Got A Problem Facing You? Follow David's Plan

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1. Got a Problem Facing You? Follow

Davids Plan
2. When the Philistines heard that David had been anointed king over all Israel, all the
Philistines went up to search for David. But David heard of it and went out
against them. 1 Chronicles 14:8
3. Sometimes you have to approach a problem head-on
not waiting until it inds you!
4. Have you got a problem staring you in the face? Is there a conversation you know you
need to have but you!re afraid of the response of the other person? "o you need to
challenge a friend? "o you need to admit your marriage is in trouble? #re you
struggling with some difficult business decisions?
5. $ou can ignore it%
6. $ou can hope it goes away%
7. $ou may even be able to run from it&for a while%
8. Eventually, most problems have a way of surfacing again.
9. 'y advice follow the e(ample of )ing "avid% #ttack your problems before they attack
10. Youll have more control on offense than on defense.
" #ruths You $ust %emember in &risis
'ere are " truths worth remembering during such times(
*he last few days have brought an unwelcome and unforeseen storm in my life% I!m not alone in
this I!m sure you!ve e(perienced circumstances and storms that have caught you off guard or
maybe e(periencing this even now% I want you to be encouraged and strengthened by the
knowledge that you!re not walking this +ourney out on your own%
Here are 7 truths Im convinced are worth remembering during such times:
1% *here is always time to pray, -$ou!ll .feel/ and make things worse if you don!t%0
1% 2o matter how much you .don!t feel like it/ 3ead your 4ible, It is our compass our true north
when it feels like our life is spinning out of control% 5e need more truth not more feelings in crisis%
6salms 47 is a good start%
8% "on!t believe that you have to be depressed because you!ve encountered something heart
breaking% 9rieve&%yes% Harbor it&%no%
4% 'ake it a point to not make any ma+or decisions when feeling overwhelmed% -:nless absolutely
;% 'ake sure you!re eating right and getting plenty of rest% $ou!re going to need all your strength to
walk through this season%
7% 3emember you can!t fi( people or fi( every circumstance% <top carrying that responsibility% *he
9od #lmighty position is already filled%
=% <top what you!re doing now and practice doing >1%
During a Famine
'ave you ever ound yoursel in a amine?
It could be a physical drought or a spiritual drought but you are doing without%
How do you respond !hat do you do
5e might learn something from the way a .man after 9od!s own heart/ responded%
Consider this verse:
During Davids reign there was a famine for three successive years, so David
inquired of the Lord. -1 <amuel 11:10
6retty simple solution right?
"avid wasn!t comple(% I don!t know how many times "avid had petitioned 9od over the years of
the famine% 'aybe everyday% 6erhaps this was the first time% "avid was certainly capable of making
poor decisions% 4ut when a situation reached the core of "avid!s heart it led "avid to the core of
who "avid really was&a man after 9od!s own heart% *he king knew his position relative to his
Creator so the famine brought )ing "avid to his knees%
I!ve learned something over the years&
#he )uality o our aith oten determines the speed o our
surrender in times o amine!
*hen +m tiredand remedies
11. I become irritable and harder to please
12. I see irrational flaws in others
13. I have difficulty concentrating
14. I have less patience and get frustrated easily
15. I!m less effective
16. I suffer
17. *he team suffers
18. $y remedies(
19. *ake a nap -<ome think you should take one everyday%0
20. ?(ercise -'y adrenaline and energy grows when I sweat%0
21. Change perspective by reading a book or watching or listening to something funny
22. ?ngage with motivating people
23. *ake e(tended time away from my work
24. ?valuate my priorities freeing myself for what!s most important
25. Call it a day and prepare for a better night!s rest
26. I!ve learned I!m not very helpful to the team when I!m e(tremely tired% #ddressing it
@uickly makes me a better leader% *hings aren!t likely to improve until I improve% 'any
leaders try to operate from an e(hausted position and never realiAe they are the
problem on the team%
27. ,eader- be aware when you are the problem!
28. "ont be afraid to admit youre tired, leader. #ost li$ely the team already
$nows it.
#he .ob o a shepherd( /ncouragement
or Pastors and #eachers
29. You cant change a persons heart.
30. #hats the wor0 o Gods Spirit!
31. 'any pastors and teachers get frustrated when people fail to live up to their
e(pectations or when they come so far only to mess up again% I!ll +oin you in that
frustration% <ome take it personal% ?ven if they are doing all they know to do and are
called to do people wander% 'any pastors and teachers I know blame themselves% *hey
allow it to impact their selfBesteem or use it as a measure of their effectiveness%
32. 4ut&
33. %he &ob of the shepherd is to lead sheep to the source of provision, not be
the provision.
34. <hepherds point people to truth and grace but you can -and should0 trust 9od with
people!s hearts%
35. %he &ob of a shepherd is not to ma$e grass or water. Its to lead the sheep to
'uality grass and water.
36. $ou can!t change another person!s heart so don!t be too frustrated when people don!t
seem to change%
37. *hat!s 9od!s +ob%
38. Do the leadinglet God do the changing!

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