of fans not $a(ing yo* do things. 5#$ gonna do it beca*se 5 love y#all.. 5 do
appreciate what yo* did ..'*t if yo* $a(e $e do it..then 5 don#t wanna do it.. 5 don#t care how
$any alb*$s yo* bro*ght. y fans to $e are people who follow $e who are down for $e..who
*nderstand $e and no $atter what people say, they (now $e...beca*se they#ve followed $e
thro*gh $y career.
A lot of people -*st bro*ght $y alb*$.. 5 b*y alb*$s all the ti$e. 5 -*st b*y the$ to listen to...5f
yo* bro*ght $y alb*$, yo* bro*ght it for the $*sic. 8o* didn#t b*y it so when yo* see $e, 5 -*st
brea( down and start eating yo* o*t. 5 don#t li(e that.. .on#t start e)torting $e for an a*tograph.
5#$ real. 5 give a*tographs when 5 want to...5 wanna be in this ga$e for a long ti$e. 5 don#t ever
wanna hate the fans 1hat#s what these other nigg*hs do. 1hey $ight give yo* a*tographs all the
ti$e, b*t they hate yo*. 1hey never even loo( at yo* li(e people. 5 do loo( at yo* li(e people.
1hat#s why 5 feel li(e 5 can loo( yo* in yo*r eye and say #8o 5 don#t feel li(e doing that right now..
5 don#t feel li(e signing no a*tographs. and yo* sho*ld *nderstand. 5 loo( at yo* li(e a h*$an
being. !et#s (ic( it..!ets not ta(e pict*res..let#s (ic( it. .o that.. 5 want so$e fe$ales to do that...
Every fe$ale wanna co$e *p to $e and show $e how $*ch they#re not attracted to$e.. .o the
opposite ca*se these ghetto girls..these $inority wo$en..they#re the only wo$en 5 can get ca*se
every one else is scared of $e. 1heir parents tell the$ not to $ess with $e.. 8#all can#t fade $e.
8#all can#t t*rn on $e .on#t change on $e.. %tay down for $e..#ca*se 5 stay down for yo* and don#t
e)tort $e *nless yo* intend to do it forever.
$ive years %rom now wat do you see yourse&% doing*
2Pac+.. 5 see $yself having a -ob on Deat Row...being the AA" person and an artist that drop
an alb*$ li(e Pau& Mc1artney every five years. 2ot that 5#$ li(e ,a*l c?artney b*t there#s no
rapper who ever did it so that#s why 5 *se hi$ as an e)a$ple... '*t 5 wanna do it at leis*re. y
$*sic will $ean so$ething and 5#ll drop deeper shit. 5#ll have $y own prod*ction co$pany which
5#$ close to right now...5#$ doing $y own $ovies. 5 have $y own resta*rant...which 5 got right
now with (&&anis or Suge or Snoop. 5 -*st wanna e)pand. 5#$ starting to p*t o*t so$e calendars
for charity. 5#$ gonna start a little yo*th leag*e in ?alifornia so we can start playing so$e east
coast tea$s..so$e so*thern tea$s ...5 wanna have li(e a ,op 6arner !eag*e e)cept the rappers
f*nd it and they#re the head coaches. &ave a leag*e where yo* can get a big trophy with dia$onds
in it for a nigg*h to stay dr*g free and stay in school. 1hat#s the only way yo* can be on the tea$.
6e#ll have f*n and eat pi00a and have the finest girls there and throw concerts at the end of the
year. 1hat#s what 5 $ean by giving bac(.
5nterview by Sway of Te Wa!e #p Sow...it first aired on KE!#s Westside Radio on April 19
1996.. 1ranscribed by KE!#s Davey D
c 1996

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