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Learning Assessment Strategies

Field Study
Episode 1

My Target
At the end of this activity, I will be keen at identifying and naming different assessment
methods in the classroom.

Name of FS Student: Lenmark O. Chavez
Course: BEED 1V
Resource Teacher: Mrs. Pastias and Mrs. Santizo
Cooperating School: Mabini Elementary School



Name of the School Observed: Mabini Elementary School
School Address: Date Visited:
Grade/Year Level: Grade 5 and grade 1 Subject Area: Science

(Bulleted description of how the assessment
method is used relative to subject matter, levels
of learning behaviour, length, etc.)


Oral questioning
It is done by giving the
pupils/students a question
which would test if they have
learned in their lesson for
that day.

This assessment is done by
giving the pupils/students a
task to answer or to do under
the supervision of the

The pupils/students are given
the chance to say or to
express their thoughts in a
specific question.

Name of the School Observed: Mabini Elementary School
School Address: Date Visited:
Grade/Year Level: Grade v and 1 Subject Area: Science
(Bulleted description of how the assessment
method is used relative to subject matter, levels
of learning behaviour, length, etc.)



Group discussion

Reading retell

This is given after or before the class starts, for
it measures how much learning has gained by
the pupils.

This assessment helps the learners to have an
idea of the next lessons.

It is done by letting the learners be with other
learners to share their own views, thoughts
and opinions about their topic or accordance
to their topic. This will helps learners to gain
more knowledge.

This is done by letting the pupils speak or tell
something of what they have read.

Name of the School Observed: Mabini Elementary School
School Address: AranetaHernaez St., Bacolod City Date of Visit:
Grade/Year Level: Second year highschool Subject Area: MAPEH
(Include personal observations and comments below the description)



This is an assessment wherein the pupils are given time to answer a
specific questions.

An assessment tool that gives the pupils an idea of how much they
have learned in a particular topic or in the end of the discussion.

This will help the pupils to have links on the next topic. This is usually
given at the end of the discussion.


Authentic or Alternative

(Include personal observations and comments below the description)
The pupils are asked to retell the reading materials they
have read.
Writing home reading
The pupils are asked to write a paragraph about a particular
Group discussion

The pupils were given the time to share their
personal views about a particular topic and discuss it
or share it in the class.

1. Was there a variety of assessment methods used by the teacher? How relevant was/were
the assessment method/s used?
Yes, there are assessment tools or methods used by the teacher relevant to the topic
but, I think the assessments used are not really enough in assessing pupils learning. Because, it
is more on traditional assessments it is really good if it is more on authentic assessments for
them to be able to retain the topics easily.

2. Do you think the expected students learning behaviours indicated in the objectives were
properly and appropriately assessed through those assessment methods?
Yes, it is properly and appropriately assessed because the results of the
assessment is good and and I can see that the pupils have really learned from
their discussion or from the topic taught to them.


My Reflections
Being a teacher it is our responsible to make an appropriate assessment
tools to be used in assessing students learning inside the classroom not just to
test or to measure their learning or knowledge they have acquired but, also to
measure how effective we are as a teacher. Especially in elementary that we
really need to do a great effort for us to know if we really have shared or impart
knowledge to the young minds.


Episode 2
MY ATM CARD (Available Tests & Measures)

My Target
At the end of this activity, I will be adept in designing, using, and interpreting results of
objective tests.

Name of School Observed: Mabini Elementary School
School Address: Date of Visit: August 31, 2012
Grade/Year Level: Grade v and Grade I Subject Area: Science
Teachers Learning Objectives:
The teachers learning objective prior to the days lesson are as follows: be able to know how to add and;
2. to be able to know how to subtract two numbers

Desired conditions and criterion levels of the learning objectives:
The subject was all about adding and subtracting.
1. 2+4
2. 5+4
3. 6+1
4. 5-3
5. 9-5
Other notes:
Name of FS Student: Lynmark O. Chavez
Course: BEED IV
Resource Teacher: Mrs. Pastias and Mrs. Santizo
Cooperating School: Mabini Elementary School


The teacher conducts a quiz after discussing the topic. And it was good because most of
them got the average scores and there were pupils who got perfect score.

Table of Specification


To identify the number that is one more than the
given number
To identify the number that is one less than the
given number





To compare two sets using the expression fewer
than And more than.



To compare two sets using the expression as
many as.



Pagsulundan: Isulat ang letra sang ensakto nga sabat.
1. Ano nga numero ang sobra isa sang 25?
A. 26 B. 27 C.28
2. Ano ang sobra sa isa ginhatag nga numero? 75
A. 74 B. 76 C. 77
3. Ang 7 sobra isa sang ano nga numero?

A. 6 B. 5 C. 4
4. Ano ang kulang isa sang sa ginhatag nga numero? 38
A. 37 B. 38 C. 36
5. Ano nga numero ang isa kulang sa 19?
A. 17 B. 18 C. 16
6. Ang walo 8 kulang isa sang sa _____.
A. 7 B. 6 C. 5
7. Ipaanggid ang duha ka grupo. Diin ang may mas madamo nga bagay?
A. B. C.
8. Diin ang may mas diutay nga grupo?
A. B. C.

9. Diin nga grupo ang may pareho kadamu?
A. B. C.
1. Do you think the teachers learning objectives was appropriately assessed by your test
Yes, the teachers learning objectives was appropriately assessed by my test items
because through that they able to analyze properly the correct answer asked in the
following items.

2. Why do you have to study the teachers learning objectives prior to developing an
assessment tool?
In making assessment tool for the learners we really need to know the objectives or
goal of the teacher in a specific topic for us to be able to make a good and
appropriate test items for them.

Write your personal reflection of thoughts and feelings regarding Peace Concept on
Focus. Share your reflection with your FS teacher and classmates.
If you are a teacher you should have the attitude of being fair or have the concept of
fairness. Fairness which means you needs to be equal in dealing your students/pupils all the
time. Like, in giving compliment and feedback to them, also you should be fair in making your
assessment tool, you should make an assessment that corresponds to the level capability of
your pupils/students. Because there are learners who are bright or intelligent and there are
also who are slow learners and late bloomer learners.


Episode 3

My Target
At the end of this activity, I will be informed on the principles of authentic assessment
and its usefulness in the classroom.
My way
Authentic assesment is an alternative way of assessing students learning. To be able to use it,
you must first have deep understanding of it.

My Review notes
Authentic Assessment in Action
At Sammamish High School, our staffs have dedicated our professional development to building expertise
in the key elements of problem-based learning. Previous blog entries by my colleagues have given
an overview of this process, as well as exploring how we include student voice and work withauthentic
problems. Another crucial element of successful problem-based learning is using authentic assessment
throughout all stages of a unit to constantly evaluate and improve student learning
Our staffs are still discovering how to best translate cutting edge assessment techniques into old-
fashioned reporting practices. The answers aren't necessarily obvious or easy, but our early returns
suggest that the gains in student learning are certainly worth the effort.

Name of FS Student: Lenmark O. Chavez
Course:BEED IV
Resource Teacher: Mrs. Pastias and Mrs. Santizo
Cooperating School: Mabini Elementary School

Nowadays there are few teachers who are using the traditional assessment tools in
assessing students learning because, we cannot really deny the fact that using
authentic assessment tools is a great help for the pupils/students to gain more
knowledge and it is easy for the learners to retain the lessons they have discussed
because they have experience it or they are hands on.
What is your most meaningful learning from this activity?
My most meaningful learning from this activity is, through this I am able to know
that authentic assessment is a very helpful tool in assessing students performance
or learning in school that we should not depend on traditional way of giving
assessments because, authentic assessment can make the learners think or they
will be able to think comprehensively.

What were your personal strategies in choosing relevant articles to read?
My personal strategies in choosing articles to read are. First i choose those
articles that can catch my attention either in the image that are in the
article or the topic of it also, those that are relevant and I can relate with
and an article which I can get learning on it.

What are your insights and feelings about new trends in classroom assessment?

Question: Do you use authentic assessment in your class?
Answer: Yes, I use authentic assessment in my class so, I would know if my pupils have really
learned by letting them show a demonstration or tell about their learning.
Question: How do you assess group activities in the classroom?
Answer: I assess it by giving them time to think about the topic I have given to them and by
letting them share their thoughts and opinions to their respective groups and after the sharing
of ideas I am letting them speak in the whole class of what they have discussed or I am letting
them demonstrate it on the front it depends on the activity I have given to them.
Question: Is it good to use variety of assessment methods or assessment tools in the
Answer: Yes, it is good that we use variety of assessments methods and tools in the
classroom for us to really measure the strengths and weaknesses of the learner.
Question: How can we say that an assessment tool is accurate and valid?
Answer: We can say that an assessment is accurate and valid if it really measures the learning
of the pupils/students and it connects on the topic you have discussed to the learner.

How did you feel about the teachers experience in the use of authentic assessment?

I think the use of authentic assessment by the teacher in her class is really a big
help and a great factor in giving the learner a good learning process.

What do you think have been the gains enjoyed by the teacher and his/her students from
using authentic assessment?

I think the gains enjoyed by teacher and students in using authentic assessment
are. First, the students enjoyed different experiences and as the same time they
are learning, for the teacher, she will enjoy the performances and presentation of
her pupils and at the same she will easily know if her pupils have learned. And the
pupils will get a variety opinions and ideas which they will enjoy or use in their daily
lives, and for the teacher, she will also learn from her students.


Which part of the teachers use of authentic assessment do you feel like improving or
I think the teachers use of authentic assessment that I feel like improving is in the
way that she use the assessment continuously and let the learners know that
experiences is still the best teacher and also in the way that she keeps on searching
for the best assessments for her pupils/learners and make that assessment a more


Episode 4

My Target
At the end of this activity, I will be skilful in designing process oriented performance

Name of the School Observed: Mabini Elementary School
School Address:
Date of Visit:
Grade/Year Level: Grade V and I
Subject Matter: Science and all

Describe in bullets the performance-based activity you observe.
The presents a story entitled the cat and the rat
The teacher asked her pupils to form a group.
The teacher chooses a leader in each group.
She lets her pupils to act the story she presented and read to them.

Name of FS Student: Lenmark O. Chavez
Course: BEED IV
Resource Teacher: Mrs. Pastias and Mrs. Santizo
Cooperating School: Mabini Elementary School

Based on your observation, make a checklist of the important things you wish to
consider in your performance- based assessment plan. Please use MY
CHECKLIST for this purpose.

My Checklist
Learning objectives
Performance level
Grade Level
Grade I
Learning Objectives
To be able to know and understand the sequencing of events in the



After making your process- oriented assessment plan on a separate paper using your agreed
format, write down a few notes about your plan. Please use the sheet below.

Name of the School Observed: Mabini Elemenary School
School Address:
Date of Visit:
Grade/Year Level:
Subject Matter:

1. What is the best feature of my process- oriented performance
assessment design?
The best feature of my process-oriented performance
assessment is, it will measure or we will be able to see
How the learner works on the tasks given to them and also,
we will be able to know or have a little idea of what kind of
person are your pupils through the use of my process-oriented
performance assessment.

2. What specific conditions are necessary for a successful use of my
process- oriented performance assessment design?
The use of my process-oriented performance assessment
would be successful if that assessment really suits in the level
of the target learner.


3. What basic points should the user of this design consider?
These are the basic points that a user should consider:
Is the assessment useful in the learning process of the
pupils/students or not?
Is it educational or not?
Is the assessment valid, accurate and relevant?

Prepared by: ____________________________________________
Signature of the Fs student over printed name

1. Do you think that your originally designed process-oriented performance assessment can
appropriately assess the teachers learning objective? Why? Why not?
Yes, my originally designed process-oriented performance assessment can
appropriately assess the teachers learning objective because I make sure that I made
it according to the interest of the learners and based on the teachers objective.

2. Why do teachers need to give attention to the students process-oriented tasks? Why do
they need to assess them?
Teachers really need to give attention to the students process oriented task for
him/her to know which part the learner is capable of and which part does the learner
is weak.

3. In what conditions can the process-oriented performance assessment be used more
The process-oriented performance assessment can be used appropriately when you are
going to test their level of capability and to know which part they are more interested.



Write your personal reflection of thoughts and feelings about your personal strategies
for making your efforts successful in this part of your FS.

In making this part of my field study I realized that being a teacher is not really an easy
job. Because you need to look and search for an appropriate assessments for your
students but, at the end it feels so good that after your hardships in making the
assessments you would see the worth of it if your pupils/students have gain or learned
from you. After answering this part of the field study I have learned that using
appropriate assessment can really help in the success of the transformations of the child
and in transferring of knowledge from the teacher to students, from students to teacher
and from students to students.


Episode 5

My Target
At the end of this activity, I will be skilful in designing process-oriented performance

Name of FS Student: Lenmark O. Chavez
Course: BEED IV
Resource Teacher: Mrs. Pastias and Mrs. Santizo
Cooperating School: Mabini Elementary School


Name of School Observed: Mabini Elementary School
School Address: AranetaHernaez St., Bacolod City
Date Visit: September 21, 2012
Grade/Year Level: Grade V and I
Subject Matter: Science

Describe in bullets the product-oriented activity you observe.
The making of animals, trees and flowers that has a defence mechanism.
They would do it by the use of cardboard, styro and other materials that are appropriate
in the element that they would do.



Learning Objectives:
They will be able to make living thing things that has a defence mechanism
They will be able to develop their creative skills

General Product-oriented performance Task:
To make a living things that has a defence mechanism

Target Skills:

Learning Activities (Specific tasks):
They are going to look for living things that has the ability to defend itself from the prey
around them.

Assessment Tasks:
The making of the product will be evaluated through the following criteria:
Quality of materials

Name of School Observed: Mabini Elementary Shool
School Address:
Date Visit:
Grade/Year Level: Grade V and I Section: 15
Subject Matter: Science

What are the best features of my product-oriented performance assessment design?

The best features of my product-oriented performance assessment design are this will
them carry out the best in them or through this they will be able to know if they are
good in that aspect or not.

What specific conditions are necessary for a successful use of my product-oriented
performance assessment design?

This will be successful if it really shows the things that the pupils/students should do to
carry out the best in them.

What basic points should the user of this design consider?

The user should consider if:
The product-oriented performance assessment is related on the topic or not?
If it really helps the pupils/students to carry out the best in them?
If this is assessment educational or not?

1. Do you think your originally design product-oriented performance assessment can
appropriately assess the teachers learning objective? Why? Why not?
Yes, it can appropriately assess the teachers learning objective for the reason that if we
are making an assessment we are make it sure that at the end of the day you have met
you goal or objectives.
2. Why do teachers need to give attention to the students product-oriented tasks? Why do
they need to assess them?
Teachers really need to give attention to the students product-oriented tasks for
him/her to know if that pupil or learner really what she had instructed. And through it
we can see if how creative or what are the uniqueness of each of the learners.

3. In what conditions can the product-oriented performance assessment be need more
This kind of assessment is really need if you are going to test the capability or skills of
the pupils/students to do or to come up a good product.


Write your reflection of thoughts, feelings, personal learning strategies, insights or
new understanding from your experience in using authentic assessment. Then share your
reflection with your FS teacher and classmates. Also draw some insights from your
classmates sharing.
After answering all the questions in this field study I realized that as a
future teacher we should be more observant and give more attention to our
pupils/students because all of them have a different characteristics and
capabilities that we should enhance through the use of different methods,
strategies and assessment tools. Also, after answering this field study I
understand how a teacher should be in dealing his/her pupils. And through this
I have learned many things that I can use when I am already in the field of
teaching. That in giving assessment is a task that we need to think and
examine carefully and we should based it on the learners and the learning
objectives for it to be successfully done.


On Becoming A Teacher

Field Study
Episode 1

My Target
At the end of this episode, I will gain competence in clarifying my values about teaching,
and in articulating and demonstrating ones personal philosophy of teaching. My end goal is to
be a positive role model for students.

Name of FS Student: Lenmark O. Chavez
Course: BEED IV
Resource Teacher: Mrs. Pastias and Mrs. Santizo
Cooperating School: Mabini Elementary School


1. Teachers Name: Mrs. Santizo
Subject Taught: ALL Level: Grade I-G

a. My goal/s for my pupils/students is/are:
To acquire basic knowledge, skills and values
b. What I really want to teach to my pupils/students is/are:
I want to teach the basic or fundamental rs which are reading, riting, rithmetic and
right conduct which are essential to the acquisition higher or more complex skills
needed in preparation for adult life.
c. I will teach my pupils/students by:
Sharing intellectual thoughts and imparting them good moral values. And also, by
presenting or using a variety of strategies and methods for them to easily acquire
the lesson that I would present.

2. Teachers Name: Mrs. Pastias
Subject Taught: Science Level: Grade V

a. My goal/s for my pupils/students is/are:
To develop my pupils into an enlightened and intelligent citizen of a democratic
b. What I really want to teach to my pupils/students is/are:
The lesson that would relate to their personal lives and I would also teach them and
made them understand why particular things are existing.

c. I will teach my pupils/students by:
Exposing them to the reality of life and by giving them some activities like, games,
field trips, etc. that would make them become interactive the nature and society.

3. Teachers Name:
Subject Taught: Level:

a. My goal/s for my students is/are:
To participate and learn many things in my class.
b. What I really want to teach to my pupils/students is/are:
To teach them a good behaviour and let them know that in everything they do there
is an incorporate consequence.

c. I will teach my pupils/students by:
Conditioning them through giving them conducive environment for their learning
process, by motivating them in paying attention in my discussion and by giving them
rewards if they have done well in the class.




Your Analysis
Values Reflected

Your Analysis
Philosophy Reflected
(Refer to pp.6-10 of
Bilbao The
Teaching Profession)

Your Reflection
Your comments/reactions
(Do you agree/disagree
with the views of the
teacher? Is it
similar/different from
your own view?

Teacher 1

a. Why teach? The teacher
wanted to make
a good
foundation for
the pupils.
The teacher wants to
impart basic
knowledge, skills and
values to her pupils or
she is using
I agree with her views that
being a teacher especially
in grade I you teach them
the basic knowledge, skills
and values.
b. What to teach? She teaches her
pupils a lesson
that would make
them prepared
for the next level
of education.

She wanted that her
learners should know
the basics first before
letting them expose
into more complex

As a teacher you should
make sure that they
already master the basic
for it help them become
more prepared in the next
level of education
c. How to teach? She provides
methods that
learners can go
with it or can
understand it.
She should make sure
that learners really
master the basics.
II agree that in teaching
grade I you should provide
variety of teaching
strategies and methods.

Teacher 2

a. Why teach? She wants her
pupils to be a
learned citizen
of a country.
Because she wants her
pupils to have hands
on experiences.

Yes, I agree because we all
know that experience is
still the best teacher.
b. What to teach? She wanted her
learners to link
with the lessons.
She wants to teach her
pupils how to be
practical in dealing
with their society and
I also agree with this view,
because pupils/students
can really understand what
the teacher teaches if
he/she can relate with it.
c. How to teach? The teacher
wanted her
By providing them
different activities that

I agree that a
pupils/students can learn

1. Which views do you agree with? Disagree with? Expound?
In all the interview that I have done I do agree to all the answers of the teachers.
Because, we can really see that each of them are doing their best to impart, share and
transmit information and values to their pupils and they are very passionate in
teaching them despite of their being hard headed, they are expanding their patience
just to make sure they give them the best.

pupils to expose
in everything
especially in real
life situations or
in the
around them.
would enhance their
more if they have
experience many thing.

Teacher 3

a. Why teach? To develop their
good behaviour
in and out of the

To develop a good
attitude towards other
I agree because having a
good moral character is
more important than
b. What to teach? Values that
would help them
in everything
and would make
them known for
The teacher wanted
her pupils to be
admired by people
because of its good

Yes, I also agree because if
that pupil would practice
the good attitude other
learner would follow him
and wanted to be with
c. How to teach? By doing it first
and let them
follow it and
practice it in
their daily lives.
She wanted to be the
role model for the
pupils and them to do
the same.

Being a teacher you should
let your pupils see that you
also have that good


My Mission Statement as a Future Teacher
What a teacher should be?
As a teacher we should always do our best in imparting
knowledge and good values not only for the reason of getting or earning
a salary every month but, because you want to give your full service to
the young minds and angels of the society.
As a teacher you should always be dedicated and committed in
teaching your pupils even though nobody recognizes or would not
recognize your efforts and:
As a teacher you should be willing to help your pupils for them to be
successful in their chosen path or life.

2. This time, its your turn to answer the three sentence completion items.
a. My goal/s for my students is/are:
To make them a wholesome individual.

b. What I really want to teach to my students is /are?

I am going to teach them the all aspects of life and I am going to transform them from
ordinary to extraordinary individual.
c. I will teach my pupils/students by?
I will teach my pupils by providing or implementing a variety of teaching strategies
and methods that would help them develops the best in them.

3. What philosophy do you adhere to? Why?
I adhere a philosophy that says, being a teacher is not just a job to be done but, it is
your responsibility and your mission to be done successfully. It is your responsibility
and mission to search for appropriate strategies for your learning target, your
responsibility and mission to give more patience in dealing with them and it is your
responsibility and mission to give your full effort to make them knowledgeable and be
successful in the future.



A. If you were a school tool, what would you be? Why?
If I were a school tool I wanted to be a pencil. Because I
Will help them write a journey that they should have and
They deserve. As you can see the pencil has an eraser it
Means I am going to erase the things that are not good for
Them and those that are giving them doubts to reach the
Things they wanted in life. Instead I am going to leave a mark
That would help them become optimistic in everything especially when they think they have
B. If you were a subject, what would you be? Why?
If I am going to be a subject I wanted to be a Math
subject. Why? Because, I want my pupils/
students to know and understand that in every
problems there is a corresponding solution to it,
and they should not let those problems
weakened and defeat them but instead they
should be more patient in seeking the best
way of solving it.

C. If you were school furniture, what would you be? Why?
If I am going to be school furniture I would choose
to become a cabinet where important files of
the school is placed because, just like a cabinet
I want to have or gain more knowledge or important
Information that I could impart to my future


Episode 2

My Target
A t the end of this episode, I will gain competence in establishing routines and
procedures, to make the physical environment conducive to learning.

Name of FS Student: Lenmark O. Chavez
Course: BEED IV
Resource Teacher: Mrs. Pastias and Mrs. Celsa Santizo
Cooperating School: MABINI Elementary School



Name of the School Observed: Mabini Elementary School
School Address:Mabini Street
Date of Visit:

Mabini Elementary School is located at Mabini Street beside the
CENECO. This school provides a conducive environment for the learning
process of the pupils and every teacher of this institution is approachable
and willing to help you if you need something or you need their help. In this
institution I understand how important the role of each person. The
teachers, faculty and the principal because, without the teachers the
institution is nothing and also the principal who has a great task to be done
under her supervision that without her full dedication and giving importance
to each person of the school all of it are just useless.
The Mabini institution help me realized and understand how a
teacher should be in and out of the classroom. I can say that Staying in that
institution for 4 days really helped me a lot.


Management Area
Description of the
Supportive Measures
My Analysis
Comments on the
Effectiveness of the
Supportive Measure

My Analysis
1. Organizational
The organizational
plan is good.
Everything inside the
classroom is put in
the right place or
It is effective in the
sense that it gives the
pupils a convience.
They should maintain
having a well
organized classroom.
2. Schedule They have a well
planned schedule.
They follow the
activities allotted in
each time.
It is good that they
well planned activities
in each time allotted
to them.
The teacher should
always do activities
relevant to the topic.
3. Record Keeping The teacher makes
sure that she checks
the attendance
before she starts the
class. And records the
scores of her pupils.
The checking of
attendance before
starting the class and
keeping their scores is
good for the reason
that you would be
able to know or
monitor your
students capabilities.
She should update
the grade or scores of
her pupils.
4. Physical
She makes sure that
she provides a
environment for the
learning process of
her pupils.
Providing a conducive
environment is really
important for them to
be comfortable while
She should maintain
and always makes
sure that everything
in the classroom is
5. Discipline The teacher
disciplines her pupils
Disciplining your
learners is very
important for you to
maintain a peace
She should always
maintain the peace
and order inside the
6. Routines They have well
planned routines
inside the classroom.
Which the teacher
makes sure that the
Having well planned
routines is good in
order for the students
to develop their
initiative and
They should continue
their daily routines
and also improve it.
Classroom Management Matrix

daily routines are
done properly.
independent in doing
the tasks inside the
1. In what area of classroom management was the teacher most effective? Which of the
supportive measures is effective? Why?
The teacher is most effective in the physical environment of the classroom
because she makes sure that everything is in proper places and she makes sure
that her pupils are comfortable inside the classroom so that the process learning is

2. In what area of classroom management was the teacher least effective? Which supportive
measures were not effective?
Maybe, she is least effective in disciplining her learners. She disciplines them but,
not really that much, because sometimes she cant control her pupils if they noisy or
doing something.
3. Suggest for more effective ways for your answer in number 2.
I could suggest that she would give consequences to those who are not behaving. Or
talk to their parents about the behaviour of your child and make some strategies
that would help you to minimize their unusual behaviour.

1. Describe at least 3-5 characteristics of a teacher who can establish a well managed
A teacher that can establish a well manage classroom is someone who knows
how to deal with the attitude or behaviour his/her pupils/students, someone
who is fair to all of her/his pupils/students and someone who is flexible in and
out of the school.
2. What characteristics do you have in present that can make you an effective classroom
manager? Elaborate how these characteristics can help you.
I think the characteristic that I have that can make me an effective manager is
the attitude of being patient. Because we all know that being a teacher we
should always be patient in the attitude and behaviour of our pupils/students

that if they have done wrong you are not going to punish him/her but, you need
to give patience to listen to his/her complaints or his/her side why he/she have
done those things.
3. What characteristics do you have in present that can hamper you from becoming an
effective classroom manager? How can you overcome these characteristics?

Maybe, being a flexible because sometimes I cannot do many things at the same
time or to be like this or that if needed. But, as a future teacher I would train
myself to be flexible in every situation that I may encounter.


Episode 3

My Target

At the end of this episode, I will gain competence in identifying possible linkages
between the school and the community, particularly those that will help attain curricular goals.

Name of the School Observed: Mabini Elementary School
School Address: Mabini Street
Date of Visit:
Schools Locality

The Mabini Elementary School is located at Mabini Street beside the CENECO.
It is accessible for public transportation and surrounded by different barangays where
most of the pupils of the school is staying.

I think the problem is the pollution wash out by different transportation use that can
make the pupils become polluted.

Name of FS Student: Lenmark O. Chavez
Course: BEED IV
Resource Teacher: Mrs. Pastias and Mrs. Celsa Santizo
Cooperating School: Mabini Elementary School

An Observation Guide for a Community Tour


Resources of the community

The school has many stores where pupils can buy foods or materials they needed in
Community Assistance/ service from the school
The community where the school is located helps the school in maintaining the peace
and order and if there are programs the parents are willing to help the school.

1. Suggest new ways by which the school can creatively use the resources of the community.
I can say that a school can creatively use the resources of the community if the school
put concerns on the resources that a community have and both the community and the
school will connive to produce a good product.

2. How can the school address the issues/concerns and problems of the community?
The can address the issues/concerns and problems of the community by implementing
rules and policies according to the concerns and problems of the community.
3. What possible linkages can the community and school have?
The possible linkages that a community and that school should have is the cooperation
of the school and the people of the school, the principal, the faculty and staffs and also
the parents or the people of the community to have a unity for the successful of the
school and the community also.

1. How did you feel while you were going around the community? What things did you learn
that you might have taken for granted before?
While I am going around the community I really feel that the people there are giving
importance on the education of their children. And the thing that I have learned that I
have taken for granted before is, I regret those times when I am not socializing other
people which hopefully helps me in my daily life and in the future.
2. As a future teacher, what do you think will be your role in the community?
As a future teacher, I think my role in the community is I will be standing as a leader
who will leads the community in every aspect. As we all know teachers are known to

be reliable in the community that whatever is task given to you are expected to do
the best thing in that possible situation and condition.

3. How will you encourage more community participation among teachers and students?
I will be encouraging them by giving them benefits if a particular thing happens if both
the teachers and students would have a participation in a possible situation.


Episode 4

My Target
At the end of this episode, I will gain insights and describe the characteristics of a global

Name of FS Student: Lenmark O. Chavez
Course: BEED IV
Resource Teacher: Mrs. Pastias AND Mrs. Celsa Santizo
Cooperating School: Mabini Elementary School


Knowledge Skills Attitude Other Shared
A teacher that is
considered to be a
global teacher is
someone who has
the knowledge in
every area of his/her
subject matter.
A considered global
teacher is someone
who is flexible in
every situation.
A global teacher is
someone who
understands and
knows that every
individual is created
A global teacher
should be particular
with individual
differences and know
how to deal with
those differences.
A global is the one
who has knowledge
not only in his/her
lessons but, also in
every aspects of life.
Someone who is
considered global
teacher is the one
who impart
knowledge and can
make different styles
in sharing or
imparting the lessons
to the
A global teacher is
someone who
manages the class in
a positive or in a
good way.
A someone that can
be considered global
teacher is the one
who is willing to
accept his/her wrong
A global teacher is the
one who is willing to
continue learning and
enrich the knowledge
that she already has.
Global teacher is the
one who is very
responsible in making
his/her an enjoyable
Global teacher is
someone that can
internationally and
And lastly a global
teacher should be
hands on in
everything she/he

1. From the responses of the teachers, what conclusions can you make about the knowledge
that a global teacher should have?
From the responses of the teachers I can conclude that a global teacher should
not stop learning, should not have master his/her lesson but also how she would
deliver it to his/her class in a way that they would catch it clearly.
2. From the responses of the teachers, what conclusions can you make about the skill that a
global teacher should have?
I conclude that a global teacher should be elastic or flexible in every situations
The GLOBAL Teacher Matrix


that he/she may encounter and also, a global teacher is not only salary
motivated that she would give his/her service just because of the salary.

3. From the responses of the teachers, what conclusions can you make about the attitude
that a global teacher should have?
As a global teacher I conclude that you need to be very understandable, have the
self-esteem or have the confidence in competing or in doing something and
always be proud of what he/she did.

(My Global Teacher Song)


Global teacher life-line
Now, I will instil and internalize the knowledge, skills and values
I have acquired from my previous and present teachers.
2 years from now, I will make sure that those acquired
knowledge will be used in my daily routines in life. And also I will
make sure that I would be able to pass the LET exam.
5years from now, I will be one of the admired teachers not only
in the Philippines but also in other country.
10 years from now, I have already a family and children whom
will continue what I have started and will support me in every path I
take, same that I would support them.

Below is a clip art essay on what a global teacher is. Examine each part of the clip art
essay. Think of a title for it. What message does it convey to you? Write a reflection on this.


Are you a global teacher?

Its Message:
The illustration or the clip art conveys that being a global teacher you should know
everything or you know every aspect of life. Like in the picture, you can see there is a
computer and book, it means that a teacher should not just depend on books but, also
he/she should get other opinions or additional information from the computer and
would not just stick in one information. Because a global teacher is not just concerned in
imparting knowledge but, how much knowledge she could share to his/her pupils to
make them knowledgeable one.
Next is, being a global teacher we should always have the love in teaching as well as to
our pupils as we love our own child, relative or parents. That, we should know the
strengths and weaknesses of each of our pupils/students.
Another, to be considered as global teacher you should be useful in the community
especially if there are activities in the said community and lastly, being a global teacher
you should be internationally and globally competent, that wherever you go you are
always excelling in your own way or through the skills, knowledge and values that you

My Reflection:
As a global teacher you have a great responsibility in school, to your pupils/student and
to the community. As a global teacher you should not just give your service but, give it
with passion and dedication. And also as a global teacher you should be molded as a
wholesome individual that wherever you go you will still bring and recognize by people
for what you are as a teacher.


Episode 5

My Target
At the end of this episode, I will demonstrate a deeper understanding of the rights,
duties and responsibility of a professional teacher and their impact on you as a future teacher.

Name of FS Student: Lenmark O. Chavez
Course: BEED IV
Resource Teacher: Mrs. Pastias and Mrs. Celsa Santizo
Cooperating School: Mabini Elementary School



Comments/sharing of
the Interviewee


laws/provisions that
served as legal basis of
the policy/guideline


Duties/Obligations of Teachers

Economic and Social Benefits

Reward/Incentive System:

Disciplinary Procedures

1. What values are reflected by the policies and guidelines found in the school or teacher
manual. Put your answers on the matrix above. You may choose to put some additional
comments here.
The values reflected in the policies and guidelines in the school or teacher manual are
the following:
Being respectful,
to be equal in the treatment of learners,
And to respect the individual differences.


1. How do you feel about the policies and guidelines concerning teachers? How will you
respond to them in the future?
The policies and guidelines being implemented concerning teacher are
very important for it helps the teachers know what the things they should
do are and what are the things that they should avoid to do. But,
nowadays we can really see that most teachers are not following with the
guidelines and policies that sometimes the cause of misunderstanding.
This will help me understand and know what should I do and do not do if I
am already in the field of teaching.
2. What insights/realizations did you have about the demands of being a professional
teacher? How will you meet these challenging demands in the future?
Maybe, all I can say is I will just do my best in teaching my pupils in the future and I
am going to put my great effort when I am already teaching. I will do the best that I
can do for my learners.
3. What are your values and strengths that can help you become a true professional?
My strengths is being who I am and believing that I can be a professional teacher that
could help many pupils to be successful in the near future. Someone that is willing to
listen to their problems and very willing to guide them in every step of their way and
someone that they could trust with.

The End


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