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It is known that road accidents are increasing day by day. Most of these road accidents
are caused because the automobiles are driven at high speeds even in the places where sharp
turnings and junctions exist. Running the automobiles even at those places is the main cause for
the accidents. Reduction of number of such accidents is the prime step needed to be taken. Many
systems have been developed to prevent these road accidents. One of them is Cruise control
system (CC) that is capable of maintaining speed defined by the driver and its later evolution
version Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) that keeps the automobile at safer distance from the
preceding vehicle. But these systems have no capability to detect the curved roads where the
speeds of the automobiles have to be lowered to avoid the accidents. Later curve warning
systems (CWS) have been developed to detect the curved roads by using Global Positioning
System (GPS) and the digital maps obtained from the Geographical Information Systems (GIS)
to assess threat levels for driver if approaching the curved road quickly. But these maps need to
be updated regularly and are not useful if there are unexpected road diversions or extensions etc.
Here we propose a dynamic model where the system controls the speed of the automobile
according to the data in the frame that is transmitted by the RF transmitter fixed to the nearby
poles as shown in figure 1. This is based on the work done by Sato et al. (describes an Advanced
Driver Assistance System (ADAS)) and Joshua Prez team (describes an RFID-Based
Intelligent vehicle speed controller) where passive RF transceivers are arranged in the road close
to the position of real traffic signals. This model can also be better utilized to improve the fuel
efficiency by imposing the maximum speed limit on the automobiles at which the mileage will
be more.

Figure 1: Traffic Signal posts equipped with RF transmitter (left side)
Automobile equipped with the RF receiver (right side)


Chapter 1: This chapter includes the introductory part of the report depicting
the basic concepts of our projects.

Chapter 2: Narrates the detailed literature review giving the idea about the
components and techniques which helped us to design our project.

Chapter 3: It gives the information about processor used for the system

Chapter 4: This chapter elaborates the Existing Methodology.

Chapter 5: It briefs about the modelling of Automatic vehicle speed limiter.

Chapter 6: It discuss about the software components.

Chapter 7: This chapter includes the result and discussions.

Chapter 8: This chapter includes conclusion and future scope.

2.1 Published Studies
The idea that the faster a striking vehicle is traveling, the more damage is done to a
struck pedestrian, has been documented in a number of studies. Pasanen (1992), for example,
concluded from three studies relating collision speeds and pedestrian injury severity that about 5
percent of pedestrians would die when struck by a vehicle traveling 20 mph, about 40 percent
for vehicles traveling 30 mph, about 80 percent for vehicles traveling 40 mph, and nearly 100
percent for speeds over 50 mph.
Pasanen (1993) and Anderson et al. (1997) examined specific crashes and both
determined that reducing vehicle speeds would have reduced pedestrian injuries in two ways: by
eliminating some crashes altogether, and by reducing injury severities in the others. Wazana et
al. (1997), in a meta-analysis, found that higher speed limits were associated with higher risk of
injury to child pedestrians in studies in New Zealand and Seattle, Washington. Pitt et al. (1990)
examined about 1,000 urban crashes with pedestrians younger than 20 years of age taken from
NHTSAs Pedestrian Injury Causation Study (PICS) data. They found that, compared to crashes
with vehicle travel speeds of 10 - 19 mph, the risk of serious injury (or death) was 2.1 for speeds
of 20 - 29 mph, 7.2 for speeds of 30 - 39 mph, and 30.7 for speeds of 40 mph or more.
In Denmark, national speed limits were lowered several times beginning with the
introduction of general speed limits in 1974. Jensen (1998) summarized several studies showing
that actual travel speeds came down with each speed limit reduction, and each time pedestrian
injuries were reduced in frequency and severity. Numerous additional European studies
document the effects of "traffic calming" changes on crash reductions and pedestrian safety.
2.2 Speed Control Literature
In the U.S., speed control has traditionally emphasized reduced speed limits and
enforcement on continuous segments of roadway and the installation of stop signs or traffic
signals at intersections. Education, in the sense of informing the public of the dangers of
excessive speed and the likely presence of police enforcement, has also been used. Increasingly
in the U.S., and commonly in Europe, Australia, and Canada, roadways and intersections have
seen engineering changes designed to encourage or require drivers to reduce their speeds.
Engineering approaches are often given the general title of "traffic calming."
2.3 Speed Limits, Enforcement, and Speed
Lowering speed limits has been used almost universally as the first approach to speed
reduction. Many studies (e.g., Jensen, 1998) have observed that reducing speed limits reduces
speeds by, at best, about one quarter of the speed limit reduction. Several European studies,
which examined the broad implementation of lower urban speed limits, showed that reduced
limits could be well accepted by all road users and that modest speed reductions were associated
with reduced crashes and injuries. (See Johansson, 1996; Page and Lassarre, 1994; Sammer,
1997; and Pischinger et al., 1995.)
Police enforcement of speed limits has been a primary tool to reduce speeds, but it is a
technique with long-recognized limitations. In general, speed enforcement will have the greatest
effects on drivers if it is: 1) believed likely to occur, 2) meaningfully costly to the offenders, 3)
associated with driving in general rather than any specific time of day or roadways, and 4) not
associated with any specific cues (that show when enforcement is occurring and, by their
absence, when enforcement is absent). Most actual enforcement patterns seem transient and
localized, and drivers respond by slowing at the point of enforcement during times of
enforcement. A summary and recommendations on speed enforcement was published by the
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (Beyond the limits: A law enforcement guide to
speed enforcement, 1992).
Overall, speed control by reducing speed limits and providing a mix of enforcement and
public information has proven to have modest but real effectiveness. The approach operates
through education, to inform and educate drivers that slower speeds are appropriate and
reasonable and, through enforcement, to increase the perceived negative consequences of
driving fast. One reason that these approaches have only limited success, however,
iscontext: The roadways on which the limits are desired are typically engineered to support
higher speeds. Engineering approaches can produce roadways that "naturally" support the
desired lower speeds.
2.4 Engineering Approaches to Speed Management
Speed management approaches that include traffic engineering components are often
called traffic calming. One definition that is particularly appropriate to the focus of this report
was offered by the ITE: "Traffic calming is the combination of mainly physical measures that
reduce the negative effects of motor vehicle use, alter driver behavior, and improve conditions
for non-motorized street users" (cited in Lockwood, 1997). Perhaps because engineering
changes produce visible and often drastic alterations to the driving environment, their success
requires the publics understanding, involvement in planning, and approval.
The history of roadway engineering to control vehicle speeds is most extensive with the
development of traffic calming in Europe and a few other countries. In the U.S. areas like
Seattle, Washington, and Portland, Oregon, have been implementing speed control measures on
their roads and at their intersections for nearly 20 years. There, measures have been successful,
both in terms of public acceptance and crash and injury reduction. The programs have proceeded
slowly, starting at a few sites with well-known crash problems and, with initial success,
expanding to more and more sites. Public acceptance has kept up, and new installations can
almost always be placed where the public has requested them.
Engineering measures are most practical on moderate and low speed roadways. They are
useful at specific high-crash sites, but they also have characteristics that make them suitable for
moderate-traffic, moderate-crash sites. Foremost is that, once implemented, they are effective
without constant attention (such as enforcement), and they can be placed in areas where regular
enforcement could never be afforded. Also, they require little maintenance, so engineering
changes can be implemented as funding is available without placing burdens on future budgets.






3.2.1 Transmitting Unit

The Transmitting unit consist of a transmitters which has been set to individual
frequencies with respect to school zones or hospital zone etc. The transmitting range will be set
about 500 meters to 1 kilometer in radius or as per the zones requirement.

3.2.2 Vehicle Speed Control and Monitoring Unit
In this unit, the moment at which the vehicle receives the signal, the control action takes
place by the NI DAQ 6009, which will control the position of the throttle valve by limiting the
maximum speed of the vehicle. And also the display which will be present inside the vehicle
will display the name of the respective zone within which the vehicle is present.


In general, the speed of the automobile is varied according to the accelerators Pedal
position. The variation in the Pedal position is fed to the Electronic Control Unit (ECU) .ECU
determines the position of the throttle based on the accelerators pedal position and the inputs
received from the other sensors. Adjustment of throttle position causes the change in the
variation of automobiles speed. Such type of hardware scheme is shown in figure 2. Whereas in
the proposed automatic vehicle speed controller model accelerator pedal position is given to the
microcontroller unit and then it is fed to the Electronic Control Unit. If the automobile is in the
active mode, NI DAQ 6009 controls the position of the throttle valve by limiting the maximum
speed of the vehicle .

The methods of controlling has been modified into two types based on the design of
throttle system namely
a) Based on Drive by Wire
b) Based on Electronic Throttle
4.2.1 Based on Drive by Wire

It is an automobile technology which electronically "connects" the accelerator pedal to
the throttle by mechanical linkage. So in order to control the position of the throttle valve is
impossible because it is linked by a mechanical linkage directly from the gas pedal. So in order
to control the speed of vehicle, an additional throttle valve as shown in fig ( ) will be placed in
front of the first throttle vave. The additional throttle valve will be controlled by the NI DAQ
6009 by controlling the position of the additional throttle valve to limit the maximum speed of
the vehicle in the required zones.
Thus an additional throttle valve should be used in Drive by Wire system to control the
maximum speed limit of the vehicles.

4.2.2 Based on Electronic Throttle

It is an automobile technology which electronically "connects" the accelerator pedal to
the throttle, replacing a mechanical. In this type of system, the position of the throttle valve can
be controlled directly by NI DAQ 6009. There is no need of additional throttle valve as mention
in drive by wire method. Thus, when the vehicle enters the speed limit zones, the control action
takes place and the maximum vehicle speed is automatically controlled.



The NI DAQ USB-6009 is designated with 8 analog inputs and 2 analog outputs.
Although, this DAQ consists of digital input-output ports, analog ports are most desired as of
now, as they are the required ports to access the voltage coming in from the temperature sensor.

After successfully initializing the DAQ assistant, following control panel can be observed,
where all the required control logic can be given-in and also, respective indicators can be
allotted, so as to view their working status. Figure 5.1a USB-6009 CONTROL PANEL


For this current project, two terminals are required for the output to be drawn out and
displayed, one being the output voltage terminal, and the other being the corresponding ground
terminal. Now referring to above figure, a ground terminal must be selected and the ground
terminal re-spective to the output voltage of the current transformer must be coupled.

Correspondingly, the output voltage terminal has to be connected to any of the analog
input Terminals of the DAQ, thereby concluding the process of making the hard-wire
connections, to enable the opportunity to display the output and thereby proceed with control
logic system. The above described process, at the end would appear as shown in the following
figure. Another important connection of the DAQ USB-6009 with the PC has to be made using

Provided cable, through which the communication between the PC and the DAQ would
be Poss-ible to display the output and to further take any control action.


The entire control logic to have been implemented in the project was made possible with
the use of LabVIEW programming with its simple block-diagram approach in building the
entire logic.
Viewing it step-wise, the output which is read by the DAQ is the angular position of
the throttle valve based on the running speed of the vehicle due to applied acceleration.

fig 5.2 a LabVIEW program for drive by wire type

fig 5.2 b Front Panel for drive by wire type

fig 5.2 c Block Diagram for Electronic Control type

fig 5.2 d Fromt Panel for Electronic Control type



Data acquisition (DAQ) is the process of measuring an electrical or physical
phenomenon such as voltage, current, temperature, pressure, or sound. PC-based data
acquisition uses a combina-tion of modular hardware and flexible software to transform your
standard laptop or desktop computer into a user- defined measurement or control system. Learn
more about each of these components in the sections below.

While each data acquisition system has unique functionality to serve application-
specific re-quirements, all systems share common components that include signals, sensors,
signal condi-tioning, DAQ hardware, and a computer with software.

Data acquisition is the process of sampling signals that measure real world physical
conditions and converting the resulting samples into digital numeric values that can be
manipulated by a computer. Data acquisition systems (abbreviated with the acronym DAS or
DAQ) typically con-vert analog waveforms into digital values for processing. The components
of data acquisition systems include:

1. Sensors that convert physical parameters to electrical signals.

2. Signal conditioning circuitry to convert sensor signals into a form that can be
converted to digital values.

3. Analog-to-digital converters, which convert conditioned sensor signals to digital
values. Data acquisition applications are controlled by software programs,

4. Using various general purpose programming languages such as basi
BASIC, C, FORTRAN, Java, Lisp, and Pascal.


Data acquisition begins with the physical phenomenon or physical property to be
measured. Examples of this include temperature, light intensity, gas pressure, fluid flow, and
force. Regardless of the type of physical property to be measured, the physical state that is to be
meas-ured must first be transformed into a unified form that can be sampled by a data
acquisition sys-tem. The task of performing such transformations falls on devices called

A sensor, which is a type of transducer, is a device that converts a physical property into
a cor-responding electrical signal (e.g., a voltage or current) or, in many cases, into a
corresponding electrical characteristic (e.g., resistance or capacitance) that can easily be
converted to electrical signal.

The ability of a data acquisition system to measure differing properties depends on
having sen-sors that are suited to detect the various properties to be measured. There are specific
sensors for many different applications. DAQ systems also employ various signal conditioning
techniques to adequately modify various different electrical signals into voltage that can then be
digitized us-ing an Analog-to-digital converter (ADC).

DAQ Hardware

DAQ hardware is what usually interfaces between the signal and a PC. It could be in the
form of modules that can be connected to the computer's ports (parallel, serial, USB, etc.) or
cards con-nected to slots in the mother board. Usually the space on the back of a PCI card is too
small for all the connections needed, so an external breakout box is required. The cable between
this box and the PC can be expensive due to the many wires, and the required shielding.

DAQ cards often contain multiple components (multiplexer, ADC, DAC, TTL-IO, high
speed timers, RAM). These are accessible via a bus by a microcontroller, which can run small
pro-grams. A controller is more flexible than a hard wired logic, yet cheaper than a CPU so that
it is permissible to block it with simple polling loops. For example: Waiting for a trigger,
starting the ADC, looking up the time, waiting for the ADC to finish, move value to RAM,
switch multip-lexer, get TTL input, let DAC proceed with voltage ramp.

Many times reconfigurable logic is used to achieve high speed for specific tasks and digital
sig-nal processors are used after the data has been acquired to obtain some results.

The fixed connection with the PC allows for comfortable compilation and debugging.
Using an external housing a modular design with slots in a bus can grow with the needs of the

Not all DAQ hardware has to run permanently connected to a PC, for example
intelligent stand-alone loggers and oscilloscopes, which can be operated from a PC, yet they
can operate com-pletely independent of the PC.


Signals may be digital (also called logic signals sometimes) or analog depending on the
trans-ducer used. Signal conditioning may be necessary if the signal from the transducer is not
suitable for the DAQ hardware being used. The signal may need to be amplified, filtered or
demodulated. Various other examples of signal conditioning might be bridge completion,
providing current or voltage excitation to the sensor, isolation, and linearization. For
transmission purposes, single ended analog signals, which are more susceptible to noise, can be
converted to differential sig-nals. Once digitized, the signal can be encoded to reduce and correct
transmission errors.

Signal Conditioning

Sometimes transducers generate signals too difficult or too dangerous to measure
directly with a data acquisition device. For instance, when dealing with high voltages, noisy
environments, and extreme high and low signals, or simultaneous signal measurement, signal
conditioning is essen-tial for an effective data acquisition system. It maximizes the accuracy of a
system, allows sen-sors to operate properly, and guarantees safety Amplification.

Amplifiers increase voltage level to better match the analog-to-digital converter (ADC) range,
thus increasing the measurement resolution and sensitivity. In addition, using external signal
conditioners located closer to the signal source, or transducer,improves the measurement signal-
to-noise ratio by magnifying the voltage level before it is affected by environmental noise.

Attenuation, the opposite of amplification, is necessary when voltages to be digitized are
beyond the ADC range. This form of signal conditioning decreases the input signal amplitude so
that the conditioned signal is within ADC range. Attenuation is typically necessary when
measuring vol-tages that are more than 10 V.


Isolated signal conditioning devices pass the signal from its source to the measurement
device without a physical connection by using transformer, optical, or capacitive coupling
techniques. In addition to breaking ground loops, isolation blocks high-voltage surges and
rejects high com-mon-mode voltage and thus protects both the operators and expensive
measurement equipment.


Filters reject unwanted noise within a certain frequency range. Oftentimes, low pass
filters are used to block out high-frequency noise in electrical measurements, such as 60 Hz
power. Anoth-er common use for filtering is to prevent aliasing from high-frequency signals.
This can be done by using an antialiasing filter to attenuate signals above the Nyquist frequency.


Excitation is required for many types of transducers. For example, strain gages,
accelerometers thermistors, and resistance temperature detectors (RTDs) require external voltage
or current exci-tation. RTD and thermistor measurements are usually made with a current source
that converts the variation in resistance to a measurable voltage. Accelerometers often have an
integrated am-plifier, which requires a current excitation provided by the measurement device.
Strain gages, which are very-low-resistance devices, typically are used in a Wheatstone bridge
configuration with a voltage excitation source.


Linearization is necessary when sensors produce voltage signals that are not linearly
related to the physical measurement. Linearization is the process of interpreting the signal from
the sensor and can be done either with signal conditioning or through software. Thermocouples
are the classic example of a sensor that requires linearization.

Cold-Junction Compensation

Cold-junction compensation (CJC) is a technology required for accurate thermocouple
measure-ments. Thermocouples measure temperature as the difference in voltage between two
dissimilar metals. Based on this concept, another voltage is generated at the connection between
the ther-mocouple and terminal of your data acquisition device. CJC improves your
measurement accura-cy by providing the temperature at this junction and applying the
appropriate correction.

Bridge Completion

Bridge completion is required for quarter- and half-bridge sensors to comprise a four
resistor Wheatstone bridge. Strain gage signal conditioners typically provide half-bridge
completion net works consisting of high-precision reference resistors. The completion resistors
provide a fixed reference for detecting small voltage changes across the active resistor(s).

Hardware aspects of DAQ

Data acquisition hardware acts as the interface between a computer and signals from the
outside world. It primarily functions as a device that digitizes incoming analog signals so that the
com-puter can interpret them. Data acquisitions devices typically consist of one or more of the
follow-ing functions for measuring different types of signals:

1. Analog inputs measure analog signals

2. Analog outputs generate analog signals

3. Digital inputs/outputs measure and generate digital signals
4. Counter/timers count events or generate pulses
Multifunction data acquisition boards combine analog, digital, and counter operations on a
single device. Data acquisition hardware is offered on several different PC busses. Each bus
offers dif-ferent levels of ease-of-use and performance and is better suited for different


Unlike traditional instruments, a computer is a required component in a data acquisition
system. Because of this, a user can take advantage of the ever-increasing performance of the
computers processor, hard drive, and display for taking measurements, visualizing data,
performing analy-sis, and storing data.


Software is what transforms the PC and the data acquisition hardware into a complete
data ac-quisition, analysis, and presentation tool. Without software to control or drive the
hardware, the data acquisition device does not work properly.

Driver Software

Driver software is the layer of software for easily communicating with the hardware. It
forms the middle layer between the application software and the hardware. Driver software also
prevents a programmer from having to do register-level programming or complicated commands
to access the hardware functions.

Application Software

The application layer can be either a development environment in which you build a
custom ap-plication that meets specific criteria, or it can be a configuration-based program with
preset func-tionality. Application software adds analysis and presentation capabilities to driver
software. To choose the right application software, evaluate the complexity of the application,
the availability of configuration-based software that fits the application, and the amount of time
available to de-velop the application. If the application is complex or there is no existing
program, use a devel-opment environment.

One Interface, Many Programming Languages

NI-DAQmx provides the same interface for many popular programming languages
including NI LabVIEW, Visual Studio .NET languages, C, and C++. The functions and
properties, as well as the order of the functions you use, are the same across all languages.

One Interface, Hundreds of Data Acquisition Devices

Whether you are developing with a PCI, PCI Express, PXI, PXI Express, USB, Ethernet,
or Wireless data acquisition device, the basic NI-DAQmx code is the same across all devices.
With a single programming interface, you can easily upgrade or switch hardware without chang-
ing your code.

Easy and Powerful Data Acquisition Software

NI-DAQmx includes intuitive features to make taking measurements easier, as well as
powerful features to give you higher performance and more flexibility.

The complete process of the Data Acquisition is as per the following block diagram:

Improved Productivity through Software

One of the biggest benefits of using a PC-based data acquisition device is that you can
use soft-ware to customize the functionality and visualization of your measurement system to
meet your application needs. When examining the cost of building a data acquisition system,
software de-velopment often accounts for 25 percent of total system cost. Obtaining easy-to-
use driver soft-ware with an intuitive application programming interface makes a big impact on
completing a project on time and under budget. National Instruments provides awide array of
software tools that make you more productive at accomplishing your measurement or
automation tasks.

1. NI-DAQmx Driver Software

2. NI LabVIEW Graphical Programming

NI-DAQmx Driver Software

NI-DAQmx driver software goes far beyond a basic DAQ driver to deliver increased
productivi-ty and performance and is one of the main reasons National Instruments continues to
be the lead-er in virtual instrumentation and PC-based data acquisition.

NI data acquisition devices designed for performance by providing high-
performance I/O, Industry-leading technologies and software-driven productivity gains
for your application.

With patented hardware and software technologies, National Instruments offers a wide spectrum
of PC-based measurement and control solutions that deliver the flexibility and performance that
your application demands. For more than 25 years, National Instruments has served as more than
just an instrument vendor, but as a trusted advisor to engineers and scientists around the world.

High-Performance I/O

Measurement accuracy is arguably one of the most important considerations in designing
any data acquisition application. Yet equally important is the overall performance of the system,
in-cluding I/O sampling rates, throughput, and latency. For most engineers and scientists,
sacrific-ing accuracy for throughput performance or sampling rate for resolution is not an option.
Nation-al Instruments wide selection of PC-based data acquisition devices have set the standard
for ac-curacy, performance, and ease-of-use from PCI to PXI and USB to wireless.

High-Accuracy Designs

Many scientists and engineers mistakenly evaluate DAQ device error by just considering
the bit resolution of the DAQ device. However, the error dictated by the device resolution, or
quantiza-tion error, might account for only a very small amount of the total error in your
measurement re-sult. Other types of errors, such as temperature drift, offset, gain, and
nonlinearity can vary dras-tically by hardware design. Through years of experience, NI has
developed several key technol-ogies to minimize these errors and maximize the absolute
accuracy of your measurements.

Easy Sensor Connectivity with Integrated Signal Conditioning

Traditionally, measuring sensors required separate front-end signal conditioning systems
cabled to a data acquisition system. New technologies and miniaturization have enabled the
integration of sensor-specific signal conditioning and analog to digital conversion on the same

NI DAQ devices with integrated signal conditioning deliver higher-accuracy
measurements by eliminating error-prone cabling and connectors and reduce the number of
components in a mea-surement system.

I/O for Any Sensor, Any Bus

The breadth and depth of National Instruments product offering is not available from
any other vendor. NI DAQ devices are offered on a variety of common PC-busses including
USB, PCI, PCI Express, PXI, PXI Express, Wi-Fi (IEEE 802.11), and Ethernet, with a wide
spectrum of measurement types. NIs modular form factors provide interchangeability to meet
your specific applications needs and the flexibility for future expansion.


NI LabVIEW Graphical Programming

NI LabVIEW is a graphical programming environment that makes it easy to take any
measurement from any sensor on any bus. You can automate measurements from several
devices, analyze data in parallel with acquisition, and create custom reports all in a matter of
minutes with this industry-standard tool. From acquiring one simple measurement to capturing
data from a complex 10,000-channel system, LabVIEW can help you acquire, analyze, and log
data in less time.

Fig 6.3a Interfacing with labVIEW

Work Faster with a Graphical Approach

With LabVIEW, you develop data acquisition applications using drag-and-drop
graphical icons instead of writing lines of text. You can complete programs that take weeks to
write with tradi-tional programming languages in hours using LabVIEW, even if you have no
programming ex-perience. An intuitive flowchart representation displays your code in a manner
that is easy to de-velop, maintain, and understand.

Get Started Immediately with Open-and-Run Examples

There is no need to create your entire data acquisition system from scratch. LabVIEW
includes several shipping examples for every common measurement task. Hit the ground
running with open-and-run programs for virtually any setup, ranging from a simple single-
channel measure-ment to a high-performance multichannel system featuring advanced timing,
triggering, and syn-chronization across multiple devices.
Create a Professional User Interface in Seconds

LabVIEW helps you quickly create a graphical user interface using hundreds of drag-
and-drop controls, graphs, and 3D visualization tools. You can customize the position, size,
alignment, scale, and color of these built-in controls in a matter of seconds from a right-click
menu. Lab-VIEW also helps you create your own controls or incorporate custom imagery and


Using Configuration-Based Programming

LabVIEW distinguishes Express VIs with large blue icons. When you place an Express
VI on the block diagram, a dialog appears so you can configure how the function executes. After
completing the configuration, the LabVIEW development environment writes the necessary
code (represented by the Express VI) for you. You can view and modify this code, and you can
change the Express VI configuration by simply double-clicking the Express VI icon.

Input module menu for programming :

Consider the task of reading real-world signals into software for analysis. LabVIEW is
designed to make integration with hardware for I/O simple and easy thanks to native drivers and
support for thousands of instruments. However, even a task that would otherwise take a handful
of VIs to ex-ecute can be simplified to a single Express VI. The DAQ Assistance

Figure 6.4b

DAQ assistant initial analysis:

Express VI prompts you to select the channels you want to send and receive I/O to and
from, and configure parameters such as sample rate, terminal configuration, scales, triggering,
and synchroniza-tion. You also can preview the data within the interface before saving the

Express VIs does not offer the same low-level control as VIs, which is why you may
prefer to write the code entirely using VIs.

New users interested in learning low-level constructs can easily convert an Express VI
to the under-lying G code by right-clicking the Express VI and selecting Open Front Panel.
Normal VIs can do everything an Express VI can do. The LabVIEW Professional Development
System also includes a utility for creating custom Express VIs.

Taking Advantage of Flexible Programming

The combination of multiple programming approaches in a single development
environment of-fers the advantage of reusing existing code and algorithms developed in other
languages. It also makes it possible to combine simple, high-level abstractions with lower-level
code that gives you more visibility and control of your application. These abstraction layers
represent highly com-plex operations in simple, easy-to-read representations, but can be coupled
with functions that give low-level control over application behavior and hardware interfaces.
Thanks to tight inte-gration with I/O, you can combine these approaches with real-world signals
to take advantage of the most recent hardware technology such as multi-core CPUs, FPGAs, and

embedded processors.

Signal processing applications developed in LabVIEW make frequent use of basic
constructs that are common to all high-level programming languages: for-loops, while-loops, and
case struc-tures. A For Loop repeats a block of code a fixed number of times, a While Loop
repeats a block of code as long as a particular condition is true, and a Case Structure executes
one of several blocks of code depending on some selection criterion. After completing this
module you will be able to use these three essential structures in your own LabVIEW Vis.



7.1.1 For Drive by wire Throttle

Fig 7.1 a Control action taken by additional throttle valve

This figure shows that, after the vehicle enters the speed limiter zone, the NI DAQ 6009
takes the control action to control the postion of the throttle valve to limit the maximum speed
(say 40 KMPH) and also the respective zone is displayed in the vehicle.

7.1.2 For Electronic Throttle

This figure shows that, after the vehicle enters the speed limiter zone, the NI DAQ 6009
takes the control action to control the postion of the additional throttle valve to limit the
maximum speed (say 40 KMPH) and also the respective zone is displayed in the vehicle.

In this paper we presented a new design to control the speed of the automobiles. We have
presented a theoretical study on our proposed design. In our theoretical study, only one vehicle
is considered. In normal driving situations, we can expect other vehicles circulating nearby and
possibly blocking or attenuating RF signals. In this aspect, more study is needed.

The proposed project can be implemented to save many lives.
This implementation can avoid accidents at School, Hospital and high traffic zones.
This project requires one time installation and does not require maintenance.
There is no harm to the vehicles in implementing this project.

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