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Fields of Science

Fields of science
are defined as widely-recognized categories of specialized expertise
within science.

1) Formal Sciences branches of knowledge that are concerned with formal systems
a) Mathematics - the study of quantity, structure, space, and change. Some examples and their
definitions include:
Metrology-- the science of measurement
b) Logic - formal study of the principles of inference and correct reasoning

2) Natural Sciences - fields that use the scientific method to study nature
a) Biology - the science of life and living organisms. Some examples and their definitions include:
Botany - the study of plants
Ecology - the study of organisms and their environment
Entomology - the scientific study of insects
Ichthyology - the study of fish
Zoology - the study of the structure, physiology, development, and classification of
b) Chemistry - the science of the composition, structure, properties, and reactions of matter,
especially of atomic and molecular systems
c) Physics - the science of matter and energy and interactions between the two. Some examples and
their definitions include:
Acoustics - the study of sound
Aeronautics - aircraft design, construction, and navigation
Astronomy - the study of outer space
Mechanics - design, construction, and use of machinery or mechanical structures
Optics - the study of light and vision
Robotics - the science of technology in the design, fabrication, and application of robots
d) Earth Science The study of the planet Earth. Some examples and their definitions include:
Crystallography - the science of crystal structure and phenomena
Geography - the study of the earth and its features
Geology - the scientific study of the origin, history, and structure of the earth
Hydrology - the study of the properties and effects of water on earth
Meteorology - the study of weather and atmospheric conditions
Mineralogy - the study of minerals, including their distribution, identification, and
Oceanography - the exploration and study of the ocean
Paleontology - the study of prehistoric life through fossils
Petrology - the study of the origin, composition, structure, and alteration of rocks
Seismology - the study of earthquakes
Volcanology - the study of volcanoes and volcanic phenomena

3) Engineering and Technology the creative application of scientific principles to design or develop.
Some examples and their definitions include:
Mechanical Engineering - applies the principles of physics and material science
Electrical Engineering - generally deals with the study and application of electricity,
electronics, and electromagnetism

More detailed lists may be found on the web sites or

4) Medical and Health Sciences the applied science dealing with health. Some examples and their
definitions include:
Anatomy - the study of organisms and their parts
Cardiology - the medical study of the heart
Genetics - the study of heredity and inherited traits
Immunology - the study of the immune system of the body
Medicine - the science of diagnosing and treating disease and damage to the body
Nutrition - the study of food and nourishment

5) Agricultural Sciences - the practice and understanding of agriculture. Some examples and their
definitions include:
Forestry - the science and art of cultivating, maintaining, and developing forests

6) Social Sciences - use the scientific method to study human behavior and society. Some examples and
their definitions include:
Psychology - the study of the mental process and behavior

7) Humanities disciplines that study the human condition. Some examples and their definitions
Anthropology - the study of the origin, behavior, and the physical, social, and cultural
development of humans
Archaeology - the study of past human lives by examining remaining material evidence
Cartography - the art or technique of making maps or charts
Gelotology - the study of laughter
Linguistics - the study of language and phonetics

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