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First published in 1967 in commemoration of the

50th anniversary of the Russian Revolution

This is an Internet version of Victor Vashi's original
book, which is long out of print and the publisher no
longer exists. The message of this book is so vital and
well delivered we felt it a shame not to share it with
the world. Especially considering the recent attempts
by ussia's ruling elite to bring back the glory of the
good old !"".
The content below was reproduced from a tribute fan
site, dedicated entirely to #r. Vashi's
book. $e've been linking to that site before, but
decided to post it here as well because we've had prior
bad experiences with disappearing websites, and this
material is too precious to let it disappear.
In %&'(, many people, $est and East, are celebrating the )*th
+nniversary of the ,-lorious, .ctober evolution. To help people
understand more about what they are celebrating, we offer a few
slices of the anniversary cake. $e hope no one gets indigestion.
March, 1917
+fter the overthrow of the /0ar and his government, the people
of ussia began their uphill rush toward democracy. The
1olshevik 2arty worked among the intellectuals, laborers and
peasants striving toward the peak. The 2arty pulled a small and
well disciplined organi0ation behind it.
The 2arty unselfishly led the way to the top.
October, 1917
.nce on top, the 2arty insisted upon assuming the
thankless 3ob of ruling, generously waving aside all
This is what they celebrate nowadays as the -reat
.ctober evolution.
4enin, the great teacher who engineered the .ctober
evolution, translated #arxism to fit ussian
conditions. Its philosophy5 The end 3ustifies the means.
Its goal5 /ommuni0ation of the $orld.
1ut, first of all, order had to be established at home.
This was done by abolishing the /0ar and his family,
the nobility, the landlords, the bourgeoisie, the c0arists,
the capitalists, the #ensheviks and other kinds of 6ists
and 6iks. ,...Terror cannot be dispensed with..., said
4enin and his words were carried out to the letter.
The "oviets' love for their fellow men never recogni0ed
borders. The new !krainian epublic was allowed to
3oin the new ussian "oviet epublics...,voluntarily.,
The independence of the new -eorgian epublic was
also granted by the "oviets in %&7%. To ,guarantee, this
,independence,, the "oviets incorporated -eorgia into
the "oviet !nion eight months later, after ed +rmy
4enin's death did not stop progress. "talin, translating
4enin's translation of #arx, announced the same
philosophy5 The end 3ustifies the means8 and the same
goal5 /ommuni0ation of the world. 1ut, the methods
became a bit more direct in "talin's translation.
The first 9ive :ear 2lan needed a labor force. "o a great
recruiting began 66 with many fringe benefits promised
for all. To get skilled labor the 2arty established labor
camps, where people ;without charge< were taught how
to work. "ometimes they were referred to as
,concentration camps,, because they represented the
blessings of /ommunism in a concentrated form.
9ood was scarce, creating some discontent in certain
groups who had not found enough calories in
/ommunist theories. The 2arty had a simple and
effective method to create more food per capita.
$hen the 2arty finished, there were ten million fewer
dissatisfied people.
Industry and property belonged to the workers. The
"tate is the instrument of the people also. "o in the
name of the people, the "tate took all industry and
property from ,incompetent and sabotaging, private
"iberia, with its tremendous wasteland, offered an
unlimited future for pioneers willing to take the risk.
The will was supplied by the -overnment and millions
marched toward their glorious future 66 however short it
turned out to be.
Everyone had to measure up to the rigorous demands of
the =ew ussia 66 and the 2arty provided the yardstick.
The 2arty sponsored everything that had been
,repressed, by the /0ars. +rt, science, literature 66
every aspect of culture 66 was given a helping hand by
the 2arty, which insisted that every ussian keep an
open mind.
9reedom of the press was strictly enforced.
eligious freedom was applied e>ually to every church.
.ld #an ?istory underwent some alterations. 2arts
which did not fit were rearranged, useless ones thrown
away and more suitable parts introduced. The
rearranging of ?istory remains an important and
demanding task in 2eople's @emocracies to this day.
The outside world watched, with great interest, the iron curtain of the
great shop where the ,liberation, of mankind was being fabricated.
.ccasionally, unmistakable signs of ,progress, leaked out.
#uch impressed, the outside world did not hesitate to
accept the new ussia into its ranks. +nd the new
ussia did not hesitate to spread its good will to the rest
of the world.
@iplomatic acceptance gave the "oviets an opportunity
to call for the laborers of the world to unite. The
laborers of the "oviet !nion, of course, were already
!nity is re>uired not only among the rank and file but
in the higher echelons of the 2arty. There, as
everywhere, unity is based on mutual trust. #utual
trust, in turn, is the fountain of party discipline all over
the world.
It was embarrassing, though, when the highest "oviet
courts had to announce that the top echelons of the
2arty were full of traitors and hoodlums with sick
twisted minds ;including some of the founders<.
The 2arty was obliged, however reluctantly, to remove
these undesirable elements.
The Iron /urtain stayed closed. 1ehind it, in a friendly
manner, family >uarrels were settled, and settled, and
settled again.
"ometimes the hand of 3ustice had to reach far out, even
abroad. 1ut most of the delin>uents were within easy
+fter the public trials of the fallen leaders, thousands of
their faithful followed then without any publicity 66
from there to eternity.
In the !kraine, Ahrushchev, himself a !krainian, did a highly
commendable cleanup 3ob 66 even by "talin's standards.
9rom time to time, the "oviets took time out to
daydream about the ultimate goal 66 all the people of the
world peacefully and happily united under /ommunist
In %&B& a wonderful opportunity for world peace came
from the most unexpected source. +lthough the "oviets
opposed 9ascist dictatorship and imperialism, they saw
a means which could be used to further the ultimate
triumph of the /ommunist brand of "ocialism. +
mutual non6aggression agreement was made with
?itler invaded 2oland and the "oviets moved in to
prevent the =a0is from taking over the whole country.
The "oviets murdered some %%,*** 2olish officers and
intellectuals at Aatyn 9orest and peace and order were
established in 2oland, for a while.
To the north, Estonia, 4atvia and 4ithuania were
en3oying freedom from the ussian yoke 66 though their
3oy was fre>uently disturbed by nightmares.
The "oviets soon made those dreams come true. "ince
they were unac>uainted with the "oviet way of life,
Estonia, 4atvia and 4ithuania were given a
concentrated course to catch up with it.
The "oviets decided they would liberate only part of
9inland. +nd ever since they have lived in friendly
=ow the ,warlike, 9inns started difficulties for the
,peace6loving, "oviets. They were actually
shooting backC The campaign was brought to a
victorious close by the superior strategy and
tactical knowledge of the "oviets.
"ince the "oviets had succeeded so easily in adding
territories with sometimes uneasy consent of their =a0i
ally 66 they took a modest bite of tasty umania. Then
1ukovina and 1essarabia were annexed and
incorporated into the "oviet !nion, according to the
wish of the people ;in the Aremlin that is<.
+fter ?itler's unbelievable treachery, the invasion of
ussia, the "oviets were eager to lend a helping hand to
the +llies in order to save them from the perils of war
and defeat.
Encouraged by the "oviets, the people of $arsaw
revolted against ?itler's bloody tyranny. ?itler reacted
with all of his mad fury. 1ecause it could not bear to
watch the awful sight, the "oviet +rmy stopped short of
$arsaw for more than two months until the carnage
was ended.
To console themselves, ussia annexed the eastern part
of 2oland and northern East 2russia.
Then came the big "ummit /onference 66 Teheran,
#oscow, :alta and 2otsdam. The 1ig Three came to
settle the post6war world, but one player forgot the
cards, and another forgot the chips. $hile they were
looking for a new deck, ussia took the pot.
The Tehran, :alta, and 2otsdam conferences will long
be remembered, for at them the foundations of the post6
war world were pulled into place. It wasn't an easy
accomplishment 66 everyone had to pull together.
In %&D) the "oviets were finally allowed by the allies to win the
war and liberate eastern Europe, cutting the ropes of =a0i slavery.
The glorious ed +rmy liberated 2oland, /0echoslovakia,
?ungary, umania, +lbania, 1ulgaria, the eastern part of
-ermany and the eastern half of +ustria. The "oviets have given
these people full membership in the "oviet Empire with no
strings attached.
ussia had a non6aggression pact with Eapan, which
prevented most Eapanese interference with shipments of
supplies to ussia through the 2acific. This
arrangement was so convenient that for two months in
%&D) the "oviet Embassy in Tokyo concealed Eapanese
attempts to surrender.
1ut when the atomic bomb shattered Eapanese
resistance, there was no longer any need to honor some
words written on a piece of paper. $hen Eapan asked
the +llies for surrender terms, ussia declared war on
Eapan, knowing that neutrals seldom get near the spoils.
To even the loose ends in the after6war chaos, and to
relieve some liberated countries from administrative
burdens, the "oviets annexed /arpathian uthenia from
/0echoslovakia8 one tenth of 9inland, the epublic of
Tanna Tuva8 the #anchurian railroads from /hina,
"outhern "akhalin, the entire string of Aurile Islands
from Eapan, and #ongolia from /hina.
The heroic ed +rmy took every opportunity to spread
culture and persuade the newly liberated peoples to give
up immoral capitalism. #uch was accomplished for
when one begins to liberate, it's hard to stop.
2eaceful coexistence ;otherwise known as salami
slicing< began between the /ommunists and their
Tiny particles ;sometimes known as infiltrators< are put
inside the salami. These particles operate from the
inside, while the /ommunists work from the outside.
If the salami disappeared all at once its departure would
be too obvious. 1esides, whole salami is usually 3ust
too much to swallow. 1ut thin slices are easy to gulp
down and few pay attention. /ertainly even fewer will
risk anything to save a single slice. "o before long, the
whole salami has been consumed and digested.
2eaceful coexistence has its economic side too.
Vigorous import6export activities began immediately
after liberation. Trains, loaded with goods and goodies,
rolled back and forth between the "oviet !nion and the
countries, bringing the benefits of the great "oviet
culture and civili0ation, and much needed economic
$ith all these methods the "oviets established a loyal and firm
alliance, often referred to by the $est as the ,satellite system.,
.ccasionally, changes had to be made at home.
,I have to announce that /omrade /ommissar has been
relieved of his post 66 for health reasons...,
The "oviets had many conferences with the $estern
2eople thought the four would make beautiful music
together. 1ut the >uartet could not get in harmony, with
the record player repeating the old tune over and over
The conferences were gay occasions, full of cultural
exchanges, during which the "oviets demonstrated their
version of the ,one6step., They would take ten steps
forward on somebody's property. $hen too many
complained, they pulled one step back, displaying
willingness to compromise. +midst the great re3oicing.
#ost were happy to forget the net gain of nine steps for
the "oviets.
Technology was far from ignored in the
"oviet !nion. + miracle machine was built.
It worked on the principle of automation5
namely, non6thinking machines can
eliminate thinking people, 3ust an updating
of the old philosophy ,the end 3ustifies the
4ong before "putnik, the "oviets invented a new form
of insect life, the /oldwarnik, and sent it orbiting
around the world.
To demonstrate their love for peace, the "oviets staged
impressive peace conferences in 2rague, "tockholm,
2aris, and other places. They were determined to extend
the olive branch, even if it killed somebody.
In an outburst of friendliness the "oviet desired to make
an ally of =orthern Iran, and moved in with the glorious
ed +rmy. 1ut a rare thing happened5 the != stiffened
its spine and called off the one6sided love affair.
+lso for the love of peace, the "oviets encouraged
#arkos to liberate -reece from the yoke of the $est.
1ut, after the alleged defection of :ugoslavia's Tito
from the Aremlin line, this pro3ect had to be abandoned.
Thousands of -reek children who were kidnapped are
still in Iron /urtain countries.
Tito's defection from the Aremlin line seemed to be a nasty crack in the
otherwise smooth ice. 1ut Tito never made any real trouble for the
Aremlin and never will. In fact, his ,break, helped the "oviets to
recogni0e the necessity of taking certain precautions to prevent cracks
in the other satellites.
9irst of all the "oviets had to protect the newly gained freedom of these
peoples from enslaving efforts of the $est.
They established peoples' armies in the liberated countries.
The standard of living was increased by raising the value of the ruble.
They developed industries in these countries and solved
the problem of marketing by milking these industries of
most of their products.
%une, 19!$
To show how thoroughly they honored treaties, in case
anyone had any doubts, the "oviets threw a blockade
around 1erlin. The $est responded to the "oviet
whistle with the air6lift dance, and politely let the
"oviets have complete control of the ground routes to
+t about the same time, to underline their love for peace,
the "oviets began to shoot down unarmed $estern planes,
which with obvious warmongering intentions happened to
stray too close to ussian fighter planes. They decorated
their brave fighter pilots with great fanfare.
The "oviets were naturally irritated by the protests of
the $estern +llies about the repeated "oviet blockades
of the 1erlin land routes. "o they established the
sovereign East -erman "ocialist epublic to give the
$est an authority to turn to concerning blockades and
similar matters.
The /ommunist apparatus formed rings around the earth, made
up of assorted political idealists, social misfits, bonafide spies,
traitors and pleaders of the 9ifth +mendment. +ll served the
Aremlin cause in one way or another.
9rom the beginning, a tremendous emphasis was put on
industrial development to further peace and improves
the standard of living of the people.
1ig postwar changes began to show in +sia.
$ith the blessings of the world and the help of the
"oviets, /hina was liberated by agrarian reformers.
Their first concern was the fertili0ation of the soil, and
they began by plowing under countless millions of
/hinese farmers.
1y %&)* the world had wondered why it had opened its door to the spirit of the new times.
The /hinese did not sit still while their hundreds of
thousands of volunteers were fighting in Aorea. "ince
Tibet had not had an agrarian reform program for years,
ed /hina took pity on the backward nation, and began
the softening up and fertili0ation of Tibet's rocky soil.
The 1ig 4eap 9orward had begun.
The game was the same in Aorea, but
the reformers took >uite a few steps
!ntil Aorea, the "oviets were always on hand with their
veto when there was hope for peace and international
3ustice. ?aving walked out in a huff, they were not in
the !.=. when it voted to intervene in Aorea.
1ut when the battle field moved >uickly toward the north, the
"oviets could abstain no longer. They proposed negotiations
and the battlefront fro0e. +nd so, the $est went for another
+ustria was a friendly country during the war, 3ust like 2oland,
/0echoslovakia, and +lbania. "o special efforts were made to develop
its industry and natural resources in the "oviet6occupied 0one to the
$hen the occupation of +ustria ended after eight years of conerences,
there was not much left in the eastern part of the country.
That the "oviets were always eager to extend a helping
hand to people fighting for their freedom was readily
demonstrated when some scattered reactionary elements
in the East -ermany instigated rioting.
Through all these perilous times, the "oviets worked hard to protect a peaceful
image, but usually managed to reveal where they really stood.
The "oviets did not abandon their enthusiasm for
nationalism ;outside the Iron /urtain<. They strongly
supported +lgiers, Egypt, "yria, all the +rab nations,
the new +frican states and 4atin +merica in their
nationalistic efforts.
The economic and cultural development of
underdeveloped countries was a pet pro3ect of the
"oviets. + heavy flow of aid constantly poured into
Viet =am needed reform too, so ed /hina carried the
torch into Viet =am and helped harvest the rice. They
are still in =orthern Viet =am and are eager to carry the
torch in a southerly direction.
"ince the "oviets had nothing to lose and the $est
nothing to gain, the "oviets agreed to a summit
conference in -eneva which distilled a certain spirit.
The spirit was served with smiles at vodka parties,
brought great relief to the world, and lingered on for
>uite a while after the conference.
$hen Ahrushchev, in tears, focused the white light of
,truth, on the late "talin, the world was deeply touched
and concluded that /ommunism was beginning to
9or those inside the party, /ommunism, since its
beginning, has followed a straight party line. It only
looks crooked from the outside.
"oviet diplomacy marched on with firm steps, never
faltering, signing treaty after treaty.
9rom %&%( until the -eneva "ummit /onference the
"oviets signed fifty6two agreements with the $est.
.nly two have been kept by the "oviets, who for all
their attributes are forgetful now and again.
=owadays the Aremlin's daydreaming is not entirely
undisturbed. =ightmares do occur. The image of a happy
/ommunist world is distorted by slanted eyes looking back at
the daydreamer.
+nd behind the iron /urtain, the satellites grew in their
understanding that lemonade is very healthy, but not for the
+fter Ahrushchev's revelation about his former boss,
some ignorant 2oles took him at his word and thought
all the wrongs committed by the late "talin would be
The "oviets were >uick to straighten out such
reactionary thinking.
October ", 1956
The dust had barely settled in 2oland when the ?ungarian people
borrowed the idea of a -lorious .ctober evolution from their
"oviet friends.
1ut 4enin had said that revolutions are not exportable. "o the great
"oviet friend of the ?ungarian people crushed, very efficiently, a
stubborn band of ,$estern agents, fighting with smuggled
,$estern weapons.,
$hile "oviet troops 3oined the ?ungarians in their revolt, the $est
considered what it could possibly do. "ympathy was >uickly extended
by some, and other courses of action were discussed. Then to
everyone's great relief, the != got busy. There was even talk of
sending notes, but no one seemed to know where.
"ome powers decided this was the right moment to
settle differences about "ue0. The "oviets, as always,
protectors of international law and 3ustice, were >uick
to cry ,bloody murder.,
Thanks to the tanks of the glorious "oviet +rmy, peace
was restored in ?ungary and all was >uiet again on the
Eastern 9ront.
+ large scale cultural exchange was begun to re6educate the ?ungarian
people. Transportation to the famous "oviet educational system was
free, and the trains are still rolling.
/ultural exchange between the East and $est was becoming a reality
shortly after the execution of Imre =agy, ?ungary's 2rime minister
during the revolt. =agy had asked for $estern intervention, but only
the ussians cared enough to intervene. Time erases most bad
memories, however, and before long artists and tourists swarmed back
and forth across the borders.
The famous "oviet education system cares dearly for all
countries' education. Thousands of youth from the
continents of 4atin +merica, Europe, +frica, and +sia
get generous scholarships to #oscow !niversity where
they are taught the intricacies of history, struggle of the
classes, 2sychological warfare, 2hilosophy, #arxism6
4eninism6"talinism6Ahrushchevism, and agitation6
propaganda techni>ues
+midst all this culture, political changes were
necessary. +gain it became apparent that the kremlin
was full of crooks. "o with #arshal Fhukov's help
Ahrushchev put the Aremlin under new management.
$ith #r. Ahrushchev in the picture the old goals
remained the same. #arx translated by 4enin, translated
by "talin, was now interpreted by Ahrushchev 66 and
the goal was still ,world con>uest.,
The "oviets discovered the power of education long ago. $ith intense
study and the data obtained from the $est in various ways, ussian
science made tremendous advances. The whole world, therefore, was
left gasping, when the first "putnik was fired into orbit while the three
services in the 2entagon were fighting over which one should have
priority in the missile field.
Then #arshal Fhukov was fired into oblivion by Ahrushchev, as an
example of his gratitude for having helped him into absolute power.
+nxious to keep sowing reform in +sia, the /hinese agrarian
reformers, after ac>uiring a few islands for nothing, tried to harvest
Guemoy and #atsu also.
In /uba a revolution changed rulers and since then infidelity is not at
all rewarding. 9idel /astro insists the shape of one's beard is one's own
+fter the first "putnik came a bigger one, giving man's
best friend a free ride into space. This added prestige to
"oviet diplomacy, which orbits relentlessly around the
$hen 4unik hit the moon, Ahrushchev hit the !.". 9rom
$ashington @./. to @isneyland, the "oviet leader delivered his
message of, ,4et there be peace and brotherhood 6 or elseC,
In the meantime, ,foreign agents, provoked an ,uprising, in
Tibet as they had in ?ungary in .ctober, %&)'. ed /hina
responded and so did the free world. There was talk in the !=,
but only the @alai 4ama cared enough about so small a slice of
salami to make a move.
ed /hinese surveyors went to work on
India's border and happened to step out of
bounds. the Indians excused the trespassing
again and again until the big6booted /hinese
convinced even =ehru they meant to walk all
over him.
ussia wanted a "ummit #eeting with the $estern
powers, or so it seemed. 1ut when a $esterner named
2owers dropped in expectantly, giving Ahrushchev the
excuses he needed, A. cried, ,!67,, and claimed a foul.
The 2aris peace meeting blew ?6bomb high.
=ever one to forget a good idea, the "oviets can be
expected to extend an invitation for another "ummit
/onference. There will be a new "pirit at the conference
table, but the old spirits will be present too.
In need of a new forum, #r. A. put in a personal
appearance at the !=. ?e introduced some new
techni>ues in diplomacy, almost lost a shoe, but stole
the show while his ,little helpers, cheered on.
9reedom in the /ongo meant the return of the law of
the 3ungle. The "oviets were eager to cut a clear path
through it, leading to #oscow of course. The !=, with
?ammersk3old in high command, plunged into the
picture, but the situation remained somewhat tangled.
4aos is an underdeveloped country, so the "oviets are
eager to develop it. To establish schools, hospitals,
industry, modern agriculture and peace, the "oviets air6
dropped arms, ammunition and military technicians8
because first chaos has to be developed. .ut of chaos
emerges /ommunist culture.
#eanwhile ussia was deeply engaged in conversations
about cease6fire talks.
"ince man's best friends had been in orbit for years, it was high
time for man himself to 3oin them. #a3or -regarine received the
highest honor in ussia, higher than the 4enin order5 ?e got a
private apartment.
East -ermany was a full sack, but it had a leak. @ay after
day thousands were foolish enough to choose the $est in
preference to /ommunist 2aradise.
"o one morning the $all was there, built, of course, to
prevent people from the $est from entering the /ommunist
2aradise without permission.
There is an old /ommunist game. ,@emand and
/ompromise., =owadays it has become so popular, and
rewarding, that more and more are eager to play it all
over the world. Especially since :alta, #alta, 2otsdam,
Teheran, -eneva, ad infinitum.
The 1ay of 2igs taught 9idel a lesson5 that he could do 3ust
about anything he pleased. ?e raised the ed 9lag, opened
his mouth even wider and stepped up the export of /uban
,tourists, to other 4atin +merican countries.
+s a friendly gesture, the !.".".. planted some very
special ,edwoods, ;Sequoia sempervirens< in /uba. +fter
an unfriendly gesture from the !."., the "oviets took their
crop back ;or at least pretended they did<. 1ut they left the
room for 9idel to nurture.
Sic transit Gloria Mundi
;"o passes the glory of the world<
?e who had put so many to rest was not to rest in
peace. "talin was dragged from his coffin and buried
for good by the #aster 1urier himself.
In %&'D, /hairman Ahrushchev was elevated to the status of
Elder "tatesman. "ince then the volume form the Aremlin has
been turned down but the message remains the same.
The "oviets rode high as the standard bearer of freedom
and opponent of colonialism.
The ultimate goal, of course, remains the same. $hether it
will be carried out under the rule of #oscow or of 2eaking,
or at all, remains to be seen. 1ut try they will, as they
always have.
&O '()& )& *RO+R,&&-
"ince %&%( the ,liberation, of the world by the "oviets has been moving along. The !kraine was liberated in
%&%H, -eorgia in %&7%. In %&B&, with ?itler as an ally, the pace accelerated. 9irst came the three 1altic states of
Estonia, 4atvia and 4ithuania. Then parts of 9inland, and in %&D* 1essarabia and 1ukovina, were unshackled
from #other umania. The same occurred to eastern 2oland and northern East 2russia.
Then ?itler changed the script in %&D% and put a temporary stop to. The unchaining, but friendship with the
$est got the liberation train rolling again and gave the "oviets an opportunity to perfect their strategy.
2oland became an ally of the $est, but the section liberated by ussia stayed that way. 9rom allied
/0echoslovakia the "oviets set at liberty the /arpathian uthenia8 and from allied /hina the province of Tannu6
Tuva, the #anchurian railroads, @airen and 2ort +rthur. =ot wishing to be accused of taking only from friends,
ussia hastily tore up its non6aggression pact with Eapan after the =ipponese were beaten, declared war and
annexed "outhern "akhalin and the entire string of Aurile Islands.
1ut emancipation was not always accomplished by formal annexation. In one year, %&D), ussia liberated
friendly 2oland ;what was left of it<, the balance of /0echoslovakia, eastern -ermany, ?ungary, and the
remains of umania, 1ulgaria, friendly :ugoslavia and +lbania. In +sia, #ongolia and northern Aorea were
taken into the ,2eace /amp, the same way.
/hina was liberated in %&D& and then did some unchaining of its own. In. %&)* Tibet was unfettered, and in
%&)D northern Viet =am. In %&)& some parts of India were 3oined to Tibet, which has been a sub3ect of
continuous liberation.
The ,2eace /amp, followers have now managed to ,liberate, about H** million people and five and one6half
million s>uare miles of land. +nd the tide is still rolling. The ,deliverance, of /uba by /astro has been
acknowledged as a /ommunist opening wedge in the $estern ?emisphere. In other 4atin +merican countries,
in new and old +frican states and in +sia, ,progress, is very promising. +nd when the world is all one slave
camp, there is always outer spaceC
2leasant dreams children ... diplomats ... and politicians.
+bout the +uthor
VI/T. V+"?I is a gentle soul who loves babies, dogs, cats and +merica. + graduate of the
?ungarian oyal +cademy of 9ine +rts, he turned cartoonist for one of 1udapest, ?ungary's
leading newspapers, Orai Ujsag.
#r. Vashi cartooned his way through the years of =a0i and "oviet occupation of his country.
?e emerged from these experiences with no visible changes in his optimistic outlook or sunny
The =a0is ,loved, his tart cartoons, so much so that they ordered him to stay on for fifteen years. 9ortunately,
he managed to be engaged elsewhere during his ,trial, and never served the sentence.
The ussians later became e>ually ,fond, of his humor. ?e was locked in solitary confinement and was
overlooked the day they cleaned out the -odollo 2rison /amp, sending all able6bodied males to "iberia. This
undoubtedly saved his life, but left him available for a ,death march, to another concentration camp. Thus
began his /ommunist indoctrination.
In @ecember of %&D' #r. Vashi managed to escape to +ustria. In the process of making his way to +merica, he
cartooned for a number of European newspapers including the "al0burger =achten, $einer Aurier, ?ungaria of
#unich, Emigrans "0abad of 2aris and 2raat of +msterdam.
#r. Vashi seriously considered writing a book, but after thinking it over decided to tell a story in cartoons, this
time for the benefit of ,children and diplomats., This primer is the result.

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