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TOEFL Test 500-Word List

ABANDON: To give up completely - abandoned the sinking ship. Synonyms: relinuish! "orgo! "orsake
ABAS#: To lose sel"-con"idence$ to con"use! put to shame % abashed be"ore the assembled dignitaries. Synonyms: "luster!
disconcert! discom"it! discompose. Antonym: &ad'.( sel"-possessed
ABD)*AT+: To give up claim to - abdicated the throne. Synonyms: renounce! abandon! relinuish
AB+T: To encourage -or support - treacherously abetted the enemy. Synonyms: spur! incite. Antonym: deter
AB,)D-+: To shorten - abridged his lengthy speech. Synonyms: curtail! diminish! retrench. Antonyms: protract!
elongate! ampli"y
AB,O-AT+: To abolish or render void - a treaty abrogated by mutual consent. Synonyms: annul! nulli"y! rescind! void.
ABST+.)O/S: .oderate in the use o" "ood or drink - abstemious in his habits. Synonym: temperate
A*AD+.)*: 0ertaining to school$ theoretical academic interests$ an academic discussion! 1ith no practical implications.
Synonym: scholastic
A**+D+: To agree to - accede to a reuest. Synonym: assent. Antonym: demur
A**+2+,AT+: - To uicken! speed tip - took an accelerated course in order to graduate early. Synonym: e3pedite &ad'.
e3peditious(. Antonym: retard.
A**O2AD+: An a1ard or salute - a tremendous accolade "or a returning hero. Synonyms: tribute! ovation
A**O,D: Agreement or harmony - in "ull accord 1ith his vie1. Synonyms: concord! concurrence. Antonyms:
dissension! discord
A*,).ON)O/S: Sharp or harsh in language or temper - stung by the acrimonious remark. Synonyms: caustic! acerb!
pungent! tart! mordant! acrid$ &noun( asperity. Antonyms: suave! a""able!
A*/.+N: 4eenness o" mind or insight - sho1ing e3ceptional business acumen. Synonyms: perspicacity! discernment!
perception. Antonym: obtuseness.
AD.ON)S# &noun: AD.ON)T)ON(: To 1arn or "ind "ault gently - admonishing the unruly child. Synonyms: chide!
caution! reprimand! reprehend! reproach.
AD5+,SA,6: &ad'.: AD5+,S+(: An opponent - his adversary in a bitter debate. Synonym: antagonist. Antonyms:
cohort! con"ederate! ally! accomplice.
AD5+,S)T6: .is"ortune - calm in the "ace o" adversity. Synonyms: a""liction! mischance! reverses.
A+ST#+T)*: 0ertaining to the beauti"ul - interested in aesthetic values rather than in purely practical a""airs.
A77AB2+: Sociable! courteous! and agreeable in manner a much admired! a""able gentleman. Synonyms: civil!
complaisant! benign! gracious! genial! urbane! cordial. Antonyms: curt! brusue! rude! boorish! surly.
A772/+NT: 0rosperous! "lourishing$ copious - a large beuest "rom an a""luent grand"ather. Synonyms: opulent! pro"use.
Antonyms: destitute! impecunious.
A--,+SS)5+ &noun: A--,+SS)ON. an unprovoked attack(: sel"-assertive$ attacking! o""ensive - annoyed people by his
aggressive attitude. Synonyms: bumptious! o""icious! obtrusive. Antonyms: meek! humble! retiring! di""ident.
A2A*,)T6: +agerness$ cheer"ul promptness - responded to the "lattering o""er 1ith alacrity. Synonyms: celerity!
briskness! energy! animation. Antonyms: apathy! nonchalance! sluggishness! lethargy! phlegmatism.
A2)+NAT+: To estrange - alterated by his gru"" manner.
A22A6: To calm$ to lessen in severity - at ease no1 that his "ears have been allayed. Synonyms: appease! alleviate!
paci"y! assuage! abate! mitigate! propitiate! molli"y! placate. Antonyms: intensi"y! aggravate.
A22/D+ &noun: A22/S)ON(: To re"er to indirectly - alluded uite subtly to his "riend8s mis"ortune. Synonyms:
insinuate! intimate! imply. Antonyms: re"er! cite.
A22/,+: To tempt by "lattery or an attractive o""er - allured by the prospect o" a ne1 'ob. Synonyms: lure! decoy!
inveigle! entice! seduce! 1heedle! beguile! ca'ole. Antonym: repel.
A.B)-/O/S: /ncertain! vague! capable o" being inter- in more than one 1ay - pu99led by the ambiguous statement.
Synonyms: ha9y! obscure! euivocal! dubious! nebulous. Antonyms: e3plicit! unuestionable.
A.+NAB2+: Obedient$ 1illing to submit - amenable to the suggestion. Synonyms: tractable! docile! responsive.
Antonyms: intractable! re"ractory! recalcitrant.
A.)AB2+: -ood-natured$ "riendly - attracted "riends by his amiable disposition. Synonym: complaisant.
ANA*#,ON)S.: A thing placed or occurring out o" its normal time - A machine gun at the Battle o" 6orkto1n 1ould be
an anachronism.
ANA2O-6 &ad'.: ANA2O-O/S(: A relation bet1een t1o things sho1n in the resemblance not o" the things themselves
but o" their characteristics - #e indicated points o" analogy bet1een the t1o situations. Synonyms: correspondence!
a""inity. Antonym: anomaly &a deviation "rom the general rule(.
ANA,*#6: State o" con"usion or la1lessness - a country brought to utter anarchy by civil 1ar. Synonyms: chaos!
AN)./S: A "eeling o" hatred-"elt no animus! even against the enemy. Synonyms: enmity! rancor! malevolence! animosity.
Antonym: amity.
ANNA2S: #istorical records - in the annals o" literature.
ANON6.O/S: O" unkno1n authorship-an anonymous publication.
ANT#O2O-6: A collection o" choice literary 1orks % an anthology o" modern poetry.
ANT)T#+S)S &ad'.: ANT)T#+T)*A2(: *ontrast$ the direct opposite - #is sel"ish attitude seemed to me the antithesis o
A0AT#6 &ad'.: A0AT#+T)*(: 2ack o" "eeling! emotion! or interest - attributed his "ailure to apathy! rather than lack o"
ability. Synonyms: torpor! lethargy! sluggishness! listlessness! languor! lassitude! dispassion$ &verb( languish. Antonyms:
9eal! animation.
A00,+#+NS)5+ &verb: A00,+#+ND(: 7ear"ul - Being unprepared! :ohn is apprehensive o" the e3amination.
A00,)S+: To in"orm %apprised his lieutenants o" the ne1 situation.
A00,OBAT)ON: Approval$ praise -a plan that met 1ith hearty approbation. Synonyms: sanction! commendation.
Antonym: disapprobation.
A0T &noun: A0T)T/D+! A0TN+SS(: &&;( 2ikely$ inclined or disposed - apt to succeed. Synonym: prone. &<( 7it! suitable
- an apt remark. Synonyms: appropriate! "elicitous. &=( Skill"ul! e3pert - apt at 1oodcarving. Synonyms: de"t! de3trous!
adept. Antonym: inept.
A,B)T+,: A person 1ho has authority to decide matters in dispute - a "air decision rendered by the arbiter. Synonyms:
mediator! arbitrator
A,*#+T60+: An original pattern - copies reproduced "rom the archetype. Synonym: prototype. Antonyms: Stereotype!
"acsimile! replica.
A,)D: Dry$ barren - the arid desert land. Synonyms: 'e'une! parched. Antonyms: arable! "ertile.
A,)STO*,A*6: -overnment by the best people$ a privileged class -special privileges en'oyed by the aristocracy.
Synonym: oligarchy. Antonym: democracy.
A,.)ST)*+: A temporary suspension o" hostilities. The armistice halted the 1ar. Synonym: truce
A,T7/2: Sly$ cra"ty - attained his mean ob'ective by art"ul measures. Synonyms: cunning! 1ily! adroit! ingenious!
guile"ul. Antonyms: guileless! ingenuous! artless.
A,T)*/2AT+ &verb(: To speak clearly or distinctly - articulated slo1ly so that he could not be misunderstood. &ad'.(:
*apable o" speech$ distinct! clear % an articulate man! al1ays ready to give his vie1s.
AS*+T)*: ,igorously sel"-denying - pursued the ascetic li"e o" a monk. Synonyms: austere! abstinent. Antonyms:
1anton! sel"-indulgent.
AS4AN*+: >ith distrust - looked askance at the "orged signature.
ASS+5+,AT+: To declare positively$ to con"irm - asseverated his vie1s 1ith conviction. Synonyms: assert! avouch!
aver! avo1! allege. Antonyms: gainsay! controvert! recant! rescind! ab'ure! disavo1.
ASS)D/O/S: )ndustrious - an assiduous 1orker! toiling long hours. Synonyms: sedulous! attentive! diligent!
inde"atigable. Antonyms: indolent! sloth"ul.
AS62/.: A place o""ering shelter and retreat - "ound asylum "rom persecution. Synonyms: sanctuary! re"uge.
AT#+)ST: One 1ho denies that -od e3ists - The atheist declared! ?There is no -od.? Synonyms: in"idel! agnostic!
ATT,)B/T+ &verb(: Assign -attributed his success to bard 1ork. Synonym: ascribe &noun(: An inherent uality
--enerosity 1as his outstanding attribute.
A/-.+NT: To increase or enlarge - an army augmented by numerous enlistments. Synonyms: enhance! ampli"y.
Antonyms: abate! curtail.
A/S0)*)O/S: )ndicating a happy outcome - The prospect "or this pro'ect appears auspicious. Synonyms: propitious!
"ortunate. Antonyms: ominous! "oreboding.
A/T#+NT)*: -enuine -proved to be an authentic document. Synonyms: veritable! bona "ide. Antonyms: apocryphal!
counter"eit! spurious! bogus.
A/TO*,AT)*: Despotic - "eared by the masses as an autocratic ruler. Synonym: tyrannical. Antonym: benevolent.
A5A,)*+: +3cessive greed - a "ortune accumulated by avarice and miserliness. Synonyms: covetousness! cupidity!
avidity. Antonym: magnanimity.
A>,6: /nsymmetrical$ not straight - the picture! hanging a1ry on the 1all. Synonym: aske1.
BANA2: 2acking in "reshness! originality! or vigor-bored by his banal remarks. Synonyms: commonplace! hackneyed!
prosaic! trite! stereotyped! vapid. Antonyms: racy! original! vivid.
BAN+7/2 &noun: BAN+: poison$ source o" harm(: Destructive! poisonous - a bane"ul e""ect! causing serious in'ury.
Synonyms: deleterious! pernicious! virulent! no3ious! to3ic. Antonym: bene"icent.
BANT+,: -ood-natured teasing or ridicule-The t1o 1its ) e3changed banter! to the amusement o" the audience.
Synonyms: raillery! cha""
BATON: A stick or sta"" - The conductor 1ielded his baton grace"ully.
B+2)+: To give a "alse idea o" - #is gracious manner belled his evil purpose. Synonym: misrepresent
B+22)*OS+$ )nclined to uarrel$ 1arlike - #is bellicose attitude o"ten got :ohn into "ights. Synonyms: pugnacious!
contentious! disputatious. Antonyms: paci"ic! conciliatory.
B+22)-+,+NT: +ngaged in 1ar - t1o belligerent nations 1arring "iercely.
B+N+5O2+NT: 4indly$ charitable - like a benevolent monarch! besto1ing many "avors. Synonyms: benign! benignant!
gracious! magnanimous. Antonyms: malevolent! malignant.
B+,+A5+: To deprive or leave desolate by loss - a 1ido1 'ust bereaved o" her husband.
B+S.),*#: To soil or dirty - besmirched his opponent8s good name 1ith vile epithets. Synonyms: stilly! de"ile! smirch!
B)AS+D: 0re'udiced - misled by a biased point o" vie1. Synonyms: bigoted! arbitrary! partial! partisan. Antonyms:
disinterested! euitable.
B)B2)O0#)2+: A lover o" books - The bibliophile "ingered the old book "ondly. Antonym: bibliophobe.

B)@A,,+: Aueer$ unusual in appearance- bi9arre clothes! outlandish in the e3treme. Synonyms: odd! "antastic! grotesue!

B2AND: -entle$ polite$ agreeable - a bland diet! 1ithout irritating "oods. Synonyms: mild! suave &a""able or persuasive in
manner(! soothing! non-irritating. Antonyms: piuant! tart! racy! caustic! acrid! pungent.

B2AND)S#.+NT: A "lattering speech or act - attracted people by his blandishments.
B2+.)S# &verb(: To scar or spoil - Bad associates blemished his character$ &noun(: A dis"igurement! de"ect - a character
1ithout a blemish.
B2)-#T: To ruin or decay - the rotting 1heat! blighted by incessant rain. Synonyms: 1ither! blast

B2)T#+: -ay and light-hearted in spirit or mood - spread cheer 1ith her blithe spirit. Synonyms: 'ocund! merry! 'oyous.
Antonyms: de'ected! "orlorn! ab'ect.

BO-: A s1amp - sank into the spongy bog. Synonyms: morass! "en! uagmire! mire.

BO.BAST)* &noun: BO.BAST(: #igh-sounding$ pretentious in language - a bombastic speech! in"lated 1ith
meaningless high-"lo1n 1ords. Synonyms: ranting! pompous! "ustian.

BOO,)S#: /nre"ined in speech or manners - e3hibited the boorish manners o" a back1oodsman. Synonyms: churlish!
uncouth! uncultured! crass. Antonym: suave.

B/*O2)*: 0ertaining to the country - a bucolic poem - the 'oys o" the shepherd. Synonyms: pastoral! rustic! rural.
B/77OON: A clo1n - acting like a bu""oon! "ull o" ludicrous tricks. Synonym: harleuin.

B/2>A,4: &;( An embankment used as a "orti"ication - a lo"ty bul1ark "or de"ense. Synonym: rampart. <( A person!
idea! or ob'ect serving as a protection - acted as a bul1ark in the "ight against crime.
B/.0T)O/S: Obno3iously conceited or sel"-assertive - a bumptious monitor! pu""ed up 1ith his o1n importance.
Synonyms: aggressive! arrogant! contumelious! overbearing.
*ABA2: A small group o" persons engaged in plotting - a cabal o" prominent persons united to overthro1 the
government. Synonyms: 'unto! "action.
*A*O0#ONO/S: /nharmonious sounding - a cacophonous blare o" trumpets! noisy and discordant. Synonyms:
dissonant! discordant! blatant! strident! raucous. Antonyms: melli"luous! euphonious! dulcet.
*ADA5+,O/S: *orpselike$ hence! haggard! pale -#is "ace appeared cadaverous "rom long imprisonment. Synonyms:
ghastly! gaunt! pallid &noun: pallor(! 1an! ashen. Antonyms: rubicund! "lorid.

*A22O/S: /n"eeling or insensitive - made callous by long su""ering. Synonyms: insensible! obdurate.

*A2/.N)AT+: To accuse "alsely or maliciously in order to in'ure another8s reputation$ slander - calumniated his political
opponent by spreading "alse rumors. Synonyms: asperse! vili"y! de"ame! scandali9e.
*AND)D &noun: *ANDO,(: 7rank! outspoken$ impartial a candid reply that could hardly be more "orthright. Synonyms:
artless! ingenuous! unbiased. Antonyms: guile"ul! evasive.

*ANTAN4+,O/S: )ll-natured$ uarrelsome % sho1ed a cantankerous and sullen disposition. Synonyms: petulant!
peevish! contentious! pugnacious! testy! choleric! "ret"ul. Antonyms: amiable! a""able! euable.

*A0,)*)O/S: )nclined! through some 1him or "ancy change the mind! purpose! or actions suddenly - a capricious
person! undependable in mood or temper. Synonyms: "ickle! "it"ul! changeable! erratic! inconstant! crotchety! 1himsical!
mercurial. Antonyms: stead"ast! constant! even-tempered.

*A0T)O/S: Auick to "ind "ault about tri"les- a captious critic pouncing on slight la1s. Synonyms: hypercritical! carping!
carviling! censorious.
*A,)*AT/,+: A picture or other description o" a person 1hich e3aggerates ludicrously one or more o" his distinctive
"eatures - not a realistic portrait but a malicious caricature.
*AST)-AT+: To punish or critici9e severely - castigated "or using improper language. Synonyms: reprove! upbraid!
reprehend! censure! reprimand! chasten. Antonyms: commend! eulogi9e! laud.

*+2+ST)A2: 0ertaining to the sky$ heavenly-a celestial pageant o" bright stars. Synonyms: ethereal$ &noun( "irmament.

*#A/5)N)ST. An e3treme patriot-a chauvinist 1ith most pride in his country. Synonym: 'ingoist.
*#)*AN+,6: Trickery! deception!- practised chicanery all his shady dealings. Synonyms: duplicity! cra"t! stratagem!
1ile! subter"uge.

*#,ON)*: *ontinuing a long time$ habitual-a. chronic complaint! persisting "or years. Synonyms: persistent!
unremitting! inveterate! incessant! constant. Antonyms: intermittent! sporadic! in"reuent.

*),*/.S0+*T: *autious - looked about him circumspectly. Synonyms: prudent! vigilant! discreet! 1ary. Antonyms:
rash! indiscreet! reckless! precipitate! "oothardy! temerarious! headstrong.

*),*/.5+NT: To gain an advantage by the use o" trick to evade by the use o" deception$ to go around - circumvented
the la1 by evasive practices. Synonyms: th1art! balk! out1it! delude.

*)5)2: &;( O" or having to do 1ith citi9ens or the state - civil duties as 1ell as civil liberties. <( 0olite! courteous -
ans1ered in a civil "ashion. Synonyms: respect"ul! gracious.

*2A.O,O/S: 2oud and noisy - a clamorous outburst the cro1d outside. Synonyms: voci"erous! obstreperous! blatant!
raucous! strident. Antonyms: muted! uiet.

*2AND+ST)N+: Secret$ stealthy - a clandestine meeting kno1n only to a "e1. Synonyms: "urtive! covert! surreptitious.
Antonyms: overt! mani"est! above-board.

*2+.+NT: .erci"ul$ gentle - a clement 'udge 1ho tempered 'ustice 1ith leniency. Synonyms: compassionate!
"orbearing. Antonyms: relentless! ruthless.
*OA2)T)ON &verb: *OA2+S*+(: Alliance$ merging o" various units into one unit - three parties "orming a coalition to
rule the country. Synonyms: amalgamation! consolidation! "usion.

*O+,*)ON: *ompelling a person by physical "orce or other means to do something against his 1ill - rendered his
services 1ithout the slightest coercion. Synonyms: constraint! restraint! impelling.

*O-+NT: #aving the "orce to compel! usually by appealing to reason - persuaded by cogent arguments. Synonym:

*O22/S)ON: >orking together secretly "or an evil purpose - acted in collusion to overthro1 the government. Synonyms:
collaboration! conspiracy! conniving! machination.
*O..OD)O/S: ,oomy - a commodious apartment. Synonyms: spacious! capacious! ample.

*O.0AT)B2+: #armonious$ able! to get along together parted company because they 1ere not compatible. Synonyms:
congruous! consistent. Antonyms: incongruous! discordant! incompatible.

*O.0+ND)/. &ad'.: *O.0+ND)O/S(: A brie" summary o" the main ideas o" a larger 1ork - a compendium o"
chemistry in a slim volume. Synonyms: synopsis! digest! precis! abstract! epitome.

*O.0+NSAT)ON: 0ayment "or services - 'ust compensation "or his labor. Synonyms: stipend! remuneration!
recompense! emolument.

*O.02A*+NT: Sel"-satis"ied - looked on his o1n per"ormance 1ith a complacent smile. Synonym: smug.

*O.0/N*T)ON: ,egret "or 1rongdoing - displayed slight compunction "or his misdeed. Synonyms: contrition!
penitence! atonement! remorse! ualm.

*ON*+D+: To yield$ to admit as true$ to grant - conceded victory to a superior "orce. Synonyms: acuiesce! capitulate.

*OND)-N: >ell-deserved &applied chie"ly to punishment( - received condign punishment "or his crime.

*ONDO2+ &noun: *ONDO2+N*+(: To e3press sympathy 1ith another in sorro1! pain! or mis"ortune - condoled 1ith
each other in their grie". Synonyms: commiserate! sho1 compassion! solace.

*ONDON+: To "orgive or overlook &an o""ense( - condoned the deed! in vie1 o" the o""ender8s age. Synonyms: e3tenuate!
palliate! mitigate! gloss.
*ON7+D+,AT+ &noun(: A person allied 1ith others "or a special purpose &"reuently a bad one( - 'oined his con"ederate
in secret enterprise. Synonyms: collaborator! accomplice. &ad'.(: /nited or allied in a conspiracy - t1o con"ederate groups
hurrying to their rende9vous.
*ON-+N)A2: &&;( 0ossessing similar interests and tastes$ able to get on 1ell 1ith others - congenial people 1ith similar
backgrounds. Synonym: compatible. &<( Agreeable - congenial to his taste.
*ON:+*T/,+: To guess - >ithout "acts! 1e can only con'ecture about his guilt. Synonyms: surmise! presume.
*ONS+*,AT+: &&;( To set apart as sacred - consecrate the battle"ield 1ith a monument to the dead heroes. Synonyms:
hallo1! sancti"y. Antonym: desecrate. &<( To devote or dedicate to some aim - consecrated his li"e to teaching.
*ONS+NS/S. -eneral agreement - The consensus o" the committee 1as that no action should be taken. Synonym:
*ONST+,NAT)ON: Ama9ement$ lack o" courage caused by "ear"ul prospect - The threat struck deep consternation into
:ohn. Synonyms: dismay! be1ilderment.
*ONST,/+ &noun: *ONST,/*T)ON(: To interpret! e3plain the sense o"! or analy9e - construed the statement to his
o1n advantage.
*ONS/..AT+ &ad'.(: 0er"ect or highly accomplished - achieved 1ith consummate skill. Antonyms: botched. bungled!
inept &verb(: To complete! bring to per"ection - consummated the deal 1ithout delay.
*ONT+.0T/O/S: +3pressive o" contempt &an emotion involving anger and disgust( - cast a contemptuous look at his
subordinate. Synonyms: supercilious! scorn"ul! disdain"ul! contumelious.
*ON5)5)A2: 7estive$ gay - a convivial party. Synonyms: 'ovial! 'ocund! mirth"ul. Antonyms: lugubrious! dolorous!
*O0)O/S: 0lenti"ul - shed copious tears at the bad ne1s. Synonyms: pro"use! bounti"ul! abundant. Antonyms: meager!
*O,0/2+NT: 7at - corpulent due to e3cessive eating. Synonyms: obese! portly. Antonyms: gaunt! lank! emaciated!
*OS.O0O2)TAN &noun(: One 1ho is at home in all countries - A cosmopolitan can "eel at ease any1here in the 1orld.
&ad'.(: 7ree "rom local pre'udices - a 1orld-1ide traveler! cosmopolitan in tastes and attitudes. Synonyms: *atholic.
Antonyms: parochial! provincial.
*OT+,)+: A group o" people 'oined by common interests a coterie o" select "riend. Synonym: cliue.
*O/NT+NAN*+ &noun(: A "ace - #is countenance e3pressed his complete disgust. Synonym: visage. &verb(: To approve
- re"used to countenance disrespect"ul conduct. Synonym: sanction.
*,ASS: *oarse and stupid - displayed crass ignorance. Synonym: gross.
*,A5+N &noun(: *o1ard - the deed o" a craven! motivated by "ear. Synonym. 0oltroon. &ad'.(: *o1ardly - a craven act
1hich shocked the 1orld. Synonyms: pusillanimous! dastardly. Antonyms: stal1art! intrepid! valiant! stout-hearted.
*,+D+N*+: Trust or belie" - gave little credence to the rumor. Synonym: conviction. Antonym: skepticism.
*,+D)B2+: >orthy o" belie" - a credible story! true to li"e. Antonym: incredible.
*,+D)TAB2+: Deserving or re"lecting *redit or honor - applauded "or his creditable per"ormance. Synonyms:
praise1orthy! meritorious! commendable. Antonyms: discreditable! in"amous! opprobrious! ignominious.
*,+D/2O/S: )nclined to believe anything$ easily imposed upon - a credulous "ool 1hom anyone can dupe. Synonym:
gullible. Antonyms: incredulous! skeptical.
*,)N-+: To shrink in "ear - cringing be"ore superior "orce. Synonyms: co1er! "linch! "a1n! truckle! 1ince.
*,/*)A2: Decisive or critical$ di""icult - the crucial event that decided the outcome. *,60T)*: *ontaining hidden
meaning - a cryptic message! di""icult to decipher. Synonyms: occult! enigmatic. Antonyms: palpable! mani"est.
*/20AB2+: Deserving blame or censure - removed "rom o""ice "or culpable negligence. Synonyms: censurable!
*/.B,O/S: Burdensome and clumsy - a cumbrous knapsack! impeding his march. Synonyms: cumbersome! un1ieldy!
bulk. */,B: To control! check! or restrain - "orcibly curbed the people8s protest. Synonyms: repress! subdue.
*/,SO,6: #urried$ hence! super"icial - Time permitted only a cursory e3amination. Antonyms: painstaking!
meticulous. */,T: ,udely abrupt -o""ended by the curt response. Synonyms: blunt! brusue! blu"". Antonyms: a""able!
*6N)*A2: Sneeringly distrust"ul o" the good motives or conduct o" others - belittled the hero 1ith a cynical remark.
Synonyms: sarcastic! surly.
D+A,T#: Scarcity - a dearth o" ne1s! brought about by censorship. Antonyms: plethora! abundance.
D+7+,+N*+: Submitting to the 1ishes or 'udgment o" another - yielded out o" de"erence to the old man. Synonyms:
respect! complaisance! veneration. Antonym recalcitrance.
D+)T6: A god -The sun 1as a deity to ancient peoples. Synonym: divinity.
D+2+*TAB2+: 5ery pleasing - a delectable meal! taste"ully prepared. D+2+T+: To erase or cancel! take out or remove -
deletedan o""ensive phrase. Synonyms: e3punge! censor! e""ace! eradicate.
D+2)N+AT+: To sketch or portray - striking "eatures! delineated by a master artist.
D+2)NA/+NT &noun(: An o""ender - "ound to be a delinuent by the court. &ad'.(: 7ailing to "ul"ill an obligation - too
many people 1ho are delinuent in meeting their civic duties. Synonym: derelict.
D+2/-+: A great "lood$ do1npour - a spring deluge 1hich caused the river to over"lo1.
D+.A-O-/+: A leader 1ho tries to stir the passions o" people "or his o1n purposes - the mob roused by an
unprincipled demagogue.
D+.+ANO,: Behavior$ bearing - carrying himsel" 1ith a proud demeanor. Synonyms: deportment! mien.
D+./,+: A""ectedly or "alsely modest or prim$ serious demure as a 5ictorian maiden. Synonyms: sedate! staid!
decorous! prudish! coy. Antonyms: immodest! "rivolous.
D+NO/N*+ &noun: D+N/N*)AT)ON(: To speak against - denounced by the press as a traitor. Synonyms: stigmati9e!
censure! reprehend! castigate- Antonyms: laud! eulogi9e.
D+02+T+: To empty or to use up - depleted the public treasury by vast building programs. Synonyms: e3haust! drain.
Antonyms: replenish$ &ad'.( replete.
D+02O,+: To e3press sorro1 or grie" over - a lamentable situation deplored by all parties. Synonyms: lament! decry!
D+0,A5+D: O" lo1 morals$ corrupt - a depraved mind! devising evil. Synonyms: debased! 1icked! vicious! perverted.
D+0,+*AT+: To plead or argue against a certain course o" action - deprecated the proposal severely. Synonyms:
remonstrate! protest! decry! e3postulate. Antonym: sanction.
D+0,+*)AT+: To belittle or speak slightingly o" - depreciated :ohn8s acting ability. Synonyms: disparage! derogate &ad'.
derogatory(. Antonyms: enhance! magni"y! e3tol! laud! eulogi9e.
D+5ASTAT)ON: >idespread ruin - the city le"t in utter devastation by 1ar. Synonyms: destruction! desolation.
D+5)O/S: &&;( >inding$ indirect - took a devious! rather than the direct 1ay home. Synonym: circuitous. &<( Straying
"rom the right course - used devious means to attain his 1icked ends. Synonyms: crooked! erring.
D+5O)D: 2acking in$ not possessing - a speech devoid o" even a trace o" ill-1ill. Synonym: destitute. Antonyms:
abounding! prevalent.
D+5O/T: Devoted to religious observances - devout in his regularity o" attendance at 1orship. Synonyms: pious!
religious. Antonym impious.
D)*T/.: Art authoritative statement$ a saying-an imperial dictum demanding instant compliance.
D)DA*T)*: Designed to teach! imparting a lesson - a poem 1ith a didactic purpose. Synonym: pedagogical.
D)77)D+NT: 2acking in sel"-con"idence- too di""ident to lead a group. Synonyms: shy! timid! reserved! reticent! retiring.
Antonyms: "or1ard! aggressive.
D)2+..A: A situation calling "or a choice bet1een t1o eually di""icult alternatives$ hence! a di""icult or perple3ing
situation - "aced 1ith a dilemma de"ying solution. Synonyms: predicament! uandary! plight.
D)2+TTANT+: One 1ho dabbles in the "ine arts "or amusement only and 1ithout concentrated study - a doctor by
pro"ession! a dilettante in art. Synonyms: amateur! connoisseur.
D)S*ON*+,T: To con"use$ to embarrass - disconcerted by his suspicious stare. Synonyms: perturb! discom"it!
discompose! abash! disuiet! "luster.
D)S*ONSO2AT+: Depressed$ 1ithout hope or possibility o" consolation - made disconsolate by ab'ect poverty.
Synonyms: inconsolable! de'ected. Antonyms: blithesome! care"ree.
D)S*O/,S+: To converse or talk$ to discuss - discoursed at length on the rise o" political parties. D)S*,+T+: Separate -
t1o discrete issues! totally unrelated.
D)S*/,S)5+: ,ambling "rom one sub'ect to another - a discursive letter! covering many topics. Synonyms: desultory!
D)S0A,)T6 &ad'.: D)S0A,AT+(: )neuality$ di""erence in image! uantity! character! or rank - great disparity bet1een
promise and per"ormance.
D)S0ASS)ONAT+: 7ree "rom "eeling or partiality - coldly dispassionate as the chairman o" the meeting. Synonyms:
palm! impartial. Antonym partial.
D)S0AT*# &verb(: To do speedily$ to send o"" - dispatched 1ith remarkable promptness. Synonym: e3pedite. &noun(: A
speedy per"ormance$ the sending o"" o" something - done 1ith all possible dispatch. Synonyms: celerity! alacrity.
D)S0+2: To drive a1ay$ to scatter - dispelled a doubt that had lingered. Synonyms: dissipate! disperse! di""use.
D)SS+NT &noun: D)SS+NS)ON(: To disagree$ to di""er in opinion - #e dissented violently! re'ecting compromise.
D)SSO2/T+: 2iving loosely$ unrestrained in conduct or morals - his li"e 1asted by dissolute conduct. Synonyms:
debauched! dissipated! pro"ligate.
D)ST,A/-#T: .entally distressed$ distracted - distraught by trials and tribulations. Synonym: harassed.
D)5+,S+: &verb: D)5+,S)76$ noun: D)5)S)B)2)T6(: 5aried$ di""erent - t1o diverse characters$ one candid! the other
insincere. Synonym: multi"arious.
D)5+,T)N-: +ntertaining - a diverting one o" the most amusing )8ve ever seen.
D)5/2-+: To make public or reveal - re"used to divulge his source o" in"ormation. Synonyms: disclose! impart.
DO-.AT)*: 0ositive in e3pressing an opinion$ asserting an opinion as though it 1ere an undisputed "act - spoken
dogmatically! as i" the speaker considered himsel" in"allible. Synonyms: overbearing! opinionated! peremptory!
DO2O,O/S: Sorro1"ul$ mourn"ul - a dolorous song "ull o" sorro1 "or past 'oys. Synonyms: dole"ul! lugubrious!
grievous. Antonyms: 'ocund! blithe! mirth"ul.
D6NA.)*: 7orce"ul - possessed dynamic energy! tireless and po1er"ul. Synonym: energetic. Antonyms: static! inert!
dormant! torpid! sluggish! uiescent.
+**2+S)AST)* &ad'.(: 0ertaining to the clergy or the church - recogni9ed as an authority in ecclesiastic matters.
Antonyms: secular! lay. &noun(: A clergyman - an ecclesiastic o" liberal vie1s.
+D)*T: A public command or proclamation issued by an authority - proclaimed by royal edict. Synonym: decree.
+D)76: To instruct or upli"t! particularly in morals or religion - a story that edi"ies the reader! as 1ell as entertains him.
+77+T+: No longer productive$ hence! lacking in or! 1orn out - po1er"ul in ancient days! no1 an e""ete civili9ation.
+-OT)ST)*: *onceited - an egotistic person! "lourishing on praise. Synonyms: egocentric! vain. Antonym: altruistic.
+-,+-)O/S: Outstandingly bad an egregious mistake 1ith serious implications.
+:A*/2AT+: To e3claim or utter suddenly % e'aculated a cry o" horror.
+2)*)T: To dra1 out % elicited no response "rom the audience. Synonyms: evoke! e3tract! e3tort.
+2/*)DAT+: To make clear$ to e3plain % elucidated his theory so that even a schoolboy could understand it. Synonym:
+.)SSA,6: A person sent on an errand or mission - delegated his emissary to conclude a pact.
+N-+ND+,: To cause! produce! or stir up-an act that engendered good 1ill.
+NN/): Boredom$ 1eariness o" mind-"ell asleep at the meeting "rom sheer ennui.
+NS/+: To "ollo1 or result-Silence ensued 1hen the leader arose to speak.
+NT,+AT: To beg earnestly % entreated the 'udge to sho1 mercy. Synonyms: solicit! supplicate! beseech! implore!
importune$ &ad'.( importunate! mendicant! suppliant
+0#+.+,A2: 5ery short-lived - an ephemeral 'oy! lasting but a day. Synonyms: "leeting! transitory! transient!
evanescent. Antonym: eternal
+0)*/,+AN &noun(: A person devoted to lu3urious living and pleasure - an epicurean! seeking to en'oy every meal.
&ad'.(: 0leasure-loving - #is entire e3istence demonstrated his epicurean tastes.
+0)-,A.: A brie" pointed saying - a speech "ull o" original epigrams. Synonyms: ma3im proverb! adage.
+0)TA0#: A tombstone inscription - an epitaph engraved on marble.
+0)T#+T: A phrase that describes a uality &good or bad( in a person or thing - ?-laring? error is a commonly used
epithet. Synonyms: characteri9ation ! appellation
+A/AN).)T6 &ad'.: +A/AB2+(: +venness o" temper or mind - su""ered his cruel "ate 1ith euanimity. Synonyms:
serenity! composure! imperturbability! aplomb.
+,, &noun: +,,AT/.(: To be mistaken or go astray - To err is human! to "orgive divine. Synonyms: stray! blunder.
+,,AT)*: )rresponsible! eccentric$ lacking a "i3ed purpose erratic behavior! re"lecting his ueer ideas.
+,/D)T+: 2earned - an erudite person! an editor o" many books. Synonyms: scholarly! kno1ing.
+SOT+,)*: /nderstood by only a select "e1 - an esoteric sub'ect! discussed only by scholars. Synonyms: abstruse!
+B*+0T)ONAB2+: Ob'ectionable - e3ceptionable behavior! universally critici9ed. Synonyms: uestionable!
reprehensible! censurable. Antonym: laudable.
+B*/20AT+: To "ree "rom blame - e3culpated by a 'ury. Synonyms: vindicate! e3onerate! absolve! acuit. Antonyms:
arraign! indict! inculpate.
+B+.02A,6 &noun: +B+.02A,(: Serving as a model$ commendable - e3emplary conduct approved by all. Synonyms:
illustrative! typical$ praise1orthy! laudable.
+BOD/S: Departure! emigration - the pathetic e3odus o" re"ugees "rom their homeland.
+BOT)*: Strange and "oreign - an e3otic costume imported "rom Asia.
+B0AT)AT+: To speak or 1rite at great length - #e e3patiated on the sub'ect "or t1o hours. Synonym: dilate.
+B0AT,)AT+ &verb(: To banish or e3ile$ to 1ithdra1 "rom one8s country - e3patriated "or treachery to his country.
&noun(: An e3patriated person - e3patriates 1ho le"t the /nited States to live in 0aris.
+B0+D)+NT &ad'.(: *onvenient in helping to attain some purpose - "ound it e3pedient to maintain silence at that moment.
Synonyms: opportune! seasonable. &noun(: A means to accomplish something - tried all e3pedients to achieve a uick
+B02O)T &verb(: To use "or one8s sel"ish purpose % re"ugees e3ploited by unscrupulous employers. &noun(: A brilliant
deed - lauded "or his e3ploits in science. Synonym: "eat.
+B0O/ND &noun: +B0OS)T)ON(: To set "orth in detail$ to e3plain - e3pounded his theory in a learned article.
+B0/,-AT+: To puri"y &usually a piece o" 1riting( o" o""ensive material - e3purgate all obscenities be"ore the book
could be sold. Synonyms: purge! delete.
+BT+.0O,AN+O/S: Done or spoken on the spur o" the moment or 1ithout preparation - an e3temporaneous speech.
Synonyms: impromptu! o""hand.
+BT)N*T: No longer e3isting or active - the e3tinct dinosaur! alive only in history. Synonym: de"unct. Antonym: e3tant.
+BT),0AT+: To root out! destroy totally - e3tirpated the cause o" trouble. Synonyms: eradicate! e3terminate! e""ace!
+BT,AN+O/S. Not essential$ "oreign$ irrelevant - e3cluded material e3traneous to the sub'ect. Synonyms: e3trinsic!
adventitious. Antonyms: germane! intrinsic! inherent! relevant! pertinent.
+B/2TAT)ON: -reat re'oicing - received the good ne1s 1ith e3ultation. Synonym: 'ubilation.
7A*AD+: 7ront or "ace! especially o" a building - a "acade o" marble.
7A*+T)O/S: -iven to 'oking or inappropriate gaiety$ said in "un - brightened the evening 1ith his "acetious remarks.
Synonyms: 'ocose! droll! "lippant! "rivolous. Antonyms: solemn! grave! saturnine.
7A22A*)O/S &noun: 7A22A*6(: /nsound$ misleading$ deceptive - led astray by "allacious reasoning and plans.
7A22)B2+: 2iable to make mistakes or be deceived - Being human! Tom 1as naturally "allible. Antonyms: in"allible!
7AT#O.: To penetrate and understand - di""icult to "athom his mysterious actions.
7AT/O/S: 7oolish$ silly - a "atuous suggestion that struck us as stupid. Synonyms: inane! vacuous! puerile. Antonyms:
'udicious! sagacious! sage.
7+A2T6: 7aith"ulness - The soldiers 1ere pledged to "ealty to their ruler. Synonyms: allegiance! constancy! "idelity.
Antonyms: disloyalty! in"idelity! treachery.
7+AS)B2+: >orkable - a "easible plan! proved practical by - previous e3perience. Antonym: impracticable.
7+)-N &noun: 7+)NT(: To pretend - #e "eigned to be angry! but 1e sa1 through his pretense. Synonyms: dissemble!
sham! dissimulate! a""ect.
7+2)*)T6 &ad'.: 7+2)*)TO/S(: &;( A state o" happiness - promoted "elicity in the nation. Synonym: bliss. &<( A high
ability - lie has a "elicity o" language! mastery o" the 1ell-chosen phrase.
7+,5)D: Spirited$ ardent - a "ervid debater! "ull o" emotion. Synonyms: per"ervid! impassioned! 9ealous! "ervent!
7+STOON &noun(: A garland o" "lo1ers! leaves! etc. hung bet1een t1o points - the room bright 1ith "estoons o"
Thanksgiving decorations. &verb(: To hang 1ith "estoons - a room "estooned 1ith spring "lo1ers.
7+T)S#: &;( Something that is believed to have magical po1ers - savages 1orshipping the "etish in a ceremonial dance.
Synonym: charm! talisman! amulet. &<( An ob'ect o" unreasoning devotion and 1orship % 0hotography! begun as a hobby!
became a "etish.
7)AS*O: A ludicrous and complete "ailure - all his glorious plans ending in a "iasco. Synonym: debacle.
7)*T)T)O/S: /nreal$ made-up - used a "ictitious name to avoid being recogni9ed. Synonym: "abricated.
72A**)D: 2acking "irmness - muscles gro1n "laccid a"ter the illness. Synonyms: "labby! limp.
72A-,ANT: Outstandingly bad - condemned "or his "lagrant abuse o" po1er. Synonyms: glaring! scandalous! notorious!
conspicuous! gross.
72A.BO6ANT: +laborately sho1y - 1ritten in a "lamboyant! style! "ull o" highly decorative imagery. Synonyms: "lorid!
ornate! resplendent! embellished! garish! gaudy! gorgeous! rococo. Antonym: somber.
72A/NT: Display or 1ave boast"ully - "launted the e3cellent report be"ore his delighted parents.
72++T)N-: 0assing s1i"tly -the "leeting hours o" happiness. Synonyms: transitory! "ugitive.
72/*T/AT+: To 1aver "rom one course to another$ to vary irregularly - his mood "luctuating 1ith every hour.
Synonyms: oscillate! vacillate! undulate! s1ay.
7O,B+A, &noun: 7O,B+A,AN*+(: To e3ercise sel" control$ to keep "rom - "orbearing to shoot the animal despite
temptation. Synonyms: restrain! abstain.
7O,+NS)*: 0ertaining to public discussion or la1 courts - a la1yer gi"ted in "orensic debate. Synonyms: rhetorical!
7O,T/)TO/S: Accidental - a "ortuitous meeting 1ith a "riend in need. Synonyms: casual! incidental! adventitious!
7,A*AS: A disorderly uarrel - A "racas broke up the meeting. Synonyms: bra1l! altercation! "ray! 1rangle! imbroglio.
7,/ST,AT+: To prevent &the attainment o" an ob'ect($ to de"eat or render ine""ectual - #is scholastic progress 1as
"rustrated by a serious illness. Synonyms: balk! th1art! "oil! ba""le! obstruct! discom"it. Antonym: abet.
7/2SO.+: Disgustingly e3cessive - nauseated by "ulsome praise.
-A,N)S#: To trim or decorate - dishes garnished attractively 1ith greens. Synonyms: adorn! deck.
-+N+A2O-6: A record o" a person8s or a "amily8s ancestors or relatives - an interesting genealogy! including saints and
sinners. Synonym: lineage.
-+N+S)S: Origin - chemistry! 1hich had its genesis in alchemy. Synonym: inception.
-+ST)*/2AT+: To make gestures! or indicate "eelings by. motions - gesticulated 1ildly to sho1 his distress.
-#AST26: #orrible! deathlike - a ghastly disaster 1hich shocked the 1orld. Synonyms: gruesome! grisly! pallid!
macabre! grim! lurid.
-)B+ &variant spelling: :)B+(: To laugh at$ to utter 1ith scorn - gibed at his enemy mercilessly. Synonyms: mock! sneer!
'eer! sco""! "lout! deride &ad'.: derisive(! rail! taunt.
-2)B: Smooth-spoken! "luent - a glib liar! distorting the truth e""ortlessly.
-2/TTONO/S &noun. -2/TTON$ verb: -2/T(: )nclined to cat to e3cess - gulped do1n his "ood in gluttonous "ashion.
Synonyms: voracious! intemperate.
-OSSA.+, &noun(: A very thin gau9elike "abric or structure - a poem so delicate that it seemed an unreal gossamer.
&ad'.(: Thin and light - the gossamer 1ings o" a dragon "ly. Synonyms: diaphanous! "limsy! gau9elike Antonyms:
substantial! ponderous.
-,+-A,)O/S: #abitually "ond o" associating in a company or herd - gregarious sheep$ that gregarious animal! man.
Antonyms: lone! aloo".
-,).A*+: A distortion o" the "ace to e3press an attitude or "eeling - a grimace that 1as more e3pressive than 1ords.
#A)2: To greet - The cro1d hailed the returning hero. Synonyms: accost! salute.
#A,AN-/+ &verb(: To deliver a long. noisy speech- harangued the multitude. Synonyms: rant! declaim. &noun(: A loud!
tiresome speech - an empty harangue 1hich bored his audience. Synonym: tirade.
#A,B)N-+,! A "orerunner$ ail announcer - the robin! harbinger o" spring. Synonyms: precursor! herald.
#A/-#T6: 0roud$ looking do1n 1ith contempt on others - dismissed the messenger in a haughty manner.
#++D2+SS: Thoughtless$ taking little care - rushed into battle! heedless o" the danger. Synonyms: inadvertent! rash!
incautious. Antonyms: prudent! circumspect! mind"ul! 1ary.
#+)NO/S: >icked$ hate"ul - committed a heinous crime. Synonyms: atrocious! outrageous! monstrous! odious!
ne"arious! abominable.
#+,+S6: An opinion held in opposition to the traditional vie1 - a vie1 condemned as heresy. Synonym: heterodo3y.
Antonym: orthodo3y.
#)AT/S: A gap or vacancy$ break -le"t a hiatus on the page 1here he erased a sentence. Synonym: breach.
#)ST,)ON)*: 0ertaining to the theater$ designed "or sho1 - broke into histrionic laughter! hollo1 and insincere.
Synonyms: dramatic! theatrical.
#OAB &noun(: A trick or deception$ a practical 'oke - played a hoa3 upon the credulous public. Synonym: canard. &verb(:
To play a trick on$ to deceive - #e hoa3ed the cro1d completely 1ith his disguise.
#O.ON6.: T1o 1ords having the same sound but di""erent meanings - con"using such homonyms as mail add male.
#O5+2: A dirty or 1retched d1elling - born in a hovel! died in a mansion.
#60+,BO2+: +3travagant e3aggeration "or e""ect - An e3ample o" hyperbole: ?There are a million ob'ections to the
pro'ect.? Synonym: overstatement. Antonym: understatement.
#60OT#+S)S: An assumption made "or the sake o" argument - 1orked "rom a "antastic hypothesis. Synonym:
)D)OS6N*,AS6: A. personal peculiarity - >earing 1hite 1as one o" >histler8s idiosyncrasies. Synonyms: eccentricity!
"oible! mannerism! crotchet! aberration! uirk! singularity.
)-NO.)N)O/S &noun: )-NO.)N6(: )ncurring public disgrace - su""ered an ignominious descent "rom political po1er.
Synonyms: in"amous! degrading! opprobrious! odious. Antonyms: illustrious! reno1ned! preeminent.
)..A*/2AT+: Spotless$ pure - an immaculate reputation. Synonyms: unde"iled! unsullied! unblemished! untarnished.
Antonyms: de"iled! sullied! blemished.
)..)N+NT: 2ikely to occur soon - stood in imminent peril. Synonym: impending.
)../N+ &verb: )../N)@+(: +3empt "rom$ protected "rom - immune "rom ta3ation. Synonym: unsusceptible.
).0A2+: To pierce through 1ith a pointed instrument - impaled a spider to the 1all.
).0+A*#: &;( To accuse &a public o""icial( o" 1rongdoing - impeached the 'udge "or accepting a bribe. Synonym:
arraign. &<( To cast discredit upon - impeached his motives. Synonyms: call in uestion! discredit.
).0+**AB2+: 7aultless - per"ormed 1ith impeccable skill. Synonyms: consummate! irreproachable! unerring!
in"allible. Antonyms: culpable! "allible.
).0+,5)O/S: )ncapable o" being penetrated - a mind impervious to ne1 ideas. Synonyms: impermeable! impenetrable.
Antonyms: permeable! pervasive.
).02A*AB2+: )ncapable o" being soothed! made peace"ul! or "orgiving - implacable resentment. Synonyms:
unrelenting! ine3orable! unappeasable. Antonyms: placable! "orbearing.
).02)*)T: &;( )mplied but not clearly e3pressed - an implicit agreement. &<( /nuestioning - implicit con"idence.
Synonyms: tacit! implied. Antonym: e3plicit.
).0O,T &noun(: .eaning$ signi"icance or importance - a matter o" great import. Synonyms: purport! moment!
).0OSTO, &noun: ).0OST/,+(: One 1ho pretends to be 1hat he is not unmasked as an impostor. Synonyms: uack!
mountebank! charlatan! bogus! "raud.
).0,+*AT)ON: A curse - hurled imprecations at those 1ho 1ould not listen to him. Synonyms: e3ecration! malediction!
anathema. Antonyms: benediction! benison.
).0,+-NAB2+: /nconuerable - an impregnable "ortress. Synonym: invincible. Antonym: vulnerable.
).0,O0,)+T6: )mproper act! manners! or e3pression - guilty o" impropriety in public o""ice. Synonyms: indecency!
indecorum. Antonym: amenity.
).0,O5)D+NT: 2acking in thri"t$ not providing "or "uture needs - an improvident spender. Synonyms: prodigal!
).0/-N: To attack or critici9e as "alse$ to call in uestion - impugned his honesty.
)N*A,*+,AT+: To imprison - crushed his opponents by incarcerating them. Synonyms: intern! immure. Antonyms:
emancipate! en"ranchise.
)N*)S)5+: *utting! penetrating - incisive criticism. Synonyms: sarcastic! mordant! trenchant! acute.
)N*O-N)TO. >ith one8s identity concealed - traveled incognito.
)N*ONT,O5+,T)B2+: )ndisputable - incontrovertible evidence. Synonyms: irre"utable! indubitable.
)N*,+.+NT: An increase - a salary increment. Synonym: accrual.
)N*/.B+NT &noun(: An o""iceholder - the incumbent in an election. &ad'.(: Obligatory - "elt it incumbent to reply.
Synonyms: mandatory! imperative.
)ND+7AT)-AB2+: /ntiring - an inde"atigable 1orker. Synonyms: un"lagging! unremitting! persevering.
)ND)-+NO/S: Native - ,ice is indigenous to *hina. Synonyms: innate! inborn.
)NDOO.)TAB2+: Stubborn in determination not to be subdued - indomitable courage. Synonyms: insuperable!
irrepressible! invincible! unyielding. Antonyms: tractable! amenable! docile! submissive.
)N7+,+N*+: A conclusion reached by reasoning "rom data or premises - an in"erence dra1n "rom his remarks.
Synonyms: deduction! implication.
)N-+N)O/S: Demonstrating originality! skill! or resource"ulness - an ingenious device. Synonyms: de3trous! inventive!
adroit. Antonyms: maladroit! gauche.
)N-+N/O/S: Simple and straight"or1ard$ concealing nothing - an ingenuous plan that anyone could see through.
Synonyms: unsophisticated! naive! candid. Antonym: sophisticated.
)N-,AT)AT+: To 1in another8s "avor or good opinion tried to ingratiate himsel" 1ith the politician.
)N#)B)T: To check or hinder - inhibited his "riend "rom a "oolhardy course. Synonyms: restrain! curb. Antonym: promote.
)NNO*/O/S: #armless$ ino""ensive - an innocuous remark! but it enraged him.
)NN/+NDO: An indirect re"erence or suggestion &"reuently derogatory( - conveyed his idea by innuendo. Synonyms:
&verb( intimate! insinuate.
)NO,D)NAT+: +3cessive - spoiled by inordinate praise. Synonyms: immoderate! intemperate! e3travagant.
)NSAT)AB2+: /nable to be satis"ied - insatiable greed. Synonyms. unappeasable! unuenchable! insatiate.
)NS*,/TAB2+: )ncapable o" interpretation or understanding - the inscrutable smile o" the .ona 2isa. Synonyms:
un"athomable! cryptic! enigmatic.
)NS)D)O/S: >orking secretly or slyly - that insidious disease! cancer. Synonyms: 1ily! cra"ty! "urtive! treacherous!
art"ul! guile"ul per"idious.
)NST)-AT+: To stir tip - instigated discontent among the soldiers. Synonyms: "oment! incite.
)NT+-,)T6: #onesty! moral soundness - a man o" proved integrity. Synonyms: probity! uprightness! incorruptibility.
)N5+)-# &noun-. )N5+*T)5+(: To speak angrily or bitterly-inveighed against economic discrimination. Synonyms:
rail! denounce! "ulminate! vituperate.
),AS*)B2+: +asily angered - +ven petty things made 0eter irascible. Synonyms: choleric! petulant! testy! peevish!
splenetic! touchy. Antonyms: placid! euable.
),+: Anger -aroused his ire. Synonyms: resentment$ &ad'.( irate! incensed.
),4SO.+: Tedious! monotonous - an irksome chore that no one liked.
)T)N+,ANT: Traveling about$ 1andering - an itinerant salesman. Synonym: nomadic.
:A,-ON: *on"used! unintelligible! meaningless talk$ special vocabulary used only by members o" a group or trade -
5ariety! a ne1spaper 1ritten in theatrical 'argon. Synonyms: gibberish! argot! cant.
:A/NT6: #aving an air o" easy carelessness or liveliness - 1alked 1ith a 'aunty step. Synonyms: sprightly! airy! gay!
nonchalant! debonair. Antonyms: somber! staid.
:+O0A,D6: Danger - #is li"e 1as in 'eopardy. Synonyms: ha9ard! peril.
:+TT)SON: To thro1 overboard &as cargo($ to thro1 o"" &as a burden or something in the 1ay (- 'ettisoned their old
candidate as a political liability.
:/D)*)O/S: >ise$ using or e3hibiting good 'udgment - a 1ell-chosen plan! termed 'udicious by all. Synonyms: discreet!
politic! discerning.
4A2+)DOS*O0)*: *onstantly changing or varying in pattern or scenes - kaleidoscopic vie1s o" Ne1 6ork.
4+N: ,ange o" sight or understanding - something beyond our ken. Synonym: insight.
2AB6,)NT# &ad'.: 2AB6,)NT#)N+(: A structure or intricate passage out o" 1hich it is di""icult to "ind one8s 1ay &also
applied to spiritual and intellectual comple3ities( - con"used by a labyrinth o" intellectual discussions. Synonym: ma9e.
2A*#,6.OS+: *ausing or given to shedding tears - a lachrymose tragedy.
2A*ON)*: Saying much in "e1 1ords - a laconic reply that spoke volumes. Synonyms: concise! pithy! terse! succinct!
taciturn! reticent. Antonyms: verbose! proli3! redundant! di""use! tautological! turgid! garrulous! voluble.
2A,*+N6: The"t - indicted "or grand larceny.
2AT+NT: #idden$ present but not "ully developed - latent talent that time 1ill reveal. Synonyms: dormant! uiescent!
covert! potential. Antonyms: apparent! patent.
2A5)S#: &;( 0ro"use or generous - lavish in praise. Synonyms: ample! superabundant. &<( -iven to e3travagance - a
lavish spender. Synonyms: prodigal! muni"icent! magnanimous. Antonyms: parsimonious! niggardly! "rugal! penurious.
2+T#A2: Deadly - a lethal 1eapon. Synonyms: mortal! "atal.
2ON-+5)T6: 0rolonged duration o" li"e - a country remarkable "or the longevity o" its inhabitants.
2O>: To bello1 so"tly like cattle - the lo1ing herd in the meado1. Synonym: moo.
2/*)D: *lear$ transparent$ easily understood - a lucid e3planation o" a di""icult te3t. Synonyms: pellucid! perspicuous!
intelligible! limpid! luminous! translucent. Antonyms: abstruse! obscure.
2/D)*,O/S: ,idiculous$ producing laughter - a ludicrous remark that set them all to roaring. Synonyms: mirth"ul!
droll! comical! absurd. Antonyms: dole"ul! lugubrious! dismal.
2/.)NA,6: An eminent person$ a celestial body - the plat"orm graced by a number o" luminaries.
.A*#)A5+22)AN: Sacri"icing moral principles in order to attain po1er$ politically cunning$ cra"ty - a machiavellian
design! 1ickedly contrived. Synonym: unscrupulous.
.A2)*)O/S &noun: .A2)*+(: Bearing! or acting 1ith! deliberate ill-1ill or spite - hurting 1ith malicious intent.
Synonyms: rancorous! malignant! malevolent! virulent! vindictive. Antonym: benign.
.ASA/+,AD+ &verb(: To assume a deceptive appearance or character - a thie" masuerading as an honest man.
Synonyms: dissemble! "eign. &noun(: A disguise$ a group o" people in disguise or "ancy costumes - a masuerade so
per"ect no one could guess his identity.
.A/D2)N: Sentimental to the point o" tears - turned maudlin at the mention o" his lost dog. Synonym: ma1kish!
.+AND+,: To 1alk about &or talk( aimlessly$ to 1ind about &as a stream( - meandered through the to1n! looking into
shop 1indo1s. Synonym: ramble.
.+D)O*,+: Average in uality - a mediocre per"ormance! un1orthy o" his talents.
.+,*+NA,6: Acting solely "rom a consideration o" re1ard or pro"it - actuated by a mercenary motive. Synonym: venal.
.+,+T,)*)O/S: Attracting in a "alse! cheap! or sho1y manner- a meretricious beauty that is too "lashy to be real.
Synonyms: ta1dry! specious.
.+T)*/2O/S: 7ussy about minute details - took meticulous pains 1ith his composition. Synonyms: "astidious!
punctilious! overscrupulous! "inical! methodical. Antonyms: desultory! per"unctory! slovenly.
.+TT2+ &ad'.: .+TT2+SO.+: high-spirited (: Disposition$ spirit$ courage - #is mettle 1as tried in battle. )diom: to be
on one8s mettle &meaning! Cready to do one8s bestD(. Synonyms: temperament! ardor.
.)*,O*OS.: A little 1orld! or a universe in miniature this village! a microcosm o" the great outside 1orld. Antonym
macrocosm &1orld on a large scale(.
.).)*: To make "un o" or copy by imitating - mimicked the comedian8s gestures.
.)SANT#,O0)* &noun: .)SANT#,O0+(: #ating or distrusting mankind - condemned "or his misanthropic vie1s.
Antonyms: philanthropic! altruistic.
.)SNO.+,: A name or term that describes 1rongly - To call him a brave man is really a misnomer.
.ONO2O-/+: A speech by one person - The actor gave his vie1s in a dramatic monologue. Synonym: solilouy.
Antonyms: collouy &ad'. collouial(: conversation bet1een t1o or more persons$ dialogue: conversation bet1een t1o
.O,OS+: -loomy$ ill-humored - shunned because o" his morose temper. Synonyms: sulky! crabbed! sullen! splenetic!
saturnine. Antonyms: blithe! genial.
.OT2+6: O" various colors$ o" mi3ed ingredients - a motley costume$ a motley cro1d. Synonyms: checkered &re"erring
to a varied career(! piebald! variegated! diverse! heterogeneous. Antonym: homogeneous.
.OTT2+D: Spotted or streaked 1ith varied colors - a mottled pony. Synonyms: blotched! dappled.
./NDAN+: O"! or pertaining to! the 1orld! as contrasted 1ith the spirit - mundane a""airs. Synonyms: earthly! terrestrial!
secular! temporal.
./,46: Dark$ cloudy - a murky cavern. Synonyms: dismal! tenebrous! "uliginous. Antonyms: resplendent! glo1ing!
lustrous! luminous! "ulgent! coruscating.
./TAB2+: -iven to "reuent change in nature! mood! or "orm - mutable in mood as a spring 1ind. Synonyms:
vacillating! "ickle! inconstant! "it"ul! mercurial! 1avering! capricious. Antonyms: constant! steady.
.6,)AD: )nnumerable - the myriad stars in the heavens.
NA/T)*A2: 0ertaining to ships or navigation - a nautical career. Synonyms: marine! naval! maritime.
N+TT2+: To irritate or provoke - nettled by his critics. Synonyms: ve3! piue! goad.
NO*T/,NA2: 0ertaining to! or occurring in! the night - a1akened by the sounds o" a nocturnal pro1ler. Antonym:
NO)SO.+: 7oul-smelling$ harm"ul-the s1amp gave o"" a noisome odor. Synonyms: malodorous! "etid! disgusting$
no3ious! deleterious. Antonym: salubrious.
NON*#A2ANT: /nmoved or indi""erent$ casual - reacted to the ne1s in a nonchalant manner. Synonym: apathetic.
Antonyms: enthusiastic! 9ealous.
NOSTA2-)A: #omesickness - "elt nostalgia "or the old homestead.
NOTO,)O/S: >idely kno1n &in a bad sense( - a notorious gambler.
NO5)*+: A beginner - conducted himsel" in politics like a novice. Synonyms: tyro! neophyte. Antonym: virtuoso.
OBD/,AT+: #ard-hearted$ stubborn - an obdurate! unrepentant criminal. Synonyms: adamant! unyielding! in"le3ible.
Antonyms: submissive! docile! compliant.
OB2)5)O/S &noun: OB2)5)ON(: 7orget"ul$ absent-minded - 1alking oblivious o" his surroundings. Synonyms:
unmind"ul! heedless! abstracted.
OBS+SS)ON: A persistent "eeling! idea! activity! etc.! 1hich dominates a person$ the state o" being e3clusively
preoccupied by a "i3ed idea - No1 that he has learned bo1ling! it has become his obsession. Synonyms: mania!
in"atuation &a "oolish passion(! monomania.
OBSO2+T+: No longer in use - an obsolete 1ord! not even included by most dictionaries. Synonyms: archaic! antiuated.
OBT,/S)5+ &verb: OBT,/D+(: Thrusting onesel" or itsel" into undue prominence - made himsel" obno3iously
obtrusive. Synonyms: intrusive! aggressive.
OB5)AT+: To prevent! dispose o"! or make unnecessary by appropriate actions - an act 1hich obviated all ob'ections.
Synonyms: preclude! "orestall.
O.N)0OT+NT: All-po1er"ul - an omnipotent despot.
ON/S: Burden$ duty$ obligation - bore the onus o" his di""icult o""ice creditably.
OST+NS)B2+: Apparent$ pretended - his ostensible! though not actual! purpose. Synonyms: pro"essed! plausible &that is!
appearing true! reasonable! or "air(! specious.
OST,A*)@+: To banish$ to e3clude "rom public "avor or privileges - a "ormer premier ostraci9ed by popular vote.
Synonym: outla1.
0ANA*+A: A remedy "or all ills - seeking a panacea to cure our social troubles. Synonym: nostrum.
0AN+-6,)*: A speech or 1riting o" e3travagant praise - delivered a panegyric at his "riend8s testimonial dinner.
Synonyms: eulogy! adulation! tribute! laudation &ad'. laudatory(! encomium. Antonyms: censure! disparagement!
derogation! castigation! depreciation.
0A,ADOB: A sel" -contradictory statement$ something 8that appears to be absurd and yet may be true -?2i"e is too
important a matter to he taken seriously.? - a parado3 by Oscar >ilde. Synonym: anomaly.
0A,A0#,AS+: To restate the meaning o" a passage in other 1ords - paraphrased the poem in a "e1 lines o" prose.
0A,OD6 &noun(: A humorous imitation o" an author8s style and mannerisms - 1rote a parody on 4ipling8s ?-unga Din.?
Synonym: burlesue. &verb(: To 1rite a parody - parodied the popular authors o" the &lay to his audience8s amusement.
Synonym: .imic.
0+**AD)22O: A petty "ault-possesses one peccadillo among his many virtues. Synonyms: "railty! "oible! "la1! blemish.
0+*/N)A,6: 0ertaining to money - involved in pecuniary di""iculties. Synonyms$ "inancial! "iscal! monetary.
0+DANT &ad'.: 0+DANT)*(: One 1ho proudly sho1s o"" his learning or 1ho overrates his kno1ledge - like a pedant
glorying in his scholarly tri"les.
0+NS)5+: Sadly thought"ul - so"tly sang his pensive song. Synonyms: re"lective! meditative! contemplative! musing.
0+,+.0TO,6: 0ositive in e3pressing an opinion - gave a peremptory 'udgment. Synonyms: decisive! resolute!
imperious! positive! dogmatic. Antonyms: indecisive! tentative.
0+,T)NA*)O/S: *linging doggedly to an opinion or purpose - pertinacious in his e""orts. Synonyms: obdurate!
tenacious! persistent! persevering! intractable! in"le3ible.
0+,/S+: To read care"ully - perused the important letter.
0+,5+,S+: >ill"ully bent on doing the 1rong thing - a perverse lad! al1ays disobeying his parents. Synonyms:
headstrong! "ro1ard! re"ractory! 1ay1ard! "ractious.
0+T,)76: To paraly9e 1ith horror! "ear! or surprise - petri"ied by the enemy bombardment. Synonyms: stupe"y! stun!
be1ilder! ama9e.
02A-)A,)S.. Adopting and reproducing! 1ithout ackno1ledgment! the 1ritings or ideas o" another and passing them
o"" as one8s o1n - denied the charge o" deliberate plagiarism.
02AT)T/D+: A dull and commonplace remark - bored people by his pompous phrases and platitudes. Synonyms:
bromide! truism! a3iom.
02+B+)AN: 0ertaining to the common people$ hence! common or vulgar - plebeian in his tastes and outlook. Antonyms:
patrician! aristocratic.
02+B)S*)T+. A direct vote by the people - The decision to con"ederate 1as rati"ied by plebiscite.
0O)-NANT: &;( -ripping and moving the "eelings po1er"ully - a poignant grie". &<( 0iercing! biting! pointed - a poignant
cry$ poignant 1it.
0OND+,O/S: 5ery heavy$ clumsy$ dull - a ponderous speech! e3tremely boring.
0,+*A,)O/S: /ncertain or risky - earning a precarious livelihood! providing no lu3uries.
0,+*)0)TO/S: &;( 5ery steep - a precipitous cli"". &<( Descending rapidly - a precipitous decline in popularity.
0,+2/D+: An introduction! "orerunner! or preliminary step - a short prelude to the play. Synonyms: pre"ace! prologue!
preamble. Antonym: epilogue.
0,+,O-AT)5+: A privilege or po1er attaching to a position - )t is a 1oman8s prerogative to re"use to tell her age.
Synonym: license.
0,+ST)-+: +steem or in"luence accorded "or recogni9ed achievements or reputation - As Senator he en'oyed great
prestige. Synonym: distinction.
0,+S/.0T)ON: &;( Something taken "or granted - acted on a reasonable presumption. &<( -oing beyond proper bounds$
impudent boldness - #is uestion 1as do1nright presumption. Synonyms: e""rontery! "or1ardness! arrogance.
0,+5A,)*AT+: To disguise or conceal the truth to lie - prevaricated in order to avoid detection. Synonyms: uibble!
euivocate$ &ad'.( mendacious. Antonyms: &noun( veracity! verity$ &ad'.( "orthright.
0,O*,AST)NAT+: To postpone or put o"" to another time - missed his opportunity by procrastinating too long.
Synonyms: de"er! delay.
0,O-NOST)*AT+ &noun: 0,O-NOS)S(: To "orecast - The >eather Bureau prognosticates daily. Synonyms: presage!
portend! augur! "orebode.
0,O2+TA,)AT: The 1age-earning class - a truckman! humble member o" the proletariat.
0,O.ONTO,6: A cli"" - an imposing promontory along the coast. Synonyms: headland! precipice.
0,O./2-AT+: To publish or proclaim$ to spread abroad The 0resident promulgated a decree. Synonym: disseminate.
0,OT/B+,ANT: Bulging or s1elling out - a protuberant 'a1. Antonyms: receding! recessive.
0,O5)S)ONA2: Temporary$ "or the time being - a provisional plan until a permanent decision is reached. Synonym:
0,OB).)T6: Nearness-1orked in close pro3imity to his home. Synonyms: propinuity! vicinity. Antonym remoteness.
0S+/DON6.: A "alse name assumed by a 1riter - concealed his identity by a pseudonym. Synonyms: alias! pen name!
nom de plume.
0/N)T)5+: )n"licting! or concerned 1ith! punishment - took punitive measures against deserters.
A/AS#: To crush$ to render void - uashed a rebellion$ uashed an indictment. Synonyms: suppress! e3tinguish! uell$
A/+,/2O/S: -iven to "ault-"inding and complaining - #er uerulous nature estranged many people. Synonyms: "ret"ul!
1hining! captious! carping! peevish! petulant. Antonym: a""able.
A/)BOT)*: +3travagantly romantic or idealistic$ highly impractical - a ui3otic scheme that can never materiali9e.
Synonyms: utopian! visionary! "antastic.
,A*ONT+/,: A skilled storyteller - held spellbound by a superb raconteur.
,AD)*A2 &noun(: One 1ho advocates e3treme basic changes - The re"orm movement 1as led by a radical. &ad'.(:
Thorough! e3treme - radical measures adopted to meet the emergency. Antonym &noun and ad'.(: conservative.
,A.)7)*AT)ON: A branching$ sub-division - studied the sub'ect in all its rami"ications.
,A@+: To tear do1n completely- ra9ed the old building. Synonyms: level. Antonym: rear.
,+*A0)T/2AT+: To restate in a brie"! concise "orm$ to sum up - recapitulated the main ideas.
,+*)0,O*A2: .utual$ done in return "or something received - held each other in reciprocal esteem.
,+*/.B+NT: 2ying do1n$ leaning back or do1n - resting in a recumbent position.
,+DO2+NT: &;( 7ragrant - a room redolent o" roses. Synonym: aromatic. &<( ,eminiscent o" - redolent o" olden times.
,+DO/BTAB2+: *ommanding "ear or respect - cringing be"ore a redoubtable enemy. Synonym: "ormidable.
,+7/T+: To prove incorrect or "alse-re"uted his opponent8s argument. Synonyms: rebut! con"ute. Antonyms: substantiate!
con"irm! corroborate.
,+)T+,AT+: ,epeat &several times( - reiterated his story once more.
,+./N+,AT)5+: 0ro"itable - a remunerative 'ob. Synonyms: lucrative! gain"ul.
,+N+-AD+: One 1ho "orsakes political or party principles or his religious "aith - a renegade "rom his "ormer allegiance.
Synonyms: turncoat! apostate! recreant! traitor.
,+0,)SA2: )n'ury in"licted in turn "or one received - took action in reprisal against his neighbor. Synonym: retaliation.
,+S+NT.+NT: 7eeling o" displeasure or indignation resulting "rom mistreatment or abuse - sho1ed resentment at 1hat
he considered an un1arranted insult. Synonyms: umbrage! dudgeon! animosity.
,+S)2)+NT: +lastic$ light-hearted$ possessing po1er o" recovery - a resilient Spirit! re"using to admit de"eat. Synonyms:
"le3ible! pliable! supple! limber.
,+S0)T+: &;( Temporary de"erment or cessation o" 1ork or pain - a brie" respite "rom labor. Synonym: surcease. &<( A
temporary delay in the e3ecution o" -a sentence - granted the doom man a temporary respite. Synonym: reprieve.
,+T,)B/T)ON: The re1ard or punishment e3acted "or an in'ury! 1ickedness! or other action - su""ered 'ust retribution
"or his "olly. Synonyms: reuital! nemesis.
,+T,)+5+: &;( To make good -retrieved a mistake. &<( To recover -retrieved the suitcase le"t at the station. &=( To restore
- retrieved his lost "ortunes.
,+5+,B+,AT+: To echo - a shot reverberating through the valley. Synonym: resound.
,/D).+NTA,6: )n an early stage o" development - possessing only a rudimentary! kno1ledge o" physics. Synonym:
,/+ &ad'.: ,/+7/2(: To be sorry "or-#e 1ill rue the day he le"t home. Synonyms: regret! repent.
SA*,OSAN*T: 5ery holy - a shrine. regarded as sacrosanct. Synonyms: consecrated! inviolable! hallo1ed.
SA-A*)O/S &noun: SA-A*)T6(: >ise$ shre1d - proved to be sagacious in his 'udgment. Synonyms: perspicacious!
astute! sapient! discerning! sage.
SA22O>: Sick - a sallo1 comple3ion. Synonym: pallid. Antonyms: rubicund! ruddy! "lorid.
SA226: &verb(: To rush "orth suddenly - sallied out to meet the enemy. &noun(: A >itty remark - amused the audience
1ith his sallies against his opponent. Synonyms: uip! banter.
SAN*T).ON)O/S: 0retending to be religious - sho1ed his hypocrisy in a sanctimonious display o" piety.
SAN-/)NA,6: Bloody - a sanguinary battle. Synonym: gory.
SAN-/)N+: O" a hope"ul disposition$ blood-red in color - a perennial optimist! sanguine in temperament. Synonyms:
buoyant! ardent.
SA,TO,)A2: 0ertaining to a tailor or clothes - a picture o" sartorial per"ection.
SAT+22)T+: &;( An attentive or "lattering "ollo1er - a prince surrounded by many satellites. Synonyms: lackey! toady!
disciple! adherent$ ad'.! "a1ning! obseuious! partisan. &<( A country in"luenced or controlled by another - 7reedom is
conspicuously absent !in the Soviet satellites. &=( A body &natural or arti"icial( 1hich revolves around a larger body!
generally a planet - The moon is the only natural satellite o" the earth! but in recent years it has been 'oined by many
arti"icial satellites.
S*)NT)22A: A trace$ a particle - not a scintilla o" convincing evidence. Synonyms: iota$ vestige.
S*O/,-+ &verb(: To punish severely$ to a""lict$ to 1hip - a disease that scourged the country. Synonyms: e3coriate! "lay.
&noun(. A 1hip or other means o" punishment$ a cause o" a""liction - The Black 0lague 1as a dread"ul scourge o" the
.iddle Ages. Synonym: tribulation.
S*,/T)N)@+: To e3amine care"ully -scrutini9ed the contents o" the letter.
S#)BBO2+T#: A party slogan - a shibboleth designed to attract votes.
S).0+, &verb(: To smile in a silly or a""ected 1ay simpered as he greeted each guest. &noun(: An a""ected or silly smile -
stood nervously! a simper on his "ace. Synonym: &verb and noun( smirk.
S)N+*/,+: +mployment entailing little or no responsibility or labor - #is 'ob 1as a sinecure.
S)N)ST+,: Threatening or sho1ing evil$ dishonest - the sinister look o" a gangster.
S2+A@6: 7limsy and cheap - slea9y cloth 1hich is used only in cheap garments. Synonym: unsubstantial.
S2O5+N26: /ntidy-severely critici9ed the student8s slovenly appearance. Synonyms: slipshod! slatternly! "ro19y.
SO0O,)7)*: Tending to induce sleep - a poorly 1ritten novel! sopori"ic in e""ect.
SO,D)D: .ean and base$ "ilthy - Sordid motives breed sel"ish actions. Synonyms: degraded! vile! ignoble.
SO5+,+)-N: Supreme m po1er and authority$ independent o" the control o" any other government - possessing
sovereign po1ers$ a sovereign state. Synonyms: autonomous! imperial! ma'estic! paramount.
S0O,AD)*: Occurring singly! at irregular intervals$ scattered - sporadic cases o" illness.
S0/,N: To re"use or re'ect 1ith contempt - an o""er that 1as spurned instantly. Synonyms: repel! snub.
STO)*: )ndi""erent! calm in bearing pain or pleasure$ practising remarkable sel"-control over emotions - maintained a
stoic attitude despite all his trials. Synonyms: stolid! impassive.
ST,)N-+NT: Strict$ compelling! constraining stringent regulations$ stringent reuirements. Synonyms: e3acting! rigid.
Antonym: la3.
ST/0+NDO/S: Ama9ing by! virtue o" its immense si9e! "orce! or any uality in e3ceptional degree - The circus is a
stupendous spectacle. Synonyms: astounding! prodigious! monstrous! marvelous! colossal! a1"ul.
S/**/2+NT: 'uicy - a succulent steak. Antonyms: desiccated! vapid.
S/2T,6: *lose! hot! and moist - sultry tropical 1eather.
S/0)N+: &;( 2ying "lat on the back - resting in a supine position. Antonym: erect. &<( )nert! inactive! averse to taking
action - a supine! ine""ective administrator. Synonyms: listless! torpid.
TAN-)B2+: ,eal$ actual - tangible gains 1hich may be seen! and counted. Synonyms: material! veritable! perceptible!
TANTA.O/NT: +uivalent - an act that is tantamount to treason.
TA/NT &verb(. To reproach 1ith contempt - taunted him 1ith the charge o" "ailure to act promptly. Synonyms: mock!
t1it! gibe! sneer! deride. &noun(: An insulting! 'eering! or bitter remark - hurled taunts at his "oes.
T++.)N-: )n abundance! "ertile! highly productive - the teeming tropics! rank 1ith vegetation. Synonyms: s1arming!
"ruit"ul! "ecund! abounding.
T+.+,)T6: /n1ise or reckless boldness - leaped into battle 1ith thoughtless temerity. Synonyms: audacity!
presumptuousness! e""rontery! rashness$ &ad'.( temerarious! "oolhardy! venturesome. Antonyms: prudence! circumspection!
T+.0O,A2: >orldly! as opposed to spiritual$ e3isting "or a time only - a man preoccupied 1ith temporal matters.
Synonyms: mundane! secular! civil.
T+.0O,)@+: To delay or re"use to commit onesel" in order to gain time - tempori9ed 1hile his "riends hurried to his aid.
Synonym: euivocate.
T+N+T: A principle o" belie" held as true - a tenet o" religion 1hich be maintained loyally. Synonyms: creed! doctrine!
T+N/O/S: Slender$ not substantial$ o" slight importance - clung desperately to his tenuous hope.
T,ANA/)2: *alm$ peace"ul - a tranuil summer night. Synonyms: placid! serene. Antonyms: perturbed! ru""led!
T,ANS-,+SS: To break a la1 or command$ to violate a moral principle$ to overstep a moral bound or limit -
transgressed the bounds o" decency$ transgressed the la1.
T,+./2O/S: Trembling - tremulous 1ith "right. Synonym: uivering.
T,)5)A2: O" little - importance - a trivial o""ense. Synonym: paltry. Antonyms: gross! momentous.
T,/*/2+NT &noun: T,/*/2+N*+(: *ruel! "ierce$ harsh$ threatening or intimidating savagely - a dispute marked by a
truculent attitude on both sides.
T/,-)D: &;( S1ollen! in"lated - turgid rivers over"lo1ing their banks. Synonyms: bloated! distended. &<( /sing big or
high-sounding 1ords - a turgid prose style. Synonyms: pompous! bombastic! proli3.
/B)A/)TO/S: +3isting every1here - The common cold is a ubiuitous complaint. Synonyms: omnipresent! universal.
/NT+NAB2+: )ncapable o" being de"ended or held - 1ithdre1 the argument as untenable.
/T)2)TA,)AN &ad'.(: .aterially or practically use"ul - beauti"ul! but not utilitarian.
5ANA/)S#: To subdue or conuer -an army vanuished 1ith heavy losses.
5A/NT: To boast - proudly vaunted his strength. Synonyms: brag &noun: braggadocio! braggart(! proclaim.
5+N++,: A super"icial appearance or sho1 designed to impress one 1ith superiority - pierced beneath his thin veneer o"
elegance. Synonym: gloss.
5+N+,AB2+: Deserving respect or reverence because o" age - a venerable leader.
5+,NA2: 0ertaining to spring-an array o" vernal "lo1ers. Antonym: hibernal &1intry(.
5+,SAT)2+: Able to do many things skill"ully - versatile in all the arts.
5)*A,)O/S: Taking the place o" another$ "elt! received! or done in place o" another - took vicarious pleasure in his
brother8s victory.
5)*)SS)T/D+: A change "rom one condition to another! o"ten une3pected - su""ered many vicissitudes o" "ortune.
5),A-O: A scolding or ill-tempered 1oman - .y neighbor8s 1i"e is a virago. Synonyms: shre1! termagant! vi3en.
5)T/0+,AT+ &noun: 5)T/0+,AT)ON$ ad'.: 5)T/0+,AT)5+(: To scold or blame loudly! "ind "ault 1ith in abusive
language - an angry man! vituperating the 1orld. Synonyms: berate! revile.
>A)5+: To give up &privileges! etc.($ to do 1ithout - 1aived his rights to the property. Synonyms: relinuish! "orgo!
>#). &ad'.: >#).S)*A2(: A sudden notion or passing "ancy -"reuently acted on the 1him o" the moment. Synonyms:
caprice! vagary! crotchet.
>,)T#+: To t1ist about &usually 1ith pain( - 1rithed in agony on the "loor. Synonyms: contort! suirm.
@+A2O/S &noun: @+A2OT: "anatic(: 7ull o" enthusiasm or eagerness -a 9ealous student! "irst in his class. Antonym:
@+N)T#: The highest point - the 9enith o" his career. Synonyms: acme! ape3! culmination! summit. Antonym: nadir.

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