Links To Other Websites For Linguistics

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Links to Other Websites for Linguistics, Phonetics, Speech &

The IPA does not guarantee the maintenance or validity of these sites, but provides the
links as a general service to the Phonetics community.
The IPA is grateful to Karen Steffen Chung, National Taiwan University, and Ninik
Poedjianto, University of Glasgow, who compiled many of these links and added their
Linguistics | Phonetics, Speech & Hearing | Speech Synthesis | Automatic
Translation | More Lists of Phonetics Links | Videos
I. Linguistics
Corpus Linguistics - at the University of Birmingham
Encyclopedia of Language & Linguistics (2nd Ed. 2006): contents listings,
contributors, abstracts, etc.
Inventory of Internet Resources in Phonetics - from the SOCRATES Thematic
Network in Phonetics and Speech Communication
Kinship and Social Organization - Department of Anthropology, University of
Linguistics List - comprehensive lists of links from eastern Michigan University.
Linguistics Links - from Links-to-Go.
Linguistics and Phonetics - at the University of Leeds.
List of Language Lists - computer email discussion lists for individual languages.
Summer Institute of Linguistics - a very comprehensive site for linguistic
UCL Phonetics and Linguistics Page
II. Phonetics, Speech & Hearing
A Course in Phonetics: Vowels and Consonants - web supplements for Peter
Ladefoged's A Course in Phonetics
Internet Institute for Speech and Hearing - at the University College London
Linguistic Society of America
Linguistics and Phonetics - at the University of Leeds.
OnlinePhonetics Course - from the University of Lausanne, Switzerland
Phonological Atlas of North America - the Telsur Project at the Linguistics
Laboratory at the University of Pennsylvania.
QMUC's Speech Production Laboratory
Studying Phonetics on the Net - via Washington University
Studies on Speech Analysis, Acoustic Phonetics and Intonation - by Pitch
Instruments Inc.
Summer Institute of Linguistics
UCL Phonetics and Linguistics Page
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Anatomy of the vocal tract - from the University of Manitoba
Speech organs - from the University of Oxford. Great graphics; includes
downloadable QuickTime movie of x-ray speech)
X-Ray film database for speech research - from Queen's University, Kingston,
Canada. Amazing x-ray videos of people talking.
Sound patterns in Human Language: phonation - five still photos of vocal cords in
A slow-motion animation of the vocal folds vibrating during speech - from UCLA
Epiglottis in motion/pharyngeal stops - from the University of Victoria
Examining the Larynx - from the Voice Center at Eastern Virginia Medical School
Methods of examining larynx - from the University of Stuttgart. Vocal cords in
The distinctive vowel sounds of British and American English - from the University
of Washington (click to hear the sounds)
Respiration and airstream mechanisms - from the University of Oxford
SIPhTrA voicing basics tutorial - from System for Interactive Phonetics Training
and Assessment (SIPhTra) project, UCL.
SIPhTra Plosives 1: basics tutorial
SIPhTra Plosives 2: Voicing onset time and aspiration tutorial
Stress system database - from the University of Oxford. Information on the
patterns of primary (word) stress in some 190 languages.
Intro to prosody: chunking, focus, pitch (tutorial) - from Prosody on the Web by
the SIPhTrA project
Coarticulation - from SWPhonetics
Sound machines: Vowel Machine, Transcriber, VDIA (practice in recognising vowel
sounds), TONI (recognise English nuclear tones) and PLATO (highlight the tonic
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Speech Internet Dictionary - from UCL. Definitions of technical terms used in
phonetics, phonology, speech and hearing science and allied disciplines.
Sound waves - from the University of Manitoba
Department of Speech, Music and Hearing at the Royal Institute of Technology,
Real time spectrogram - from Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden. (online
spectrogram includes link to required Snack 16 plug-in)
Spectrogram reading - (in German) from the Institut fr Phonetik und Sprachliche
Kommunikation, Universitt Mnchen
The vOICe Sonification Applet - from the Philips Research Laboratories,
Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Sound to Graph to Sound with JavOICe - Spectrogram version of preceding site
Airstream Mechanisms and Phonation Types - Ladefoged's clicks, ejectives, etc. in
many languages
Airstream mechanisms - from Northwestern University
Types of phonation: creaky, breathy, harsh, falsetto - from the University of
Gas-altered perceived voice pitch:
o Helium Voice - from Ask Yahoo (linked to sound file with poor audio
quality, but someone may ask about the 'Donald Duck' effect of helium)
o Sulfur Hexafluoride Voice - from the University of Maryland
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Bucknell University (PA): Links to pages on lots of linguistics-related topics
o Linguistics 110
o Consonant exercises
o Vowel exercises
o VowelsConsonants - Clickable phonemes in a cross-section of the head -
linked to from site #1; requires Shockwave; these two take a while to
load, especially the consonants.
Acoustic cues in differentiating phonemes - from UCL. Isolating acoustic cues in
phoneme recognition; descriptions, sound files; good companion to chapter 11 of
Fry (see (6)).
Simplified Vowel Synthesis Interface - from the University of Delaware. Synthesize
non-nasalized monopthongal English vowels using the Klatt synthesizer. Set F0,
F1, F2, and duration in ms yourself, and see what you come up with. Links to
more complex CV synthesis and general synthesis interfaces.
Zona Land - by Ed Zobel. Excellent interactive tutorials on the physics of waves
(with links to other physics topics); I find them to be well-matched companions to
D. B. Fry's The Physics of Speech(Cambridge). Example of things you can do at
this site: draw two waves yourself then watch how they interfere with each other.
VRML plug-in required for some parts. Highly recommended.
The Physics Classroom: Sound Waves and Music - from Glenbrook South High
School. A good physics tutorial site with units on waves and decibels; this has
dense and very instructive explanatory texts, along with animated graphics.
Standing Waves and Sound - from Concordia College. Samples of some audible
frequencies (100 to 5,000 Hz), along with other information on waves.
Understanding decibels - from the Handbook for Acoustic Ecology, Cambridge
Street Publishing, 1999. Web version from Simon Fraser University. Technical but
clear and potentially useful. With sound files.
Sound Pressure Levels - from Decibel level list
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Speech Synthesis
The Pattern Playback (Haskins Laboratories)
Current speech synthesis from Haskins
Articulatory Synthesis at Haskins
SineWave Synthesis at Haskins
Bell Laboratories (Lucent Technologies)
Automatic Translation
BabelFish - machine translation by AltaVista.
The Dialect Translator - a not too serious translator from English into various
American dialects
InterTran (tm) - Internet Translator, is a free web translation service that can
translate single words, phrases, sentences and web pages.
Natural Language Software Registry
III.More Lists Of Phonetics Links
Articulatory Database Registry
Linguistics and Phonetics Worldwide (Stuttgart)
Link list of phonetics, speech and acoustics (Helsinki)
Speech research (UCSC)
Speech Research - Videos available from the Acoustical Society of America.

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