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DangerDaves Dragon Blood

My name is David C. Land (dangerdave). I am a firefighter from southern Ohio who started
making wine in August 20. Like most of you! I "egan s#ow#y! "ut was soon "itten "y the wine
"ug and started making many kits in my s$are time. After gaining this va#ua"#e e%$erien&e and
understanding of the wine making $ro&ess! I ventured out on my own. My very first homemade
re&i$e was Lon De'o$$e(s origina# )keeter 'ee. I was ama*ed that anyone &ou#d make a good
&hea$ wine so +ui&k#y. After varying degrees of su&&ess! I went a"out modifying Lon(s re&i$e
into a $ro&ess that ref#e&ted "oth my own desires for my wines! and the $ro&esses I had &ome to
understand. ,ere! I wi## im$art the re&i$e I deve#o$ed that has "e&ome $o$u#ar among a diverse
grou$ of wine makers. It is s$e&ifi&a##y designed to make good wine &hea$#y and +ui&k#y whi#e
waiting for your kits to age. -here are no se&rets in wine making. .ou! my fe##ow wine makers!
are more than we#&ome to use or modify this re&i$es or $ro&ess for your own wine making
$#easure. /n0oy1
The recipe is formatted for a six (6) gallon batch. To make a larger or smaller batch, simply do
the math. Doubling the batch to twelve gallons would reuire twice the listed ingredients,
while making a three gallon batch would only take half.
!"#D T$!%&'$ T$"(" (T")( *%+),"T",- ."/%!" ."'01101', T% +#2"
(&!" -%& $#3" "3"!-T$01' -%& 1""D T% /010($ -%&! 401".
#lways make sure anything that touches your wine is both cleaned and saniti5ed, and record
everything you do6
-his is a sweet2tart fruity 3"#ush4 wine made from ras$"erries! "#a&k"erries! and "#ue"erries with
a #emon twist (if desired). It ferments +ui&k#y and &#ears fast. 5at&hes of this wine have "een
&#eared and "ott#ed in #ess than two weeks (your e%$erien&e may vary).
6 )$e&ia# notes! in&#uding &autions and variations a$$ear in italics.
Step 1: To a cleaned and sanitized seven gallon (or larger) primary, add---in this order:
"ott#e (78 o* ea&h) 009 Lemon :ui&e (;eaLemon in the green "ott#e)< More or less lemon
juice can be added to your taste, (i.e., if you want to reduce the acid level use less lemon
juice). The acid added here will help balance the final wine. Substitutes include any other
kind of citrus juice (orange, lime, etc.), or use no citrus at all for a very soft, supple blush.
=ater to a"out four ga##ons
20 &u$s of white granu#ated sugar (you wi## "e #ooking for a )> of around .0?@ after fi##ing to A
ga##ons "e#ow. -his wi## give you a finished a#&oho# "y vo#ume of a"out 0929)< dd
more!less sugar for high!lower desired final "#. Stir sugar until completely dissolved.
ts$. tannin (stir)
B ts$. yeast nutrient (stir)
ts$. yeast energi*er (stir)
B ts$. $e&ti& en*yme (stir)
-o$ water to si% (A) ga##ons6 and stir we##
-est )> with hydrometer (remem"er! you are #ooking for a )> around .0?@) $ote% The natural
sugars from the fruit (below) will slightly increase the final "#, so be careful how high you
drive up the S& at this point'
A #"s. of -ri$#e 5erry 5#end (ras$"erryC"#a&k"erryC"#ue"erry22avai#a"#e in most gro&ery store
free*er se&tions)! fro*en then thawed! in a fine mesh ny#on "ag (tied shut)! $#a&ed in $rimary
(add any e%tra 0ui&e from the fruit as we##)< &ive the bag a couple of s(uee)es to work in
pectic en)yme. *ou may also toss the fruit directly into primary, but this makes for a
+messier+ fermentation and subse(uently will re(uire more clearing time and further
racking. ,o)ens of variations on this recipe have been created by simply substituting
different or combinations of different fruit.
Cover $rimary< ,o not snap down the lid or add an airlock. -over the lid with a cloth or towel.
'#a&e "rew "e#t (if desired)< .eep temp in /012031 range. higher temp will result in a faster
fermentation, and a sharper tasting, more colorful wine. lower temp will produce a paler
blush with more fruity aroma and a smoother taste.
Let sit undistur"ed for 2227 hours...
Step 2: To the primary fermenter, add:
$a&ket of /C28 .east (fo##ow yeast manufa&turerDs dire&tions)< Sprinkle yeast into one cup
of warm water (4331), let sit for 45 minutes (no longer), stir and add to primary. 6ther yeast
strains also work well. 78periment'
)tir 'rimary Eigorous#y1
Step 3: Each day, do the folloing, in this order:
Fn&over $rimary
Che&k and re&ord tem$erature
Che&k and re&ord s$e&ifi& gravity
)+uee*e 0ui&es from fruit $a&k into fermenter and remove fruit $a&k (-he 'resser Method)<
Temporarily place in saniti)ed bucket or bowl.
)tir $rimary vigorous#y< To introduce o8ygen into must, suspend the yeast, and drive off -69..
;e$#a&e fruit $a&k in $rimary
Cover $rimary
Step !: "hen the S# drops to $1%&&&, do the folloing:
)+uee*e 0ui&es from fruit $a&k into fermenter222remove fruit $a&k< Dis&ard fruit.
Gote< :hen the specific gravity (S&) has fallen below 4.333, and the fruit bag has been
removed, discontinue stirring daily but check the S& and temp daily as before. ;roceed from
here only when the wine<s S& has stabili)ed below 4.333. stable S& means that the S& for
three consecutive days reveals no change in the S&.
Fn&over $rimary
;a&k (si$hon or drain) the wine into a &#eaned and saniti*ed si% ga##on &ar"oy! #eaving the gross
#ees (the stuff in the "ottom of the $rimary) undistur"ed.
Add C7 ts$. 'otassium Meta"isu#fite (disso#ved in ha#f &u$ &oo# water) and stir
Add B ts$. 'otassium )or"ate (disso#ved in ha#f &u$ &oo# water) and stir
Degas wine very thorough#y< = cannot emphasi)e this enough' &as in the wine will prevent it
from clearing (uickly.
Add )$arko##oid6 (or other &#earing agent) $er $a&kage dire&tions (stir for 2 minutes)< 64 tbs in
one cup of water simmered (boiled) for about 5243 minutes. dd hot mi8ture directly to
carboy and stir.
If the &ar"oy is not fu##! add enough &oo# water to "ring the #eve# within two in&hes of the to$
o$ening< dding a like wine rather than water is preferred. cheap white )infandel will
work well.
Add a "ung and air#o&k (fi##ed ha#f way with su#fite so#ution)
A##ow to &#ear undistur"ed for no #ess than week
Step ': "hen ine is clear:
Carefu##y ra&k off one ga##on of wine into a &#eaned and saniti*ed &ontainer! and set aside.
Carefu##y ra&k the remainder of the wine off of the #ees into a &#eaned H saniti*ed si% ga##on
Add 22A &u$s of white granu#ated sugar (stir unti# sugar is &om$#ete#y disso#ved)< This is where
your personal taste comes in. ,ifferent people like different levels of sweetness in their wine.
My ," is made with > of a cup of sugar per gallon. ?emember' The sugars will blend with
the lemon and berry flavors over time, and the sweetness will come forward. ,o not over2
If &ar"oy is not fu##! to$ u$ within two in&hes of to$ of &ar"oy o$ening with some of the s$are
ga##on of wine
;e$#a&e "ung and air#o&k
A##ow wine to sit +uiet#y for another week.
Step (: )f the ine is completely clear:
Ii#ter if desired
5ott#e in &#ear "ott#es ("e&ause it(s "eautifu#)
Gote< $ever bottle cloudy wine' $7#7?'
/n0oy1 This wine is great right from the start' =t will, however, improve over time in the bottle.
The first few weeks brings a noticeable improvement as the flavors blend and meld, while
months will make it smooth and delightful. "e warned, though, it will go (uickly. So, get
some more going, fast'
S* +,-. /,0),T)*-S1
Any kind of fruit you &an imagine may "e su"stituted for the tri$#e "erries in the a"ove re&i$e.
Fse the e%a&t same $ro&edure! 0ust use different fruit in the "ag. I $ersona##y have made
"#ue"erry! "#a&k"erry! straw"erry! ras$"erry! and a de#ightfu# tro$i&a# "#end using
$inea$$#eCmangoC$ea&hCstraw"erry. Other wine makers have had su&&ess with a +uad2"erry
"#end ("#ue"erryC"#a&k"erryCras$"erryCstraw"erry)! a tro$i&a# "#end using $inea$$#e 0ui&e instead
of #emon! and even &herry2#ime (with #ime 0ui&e). Iruit $urees and fruit wine "ases a"ound on the
market. -ry oak andCor raisins in the $rimary or se&ondary. -he #ist of $ossi"i#ities is end#ess.
Fse your imagination. 'i&k your favorite fruit! and make a Dragon 5#ood version of your own.
-ry raisins! s$i&es! oak! or e%tra&ts. >ive it a &at&hy name! and make this re&i$e yours1
, -*TE *- T2E 3)!"(("! +"T$%D4
I deve#o$ed this method of wine making sim$#y out of ne&essity. My desire was to make &ountry
fruit wine! "ut I #a&ked good avai#a"#e 0ui&e! and I do not own a $ress. -he so#ution was to add
the fruit to the $rimary in a "ag of some sort. I use fine mesh ny#on "ags so#d "y most wine
su$$#y vendors. A &hea$er dis$osa"#e su"stitute is knee2high #adyDs ny#on sto&kings. =hi#e the
fruit is in the $rimary222in the "ag222sim$#y s+uee*e the "ag ea&h day and stir the 0ui&es into the
must! re$#a&ing the "ag afterwards. Geed#ess to say! make sure your hands are &#ean when doing
this. =hen the wine is dry! remove the "ag and dis&ard the fruit. -his method s#ow#y introdu&es
the 0ui&e into the must during fermentation rather than a## at the "eginning. -his a#so gives the
skins of the fruit e%tended &onta&t with the fruit $e&tin and yeast! e#evating the f#avors to a
remarka"#e #eve# in a very short time.
/% , -*TE 50*+ T2E ,6T2*0
-his know#edge is nothing new. I have "ui#t my methods and re&i$es from the stones +uarried "y
others. -he wine making &ommunity is a wea#th of information and a mu#titude of wonderfu#
$eo$#e. -hey are your greatest resour&e. I am more than wi##ing to he#$ anyone who asks. If I
donDt know something! I wi## $oint you in the right dire&tion. .ou may seek me out in the
winemakingta#k.&om forums (dangerdave)! or emai# me at dangerdaveJKyahoo.&om! and
weD## ta#k a"out making some good wine1
David C Land

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