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Sweis 1

Deanna Sweis
Dr. Wendy Sears
EDU 323
22 September 2014
Annotated Bibliography
Bottge B. A. !einri"hs #. #ehta $. D. %&eda E. !&ng '. ( Danne)er *. +2004,.
-ea"hing mathemati"al problem to middle s"hool st&dents in math
te"hnology ed&"ation and spe"ial ed&"ation "lassrooms. Research in Middle
Level Education Online, 27+1,. %etrie.ed /rom0
6n this 7o&rnal arti"le a st&dy "ompared two methods o/ tea"hing si5th8grade
math te"hnology ed&"ation and spe"ial ed&"ation "lassrooms. -he parti"ipants
were 19 st&dents with disabilities and 9: st&dents witho&t disabilities who were
ta&ght &sing either enhan"ed an"hored instr&"tion +EA6, or te5t8based instr&"tion
paired with applied problems +-B6,. 4&t"omes o/ this st&dy showed that both
EA6 and -B6 st&dents bene/ited /rom instr&"tion in their math "lass b&t EA6
st&dents were able to s&stain and &tili;e what they learned in the te"hnology
ed&"ation "lassroom se.eral wee)s later. 4.erall 6 thin) that it is important to
&tili;e te"hnology in "lassroom i/ it "an be pro.ided. 6n this st&dy the st&dents
bene/ited /rom the opport&nity to learn &sing the .ideo8based te"hnology in the
math "lassroom and the"ra/t pro7e"ts in the te"hnology ed&"ation
"lassrooms. St&dents with and witho&t disabilities "an both bene/it /rom the &se
o/ te"hnology in a "lassroom. -his also allows the st&dent to be"ome more
te"hni"ally sa..y whether a st&dent may ha.e e5"eptionalities or not.
B&sby %. 6ngram %. *. ( 3yons B. +2012,. -ea"hing elementary "hildren with
a&tism0 addressing tea"her "hallenges and preparation needs. Rural Educator
33+2, 2<83=. %etrie.ed /rom0 http011/iles.eri".ed.go.1/&llte5t1E*><9:1<.pd/

6n this arti"le it pro.ided tips and strategies that "an be &sed in tea"hing
elementary "hildren with a&tism. -ea"hers parti"ipated in a st&dy and the st&dy
re.ealed that i/ tea"hers ha.e longer training gro&ndwor) and e5perien"es and
are pro.ided the tools to /a"ilitate s&""ess they will begin to /eel more sel/8
ass&red to tea"h "hildren with a&tism and other disabilities. D&e to the pre.alen"e
o/ a&tism in today?s world 6 thin) that this arti"le is .ery important to implement
and /or tea"hers and spee"h pathologists to loo) into. A""ording to the arti"le it is
now more li)ely that most elementary ed&"ation grad&ates will tea"h st&dents
with a&tism and sho&ld be e@&ipped to "omprise them in general ed&"ation
Sweis 2
Aran"is B. 3. #"m&llen C. B. Bl&e8Banning #. ( !aines S. +2013,. 6n"reasing the
So"ial s)ills o/ a st&dent with a&tism thro&gh a litera"y8based beha.ioral
inter.ention. Intervention in School and Clinic 4>+2, 998<3.
doi0 10.1199110=34=12134>31:<
-his 7o&rnal arti"le tal)ed abo&t so"ial8s)ills instr&"tion. -his is .ery important
/or st&dents with disabilities in relation to their "ore a"ademi" s&b7e"ts. Be"a&se
st&dents with a&tism re@&ire a more;ed so"ial8s)ills instr&"tion to
e5perien"e a"hie.ement in general ed&"ation settings the s)ills and strategies o/
3itera"y8based beha.ioral 6nter.entions +3BB6s, is an e//e"ti.e tool that tea"hers
"an &se to in"rease "onstr&"ti.e so"ial8s)ills among their st&dents. -his arti"le
des"ribes 3BB6s pro.ides step8by8step instr&"tions /or "onstr&"ting and &tili;ing
an 3BB6 and des"ribes the bene/its o/ 3BB6s. Utili;ing an 3BB6 "an be a
positi.e e5perien"e /or tea"hers sin"e they ha.e a "han"e to design an
inter.ention plan with their st&dents. Additionally it is "ost8e//e"ti.e be"a&se the
time that is in.ested in "onstr&"ting an 3BB6 "an sa.e time "onstr&"ting another
3BB6. -hey "an be re&sed and modi/ied to /it an st&dent?s needs and
Delson 3. 2oole B. ( #&Eo; F. +2014,. 2res"hool tea"hersG per"eption and &se o/
hearing assisti.e te"hnology in ed&"ational settings. Language, Speech, Hearing,
and Learning Services in Schools 44 23>82=1.
doi0 10.1044101:1814:1+20131128003<,
6n this arti"le hearing assisti.e te"hnology was pro.ed to be an ad.antage to
ad.antageo&s to st&dents with hearing impairments in order to ens&re an optimal
en.ironment /or the st&dents to learn in. -he res&lts o/ this st&dy "ond&"ted /o&nd
that /or hearing assisted te"hnology the ma7ority o/ respondents belie.ed that
there are spee"h lang&age and a"ademi" bene/its /or pres"hool "hildren and
wo&ld re"ommend the &se o/ these systems in pres"hool "lassrooms. 6 wo&ld
de/initely &se hearing assisted te"hnology /or my st&dents or "lients with hearing
impairments. -his is pro.en to help st&dents /o"&s more &nderstand better and
helps them adapt to a s"hool en.ironment. -he &se o/ this te"hnology impro.ed
ease o/ "omm&ni"ation between the st&dent and tea"her was help/&l d&ring
spee"h instr&"tion and assessment it bene/i"ial to all st&dents in the "lassroom
and it red&"ed .o"al strain /or tea"hers.

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