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Saul and the Medium of


Then Saul said to his
servants, Seek out for
me a woman who is a
medium, that I may go to
her and inquire of her.
And his servants said to
him, Behold, there is a
medium at En-dor. So
Saul disguised himself
and went, he and two
men with him.
The woman said,
Whom shall I bring up
for you? He said, Bring
up Samuel for me.
When the woman saw
Samuel, she cried out
with a loud voice. The
king said to her, Do not
be afraid. What do you
see? And the woman
said to Saul, An old man
is coming up, and he is
wrapped in a robe. And
Saul knew that it was
Samuel, and he bowed
with his face to the
ground and paid homage.
(1 Samuel 28:7-14, ERV)
Sal y la adivina de Endor

Sal les orden a sus oficiales:
Bsquenme a una adivina, para que yo
vaya a consultarla.
Pues hay una en Endor le
Sal se disfraz con otra ropa y,
acompaado de dos hombres, se fue
de noche a ver a la mujer.
A quin desea usted que yo haga
aparecer? pregunt la mujer.
Evcame a Samuel respondi
Al ver a Samuel, la mujer peg un
grito. No tienes nada que temer
dijo el rey. Dime lo que has visto.
Veo un espritu que sube de la
tierra respondi ella. Es un anciano,
que sube envuelto en un
Al darse
cuenta Sal de
que era
Samuel, se
postr rostro
en tierra. (1
Samuel 28:7-
Elijahs Secret Army

Now the king of Syria was at
war against Israel; and he took
counsel with his servants,
saying, My camp will be in
such and such a place.
The man of God sent to the
king of Israel, saying, Beware
that you not pass this place; for
the Syrians are coming down

The king of Syrias heart was
very troubled about this. He
called his servants, and said to
them, Wont you show me
which of us is for the king of
One of his servants said,
No, my lord, O king; but
Elisha, the prophet who is in
Israel, tells the king of Israel
the words that you speak in
your bedroom.
He said, Go and see where
he is, that I may send and get
He was told, Behold, he is
in Dothan. Therefore he sent
horses, chariots, and a great
army there.
El Ejercito secreto de Elias

El rey de Siria, que estaba en
guerra con Israel, deliber con
sus ministros y les dijo: Vamos
a acampar en tal lugar.

Pero el hombre de Dios le
envi este mensaje al rey de
Israel: Procura no pasar por
este sitio, pues los sirios te han
tendido all una emboscada.
El rey de Siria, enfurecido
por lo que estaba pasando,
llam a sus ministros y les
reclam: Quieren decirme
quin est informando al rey
de Israel?
Nadie, mi seor y rey
respondi uno de ellos. El
responsable es Eliseo, el
profeta que est en Israel. Es l
quien le comunica todo al rey
de Israel, aun lo que Su
Majestad dice en su alcoba.
Pues entonces averigen
dnde est orden el
rey, para que mande a
capturarlo. Cuando le
informaron que Eliseo estaba
en Dotn, el rey envi all un
destacamento grande, con
caballos y carros de combate.

When the servant of the
man of God had risen early,
and gone out, behold, an
army with horses and
chariots was around the city.
His servant said to him, Alas,
my master! What shall we
Elisha answered, Dont be
afraid; for those who are
with us are more than those
who are with them.
God opened the young
mans eyes; and he saw: and
behold, the mountain was full
of horses and chariots of fire
around Elisha. (2 Kings 6:8-
17, WEB)
Por la maana, cuando el
criado del hombre de Dios se
levant para salir, vio que un
ejrcito con caballos y carros de
combate rodeaba la ciudad.
Ay, mi seor! exclam el
criado. Qu vamos a hacer?
No tengas miedo
respondi Eliseo. Los que
estn con nosotros son ms que
Entonces el Seor abri los
ojos del criado, y mir; y he aqu
que el monte estaba lleno de
gente de a caballo, y de carros
de fuego alrededor de Eliseo.
(2 Reyes 6:8-17)
Isaiahs Calling

I saw the Lord sitting on a
throne, high and lifted

Above it stood seraphim;
each one had six wings: with
two he covered his face, with
two he covered his feet, and
with two he flew.

Then one of the seraphim
flew to me, having in his hand
a live coal which he had taken
with the tongs from the

And he
touched my
mouth with it,
and said:
Behold, this
has touched
your lips; Your
iniquity is
taken away,
And your sin
(Isaiah 6:1-7,
El llamamiento de Isaas

Vi yo al Seor sentado sobre
un trono alto y sublime y por
encima de l haba serafines.
Cada uno tena seis alas: con dos
cubran sus rostros, con dos
cubran sus pies y con dos

Y vol hacia m uno de los
serafines, trayendo en su mano
un carbn encendido, tomado
del altar con unas tenazas.

con l
sobre mi
boca, dijo:
He aqu
que esto
toc tus
y es
quitada tu
culpa y
limpio tu
(Isaas 6:1-
The Handwriting on the Wall

Belshazzar commanded
that the vessels of gold and of
silver that Nebuchadnezzar his
father had taken out of the
temple in Jerusalem be
brought, that the king and his
lords and wives might drink
from them.

They drank wine
and praised the gods of gold
and silver, bronze, iron, wood,
and stone.

Immediately the fingers of a
human hand appeared and
wrote on the plaster of the wall
of the king's palace, opposite
the lampstand. And the king
saw the hand as it wrote. Then
the king's color changed, and
his thoughts alarmed
him; his limbs
gave way, and
his knees
(Daniel 5:1-6, ERV)
El escrito en la pared

El rey Belsasar mand que
trajesen los vasos de oro y de
plata que Nabucodonosor su
padre haba trado del templo de
Jerusaln, para que bebiesen en
ellos el rey, sus magnates y sus
mujeres. Bebieron vino, y
alabaron a los dioses de oro, de
plata, de bronce, de hierro, de
madera y de piedra.
De pronto aparecieron los dedos
de una mano de hombre, que
escriba delante del candelero
sobre el encalado de la pared del
palacio real; y el rey vea el
extremo de la mano que
escriba. Entonces el rey
palideci, y sus pensamientos lo
turbaron, se debilitaron sus
lomos, y sus rodillas daban
la una contra la otra.
(Daniel 5:1-6)
The Transfiguration

Jesus took with him Peter, James,
and John his brother, and brought
them up into a high mountain by

Then He was
transfigured before them. His face
shone like the sun, and his
garments became as white as the
light. And Moses and Elijah
appeared, talking with Jesus .
(Matthew 17:1-3, WEB; modified)
La transfiguracin

Jess tom a Pedro, a Jacobo y a
su hermano Juan, y los llev
aparte a un monte alto. All se
transfigur delante de ellos, y
resplandeci su rostro como el sol,
y sus vestidos se hicieron blancos
como la luz. Y se les aparecieron
Moiss y Elas, que hablaban con
l. (Mateo 17:1:3)
Jesus Dies

When Jesus died, the earth
shook and rocks were broken.
The graves opened, and many
of Gods people who had died
were raised from death. They
came out of the graves. And
after Jesus was raised from
death, they went into the holy
city, and many people saw
them. (Matthew 27:51-53, ERV)
Muerte de Jess

[Cuando Jess muri], la tierra
tembl, las rocas se
partieron, los sepulcros se
abrieron y muchos cuerpos de
santos que haban dormido, se

y despus que l
resucit, salieron de los
sepulcros, entraron en la santa
ciudad y aparecieron a
muchos. (Mateo 27:51-53)
Paul is Called to Macedonia

A vision appeared to Paul in
the night. There was a man of
Macedonia standing, begging
him, and saying, Come over
into Macedonia and help
us. When he had seen the
vision, immediately we
sought to go out to
Macedonia, concluding that
the Lord had called us to
preach the Good News to
them. (Acts 16:9-10, WEB)
La visin del varn

Una noche, Pablo tuvo una
visin. Un varn macedonio
estaba en pie, rogndole y
diciendo: Pasa a Macedonia
y aydanos. Cuando vio la
visin, en seguida
procuramos partir para
Macedonia, dando por cierto
que Dios nos llamaba para
que les anunciramos el
evangelio. (Hechos 16:9-10)
Gods Throne Room

Behold, there was a throne
set in heaven, and One sitting
on the throne that looked like a
jasper stone and a sardius. Out
of the throne proceed lightnings,
sounds, and thunders. There
were seven lamps of fire burning
before his throne, which are the
seven Spirits of God.
In the middle of the throne,
and around the throne were
four living creatures. The first
Creature was like a lion, and the
second creature like a calf, and
the third creature had a face like
a man, and the
fourth was like
a flying eagle.

The four living
creatures, each
one of them
having six
wings, are full
of eyes around
and within.
4:2-8, WEB)
El Trono de Dios

Vi un trono establecido en el
cielo, y la apariencia del que
estaba sentado era semejante
a una piedra de jaspe y de
cornalina. Del trono salan
relmpagos, truenos y voces.
Delante del trono ardan siete
lmparas de fuego, que son los
siete espritus de Dios.
Junto al trono y alrededor
del trono haba cuatro seres
vivientes. El primer ser viviente
era semejante a un len; el
segundo era semejante a un
becerro; el tercero tena rostro
como de
hombre; y el
cuarto era
semejante a
un guila.

cuatro seres
tenan cada
uno seis alas,
y alrededor y
por dentro
llenos de
ojos. (Apoca-
lipsis 4:2-8)
Now I, John, saw and
heard these things. And
when I heard and saw, I
fell down to worship
before the feet of the
angel who showed me
these things.
Then he said to me,
See that you do not do
that. For I am your
fellow servant, and of
your brethren the
prophets. (Revelation
22:8-9, NKJV)

Yo, Juan, soy el que
oy y vio estas cosas. Y
despus que las o y las
vi, me postr para
adorar ante los pies del
ngel que me mostraba
estas cosas.
Pero l me dijo: Mira,
no lo hagas; porque yo
soy consiervo tuyo, de
tus hermanos los
profetas. (Apocalipsis

Helpers from Heaven

Are they not all ministering spirits
sent forth to minister for those
who will inherit salvation?
(Hebrews 1:14, NKJV)

Since we are surrounded by so
great a cloud of witnesses, let
us lay aside every weight, and the
sin which so easily ensnares us,
and let us run with endurance the
race that is set before us, looking
unto Jesus, the author and finisher
of our faith. (Hebrews 12:1-2,

Ayudantes Celestiales

No son todos espritus
ministradores, enviados para
servicio a favor de los que sern
herederos de la salvacin?
(Hebreos 1:14)

Por tanto, nosotros tambin,
teniendo en derredor nuestro tan
grande nube de testigos,
despojmonos de todo peso y del
pecado que nos asedia, y corramos
con paciencia la carrera que
tenemos por delante, puestos los
ojos en Jess, el autor y consumador
de la fe. (Hebreos 12:1-2)

Historias bilinges para nios
Art on page 6 in public domain. All other art TFI. Background courtesy of Schwerin
Moses via Flickr (modified). Spanish Bible text from RV1977 and RV 1995 Bible versions.

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