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Created by Making Music Updated March 2014

Making Music, The National Federation of Music Societies. A company limited by guarantee. Registered in England and Wales no. 308632.
Registered Charity in England and Wales no. 249219 and in Scotland no. SC038849

sheet 18

Adopt a Composer 2014-15

Applications are invited each year from Making Music performing groups who would like to be
considered for the annual Adopt a Composer project.
Deadline for the application is 13 June 2014. The 2014-15 project is due to be launched
mid September. Dates for the launch will be confirmed after the selection process.

1. About Adopt a Composer

Adopt a Composer pairs amateur choirs, orchestras, and ensembles with a composer for one
year. The composer has the opportunity to get to know a performing group and write a piece
especially for them to premiere. The group has the chance to contribute to the creation of a
new work by some of the UKs most promising composers.
Pieces that are composed are usually around ten minutes long (as a very rough
approximation) and are usually written to work around your existing repertoire and schedule.

Adopt a Composer is funded by PRS for Music Foundation and run by Making Music, in
association with Sound and Music and BBC Radio 3.

2. Who is eligible to apply?

Music groups are eligible to take part in this scheme if they are:
Interested in working closely with a composer and performing a new work.
2-4 Great Eastern Street, London EC2A 3NW
T 020 7422 8280 F 020 7422 8299

Created by Making Music Updated March 2014

Making Music, The National Federation of Music Societies. A company limited by guarantee. Registered in England and Wales no. 308632.
Registered Charity in England and Wales no. 249219 and in Scotland no. SC038849

Able to arrange time in their schedule to rehearse and perform a new piece in their
20014/15 season (see page 2 for the scheme timetable).
Enthusiastic to get involved in contemporary music and the composition process.
A member of Making Music.

Composers can take part of this scheme if they are:
Interested in working closely with an Amateur group to create a new piece of work.
Able to arrange time in their schedule to rehearse and perform a new piece in their 2014-
15 season (see page 2 for the scheme timetable).
At the beginning of their career as a composer.

3. Benefits of the scheme for member groups

A new piece of repertoire tailored to the strengths and personality of the group.
A working relationship with a skilled and committed composer.
An understanding of the collaborative process of creating new music and the capacity to
undertake this again independently.
The opportunity to be recorded by BBC Radio 3, for possible broadcast on national radio.
A new and exciting experience, in which 60 Making Music groups have now participated.

4. Criteria

Each application will be considered under the following criteria:

Interested in working closely with a composer and performing a new work.
Able to arrange time in your schedule to develop, rehearse and perform a new piece in
the 2014-15 season (please see page 3 for timetable).
Music Director and group members are enthusiastic and able to commit to get involved
in the composition process over the whole course of the project.
Keen to support an emerging composer at crucial time i n their career.
Is a member of Making Music. (If you are not currently a member , please contact the
Making Music office on the number above to ask how to join).

NB: Pieces that are composed are usually around ten minutes long (as a very rough
approximation) and are usually written to work around your existing repertoire and schedule.

At the right point in your career as a composer (entering the profession but not yet
Focused on learning and professional development
Can demonstrate an understanding of amateur music groups
Preferably have some experience of working with amateur groups

Full criteria for who can apply can be found on the application forms. See section, 5. How to
apply, to download the relevant forms.

Created by Making Music Updated March 2014

Making Music, The National Federation of Music Societies. A company limited by guarantee. Registered in England and Wales no. 308632.
Registered Charity in England and Wales no. 249219 and in Scotland no. SC038849

5. How to apply

Deadline for applications is: 5pm 13 June 2014.

Applications are accepted by email only. Please send application forms and any relevant
documentation to:

There are different applications for groups and composers. Download the relevant
application forms from the links below:

Composer application form 2014-15:

Group application form 2014-15:

Applications received after this deadline will not be considered.
Due to the high volume of applications we can only contact you if you are invited to int erview.
Applications are accepted by application form only. CVs/covering letters will not be

6. Who else is involved?

Each pairing will be appointed with a mentor who will be there in the initial meetings when the
composer and performing group are getting to know each other. They act as a source of
ongoing advice to both composer and group as the work is composed, in musical and practical

The mentor will be somebody who is experienced in this field. They will attend sessions with
the composer and be available for e-mail and telephone contact.

7. Timetable for Adopt a Composer

13 June 2014 Deadline for groups and composers wishing to participate
Early July 2014 Composer and group interviews/selections made
End July 2014 Group selections announced
September 2014 Launch event, London - Pairings announced. First meeting with
composers, group representatives, and mentors
November 2014 Workshop introducing composers to group members
January 2015 Workshop of new pieces in progress
Feb April 2015 Further workshops, rehearsing draft piece
May to Sept 2015 Piece is performed at premiere concert

8. Financial aspects

Created by Making Music Updated March 2014

Making Music, The National Federation of Music Societies. A company limited by guarantee. Registered in England and Wales no. 308632.
Registered Charity in England and Wales no. 249219 and in Scotland no. SC038849

The composer costs, fees for the mentoring composer, and all expenses related to the
placement of the composer will be paid by the PRS Foundation. Travelling expenses for
scheduled visits to London will be paid for via Making Music details are provided on the day.
The only costs to participating member groups will be the allocation of sufficient rehearsal and
performance time.

The composer retains all rights to the score.

Groups should inform Making Music when the premiere is to take place. Making Music will
provide print and logos to be included in publicity material. Groups will be asked to complete a
feedback form and provide programmes of the event after the premiere.

9. Contact details
The Making Music contact for the Adopt a Composer scheme is Sally Palmer. Groups and
composers may contact Sally via Making Music at any ti me for support during this period.
Email: Phone: 020 7422 8280
Please visit the Adopt a Composer Blog and Making Music website to read about previous groups and
composers involved.

10. Further information

Sound and Music promotes challenging contemporary music and sound art through a range
of projects, incorporating live events, learning, artist development, and digital platforms.

The PRS for Music Foundation is the largest independent funder for new music in the UK.
The foundation provides all the financial backing for the Adopt a Composer scheme. Please
visit for further details.
Please note that groups submitting an application to the Adopt a Composer scheme will not be eligible to
apply in the same year to any other scheme operated by The Performing Right Society Foundation.

If you would like us to make this information sheet more
accessible, please phone Making Music on 020 7422 8280.
We hope you find this Making Music document useful - it is intended to give a reasonable summary of the
position at the time of writing. If you are aware of any changes to the situation described or have
suggestions for further information to be included please contact the Membership Services Team at Making
Music 020 7422 8280 or Please note that no responsibility for loss occasioned to
any person or group acting or refraining from action as a result of any of the contents of this information
sheet can be accepted by any of the authors or by Making Music, the National Federation of Music Societies.
Members of Making Music can download this and other information sheets from our website,, where the latest version will al ways be available.

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