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Mental Health Week 2014


This week the front hall and
assembly area were decorated
with colourful posters with
positive messages created by
the students for Mental Health
week: Be positive Smile
Be yourself Never give up
Work Rest Play. These
messages were reinforced in a
variety of ways during the very
informative and enjoyable
Mental Health week organised
by Ms. Niamh Moran.
All the students were informed
about maintaining positive
mental health during talks by
speakers from Teenline or
Jigsaw. Second year students
and their tutors responded by
doing a sponsored walk in aid
of Jigsaw.
Parents and staff were invited
to a talk by Enda Murphy,
Cognitive Behaviour
Therapist. The good turnout
and enthusiastic response
resulted in the invitation to a
follow up talk later in the
Furthermore there was a
whole school trip to the
cinema in association with the
School Completion
Programme and Fingal
County Council and a non-
uniform/fancy dress day to
raise funds for facilities for
Hopefully the events of the
week and positive messages
will inspire students, staff and
parents into the midterm
break and beyond.
Parents Newsletter
St. Finians Community College October 2014

The Wonderful
World of

Class 1J led the way in our
efforts to encourage first
years to read more. Together
with their English teachers
they enjoyed a very
successful visit to Swords
library on Thursday 18th
October and had a special
guided tour by librarian Alan
They joined the library,
borrowed books and have
been encouraged in their
efforts to read more by their
English teachers Ms. Ann
Chadwick and Mr. Keith
Many parents are showing
their support by chatting to
their son or daughter about
the books they are reading.
Our plan is that by the end of
next term, all the first year
English classes will have
visited the library.
Please logon to for
more school news and updates. Follow
us on Twitter @StFiniansCC or download
our free App
Student Deans
The 5th and 6th year deans
have worked hard this term
and staff and parents have
commented on their
contribution to the school.
Well done to all participants in
the Rotary Youth Leadership
Competition - Tiernan
McMahon (5C), David Wright
(5B), Volodymyr Bunyak (6A),
Sarah O'Reilly (6A) and Laura
Quinn (6A).
A special congratulations to
Volodymyr, who was chosen to
represent St. Finians in the
next stage of the competition.
We wish him the very best of
luck in the next stage on
November 10th.

The 5th and 6th Year Deans
will be taking part in the
Concern 24 Hour Fast on the
27th November. Last year, they
raised over 800. Please
support this worthwhile cause.

Dates for your Diary

Tuesday 4
November 2014: English conversation classes begin for EAL parents who wish to
learn/improve English. From 9.30 10.45 A.M. Contact Ms.
Eileen Foley for details.
Tuesday 4
November 2014: Parents Council Meeting. All welcome!
Tuesday 11
November 2014: 6
Year Parent/Teacher meeting from 4 6.30 P.M. There will
be an information session from 3.30 4 P.M by the Career
Guidance teachers on applying for college places through the
CAO system.
Wednesday 3
December 2014: 3
Year Parent/Teacher meeting 4 6.30 P.M.
Parents Get

1st year parents and
guardians were welcomed
to the school by their sons
and daughters and by all
the staff on Wednesday 1st
After brief words of
welcome by 1st Year Head
Mr. Liam Sweeney, Home
School Liaison teacher Ms.
Eileen Foley and
Chairperson of the Parents
Council, Mr. Jim
Cunningham, the parents
mingled and chatted with
teachers over a cup of tea.
It was an opportunity to
put faces on names and to
talk about how the first
years have settled in.

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