Revista Profil Concurenta NR 4 2009

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- revist editat de CONSILIUL CONCURENEI, apare trimestrial

- quarterly magazine edited by the COMPETITION COUNCIL
Pentru orice relaii ne putei scrie la urmtoarea adres:
For any further information, you may contact us at the following address:
Piaa Presei Libere nr.1, sector 1, 013701, Bucureti, Romnia,
Tel.021/405.44.24, fax: 021/318.48.08
Opiniile exprimate n articolele publicate constituie preri personale ale autorilor i nu
reprezint n mod necesar punctele de vedere ale Consiliului Concurenei
The opinions expressed in the articles published are the authors' personal views and do
not necessarily represent the points of view of the Competition Council.
Dan IONESCU, Valentin MIRCEA, Otilian NEAGOE, tefan NEAGOE, Lect.dr. Jzsef Nndor
ISSN 1454-2730
Bogdan M. CHIRIOIU ministru/minister
Tel. + 40 021 4054424, fax: + 40 021 3184908
Alexe GAVRIL - secretar de stat/secretary of state
Tel. +40 021 4054536, fax: +40 021 3184910
Otilian NEAGOE secretar de stat/secretary of state
Tel. +40 021 4054451, fax: +40 021 3182617
Dan IONESCU subsecretar de stat/ undersecretary of state

Tel. +40 021 4054449, fax: +40 021 4054412
Valentin MIRCEA subsecretar de stat/ undersecretary of state
Tel. +40 021 4054537, fax: +40 021 4054505
tefan NEAGOE subsecretar de stat/ undersecretary of state
Tel. +40 021 4054538, fax: +40 021 4054505
Jzsef Nndor NEMENYI subsecretar de stat/ undersecretary of state
Tel. +40 021 4054450, fax: +40 021 4054412
The experience of a country separated from the former Yugoslavia,
candidated to access the European Union
Andreea GAVRIL
Evaluation methods for measuring the level of market concentration
Florin OPRAN
Nouti n domeniul concurenei i ajutorului de stat
News in the competition and state aid field
Carmen BUCUR
xperiena unei ri desprins din fosta Iugoslavie, candidat la
aderarea la Uniunea European
Legea concurenei i drepturile de proprietate intelectual:
situaia actual a comerului paralel n cadrul companiilor farmaceutice (I)
Competition law and intellectual property rights:
the current situation of parallel trade in pharmaceuticals (I)
Metode de evaluare a nivelului de concentrare a pieei
n baza invitaiei transmis de ctre biroul TAIEX al *
DG Extindere Dl Daniel Diaconescu, Director al
Direciei de Raportare, Monitorizare i Control * *
Ajutor de Stat din cadrul Consiliului Concurenei, s-a Bosnia - Heregovina este o ar balcanic, situat
deplasat n perioada 3 4 septembrie 2009 la Banja n sud-estul Europei, cu o populaie de circa 4
Luka, ca lector la Seminarul organizat pe teme de milioane de locuitori, compus n principal din trei
ajutor de stat, cu scopul acordrii de asisten etnii i religii diferite: bosniacii (musulmani), croaii
autoritilor pentru a elabora o Lege a ajutorului de (catolici) i srbii (ortodoci). ara se nvecineaz
stat i de a organiza o autoritate care s o aplice, n cu Croaia la nord i sud-vest, Serbia la est i
vederea continurii procesului de aderare a Bosniei Muntenegru la sud-est. Are un relief muntos cu
Heregovina la Uniunea European. defilee spate de ape curgtoare, dar are i o ieire
la Marea Adriatic de 20 Km, care ntrerupe
Din delegaia Comisiei Europene au mai fcut parte: litoralul croat n dreptul oraului Neum.
dl Thomas Seiler, responsabil Bosnia-Heregovina Capitala este la Sarajevo, fiind i cel mai mare ora,
n cadrul DG Extindere; iar Banja Luka este al doilea ca mrime.
dl Peter Schuetterle, expert din cadrul Ministerului
Economiei i Muncii din Germania.
Impresii din Bosnia Heregovina ca urmare a participrii la Seminarul TAIEX pe teme de ajutor de stat organizat de Comisia European
DG Extindere la Banja Luka n 3 4 septembrie 2009.
Director al Direciei Raportare, Monitorizare i Control al Ajutoarelor de Stat.
Bosnia-Heregovina este un mic stat balcanic situat n Sud-Estul Europei, aprut recent pe harta Europei, ca
urmare a dezmembrrii fostei Iugoslavii, stat care i-a proclamat independena n aprilie 1992. Fiind un stat
multietnic, ntr-o zon multienic, situaia socio-politic i economic este foarte dificil de conturat dup
un rzboi de uzur de peste 4 ani, fiind ntr-un mozaic de interese i culturi n schimbare, ntr-o lume
Cuvinte cheie: Bosnia-Heregovina, Iugoslavia, Uniunea European, seminar TAIEX, concuren i ajutor de
Impressions from Bosnia Herzegovina following the participation at the TAIEX seminar on state aid themes organized by the European
rd th
Commission DG Enlargement at Banja Luka between the 3 and the 4 of September 2009.
Director of the Reporting, Monitoring and Control of State Aid Directorate.
Translated into English by Daniel Diaconescu.
Bosnia-Herzegovina is a small Balkan state located in South-East Europe, recently appeared on the map,
following the dismantling of the former Yugoslavia, and which proclaimed its independence in April 1992.
Being a multi-ethnic state, in a multi-ethnic area, the social-political and economical situation is very
difficult to outline after a wearing war which lasted for over 4 years, and being in a mosaic of interests and
changing cultures, in a globalized world.
Keywords: Bosnia-Herzegovina, Yugoslavia, European Union, TAIEX seminar, competition and state aid.
Based on the invitation sent by the TAIEX bureau of *
DG Enlargement Mr. Daniel Diaconescu, Director
of the Reporting, Monitoring and Control of State * *
Aid Directorate within the Competition Council, Bosnia-Herzegovina is a Balkan country, located in
rd th
went between the 3 and 4 of September 2009 to South-East Europe, with a population of
Banja Luka, as a lector at the Seminar organized on approximately 4 million inhabitants, mainly
state aid themes, with the purpose of granting composed out of 3 different nationalities and
assistance to the authorities in order to elaborate a religions: Bosnians (Muslims), Croats (Catholics)
state aid law and to organize an authority able to and Serbs (Orthodox). The country is bordered by
apply it, having in mind the continuation of the Croatia to the North and South-West, Serbia to the
accession process of Bosnia-Herzegovina to the East and Montenegro to the South-East. It has a
European Union. mountainous relief with defiles dug by running
waters, but it also possesses 20 km of Adriatic Sea
From the European Commission delegation, the coastline, which interrupts the Croatian shores at
following were also present: the city of Neum.
Mr. Thomas Seiler, responsible for Bosnia- The capital city of Bosnia-Herzegovina is Sarajevo,
Herzegovina within DG Enlargement; this also being its largest city, while Banja Luka is the
2 most populous city.
Mr. Peter Schuetterle, expert from the Economy
and Minister of Labor from Germany.
n baza invitaiei transmis de ctre biroul TAIEX al *
DG Extindere Dl Daniel Diaconescu, Director al
Direciei de Raportare, Monitorizare i Control * *
Ajutor de Stat din cadrul Consiliului Concurenei, s-a Bosnia - Heregovina este o ar balcanic, situat
deplasat n perioada 3 4 septembrie 2009 la Banja n sud-estul Europei, cu o populaie de circa 4
Luka, ca lector la Seminarul organizat pe teme de milioane de locuitori, compus n principal din trei
ajutor de stat, cu scopul acordrii de asisten etnii i religii diferite: bosniacii (musulmani), croaii
autoritilor pentru a elabora o Lege a ajutorului de (catolici) i srbii (ortodoci). ara se nvecineaz
stat i de a organiza o autoritate care s o aplice, n cu Croaia la nord i sud-vest, Serbia la est i
vederea continurii procesului de aderare a Bosniei Muntenegru la sud-est. Are un relief muntos cu
Heregovina la Uniunea European. defilee spate de ape curgtoare, dar are i o ieire
la Marea Adriatic de 20 Km, care ntrerupe
Din delegaia Comisiei Europene au mai fcut parte: litoralul croat n dreptul oraului Neum.
dl Thomas Seiler, responsabil Bosnia-Heregovina Capitala este la Sarajevo, fiind i cel mai mare ora,
n cadrul DG Extindere; iar Banja Luka este al doilea ca mrime.
dl Peter Schuetterle, expert din cadrul Ministerului
Economiei i Muncii din Germania.
Impresii din Bosnia Heregovina ca urmare a participrii la Seminarul TAIEX pe teme de ajutor de stat organizat de Comisia European
DG Extindere la Banja Luka n 3 4 septembrie 2009.
Director al Direciei Raportare, Monitorizare i Control al Ajutoarelor de Stat.
Bosnia-Heregovina este un mic stat balcanic situat n Sud-Estul Europei, aprut recent pe harta Europei, ca
urmare a dezmembrrii fostei Iugoslavii, stat care i-a proclamat independena n aprilie 1992. Fiind un stat
multietnic, ntr-o zon multienic, situaia socio-politic i economic este foarte dificil de conturat dup
un rzboi de uzur de peste 4 ani, fiind ntr-un mozaic de interese i culturi n schimbare, ntr-o lume
Cuvinte cheie: Bosnia-Heregovina, Iugoslavia, Uniunea European, seminar TAIEX, concuren i ajutor de
Impressions from Bosnia Herzegovina following the participation at the TAIEX seminar on state aid themes organized by the European
rd th
Commission DG Enlargement at Banja Luka between the 3 and the 4 of September 2009.
Director of the Reporting, Monitoring and Control of State Aid Directorate.
Translated into English by Daniel Diaconescu.
Bosnia-Herzegovina is a small Balkan state located in South-East Europe, recently appeared on the map,
following the dismantling of the former Yugoslavia, and which proclaimed its independence in April 1992.
Being a multi-ethnic state, in a multi-ethnic area, the social-political and economical situation is very
difficult to outline after a wearing war which lasted for over 4 years, and being in a mosaic of interests and
changing cultures, in a globalized world.
Keywords: Bosnia-Herzegovina, Yugoslavia, European Union, TAIEX seminar, competition and state aid.
Based on the invitation sent by the TAIEX bureau of *
DG Enlargement Mr. Daniel Diaconescu, Director
of the Reporting, Monitoring and Control of State * *
Aid Directorate within the Competition Council, Bosnia-Herzegovina is a Balkan country, located in
rd th
went between the 3 and 4 of September 2009 to South-East Europe, with a population of
Banja Luka, as a lector at the Seminar organized on approximately 4 million inhabitants, mainly
state aid themes, with the purpose of granting composed out of 3 different nationalities and
assistance to the authorities in order to elaborate a religions: Bosnians (Muslims), Croats (Catholics)
state aid law and to organize an authority able to and Serbs (Orthodox). The country is bordered by
apply it, having in mind the continuation of the Croatia to the North and South-West, Serbia to the
accession process of Bosnia-Herzegovina to the East and Montenegro to the South-East. It has a
European Union. mountainous relief with defiles dug by running
waters, but it also possesses 20 km of Adriatic Sea
From the European Commission delegation, the coastline, which interrupts the Croatian shores at
following were also present: the city of Neum.
Mr. Thomas Seiler, responsible for Bosnia- The capital city of Bosnia-Herzegovina is Sarajevo,
Herzegovina within DG Enlargement; this also being its largest city, while Banja Luka is the
2 most populous city.
Mr. Peter Schuetterle, expert from the Economy
and Minister of Labor from Germany.
Istoria trecut i recent a Bosniei i Heregovinei
este foarte frmntat. n antichitate triburile ilire
au fost cucerite de Imperiul Roman, iar teritoriile au
fost incluse n provinciile romane Iliricum i
Dalmaia. Dup prbuirea Imperiului Roman n
secolul V, slavii se stabilesc pe aceste locuri n
secolele VI-VII, iar n secolul X teritoriul Bosniei-
Heregovina este disputat ntre statele feudale ale
srbilor, croailor i ungurilor.
Statul feudal bosniac se formeaz n secolul XII i
atinge apogeul n secolul XIV, dup care intr n
criz i este cucerit de Imperiul Otoman.
Stpnirea otoman a durat timp de 4 secole, ntre
1481 i 1878, timp n care mare parte din populaia
slav este convertit la religia islamic.
ntre 1878-1918, Bosnia-Heregovina intr n
componena Imperiului Austro-Ungar, dar devine
i obiectiv al aspiraiilor teritoriale ale Regatului
Bosnia - Heregovina a fost una din cele 6 republici Serbiei, aflat n expansiune. Tensiunile naionaliste
ale Iugoslaviei i i-a ctigat independena (5 i religioase acumulate culmineaz cu atentatul de
aprilie 1992) n cursul rzboaielor din anii 1990- la Sarajevo din 1914, cnd un grup de tineri
1995. n conformitate cu Acordul de la Dayton naionaliti srbi l asasineaz pe motenitorul
(SUA), este administrat de un nalt Reprezentant al tronul ui austro-ungar, Franz Ferdi nand,
Comunitii Internaionale numit de Consiliul de determinnd astfel declanarea Primului Rzboi
Securitate al Organizaiei Naiunilor Unite. Mondial.
Republica Bosnia i Heregovina este mprit Dup dezmembrarea Imperiului Austro-Ungar, n
administrativ n dou entiti: Federaia Bosniei i 1918, Bosnia-Heregovina intr n componena
Heregovinei prima i Republica Srpska, a doua. Regatului Srbilor, Croailor i Slovenilor, devenit
ulterior, n 1929, Regatul Iugoslaviei. Cu toate
Mai exist i Districtul Brcko, cu statut federal sub acestea, Bosnia-Heregovina a rmas una dintre
autoritatea guvernului central, datorit poziiei cele mai srace regiuni ale Iugoslaviei, deoarece a
strategice pe care o are, unind teritoriile Republicii devenit obiect al conflictului dintre srbi i croai,
Srpska prin nord. Astfel, exist dou guverne i ajungnd s fie divizat n 1929 ntre Croaia i
parlamente locale, dei sunt numite naionale, restul regatului.
dar i un guvern i un parlament la nivel central. Ca
urmare, exist politici aplicate la nivel central, cum n anul 1941 forele Axei (Germania, Italia, Ungaria
ar fi politica extern, politica vamal, comerul i Bulgaria) atac Iugoslavia i i mpart ntre ele
exterior, dar i la nivel local, cum ar fi nvmntul, teritoriul acesteia din urm. Croaia i proclam
sntatea. i ndependena sub denumi rea de Statul
Independent Croat, creat cu sprijinul Germaniei i
include tot teritoriul Bosniei-Heregovina.
The past and recent history of Bosnia-Herzegovina
is very battered. In the antiquity, the Illyrian tribes
were conquered by the Roman Empire, while the
lands were included in the Roman Provinces of
Iliricum and Dalmatia. After the fall of the Roman
Empire in the 5 century, the Slavs settle onto these
lands during the sixth and seventh centuries, and in
the tenth century the territory of Bosnia-
Herzegovina is disputed between the feudal states
of Serbs, Croats and Hungarians.
The Bosnian feudal state is formed in the 12
century and reaches its climax during the 14
century, after which it enters a crisis and is
conquered by the Ottoman Empire. The Ottoman
rule lasted for 4 centuries, between 1481 and
1878, period in which a vast majority of the Slav
population is converted to Islamism.
Between 1878 and 1918, Bosnia-Herzegovina
Bosnia-Herzegovina was one of the 6 Yugoslavian becomes part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, but
republics which earned their independence (the 5 also becomes a territorial target of the growing
of April 1992) during the wars between 1990 and Serbian Kingdom. Accumulated nationalist and
1995. According to the Dayton Agreement (USA), it religious tensions culminated with the Sarajevo
is being administrated by a High Representative of assassination in 1914, when a group of young
the International Community named by the Serbian nationalists murdered the heir to the
Security Council of the United Nations Austro-Hungarian throne, Franz Ferdinand,
Organization. thereby triggering the First World War.
The Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, from an After the breakdown of the Austro-Hungarian
administrative point of view, is divided into 2 Empire in 1918, Bosnia-Herzegovina becomes part
entities: the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina of the kingdom of Serbians, Croats and Slovenes,
and the Republic of Srpska. which in 1929 became known as the Kingdom of
Yugoslavia. Nevertheless, Bosnia-Herzegovina
There also exists the Brcko District, which has a remained one of the poorest regions of Yugoslavia,
federal status under the authority of the central because it became the target of the conflict
government, because of the strategic position that it between the Serbs and Croats, and in 1929 in was
has, unifying the lands of the Srpska Republic in the divided between Croatia and the rest of the
North. Thus, two governments and local kingdom.
parliaments exist, even though they are labeled as
national, but also a government and a parliament In 1941, the armed forces of Germany, Italy,
at a central level. Consequently, there are policies Hungary and Bulgaria attack Yugoslavia and divide
applied at a central level, such as external politics, among them its territories. Croatia proclaims its
customs policies, exterior commerce, but also at a independency under the name of the Independent
local level, such as education and health. Croat State, created with Germany's help, and this
Istoria trecut i recent a Bosniei i Heregovinei
este foarte frmntat. n antichitate triburile ilire
au fost cucerite de Imperiul Roman, iar teritoriile au
fost incluse n provinciile romane Iliricum i
Dalmaia. Dup prbuirea Imperiului Roman n
secolul V, slavii se stabilesc pe aceste locuri n
secolele VI-VII, iar n secolul X teritoriul Bosniei-
Heregovina este disputat ntre statele feudale ale
srbilor, croailor i ungurilor.
Statul feudal bosniac se formeaz n secolul XII i
atinge apogeul n secolul XIV, dup care intr n
criz i este cucerit de Imperiul Otoman.
Stpnirea otoman a durat timp de 4 secole, ntre
1481 i 1878, timp n care mare parte din populaia
slav este convertit la religia islamic.
ntre 1878-1918, Bosnia-Heregovina intr n
componena Imperiului Austro-Ungar, dar devine
i obiectiv al aspiraiilor teritoriale ale Regatului
Bosnia - Heregovina a fost una din cele 6 republici Serbiei, aflat n expansiune. Tensiunile naionaliste
ale Iugoslaviei i i-a ctigat independena (5 i religioase acumulate culmineaz cu atentatul de
aprilie 1992) n cursul rzboaielor din anii 1990- la Sarajevo din 1914, cnd un grup de tineri
1995. n conformitate cu Acordul de la Dayton naionaliti srbi l asasineaz pe motenitorul
(SUA), este administrat de un nalt Reprezentant al tronul ui austro-ungar, Franz Ferdi nand,
Comunitii Internaionale numit de Consiliul de determinnd astfel declanarea Primului Rzboi
Securitate al Organizaiei Naiunilor Unite. Mondial.
Republica Bosnia i Heregovina este mprit Dup dezmembrarea Imperiului Austro-Ungar, n
administrativ n dou entiti: Federaia Bosniei i 1918, Bosnia-Heregovina intr n componena
Heregovinei prima i Republica Srpska, a doua. Regatului Srbilor, Croailor i Slovenilor, devenit
ulterior, n 1929, Regatul Iugoslaviei. Cu toate
Mai exist i Districtul Brcko, cu statut federal sub acestea, Bosnia-Heregovina a rmas una dintre
autoritatea guvernului central, datorit poziiei cele mai srace regiuni ale Iugoslaviei, deoarece a
strategice pe care o are, unind teritoriile Republicii devenit obiect al conflictului dintre srbi i croai,
Srpska prin nord. Astfel, exist dou guverne i ajungnd s fie divizat n 1929 ntre Croaia i
parlamente locale, dei sunt numite naionale, restul regatului.
dar i un guvern i un parlament la nivel central. Ca
urmare, exist politici aplicate la nivel central, cum n anul 1941 forele Axei (Germania, Italia, Ungaria
ar fi politica extern, politica vamal, comerul i Bulgaria) atac Iugoslavia i i mpart ntre ele
exterior, dar i la nivel local, cum ar fi nvmntul, teritoriul acesteia din urm. Croaia i proclam
sntatea. i ndependena sub denumi rea de Statul
Independent Croat, creat cu sprijinul Germaniei i
include tot teritoriul Bosniei-Heregovina.
The past and recent history of Bosnia-Herzegovina
is very battered. In the antiquity, the Illyrian tribes
were conquered by the Roman Empire, while the
lands were included in the Roman Provinces of
Iliricum and Dalmatia. After the fall of the Roman
Empire in the 5 century, the Slavs settle onto these
lands during the sixth and seventh centuries, and in
the tenth century the territory of Bosnia-
Herzegovina is disputed between the feudal states
of Serbs, Croats and Hungarians.
The Bosnian feudal state is formed in the 12
century and reaches its climax during the 14
century, after which it enters a crisis and is
conquered by the Ottoman Empire. The Ottoman
rule lasted for 4 centuries, between 1481 and
1878, period in which a vast majority of the Slav
population is converted to Islamism.
Between 1878 and 1918, Bosnia-Herzegovina
Bosnia-Herzegovina was one of the 6 Yugoslavian becomes part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, but
republics which earned their independence (the 5 also becomes a territorial target of the growing
of April 1992) during the wars between 1990 and Serbian Kingdom. Accumulated nationalist and
1995. According to the Dayton Agreement (USA), it religious tensions culminated with the Sarajevo
is being administrated by a High Representative of assassination in 1914, when a group of young
the International Community named by the Serbian nationalists murdered the heir to the
Security Council of the United Nations Austro-Hungarian throne, Franz Ferdinand,
Organization. thereby triggering the First World War.
The Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, from an After the breakdown of the Austro-Hungarian
administrative point of view, is divided into 2 Empire in 1918, Bosnia-Herzegovina becomes part
entities: the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina of the kingdom of Serbians, Croats and Slovenes,
and the Republic of Srpska. which in 1929 became known as the Kingdom of
Yugoslavia. Nevertheless, Bosnia-Herzegovina
There also exists the Brcko District, which has a remained one of the poorest regions of Yugoslavia,
federal status under the authority of the central because it became the target of the conflict
government, because of the strategic position that it between the Serbs and Croats, and in 1929 in was
has, unifying the lands of the Srpska Republic in the divided between Croatia and the rest of the
North. Thus, two governments and local kingdom.
parliaments exist, even though they are labeled as
national, but also a government and a parliament In 1941, the armed forces of Germany, Italy,
at a central level. Consequently, there are policies Hungary and Bulgaria attack Yugoslavia and divide
applied at a central level, such as external politics, among them its territories. Croatia proclaims its
customs policies, exterior commerce, but also at a independency under the name of the Independent
local level, such as education and health. Croat State, created with Germany's help, and this
Astfel, Bosnia-Heregovina se transform ntr-un Iluzia c n Bosnia-Heregovina problema etnic a
spaiu de conflict ntre forele germane, croate, fost rezolvat i situaia era calm (n 1984 Sarajevo
monarhitii srbi (cetnicii) i partizanii comuniti ai a gzduit Olimpiada de iarn) a nceput s se
lui Iosip Broz Tito. destrame n anii '80, dup moartea fondatorului
Iugoslaviei comuniste, Generalul Tito, n mai 1980.
A urmat o perioad de abuzuri i epurri pe criterii
etnice, discriminri religioase i chiar masacre Dispariia lui Tito a dus la o criz de autoritate iar
svrite de ctre toate prile implicate. soluiile propuse de regimul comunist, chiar i de
Evenimentele din perioada celui de al Doilea cel relativ mai liberal din Iugoslavia, nu mai preau
Rzboi Mondial explic n mare parte rzboiul de a fi capabile s rspund problemelor aprute
mai trziu, din 1992-1995. odat cu prbuirea comunismului.
Pn n 1945 forele germane sunt alungate din Musulmanii bosniaci sunt acuzai de propagand
Bosnia-Heregovina i din toat Iugoslavia, iar Iosip ostil cnd liderul lor, Alija Izetbegovici public
Broz Tito proclam n 1943 Republica Popular Declaraia Islamic (pentru care a i fost
Federal Iugoslavia (devenit ulterior n 1963 condamnat n 1983). Srbii se plng c au pierdut
Republica Socialist Federal Iugoslavia) care statutul de principal grup etnic n republic, iar
include i Bosnia-Heregovina ca unul din cele 6 croaii acuz un complot srbo-musulman menit s
state componente. Atrocitile rzboiului au fost l e bar eze af i r mar ea i r epr ezent ar ea
trecute cu vederea de ctre aliai, de data asta, prin corespunztoare.
faptul c partizanii au luptat contra Germaniei.
Nemulumirile diferitelor grupuri etnice i criza
ntre 1945 i 1992 urmeaz o perioad de general a societii iugoslave nu mai puteau fi
dezvoltare i relativ prosperitate pentru Bosnia- ascunse. n 1991, ca urmare a proclamrii
Heregovina, prin investiii masive n industria grea independenei Sloveniei i Croaiei, au nceput
(avnd mine de crbune), inclusiv n cea a rzboaiele din Iugoslavia.
armamentului, care ncercau s reduc din
decalajul economic fa de restul rii. Pentru Bosnia-Heregovina, care a ncercat s evite
implicarea sa n ceea ce prea atunci a fi drept un
Problemele etnice nu au disprut, chiar dac razboi civil ntre Iugoslavia i republicile
Partidul Comunist Iugoslav promova o nou secesioniste, erau inevitabile dou alternative: fie
politic, atee, a unitii i friei, inclusiv prin proclamarea independenei, fie rmnerea n
cstorii mixte interetnice i de ncurajare a cadrul unei federaii mpreun cu Serbia,
iugoslavismului (idee la care s-a renunat n 1961). Muntenegru i Macedonia. Preedintele de atunci,
Bosnia-Heregovina a fost condus printr-un sistem Alija Izetbegovici, a ncercat n 1991 s ajung la un
n care posturile de conducere erau distribuite pe acord cu Belgradul privind reorganizarea pe baze
baza unui algoritm atent calculat innd cont de federale a unui stat post iugoslav, dar convorbirile
cele trei comuniti etnice. Dar nici aa aspiraiile au euat.
naionaliste nu au disprut. Bosniacii au reuit n
1971 s fie recunoscui ca popor musulman, dei
ar fi preferat denumirea de popor bosniac, iar
srbii i croaii au cptat statut de popoare
constitutive ale republicii.
new state included all of Bosnia-Herzegovina. Croats gained the status of constituent people of
Thus, Bosnia-Herzegovina transformed itself into the republic.
the conflict place between the armed forces of
Germany, Croatia, the Serb royalists (Chetniks) and The illusion that in Bosnia-Herzegovina the ethnic
those of Josip Broz Tito's communist partisans. problem had been solved and the situation was
calm (in 1984 Sarajevo hosted the Winter
This was followed by a period of abuses and purges Olympics) started to fall apart in the 80's, following
based on ethnic criteria, religious discrimination the death in May 1980 of the founder of
and even massacres committed by all involved communist Yugoslavia, General Tito.
parties. The events around the Second World War
largely explain the later war which occurred Tito's disappearance led to an authority crisis and
between 1992 and 1995. the solutions proposed by the communist party,
even the relatively more liberal one in Yugoslavia,
By 1945, the German forces are driven away from didn't seem capable of answering the issues
Bosnia-Herzegovina and throughout all of emerged from the collapse of communism.
Yugoslavia, and Josip Broz Tito proclaims in 1943
the People's Federal Republic of Yugoslavia The Bosnian Muslims are accused of hostile
(subsequently became the Socialist and Federal propaganda when their leader, Alija Izetbegovici
Republic of Yugoslavia in 1963) which also publishes The Islamic Declaration (for which he
included Bosnia-Herzegovina among the 6 was also convicted in 1983). The Serbs complain
component states. War atrocities were overlooked that they lost their status as the main ethnic group in
by the Allied Forces, this time because the partisans the country and the Croats accuse a Serb-Muslim
fought against Germany. plot meant to halt their affirmation and adequate
Between 1945 and 1992 followed a period of
development and relative prosperity for Bosnia-
Dissatisfactions of the different ethnic groups and
Herzegovina, through massive investments in the
the general crisis of the Yugoslavian society could
heavy industry (due to its existing coal mines),
no longer be hidden. In 1991, following the
including in that of the arms, thus trying to reduce
independence of Slovenia and Croatia, the wars in
the economic gap with the rest of the country.
Yugoslavia began.
Ethnic problems did not disappear, even though
For Bosnia-Herzegovina, which tried to avoid its
the Yugoslavian Communist Party was promoting a
implication in what, back then, seemed to be a civil
new athei st phi l osophy, of uni ty and
war between Yugoslavia and the secessionist
brotherhood, including mixed inter-ethnic
republics, there were inevitably 2 alternatives:
marriages and encouraging Yugoslavism (idea
either proclaiming its independence either
renounced at in 1961). Bosnia-Herzegovina was
remaining in a federation together with Serbia,
led by a system in which all the management
Montenegro and Macedonia. The then president,
positions were distributed based on a carefully
Alija Izetbegovici, tried in 1991 to reach an
cal cul at ed al gori t hm, whi ch t ook i nt o
agreement wi th Bel grade regardi ng the
consideration all 3 ethnic communities. But as
reorganization on a federal basis of a post-Yugoslav
national aspirations still didn't disappear, in 1971
state, but the talks failed.
the Bosnian succeeded in being recognized as
Muslim people, although they would have
preferred Bosnian people, while the Serbs and
Astfel, Bosnia-Heregovina se transform ntr-un Iluzia c n Bosnia-Heregovina problema etnic a
spaiu de conflict ntre forele germane, croate, fost rezolvat i situaia era calm (n 1984 Sarajevo
monarhitii srbi (cetnicii) i partizanii comuniti ai a gzduit Olimpiada de iarn) a nceput s se
lui Iosip Broz Tito. destrame n anii '80, dup moartea fondatorului
Iugoslaviei comuniste, Generalul Tito, n mai 1980.
A urmat o perioad de abuzuri i epurri pe criterii
etnice, discriminri religioase i chiar masacre Dispariia lui Tito a dus la o criz de autoritate iar
svrite de ctre toate prile implicate. soluiile propuse de regimul comunist, chiar i de
Evenimentele din perioada celui de al Doilea cel relativ mai liberal din Iugoslavia, nu mai preau
Rzboi Mondial explic n mare parte rzboiul de a fi capabile s rspund problemelor aprute
mai trziu, din 1992-1995. odat cu prbuirea comunismului.
Pn n 1945 forele germane sunt alungate din Musulmanii bosniaci sunt acuzai de propagand
Bosnia-Heregovina i din toat Iugoslavia, iar Iosip ostil cnd liderul lor, Alija Izetbegovici public
Broz Tito proclam n 1943 Republica Popular Declaraia Islamic (pentru care a i fost
Federal Iugoslavia (devenit ulterior n 1963 condamnat n 1983). Srbii se plng c au pierdut
Republica Socialist Federal Iugoslavia) care statutul de principal grup etnic n republic, iar
include i Bosnia-Heregovina ca unul din cele 6 croaii acuz un complot srbo-musulman menit s
state componente. Atrocitile rzboiului au fost l e bar eze af i r mar ea i r epr ezent ar ea
trecute cu vederea de ctre aliai, de data asta, prin corespunztoare.
faptul c partizanii au luptat contra Germaniei.
Nemulumirile diferitelor grupuri etnice i criza
ntre 1945 i 1992 urmeaz o perioad de general a societii iugoslave nu mai puteau fi
dezvoltare i relativ prosperitate pentru Bosnia- ascunse. n 1991, ca urmare a proclamrii
Heregovina, prin investiii masive n industria grea independenei Sloveniei i Croaiei, au nceput
(avnd mine de crbune), inclusiv n cea a rzboaiele din Iugoslavia.
armamentului, care ncercau s reduc din
decalajul economic fa de restul rii. Pentru Bosnia-Heregovina, care a ncercat s evite
implicarea sa n ceea ce prea atunci a fi drept un
Problemele etnice nu au disprut, chiar dac razboi civil ntre Iugoslavia i republicile
Partidul Comunist Iugoslav promova o nou secesioniste, erau inevitabile dou alternative: fie
politic, atee, a unitii i friei, inclusiv prin proclamarea independenei, fie rmnerea n
cstorii mixte interetnice i de ncurajare a cadrul unei federaii mpreun cu Serbia,
iugoslavismului (idee la care s-a renunat n 1961). Muntenegru i Macedonia. Preedintele de atunci,
Bosnia-Heregovina a fost condus printr-un sistem Alija Izetbegovici, a ncercat n 1991 s ajung la un
n care posturile de conducere erau distribuite pe acord cu Belgradul privind reorganizarea pe baze
baza unui algoritm atent calculat innd cont de federale a unui stat post iugoslav, dar convorbirile
cele trei comuniti etnice. Dar nici aa aspiraiile au euat.
naionaliste nu au disprut. Bosniacii au reuit n
1971 s fie recunoscui ca popor musulman, dei
ar fi preferat denumirea de popor bosniac, iar
srbii i croaii au cptat statut de popoare
constitutive ale republicii.
new state included all of Bosnia-Herzegovina. Croats gained the status of constituent people of
Thus, Bosnia-Herzegovina transformed itself into the republic.
the conflict place between the armed forces of
Germany, Croatia, the Serb royalists (Chetniks) and The illusion that in Bosnia-Herzegovina the ethnic
those of Josip Broz Tito's communist partisans. problem had been solved and the situation was
calm (in 1984 Sarajevo hosted the Winter
This was followed by a period of abuses and purges Olympics) started to fall apart in the 80's, following
based on ethnic criteria, religious discrimination the death in May 1980 of the founder of
and even massacres committed by all involved communist Yugoslavia, General Tito.
parties. The events around the Second World War
largely explain the later war which occurred Tito's disappearance led to an authority crisis and
between 1992 and 1995. the solutions proposed by the communist party,
even the relatively more liberal one in Yugoslavia,
By 1945, the German forces are driven away from didn't seem capable of answering the issues
Bosnia-Herzegovina and throughout all of emerged from the collapse of communism.
Yugoslavia, and Josip Broz Tito proclaims in 1943
the People's Federal Republic of Yugoslavia The Bosnian Muslims are accused of hostile
(subsequently became the Socialist and Federal propaganda when their leader, Alija Izetbegovici
Republic of Yugoslavia in 1963) which also publishes The Islamic Declaration (for which he
included Bosnia-Herzegovina among the 6 was also convicted in 1983). The Serbs complain
component states. War atrocities were overlooked that they lost their status as the main ethnic group in
by the Allied Forces, this time because the partisans the country and the Croats accuse a Serb-Muslim
fought against Germany. plot meant to halt their affirmation and adequate
Between 1945 and 1992 followed a period of
development and relative prosperity for Bosnia-
Dissatisfactions of the different ethnic groups and
Herzegovina, through massive investments in the
the general crisis of the Yugoslavian society could
heavy industry (due to its existing coal mines),
no longer be hidden. In 1991, following the
including in that of the arms, thus trying to reduce
independence of Slovenia and Croatia, the wars in
the economic gap with the rest of the country.
Yugoslavia began.
Ethnic problems did not disappear, even though
For Bosnia-Herzegovina, which tried to avoid its
the Yugoslavian Communist Party was promoting a
implication in what, back then, seemed to be a civil
new athei st phi l osophy, of uni ty and
war between Yugoslavia and the secessionist
brotherhood, including mixed inter-ethnic
republics, there were inevitably 2 alternatives:
marriages and encouraging Yugoslavism (idea
either proclaiming its independence either
renounced at in 1961). Bosnia-Herzegovina was
remaining in a federation together with Serbia,
led by a system in which all the management
Montenegro and Macedonia. The then president,
positions were distributed based on a carefully
Alija Izetbegovici, tried in 1991 to reach an
cal cul at ed al gori t hm, whi ch t ook i nt o
agreement wi th Bel grade regardi ng the
consideration all 3 ethnic communities. But as
reorganization on a federal basis of a post-Yugoslav
national aspirations still didn't disappear, in 1971
state, but the talks failed.
the Bosnian succeeded in being recognized as
Muslim people, although they would have
preferred Bosnian people, while the Serbs and
Mai mult, n martie 1991, Slobodan Miloevici i Anul 1993 reprezint momentul culminant al
Franjo Tudjman, preedinii Serbiei i Croaiei au rzboiului din Bosnia-Heregovina, deoarece
avut o ntlnire n Serbia n cursul creia au aliana iniial dintre bosniaci i croai se destram
convenit asupra divizrii Bosniei-Heregovina ntre si izbucnete un alt rzboi extrem de violent ntre
Serbia i Croaia. Desi existena acordului a fost bosniaci i croai. Se nregistreaz chiar aliane
negat mult vreme, acesta a fost confirmat de locale ntre srbi i croai n luptele contra
ctre ultimul premier iugoslav, Ante Markovici bosniacilor.
(croat), care a depus mrturie n faa Tribunalului de
la Haga. n anul 1995 armata Republicii Srpska a nceput o
ofensiv mpotriva a trei enclave musulmane din
n aceste condiii, n octombrie 1991 Bosnia- estul Bosniei, reuind s ocupe dou din ele. La
Heregovina i proclam suveranitatea. Declaraia ocuparea oraului Srebrenica forele srbeti au
este urmat de un referendum, boicotat de srbii omort 7.000 de barbai musulmani, act incriminat
bosniaci, n care croaii i musulmanii bosniaci drept genocid de ctre Tribunalul Penal
voteaz desprinderea de Iugoslavia. Internaional pentru fosta Iugoslavie.
n data de 5 aprilie 1992 se proclam n luna august 1995, forele armate bosniace,
independena Bosniei-Heregovina, iar dou zile croate i ale croailor din Bosnia lanseaz o ofensiv
mai trziu, pe 7 aprilie, srbii bosniaci proclam i concertat asupra teritoriilor ocupate de srbi n
ei independena propriului lor stat, Republica Croaia i Bosnia. NATO sprijin aceast ofensiv
Srb a Bosniei i Heregovina, cunoscut sub prin transmiterea de informaii i lovituri aeriene.
numele de Republica Srpska. Independena Ofensiva este ntrerupt doar dup ce Statele Unite
Bosniei-Heregovina a fost recunoscut pe 6 aprilie adreseaz un ultimatum tuturor prilor s nceteze
i noul stat a fost primit n ONU, pe cnd cea a luptele i s nceap convorbirile de pace.
Republicii Srpska nu a fost recunoscut pe plan
internaional. La 1 noiembrie 1995 preedinii Croaiei, Serbiei i
Bosniei-Heregovina ncep convorbirile de pace la
Din acest moment izbucnete un nou razboi. nc baza militar de la Dayton, Ohio, SUA. La 21
de la nceput, intenia srbilor bosniaci a fost s noiembrie este semnat setul de documente
ocupe un teritoriu ct mai mare din Bosnia- cunoscut sub numele de Acordul de la Dayton de
Heregovina, astfel nct la sfritul anului 1992 ctre cele trei pri, iar pe 14 decembrie acelai an
ocupaser aproximativ 70% din teritoriu, dei erau este semnat la Paris i de cei trei preedini.
numeric inferiori fa de bosniaci i croai, dar
aveau avantajul prelurii armamentului armatei Acordul prevedea crearea unei structuri statale
iugoslave. descentralizate - Republica Bosnia i Heregovina,
format din dou entiti:
Forele srbe au desfurat n teritoriile ocupate o
aciune larg de epurare prin expulzare a
1. Federaia Bosnia i Heregovina, controlat de
populaiei civile musulmane i croate care a ocat
bosniaci i croai, 51din teritoriu i
opinia public internaional, compromind
revendicrile politice ale srbilor bosniaci.
2. Republica Srpska, controlat de srbi, 49din
Moreover, in March 1991, Slobodan Milosevici The year 1993 represents the climax of the war in
and Franco Tudjman, the Presidents of both Serbia Bosnia-Herzegovina, because the initial alliance
and Croatia had a meeting in Serbia in which they between the Bosnians and Croats disintegrates and
agreed upon dividing Bosnia-Herzegovina another extremely violent war starts between the
between Serbia and Croatia. Although the Bosnians and Croats. There are even recorded local
existence of the treaty was long negated, this was alliances between Serbs and Croats in the fights
finally confirmed by the final Yugoslavian Prime against Bosnians.
Minister, Ante Markovici (Croat), who testified
before the Hague Tribunal. In 1995, Republika Srpska's army launched an
offensive against 3 Muslim enclaves located in the
In these conditions, in October 1991 Bosnia- East of Bosnia, succeeding in occupying 2 of them.
Herzegovina proclaims its sovereignty. The While occupying the town of Srebrenica, the
declaration is followed by a referendum, boycotted Serbian forces killed 7.000 Muslim men, deed
by the majority of Serbs, in which the Croats and incriminated as genocide by the International
Muslims voted for the separation from Yugoslavia. Criminal Tribunal for ex-Yugoslavia.
On the 5 of April 1992 the independence of In August 1995, the armed forces of Bosnia, Croatia
Bosnia-Herzegovina is proclaimed, and two days and of the Croats from Bosnia launch a
concentrated offensive against the territories later, on the 7 of April, the Bosnian Serbs also
occupied by the Serbs in Croatia and Bosnia. NATO proclaimed the independence of their own state,
supports this offensive by transmitting information the Serbian Republic of Bosnia-Herzegovina,
and making aerial hits. The offensive is interrupted known as Republika Srpska. The independence of
only after the United States of America addressed Bosnia-Herzegovina was officially recognized on
an ultimatum to all parties to stop fighting and start the 6 of April and the new state was received in the
peace talks. UN, while the independence of Republika Srpska
was not internationally recognized.
On the 1 of October 1995 the presidents of
Croatia, Serbia and Bosnia-Herzegovina start From this moment on, a new war begins. Even from
peace talks at the Dayton military base in Ohio, the beginning, the intention of the Bosnian Serbs
was to occupy a territory as large as possible in USA. On the 21 of November a set of documents
Bosnia-Herzegovina, so at the end of 1992 they known under the name of the Dayton Treaty is
had occupied approx. 70% of the territories, signed by the 3 parties, and on the 14 of
although they were outnumbered comparing to the December of the same year is signed at Paris by the
Croats and Bosnians, but they had the advantage of 3 presidents.
taking up the arms of the Yugoslavian army.
The treaty envisaged the creation of a
The Serbian forces deployed in the occupied decentralized state structure the Republic of
territories a vast action of purging through the Bosnia and Herzegovina, formed by two entities:
expulsion of the Muslim and Croat civil population
which shocked the public international opinion, 1. The Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina,
compromising the political demands of the Bosnian controlled by Bosnians and Croats, 51of the
Serbs. territory and
2. Republika Srpska, controlled by the Serbs, 49of
the territory.
Mai mult, n martie 1991, Slobodan Miloevici i Anul 1993 reprezint momentul culminant al
Franjo Tudjman, preedinii Serbiei i Croaiei au rzboiului din Bosnia-Heregovina, deoarece
avut o ntlnire n Serbia n cursul creia au aliana iniial dintre bosniaci i croai se destram
convenit asupra divizrii Bosniei-Heregovina ntre si izbucnete un alt rzboi extrem de violent ntre
Serbia i Croaia. Desi existena acordului a fost bosniaci i croai. Se nregistreaz chiar aliane
negat mult vreme, acesta a fost confirmat de locale ntre srbi i croai n luptele contra
ctre ultimul premier iugoslav, Ante Markovici bosniacilor.
(croat), care a depus mrturie n faa Tribunalului de
la Haga. n anul 1995 armata Republicii Srpska a nceput o
ofensiv mpotriva a trei enclave musulmane din
n aceste condiii, n octombrie 1991 Bosnia- estul Bosniei, reuind s ocupe dou din ele. La
Heregovina i proclam suveranitatea. Declaraia ocuparea oraului Srebrenica forele srbeti au
este urmat de un referendum, boicotat de srbii omort 7.000 de barbai musulmani, act incriminat
bosniaci, n care croaii i musulmanii bosniaci drept genocid de ctre Tribunalul Penal
voteaz desprinderea de Iugoslavia. Internaional pentru fosta Iugoslavie.
n data de 5 aprilie 1992 se proclam n luna august 1995, forele armate bosniace,
independena Bosniei-Heregovina, iar dou zile croate i ale croailor din Bosnia lanseaz o ofensiv
mai trziu, pe 7 aprilie, srbii bosniaci proclam i concertat asupra teritoriilor ocupate de srbi n
ei independena propriului lor stat, Republica Croaia i Bosnia. NATO sprijin aceast ofensiv
Srb a Bosniei i Heregovina, cunoscut sub prin transmiterea de informaii i lovituri aeriene.
numele de Republica Srpska. Independena Ofensiva este ntrerupt doar dup ce Statele Unite
Bosniei-Heregovina a fost recunoscut pe 6 aprilie adreseaz un ultimatum tuturor prilor s nceteze
i noul stat a fost primit n ONU, pe cnd cea a luptele i s nceap convorbirile de pace.
Republicii Srpska nu a fost recunoscut pe plan
internaional. La 1 noiembrie 1995 preedinii Croaiei, Serbiei i
Bosniei-Heregovina ncep convorbirile de pace la
Din acest moment izbucnete un nou razboi. nc baza militar de la Dayton, Ohio, SUA. La 21
de la nceput, intenia srbilor bosniaci a fost s noiembrie este semnat setul de documente
ocupe un teritoriu ct mai mare din Bosnia- cunoscut sub numele de Acordul de la Dayton de
Heregovina, astfel nct la sfritul anului 1992 ctre cele trei pri, iar pe 14 decembrie acelai an
ocupaser aproximativ 70% din teritoriu, dei erau este semnat la Paris i de cei trei preedini.
numeric inferiori fa de bosniaci i croai, dar
aveau avantajul prelurii armamentului armatei Acordul prevedea crearea unei structuri statale
iugoslave. descentralizate - Republica Bosnia i Heregovina,
format din dou entiti:
Forele srbe au desfurat n teritoriile ocupate o
aciune larg de epurare prin expulzare a
1. Federaia Bosnia i Heregovina, controlat de
populaiei civile musulmane i croate care a ocat
bosniaci i croai, 51din teritoriu i
opinia public internaional, compromind
revendicrile politice ale srbilor bosniaci.
2. Republica Srpska, controlat de srbi, 49din
Moreover, in March 1991, Slobodan Milosevici The year 1993 represents the climax of the war in
and Franco Tudjman, the Presidents of both Serbia Bosnia-Herzegovina, because the initial alliance
and Croatia had a meeting in Serbia in which they between the Bosnians and Croats disintegrates and
agreed upon dividing Bosnia-Herzegovina another extremely violent war starts between the
between Serbia and Croatia. Although the Bosnians and Croats. There are even recorded local
existence of the treaty was long negated, this was alliances between Serbs and Croats in the fights
finally confirmed by the final Yugoslavian Prime against Bosnians.
Minister, Ante Markovici (Croat), who testified
before the Hague Tribunal. In 1995, Republika Srpska's army launched an
offensive against 3 Muslim enclaves located in the
In these conditions, in October 1991 Bosnia- East of Bosnia, succeeding in occupying 2 of them.
Herzegovina proclaims its sovereignty. The While occupying the town of Srebrenica, the
declaration is followed by a referendum, boycotted Serbian forces killed 7.000 Muslim men, deed
by the majority of Serbs, in which the Croats and incriminated as genocide by the International
Muslims voted for the separation from Yugoslavia. Criminal Tribunal for ex-Yugoslavia.
On the 5 of April 1992 the independence of In August 1995, the armed forces of Bosnia, Croatia
Bosnia-Herzegovina is proclaimed, and two days and of the Croats from Bosnia launch a
concentrated offensive against the territories later, on the 7 of April, the Bosnian Serbs also
occupied by the Serbs in Croatia and Bosnia. NATO proclaimed the independence of their own state,
supports this offensive by transmitting information the Serbian Republic of Bosnia-Herzegovina,
and making aerial hits. The offensive is interrupted known as Republika Srpska. The independence of
only after the United States of America addressed Bosnia-Herzegovina was officially recognized on
an ultimatum to all parties to stop fighting and start the 6 of April and the new state was received in the
peace talks. UN, while the independence of Republika Srpska
was not internationally recognized.
On the 1 of October 1995 the presidents of
Croatia, Serbia and Bosnia-Herzegovina start From this moment on, a new war begins. Even from
peace talks at the Dayton military base in Ohio, the beginning, the intention of the Bosnian Serbs
was to occupy a territory as large as possible in USA. On the 21 of November a set of documents
Bosnia-Herzegovina, so at the end of 1992 they known under the name of the Dayton Treaty is
had occupied approx. 70% of the territories, signed by the 3 parties, and on the 14 of
although they were outnumbered comparing to the December of the same year is signed at Paris by the
Croats and Bosnians, but they had the advantage of 3 presidents.
taking up the arms of the Yugoslavian army.
The treaty envisaged the creation of a
The Serbian forces deployed in the occupied decentralized state structure the Republic of
territories a vast action of purging through the Bosnia and Herzegovina, formed by two entities:
expulsion of the Muslim and Croat civil population
which shocked the public international opinion, 1. The Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina,
compromising the political demands of the Bosnian controlled by Bosnians and Croats, 51of the
Serbs. territory and
2. Republika Srpska, controlled by the Serbs, 49of
the territory.
Primii ani postbelici au fost marcai de efortul de Exist deja un Consiliu al Concurenei, care
reconstrucie a rii, comunitatea internaional funcioneaz n baza unei Legi a concurenei
donnd sume importante. Distribuia s-a fcut ns n adoptat n martie 2005. Legea concurenei este
mod discriminatoriu, pn n anul 2000, aproximativ similar cu cea din alte state membre i transpune
90din asisten fiind dirijat ctre autoritile din acqui s ul comuni t ar r el evant ( pr act i ci
Federaia Bosnia-Heregovina. anticoncureniale, poziie dominant, concentrri
economice etc).
Pentru supravegherea aplicrii acordului a fost creat
funcia de nalt Reprezentant al Comunitii Consiliul Concurenei este stabilit cu sediul central
Internaionale, avnd puteri extinse, inclusiv dreptul la Sarajevo i mai are dou Oficii ale Concurenei
de a revoca oficiali alei din entiti sau la nivel statal. la nivel naional, adic unul n Federaia Bosnia
i Heregovina i altul n Republica Srpska.
A fost creat i o for internaional de meninere a
pcii, IFOR (Implementation Force), nlocuit ulterior Membrii Plenului sunt n numr de 6, numii pe o
de o for mai redus SFOR (Stabilisation Force), care, perioad de 6 ani, cu posibilitatea de renumire
la rndul su, a fost nlocuit de o for format n pentru un nou mandat doar nc o dat.
principal din trupe europene, EUFOR (European
Union Force). Membrii sunt numii dup cum urmeaz:
n prezent, o schimbare de evoluie a societii 3 dintre ei sunt numii de Consiliul de Minitri
bosniace pare s fi survenit odat cu orientarea rii (Guvernul) din Republica Bosnia i Heregovina,
ctre Uniunea European. ncepnd din 2005 au cte un membru din fiecare naiune
demarat negocierile cu Comisia European, care s-au constituent;
concretizat ntr-un Acord de Stabilizare i Aderare,
semnat la Luxembourg pe 16 iunie 2008. 2 membri sunt numii de Guvernul din Federaia
Bosnia i Heregovina;
Deoarece Acordul de Stabilizare i Aderare trebuie
ratificat de ctre toate statele membre ale Uniunii, 1 membru este numit de Guvernul Republicii
pn la intrarea sa n vigoare, se aplic prevederile Srpska.
unui Acord Interimar, semnat la aceeai dat i care a
intrat n vigoare pe 1 iulie 2008. Printre altele, acesta La propunerea Consiliului Concurenei, Consiliul
prevede crearea unei zone comerciale libere care s de Minitri al Republicii Bosnia-Heregovina va
faciliteze dezvoltarea economic i social a Bosniei- nominaliza cte un membru pentru funcia de
Heregovina. Reconstrucia rii este ns abia la Preedinte al Consilului Concurenei, pe o
nceputul unui proces complex i de durat. perioad de cte un an, fr posibilitatea de
renumire pe perioada de funcionare a unui Plen.
* Adic, fiecare membru al Plenului va fi Preedinte
cte un an, prin rotaie.
* *
n vederea crerii unei economii de pia funcionale
Proiectul Legii ajutorului de stat, redactat de un
n Bosnia-Heregovina, conform Acordului Interimar,
grup de experi, urmeaz, n mare, cerinele
la doi ani de la intrarea sa n vigoare (1 iulie 2010)
acquisului comunitar, definind ajutorul de stat,
autoritile din Republica Bosnia i Heregovina
ajutorul de stat compatibil, ajutorul de stat care
trebuie s adopte o Lege a ajutorului de stat i s
poate fi compatibil, regulile de procedur pentru
stabileasc o autoritate care s o pun n aplicare.
notificare, autorizare, monitorizare etc.
The first years after the war were marked by the *
effort of reconstructing the country, the
* *
international community donating important sums.
In order to create a functional market economy in
However, the allocation of the funds was made in a
Bosnia-Herzegovina, according to the Interim
discriminatory manner, by the year 2000 approx.
Agreement, 2 years after its coming into force (the
90 of the aid being directed towards the
1 of July 2010) the authorities in Bosnia-
authorities from the Federation of Bosnia and
Herzegovina must adopt a Law regarding state aid
and convey upon an authority which to apply it.
In order to supervise the implementation of the
There already exists a Competition Council, which
Treaty, the position of High Representative of the
operates based on a Law of competition enforced
International Community was created, having
in March 2005. The Law of competition is similar to
extensive powers, including the right to revoke
those of the other member states and transposes
elected officials from entities or at a national level.
the relevant community acquis (anti-competitive
practi ces, domi nant posi ti on, economi c
Also, it was created an international force of
concentrations, etc).
maintaining peace, IFOR (Implementation Force),
subsequently substituted by a reduced force SFOR
The Competition Council has its headquarters in
(Stabilization Force), which, at its turn, was
Sarajevo and also has 2 additional Competition
substituted by a force mainly formed by European
Offices at a national level, one in the Federation
troops, EUFOR (European Union Force).
of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the other in
Republika Srpska.
An evolution of the Bosnian society appears to have
occurred once the country orientated towards the
There are 6 plenum members, all being named for
European Union. Starting with the year 2005 the
a period of 6 years, with only one possibility of
negotiations with the European Union began,
being re-elected for another mandate.
which materialized in a Stabilization and Accession
Agreement, signed at Luxembourg on the 16 of
The members are named as follows:
3 of them are named by the Council of Ministers
Because the Stabilization and Accession
(Government) from the Republic of Bosnia and
Agreement must be ratified by all EU member
Herzegovina, one member from each
states, until it will come into force, the provisions of
constituent nation;
an Interim Agreement are applied, signed on the
same day and which came into force on the 1 of
2 members are named by the Government in the
July 2008. Among other things, this agreement
Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina;
stipulates the creation of a free commercial area
which will facilitate the economic and social
1 member is named by the Government in
development of Bosnia-Herzegovina. However,
Republika Srpska.
the country's reconstruction is just at the beginning
of a complex and lengthy process.
At the proposal of the Competition Council, the
Council of Ministers of the Republic of Bosnia-
Herzegovina will nominate a member of the
Plenum for the position of President of the
Competition Council, for a period of one year,
Primii ani postbelici au fost marcai de efortul de Exist deja un Consiliu al Concurenei, care
reconstrucie a rii, comunitatea internaional funcioneaz n baza unei Legi a concurenei
donnd sume importante. Distribuia s-a fcut ns n adoptat n martie 2005. Legea concurenei este
mod discriminatoriu, pn n anul 2000, aproximativ similar cu cea din alte state membre i transpune
90din asisten fiind dirijat ctre autoritile din acqui s ul comuni t ar r el evant ( pr act i ci
Federaia Bosnia-Heregovina. anticoncureniale, poziie dominant, concentrri
economice etc).
Pentru supravegherea aplicrii acordului a fost creat
funcia de nalt Reprezentant al Comunitii Consiliul Concurenei este stabilit cu sediul central
Internaionale, avnd puteri extinse, inclusiv dreptul la Sarajevo i mai are dou Oficii ale Concurenei
de a revoca oficiali alei din entiti sau la nivel statal. la nivel naional, adic unul n Federaia Bosnia
i Heregovina i altul n Republica Srpska.
A fost creat i o for internaional de meninere a
pcii, IFOR (Implementation Force), nlocuit ulterior Membrii Plenului sunt n numr de 6, numii pe o
de o for mai redus SFOR (Stabilisation Force), care, perioad de 6 ani, cu posibilitatea de renumire
la rndul su, a fost nlocuit de o for format n pentru un nou mandat doar nc o dat.
principal din trupe europene, EUFOR (European
Union Force). Membrii sunt numii dup cum urmeaz:
n prezent, o schimbare de evoluie a societii 3 dintre ei sunt numii de Consiliul de Minitri
bosniace pare s fi survenit odat cu orientarea rii (Guvernul) din Republica Bosnia i Heregovina,
ctre Uniunea European. ncepnd din 2005 au cte un membru din fiecare naiune
demarat negocierile cu Comisia European, care s-au constituent;
concretizat ntr-un Acord de Stabilizare i Aderare,
semnat la Luxembourg pe 16 iunie 2008. 2 membri sunt numii de Guvernul din Federaia
Bosnia i Heregovina;
Deoarece Acordul de Stabilizare i Aderare trebuie
ratificat de ctre toate statele membre ale Uniunii, 1 membru este numit de Guvernul Republicii
pn la intrarea sa n vigoare, se aplic prevederile Srpska.
unui Acord Interimar, semnat la aceeai dat i care a
intrat n vigoare pe 1 iulie 2008. Printre altele, acesta La propunerea Consiliului Concurenei, Consiliul
prevede crearea unei zone comerciale libere care s de Minitri al Republicii Bosnia-Heregovina va
faciliteze dezvoltarea economic i social a Bosniei- nominaliza cte un membru pentru funcia de
Heregovina. Reconstrucia rii este ns abia la Preedinte al Consilului Concurenei, pe o
nceputul unui proces complex i de durat. perioad de cte un an, fr posibilitatea de
renumire pe perioada de funcionare a unui Plen.
* Adic, fiecare membru al Plenului va fi Preedinte
cte un an, prin rotaie.
* *
n vederea crerii unei economii de pia funcionale
Proiectul Legii ajutorului de stat, redactat de un
n Bosnia-Heregovina, conform Acordului Interimar,
grup de experi, urmeaz, n mare, cerinele
la doi ani de la intrarea sa n vigoare (1 iulie 2010)
acquisului comunitar, definind ajutorul de stat,
autoritile din Republica Bosnia i Heregovina
ajutorul de stat compatibil, ajutorul de stat care
trebuie s adopte o Lege a ajutorului de stat i s
poate fi compatibil, regulile de procedur pentru
stabileasc o autoritate care s o pun n aplicare.
notificare, autorizare, monitorizare etc.
The first years after the war were marked by the *
effort of reconstructing the country, the
* *
international community donating important sums.
In order to create a functional market economy in
However, the allocation of the funds was made in a
Bosnia-Herzegovina, according to the Interim
discriminatory manner, by the year 2000 approx.
Agreement, 2 years after its coming into force (the
90 of the aid being directed towards the
1 of July 2010) the authorities in Bosnia-
authorities from the Federation of Bosnia and
Herzegovina must adopt a Law regarding state aid
and convey upon an authority which to apply it.
In order to supervise the implementation of the
There already exists a Competition Council, which
Treaty, the position of High Representative of the
operates based on a Law of competition enforced
International Community was created, having
in March 2005. The Law of competition is similar to
extensive powers, including the right to revoke
those of the other member states and transposes
elected officials from entities or at a national level.
the relevant community acquis (anti-competitive
practi ces, domi nant posi ti on, economi c
Also, it was created an international force of
concentrations, etc).
maintaining peace, IFOR (Implementation Force),
subsequently substituted by a reduced force SFOR
The Competition Council has its headquarters in
(Stabilization Force), which, at its turn, was
Sarajevo and also has 2 additional Competition
substituted by a force mainly formed by European
Offices at a national level, one in the Federation
troops, EUFOR (European Union Force).
of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the other in
Republika Srpska.
An evolution of the Bosnian society appears to have
occurred once the country orientated towards the
There are 6 plenum members, all being named for
European Union. Starting with the year 2005 the
a period of 6 years, with only one possibility of
negotiations with the European Union began,
being re-elected for another mandate.
which materialized in a Stabilization and Accession
Agreement, signed at Luxembourg on the 16 of
The members are named as follows:
3 of them are named by the Council of Ministers
Because the Stabilization and Accession
(Government) from the Republic of Bosnia and
Agreement must be ratified by all EU member
Herzegovina, one member from each
states, until it will come into force, the provisions of
constituent nation;
an Interim Agreement are applied, signed on the
same day and which came into force on the 1 of
2 members are named by the Government in the
July 2008. Among other things, this agreement
Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina;
stipulates the creation of a free commercial area
which will facilitate the economic and social
1 member is named by the Government in
development of Bosnia-Herzegovina. However,
Republika Srpska.
the country's reconstruction is just at the beginning
of a complex and lengthy process.
At the proposal of the Competition Council, the
Council of Ministers of the Republic of Bosnia-
Herzegovina will nominate a member of the
Plenum for the position of President of the
Competition Council, for a period of one year,
n primul rnd, proiectul de lege fiind foarte mare, Landul Bavariei s-a autodenumit oficial Freistaat
experii comunitari au sugerat redactarea unei legi Bayern, adic Stat liber, n loc de Bundesland
mai scurte i adoptarea separat a unor regulamente ara din federaie, situaie asemntoare cu
mai detaliate. Astfel, legea devine mai supl n Republica Srpska, care se opune, n general,
aplicare, fcnd fa mai uor la modificrile proiectelor comune. Tocmai de aceea i locul
ulterioare ale acquisului, deoarece un regulament se seminarului a fost intenionat ales la Banja Luka, n
modific mai repede dect o lege care trebuie s Republica Srpska.
treac prin parlament. A fost prezentat de ctre
experi un model de regulament pentru notificare, S-a subliniat necesitatea ca n comunicarea cu
evaluare i monitorizare a ajutoarelor de stat. Comisia European s se vorbeasc doar printr-o
singur voce, adic o singur autoritate, dnd
O problem delicat a fost aceea a autoritii care va exemplu cazurile Germaniei i Romniei.
aplica Legea ajutorului de stat: central sau
naional (adic, local). n esen, este problema n legtur cu monitorizarea ajutoarelor de stat,
cine autorizeaz ajutoarele de stat, avnd n vedere ne-a fost nmnat un raport care era o variant
nencrederea reciproc ntre parteneri c fondurile preliminar de inventariere a ajutoarelor de stat
se vor aloca echitabil ntre entitile naionale i acordate n Bosnia-Heregovina ntre 2004 i
monitorizarea lor. 2006. Am prezentat modul cum este organizat
activitatea de monitorizare i raportare a
Poziia Comisiei Europene a fost, n general, c este ajutoarelor de stat n Romnia, cu recomandri
mai bine ca ajutoarele s fie gestionate centralizat, practice, cum ar fi s foloseasc ca surs de
iar recomandarea concret s-a referit la Consiliului informaii doar o singur cale, de preferin cea de
Concurenei, care este independent, n comparaie la furnizori.
cu un Minister (de Finane local, era propunerea).
Argumentaia a fost ntrit i cu exemplul Am oferit cteva exemplare din ultimul Raport al
Germaniei, fondatoare a Uniunii Europene, stat cu o ajutoarelor de stat acordate n Romnia, publicat
structur federal similar Bosniei-Heregovina, n Monitorul Oficial, i am indicat pentru varianta
unde Landul Bavariei a acceptat cu greu autoritatea n limba englez site-ul Consiliului Concurenei,
central n relaiile cu Comisia European. unde sunt publicate i alte rapoarte.
n final, avnd n vedere termenul relativ scurt
pn la 1 iulie 2010, s-a convenit ca partea
bosniac s refac proiectul Legii ajutorului de stat
n concordan cu cerinele i recomandrile
Comisiei Europene, urmnd a se face o nou
verificare n cursul acestei toamne, de data aceasta
la Sarajevo.
without the possibility of naming him again during The Land of Bavaria has officially self-named
the functioning period of a Plenum. That means Freistaat Bayern, meaning Free State, instead of
that each member of the Plenum will be President Bundesland The Country from the Federation,
for one year, through a rotation process. a situation resembling to the one Republika Srpska
is found in, which generally opposes itself to joint
The state aid Law Project, worked out by a group of projects. This is why the place the seminar was
experts, follows, mainly, the requests of the intentionally chosen was Banja Luka, in Republika
community acquis, defining state aid, compatible Srpska.
state aid, state aid that could be compatible, rules
of procedure for notification, authorization, It was emphasized the necessity that only one
monitoring, etc. voice, meaning only one authority, should take part
in communicating with the European Commission,
First of all, being a very large law project, the giving the example cases of Germany and
community experts suggested that a shorter law Romania.
should be elaborated and after that, more detailed
regulations should be adopted separately. Thus, the In connection to monitoring state aids, a report was
law becomes thinner in application, while easier handed to us, which was a preliminary version of an
handling the subsequent modifications of the inventory of the state aids granted in Bosnia-
acquis, because a regulation can be modified Herzegovina between 2004 and 2006. We
quicker than a law which is required to pass presented the way the activity of monitoring and
through the Parliament. It has been presented by reporting state aids in Romania is organized, giving
experts a model of regulation for notification, practical recommendations, such as using as source
evaluation and monitoring of state aids. of information only one channel, preferably that of
the grantors.
A delicate problem was that of the authority
applying the state aid Law: central or national We offered a few issues of our latest Report of state
(meaning, local). In essence, the problem is who is aids granted in Romania, published in the Official
authorizing state aids, taking into consideration the Journal and we showed for the English section of
mutual lack of trust between partners that the funds the Competition Council's public website, where
will be equally allocated among the national other reports are published.
entities and their monitoring.
Finally, given the relatively close deadline of July 1
The European Commission's position was, in 2010, it was agreed that the Bosnian counterpart
general, that it's better that the aids to be managed should redo the state aid Law project according to
at a cent r al l evel , and t he concr et e the requests and recommendations of the
recommendation was referred to the Competition European Commission, with a new verification due
Council, which is an independent authority, this autumn, only this time to be held in Sarajevo.
compared to a Ministry (local Ministry of Finances
was the original proposal). The argument was
strengthened by Germany's example, founding
country of the European Union, which has a similar
federal structure to the one Bosnia-Herzegovina
has, where the Land of Bavaria difficultly accepted
the central authority in relations with the European
n primul rnd, proiectul de lege fiind foarte mare, Landul Bavariei s-a autodenumit oficial Freistaat
experii comunitari au sugerat redactarea unei legi Bayern, adic Stat liber, n loc de Bundesland
mai scurte i adoptarea separat a unor regulamente ara din federaie, situaie asemntoare cu
mai detaliate. Astfel, legea devine mai supl n Republica Srpska, care se opune, n general,
aplicare, fcnd fa mai uor la modificrile proiectelor comune. Tocmai de aceea i locul
ulterioare ale acquisului, deoarece un regulament se seminarului a fost intenionat ales la Banja Luka, n
modific mai repede dect o lege care trebuie s Republica Srpska.
treac prin parlament. A fost prezentat de ctre
experi un model de regulament pentru notificare, S-a subliniat necesitatea ca n comunicarea cu
evaluare i monitorizare a ajutoarelor de stat. Comisia European s se vorbeasc doar printr-o
singur voce, adic o singur autoritate, dnd
O problem delicat a fost aceea a autoritii care va exemplu cazurile Germaniei i Romniei.
aplica Legea ajutorului de stat: central sau
naional (adic, local). n esen, este problema n legtur cu monitorizarea ajutoarelor de stat,
cine autorizeaz ajutoarele de stat, avnd n vedere ne-a fost nmnat un raport care era o variant
nencrederea reciproc ntre parteneri c fondurile preliminar de inventariere a ajutoarelor de stat
se vor aloca echitabil ntre entitile naionale i acordate n Bosnia-Heregovina ntre 2004 i
monitorizarea lor. 2006. Am prezentat modul cum este organizat
activitatea de monitorizare i raportare a
Poziia Comisiei Europene a fost, n general, c este ajutoarelor de stat n Romnia, cu recomandri
mai bine ca ajutoarele s fie gestionate centralizat, practice, cum ar fi s foloseasc ca surs de
iar recomandarea concret s-a referit la Consiliului informaii doar o singur cale, de preferin cea de
Concurenei, care este independent, n comparaie la furnizori.
cu un Minister (de Finane local, era propunerea).
Argumentaia a fost ntrit i cu exemplul Am oferit cteva exemplare din ultimul Raport al
Germaniei, fondatoare a Uniunii Europene, stat cu o ajutoarelor de stat acordate n Romnia, publicat
structur federal similar Bosniei-Heregovina, n Monitorul Oficial, i am indicat pentru varianta
unde Landul Bavariei a acceptat cu greu autoritatea n limba englez site-ul Consiliului Concurenei,
central n relaiile cu Comisia European. unde sunt publicate i alte rapoarte.
n final, avnd n vedere termenul relativ scurt
pn la 1 iulie 2010, s-a convenit ca partea
bosniac s refac proiectul Legii ajutorului de stat
n concordan cu cerinele i recomandrile
Comisiei Europene, urmnd a se face o nou
verificare n cursul acestei toamne, de data aceasta
la Sarajevo.
without the possibility of naming him again during The Land of Bavaria has officially self-named
the functioning period of a Plenum. That means Freistaat Bayern, meaning Free State, instead of
that each member of the Plenum will be President Bundesland The Country from the Federation,
for one year, through a rotation process. a situation resembling to the one Republika Srpska
is found in, which generally opposes itself to joint
The state aid Law Project, worked out by a group of projects. This is why the place the seminar was
experts, follows, mainly, the requests of the intentionally chosen was Banja Luka, in Republika
community acquis, defining state aid, compatible Srpska.
state aid, state aid that could be compatible, rules
of procedure for notification, authorization, It was emphasized the necessity that only one
monitoring, etc. voice, meaning only one authority, should take part
in communicating with the European Commission,
First of all, being a very large law project, the giving the example cases of Germany and
community experts suggested that a shorter law Romania.
should be elaborated and after that, more detailed
regulations should be adopted separately. Thus, the In connection to monitoring state aids, a report was
law becomes thinner in application, while easier handed to us, which was a preliminary version of an
handling the subsequent modifications of the inventory of the state aids granted in Bosnia-
acquis, because a regulation can be modified Herzegovina between 2004 and 2006. We
quicker than a law which is required to pass presented the way the activity of monitoring and
through the Parliament. It has been presented by reporting state aids in Romania is organized, giving
experts a model of regulation for notification, practical recommendations, such as using as source
evaluation and monitoring of state aids. of information only one channel, preferably that of
the grantors.
A delicate problem was that of the authority
applying the state aid Law: central or national We offered a few issues of our latest Report of state
(meaning, local). In essence, the problem is who is aids granted in Romania, published in the Official
authorizing state aids, taking into consideration the Journal and we showed for the English section of
mutual lack of trust between partners that the funds the Competition Council's public website, where
will be equally allocated among the national other reports are published.
entities and their monitoring.
Finally, given the relatively close deadline of July 1
The European Commission's position was, in 2010, it was agreed that the Bosnian counterpart
general, that it's better that the aids to be managed should redo the state aid Law project according to
at a cent r al l evel , and t he concr et e the requests and recommendations of the
recommendation was referred to the Competition European Commission, with a new verification due
Council, which is an independent authority, this autumn, only this time to be held in Sarajevo.
compared to a Ministry (local Ministry of Finances
was the original proposal). The argument was
strengthened by Germany's example, founding
country of the European Union, which has a similar
federal structure to the one Bosnia-Herzegovina
has, where the Land of Bavaria difficultly accepted
the central authority in relations with the European
Majoritatea drepturilor de proprietate intelectual Industria farmaceutic dezvolt, produce i
le ofer creatorilor de lucrri economice originale comercializeaz medicamente autorizate pentru
un stimulent pentru dezvoltare i mprtirea utilizarea ca medicamentaie. Companiile
ideilor printr-o form de monopol temporar. farmaceutice pot comercializa medicamentaii
generice i/sau de marc. Acestea se supun unei
serii de legi i regulamente cu privire la brevetarea,
Exercitarea drepturilor de proprietate intelectual
testarea i comercializarea medicamentelor.
poate fi evaluat n baza regulilor de concuren.
Farmaceuticele tind s nregistreze brevete pentru
Legea concurenei i cea a drepturilor de
medicamentele lor. n acest fel, i pot opri pe ceilali
pr opr i et at e i nt el ect ual sunt de f apt
s le copieze formula sau s le exploateze n orice
complementare deoarece ambele au ca scop
alt mod. Conform Art. 33 din Acordul privind
ncurajarea inovaiei, industriei i concurenei.
aspectele comerciale ale drepturilor de proprietate
Totui, protejarea efectiv a drepturilor de
intelectual (TRIPS), valabilitatea termenului de
proprietate intelectual de concuren, n special a
protecie ar trebui s fie de minim 20 de ani.
brevetelor, este fundamental pentru asigurarea
Obinerea proteciei maxime a drepturilor de
continuitii inovaiei n industria medicamentelor
proprietate intelectual este de importan vital
deoarece procesul de dezvoltare de noi
pentru un productor de medicamente. Astfel,
medicamente este riscant i costisitor.
companiile iniiatoare au dezvoltat i implementat
diferite mecanisme pentru a extinde perioada de
baz a proteciei drepturilor de proprietate
intelectual n timpul creia se pot bucura de
The majority of intellectual property rights provide The pharmaceutical industry develops, produces,
creators of original works economic incentive to and markets drugs licensed for use as
develop and share ideas through a form of medications. Pharmaceutical companies can deal
temporary monopoly. in and/or brand medications. They are subject to a
variety of laws and regulations regarding the
The exercise of the intellectual property rights can patenting, testing and marketing of drugs.
be evaluated on the basis of competition rules. Pharmaceuticals tend to register patents for their
Competition and IPRs law are actually drugs. This way they can stop everyone from
complementary as both are aimed at encouraging copying their formula or exploiting in any other
innovation, industry, and competition. However, way. Under Article 33 of the Agreement on Trade-
the effective protection of IPRs from competition, Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights
especially patents, is fundamental for ensuring a (TRIPS) the term of protection available should be
continuity of innovation in drug industry as the minimum twenty years. Obtaining maximum IPRs
development process for new drugs is costly and protection is of vital importance for a
16 18
risky. pharmaceutical manufacturer. Therefore,
originator companies have developed and
implemented different mechanisms to extend the
basic period of IPRs protection over which they can
enjoy monopoly rights in order to delay the entry of
generic manufacturers and to ensure that no other
originator company will develop new products. An
Concuren, Documentul de lucru al personalului), 28 noiembrie 2008, pagina
Tradus n limba romn de Anamaria Neagoe. 5.
8 11
Richard Raysman, Edward A. Pisacreta i Kenneth A. Adler, Brevetarea John L. McGuire, Horst Hasskarl, Gerd Bode, Ingrid Klingmann, Manuel Zahn
proprietii intelectuale: Forme i analiz, Law Journal Press, 1999-2008. "Companiile farmaceutice, o cercetare de ansamblu" Enciclopedia lui Ullmann de
Tehnologia chimiei Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, 2007. Corporaia Jocurilor Atari vs Nintendo, 897 F2d 1572,1576 (Fed. Cir.
1990). "n industria farmaceutic, protecia patentului are un cuvnt important de spus
cu privire la succesul de pia al unei companiei. Prin asigurarea drepturilor de "... patentele reprezint punctul central al companiilor farmaceutice,
exclusivitate, pentru deintor, patentele ofer companiilor farmaceutice permindu-le s recupereze investiia fcut, cel mai adesea
posibilitatea de a obine recompense financiare pentru investiia fcut cu privire considerabil is fie compensate pentru eforturile inovatoare " la Comisia
la dezvoltarea de noi ageni terapeutici." la Comisia European, Problema European, Problema Sectorului Farmaceutic, Raport preliminar (DG
Absolvent a Durham University, UK.
Andreea GAVRIL
Drepturile de proprietate intelectual (DPI) sunt drepturi de proprietate legal asupra creaiilor minii, att
artistice ct i comerciale i domenii de aplicare corespunztoare . n conformitate cu dreptul proprietii
intelectuale, proprietarilor le sunt acordate drepturi exclusive asupra unei varieti de bunuri necorporale,
cum ar fi cele muzicale, literare i lucrrile artistice; ideile, descoperirile i inveniile; i cuvintele, frazele,
simbolurile, desenele i modelele. Tipurile de proprietate intelectual obinuite includ: drepturile de autor,
mrcile nregistrate, brevetele, drepturile de design industrial i secretele comerciale.
Cuvinte cheie: concuren, drepturi de proprietate intelectual, comer paralel, sectorul farmaceutic.
Andreea GAVRIL
13 18
"In the pharmaceutical industry, patent protection has a huge bearing on the
Richard Raysman, Edward A. Pisacreta and Kenneth A. Adler, Intellectual commercial success of a company. By providing exclusive rights to the holder,
Property Licensing: Forms and Analysis, Law Journal Press, 1999-2008. patents offer a pharmaceutical company the opportunity to reap financial
reward for investment made in the development of new therapeutic agents." in Atari Games Corp v Nintendo of Am., 897 F2d 1572,1576 (Fed. Cir. 1990).
European Commission, Pharmaceutical Sector Inquiry, Preliminary Report "... patents are key in the pharmaceutical sector, as they allow companies to
(DG Competition Staff Working Paper), 28 November 2008, page 136. recoup their often very considerable investments and to be rewarded for their
innovative efforts" in European Commission, Pharmaceutical Sector Inquiry,
Preliminary Report (DG Competition Staff Working Paper), 28 November
2008, page 5.
John L. McGuire, Horst Hasskarl, Gerd Bode, Ingrid Klingmann, Manuel
Zahn "Pharmaceuticals, General Survey" Ullmann's Encyclopedia of Chemical
Technology Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, 2007.
Graduate of Durham University, UK.
Intellectual property rights (IPRs) are legal property rights over creations of the mind, both artistic and
commercial, and the corresponding fields of law. Under intellectual property law , owners are granted
certain exclusive rights to a variety of intangible assets, such as musical, literary, and artistic works; ideas,
discoveries and inventions; and words, phrases, symbols, and designs. Common types of intellectual
property include copyrights, trademarks, patents, industrial design rights and trade secrets.
Keywords: competition, intellectual property rights, parallel trade, pharmaceutical sector.
Majoritatea drepturilor de proprietate intelectual Industria farmaceutic dezvolt, produce i
le ofer creatorilor de lucrri economice originale comercializeaz medicamente autorizate pentru
un stimulent pentru dezvoltare i mprtirea utilizarea ca medicamentaie. Companiile
ideilor printr-o form de monopol temporar. farmaceutice pot comercializa medicamentaii
generice i/sau de marc. Acestea se supun unei
serii de legi i regulamente cu privire la brevetarea,
Exercitarea drepturilor de proprietate intelectual
testarea i comercializarea medicamentelor.
poate fi evaluat n baza regulilor de concuren.
Farmaceuticele tind s nregistreze brevete pentru
Legea concurenei i cea a drepturilor de
medicamentele lor. n acest fel, i pot opri pe ceilali
pr opr i et at e i nt el ect ual sunt de f apt
s le copieze formula sau s le exploateze n orice
complementare deoarece ambele au ca scop
alt mod. Conform Art. 33 din Acordul privind
ncurajarea inovaiei, industriei i concurenei.
aspectele comerciale ale drepturilor de proprietate
Totui, protejarea efectiv a drepturilor de
intelectual (TRIPS), valabilitatea termenului de
proprietate intelectual de concuren, n special a
protecie ar trebui s fie de minim 20 de ani.
brevetelor, este fundamental pentru asigurarea
Obinerea proteciei maxime a drepturilor de
continuitii inovaiei n industria medicamentelor
proprietate intelectual este de importan vital
deoarece procesul de dezvoltare de noi
pentru un productor de medicamente. Astfel,
medicamente este riscant i costisitor.
companiile iniiatoare au dezvoltat i implementat
diferite mecanisme pentru a extinde perioada de
baz a proteciei drepturilor de proprietate
intelectual n timpul creia se pot bucura de
The majority of intellectual property rights provide The pharmaceutical industry develops, produces,
creators of original works economic incentive to and markets drugs licensed for use as
develop and share ideas through a form of medications. Pharmaceutical companies can deal
temporary monopoly. in and/or brand medications. They are subject to a
variety of laws and regulations regarding the
The exercise of the intellectual property rights can patenting, testing and marketing of drugs.
be evaluated on the basis of competition rules. Pharmaceuticals tend to register patents for their
Competition and IPRs law are actually drugs. This way they can stop everyone from
complementary as both are aimed at encouraging copying their formula or exploiting in any other
innovation, industry, and competition. However, way. Under Article 33 of the Agreement on Trade-
the effective protection of IPRs from competition, Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights
especially patents, is fundamental for ensuring a (TRIPS) the term of protection available should be
continuity of innovation in drug industry as the minimum twenty years. Obtaining maximum IPRs
development process for new drugs is costly and protection is of vital importance for a
16 18
risky. pharmaceutical manufacturer. Therefore,
originator companies have developed and
implemented different mechanisms to extend the
basic period of IPRs protection over which they can
enjoy monopoly rights in order to delay the entry of
generic manufacturers and to ensure that no other
originator company will develop new products. An
Concuren, Documentul de lucru al personalului), 28 noiembrie 2008, pagina
Tradus n limba romn de Anamaria Neagoe. 5.
8 11
Richard Raysman, Edward A. Pisacreta i Kenneth A. Adler, Brevetarea John L. McGuire, Horst Hasskarl, Gerd Bode, Ingrid Klingmann, Manuel Zahn
proprietii intelectuale: Forme i analiz, Law Journal Press, 1999-2008. "Companiile farmaceutice, o cercetare de ansamblu" Enciclopedia lui Ullmann de
Tehnologia chimiei Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, 2007. Corporaia Jocurilor Atari vs Nintendo, 897 F2d 1572,1576 (Fed. Cir.
1990). "n industria farmaceutic, protecia patentului are un cuvnt important de spus
cu privire la succesul de pia al unei companiei. Prin asigurarea drepturilor de "... patentele reprezint punctul central al companiilor farmaceutice,
exclusivitate, pentru deintor, patentele ofer companiilor farmaceutice permindu-le s recupereze investiia fcut, cel mai adesea
posibilitatea de a obine recompense financiare pentru investiia fcut cu privire considerabil is fie compensate pentru eforturile inovatoare " la Comisia
la dezvoltarea de noi ageni terapeutici." la Comisia European, Problema European, Problema Sectorului Farmaceutic, Raport preliminar (DG
Absolvent a Durham University, UK.
Andreea GAVRIL
Drepturile de proprietate intelectual (DPI) sunt drepturi de proprietate legal asupra creaiilor minii, att
artistice ct i comerciale i domenii de aplicare corespunztoare . n conformitate cu dreptul proprietii
intelectuale, proprietarilor le sunt acordate drepturi exclusive asupra unei varieti de bunuri necorporale,
cum ar fi cele muzicale, literare i lucrrile artistice; ideile, descoperirile i inveniile; i cuvintele, frazele,
simbolurile, desenele i modelele. Tipurile de proprietate intelectual obinuite includ: drepturile de autor,
mrcile nregistrate, brevetele, drepturile de design industrial i secretele comerciale.
Cuvinte cheie: concuren, drepturi de proprietate intelectual, comer paralel, sectorul farmaceutic.
Andreea GAVRIL
13 18
"In the pharmaceutical industry, patent protection has a huge bearing on the
Richard Raysman, Edward A. Pisacreta and Kenneth A. Adler, Intellectual commercial success of a company. By providing exclusive rights to the holder,
Property Licensing: Forms and Analysis, Law Journal Press, 1999-2008. patents offer a pharmaceutical company the opportunity to reap financial
reward for investment made in the development of new therapeutic agents." in Atari Games Corp v Nintendo of Am., 897 F2d 1572,1576 (Fed. Cir. 1990).
European Commission, Pharmaceutical Sector Inquiry, Preliminary Report "... patents are key in the pharmaceutical sector, as they allow companies to
(DG Competition Staff Working Paper), 28 November 2008, page 136. recoup their often very considerable investments and to be rewarded for their
innovative efforts" in European Commission, Pharmaceutical Sector Inquiry,
Preliminary Report (DG Competition Staff Working Paper), 28 November
2008, page 5.
John L. McGuire, Horst Hasskarl, Gerd Bode, Ingrid Klingmann, Manuel
Zahn "Pharmaceuticals, General Survey" Ullmann's Encyclopedia of Chemical
Technology Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, 2007.
Graduate of Durham University, UK.
Intellectual property rights (IPRs) are legal property rights over creations of the mind, both artistic and
commercial, and the corresponding fields of law. Under intellectual property law , owners are granted
certain exclusive rights to a variety of intangible assets, such as musical, literary, and artistic works; ideas,
discoveries and inventions; and words, phrases, symbols, and designs. Common types of intellectual
property include copyrights, trademarks, patents, industrial design rights and trade secrets.
Keywords: competition, intellectual property rights, parallel trade, pharmaceutical sector.
drepturile de monopol cu scopul de a ntrzia multe ori nefiind cazul, nu exist nici o ndoial n
intrarea pe pia a productorilor de generice i ceea ce privete legalitatea comerului paralel.
pentru a se asigura c nici o alt companie Cnd este situaia opus, comerul paralel este legal
iniiatoare nu dezvolt noi produse. Un exemplu numai n cazul n care statul H practic epuizarea
de astfel de strategie este o companie iniiatoare internaional n legtur cu drepturile de
care aplic mai multe brevete pentru acelai proprietate intelectual n cauz.
medicament (grupuri de brevete). Aceasta aduce
insecuritatea juridic n detrimentul competitorilor Normele care reglementeaz drepturile de
productori de generice cu privire la data la care proprietate intelectual i aplicarea lor sunt
vor putea ncepe s produc medicamentul fr a specifice jurisdiciilor respective. n cazul n care
nclca brevetul. Alte tipuri de instrumente utilizate drepturile de proprietate intelectual asociate cu
sunt: prepararea unei a doua generaii de produse un anumit produs sunt epuizate ntr-un anumit stat,
pentru a asigura schimbul cu prima generaie a de exemplu, n statul D, cu titlu de prim vnzare a
medicamentului sau divizarea aplicaiei iniiale produsul ui de ct re i ni i at orul sau cu
pentru brevet (brevetul divizat). n afara consimmntul acestuia, aceasta nu nseamn
nregistrrii patentelor i a mrcilor nregistrate, neaprat c drepturile de proprietate intelectual
companiile farmaceutice pstreaz controlul strict asociate cu produsul n alt stat, pentru statul H de
asupra celor care comercializeaz medicamentele exemplu, sunt epuizate, de asemenea. n cazul n
i la ce pre utiliznd acorduri asupra distribuiei, care statul H practic epuizarea naional, n sensul
cote de furnizare etc. c drepturile de proprietate intelectual ca acesta
ar putea fi acordate doar epuizat cu titlu de prima
Atunci cnd un produs este pus pe pia de ctre vnzare a produsului de ctre iniiator sau cu
aceeai ntreprindere n dou (sau mai multe) ri consimmntul acestuia pe teritoriul su, atunci
unde preul pentru acesta ntr-un stat (denumit mai prima vnzare ntr-un alt stat nu ar epuiza DPI
jos D) este mai sczut dect n alt parte (denumit asociate cu produsul n statul H. Pe de alt parte,
n continuare statul H), comerul paralel apare dac epuizarea internaionale a fost practicat de
atunci cnd o alt ntreprindere obine produsul de statul H, atunci prima vnzare ntr-un alt stat ar
la un stat D i l pune pe pia n H, stat fr epuiza DPI asociate cu produsul n statul H.
autorizaie de la fosta ntreprindere (denumit n Urmarea epuizrii este c proprietarul DPI,
continuare "iniiatoare"), n mod normal la un pre presupunnd c n acest caz este iniiatorul, nu mai
mai mic n comparaie cu cel de origine. Acesta poate s se bazeze pe drepturile de proprietate
este cazul cel mai frecvent de comer paralel. "Cu intelectual n statul H pentru a preveni comerul
toate acestea, comerul paralel poate s apar, de paralel de produsul su n statul H.
asemenea, n cazul n care [iniiatorul] nu se vinde
n statul [H], n cazul n care nu vinde cantiti
suficiente acolo pentru a rspunde cererii, sau n
cazul n care se vinde n ambele ri, dar n condiii
diferite". Dac este comerul paralel legal n statul H
depinde de existena vreunui drept de proprietate
intelectual (denumit n continuare DPI) asociat cu
produsul i dac practicile rii H sunt epuizate la
nivel naional sau internaional n ceea ce privete
drepturile de proprietate intelectual relevante.
Atunci cnd nu exist nici drepturile de proprietate
intelectual asociate cu produsul n statul H, de
Sectorului Farmaceutic, Raport preliminar (DG Concuren, Documentul
de lucru al personalului), 28 noiembrie 2008, pagina 136.
Stothers, supra nota 14, la 2.
example of such strategy of an originator company
The rules governing IPRs and their enforcement are
is applying for several patents for the same
particular to their respective jurisdictions. When
medicine (patent clusters). This brings legal
the IPRs associated with a particular product are
uncertainty in the detriment of generic competitors
exhausted in a particular country, for example in
as to when they can start developing the drug
country D, by way of first sale of the product by the
without infringing the patents. Other such
originator or with his consent, it does not
instruments are preparing a second generation of
necessarily mean that the IPRs associated with the
products so to ensure the switch with the first
product in another country, for example country H,
generation medicine, or splitting an initial parent
are exhausted as well. If country H practices
application (divisional patent). Apart from
national exhaustion, meaning that the IPRs that it
registering patents and trademarks, pharmaceutical
granted would only be exhausted by way of first
companies keep strict control over who sells their
sale of the product by the originator or with his products and for how much by using distribution
agreements, supply quota etc. consent within its territory, then first sale in another
country would not exhaust the IPRs associated with
When a product is put on the market by the same the product in country H. On the other hand, if
undertaking in two (or more) countries wherein the international exhaustion were practiced by country
price for it in one country (hereinafter country D) is H, then first sale in another country would exhaust
lower than in the other (hereinafter country H), the IPRs associated with the product in country H.
parallel trade occurs when another undertaking The consequence of exhaustion is that the owner of
obtains the product from country D and puts it on the IPRs, assuming in this case is the originator, can
the market in country H without authorization from no longer rely on his IPRs in country H to prevent
the former undertaking (hereinafter the originator), parallel trade of his product in country H.
normally at a lesser price compared to that of the
originator. This is the most common case of
parallel trade. However, it may also occur when
the [originator] does not sell in country [H] at all,
where it does not sell sufficient quantities there to
meet demand or where it sells in both countries,
but on different terms. Whether parallel trade is
legal in country H depends on whether there is any
intellectual property right (hereinafter IPR)
associated with the product and whether country H
practices national or international exhaustion in
relation to the relevant IPR. When there is no IPR
associated with the product in country H, which is
often not the case, there is no question that parallel
trade is legal. When it is the opposite, however,
parallel trade is legal only when country H practices
international exhaustion in relation to the relevant
Stothers, supra note 14, at 2.
drepturile de monopol cu scopul de a ntrzia multe ori nefiind cazul, nu exist nici o ndoial n
intrarea pe pia a productorilor de generice i ceea ce privete legalitatea comerului paralel.
pentru a se asigura c nici o alt companie Cnd este situaia opus, comerul paralel este legal
iniiatoare nu dezvolt noi produse. Un exemplu numai n cazul n care statul H practic epuizarea
de astfel de strategie este o companie iniiatoare internaional n legtur cu drepturile de
care aplic mai multe brevete pentru acelai proprietate intelectual n cauz.
medicament (grupuri de brevete). Aceasta aduce
insecuritatea juridic n detrimentul competitorilor Normele care reglementeaz drepturile de
productori de generice cu privire la data la care proprietate intelectual i aplicarea lor sunt
vor putea ncepe s produc medicamentul fr a specifice jurisdiciilor respective. n cazul n care
nclca brevetul. Alte tipuri de instrumente utilizate drepturile de proprietate intelectual asociate cu
sunt: prepararea unei a doua generaii de produse un anumit produs sunt epuizate ntr-un anumit stat,
pentru a asigura schimbul cu prima generaie a de exemplu, n statul D, cu titlu de prim vnzare a
medicamentului sau divizarea aplicaiei iniiale produsul ui de ct re i ni i at orul sau cu
pentru brevet (brevetul divizat). n afara consimmntul acestuia, aceasta nu nseamn
nregistrrii patentelor i a mrcilor nregistrate, neaprat c drepturile de proprietate intelectual
companiile farmaceutice pstreaz controlul strict asociate cu produsul n alt stat, pentru statul H de
asupra celor care comercializeaz medicamentele exemplu, sunt epuizate, de asemenea. n cazul n
i la ce pre utiliznd acorduri asupra distribuiei, care statul H practic epuizarea naional, n sensul
cote de furnizare etc. c drepturile de proprietate intelectual ca acesta
ar putea fi acordate doar epuizat cu titlu de prima
Atunci cnd un produs este pus pe pia de ctre vnzare a produsului de ctre iniiator sau cu
aceeai ntreprindere n dou (sau mai multe) ri consimmntul acestuia pe teritoriul su, atunci
unde preul pentru acesta ntr-un stat (denumit mai prima vnzare ntr-un alt stat nu ar epuiza DPI
jos D) este mai sczut dect n alt parte (denumit asociate cu produsul n statul H. Pe de alt parte,
n continuare statul H), comerul paralel apare dac epuizarea internaionale a fost practicat de
atunci cnd o alt ntreprindere obine produsul de statul H, atunci prima vnzare ntr-un alt stat ar
la un stat D i l pune pe pia n H, stat fr epuiza DPI asociate cu produsul n statul H.
autorizaie de la fosta ntreprindere (denumit n Urmarea epuizrii este c proprietarul DPI,
continuare "iniiatoare"), n mod normal la un pre presupunnd c n acest caz este iniiatorul, nu mai
mai mic n comparaie cu cel de origine. Acesta poate s se bazeze pe drepturile de proprietate
este cazul cel mai frecvent de comer paralel. "Cu intelectual n statul H pentru a preveni comerul
toate acestea, comerul paralel poate s apar, de paralel de produsul su n statul H.
asemenea, n cazul n care [iniiatorul] nu se vinde
n statul [H], n cazul n care nu vinde cantiti
suficiente acolo pentru a rspunde cererii, sau n
cazul n care se vinde n ambele ri, dar n condiii
diferite". Dac este comerul paralel legal n statul H
depinde de existena vreunui drept de proprietate
intelectual (denumit n continuare DPI) asociat cu
produsul i dac practicile rii H sunt epuizate la
nivel naional sau internaional n ceea ce privete
drepturile de proprietate intelectual relevante.
Atunci cnd nu exist nici drepturile de proprietate
intelectual asociate cu produsul n statul H, de
Sectorului Farmaceutic, Raport preliminar (DG Concuren, Documentul
de lucru al personalului), 28 noiembrie 2008, pagina 136.
Stothers, supra nota 14, la 2.
example of such strategy of an originator company
The rules governing IPRs and their enforcement are
is applying for several patents for the same
particular to their respective jurisdictions. When
medicine (patent clusters). This brings legal
the IPRs associated with a particular product are
uncertainty in the detriment of generic competitors
exhausted in a particular country, for example in
as to when they can start developing the drug
country D, by way of first sale of the product by the
without infringing the patents. Other such
originator or with his consent, it does not
instruments are preparing a second generation of
necessarily mean that the IPRs associated with the
products so to ensure the switch with the first
product in another country, for example country H,
generation medicine, or splitting an initial parent
are exhausted as well. If country H practices
application (divisional patent). Apart from
national exhaustion, meaning that the IPRs that it
registering patents and trademarks, pharmaceutical
granted would only be exhausted by way of first
companies keep strict control over who sells their
sale of the product by the originator or with his products and for how much by using distribution
agreements, supply quota etc. consent within its territory, then first sale in another
country would not exhaust the IPRs associated with
When a product is put on the market by the same the product in country H. On the other hand, if
undertaking in two (or more) countries wherein the international exhaustion were practiced by country
price for it in one country (hereinafter country D) is H, then first sale in another country would exhaust
lower than in the other (hereinafter country H), the IPRs associated with the product in country H.
parallel trade occurs when another undertaking The consequence of exhaustion is that the owner of
obtains the product from country D and puts it on the IPRs, assuming in this case is the originator, can
the market in country H without authorization from no longer rely on his IPRs in country H to prevent
the former undertaking (hereinafter the originator), parallel trade of his product in country H.
normally at a lesser price compared to that of the
originator. This is the most common case of
parallel trade. However, it may also occur when
the [originator] does not sell in country [H] at all,
where it does not sell sufficient quantities there to
meet demand or where it sells in both countries,
but on different terms. Whether parallel trade is
legal in country H depends on whether there is any
intellectual property right (hereinafter IPR)
associated with the product and whether country H
practices national or international exhaustion in
relation to the relevant IPR. When there is no IPR
associated with the product in country H, which is
often not the case, there is no question that parallel
trade is legal. When it is the opposite, however,
parallel trade is legal only when country H practices
international exhaustion in relation to the relevant
Stothers, supra note 14, at 2.
1. Comerul paralel: ce este i cum 2. Cum interfereaz comerul paralel cu
funcioneaz drepturile de proprietate intelectual a
"Importurile paralele" - numite i importurile de
piaa gri sunt produsele fabricate realmente sub DPI, n special drepturile de brevet, ofer
protecia unei mrci comerciale, unui brevet sau a proprietarilor dreptul de a se bucura de avantajele
unui drept de autor, puse n circulaie ntr-o singur DPI, de exemplu: exclusivitatea exploatrii
pia (o pia a unui stat membru UE), i apoi produselor care ncorporeaz PI protejat cel puin
importate de ctre un intermediar ntr-un alt stat pn la primul punct de comercializare a
membru, fr a implica productorul sau canalele produsului n cadrul unei singure jurisdicii care a
22 27
formale ale distribuitorul liceniat. acordat DPI. n cazul drepturilor de brevet,
exclusivitatea oferit proprietarului brevetului i
n principiu, comerul paralel "va avea loc numai n mpiedic pe alii s concureze cu el folosind
cazul n care diferena de pre [ntre statul H i statul acelai produs, care ncorporeaz PI protejat n
D] este suficient pentru a acoperi costurile cadrul jurisdiciei care a acordat brevetul, cel puin
comerciantului paralel, mpreun cu o marj de pn cnd proprietarul DPI a avut prima
profit suficient de atractiv". Diferenele de pre, posibilitate de a exploata produsul n cadrul
care pot alimenta comerul paralel, pot aprea jurisdiciei care a acordat brevetul, n modul ales de
dintr-o varietate de motive, cum ar fi: fluctuaia el. Aceast exclusivitate nu mai este garantat acolo
monetar, reglementarea preurilor, reglementarea unde este permis comerul paralel.
produsului, costurile de distribuie sau atunci cnd
iniiatorul alege s-i vnd produsele la un pre Aplicarea DPI mpotriva comerului paralel nu este
mai ridicat n statul [H] dect n statul [D] pentru a justificat n baza proteciei proprietii industriale
obine profituri mai mari i/sau pentru a acoperi i comerciale, dat fiind c posibilitile de
costurile serviciilor suplimentare n statul [H]. n exercitare a drepturilor de PI cu privire la
fiecare dintre situaii, comerul paralel poate importurile paralele au fost eliminate conform
nlocui unele vnzri care altfel ar fi fost fcute de principiului comunitar de eliminare, astfel c
ctre [iniiator] n statul [H], cu vnzri de [iniiator] protecia pentru proprietatea industrial i
n statul [D]. De asemenea, este posibil s aduc comercial cuprins n importurile paralele nu mai
atingere preului produsului normal n statul [H], n exist odat cu eliminarea ei. Astfel, companiile
timp ce cererea crescut din statul [D] este de nu se mai pot baza pe drepturile lor de proprietate
natur s fac presiuni asupra creterii preurilor n intelectual pentru a restriciona comerul paralel
acest stat. n orice caz, este foarte probabil s din cauza principiului comunitar de eliminare cu
reduc profiturile [iniiatorului], i astfel [iniiatorii] excepia cazului cnd apare o motivaie legitim
se vor opune de obicei comerului paralel n legat, de exemplu, de problemele de mpachetare
diferite moduri. n cadrul UE, comerul paralel i modificare sau de afectarea importurilor
este legal: condiiile de exploatare a mrcii paralele.
nregistrate din cadrul UE, stabilite printr-o
n conformitate cu jurisprudena CEJ care a adoptat Directiv a Consiliului, adoptat n 1989, se
legislaia european privind DPI, de ex. Directiva bazeaz pe un sistem de epuizare la nivelul
Mrcilor Comerciale 89/104/EEC, Regulamentul Uniunii, prin care un bun nregistrat ca marc poat
Comunitar al Mrcilor Comerciale 40/94/EC, fi vndut n orice stat membru dup ce a fost
Directiva de Design 98/71/EC i Regulamentul introdus pe pia n alt parte a Pieei Unice.
Comunitar privind Designul 6/2002/EC, codific,
n prezent, in extensio, principiul comunitar de
Stothers, supra nota 14, la 1.
Idem., la 2-3.
Idem., la 3.
Prima Directiv a Consiliului 89/104/EEC (21 Dec 1988):
supra nota 21, la 434.
Stothers, supra nota 14, la 43-44.
Comerul paralel cu medicamente publicat pe (17 Aug 2004):
1. Parallel trade: what it is and how it works 2. How does parallel trade interfere with the IPRs
of pharmaceuticals
Parallel imports- also called gray-market imports -
are products produced genuinely under protection IPRs, particularly patent rights, give the owners the
of a trademark, patent or copyright, placed into right to enjoy the advantages which the IPRs confer
circulation in one market (an EU Member State's upon them, i.e. the exclusivity to exploit the
market), and then imported by an intermediary products embodying the protected IP at least until
into another Member State, outside the the first point of sale of the products within a single
manufacturer's or its licensed distributor's formal jurisdiction that granted the IPRs. In terms of
channels. patent right, the exclusivity given to the patent
owner means that another cannot compete with
In principle, parallel trade will occur only if the him using the same product embodying the
price differential [between country H and country patented invention within the jurisdiction that
D] is sufficient to cover the costs of the parallel granted the patent at least until the patent owner
trader together with a sufficiently attractive margin has had the first opportunity to exploit that product
of profit. The price differentials which can fuel in his chosen manner within that jurisdiction. This
parallel trade, can arise for a variety of reasons, such exclusivity is no longer guaranteed when parallel
as: currency fluctuation, price regulation, product trade is allowed.
regulation, distribution costs, or when the
originator chooses to sell the products at a higher Enforcement of IPRs against parallel trade is not
price in country [H] than in country [D] in order to justifiable on the ground for protection of industrial
make higher profits and/or to cover the costs of and commercial property as the possibilities of
additional services in country [H]. In each case, exercising IP rights with regard to parallel imports
parallel trade is likely to replace some sales which have been exhausted under the community
would otherwise have been made by the exhaustion principle, meaning that the protection
[originator] in country [H] with sales by the for the industrial and commercial property
[originator] in country [D]. It is also likely to embodied in parallel imports cease to exist once it
undermine the price of the regular product in has been exhausted. Therefore, business entities
country [H], while the increased demand in can hardly rely on their IPRs to restrict parallel trade
country [D] is likely to put pressure on the price to due to the community exhaustion principle except
rise in that country. In any event, it is likely to when legitimate reasons arise relating, for example,
reduce [originator's] profits, and so [originators] will to issues of repackaging and change or impairment
typically oppose parallel trade in various ways. of parallel imports.
Within the EU, parallel trading is legal: the EU
trademark regime, established by a Council In line with the case law by the ECJ, the later
adopted European legislation relating to IPRs, e.g. Directive adopted in 1989 is based on a
Trademark Directive 89/104/EEC, Community Community-exhaustion system, whereby a
Trademark Regulation 40/94/EC, Design Directive trademarked good may be sold in any Member
98/71/EC and Community Design Regulation State once it has been put on the market elsewhere
6/2002/EC, now largely codifies the community within the Single Market.
exhaustion principle. The interpretation given to
this article by the ECJ clearly reflects the founding
purpose and principles of the EC Treaty.
Parallel Trade in Medicines published on (17 Aug 2004):
Stothers, supra note 14, at 1.
Id., at 2-3.
Id., at 3.
First Council Directive 89/104/EEC (21 Dec 1988):
supra note 21, at 434.
Stothers, supra note 14, at 43-44.
1. Comerul paralel: ce este i cum 2. Cum interfereaz comerul paralel cu
funcioneaz drepturile de proprietate intelectual a
"Importurile paralele" - numite i importurile de
piaa gri sunt produsele fabricate realmente sub DPI, n special drepturile de brevet, ofer
protecia unei mrci comerciale, unui brevet sau a proprietarilor dreptul de a se bucura de avantajele
unui drept de autor, puse n circulaie ntr-o singur DPI, de exemplu: exclusivitatea exploatrii
pia (o pia a unui stat membru UE), i apoi produselor care ncorporeaz PI protejat cel puin
importate de ctre un intermediar ntr-un alt stat pn la primul punct de comercializare a
membru, fr a implica productorul sau canalele produsului n cadrul unei singure jurisdicii care a
22 27
formale ale distribuitorul liceniat. acordat DPI. n cazul drepturilor de brevet,
exclusivitatea oferit proprietarului brevetului i
n principiu, comerul paralel "va avea loc numai n mpiedic pe alii s concureze cu el folosind
cazul n care diferena de pre [ntre statul H i statul acelai produs, care ncorporeaz PI protejat n
D] este suficient pentru a acoperi costurile cadrul jurisdiciei care a acordat brevetul, cel puin
comerciantului paralel, mpreun cu o marj de pn cnd proprietarul DPI a avut prima
profit suficient de atractiv". Diferenele de pre, posibilitate de a exploata produsul n cadrul
care pot alimenta comerul paralel, pot aprea jurisdiciei care a acordat brevetul, n modul ales de
dintr-o varietate de motive, cum ar fi: fluctuaia el. Aceast exclusivitate nu mai este garantat acolo
monetar, reglementarea preurilor, reglementarea unde este permis comerul paralel.
produsului, costurile de distribuie sau atunci cnd
iniiatorul alege s-i vnd produsele la un pre Aplicarea DPI mpotriva comerului paralel nu este
mai ridicat n statul [H] dect n statul [D] pentru a justificat n baza proteciei proprietii industriale
obine profituri mai mari i/sau pentru a acoperi i comerciale, dat fiind c posibilitile de
costurile serviciilor suplimentare n statul [H]. n exercitare a drepturilor de PI cu privire la
fiecare dintre situaii, comerul paralel poate importurile paralele au fost eliminate conform
nlocui unele vnzri care altfel ar fi fost fcute de principiului comunitar de eliminare, astfel c
ctre [iniiator] n statul [H], cu vnzri de [iniiator] protecia pentru proprietatea industrial i
n statul [D]. De asemenea, este posibil s aduc comercial cuprins n importurile paralele nu mai
atingere preului produsului normal n statul [H], n exist odat cu eliminarea ei. Astfel, companiile
timp ce cererea crescut din statul [D] este de nu se mai pot baza pe drepturile lor de proprietate
natur s fac presiuni asupra creterii preurilor n intelectual pentru a restriciona comerul paralel
acest stat. n orice caz, este foarte probabil s din cauza principiului comunitar de eliminare cu
reduc profiturile [iniiatorului], i astfel [iniiatorii] excepia cazului cnd apare o motivaie legitim
se vor opune de obicei comerului paralel n legat, de exemplu, de problemele de mpachetare
diferite moduri. n cadrul UE, comerul paralel i modificare sau de afectarea importurilor
este legal: condiiile de exploatare a mrcii paralele.
nregistrate din cadrul UE, stabilite printr-o
n conformitate cu jurisprudena CEJ care a adoptat Directiv a Consiliului, adoptat n 1989, se
legislaia european privind DPI, de ex. Directiva bazeaz pe un sistem de epuizare la nivelul
Mrcilor Comerciale 89/104/EEC, Regulamentul Uniunii, prin care un bun nregistrat ca marc poat
Comunitar al Mrcilor Comerciale 40/94/EC, fi vndut n orice stat membru dup ce a fost
Directiva de Design 98/71/EC i Regulamentul introdus pe pia n alt parte a Pieei Unice.
Comunitar privind Designul 6/2002/EC, codific,
n prezent, in extensio, principiul comunitar de
Stothers, supra nota 14, la 1.
Idem., la 2-3.
Idem., la 3.
Prima Directiv a Consiliului 89/104/EEC (21 Dec 1988):
supra nota 21, la 434.
Stothers, supra nota 14, la 43-44.
Comerul paralel cu medicamente publicat pe (17 Aug 2004):
1. Parallel trade: what it is and how it works 2. How does parallel trade interfere with the IPRs
of pharmaceuticals
Parallel imports- also called gray-market imports -
are products produced genuinely under protection IPRs, particularly patent rights, give the owners the
of a trademark, patent or copyright, placed into right to enjoy the advantages which the IPRs confer
circulation in one market (an EU Member State's upon them, i.e. the exclusivity to exploit the
market), and then imported by an intermediary products embodying the protected IP at least until
into another Member State, outside the the first point of sale of the products within a single
manufacturer's or its licensed distributor's formal jurisdiction that granted the IPRs. In terms of
channels. patent right, the exclusivity given to the patent
owner means that another cannot compete with
In principle, parallel trade will occur only if the him using the same product embodying the
price differential [between country H and country patented invention within the jurisdiction that
D] is sufficient to cover the costs of the parallel granted the patent at least until the patent owner
trader together with a sufficiently attractive margin has had the first opportunity to exploit that product
of profit. The price differentials which can fuel in his chosen manner within that jurisdiction. This
parallel trade, can arise for a variety of reasons, such exclusivity is no longer guaranteed when parallel
as: currency fluctuation, price regulation, product trade is allowed.
regulation, distribution costs, or when the
originator chooses to sell the products at a higher Enforcement of IPRs against parallel trade is not
price in country [H] than in country [D] in order to justifiable on the ground for protection of industrial
make higher profits and/or to cover the costs of and commercial property as the possibilities of
additional services in country [H]. In each case, exercising IP rights with regard to parallel imports
parallel trade is likely to replace some sales which have been exhausted under the community
would otherwise have been made by the exhaustion principle, meaning that the protection
[originator] in country [H] with sales by the for the industrial and commercial property
[originator] in country [D]. It is also likely to embodied in parallel imports cease to exist once it
undermine the price of the regular product in has been exhausted. Therefore, business entities
country [H], while the increased demand in can hardly rely on their IPRs to restrict parallel trade
country [D] is likely to put pressure on the price to due to the community exhaustion principle except
rise in that country. In any event, it is likely to when legitimate reasons arise relating, for example,
reduce [originator's] profits, and so [originators] will to issues of repackaging and change or impairment
typically oppose parallel trade in various ways. of parallel imports.
Within the EU, parallel trading is legal: the EU
trademark regime, established by a Council In line with the case law by the ECJ, the later
adopted European legislation relating to IPRs, e.g. Directive adopted in 1989 is based on a
Trademark Directive 89/104/EEC, Community Community-exhaustion system, whereby a
Trademark Regulation 40/94/EC, Design Directive trademarked good may be sold in any Member
98/71/EC and Community Design Regulation State once it has been put on the market elsewhere
6/2002/EC, now largely codifies the community within the Single Market.
exhaustion principle. The interpretation given to
this article by the ECJ clearly reflects the founding
purpose and principles of the EC Treaty.
Parallel Trade in Medicines published on (17 Aug 2004):
Stothers, supra note 14, at 1.
Id., at 2-3.
Id., at 3.
First Council Directive 89/104/EEC (21 Dec 1988):
supra note 21, at 434.
Stothers, supra note 14, at 43-44.
n timp ce exercitarea DPI mpotriva comerului
Acordurile care au ca obiect sau efect
paralel de ctre firme private este limitat de
restricionarea comerului paralel sunt interzise n
principiul comunitar de eliminare, acestea se pot
conformitate cu Articolul 81(1) CE i vor fi
angaja n alte practici de mpiedicare a comerului
exceptate de la Regulamentul exceptrilor n bloc
paralel. Normele de concuren din Tratatul CE, i
sau de la prevederile Articolului 81(3) CE.
anume Articolul 81 CE i Articolul 82 CE, joac un
Interpretarea dat acestui articol de ctre CEJ
ro important n limitarea unor astfel de practici.
reflect n mod clar scopul iniial i principiile
Tratatului CE.
Interzicerea cartelurilor, menionat n Articolul 81
CE, precizeaz c toate acordurile ntre companii,
decizii ale asociaiilor de firme i practicile
Aceste prevederi nu sunt complete n absena
concertate care pot afecta comerul ntre statele
normelor de concuren din Tratatul CE (Articolul
membre i care pot afecta comerul ntre Statele
81 CE i Articolul Article 82 CE) care vin n
Membre i care au ca obiect sau efect prevenirea,
completarea acestora prin norme de concuren
restricionarea sau distorsionarea concurenei pe o
pentru activtile int ale companiilor private care
piaa comun, sunt interzise.
ar putea afecta, n mod nefavorabil, funcionarea
pieei comune. Companiile farmaceutice pot lua
Pentru ca sistemul de management al unul lan de
ele nsele msuri de restricionare a comerului
furnizori farmaceutici s genereze dezbateri n
paralel. Aceste msuri care creeaz bariere
conformitate cu Articolul 81, trebuie s existe un
comerciale ntre statele membre au reprezentat
acord care s fac obiectul Articolului 81. Pentru
dintotdeauna inta normelor de concuren ale CE
a preveni limitarea comerul paralel de ctre
atunci cnd se ncadreaz n prevederile Articolului
companiile farmaceutice, Comisia European a
81 CE i/sau ale Articolului 82 CE.
adoptat o interpretare extins conceptului de
'acord' cu privire la semnificaia din Articolul 81.
Articolul 81(1) CE interzice toate acordurile ntre
CEJ a oferit termenului acord o construcie
companii, decizii ale asociaiilor de firme i
liberal, care i presupune existena n mod indirect
practicile concertate care pot afecta comerul ntre
prin analiza comportamentului prilor, chiar n
statele membre i care au ca obiect sau efect
absena unor formaliti scrise. Articolul 81(1)
prevenirea, restricionarea sau distorsionarea
menioneaz trei elemente obligatorii pentru
concurenei pe o pia comun; aceasta nseamn
constituirea practicii: (1) companie funcional, (2)
c eforturile comune ale companiilor private de a
acord intelectual sau practic concertat, i (3)
restriciona comerul paralel n cadrul CE sunt
acorduri economice care s afecteze comerul ntre
interzise doar dac nu sunt excepii conform
Statele Membre.
Articolului 81(3) CE. Pe de alt parte, Articolul 82
CE interzice orice abuz al uneia sau mai multor
Pentru aplicarea corect a acestui articol,
companii de poziie dominant pe piaa comun
elementele sale constitutive trebuie analizate n
sau pe o parte important a acesteia va fi interzis
lumina jurisprudenei CEJ n acest domeniu.
sau considerat incompatibil cu piaa comun
ajungnd pn acolo nct poate afecta comerul
ntre statele membre adic sunt interzise eforturile
de restricionare a comerului paralel n cadrul CE
ale unei singure companii private sau ale mai
multor companii cu putere de pia.
3. Restriciile companiilor farmaceutice privind
comerul paralel care genereaz norme legale de
Supra nota 37, la 8 i 20.
Stothers, supra nota 14, la 222, 238, 242-243.
While the exercise of IPRs against parallel trade by Agreements having the object or effect of restricting
private undertakings is limited by the community parallel trade come within the prohibition under
exhaustion principle, they can still engage in other Article 81(1) EC and are most unlikely to be
practices that impede parallel trade. The exempted under a Block Exemption Regulation or
competition rules in the EC Treaty, i.e. Article 81 EC under Article 81(3) EC. The interpretation given to
and Article 82 EC, play the role of limiting those this article by the ECJ clearly reflects the founding
practices. purpose and principles of the EC Treaty.
The prohibition on cartels contained in Article 81
EC provides that all agreements between
undertakings, decisions by associations of
undertakings and concerted practices which may These provisions would not be complete without
affect trade between Member States and which the competition rules in the EC Treaty (Article 81 EC
have as their object or effect the prevention, and Article 82 EC) complementing them as the
restriction or distortion of competition within the competition rules target activities of private
common market are prohibited. undertakings that could adversely affect the
4 2
f unct i oni ng of t he common mar ket .
For a pharmaceutical supply chain management
Pharmaceuticals entities may take private
system to give rise to concerns under Article 81,
measures to restrict parallel trade. These measures
there must be an agreement capable of falling
which create trade barriers between member states
within the scope of Article 81. In order to prevent
have always been a target of the EC competition
pharmaceutical companies from limiting parallel
rules whenever they are within reach by Article 81
trade, the European Commission has adopted a
EC and/or Article 82 EC.
broad interpretation of the concept of 'agreement'
within the meaning of Article 81.The term
Article 81(1) EC prohibits all agreements between
agreement has been given a liberal construction
undertakings, decisions by associations of
by the ECJ, which inferred its existence indirectly
undertakings and concerted practices which may
through the analysis of parties' behaviour, even in
affect trade between member states and which
absence of written formalities. Art. 81(1) requires
have their object or effect the prevention,
three elements to constitute practice: (1)
restriction or distortion of competition within the
functional-undertaking, (2) intellectual-agreement
common market which means that joint efforts of
or concerted practice, and (3) economic-
private undertakings to restrict parallel trade within
agreements that affect trade between Member
the EC fall under this prohibition unless they also
fall under the exemption as provided in Article
81(3) EC. On the other hand, Article 82 EC
In order to correctly apply this article, its
prohibits any abuse by one or more undertakings
constitutive elements must be analyzed in the light
of a dominant position within the common market
of ECJ jurisprudence on the area.
or in a substantial part of it shall be prohibited as
incompatible with the common market in so far as
it may affect trade between member states which
means that efforts to restrict parallel trade within
the EC by a single or multiple private undertakings
having market power are also prohibited.
3. Pharmaceuticals restrictions to parallel trade
that give rise to competition law rules
Supra note 37, at 8 and 20
Stothers, supra note 14, at 222, 238, 242-243.
n timp ce exercitarea DPI mpotriva comerului
Acordurile care au ca obiect sau efect
paralel de ctre firme private este limitat de
restricionarea comerului paralel sunt interzise n
principiul comunitar de eliminare, acestea se pot
conformitate cu Articolul 81(1) CE i vor fi
angaja n alte practici de mpiedicare a comerului
exceptate de la Regulamentul exceptrilor n bloc
paralel. Normele de concuren din Tratatul CE, i
sau de la prevederile Articolului 81(3) CE.
anume Articolul 81 CE i Articolul 82 CE, joac un
Interpretarea dat acestui articol de ctre CEJ
ro important n limitarea unor astfel de practici.
reflect n mod clar scopul iniial i principiile
Tratatului CE.
Interzicerea cartelurilor, menionat n Articolul 81
CE, precizeaz c toate acordurile ntre companii,
decizii ale asociaiilor de firme i practicile
Aceste prevederi nu sunt complete n absena
concertate care pot afecta comerul ntre statele
normelor de concuren din Tratatul CE (Articolul
membre i care pot afecta comerul ntre Statele
81 CE i Articolul Article 82 CE) care vin n
Membre i care au ca obiect sau efect prevenirea,
completarea acestora prin norme de concuren
restricionarea sau distorsionarea concurenei pe o
pentru activtile int ale companiilor private care
piaa comun, sunt interzise.
ar putea afecta, n mod nefavorabil, funcionarea
pieei comune. Companiile farmaceutice pot lua
Pentru ca sistemul de management al unul lan de
ele nsele msuri de restricionare a comerului
furnizori farmaceutici s genereze dezbateri n
paralel. Aceste msuri care creeaz bariere
conformitate cu Articolul 81, trebuie s existe un
comerciale ntre statele membre au reprezentat
acord care s fac obiectul Articolului 81. Pentru
dintotdeauna inta normelor de concuren ale CE
a preveni limitarea comerul paralel de ctre
atunci cnd se ncadreaz n prevederile Articolului
companiile farmaceutice, Comisia European a
81 CE i/sau ale Articolului 82 CE.
adoptat o interpretare extins conceptului de
'acord' cu privire la semnificaia din Articolul 81.
Articolul 81(1) CE interzice toate acordurile ntre
CEJ a oferit termenului acord o construcie
companii, decizii ale asociaiilor de firme i
liberal, care i presupune existena n mod indirect
practicile concertate care pot afecta comerul ntre
prin analiza comportamentului prilor, chiar n
statele membre i care au ca obiect sau efect
absena unor formaliti scrise. Articolul 81(1)
prevenirea, restricionarea sau distorsionarea
menioneaz trei elemente obligatorii pentru
concurenei pe o pia comun; aceasta nseamn
constituirea practicii: (1) companie funcional, (2)
c eforturile comune ale companiilor private de a
acord intelectual sau practic concertat, i (3)
restriciona comerul paralel n cadrul CE sunt
acorduri economice care s afecteze comerul ntre
interzise doar dac nu sunt excepii conform
Statele Membre.
Articolului 81(3) CE. Pe de alt parte, Articolul 82
CE interzice orice abuz al uneia sau mai multor
Pentru aplicarea corect a acestui articol,
companii de poziie dominant pe piaa comun
elementele sale constitutive trebuie analizate n
sau pe o parte important a acesteia va fi interzis
lumina jurisprudenei CEJ n acest domeniu.
sau considerat incompatibil cu piaa comun
ajungnd pn acolo nct poate afecta comerul
ntre statele membre adic sunt interzise eforturile
de restricionare a comerului paralel n cadrul CE
ale unei singure companii private sau ale mai
multor companii cu putere de pia.
3. Restriciile companiilor farmaceutice privind
comerul paralel care genereaz norme legale de
Supra nota 37, la 8 i 20.
Stothers, supra nota 14, la 222, 238, 242-243.
While the exercise of IPRs against parallel trade by Agreements having the object or effect of restricting
private undertakings is limited by the community parallel trade come within the prohibition under
exhaustion principle, they can still engage in other Article 81(1) EC and are most unlikely to be
practices that impede parallel trade. The exempted under a Block Exemption Regulation or
competition rules in the EC Treaty, i.e. Article 81 EC under Article 81(3) EC. The interpretation given to
and Article 82 EC, play the role of limiting those this article by the ECJ clearly reflects the founding
practices. purpose and principles of the EC Treaty.
The prohibition on cartels contained in Article 81
EC provides that all agreements between
undertakings, decisions by associations of
undertakings and concerted practices which may These provisions would not be complete without
affect trade between Member States and which the competition rules in the EC Treaty (Article 81 EC
have as their object or effect the prevention, and Article 82 EC) complementing them as the
restriction or distortion of competition within the competition rules target activities of private
common market are prohibited. undertakings that could adversely affect the
4 2
f unct i oni ng of t he common mar ket .
For a pharmaceutical supply chain management
Pharmaceuticals entities may take private
system to give rise to concerns under Article 81,
measures to restrict parallel trade. These measures
there must be an agreement capable of falling
which create trade barriers between member states
within the scope of Article 81. In order to prevent
have always been a target of the EC competition
pharmaceutical companies from limiting parallel
rules whenever they are within reach by Article 81
trade, the European Commission has adopted a
EC and/or Article 82 EC.
broad interpretation of the concept of 'agreement'
within the meaning of Article 81.The term
Article 81(1) EC prohibits all agreements between
agreement has been given a liberal construction
undertakings, decisions by associations of
by the ECJ, which inferred its existence indirectly
undertakings and concerted practices which may
through the analysis of parties' behaviour, even in
affect trade between member states and which
absence of written formalities. Art. 81(1) requires
have their object or effect the prevention,
three elements to constitute practice: (1)
restriction or distortion of competition within the
functional-undertaking, (2) intellectual-agreement
common market which means that joint efforts of
or concerted practice, and (3) economic-
private undertakings to restrict parallel trade within
agreements that affect trade between Member
the EC fall under this prohibition unless they also
fall under the exemption as provided in Article
81(3) EC. On the other hand, Article 82 EC
In order to correctly apply this article, its
prohibits any abuse by one or more undertakings
constitutive elements must be analyzed in the light
of a dominant position within the common market
of ECJ jurisprudence on the area.
or in a substantial part of it shall be prohibited as
incompatible with the common market in so far as
it may affect trade between member states which
means that efforts to restrict parallel trade within
the EC by a single or multiple private undertakings
having market power are also prohibited.
3. Pharmaceuticals restrictions to parallel trade
that give rise to competition law rules
Supra note 37, at 8 and 20
Stothers, supra note 14, at 222, 238, 242-243.
semnificativ, dect preul practicat de Bayer n
Mai nti, conceptul de companie are la baz
Marea Britanie. Bayer suspecta existena unui
natura activitii companiei i funciile entitii
export (comer paralel) al produselor sale din Frana
relevante i are aceeai semnificaie ca n cazul art
i Spania n Marea Britanie la nivelul nevoii
82 din Tratatul CE.
naionale interne, stabilind un sistem de cote.
Scderea nivelului de produse la distribuitorii din
n al doilea rnd, art. 81 CE interzice acordurile
cele dou ri cu preuri sczute a fost legat de
ntre companii, deciziile asociaiilor de firme i
semnarea unor anumite addendumuri la
practicile concertate, definite ca anticoncureniale
contractele de distribuie prin care li se interzicea
sau ca practici restrictive. Enumerarea joac rolul
distribuitorilor s exporte produsele furnizate de
de a sublinia diversele tipuri de coordonri (secret
sau expl i ci t , scr i s sau t aci t et c. ) al e
comportamentului dintre entitile care desfoar Comisia European a considerat c aceste acte
adiionale nu erau conforme cu articolul 81 (1) din activiti economice. Odat descoperit existena
Tratatul CE, prin aceea c reprezentau acorduri
unui acord anticoncurenial, este important
care restricionau concurena i afectau comerul
probarea termenilor acordului i delimitarea strict
ntre statele membre prin prevenirea exporturilor
a comportamentului, indiferent dac acesta rezult
de nifedipin produse de Bayer pentru piaa din
din acord n cursul procesului de evideniere a
Marea Britanie.
dovezilor legale.
Decizia Comisiei Europene a fost contestat la
n practica CEJ este irelevant forma unui acord,
Tribunalul Primei Instane (TPI) care a declarat
aspectul cel mai important reprezentndu-l
sentina n favoarea lui Bayer, deoarece exista
demonstrarea actului de voin a prilor
acordul care reprezenta concursul de voin ntre
(concursul de voin) de a avea un anumit
46 Bayer i distribuitorii spanioli i francezi. n spea
comportament pe pia.
Bayer AG vs. Comisia, restricia de export a fost
impus chiar de ctre Bayer distribuitorilor din cele
Verdictul Syfait II este ultimul dintr-o serie de
dou ri unde se practicau preuri mai mici, Frana
verdicte constnd n msuri luate de companiile
i Spania. Acesta nu este cazul mpririi drepturilor
farmaceutice dominante care s-au confruntat cu
i obligaiilor urmare a unui acord propriu-zis, ci un
comerul paralel al produselor lor, concentrndu-
act unilateral din partea lui Bayer. Drept pentru
se pe aplicarea articolului 82 al Tratatului CE.
care, TPI a considerat c limitarea unilateral a
Diferit de Syfait II, relaia ntre companiile
furnizrii de ctre o companie farmaceutic
farmaceutice fr putere dominant i angrositi
nedominant nu ncalc prevederile art. 81 CE,
este analizat n conformitate cu articolul 81 CE.
deoarece nu se constituie n acord. Acelai
Un exemplu de spe relevant pentru industria
argument este folosit i n cazul Opiniei Avocatului
farmaceutic n contextul existenei ndoielii de
General Tizzano din 22 Mai 2003, care subliniaz
apl icare a art 81(1) i de anal izare a
faptul n cadrul Comisiei nu s-a demonstrat faptul
comportamentului unilateral, l reprezint Bayer
47 c angrositii fuseser de acord cu eforturile
AG vs Comisia al Comunitilor Europene (Adalat).
companiei Bayer de a limita exporturile. Aspectul
cheie ale apelului a fost dac au existat acorduri
Pe scurt, faptele sunt urmtoarele: Bayer
ntre Bayer i angrositii spanioli i francezi, n
comercializa nifedipin (un medicament folosit n
nelesul Articolului 81. Aceasta reprezint prima
cadrul bolilor cardio-vasculare), sub marca Adalat
barier jurisdicional pentru aplicarea Articolului
n mai multe ri din Europa. Preurile din Frana i
Spania erau cam la acelai nivel, dar mai sczute,
Spea C-41/90 Hofneri Elser vs Macrotron GmbH [1991] E.C.R. I-1979,[1993] 4 CMLR 306, la alin. 21.
Spea C-49/92 P Comisia vs Anic Partecipazioni [1999] ECR I-4125, alin. 112; Spea C-238/05 Asnef-Equifax, Servicii de Informaii cu privire la Solven i Credit,
SL vs Asociaciaia beneficiarilor de servicii bancare (Ausbanc) [2006] E.C.R. I-11125.
Spea T-41/96, Bayer AG v Commission [2000] E.C.R. II-3383, [2001] 4 CMLR 126, privind apelul speelor C-2 i 3/01 P, [2004] ECR I-23, [2004] 4 CMLR 653;
Case T-62/98, Volkswagen AG v Commission [2000] ECR II-2707, [2000] 5 CMLR 853, spea C-338/00 P, Volkswagen AG v Commission [2003] ECR I-9189, [2004] 4
Speele C-2/01 i C-3/01, BAI i Comisia Comunitilor Europene vs Bayer AG, alin. 97, 100-103, 141.
Dovada restricionrii concurenei i a efectului asupra comerului ntre Statele Membre reprezint a doua i a treia barier.
Firstly, the concept of enterprise is based on the relatively on the same level and significantly below
nature of the activity undertaken and the functions the price level practiced by Bayer in the UK. Bayer
of the relevant entity and has the same meaning as suspected the existence of an export (parallel trade)
in the case of art 82 from the EC Treaty. of its product from France and Spain to UK and
limited its supplies to France and Spain to the level
Secondly, art. 81 EC prohibits agreements between of internal national need, establishing a quota
undertakings, the decisions of enterprise system. Decreasing its supply levels towards the
associations and the concerted practices, defined distributors from the two countries with lower
as anti competitive agreements or restrictive prices was coupled with signing certain addenda to
practices. Enumeration has the role of underlining the distribution contracts through which the
the various types of coordination (secret or explicit, distributors were prohibited from exporting the
written or tacit etc.) of the behavior between products delivered by Bayer.
entities that undergo economic activities. What
The European Commission has considered that
matters, once the existence of an anticompetitive
these addenda went against article 81 (1) of the EC
agreement is detected, is to prove the terms of the
Treaty, in the sense that they represented
agreement and strictly delineate the behavior
agreements that restrict competition and affected
independent of that resulting from an agreement in
trade in the member states by preventing the
the process of emphasizing legal evidence.
exports of nifedipin produced by Bayer for the UK
In ECJ practice the form of an agreement is
irrelevant, the most important aspect being to
The European Commission decision was contested
demonstrate the act of will of the parts
at the Court of First Instance (CFI) which found in
(concurrence of will) in having a certain common
favour of Bayer, as it took an agreement to
behavior on the market.
represent the concurrence of will between Bayer
and the Spanish and French distributors. In Bayer
The Syfait II judgment is the latest in a series of
AG v. Commission, the restriction to exports was
judgments concerning measures taken by
imposed to the distributors from the two countries
dominant pharmaceutical companies faced with
with lower prices, France and Spain, by Bayer. This
parallel trade in their products with a focus on the
is not a case of dividing rights and obligations
application of article 82 of the EC Treaty. Distinct
resulting from a real agreement, but a unilateral act
from Syfait II, the relationship between non-
on part of Bayer. Therefore the CFI held that a non-
dominant pharmaceutical companies and
dominant pharmaceutical company's unilateral
wholesalers was addressed under article 81 EC. An
limitation of supplies did not breach art. 81 EC as it
example of a relevant case arising in the
did not constitute an agreement. Same argument
pharmaceutical industry context cited where doubt is also found in the Opinion of Advocate General
exists on applying art 81(1) and the analysis of Tizzano from May 22 2003, which underlines the
fact that the Commission had failed to show that
unilateral behaviour is Bayer AG v Commission of
the wholesalers had acquiesced in Bayer's efforts to
the European Communities (Adalat).
limit nifedipin exports. The key aspect of the appeal
was whether 'agreements' existed between Bayer
In short, the facts of the case are: Bayer was trading
and its Spanish and French wholesalers within the
nifedipin (a drug used in cardio-vascular diseases),
meaning of Article 81. This is the first jurisdictional
under the trademark Adalat in multiple countries in
hurdle for the application of Article 81.
Europe. The prices used in France and Spain were
Case C-41/90 Hofner and Elser v Macrotron GmbH [1991] E.C.R. I-1979,[1993] 4 CMLR 306, at para. 21
Case C-49/92 P Commission v Anic Partecipazioni [1999] ECR I-4125, para. 112; Case C-238/05 Asnef-Equifax, Servicios de Informacion sobre
Solvencia y Credito, SL v Asociaccion de Usuarios de Servicios Bancarios (Ausbanc) [2006] E.C.R. I-11125.
Cases C-2/01 and C-3/01, BAI and Commission of the European Communities v Bayer AG, para. 97, 100-103, 141.
Proof of a 'restriction of competition' and an 'effect on trade between Member States' are the second and third hurdles.
semnificativ, dect preul practicat de Bayer n
Mai nti, conceptul de companie are la baz
Marea Britanie. Bayer suspecta existena unui
natura activitii companiei i funciile entitii
export (comer paralel) al produselor sale din Frana
relevante i are aceeai semnificaie ca n cazul art
i Spania n Marea Britanie la nivelul nevoii
82 din Tratatul CE.
naionale interne, stabilind un sistem de cote.
Scderea nivelului de produse la distribuitorii din
n al doilea rnd, art. 81 CE interzice acordurile
cele dou ri cu preuri sczute a fost legat de
ntre companii, deciziile asociaiilor de firme i
semnarea unor anumite addendumuri la
practicile concertate, definite ca anticoncureniale
contractele de distribuie prin care li se interzicea
sau ca practici restrictive. Enumerarea joac rolul
distribuitorilor s exporte produsele furnizate de
de a sublinia diversele tipuri de coordonri (secret
sau expl i ci t , scr i s sau t aci t et c. ) al e
comportamentului dintre entitile care desfoar Comisia European a considerat c aceste acte
adiionale nu erau conforme cu articolul 81 (1) din activiti economice. Odat descoperit existena
Tratatul CE, prin aceea c reprezentau acorduri
unui acord anticoncurenial, este important
care restricionau concurena i afectau comerul
probarea termenilor acordului i delimitarea strict
ntre statele membre prin prevenirea exporturilor
a comportamentului, indiferent dac acesta rezult
de nifedipin produse de Bayer pentru piaa din
din acord n cursul procesului de evideniere a
Marea Britanie.
dovezilor legale.
Decizia Comisiei Europene a fost contestat la
n practica CEJ este irelevant forma unui acord,
Tribunalul Primei Instane (TPI) care a declarat
aspectul cel mai important reprezentndu-l
sentina n favoarea lui Bayer, deoarece exista
demonstrarea actului de voin a prilor
acordul care reprezenta concursul de voin ntre
(concursul de voin) de a avea un anumit
46 Bayer i distribuitorii spanioli i francezi. n spea
comportament pe pia.
Bayer AG vs. Comisia, restricia de export a fost
impus chiar de ctre Bayer distribuitorilor din cele
Verdictul Syfait II este ultimul dintr-o serie de
dou ri unde se practicau preuri mai mici, Frana
verdicte constnd n msuri luate de companiile
i Spania. Acesta nu este cazul mpririi drepturilor
farmaceutice dominante care s-au confruntat cu
i obligaiilor urmare a unui acord propriu-zis, ci un
comerul paralel al produselor lor, concentrndu-
act unilateral din partea lui Bayer. Drept pentru
se pe aplicarea articolului 82 al Tratatului CE.
care, TPI a considerat c limitarea unilateral a
Diferit de Syfait II, relaia ntre companiile
furnizrii de ctre o companie farmaceutic
farmaceutice fr putere dominant i angrositi
nedominant nu ncalc prevederile art. 81 CE,
este analizat n conformitate cu articolul 81 CE.
deoarece nu se constituie n acord. Acelai
Un exemplu de spe relevant pentru industria
argument este folosit i n cazul Opiniei Avocatului
farmaceutic n contextul existenei ndoielii de
General Tizzano din 22 Mai 2003, care subliniaz
apl icare a art 81(1) i de anal izare a
faptul n cadrul Comisiei nu s-a demonstrat faptul
comportamentului unilateral, l reprezint Bayer
47 c angrositii fuseser de acord cu eforturile
AG vs Comisia al Comunitilor Europene (Adalat).
companiei Bayer de a limita exporturile. Aspectul
cheie ale apelului a fost dac au existat acorduri
Pe scurt, faptele sunt urmtoarele: Bayer
ntre Bayer i angrositii spanioli i francezi, n
comercializa nifedipin (un medicament folosit n
nelesul Articolului 81. Aceasta reprezint prima
cadrul bolilor cardio-vasculare), sub marca Adalat
barier jurisdicional pentru aplicarea Articolului
n mai multe ri din Europa. Preurile din Frana i
Spania erau cam la acelai nivel, dar mai sczute,
Spea C-41/90 Hofneri Elser vs Macrotron GmbH [1991] E.C.R. I-1979,[1993] 4 CMLR 306, la alin. 21.
Spea C-49/92 P Comisia vs Anic Partecipazioni [1999] ECR I-4125, alin. 112; Spea C-238/05 Asnef-Equifax, Servicii de Informaii cu privire la Solven i Credit,
SL vs Asociaciaia beneficiarilor de servicii bancare (Ausbanc) [2006] E.C.R. I-11125.
Spea T-41/96, Bayer AG v Commission [2000] E.C.R. II-3383, [2001] 4 CMLR 126, privind apelul speelor C-2 i 3/01 P, [2004] ECR I-23, [2004] 4 CMLR 653;
Case T-62/98, Volkswagen AG v Commission [2000] ECR II-2707, [2000] 5 CMLR 853, spea C-338/00 P, Volkswagen AG v Commission [2003] ECR I-9189, [2004] 4
Speele C-2/01 i C-3/01, BAI i Comisia Comunitilor Europene vs Bayer AG, alin. 97, 100-103, 141.
Dovada restricionrii concurenei i a efectului asupra comerului ntre Statele Membre reprezint a doua i a treia barier.
Firstly, the concept of enterprise is based on the relatively on the same level and significantly below
nature of the activity undertaken and the functions the price level practiced by Bayer in the UK. Bayer
of the relevant entity and has the same meaning as suspected the existence of an export (parallel trade)
in the case of art 82 from the EC Treaty. of its product from France and Spain to UK and
limited its supplies to France and Spain to the level
Secondly, art. 81 EC prohibits agreements between of internal national need, establishing a quota
undertakings, the decisions of enterprise system. Decreasing its supply levels towards the
associations and the concerted practices, defined distributors from the two countries with lower
as anti competitive agreements or restrictive prices was coupled with signing certain addenda to
practices. Enumeration has the role of underlining the distribution contracts through which the
the various types of coordination (secret or explicit, distributors were prohibited from exporting the
written or tacit etc.) of the behavior between products delivered by Bayer.
entities that undergo economic activities. What
The European Commission has considered that
matters, once the existence of an anticompetitive
these addenda went against article 81 (1) of the EC
agreement is detected, is to prove the terms of the
Treaty, in the sense that they represented
agreement and strictly delineate the behavior
agreements that restrict competition and affected
independent of that resulting from an agreement in
trade in the member states by preventing the
the process of emphasizing legal evidence.
exports of nifedipin produced by Bayer for the UK
In ECJ practice the form of an agreement is
irrelevant, the most important aspect being to
The European Commission decision was contested
demonstrate the act of will of the parts
at the Court of First Instance (CFI) which found in
(concurrence of will) in having a certain common
favour of Bayer, as it took an agreement to
behavior on the market.
represent the concurrence of will between Bayer
and the Spanish and French distributors. In Bayer
The Syfait II judgment is the latest in a series of
AG v. Commission, the restriction to exports was
judgments concerning measures taken by
imposed to the distributors from the two countries
dominant pharmaceutical companies faced with
with lower prices, France and Spain, by Bayer. This
parallel trade in their products with a focus on the
is not a case of dividing rights and obligations
application of article 82 of the EC Treaty. Distinct
resulting from a real agreement, but a unilateral act
from Syfait II, the relationship between non-
on part of Bayer. Therefore the CFI held that a non-
dominant pharmaceutical companies and
dominant pharmaceutical company's unilateral
wholesalers was addressed under article 81 EC. An
limitation of supplies did not breach art. 81 EC as it
example of a relevant case arising in the
did not constitute an agreement. Same argument
pharmaceutical industry context cited where doubt is also found in the Opinion of Advocate General
exists on applying art 81(1) and the analysis of Tizzano from May 22 2003, which underlines the
fact that the Commission had failed to show that
unilateral behaviour is Bayer AG v Commission of
the wholesalers had acquiesced in Bayer's efforts to
the European Communities (Adalat).
limit nifedipin exports. The key aspect of the appeal
was whether 'agreements' existed between Bayer
In short, the facts of the case are: Bayer was trading
and its Spanish and French wholesalers within the
nifedipin (a drug used in cardio-vascular diseases),
meaning of Article 81. This is the first jurisdictional
under the trademark Adalat in multiple countries in
hurdle for the application of Article 81.
Europe. The prices used in France and Spain were
Case C-41/90 Hofner and Elser v Macrotron GmbH [1991] E.C.R. I-1979,[1993] 4 CMLR 306, at para. 21
Case C-49/92 P Commission v Anic Partecipazioni [1999] ECR I-4125, para. 112; Case C-238/05 Asnef-Equifax, Servicios de Informacion sobre
Solvencia y Credito, SL v Asociaccion de Usuarios de Servicios Bancarios (Ausbanc) [2006] E.C.R. I-11125.
Cases C-2/01 and C-3/01, BAI and Commission of the European Communities v Bayer AG, para. 97, 100-103, 141.
Proof of a 'restriction of competition' and an 'effect on trade between Member States' are the second and third hurdles.
Verdictul TPI a fost contestat la CEJ de ctre reprezint o component a acordului dintre
Comisia European, dar CEJ a validat constatrile Sandoz PF i clienii si. Astfel, CEJ a integrat n
TPI. Trebuie reinut faptul c nici CE, nici CEJ nu au relaiile comerciale existente indiciul existenei
discutat o posibil aplicare a art. 82 al Tratatului n unui acord implicit menit s mpiedice comerul
acest caz . paralel constnd n facturi trimise de productor
angrositilor si, care purtau meniunea
Curtea nu a inut cont de verdictul Bayer/Adalat n interzicerea exportului. Pentru a ajunge la
aceast concluzie, Comisia a considerat c chiar cazul Sandoz. n acest caz, filiala italian a
dac nu exista un contract scris ntre Sandoz i grupului elveian Sandoz (Sandoz PF) a impus o
clienii si n care s fie inclus interzicerea interdicie de export ctre distribuitorii de
exportului, relaiile comerciale continue au generat medi cament e pri n i nserarea t ermeni l or
un acord aa cum este considerat n articolule 81. interzicerea exportului pe facturile sale.
Acordul are forma unor relaii comerciale Produsele afectate de aceast interdicie erau
continue n cadrul crora interzicerea exporturilor produse farmaceutice n discuie asupra crora
printat pe facturi s-a considerat a fi acceptat n Sandoz avea drepturi de proprietate intelectual.
mod tacit de ctre distribuitori, deoarece nu au n absena oricrei obiecii clar exprimate i
obiectat n niciun fel. continund comandarea produsului, se considera
c angrositii accept cooperarea cu productorii
Astfel, o factur, n cadrul unui comportament de pentru mpiedicarea comerului paralel.
concurs de voin, poate fi considerat ca dovad
material a unui acord i nu ca expresie a unui act Totui, simplul fapt c o msur adoptat de un
unilateral. Faptul c factura a fost folosit n mod productor, care are ca obiect sau efect
constant i sistematic n relaiile comerciale dintre restricionarea concurenei, cade sub incidena
dou pri duce la concluzia c distribuitorii de relaiilor de afaceri continue ntre productor i
Sandoz PF au acceptat factura i au convenit cu angrositii si, nu e o dovad suficient c un exist
termenii stipulai pe ea. un acord care s interzic importurile paralele.
Dac n cazul Bayer-Adalat, angrositii nu
Sandoz PF a contestat aseriunea CE la CEJ, acceptaser decizia Bayer privitoare la exporturi
argumentnd, printre altele, c faptul c ai si cutnd s pun sub semnul ntrebrii politicile de
clieni au acceptat factura nu indic existena unui comand astfel nct s creasc comenzile de la
acord i, n special, nu un acord ntre productorii Adalat, n cazul Sandoz comenzile repetate ale
i distribuitorii de produse farmaceutice. distribuitorilor reprezentau o acceptare tacit a
interzicerii exporturilor stipulat pe toate
CEJ a respins argumentul invocat de Sandoz PF, facturile Sandoz.
considernd c prin transmiterea repetat ctre
clienii distribuitori a facturilor coninnd Compania Sandoz a precizat c existena
meniunea se interzice exportul constituie un comerului paralel a fost generat de preurile
acord interzis de art.81 din Tratat i nu un act sczute stabilite de autoritile publice italiene
unilateral. Curtea a ajuns la aceast concluzie pentru piaa medicamentelor din Italia.
considernd faptul c transmiterea facturii s-a fcut
n contextul relaiilor comerciale continue, Existena unui acord s-a bazat adesea pe
guvernate de contractul iniial stabilit ntre pri. Un circumstane atenuante, cum ar fi relaiile
alt fapt pe care Curtea l-a luat n considerare pentru comerciale existente ntre pri. CE a evideniat
a concluziona n aceast spe l-a considerat faptul faptul c fraza tiprit de Sandoz PF pe facturi i
c distribuitorii i-au exprimat consimmntul de folosit n relaiile comerciale cu ditribuitorii
Aceast prevedere este aplicabil n cazul comportamentului unilateral de companie dominant. CEJ a fcut referire la legalitatea schemei de management de
stoc de medicamente pentru care furnizorul are o poziie dominat n speele Syfait I i II. A se vedea discuia pe Art. 82 CE.
Spea C-277/87 Sandoz Prodotti Farmaceutici vs Comisia (1990) ECR I-45.
A se vedea Sandoz Prodotti Farmaceutici [1990] E.C.R. I-45 at [13]; i ACF Chemiefarma NV vs Comisia a Comunitilor Europene (41/69) [1970] E.C.R.
661 la [12].
Idem., la alineatele [7] la [12].
The CFI verdict has been contested at ECJ by the commercial relation with the distributors
European Commission, but the ECJ also validated represents a component of the agreement between
the CFI's findings. It should be noted that neither EC Sandoz PF and its clients. Accordingly, the ECJ
nor ECJ have discussed a possible application for integrated in the existing commercial relationship
art. 82 of the Treaty in this case. the clue of the existence of an implicit agreement
aimed at impeding parallel trade consisting of
The Court distinguished Bayer/Adalat from its invoices sent by the manufacturer to wholesalers,
59 60
judgment in Sandoz. In that case, the Italian bearing the wording export prohibited In order
branch of the Swiss group Sandoz (Sandoz PF) to come to this conclusion the Commission
imposed an interdiction of export to the drug considered the fact that even though there was no
distributors through inserting the words 'export written contract between Sandoz and its clients in
prohibited' onto its invoices. The products affected which to include the ban on export, the continuous
by this interdiction were pharmaceutical products commercial relations amounted into an
in the matter of which Sandoz had intellectual 'agreement' as considered in article 81. The
property rights. In the absence of any express 'agreement' took the form of continuous
objection and by continuing to order products, the commercial relations inside which the ban on
wholesalers were seen to accept the cooperation export printed on the invoices was considered
with the manufacturers in order to hinder parallel tacitly accepted by the distributors, as they had
trade. made no objection.
Consequently, an invoice, in a concurrence of will
However, the mere fact that a measure adopted by
behaviour, may be regarded as a material proof of
a manufacturer, which has the object or effect of
an agreement and not as an expression of a
restricting competition, falls within the context of
unilateral act. The fact that the invoice was used
continuous business relations between the
constantly and systematically in the commercial
manufacturer and its wholesalers is not sufficient
relations between two parties leads to the
proof that an 'agreement' to ban on parallel imports
conclusion that the distributors of Sandoz PF had
exists. Whereas in Bayer-Adalat case the
accepted the invoice and thus agreed with the
wholesalers did not acquiesce to Bayer's restriction
terms set out in it.
on exports by seeking to challenge their ordering
policies so that to increase the supplies from Adalat,
Sandoz PF contested EC's assertion at the ECJ,
in Sandoz the repeated orders by the distributors
arguing among other things that its clients accepting
constituted tacit acceptance of the 'export ban'
the invoice did not indicate the existence of an
stipulated on all Sandoz's invoices.
agreement and especially not an agreement
between the pharmaceuticals producers and its
The Sandoz Company stated that the existence of
parallel trade was brought about by the low prices
established by the Italian public authorities in the
The ECJ rejected the argument invoked by Sandoz
Italian drugs market.
PF, considering that the providers repeatedly
transmitting to its distributor clients invoices
The existence of an agreement has been often
containing the phrase 'banned for export' constitute
based on factual circumstances, like the
an agreement prohibited by art.81 from the Treaty
commercial relationship existing between the
and not a unilateral act. The Court arrived at this
parties. The EC pointed the fact that the phrase
conclusion considering the fact that transmitting
printed by Sandoz PF on the invoices it used in its
the invoice was done in the context of continued
This provision applies to unilateral conduct of dominant companies. The ECJ addressed the legality of a stock management scheme for drugs over which the
supplier has a dominant position in Syfait I and II cases. See discussion on Art. 82 EC.
Case C-277/87 Sandoz Prodotti Farmaceutici v. Commission (1990) ECR I-45.
See Sandoz Prodotti Farmaceutici [1990] E.C.R. I-45 at [13]; and ACF Chemiefarma NV v Commission of the European Communities (41/69) [1970] E.C.R. 661
at [12].
Id., at paras. [7] to [12].
Verdictul TPI a fost contestat la CEJ de ctre reprezint o component a acordului dintre
Comisia European, dar CEJ a validat constatrile Sandoz PF i clienii si. Astfel, CEJ a integrat n
TPI. Trebuie reinut faptul c nici CE, nici CEJ nu au relaiile comerciale existente indiciul existenei
discutat o posibil aplicare a art. 82 al Tratatului n unui acord implicit menit s mpiedice comerul
acest caz . paralel constnd n facturi trimise de productor
angrositilor si, care purtau meniunea
Curtea nu a inut cont de verdictul Bayer/Adalat n interzicerea exportului. Pentru a ajunge la
aceast concluzie, Comisia a considerat c chiar cazul Sandoz. n acest caz, filiala italian a
dac nu exista un contract scris ntre Sandoz i grupului elveian Sandoz (Sandoz PF) a impus o
clienii si n care s fie inclus interzicerea interdicie de export ctre distribuitorii de
exportului, relaiile comerciale continue au generat medi cament e pri n i nserarea t ermeni l or
un acord aa cum este considerat n articolule 81. interzicerea exportului pe facturile sale.
Acordul are forma unor relaii comerciale Produsele afectate de aceast interdicie erau
continue n cadrul crora interzicerea exporturilor produse farmaceutice n discuie asupra crora
printat pe facturi s-a considerat a fi acceptat n Sandoz avea drepturi de proprietate intelectual.
mod tacit de ctre distribuitori, deoarece nu au n absena oricrei obiecii clar exprimate i
obiectat n niciun fel. continund comandarea produsului, se considera
c angrositii accept cooperarea cu productorii
Astfel, o factur, n cadrul unui comportament de pentru mpiedicarea comerului paralel.
concurs de voin, poate fi considerat ca dovad
material a unui acord i nu ca expresie a unui act Totui, simplul fapt c o msur adoptat de un
unilateral. Faptul c factura a fost folosit n mod productor, care are ca obiect sau efect
constant i sistematic n relaiile comerciale dintre restricionarea concurenei, cade sub incidena
dou pri duce la concluzia c distribuitorii de relaiilor de afaceri continue ntre productor i
Sandoz PF au acceptat factura i au convenit cu angrositii si, nu e o dovad suficient c un exist
termenii stipulai pe ea. un acord care s interzic importurile paralele.
Dac n cazul Bayer-Adalat, angrositii nu
Sandoz PF a contestat aseriunea CE la CEJ, acceptaser decizia Bayer privitoare la exporturi
argumentnd, printre altele, c faptul c ai si cutnd s pun sub semnul ntrebrii politicile de
clieni au acceptat factura nu indic existena unui comand astfel nct s creasc comenzile de la
acord i, n special, nu un acord ntre productorii Adalat, n cazul Sandoz comenzile repetate ale
i distribuitorii de produse farmaceutice. distribuitorilor reprezentau o acceptare tacit a
interzicerii exporturilor stipulat pe toate
CEJ a respins argumentul invocat de Sandoz PF, facturile Sandoz.
considernd c prin transmiterea repetat ctre
clienii distribuitori a facturilor coninnd Compania Sandoz a precizat c existena
meniunea se interzice exportul constituie un comerului paralel a fost generat de preurile
acord interzis de art.81 din Tratat i nu un act sczute stabilite de autoritile publice italiene
unilateral. Curtea a ajuns la aceast concluzie pentru piaa medicamentelor din Italia.
considernd faptul c transmiterea facturii s-a fcut
n contextul relaiilor comerciale continue, Existena unui acord s-a bazat adesea pe
guvernate de contractul iniial stabilit ntre pri. Un circumstane atenuante, cum ar fi relaiile
alt fapt pe care Curtea l-a luat n considerare pentru comerciale existente ntre pri. CE a evideniat
a concluziona n aceast spe l-a considerat faptul faptul c fraza tiprit de Sandoz PF pe facturi i
c distribuitorii i-au exprimat consimmntul de folosit n relaiile comerciale cu ditribuitorii
Aceast prevedere este aplicabil n cazul comportamentului unilateral de companie dominant. CEJ a fcut referire la legalitatea schemei de management de
stoc de medicamente pentru care furnizorul are o poziie dominat n speele Syfait I i II. A se vedea discuia pe Art. 82 CE.
Spea C-277/87 Sandoz Prodotti Farmaceutici vs Comisia (1990) ECR I-45.
A se vedea Sandoz Prodotti Farmaceutici [1990] E.C.R. I-45 at [13]; i ACF Chemiefarma NV vs Comisia a Comunitilor Europene (41/69) [1970] E.C.R.
661 la [12].
Idem., la alineatele [7] la [12].
The CFI verdict has been contested at ECJ by the commercial relation with the distributors
European Commission, but the ECJ also validated represents a component of the agreement between
the CFI's findings. It should be noted that neither EC Sandoz PF and its clients. Accordingly, the ECJ
nor ECJ have discussed a possible application for integrated in the existing commercial relationship
art. 82 of the Treaty in this case. the clue of the existence of an implicit agreement
aimed at impeding parallel trade consisting of
The Court distinguished Bayer/Adalat from its invoices sent by the manufacturer to wholesalers,
59 60
judgment in Sandoz. In that case, the Italian bearing the wording export prohibited In order
branch of the Swiss group Sandoz (Sandoz PF) to come to this conclusion the Commission
imposed an interdiction of export to the drug considered the fact that even though there was no
distributors through inserting the words 'export written contract between Sandoz and its clients in
prohibited' onto its invoices. The products affected which to include the ban on export, the continuous
by this interdiction were pharmaceutical products commercial relations amounted into an
in the matter of which Sandoz had intellectual 'agreement' as considered in article 81. The
property rights. In the absence of any express 'agreement' took the form of continuous
objection and by continuing to order products, the commercial relations inside which the ban on
wholesalers were seen to accept the cooperation export printed on the invoices was considered
with the manufacturers in order to hinder parallel tacitly accepted by the distributors, as they had
trade. made no objection.
Consequently, an invoice, in a concurrence of will
However, the mere fact that a measure adopted by
behaviour, may be regarded as a material proof of
a manufacturer, which has the object or effect of
an agreement and not as an expression of a
restricting competition, falls within the context of
unilateral act. The fact that the invoice was used
continuous business relations between the
constantly and systematically in the commercial
manufacturer and its wholesalers is not sufficient
relations between two parties leads to the
proof that an 'agreement' to ban on parallel imports
conclusion that the distributors of Sandoz PF had
exists. Whereas in Bayer-Adalat case the
accepted the invoice and thus agreed with the
wholesalers did not acquiesce to Bayer's restriction
terms set out in it.
on exports by seeking to challenge their ordering
policies so that to increase the supplies from Adalat,
Sandoz PF contested EC's assertion at the ECJ,
in Sandoz the repeated orders by the distributors
arguing among other things that its clients accepting
constituted tacit acceptance of the 'export ban'
the invoice did not indicate the existence of an
stipulated on all Sandoz's invoices.
agreement and especially not an agreement
between the pharmaceuticals producers and its
The Sandoz Company stated that the existence of
parallel trade was brought about by the low prices
established by the Italian public authorities in the
The ECJ rejected the argument invoked by Sandoz
Italian drugs market.
PF, considering that the providers repeatedly
transmitting to its distributor clients invoices
The existence of an agreement has been often
containing the phrase 'banned for export' constitute
based on factual circumstances, like the
an agreement prohibited by art.81 from the Treaty
commercial relationship existing between the
and not a unilateral act. The Court arrived at this
parties. The EC pointed the fact that the phrase
conclusion considering the fact that transmitting
printed by Sandoz PF on the invoices it used in its
the invoice was done in the context of continued
This provision applies to unilateral conduct of dominant companies. The ECJ addressed the legality of a stock management scheme for drugs over which the
supplier has a dominant position in Syfait I and II cases. See discussion on Art. 82 EC.
Case C-277/87 Sandoz Prodotti Farmaceutici v. Commission (1990) ECR I-45.
See Sandoz Prodotti Farmaceutici [1990] E.C.R. I-45 at [13]; and ACF Chemiefarma NV v Commission of the European Communities (41/69) [1970] E.C.R. 661
at [12].
Id., at paras. [7] to [12].
a stabili relaii comerciale naintea fiecrei (3) a Tratatului CE n baza comerului paralel i dac
distribuiri. Mai mult dect att, fiecare distribuitor submineaz abilitatea GSK de a finana activiti de
i-a exprimat acordul prin acceptarea tacit a C&D.
condiiilor impuse, solicitnd n mod repetat
rennoirea comenzilor, fr a protesta mpotriva TPI critic n mod special Comisia pentru c nu a
condiiilor comerciale impuse. examinat cu atenie argumentele referitoare la
impactul comerului paralel asupra cercetrii i
Comisia European consider comerul paralel ca dezvoltrii. n timp ce TPI s-a ocupat doar de
sistemele duale de preuri, verdictul su este fiind un element important pentru integrarea
relevant i pentru alte strategii folosite de pieelor naionale chiar i n sectorul farmaceutic,
companiile farmaceutice pentru a limita comerul unde exist o diferen foarte mare ntre preuri,
paralel. n mod special sistemul de management de cauzat de diferitele normative i sisteme de
furnizare n lan determin aceleai beneficii preuri din fiecare Stat Membru. Este evident c
pentru finanarea C&D i inovare ca sistemul dual marile companii farmaceutice monitorizeaz piaa
de preuri. n spea Syfait II, GSK a ridicat o propriilor lor produse i au tendina de a
problem similar, menionnd c, abilitatea de a implementa msuri care au ca scop prevenirea
finana activitile de C&D este pus n pericol, comerului paralel cu produsele lor, avnd grij, n
doar dac nu se limiteaz furnizarea ctre acelai timp, s nu ncalce legislaia Comunitar sau
angrositii angajai n comerul paralel. Totui, CEJ a legislaia naional n zona concurenei.
lsat problema deschis n aceast spe.
n cel de-al 14-lea raport privind faptele de
TPI care judeca spea GlaxoSmithKline (Spania) a concuren, Comisia a menionat faptul c piaa
fcut apel i urmeaz s apar n faa CEJ. Cel mai farmaceutic este segmentat din cauza
probabil, CEJ va adopta o soluie de compromis cu regulamentelor naionale specifice. Aceast
privire la spea dualitii preurilor, ca i n cazul segmentare a pieei este cauzat de regulamentele
Syfait II. n contextul articolului 81, o astfel de Statelor Membre cu privire la preurile i condiiile
soluie ar fi similar cu cea luat de TPI n verdictul de acceptare a medicamentelor pe pia. n aceste
c schema dual de preuri ncalc prevederile condiii, comerul paralel, dezvoltndu-se ca factor
articolului 81(1), dar poate fi eligibil de la stimulant al concurenei prin intermediul preului,
exceptare conform articolului 81(3). reprezint cea mai serioas ameninare pentru
industria farmaceutic.
Este interesant c datorit regulamentelor
naionale cu privire la preurile produselor
farmaceutice, TPI, n spea GSK a dat o ans
companiilor farmaceutice de a contesta sistemul
dual de preuri practicat n cadrul sistemului
farmaceutic, ce poate fi justificat n temeiul
Articolului 81(3). TPI a concluzionat c sistemul
dual de preuri nu restricioneaz concurena prin
obiect, ci prin efect, dat fiind c e meninut pn n
prezent, drept pentru care este interzis conform
Articolului 81(1). O problem cheie n cazul
preurilor duale este dac sistemul dual de preuri
al GSK este eligibil de la exceptare conform art.81
Idem., la alineatele [11].
William Fry, avocai, Bayer/Adalat o piedic pentru comerul paralel, Law Society Gazette, May 2004.
Spea T-168/01, Serviciile GlaxoSmithKline vs Comisia, 2006 E.C.R. II-2969.
Decizia Comisiei 2001/791/EC, Glaxo Welcome, 2001 O.J. (L302/1); Case T-168/01, Serviciile GlaxoSmithKline vs Comisia, 2006 E.C.R. II-2969.
81(3). The CFI held that such dual pricing system
commercial relations, governed by the contract
does not necessarily restrict competition by its
initially established between the parties. Another
object but such effect was held to present,
fact that the Court took into consideration in
therefore it is prohibited under Article 81(1). A
reaching its conclusion was that the distributor
key issue in the dual pricing case is whether GSK's
expressed its consent to establish commercial
dual pricing system is eligible for exemption under
relations before every distribution. Moreover, every
art.81(3) of the EC Treaty on the grounds that
distributor expressed its consent through tacitly
parallel trade undermines GSK's ability to fund
accepting the imposed conditions, soliciting
R&D activities.
repeatedly the renewal of orders, without
protesting against the imposed commercial
The CFI particularly criticised the Commission for
not properly examining the arguments concerning
the impact of parallel trade on research and
The European Commission considers parallel trade development. While the CFI only dealt with dual
pricing systems, its judgment is also relevant to as being an important element to the integration
other strategies used by pharmaceutical companies
of national markets even in the pharmaceutical
to limit parallel trade. In particular, a supply chain
sector, where there is a significant disparity in
management system entails the same benefits for
prices, caused by different regulatory and pricing
R&D funding and innovation as a dual pricing
systems in every Member State. It is obvious that
system. In Syfait II case, GSK raised a similar issue,
the great pharmaceutical companies are
arguing that, the ability to fund R&D activities are
monitoring the markets of their own products and
jeopardize unless it could limit supplies to
tend to implement measures aimed at preventing
wholesalers engaged in parallel trade. The ECJ,
parallel trade with their products, being careful, at
however, left this issue open in this case.
the same time, not to clash with Community
legislation or national legislation in the area of
The CFI ruling in GlaxoSmithKline (Spain) was
appealed and is now pending before the ECJ. The
ECJ is probably going to adopt a compromise
The European Commission mentioned in the 14th
solution on the dual pricing case, as in Syfait II. In
report on competition policies the fact that the
article 81 context, such a solution would likely be
pharmaceutical market is segmented because of
same as the solution reached by the CFI in its
specific national regulations. This segmentation of
judgment, that the dual pricing scheme infringes
the market is caused by the regulations of the
article 81(1), but may be eligible for exemption
Member States in what prices and admission
under article 81(3).
conditions of the drugs on the market are
concerned. Under these conditions parallel trade,
developing as a stimulant to competition through
price, represents a most serious threat to the
pharmaceutical industry.
Interestingly, due to the existence of national
regulations on pricing of pharmaceuticals, the CFI
in the GSK case has opened up a chance for
pharmaceutical companies to argue that a dual
pricing system practiced within the pharmaceutical
sector is capable of being justified under Article
Id., at para [11].
William Fry, solicitors, Bayer/Adalat-a setback for parallel trade, Law Society Gazette, May 2004.
Case T-168/01, GlaxoSmithKline Services v. Commission, 2006 E.C.R. II-2969.
Commission Decision 2001/791/EC, Glaxo Welcome, 2001 O.J. (L302/1); Case T-168/01, GlaxoSmithKline Services v. Commission, 2006 E.C.R. II-2969.
a stabili relaii comerciale naintea fiecrei (3) a Tratatului CE n baza comerului paralel i dac
distribuiri. Mai mult dect att, fiecare distribuitor submineaz abilitatea GSK de a finana activiti de
i-a exprimat acordul prin acceptarea tacit a C&D.
condiiilor impuse, solicitnd n mod repetat
rennoirea comenzilor, fr a protesta mpotriva TPI critic n mod special Comisia pentru c nu a
condiiilor comerciale impuse. examinat cu atenie argumentele referitoare la
impactul comerului paralel asupra cercetrii i
Comisia European consider comerul paralel ca dezvoltrii. n timp ce TPI s-a ocupat doar de
sistemele duale de preuri, verdictul su este fiind un element important pentru integrarea
relevant i pentru alte strategii folosite de pieelor naionale chiar i n sectorul farmaceutic,
companiile farmaceutice pentru a limita comerul unde exist o diferen foarte mare ntre preuri,
paralel. n mod special sistemul de management de cauzat de diferitele normative i sisteme de
furnizare n lan determin aceleai beneficii preuri din fiecare Stat Membru. Este evident c
pentru finanarea C&D i inovare ca sistemul dual marile companii farmaceutice monitorizeaz piaa
de preuri. n spea Syfait II, GSK a ridicat o propriilor lor produse i au tendina de a
problem similar, menionnd c, abilitatea de a implementa msuri care au ca scop prevenirea
finana activitile de C&D este pus n pericol, comerului paralel cu produsele lor, avnd grij, n
doar dac nu se limiteaz furnizarea ctre acelai timp, s nu ncalce legislaia Comunitar sau
angrositii angajai n comerul paralel. Totui, CEJ a legislaia naional n zona concurenei.
lsat problema deschis n aceast spe.
n cel de-al 14-lea raport privind faptele de
TPI care judeca spea GlaxoSmithKline (Spania) a concuren, Comisia a menionat faptul c piaa
fcut apel i urmeaz s apar n faa CEJ. Cel mai farmaceutic este segmentat din cauza
probabil, CEJ va adopta o soluie de compromis cu regulamentelor naionale specifice. Aceast
privire la spea dualitii preurilor, ca i n cazul segmentare a pieei este cauzat de regulamentele
Syfait II. n contextul articolului 81, o astfel de Statelor Membre cu privire la preurile i condiiile
soluie ar fi similar cu cea luat de TPI n verdictul de acceptare a medicamentelor pe pia. n aceste
c schema dual de preuri ncalc prevederile condiii, comerul paralel, dezvoltndu-se ca factor
articolului 81(1), dar poate fi eligibil de la stimulant al concurenei prin intermediul preului,
exceptare conform articolului 81(3). reprezint cea mai serioas ameninare pentru
industria farmaceutic.
Este interesant c datorit regulamentelor
naionale cu privire la preurile produselor
farmaceutice, TPI, n spea GSK a dat o ans
companiilor farmaceutice de a contesta sistemul
dual de preuri practicat n cadrul sistemului
farmaceutic, ce poate fi justificat n temeiul
Articolului 81(3). TPI a concluzionat c sistemul
dual de preuri nu restricioneaz concurena prin
obiect, ci prin efect, dat fiind c e meninut pn n
prezent, drept pentru care este interzis conform
Articolului 81(1). O problem cheie n cazul
preurilor duale este dac sistemul dual de preuri
al GSK este eligibil de la exceptare conform art.81
Idem., la alineatele [11].
William Fry, avocai, Bayer/Adalat o piedic pentru comerul paralel, Law Society Gazette, May 2004.
Spea T-168/01, Serviciile GlaxoSmithKline vs Comisia, 2006 E.C.R. II-2969.
Decizia Comisiei 2001/791/EC, Glaxo Welcome, 2001 O.J. (L302/1); Case T-168/01, Serviciile GlaxoSmithKline vs Comisia, 2006 E.C.R. II-2969.
81(3). The CFI held that such dual pricing system
commercial relations, governed by the contract
does not necessarily restrict competition by its
initially established between the parties. Another
object but such effect was held to present,
fact that the Court took into consideration in
therefore it is prohibited under Article 81(1). A
reaching its conclusion was that the distributor
key issue in the dual pricing case is whether GSK's
expressed its consent to establish commercial
dual pricing system is eligible for exemption under
relations before every distribution. Moreover, every
art.81(3) of the EC Treaty on the grounds that
distributor expressed its consent through tacitly
parallel trade undermines GSK's ability to fund
accepting the imposed conditions, soliciting
R&D activities.
repeatedly the renewal of orders, without
protesting against the imposed commercial
The CFI particularly criticised the Commission for
not properly examining the arguments concerning
the impact of parallel trade on research and
The European Commission considers parallel trade development. While the CFI only dealt with dual
pricing systems, its judgment is also relevant to as being an important element to the integration
other strategies used by pharmaceutical companies
of national markets even in the pharmaceutical
to limit parallel trade. In particular, a supply chain
sector, where there is a significant disparity in
management system entails the same benefits for
prices, caused by different regulatory and pricing
R&D funding and innovation as a dual pricing
systems in every Member State. It is obvious that
system. In Syfait II case, GSK raised a similar issue,
the great pharmaceutical companies are
arguing that, the ability to fund R&D activities are
monitoring the markets of their own products and
jeopardize unless it could limit supplies to
tend to implement measures aimed at preventing
wholesalers engaged in parallel trade. The ECJ,
parallel trade with their products, being careful, at
however, left this issue open in this case.
the same time, not to clash with Community
legislation or national legislation in the area of
The CFI ruling in GlaxoSmithKline (Spain) was
appealed and is now pending before the ECJ. The
ECJ is probably going to adopt a compromise
The European Commission mentioned in the 14th
solution on the dual pricing case, as in Syfait II. In
report on competition policies the fact that the
article 81 context, such a solution would likely be
pharmaceutical market is segmented because of
same as the solution reached by the CFI in its
specific national regulations. This segmentation of
judgment, that the dual pricing scheme infringes
the market is caused by the regulations of the
article 81(1), but may be eligible for exemption
Member States in what prices and admission
under article 81(3).
conditions of the drugs on the market are
concerned. Under these conditions parallel trade,
developing as a stimulant to competition through
price, represents a most serious threat to the
pharmaceutical industry.
Interestingly, due to the existence of national
regulations on pricing of pharmaceuticals, the CFI
in the GSK case has opened up a chance for
pharmaceutical companies to argue that a dual
pricing system practiced within the pharmaceutical
sector is capable of being justified under Article
Id., at para [11].
William Fry, solicitors, Bayer/Adalat-a setback for parallel trade, Law Society Gazette, May 2004.
Case T-168/01, GlaxoSmithKline Services v. Commission, 2006 E.C.R. II-2969.
Commission Decision 2001/791/EC, Glaxo Welcome, 2001 O.J. (L302/1); Case T-168/01, GlaxoSmithKline Services v. Commission, 2006 E.C.R. II-2969.
n legislaia european se subliniaz importana msurrii nivelurilor de concentrare pentru a putea evalua
impactul operaiunilor economice analizate pe piee. Acest articol i propune s treac n revist principalii
indici ce pot fi folosii n evaluarea nivelului de concentrare a pieei analizate, focalizndu-se pe Indicele
Herfindahl-Hirschman (HHI) a crui utilizare este reglementat chiar de Comisia European.
Cuvinte cheie: pia, concentrare, metode, indici.
Metode de msurare a nivelului de concentrare a
unei piee
Dac toate companiile sunt mprtite n k pri
egale, atunci indicele concentrrii trebuie s se
reduc cu o proporie de 1/k;
Cu toate c n prezent nu exist nici o metod
universal acceptat pentru a msura nivelul de Dac exist N companii cu dimensiuni egale,
concentrare al unei piee,totui, se poate sintetiza o concentrarea trebuie s fie o funcie
list de caracteristici pe care un indice de msurare descresctoare de N;
a nivelului de concentrare existent pe pia trebuie
s le aib. O astfel de list de caracteristici este Intrarea unei noi companii sub o anumit
sintetizat de Jie Xu n Market Research Handbook: dimensiune semnificativ trebuie s reduc
nivelul concentrrii;
Un indice de concentrare trebuie s fie o msur
unidimensional; Operaiunile de concentrare economic trebuie
s reduc nivelul de concentrare existent pe
O cretere a cotei cumulate de pia a companiei pia;
plasate pe locul i, implic o cretere a
concurenei; Schi mbri l e al eatori i de opi uni al e
consumatorilor trebuie s reduc nivelul
Nivelul de concentrare existent pe o pia trebuie concentrrii de pe pia;
s fie independent de mrimea pieei analizate;
Dac s este cota de pia a unei noi companii,
Principiul transferurilor trebuie s rmn valabil. atunci pe seam ce s se micoreaz, la fel ar
Nivelul de concentrare trebuie s creasc dac
trebui s se ntmple i cu efectele sale asupra
cota de pia a oricrei companii este mrit pe
indicelui concentrrii;
seama unei companii mai mici;
Florin OPRAN
Inspector de concuren Direcia Industrie i Energie.
In European Legislation it's stressed out the importance of measuring the concentration level in order to
evaluate the potential effects of an economic operation over the analyzed market. The scope of this article is
to review some of the most important indexes that can be used in the evaluation of the concentration level of
the analyzed market, focusing on the Herfindahl-Hirschman Index (HHI) which utilization is regulated by
European Commission.
Keywords: market, concentration, methods, index.
Methods of measurement of the market
concentration level
If all firms are divided into k equal parts then the
concentration index should be reduced by a
proportion 1/k;
Although there is no universally accepted method
for measuring market concentration, however, it If there are N firms of equal size, concentration
can be synthesized a list of characteristics that a should be a decreasing function of N;
index for concentration measurement must have.
Such a list of characteristics is synthesized by Jie Xu The entry of new firms below some arbitrary
in his book Market Research Handbook: significant size should reduce concentration;
A concentration index should be a one- Mergers should increase concentration;
dimensional measure;
Random brand-switching by consumers should
An increase in the cumulative share of the i-th reduce concentration;
firm implies an increase in concentration;
If s is the share of a new firm, then as s becomes
i i
Concentration in an industry should be progressively smaller so should its effects on a
independent of the size of that industry; concentration index;
The principle of transfers should hold. Random factors in the growth of firms should
Concentration should increase if the share of increase concentration.
any firm is increased at the expense of a smaller
Competition inspector, Directorate of Industry and Energy.
Translated into English by Florin Opran.
Florin OPRAN
n legislaia european se subliniaz importana msurrii nivelurilor de concentrare pentru a putea evalua
impactul operaiunilor economice analizate pe piee. Acest articol i propune s treac n revist principalii
indici ce pot fi folosii n evaluarea nivelului de concentrare a pieei analizate, focalizndu-se pe Indicele
Herfindahl-Hirschman (HHI) a crui utilizare este reglementat chiar de Comisia European.
Cuvinte cheie: pia, concentrare, metode, indici.
Metode de msurare a nivelului de concentrare a
unei piee
Dac toate companiile sunt mprtite n k pri
egale, atunci indicele concentrrii trebuie s se
reduc cu o proporie de 1/k;
Cu toate c n prezent nu exist nici o metod
universal acceptat pentru a msura nivelul de Dac exist N companii cu dimensiuni egale,
concentrare al unei piee,totui, se poate sintetiza o concentrarea trebuie s fie o funcie
list de caracteristici pe care un indice de msurare descresctoare de N;
a nivelului de concentrare existent pe pia trebuie
s le aib. O astfel de list de caracteristici este Intrarea unei noi companii sub o anumit
sintetizat de Jie Xu n Market Research Handbook: dimensiune semnificativ trebuie s reduc
nivelul concentrrii;
Un indice de concentrare trebuie s fie o msur
unidimensional; Operaiunile de concentrare economic trebuie
s reduc nivelul de concentrare existent pe
O cretere a cotei cumulate de pia a companiei pia;
plasate pe locul i, implic o cretere a
concurenei; Schi mbri l e al eatori i de opi uni al e
consumatorilor trebuie s reduc nivelul
Nivelul de concentrare existent pe o pia trebuie concentrrii de pe pia;
s fie independent de mrimea pieei analizate;
Dac s este cota de pia a unei noi companii,
Principiul transferurilor trebuie s rmn valabil. atunci pe seam ce s se micoreaz, la fel ar
Nivelul de concentrare trebuie s creasc dac
trebui s se ntmple i cu efectele sale asupra
cota de pia a oricrei companii este mrit pe
indicelui concentrrii;
seama unei companii mai mici;
Florin OPRAN
Inspector de concuren Direcia Industrie i Energie.
In European Legislation it's stressed out the importance of measuring the concentration level in order to
evaluate the potential effects of an economic operation over the analyzed market. The scope of this article is
to review some of the most important indexes that can be used in the evaluation of the concentration level of
the analyzed market, focusing on the Herfindahl-Hirschman Index (HHI) which utilization is regulated by
European Commission.
Keywords: market, concentration, methods, index.
Methods of measurement of the market
concentration level
If all firms are divided into k equal parts then the
concentration index should be reduced by a
proportion 1/k;
Although there is no universally accepted method
for measuring market concentration, however, it If there are N firms of equal size, concentration
can be synthesized a list of characteristics that a should be a decreasing function of N;
index for concentration measurement must have.
Such a list of characteristics is synthesized by Jie Xu The entry of new firms below some arbitrary
in his book Market Research Handbook: significant size should reduce concentration;
A concentration index should be a one- Mergers should increase concentration;
dimensional measure;
Random brand-switching by consumers should
An increase in the cumulative share of the i-th reduce concentration;
firm implies an increase in concentration;
If s is the share of a new firm, then as s becomes
i i
Concentration in an industry should be progressively smaller so should its effects on a
independent of the size of that industry; concentration index;
The principle of transfers should hold. Random factors in the growth of firms should
Concentration should increase if the share of increase concentration.
any firm is increased at the expense of a smaller
Competition inspector, Directorate of Industry and Energy.
Translated into English by Florin Opran.
Florin OPRAN
For measuring the market concentration the In case of perfect competition, with many
following indexes can be used: competitors active on market, with market shares
close to zero, HHI would also tend to zero, marking
a pronounced dispersion of market shares and a
perfect competition.
A simple measure of market concentration it's In 1982, The Justice Department (USA) adopted a
shown by the inverted number of companies that new index to measure concentration in any
are active on the analyzed market. This index industry. This index is known unofficially as the
ignores the dispersion of market shares of the Herfindahl Index. Officially, Herfindahl-Hirschman
companies and it is inversely proportional with the Index combines the benefits of the absolute and
number of companies on the market, still not relative concentration indices.
having relevance regarding the level of symmetry
between those companies.
CR = 1/N (where N is the number of companies
active on the market)
Application: If there were 100 companies on a
market, then RC=1/100=0,01 .
HHI is named after economists Orris C. Herfindahl
and Albert O. Hirschman. A reference work for this
index is "The Paternity of an Index" (Albert O.
Hirschman, 1964).
It is calculated by squaring the market share of each
firm competing in a market. It can be calculated by
the following formula:
HHI = (S)
The HHI number can range in the interval (0,
The closer a market is to being a monopoly, the
higher the market's concentration and the lower is
the competition on that market. If there were just
one company active on the market (monopoly
situation), HHI=100*100=10.000!
1. Concentration Ratio (CR)
2. Herfindahl-Hirschman Index (HHI)
30 31
Factorii aleatori ce influenteaz creterea n cazul unei concurene perfecte, cu foarte multi
companiilor, mresc nivelul de concentrare de concureni pe pia ale cror cote de pia ar fi
pe pia; apropiate de 0, HHI ar tinde i el ctre 0, indicnd
o dispersie pronunat a cotelor de pia i un
Pentru msurarea concentrrii pieei pot fi folosii mediu concurenial perfect.
urmtorii indici :
n 1982, Departamentul de Justiie (SUA) a adoptat
un nou indice pentru a msura nivelul de
concentrare al pieelor. Acest indice este cunoscut
O msur simpl a nivelului de concentrare de pe o neoficial ca Indicele Herfindahl. n mod oficial
piaa este relevat de inversul numrului de societi I ndi cel e Herf i ndahl -Hi rschman combi n
active pe piaa analizat. Acest indice ignor beneficiile indicilor de concentrare absolui si
dispersia cotelor de pia a firmelor, fiind invers relativi.
proporional cu numrul de societi active pe
pia ns neavnd relevan privind nivelul
simetriei dintre ele.
RC = 1 / N (unde N= numrul societilor active pe
Exemplu de calcul : Dac pe o pia exist 100 de
companii, atunci RC=1/100 = 0,01
HHI este numit dup economistii Orris C.
Herfindahl si Albert O. Hirschman. O lucrare de
referinta pentru aparitia acestui indice este "The
Paternity of an Index" (Albert O. Hirschman , 1964).
HHI este calculat nsumnd ptratele cotelor de
pia ale tuturor societilor active pe pia. Acest
indice poate fi calculat dup urmtoarea formul :
HHI = (S)
HHI poate lua valori in intervalul (0 , 10.000] .
Cu ct o pia este mai aproape de starea de
monopol cu att este mai mare concentrarea pieei
iar competiia este mai mic. Dac ar exista o
singur societate activ pe pia (situaie de
monopol), HHI = 100 * 100 = 10.000 !
1. Rata de concentrare (RC)
2. Indicele Herfindahl-Hirschman (HHI)
4/2009 4/2009
Legislaia american stabilete urmtoarele praguri pentru
Dac HHI este mai mic de 1.000 atunci piaa are un nivel
sczut de concentrare;
Dac HHI se afl n intervalul 1000 1800 atunci piaa se
consider a avea un nivel moderat de concentrare;
Dac HHI depete valoarea de 1800 atunci avem de-a face
cu o pia concentrat.
Legislaia european prevede urmtoarele norme de aplicare
ale Indicelui Herfindahl-Hirschman :
19. Este puin probabil s se identifice, de ctre Comisie,
probleme de concuren orizontale pe o pia cu un IHH sub
1000 la ncheierea concentrrii. Astfel de piee nu necesit n
mod normal o analiz aprofundat.
20. De asemenea, este puin probabil s se identifice de ctre
Comisie probleme de concuren orizontale n cazul unei
concentrri cu un IHH cuprins ntre 1000 i 2000 la ncheierea
concentrrii i cu o valoare delta sub 250, sau n cazul unui IHH
peste 2000 la ncheierea operaiunii i o valoare delta sub 150,
cu excepia cazurilor speciale.
21. Fiecare dintre aceste niveluri ale IHH, n combinaie cu
valorile delta corespunztoare, poate fi utilizat ca indicator
iniial al lipsei de probleme concureniale. Cu toate acestea, ele

In American legislation the following thresholds are being
If HHI were below 1.000 then the market has a reduced level of
If HHI were in the interval 1000 1800 then the market it's
considered to have a medium level of concentration;
If HHI exceeds 1.800, the market is highly concentrated and it
could be a competition problem;
European legislation settles the following standards in the
Herfindahl-Hirschman Index application :
19. The Commission is unlikely to identify horizontal
competition concerns in a market with a post- merger HHI
below 1000. Such markets normally do not require extensive
20. The Commission is also unlikely to identify horizontal
competition concerns in a merger with a post-merger HHI
between 1000 and 2000 and a delta below 250, or a merger
with a post-merger HHI above 2000 and a delta below 150,
except where special circumstances:
21. Each of these HHI levels, in combination with the relevant
deltas, may be used as an initial indicator of the absence of
competition concerns. However, they do not give rise to a
presumption of either the existence or the absence of such
Orientri privind evaluarea concentrrilor orizontale n temeiul Regulamentului Consiliului privind controlul concentrrilor economice ntre ntreprinderi
(2004/C 31/03).
Guidelines on the assessment of horizontal mergers under the Council Regulation on the control of concentrations between undertakings (2004/C 31/03).
For measuring the market concentration the In case of perfect competition, with many
following indexes can be used: competitors active on market, with market shares
close to zero, HHI would also tend to zero, marking
a pronounced dispersion of market shares and a
perfect competition.
A simple measure of market concentration it's In 1982, The Justice Department (USA) adopted a
shown by the inverted number of companies that new index to measure concentration in any
are active on the analyzed market. This index industry. This index is known unofficially as the
ignores the dispersion of market shares of the Herfindahl Index. Officially, Herfindahl-Hirschman
companies and it is inversely proportional with the Index combines the benefits of the absolute and
number of companies on the market, still not relative concentration indices.
having relevance regarding the level of symmetry
between those companies.
CR = 1/N (where N is the number of companies
active on the market)
Application: If there were 100 companies on a
market, then RC=1/100=0,01 .
HHI is named after economists Orris C. Herfindahl
and Albert O. Hirschman. A reference work for this
index is "The Paternity of an Index" (Albert O.
Hirschman, 1964).
It is calculated by squaring the market share of each
firm competing in a market. It can be calculated by
the following formula:
HHI = (S)
The HHI number can range in the interval (0,
The closer a market is to being a monopoly, the
higher the market's concentration and the lower is
the competition on that market. If there were just
one company active on the market (monopoly
situation), HHI=100*100=10.000!
1. Concentration Ratio (CR)
2. Herfindahl-Hirschman Index (HHI)
30 31
Factorii aleatori ce influenteaz creterea n cazul unei concurene perfecte, cu foarte multi
companiilor, mresc nivelul de concentrare de concureni pe pia ale cror cote de pia ar fi
pe pia; apropiate de 0, HHI ar tinde i el ctre 0, indicnd
o dispersie pronunat a cotelor de pia i un
Pentru msurarea concentrrii pieei pot fi folosii mediu concurenial perfect.
urmtorii indici :
n 1982, Departamentul de Justiie (SUA) a adoptat
un nou indice pentru a msura nivelul de
concentrare al pieelor. Acest indice este cunoscut
O msur simpl a nivelului de concentrare de pe o neoficial ca Indicele Herfindahl. n mod oficial
piaa este relevat de inversul numrului de societi I ndi cel e Herf i ndahl -Hi rschman combi n
active pe piaa analizat. Acest indice ignor beneficiile indicilor de concentrare absolui si
dispersia cotelor de pia a firmelor, fiind invers relativi.
proporional cu numrul de societi active pe
pia ns neavnd relevan privind nivelul
simetriei dintre ele.
RC = 1 / N (unde N= numrul societilor active pe
Exemplu de calcul : Dac pe o pia exist 100 de
companii, atunci RC=1/100 = 0,01
HHI este numit dup economistii Orris C.
Herfindahl si Albert O. Hirschman. O lucrare de
referinta pentru aparitia acestui indice este "The
Paternity of an Index" (Albert O. Hirschman , 1964).
HHI este calculat nsumnd ptratele cotelor de
pia ale tuturor societilor active pe pia. Acest
indice poate fi calculat dup urmtoarea formul :
HHI = (S)
HHI poate lua valori in intervalul (0 , 10.000] .
Cu ct o pia este mai aproape de starea de
monopol cu att este mai mare concentrarea pieei
iar competiia este mai mic. Dac ar exista o
singur societate activ pe pia (situaie de
monopol), HHI = 100 * 100 = 10.000 !
1. Rata de concentrare (RC)
2. Indicele Herfindahl-Hirschman (HHI)
4/2009 4/2009
Legislaia american stabilete urmtoarele praguri pentru
Dac HHI este mai mic de 1.000 atunci piaa are un nivel
sczut de concentrare;
Dac HHI se afl n intervalul 1000 1800 atunci piaa se
consider a avea un nivel moderat de concentrare;
Dac HHI depete valoarea de 1800 atunci avem de-a face
cu o pia concentrat.
Legislaia european prevede urmtoarele norme de aplicare
ale Indicelui Herfindahl-Hirschman :
19. Este puin probabil s se identifice, de ctre Comisie,
probleme de concuren orizontale pe o pia cu un IHH sub
1000 la ncheierea concentrrii. Astfel de piee nu necesit n
mod normal o analiz aprofundat.
20. De asemenea, este puin probabil s se identifice de ctre
Comisie probleme de concuren orizontale n cazul unei
concentrri cu un IHH cuprins ntre 1000 i 2000 la ncheierea
concentrrii i cu o valoare delta sub 250, sau n cazul unui IHH
peste 2000 la ncheierea operaiunii i o valoare delta sub 150,
cu excepia cazurilor speciale.
21. Fiecare dintre aceste niveluri ale IHH, n combinaie cu
valorile delta corespunztoare, poate fi utilizat ca indicator
iniial al lipsei de probleme concureniale. Cu toate acestea, ele

In American legislation the following thresholds are being
If HHI were below 1.000 then the market has a reduced level of
If HHI were in the interval 1000 1800 then the market it's
considered to have a medium level of concentration;
If HHI exceeds 1.800, the market is highly concentrated and it
could be a competition problem;
European legislation settles the following standards in the
Herfindahl-Hirschman Index application :
19. The Commission is unlikely to identify horizontal
competition concerns in a market with a post- merger HHI
below 1000. Such markets normally do not require extensive
20. The Commission is also unlikely to identify horizontal
competition concerns in a merger with a post-merger HHI
between 1000 and 2000 and a delta below 250, or a merger
with a post-merger HHI above 2000 and a delta below 150,
except where special circumstances:
21. Each of these HHI levels, in combination with the relevant
deltas, may be used as an initial indicator of the absence of
competition concerns. However, they do not give rise to a
presumption of either the existence or the absence of such
Orientri privind evaluarea concentrrilor orizontale n temeiul Regulamentului Consiliului privind controlul concentrrilor economice ntre ntreprinderi
(2004/C 31/03).
Guidelines on the assessment of horizontal mergers under the Council Regulation on the control of concentrations between undertakings (2004/C 31/03).
3. Coeficientul lui GINI (G)
Coeficientul GINI este o msur a dispersiei
statistice folosit n principal pentru msurarea
inechitii distribuiei bunstrii indivizilor unei
Indicele Gini este definit de raportul suprafeelor
din diagrama curbei Lorenz. Dac suprafaa dintre
linia echitii perfecte i curba Lorenz este A, i
suprafaa aflat sub curba Lorenz este B, atunci
Indicele Gini este A / (A+B). Avnd n vedere c
A+B = 0,5 , rezult c G = 1-2B.
Un Indice GINI sczut indic o distribuie mai
echilibrat a veniturilor n societate, n timp ce o
valoare mare a Indicelui GINI indic o distribuie
inegal a veniturilor n societate. Astfel, 0
corespunde echitii perfecte n timp ce 1
corespunde inechitii absolute.
La nivel mondial, Indicele GINI (n perioada
2007-2008) variaz ntre 0,232 n Danemarca i
0,707 n Namibia. Indicele Gini aferent Romniei
are valoarea de 0,31 indicnd o egalitate social
destul de ridicat. ri din America de Sud
cunoscute pentru discrepana mare ntre straturile
sociale au, firete, niveluri crescute ale Indicelui
Gini (Argentina = 0,513 ; Chile = 0,549 ; Brazilia
= 0,57). Cele mai mari valori ale Indicelui Gini,
relevnd o mare inechitate social, se vor gsi (i) n
ri subdezvoltate din Africa precum Namibia
(0,707), Niger (0,505) sau Sierra Leone (0,629).
Aplicat n domeniul concurenei, pentru a msura
distribuia echitabil a cotelor de pia ale
societilor de pe pia , indicele Gini va releva ct
de echilibrat este concurena, fr s dea o
imagine clar asupra numrului de competitori
existeni pe pia. O valoare sczut a indicelui
Gini (tinznd spre 0) va releva o putere de pia
egal a agenilor prezeni pe pia. O valoare mare
a indicelui Gini (tinznd spre 1) va releva o stare
3. Gini Coefficient (G)
Gini Coefficient is a measure of the statistical
dispersion and it is commonly used as a measure of
income inequality in society.
Gini Coefficient it's defined by the ratio of the areas
from the Lorenz curve. The area that lies between
the line of equality and the Lorenz curve is marked
'A' in the diagram and the area that lies under the
line of equality is B, so that Gini Coefficient is
A/(A+B). Taking into account that A+B=0,5 results
that G=1-2B .
A low Gini coefficient indicates a more equal
distribution, while higher Gini coefficients indicate
more unequal distribution. Thus, the value of zero
means perfect social equality while 1 corresponds
to the highest level of social inequity.
At global scale, Gini Coefficient (2007-2008) vary
between 0,232 in Denmark (meaning a very good
social equality) and 0,707 in Namibia. Gini
Coefficient for Romania is 0,31 indicating a good
social equality. Countries from South America, well
known for the pronounced discrepancy between
different social layers, have also high levels for Gini
Coefficient (Argentina = 0,513 ; Chile = 0,549 ;
Brazil = 0,57). The highest levels of Gini
Coefficient, pointing out a high social inequality,
are also to be found in poor countries from Africa
such as Namibia (0,707), Niger (0,505) or Sierra
Leone (0,629).
nu dau natere nici ipotezei existenei, nici a absenei unor astfel
de probleme.
Exemplu de Calcul : Pe o pia exist iniial urmtoarea situaie :
Dac pe pia are loc o operaiune de concentrare prin care
compania 12 preia companiile 13, 14 i 15 va rezulta
urmtoarea situaie :
Conform legislaiei americane :
Dac n cazul iniial HHI avea o valoare sub 1800 iar piaa avea,
n consecin, un grad moderat de concentrare, prin
operaiunea de concentrare descris mai sus HHI va ajunge la
valoarea de 1935,14 marcnd trecerea la o pia concentrat.
Aceast operaiune trebuie privit, prin urmare, cu mare atenie.
N Vnzri Cot de pia Si * Si
1 250 25.00 625.00
2 230 23.00 529.00
3 190 19.00 361.00
4 9 0.90 0.81
5 11 1.10 1.21
6 21 2.10 4.41
7 22 2.20 4.84
8 10 1.00 1.00
9 12 1.20 1.44
10 3 0.30 0.09
11 45 4.50 20.25
12 95 9.50 90.25
13 32 3.20 10.24
14 30 3.00 9.00
15 40 4.00 16.00
TOTAL 1000 HHI = 1674.54

N Vanzri Cot de pia Si * Si
1 250 25.00 625.00
2 230 23.00 529.00
3 190 19.00 361.00
4 9 0.90 0.81
5 11 1.10 1.21
6 21 2.10 4.41
7 22 2.20 4.84
8 10 1.00 1.00
9 12 1.20 1.44
10 3 0.30 0.09
11 45 4.50 20.25
12 197 19.70 388.09
TOTAL 1000 HHI = 1937.14

Conform legislaiei europene :
Nivelul de concentrare al pieei rmne n intervalul 1000-
2000 fr s ridice probleme de concuren, ns = 262,6
indic o modificare substanial a mediului concurenial care
solicit o analiz atent.
4/2009 4/2009
Application : Here is the initial state of the analyzed market :
If on the analyzed market would take place a economic
concentration by the company 12 taking control over
companies 13, 14 and 15 from the list, the following situation
would result from that :
According to American legislation:
While in the initial case HHI had a value below 1800, so that the
market had a moderate level of concentration, by the economic
concentration described above HHI would reach at a value of
1935,14 , marking the evolution to a concentrated market. This
operation must be analyzed very carefully.
N Sells Market share Si * Si
1 250 25.00 625.00
2 230 23.00 529.00
3 190 19.00 361.00
4 9 0.90 0.81
5 11 1.10 1.21
6 21 2.10 4.41
7 22 2.20 4.84
8 10 1.00 1.00
9 12 1.20 1.44
10 3 0.30 0.09
11 45 4.50 20.25
12 95 9.50 90.25
13 32 3.20 10.24
14 30 3.00 9.00
15 40 4.00 16.00
TOTAL 1000 HHI = 1674.54

N Sells Market share Si * Si
1 250 25.00 625.00
2 230 23.00 529.00
3 190 19.00 361.00
4 9 0.90 0.81
5 11 1.10 1.21
6 21 2.10 4.41
7 22 2.20 4.84
8 10 1.00 1.00
9 12 1.20 1.44
10 3 0.30 0.09
11 45 4.50 20.25
12 197 19.70 388.09
TOTAL 1000 HHI = 1937.14

According to European legislation :
The level of concentration of the market remains in the interval
1000-2000, without raising competition problems, but
=262,6 point out a substantial modification of the
competition environment which induce the conclusion that
the operation should be well analyzed.
Coeficientul lui Gini a fost inventat de statisticianul italian Corrado Gini i publicat n 1912 n cartea lui ntitulat Variabilitate i mutabilitate (italiana :
Variabilita e mutabilita).
2007/2008 Human Development Report ( ).
The Gini coefficient is a measure of statistical dispersion developed by the Italian statistician Corrado Gini and published in his 1912 paper "Variability and
Mutability" (Italian: Variabilita e mutabilita).
3. Coeficientul lui GINI (G)
Coeficientul GINI este o msur a dispersiei
statistice folosit n principal pentru msurarea
inechitii distribuiei bunstrii indivizilor unei
Indicele Gini este definit de raportul suprafeelor
din diagrama curbei Lorenz. Dac suprafaa dintre
linia echitii perfecte i curba Lorenz este A, i
suprafaa aflat sub curba Lorenz este B, atunci
Indicele Gini este A / (A+B). Avnd n vedere c
A+B = 0,5 , rezult c G = 1-2B.
Un Indice GINI sczut indic o distribuie mai
echilibrat a veniturilor n societate, n timp ce o
valoare mare a Indicelui GINI indic o distribuie
inegal a veniturilor n societate. Astfel, 0
corespunde echitii perfecte n timp ce 1
corespunde inechitii absolute.
La nivel mondial, Indicele GINI (n perioada
2007-2008) variaz ntre 0,232 n Danemarca i
0,707 n Namibia. Indicele Gini aferent Romniei
are valoarea de 0,31 indicnd o egalitate social
destul de ridicat. ri din America de Sud
cunoscute pentru discrepana mare ntre straturile
sociale au, firete, niveluri crescute ale Indicelui
Gini (Argentina = 0,513 ; Chile = 0,549 ; Brazilia
= 0,57). Cele mai mari valori ale Indicelui Gini,
relevnd o mare inechitate social, se vor gsi (i) n
ri subdezvoltate din Africa precum Namibia
(0,707), Niger (0,505) sau Sierra Leone (0,629).
Aplicat n domeniul concurenei, pentru a msura
distribuia echitabil a cotelor de pia ale
societilor de pe pia , indicele Gini va releva ct
de echilibrat este concurena, fr s dea o
imagine clar asupra numrului de competitori
existeni pe pia. O valoare sczut a indicelui
Gini (tinznd spre 0) va releva o putere de pia
egal a agenilor prezeni pe pia. O valoare mare
a indicelui Gini (tinznd spre 1) va releva o stare
3. Gini Coefficient (G)
Gini Coefficient is a measure of the statistical
dispersion and it is commonly used as a measure of
income inequality in society.
Gini Coefficient it's defined by the ratio of the areas
from the Lorenz curve. The area that lies between
the line of equality and the Lorenz curve is marked
'A' in the diagram and the area that lies under the
line of equality is B, so that Gini Coefficient is
A/(A+B). Taking into account that A+B=0,5 results
that G=1-2B .
A low Gini coefficient indicates a more equal
distribution, while higher Gini coefficients indicate
more unequal distribution. Thus, the value of zero
means perfect social equality while 1 corresponds
to the highest level of social inequity.
At global scale, Gini Coefficient (2007-2008) vary
between 0,232 in Denmark (meaning a very good
social equality) and 0,707 in Namibia. Gini
Coefficient for Romania is 0,31 indicating a good
social equality. Countries from South America, well
known for the pronounced discrepancy between
different social layers, have also high levels for Gini
Coefficient (Argentina = 0,513 ; Chile = 0,549 ;
Brazil = 0,57). The highest levels of Gini
Coefficient, pointing out a high social inequality,
are also to be found in poor countries from Africa
such as Namibia (0,707), Niger (0,505) or Sierra
Leone (0,629).
nu dau natere nici ipotezei existenei, nici a absenei unor astfel
de probleme.
Exemplu de Calcul : Pe o pia exist iniial urmtoarea situaie :
Dac pe pia are loc o operaiune de concentrare prin care
compania 12 preia companiile 13, 14 i 15 va rezulta
urmtoarea situaie :
Conform legislaiei americane :
Dac n cazul iniial HHI avea o valoare sub 1800 iar piaa avea,
n consecin, un grad moderat de concentrare, prin
operaiunea de concentrare descris mai sus HHI va ajunge la
valoarea de 1935,14 marcnd trecerea la o pia concentrat.
Aceast operaiune trebuie privit, prin urmare, cu mare atenie.
N Vnzri Cot de pia Si * Si
1 250 25.00 625.00
2 230 23.00 529.00
3 190 19.00 361.00
4 9 0.90 0.81
5 11 1.10 1.21
6 21 2.10 4.41
7 22 2.20 4.84
8 10 1.00 1.00
9 12 1.20 1.44
10 3 0.30 0.09
11 45 4.50 20.25
12 95 9.50 90.25
13 32 3.20 10.24
14 30 3.00 9.00
15 40 4.00 16.00
TOTAL 1000 HHI = 1674.54

N Vanzri Cot de pia Si * Si
1 250 25.00 625.00
2 230 23.00 529.00
3 190 19.00 361.00
4 9 0.90 0.81
5 11 1.10 1.21
6 21 2.10 4.41
7 22 2.20 4.84
8 10 1.00 1.00
9 12 1.20 1.44
10 3 0.30 0.09
11 45 4.50 20.25
12 197 19.70 388.09
TOTAL 1000 HHI = 1937.14

Conform legislaiei europene :
Nivelul de concentrare al pieei rmne n intervalul 1000-
2000 fr s ridice probleme de concuren, ns = 262,6
indic o modificare substanial a mediului concurenial care
solicit o analiz atent.
4/2009 4/2009
Application : Here is the initial state of the analyzed market :
If on the analyzed market would take place a economic
concentration by the company 12 taking control over
companies 13, 14 and 15 from the list, the following situation
would result from that :
According to American legislation:
While in the initial case HHI had a value below 1800, so that the
market had a moderate level of concentration, by the economic
concentration described above HHI would reach at a value of
1935,14 , marking the evolution to a concentrated market. This
operation must be analyzed very carefully.
N Sells Market share Si * Si
1 250 25.00 625.00
2 230 23.00 529.00
3 190 19.00 361.00
4 9 0.90 0.81
5 11 1.10 1.21
6 21 2.10 4.41
7 22 2.20 4.84
8 10 1.00 1.00
9 12 1.20 1.44
10 3 0.30 0.09
11 45 4.50 20.25
12 95 9.50 90.25
13 32 3.20 10.24
14 30 3.00 9.00
15 40 4.00 16.00
TOTAL 1000 HHI = 1674.54

N Sells Market share Si * Si
1 250 25.00 625.00
2 230 23.00 529.00
3 190 19.00 361.00
4 9 0.90 0.81
5 11 1.10 1.21
6 21 2.10 4.41
7 22 2.20 4.84
8 10 1.00 1.00
9 12 1.20 1.44
10 3 0.30 0.09
11 45 4.50 20.25
12 197 19.70 388.09
TOTAL 1000 HHI = 1937.14

According to European legislation :
The level of concentration of the market remains in the interval
1000-2000, without raising competition problems, but
=262,6 point out a substantial modification of the
competition environment which induce the conclusion that
the operation should be well analyzed.
Coeficientul lui Gini a fost inventat de statisticianul italian Corrado Gini i publicat n 1912 n cartea lui ntitulat Variabilitate i mutabilitate (italiana :
Variabilita e mutabilita).
2007/2008 Human Development Report ( ).
The Gini coefficient is a measure of statistical dispersion developed by the Italian statistician Corrado Gini and published in his 1912 paper "Variability and
Mutability" (Italian: Variabilita e mutabilita).
dezechilibrat n care unul sau mai muli
competitori domin piaa autoritar. Indicele comprehensiv al concentrrii variaz ntre
0 i 1. O valoare apropiat de 0 indic o pia foarte
fragmentat n timp ce valoarea 1 semnific
Indicele Gini poate fi utilizat pentru studierea
existena unei situaii de monopol.
pieele cu foarte muli concureni, i poate fi
coroborat cu Indicele Herfindahl-Hirschman.
Acest indice msoar nivelul inegalitii dintre
aloc o mai mare
valorile variabilelor de mrime contabilizate pentru
importan companiilor mici dect o face indicele
anumite eantioane de firme. De asemenea
HHI. Acest indice poate fi calculat dup
reflect grania ntre firmele oligopoliste de pe pia
urmtoarea formul:
i celelalte firme. Acest indice a fost utilizat de
Uniunea European.
unde i reprezint poziia firmei pe pia iar s cota
de pia aferent firmei cu poziia i .
- unde Qi reprezint raportul dintre cota medie de
Indicele Rosenbluth variaz, ca i HHI ntre 0 si 1 i pia ale primelor i firme i cota medie de pia ale
tinde spre 0 pe msur ce companiile sunt egale. celorlalte (N-i) firme.
Indicele Rosenbluth poate fi folosit n cazurile n
Acest indice a fost propus de profesorul J. Horvath care se consider c micile companii de pe pia
n 1970. Indicele comprehensiv al concentrrii se conrtibuie semnificativ la tipul de comportament n
obine prin adunarea la cota de pia a companiei anumite industrii.
celei mai puternice a unui indice ce acoper
celelalte companii de pe pia. Poate fi definit i ca n cazurile n care nu se consider c micile
dublul indicelui Herfindahl minus suma ptratelor companii pot avea o influen semnificativ asupra
cotelor de pia ale companiilor, cu excepia pieei este recomandat a se folosi Indicele
faptului c este atribuit o pondere mai mare cotei Herfindahl-Hirschman ori rata de concentrare.
de pia a companiei celei mai mari. Acest indice se
poate calcula dup urmtoarea formul: Indicele comprehensiv al concentrrii se foloseste
cnd se consider c cea mai important companie
de pe pia exercit o influen dominant asupra
- unde s este cota de pia a celei mai puternice
companii i s semnific cota fiecreia dintre
celelalte companii active pe pia.
6. Indicele Linda
4. Indicele Rosenbluth
Utilizarea indicilor prezentai
5. Indicele comprehensiv al concentrrii
(Comprehensive concentration index)

Applied in the competition field, for measuring the
equitable distribution of market share of the
companies active on the market, Gini Coefficient
will point out how balanced the competition is,
without offering a clear image regarding the
- where s is the market share of the largest
number of existing competitors. A low value of Gini
company and s represents the market share of
Coefficient (tending to 0) will point out an absolute
every one of the other companies that are active on
equality of market power between all the
the market
competitors active on the market. A high level of
Gini Coefficient (tending to 1) will point out an
The comprehensive Concentration Index varies
unbalanced state, in which one or more
between 0 and 1. A close to 0 value indicate a very
competitors are dominating the market.
fragmentated market, while CCI=1 marks a
monopoly situation.
Gini Index can be used for studying the markets
with many competitors and can be corroborated
with the Herfindahl-Hirschman Index.
This index is designed to measure the degree of
inequality between values of the size variable
assigns more importance
accounted for by various sub-samples of firms. It is
to the small companies then HHI index does.
also intended to define the boundary between the
oligopolists within an industry and other firms. It
has been used by the European Union.
where i represents the company ranking and s the
market share of the i company.
Where Q represents the ratio between the average
Rosenbluth index vary, same as HHI does, between
market share of the first i companies and the
0 and 1. It tends to 0 while the market shares of the
average market share of the rest (N-i) companies.
companies are equal.
Rosenbluth Index can be used in the cases in which
This index has been proposed by Professor J.
the smaller companies significantly contribute to
Hor vat h i n 1970. The compr ehensi ve
the behavior pattern of a certain market.
Concentration Index results from adding to the
market share of the most powerful company an
In the cases in which the smaller companies may
index that covers all the other companies active on
have a significant contribution on the market, it is
the market. It can also be defined as twice of the
recommended to use HHI or Concentration Rate.
Herfindahl index minus the sum of the cubes of
companies' shares, except that greater weight is
The Comprehensive Concentration Index may be
assigned to the share of the largest company. This
used when it is considered that the largest company
index can be calculated by the following formula:
on the market has a dominant influence on the
6. Linda Index
4. Rosenbluth Index (R)
Usage of the presented indexes
5. Comprehensive Concentration Index (CCI)
4/2009 4/2009
dezechilibrat n care unul sau mai muli
competitori domin piaa autoritar. Indicele comprehensiv al concentrrii variaz ntre
0 i 1. O valoare apropiat de 0 indic o pia foarte
fragmentat n timp ce valoarea 1 semnific
Indicele Gini poate fi utilizat pentru studierea
existena unei situaii de monopol.
pieele cu foarte muli concureni, i poate fi
coroborat cu Indicele Herfindahl-Hirschman.
Acest indice msoar nivelul inegalitii dintre
aloc o mai mare
valorile variabilelor de mrime contabilizate pentru
importan companiilor mici dect o face indicele
anumite eantioane de firme. De asemenea
HHI. Acest indice poate fi calculat dup
reflect grania ntre firmele oligopoliste de pe pia
urmtoarea formul:
i celelalte firme. Acest indice a fost utilizat de
Uniunea European.
unde i reprezint poziia firmei pe pia iar s cota
de pia aferent firmei cu poziia i .
- unde Qi reprezint raportul dintre cota medie de
Indicele Rosenbluth variaz, ca i HHI ntre 0 si 1 i pia ale primelor i firme i cota medie de pia ale
tinde spre 0 pe msur ce companiile sunt egale. celorlalte (N-i) firme.
Indicele Rosenbluth poate fi folosit n cazurile n
Acest indice a fost propus de profesorul J. Horvath care se consider c micile companii de pe pia
n 1970. Indicele comprehensiv al concentrrii se conrtibuie semnificativ la tipul de comportament n
obine prin adunarea la cota de pia a companiei anumite industrii.
celei mai puternice a unui indice ce acoper
celelalte companii de pe pia. Poate fi definit i ca n cazurile n care nu se consider c micile
dublul indicelui Herfindahl minus suma ptratelor companii pot avea o influen semnificativ asupra
cotelor de pia ale companiilor, cu excepia pieei este recomandat a se folosi Indicele
faptului c este atribuit o pondere mai mare cotei Herfindahl-Hirschman ori rata de concentrare.
de pia a companiei celei mai mari. Acest indice se
poate calcula dup urmtoarea formul: Indicele comprehensiv al concentrrii se foloseste
cnd se consider c cea mai important companie
de pe pia exercit o influen dominant asupra
- unde s este cota de pia a celei mai puternice
companii i s semnific cota fiecreia dintre
celelalte companii active pe pia.
6. Indicele Linda
4. Indicele Rosenbluth
Utilizarea indicilor prezentai
5. Indicele comprehensiv al concentrrii
(Comprehensive concentration index)

Applied in the competition field, for measuring the
equitable distribution of market share of the
companies active on the market, Gini Coefficient
will point out how balanced the competition is,
without offering a clear image regarding the
- where s is the market share of the largest
number of existing competitors. A low value of Gini
company and s represents the market share of
Coefficient (tending to 0) will point out an absolute
every one of the other companies that are active on
equality of market power between all the
the market
competitors active on the market. A high level of
Gini Coefficient (tending to 1) will point out an
The comprehensive Concentration Index varies
unbalanced state, in which one or more
between 0 and 1. A close to 0 value indicate a very
competitors are dominating the market.
fragmentated market, while CCI=1 marks a
monopoly situation.
Gini Index can be used for studying the markets
with many competitors and can be corroborated
with the Herfindahl-Hirschman Index.
This index is designed to measure the degree of
inequality between values of the size variable
assigns more importance
accounted for by various sub-samples of firms. It is
to the small companies then HHI index does.
also intended to define the boundary between the
oligopolists within an industry and other firms. It
has been used by the European Union.
where i represents the company ranking and s the
market share of the i company.
Where Q represents the ratio between the average
Rosenbluth index vary, same as HHI does, between
market share of the first i companies and the
0 and 1. It tends to 0 while the market shares of the
average market share of the rest (N-i) companies.
companies are equal.
Rosenbluth Index can be used in the cases in which
This index has been proposed by Professor J.
the smaller companies significantly contribute to
Hor vat h i n 1970. The compr ehensi ve
the behavior pattern of a certain market.
Concentration Index results from adding to the
market share of the most powerful company an
In the cases in which the smaller companies may
index that covers all the other companies active on
have a significant contribution on the market, it is
the market. It can also be defined as twice of the
recommended to use HHI or Concentration Rate.
Herfindahl index minus the sum of the cubes of
companies' shares, except that greater weight is
The Comprehensive Concentration Index may be
assigned to the share of the largest company. This
used when it is considered that the largest company
index can be calculated by the following formula:
on the market has a dominant influence on the
6. Linda Index
4. Rosenbluth Index (R)
Usage of the presented indexes
5. Comprehensive Concentration Index (CCI)
4/2009 4/2009
Roger van den Bergh, Peter D. Camesasca (2006): Exist, prin urmare, avantaje i dezavantaje n
European competition law and economics, Sweet &
folosirea fiecrui indice, care nu pot fi rezolvate a
priori, alegerea fcndu-se n conformitate cu
particularitile fiecrei piee ns att practica
* * * Orientri privind evaluarea concentrrilor
american ct i cea european atest relevana
orizontale n temeiul Regulamentului Consiliului privind
indicelui Herfindahl-Hirschman.
controlul concentrrilor economice ntre ntreprinderi
(2004/C 31/03).
Bain, J. (1956): Barriers to New Competition. Cambridge,
Mass: Harvard Univ. Press.
Tirole, J. (1988): The Theory of Industrial Organization.
Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press.
Weiss, L. W. (1989): Concentration and price,
Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press.
Xu, Jie (2005): Market Research Handbook:
Measurement, Approach and Practice, Iuniverse Inc.
Moschandreas, M.(2000): Business economics Second
Edition, Thomson Learning.
Roger van den Bergh, Peter D. Camesasca (2006):
There are certain advantages and disadvantages
European competition law and economics, Sweet &
related to each of these indexes, which can not be
resolved a priori; the choice should be taking
according to the particularities of each market, but
* * * Guidelines on the assessment of horizontal mergers
both American experience and European
under the Council Regulation on the control of
experience in this field testify the relevance of
concentrations between undertakings (2004/C 31/03).
Herfindahl-Hirschman Index.
Bain, J. (1956): Barriers to New Competition, Cambridge,
Mass: Harvard Univ. Press.

Tirole, J. (1988): The Theory of Industrial Organization,
Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press.
Weiss, L. W. (1989): Concentration and Price,
Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press.
Xu, Jie (2005): Market Research Handbook:
Measurement, Approach and Practice, Iuniverse Inc.
Moschandreas, M.(2000): Business Economics Second
Edition, Thomson Learning.
4/2009 4/2009
Roger van den Bergh, Peter D. Camesasca (2006): Exist, prin urmare, avantaje i dezavantaje n
European competition law and economics, Sweet &
folosirea fiecrui indice, care nu pot fi rezolvate a
priori, alegerea fcndu-se n conformitate cu
particularitile fiecrei piee ns att practica
* * * Orientri privind evaluarea concentrrilor
american ct i cea european atest relevana
orizontale n temeiul Regulamentului Consiliului privind
indicelui Herfindahl-Hirschman.
controlul concentrrilor economice ntre ntreprinderi
(2004/C 31/03).
Bain, J. (1956): Barriers to New Competition. Cambridge,
Mass: Harvard Univ. Press.
Tirole, J. (1988): The Theory of Industrial Organization.
Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press.
Weiss, L. W. (1989): Concentration and price,
Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press.
Xu, Jie (2005): Market Research Handbook:
Measurement, Approach and Practice, Iuniverse Inc.
Moschandreas, M.(2000): Business economics Second
Edition, Thomson Learning.
Roger van den Bergh, Peter D. Camesasca (2006):
There are certain advantages and disadvantages
European competition law and economics, Sweet &
related to each of these indexes, which can not be
resolved a priori; the choice should be taking
according to the particularities of each market, but
* * * Guidelines on the assessment of horizontal mergers
both American experience and European
under the Council Regulation on the control of
experience in this field testify the relevance of
concentrations between undertakings (2004/C 31/03).
Herfindahl-Hirschman Index.
Bain, J. (1956): Barriers to New Competition, Cambridge,
Mass: Harvard Univ. Press.

Tirole, J. (1988): The Theory of Industrial Organization,
Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press.
Weiss, L. W. (1989): Concentration and Price,
Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press.
Xu, Jie (2005): Market Research Handbook:
Measurement, Approach and Practice, Iuniverse Inc.
Moschandreas, M.(2000): Business Economics Second
Edition, Thomson Learning.
4/2009 4/2009
Lansare Raport: Piaa unic, piaa naional:
politica de concuren n sectoare cheie
Toate aceste sectoare prezint, din punct de vedere
concurenial, cteva trsturi comune, fiind
caracterizate de un nivel ridicat de reglementare,
care influeneaz att comportamentul actorilor
n luna octombrie a anului 2009, Consiliul
economici, ct i posibilitile de dezvoltare sau de
Concurenei a lansat spre dezbatere public
acces pe piee.
raportul mai sus-menionat, cu ocazia conferinei
cu tema: Concurena cheia dezvoltrii
De asemenea, n aceste sectoare exist semnale
economice i a bunstrii consumatorului.
privind manifestarea unor practici care mpiedic
apariia efectelor benefice ale jocului concurenial.
Elaborat n strns colaborare de ctre Societatea
Putem discuta, de exemplu, despre comisioanele
Academic din Romnia i de Consiliul
n sectorul bancar, despre restriciile din domeniul
Concurenei, raportul a avut ca principal obiectiv
energetic, taximetrie, concesiuni, despre barierele
identificarea aspectelor de natur legislativ care
profesiilor liberale, n special despre latura
afecteaz funcionarea concurenei ntr-o serie de
economic a acestora, i nu numai.
sectoare cheie ale economiei naionale, precum i
a soluiilor pentru asigurarea unui mediu
Trebuie subliniat i faptul c un grad redus de
concurenial eficient n sectoarele analizate.
concuren n aceste sectoare este vtmtor att la
Raportul conine o analiz a mediului concurenial
nivel macro-economic, prin prisma ponderii i
n sectoarele cheie selectate, integrnd att
importanei acestora n ansamblul economiei, ct
experiena naional, ct i pe cea european n
i la nivelul consumatorilor, care sunt lipsii de
materie. n cadrul Raportului au fost analizate
posibilitatea de a alege i, n consecin, de a
urmtoarele sectoare cheie:
beneficia de bunuri sau servicii de calitate i de
preuri mai reduse.
Raportul a pus n eviden principalele probleme
cu care se confrunt aceste sectoare, din punct de
vedere al regulilor de concuren i a prezentat
msurile care pot fi aplicate de instituiile cu
competene n aceste sectoare, n vederea
profesii liberale;
eliminrii multor restricii anticoncureniale din
cadrul de reglementare al acestor sectoare.
resurse minerale;
De exemplu, un domeniu adus mult n discuie n
servicii de transport (taximetrie);
ultimul timp, att n Romnia ct i la nivel
comunitar, este cel al comerului cu amnuntul,
comer cu amnuntul.
Material realizat de Carmen Bucur, inspector de concuren, Direcia Cercetare Sinteze; Traducerea a fost realizat de Ioan D.Popa.
Launch of the Report: Single Market, National
Market: Competition Policy in Key Sectors
From the competition point of view, all these sectors
have common characteristics, since they are highly
regulated and this is affecting the behavior of the
On the occasion of the conference Competition undertaki ngs and the opportuni ti es f or
the key of economic development and consumer development or to enter these markets.
welfare organized in October this year, the
Competition Council launched a public debating
In addition, these sectors are possible subjects of
on the abovementioned report.
practices impeding the materialization of the
positive competition effects. For example, the fees
The Report was drafted by the Competition Council
within the banking sector, the restrictions within the
and the Romanian Economic Society and aimed at
energy field, the taxi services, the concessions, the
identifying the legislative issues affecting
barriers in the liberal professions - especially their
competition in key sectors of the national economy,
economic characteristic.
as well as finding solutions to ensure an efficient
competition environment within the analyzed
We must also mention that a low level of
sectors. The report contains an analysis of the
competition in these sectors is harmful at
competition environment of the selected sectors by
macroeconomic level, because of its weight and
taking into account the national and the European
importance in the total economy, as well as for
experience in the field. The following sectors were
consumers, who have no possibility of choice, and,
as a result, of benefiting from qualitative services
and goods and from lower prices. banking;
energy; The Report highlights the main competition issues
in these sectors and presents the measures that can
be taken by the competent institutions in order to
eliminate many anticompetitive restrictions
liberal professions;
contained by the legal framework.
mineral resources;
For example, a sector which was brought into the
public attention for a long time, in Romania and in
transport services (taxi);
the Community, is the retail.
Drafted by Carmen Bucur, competition inspector, Research and Synthesis Directorate. Translated into English by Ioan D.Popa.
4/2009 4/2009


Lansare Raport: Piaa unic, piaa naional:
politica de concuren n sectoare cheie
Toate aceste sectoare prezint, din punct de vedere
concurenial, cteva trsturi comune, fiind
caracterizate de un nivel ridicat de reglementare,
care influeneaz att comportamentul actorilor
n luna octombrie a anului 2009, Consiliul
economici, ct i posibilitile de dezvoltare sau de
Concurenei a lansat spre dezbatere public
acces pe piee.
raportul mai sus-menionat, cu ocazia conferinei
cu tema: Concurena cheia dezvoltrii
De asemenea, n aceste sectoare exist semnale
economice i a bunstrii consumatorului.
privind manifestarea unor practici care mpiedic
apariia efectelor benefice ale jocului concurenial.
Elaborat n strns colaborare de ctre Societatea
Putem discuta, de exemplu, despre comisioanele
Academic din Romnia i de Consiliul
n sectorul bancar, despre restriciile din domeniul
Concurenei, raportul a avut ca principal obiectiv
energetic, taximetrie, concesiuni, despre barierele
identificarea aspectelor de natur legislativ care
profesiilor liberale, n special despre latura
afecteaz funcionarea concurenei ntr-o serie de
economic a acestora, i nu numai.
sectoare cheie ale economiei naionale, precum i
a soluiilor pentru asigurarea unui mediu
Trebuie subliniat i faptul c un grad redus de
concurenial eficient n sectoarele analizate.
concuren n aceste sectoare este vtmtor att la
Raportul conine o analiz a mediului concurenial
nivel macro-economic, prin prisma ponderii i
n sectoarele cheie selectate, integrnd att
importanei acestora n ansamblul economiei, ct
experiena naional, ct i pe cea european n
i la nivelul consumatorilor, care sunt lipsii de
materie. n cadrul Raportului au fost analizate
posibilitatea de a alege i, n consecin, de a
urmtoarele sectoare cheie:
beneficia de bunuri sau servicii de calitate i de
preuri mai reduse.
Raportul a pus n eviden principalele probleme
cu care se confrunt aceste sectoare, din punct de
vedere al regulilor de concuren i a prezentat
msurile care pot fi aplicate de instituiile cu
competene n aceste sectoare, n vederea
profesii liberale;
eliminrii multor restricii anticoncureniale din
cadrul de reglementare al acestor sectoare.
resurse minerale;
De exemplu, un domeniu adus mult n discuie n
servicii de transport (taximetrie);
ultimul timp, att n Romnia ct i la nivel
comunitar, este cel al comerului cu amnuntul,
comer cu amnuntul.
Material realizat de Carmen Bucur, inspector de concuren, Direcia Cercetare Sinteze; Traducerea a fost realizat de Ioan D.Popa.
Launch of the Report: Single Market, National
Market: Competition Policy in Key Sectors
From the competition point of view, all these sectors
have common characteristics, since they are highly
regulated and this is affecting the behavior of the
On the occasion of the conference Competition undertaki ngs and the opportuni ti es f or
the key of economic development and consumer development or to enter these markets.
welfare organized in October this year, the
Competition Council launched a public debating
In addition, these sectors are possible subjects of
on the abovementioned report.
practices impeding the materialization of the
positive competition effects. For example, the fees
The Report was drafted by the Competition Council
within the banking sector, the restrictions within the
and the Romanian Economic Society and aimed at
energy field, the taxi services, the concessions, the
identifying the legislative issues affecting
barriers in the liberal professions - especially their
competition in key sectors of the national economy,
economic characteristic.
as well as finding solutions to ensure an efficient
competition environment within the analyzed
We must also mention that a low level of
sectors. The report contains an analysis of the
competition in these sectors is harmful at
competition environment of the selected sectors by
macroeconomic level, because of its weight and
taking into account the national and the European
importance in the total economy, as well as for
experience in the field. The following sectors were
consumers, who have no possibility of choice, and,
as a result, of benefiting from qualitative services
and goods and from lower prices. banking;
energy; The Report highlights the main competition issues
in these sectors and presents the measures that can
be taken by the competent institutions in order to
eliminate many anticompetitive restrictions
liberal professions;
contained by the legal framework.
mineral resources;
For example, a sector which was brought into the
public attention for a long time, in Romania and in
transport services (taxi);
the Community, is the retail.
Drafted by Carmen Bucur, competition inspector, Research and Synthesis Directorate. Translated into English by Ioan D.Popa.
4/2009 4/2009


caracterizat de tensiuni vizibile ntre productori i
comerciani, cu efecte negative asupra concurenei
i implicit asupra consumatorului final. Interveniile
autoritii de concuren n acest domeniu s-au
concretizat prin implicarea pro-activ n urmrirea Piaa imobiliar, n general, i piaa rezidenial, n
legislaiei din domeniu, n demararea de anchete special, se deosebesc fundamental de pieele
sectoriale i deschiderea de investigaii. obinuite pe care se tranzacioneaz bunuri,
servicii sau active. Specificul pieei imobiliare este
Sectorul farmaceutic este de asemenea un determinat, n principal, de dou elemente:
domeniu sensibil, putnd fi identificate o serie de caracteristicile proprietilor i comportamentul
aspecte legate de patente, de circulaia participanilor la pia. Datorit acestor factori,
medicamentelor generice, de achiziiile publice piaa imobiliar se distinge prin: asimetrii
realizate de Ministerul Sntii, de existena nc a i nformai onal e, preuri ri gi de, fl uctuai i
unor restricii la nfiinarea de noi farmacii, etc. De- semnificative de lichiditate, lips de transparen i
a lungul timpului, Consiliul Concurenei a ncercat, ineficien economic. Astfel, sunt generate riscuri
n msura limitelor conferite de lege, s asigure semnificative pentru sistemul financiar, care este
manifestarea liber a concurenei n acest sector, strns legat de piaa imobiliar prin garaniile
prin avizarea proiectelor de acte normative, ipotecare, precum i pentru restul economiei, prin
precum i prin deschiderea de investigaii, afectarea procesului investiional i a mobilitii
finalizate n cele din urm cu sancionarea forei de munc.
operatorilor economici care au nclcat legislaia
concurenei. n acest context, rolul serviciilor conexe pieei
imobiliare (notarii, ageniile imobiliare, experii
Concluziile Raportului au constituit premisele geodezi i evaluatorii) este extrem de important
discuiilor ce au fost purtate n cadrul panelurilor pentru estomparea asimetriilor informaionale i
interactive dedicate analizrii a patru dintre creterea transparenei. n plus, lichiditatea pieei
sectoarele incluse n raport i care prezint un poate fi ameliorat prin intermediul unor costuri de
interes deosebit n contextul actual: sectorul tranzacionare mai reduse, creterea vitezei i a
bancar, energie, sectorul farmaceutic i profesiile calitii acestor servicii. Modalitatea cea mai
liberale. eficient pentru realizarea acestui deziderat este
sporirea gradului de concuren pe pieele
Panelurile au beneficiat de prezena unor serviciilor conexe tranzaciilor imobiliare.
reprezentani ai Parlamentului Romniei, ai
ministerelor, mediului academic i juridic, ai n afara ineficienelor structurale, inerente
societii civile, dar i ai unor experi din State majoritii pieelor imobiliare din lume, piaa
Membre ale UE, care au prezentat problemele romneasc este expus unor riscuri suplimentare,
concureniale specifice sectoarelor analizate n datorate tranzacionrii n moned strin, scderii
rile din care provin. populaiei i numrului extrem de mare de locuine
ocupate de proprietari (pia redus a chiriilor).
Utilitatea acestui demers a fost de a contientiza Aceast situaie este amplificat de lipsa de
factorii decideni guvern, parlament, preedenie transparen a pieei (inexistena unui indice
asupra faptului c mersul economiei spre intele imobiliar oficial), costurile ridicate i viteza sczut
propuse de competitivitate i performan de tranzacionare, precum i de birocraia excesiv
presupune respect fa de lege, fa de partenerii din domeniul construciilor.
de afaceri i fa de ceteanul de rnd, n calitatea
sa de consumator final de bunuri i servicii.
Consiliul Concurenei a finalizat investigaia
util privind analizarea pieei imobiliare i a
serviciilor conexe tranzaciilor imobiliare
This is a field characterized by visible tensions (competitiveness and performance), observing the
between producers and retailers, having negative law and respecting the common citizen as final
effects over the competition, and implicitly over the consumer of goods and services are necessary
final consumers. The interventions of the conditions.
competition authority in this field were concretized
in the pro-active involvement in the monitoring of
the specific legislation, in the initiation of sector
inquires and of investigations.
The real-estate market, in general, and the
The pharmaceutical sector is also a sensible one.
residential market, in particular, are fundamentally
Here we can identify a series of patent related
different from the usual markets, were services,
issues, problems concerning the generic drug
goods or assets are being traded. The particular
circulation, the public acquisitions made by the
feature of the real-estate market is given mainly by
Ministry of Health, the presence of certain
two elements: the characteristics of the properties
restrictions for the establishment of new and the behavior of the market participants.
pharmacies etc. Based on its legal atributions, the Because of these factors, the real-estate market
differs by: informational asymmetry, rigid prices, Competition Council tried over time to ensure a
significant fluctuations of liquidities, lack of
free competition in this sector, by issuing biding
transparency and economic inefficiency. As a
opinions on draft normative acts and by initiating
result, significant risks are created for the financial
investigations which were finalized with sanctions
sector, which is closely correlated with the real-
for the undertakings which had infringed the
estate market through the mortgage guarantees, as
competition legislation.
well as with the rest of the economy, by affecting
the investments and the labor force mobility.
The conclusions of the Report constituted the
starting point of the discussions carried out within
In this context, the role of the services related to the
the interactive panels focused on the analysis of
real-estate market (provided by notaries, real-
four of the sectors included within the Report,
estate agencies, geodesists and evaluators) is
which present a special interest in the present
extremely important for diminishing the
context: the banking sector, the pharmaceutical
informational asymmetries and for increasing the
sector and the liberal professions.
market transparency. Moreover, the liquidity of the
market can be improved by lower transaction costs,
The panels benefited from the presence of certain an increased speed and quality of these services.
The most efficient manner for achieving this goal is representatives of the Romanian Parliament, of
to amplify the competition in the services related to
ministries, the academic environment, the civil
the market of real-estate transactions.
society, and of experts of the certain EU Member
States, which highlighted competition issues in the
Besides the structural inefficiencies which occur in
specific sectors of their origin countries.
most of the real-estate markets, the Romanian one
has additional risks, as a result of the transactions
The aim was to increase the awareness of the
made in foreign currencies, the reducing number
decision making factors the Government, the
of inhabitants and the extremely high number of
Parliament, the Presidency over the fact that, for
owned housing units (and thus, the rent market
achieving the proposed economic goals
being a small one). This situation is amplified by the
The Competition Council finalized the sector
inquiry on the real-estate market and the related
4/2009 4/2009
caracterizat de tensiuni vizibile ntre productori i
comerciani, cu efecte negative asupra concurenei
i implicit asupra consumatorului final. Interveniile
autoritii de concuren n acest domeniu s-au
concretizat prin implicarea pro-activ n urmrirea Piaa imobiliar, n general, i piaa rezidenial, n
legislaiei din domeniu, n demararea de anchete special, se deosebesc fundamental de pieele
sectoriale i deschiderea de investigaii. obinuite pe care se tranzacioneaz bunuri,
servicii sau active. Specificul pieei imobiliare este
Sectorul farmaceutic este de asemenea un determinat, n principal, de dou elemente:
domeniu sensibil, putnd fi identificate o serie de caracteristicile proprietilor i comportamentul
aspecte legate de patente, de circulaia participanilor la pia. Datorit acestor factori,
medicamentelor generice, de achiziiile publice piaa imobiliar se distinge prin: asimetrii
realizate de Ministerul Sntii, de existena nc a i nformai onal e, preuri ri gi de, fl uctuai i
unor restricii la nfiinarea de noi farmacii, etc. De- semnificative de lichiditate, lips de transparen i
a lungul timpului, Consiliul Concurenei a ncercat, ineficien economic. Astfel, sunt generate riscuri
n msura limitelor conferite de lege, s asigure semnificative pentru sistemul financiar, care este
manifestarea liber a concurenei n acest sector, strns legat de piaa imobiliar prin garaniile
prin avizarea proiectelor de acte normative, ipotecare, precum i pentru restul economiei, prin
precum i prin deschiderea de investigaii, afectarea procesului investiional i a mobilitii
finalizate n cele din urm cu sancionarea forei de munc.
operatorilor economici care au nclcat legislaia
concurenei. n acest context, rolul serviciilor conexe pieei
imobiliare (notarii, ageniile imobiliare, experii
Concluziile Raportului au constituit premisele geodezi i evaluatorii) este extrem de important
discuiilor ce au fost purtate n cadrul panelurilor pentru estomparea asimetriilor informaionale i
interactive dedicate analizrii a patru dintre creterea transparenei. n plus, lichiditatea pieei
sectoarele incluse n raport i care prezint un poate fi ameliorat prin intermediul unor costuri de
interes deosebit n contextul actual: sectorul tranzacionare mai reduse, creterea vitezei i a
bancar, energie, sectorul farmaceutic i profesiile calitii acestor servicii. Modalitatea cea mai
liberale. eficient pentru realizarea acestui deziderat este
sporirea gradului de concuren pe pieele
Panelurile au beneficiat de prezena unor serviciilor conexe tranzaciilor imobiliare.
reprezentani ai Parlamentului Romniei, ai
ministerelor, mediului academic i juridic, ai n afara ineficienelor structurale, inerente
societii civile, dar i ai unor experi din State majoritii pieelor imobiliare din lume, piaa
Membre ale UE, care au prezentat problemele romneasc este expus unor riscuri suplimentare,
concureniale specifice sectoarelor analizate n datorate tranzacionrii n moned strin, scderii
rile din care provin. populaiei i numrului extrem de mare de locuine
ocupate de proprietari (pia redus a chiriilor).
Utilitatea acestui demers a fost de a contientiza Aceast situaie este amplificat de lipsa de
factorii decideni guvern, parlament, preedenie transparen a pieei (inexistena unui indice
asupra faptului c mersul economiei spre intele imobiliar oficial), costurile ridicate i viteza sczut
propuse de competitivitate i performan de tranzacionare, precum i de birocraia excesiv
presupune respect fa de lege, fa de partenerii din domeniul construciilor.
de afaceri i fa de ceteanul de rnd, n calitatea
sa de consumator final de bunuri i servicii.
Consiliul Concurenei a finalizat investigaia
util privind analizarea pieei imobiliare i a
serviciilor conexe tranzaciilor imobiliare
This is a field characterized by visible tensions (competitiveness and performance), observing the
between producers and retailers, having negative law and respecting the common citizen as final
effects over the competition, and implicitly over the consumer of goods and services are necessary
final consumers. The interventions of the conditions.
competition authority in this field were concretized
in the pro-active involvement in the monitoring of
the specific legislation, in the initiation of sector
inquires and of investigations.
The real-estate market, in general, and the
The pharmaceutical sector is also a sensible one.
residential market, in particular, are fundamentally
Here we can identify a series of patent related
different from the usual markets, were services,
issues, problems concerning the generic drug
goods or assets are being traded. The particular
circulation, the public acquisitions made by the
feature of the real-estate market is given mainly by
Ministry of Health, the presence of certain
two elements: the characteristics of the properties
restrictions for the establishment of new and the behavior of the market participants.
pharmacies etc. Based on its legal atributions, the Because of these factors, the real-estate market
differs by: informational asymmetry, rigid prices, Competition Council tried over time to ensure a
significant fluctuations of liquidities, lack of
free competition in this sector, by issuing biding
transparency and economic inefficiency. As a
opinions on draft normative acts and by initiating
result, significant risks are created for the financial
investigations which were finalized with sanctions
sector, which is closely correlated with the real-
for the undertakings which had infringed the
estate market through the mortgage guarantees, as
competition legislation.
well as with the rest of the economy, by affecting
the investments and the labor force mobility.
The conclusions of the Report constituted the
starting point of the discussions carried out within
In this context, the role of the services related to the
the interactive panels focused on the analysis of
real-estate market (provided by notaries, real-
four of the sectors included within the Report,
estate agencies, geodesists and evaluators) is
which present a special interest in the present
extremely important for diminishing the
context: the banking sector, the pharmaceutical
informational asymmetries and for increasing the
sector and the liberal professions.
market transparency. Moreover, the liquidity of the
market can be improved by lower transaction costs,
The panels benefited from the presence of certain an increased speed and quality of these services.
The most efficient manner for achieving this goal is representatives of the Romanian Parliament, of
to amplify the competition in the services related to
ministries, the academic environment, the civil
the market of real-estate transactions.
society, and of experts of the certain EU Member
States, which highlighted competition issues in the
Besides the structural inefficiencies which occur in
specific sectors of their origin countries.
most of the real-estate markets, the Romanian one
has additional risks, as a result of the transactions
The aim was to increase the awareness of the
made in foreign currencies, the reducing number
decision making factors the Government, the
of inhabitants and the extremely high number of
Parliament, the Presidency over the fact that, for
owned housing units (and thus, the rent market
achieving the proposed economic goals
being a small one). This situation is amplified by the
The Competition Council finalized the sector
inquiry on the real-estate market and the related
4/2009 4/2009
Declanat prin Ordinul Preedintelui Consiliului Toate aceste restricionri nu i gsesc justificarea
Concurenei nr.115/1.04.2008, investigaia util n raport cu principiul proporionalitii i au
privind analizarea pieei imobiliare i a serviciilor menirea de a proteja interesele notarilor n
conexe tranzaciilor imobiliare, s-a axat, n detrimentul intereselor consumatorilor. Acetia din
principal, pe: urm nu pot beneficia de tarife rezultate din
interaciunea dintre cerere i ofert, i sunt obligai,
prezentarea mecanismelor care guverneaz
astfel, s plteasc niveluri stabilite arbitrar. De
piaa imobiliar, a surselor de ineficien
asemenea, ei nu beneficiaz nici de un nivel
economic i a riscurilor la care este expus
competitiv al calitii serviciilor, neexistnd, n
acest sens, argumente care s contrazic relaia de
proporionalitate direct ntre nivelul de
descrierea elementelelor specifice pieei
concuren i cel de calitate.
imobiliare din Romnia i a eventualelor riscuri
suplimentare generate de acestea;
Mai mult, Romnia are, raportat la venitul mediu,
unul dintre cele mai scumpe sisteme de servicii
Evaluarea gradului de concuren i a efectelor
notariale aferente tranzaciilor imobiliare. n acest
acestuia asupra consumatorilor pe piaa serviciilor
sens, este evident necesitatea creterii
de natur juridic prestate de notarii publici, pe
concurenei pe piaa serviciilor notariale prin
piaa serviciilor de intermediere prestate de
eliminarea, cel puin, a restriciilor legate de
ageniile imobiliare, pe piaa serviciilor cadastrale
numrul de notari, precum i a nivelului minim al
prestate de experii geodezi, precum i pe piaa
onorariilor. n plus, relaiile de exclusivitate dintre
serviciilor de evaluare imobiliar prestate de
notari i bnci sunt netransparente, iar
experii Asociaiei Naionale a Evaluatorilor din
consumatorii nu sunt informai n privina tarifelor
Romnia (ANEVAR).
pe care urmeaz s le plteasc pentru serviciile
prestate de notarii impui de bnci.
Raportul investigaiei utile, disponibil n limba
romn pe site-ul oficial al Consiliului Concurenei,
. Serviciile de
la adresa:, a pus n
intermediere imobiliar nu sunt reglementate, iar
eviden urmtoarele concluzii, aferente fiecrui
competiia ntre ageniile imobiliare se desfoar
serviciu analizat, respectiv:
pe o pia cu structur concurenial determinat
n primul rnd de lipsa barierelor la intrare. Cu
. Serviciile notariale reprezint un
toate acestea concurena prin pre este destul de
cost obligatoriu al tranzaciilor imobiliare. Acestea
sczut, acest fapt datorndu-se, cel mai probabil,
sunt caracterizate, n Romnia, prin dreptul de
unor factori care in de specificul activitii.
exclusivitate al notarilor publici, bariere cantitative
la intrarea pe pia i tarife minime stabilite de
Accesul unui segment tot mai mare de populaie la
reprezentanii corpului profesional i aprobate de
Internet i utilizarea acestuia ca platform de
Ministerul Justiiei. Interzicerea publicitii i
cutare i promovare a proprietilor imobiliare,
alocarea geografic a notarilor reprezint restricii
reprezint un fenomen care va avea un impact
suplimentare ale concurenei pe aceast pia.
semnificativ asupra profitabilitii pe termen lung n
Astfel, gradul de reglementare este mult mai ridicat
sectorul de intermediere. Acest lucru va determina,
(n timp ce nivelul de protecie real a
cel mai probabil, o cretere a gradului de
consumatorilor msurat de indicele aferent este
concuren i, drept consecin, scderi de preuri
mai sczut) dect media statelor europene cu
i o cretere de ansamblu a calitii serviciilor.
sisteme notariale similare.
Serviciile de intermediere
Servicii notariale
lack of market transparency (there is no official real- measured by the associated index is lower)
estate index), the high costs and the low speed of compared to the average registered by the
transactions, as well as the excessive bureaucracy in European states having similar notary systems.
the construction sector.
All these restrictions are not justified by taking into
The sector inquiry on the real-estate market and account the proportionality principle and have the
the related services was initiated by Order of the aim of protecting the notaries' interests, thus
Pr esi dent of t he Compet i t i on Counci l disadvantaging the interests of consumers. The last
no.115/1.04.2008 and focused mainly on: ones cannot benefit from tariffs resulted from the
interaction between offer and demand, thus being
presenting the mechanisms governing the real-
forced to pay higher prices established arbitrarily.
estate market, the resources of the economic
Moreover, they do not benefit from competitive
inefficiencies and the involved risks;
services; there are no grounds for contradicting the

proportionality relation between the competition
describing the specific elements of the Romanian
and quality levels.
real-estate market and of the possible additional
risks generated by them;
Furthermore, compared to its average income,
Romania has one of the most expensive notary
Assessing the competition level and its effects for
systems related to the real-estate transactions. In
consumers on the market of legal services provided this respect, the necessity of increasing competition
on the market of notary services is obvious, at least by public notaries, on the market of intermediating
by eliminating the restrictions on the number of
services provided by the real-estate agencies, on
notaries and of the minimum tariffs. In addition, the
the market of cadastral services provided by
exclusivity relations between notaries and banks
geodesists, as well as on the market of real-estate
are not transparent, and consumers are not
evaluation provided by the experts of the National
informed on the tariffs they are going to pay for the
Association of Evaluators from Romania (ANEVAR).
services provided by the notaries imposed by
The report of the sector inquiry, available in
Romanian on the official website of the
. Real - es t at e
C o m p e t i t i o n C o u n c i l a t
intermediating services are not regulated and the highlighted the
competition between real-estate agencies is
following conclusions, specific for each analyzed
mani f est i ng on a compet i t i ve mar ket ,
sector, namely:
characterized mostly by the lack of entry barriers.
Nevertheless, price competition is quite low, most
. Notary services are a mandatory
probably because of certain factors related to the
cost in the real-estate transactions. In Romania,
specific of the activity.
these services are characterized by the exclusivity
right hold by public notaries, quantitative entry
The access of an increasingly larger segment of the
barriers and minimum tariffs established by the
population to Internet and its use as a real-estate
representative of the profession and approved by
property searching and advertising platform is a
the Ministry of Justice. The interdiction of
phenomenon with a direct influence over the long
advertisements and the geographical allocation of
term profitability of the intermediating sector. This
notaries are additional restrictions of competition.
will most probably lead to increasing competition,
As a result, the regulation level is much higher
and, as a result, decreasing prices and rising overall
(whilst the level of the real protection of consumers
quality of the services.
I nt er medi at i ng s er vi ces
Notary services
4/2009 4/2009
Declanat prin Ordinul Preedintelui Consiliului Toate aceste restricionri nu i gsesc justificarea
Concurenei nr.115/1.04.2008, investigaia util n raport cu principiul proporionalitii i au
privind analizarea pieei imobiliare i a serviciilor menirea de a proteja interesele notarilor n
conexe tranzaciilor imobiliare, s-a axat, n detrimentul intereselor consumatorilor. Acetia din
principal, pe: urm nu pot beneficia de tarife rezultate din
interaciunea dintre cerere i ofert, i sunt obligai,
prezentarea mecanismelor care guverneaz
astfel, s plteasc niveluri stabilite arbitrar. De
piaa imobiliar, a surselor de ineficien
asemenea, ei nu beneficiaz nici de un nivel
economic i a riscurilor la care este expus
competitiv al calitii serviciilor, neexistnd, n
acest sens, argumente care s contrazic relaia de
proporionalitate direct ntre nivelul de
descrierea elementelelor specifice pieei
concuren i cel de calitate.
imobiliare din Romnia i a eventualelor riscuri
suplimentare generate de acestea;
Mai mult, Romnia are, raportat la venitul mediu,
unul dintre cele mai scumpe sisteme de servicii
Evaluarea gradului de concuren i a efectelor
notariale aferente tranzaciilor imobiliare. n acest
acestuia asupra consumatorilor pe piaa serviciilor
sens, este evident necesitatea creterii
de natur juridic prestate de notarii publici, pe
concurenei pe piaa serviciilor notariale prin
piaa serviciilor de intermediere prestate de
eliminarea, cel puin, a restriciilor legate de
ageniile imobiliare, pe piaa serviciilor cadastrale
numrul de notari, precum i a nivelului minim al
prestate de experii geodezi, precum i pe piaa
onorariilor. n plus, relaiile de exclusivitate dintre
serviciilor de evaluare imobiliar prestate de
notari i bnci sunt netransparente, iar
experii Asociaiei Naionale a Evaluatorilor din
consumatorii nu sunt informai n privina tarifelor
Romnia (ANEVAR).
pe care urmeaz s le plteasc pentru serviciile
prestate de notarii impui de bnci.
Raportul investigaiei utile, disponibil n limba
romn pe site-ul oficial al Consiliului Concurenei,
. Serviciile de
la adresa:, a pus n
intermediere imobiliar nu sunt reglementate, iar
eviden urmtoarele concluzii, aferente fiecrui
competiia ntre ageniile imobiliare se desfoar
serviciu analizat, respectiv:
pe o pia cu structur concurenial determinat
n primul rnd de lipsa barierelor la intrare. Cu
. Serviciile notariale reprezint un
toate acestea concurena prin pre este destul de
cost obligatoriu al tranzaciilor imobiliare. Acestea
sczut, acest fapt datorndu-se, cel mai probabil,
sunt caracterizate, n Romnia, prin dreptul de
unor factori care in de specificul activitii.
exclusivitate al notarilor publici, bariere cantitative
la intrarea pe pia i tarife minime stabilite de
Accesul unui segment tot mai mare de populaie la
reprezentanii corpului profesional i aprobate de
Internet i utilizarea acestuia ca platform de
Ministerul Justiiei. Interzicerea publicitii i
cutare i promovare a proprietilor imobiliare,
alocarea geografic a notarilor reprezint restricii
reprezint un fenomen care va avea un impact
suplimentare ale concurenei pe aceast pia.
semnificativ asupra profitabilitii pe termen lung n
Astfel, gradul de reglementare este mult mai ridicat
sectorul de intermediere. Acest lucru va determina,
(n timp ce nivelul de protecie real a
cel mai probabil, o cretere a gradului de
consumatorilor msurat de indicele aferent este
concuren i, drept consecin, scderi de preuri
mai sczut) dect media statelor europene cu
i o cretere de ansamblu a calitii serviciilor.
sisteme notariale similare.
Serviciile de intermediere
Servicii notariale
lack of market transparency (there is no official real- measured by the associated index is lower)
estate index), the high costs and the low speed of compared to the average registered by the
transactions, as well as the excessive bureaucracy in European states having similar notary systems.
the construction sector.
All these restrictions are not justified by taking into
The sector inquiry on the real-estate market and account the proportionality principle and have the
the related services was initiated by Order of the aim of protecting the notaries' interests, thus
Pr esi dent of t he Compet i t i on Counci l disadvantaging the interests of consumers. The last
no.115/1.04.2008 and focused mainly on: ones cannot benefit from tariffs resulted from the
interaction between offer and demand, thus being
presenting the mechanisms governing the real-
forced to pay higher prices established arbitrarily.
estate market, the resources of the economic
Moreover, they do not benefit from competitive
inefficiencies and the involved risks;
services; there are no grounds for contradicting the

proportionality relation between the competition
describing the specific elements of the Romanian
and quality levels.
real-estate market and of the possible additional
risks generated by them;
Furthermore, compared to its average income,
Romania has one of the most expensive notary
Assessing the competition level and its effects for
systems related to the real-estate transactions. In
consumers on the market of legal services provided this respect, the necessity of increasing competition
on the market of notary services is obvious, at least by public notaries, on the market of intermediating
by eliminating the restrictions on the number of
services provided by the real-estate agencies, on
notaries and of the minimum tariffs. In addition, the
the market of cadastral services provided by
exclusivity relations between notaries and banks
geodesists, as well as on the market of real-estate
are not transparent, and consumers are not
evaluation provided by the experts of the National
informed on the tariffs they are going to pay for the
Association of Evaluators from Romania (ANEVAR).
services provided by the notaries imposed by
The report of the sector inquiry, available in
Romanian on the official website of the
. Real - es t at e
C o m p e t i t i o n C o u n c i l a t
intermediating services are not regulated and the highlighted the
competition between real-estate agencies is
following conclusions, specific for each analyzed
mani f est i ng on a compet i t i ve mar ket ,
sector, namely:
characterized mostly by the lack of entry barriers.
Nevertheless, price competition is quite low, most
. Notary services are a mandatory
probably because of certain factors related to the
cost in the real-estate transactions. In Romania,
specific of the activity.
these services are characterized by the exclusivity
right hold by public notaries, quantitative entry
The access of an increasingly larger segment of the
barriers and minimum tariffs established by the
population to Internet and its use as a real-estate
representative of the profession and approved by
property searching and advertising platform is a
the Ministry of Justice. The interdiction of
phenomenon with a direct influence over the long
advertisements and the geographical allocation of
term profitability of the intermediating sector. This
notaries are additional restrictions of competition.
will most probably lead to increasing competition,
As a result, the regulation level is much higher
and, as a result, decreasing prices and rising overall
(whilst the level of the real protection of consumers
quality of the services.
I nt er medi at i ng s er vi ces
Notary services
4/2009 4/2009
Serviciile cadastrale Serviciile de evaluare . Piaa serviciilor cadastrale . Piaa serviciilor de evaluare
este caracterizat de un grad ridicat de concuren, n Romnia nu este reglementat. Cu toate acestea,
n absena tarifelor reglementate i a barierelor putem afirma faptul c asociaia profesional
cantitative la intrarea pe pia. n acelai timp, reprezentativ, respectiv ANEVAR, domin aceast
restriciile calitative de acces n profesie pia, apartenena la aceasta nefiind obligatorie,
ndeplinesc principiul proporionalitii. Cu toate dar constituind un avantaj major pentru
acestea, exist riscul apariiei unor acte cu caracter desfurarea activitii de evaluare. Aceast
anticoncurenial care s stabileasc limite minime asociaie nu impune tarife sau bariere cantitative la
i/sau maxime ale onorariilor. Aceast situaie de intrarea pe pia. Singurele bariere sunt cele
incertitudine se datoreaz deciziei Curii calitative, legate de pregtire i experien
Constituionale prin care Legea nr. 16/2007 a fost profesional, i acestea nu au un caracter
declarat neconstituional, i interpretrii disproporionat n raport cu necesitatea asigurrii
Asociaiei Naionale de Cadastru i Publicitate unui anumit standard de calitate.
Imobiliar (ANCPI) conform creia O.G. 10/2000 a
fost repus n vigoare. Structura pieei de evaluare imobiliar are un
caracter concurenial datorat, n special, numrului
n absena unui astfel de risc, concurena ntre mare de evaluatori raportat la volumul pieei
geodezi se poate manifesta att prin pre, ct i prin (concentrare sczut a pieei) i puterii mari de
calitate (precizie i siguran), nivelul de negociere a bncilor care sunt de fapt beneficiarii
concentrare de pe pia fiind foarte sczut. Aceast acestor servicii. Aceste constatri se refer la
situaie se reflect, n prezent, n nivelul onorariilor situaia actual i nu exclud apariia unor probleme
care este unul dintre cele mai reduse din Uniunea de concuren n viitor, n special datorit
European (vezi Anexa XI). n Romnia, tarifele capacitii mari de coordonare prin intermediul
serviciilor cadastrale pentru locuine reprezint asociaiei profesionale. Astfel de practici sunt ns
aproximativ 1/3 din media european. dificil de meninut pe termen lung n absena unor
bariere la intrarea pe pia.
Un alt element cu impact anticoncurenial datorat
legislaiei din acest domeniu este prevederea
referitoare la stabilirea limitelor minime i maxime
pentru servicii cadastrale avnd ca finalitate
nscrierea n cartea funciar a terenurilor agricole i
forestiere, prevzut n Legea nr. 217/2007. n
acest sens, proiectul de lege, care coninea la
momentul transmiterii numai nivelul maxim al
acestor onorarii, a fost avizat nefavorabil de
Consiliul Concurenei n anul 2007. Cu toate
acestea, el a fost adoptat ntr-o form care cuprinde
i limite minime ale onorariilor, avnd astfel un
caracter anticoncurenial mai pronunat dect
forma iniial avizat nefavorabil.
Cadastral services Evaluation services. . The market of cadastral The Romanian market of
services is characterized by a high level of evaluation services is not regulated. However, we
competition, because of the missing regulated can state that the representative professional
tariffs and quantitative entry barriers. At the same association - ANEVAR - is dominating the market. It
time, the qualitative entry restrictions into the is not compulsory to be part of this professional
profession are fulfilling the proportionality body, but this would be a major advantage in
pri nci pl e. However, there i s a ri sk of providing this kind of services. This association does
anticompetitive normative acts establishing not impose tariffs or quantitative entry barriers. The
minimum/maximum levels of the tariffs. This only barriers are of a qualitative nature, related to
uncertain state of facts was created by the decision the training level and the professional experience
of the Constitutional Court, establishing that Law and they are not disproportioned compared to the
no.16/2007 is infringing the Constitution, and by necessity of meeting a certain quality standard in
the interpretation of the National Cadastre and providing evaluation services.
Land Registration (ANCPI) according to which
Government Ordinance no.10/2000 was put into The structure of the real-estate market has a
force one again. competitive nature mostly because of the large
number of evaluators compared to the market
Without such a risk, the competition between volume (a low market concentration) and to the
geodesists is manifesting through price and quality high bargaining power of the banks, which are the
(precision and certainty) and the level of final beneficiaries of these services. This
concentration of the market is very low. This conclusions are related to the present state of facts
situation is reflected in the present level of tariffs, and do not exclude potential competition issues in
one of the lower registered in the European Union. the future, mainly related to the large coordonation
In Romania, the tariffs for the cadastral services for capacity the professional association. However,
housing units are about 1/3 of the European such practices are difficult to be maintained on the
average. long run in the absence of the entry barriers.
Another element with an anticompetitive legal
feature is the provision concerning the
establishment of the minimum and maximum level
for the cadastral services for agricultural and
forestry land registering, as provided for by Law
no.217/2007. In this respect, at the moment it was
transmitted to the Competition Council (2007), the
draft law provided only for the maximum level of
tariffs, and it received a negative binding opinion
from the Competition Council. However, it was
adopted also containing the minimum limits of the
t ari f f s, t hus havi ng a more si gni f i cant
anticompetitive feature than the initial form
receiving the binding opinion of the Competition
4/2009 4/2009
Serviciile cadastrale Serviciile de evaluare . Piaa serviciilor cadastrale . Piaa serviciilor de evaluare
este caracterizat de un grad ridicat de concuren, n Romnia nu este reglementat. Cu toate acestea,
n absena tarifelor reglementate i a barierelor putem afirma faptul c asociaia profesional
cantitative la intrarea pe pia. n acelai timp, reprezentativ, respectiv ANEVAR, domin aceast
restriciile calitative de acces n profesie pia, apartenena la aceasta nefiind obligatorie,
ndeplinesc principiul proporionalitii. Cu toate dar constituind un avantaj major pentru
acestea, exist riscul apariiei unor acte cu caracter desfurarea activitii de evaluare. Aceast
anticoncurenial care s stabileasc limite minime asociaie nu impune tarife sau bariere cantitative la
i/sau maxime ale onorariilor. Aceast situaie de intrarea pe pia. Singurele bariere sunt cele
incertitudine se datoreaz deciziei Curii calitative, legate de pregtire i experien
Constituionale prin care Legea nr. 16/2007 a fost profesional, i acestea nu au un caracter
declarat neconstituional, i interpretrii disproporionat n raport cu necesitatea asigurrii
Asociaiei Naionale de Cadastru i Publicitate unui anumit standard de calitate.
Imobiliar (ANCPI) conform creia O.G. 10/2000 a
fost repus n vigoare. Structura pieei de evaluare imobiliar are un
caracter concurenial datorat, n special, numrului
n absena unui astfel de risc, concurena ntre mare de evaluatori raportat la volumul pieei
geodezi se poate manifesta att prin pre, ct i prin (concentrare sczut a pieei) i puterii mari de
calitate (precizie i siguran), nivelul de negociere a bncilor care sunt de fapt beneficiarii
concentrare de pe pia fiind foarte sczut. Aceast acestor servicii. Aceste constatri se refer la
situaie se reflect, n prezent, n nivelul onorariilor situaia actual i nu exclud apariia unor probleme
care este unul dintre cele mai reduse din Uniunea de concuren n viitor, n special datorit
European (vezi Anexa XI). n Romnia, tarifele capacitii mari de coordonare prin intermediul
serviciilor cadastrale pentru locuine reprezint asociaiei profesionale. Astfel de practici sunt ns
aproximativ 1/3 din media european. dificil de meninut pe termen lung n absena unor
bariere la intrarea pe pia.
Un alt element cu impact anticoncurenial datorat
legislaiei din acest domeniu este prevederea
referitoare la stabilirea limitelor minime i maxime
pentru servicii cadastrale avnd ca finalitate
nscrierea n cartea funciar a terenurilor agricole i
forestiere, prevzut n Legea nr. 217/2007. n
acest sens, proiectul de lege, care coninea la
momentul transmiterii numai nivelul maxim al
acestor onorarii, a fost avizat nefavorabil de
Consiliul Concurenei n anul 2007. Cu toate
acestea, el a fost adoptat ntr-o form care cuprinde
i limite minime ale onorariilor, avnd astfel un
caracter anticoncurenial mai pronunat dect
forma iniial avizat nefavorabil.
Cadastral services Evaluation services. . The market of cadastral The Romanian market of
services is characterized by a high level of evaluation services is not regulated. However, we
competition, because of the missing regulated can state that the representative professional
tariffs and quantitative entry barriers. At the same association - ANEVAR - is dominating the market. It
time, the qualitative entry restrictions into the is not compulsory to be part of this professional
profession are fulfilling the proportionality body, but this would be a major advantage in
pri nci pl e. However, there i s a ri sk of providing this kind of services. This association does
anticompetitive normative acts establishing not impose tariffs or quantitative entry barriers. The
minimum/maximum levels of the tariffs. This only barriers are of a qualitative nature, related to
uncertain state of facts was created by the decision the training level and the professional experience
of the Constitutional Court, establishing that Law and they are not disproportioned compared to the
no.16/2007 is infringing the Constitution, and by necessity of meeting a certain quality standard in
the interpretation of the National Cadastre and providing evaluation services.
Land Registration (ANCPI) according to which
Government Ordinance no.10/2000 was put into The structure of the real-estate market has a
force one again. competitive nature mostly because of the large
number of evaluators compared to the market
Without such a risk, the competition between volume (a low market concentration) and to the
geodesists is manifesting through price and quality high bargaining power of the banks, which are the
(precision and certainty) and the level of final beneficiaries of these services. This
concentration of the market is very low. This conclusions are related to the present state of facts
situation is reflected in the present level of tariffs, and do not exclude potential competition issues in
one of the lower registered in the European Union. the future, mainly related to the large coordonation
In Romania, the tariffs for the cadastral services for capacity the professional association. However,
housing units are about 1/3 of the European such practices are difficult to be maintained on the
average. long run in the absence of the entry barriers.
Another element with an anticompetitive legal
feature is the provision concerning the
establishment of the minimum and maximum level
for the cadastral services for agricultural and
forestry land registering, as provided for by Law
no.217/2007. In this respect, at the moment it was
transmitted to the Competition Council (2007), the
draft law provided only for the maximum level of
tariffs, and it received a negative binding opinion
from the Competition Council. However, it was
adopted also containing the minimum limits of the
t ari f f s, t hus havi ng a more si gni f i cant
anticompetitive feature than the initial form
receiving the binding opinion of the Competition
4/2009 4/2009
O nou investigaie util finalizat de autoritatea
de concuren din Romnia: sectorul
comercializrii produselor alimentare
Raportul investigaiei utile este disponibil n
format electronic n limba romn pe website-ul
Consiliului Concurenei la urmtoarea adres:
impact important asupra obiceiurilor de consum
ale populaiei Romniei, i anume: lapte, ou,
carne de porc, carne de pasre, ulei, pine,
mezeluri, vin. Cercetarea s-a axat n special pe
relaiile dintre furnizorii acestor categorii de
Avnd n vedere necesitatea crerii unei imagini de
produse i comercianii cu amnuntul sau cash &
ansamblu asupra sectorului comercializrii
produselor alimentare, prin Ordinul Preedintelui
Consiliului Concurenei nr. 97 din 18.03.2008, s-a
La nivel sistemic nu au fost identificate probleme
dispus declanarea unei investigaii pentru
deosebite de natur concurenial.Cu toate
analizarea sectorului comercializrii produselor
acestea, Consiliul Concurenei a identificat
alimentare, n temeiul prevederilor art. 26, lit. g)
anumite probleme punctuale, avnd ca obiect
din Legea concurenei nr. 21/1996, republicat.
ngrijorri privitoare la modalitatea de manifestare
concurenial a anumitor firme. Ca urmare, aceste
Investigaia a acoperit, n principal, ase aspecte:
probleme au fcut obiectul unor propuneri de
declanare din oficiu a unor investigaii avnd ca
identificarea i analiza generic a modalitii de
obiect posibila nclcare a regulilor de concuren,
funcionare a pieelor ce compun sectorul
de ctre agenii economici care activeaz n
comercializrii produselor alimentare, innd
sectorul retailului alimentar.
cont i de rezultatele studiului comandat de
ctre Consiliul Concurenei, dar i de rezultatele
n domeniul retailului, Consiliul Concurenei a
altor studii independente;
formulat o serie de recomandri, respectiv:
analiza modalitii de funcionare i aplicare a
eliminarea taxelor pentru care nu se poate
clauzei clientului cel mai favorizat;
observa o legtura direct i imediat cu
contraprestaia comercianilor, cum ar fi taxa
analiza comparativ a diferitelor taxe de raft,
pent r u acoper i r ea chel t ui el i l or de
parte a relaiei comerciale dintre marii
extindere/modernizare a reelei de magazine
comerciani cu amnuntul i furnizorii acestora;
sau taxe percepute pentru a acoperi ntr-un fel
sau altul riscul nevnzrii produselor;
clarificarea conceptual i analiza concurenial
a procesului de management de categorii;
eliminarea clauzei clientului celui mai favorizat
din relaiile comerciale dintre comerciani i
urmrirea unor exemple de formare a costurilor,
furnizori, pe fondul existenei taxelor de raft, n
preurilor si profiturilor pe lanul producie
scopul protejrii bunstrii consumatorului final
distribuie comercializare, pentru unele dintre
i meninerii unui mediu echitabil de
cele mai consumate produse alimentare;
manifestare a concurenei ntre toi agenii
economici revnztori prezeni pe pia;
identificarea unor poteniale probleme de
responsabilitatea alocrii spaiului la raft s natur concurenial, formularea unor
ramn n sarcina comerciantului, pentru a concluzii i identificarea unor soluii adecvate,
garanta tratamentul egal al furnizorilor. dup caz.
Avnd n vedere multitudinea de produse
alimentare oferite spre vnzare marelui public,
Consiliul Concurenei a identificat i analizat opt
categorii de produse, considerate ca avnd un
A new sector inquiry finalized by the Romanian
competition authority: the food products retail
The Report of the sector inquiry is available in
Romanian on the website of the Competition
Council at:
meat, poultry meat, eatable oil, bread, meet
products, wine. The research focused mainly on
the relations between the suppliers of these
categories of products and the retailers or cash &
Tacking into account the need for a general picture carry traders.
of the food product retail sector, by Order of the
Systemically, there were no special competition President of the Competition Council no.97 of
problems identified. However, the Competition 18.03.2008, a sector inquiry was initiated on this
Council identified certain specific issues, market, based on art.26 let. g) of Competition Law
concerning the manner how competition is no.21/1996, republished.
manifesting between certain firms. As a result,
these problems constituted the grounds for The inquiry envisaged six main issues:
initiating certain possible law infringement
investigations in the sector of food products retail. to identify the generic analysis of the market
functioning in the sector of food product retail,
For the retail sector, the Competition Council by considering the results of the study
formulated a series of recommendations, namely: contracted by the Competition Council and the
results of other independent studies;
the elimination of the taxes for which no direct
to analyze the functioning and the application
and immediate connection can be found with
of the most-favored client clause;
the services provided by retailers, such is the
case for the tax intended to cover the expenses
to analyze comparatively the different shelf fees
related to the extension/modernization of the
which are part of the commercial relation
commercialization network or the taxes
between the large retailers and their suppliers;
designed to cover the risk of not selling the
to clarify conceptually and to assess, from the
competition point of view, the category
the elimination of the most favored client clause
management process;
from the commercial relations between retailers
and their suppliers in the context of the shelf tax,
to categorize certain models for cost, price and
in order to protect consumers' welfare and for
profit pattern models within the trading-
mai nt ai ni ng an equi t abl e manner of
distribution chain, by taking into account the
manifestation of competition between the
most often bought food products;
retailers on the market;
to identify certain potential competition issues,
in order to provide an equal treatment of
to reach certain conclusions and to name the
suppliers, the allocation of the shelf space must
related solutions, by case.
remain in the responsibility of the retailer.
Taking into account the large number of food
products put up for sale, the Competition Council
identified and analyzed eight categories of
products, which were considered to have a vital
impact over the consumption behavior of the
Romanian population, namely: milk, eggs, pork
4/2009 4/2009
O nou investigaie util finalizat de autoritatea
de concuren din Romnia: sectorul
comercializrii produselor alimentare
Raportul investigaiei utile este disponibil n
format electronic n limba romn pe website-ul
Consiliului Concurenei la urmtoarea adres:
impact important asupra obiceiurilor de consum
ale populaiei Romniei, i anume: lapte, ou,
carne de porc, carne de pasre, ulei, pine,
mezeluri, vin. Cercetarea s-a axat n special pe
relaiile dintre furnizorii acestor categorii de
Avnd n vedere necesitatea crerii unei imagini de
produse i comercianii cu amnuntul sau cash &
ansamblu asupra sectorului comercializrii
produselor alimentare, prin Ordinul Preedintelui
Consiliului Concurenei nr. 97 din 18.03.2008, s-a
La nivel sistemic nu au fost identificate probleme
dispus declanarea unei investigaii pentru
deosebite de natur concurenial.Cu toate
analizarea sectorului comercializrii produselor
acestea, Consiliul Concurenei a identificat
alimentare, n temeiul prevederilor art. 26, lit. g)
anumite probleme punctuale, avnd ca obiect
din Legea concurenei nr. 21/1996, republicat.
ngrijorri privitoare la modalitatea de manifestare
concurenial a anumitor firme. Ca urmare, aceste
Investigaia a acoperit, n principal, ase aspecte:
probleme au fcut obiectul unor propuneri de
declanare din oficiu a unor investigaii avnd ca
identificarea i analiza generic a modalitii de
obiect posibila nclcare a regulilor de concuren,
funcionare a pieelor ce compun sectorul
de ctre agenii economici care activeaz n
comercializrii produselor alimentare, innd
sectorul retailului alimentar.
cont i de rezultatele studiului comandat de
ctre Consiliul Concurenei, dar i de rezultatele
n domeniul retailului, Consiliul Concurenei a
altor studii independente;
formulat o serie de recomandri, respectiv:
analiza modalitii de funcionare i aplicare a
eliminarea taxelor pentru care nu se poate
clauzei clientului cel mai favorizat;
observa o legtura direct i imediat cu
contraprestaia comercianilor, cum ar fi taxa
analiza comparativ a diferitelor taxe de raft,
pent r u acoper i r ea chel t ui el i l or de
parte a relaiei comerciale dintre marii
extindere/modernizare a reelei de magazine
comerciani cu amnuntul i furnizorii acestora;
sau taxe percepute pentru a acoperi ntr-un fel
sau altul riscul nevnzrii produselor;
clarificarea conceptual i analiza concurenial
a procesului de management de categorii;
eliminarea clauzei clientului celui mai favorizat
din relaiile comerciale dintre comerciani i
urmrirea unor exemple de formare a costurilor,
furnizori, pe fondul existenei taxelor de raft, n
preurilor si profiturilor pe lanul producie
scopul protejrii bunstrii consumatorului final
distribuie comercializare, pentru unele dintre
i meninerii unui mediu echitabil de
cele mai consumate produse alimentare;
manifestare a concurenei ntre toi agenii
economici revnztori prezeni pe pia;
identificarea unor poteniale probleme de
responsabilitatea alocrii spaiului la raft s natur concurenial, formularea unor
ramn n sarcina comerciantului, pentru a concluzii i identificarea unor soluii adecvate,
garanta tratamentul egal al furnizorilor. dup caz.
Avnd n vedere multitudinea de produse
alimentare oferite spre vnzare marelui public,
Consiliul Concurenei a identificat i analizat opt
categorii de produse, considerate ca avnd un
A new sector inquiry finalized by the Romanian
competition authority: the food products retail
The Report of the sector inquiry is available in
Romanian on the website of the Competition
Council at:
meat, poultry meat, eatable oil, bread, meet
products, wine. The research focused mainly on
the relations between the suppliers of these
categories of products and the retailers or cash &
Tacking into account the need for a general picture carry traders.
of the food product retail sector, by Order of the
Systemically, there were no special competition President of the Competition Council no.97 of
problems identified. However, the Competition 18.03.2008, a sector inquiry was initiated on this
Council identified certain specific issues, market, based on art.26 let. g) of Competition Law
concerning the manner how competition is no.21/1996, republished.
manifesting between certain firms. As a result,
these problems constituted the grounds for The inquiry envisaged six main issues:
initiating certain possible law infringement
investigations in the sector of food products retail. to identify the generic analysis of the market
functioning in the sector of food product retail,
For the retail sector, the Competition Council by considering the results of the study
formulated a series of recommendations, namely: contracted by the Competition Council and the
results of other independent studies;
the elimination of the taxes for which no direct
to analyze the functioning and the application
and immediate connection can be found with
of the most-favored client clause;
the services provided by retailers, such is the
case for the tax intended to cover the expenses
to analyze comparatively the different shelf fees
related to the extension/modernization of the
which are part of the commercial relation
commercialization network or the taxes
between the large retailers and their suppliers;
designed to cover the risk of not selling the
to clarify conceptually and to assess, from the
competition point of view, the category
the elimination of the most favored client clause
management process;
from the commercial relations between retailers
and their suppliers in the context of the shelf tax,
to categorize certain models for cost, price and
in order to protect consumers' welfare and for
profit pattern models within the trading-
mai nt ai ni ng an equi t abl e manner of
distribution chain, by taking into account the
manifestation of competition between the
most often bought food products;
retailers on the market;
to identify certain potential competition issues,
in order to provide an equal treatment of
to reach certain conclusions and to name the
suppliers, the allocation of the shelf space must
related solutions, by case.
remain in the responsibility of the retailer.
Taking into account the large number of food
products put up for sale, the Competition Council
identified and analyzed eight categories of
products, which were considered to have a vital
impact over the consumption behavior of the
Romanian population, namely: milk, eggs, pork
4/2009 4/2009
Amenzi pe piaa serviciilor de colarizare auto Decizia Consiliului Concurenei nr.35/2009 este
publicat pe site-ul autoritii romne de
din Bucureti
concuren la adresa
Consiliul Concurenei a amendat cu peste 1,5
milioane lei (aproximativ 360.000 euro), 32 de
ageni economici care au participat la o nelegere
de tip cartel, pe piaa serviciilor de colarizare
auto din Bucureti.
n urma investigaiei, s-a constatat c, ntre mai
multe coli de oferi, a existat o nelegere
anticoncurenial, avnd ca obiect majorarea
tarifului la serviciile de colarizare auto categoria B,
n municipiul Bucureti, ncepnd cu data de 01
februarie 2008 i fixarea tarifului la un nivel minim
de 800 lei.
Avnd n vedere aspectele semnalate privind
nerespectarea de ctre colile de oferi i
instructorii auto independeni a legislaiei
incidente n domeniul n care activeaz, Consiliul
Concurenei recomand autoritilor adoptarea de
msuri care s conduc l a el i mi narea
disfuncionalitilor existente. Astfel, Autoritatea
Rutier Romn trebuie s supravegheze cu mai
mult atenie respectarea normelor cu privire la
dotarea minim obligatorie a unor coli i
respectarea de ctre toate colile de oferi a
obligaiei de a organiza cursurile teoretice, Brigada
de Poliie Rutier Bucureti s urmreasc
respectarea traseelor pentru cursul practic de ctre
colile de oferi autorizate s-i desfoare
activitatea n judeul Ilfov, iar Agenia Naional de
Administrare Fiscal s ia msurile necesare pentru
eliminarea evaziunii fiscale.
Prin Decizia Consiliului Concurenei, colile de
oferi au obligaia s transmit, timp de doi ani,
autoritii de concuren modificrile de tarife i
momentul efecturii acestora.
Fines on the Bucharest market of driving school Decision of the Competition Council no.35/2009
services is published on the website of the Romanian
competition authority at:
The Competition Council fined with over 1.5
million Lei (around 360,000) 32 undertakings
involved in a cartel agreement concluded on the
Bucharest market of driving school services.
Following the investigation it was concluded that,
stating with the 1 of February 2008, an
anticompetitive agreement was applied by several
driving schools, having as object the increase of the
tariff for driving school services provided in
Bucharest, the B category, as well as fixing a
minimum tariff of 800 Lei.
Taking into account the signaled issues concerning
the nonobservance of the specific legislation by the
driving schools and by the driving instructors, the
Competition Council recommended to the
competent authorities to take measures leading to
the elimination of the existing dysfunctions. As a
result, the Romanian Ruttier Authority must
monitor with more attention the observance of the
norms concerning the minimum mandatory
endowment of certain driving schools and of the
obligation to organize theoretical driving lessons by
all the driving schools. The Bucharest Ruttier Police
Brigade must monitor the observance of the
geographical runs for the practical driving lessons
used by the driving schools authorized to provide
their services in the Ilfov County. The National
Agency for Fiscal Administration must take all the
necessary measures for eliminating the fiscal
By the decision of the Competition Council, for two
years, the driving schools must transmit to the
competition authority the modifications of tariffs
and the moment of their application.
4/2009 4/2009
Amenzi pe piaa serviciilor de colarizare auto Decizia Consiliului Concurenei nr.35/2009 este
publicat pe site-ul autoritii romne de
din Bucureti
concuren la adresa
Consiliul Concurenei a amendat cu peste 1,5
milioane lei (aproximativ 360.000 euro), 32 de
ageni economici care au participat la o nelegere
de tip cartel, pe piaa serviciilor de colarizare
auto din Bucureti.
n urma investigaiei, s-a constatat c, ntre mai
multe coli de oferi, a existat o nelegere
anticoncurenial, avnd ca obiect majorarea
tarifului la serviciile de colarizare auto categoria B,
n municipiul Bucureti, ncepnd cu data de 01
februarie 2008 i fixarea tarifului la un nivel minim
de 800 lei.
Avnd n vedere aspectele semnalate privind
nerespectarea de ctre colile de oferi i
instructorii auto independeni a legislaiei
incidente n domeniul n care activeaz, Consiliul
Concurenei recomand autoritilor adoptarea de
msuri care s conduc l a el i mi narea
disfuncionalitilor existente. Astfel, Autoritatea
Rutier Romn trebuie s supravegheze cu mai
mult atenie respectarea normelor cu privire la
dotarea minim obligatorie a unor coli i
respectarea de ctre toate colile de oferi a
obligaiei de a organiza cursurile teoretice, Brigada
de Poliie Rutier Bucureti s urmreasc
respectarea traseelor pentru cursul practic de ctre
colile de oferi autorizate s-i desfoare
activitatea n judeul Ilfov, iar Agenia Naional de
Administrare Fiscal s ia msurile necesare pentru
eliminarea evaziunii fiscale.
Prin Decizia Consiliului Concurenei, colile de
oferi au obligaia s transmit, timp de doi ani,
autoritii de concuren modificrile de tarife i
momentul efecturii acestora.
Fines on the Bucharest market of driving school Decision of the Competition Council no.35/2009
services is published on the website of the Romanian
competition authority at:
The Competition Council fined with over 1.5
million Lei (around 360,000) 32 undertakings
involved in a cartel agreement concluded on the
Bucharest market of driving school services.
Following the investigation it was concluded that,
stating with the 1 of February 2008, an
anticompetitive agreement was applied by several
driving schools, having as object the increase of the
tariff for driving school services provided in
Bucharest, the B category, as well as fixing a
minimum tariff of 800 Lei.
Taking into account the signaled issues concerning
the nonobservance of the specific legislation by the
driving schools and by the driving instructors, the
Competition Council recommended to the
competent authorities to take measures leading to
the elimination of the existing dysfunctions. As a
result, the Romanian Ruttier Authority must
monitor with more attention the observance of the
norms concerning the minimum mandatory
endowment of certain driving schools and of the
obligation to organize theoretical driving lessons by
all the driving schools. The Bucharest Ruttier Police
Brigade must monitor the observance of the
geographical runs for the practical driving lessons
used by the driving schools authorized to provide
their services in the Ilfov County. The National
Agency for Fiscal Administration must take all the
necessary measures for eliminating the fiscal
By the decision of the Competition Council, for two
years, the driving schools must transmit to the
competition authority the modifications of tariffs
and the moment of their application.
4/2009 4/2009
The European Commission authorized the The decision will be published under the
Romanian temporary scheme on granting aid of reference number N 547/2009 in the State aid
up to 500 000 Register on the website of DG Competition.
Commission conditionally approves training aid
of up to 57 million to Ford Romania
In accordance with the norms on State aid of the
Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union,
the European Commission authorized a State aid
scheme proposed by Romania, intended to support The European Commission has authorized, subject
the undertakings having financial difficulties, as a to certain conditions, under EU rules on State aid,
result of the roughening credit conditions, in the training aid up to 57 million planned by Romania
context of the present economic crises. The scheme in favor of Ford Romania SA. The aid supports the
allows the authorities to grant State aids of up to company's plan to offer an extensive training
500 000 until the 31 of December 2010. The programme to its current and future employees at
scheme meets the conditions provided for by the the Craiova car plant in Romania. The training
State aid temporary framework for supporting the programme covers a total of 9 000 employees over
access to finance in the context of the present a period of five years. The overall cost of the training
economic and financial crises, adopted by the programme is of approximately 185 million, of
Commission, since it is limited in time, observes the which the company would finance approximately
relevant thresholds and is intended only for the 128 million The Commission found the aid to be in
undertakings not in difficulty before the 1 of July line with EU rules on training aid because it is
2008. As a result, the scheme is compatible with art. targeted at redressing a verified market failure -
107(3)(b) of Treaty on the Functioning of the underinvestment in training and is appropriate as
European Union, which allows the grant of aids to policy instrument. It has a demonstrated incentive
remedy a serious disturbance in the economy of a effect and is limited in amount to covering
Member State. respectively 50 of the eligible costs of general
training, and 25 of the eligible costs of specific
The Romanian authorities elaborated the scheme training.
based on the norms provided for by the State aid
temporary framework for supporting the access to However, to ensure that the aid amount
finance in the context of the present economic and corresponds to training expenses effectively
financial crises and, in particular, on the conditions incurred, that distortions of competition are
concerning the compatible limited value of the aid. minimized and that employees benefit in full from
the skills acquired through the training, the
The maximum aid an undertaking can receive is of Commission imposed conditions regarding the
500 000 and such aid can be granted only to the payment of the aid and reporting and monitoring
undertakings not in difficulty before the 1 of July requirements.
2008. The State aids can be granted as
nonrefundable funds, preferential loans, interest
rate subsidy or guarantees, or as rescheduled public
debt waiving the interest rates.
Comisia European a autorizat introducerea Decizia va fi publicat n Registrul ajutoarelor de
unei scheme temporare n Romnia de acordare stat de pe site-ul DG Concuren, cu numrul de
de ajutoare de stat pn la 500 000 euro referin N 547/2009.
Comisia European aprob, n anumite condiii,
ajutorul pentru formare n valoare de pn la 57
de milioane destinat Ford Romnia
Comisia European a autorizat, n conformitate cu
normale privind ajutoarele de stat din Tratatul
privind funcionarea Uniunii Europene, o schem
de ajutor propus de Romnia, menit s ofere
Comisia European a autorizat, n temeiul
sprijin ntreprinderilor care se confrunt cu
normelor UE privind ajutoarele de stat, i sub
dificulti de finanare ca urmare a nspririi
rezerva unor condiii, ajutorul pentru formare n
condiiilor de creditare n contextul actualei crize
valoare de pn la 57 de milioane planificat de
economice. Schema permite autoritilor s
Romnia n favoarea Ford Romnia SA. Ajutorul
acorde ajutoare n valoare de pn la 500 000 euro
susine planul societii de oferire a unui amplu
pn la 31 decembrie 2010. Schema ndeplinete
program de formare angajailor actuali i viitori de
condiiile din Cadrul temporar pentru msurile de
la fabrica de automobile din Craiova, Romnia.
ajutor de stat de sprijinire a accesului la finanare n
Programul de formare se adreseaz unui numr
contextul crizei financiare i economice, adoptat
total de 9 000 de angajai pe o perioad de cinci
de Comisie, deoarece este limitat n timp,
ani. Costul total al programului de formare este de
respect pragurile relevante i este destinat doar
aproximativ 185 de milioane , din care societatea
ntreprinderilor care nu se aflau n dificultate la 1
urmeaz s finaneze aproximativ 128 de milioane.
iulie 2008. Prin urmare, schema este compatibil
Comisia a constatat c ajutorul este conform cu
cu articolul 107 alineatul (3) litera (b) din TFEU,
normele UE privind ajutoarele pentru formare
care permite acordarea de ajutoare pentru a
deoarece vizeaz redresarea unei disfuncionaliti
remedia perturbri grave ale economiei unui stat
de pia verificate, respectiv investiiile insuficiente
n formare, i deoarece este adecvat ca instrument
de politic. Ajutorul are un efect stimulativ
Autoritile romne au elaborat schema pe baza
demonstrat i se limiteaz valoric la acoperirea a
normelor prevzute n Cadrul temporar pentru
50din costurile eligibile ale formrii generale i
msurile de ajutor de stat de sprijinire a accesului la
respectiv 25 din costurile eligibile ale formrii
finanare n contextul crizei financiare i
economice i, n special, a condiiilor privind
valoarea limitat compatibil a ajutorului.
Ajutorul maxim pe care l poate obine o
ntreprindere este de 500 000 euro i se aplic
ntreprinderilor care nu se aflau deja n dificultate la
1 iulie 2008. Ajutorul de stat poate fi acordat sub
forma de sume nerambursabile, mprumuturi n
condiii prefereniale, subvenii de dobnd,
garanii sau ealonarea creanelor deinute de stat
fr perceperea de dobnzi.

Ajutor de stat

State aid

4/2009 4/2009
The European Commission authorized the The decision will be published under the
Romanian temporary scheme on granting aid of reference number N 547/2009 in the State aid
up to 500 000 Register on the website of DG Competition.
Commission conditionally approves training aid
of up to 57 million to Ford Romania
In accordance with the norms on State aid of the
Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union,
the European Commission authorized a State aid
scheme proposed by Romania, intended to support The European Commission has authorized, subject
the undertakings having financial difficulties, as a to certain conditions, under EU rules on State aid,
result of the roughening credit conditions, in the training aid up to 57 million planned by Romania
context of the present economic crises. The scheme in favor of Ford Romania SA. The aid supports the
allows the authorities to grant State aids of up to company's plan to offer an extensive training
500 000 until the 31 of December 2010. The programme to its current and future employees at
scheme meets the conditions provided for by the the Craiova car plant in Romania. The training
State aid temporary framework for supporting the programme covers a total of 9 000 employees over
access to finance in the context of the present a period of five years. The overall cost of the training
economic and financial crises, adopted by the programme is of approximately 185 million, of
Commission, since it is limited in time, observes the which the company would finance approximately
relevant thresholds and is intended only for the 128 million The Commission found the aid to be in
undertakings not in difficulty before the 1 of July line with EU rules on training aid because it is
2008. As a result, the scheme is compatible with art. targeted at redressing a verified market failure -
107(3)(b) of Treaty on the Functioning of the underinvestment in training and is appropriate as
European Union, which allows the grant of aids to policy instrument. It has a demonstrated incentive
remedy a serious disturbance in the economy of a effect and is limited in amount to covering
Member State. respectively 50 of the eligible costs of general
training, and 25 of the eligible costs of specific
The Romanian authorities elaborated the scheme training.
based on the norms provided for by the State aid
temporary framework for supporting the access to However, to ensure that the aid amount
finance in the context of the present economic and corresponds to training expenses effectively
financial crises and, in particular, on the conditions incurred, that distortions of competition are
concerning the compatible limited value of the aid. minimized and that employees benefit in full from
the skills acquired through the training, the
The maximum aid an undertaking can receive is of Commission imposed conditions regarding the
500 000 and such aid can be granted only to the payment of the aid and reporting and monitoring
undertakings not in difficulty before the 1 of July requirements.
2008. The State aids can be granted as
nonrefundable funds, preferential loans, interest
rate subsidy or guarantees, or as rescheduled public
debt waiving the interest rates.
Comisia European a autorizat introducerea Decizia va fi publicat n Registrul ajutoarelor de
unei scheme temporare n Romnia de acordare stat de pe site-ul DG Concuren, cu numrul de
de ajutoare de stat pn la 500 000 euro referin N 547/2009.
Comisia European aprob, n anumite condiii,
ajutorul pentru formare n valoare de pn la 57
de milioane destinat Ford Romnia
Comisia European a autorizat, n conformitate cu
normale privind ajutoarele de stat din Tratatul
privind funcionarea Uniunii Europene, o schem
de ajutor propus de Romnia, menit s ofere
Comisia European a autorizat, n temeiul
sprijin ntreprinderilor care se confrunt cu
normelor UE privind ajutoarele de stat, i sub
dificulti de finanare ca urmare a nspririi
rezerva unor condiii, ajutorul pentru formare n
condiiilor de creditare n contextul actualei crize
valoare de pn la 57 de milioane planificat de
economice. Schema permite autoritilor s
Romnia n favoarea Ford Romnia SA. Ajutorul
acorde ajutoare n valoare de pn la 500 000 euro
susine planul societii de oferire a unui amplu
pn la 31 decembrie 2010. Schema ndeplinete
program de formare angajailor actuali i viitori de
condiiile din Cadrul temporar pentru msurile de
la fabrica de automobile din Craiova, Romnia.
ajutor de stat de sprijinire a accesului la finanare n
Programul de formare se adreseaz unui numr
contextul crizei financiare i economice, adoptat
total de 9 000 de angajai pe o perioad de cinci
de Comisie, deoarece este limitat n timp,
ani. Costul total al programului de formare este de
respect pragurile relevante i este destinat doar
aproximativ 185 de milioane , din care societatea
ntreprinderilor care nu se aflau n dificultate la 1
urmeaz s finaneze aproximativ 128 de milioane.
iulie 2008. Prin urmare, schema este compatibil
Comisia a constatat c ajutorul este conform cu
cu articolul 107 alineatul (3) litera (b) din TFEU,
normele UE privind ajutoarele pentru formare
care permite acordarea de ajutoare pentru a
deoarece vizeaz redresarea unei disfuncionaliti
remedia perturbri grave ale economiei unui stat
de pia verificate, respectiv investiiile insuficiente
n formare, i deoarece este adecvat ca instrument
de politic. Ajutorul are un efect stimulativ
Autoritile romne au elaborat schema pe baza
demonstrat i se limiteaz valoric la acoperirea a
normelor prevzute n Cadrul temporar pentru
50din costurile eligibile ale formrii generale i
msurile de ajutor de stat de sprijinire a accesului la
respectiv 25 din costurile eligibile ale formrii
finanare n contextul crizei financiare i
economice i, n special, a condiiilor privind
valoarea limitat compatibil a ajutorului.
Ajutorul maxim pe care l poate obine o
ntreprindere este de 500 000 euro i se aplic
ntreprinderilor care nu se aflau deja n dificultate la
1 iulie 2008. Ajutorul de stat poate fi acordat sub
forma de sume nerambursabile, mprumuturi n
condiii prefereniale, subvenii de dobnd,
garanii sau ealonarea creanelor deinute de stat
fr perceperea de dobnzi.

Ajutor de stat

State aid

4/2009 4/2009
Ford Romania SA intends to provide extensive and To limit the distortive effects of the aid and to
personalized training to its current and future reinforce the positive effects of the training to be
employees at the Craiova plant. Up to 9 000 carried out for the employees themselves and for
employees shall receive in-depth training on society as a whole, the Commission attached the
diverse areas of knowledge, such as safety, following conditions to the implementation of the
language(s), IT, business fundamentals and general measure:
industrial skills. The company shall finance entirely,
from its own funds, the part of the training
the aid shall be paid in periodic installments, in
programme which is directly relevant for its own
amounts corresponding to the expenses
production activities and for meeting safety-at-
actually incurred;
work requirements resulting from EU and
Romanian legislation. The aid shall be provided for
Ford Romania SA shall report annually to the
the part of the training programme which conveys
Romanian authorities and the Commission on
additional, in-depth skills to the employees at the
the training offered and the expenses incurred;
Craiova plant.
the employees at the Craiova plant shall receive
The Commission assessed the measure under its
attendance certificates stating the content of the
2009 Communication on training aid, because the
training received.
aid amount exceeded the 2 million threshold for
exemption from notification of the General Block
Exemption Regulation.

Under these conditions, the Commission has
authorized the aid to be implemented. The non-
confidential version of the decision will be made
available under the case number C39/2008 in
the State Aid Register on the DG Competition
Cu toate acestea, pentru a garanta c valoarea Pentru a limita efectele de denaturare ale ajutorului i
ajutorului corespunde cheltuielilor cu formarea pentru a consolida efectele pozitive ale desfurrii
suportate efectiv, c denaturarea concurenei formrii pentru angajaii nsi i pentru societate n
este minimizat, i c angajaii beneficiaz ansamblu, Comisia a impus urmtoarele condiii
integral de pe urma competenelor dobndite pentru aplicarea msurii:
prin formare, Comisia a impus condiii cu privire
la plata ajutorului, condiiile raportrii i ajutorul se pltete n trane periodice, iar sumele
monitorizrii. vor corespunde cheltuielilor suportate efectiv;
Ford Romnia SA intenioneaz s furnizeze Ford Romnia SA va prezenta anual rapoarte
formare extins i personalizat angajailor autoritilor romne i Comisiei cu privire la
actuali i viitori ai fabricii de la Craiova. Pn la 9 formarea oferit i cheltuielile suportate;
000 de angajai vor beneficia de formare
aprofundat n domenii diferite de cunoatere, angajaii fabricii de la Craiova vor primi certificate
ca de exemplu securitate, limbi strine, de participare n care se va specifica coninutul i
informatic, bazele administrrii unei afaceri i durata formrii primite.
competene industriale generale. Societatea va
finana integral, din fonduri proprii, partea
programului de formare care este legat direct
de activitile proprii de producie i de
respectarea cerinelor de securitate la locul de
munc care deriv din legislaia UE i din
legislaia romneasc. Ajutorul se acord pentru
partea programului de formare care vizeaz
competene suplimentare, aprofundate pentru
angajaii fabricii de la Craiova.
Comisia a evaluat msura n temeiul
Comunicrii privind ajutorul pentru formare din
2009, deoarece valoarea ajutorului depea
pragul de 2 milioane prevzut n Regulamentul
general de exceptare pe categorii de ajutoare
pentru exceptarea de la obligaia notificrii.
n aceste condiii, Comisia a autorizat punerea n
aplicare a ajutorului. Versiunea neconfidenial a
deciziei va fi pus la dispoziie cu numrul de caz
C39/2008 n Registrul ajutoarelor de stat pe site-ul
internet al DG Concuren.
4/2009 4/2009
Ford Romania SA intends to provide extensive and To limit the distortive effects of the aid and to
personalized training to its current and future reinforce the positive effects of the training to be
employees at the Craiova plant. Up to 9 000 carried out for the employees themselves and for
employees shall receive in-depth training on society as a whole, the Commission attached the
diverse areas of knowledge, such as safety, following conditions to the implementation of the
language(s), IT, business fundamentals and general measure:
industrial skills. The company shall finance entirely,
from its own funds, the part of the training
the aid shall be paid in periodic installments, in
programme which is directly relevant for its own
amounts corresponding to the expenses
production activities and for meeting safety-at-
actually incurred;
work requirements resulting from EU and
Romanian legislation. The aid shall be provided for
Ford Romania SA shall report annually to the
the part of the training programme which conveys
Romanian authorities and the Commission on
additional, in-depth skills to the employees at the
the training offered and the expenses incurred;
Craiova plant.
the employees at the Craiova plant shall receive
The Commission assessed the measure under its
attendance certificates stating the content of the
2009 Communication on training aid, because the
training received.
aid amount exceeded the 2 million threshold for
exemption from notification of the General Block
Exemption Regulation.

Under these conditions, the Commission has
authorized the aid to be implemented. The non-
confidential version of the decision will be made
available under the case number C39/2008 in
the State Aid Register on the DG Competition
Cu toate acestea, pentru a garanta c valoarea Pentru a limita efectele de denaturare ale ajutorului i
ajutorului corespunde cheltuielilor cu formarea pentru a consolida efectele pozitive ale desfurrii
suportate efectiv, c denaturarea concurenei formrii pentru angajaii nsi i pentru societate n
este minimizat, i c angajaii beneficiaz ansamblu, Comisia a impus urmtoarele condiii
integral de pe urma competenelor dobndite pentru aplicarea msurii:
prin formare, Comisia a impus condiii cu privire
la plata ajutorului, condiiile raportrii i ajutorul se pltete n trane periodice, iar sumele
monitorizrii. vor corespunde cheltuielilor suportate efectiv;
Ford Romnia SA intenioneaz s furnizeze Ford Romnia SA va prezenta anual rapoarte
formare extins i personalizat angajailor autoritilor romne i Comisiei cu privire la
actuali i viitori ai fabricii de la Craiova. Pn la 9 formarea oferit i cheltuielile suportate;
000 de angajai vor beneficia de formare
aprofundat n domenii diferite de cunoatere, angajaii fabricii de la Craiova vor primi certificate
ca de exemplu securitate, limbi strine, de participare n care se va specifica coninutul i
informatic, bazele administrrii unei afaceri i durata formrii primite.
competene industriale generale. Societatea va
finana integral, din fonduri proprii, partea
programului de formare care este legat direct
de activitile proprii de producie i de
respectarea cerinelor de securitate la locul de
munc care deriv din legislaia UE i din
legislaia romneasc. Ajutorul se acord pentru
partea programului de formare care vizeaz
competene suplimentare, aprofundate pentru
angajaii fabricii de la Craiova.
Comisia a evaluat msura n temeiul
Comunicrii privind ajutorul pentru formare din
2009, deoarece valoarea ajutorului depea
pragul de 2 milioane prevzut n Regulamentul
general de exceptare pe categorii de ajutoare
pentru exceptarea de la obligaia notificrii.
n aceste condiii, Comisia a autorizat punerea n
aplicare a ajutorului. Versiunea neconfidenial a
deciziei va fi pus la dispoziie cu numrul de caz
C39/2008 n Registrul ajutoarelor de stat pe site-ul
internet al DG Concuren.
4/2009 4/2009
tiprit la:
Tel. 0238-720 514

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