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CpporLunlues wlLh CuMA430 ln a

fasL changlng uullues lndusLry

Cerard van der Poeven
!une 14
, 2012
gerard.vanderhoeven [
Moblle : +31631323933
SmarL ln MeLerlng

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CuMA430 proposluons for uullues
xemex has been worklng wlLh
uullues, meLer vendors
and Lelco's for over 13 years.
Pas an acuve roll ln Lhe
green Lech lndusLry and
develops fronL runnlng Lechnology.
Pas proven Lechnology
> Z Mllllon ln Lhe eld
and > 100 years of
experlence, wlLh a
muluLude of open
Company prole
CuMA430 proposluons for uullues
CuMA430 proposluons for uullues
MeLerlng CaLeways
MeLerlng CaLeways
Lnd user
MeLerlng CaLeways
Communlcauon hubs for use
wlLh modular resldenual LlecLrlclLy
Cas, PeaLh or WaLer meLers
Communlcauon hubs for
sLandalone usage aL consumers.
SLandalone communlcauon
hubs for lndusLrlal usage.
value and proposluons wlLh
CuMA430 for uullues

CuMA430 proposluons for uullues
Telecommunication need for utilities
Sync of production and usage of energy
This brings high demands for the telecom

1. Future proof > 15 to 20 years.
2. High security
3. High availability
4. Superior indoor coverage
5. Interoperability of hardware
6. International standards
7. Low TCO

Smart grid: (near) real-time communication to
control the grid.

Smart meter: secure communication, data
collection and control of energy endpoints.
Smart Meter
Electricity Grid
CuMA430 proposluons for uullues
3. PLC/GPRS Current issues
Issue Impact Status
Limited and unreliable communication Performance barely meets
prescribed requirements and does
not meet future requirements
Opportunities for research on
performance improvement
Weak legal position in case of transmission
High probability of re-visit of sites
per address to repair problems.
European initiatives have been
launched to improve EMS
regulation for PLC
Network coverage/penetration variable and
Relatively high rollout costs and
administrative expenses
Improvement uncertain
High maintenance/management Relatively high management effort Improvement uncertain
Issue Impact Status
The maintenance of GPRS as a national
service is very uncertain. The required term
of 15 years will probably not be met
Early replacement of the entire
amount of GPRS modules in the
Final decision is not expected
for 2013
Technical lifespan of crucial components of
GPRS does not meet the requirements
High risk for re-visit within life-span
for repair/maintenance issues
Improvement uncertain
Communication performance will probably
not be sufficient for increasing bandwith
and communicatino needs during lifespan
High risk for re-visit within life-span Performance improvement not
possible (higher bandwidth not
CuMA430 proposluons for uullues
CDMA450 seems a good alternative
Comparison of Alternatives PLC GPRS CDMA All-IP
Maintenance & Failures (Stability) Sufficient Good Very good Good
Lifespan network > 20 years Limited > 20 years > 20 years
Smart Grid ready technology No Yes Yes Yes
Data security / privacy Sufficient Strong Very strong Reasonable
Technology maturity Moderate Very good Very good Very good
Coverage (Permeability) Good Good Very good Good
Coverage (Geographical) Good Good Very good Reasonable
Piggyback on other applications Moderate Reasonable Very good Moderate
Degree of influence on the network Very good Moderate Very good Moderate
Consumer acceptance Risk Good Good Good




CuMA430 proposluons for uullues
Promise of CDMA450 for Smart Grids
4$ 5"2"3(63,,7 89+ &(32'9+ &,"+239(#:
- Llcense Lo 2020 < (CounLy dependenL)
- Can be deployed nauonally or ln parallel wlLh meLerlng rollouL
;$ <9.* =(.3(( ,7 63,2(&>,+ 8?/ &-,#(= +(2@,3A @92* &-,#(= "#(3.3,"6#:B
- LxLra securlLy for neLwork and connecuon posslble
- uedlcaLed neLwork for meLerlng and selecL buslness users
C$ <9.* =(.3(( ,7 'D'9-'?9-92/
- neLwork avallablllLy xed ln SLA's
- Llcensed frequency, so no lnLerference wlLh oLher wlreless-Lechnologles
- MonlLor connecuvlLy -> acL qulckly on fallures
E$ F"6(39,3 9+=,,3 &,D(3'.(
- 1he low frequency band has a hlgh peneLraung radlo connecuon leadlng Lo excellenL recepuon lndoors
- lndoor coverage upgradable lf necessary ln compllance wlLh roll-ouL schedule
G$ <'3=@'3( 9+2(3,6(3'?9-92/
- SmarL meLers based on Lhls Lechnology are avallable ln Lhe markeL from dlerenL vendors
- neLwork componenLs are readlly avallable ln Lhe markeL from dlerenL vendors
H$ I-,?'- #2'+='3=#
- 1echnology based on global sLandard. Whlle huge Chlnese markeL ls pumng pressure on equlpmenL prlces
- roven 1echnology
CuMA430 proposluons for uullues
8eneLs of CuMA 430 for uullues
CuMA430 lls ln Lhe gaps of C8S, uM1S and LC or even cover Lhe covers all
communlcauon needs.
WlLh CuMA430 Lhe Lechnlcal beneLs are
1. Lxlsung coverage Lo ouLdoor cablns (ln foresLs, near Lhe shore)
2. very good lndoor peneLrauon of Lhe radlo slgnals
3. no falllng slm cards (non needed)
4. no falllng connecuon aL emergencles
8uslness beneLs
1. Lower cosLs ln operauon
2. Less llln Lechnologles
3. Less dependencles of massmarkeL communlcauon Lrends.
CuMA430 proposluons for uullues
4 CuMA 430 proposluons for uullues
SmarL MeLerlng
Mld volLage sLauons Lv and SmarL Llghung
lleld lorce
Plgh numbers
Low A8u
Low daLaraLe
Low numbers
Plgh A8u
volce + uaLa
Plgh numbers
Low A8u
Low daLaraLe
Low numbers
Plgh demand
Plgh daLaraLe
Mulu neLwork
CuMA430 proposluons for uullues
CuMA430 proposluons for uullues
SmarL MeLerlng lleld lorce
8ased on Lu ulrecuve
80 homes ln Lurope
by 2020 equlpped wlLh
Low daLaraLes
lndoor, speclc
sLandards and
Low numbers
Plgh A8u
volce + uaLa
roven Lechnology
key gures
< 312 kb per monLh of Lramc
< 1 Lur per monLh ln revenu
roven ln plloLs ln nL, uL and nC

MeLersuppllers , Landls + Cyr eLc
MeLerlng Module vendors, xemex eLc
Lv Charglng sLauons
1elecom parLners wlLh experlence
key gures
1.000 unlLs per 1 Mln households
Plgh arpu ln a subscrlpuon model
volce ~ 400 MlnuLes a monLh
uaLa ~ 20 Mb per monLh

8uggadlsed phone manufacLures
1elecom parLners wlLh experlence
CuMA430 proposluons for uullues
Mld volLage sLauons Lv and SmarL Llghung
Plgh numbers
Low A8u
Low daLaraLe
new Lechnology
Low numbers
Plgh demand
Plgh daLaraLe
Mulu coverage
key gures
> 1 C8 of Lramc per monLh
Plgh arpu
Peavy dependency

8ouLer suppllers : ulgl,
81u suppllers (non CuMA)
1elecom parLners
key gures
Mlns of devlces
Low arpu (comparable wlLh MeLerlng)

8ouLer provlders : ulgl eLc
ulrecL Llghung or Lv modules : xemex
1elecom parLners wlLh experlence
1. Ma[or opporLunlues
2. 8eal demand LhoughouL Lurope
3. CreauvlLy ln buslness models ls requlred
4. LcosysLem ls avallable
3. Cooperauon / arLnershlp wlLh oLher
1elco's can help
6. xemex can supporL you wlLh ndlng Lhe
rlghL parLners based on experlence ln
wesLern Lurope.
CuMA430 proposluons for uullues

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