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Extreme Fat Loss in a Month

© Spartan Power Fitness For Men


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Extreme Fat Loss in a Month


1. Introduction

2. Your Body Type

3. Fat Loss through Yoga Breathing 8

4. Acupressure and Yoga Postures 11

5. Proper Food Habits 12

6. Training 14

7. Exercise Descriptions 17

8. Sandbag Training 24

9. Rest and Supplementation 26

10 Final Words 29


Welcome to the Extreme Fat Loss in a Month program.

Unlike most programs, which show varied results with fat loss
enthusiasts, this program has great consistency in bringing up very good
results for all individuals.

Some fat loss programs are slow in bringing about appreciable results
while others show very quick results but the effects are not permanent.

Extreme Fat Loss program is based upon scientific principles and

methods, which work for all individuals, regardless age, sex, and type of
metabolism possessed by the body.

You will be pleasantly surprised that the practice of Yoga breathing

exercises and postures along with proper diet and freehand exercises
show dramatic results in days and weeks not in months.

All the positive changes induced by these fat loss methods will be
permanently effective. You will not tend to revert back to your old
unhealthy lifestyle because you will feel you’ve changed into a completely
new person, the way God and Nature intended you to be.

Go through the following sections of this book and try to apply them in
your daily life as much as possible.

It is not difficult or impossible to do so because they have been written

for the average person who does not have a sufficient time and money to
devote in preparing five or six meals in a day, or going to a gym and
working out for an hour or so.

You don’t have to hire a personal trainer or spend a lot of money on

weight loss pills, supplements or gadgets or even a home gym.

All we ask from you is to devote half an hour everyday in doing the
breathing exercises and follow a natural diet.
Your Body Type

To know how you will succeed in losing fat you first have to know about
your own body type. If you do not know where you stand in the
beginning losing or gaining weight will be impossible.

You must know how you may describe your body composition and what
may be suitable daily calorie intake for your fat loss or muscle mass gain
goals or even maintaining body weight.

There are many ways to find out under which body composition type you
fall and what will be the appropriate daily calorie intake for your goals.

The methods, which take your age, sex, height, activity level and lean
body mass (total body mass-total body fat) into account are deemed more
accurate than other methods which don’t take consider these factors.

Body Composition

An Ectomorph is an individual characterized with very slow progress in

muscle building or fat burning. He or she maintains weight steadily for
years and shows little or average response to dieting or bodybuilding.

Example would be marathon runners, very tall slender fashion models


An Endomorph on the other hand is direct opposite of Ectomorph.

This body type is characterized by soft round body, usually tall stature
and usually shows good response to muscle building or fat gain but
average to poor response when on a fat loss program.

Examples of this body type would be obese or overweight individuals.

A Mesomorph is an individual with muscular body usually maintaining

body weight within deal weight range.

This is the ideal type of body one may possess since such individuals
lose fat and gain muscle very quickly when put on respective type of
programs. Their genotype (genetic make up) allows them to be put on
varied diet and training programs and show good gains.

There can be obvious combinations of these type of bodies and one can
be either Ecto-Mesomorph or Meso-Endopmorph (i.e. 50% of either type).

As you can guess an Ecto-Mesopmorph would look like a lean

bodybuilder or a person within ideal weight range with good muscle mass
and definition and low body fat levels.

A Meso-Endomorph would be overweight or bordering on overweight and

usually has high body fat percentage in comparison to lean muscle mass
on his body.

An Ectomorph can be said to have fast metabolism since they are able to
shed away excess calories from food intake almost at will and have
trouble in gaining mass (lean muscle mass).

An Endomorph can be said to have slow metabolism due to their genetic

make up and they tend to store fat rapidly from food intake. Whenever
they eat more than their daily calorie requirements they tend to store fat
mass quickly.

A Mesomorph has moderate metabolism, as he or she is able to undergo

fat loss or muscle mass gain rapidly, depending upon his goals, as he
responds very well to both type of programs.

We have included the measures to calculate your body fat percentage

levels rather than your ideal weight range because the former is a more
accurate indicator of your current body composition. We always want to
achieve low body fat levels and high muscular mass with definition since
muscle mass is about eight times more active metabolically than fat

The more lean muscle mass is present in your body the more fat burning
will be triggered and maintained throughout the day primarily by raising
the resting metabolic rate of the body.

So, one should always aim at preserving or even increasing the lean
muscle mass on the body, consuming plenty of water to prevent
dehydration and focus on fat burning through exercise and proper eating

The same applies for those wanting to gain weight but the only difference
lies in their daily calorie intake. Please refer to Diet and Your goals
Next we will learn how to measure your body fat percentage level
accurately with the help of seamstresses tape at home. Or, you can
purchase a pair of Skin-fold caliper for about $20 and do this test.

Women will need to take the following measurements:

a. Wrist Measurement
b. Forearm Measurement
c. Waist Measurement (at navel)
d. Hip Measurement (at fullest point)
e. Total Body weight

Then, Calculate your body fat percentage using the following formula:

Body Fat Percentage for Women

Factor 1 (Total body weight x 0.732) + 8.987

Factor 2 Wrist measurement (at fullest point) / 3.140
Factor 3 Waist measurement (at naval) x 0.157
Factor 4 Hip measurement (at fullest point) x 0.249
Factor 5 Forearm measurement (at fullest point) x 0.434

Lean Body Mass= Factor 1 + Factor 2 - Factor 3 - Factor 4 + Factor 5

Body Fat Weight = Total bodyweight - Lean Body Mass

Body Fat Percentage = (Body Fat Weight /Total Bodyweight) * 100

Men will need to take the following measurements:

a. Total Body weight

b. Waist measurement

Body Fat Percentage For Men

Factor 1 (Total body weight x 1.082) + 94.42

Factor 2 Waist measurement x 4.15

Lean Body Mass = Factor 1 - Factor 2

Body Fat Weight=Total bodyweight - Lean Body Mass

Body Fat Percentage=(Body Fat Weight x 100) / total body weight

Obviously when your body fat percentage levels are high you do not need
to take in as many calories as a lean individual.

These guidelines below will help you determine whether you are lean,
average, overweight or obese type of individual.
General Body Fat Percentage Categories

Women (% fat) Men (% fat)

Essential Fat 10-12% 2-4%
Athletes 14-20% 6-13%
Fitness 21-24% 14-17%
Acceptable 25-31% 18-25%
Obese 32% plus 25%plus

Once you have determined your body type and your body fat percentage
then the next question, which comes to your mind, is how many calories
do I need to consume on a daily basis?

The following guidelines will help you to determine your daily calorie
needs and ideal calorie consumption for fat loss:

a. Take your body weight in pounds (lbs) and multiply by 11

For e.g. 200 lbs *11= 2200 calories

This is the amount of calories you need to consume per day just for
sustenance without considering your activity level.

To calculate your activity level the following chart will be useful:

Type of Metabolism Under 30 years 30-40 years old Over 40

years old
Slow 30% 25% 20%
Moderate 40% 35% 30%
Fast 50% 45% 40%

Suppose you are 30 years old having slow metabolism then you will need
25% more calories than the example given above for maintaining your
metabolism and activity levels.

E.g. 2200 * 25/100 = 550 calories

So, you need to consume 2200+550=2750 calories from your daily food
intake in order to maintain your current body weight.

In order to lose body fat levels in this example one should consume 500
calories less than this and to gain body weight one has to consume 500
calories more than this calculated value.

In order to maintain body weight one has to consume approximately 16

calories per pound of lean body weight (Body weight- weight of fat in
The proportion of macro nutrients such as essential fats, proteins and
carbohydrates should be in the ratio of 1:2:3. So, in the above example
one should consume: 458 calories from fat, 916 calories from proteins
and 1375 calories from carbohydrates.

Dieting plans should be focused on the long-term success, so stay away

from fad diets, gimmicks, equipment promoted through infomercials.
Just use your common sense, eat sensibly and don’t look for any quick

Fat loss is not the same as weight loss, since if you only lose weight on
the scales you will lose it in the form of water weight, muscular weight
and fat. Obviously, you will aim at losing maximum fat while preserving
your muscle mass.

If your aim is to lose fat then you must know that one pound of fat
equals 3500 calories. In other words, you have to expend 3500 calories
through sensible eating and exercise to get rid of one pound of fat from
your body.

If you aim at reducing two pounds of fat in a week then you are looking
at a deficit of 7000 calories, or simply stated 1000 calories a day.

You have to eat 500 calories less than the required amount, chiefly
cutting back on simple sugars, highly processed fats and oils, all types of
packaged food. The remaining 500 calories have to be burned through

When you are hungry you have to drink a glass of water first then try
eating a bowl of salad mixed nuts, edible seeds, figs etc.

If you tend to overeat due to emotional or psychological factors then you

may try the only safe and natural appetite suppressant Hoodia
Supplement. Do not overuse it or over depend on it, use your own will
power at first.

You have to improve your eating habits significantly if you want to lose
fat forever. If you switch to the above eating plan there is no way you will
remain out of shape.

Continue your workouts as normal during this phase and when you
reach your ideal weight you will experience a tremendous energy boost.

Nowadays dietitians recommend that one should consume 5-6 smaller

meals throughout the day to get maximum benefit out of our food and
not 2-3 meals.
These new guidelines, if followed, will help stabilize your blood sugar
levels, prevent the storage of fat and will help in feeding protein
constantly to your body.

Suppose it is not possible for you to eat 5-6 smaller meals in a day due
to hectic work schedule, then you can carry fruits, nuts, legumes, edibles
seeds of all variety to munch on them whenever time permits.

Do not eat food for emotional reasons. You will tend to consume too
much food of the wrong kind.

Protein is the macronutrient which is least likely to be stored as fat, and

if consumed in optimal amounts throughout the day then it will promote
muscle mass gain.

Never skip a meal and plan your meals in advance if you are working
through odd hours of the day.

Your diet will determine up to 70% of your gains whether your goal is to
lose fat or gain muscle mass. The rest of course depends on your
training, supplementation, rest cycles, etc.

Fat Loss through Yoga Breathing

Yoga implies breathing exercises, postures and meditation as a

wholesome way to exercise.

The following few breathing exercises are only a few ones from the vast
armory of Yoga but they are immensely beneficial and relatively simple to
understand and apply.

Best time for breathing exercise is before or during sunrise and sunset.
You must sit in a quiet place, with proper ventilation and sunlight.

After rising from bed you should have 2-3 glasses of water to prevent

When you have finished morning activities you can start with yoga
breathing exercises.
The names of these breathing exercises have been translated and
modified slightly so that people of western countries may find it easy to
understand and apply.

1. Deep breathing: Sit straight on a chair, with hands on your knees,

index finger and thumb of both hands forming a circle, palms
turned outward. Close your mouth and inhale deeply and slowly
through your nose, filling in the chest with fresh air.

Slowly exhale, expelling air from your lungs through your nostrils
in a relaxed manner.

Do this for 2-3 minutes, slowly, thinking of God's name.

This exercise is especially beneficial for respiratory diseases,
asthma, cough, cold and allergies.

2. Reverse Breathing: This is especially beneficial for most diseases of

the digestive tract, respiratory system, heart disease and obesity.

Sit in the same pose as above. Now exhale air slowly from the abdomen
and stomach altogether in one motion.

Your entire midsection (from upper abs to lower abs) should contract in
tandem and be concave-like while carrying out the exhalation. Do not let
the chest expand or contract.

Don’t allow any changes in facial expression or posture and hand

gestures. Do this continuously for 2-3 minutes in a slow, relaxed
manner, only exhaling consciously through your nose.

When you are a beginner you should only do this for 40-50 times at a
stretch. Then you can relax for a 30 seconds and resume the exercise. As
time progresses, increase practice time of reverse breathing to 5-6
minutes and then up to 10 minutes.

While doing this exercise you have to imagine that all negative energy,
free radicals, toxins, impurities and pathogens are leaving your body
with the continuous, repetitive movement.

In reality too, you will realize the amazing benefits of this exercise from
the first day itself.

It is an empirical observation that reverse breathing exercise alone will

bring about fat loss of at least half pound to one pound for every practice

** Caution:This breathing exercise should not be performed by expectant

After child birth a mother should wait for at least six months before
starting this particular breathing exercise.

Also be advised that patients suffering from high Blood Pressure and
heart ailments should do this exercise slowly or moderately.

Never use full force of exhalation.

3. Triple Point Exhalation exercise: This is an advanced breathing

exercise and should be performed only by intermediate and advanced
level students.

For this exercise, remain in the same posture as above, exhale the full
amount of air in your chest through nose and depress your core muscles
(from upper abs to lower abs) to the lowest extent possible.

Then, rest your chin on the chest, withhold inhalation and concentrate
the remaining breath of air on the lower abs (4cm below the navel), the
solar plexus region and the base of throat. This should be done only for
5-6 seconds at a stretch.

You may repeat for 5 times. During the winter months you may do this
exercise for 21 repetitions at a stretch.

** Caution: This exercise is also forbidden for expectant mothers. After

child birth a mother should wait for at least six months before starting
this particular breathing exercise.

It is also forbidden for patients suffering from heart disease and lung
disease and high blood pressure (hypertension).

4. Breathing In with Constriction and Sound: This exercise will correct

any disorder of the throat, thyroid and parathyroid gland. The posture
should be same as above. You have to draw in long, slow breath of fresh
air but this time there will be a self-induced constriction at the windpipe.

There should be long and subdued sound like ‘ohm’ emanating from your
vocal chords. The mouth should remain closed. The long, high-pitched
sound along with the incoming breath of air should be for 2 seconds. You
may repeat this whole cycle for three times and sometimes even up to
seven times.
Yoga stresses upon the commonly observed phenomenon that if one is
consuming as much food as earlier and still gaining weight (fat mass)
then it is plausible that the person has a problem of hypothyroidism and
preclinical diabetes (i.e insulin resistance).
5. Alternate Nostril Breathing: This breathing exercise will restore
hormonal balance in your body, also correct any and all psychological
and neurological disorder.

Sit in the same pose as above. First inhale a deep breath and fill in your
lungs. Then exhale slowly.

Put your right thumb on right nostril and right index finger on left nostril
and close them both. Raise you index finger slightly and exhale through
your left nostril, then inhale through the same one and exhale through
the right nostril by lifting the thumb, inhale through the same one and
exhale slowly thru the left nostril.

Continue repeating this cycle for 5-6 minutes in the beginning and for10-
15 minutes later on. While inhaling breath in deeply and fill your lungs
with fresh air. Exhale slowly, keeping your mouth closed, eyes shut,
backbone straight and rigid for all these exercises.

While doing these exercises you have to imagine that all the positive
energy of the cosmos was entering inside you and negative energy is
leaving your whole body.

You will actually find that all your physiological systems and especially
the immune system to improve greatly after one week.

6. Breathing In with Eyes and Ears Plugged : This exercise is specially

beneficial for eyes, ear, nose and throat problems.

You have to place your right thumb in right ear to

plug it fully, put your index on the forehead and rest three fingers should
form cupping over the closed right eye. Do the same for alternate side

Now, you have to inhale deeply while keeping your mouth shut and utter
the sound ‘OM’ in a prolonged manner. The sound of OM from your vocal
chords with the mouth closed and the long inhalation should be
synchronous. Fill in your lungs completely with long inhalation of fresh
air. Then slowly exhale the full breath of air through the nose. Repeat the
cycle for seven times.

This particular breathing exercise is excellent natural remedy for all

emotional and psychological disorders including stress, anxiety, tension,
depression, anger, hatred etc.

7. Breathing In while chanting OM: This exercise is also beneficial for

removing stress, anxiety, panic and other emotional disturbances. It
imparts clarity of thought, vision, better mood and calmness to the
Remain in the same posture as earlier.

Close your eyes and then while inhaling deeply you have to chant the
holy mantra OM in a slow, prolonged manner. Do this for seven times at
first and this can be increased to twenty one times at one sitting.

While doing this exercises you have to imagine that the Divine Spirit is
present before you and blessing you with all its power.

It is important for a Yoga student to believe in the existence and

acknowledge himself as a unique and gifted child of God and Nature.

Nature intended us to have a happy and healthy lifestyle; most of our

ailments like chronic degenerative diseases result from unnatural and
unhealthy lifestyle more than anything else.

All these breathing exercises have been carefully selected by Yoga

Masters of various reputed teaching centers in India. There are literally
millions and millions of practitioners in India who have immensely
benefited from practicing theses breathing exercises.

Do they pass the acid test? Yes, indeed. You can try it yourself. Go to
your doctor and have a complete physical check up. Take all readings of
blood pressure, body weight, thyroid level, blood sugar level, cholesterol
and triglyceride level in your blood.

After one week of practicing Yoga, you will feel great many changes

Then take all the readings again using the lab equipment under similar

You will find that all the readings have improved significantly. Very often,
the readings of all these parameters will drop 40%-50% of the earlier

A great majority of these Yoga practitioners have totally given up all

forms of medication for various diseases like the hypertension, diabetes,
renal failure, psychological disorders, hypo and hyper thyroid disorders,
diseases of the cardio vascular system and even Parkinson’s Disease and
Alzheimer’s disease which were considered beyond any cure by western

If it is not possible for you to practice them in the morning then do it in

the evening, four to five hours after having a meal. If you have had a light
snack then wait for an hour and a half before doing these exercises.
Remember, 70-80% of main benefits of Yoga practice will come from
Breathing exercises. The rest of the benefit comes from Yoga postures,
Acupressure and proper lifestyle.

Acupressure and Yogic Postures

After performing the breathing exercises you should take rest for 5-6

During this period you have to press on the reflexology point of thyroid
and parathyroid gland on your hand and feet.

Apply moderate pressure with your finger on the specific region and
exhale slowly while increasing the pressure.

Do this for 2-3 minutes on your hand and then on your feet for the same

If you have any other ailments, such as in the stomach, heart, lungs you
can press on the respective regions on the hands and feet for similar

Yoga teachers to advise patients who are suffering from thyroid disorder
give up fried and fatty food, abstain from smoking, alcohol and use sugar
and salt sparingly. These factors tend to aggravate the medical situation.

Remember, 70-80% of main benefits of Yoga practice will come from

Breathing exercises. The rest of the benefit comes from Yoga postures,
proper lifestyle, proper natural diet.

You can refer to ; for getting free

access to a reliable and interactive reflexology chart of both hand and

Two Yogic Postures namely: Sarvangasana and Halasana are specially

useful for getting rid of thyroid disorders, circulatory disorders and
obesity. They should always be performed after the breathing exercises
and on an empty stomach.

You may refer to site: for more detailed info on yogic


1. Lie flat on the back and spread out your arms and legs a feet apart
from your body. Breathing should be normal and relaxed and eyes
closed. This posture is called Shavasana or corpse posture.
2. Bring your feet together and hands by the side of the waist, palms
facing downwards. Raise your feet together without bending the knees
and bring them slowly over your head at an angle of 60 degree while

3. Inhale and then while exhaling raise your legs and torso at a
perpendicular angle to the neck with the support of hands on the waist.
Your neck will be tilted and head will rest on the floor with your vision
fixed towards your raised toes.

4. Go back to step 1 and rest for a minute. Repeat the same cycle three


1. Do the first step as above.

2. In the second step do the same as above but instead of raising your
feet together at an angle you will have place them together over and
beyond your head in a slow manner, while exhaling slowly.

Keep the hands placed on your waist for support. Stay in position for a
few seconds.

3. Slowly raise your feet together, without bending your knees and place
them back.

Rest for a minute and repeat the same cycle three times.

Food Habits for Overcoming Obesity

Whenever you eat food you should chew it very slowly and masticate it
fully in your mouth. This will ease the process of digestion and remove
any complaint regarding constipation.

You must shun the following types of foods: Cold drinks, any kind of
junk food (fast food) items, red meat, confectionery items, white sugar,
white bread, commercial fruit juices, commercially available soy
products, vegetable oils for cooking and salad dressing, high fructose
corn syrup, coffee, alcohol, tobacco, packaged meals etc.

You should Eat:

1. All fresh fruits and vegetables and their juices (should make up 40-
50% of your diet)
2. Range fed chicken and duck eggs.

3. Unprocessed butter, dairy cream, clarified butter, extra virgin Olive oil
for cooking, salad dressing.

4. Fish and Fish oil capsules such as cod liver oil, shark Liver oil
capsules, omega three and six fatty acid capsules for Vit.D, Vit.A content
and for reducing inflammation within our body.

5. All kinds on nuts, figs, dates, edible seeds, legumes as they are rich in
vitamins, minerals, essential fats.

6. Raw honey, whole milk, dairy cream, butter, molasses or clarified


7. Whole wheat bread and whole grain cereals, wild oats, brown rice.

If you are going to eat meat such as turkey, duck, chicken at your home
then make sure they have been reared naturally.

They must be kept in their natural surroundings and fed on their natural
foods. In other words, your food intake should be as much fresh, natural
and organic as possible.

Your protein requirement can be met fully from organic whole milk and
other dairy products and it is not strictly necessary for you to consume
meat of cattle and birds.

The consumption of meat often leads to constipation since the meat is

very often only partly digested and stays in our colon for a long time.
Thus it becomes a breeding ground for parasitic microorganisms and
they in turn produce many toxins and free radicals in our body.

The fiber content in meat is not considered to be dietary fiber, only fruits,
vegetables and whole grains can supply this kind of fiber content for the
healthy movement of the bowels.

It is suggested by modern researchers that you should have at least two

healthy bowel movements in a day to get rid of the undigested fecal
matter and parasitic microorganisms.

To get rid off the pathogenic organisms present in your body you may at
first try to clear out your colon with natural laxatives like Psylium husk.

It is commonly available in pharmacy stores and you can be assured of

their safety if they are a produce of a reputed brand.

Do not overdo this method of colon cleansing since there is a danger of

your body being dependent on these laxatives.
You may use them only in the beginning of your detoxification program..
The chief cause of constipation is that our colon is not able to exert
enough movement and force for expelling the fecal matter.

Being dependant on laxatives (even natural ones) will worsen the

situation in the long term.

You have to consume a gallon of spring water everyday and take at least
30 gm of dietary fiber in your diet.

Your bowel movements will be regularized by the aid of reverse breathing


Increase the time period for this exercise from ten minutes to fifteen
minutes if you feel that the results are showing up too slow.

Recent scientific research has shown us that more and more fat
deposition in our body may be the result of invasion by pathogenic
worms in our colon, stomach and liver.

These parasitic worm feed upon the fat and protein content in our body
and thus they signal our brain to produce more and more fat storing
hormones in our body.

These parasitic organisms chiefly come from animal fats and proteins
like poorly cooked fish, pork, beef etc. So you have to be careful about
the source of your food. Wash your fruits and vegetables thoroughly
before eating.

Proper practice of reverse breathing gets rid of 70-80% of germs, toxins

and free radicals from your body and aids in digestion.

All this is good news for you, but what will you do for the remaining
traces of pathogenic worms?

For killing the larvae and eggs of pathogenic micro organisms present in
your digestive system you may try eating a small (10gm) peeled and
slightly crushed piece of turmeric rhizome mixed well with a tbsp of
molasses. This herbal remedy has great worm killing property.

If hyperacidity is produced in your stomach it will go away after a while.

If it persists longer and you feel very uncomfortable then you may
consume 1tsp of pure baking soda (Sodium BiCarbonate) dissolved in
suitable quantity of maple syrup or molasses.
If you want to have a complete guide on Fat loss through Liver and Colon
Detoxification then I would suggest the popular Ebook Top Secret Fat
Loss Secretby Dr.Suzane Gudakunst.

Here you will find the safest and best method of liver and colon
detoxification with natural remedies. All the required dosage, frequency
of use and safety precautions is given for you. This Ebook mainly
concentrates upon Fat Loss through Detoxification

Other great guide books are: Master Cleanse Diet Secrets by well known
author Raylen Sterling and The Acid Alkaline Diet Simplified.

The acid base balance of our blood pH is also a factor in causing obesity
and a host of other diseases. The more acidic our blood pH is the more
will be tendency of the red blood cells to clump together. Thus their
capacity to transport oxygen is seriously affected. When our tissues and
organs are deprived of oxygen supply they are likely to develop diseases
or even become cancerous.

It is a fact that cancer cells are anaerobic (without oxygen) cells and they
cannot survive in an oxygen rich, alkaline medium.

However, our focus should be to restore Acid Base pH balance of the

blood and not to make it more alkaline than required.

You can try juice fasting every fifteen days, only consuming fresh fruit
and vegetable juices and water for a selected day.

This will give your digestive system a much-needed rest and it will be
able to detoxify itself. I cannot stress this enough but you have drink at
least a gallon of water everyday to properly hydrate yourself.


Physical exercise is a necessary part of this program since bodyweight

exercises burn fat like crazy and build functional muscle at the same

Your endurance, flexibility, functional strength, lean muscle mass and

body fat levels will improve drastically through body weight exercises if
you are willing to devote 45 minutes time for three days in a week.

In the beginning you may have to do exercise at a moderate pace for 45

minutes but later you will condense you workouts by using very intense
exercise sessions for 20 minutes.
Your yoga breathing exercises will continue everyday but the free hand
exercises will be on three non-consecutive days like Monday, Wednesday
and Friday. Saturday and Sunday will be off days.

Or you can go for brisk walk for the same time period on these two days.

1. You will need a good pair of running shoes, if running is your choice
for aerobic part of this workout, or a jumping rope or a bicycle if you
prefer cycling for the same.

2. You will also need a chin up bar for doing pull up exercises for your

During the evening your fitness and flexibility peaks.

Have a pre-workout nutrition with about 50 gm of germinated seeds of
Bengal Gram with along with small pieces of fresh ginger.

Then drink the water in which the seeds have been germinated and a
little more water to avoid dehydration.

If the above ingredients are not available, then you can make a pre
workout shake out of 15-20 gm of quality whey protein powder in 6 oz.
Of berry juice (e.g. Blackberry, blueberry etc.)

If the juice is freshly squeezed then it is even better for you. Now you are
ready for a workout.

Begin your workouts with 3-4 minutes of rope skipping at a moderate

pace, or start running, or cycling whatever may be your choice for
aerobic activity.

Follow this by stretching exercises for the whole body. Rotation and
lateral raises
should exercise the neck and shoulders after this activity.

Then start doing push ups for 2 minutes. Kneeling push-ups will be
easier for you in the beginning.

Then do two minutes of aerobic activity of your choice.

Then do pull ups on the bar for a set of 10 repetitions (gradually increase
sets after a few sessions)

Then do two minutes of aerobic activity of your choice

Then do two minutes of bodyweight squats

Then do two minutes of aerobic activity of your choice

Then do calf raises and jumping lunges for two minutes

Then do two minutes of aerobic activity of your choice

Next do abdominal crunches for 12 reps and back leg raises one by one
while laying flat on your chest

Then do two minutes of aerobic activity of your choice.

Next do chin ups and pull-ups and triceps extension (French presses) on
the chin bar for ten reps each.
Start with only five if you find it difficult in the beginning.

Then do two minutes of aerobic activity of your choice

Next do wrist, finger, forearm rotation and stretching and slowly

contracting the forearm muscles to max limit while walking around in
the park.

Finish up with light jogging around the park or walking briskly.

Keep this workout to a limit of around three quarter of an hour and you
will be pleasantly surprised with the results if you keep it up for three
non-consecutive days in a week.

On the rest days you can do brisk walking for 15 minutes for boosting up
the fat burning effect.

Why 45 minutes only? Because sports scientists have discovered that the
release of body’s natural anabolic hormones peaks after 15-20 minutes
of exercise and slowly diminishes after 45 minutes.

The importance and role growth hormones like testosterone for triggering
muscle growth and burning fat cannot be overemphasized.

Immediately after the workout you must have a post workout shake,
which should include 1 tbsp serving of whey protein and 2tbsp servings
of molasses in spring water.

This equals to about 25gm of protein and 66 gm of carbohydrates along

with 0.5 gm of fat.

Apart from giving your muscles much needed nutrition to your muscles
and also aids in fat burning.

You may ask, how so? This is because if you take in proteins without
added fats your body will release stored fats and oxidize them internally
to absorb the proteins, thus aiding in fat loss.
In the beginning you will also be faced with muscle soreness, cramps etc
but it will soon fade away with good nutrition. If it still persists then you
can try massaging your limbs thoroughly with a sponge dipped in warm
water. You should apply the sponge on sore muscles and joints for a
minute or so before moving on to other body parts, which may be sore.

After sponging, for half an hour you should not expose yourself to cold
air and to avoid this you must be fully clothed for at least for the same
duration and don’t expose yourself either to AC or fan.

I have found this to be an excellent remedy for sore and tight muscles.
You should also try massage at the hand of an expert masseur once in a
week or a fortnight for relaxing and stretching tight muscles.

This gives you renewed strength for continued rigorous workouts.

Remember always that elastic muscles are the strongest muscles,
capable of the greatest exertion. Very tight and bulging muscles always
do not mean greater strength.

Often this is the case, since if you challenge a bodybuilder to do rope

climbing exercise run through an obstacle course he or she will most
likely fail at this kind of task.

This is because in their quest to build bigger and bigger muscles they
have sacrificed functional aspect of their training.

Once the above kind of workout becomes easy for you, you can progress
to substitute the exercises with incline push ups, V sit ups or N type sit
ups for crunches, jumping jacks for aerobic activity, Burpees for whole
body conditioning and mountain climbers for lower body exercise.

For leg exercises you can try crab walking, monkey jumps, squat jumps,
jumping knees, bear walk and Kangaroo jumps. These are very
challenging and fun ways to stimulate your workouts.

One can try to condense the workouts by working out more intensely
during a period of not more than 15-20 minutes, eliminating rests and
replacing aerobic activity with whole body conditioning exercises.

You will find demos and pictures of these exercises online on You Tube,
Metacafe etc.

Bonomo Bridge - Do this exercise while laying on your back on the floor.
Extend your arms over head, bend your elbows for support and slowly
raise your whole body up to the knees. Bend your knees and keep feet on
the ground firmly.

Contract your entire body and hold it for ten seconds while you press
your hands on the floor, fingers pointing to shoulders. Do this exercise 2-
3 times per week with a days rest in between the exercises.
You can finish off with flexing and stretching exercises.

Hindu Bridge – Do this exercise from standing position by extending

your arms above your head and then slowly arching backwards until you
touch the floor with your forehead. Entire upper body weight should rest
upon your forehead and the palms and feet rested upon the floor provide
support. Do both varieties of bridges for complete development. This
exercise gets rid of back and shoulder pains for good.

Do it with caution and it is advised that you first check with your doctor
if you have bad neck, shoulder or back problems.

Hindu Squats- For doing these squats you have go down below the
parallel level almost touching your heels. Do this for 1-2 minutes
continuously for a great workout raise your arms in front as you get up.
For regular squats keep the depth parallel to the ground and the rest is

Jumping Squats – Put your hands on your hips, squat to a position of

parallel depth and then jump into the air using your toes. Land softly
and repeat until tired.

Squat Thrust- (Mountain Jumpers) Get into a classic push up position,

bring both your knees together up to the chest in a jerking motion and
then again thrust both your feet together backwards. Repeat this motion
fast and continuously until slightly tired.

Alternate Squat Thrusts – (Mountain Climbers) Do the same as above

but this time raise one knee to the chest at a time and thrust it
backwards. Do this continuously for both legs, at a fast pace, until
slightly tired.

Lunges – From a standing position, step forward quickly as far as

possible by bending your knee and then do it with the other leg. Repeat
with alternative leg until tired. To make it harder do jumping lunges i.e.
you jump forward instead of just stepping.

Burpees - There are two types of Burpees one with push-ups and one
without them. Start in a same position as above, then thrust your legs
back together, bring your knees close to your chest and then finally jump
in the air with your arms over head. To make it varied you can do a push
up when you thrust your legs backward.

Bear Walk- Start on all fours, rear end high in the air. Now start with
walking on all fours by moving your hands and feet, as a bear would do.
The tough part is that moving slowly makes this exercise harder while
going faster causes you to primarily use your feet and run thereby
neglecting your arm workout. So don’t move too quickly. The Bear Walk
is a deceptively simple but highly effective workout, which you will fall in
love with. Do it for 20-50 yards and you will be convinced of its benefits.

In order to make this exercise harder, you can try doing it with hand
weights and gradually move on to hand weights along with a weighted
vest. Start with doing 20 yards of Bear Crawl and then increase distance
gradually to 50 yards.

The Ultimate Gymless Workout is a great exercise program developed by

the renowned fitness Coach Eddie Lomax. The Book is highly scientific
and systematic in its approach. It has plenty of workouts, the best body
weight exercises and exercise demos with progressive training routines
for the beginner, intermediate and advanced level.

Sandbag Training

If you have already trained hard with body weight exercises then you
have already been convinced of their utility in building up lean muscle
and burning fat.

However, if you want a new and different method of exercising then I

would suggest sandbag training.

It has additional benefits in terms quick build up of power, burning away

body fat like a blowtorch and increased cardio-respiratory fitness.

You will especially like it if you want to combine aerobic and muscular
workouts in one fun-filled quick session of about half an hour.

Sandbags are very versatile training equipments as they are bulky and
the weight shifts from one side to another. This is useful because real
strength is built from lifting heavy objects, which are not fully balanced.
This happens in real life scenario too where you have to lift or carry
objects which are unbalanced and bulky.

You can make a sandbag kit from inexpensive material like gunny bags,
or buy one from the local sports store and fill it with sand, gravel etc.
Then you can proceed to perform exercises such as squats, lunges,
deadlifts, rows, overhead presses, shoulder presses with your newly
found training aid.

Also, with a heavy sandbag on one shoulder, your trunk, or core, has to
work extra hard to keep your upper body straight while you performed
the squat movement.

Getting your heart into target heart beat zone is also easily achievable
with sandbag training. What should be your target heart rate? There is
an easy way to find this out.

Subtract your age from the sum 220, this will be your target heart rate
for the whole period of exercise. Suppose 32 is your age, then 220-

If you do a few shoulder presses you will reach there and will want to
stay there.

Most people think that doing resistance exercises builds muscle and
doing cardio burns fat, but did you know that resistance type of exercises
burn 53% more fat after the exercise session than even cardio?

It is a fact, which is under utilized or even unknown to most trainers.

In contrast to roadwork or running on a machine, doing sandbag

exercises promotes more blood circulation throughout the body as the
legs, hips, core, back, shoulders, are working in tandem to lift the object.

Sandbag training is great for inducing the participant into some loaded
mobility exercise, which is crucial for the development of dynamic
flexibility, through the use of classic hurdle mobility drills or a mixture of
other dynamic joint mobility programs.

Your whole body now functions as a unit and in doing so it will burn
more fat in less time. Even better, you will continue to burn fat all
through the day, long after your workout is finished. These workouts will
last only up to half an hour and if you can do them three times a week
you will find yourself in fantastic shape in a matter of weeks.

The Caveman's Guide to Fitness is an authoritative and complete

sandbag training book, written by renowned author Dave Soucy.

It is worth a look if you want to have a good variety of progressive

sandbag workouts. You can do these workouts for month after month
without getting bored or body being less responsive in terms of calories
Rest and Supplementation for Fat Loss

Spartan warriors of ancient times certainly did not need supplements,

certainly not at a scale at which modern athletes do because they did not
live on processed foods.

They consumed spring water (full of minerals), plenty of cheese, raw

honey, whole wheat breads, fruits and vegetables which were grown
totally organically from naturally occurring seeds. Their diet was
enriched with variety of nuts and healthy fats from oily fish, butter and
olive oil. These dietary practices along with physical exercises helped
them to live long healthy lives.

Modern man faces a totally different scenario. Nowadays farmers use

hybrid seeds, which produce more yields per bushel and are disease
resistant and grow more quickly.

Though, they possess these advantages these hybrid seeds lack in

nutritional content significantly in comparison to naturally occurring
seeds of the same crops. In modern farming practice nothing is done to
enrich the quality of the soil, which is required to possess necessary
minerals and nutrients for the crops, which grow on them. Since plants
cannot produce any of the minerals by themselves they must have them
from the soil itself and when soil is deficient in required minerals then
plants have to grow without their aid.

Modern farmers routinely buy chemical fertilizers, pesticides and

insecticides, which contain only synthetic growing aids for the crops.
These nutrient deficient crops are harvested before their full maturity
and send to cold storage, which again depletes their nutritional content.
Then, the processing of foods begins through various synthetic
processes, which further takes away the vital nutrients. For instance, it
may be cited that the processing of whole-wheat flour to white bread
takes away 23 of the vital nutrients.

Our food industry then puts back few of these nutrients and labels them
‘enriched’. Consider these following facts:

1. Meat processing removes up to 50-70% of the Vit B6 content in the


2. The germ in the wheat flour contains 80% of the flour’s magnesium,
which is removed in the process of making white bread.

3. Fresh salads will lose up to 40-50% of their content if they are left
aside for three hours.
4. Meat storage and processing removes most of the Vit. B content.

Added to these factors, freezing of foods, delay in preparing fresh foods

and overcooking destroys the vital nutrients in the food we consume.

In third world countries, it is sorry to note that food and spices are often
adulterated with low quality substitutes and the perpetrators get away
with it.

In all countries there is an obsession with fast food, which implies fried
foods, which have little or no nutritional content.

They simply fill our stomach with empty calories. Our bodies recognize
this and want more of food to satisfy the need for nutrients. This leads to
overeating, drinking beyond moderation etc.

The bad news continues even further. Suppose you need to have
nutrients in an optimal level to prevent chronic degenerative diseases
(like arthritis, macular degeneration, heart disease, emphysema, or
Neuro degenerative ailments) then you will have to consume gigantic
amounts of food everyday for getting those nutrients in optimal amounts.

Obviously one cannot have such a varied list of necessary vitamins and
minerals, essential fats and fiber from diet alone, therefore you must look
for good supplements from a reputed manufacturing company listing
most of these ingredients on the label.

Make sure the supplement pills containing vitamins and minerals

dissolve in water quickly and they should be extracted in optimal
quantities from natural sources otherwise your body will not absorb
them effectively, often it does not even recognize the synthetically
formulated supplements as nutrients which are essential for the body if
they are not extracted from natural sources and thus will reject them.

If you are senior citizen or someone already suffering from any of the
chronic degenerative diseases mentioned above then you can seek out
quality nutritional supplements from Herbalife or Amway.

They offer high quality supplements in the form of vitamins, minerals

and natural herb extracts, which meet the criterion discussed above. (I
am not their affiliate or independent distributor. I have used them myself
and found them to be a very useful aid.)

Caution: Do not neglect to do your Yoga breathing exercises, even for a

day. Almost 90% of your health gains will come from your own effort and
supplements cannot do much for you if you have poor diet and lifestyle.
After doing yoga breathing for some time, you may not need any more
supplements in the long term.
Fat Loss Enthusiasts

Those who are seeking to build muscle or lose fat should also pay
attention to these guidelines because it is often seen that while trying to
accomplish these goals they need some basic supplements before and
after their training session.

We only recommend the following basic supplements for daily use:

1. Whey Protein (aids in fat loss and muscle building)

2. Fish Oil Capsules containing both omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids
3. Multi Vitamin Capsules
4. Creatine Monohydrate
5. Multi Mineral supplementation

*** Caution: You must see your physician before beginning any program
of weight loss, exercise and supplementation since only the qualified
health professional can evaluate your current state of physique and give
you proper advice based upon your evaluation.

Creatine, Whey protein and fish oil capsules are safe for most people but
it is better to ask your doctor about the dosage and frequency of use.

Another word of caution, 95% or more of your benefits will come from
your diet, training and rest cycles. The rest 5% or less may come from
supplements. Any supplement will only become useful when you have
everything else in place.

Never believe in the mainstream and misguiding propaganda that your

dream body lies in this pill, supplements, or meal replacement powder or
gadget. They are purposely designed to dupe gullible public.

Interestingly for us, we can make our own supplements at home.

Yes, such a thing is possible.

Your home made supplements can be even more effective than expensive
brand name supplements and they can be made with basic ingredients
like whey protein and added with basic and economical chemical and
biological additives to make them tailor-made for you.

HomeMade Supplements is an economical guide, which will teach you

just how to do it and save lots of money in the process.

Final Words
I would like to thank you all for giving me an opportunity to share the
vast knowledge and expertise of Yoga teachers in India.

The methods of Yoga given in this book are practical, safe, natural and
extremely effective for bringing about desired fat loss.

However, I do want you to read all the sections carefully and write back
to me for anything you don’t follow. I will try to clarify to the best of my

A word of caution for you: before beginning any program of physical

exercise or dieting you should first consult your doctor and dietitian so
that you do not suffer any adverse consequences.

The methods and techniques of weight loss will be effective at their best
when you utilize them as a holistic, integrated program and do not split
them by their parts to suit you.

I wish you the very best of luck in your quest for fat loss as I have full
faith and confidence in your ability and motivation to carry out the

Spartan Power Fitness

SpartanPowerBlog will give you many more quick weight loss tips and
workouts in the Email Newsletter. You may visit and sign up for it.

P.S. We realize that we have recommended a variety of programs and

Ebooks to meet your varied needs but you may actually need one good
guide which will cover all the factors necessary for lasting fat loss.

Fat Burning Furnace is the most popular fat loss program online
because it so easy to follow and yet highly effective in producing results.
The author Rob Poulos had spent years in searching for high quality,
reliable information which could be practically applied by any busy
person in a short time and still have fabulous results. Simplicity and
practicality are the keynotes of this program.

Combat the Fat is tougher to follow but it is more scientific and

comprehensive in its approach. It addresses all the eight inter related fat
loss factors at once and gives a sound game plan to achieve success in
all of them. It is in fact so well written and explained to viewer that it is
not possible to offer any constructive criticism!

Turbulence Training relies heavily upon body weight exercise, dumbbell

exercise and a natural diet to show the results. There is less emphasis
upon motivation, liver and colon cleansing, restoring hormonal balance
of the body.

You may try any of these programs for having complete step-by-step
fat loss strategy along with a nutrition guide and workout guide.

This Yoga breathing methods in this Ebook will serve as a supplement

and help you burn even more fat when used in addition with any one of
workout plans.

You will find many more free tips and full-length articles on fat loss
at SpartanPowerBlog. Do visit us and write back to us with your
comments on this Ebook.

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