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CEO/PRESIDENT/CFO 813.514.7782

Results-oriented Executive as CEO, President, and CFO of diverse and multi-site health care and
manufacturing operations, both publicly-owned and private equity owned. Expert in strategic planning,
M&A, growing companies, refinancing, and turnarounds. A visionary and a leader with a reputation of
achieving aggressive goals. Analytical and decisive, with excellent negotiation and team-building skills.

Career Highlights:
Recently led the turnaround of a negative-growth and nearly bankrupt national healthcare company,
followed by the successful sales of its subsidiaries.
Helped guide Columbia Healthcare into becoming the largest hospital company. Led, negotiated, and
assimilated multiple hospital, home health, multi-specialty physician practice, and other healthcare
acquisitions. Achieved in excess of twenty percent revenue growth in mature $1 billion division.
Received award at World Business Forum for Essay on Participatory Management from Bill George,
Harvard professor and former CEO of Medtronics.
Provided executive sales training to international multi-billion dollar equipment manufacturer and to
a national software consulting services firm.
Developed and implemented long-range strategic plans that helped obtain increases in revenues and
EBIDTA in excess of 20 percent.
Created and implemented a division-wide customer service plan, modeled after the Ritz Carlton
program, that almost immediately increased revenues by 20 percent.
Led the assimilation of two large hospital mergers, HCA and Humana hospitals, into my Division.
Developed and implemented a successful comprehensive reorganization and refinancing plan for
Basic American Medical that led to a seven fold increase in the market value of our stock.


JWT Investments: 2013 - Present
CEO and President of business consulting and private investment firm

DORMIR, INC.: 2010 - 2012
CEO and President
Dormir consisted of three divisions totaling $40 million of revenue 1. National sleep apnea management
and diagnostic services. 2. National provider of respiratory DME services and products (CPAP and Oxygen).
3. Clinical trials research studies.
Brought in to turn around Dormir and avoid bankruptcy. Its revenues were declining, it was losing
money, and it was near bankruptcy.
Immediately developed and implemented a strategic plan and eliminated a failing strategy and
business group.
Within three months, turned around a negative EBITDA into a positive one.
Within two months, obtained additional equity and refinanced significant debt.
Followed that up with an exit strategy that successfully sold the business segments.

CEO and President of business consulting and private investment firm
Major investments have been in real estate, technology, and biotech.
Consulting assignments include Philips Healthcare in The Netherlands and Edgewater Technologies
in Boston.


Division included six hospitals, four ambulatory surgery centers, a 100+ multi-specialty physicians practice
group, hospital-based nursing, physical rehabilitation and psychiatric units, and a division-wide home health
agency. Annual gross revenues of $1.1 billion. Had 15 direct reports and total employees of 5,000.

Promoted to grow revenues. Oversaw all operations, including contract approval, acquisitions,
marketing, public relations, strategic planning, and capital expenditures.
Realized a 20% increase in revenues from higher admissions after launching a new customer service
training program modeled after that of the Ritz Carlton. Awarded employees for outstanding service
and implemented an incentive program for increased admissions. Held repeated presentations to
staff and persuaded subsidiary Presidents to adopt the program as their number one priority.
Developed and implemented a comprehensive strategic plan for each subsidiarys aggressive growth
plans. Focus was on acquisitions, customer service programs, marketing and public image.
Designed and developed market data bases that targeted areas of our markets where we had the
greatest opportunity to increase revenues. Efforts resulted in 10 to 15% increases in profitability.
Successfully and quickly integrated merged and acquired operations.

Group consisted of 60 hospitals, 20 ambulatory surgery centers, several physician practice groups, and
skilled nursing and rehab facilities, in addition to home health agencies. Gross revenue was $10 billion and
EBIDTA was in excess of $1 billion.
Promoted to oversee the financial operations, strategic planning, financial planning, acquisitions due
diligence, and cash management of four divisions, covering the entire state of Florida.
Initiated, negotiated, and closed acquisitions of two of the largest and highest quality home health
companies in the U.S. Implemented the acquisitions into all sixty hospitals, which added several
million dollars to profitability and increased cash flow.
Led due diligence of three large, tertiary care hospitals in addition to other hospital and healthcare-
related companies and their subsequent integration into the Florida Group. Indoctrinated the
leadership on Columbias operations to ensure a quick and smooth transition.
Implement a sophisticated rate modeling program through all 60 hospitals, establishing the rates of
each hospital. Program increased profitability by over $3 million annually, eliminated unnecessary
charges, and established competitive prices.
Won the annual award and prize as Columbias Outstanding Group CFO.

Responsible for overall financial operations, financial planning, cash management, and acquisitions due
diligence for the division, where gross revenues were $1 billion. Division consisted of 17 hospitals, a home
health agency, and skilled nursing, rehab and psychiatric units.
Conceptualized and championed the idea of acquiring the best, highest quality and most reputable
home health companies in Southwest Florida, and then, initiated and acquired two large agencies.
Secured an exclusive county-wide healthcare contract that had previously gone to the competition.
This brought in $1+ million annually in revenue.
Oversaw the assimilation of nine hospitals into the Division, quickly integrating their various cultures
into one cohesive plan, focusing on market growth in their area.

BASIC AMERICAN MEDICAL, INC., Indianapolis, IN: 1985 1992

Basic American Medical was a diversified global healthcare company with gross revenues in excess of
$1 billion. Responsible for debt financing, cash management and investing, financial planning, financial
reporting, both to the SEC and the public, and investor relations.
Developed a reorganization plan to dispose of operations that were losing money, and then led the
process in initiating and executing their dispositions.
Developed and implemented profit improvement plans for the other operations. Efforts resulted in
an immediate return to profitability and increasing market value seven fold within a few years.
Won acclaim from the Board of Directors for the reorganization plan that resulted four years later in
a merger with Columbia Healthcare at a significant premium to Basic American Medicals publicly
traded price.
Refinanced and financed several senior and subordinated debt issues totaling in excess of $100

ARTHUR ANDERSEN & CO., Indianapolis, IN. 1977 1984
Senior Manager, Senior Auditor

B.S., Business Administration (concentration in Accounting and Economics), University of Indianapolis.
Former CPA

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