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Humanities are academic disciplines that study the human condition, are academic

disciplines that study human culture, using methods that are primarily analytical, critical,
orspeculative, and having a significant historical element,

as distinguished from the
mainly empirical approaches of the natural sciences.

Art - is a diverse range of human activities and the products of those activities; this article
focuses primarily on the visual arts, which includes the creation of images or objects in fields
including painting, sculpture, printmaking, photography, and other visual media.

Non-motivated functions of art
-are those that are integral to being human.
Basic human instinct for harmony, balance, rhythm.
Experience of the mysterious.
Expression of the imagination.
Ritualistic and symbolic functions.

Motivated functions of art
- Refer to intentional, conscious actions on the part of the artists or creator.
Art as entertainment
The Avante-Garde.Art for political change.Art movements that had this goal
Dadaism, Surrealism, Russian Constructivism, and Abstract Expressionism,
among othersare collectively referred to as the avante-gardearts.
Art for psychological and healing purposes
Art for social causes
Art for propaganda, or commercialism
Art as a fitness indicator

Subject of art
- It is varied. It may refer to any person, object, scene or event represented in work of art.
Representational (objective arts) arts that have subjects.
Non-representational (non-objective arts) those that do not have subjects. It does not
present descriptions, stories, or references to identifiable objects or symbols. Subjects of Art

Ways of presenting the Subject(3 major styles of art)

Realism very real, the manner or presenting the subject depends to a large extent on the
interest, imagination, creativity, and purpose of the artist.
Abstraction draw away from the original, is a technique of simplifying and reorganizing
objects and elements according to the artists creative expressions.
Distortion they changed the presentation, is a technique employed by the artist to dramatize
the shape of a figure to create an emotional effect.

Sources of Art Subjects (another sub. of art)

Landscapes observing the beauty of physical environment.
Still-life to illustrate their beauty when touched by the painters.
Animals the vigor and grace of animals in motion have captured painters imagination and
sculptors imagination, too.
Legends and Life of the Saints many stories about them have been told w/c have found
their way into the arts.
Church Rituals & Religious Activities have great influence on language and speech

Styles of Art
Cubism geometric form
Expressionism express his feeling in his works
Impressionism - style of painting is characterized chiefly by concentration on the
general impression produced by a scene or object and the use of unmixed primary
colors and small strokes to simulate actual reflected light.
Pointillism made by dots
Pop Art comic script
Primitivism done by the child/simple
Surrealism dreams/fantasy
Symbolism "symbolism" is derived from the word "symbol" which derives from the
Latin symbolum, a symbol of faith, and symbolus, a sign of recognition,
Futurism life in city/machines

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