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Mar 03 00:54:13 <WhoDatNinja> dick sucking lips?

Mar 03 02:11:04 <murmur> like i call a tummy a tum and a penis a peen or
Mar 03 02:35:10 <Hungover> on my penis
Mar 03 02:36:13 <Hungover> Penis corsets do exist, I'm not making this up
Mar 03 02:37:18 <Hungover> I wonder if a penis corset hurts
Mar 03 03:17:50 <Hungover> Jesus is a dick
Mar 03 05:45:45 <sincere> in proportion to a normal gorilla penis
Mar 03 06:28:15 <ganja> all jewwed up got them jays on, diamonds on my dick bitc
h im paid uhh, got the 4th reich coming soon gays nah
Mar 03 06:37:53 <ganja> 12 inch black cock
Mar 04 00:21:51 <Bimbo> I'm on a 62" cock
Mar 04 00:27:54 <Animals> SMELLS LIKE A WETBACK DICK
Mar 04 01:17:06 <WhoDatNinja> dick sucking lips
Mar 04 01:52:02 <Animals> i call my penis mahimahi kate
Mar 04 01:55:02 <Animals> if your cock is in my mouth do not ask me questi
Mar 04 01:55:12 <Animals> mumbling an answer, or plopping your dick out to
say something
Mar 04 02:45:17 <Animals> platypus yeah and i still cant fit all your cock
into it
Mar 04 03:17:33 <Animals> yoshi they monitor it and put dick showers on th
e unmonitored spot
Mar 04 03:29:22 <WhoDatBitch> dick
Mar 04 03:29:30 <Animals> MY PENIS WEEPS
Mar 04 06:20:47 <koneko> PENIS
Mar 04 16:37:50 <WhoDatNinja> like your dick?
Mar 04 17:13:16 <WhoDatNinja> just like your dick
Mar 04 17:25:28 <Minkz> sincere suck a cock
Mar 04 20:28:00 <Bimbo> http://www.ebay.in/itm/Mens-Sexy-Pouch-Brief-Underwear-P
Mar 04 20:28:10 <Bimbo> penis pouch
Mar 04 20:30:48 <Bimbo> I should write a book about penis pouches
Mar 05 00:08:48 <Bimbo> that is a penis?
Mar 05 00:11:11 <Animals> and i saw his penis
Mar 05 00:11:18 <Animals> he has a bat on his dick head, and a jacobs ladd
Mar 05 00:11:42 <FDR> what do you mean a bat on his dick head
Mar 05 00:12:08 <WhoDatNinja> its all connected to the clitoris, it swells the
same amoiunt as your dick on the inside
Mar 05 00:19:55 <WhoDatNinja> about the size of your dick
Mar 05 00:32:49 <Animals> how can you imagine a dick is anything but a dic
Mar 05 00:35:59 <WhoDatNinja> and put peanut butter on your dick
Mar 05 01:51:07 <platypus> id cut my dick off first
Mar 05 02:17:49 <rewindthesecond> impaled on his cock
Mar 08 21:43:45 <NRG> then you just like sucking dick, everyone likes sucking
Mar 08 21:43:51 <Bimbo> my penis is trapped on my body
Mar 08 21:48:14 <NRG> sucking dick of course
Mar 08 21:50:50 <NRG> with the other penis
Mar 08 21:50:57 <sincere> you think he put one dick in the va-jay-jay and
one in the pooper ?
Mar 08 21:52:11 <Bimbo> " In most cases, both penises are side by side and the s
ame size, but occasionally one smaller penis will sit atop another larger one. O
ne in 5.5 million men in the United States have two penises."
Mar 08 21:54:28 <ABADDON> two penis porn?
Mar 08 21:54:45 <Geewiz> not nessesary just 2 penis porn
Mar 08 21:55:02 <Bimbo> dammit now I am going to have to look up two penis porn
Mar 08 21:55:11 <ABADDON> i will test my penis out
Mar 08 21:57:07 <Bimbo> I was thinking how odd it would be to have a penis on th
e forehead
Mar 08 21:57:41 <Bimbo> Do you really want to be walking on your dick?
Mar 08 21:59:18 <Bimbo> The penis is a fruit
Mar 08 22:00:15 <Geewiz> the penis itself doesnt have the seed though
Mar 08 22:02:06 <Bimbo> So if the penis isn't a fruit
Mar 08 22:25:36 <ABADDON> idk tweek was a dick
Mar 08 22:53:02 <ABADDON> im sorry i cant come to the pussy right now, im
either gay or testing RCs. Please leave pictures of your dick and your number an
d I will cockslap you in the morrow. *BEEP*
Mar 08 23:05:43 * Bimbo develops a second penis
Mar 10 11:45:03 <Abaddon> she was pulling me by the dick
Mar 10 11:46:59 <Zephyr> lol ur cock scared them away sincere
Mar 12 02:16:25 <Lucifer> my dick is so soft
Mar 12 02:23:55 <Lucifer> hold my dick
Mar 12 02:34:51 <Animals> you and every other person with a penis, sincere
Mar 12 02:35:08 <ephemeralmelody> I don't have a penis and I thought that
scene should've been longer
Mar 12 03:49:10 <iceweed> it would be dick
Mar 12 15:46:54 <Animals> why is ganja sending me dick ascii
Mar 12 15:48:39 <Bimbo> Animals maybe I should send you some dick ascii?
Mar 12 15:48:52 <Animals> i just got another dick from ganja
Mar 12 15:49:07 <Bimbo> Quickly, everyone send Animals some dick ascii porn
Mar 12 16:16:35 <Animals> wintermute u want my dick?
Mar 12 17:53:09 <hyDMro> I mean, if people run around saying all cops are
dicks, it only makes cops more liable to be dicks when they normally wouldn't c
ause Office Joe Schmo thinks to himself, "Well, if everyone is going to call me
a dick regardless of how I act, I might as well be one."
Mar 17 05:05:59 <tweek`> no, im talking about the kid that said "boys hav
e a penis, girls have a fachina"
Mar 17 05:27:50 <duckwife> your mother has a bick dick
Mar 17 05:38:47 <Animals> not me trying to measure my dick next to yours
Mar 17 06:20:15 <platypus> why are you such a dick to me all the time tweek
Mar 17 15:08:02 <duckwife> Maybe I should do some cock pushups
Mar 17 15:15:57 <ganja> i need a penis
Mar 17 15:16:17 <ganja> and using your penis
Mar 17 18:34:50 <nametag> your wizard skills are about as unimpressive as
Chakravanti's penis
Mar 18 10:38:26 <ganja> with a dick so big
Mar 19 00:47:18 <platypus> you dont even have a dick do you Zephyr
Mar 19 05:25:22 <ganja> keep your penis up
Mar 19 15:30:43 <Animalgrapher> today i learned my penis is the size of a bible
Mar 19 15:30:59 <Zephyr> my cock is hige
Mar 19 15:39:12 <Bimbo> I cry out of my penis
Mar 19 16:28:50 <Bimbo> besides cock
Mar 19 16:29:04 <Chromo> cock is good on afterglow
Mar 19 16:29:32 <Chromo> how about massive reptile dick
Mar 19 16:40:57 <Chromo> she obviously wants my cock dude
Mar 19 16:41:38 <Geewiz> exactly, she wants the cock
Mar 19 16:54:41 * Animalgrapher strokes chromos monster dragon cock
Mar 19 16:55:14 <Animalgrapher> i hear that platypus sucks dick for whiskey mone
Mar 19 16:55:35 <platypus> (im saying your mom has a dick)
Mar 19 16:55:48 <platypus> i do suck cock for benzedrex money
Mar 19 16:57:12 <Chromo> don't worry platypus, you don't have to be a dic
Mar 20 10:26:20 <WillMac> like ex: my dick - your mom
Mar 20 11:30:46 <WillMac> then they sliced his dick off
Mar 23 04:13:06 <migbee> and my penis feels huge
Mar 23 04:31:26 <migbee> i thought ur mom was funny when she sucked my di
ck last night
Mar 23 04:54:58 <migbee> youre a giant penis
Mar 23 04:55:02 <migbee> with another penis for its face
Mar 23 04:55:08 <Bimbo> Did someone say penis?
Mar 23 04:55:29 * migbee is turned on by the thought of a penis with a pen
Mar 23 04:55:45 <Bimbo> There are a lot of Dicks in the word that have a penis
Mar 23 04:56:11 <Bimbo> Fractle penis
Mar 28 13:53:14 <ganja> tk, no my penis is legit
Mar 28 14:00:46 <ganja> im stoned off my dick
Mar 28 14:01:02 <ganja> look at you youre a dick
Mar 28 14:08:51 <ganja> i think id charge up a dick
Mar 28 14:36:29 <Hunter_S_Thompson> i bet dick cheney comissioned this thing
Mar 28 14:58:34 <IRONMAN> 2 inches is almost as long as stompy's penis
Mar 28 16:02:17 <sincere> dick
Mar 28 17:56:54 <ganja> rocked my dick
Mar 28 18:17:32 <ganja> some cock mongaloid started the secular student alliance
, that jew bastard
Mar 28 19:18:52 <Bimbo> turn your penis inside out
Mar 28 19:56:58 <TheNamelessMist> just like philip k dick
Mar 28 20:17:21 <zorgin> dude Bimbo why do you think you have fungus on t
he head of your penis?
Mar 28 20:18:48 <ganja> on the dick
Mar 28 20:18:53 <Bimbo> ganja we are talking about my penis
Apr 01 18:07:21 <Chromo> this super model must have a penis
Apr 04 18:15:16 <tunoodles> let me smell yo dick
Apr 04 18:55:16 <DickDangles> I miss my dick eating bwhite
Apr 04 19:32:08 <Amide> what a dick :-(
Apr 04 21:25:35 <Bimbo> I was talking penis size
Apr 04 23:03:47 <tunoodles> my dick is so bigggg
Apr 04 23:54:45 <cykros> Bimbo: go suck rms's dick some more :-P
Apr 05 00:06:45 <Bimbo> I could be wrong though, she may have indeed had a dick
Apr 05 00:25:46 <Bimbo> yeah babalon hates me, she can go suck a dick
Apr 05 00:44:57 <Bimbo> I think BWHITE was banned for eating too much dick
Apr 05 17:53:02 <Bimbo> I bet their leader has a tiny penis
Apr 05 17:54:03 <Bimbo> "You American have HUGE penis"
Apr 05 17:54:11 <Bimbo> "we have itty bitty penis"
Apr 09 01:20:46 <Bimbo> pickled penis pepper
Apr 09 01:44:33 <pasta> your dad's dick tastes funny
Apr 09 01:44:59 <pasta> your dad's dick tastes funny
Apr 09 01:45:46 <ganja> !addquote [02:46] <pasta> your dad's dick tastes funny
Apr 09 01:45:46 <IUPAC> ganja: Added "[02:46] <pasta> your dad's dick tastes fun
ny" to the AddQuote database.
Apr 09 01:46:55 <Howl> pasta: it would make a bit more sense if you said "you d
ad's dick tastes expecially good"
Apr 09 02:26:40 <pastaroni> Bimbo, penis?
Apr 09 02:26:50 <Bimbo> yes because penis is like a snake
Apr 10 23:45:51 <memestream> Moby Dick and Heart of Darkness being ones i har
p about constantly
Apr 10 23:46:02 <bugg> moby dick is great
Apr 10 23:46:16 <memestream> i'm overwhelmed with joy that you agree that mob
y dick is great bugg
Apr 10 23:46:25 <DM> I do, however, enjoy Moby Dick
Apr 10 23:46:36 <Bimbo> at least his last name is Dick
Apr 11 01:57:17 <n__u> i just want to make sure my penis looks big and black li
ke it should
Apr 13 19:11:42 <tweek`> eat dick, buddy
Apr 13 19:18:07 <nametag> i think Zephyr has a penis in his pants Bimbo. b
ut also another penis instead of a brain
Apr 13 19:18:36 <Zephyr> what i cant be sentimental cause i have a penis?
Apr 13 19:19:26 <liquid_zagoss> politicians have 2 penis's
Apr 13 23:43:20 <tweek`> eat a dick, sir
Apr 14 00:52:01 <nametag> so lillith breaks the seal on his cock
Apr 14 01:15:05 <Wysefool> I like Jester-Race, but he's really a dick somet
Apr 14 02:38:17 <Bimbo> you're just mad because you have tiny penis
Apr 14 02:38:32 <tweek`> im mad because i have an enormous penis
Apr 14 02:40:47 <Bimbo> Women are so scared of the size of my penis they run fro
m me
Apr 15 00:59:31 * HairyBoob slaps postirony around with a bit of a dick
Apr 16 01:50:20 <tweek`> eat a dick, moxxy
Apr 18 19:22:06 <ka> fancy, dick
Apr 21 13:48:39 <Hunter_S_Thompson> we couldn't do dick Zephyr
Apr 21 13:48:54 <Bimbo> I do believe we can do dick
Apr 23 08:08:40 <Bimbo> But damn dude you are a pretentious dick sometimes
Apr 23 08:11:55 <postirony> I didn't dick you!
Apr 23 18:02:54 <Bimbo> Of course that's coming from a lobster dissecting dick e
Apr 23 18:18:24 <stompy> She reached down again, pushing her fingers into
the gap and into her poo once more, and came out with another, slightly smaller
chunk of poo. Ray frantically stroked his raging erection while watching her bi
te into this chunk, but then he stopped and took his hand away from his penis in
a desperate attempt to avoid climaxing. He carried on looking through the holes
, and noted that Claudia was now licking her fingers clean. Perhaps she had
Apr 23 18:29:57 <Bimbo> It's amazing how you are still allowed on here stompy wh
en you are such a giant dick
Apr 23 18:30:14 <Bimbo> it's a whole other thing to be a dick
Apr 26 12:59:03 <soli> i love cock
Apr 26 12:59:32 <Itchy_Robot> it's like someone paying you to smoke cock soli
Apr 26 15:41:37 <censoed> every play with yo dick
Apr 26 15:42:31 <censoed> detachable penis
Apr 26 15:43:30 <ganja|DOC> ive played with my dick
Apr 26 20:56:37 <dragnox> the penis is a very powerful organ, its just lik
e a rocket, see
Apr 26 20:57:58 <Genital> your penis is sad
Apr 28 17:48:01 <zonk_plus> what a dick
Apr 28 17:50:51 <rime_of_the_ancient_marinara> eat a shitty dick, Bimbo
Apr 28 17:53:28 <Bimbo> are you sure it's a gun and not his penis?
Apr 28 17:54:38 <zorgin> I wish that was his penis
Apr 28 17:56:02 <ganja> it puts the lsd on its skin or else it gets the dick aga
in? bimbo?
Apr 28 18:01:33 <Bimbo> Dick?
Apr 28 18:02:34 <Animals> its a weird hodgepodge of dick, gun, eifel tower
and like a baby doll
Apr 28 18:08:22 <ganja> solitude: cock picks and registration
Apr 28 18:08:46 <soli> i have cock pics
Apr 28 18:08:50 <ganja> i love bill maher said friday: dick picks is how milleni
als say hello
Apr 28 18:09:09 <Bimbo> did someone say cock?
Apr 28 18:09:49 <ganja> gay a cock exploding cum
Apr 28 18:20:52 <Bimbo> tom cruise likes dad dick
Apr 28 18:23:06 <stomphemeralmelody> go suck a dick and try again
Apr 28 18:23:19 <Bimbo> stompy knows a lot about dick
Apr 28 18:26:07 <stomphemeralmelody> who thirsts for dick and lusts after vul
nerable homeless men
Apr 29 00:06:26 <tweek`> by putting your dick in her
Apr 29 00:21:58 <DM> Ward can suck a dick
Apr 29 03:08:55 <acaDeMic> dick
May 01 18:25:28 <Rime_of_the_Ancient_Marinara> IUPAC takes my cock every night
May 01 18:37:03 <Jessica_Elbow> that apparently wants to suck your cock after yo
u've inserted it roughly into his butthole
May 01 18:41:41 <Bimbo> cock biter
May 01 18:44:10 <postirony> bugg, has seen my penis and admitted to jerking
off to my pictures
May 01 18:45:06 <digi> He's just the type of guy to whip out his cock though.
May 01 18:45:17 <postirony> because he has a little penis
May 01 18:45:42 <Bimbo> I can't show dick at parties or else cops get called
May 01 18:55:18 <stompy> she wears underwear with dick holes in them
May 01 19:19:16 <Zephyr> maybe u should go ewat a dick
May 01 19:49:39 <postirony> eat a shitty dick
May 01 19:50:57 <postirony> bugg might jump on your dick
May 01 19:53:03 <Vipzta> ganja likes the cock
May 01 21:52:21 <stompy> "Suck his cock, Bimbo" Stompy growled. Bimbo's e
yes lit up like a Christmas tree. A very gay christmas tree. He tore DM's pants
from his legs, like a monkey ripping open a banana.
May 01 22:00:13 <DM> lol. dick.
May 01 22:30:17 <Hunter_S_Thompson> give me that elephant cock
May 03 23:50:55 <Bimbo> lots of dick lapping
May 03 23:54:26 <DM> quit sucking dick and get on mc
May 04 00:02:23 <Animals> that everyone knew i was a dxm dick sucker
May 04 00:21:13 <tweek`> eat a dick
May 04 00:21:30 <nametag> if you're eating a dick, i think you're about 2
to 3' off
May 04 00:27:35 * DM stabs Bimbo in the dick
May 04 00:28:09 <Bimbo> chairs and stones may break my bones but you will never
stab me in the dick
May 05 01:52:01 <bugg> i thought it meant dick muncher
May 05 01:54:07 <postirony> dick
May 05 02:11:06 * yanja puts his dick inside her
May 05 02:13:53 <Amide> just, with a dick, and without the pioneer park
May 05 02:19:21 <sincere> notch can suck my dick
May 05 02:22:33 <Bimbo> Amide my penis is too big to ban
May 06 16:03:31 <Bimbo> no need to be a dick DM
May 06 16:07:58 <Dextrovert> Soooo, quintuple-dick w/balls chillum?
May 06 20:41:57 <sincere> yourtiny penis
May 09 04:00:09 <Itchy_Robot> I told migbee's 5 dick joke at work
May 13 00:41:38 <tweek`> you get on xanax and show bimbo your penis one t
May 14 10:16:13 <tweek`> "you know... if you get a penis, you probably wo
nt get ovarian cancer"
May 16 07:17:09 <nametag> you have a rainbow penis?
May 16 07:17:46 <Bimbo> it would be awful to have an asian penis
May 16 07:43:48 <nrg> carrot cock
May 17 12:21:31 <Bimbo> I should have named my cat Dick
May 17 12:24:02 <Futurito> I think 'pussy' is a more suitable cat name than
May 17 12:25:00 <Bimbo> I suppose pussy cat is quite common, but rarely do you h
ear dick cat
May 17 12:25:52 <Futurito> there is this one ugly cat here that's a total d
May 17 12:26:30 <Bimbo> tweek` it must have been a real dick cat
May 17 12:29:59 <Bimbo> I have a tortoise girl cat but she's a real dick, we don
't get along much and she tends to be my Moms cat
May 17 13:05:45 <Bimbo> just don't get one of those dick cats
May 17 17:04:00 <stompy> a sad dad dick
May 17 17:04:36 <DM> there is far too much discussion about pastaroni's dick
as it is
May 17 17:08:50 <cut_lass> Animals youre in the navy sucking uncles sams ti
tties and dick now you dont need a sugar daddy
May 21 08:26:46 <Zephyr> 'GOD, you DICK!'
May 21 11:26:42 <Animals> so pls ell dick and fart jokes
May 21 12:12:11 <Bimbo> I come here for the dick
May 21 12:12:35 <mudpeople> astrophysics isnt funny, well, that is until neb
ulae form dick pics
May 23 14:21:13 <tweek`> boys have a penis
May 23 14:21:48 <Bimbo> I don't have a penis, I have a kielbasa
May 23 14:54:35 <Itchy_Robot> 3-D scan your dick
May 23 14:55:35 <Bimbo> It's one thing to show penis pictures on IRC, but can yo
u imagine making a dildo replica of your penis and sending it to people?
May 23 15:05:48 <Zephyr> you could have been a cock
May 23 15:05:59 <Bimbo> is a cock a real sign?
May 23 15:06:11 <Bimbo> what's wrong with being a cock?
May 23 15:06:11 <Zephyr> but its a cock
May 23 15:40:39 <Itchy_Robot|Processing> nobody wants to do porn with som
eone with a tiny dick
May 23 15:41:46 <duckwife> women like gigantic cock
May 23 15:42:38 <duckwife> I am sure any cock size is fine
May 23 15:42:41 <digi> Whenever a woman asks your penis size, just state that i
t's approximately 2 standard deviations above the mean length.
May 23 16:39:44 <Zephyr> until ur penis starts bleeding
May 24 15:23:05 <moxxy> dick move? yes
May 24 15:40:43 <stompy> you should eat a dick
May 24 15:43:39 <tweek`> you say dick, he sees hamburger
May 24 17:07:38 <Bimbo> at least God endowed me with a large penis
May 24 17:08:33 <Bimbo> Actually I should take a dick pic and use one of those A
SCII art generators to convert it, then send it to DVers who request
May 24 17:09:30 <Bimbo> then I could send a cock picture as a .TXT file
May 24 17:11:05 <tweek`> COCK ROCKET!
May 24 17:12:53 <Zephyr> i lost it at FIRING COCK ROCKETS
May 27 15:56:25 <Vipzta> well it wasn't a dick grab
May 28 01:19:16 <DM> and without my penis
May 28 01:48:16 <Bimbo> five finger dick punch
May 28 01:55:12 <WillMax> Candace Dick Fit
May 28 01:55:29 <sincere> how bout fitness dick in yo mouth
May 28 01:55:29 <WillMax> fitness dick in you mouth?
May 28 02:17:10 <Itchy_Robot> some animal cock
May 30 00:57:46 <Bimbo> rewindthesecond stop trying to suck your own dick please
May 30 01:34:15 <Bimbo> suck my giant penis
May 30 08:44:13 <Bimbo> well for a moment the idea was funny, now I just feel li
ke a dick
May 30 09:59:42 <IUPAC> <+SaintWalker> I SUCKED DICK FOR COKE
May 30 10:00:25 <IUPAC> <BlopNuts> by the time someone sees your cock it's going
to be so obsolete nobody will know how to use it
May 30 10:03:05 <IUPAC> <diabolic> its midnight in Montana and I can't get my di
ck out of this cow
May 30 10:05:12 <IUPAC> <%Nothing\> the only pic I found with penis in its title
is a picture of blood pouring down my leg
May 30 16:27:59 <Bimbo> my penis is too big
May 30 17:14:50 <NRG> could god make a dick so big that even he could not shov
e it up his own ass
May 30 17:17:40 <Nothing\> i remember having a discussion once about how sl
apping a chick in the face/pussy with my cock didn't feel good for either of us
May 30 17:18:29 <digi> Your cock isn't big enough for the desired effect.
May 30 17:25:02 <sincere> bitches love dick slaps
May 30 17:27:45 <Bimbo> I wonder if Jesus had an asian type penis or a black man
type penis
May 30 17:30:06 <Bimbo> the middle eastern penis is an odd one
May 30 18:05:06 <NRG> dick suckinrg
Jun 03 11:13:36 <Hunter_S_Thompson> he gets away with policies that would ma
ke dick cheney blush
Jun 03 11:19:02 <mudpeople> he says grapefruit juice makes your dick bigger
Jun 03 15:27:17 <mudpeople> bill hicks died a tease: he never told the dick
jokes he said he was getting to
Jun 03 15:27:58 <mudpeople> i bet they were excellent dick jokes too
Jun 03 15:28:22 <mudpeople> maybe some ancient master had passed his dick jo
kes down thru the ages to bill
Jun 03 16:19:07 <Bimbo> a hissing cock would be interesting
Jun 03 16:19:35 <Bimbo> I seen a hissing cock before
Jun 03 17:09:54 <b0rg_> all your penis r blong to borg
Jun 05 19:48:24 <Bimbo> So I had this dream that I was on IRC and talking about
my penis
Jun 05 19:52:12 <bugg> i talk about my penis here all the time
Jun 05 20:12:11 >bugg< just list "Penis" under the OTHER options
Jun 05 20:13:11 -bugg- even better: DM's penis
Jun 05 21:00:33 <Bimbo> made just right for dick sucking
Jun 05 21:19:39 <Hunter_S_Thompson> but littering is a dick move
Jun 05 22:16:47 <nametag> dick clark will never hang out by your pyramid
Jun 05 22:19:32 <la_catalina> dick clark is white
Jun 08 19:49:57 <Bimbo> I am not going to let that dick of an excuse for a cashi
er at Dollar Tree ruin my night
Jun 09 16:15:56 <Bimbo> I dreamed that I got on IRC and was talking intricately
about my penis
Jun 09 16:31:11 <Zephyr> yz, my cock is flat
Jun 09 16:31:37 <Bimbo> 2D penis
Jun 09 16:32:33 <Bimbo> be like a penis from flatland
Jun 09 16:33:25 <Nothing\> Bimbo: if his penis were a screwdriver, itwould
be a flathead
Jun 09 17:01:58 <zorgin> puns, or bad dick jokes?
Jun 09 19:22:39 <Bimbo> don`t be a dick
Jun 09 19:22:56 <Bimbo> or actually... that would be kind of cool if you were an
actual dick
Jun 09 20:11:42 <DirtyNeedles> penis size by country, mapped out. to take the m
yth out of things.
Jun 09 20:12:30 <Bimbo> I bet if they did a penis size by state WI would come in
at #1
Jun 09 20:13:43 <Bimbo> I wonder who got the job to measure various penis from a
round the world for that chart?
Jun 09 20:14:50 <DirtyNeedles> i'm glad not to be the penis meausurer, i dont w
ant to touch strange penii. but i wouldnt mind being the supervisor for that job
Jun 09 20:15:00 <Bimbo> I have a Congo sized penis
Jun 09 20:16:00 <moxxy> My penis is small but it's ok
Jun 09 20:16:12 <Bimbo> it is not okay to have a thimble sized penis
Jun 09 20:16:43 * zorgin has encountered a thimble sized penis before
Jun 09 20:20:10 <Bimbo> tweek` zorgin said she seen your penis
Jun 09 20:22:15 <tweek`> moxxy is foreman of the penis jury
Jun 09 20:22:50 <Bimbo> I was going to send a picture to moxxy of my penis but I
just couldn`t fit it all within the cameras view
Jun 09 20:38:05 <GLICE> DICK PICS
Jun 09 21:11:34 <Bimbo> and she lacks a penis
Jun 09 22:14:59 <tweek`> roy was total dick
Jun 13 13:05:30 <Deric> no chromo confuses his imaginary dragon tail as his dick
which he yiffs stompy the platypus with
Jun 13 15:35:20 <Bimbo> DVIRC actually stands for Dick Vagina
Jun 16 00:53:43 <Bimbo> my dick is a master
Jun 16 00:54:20 <idxln> Everybody tie his or her penis or vagina to his or her e
Jun 16 00:54:25 <Itchy_Robot> with fascist.dick.muncher is fine XD
Jun 16 01:00:16 <Bimbo> dick
Jun 16 01:05:44 <DM> i know she sucks a mean dick
Jun 16 02:18:26 <Itchy_Robot> i've just been lmfao at mental image of rewind s
ticking his dick in a toaster
Jun 18 00:31:30 <Nothing\> your cock is an earmom
Jun 18 00:39:01 <Bimbo> I once shed my lips on a mean cock
Jun 18 00:57:12 <Bimbo> Just pretend it`s a cherry penis
Jun 18 01:33:23 <Bimbo> Obama sucked my dick in nam!
Jun 18 01:52:46 <Bimbo> Obama may be half black but he has nothing on Putins dic
Jun 18 01:53:00 <Bimbo> In fact "Putin" should be a new word for large dick
Jun 18 01:55:04 <Bimbo> Uncut penis is disturbing to me
Jun 18 01:55:48 <Hunter_S_Thompson> im not comfortable revealing the details
of my penis
Jun 18 01:57:29 <Hunter_S_Thompson> to cut up a babies dick
Jun 18 01:58:32 <Vick_Criminal> lint dick
Jun 18 01:59:27 <bugg> i theorize thats because my dick is so big
Jun 18 01:59:41 <Bimbo> All I have to do is look at my penis and I cum
Jun 18 02:07:40 <bugg> i like talking about my penis on drugs
Jun 18 02:10:06 <bugg> a big penis meant you were a big dumb ape
Jun 18 02:10:41 <Bimbo> It didn`t stop at the penis
Jun 18 02:11:11 <Vick_Criminal> penis envy ensues
Jun 18 02:14:22 <Bimbo> If the Ken doll has no penis
Jun 18 02:14:49 <Vick_Criminal> there's no penis for the butt
Jun 18 02:18:49 <Bimbo> It would cost them too much money to make a Ken doll hav
ing a penis the size of mine
Jun 18 02:19:48 <Bimbo> If they included the penis on the Ken doll it would cost
twice as much
Jun 18 02:20:40 <Vick_Criminal> they wont add a penis the girls would be seeing
more than the parents could stand
Jun 18 02:21:29 <Bimbo> They don`t include the penis because it would cost too m
Jun 18 02:21:31 <Vick_Criminal> unless you make a doll with a dick
Jun 18 02:22:02 <Bimbo> Kens penis is too large to manufacture properly
Jun 18 02:26:52 <Bimbo> bugg I like your penis just the way it is
Jun 18 02:27:18 <Bimbo> Just like I like REWINDTHESECONDs tiny little thimble pe
Jun 18 02:28:05 <Bimbo> But I like my bald dick
Jun 18 02:28:32 <Bimbo> I know I am not the hottest person ever (but close) but
my penis is damn sexy
Jun 18 02:28:46 <bugg> uncut penis heads are all dry and calloused
Jun 18 02:29:33 <Bimbo> This chat should be allowed to show dick but not woman p
Jun 18 02:30:52 <Bimbo> Speaking of penis
Jun 18 02:32:47 <DM> Bimbo, i know you want to see my penis
Jun 18 02:34:20 <Bimbo> no one wants to see that excuse of a penis you own
Jun 18 02:36:30 <Bimbo> Okay I realize I am being kind of a dick
Jun 18 03:03:14 <root_cannoli> oh, for your cock
Jun 18 03:03:25 <Hunter_S_Thompson> and yes, my cock too
Jun 18 03:27:30 <Bimbo> and stabbing being their penis
Jun 18 03:34:09 <Bimbo> I know the fucking difference you dick
Jun 18 03:34:34 <tweek`> "I know the difference, you dick!"
Jun 18 03:34:54 <Bimbo> No pretty sure I mean "I know the fucking difference you
Jun 18 03:55:41 * DM has kicked Itchy_Robot from #dextroverse (suck a dick
Jun 18 03:55:49 * DM has kicked Itchy_Robot from #dextroverse (suck a dick
Jun 18 03:55:54 <Itchy_Robot> dick? where!
Jun 18 03:55:57 * DM has kicked Itchy_Robot from #dextroverse (suck a dick
Jun 18 03:58:15 <Bimbo|IAmNeverRightEver> you dick sucker
Jun 18 04:07:54 <tweek`> you or your dick roommate?
Jun 18 04:08:00 <Cherry_Menthol> dick roomate
Jun 18 04:26:42 <Itchy_Robot> i'll bond your face to my dick
Jun 18 04:43:02 <Itchy_Robot> eat a dick bimbo
Jun 18 05:35:14 <Hunter_S_Thompson> the vast majority of people don't know d
iddly-dick about computer security
Jun 18 05:47:48 <Itchy_BroBot> that's your brain feeling my dick
Jun 18 05:48:03 <Bimbo> Are you suggesting your dick is made of shit?
Jun 18 05:48:11 <Bimbo> Are you suggesting your dick is made of shit?
Jun 18 05:52:12 <Itchy_Robot> named "My dick is made out of dogshit"
Jun 18 05:52:56 <IUPAC> URL: My Penis Is Made of Dogshit - Wikipedia, the free e
Jun 18 06:00:40 <Itchy_Robot> my penis is not made of dogshit
Jun 19 04:01:13 <Bimbo> probably cause my dick to fall off
Jun 19 10:54:22 <Bimbo> Dick Cheney is not a pederast because his large genitals
horrify children
Jun 20 20:39:59 <Bimbo> Would you rather fit many small dicks or one large dick?
Jun 20 20:41:06 <Bimbo> If you could only see the dick that I just seen in my he
ad right now
Jun 20 23:17:04 <Bimbo> reaper do you have a penis?
Jun 22 23:35:12 <Bimbo> You should ask him if he will let you off while pulling
your dick out of your pants
Jun 23 11:41:04 <Bimbo> So lets talk about dick
Jun 23 11:44:13 <Bimbo> moxxy needs more dick in his life
Jun 23 12:25:08 <tweek`> suck a dick, sir
Jun 23 12:25:47 * Bimbo sucks on dick
Jun 23 12:28:47 <NRG> penis shoop time
Jun 25 00:20:12 <Bimbo> Do you really need to insert your dick into my mouth rig
ht at this very point of time DM?
Jun 25 09:57:28 <bugg> you put your dick in the food
Jun 25 11:05:09 <Bimbo> She drooled as I pushed my dick hard into her cunt
Jun 25 11:09:11 <Bimbo> You suck and your dick is tiny
Jun 26 04:06:49 <Nothing\> he wasn't a total dick
Jun 27 13:31:01 <idxln> SUCK MY DICK SUCK Y DICK
Jun 27 13:31:10 <idxln> YEAH suck my DICK COCK DICK
Jun 27 19:34:49 <zorgin> then getting 'let's fuk' and cock shots
Jun 27 19:35:07 <Bimbo> got to love them cock shots
Jun 27 19:40:46 <Bimbo> zorgin the way it works is.. if you are a female and put
an add out there you get a thousand replies or more, if you are a guy and put a
n add out there you get 1 reply of some creep that wants to suck your dick
Jun 29 01:09:07 <tweek`> so eat a dick, mr. linuxfag
Jun 29 01:20:27 <tweek`> so eat a dick
Jun 29 01:20:33 <Bimbo> You eat a dick
Jun 29 01:30:51 <Bimbo> You two are making it sound like I am purposely trying t
o say I can`t play the game just to be a dick. I mean c`mon I tried playing it a
nd you know I wouldn`t lie about some issue
Jun 29 11:45:32 <Bimbo> or had a tiny penis
Jun 30 19:20:06 <Bimbo> I would fornicate but my penis fell off
Jun 30 19:32:14 <sincere> my dick shrunk and everything it was terrible
Jun 30 20:04:28 <Fritz_Haber> back from when cykros sucked a lot of cock
Jun 30 20:04:45 <grn> now he only sucks a little cock
Jun 30 20:05:45 <IUPAC> <b0rg_> lovin' me some penis
Jun 30 20:06:22 <IUPAC> <diabolic> its midnight in Montana and I can't get my di
ck out of this cow
Jun 30 20:06:46 <IUPAC> <%Nothing\> the only pic I found with penis in its title
is a picture of blood pouring down my leg
Jun 30 20:08:31 <IUPAC> <InfinitySquared> Now I'm going to have a nightmare abou
t Stompy bashing in my bedroom door going "WROPP WROPP I'M THE DUBSTEP BEAST SUC
Jun 30 20:10:33 <IUPAC> <diabolic> its midnight in Montana and I can't get my di
ck out of this cow
Jun 30 20:13:47 <IUPAC> <InfinitySquared> Now I'm going to have a nightmare abou
t Stompy bashing in my bedroom door going "WROPP WROPP I'M THE DUBSTEP BEAST SUC
Jun 30 20:13:49 <rewindthefourteenth> *cock au vin
Jun 30 20:14:16 <IUPAC> <b0rg_> I shan't give my penis to any old beast.
Jul 02 04:27:54 <smokey> it happends... spent all weekend with a mexican
hotti whose english sucked but go damn could he ride a cock :))))
Jul 02 04:45:08 <Itchy_Robot> yeah that mexican cock willd o that to you bimbo
Jul 02 04:45:35 <Itchy_Robot> there is a thing as sucking too much dick
Jul 02 14:04:15 <H2Ol> looks like massive nigger cock is on the 4th of july
Jul 02 16:37:33 <Dextrovert> OUT OF MY COCK
Jul 02 17:22:05 <CHubbZ> lick my chubby cock
Jul 02 17:27:35 <tweek`> eat a dick, sir
Jul 04 11:24:06 * Topic for #dextroverse is: Happy 4th of July, Honkeys!
| http://ngm.nationalgeographic.com/2013/04/125-species-revival/zimmer-text |
WillMac sucks copious amounts of penis.
Jul 04 15:47:21 <Bimbo> WillMac sucks copious amounts of penis
Jul 04 16:22:37 <Bimbo> do they have such a thing as a dick doctor?
Jul 04 16:37:50 <Bimbo> I would shoot stompy with my penis
Jul 04 17:02:56 <Bimbo> I would like to punch moxxy with my penis
Jul 04 19:25:39 <Bimbo> I dunno, Freud was a cock sucker
Jul 04 19:37:47 <Bimbo> I love meat cock
Jul 04 19:47:52 <GLICE> your dick
Jul 04 19:47:58 <Bimbo> No not my dick
Jul 04 19:48:02 <Bimbo> I have my dick for life
Jul 05 08:37:20 <la_catalina> http://www.theonion.com/video/new-wearable-compu
Jul 05 09:51:46 <Bimbo> There is a certain lack of dick jokes this morning
Jul 05 09:52:02 <mudpeople> bill hicks never did get to the dick jokes
Jul 05 09:52:08 <tweek`> you are a dick joke
Jul 05 09:52:25 <Bimbo> Do I look like a dick to you?
Jul 05 10:04:12 <GLICE> commence e-dick suxing
Jul 05 10:04:21 <Bimbo> Did someone say dick?
Jul 05 10:04:47 <Bimbo> Well when the dick sucking gets going let me know
Jul 05 10:30:17 <Bimbo> anyways back to dick jokes...
Jul 05 10:30:53 <mudpeople> Bimbo do you actually know any dick jokes
Jul 05 10:31:00 <mudpeople> also; are dick jokes funny at all
Jul 05 10:31:07 <Bimbo> Supposedly I *am* a dick joke
Jul 05 10:33:39 <jackyl> with your dick
Jul 05 10:42:44 <tweek`> mudpeople: the more you wtalk about guns, the s
maller we assume your dick is
Jul 05 10:44:40 <mudpeople> MY DICK MUST BE TINY
Jul 05 14:47:43 <tweek`> your laptop sucks dick
Jul 05 15:40:55 <tweek`> so suck a dick
Jul 05 16:04:20 <Ka> Having a pickle spear next to dried prunes would make me
think of dick + balls
Jul 05 16:04:55 <Bimbo> well with dick and balls you get salty, sweet, warm and
sometimes cold all at once
Jul 05 16:10:33 <jackyl|dxm> for cock
Jul 05 16:52:24 <Bimbo> dicks$ = "B====p" : DO UNTIL CowsComeHome = true : digis
_mouth$ = digis_mouth$ + dicks$ : PRINT "This many "; + digis_mouth$ : LOOP : RE
M dick stack overflow
Jul 05 16:56:14 <Bimbo> what dick counter?
Jul 07 21:49:18 <Bimbo> I am rubbing radium all over my dick
Jul 07 21:49:48 <tweek`> that's how my dick got radiation poisoning
Jul 07 22:37:38 <Bimbo> dextrovert oddly doesn`t seem to mind people talking abo
ut the cock
Jul 11 08:56:39 <tweek`> with wide dick grip
Jul 11 09:17:53 <tweek`> so you're saying i should be charging my girlfri
end for dick?
Jul 11 09:40:40 <Bimbo> Jesus look at the size of this ducks penis
Jul 11 09:41:32 <Bimbo> The argentine lake duck has a 17" penis
Jul 11 17:56:28 <digi> Next thing you know you're sucking dick for CCC's like D
Jul 11 18:00:04 <Bimbo> C`mon everyone likes dick, even those who have one
Jul 11 18:06:15 <rewindthesecond> shit, even masturbation, you're like, WH
Jul 11 18:09:26 <digi> Bimbo would you suck my dick if I cleaned it?
Jul 11 18:21:45 <Bimbo> BTW for future reference... Keystone Ice taste like wate
red down carpet flavored dick spread
Jul 11 19:25:15 <NRG> kub dick
Jul 12 13:29:46 <NRG> 12:28 * H3X0 tugs down her boxers, licking her tip a fe
w times before taking it into his maw, swirling his tongue around the head of t
hat tasty dragoness cock as he rather insistently repositions his rear so that
maline's cock is pressed against his -very- tight, but stretchy slit. It seems
he'd rather be spitroasted instead of cock-sandwiched...
Jul 12 13:33:16 <NRG> 12:32 * Chrysalisst wondered just how well he was handl
ing her.. after all, it was still four feet of dragon dick, with a girth maxing
out at 7.2 inches in diameter, a truly massive log of a dick to take in.
Jul 12 13:51:04 <postirony> you're the one that sucks dick
Jul 12 13:53:04 <NRG> have you ever sucked dick for jwh
Jul 12 14:06:52 <Bimbo> and that is just the weight of my penis
Jul 12 14:41:54 <cykros> cock pics
Jul 12 14:42:18 <Derock> cock puncher
Jul 12 15:00:09 <stompy> even my dick is too big for that
Jul 12 15:00:30 <stompy> i dont put my dick in cloceas
Jul 12 15:00:40 <glice> put your dick in my vas deferens
Jul 12 16:13:16 <IUPAC> <+SaintWalker> I SUCKED DICK FOR COKE
Jul 12 16:13:39 <IUPAC> <sincere> i want a full body dick massage from stem
Jul 12 16:13:48 <Ka> "I sucked dick for coke"
Jul 12 16:13:54 <IUPAC> <b0rg_> I shan't give my penis to any old beast.
Jul 12 16:27:14 <Bimbo> you do not need to be gay to enjoy being strangled by a
Jul 12 16:34:40 * Chromo using his cock
Jul 12 16:55:36 <Bimbo> the larger the fupa the smaller the penis
Jul 14 09:56:32 <NRG> i mean, wouldn't that kind of be a dick move
Jul 14 09:56:47 <Bimbo> I had a dick move
Jul 15 16:30:13 <Bimbo> I would like to stick my penis into that burger
Jul 15 18:19:20 <digi> It's generally not a good idea to remove a large portion
of skin from the penis, I'd agree.
Jul 15 18:19:43 <Bimbo> we all know the penis grows back
Jul 15 18:20:14 <Bimbo> I have lost my penis many times and a new one always gre
w back
Jul 15 18:20:28 <NRG> I have lost my penis before
Jul 15 18:24:00 <Bimbo> thy cut penis is thy best penis
Jul 15 18:24:34 * Bimbo swings the cock about
Jul 15 18:25:04 <Nothing\> i think a circumcised penis DOES look better
Jul 15 18:25:06 <Bimbo> I only find cut penis attractive also
Jul 15 18:26:04 <Bimbo> we can agree to disagree on penis cutting zorgin
Jul 15 18:26:21 <Durandal> NRG, do you make your cheese in your uncut penis
Jul 15 18:26:29 <Bimbo> mmm dick cheese
Jul 15 18:26:53 <Bimbo> flaccid uncut penis looks so sad
Jul 15 18:33:56 <Nothing\> then sucks his penis to clean the blood away
Jul 15 18:41:26 <Bimbo> I may not be gay but I sure do love me some dick convers
Jul 15 18:43:46 <rewindthesecond> so bi guys don't like dick conversations
Jul 15 18:44:16 <Bimbo> I said I like dick conversations
Jul 15 18:44:41 <Bimbo> 1-800-GOT-DICK
Jul 15 18:57:42 <Bimbo> so lets talk about dick
Jul 15 19:00:01 <digi> "Look, a cock tower."
Jul 15 19:07:03 <digi> That's because you secretly want his dick.
Jul 15 19:35:12 <Nothing\> i've also cut the base of my penis a few times
Jul 19 10:49:49 <alien22> and when i sniff my finger i smell my dick if i
havent washed my hands, which i usually do
Jul 19 10:50:37 <ka> I touch my dick pretty regularly throughout the day
Jul 19 11:13:16 <Bimbo> your tiny penis?
Jul 19 13:58:53 <Amide> <Bimbo> I suck a lot of things but one thing I know how
to do is cock
Jul 19 13:59:18 <Bimbo> Well cock makes a great omelet
Jul 19 13:59:38 <Bimbo> use your penis as a whisk
Jul 19 16:59:03 <GLICE> the penis mightier than the sword
Jul 19 17:12:55 <GLICE> that blood clot i got on my husbands dick earlier BIMBO
Jul 22 10:10:40 <Bimbo> well God is a dick
Jul 22 10:11:06 <digi> He *sucks* dick, however.
Jul 22 10:12:27 <Bimbo> well he must have a tiny penis
Jul 22 10:22:49 <digi> Your penis don't
Jul 22 15:38:55 <Bimbo> how the hell does a literal dick-head like Dr. Phil get
a TV show?
Jul 22 15:50:05 <Itchy_Robot> don't suck dick that has KY on it?
Jul 22 15:51:10 <Bimbo> I think what this means is the smaller the penis, the mo
re brain
Jul 22 15:51:27 <Bimbo> blacks have larger penis, white medium size and asians s
Jul 22 15:56:45 <Bimbo> You may have a tilde but I have a penis
Jul 22 16:13:51 <Bimbo> Vipzta-AMPH are you sucking an imaginary penis?
Jul 22 16:14:41 <Bimbo> you are gonna scare the imaginary dick sucker away
Jul 22 16:19:46 <Bimbo> never take a dick picture when on DxM
Jul 22 16:21:22 <Bimbo> I gave my dick the name Fumble Winky that day
Jul 22 16:37:08 <Bimbo> !seen dick
Jul 22 16:37:08 <IUPAC> Bimbo, dick changed nickname to 562AAAATN 28wks 2days 14
hrs 33mins 15secs ago.
Jul 22 16:37:44 <Bimbo> I am still made that DM didn`t let me keep the name Dick
Jul 22 16:37:54 <Bimbo> What if my IRL name was Dick?
Jul 22 17:13:51 <Nothing\> do you guys ever have the problem that after you
've masturbated, your penis leaks for some time afterwards?
Jul 22 17:36:30 <Bimbo> put your penis in front of it
Jul 26 21:34:58 <digi> Would you suck my dick if I cleaned it?
Jul 26 21:42:56 <digi> Alright you sorry sack of penis munchers, who the fuck's
gonna pour digi another drinky-poo?
Jul 26 21:46:00 <Bimbo> does she have a penis?
Jul 26 21:47:12 <digi> If suckin' dick made you open minded, Bimbo would have a
Nobel prize by now.
Jul 26 22:08:39 <Bimbo> digi do you want to see my cock?
Jul 26 22:08:53 <digi> Holy moly that's a big cock.
Jul 26 22:09:18 <digi> I'd go gay for a day for dat cock
Jul 26 23:43:09 <DM> SUCK A DICK
Jul 26 23:50:24 <Bimbo> There is not enough talk about dick sucking tonight
Jul 26 23:52:56 <Bimbo> like my dick
Jul 27 00:19:34 <Wysefool> penis penis penis penis penis penis
Jul 27 00:22:05 <stompy> lol eat a dick
Jul 27 01:08:51 <Bimbo> bugg I am working on it but stompy is a stubborn dick
Jul 27 01:16:26 <taco> that cock plant
Jul 27 01:17:27 <Bimbo> See plants have penis
Jul 27 01:17:45 <Bimbo> I bet stompys penis looks like that
Jul 27 01:20:34 <Bimbo> I bet his butt would bury my penis w/o even reaching the
anus entry point
Jul 27 01:21:47 <stompy> i would cut off my dick with tinsnips before i l
et Bimbo even look at it
Jul 27 01:28:40 <Bimbo> I can not jam my dick up your ass
Jul 27 21:39:58 * Itchy_Glowbot grabs bugg's dick randomly
Jul 27 21:42:53 * Bimbo sticks his dick into a breadless bun and feeds it
to Itchy_Glowbot
Jul 27 22:09:37 <ephemeralmelody> if I woke up with a penis I think I'd be
Jul 27 22:09:52 <ephemeralmelody> I used to want to have a penis though
Jul 27 22:11:59 <Bimbo> Did I ever tell you all that story of when I had a dream
about my penis falling off and I used ducktape to reattach it?
Jul 27 22:12:47 <ephemeralmelody> It was like a screen capture of your thr
ead title "Ever have a dream where your penis falls off?" and T-Monk wrote "WHAT
Jul 27 22:56:20 <Bimbo> PUSH dick
Jul 27 23:25:15 <Bimbo> IUPAC is busy sucking digital dick
Jul 30 13:15:25 <Bimbo> I have a black penis
Jul 30 15:49:53 <IUPAC> <bugg> how do i turn safe search off now <bugg> i'm tryi
ng to get cock pics and i keep getting roosters <bugg> how do i turn this shit o
ff <bugg> this is offensive
Jul 30 15:51:19 <IUPAC> <b0rg_> lovin' me some penis
Jul 30 15:51:49 <IUPAC> <%Nothing\> the only pic I found with penis in its title
is a picture of blood pouring down my leg
Jul 30 16:05:21 <IUPAC> <bugg> how do i turn safe search off now <bugg> i'm tryi
ng to get cock pics and i keep getting roosters <bugg> how do i turn this shit o
ff <bugg> this is offensive
Jul 30 16:05:47 <IUPAC> <%Nothing\> the only pic I found with penis in its title
is a picture of blood pouring down my leg
Jul 30 16:06:20 <IUPAC> <+SaintWalker> I SUCKED DICK FOR COKE
Jul 30 21:19:10 <Snickers_Bar> dick.
Jul 30 21:19:25 <Snickers_Bar> Dick Nixon.
Jul 30 21:32:55 <Bimbo> I just stuck my penis into it
Jul 30 21:33:48 <LatinKid> What's funny is it's a penis cake
Jul 30 21:34:22 <digi> Penis flavour or shaped?
Aug 02 06:55:27 <Itchy_Robot> blow me a glass dick
Aug 02 06:57:12 <Itchy_Robot> eat afformentioned glass dick
Aug 02 08:25:23 <Bimbo> the good news is that penis size really is in proportion
to body height
Aug 02 08:34:08 <ka> so if he wants to shoot little penises out of a bigger p
Aug 02 10:05:36 <Bimbo> not to be a dick but
Aug 02 17:04:54 <Bimbo> you like your beer how you like your dick
Aug 02 18:11:11 <shitterblocks> yo dick be blangin me on
Aug 04 13:21:16 <HighSpeedRotary> I wouldn't get my dick near a table saw
Aug 04 16:25:48 <Bimbo> I am a giant penis
Aug 04 17:17:53 <Bimbo> Well posted 10 tiny penis pictures on this site I hate t
o troll it using tor, my job is done for the day.
Aug 04 17:18:48 <Bimbo> no tiny adult penis
Aug 04 17:22:57 <Bimbo> I am a guy (50 years old) from the Aland islands which b
elongs to Finland. I have a very short dick about 4 cm (1.6") when flaccid and 1
1,5 cm ( 4.52") when erected. I also have very thin almost no pubic hair, so my
little dick is really as a 12 year old boy penis. Love to hear comments from gir
ls, ladys and men about my ridiculous / laughable penis from all of you visiting
this page."
Aug 04 20:00:16 <GLICE> if he has a sore on his dick
Aug 04 21:59:21 <Nothing\> i want to vomit pizza all over your cummy cock
Aug 04 22:41:54 <Ausfahrt> most of my fat is in my penis
Aug 07 11:35:33 <neutraltoxic> stats can suck my dick
Aug 09 02:15:22 <tweek`> eat a dick
Aug 09 02:16:58 <tweek`> you're thinking of dick
Aug 09 10:31:21 <tweek`> eat a dick, sir
Aug 09 10:31:36 <Bimbo> You always tell me to eat a dick as if that somehow insu
lts me
Aug 10 21:51:54 <Bimbo> being as I have a huge dick and all
Aug 10 22:18:58 <Deric> Uh, I have a penis.
Aug 11 02:18:03 <Itchy_MineBot|Kratom> if you've had people be a dick to you yo
ur whole life, you'll be a dick
Aug 11 02:18:28 <Itchy_MineBot|Kratom> penis
Aug 11 02:18:31 <Itchy_MineBot|Kratom> a giant walking penis
Aug 11 02:34:03 <Itchy_MineBot|Kratom> Penis Invalid nickname: Haha, no.
Aug 11 05:28:24 <Neonsyrup> Yeah he could, and he probably would be a dick
Aug 11 08:58:53 <GLICE> chop dem veggies with yo dick sucker
Aug 13 08:01:58 <Bimbo> "We used to be really tight until you let that dick come
between us"
Aug 13 08:12:27 <Bimbo> does she have a penis?
Aug 13 08:13:08 <Bimbo> and she has a penis
Aug 13 11:57:16 <Asshole> Kind of forgot I set my browsers to automaticall
y log me into websites, which if he was a dick he could do
Aug 13 12:41:41 <tweek`> but you'll have to hire a team of experts to hel
p you locate his penis
Aug 13 12:54:04 <tweek`> then i go ahead and get my dick out and bam
Aug 13 13:06:01 <Nothing\> even when the guy is a dick
Aug 13 13:15:41 <oath> nor could i, though i have cut my penis.. 4 stitches =\
Aug 13 13:39:24 <tweek`> windows speech recognition sucked dick
Aug 13 13:53:57 <oath> like oh i have a 6inch dick but i still know how to use
Aug 13 13:54:26 <oath> the short dick is still fucked
Aug 13 14:00:13 <oath> like the bigger a guy is for me.. it's like his dick is
going into mine
Aug 13 14:00:45 <oath> like i can feel his penis in my penis
Aug 13 14:45:09 <tweek`> but he could be sucking dick
Aug 14 03:10:25 <Vipzta-AMP> dope dick sucks
Aug 14 03:10:45 <Smuckerz> dope dick eh?
Aug 14 03:10:55 <Smuckerz> who sucks dope dick?
Aug 14 03:12:22 <Smuckerz> really can't complain about a hard dick that won
't fire... some real fun can be had with that...
Aug 14 03:13:59 <tweek`> eat a dick, Vipzta-AMP
Aug 14 03:42:08 <Asshole> Me and my daughter`s father may not get along bu
t I will never forget the time my baby needed diapers and he sucked dick for the
money. Real niggas do real things. He sold his ass for her some summer clothes,
I guess he a good dad.
Aug 15 13:34:47 <tweek`> he knows enough to never put his penis in one
Aug 15 13:51:51 <Bimbo> Who here hasn`t sucked dick?
Aug 15 13:52:04 <agi> Dextrovert, don't mis-quote Animals like that. You know
he didn't say cocks and explicitly said "penis".
Aug 15 13:52:49 <Bimbo> yeah lots of birds have the word cock or tit in them
Aug 15 13:52:52 <tweek`> the presidential penis of honor
Aug 15 13:56:11 <Hunter_S_Thompson> Bimbo:my penis into yer mom?
Aug 15 14:51:42 <Itchy_Robot|Recharging> ended up sucking some random guy
's dick, trying to sleep in the park
Aug 15 14:54:25 <Bimbo> did thte dick taste good?
Aug 15 15:14:57 <agi> Would you suck my dick if I cleaned it?
Aug 15 16:16:24 <Bimbo> Most of my shoppy I do at Dick`s supermarket
Aug 15 16:27:41 <SpaceCat> is that supposed to mean you have a really big d
Aug 15 17:42:38 <Bimbo> nothing offends me more than a dick tease
Aug 15 17:54:24 <SpaceCat> lol i thought you said 'cock'
Aug 15 17:54:34 <Bimbo> someone say cock?
Aug 15 20:42:31 <Vipzta-AMP> but not your dick bimbo
Aug 15 20:42:43 <Vipzta-AMP> not dick him down
Aug 16 16:34:47 <ganja> would you boof them while fucking a goat? would you boof
them, while fucking on coke? with a fox? with a cock?
Aug 16 16:42:17 <ganja> NRG: does your dick hang low, is it throbbin, is it gold
? can you slide it in my butt? can you tell me i'm a hoe? can you oil it all ove
r with a can o' crisco? does your butt, boof, blow?
Aug 17 23:58:31 <colonelcorn> my dealer is a dick, he aint no friend
Aug 18 00:19:17 <Bimbo> Cliff is a dick
Aug 18 00:20:30 <colonelcorn> hes a dick of course, but he wants it that way
Aug 18 00:36:55 <MENSTRAINSTATION> i guess he was being protective but it p
robably had more to do with him being a dick to you
Aug 18 00:42:02 <colonelcorn> he was being a dick and saying "please dont forg
et what candy bar i want"
Aug 18 00:50:22 <Animals> i like mah dick hanging out
Aug 18 09:42:53 <NRG> hot sauce in the dick hole!
Aug 18 11:01:37 <taters> eat a dick, tweek
Aug 18 12:08:32 <tOfO> taping his dick to the counter and shooting
Aug 18 12:08:50 <ganja> never shoot into your cock vein'
Aug 18 12:09:46 <NRG> sell some dick
Aug 18 12:10:02 <ganja> NRG: buy some dick
Aug 18 12:10:11 <Bimbo> did someone say dick?
Aug 18 12:14:26 <ganja> now when i have my penis inside women i think, oh man tw
eek would be so madd
Aug 18 12:21:51 <ganja> you can watch me choke my girlfriend with my dick
Aug 18 12:23:00 <ganja> hack my dick
Aug 18 13:08:32 <ganja> GOT THAT THICK COCK
Aug 18 13:37:16 <tOfO> digi: please put a cock in it bro'
Aug 18 13:37:59 <moxxy> Somebody can put a cock in me if they want
Aug 18 13:38:22 <tweek`> nobody wants to put a cock in you, moxxy
Aug 18 13:46:14 <moxxy> I think your mom asked for a loratab the other night twe
ek` but I wasn't sure what with her chocking on my cock and all.
Aug 18 13:46:31 <postirony> chock full of cock
Aug 18 13:46:49 <tweek`> your dick couldn't choke an ant
Aug 18 15:04:44 <tOfO> how something the size of a large black cock
Aug 18 15:08:27 <Bimbo> would anyone here eat a penis of an animal?
Aug 18 15:09:20 <moxxy> The cock and balls of that nights bull in a bullfight wa
s/is considered a delicacy
Aug 18 15:32:12 <Bimbo> !seen dick
Aug 18 15:32:13 <IUPAC> Bimbo, dick changed nickname to 562AAAATN 32wks 1day 13h
rs 28mins 17secs ago.
Aug 18 15:32:36 <Bimbo> I miss dick
Aug 18 15:39:53 <HighSpeedRotary> your dick will smell like wd40 for a wee
Aug 19 13:14:31 <Bimbo> Most of the old dick moderators left because they weren`
t getting their way all the time
Aug 19 14:25:36 <oath> eat dick
Aug 19 14:26:03 <Bimbo> I miss the days when bwhite would eat dick
Aug 19 14:56:26 <oath> eat my cock
Aug 19 16:33:18 * ganja shows the room his dick
Aug 19 16:35:36 <Itchy_MixBot> either that or a small penis
Aug 19 17:19:10 <Boofis_Butthurt> like a real dick
Aug 19 18:04:41 <Boofis_Butthurt> that Tweek` has a tiny penis
Aug 19 18:04:51 <Boofis_Butthurt> tweek`, your dick is small
Aug 19 18:04:57 <tOfO> tweek` doesn't have a tiny penis
Aug 19 18:05:03 <tOfO> he has no penis
Aug 19 18:05:15 <tOfO> that could be confused with a penis
Aug 19 18:09:43 <Boofis_Butthurt> my dad was cool, he wanted me to go, not
gonna feel like a dick over it
Aug 19 18:11:21 <Boofis_Butthurt> from my dick
Aug 19 18:31:53 <Boofis_Butthurt> tOfO sucks dick for crack, i seen em
Aug 21 12:07:52 <NRGs_mom> la_catalina: you know im always there to hold a
Aug 21 12:08:11 <Bimbo> NRG any dick?
Aug 21 12:08:12 <la_catalina> i'll suck your dick too though
Aug 21 12:08:40 <Bimbo> I need someone to hold the wheel barrel to hold my dick
Aug 21 12:09:35 <ganja> i look like such a faggot with the 3d goggles on but i f
eel like my dick is long
Aug 21 12:09:38 <ganja> and my cock is thick
Aug 21 12:09:50 <ganja> tweek`: isnt a girl he just has a very small penis
Aug 21 12:11:19 <ganja> pull a rabbit outta ya dick
Aug 21 12:25:40 <maitreya_ganja> Bimbo: why don't you go rape a 5 year o
ld and put mayonaise on your cock while your dog licks it off
Aug 21 12:45:50 <maitreya_ganja> ive become accustomed to your dick
Aug 21 12:53:05 <tweek`> the penis gave you away didn't it, moxxy?
Aug 21 13:01:52 <tweek`> from all that dick suckin
Aug 21 13:10:30 <Bimbo> Eat dick DM
Aug 21 13:25:36 <NRG> cock
Aug 22 07:58:18 <digi> Do you shake their penis while you're at it?
Aug 22 08:13:49 <agent> they suck lots of cock
Aug 22 08:14:44 <child_molasses> don't you guys think it would be even we
irder if a gay guy didn't suck cock?
Aug 22 08:47:32 <tweek`> or you know, a legal teen in a penis factory
Aug 22 10:26:14 <tweek`> ive got dick tracy mugs
Aug 22 10:26:27 <Bimbo> did someone say dick?
Aug 22 10:26:28 <tweek`> one is a big dick tracy head
Aug 22 10:26:37 <NRG> dick heads
Aug 22 10:26:51 <tweek`> and dick tracy driving
Aug 22 10:27:06 <Bimbo> dick driving
Aug 22 10:36:13 <tweek`> that was just a dick move
Aug 22 11:32:45 <SmokinWitCigawettes> the girl about to suck cock in the ice c
Aug 22 11:34:20 <Bimbo> Coke would never put subliminal pictures of dick sucking
I am sure
Aug 22 11:42:46 <tweek`> if the dick had even looked like a coke bottle
Aug 22 12:08:35 <SmokinWitCigawettes> lol that pic reminds me of one i took of
nick holding up a FREE WOOD sign we found and pointing at his dick
Aug 22 17:23:20 <maitreya> you think my girlfriend will like it if i glitte
r my cock
Aug 22 17:26:27 <JohnnyLaserPockets> My penis is + 3.5 inches big.
Aug 22 17:27:28 <BimboGlitterCocks> My penis is exactly 1/2 wavelength at 96
Aug 22 17:27:50 <f00t> your penis doesn't move very quickly
Aug 22 17:28:13 <JohnnyLaserPockets> ROCKING WITH HIS COCK OUT
Aug 22 17:28:25 <BimboGlitterCocks> Watching scottys cock rock
Aug 22 17:28:34 <JohnnyLaserPockets> Would you suck my dick if I cleaned it?
Aug 22 17:30:34 <HighSpeedRotary> that could modify his penis
Aug 23 11:14:52 <b0rg_drugs_drugs_moredrugs> my roomate is such a dick he cou
ldnt deal with fucking kittens
Aug 25 07:25:04 <Vipzta-AMPH> cock meat sammy
Aug 25 08:28:29 <Itchy_Robot|Kratom> so eat a big fat dick
Aug 25 12:47:16 <Penelope> maybe you should suck my dick
Aug 25 12:48:21 <digi> Is this your penis we're talking about, or fried mozzare
lla sticks?
Aug 25 18:29:49 <HighSpeedRotary> they might bite your dick off
Aug 25 19:02:06 <drPox> on my cock you should shit
Aug 26 15:26:01 <Itchy_Robot> she walks out of a bear dick
Aug 26 15:49:49 <Bimbo> Why doesn`t someone try to get a gigantic poster of a di
ck and lay it out on the roof of a building and see how long until google earth
has the image?
Aug 27 10:21:48 <ivorybinds> i used to love beating my soft cock on blow
Aug 27 10:31:58 <ivorybinds> 5 of those pounds being my cock and balls.
Aug 27 17:25:06 <Dextrovert> dick goof
Aug 27 17:44:36 <Bimbo> postirony you can strangle my penis
Aug 28 17:53:54 <agent> dvirc...................................................
Aug 28 19:05:53 <Bimbo> I am 23 years old and my boyfriend is 25. Whenever we tr
y to have sex, instead of his penis going into my vagina, it goes up his body. I
`m really scared. Will we ever have babies?
Aug 28 21:07:05 <Bimbo> Gates is a business man, Jobs was a dick sucker, Torvald
s is a programmer
Aug 28 21:29:05 <tweek`> the k6-2s sucked dick
Aug 29 13:59:03 <tweek`> dick cheney as a walmart greeter
Aug 29 13:59:51 <JARVIS> URL: Dick Cheney - Go Fuck Yourself (Family Guy)
- YouTube
Aug 29 15:00:43 <digi> Bimbo would you suck dick for DXM powder?
Aug 29 17:32:32 <ganja> i tried to get a glass dick
Aug 31 22:47:12 <Nothing\> shot up cock butt
Sep 01 23:34:41 <tweek`> right in the dick
Sep 02 00:19:57 <Itchy_Robot|Kratom> so eat a dick and dealwithit.jpg
Sep 02 00:20:52 <Itchy_Robot|Kratom> at work there's this guy who calls his p
enis his sister
Sep 02 00:21:12 <Buttcock> my penis is my big brother
Sep 02 00:43:44 <Buttcock> all that dick though
Sep 02 00:44:51 <tweek`> i have a 10 inch penis
Sep 02 00:45:15 <Itchy_Robot|Kratom> i've seen your penis
Sep 02 00:45:22 <tweek`> i dont recall showing you my dick
Sep 02 00:45:31 <Buttcock> I seen his dick before also
Sep 02 00:46:48 <tweek`> and you're a dick
Sep 02 01:26:10 <IR|Kratom> eat a big fat dick
Sep 02 13:00:43 <Snickers_Bar> middle name dick?
Sep 07 00:28:17 <n__u> damn this weed got me high as fuck.. makes me wanna take
another shower just to play with my dick
Sep 07 00:37:24 <rewindthesecond> he's smoking cock
Sep 07 00:37:39 <Bimbo> Why does everyone always assume I am smoking cock?
Sep 07 00:40:23 <BimboButtcock> people want to see a picture of my cock
Sep 07 00:41:54 <HighSpeedRotary> i had to have a cock reduction surgery
Sep 07 00:42:02 <HighSpeedRotary> my penis was the size o fme
Sep 07 00:42:10 <HighSpeedRotary> 6' penis
Sep 07 00:42:25 <HighSpeedRotary> what they did, was use all the rest of m
y penis that i did not need
Sep 07 00:43:28 <mysticaluna> why would you make a prosthetic penis in the sha
pe of god?
Sep 07 00:43:38 <HighSpeedRotary> when my penis is god
Sep 07 00:47:38 <rewindthesecond> b/c he thinks michelle rodriguez likes t
he penis or something
Sep 07 01:00:43 <tweek`> and that's a very accurate portrayal of your pen
is, BimboButtcock
Sep 07 01:17:06 <n__u> BimboButtcock, why not just get a cock
Sep 07 01:42:25 <BimboButtcock> your penis is going to fall off
Sep 07 02:15:44 <tweek`> there's probably not a cock in it right now
Sep 07 02:36:29 <agent> they are the ones with the most cock after all
Sep 07 03:01:24 <BimboButtcock> they have no penis
Sep 08 15:22:16 <Boner> or maybe God is a dick
Sep 08 15:22:26 <oath> your a dick
Sep 08 15:22:40 <oath> your a hard dick on the vurge of an epic eruption
Sep 08 15:22:44 <oath> thats the kind of dick you are
Sep 08 15:23:04 <Boner> are you calling me a dick
Sep 08 15:29:41 <oath> do you think michael jackson had a big penis
Sep 12 10:40:01 <Bimbo> assuming I talk out of my dick
Sep 12 10:40:25 <tweek`> im assuming you have no actual dick
Sep 12 10:41:07 <digi> That would explain the talking out of your dick thing.
Sep 12 10:54:21 <tweek`> he passed out with his dick in a toaster
Sep 12 11:10:23 <digi> Would you suck my dick if I cleaned it, Bimbo?
Sep 12 13:32:02 <helios> and i was like i wonder if his dick is as big as
a big dude
Sep 12 13:34:20 <helios> damn this midgit actually has a big dick!
Sep 12 13:42:27 <Bimbo> yeah but japanese have smaller penis
Sep 12 16:12:05 <Buttcock> you like the penis?
Sep 12 16:12:54 <Buttcock> I guess the question around here should be askin
g if someone does not like penis
Sep 12 16:14:35 <oath> but i was interested in penis since like 9 so..
Sep 12 16:14:43 <Buttcock> I used to be afraid of liking the cock until aft
er my first DxM trip
Sep 12 16:14:52 <Buttcock> now I can not wake up in the morning without my
morning cock in the mouth
Sep 12 16:15:19 <Buttcock> since DxM use my entire day consist of dick suck
ing now
Sep 12 17:09:42 <HighSpeedRotary> dick
Sep 12 17:16:08 <bugg> "pulling out my cock effected a very bad response"
Sep 12 17:17:06 <HighSpeedRotary> dick
Sep 12 17:19:20 <HighSpeedRotary> dick
Sep 12 17:40:23 <HighSpeedRotary> i'm not selling bumble cock capacitors
Sep 12 18:19:25 <Buttcock> That bimbo guy is a real dick
Sep 12 18:20:21 <oath> !seen my penis
Sep 12 18:20:21 <JARVIS> Sorry oath, i haven't seen my penis around.
Sep 12 19:28:37 <digi> It's funny because his name is butt and cock put togethe
Sep 12 19:30:16 <Buttcock> I just hope someone gets a mental picture of a b
utt that has a dick instead of an anus
Sep 12 19:30:38 <digi> Can you shove your butt in your dick?
Sep 12 19:31:07 <Buttcock> well technically it is possible for some people
to reach their dick around and shove it up their own ass
Sep 12 19:31:57 <digi> How many standard deviations above the mean penis length
do you have to be?
Sep 12 19:42:00 <Buttcock> !w dick
Sep 12 19:42:36 <Buttcock> dick is a real place?
Sep 12 19:44:42 <digi> !w dick
Sep 12 19:45:10 <digi> !w dick
Sep 12 19:45:40 <digi> ka, according to JARVIS, the word "dick" is equal to the
number 67058.
Sep 12 19:57:46 <PsycheNot> penis finger
Sep 12 19:58:02 <digi> "I use mah cock."
Sep 15 22:37:35 <Bimbo> I am still confused who`s dick I need to diddle around h
ere to get hops
Sep 15 22:40:33 <Itchy_GlowBot> you must have big penis
Sep 15 22:40:47 <Itchy_GlowBot> BIG penis can do many thing
Sep 15 22:41:02 <Nothing\> Itchy_GlowBot: oh you have so big penis
Sep 16 00:09:11 <Bimbo> If my dick grows at PI per second then how long is it in
54 seconds?
Sep 16 00:12:27 <Mucus_Overload> my cock weighs 2 your moms
Sep 16 00:13:42 <tweek`> both of you can feel free to suck a dick
Sep 16 12:26:19 <Bimbo> is it possible for the DV to go one day without mentioni
ng penis?
Sep 16 12:28:29 <moxxy> penis?
Sep 16 12:37:56 <digi> I thought you got 5 WPM with your dick.
Sep 16 13:29:09 <Dick_Seminal> i kind of thought he was going to say he stuck h
is penis in the cottage cheese
Sep 16 18:36:31 <digi> Is one your penis?
Sep 16 18:44:57 <digi> You should make a dildo replica of your own penis.
Sep 19 20:54:25 <b0rg_> isnt a vaginag an insideout penis
Sep 19 21:49:35 <Bimbo> oh it was dick..
Sep 19 21:49:40 <Bimbo> !w dick
Sep 19 21:50:00 <Bimbo> dick is in kansas
Sep 19 21:50:31 <Bimbo> I like to check the dick weather once in a while
Sep 19 21:53:11 <n__u> dick-like
Sep 19 21:54:11 <n__u> <Bimbo> it will potentiate my banana.. and turn it into
a dick
Sep 19 22:35:24 <Theta> it's his penis
Sep 19 22:37:39 <tweek`> theta is a dick
Sep 19 22:37:50 <Bimbo> did someone say dick?
Sep 19 22:39:01 <moxxy> the tip of your dick is shaped like a p?
Sep 19 22:39:04 <PsycheNot> your penis has extra foreskin
Sep 19 22:39:30 <Bimbo> or else I could use a much better dick looking ASCII
Sep 19 22:40:33 <Bimbo> maybe the tip of the p is a cock ring?
Sep 19 22:40:41 <tweek`> cock rings go on the other end
Sep 19 23:19:02 <Bimbo> I have a black penis unlike all of you asian penis folks
Sep 19 23:19:19 <tweek`> everything bimbo says is a clever ploy to get yo
u to prove you dont have a tiny dick
Sep 19 23:20:01 <Bimbo> I hate it when people here send me penis pics, it ruins
my night
Sep 20 00:33:31 <tweek`> does putting coke on your dick count as helping
a girl boof?
Sep 20 00:43:42 <tweek`> that's a dick troll move, dude
Sep 20 00:47:05 <rewindthesecond> emma stone can also climb on my penis
Sep 20 01:04:12 <Bimbo> your penis?
Sep 20 01:05:50 <moxxy> The Andy Dick show?
Sep 20 01:06:00 <Bimbo> lol Andy Dick show
Sep 20 01:06:22 <bugg> i love andy dick
Sep 20 01:06:43 <tweek`> moxxy has dick on his brain
Sep 20 01:06:56 <Bimbo> who here doesn`t have dick on their brain?
Sep 20 01:07:12 <malicelamb> a dick?
Sep 20 01:07:22 <moxxy> A big dick
Sep 20 01:39:24 <n__u> !w dick
Sep 20 22:08:04 <DexHead> ocat, if i figure out how exactly the process wo
rks, would you mind writing that character witness statement about Nic the dick?
Sep 20 22:23:51 <Buttfart> COCK RING
Sep 20 22:25:21 <Buttfart> I bet that guy taco owns a cock ring or two
Sep 20 22:27:13 <n__u> you all up on my dick already
Sep 22 02:48:46 <Bimbo> Well if this isn`t an occasion to lube up my dick with v
itamin E oil I don`t know what time would be
Sep 22 02:52:08 * DM beats sincere with his penis
Sep 22 02:54:23 <Bimbo> !w dick
Sep 22 02:55:10 <Bimbo> I have to check the weather at Dick at least once a day
Sep 22 02:56:54 <kate> im all dick
Sep 22 04:28:22 <tweek`> suck a dick, drunky
Sep 22 04:51:15 <Bimbo> I heard DM sucks dick for breakfast each day
Sep 22 05:04:14 <Draeko> suck penis
Sep 22 05:04:55 <Draeko> penis
Sep 22 12:08:14 <Bimbo> maybe this new bot will suck less dick
Sep 23 04:18:25 <Bimbo> I sucked so much dick last night
Sep 23 11:24:41 <colcorn> one time my best friends gf at the time was givi
ng him a handjob and i was laying on the bed trying to sleep and ignore it...sud
denly she grabbed my dick and started giving me a handjob at the same time
Sep 23 11:35:09 <n__u> no friend's sisters near my penis
Sep 23 12:34:25 <n__u> you're a dick
Sep 23 12:43:58 <colcorn> i was kind of a dick to her but it was an intern
et thing
Sep 23 12:45:02 <colcorn> i sent chella my favorite philip k dick book, i
regret that alot
Sep 23 13:30:40 <colcorn> i was being a dick and yelled at her and went to
walk out, she sprinted across the room and threw her body against the door....d
oor smashed into my head and caught my arm
Sep 26 21:59:46 <n__u> i wouldnt' fuck him with his dick
Sep 26 22:03:58 <chibit> i used to have a screenshot of him flashing his
dick lol
Sep 26 22:05:15 <james> Bimbo: do u have a penis
Sep 26 22:27:00 <n__u> "i'm not sucking your cock and telling you how wonderful
you are!"
Sep 26 23:14:59 <Rash_Decision> Put peas on my dick. Call it pee pee
Sep 26 23:17:47 <willmax> maybey i zuck ur dick?
Sep 26 23:25:42 <Bimbo> Who would want to stick their hairy bushy dick into that
Sep 26 23:39:43 <JARVIS> URL: Mr. Wizard's a Dick - YouTube
Sep 27 10:43:45 <Bimbo> Mr_Drug_Cocktail you have the word Cock in your name
Sep 27 13:18:54 <BimboBubbles> my penis is 11"
Sep 27 18:00:46 * taco slings e-dick around.
Sep 27 18:07:51 <off_Pudding> willmac had to suck his dick
Sep 28 02:32:20 <Bimbo> she had a penis
Sep 28 02:36:16 <Piter_De_Vries> i can only imagine what my dick felt lik
Sep 28 02:38:58 <Bimbo> ever notice how cottage cheese kind of smells like unwas
hed dick?
Sep 28 02:39:14 <ezrin> don't ktnwashed dick smells like
Sep 30 00:08:21 <Asshole> so.. uncut dick is subdermal
Oct 03 05:14:15 <Off_Pudding> a jiggling butt cock
Oct 03 07:39:15 <Off_Pudding> he just realized it was butt cock
Oct 03 09:13:58 <Off_Pudding> is that like a back dick
Oct 03 10:27:56 <Frontbutt> tweek why dont you change your name to frontdick
you dick
Oct 03 10:32:00 <Buttcock> Well in all fairness I never found the cock as a
ppetizing until after watching one of his dancing to the oldies tapes
Oct 03 11:55:55 <b0rg_> ok them ram to into me the penis
Oct 03 11:56:34 <Buttcock> I will inject it into my dick first
Oct 03 12:20:06 <Deric> it just has a big rubber dick where the seat was
Oct 06 06:09:05 <Itchy_Robot|Etizolam> no, he clearly has a murderous cock
Oct 06 06:24:21 <soul_eater> ill suck yo dick
Oct 06 06:38:56 <soul_eater> myne cock
Oct 06 06:39:09 <tweek`> so you have a needle dick?
Oct 06 06:48:24 <soul_eater> soulless_ has a penis
Oct 06 06:50:37 <Bimbo> As a benefit you get the black man penis length
Oct 06 06:51:42 <Bimbo> did she have a black man penis?
Oct 06 06:52:17 <tweek`> Zephyr has a doctorate in dick studies from John
son University
Oct 06 19:13:35 <Bimbo> that you are a penis
Oct 06 19:14:03 <Bimbo> you are still a penis though
Oct 06 19:27:55 <Zephyr> of ur cock
Oct 06 20:08:39 <Bimbo> "I am gonna go show my penis to some kids"
Oct 06 21:14:09 <Bimbo> I use my penis
Oct 06 21:14:24 <Bimbo> Actually I open most doors with my penis
Oct 06 21:16:19 <Itchy_Robot|Kratom> then you know how easy it is to kill a c
hicken with your dick Bimbo
Oct 06 21:42:04 <Draeko> we all loves the dick
Oct 06 21:47:29 <Bimbo> stick a dick into them
Oct 06 22:09:11 <tweek`> usually he has dick on his mind
Oct 06 22:17:13 <tweek`> We now return to Quantum Creep. "Al, what yea
r is it?" "1972" "Cool! I'm gonna go show my penis to some kids!"
Oct 06 22:55:08 <moxxy> I think I broke my dick
Oct 06 22:55:56 <tweek`> moxxy has a broken dick
Oct 06 22:56:20 <Bimbo> you know a bent penis is a serious medical condition
Oct 06 22:56:47 <Bimbo> all we ever talk about here is dick
Oct 06 22:58:15 <Bimbo> there should be some statistics page for IRC that shows
how often the word "dick" is used here
Oct 06 22:59:32 <Bimbo> bbl, I am gonna go masturbate until my dick falls off
Oct 07 12:23:28 <Bimbo> digi make sure to give us a !banana command, and count h
ow often "dick" is mentioned for statistics
Oct 07 13:23:25 <sincere> you cant put your dick on a rare steak
Oct 07 13:41:37 <Nothing\> i told you, dick
Oct 07 13:42:39 <Bimbo> well there is another +dick for the future statistics co
Oct 07 13:43:57 <Bimbo> dick dick dick dick
Oct 07 13:44:40 <Bimbo> I wonder what kind of variable size would be needed to c
ount the "dick" usage around here/
Oct 07 13:53:55 <Bimbo> well we could go back to talking about dick
Oct 11 12:24:21 <Bimbo> penis
Oct 11 12:26:45 <Jesus_Of_Nazareth> you want to eat nothing\'s penis?
Oct 11 13:15:27 <n__u> u have a large penis bruh
Oct 11 15:25:44 <Zephyr> well now ur just being a dick Jesus_Of_Nazareth
Oct 11 15:28:45 <Deric|DXMandWeed> Your father had cancer of the dick
Oct 11 15:29:19 <tweek`> of his dick
Oct 12 17:57:59 <Bimbo> !potato dick
Oct 12 17:58:00 <b0rg_b0t> Bimbo dick has not been seen by me.
Oct 12 18:04:20 <Bimbo> dick dick
Oct 12 18:04:36 <digi> I gotta get a database setup for a dick counter
Oct 12 18:08:31 <digi> Back to the DICK COUNTER, Bimbo
Oct 12 18:12:04 <Bimbo> you know plantains are kind of like the black dick versi
on of a banana
Oct 12 21:14:58 <DrXer_Gabapentin> his music is dick, I'm sorry, but it's e
xcellent shit but he makes it fsh sticks
Oct 12 21:31:28 <DrXer_Gabapentin> I too need to go to Dick's Sporting good
s for gear.
Oct 12 21:31:41 <Bimbo> did someone say Dick`s?
Oct 12 22:15:00 <Bimbo> !w cock
Oct 12 22:15:05 <Bimbo> !w dick
Oct 12 22:15:36 <Bimbo> !w dick
Oct 12 22:16:06 <Bimbo> It`s nice to know Dick exists in Pratt, Kansas
Oct 12 22:16:25 <Hanniba1> !w dick
Oct 13 17:14:39 <n__u> i got 98 and 1/2 problems cause im not sure if this girl
i'm fucking tonight has a penis or not
Oct 13 17:43:23 <n__u> im like nigga i seen my dick bleed a couple times and i
aint get scurred
Oct 13 17:43:35 <Off_Pudding> nick goes to sleep with a bloody dick he dont ga
Oct 13 17:43:52 <n__u> a real nigga go to sleep with a bloody dick
Oct 15 07:53:18 <Psychenot> got your dick out?
Oct 15 08:04:16 <Bimbo> !w dick
Oct 15 08:05:15 <Bimbo> dick resolves to there
Oct 15 08:45:27 <digi> Dick cheese.
Oct 15 09:10:47 <Bimbo> !w dick
Oct 15 09:11:07 <tweek`> how the fuck does pratt, kansas equal dick?
Oct 15 09:38:18 <Bimbo> it will resolve dick but not fart
Oct 15 09:39:18 <ka_school> dick > fart
Oct 15 09:39:22 <Bimbo> !w dick
Oct 15 12:39:32 <Bimbo> well close enough to cock
Oct 15 12:57:39 <Nothing\> with a penis
Oct 15 13:03:05 <Bimbo> no one knows your dick better than another man
Oct 16 13:12:00 * Topic for #dextroverse is: Penis
Oct 16 13:12:59 <Bimbo> because he is a dick
Oct 16 13:13:46 <Bimbo> Penis
Oct 16 13:36:18 <Bimbo> so I imagine wetback dick taste good
Oct 16 13:36:32 <ka> I never sucked his dick.
Oct 16 13:38:53 <Hunter_S_Thompson> he sucks good dick
Oct 16 13:51:02 <NRG> you ever sucked dick to make meth
Oct 16 14:38:05 <Hunter_S_Thompson> he needs that dick
Oct 16 14:38:11 <ka> or that dick
Oct 16 14:38:23 <ka> I've got that dick, but I'm 1000 miles away
Oct 16 14:38:25 <Bimbo> well the topic line today is Penis
Oct 16 14:38:39 <ka> I can see about putting a little rod in my dick
Oct 16 16:12:08 <b0rg_b0t> oath, cum_Monkies last spoke 2days 17hrs 27mins
ago saying: dick
Oct 19 15:44:44 <Piter_De_Vries> and make him say something about his coc
Oct 19 15:46:31 <Bimbo> You know.. Martha Stewart is a real dick
Oct 21 12:43:34 <FilthyAssistant> also a woman has bitten off my dick in a
Oct 21 13:19:46 <Jester-Race> and ill give you penis for life
Oct 21 13:20:21 <Howl> Jester-Race: id have thought your penis was
Oct 21 13:37:12 <Bimbo> sometimes I put my dick between my legs and pretend I am
a girl
Oct 21 14:01:46 <Jester-Race> i wish i could dick my pokemon in the butt with
the poke puffs they give me
Oct 21 14:06:12 <Bimbo> Ever hear of Deadwood Dick?
Oct 21 14:06:51 <JARVIS> URL: Deadwood Dick - Wikipedia, the free encyclo
Oct 21 14:07:12 <Fester-Face> My mom has a splintery wooden dick
Oct 21 14:08:29 <Bimbo> WHAT IS A DEADWOOD DICK
Oct 21 14:11:44 <Jester-Race> TAKE IT WITH A GRAIN OF PENIS
Oct 21 14:11:46 <Bimbo> It is Who is a Deadwood Dick
Oct 21 14:12:05 <JARVIS> URL: Deadwood Dick - Wikipedia, the free encyclo
Oct 21 16:26:34 <GLICEOLALIA> i sucked tacos dick
Oct 24 13:43:17 <Bimbo> Yeah maximum strength dick sounds kind of odd
Oct 24 13:44:04 <Bimbo> with long acting dick
Oct 24 16:29:53 <Link> I am a grown ass man to my knowledge, although one time
I think my penis almost inverted inside me.
Oct 24 16:30:17 <Bimbo> invert penis is a sign
Oct 24 16:30:49 <Lydia> your penis can be hidden if you're fat enough
Oct 25 09:37:43 <Bimbo> I need a shower I smell like stale dick
Oct 25 09:59:17 <Bimbo> now I got that clean dick smell
Oct 25 11:52:55 <neutraltoxic> tthen it should be formatted as such and not inc
lude combinations or dosages as to encourage people having penis contests
Oct 25 11:56:12 <Hunter_S_Thompson> its the size of your cock neutraltoxic
Oct 25 12:57:09 <Bimbo> dick dick dick
Oct 25 12:57:24 <nrg> dick
Oct 25 12:57:39 <nrg> dick dick dick dick
Oct 25 12:57:43 <nrg> dick dick dick dick dick dick
Oct 25 12:58:30 <nrg> dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick d
ick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick d
ick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick d
ick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick d
ick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick
dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick
Oct 25 12:58:37 <nrg> dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick d
ick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick d
ick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick d
ick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick d
ick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick
dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick
Oct 25 12:59:05 <nrg> dick dick dick dick
Oct 25 13:01:48 <rewindthesecond> nrg why so dick
Oct 25 13:46:19 <Bimbo> I don`t mean to be a dick but most people don`t remember
a lot of their dream
Oct 25 14:24:36 <Bimbo> !w dick
Oct 25 14:25:01 <zonk_plus> oh wait dick
Oct 25 15:27:48 <digi> Well, at least his dick counting abilities have not been
Oct 25 15:54:51 <azazel> tell him to suck a dick Bimbo
Oct 25 15:58:39 <Bimbo> The lie detector test shows here that steve wilkos is a
fucking dick
Oct 25 15:58:51 <Bimbo> his head even looks like a dick
Oct 25 15:59:18 <Bimbo> back room dick sucking
Oct 25 16:26:08 <nrg> dick
Oct 25 16:26:30 <nrg> !dickcount dick
Oct 25 16:26:33 <nrg> !dickcount dick
Oct 25 16:27:10 <Bimbo> only a dick would abuse a bot
Oct 27 12:06:08 <nrg> suck my dick
Oct 27 14:17:46 <Bimbo> digibot do you like dick?
Oct 27 14:24:02 <Bimbo> !w dick
Oct 27 14:24:22 <Dextrovert> Dick's in Kansas apparently
Oct 27 14:44:41 <Bimbo> I am not a fan of black dick
Oct 27 14:47:21 <n__u> So suck my dick, nigga.
Oct 27 14:50:09 <n__u> dick
Oct 27 14:56:34 <n__u> suck my dick, and never talk to me again
Oct 27 14:58:28 <n__u> just dont be a dick about it
Oct 27 15:05:43 <digi> suck a dick nigga
Oct 27 15:07:18 <n__u> this whole argument is a dick-sizing contest
Oct 27 15:14:10 <n__u> so stfu and lick a dick nigga
Oct 27 19:27:14 <Zephyr> where's dick vitale when you need him
Nov 01 12:01:20 <digibot> omnipenis: The all knowing penis.
Nov 01 12:05:27 <Bimbo> funny how it installed without a hitch on my laptop but
was a real dick on my desktop even though they run the same OS distro
Nov 01 13:01:47 <moxxy> I got the urge to pull my dick from the dirt
Nov 01 13:02:08 <Bimbo> is your dick a sand worm?
Nov 02 17:24:53 <digibot> german watermelon: When you fuck some chick in t
he ass and pull out your cock and there are little black dots on it
Nov 02 17:26:31 <digibot> dirty sanchez: You guys are wrong, its when a ma
n and a woman engage in anal sex, then the man takes his penis and rubs it on th
e girls upper lip leaving a moustache.
Nov 02 17:27:12 <digibot> blumpkin: The delicately balanced art of getting
your cock sucked while taking a dump.
Nov 02 17:49:00 <Bimbo> !w dick
Nov 02 17:49:15 <moxxy> !w dick
Nov 02 17:58:52 <moxxy> Cut your dick into about 1/5th
Nov 02 18:00:26 <willmax> why did that guy cut his penis head off?
Nov 02 18:01:07 <n__u> of some dude just cutting his dick head off
Nov 02 18:03:16 <n__u> that made my dick hurt
Nov 02 18:26:14 <Bimbo> where is the dick counter?
Nov 02 18:26:21 <Deric> there is no dick counter
Nov 02 18:26:26 <Deric> there is no penis level
Nov 02 18:26:33 <ephemeralmelody> I don't have a penis
Nov 02 18:44:07 <digi> dick
Nov 02 19:41:26 <digibot> pussy: The box a dick comes in
Nov 02 19:41:41 <Bimbo> !define dick
Nov 02 19:41:42 <digibot> dick: 1.The male genitals 2.An abrasive man 3.Sh
ort-form for Richard
Nov 02 21:28:52 <moxxy> !dickcount dick
Nov 02 21:29:17 <moxxy> dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick d
ick dick dick dick dick dick dick
Nov 02 21:29:21 <digibot> baby carrot: a small penis, or a name for a man
who has a small penis
Nov 02 21:48:44 <tweek`> even brand name instant coffee sucks dick
Nov 02 21:48:53 <tweek`> how much dick?
Nov 02 21:49:01 <tweek`> an amount of dick equal to or greater than bimbo

Nov 02 21:49:08 <Bimbo> that is a lot of dick
Nov 02 21:49:22 <Nothing\> bimbo has more dick than anyone else
Nov 02 21:49:31 <Bimbo> are you calling me a dick?
Nov 02 21:49:45 <tweek`> i think he's saying you have a huge dick
Nov 02 21:59:13 <digibot> docking: The act of placing the head of ones pen
is inside the foreskin of anothers penis.
Nov 02 21:59:58 <digibot> popsickle: Reality: A frozen, fruit flavored tre
at. UrbanDictionary.com definition: Penis.
Nov 02 22:17:48 <Bimbo> my favorite meat is dick
Nov 02 22:17:56 <tweek`> have you ever even eaten a dick?
Nov 02 22:18:27 <moxxy> I started to suck a dick once but I couldn't bend my hea
d down that far
Nov 02 22:19:34 <moxxy> or just have a massive monster cock
Nov 02 23:37:08 <Bimbo> !w dick
Nov 02 23:37:36 <Bimbo> yes dick is in norwich kansas
Nov 02 23:41:36 <Bimbo> I miss the dick counter
Nov 02 23:41:50 <Bimbo> I am having dick count withdrawals
Nov 03 00:32:56 <Bimbo> don`t be a dick now
Nov 05 12:36:17 <n__u> Bimbo my penis is rite here niglet
Nov 05 12:42:04 <n__u> Dextrovert suck a dick nigga
Nov 05 12:44:43 <n__u> Bimbo eat a dick
Nov 05 12:45:11 * n__u presents penis
Nov 05 12:45:42 <Bimbo> now I have to eat this dick
Nov 05 13:00:47 <Bimbo> my dick weighs 210lbs
Nov 05 13:01:21 <Bimbo> my dick is 6'1"
Nov 05 13:02:04 <Bimbo> sometimes I wonder if my penis is a large tumor but I do
n`t question its girth
Nov 05 13:02:25 <zonk_plus> my penis is the exact size and shape of a tuna c
Nov 05 13:05:02 <Bimbo> women take these special pumps like a penis pump to thei
r vulva
Nov 05 13:05:18 <Howl> penis pumps scare me
Nov 05 13:05:28 <Howl> i dont want my blood vessels in my penis bursting
Nov 05 13:06:53 <Howl> thought you were responsing to the penis pump thing
Nov 05 13:46:50 <Draeko> supern0va: dont mind me im just a dick, i dont w
ant to kick you just test your limits
Nov 05 14:19:42 <postirony> tweek` is a dick diddler
Nov 05 14:20:32 <postirony> so tweek` can diddle your dick? that's sick
Nov 05 15:39:25 <Dextrovert> Stay away from those dick grapes.
Nov 05 15:41:06 <anubis> lol dick grapes
Nov 05 16:41:51 <Itchy_Sausage> real sausage or dick
Nov 05 16:41:59 <Itchy_Sausage> or penis
Nov 05 16:42:32 <Itchy_Sausage> http://blogs.houstonpress.com/eating/spotted-dic
Nov 05 16:44:07 <Deric> nigger dick tastes like cotton candy lied the horny frog
Nov 05 18:35:18 <GeniusNiggerBrainiac> DrFysh went to Penis Camp
Nov 05 18:36:04 <GeniusNiggerBrainiac> DrFysh at Penis Camp there are pics some
where of them singing 'round the campfire with their shlongs hanging out
Nov 05 19:22:34 <digi> The dick count should be what it was on Saturday when I
shutted it down...
Nov 05 19:23:01 <williammacy> dick
Nov 05 19:27:11 <digibot> pussy: The box a dick comes in
Nov 05 19:45:07 <Bimbo_Sausage> !w dick
Nov 05 19:45:45 <Bimbo_Sausage> wow it is cold in Dick
Nov 05 20:17:41 <Bimbo_Sausage> I could go for a cock ale right about now
Nov 05 20:18:04 <Bimbo_Sausage> Zephyr would you drink a Cock Ale?
Nov 05 20:23:51 <Bimbo_Sausage> I have a black mans penis
Nov 05 20:42:45 <n__u> im just a dick i guess
Nov 05 22:04:33 <Dick_Seminal> Bimbo im makin your moms dick counter go up
Nov 05 23:36:35 <Deric> penis camp
Nov 05 23:37:05 <Deric> camp penis? no
Nov 06 15:52:20 <colcorn> Yea everyone thinks were outright dicks...were a
special kind of dick...I'm german not italian but that's no matter
Nov 06 20:24:35 <mhek> dick
Nov 07 10:56:15 <Deric> dick
Nov 07 10:57:42 <digibot> curious george: when your penis sticks out of th
e hole in your boxers
Nov 07 11:45:04 <Bimbo> If someone told me I have a nice dick I would thank them
and be gitty
Nov 07 11:46:39 * Bimbo still waits for a nice dick comment
Nov 07 11:47:09 <Draeko> saggy ass having shriveled dick having face havi
Nov 07 12:02:12 <Draeko> HE IS A DICK
Nov 07 12:06:30 <Draeko> riding dirty = pubic hair longer than your penis
Nov 07 12:14:25 <Detta_Walker> oh do you mean a dick
Nov 07 13:24:39 <moxxy> Why did moxxy's penis cross the road
Nov 07 13:25:44 <Bimbo> moxxys dick is a speed trap
Nov 07 13:33:20 <Aphostile> penis camp
Nov 07 14:29:14 <ses> you cant forget penis
Nov 07 15:29:11 <Detta_Walker> i tried to talk to cliff as far as what to do ab
out it and he wa a dick to me
Nov 07 16:34:48 <anubis> racism is penis envy Dextrovert
Nov 08 23:43:58 <Bimbo> lets talk more about dick
Nov 09 00:02:41 <Bimbo> I am being a dick
Nov 09 00:02:56 <Bimbo> You cought the dick?
Nov 09 00:14:05 <vine`> whiskey dick is the opposite of viagra
Nov 09 00:17:25 <vine`> youll be amazed how girls fall on your dick once you sta
rt making money
Nov 09 00:18:54 <vine`> the idea of a dick in my ass makes my skin crawl :/
Nov 09 00:24:39 <vine`> no i own a fat dick tho
Nov 09 00:24:52 <vine`> i mean its mine, its not like i bought some weird 8 inch
dick on ebay
Nov 09 00:27:30 <anubis> nah hes pretty cool but yea non jewish americans
who suck israeli dick should join the Israeli Foreign Legion Hunter_S_Thompson
Nov 09 00:40:25 <Bimbo> What a dick
Nov 09 11:44:26 <Bimbo> He was kind of being a dick towards me
Nov 09 12:37:33 <Bimbo> !define dick
Nov 09 12:37:36 <digibot> dick: 1.The male genitals 2.An abrasive man 3.Sh
ort-form for Richard
Nov 09 12:39:08 <digibot> bozac: The human male member that rests between
the thighs. Another name for your crank, rod, penis, cock, dick, scrod, junk, pe
cker, diggler, meat, goods, wang, prick, schlong, johnson, boner, dong, jimmy, e
Nov 09 12:39:23 <Detta_Walker> a dick is a pete
Nov 09 13:28:03 <Bimbo> !w dick
Nov 09 13:49:11 <digibot> barbecue nelson: When you are walking and trip a
nd your penis, hits the grill. Usually this causes extreme pain and a possible l
oss of penis.
Nov 09 13:49:19 <Deric> it means stretch your penis
Nov 09 13:49:28 <Deric> ill stretch your penis
Nov 09 14:10:07 <digibot> blue sock: To have sex with someone in the anus
so hard that a thin layer of their anus is left on your penis
Nov 09 14:15:37 <digibot> blumpkin: The delicately balanced art of getting
your cock sucked while taking a dump.
Nov 09 14:38:43 <Detta_Walker> your penis is exposed, brotha...
Nov 09 15:10:11 <tweek`> every so often i figured they got a dick in the
Nov 09 15:15:47 <Deric> !define penis
Nov 09 16:40:57 <GlitterCock> dick dick dick dick dick
Nov 09 16:42:20 <digi> dick
Nov 09 16:43:43 <cykros> or type one dick, and hit ctrl v over and over a
nd over again
Nov 09 16:51:18 <digi> You're just jealous that digibot gets more dick than you
Nov 09 16:53:40 <digi> Bimbo's sent me about a megabyte's worth of the ASCII ch
aracters "DICK" by now.
Nov 09 17:14:24 <GlitterCock> ever notice dolphins kind of feel like dick?
Nov 09 17:16:56 <digi> But no, the dick count is not part of it.
Nov 09 17:28:28 <GlitterCock> your bot sounds like it is being a dick to you
Nov 09 17:30:58 <anubis> sparkly vampire dick glistening in the sun
Nov 09 17:33:53 <digibot> mangina: when a guy pulls his dick and balls bac
k between his legs (forming a basket of fruit behind him) and then putting his l
egs together to simulate the look of a vagina
Nov 09 18:06:36 <GlitterCock> !banana dick
Nov 09 19:50:07 <Hunter_S_Thompson> i havent watched any college ball this y
ear, i dont know diddly dick
Nov 09 23:22:13 <GlitterCock> I got glitter all up on this cock
Nov 09 23:26:03 <Detta_Walker> cock ring clockinrg
Nov 10 00:08:06 <Nothing\> Detta_Walker: sam asks al what year it is, al sa
ys 1972, so sam says he's gonna go show his penis to some children
Nov 10 00:21:21 <pyrt> where is that one dick
Nov 10 00:21:42 <pyrt> anyway he was a dick
Nov 10 00:29:22 <digibot> size queen: Uh, lets be clear about this. The w
hole queen lingo lexicon was created in the gay community. A size queen is a du
de who digs the massively huge penis, forsaking all others. Any reference to a
woman being a size queen is great, but a secondary definition.
Nov 10 00:45:33 <GlitterCock> just don`t stick your dick into the jar before p
ickling and it will last forever
Nov 10 00:47:07 <Bitchtits> if i ever smoked what you have i would end up ru
nning around naked then chopping off my penis and/or balls then throwing it all
at a cop
Nov 10 01:04:06 <Detta_Walker> HAVE YOU EVER SUCKED DICK FOR WEED
Nov 10 01:04:29 <Itchy_Robot|LSA> i have sucked dick for weed, but more be
cause I wanted the dick, not the weed
Nov 10 01:04:41 <GlitterCock> I sucked a friends dick for a cig once
Nov 10 01:04:57 <Detta_Walker> i sucked dick for vitamins earlier
Nov 10 01:05:17 <Itchy_Robot|LSA> dick sucking doesn't mean anything
Nov 10 01:05:57 <bugg> have u ever sucked a dick 4 luv tho
Nov 10 01:06:35 <Detta_Walker> i suck dick for love ona daily
Nov 10 01:58:53 <Detta_Walker> like a mullatto dick
Nov 10 02:02:14 <Itchy_Robot|LSA> darklife is just being a dick
Nov 10 02:48:52 <Detta_Walker> im giving you a warning to stop being a dick pre
tty much
Nov 10 03:43:42 <Itchy_Robot|LSA> dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick
dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick
dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick
dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick
dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick
dick dick dick dick dick dick
Nov 10 03:43:42 <Itchy_Robot|LSA> dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick
dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick
dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick
dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick
dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick
dick dick dick dick dick dick
Nov 10 03:43:43 <Itchy_Robot|LSA> dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick
dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick
dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick
dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick
dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick
dick dick dick dick dick dick
Nov 10 03:43:43 <Itchy_Robot|LSA> dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick
dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick
dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick
dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick
dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick
dick dick dick dick dick dick
Nov 10 03:43:43 <Itchy_Robot|LSA> dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick
dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick
dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick
dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick
dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick
dick dick dick dick dick dick
Nov 10 03:43:43 <Itchy_Robot|LSA> dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick
dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick
dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick
dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick
dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick
dick dick dick dick dick dick
Nov 10 03:43:43 <Itchy_Robot|LSA> dick dick dick dick dick dick
Nov 10 03:44:05 <Bimbo> I want to dick it
Nov 10 03:45:19 <Bimbo> !w dick
Nov 11 00:03:46 <rewindthesecond> dick sargent?
Nov 11 00:04:05 <bugg> every1 knows dick york was better
Nov 11 00:04:23 <Wiener> wow you guys talk about dick a lot
Nov 11 00:05:53 <kgb> cock
Nov 11 01:22:06 <Amide> what a dick
Nov 14 15:04:49 <JARVIS> URL: Dick Cheney: 'It's my new heart, not someon
e else's old heart'
Nov 14 16:25:49 <Nothing> i knew what dick was going to say most of the ti
Nov 14 16:26:57 <Bimbo> !stalk dick
Nov 14 16:26:59 <b0rg_b0t> Bimbo, dick has been very quiet...
Nov 14 17:30:51 <Bimbo> !w dick
Nov 14 18:51:44 <Bimbo> Dick is my middle name
Nov 14 18:53:16 <Bimbo> I have a long penis
Nov 14 19:52:03 <JARVIS> URL: Riskay - Smell Yo Dick - YouTube
Nov 14 19:52:32 <postirony> let me smell YO DICK
Nov 14 21:24:06 <Nothing\> you ever burn your dick
Nov 14 21:24:46 <Nothing\> when i was little i had this pocket microscope w
ith an incandescent bulb on it and i tried looking at my penis under it and burn
t the skin on my head
Nov 14 21:26:02 <nrg> how does a burnt penis feel Nothing\
Nov 14 21:26:16 <nrg> and why were you looking at your dick with a microscope
Nov 14 21:26:34 <Nothing\> heh you ever cut your penis shaving
Nov 14 21:26:45 <Bimbo> I need to use a telescope in reverse to see my penis
Nov 14 21:27:08 <Nothing\> i shave with the beard trimmer on an electric ra
zor and more than once i've gotten the skin of my scrotum or the base of my peni
s caught in it
Nov 14 22:25:29 <Ballin`_Angel> where he was a complete dick to me when i apolog
ized over and over lol
Nov 14 23:12:44 <digibot-dev> scrambled eggs: Upon ejaculating on a womans bre
asts or stomach, the gentleman proceeds to whisk the pool of semen with his peni
s. Best results occur when both the woman and the penis are kept in constant mo
tion to help create smaller and softer curds.
Nov 14 23:20:28 <azazel> not worth sticking your dick in crazy man
Nov 14 23:59:59 <Nothing\> especially my dick
Nov 15 00:20:38 <tweek`> bimbo is the one person i have never showed my d
ick to in here apparently
Nov 15 01:11:02 <Bimbo> well I was going to say your dick but figured that would
be too far
Nov 15 01:24:14 <Bimbo> I should make a bot that says "dick" every 25 minutes so
that digibot-dev counts it and your bot keeps me voiced
Nov 16 21:56:35 <Bimbo> Ballin`_Oates has a penis last time I checked
Nov 16 22:03:45 <tweek`> and everyone has seen my dick except bimbo
Nov 16 22:05:47 <tweek`> #nws = not work safe channel for anyone who want
s to see either my dick of bimbo's butt
Nov 16 22:11:36 <Ballin`_Oates> Zephyr do you remember when you put pigtails in
your hair and tucked your dick on webcam
Nov 16 22:14:58 <n__u> i got a bump on my dick once and freakd out
Nov 16 22:15:26 <soulless_> your penis grows hair on it?
Nov 16 22:15:32 <soulless_> like on your actual penis?
Nov 16 22:16:16 <Ballin`_Oates> i really dont want to imagine herps around your
dick root
Nov 16 22:42:44 <tweek`> a bimbo just became a giant dick
Nov 16 22:45:28 <Giantpenis> !define giant penis
Nov 16 22:45:30 <digibot-dev> giant penis: A very large, massive,extremely vei
ny cock.
Nov 16 22:45:40 <n__u> giant penis
Nov 16 22:57:46 <Ballin`_Oates> if i wanna see a dick ill ask
Nov 16 22:57:59 <Ballin`_Oates> either way, why would someone just link you to t
heir dick like
Nov 16 23:00:48 <Zephyr> i wanna stick my cock up ur asscrack
Nov 16 23:01:08 <Zephyr> youd l;ove my cock
Nov 16 23:12:22 <JARVIS> URL: Tool - Hooker with a penis - YouTube
Nov 16 23:21:53 <Ballin`_Oates> you just link pics to your dick
Nov 16 23:22:17 <Geewiz> who are you trying to get cock pics from
Nov 16 23:24:18 <tweek`> if you ask to see pics of my dick, you're welcom
e to
Nov 16 23:24:53 <Giantpenis> I would take dick pics but my camera can`t zoom
out enough to fit it in frame
Nov 16 23:27:32 <soulless_> i might have a dick
Nov 16 23:27:37 <tweek`> i dont care if you have a dick
Nov 16 23:28:08 <Giantpenis> If you have a dick you may be the cutest trans I
have seen in a long time
Nov 16 23:31:15 <Ballin`_Oates> i dont have ppl dick ridin me
Nov 16 23:31:24 <soulless_> dick riding?
Nov 16 23:39:42 <Zephyr> i dont think she expected my cock to be as big a
s it is
Nov 17 01:52:15 <n__u> just send them dick pix and stfu k
Nov 17 01:52:24 <Ballin`_Oates> show the love with dick links
Nov 17 01:53:24 <n__u> "uhh... cool penis?"
Nov 17 01:53:35 <tweek`> lol, it wasnt dick picks
Nov 17 01:53:41 <tweek`> with my dick
Nov 17 01:53:50 <n__u> dick pix
Nov 17 01:56:37 <Zephyr> i can only shioow off my cock tho
Nov 17 01:57:04 <n__u> i thought u niggas only gave cock pix to niggas that wan
ted em
Nov 17 02:00:20 <tweek`> with a picture of just your dick
Nov 17 02:01:31 <n__u> a bitch can see my dick
Nov 17 02:01:39 <n__u> until then, suck a dick nigga
Nov 17 02:02:18 <Zephyr> oh my cock is unrivaled
Nov 17 02:02:47 <DNR> my dick is nice
Nov 17 02:03:24 <DNR> I need someone to appreciate my dick :(
Nov 17 02:03:33 <Zephyr> having a big dick is nbice
Nov 17 02:03:34 <Ballin`_Oates> lol i swear i called nicks dick my lil nigga tod
Nov 17 02:03:58 <Ballin`_Oates> DNR i appreciate your dick
Nov 17 02:04:30 <DNR> it's a nice dick
Nov 17 02:05:30 <DNR> is it legal to post links of penis pics on here
Nov 17 02:10:09 <Butternut> I never go to bed alone, I have my dick to keep
me company
Nov 17 02:22:02 <n__u> tweek` i wish i had ur job and ur penis
Nov 17 02:38:52 <Butternut> not asking to be a dick
Nov 17 02:40:25 <DNR> I wanna see penis
Nov 17 02:46:23 <Ballin`_Oates> i saw a dv dick tonight
Nov 17 02:54:42 <Butternut> you showing dick pictures probably caused some c
atastrophic event on the other side of the planet
Nov 17 03:02:54 <n__u> ah the dv, where niggas trade dick pix like baseball car
Nov 17 03:03:07 <tweek`> i havent seen anybody else's dick pics tonight
Nov 17 03:03:40 <Ballin`_Oates> i just pmmed half the dv with dick pics
Nov 17 03:03:54 <Butternut> tweek` you should give out pictures of your dick
to people on halloween
Nov 17 03:04:40 <n__u> we can have a dick sizing contest right now nigga
Nov 17 03:05:20 <tweek`> the dv dick wars have started
Nov 17 03:06:39 <tweek`> my dick is my sword, bro
Nov 17 03:07:21 <tweek`> i can operate my dick like a scalpel
Nov 17 03:07:57 <tweek`> that's a hard working dick
Nov 17 03:08:18 <n__u> that nigga dick so strong it got a elbow
Nov 17 03:08:32 <Ballin`_Oates> i have a prehensile penis
Nov 17 03:08:56 <Butternut> the penis makes a good cooking tool also
Nov 17 03:09:16 <n__u> my dick is so strong it involuntarily pops out to press
'no' on accept tweeks dcc send of mydick1.jpg
Nov 17 03:09:21 <Ballin`_Oates> i can change a tire with my cock
Nov 17 03:09:52 <n__u> well excuse me nigga for being inaccurate on how u show
niggas ur penis
Nov 17 03:10:02 <tweek`> your dick cant even click a link?
Nov 17 03:10:42 <Butternut> if you ever get a broken lightbulb in a lamp you
can jam your penis in there to unscrew the broken bits
Nov 17 03:11:27 <n__u> my dick will plug it in to
Nov 17 03:11:42 <n__u> ur dick is
Nov 17 03:11:49 <n__u> u dont call ur dick ur lil nigga?
Nov 17 03:11:50 <tweek`> my dick is majestic, man
Nov 17 03:11:54 <Butternut> I can tell time with my dick
Nov 17 03:12:00 <n__u> more dick jokes
Nov 17 03:12:21 <Geewiz> my dick is "looks like a weapon"
Nov 17 03:12:45 <tweek`> i can paint the future with my dick
Nov 17 03:12:53 <Butternut> my dick is a semiautomatic
Nov 17 03:13:04 <n__u> i can paint ur mama with my dick
Nov 17 03:13:40 <Butternut> I weed whack my lawn with my dick
Nov 17 03:14:15 <tweek`> i split n__u's mom in half with my dick
Nov 17 03:14:56 <Butternut> I can paint happy little clouds with my dick
Nov 17 03:55:44 <tweek`> itchy, you wanna see my dick?
Nov 17 03:56:10 <Itchy_Robot> yeah i already seen your dick
Nov 17 03:58:03 <tweek`> ive had half a dozen people request dick picks t
Nov 17 03:59:01 <Itchy_Robot> you remember tweek showing his dick on cam like
a month ago in tinychat?
Nov 17 04:01:15 <Ballin`_Oates> yeah it did happen kanon was there he saw your d
ick too
Nov 18 17:29:59 <Butternut> Did you stir the potatoes with your dick?
Nov 18 17:30:59 <JARVIS> URL: New Xbox One Can See Your Penis - YouTube
Nov 18 17:31:01 <Dextrovert> Butternut: If it's gonna be that kinda party, I'
m gonna stick mah dick in the mashed potatoes!
Nov 18 17:33:27 <Butternut> yeah pretty sure the PS3 can see the penis throu
gh pants better than the Xbox
Nov 18 17:33:55 <tweek`> who cares if it can see my penis?
Nov 18 17:34:05 <tweek`> ive showed literally a dozen people my dick in t
he last few days
Nov 18 17:34:35 <Butternut> They want to see everyones dick
Nov 18 17:34:50 <Butternut> Bill Gates is building a Xbox dick database
Nov 18 17:55:56 <cock_radio> cock is food, right?
Nov 18 20:20:54 >digi< digi BTW sorry if I was a bit of a dick in PM the last t
ime, just speaking my mind and was on the intoxicated side :P Hope no feels were
Nov 18 20:57:15 <Hunter_S_Thompson> they dont know diddly-dick about mma
Nov 20 18:56:41 * Topic for #dextroverse is: <Jester-Race> pokemon is lite
rally the greatest thing thats ever happened to me | <Butternut> I'm gay for Sav
age Garden | Carry on with your cough syrup shenanigans! | The DV Dick Wars c
ontinue! | Don't let the doorknob fuck you in the ass on the way out.
Nov 20 19:27:39 <tweek`> unless you're laying your dick down on the table
Nov 20 19:48:21 <chompy> he wanted me to show him my cock
Nov 20 19:50:49 <chompy> just wanted me to show him my cock
Nov 20 20:04:44 <spookynoodles> you have been a dick to me constantly
Nov 20 20:16:51 <tweek`> stopy was being a dick, but he did nothing to be
Nov 20 20:17:21 <Bimbo> being a dick
Nov 20 20:17:36 <tweek`> being a dick aint against the rules
Nov 20 20:17:41 <Bimbo> Hey I am banned for being a dick occasionally
Nov 20 20:24:18 <tweek`> i was a dick about him banning people as a joke
Nov 20 20:30:56 * tweek` smacks bimbo around with a dick
Nov 20 20:31:03 * Bimbo hugs dick
Nov 20 20:31:10 <rewindthesecond> just a random detachable dick he has lay
ing around
Nov 20 20:53:14 <Bimbo> is that my dick is like a long pole
Nov 20 20:53:22 <Deric> !seen my penis
Nov 20 20:53:22 <JARVIS> Sorry Deric, i haven't seen my penis around.
Nov 20 20:53:40 <Bimbo> I use my dick to clean the pool
Nov 20 20:53:43 <postirony> !seen deric's penis
Nov 20 20:53:43 <JARVIS> Sorry postirony, i haven't seen deric's penis ar
Nov 20 21:05:34 <Animals> lol one little kid is a dick
Nov 21 05:56:39 * Topic for #dextroverse is: <Jester-Race> pokemon is lite
rally the greatest thing thats ever happened to me | <Butternut> I'm gay for Sav
age Garden | Carry on with your cough syrup shenanigans! | The DV Dick Wars c
ontinue! | Don't let the doorknob fuck you in the ass on the way out.
Nov 21 06:45:12 * Topic for #dextroverse is: <Jester-Race> pokemon is lite
rally the greatest thing thats ever happened to me | <Butternut> I'm gay for Sav
age Garden | Carry on with your cough syrup shenanigans! | The DV Dick Wars c
ontinue! | Don't let the doorknob fuck you in the ass on the way out.
Nov 21 06:53:20 <Nutbucket> I feel like a donkeys penis
Nov 21 07:17:10 #dextroverse 32 [+CRTnrtz] <Jester-Race> pokemon is lit
erally the greatest thing thats ever happened to me | <Butternut> I'm gay for Sa
vage Garden | Carry on with your cough syrup shenanigans! | The DV Dick Wars
continue! | Don't let the doorknob fuck you in the ass on the way out.
Nov 21 07:19:15 <tweek`> (x-2) (8-4) / penis^2
Nov 21 07:29:19 <Itchy_Robot> can I use your dick
Nov 21 07:32:59 <Butternut> postirony you have to learn how to suck a mean d
ick first
Nov 21 07:33:36 <Butternut> zorgin has the meanest dick of them all
Nov 21 08:07:04 <tweek`> didnt mean to put her eye out with my dick
Nov 21 08:20:17 <Butternut> if I stopped drinking beer I could probably reac
h my own dick again
Nov 21 08:20:31 <strudelintellectal> dick wars are over
Nov 21 08:20:46 <Butternut> dick wars just began
Nov 21 09:54:39 <Butternut> dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dic
k dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick
Nov 21 09:55:30 <Butternut> I love being a part of the only community in the
world on IRC that has a dick counter
Nov 21 10:54:25 * Butternut takes the hurt and puts it on his penis
Nov 21 11:55:12 <ses> what a dick doctor
Nov 21 11:58:15 <tweek`> suck a dick
Nov 21 12:44:53 <Deric> It is no long Dick Wars it is now ASS Wars
Nov 21 14:28:37 <Butternut> !w dick
Nov 21 14:53:14 <moxxy> Lemme smell yo dick
Nov 21 14:53:41 <moxxy> Why you comin home at 5 in the mornin? Somethins goin on
can I smell yo dick.
Nov 21 14:54:06 <JARVIS> URL: Riskay - Smell Yo Dick - YouTube
Nov 21 15:20:20 <tweek`> moxxy is just mad i wont put my dick in him lovi
Nov 21 15:31:20 <tweek`> where are those proof of penis nudes you promise
d there, pasta?
Nov 21 15:36:24 <digibot> docking: The act of placing the head of ones pen
is inside the foreskin of anothers penis.
Nov 21 15:37:30 <Nothing\> power docking is when you put the head of your p
enis in the peehole of another man
Nov 21 15:37:35 <Nothing\> then cum inside his penis
Nov 21 15:37:54 <tweek`> pretty sure my dick wont fit in a peehole, bro
Nov 21 15:53:03 <Butternut> all people need is a replica of my penis
Nov 21 15:53:36 <Rootkit|Addict> ive had girls wanting replicas of my dic
Nov 21 15:54:08 <tweek`> Butternut just wants a mold of my dick
Nov 21 16:45:57 <Butternut> how about dick cheese?
Nov 21 17:14:49 <digi> So we don't only have a dick count...
Nov 21 17:14:52 <digi> But we'd also have a dick rate.
Nov 22 04:04:34 * Topic for #dextroverse is: moxxy is hereby condemned to
eternal sobriety | <Jester-Race> pokemon is literally the greatest thing thats e
ver happened to me | Carry on with your cough syrup shenanigans! | The DV Dic
k Wars continue! | Don't let the doorknob fuck you in the ass on the way out
Nov 22 04:57:17 <Butternut> if I had that pencil I would draw a dick
Nov 23 23:44:51 * Topic for #dextroverse is: JARVIS will be down for a cou
ple weeks. If you need weather, try pretty much anywhere else on the internet.
:P | Carry on with your cough syrup shenanigans! | The DV Dick Wars continue!
| Don't let the doorknob fuck you in the ass on the way out.
Nov 23 23:44:58 <Asshole> fucking cock guzzlers
Nov 24 00:11:28 <Asshole> I am gonna go shove my dick into a light socket
Nov 24 02:03:34 * Topic for #dextroverse is: JARVIS will be down for a cou
ple weeks. If you need weather, try pretty much anywhere else on the internet.
:P | FUCK weatherchannel.com | Carry on with your cough syrup shenanigans! | T
he DV Dick Wars continue! | Don't let the doorknob fuck you in the ass on the wa
y out.
Nov 24 03:12:10 <Itchy_Robot> that sucks, you get a dick reduction
Nov 24 03:58:36 <digi> I still have to get the dick rate; we need dicks per hou
r of course.
Nov 24 03:59:58 <Itchy_Robot> dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dic
k dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dic
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Nov 24 03:59:58 <Itchy_Robot> dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dic
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Nov 24 03:59:58 <Itchy_Robot> dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dic
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Nov 24 03:59:58 <Itchy_Robot> dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dic
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Nov 24 03:59:58 <Itchy_Robot> dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dic
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Nov 24 03:59:58 <Itchy_Robot> dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dic
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Nov 24 03:59:58 <Itchy_Robot> dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dic
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Nov 24 03:59:58 <Itchy_Robot> dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dic
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Nov 24 03:59:58 <Itchy_Robot> dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dic
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Nov 24 03:59:58 <Itchy_Robot> dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dic
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Nov 24 03:59:58 <Itchy_Robot> dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dic
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Nov 24 04:07:32 <vine`> nothing/dick/digi: http://youtu.be/6xpHcrhBfgo?t=14s
Nov 24 04:10:49 <Dickbutt> the dick counter is going up like the US debt
Nov 24 04:17:37 <Dickbutt> vine` why don`t you go suck on a large filthy di
Nov 24 04:17:50 <vine`> dickbutt: are you inferring to your own butt-drenched di
Nov 24 04:23:53 <digibot> blue sock: To have sex with someone in the anus
so hard that a thin layer of their anus is left on your penis
Nov 24 04:24:55 <vine`> you mean dick mentions?
Nov 24 04:25:06 <vine`> dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick d
ick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick d
ick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick d
ick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick d
ick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick d
ick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick
Nov 24 04:51:22 <vine`> lol dick
Nov 24 04:59:22 <digi> He might've touched his penis.
Nov 24 04:59:44 <tweek`> would you enjoy sucking a dick?
Nov 24 05:21:23 <vine`> dickbutt: do you remove the dick first?
Nov 24 05:23:08 <rewindthesecond> if you're a dick, then maybe
Nov 24 07:05:41 <Itchy_Robot> bimbo you shouldn't be dick, next time it happen
s imma hit you with a brick
Nov 24 08:50:07 * Topic for #dextroverse is: JARVIS will be down for a cou
ple weeks. If you need weather, try pretty much anywhere else on the internet.
:P | FUCK weatherchannel.com | Carry on with your cough syrup shenanigans! | T
he DV Dick Wars continue! | Don't let the doorknob fuck you in the ass on the wa
y out.
Nov 24 09:25:44 <Itchy_Robot> SynAdam: my dick while im doing it
Nov 24 09:55:39 <digibot> smegma: Buildup of skin and other crud found bet
ween the foreskin and penis
Nov 24 09:57:34 <digibot> dump truck: tucking the cock and balls between t
he legs and proceeding to ejaculate in the females mouth while backing up and dr
opping a steamy load on her chest making crazy beeping noises like a dump truck
Nov 24 09:58:35 <Bimbo> go eat a dick
Nov 24 10:01:52 <wah> was it a big fat cock
Nov 24 10:02:09 <Itchy_Robot> cock waffle?
Nov 24 10:02:11 <Bimbo> no I got the dick last night
Nov 24 10:02:26 <Itchy_Robot> i got the dick and the vag last weekend
Nov 24 10:02:40 <Bimbo> I am getting dick right now
Nov 24 10:02:51 <Itchy_Robot> lol the dick or your dildo
Nov 24 10:04:14 <Itchy_Robot> his cock is small though
Nov 24 10:04:58 <Itchy_Robot> yeah my cock is big compared to his
Nov 24 10:05:06 <wah> you should make fun of his cock
Nov 24 10:18:16 <b0rg_> shit fuck damn pussy cock tits motherfucker twat and cun
Nov 24 13:33:45 <digibot> vagina: The best friend a penis will ever have.
Nov 24 13:34:08 <rewindthefirst> !define penis
Nov 24 13:34:10 <digibot> penis: The tool used to wean and convert lesbian
s and virgins into useful, productive members of society.
Nov 24 13:35:05 <rewindthefirst> must be a male dick tionary
Nov 24 13:35:25 <rewindthefirst> the penis mightier than the sword
Nov 24 14:27:06 <wah> about nailing my dick to the wall
Nov 24 14:27:35 <b0rg_> wah, the fact that the dick is too small to get a nail t
hrough it
Nov 24 14:28:14 <b0rg_> oh ok yo wah do you want to see a dick and balls get nai
led for real
Nov 24 14:29:34 <Bimbo> not really in the mood to watch someone nail their dick
to something
Nov 24 14:40:33 <Snickers_Bar> moxxy. you know you suck donkey dick. fucking
midgets are fine by your standards.
Nov 24 15:31:22 <Snickers_BarwOreo> dick got wet.
Nov 26 02:46:16 * Topic for #dextroverse is: JARVIS will be down for a cou
ple weeks. If you need weather, try pretty much anywhere else on the internet/s
tep outside for once in your life :P | Carry on with your cough syrup shenanigan
s! | The DV Dick Wars continue! | Don't let the doorknob fuck you in the ass on
the way out.
Nov 26 02:54:18 <la_catalina> i will need to see video of you sucking a dick
Nov 26 04:35:45 <Nothing\> i wrote dick cheney an email on dxm once
Nov 26 05:05:08 <digibot> pussy: The box a dick comes in
Nov 26 06:04:41 * Topic for #dextroverse is: JARVIS will be down for a cou
ple weeks. If you need weather, try pretty much anywhere else on the internet/s
tep outside for once in your life :P | Carry on with your cough syrup shenanigan
s! | The DV Dick Wars continue! | Don't let the doorknob fuck you in the ass on
the way out.
Nov 26 09:11:23 <Bimbo> !weather dick
Nov 26 09:11:25 <digibot> Bimbo, the current condition for dick is: Sunny
30 C / 86 F (winds 6 km/h / 4 mph from the SE).
Nov 26 09:14:10 <digi> where is dick?
Nov 26 09:34:36 <tweek`> bimbo, has your neighbor ever came over to borro
w a cup of penis?
Nov 26 09:35:32 <Hunter_S_Thompson> sharing a penis is not the same as shari
ng a dildo
Nov 26 09:47:57 <b0rg_> sex games, penis games anus games
Nov 26 09:48:50 * tweek` expresses ocd with dick shaped controllers
Nov 26 09:50:56 <tweek`> i wish my dick wasnt so insensitive
Nov 26 10:55:13 <Animals> dude cut off the guys dick and consentually gril
led and ate his penis together
Nov 26 10:56:20 <Animals> ' that the two men met on an internet chatroom f
or cannibals and meticulously planned the rituals leading up to and beyond Brand
es' death, including the cooking and eating of his penis.'
Nov 26 11:57:28 <Bimbo> yo dick so small you could fuck a cheerio
Nov 26 12:30:19 <tweek`> so if the parallel plane is perpinducular to the
right equatorial region, how much dick do i have to suck to pass this class?
Nov 26 12:34:42 <tweek`> im the most requested dick on these channels
Nov 26 12:36:14 <Bimbo> I think stompy once said he has a 1" dick but its girth
is huge
Nov 26 13:26:50 <digibot> buttpussy: Noun- A human homosexual males anus t
hat is frequently penetrated and enjoyed by another gay mans penis. In male homo
sexual couples, the anus of the receiver.
Nov 26 13:29:25 <Bimbo> well I did stick my dick into a jar of jam once
Nov 26 14:02:20 <Bimbo> I type with my whale penis
Nov 26 14:14:01 <tweek`> im pretty sure you used the phrase "great huge p
enis guy"
Nov 27 05:01:05 * Topic for #dextroverse is: Kitten, I think what I'm sayi
ng is that sometimes, shit happens, somebody has to deal with it, and who you go
nna call? | Carry on with your cough syrup shenanigans! | The DV Dick Wars cont
inue! | Don't let the doorknob fuck you in the ass on the way out.
Nov 27 05:07:41 * Dr_Egon_Spengler has changed the topic to: Kitten, I thi
nk what I'm saying is that sometimes, shit happens, somebody has to deal with it
, and who you gonna call? | Carry on with your cough syrup shenanigans! | The D
V Dick Wars continue! | Don't let the doorknob fuck you in the ass on the way ou
Nov 27 05:08:37 * Dr_Egon_Spengler has changed the topic to: Proof we can
be heroes and perverts at the same time: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cy8_gFP
zS7U | Carry on with your cough syrup shenanigans! | The DV Dick Wars continue!
| Don't let the doorknob fuck you in the ass on the way out.
Nov 27 07:13:24 <digibot> raymond's boner: When someone has a penis that i
s shaped like the S on Supermans cape
Nov 27 07:13:24 <digibot> Example: Man your penis looks like a Raymonds Bo
Nov 27 07:18:13 <tweek`> COURT RULES IN FAVOR OF MY COCK
Nov 27 07:18:16 <tweek`> im one lucky dick
Nov 27 07:28:01 <tweek`> im not entirely sure where i should stick my dic
k into that, sir
Nov 27 08:07:14 <Hunter_S_Thompson> tweek`'s slinging dick LIKE A SOLDIER
Nov 27 08:10:13 <Hunter_S_Thompson> im not doing diddly-dick today
Nov 27 08:22:12 <postirony> digi doesn't have a penis
Nov 27 08:22:42 <digi> I'm perfectly capable of operating a penis, postirony.
Nov 27 08:23:12 <postirony> digi: who said anything about the operation of a
Nov 28 10:42:07 <anicow> that was my penis
Nov 28 10:53:19 <tweek`> at least it's not another gun or dick debate
Nov 28 10:53:32 <kgb> tweek`, i'm thinking of buying my dick a gun
Nov 28 10:53:58 <tweek`> the daily dick chat is at 3pm, followed by guns,
then tussin, then we have a conspiracy lecture by Professor Hunter_S_Thompson
Nov 28 13:39:46 <Butterball> !weather dick
Nov 28 13:39:48 <digibot> Butterball, the current condition for dick is: P
artly Cloudy 21 C / 69 F (winds 3 km/h / 2 mph from the ESE).
Nov 28 13:40:11 <Butterball> wow the weather for dick looks nice
Nov 28 14:14:53 <Butterball> did you see how nice the weather is in dick?
Nov 29 11:12:33 <Bimbo> lol the weatherman on TV here just made a dick joke
Nov 29 11:12:55 <Bimbo> He was waving his hand for the high pressure system and
it looked like a dick and he coughed and said "I got a little excited there"
Nov 29 17:07:54 <Bimbo> !weather dick
Nov 29 17:07:56 <digibot> Bimbo, the current condition for dick is: Mist 1
9 C / 66 F (winds 3 km/h / 2 mph from the N).
Nov 29 17:08:18 <Zephyr> dick is 66 degrees and misty
Nov 29 17:08:34 <Zephyr> thats kinda ccold for a dick
Nov 29 17:11:43 <Bimbo> I know Dick exists because tweek`s bot even did that one
Nov 29 17:29:29 <Bimbo> Zephyr what if she had a dick?
Nov 29 17:36:41 <NRG> and i'm like noooo stop sucking my dick
Nov 29 17:38:33 <smokey> me and a candykid were on soooooo much 5-apb and
4-fa we just fucked and sucked for like 8 hours, he was like dude im not gunna
cum, and i was like it feels good right, yea, so shiut and let me suck ur cock
Nov 29 17:44:11 <jester-race> but you didnt want to let their dick in your ass
Nov 29 17:44:40 <jester-race> like some random dick
Nov 29 17:45:42 <Bimbo> jester-race suck my big hairy dick
Dec 02 02:44:20 <Durandal> soulless_, i could be a dick and delete that fri
end request
Dec 02 02:55:13 <Bimbo> soulless_ I could outwin you at dick sucking, don`t even
Dec 02 02:55:24 <Psychework> im better at sucking dick
Dec 02 02:56:05 <mictlantecuhtli> Bimbo just pretends the cock is a gigant
ic beer bong
Dec 02 03:30:40 <anubis> I wouldnt even touch her with Bimbo s dick
Dec 02 03:52:16 <Bimbo> someone has been dicking around with the dick counter ag
Dec 02 16:45:00 <Bimbo> !weather dick
Dec 02 16:45:02 <digibot> Bimbo, the current condition for dick is: Mist 1
9 C / 66 F (winds 4 km/h / 2 mph from the W).
Dec 02 16:45:39 <Bimbo> Dick is always misty
Dec 02 17:43:30 <Bimbo> let me get this right... if I suck a dick I am not allow
ed to donate blood
Dec 02 17:44:01 <NRG> what if it is only your own dick
Dec 02 17:44:42 <n__u> what if youve sucked a dick
Dec 02 17:44:47 <smokey> dick
Dec 02 18:55:35 <digibot> smegma: Buildup of skin and other crud found bet
ween the foreskin and penis
Dec 02 19:47:07 <woxxy> viagra is caps-lock for the penis
Dec 02 19:56:14 <GLICEOLALIA> soulless_ im a dick
Dec 02 20:00:06 <itis> Is that why your penis is growing?
Dec 02 20:00:39 <Bimbo> everyones penis be growin`
Dec 02 20:01:17 <itis> !define small penis
Dec 02 20:01:19 <digibot> small penis: what tom cruise has
Dec 02 20:02:58 <Harriet_Tubgirl> you have an inverted penis?
Dec 02 21:05:30 <Nothing\> it's just a dick
Dec 02 22:17:20 * soulless_ sodomizes Vipzta with her huge imaginary dick
Dec 02 22:29:09 <Bimbo> dick wars are still in progress I see
Dec 02 23:28:16 <tweek`> my dick is impervious to harm
Dec 02 23:28:32 <Bimbo> all this dick talk is giving me the munchies
Dec 03 10:54:06 <Bimbo> tweek` is the biggest cock block of all time
Dec 03 10:55:59 <Bimbo> total cock blocker
Dec 06 05:38:48 <Bimbo> I bet the weather is nice in Dick right now
Dec 06 05:38:55 <Bimbo> !weather dick
Dec 06 05:38:58 <digibot> Bimbo, the current condition for dick is: Partly
Cloudy 31 C / 87 F (winds 9 km/h / 6 mph from the S).
Dec 06 07:49:11 <soulless_> and he pmd me lke youre confusing my dick
Dec 06 08:47:38 <Bimbo> dick pictures?
Dec 06 09:10:47 <digi> Now the dick count and statistics will be properly persi
Dec 06 09:12:49 <postirony> !define cock flavored soup
Dec 06 09:12:51 <digibot> Sorry postirony, I couldn't find a definition fo
r cock flavored soup.
Dec 06 13:15:07 <Bimbo> all besides the painful dick right?
Dec 06 13:45:14 <cykros> postirony: shh, my penis doesn't like being talk
ed about.
Dec 08 00:22:45 <Bimbo> !w dick
Dec 08 00:22:47 <digibot> Bimbo, the current condition for dick is: Sunny
25 C / 77 F (winds 6 km/h / 4 mph from the S).
Dec 08 00:22:59 <Bimbo> Why is it always nice in Dick?
Dec 08 00:22:59 <Howl> wow, dick is hot
Dec 08 10:36:55 <postirony> i'd dick around WAYYY too much
Dec 08 10:51:08 <Bimbo> You should live in Dick
Dec 08 10:51:13 <Bimbo> it is always nice in dick
Dec 08 10:51:25 <NO_COMPROMISE> dick is too hot for me
Dec 08 10:51:41 <Bimbo> !w dick
Dec 08 10:51:44 <digibot> Bimbo, the current condition for dick is: Partly
Cloudy 29 C / 84 F (winds 9 km/h / 6 mph from the ESE).
Dec 08 11:03:08 <Bimbo> well it would do right to yer dick
Dec 08 11:16:43 <n__u> dick
Dec 08 11:18:16 <Bimbo> you should move to Dick
Dec 08 11:18:24 <chibit> !w dick
Dec 08 11:18:27 <digibot> chibit, the current condition for dick is: Partl
y Cloudy 29 C / 84 F (winds 9 km/h / 6 mph from the ESE).
Dec 08 11:21:08 <Bimbo> I bet it is 4:20 in Dick
Dec 08 11:22:05 <n__u> its always 4:20 in dick
Dec 08 11:28:15 <n__u> no the penis is an illusion dionysus
Dec 08 11:28:19 <Zephyr> i whacked off so much yesterday i nearly hurt my
Dec 08 11:28:39 <dionysus> i never said the penis was an illusion
Dec 08 11:28:45 <n__u> Zephyr digibot tried to say my penis was an illusion
Dec 08 11:28:58 <dionysus> i said the association of "male" with said penis
Dec 08 11:29:01 <Bimbo> n__u your penis is an illusion
Dec 08 11:29:24 <n__u> he said my penis is an illusion
Dec 08 11:29:36 <ka> of one penis clapping
Dec 08 11:29:45 <Bimbo> actually it would be kind of fun to see my dick in a fun
house mirror
Dec 08 11:29:48 <ka> if a penis
Dec 08 11:29:59 <dionysus> a penis saved, is a penis earned
Dec 08 11:30:17 <ka> a penis in time saves 9
Dec 08 11:30:22 <dionysus> on your dick?
Dec 08 11:30:29 <ka> but tie up your penis
Dec 08 11:30:49 <dionysus> the early bird gets the penis
Dec 08 11:30:52 <Bimbo> a dick in the hand is worth two in the bush
Dec 08 11:30:52 <n__u> so u know that the penis is not an illusion then rite Ze
Dec 08 11:31:23 <dionysus> the penis to hell
Dec 08 11:31:23 <Bimbo> you have seen n__us penis?
Dec 08 11:31:53 <ka> you would still be able to enjoy touching your penis.
Dec 08 11:36:19 <ka> <@ephemeralmelody> sometimes i like to poke out some poo
and rub it on my husband's dick just a little bit. we call it 'cajun turtling'
Dec 08 11:54:43 <Bimbo> I mean venus rhymes with penis
Dec 08 11:55:11 <NO_COMPROMISE> women are from penis Bimbo
Dec 08 12:44:04 <ka> against your lover's dick
Dec 08 13:00:30 <Bimbo> only way I would watch a soap opera is if I had a dick i
n my butt
Dec 08 13:24:50 <NO_COMPROMISE> until you see my big dick
Dec 08 14:23:00 <Bimbo> weather is better in Dick
Dec 08 14:25:58 <ka> "Young women, all of Latino-American descent, were found
dead across the Inland Empire last weekend. The chilling similarity between th
ese tragic deaths: penis-induced rectal prolapse and picante salsa."
Dec 08 14:34:49 <willmax> chibit wants my penis picture
Dec 08 14:55:34 <Bimbo> the sensual feeling of your hand caressing your dick
Dec 08 14:55:40 <digi> pat your penis on the hea
Dec 08 15:40:17 <catbug> did you suck dick for coke?
Dec 08 15:40:30 <Bimbo> what is wrong with sucking dick for coke?
Dec 08 16:15:49 <dionysus> "if you suck my dick, i'll get you hops"
Dec 08 16:17:06 <dionysus> sucked a dick
Dec 08 16:17:18 <Bimbo> this dick war is not over
Dec 08 16:20:17 <digi> I fixed the dick count
Dec 08 16:21:35 <Bimbo> someone tell tweek` that dick wars are officially over n
Dec 08 17:05:03 <digibot> pussy: The box a dick comes in
Dec 09 09:27:21 <n__u> UGH i gotta stop thinking with my penis
Dec 09 09:35:15 <Bimbo> <_-```o^-^o}f dick wars are over
Dec 09 10:01:35 <n__u> if u looked like a baby i guarantee t.monk's dick would
be way harder for u lil nigga lmao
Dec 09 10:03:28 <Bimbo> So how much I bet you all it is beautiful and sunny in D
ick today?
Dec 09 10:03:36 <Bimbo> !w dick
Dec 09 10:03:39 <digibot> Bimbo, the current condition for dick is: Sunny
30 C / 86 F (winds 12 km/h / 7 mph from the ESE).
Dec 09 10:23:52 <n__u> get that nigga over and stick his penis in u
Dec 09 10:26:45 <n__u> yeah she looks like she ready to hop on some dick RITE N
Dec 09 10:27:09 <dekko> want the dick too bad
Dec 09 10:30:30 <Bimbo> nothing wrong with a penis on a woman
Dec 09 10:32:48 <n__u> aka on my dick nigga
Dec 09 10:45:59 <willmax> attached at the penis
Dec 09 10:46:39 <dekko> this convo we had about conjoined penis twins
Dec 09 10:49:57 <Nothing\> you ever notice that the head of your penis has
almost no sensation in it?
Dec 09 10:50:26 <willmax> the head of my penis has the most sensation of a
Dec 09 10:50:55 <Nothing\> i have the most sensation in the underside of my
penis just below the head
Dec 09 10:54:27 <Nothing\> like if my dick rubs on the inside of my boxers
just right
Dec 09 11:28:45 <postirony> i have a cock of IRON
Dec 09 11:47:20 <Bimbo> You all just need to drink some Dick`s brown ale
Dec 09 11:47:22 <Bimbo> http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-hag8yRrrcA8/TVwIx_-gOBI/AAAAAA
Dec 09 11:48:40 <Bimbo> before our store here was bought by Piggly Wiggly they u
sed to be called Dick`s Supermarket and did carry that beer but I was too young
to drink it
Dec 09 12:00:36 <n__u> !w dick
Dec 09 12:00:38 <digibot> n__u, the current condition for dick is: Clear 3
0 C / 86 F (winds 12 km/h / 7 mph from the ESE).
Dec 09 12:00:45 <Bimbo> it is always nice in Dick
Dec 09 12:01:05 <digi> Is it always nice on Mount Dick?
Dec 09 12:38:57 <ka> horse dick
Dec 12 07:59:49 <dekko> !w dick
Dec 12 07:59:54 <digibot> dekko, the current conditions for dick are: Patc
hy rain nearby 35 C (winds 5 km/h from the E).
Dec 12 08:16:39 <postirony> is that like the dick count
Dec 13 06:16:47 * Topic for #dextroverse is: tweek, in reference to his ja
w > <@tweek`> sucked dick, but at least it cant dislocate again for the time bei
Dec 13 08:30:30 <Bimbo> I wonder if anyone ever acquired TMJ from dick sucking?
Dec 13 08:41:05 <digibot> <Deric> the truth is, I just love nigger cock in
my mouth and ass
Dec 13 08:41:49 <digibot> <Deric> the truth is, I just love nigger cock in
my mouth and ass
Dec 13 09:42:16 <cut_lass> well as you get deep into this series you find o
u that the dark tower is the penis of a god
Dec 13 09:42:29 <ka> tha the dark tower was a god penis
Dec 13 09:42:34 <cut_lass> and its a penis
Dec 13 09:43:28 <cut_lass> the whole thing is about "demons " or ehatever t
rying to cut off this gods penis
Dec 13 10:40:25 <dekko> about penis extension
Dec 13 10:42:12 <digibot> URL: World&#39;s Largest Penis Record Holder (Jo
nah Falcon) Frisked By TSA (NSFW) - YouTube
Dec 13 13:07:02 <digi> No, but you do have a weirdly shaped dick.
Dec 15 15:52:04 <digibot> into the opened anus, after which he forces the
victim to defecate into his mouth. After swallowing the mixture of feces, blood,
and semen, he then vomits back into the anus from whence it came. The man then
penetrates it once more, so that his penis i
Dec 15 15:57:26 <digibot> pole into the fondue pot, coverinig it with shit
. Finally, each mans partner licks the feces off his shit-encrusted cock, as if
it were a chocolate covered banana.
Dec 15 16:23:08 <Satanical> my favorite SF writer though is Philip K. Dick
Dec 15 16:48:52 <Bimbo> so who wants their dick sucked for crack?
Dec 15 16:50:21 <CrackClub> Don't ask, don't tell the only dick we smoke is
the devil's
Dec 15 17:09:03 <Bimbo> I don`t like to take my penis out in public pools
Dec 15 17:25:35 <Bimbo> sucking dick cures hiccups
Dec 15 17:26:10 <Bimbo> actually I bet it would be funny to suck dick while hicc
Dec 15 18:33:30 <Draeko> conan can suck a dick though
Dec 15 19:29:16 <ka> I still have not had a dick in my butt
Dec 15 19:29:56 <Bimbo> I have had a dick up my butt, wasn`t very fond of it
Dec 15 19:29:57 <zonk_plus> ive never even been within 5 feet of a naked dic
k and never will be
Dec 15 19:30:16 <zonk_plus> besides my own dick
Dec 15 19:30:28 <ka> I was much closer than within 5 feet of naked dick
Dec 15 19:30:55 <Geewiz> of a cock
Dec 15 19:32:26 <Bimbo> I have received and givith thy dick
Dec 15 19:33:42 <Bimbo> what would the DV be w/o dick talk?
Dec 15 21:06:19 <stompy> I Showed My Mom My Penis My Mom Saw It A Lot - B
ecause she put me in diapers as punishment when I was 12-13 years old and change
d me until I was out of night diapers when I was 17. I did not necessarily by ch
oice show it to her but she would see it at every diaper change.
Dec 15 21:21:31 <Bimbo> I need feminism because I have a penis
Dec 15 21:23:20 <DexalynDan> my penis is 4 inches
Dec 15 21:23:33 <Chromo> you are a dick
Dec 15 22:24:43 <digibot> dirty sanchez: You guys are wrong, its when a ma
n and a woman engage in anal sex, then the man takes his penis and rubs it on th
e girls upper lip leaving a moustache.
Dec 15 22:36:22 <ka> a dick queef
Dec 15 22:36:32 <ka> I farted out of my dick hole.
Dec 15 22:37:51 <tehlizardking19> does someone want his dick sucked
Dec 16 12:46:56 <Bimbo> brutally raping me with its robot penis
Dec 16 14:02:45 <n__u> this kid i hang out with tried to convince me to let him
touch my dick in exchange for letting me touch his
Dec 19 15:02:22 <tehlizardking19> can't fuck cause you can't feel your dic
k what
Dec 19 15:49:59 <Bimbo> lindsey lohan has a nice cock
Dec 19 15:50:44 <Bimbo> Zephyr you do realize she has a penis right?
Dec 19 15:50:55 <tweek`> who gives a shit if she has a penis?
Dec 19 15:51:26 <ka> she doesn't have a penis?
Dec 19 15:51:29 <Bimbo> Emma Watson has a penis also
Dec 19 15:54:37 <Bimbo> Zephyr I know it is hard to swallow but she does have a
Dec 19 15:54:48 <ka> swallow her penis
Dec 19 15:55:28 <grimace_pi> not everyone has a penis despite what you may wa
nt to believe
Dec 19 15:55:44 <tweek`> everyone should have a penis, grimace_pi
Dec 19 15:57:05 <tehlizardking19> so its penis colored
Dec 19 17:12:24 <Bimbo> I bet each one of those dick dynasty actors is a closet
Dec 19 17:52:08 <grimace_pi> !w dick
Dec 19 17:52:09 <digibot> grimace_pi, the current conditions for dick are:
Fog 19 C (winds 7 km/h from the SW).
Dec 19 18:00:11 <Bimbo> dick dynasty
Dec 19 18:00:59 <Bimbo> actually Dick Dynasty would make a great show title for
Dec 19 18:46:01 <Bimbo> suck a dick tweek`
Dec 19 19:16:20 <psychenot> cock in your mmommmunist
Dec 19 19:23:31 <Bimbo> at least ones dick would smell nice and fresh after fuck
ing thy grapefruit
Dec 19 19:28:28 * Bimbo paints a happy little tree on his dick
Dec 21 10:25:09 * Itchy_Robot slaps his dick at Satanical
Dec 21 13:14:44 <Bimbo> I bet it is nice in dick right now
Dec 21 13:14:49 <Bimbo> !w dick
Dec 21 13:14:50 <digibot> Bimbo, the current conditions for dick are: Clea
r 21 C / 69 F (winds 4 km/h / 3 mph from the ESE).
Dec 21 13:15:33 <Satanical> With all this Duck Dynasty controversy going on
some gay porn producer should produce a movie called Dick Dynasty
Dec 21 13:15:45 <gnarc> dick dynasty
Dec 21 13:17:45 <gnarc> put that dick in me bitch
Dec 21 14:39:14 <Draeko> pastaroni: don't you do dick every night
Dec 21 15:26:42 <digibot> URL: Tool - Hooker with a penis - YouTube
Dec 21 16:42:00 <digibot> pole into the fondue pot, coverinig it with shit
. Finally, each mans partner licks the feces off his shit-encrusted cock, as if
it were a chocolate covered banana.
Dec 21 17:20:23 <digibot> Example: Joe bagpiped a french woman and had arm
pit hair stuck to his penis.
Dec 24 03:59:08 <n__u> makes my dick limp
Dec 24 03:59:32 <Bimbo> did you know the vagina has a small penis up inside of i
Dec 24 04:00:06 <soulless_> no, the penis is formed from the clitoris
Dec 24 05:29:16 <WEPWAWET> probably evolved for sucking dick
Dec 24 05:33:00 <angra_mainyu> i believe that means your dick just shrunk by a
power of 3 Bimbo
Dec 24 05:37:20 <Bimbo> will she come with a penis?
Dec 24 07:07:01 <Buttlicker> santa may be white but he has a black mans penis
Dec 24 07:07:19 <tehlizardking19> santa has that Christmas Cock
Dec 24 07:08:00 <Buttlicker> candy cane shaped dick is the best
Dec 24 08:09:09 <williammacy> right now i have a huge fro around my penis
Dec 24 08:09:34 <buttmuff> who doesn't have a penis fro
Dec 24 08:18:48 <Santa> I have a candy cane shaped penis
Dec 24 09:21:33 <Buttsniffer> now how am I going to find out weather for Dick?
Dec 24 09:29:55 <NRG> i should just tell her to suck my dick more
Dec 24 09:30:02 <postirony> more dick ass
Dec 24 09:59:23 <ZOMGITSABEAR> picked sausage = penis
Dec 24 10:00:05 <Geewiz> but in this case, its A BIG BLACK COCK
Dec 24 10:51:55 <Kevin_Sorbet> AND THE KNIFE IS SUPPOSED TO BE HIS PENIS.
Dec 24 10:52:28 <ka> is supposed to be about a penis.
Dec 24 10:52:48 <Kevin_Sorbet> the penis-knife
Dec 24 10:52:58 <ka> he could be penis-knife seppukuing himself
Dec 24 10:53:18 <Kevin_Sorbet> he is not a penis knife
Dec 24 10:53:31 <ka> he IS a penis-knife
Dec 24 10:53:35 <Kevin_Sorbet> <ka> he could be penis-knife seppukuing himself
Dec 24 10:53:36 <ka> I'm saying he is using his penis knife
Dec 24 10:53:46 <Kevin_Sorbet> "he is a penis knife"
Dec 24 10:54:05 <Kevin_Sorbet> he has a knife for a penis?
Dec 24 10:54:14 <ka> the knife is a symbol of his penis
Dec 24 12:04:25 <Buttsniffer> How big is your penis:
Dec 24 13:37:43 <Buttsniffer> I actually type with my dick
Dec 24 15:00:20 <Zephyr> thats just dick
Dec 27 09:05:57 <Bimbo> Yo daddy sucks dick
Dec 27 09:55:07 <moxxy> Bimbo suck my cock
Dec 27 09:55:35 * Bimbo engages in cock sucking
Dec 29 06:57:23 <soulless_> i think williammacy is telling me to get a penis
Dec 29 07:41:18 <soulless_> Whatta dick
Dec 29 07:42:15 <Bimbo> he is off to suck a dick
Dec 29 07:43:20 <soulless_> He won;t ever suck my dick
Dec 29 15:03:29 * Draeko staples DM's cock to his chair
Dec 29 15:47:38 <digibot> snickers bar: A fully erect black penis.
Dec 29 15:49:02 <Bimbo> I have a thought about black penis at least once a day l
ike a normal person
Dec 29 15:49:53 <Snickers_Bar> two things. One, you don't have a penis. Two,
you have a shit ton of penis envy.
Dec 29 15:49:54 <Bimbo> you can`t tell me you don`t think about a black mans pen
is at least once a day
Dec 29 15:51:31 <Bimbo> yes but while you are watching those 2 chicks you are th
inking about a black mans penis
Dec 29 15:52:51 <Bimbo> at least he is not a black mans penis
Dec 30 09:53:27 <Draeko> now they're pretending to suck some dick?
Dec 30 10:19:52 <Bimbo> with his penis
Dec 30 10:20:10 <postirony> he plays the skin flute with his penis
Dec 30 10:22:01 * Geewiz points his dick at draeko
Dec 30 10:22:24 * WillMax chops off Draeko penis with a meat cleaver
Dec 30 11:37:38 <ka> Draeko is obviously referring to my penis.
Dec 30 12:13:56 <ka> do you mean a dick sucker?
Dec 30 19:04:53 <n__u> MY DICK SMELL LIKE PUSSY
Dec 30 19:04:53 <n__u> MY DICK SMELL LIKE PUSSY
Dec 30 19:04:54 <n__u> MY DICK SMELL LIKE PUSSY
Dec 30 19:04:55 <n__u> MY DICK SMELL LIKE PUSSY
Dec 30 19:05:10 <Bimbo> you fish with your dick that smells like pussy?
Dec 30 19:18:57 <Zephyr> the US Top Gear sucks donkey dick
Dec 31 16:37:46 <stomvarscki> sxncndy, would you rather huff a mcdonalds bag t
hat Oprah just shit in, or drill a hole in a microwave and put your penis in the
Dec 31 16:44:09 <sadnrg> go get that dick
Dec 31 16:44:51 <Chromo> !addquote <soulless_> I GET TO MEET HIS 2 YEAR
OLD FINALLY <sadnrg> go get that dick
Dec 31 16:58:35 * Chromo nuzzles Zephyr in the nuts, then pretends to turn
around, then jumps on his dick
Jan 03 09:28:21 <nrgr> you cock
Jan 03 10:53:06 <SpiderJeru> buffy can suck the blood out my dick
Jan 03 11:50:01 <stompy> and pulled his dick out
Jan 03 12:26:21 <stompy> i want you to get your dick wet
Jan 03 12:40:59 <stompy> abuse this dick
Jan 03 13:09:54 <stompy> eat all of this dick
Jan 03 13:10:17 <williammacy> this is about coming in here for the SOUL purpos
e of being a dick to everyone
Jan 03 13:12:41 <stompy> at least you dont ride cliffs dick like sincere
Jan 03 15:08:59 <CuminMyAnise> then being a dick for days
Jan 03 15:19:40 <CuminMyAnise> by comparing my CEV of benjamin the determined c
ock to tat idea
Jan 03 16:34:07 <Fruitloop> If you would like to receive my penis press 1
Jan 03 16:34:28 <Fruitloop> if you would not like to receive my penis press
Jan 03 16:38:36 <Fruitloop> Motherfucker_Jones suck a giant dick
Jan 03 16:39:18 <Fruitloop> Motherfucker_Jones wait your turn to suck the di
Jan 03 16:39:29 <Motherfucker_Jones> *the* dick?
Jan 03 16:41:19 <Fruitloop> I was going to say dick
Jan 03 16:41:48 <Fruitloop> dick
Jan 03 16:42:35 <Fruitloop> Eat dick Motherfucker_Jones
Jan 05 13:47:15 <OriginalGatorHater> what if you had a blue dick
Jan 05 15:40:25 <nrgote> off my cock
Jan 05 15:40:51 <Bimbo> cock flavored bagel
Jan 05 16:48:48 <nrgote> right on your dick
Jan 08 04:08:36 <Bimbo> my dick dictates when I sleep
Jan 08 04:23:41 <tweek`> and my enormous dick kind of contradicts that th
Jan 08 04:25:49 <Bimbo> You have the enormous dick of a chick
Jan 08 05:58:53 <Bimbo> Aphostile suck a giant dick
Jan 08 06:17:39 <Aphostile> lol penis pictures
Jan 08 07:21:27 <Bimbo> not my dick
Jan 08 08:36:55 <Bimbo> suck my giant dick
Jan 09 09:32:10 <DM> what a dick, kgb
Jan 09 09:49:37 <Fruitloop> japs are just angry because we have big american
Jan 09 09:53:20 <Hunter_S_Thompson> get the dick out of your ass please
Jan 09 09:54:28 <ka_doingstuff> how could you suck as much dick as Fruitloop
Jan 09 11:53:26 <azazel> http://www.independent.co.uk/student/news/studen
Jan 09 11:53:39 <csf> with the penis?
Jan 09 11:54:23 <ka_doingstuff> of cuting off your penis?
Jan 09 11:55:08 <ka> but why your penis?
Jan 09 11:55:10 <Fruitloop> ka you ever have one of those dreams where you a
ccidentally cut your penis off
Jan 09 11:55:57 <bugg> look we all cut off our own penis sometimes
Jan 09 11:58:10 <ka> !addquote <%bugg> look we all cut off our own penis some
Jan 09 11:58:10 <JARVIS> ka: Added "<%bugg> look we all cut off our own p
enis sometimes" to the AddQuote database.
Jan 09 14:53:55 <lucifer> http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2536312/
Jan 09 14:53:55 <JARVIS> URL: Student slices off penis after stabbing mot
her while high on meow meow | Mail Online
Jan 09 15:00:54 <Fruitloop> http://www.independent.co.uk/student/news/studen
Jan 09 15:27:04 <Zephyr> Tool - Hooker with a penis
Jan 09 15:28:44 <cykros> it's metaphoric. maynard has a penis, and is sel
ling himself, as he points out in the song: "i sold my soul to make a record, di
pshit, then you bought one"
Jan 09 15:34:54 <Motherfucker_Jones> you greedy cock
Jan 09 15:36:57 <Fruitloop> He has to take out his anger on you and in the f
orm on non-descript chairs because of his tiny penis
Jan 09 15:45:45 <Fruitloop> The ASCII penis is this much bigger now..
Jan 09 15:51:59 <catbug> y'all can suck my dick.
Jan 09 15:52:38 <catbug> Fruitloop youre first? on line to suck my dick?
Jan 09 15:52:48 <CuminMyAnise> online dick sucking
Jan 09 15:54:23 <Fruitloop> just because someone has a dick doesn`t mean the
y are not a girl
Jan 09 15:54:58 <chibit> [16:52] (CuminMyAnise) online dick sucking
Jan 09 15:55:22 <Fruitloop> I am the dick vacuum
Jan 09 16:09:02 <chibit> You need the dick to contrast the good of others
Jan 09 16:10:16 <CuminMyAnise> yeah well have fun spending a lot of time on thi
s fake internet thing being a dick
Jan 09 16:14:05 <Fruitloop> JARVIS is busy sucking dick
Jan 09 16:24:58 <csf> cock suckin faggot
Jan 09 16:27:21 <Motherfucker_Jones> for your non-existant dick
Jan 09 16:30:29 <csf> cock suckin faggot
Jan 09 16:30:31 <csf> cock suckin faggot
Jan 09 18:20:32 <Motherfucker_Jones> so you told us to suck your dick earlier
and now you have a nut
Jan 09 18:21:28 <Fruitloop> can we go back to talking about dick sucking?
Jan 09 18:36:00 <Fruitloop> some kid cut off his own dick and shot his mom w
hile high on it
Jan 10 11:49:47 <Ballin`_Chain> something about a probiotic cock
Jan 10 12:15:25 <Ballin`_Chain> i said a penis
Jan 10 14:20:32 <catbug> size dick
Jan 10 14:20:54 <kgb> siemese twins connected at the dick
Jan 11 20:49:48 <Vipzta-AMP> if your butthole is eating cock
Jan 11 20:50:12 <Fruitloop> cock != grapenuts
Jan 12 11:02:47 <tweek`> and im like, ok you trust me enough to let me pu
t my dick in any hole
Jan 12 11:03:32 <tweek`> until 7th grade gym class, i was convinced i had
a small dick
Jan 12 11:04:21 <tweek`> im pretty self conscious about my dick
Jan 12 12:10:06 <Fruitloop> then dick
Jan 12 13:03:42 <Deric> Well they can't cancel/reschedule the super bowl but tha
t would dick it up so bad
Jan 12 13:24:00 <Fruitloop> I knew you had a tiny penis but damn
Jan 12 14:05:24 <Fruitloop> suck a dick DM
Jan 12 14:58:25 <Fruitloop> she has a penis now
Jan 12 14:59:44 <Fruitloop> wait until we start talking about group dick suc
Jan 12 15:02:21 <catbug> AND a dick/.
Jan 12 16:00:42 <williammacy> Louis CK more like Louis CocK
Jan 12 16:07:47 <Deric> that is one messed up dick, vick
Jan 12 17:36:40 <Nothing\> my dick in your ass
Jan 12 17:36:52 <DM> Nothing\: why would your dick be hard if it was in a man
's ass?
Jan 12 20:23:00 <williammacy> piss dick
Jan 12 20:42:02 * Fruitloop bathes in DMs glorious gigantic penis
Jan 12 20:42:30 <catbug> how do you bath in a penis?
Jan 12 20:42:44 <DM> (his dick)
Jan 12 21:02:35 <DM> i'm such a dick tonight
Jan 12 21:03:09 <Fruitloop> those who don`t have dicks have to be dicks to m
ake up for their lack of dick
Jan 12 21:17:15 <psychenot> braggin on dat halloween snicker dick
Jan 12 21:17:30 <Fruitloop> maybe I am weird but black dick looks weird
Jan 12 21:18:12 <williammacy> what does black dick look like
Jan 12 21:23:07 <Snickers_Bar> catbug just has penis envy.
Jan 15 13:03:37 <Fruitloop> all that it ever is are messages telling me how
to enlarge my penis size and to collect some money from another country
Jan 15 13:04:06 <Fruitloop> and I definitely don`t need a larger penis, the
one I have is already freakishly large
Jan 15 13:04:12 <n__u> and then buy penis pills
Jan 15 13:05:13 <rewindthesecond> yes, as soon as the email people discove
r that you already have penis pills, the spam will stop for all time
Jan 15 13:47:52 <Bimbo> I guess until the computer can read my mind I will have
to just keep typing with my dick
Jan 15 14:32:40 <soulless_> dick
Jan 15 14:32:48 <Bimbo> I get the dick around here
Jan 15 14:39:34 <cykros> the real issue isn't so much a lack of hermaphro
dites, it's that hermaphrodites very rarely have a penis that is all that sizeab
Jan 15 14:42:00 * ka has a large penis and is polish.
Jan 15 14:42:53 <cykros> if anything polish dumbness historically probabl
y has more to do with terrible nutrition than penis blood flow.
Jan 17 11:40:44 <ka> *cock
Jan 17 12:23:28 <tweek`> PUT HIM OUT WITH YOUR PENIS, DRFYSH
Jan 17 16:23:21 <JARVIS> <sincere> i want a full body dick massage from s
Jan 17 17:45:09 <JARVIS> URL: Explosive eversion of a duck penis. - YouTu
Jan 17 17:46:46 <Chromo> holy shit that's a nutty duck dick
Jan 17 19:46:27 <madison> dont worry i'll tempt him with my penis
Jan 19 14:04:58 <n__u> I DONT WANT TO SEE UR PENIS BRUH
Jan 19 14:06:05 <Fruitloop> tell me a congo penis is not big
Jan 19 14:07:49 <Fruitloop> Average Congo penis is 7.06" ranking in at the t
op of worlds largest penis size by average
Jan 19 14:12:12 <anicow> im black and i have a huge penis
Jan 19 14:50:39 <n__u> NO WE DONT WANT TO SEE UR PENIS
Jan 19 14:51:03 <n__u> !addquote <anicow> will you guys come to tinychat now? <
Jan 19 14:51:11 <anicow> nah dudde theres no penis involved
Jan 19 14:56:23 <n__u> <jpjoseph> wanna see my penis?
Jan 19 14:56:32 <jpjoseph> noone here has seen my penis ever.
Jan 21 15:53:30 <Goldengoose> when I send stompy my dick picture I will send y
ou a pic of me licking my elbow
Jan 21 15:55:06 <n__u> can u suck ur own dick too
Jan 21 17:21:23 <Goldengoose> Why do you want to see my dick so bad?
Jan 21 17:39:09 <Goldengoose> I am not going to send you dick pics today
Jan 21 17:55:29 <tsarompy> i just saw this penis picture
Jan 21 17:56:41 <CuminMyAnise> lol madison have you not seen his dick ever
Jan 21 17:56:47 <madison> i wanna see katie's ex boyfriends dick
Jan 21 18:03:03 <azazel> suck a dick Goldengoose
Jan 21 19:02:32 <Deric> they try to pull dick moves all the time they behave as
though they run the tech world and that customers will do whatever they want
Jan 21 19:08:24 <tsarompy> but my dick is
Jan 21 20:13:23 <n__u> dick
Jan 21 20:13:35 <n__u> Goldengoose is there a penis in it
Jan 21 20:13:51 <Goldengoose> yes there is a penis, but you would never realiz
e it
Jan 21 20:15:32 <Vick_Criminal> ok dick
Jan 21 20:16:52 <n__u> and im not saying that to be a dick either
Jan 21 20:56:28 <JARVIS> URL: Eat A Dick on Vimeo
Jan 21 21:09:22 <Goldengoose> http://www.amazon.com/Live-Huge-Penis-Richard-Ja
Jan 21 21:10:13 <Goldengoose> "Here at last is the first self-help book for me
n with Oversized Male Genitalia (OMG), a genetic birth defect that grows the pen
is to absurd proportions. Every year, thousands of men are diagnosed with OMG. S
adly, most are banished to the fringes of society, victims of their own freakish
length and girth."
Jan 21 21:11:35 <DrFysh> PENIS IS TOO BI
Jan 21 21:12:49 <DrFysh> i will make special penis vcart
Jan 21 21:21:17 <Vick_Criminal> small dick syndrome
Jan 21 21:27:00 <cykros> the cops only write those if you're being a dick
Jan 21 21:28:48 <cykros> you can get 25-life for simple posession (again,
kind of takes being a dick to get max penalty)
Jan 21 21:51:11 <Deric> I dream of a day when my children will judged not by the
quality of their character but by the length of their penis
Jan 24 13:15:21 <ka> boof my dick
Jan 24 13:33:49 <Goldengoose> my penis is weird
Jan 24 13:34:08 <Chromo> !addquote <Goldengoose> my penis is weird
Jan 24 13:34:08 <JARVIS> Chromo: Added "<Goldengoose> my penis is weird"
to the AddQuote database.
Jan 24 15:23:52 <ka> pee pee pooped a dick of dipped diapered pedophiles
Jan 24 15:26:56 <CuminMyAnise> onto my dick
Jan 24 15:33:28 <Goldengoose> no penis anymor
Jan 24 15:37:04 <tsarompy> slap it with your dick bugg
Jan 24 15:37:56 <Goldengoose> tsarompy slap it with your dick
Jan 24 16:00:47 <CuminMyAnise> he says that abou why he doesnt shake the piss o
ff his dick
Jan 27 11:52:23 <Goldengoose> tsarompy eat a dick
Jan 27 13:11:48 <sighanyde> cock, balls
Jan 27 13:35:12 <stomcypher> dick measuring contest
Jan 27 13:41:46 <Goldengoose> you have a penis
Jan 27 14:20:32 <cykros> i can only envision a person making that argumen
t as also being in the process of actively sucking al gore's penis
Jan 27 17:24:23 <Nothing\> he may seem like a dick sometimes, but he knows
what he's doing
Jan 27 18:05:04 <Goldengoose> !w dick
Jan 27 18:05:23 <Goldengoose> wow dick is cold atm
Jan 27 18:05:24 <kanon> 'dick' is not the name of a town
Jan 27 18:26:41 <Goldengoose> I want a tattoo of a dick on my butt
Jan 27 20:05:10 <digi> So it was the opposite of your penis?
Jan 27 20:12:18 <Goldengoose> did you see how cold dick is today?
Jan 27 20:12:40 <Goldengoose> !w dick
Jan 27 20:13:07 <Goldengoose> even dick is cold
Jan 27 20:58:03 <chibit> Go to Dick's
Jan 27 22:10:10 <Goldengoose> the condom would probably give your dick lead po
Jan 27 22:38:00 <dev> but not to be a dick
Jan 27 22:38:20 <Goldengoose> nothing wrong with being a dick
Jan 27 22:50:44 <soulless_> WHAT A DICK
Jan 27 23:03:14 <soulless_> fuckin post anorexia dick thinks he can say what
ever he wants
Jan 27 23:03:20 <n__u> with pix of penis
Jan 28 15:18:47 <almost_humanrg> cock
Jan 28 15:49:49 <chibit> Inb4 dick size
Jan 28 15:51:14 <soulless_> Okay, so if you were forced between eating only
raw octopuseseseses (i wrote octopi but i liked the other one better) for the re
st of your life or giving up your penis and left ear, what would ypu chose
Jan 28 15:52:38 <chibit> I would lose my dick, meanwhile fuck bitches wit
h a octopus
Jan 30 09:28:07 <cykros> don't worry, obama's black dick is just loosenin
g up the country for when hilary comes in 2016 to fistfuck us all
Jan 30 12:45:54 <tweek`> it's just a dick so small it emulates a vagina
Jan 30 12:45:58 * chibit prepares his arsenal of cock pics
Jan 30 12:46:19 <tweek`> nope. his penis is negative 8 inches
Jan 30 12:50:52 * cut_lass cuts off chromos scaley dick
Jan 30 12:56:12 <n__u> i got another fine girl on my dick
Jan 30 12:59:49 <Chromo> Dextrovert: but have you filling chibit with my
patented LizardLava, and getting my dick cut off and it regenerating, and burnin
g the Goldengoose to get the eggs inside, finding none, and going back in time t
o resurrect the Goldengoose, then it laid a hardboiled egg for me. Which I devou
red promptly
Jan 30 13:01:15 <Goldengoose> I thought it had something to do with the penis
Jan 30 13:02:54 <Chromo> The dragon was nuzzling my cock for lava
Jan 30 13:38:39 <DrFysh> i grab my cock like a bawwss
Jan 30 13:38:47 <kbnrg> suck a dudes dick
Jan 30 13:40:05 <dxmpy> i might even make him look at my dick
Jan 30 13:40:49 <Goldengoose> and make him look at his dick
Jan 30 13:43:08 <Goldengoose> he is gonna make your Dad look at his penis and
fuck him
Jan 30 13:43:28 <dxmpy> ask him if he wants to cock my hammer DrFysh
Jan 30 13:51:36 <dxmpy> hey ask your dad if he wants my new cock pics. i got a f
ew reverse mirror shots too of spread butt
Jan 30 15:04:07 <Goldengoose> I will suck dick to get some more
Jan 30 15:04:42 <chibit> [16:04] (Goldengoose) I will suck dick to get so
me more
Jan 30 15:05:11 <Deric> [16:04] (Goldengoose) I will suck dick to get some more
Jan 30 15:06:12 <Goldengoose> you know I really don`t understand how sucking d
ick is a job
Jan 30 15:06:54 <Goldengoose> I mean who doesn`t like sucking some dick?
Jan 30 15:08:58 <Goldengoose> mmmm french dick
Jan 30 15:09:24 <sighanyde> mmmm stinky french frumunda cheese cock
Jan 30 15:35:25 <n__u> stompy dont just laff dick
Jan 30 15:36:34 <n__u> cause i got a big cock
Jan 30 15:36:55 <tsarompy> i dont think n__u has a very big cock
Jan 30 15:38:12 <Goldengoose> his dick is so big it is retarded
Jan 30 15:47:44 <Goldengoose> tsarompy is a penis picture collector
Jan 30 15:48:32 <Hunter_S_Thompson> lol if you wanna see my cock
Jan 30 16:11:57 <Sighanyde> I'm a 33 year old swingin' dick
Jan 30 16:34:50 <williammacy> he cut the penis off
Jan 30 17:04:56 * Hunter_S_Thompson sticks his dick in the deposit slot
Jan 30 17:06:18 <Hunter_S_Thompson> a severed cock randomly flew out of the
Jan 30 17:13:50 <Itchy_Robot> no with your dick
Feb 01 05:03:55 <Fruitloop> Fuck you rewindthesecond, eat my tiny (hey how a
re you) dick!
Feb 01 05:04:48 <tweek`> you have a tiny dick and red hair?
Feb 01 05:05:37 <tweek`> you told us you had a huge dick
Feb 01 05:12:06 <Fruitloop> tweek` no offense but your ability at penis size
and women makes me look like a god
Feb 01 05:12:28 <Fruitloop> well besides the penis size
Feb 01 05:26:47 <Fruitloop> dick
Feb 01 05:30:13 <Fruitloop> tweek` I am an asshole but you still have the DV
Feb 01 05:30:30 <tweek`> i have THE dv dick.
Feb 01 05:30:49 <tweek`> dv dick champion 10 years running
Feb 01 05:30:51 <Fruitloop> tweek` you had the DV dick
Feb 01 15:40:48 <chibit> !w penis
Feb 01 15:41:06 <chibit> !w penis
Feb 01 15:41:16 <Fruitloop> !w dick
Feb 01 15:44:19 <chibit> !w cock
Feb 01 15:46:12 <JARVIS> <bugg> how do i turn safe search off now <bugg>
i'm trying to get cock pics and i keep getting roosters <bugg> how do i turn thi
s shit off <bugg> this is offensive
Feb 01 15:46:21 <JARVIS> <bugg> how do i turn safe search off now <bugg>
i'm trying to get cock pics and i keep getting roosters <bugg> how do i turn thi
s shit off <bugg> this is offensive
Feb 01 15:47:03 <JARVIS> <diabolic> its midnight in Montana and I can't g
et my dick out of this cow
Feb 01 15:55:10 <JARVIS> <diabolic> its midnight in Montana and I can't g
et my dick out of this cow
Feb 01 15:59:52 <JARVIS> <b0rg_> lovin' me some penis
Feb 01 16:40:48 <Fruitloop> !w dick peaks
Feb 01 16:47:17 <Nothing\> dick weed
Feb 01 17:03:57 <WillMac11> !w Dick
Feb 01 17:04:10 <Fruitloop> dick is actually cold right now
Feb 01 17:04:14 <Fruitloop> !w dick
Feb 01 17:04:25 <Fruitloop> Dick has an overcast
Feb 01 17:13:38 <JARVIS> <sincere> i love taking penis in my ass
Feb 01 17:14:40 <JARVIS> <+WillMac> Viagra is like welfare for your dick
Feb 01 17:25:12 <JeruHndrX> a penis?
Feb 01 17:25:25 <SmokinWitCigawettes> A GIGANTIC PENIS FUL OF SAILERS
Feb 01 17:30:41 <Fruitloop> I just play my guitar with my dick
Feb 01 17:41:46 <Nothing\> driving the brown dick?
Feb 01 21:07:10 <sincere> dick is good stuff
Feb 01 21:11:39 <alohola> knock on a penis real quick
Feb 01 23:20:34 <tsarompy> i was just thinking about steve martins penis cr
Feb 01 23:42:22 <n__u> with a giant dick
Feb 02 14:44:23 <Deric> I am being a dick yeah it sucks the guy died
Feb 02 14:52:22 <mpydxmvodka> how big is your dads cock DrFysh
Feb 02 14:52:43 <mpydxmvodka> how big is your dads cock DrFysh
Feb 02 14:53:09 <n__u> [12:52/43] <mpydxmvodka> how big is your dads cock DrFys
Feb 02 14:53:35 <Deric> i can't believe this cock munching bank is making me wai
t until tomorrow to get my money
Feb 02 14:55:35 <mpydxmvodka> imagine my cock just sliding in and out of him D
Feb 02 16:13:18 <DrFysh> http://thecinemasnob.com/2011/01/07/brad-tries-d
Feb 02 16:13:20 <JARVIS> URL: The Cinema Snob: Brad Tries Dick Stick
Feb 02 17:57:07 <kingofdiamonds> twerk that penis into her butt
Feb 04 02:57:17 <Animals> cock
Feb 04 03:19:10 <Fruitloop> giant donkey dick
Feb 04 14:26:17 <Fruitloop> I couldn`t even suck half that much dick in a da
y if my life depended on it
Feb 06 14:51:24 <Nothing\> i don't need penis enlargement suregry
Feb 06 19:09:31 <Fruitloop> I win the dick size contest though
Feb 06 19:10:06 <Itchy_Robot> tweek` wind dick contest
Feb 06 19:10:17 <Itchy_Robot> tweek` has a HUGE dick
Feb 06 19:10:37 <Fruitloop> tweek's dick causes the winds
Feb 07 14:51:27 <tweek`> is that supposed to be a dick? because it doesn'
t impress me
Feb 07 14:52:45 <postirony> because it represents what the penis goes inside
Feb 07 14:53:06 <tweek`> you do kind of look like a dick, Fruitloop
Feb 07 15:16:56 <tweek`> everything looks either like a dick or a vagina
to you
Feb 07 15:17:04 <ka> everything *does* look like a dick or a vagina
Feb 07 15:17:06 <tweek`> or a can of beer, but that also looks like a dic
k to you
Feb 07 16:16:30 <DrFysh> you got penis on the mind soulless_
Feb 07 16:40:37 <Lydia> humans have to put their dick in everything
Feb 07 17:03:19 <Itchy_Robot> if i wanted to be a dick, I could make them on d
ifferent proxies
Feb 07 17:07:17 * Itchy_Laptop hugs litterbox... with his penis
Feb 07 17:13:34 <Fruitloop> !ld50 dick
Feb 07 17:27:31 <tweek`> i would have figured dm would have known any wor
d with cock in it
Feb 07 17:28:56 <JARVIS> DM is building a dick ship with Dr. Wong Burger
to return to Dick Planet.
Feb 07 17:29:15 <Itchy_Robot> lol he's a dick and he'll say so
Feb 07 17:31:05 <tweek`> yeh. sausage also means dick
Feb 07 18:02:16 <tweek`> my dick has more circumference than a hot pocket

Feb 07 18:02:27 <kingofdiamonds> you would risk burning yout penis
Feb 09 06:46:50 <tweek`> but my stovetop has sucked dick for years
Feb 09 07:55:49 <Fruitloop> the owner of that shop had it coming, guy was a
real dick
Feb 09 08:17:51 <anicow> so you can suck my cock
Feb 09 09:09:03 <tweek`> he's the only black man with a 3" dick
Feb 09 09:23:51 <tweek`> dick monger
Feb 09 09:24:00 <Fruitloop> Dick Man
Feb 09 09:24:49 <anicow> dick master
Feb 09 09:30:10 <Fruitloop> http://modelmejess.files.wordpress.com/2011/05/p
Feb 09 10:14:59 <Fruitloop> !ld50 dick
Feb 09 10:35:51 <Fruitloop> the soil behind my new place sucks dick
Feb 09 10:38:36 <SpiderJeru> I'm not a dick, so I left them
Feb 09 12:14:28 <n__u> mpy nigga thats y u have old man penis
Feb 09 12:15:53 <JARVIS> URL: I Love Sucking Dick - YouTube
Feb 09 12:17:38 <Fruitloop> That I love sucking Dick video sucks
Feb 09 12:18:06 <tweek`> [01:17] <Fruitloop> That I love sucking Dick vid
eo sucks <- the hell did that mean?
Feb 09 13:04:39 <stompac> in the showers the only time you get ya dick wet
Feb 09 13:15:12 <litterbox> n__u has old man dick
Feb 09 13:15:30 <SpiderJeru> what does old man dick consist of?
Feb 09 13:15:36 <n__u> SpiderJeru: stompac's penis
Feb 09 13:15:54 <stompac> i dont have old man dick like you do n__u
Feb 09 13:16:24 <stompac> n__us dick looks like dead mushrooms in my yard
Feb 09 13:16:44 <SpiderJeru> you don't have a dick?
Feb 09 13:17:13 <litterbox> !addquote <stompac> n__us dick looks like dead m
ushrooms in my yard
Feb 09 13:17:14 <JARVIS> litterbox: Added "<stompac> n__us dick looks lik
e dead mushrooms in my yard" to the AddQuote database.
Feb 09 13:33:48 <stompbixby> stomp bringin the pain, crack pipes and monkey w
renches / bix got more rhymes than n__u think he got inches / got more bars than
gyms got weightbenches / flippin tongues on the mic like im eatin out ya mother
/ word to this motherfucker, i put my dick in and burn the rubber / i eat nigga
s like vipzta for lunch / son got more white in his flow than every season of th
e brady bunch
Feb 09 13:42:29 <stompbixby> got wills moms pussy flooded like that scene in
fantasia / blew out her back and left her with hip dysplasia / stomps here to bl
aze ya, knock knock go my nuts on ya mamas labia / got more lyrics than they got
sand in arabia / give spider a pass? maybe uh / maybe not, got him chokin on my
dick snot
Feb 09 13:44:58 <stompbixby> imma let you finish spider but for now just watc
h / bust ya head open, leave you leakin like drfyshs crotch / willmac aint want
none, thats why he idle / fuck your survival, my dick blasts like a rifle / but
maybe im just spiteful, right girl? / i mean will, but still i got enough lyrica
l skill to put wills rhymes where they belong: the landfill
Feb 10 12:27:21 <tweek`> right in the dick kisser
Feb 10 12:30:53 <tweek`> i think i know why n__u got so mad about his dic
k being smaller than mine. just another reminder that he's really white. :>
Feb 10 13:27:26 <Fruitloop> penis
Feb 10 13:27:34 <nrglechops> baby penis
Feb 10 13:27:41 <Animals> babby penis
Feb 10 13:28:01 <nrglechops> asian baby brother penis
Feb 10 13:44:45 <deric> cock fighting
Feb 10 14:30:31 <Fruitloop> all my muscle is in my penis
Feb 10 14:33:08 <N__U> suck a dick
Feb 10 14:35:34 <JARVIS> <sincere> i love taking penis in my ass
Feb 10 14:38:05 <tweek`> looks like your dick is on here
Feb 10 14:39:52 <tbsbnstdlover> You guys discuss Dick more than the gals
Feb 10 14:40:09 <n__u> tbsbnstdlover, i wasnt discussing dick so plz dont inclu
de me in this
Feb 10 14:41:37 <Fruitloop> I have no penis but I have a 6" clitoris
Feb 10 14:41:56 <n__u> u get to look at penis everynight nigga
Feb 10 14:42:13 <soulless_> whos penis am i lookin at?
Feb 10 14:42:17 <tweek`> without dick talk, what would really be left for
the dv?
Feb 10 14:43:08 * tweek` has changed the topic to: Welcome to DVIRC, where
we all have dick on our minds!
Feb 10 14:43:32 <Fruitloop> I have dick on my mind and my mind on my dick
Feb 10 14:44:25 <Fruitloop> Snoop Dick - Gin and Cock
Feb 10 14:52:15 <n__u> if u solicit penis pix to everyone except me!
Feb 10 14:52:38 <tweek`> n__u is spreading his dick around like peanut bu
tter lately
Feb 10 14:53:41 <kgb> i just seen grandpa's dick
Feb 10 14:54:15 <Durandal> boy, why you come up in here talkin' 'bout grand
dad's dick, nigga you gay
Feb 10 15:16:24 <chibit> Litterbox how do you know about said penis?
Feb 10 15:23:00 <twerk`> But im scared of his monster cock
Feb 10 15:31:11 <stompy> i need your penis chibit
Feb 10 15:43:08 <tweek`> dick also means nothing
Feb 10 15:55:55 <stompy> put a dick in your mouth and shut up
Feb 10 15:59:41 <stompy> and im just slapping my cock in your balloon kno
Feb 10 16:16:13 <APHOSTILE> Mordecai just saw Pop's dick
Feb 10 16:44:04 * Topic for #dextroverse is: Welcome to DVIRC, where we al
l have dick on our minds!
Feb 10 17:24:11 <Fruitloop> yeah time for some more dick talk
Feb 10 17:43:59 <kgb> fattamus and lames can suck a dick
Feb 10 17:51:00 <mouse> its probably the big penis thing
Feb 10 17:51:38 <Fruitloop> and here we go again with dick talk
Feb 10 17:51:39 <tweek`> im jealous of no man's penis
Feb 10 17:52:24 <Fruitloop> dick wars is a war that will never be won, kind
of like the war on drugs
Feb 10 18:10:40 <n__u> u probably aint even ever seen his penis like i have huh
Feb 10 18:11:56 <Fruitloop> wait we are still talking about dick right Ka?
Feb 10 20:19:33 * Topic for #dextroverse is: Welcome to DVIRC, where we al
l have dick on our minds!
Feb 13 09:56:19 <vick> she doesnt like the monsters of cock huh
Feb 13 11:19:03 <stompy> i zipped up my dick like three days ago
Feb 13 11:27:17 <JARVIS> <diabolic> its midnight in Montana and I can't g
et my dick out of this cow
Feb 14 12:20:16 <Fruitloop> Yeah what happened to the dick talk?
Feb 14 12:23:46 <Jesus_Of_Nazareth> countdown penis is hard!
Feb 14 13:31:33 <alohola> DICK TICKER TIME
Feb 14 13:31:45 <alohola> we need a dick counter
Feb 14 13:32:02 <Fruitloop> we had a dick counter but then DM got all dumb a
nd ruined it
Feb 14 13:32:17 <Fruitloop> !w dick
Feb 14 13:32:44 <Fruitloop> !ld50 dick
Feb 14 13:33:40 <Fruitloop> !w dick
Feb 14 13:33:59 <Fruitloop> dick is 50 degrees
Feb 14 13:35:37 <Fruitloop> he is probably busy sucking cliffs dick
Feb 14 13:50:46 <Nothing\> teddy ruxpin has a horny penis
Feb 14 13:59:52 <alohola> gimme the bitcoin you cock sucker mother fucker
Feb 14 14:16:11 <Fruitloop> Deric you need to move to Dick
Feb 14 14:16:23 <Fruitloop> !w dick
Feb 14 15:37:40 <JARVIS> <Krystena> penis..rific
Feb 14 15:45:10 <tweek`> victory over dick day?
Feb 14 16:52:48 <BIGNGR> i KNOW i am a grain of rice with a giant whale c
Feb 14 23:22:47 <chibit> Its good for when there's a dick inside of you
Feb 15 14:07:40 <alohola> shove a bare wire into your cock
Feb 15 14:50:59 <Fruitloop> Using the binoculars their penis looks bigger al
Feb 17 10:07:10 <DexHead> he told me a story about how he touched Kevin Co
stner's penis
Feb 17 10:07:54 <DexHead> like he was mic'ing him and his hand brushed his
Feb 17 10:08:18 <sighanyde> the old "mc dick swipe" maneuver
Feb 17 10:08:20 <Samuel_Jackylson> used to people touching his dick by "mis
Feb 17 10:08:27 <Samuel_Jackylson> woops, i touched your dick
Feb 17 12:32:45 <sincere> im such a dick. they performed in brooklyn and i
missed them. tickets were cheap too
Feb 18 02:01:56 <tweek`> i was more pissed off you were being a dick to w
ill and kt
Feb 18 03:07:14 <tweek`> someone breaks in, im sure as hell gonna shoot t
hem in the dick
Feb 18 04:02:36 <Fruitloop> Imagine the sad man out there that uses it for h
is tiny tiny penis
Feb 20 10:20:05 <n__u> i sent him a dick pic and he loved it
Feb 20 10:20:27 <soulless_> did you know i got a dick pick outta him?
Feb 20 10:20:30 <anicow> <n__u> i sent him a dick pic and he loved i <- t
heres your problem right there, sending dick pics to dudes
Feb 20 10:20:58 <Animals> wats wrong with sharing dick pics with dudes
Feb 20 10:23:50 <n__u> anicow: is that a pic of ur penis
Feb 20 10:23:58 <Animals> omg its rly a dick
Feb 20 10:24:08 <Fruitloop> did someone say penis?
Feb 20 10:24:33 <Animals> yes its a dick
Feb 20 10:24:35 <Animals> a huge dick
Feb 20 10:27:01 <n__u> to take another pix of his penis i imagine
Feb 20 10:27:42 <n__u> hey anicow did u take another pic of ur penis bro
Feb 20 10:29:12 <CuminMyAnise> of my cravings to see dat dick
Feb 20 10:30:54 <Animals> i wanna see anicows dick for real tho
Feb 20 10:31:47 <anicow> Animals, CuminMyAnise has my dick picture ask he
r to send it
Feb 20 10:32:03 <Animals> SHOW ME UR DICK
Feb 20 10:32:18 <Fruitloop> people must approve their dick pics through me f
Feb 20 10:32:29 <n__u> i showed u a pic i took of his dick earlier in here Anim
Feb 20 10:33:32 <Animals> soulless_ u got his dick pic????
Feb 20 10:33:56 <CuminMyAnise> isnt this his dick pic
Feb 20 10:34:25 <n__u> thats a pic of his dick in a very... uh
Feb 20 10:34:36 <soulless_> i thought that was ur dick
Feb 20 10:39:13 <Animals> its anicows dick
Feb 20 10:39:21 <Fruitloop> He has a black dick?
Feb 20 10:39:31 <Fruitloop> black square dick
Feb 20 10:39:39 <anicow> my cock is big and black
Feb 20 10:39:50 <Animals> ur dick is a raisinet
Feb 20 10:41:58 <anicow> my cock is amazing.
Feb 20 10:42:34 <Animals> my dick is 12 inches ur small time
Feb 20 10:42:44 <Animals> wtf 9 inch dick thats like toddler status
Feb 20 10:43:06 <anicow> tweek`, dont be jealous cuz chicks love my dick
Feb 20 10:43:45 <soulless_> i prefer aryan dick
Feb 20 10:43:51 <tweek`> n__u says props on the dick, nigga
Feb 20 10:44:11 <Fruitloop> gonna be another dick day on IRC I see
Feb 20 10:45:06 <bugg> yay dick day
Feb 20 10:45:34 <Fruitloop> I would be amazed if IRC had a no dick day
Feb 20 10:45:56 <anicow> <soulless_> i prefer aryan dick
Feb 20 10:46:02 <Fruitloop> yeah he is cutting into the dick talk
Feb 21 11:09:38 <Animals> DICK CHAT WELCOME TO DICK CHAT
Feb 21 11:10:14 <sincere> dick chat, home of the dick chat, welcome to dic
k chat, may i take your order?
Feb 21 11:11:27 <Jesus_Of_Nazareth> WHY YOU WANNA SEE MY COCK Animals, WHY Y
OU WANNA SEE MY COCK! It's gonna hurt again Animals, Much worse than last time.
Am i gonna see CUM, animals?
Feb 21 11:48:40 <Fruitloop> I want to start a band named Dick Riot
Feb 21 11:51:10 <Fruitloop> black dick is just too large
Feb 21 11:51:26 <Animals> ive been with black dudes that had avg penis
Feb 21 12:02:03 <tweek`> "you think we are in america yet?" "si. the
re is great american penis right there!"
Feb 21 12:11:42 <deric> ugh I remember i was in a homeless shelter once and some
old black dude was bashing this young black dude for being gay then tried to ge
t him to suck his dick right there
Feb 21 12:30:24 <deric> sincere went to passages malibu as a cock addict... now
he's not
Feb 22 19:44:26 <Fruitloop> stompy stop being a prick, even though this is D
rFysh we are talking about he is just starting out so be easy on him you dick :P
Feb 22 20:40:18 <n__u> dont be a dick!
Feb 22 20:42:38 <n__u> dick
Feb 22 21:01:08 <stompy> i remember the first time i shaved my dick
Feb 22 21:05:17 <williammacy> And i was telling her i had a big dick
Feb 22 21:06:24 <williammacy> And pulled my dick out
Feb 22 21:08:26 <williammacy> When she didnt touch my penis
Feb 22 21:29:48 <Animals> weather is COCK
Feb 23 10:24:25 <Fruitloop> like goats penis or something
Feb 23 10:29:41 <Fruitloop> I still think the pickled chinese goats penis is
the cure all though
Feb 23 10:32:41 <Fruitloop> Huh this one is interesting "China banned deer p
enis during the 2008 Summer Olympics.[32] Under TCM it is believed that deer pen
is wine is an effective remedy for athletic injuries,"
Feb 23 10:34:41 * Fruitloop throws a deer penis at sincere
Feb 23 17:19:07 <Buttercup> maybe you should slap it around with your penis
Feb 23 17:55:11 <Deric> Jack off the dick stalk
Feb 23 18:06:10 <Animals> anicow dick pics pls
Feb 23 18:06:46 <Animals> because you wont give me dick pics
Feb 23 18:07:05 <Buttercup> Dick pics go through me first
Feb 23 18:08:14 <tweek`> faggot is fine if you're sucked a dick or two an
d nigga if you do a lot of pcp
Feb 23 19:06:05 <DexHead> Buttercup: The Master Butcher confirms the penis
is too chewy to eat.
Feb 23 19:07:35 <taco> Karl eats a Bull penis and says it is chewy at some poin
t in season 1 of idiot abroad
Feb 23 19:09:09 <DexHead> Buttercup: Armin tried to eat the penis of his v
ictim but iit was too chewy so he cooked it with some peppers and onions and acc
identally burned it so he fed it to his dog.
Feb 23 19:10:21 <Buttercup> DexHead in other news his dog choked on dick
Feb 23 19:12:54 <DexHead> well he removed the penis with a knife and his v
ictim tried to eat part of it raw and couldn't
Feb 23 19:13:28 <Buttercup> If I was eating my own dick I would probably gag
on it
Feb 23 19:46:40 <SpiderJeru> I like dick
Feb 23 19:49:43 <Buttercup> it would be awesome if Miley Cyrus had a dick
Feb 23 21:18:24 <chibit> Lol nice web template dick
Feb 24 12:18:02 <Animals> r u talking about my dick pic
Feb 24 12:31:10 <postirony> Fruitloop: have you seen my penis
Feb 24 12:58:57 <ka> stompy's dick is like a pancake, five times thick as it
is long. Daddy of half of china, he's the chosen wong.
Feb 24 16:55:37 <Fruitloop> ADSL can suck my fat dick
Feb 24 17:15:19 <robotron> if you suck the right dick
Feb 27 13:08:16 <DexHead> Deric: so his penis is very very very thin
Feb 27 13:54:27 <cut_lass> you suck dick
Feb 27 13:54:35 <cut_lass> you suck dick
Feb 27 13:55:17 <Fruitloop> DrFysh wouldn`t know what to do with a dick if i
t slapped him in the face
Feb 27 13:55:51 <DrFysh> only dick im concerned with is the one in my pan
Feb 27 14:03:23 <Fruitloop> kneading the dogs dick
Feb 27 21:37:12 <dxmpy> whose ready to touch this cock
Feb 27 22:04:38 <Jesus_Of_Narcotics> My dick has alzhemiers
Feb 27 22:05:20 <tweek`> my dick causes temporary alzheimers
Feb 27 22:05:52 <Fruitloop> my dick causes terror
Feb 27 22:20:59 <Nothing\> you can't use the mouse wheny you've got your di
ck in your hand
Feb 27 22:26:06 <tweek`> dick surveys
Feb 27 22:26:31 <chibit> We need Jarvis !dick stats
Feb 27 22:26:42 <Fruitloop> I miss the dick counter
Feb 27 22:27:48 <tweek`> moxxy is ashamed of being such a dick before he
Feb 27 22:29:33 <Fruitloop> they do if it is a dick poll
Feb 28 12:57:09 <Fruitloop> lots and lots of dick sucking
Feb 28 13:16:16 <Fruitloop> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dick%27s_Supermarke
Feb 28 13:16:17 <JARVIS> URL: Dick's Supermarket - Wikipedia, the free en
Feb 28 13:26:30 <Fruitloop> and my penis
Mar 01 22:54:12 * Topic for #dextroverse is: the DV is not for sale. | htt
p://www.mmyvofficial.org/what-causes-violence/ | DV Dick discussions are held
at 12, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10pm. 11pm is polidickal debate. | <@Dextr
overt> My parents are still married. <@Dextrovert> And I ended up here. | <@twee
k`> everybody loves a good dick
Mar 01 23:03:24 <DrFysh> suck my cock
Mar 01 23:06:42 <tsarompy> how about fitness dick in your mouth
Mar 01 23:09:50 <tsarompy> so i can watch his cock flop as i slam into him
Mar 01 23:12:10 <tsarompy> i can already imagine that shit, squeezing aroun
d my cock
Mar 01 23:13:16 * Topic for #dextroverse is: the DV is not for sale. | htt
p://www.mmyvofficial.org/what-causes-violence/ | DV Dick discussions are held
at 12, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10pm. 11pm is polidickal debate. | <@Dextr
overt> My parents are still married. <@Dextrovert> And I ended up here. | <@twee
k`> everybody loves a good dick
Mar 01 23:14:19 <tsarompy> cause i got a big dick DrFysh
Mar 01 23:27:28 <Itchy_Robot|THC> tweek's so gay I saw his dick
Mar 01 23:27:35 <Fruitloop> she is so gay she grew a penis
Mar 01 23:28:11 <Itchy_Robot|THC> what tweek's dick soulles
Mar 01 23:29:14 <Itchy_Robot|THC> you rub the clit and suck on it, then yo
u stick your dick in the hole
Mar 01 23:29:58 <Fruitloop> If I want my penis to get ate by a confusing ali
en vagina I would just signal ET with my record player out in the desert
Mar 01 23:33:28 * Fruitloop sticks his penis into the world
Mar 01 23:39:48 <Fruitloop> !w dick
Mar 01 23:40:19 <Fruitloop> !w dick
Mar 01 23:40:29 <Fruitloop> Dick is cold tonight
Mar 01 23:40:53 <Itchy_Robot|THC> !w dick
Mar 02 00:53:47 <tweek`> was pretty awesome, would have been better if i
could have fully felt my dick
Mar 02 13:34:12 * Topic for #dextroverse is: the DV is not for sale. | htt
p://www.mmyvofficial.org/what-causes-violence/ | DV Dick discussions are held
at 12, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10pm. 11pm is polidickal debate. | <@Dextr
overt> My parents are still married. <@Dextrovert> And I ended up here. | <@twee
k`> everybody loves a good dick
Mar 02 13:34:50 <Fruitloop> Is it time for dick discussions yet?
Mar 02 14:45:24 <SpiderJeru> so eat a dick
Mar 02 15:26:19 <mhek> like partly i was just being a bit of a dick, but also i
was leaving LITERALLY no question
Mar 02 15:31:39 <DrFysh> i have fat cock
Mar 02 15:32:24 <mhek> it was like a legal agreement to not be a dick
Mar 02 15:36:41 <mhek> empirial powers trying to say i have the most explosive
Mar 02 16:23:06 <DrFysh> DICK YOURE FIRED
Mar 02 16:33:17 #dextroverse 37 [+CRSTnrtz] the DV is not for sale. | h
ttp://www.mmyvofficial.org/what-causes-violence/ | DV Dick discussions are hel
d at 12, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10pm. 11pm is polidickal debate. | <@Dex
trovert> My parents are still married. <@Dextrovert> And I ended up here. | <@tw
eek`> everybody loves a good dick
Mar 02 16:43:28 <SpiderJeruz_> pussy/ass + dick
Mar 02 16:44:44 <ephemeralmelody> they're definitely sex. just because th
ey aren't penis-in-vagina doesn't mean it's not a form of sex
Mar 02 17:25:37 <DrFysh> i am being kind of dick
Mar 02 17:40:41 <digi> brb upgrading penis
Mar 02 17:43:28 <Fruitloop> don`t want no exploding cock
Mar 04 12:31:02 <chibit> Or a large penis
Mar 04 13:14:47 <Fruitloop> So whos dick do I have to deepthroat around here
to get some KFC?
Mar 06 18:13:52 <Vick_Criminal> my penis is the size of a peanut have you seen i
Mar 06 18:48:55 <Vick_Criminal> spouting from his dick washing hole
Mar 06 18:55:08 <Fruitloop> http://news.radio.com/2014/03/05/justin-biebers-
Mar 06 18:55:09 <JARVIS> URL: Justin Biebers Penis is Now a Matter of Public
Record << Radio.com News
Mar 06 18:58:22 <papa_boner> i wonder if those teenage fangirls of his would
still like him if it was a baby dick
Mar 06 18:58:54 <Fruitloop> think of it this way papa_boner, if he does have
a baby dick and teen girls like it then that gives guys like us a lot of hope
Mar 06 18:59:35 <Fruitloop> you do not have a 7" dick
Mar 06 19:00:00 <papa_boner> she'll testify to my average penis
Mar 06 19:01:18 <papa_boner> lol it's not like i'm claiming it's john holmes
monster dick
Mar 06 19:05:06 <Fruitloop> Average penis size for americans is 4.59
Mar 06 19:09:56 <Fruitloop> papa_boner you do not have a 7" dick
Mar 06 19:11:40 <Fruitloop> The largest recorded penis that is natural only
measures up to 7"
Mar 06 19:11:45 <digi> Would you believe me if I told you *I* had a 7 inch dick
, Fruitloop?
Mar 06 19:13:17 <papa_boner> i don't want my penis on the internet though
Mar 06 19:28:31 <Fruitloop> and you do not have a 7" dick
Mar 06 19:46:37 <Nothing\> Pussies don't like dicks because pussies get fuc
ked by dicks. But dicks also fuck assholes. Assholes that just want to shit on e
verything. Pussies may think they can deal with assholes their way. But the only
thing that can fuck a asshole is a dick, with some balls. The problem with dick
s is they fuck too much or fuck when it isn't appropriate. And it takes a pussy
to show them that. But
Mar 06 23:04:04 <Fruitloop> with a baby penis
Mar 06 23:15:42 <tweek`> maxwell house k-cup suck dick
Mar 06 23:26:18 <ephemeralmelody> and his penis was all red and I asked wh
y it was red and he told me to "fix it"
Mar 06 23:47:06 <trollypus> drunk on this cock
Mar 06 23:47:17 <trollypus> can you read the words my cock are typing to you
Mar 06 23:47:22 <trollypus> can you read the words my cock are typing to you
Mar 06 23:47:23 <trollypus> can you read the words my cock are typing to you
Mar 06 23:47:25 <trollypus> can you read the words my cock are typing to you
Mar 06 23:47:44 <trollypus> my dick is huge
Mar 06 23:48:12 <madison> i used to be so good at sucking dick now my jaw
always hurts i cant go as long or as hard
Mar 06 23:48:15 <trollypus> my dick is as thick as a vienna sausage
Mar 06 23:48:39 <soulless_> such the god damn dick like a big girl
Mar 06 23:48:46 <Animals> who complains about sucking dick
Mar 06 23:48:56 <Animals> you should be grateful for dick in yo mouf
Mar 07 00:04:29 <Fruitloop> trollypus but then you would have skunk dick
Mar 07 00:04:48 <Animals> i thought dms mothers breath smelled like his di
Mar 08 03:39:22 <Fruitloop> god damn mother fucking potato chip loving dick
sucking ass monkey with a side of hotdogs
Mar 08 04:07:01 <Itchy_Dexbot> WHAT SUCKS YOUR DICK
Mar 08 04:15:24 <Nothing\> but i have a scar that runs down my penis
Mar 08 06:34:06 <derpyhooves> mmm penis envy
Mar 08 06:34:20 <helios> penis envy mushrooms are the shit
Mar 08 07:40:08 <Vipzta-AMPH> a lot are dick heads also.... but there are a f
ew i enjoy the presence of
Mar 08 07:53:04 <Vipzta-AMPH> shes got some dick to suck
Mar 08 07:57:37 <Vipzta-AMPH> i asked if you are a dick licker
Mar 08 10:01:08 <Vipzta-AMPH> limp dick
Mar 08 10:09:16 <Vipzta-AMPH> is your boss a dick?
Mar 08 10:37:09 <Nothing\> DrFysh: how big is your penis?
Mar 08 10:37:42 <Nothing\> what kind of retarded guy measures his penis fla
Mar 08 10:40:07 <DrFysh> i dunno, my cock may be sorta big but it doesnt
really matter since i never get to use t :(
Mar 08 10:40:18 <soulless_> dick discussion
Mar 08 10:40:33 <Vipzta-AMPH> always dick discussion in this fucking place
Mar 08 10:41:07 <Fruitloop> Dick discussion at 11 and computer nostalgia at
12, linux VS windows at 1 and then dick discussion from 2-8
Mar 08 10:46:48 * Chromo sucks DrFysh's dick
Mar 08 11:00:12 <Nothing\> kgb: are you a dick, a pussy or an asshole?
Mar 08 11:00:29 <kgb> probably a dick
Mar 08 11:56:44 <DrFysh> thatd just be dick
Mar 08 11:57:05 <Fruitloop> dick
Mar 08 14:07:20 <Vipzta> dick some chick down
Mar 08 14:09:35 <digi> "A snake bit my cock!"
Mar 08 14:10:02 <Fruitloop> I just need a laser guided heat seeking silo pen
Mar 08 15:36:39 <Fruitloop> 60 only has a small slice of spectrum and it is
too new of a band to dick around in
Mar 11 11:39:38 <stompbixby> my fathers penis originally
Mar 11 12:51:55 * Fruitloop watches cock
Mar 11 12:52:06 * Hunter_S_Thompson watches the cock, of the clock
Mar 11 12:52:41 <Fruitloop> if a clock had a cock would the cock of the cloc
k keep time?
Mar 11 13:08:22 <Fruitloop> pick up one of your fries and it limps over like
your sorry dick
Mar 11 13:08:36 <stompbixby> my dick is amazing
Mar 11 13:09:00 <stompbixby> my dick would destroy yours in a fight
Mar 11 13:09:07 <Fruitloop> dick wars are over with
Mar 11 13:13:03 <Hunter_S_Thompson> "i only suck cock for the chicks"
Mar 11 13:16:49 <stompbixby> ive never had black penis
Mar 11 13:17:09 <Chromo> I did lick a black dick once
Mar 11 13:17:39 <stompbixby> hunter is the black cock queen of northern georg
Mar 11 13:18:09 <stompbixby> big fat 9" cock on a beautiful muscled mandingo
body! who thinks they can suck my dick and rim out my hot ass the best??? car da
tes only
Mar 11 13:27:46 <anubis> and split dick
Mar 11 13:52:46 <Hunter_S_Thompson> fcc has diddly-dick to do with standup
Mar 11 14:04:38 <stompbixby> n__u cant handle the spit that stompy spew, nigg
a mad cause his dick look like a cashew, stomp bix got the rap potatoes... mash
Mar 11 14:05:36 <n__u> dick look like a cashew lol
Mar 11 15:13:27 <stompbixby> cause i canberra this dick in you
Mar 11 23:05:04 <tweek`> so you can probably put your dick in him after h
alf a beer
Mar 11 23:08:25 <azazel> you yank its dick to activate it
Mar 13 13:14:33 <Chromo> oh, cause you're a penis
Mar 13 16:54:20 <simon> dystopian" is one of the words stamped on the forefront
of my mind as of late b/c i've been inudating myself with {Phillip K Dick
Mar 13 16:56:11 <simon> but this is ok. and Dick layed out "how he wanted things
" well before he died, regardig his works I mean
Mar 13 17:37:01 <simon> idk plox. it's from a Philip K Dick novel as well as you
r world though.
Mar 14 15:46:46 <n__u> whens ur penis show today bro
Mar 14 17:50:31 <simon> seeing "Stethiscope" made me think of this b/c I've been
listening to a ton of Philip K Dick - in the film for A Scanner Darkly, it's a
microscope that Arcter loves so much etc etc, in the novel, it's a like supremel
y nice stehiscope.
Mar 14 17:52:01 <postirony> a dick in your butt
Mar 14 17:53:07 <n__u> get some penis
Mar 14 17:57:00 <simon> I love how much Philip K Dick obviously loved the German
people used the language every chance he got almost
Mar 14 18:55:23 <simon> but my nick in it's full form - like my dick when hard-
is a literary reference.
Mar 14 19:07:49 <bugg> penis.
Mar 14 19:08:05 <Fruitloop> Yeah what happened to dick hour here?
Mar 15 14:35:49 <Fruitloop> magic dick
Mar 17 17:43:10 <kingofdiamonds> suck it? didnt know you had a penis
Mar 17 17:54:36 <DrFysh> but she has cock
Mar 17 17:54:48 <Fruitloop> What is wrong with a cock?
Mar 17 17:55:12 <Fruitloop> You don`t have to be gay to enjoy thy penis
Mar 17 17:55:46 <Fruitloop> Because I am touching a dick
Mar 17 17:57:34 <Fruitloop> DrFysh so if you got with a hot chick and made i
t to the bedroom and were making out and then pulled down her pants and there wa
s a penis you wouldn`t just say screw it and continue?
Mar 17 17:59:12 <Fruitloop> you could have anal and just pretend the penis i
s not there
Mar 17 18:14:09 <simon> woah- i finally pulled myself out of the Exegesis of Phi
lip K Dick and listened to some Vonnegut. It was like landing back in such a sim
pler world, other than the fact that I did , no doubt, hear a sound of electric
car locks locking or unlocking -just once- from the 4 corners of the room i was
sleeping in.
Mar 17 20:14:00 <soulless_> your dick is super sensitive post cum
Mar 17 20:15:24 <Nothing\> cum leaks out of my dick for like
Mar 18 14:09:03 <eggwich> alohola is a dick
Mar 18 14:51:41 <cykros> cock o' nut creampies, nom nom
Mar 18 15:55:32 <tweek`> all i know is i wanna beat you to death with my
Mar 18 15:57:14 <Fruitloop> gold cock ring
Mar 18 16:19:45 <tweek`> and that company sucks dick
Mar 19 12:38:07 <Aphostile> massive elk penis
Mar 19 12:38:41 <Fruitloop> gigantic blue whale penis
Mar 19 12:52:25 <JARVIS> <BlopNuts> by the time someone sees your cock it
's going to be so obsolete nobody will know how to use it
Mar 21 15:49:16 <Fruitloop> my penis is a fist BTW
Mar 21 17:20:20 <KAKUNA> what are you dick tracy Fruitloop
Mar 21 18:09:19 <Madama_Butterface> !seen my penis
Mar 21 18:09:20 <JARVIS> Sorry Madama_Butterface, i haven't seen my penis
Mar 21 19:10:54 <NRG> dick
Mar 21 19:28:05 <Fruitloop> screw emulating bash in command.exe, fire up tha
t old telnet program and log on to a real box you windows loving bill gates dick
sucking snobs
Mar 21 19:54:19 <Deric> Pla Cardenas said he has noticed an increasing number of
people using Vaseline injections as a form of body augmentation, including men
who have injected the product in the hopes of enhancing penis size.
Mar 21 19:55:58 <Deric> if you think vaseline is going to improve your penis siz
e then Darwin deserves to have his way with you before you breed
Mar 21 19:58:35 <hanniba1> Vaseline penis size
Mar 21 20:00:29 <soulless_> !addquote <Deric> if you think vaseline is going
to improve your penis size then Darwin deserves to have his way with you before
you breed
Mar 21 20:00:29 <JARVIS> soulless_: Added "<Deric> if you think vaseline
is going to improve your penis size then Darwin deserves to have his way with yo
u before you breed" to the AddQuote database.
Mar 21 20:57:06 <Fruitloop> You have a penis
Mar 21 20:58:21 <Fruitloop> mmm nice dick
Mar 21 22:25:27 <n__u> wow, what a dick
Mar 21 22:47:25 <Deric> that sounds about as bright as vaseline penis enlargemen
Mar 22 00:53:32 <Fruitloop> soulless_ I would be so god damn romantic to you
that you would die in love with me only to find out I want a dick in my mouth
Mar 22 00:53:47 <soulless_> we find the perfect dick?
Mar 23 12:24:31 <Fruitloop> You're a dude and you're straight. But you find
yourself with (pardon the language) a dick in your mouth. Don't panic. Did you s
moke "weed" at all that night? If so, you're probably just stoned and any homose
xuality you may have engaged in can't possibly count. You're welcome.
Mar 23 13:00:51 <nra> DrFysh has some lovely dick suckin lips
Mar 23 13:57:03 <Itchy_Robot> and he was like "meh, I invented electricity, ea
t a dick"
Mar 23 14:10:28 <nra> like your dick
Mar 23 14:10:50 <Fruitloop> my dick at least requires a euro outlet
Mar 23 14:17:29 <Fruitloop> sadly none of these would fit my dick
Mar 24 14:01:34 <DrFysh> where's your Dick Aimen?
Mar 24 14:01:49 <Fruitloop> Dick Aimen
Mar 24 14:02:04 <ka> and he straight up went by 'dick'
Mar 24 14:02:19 <DrFysh> dick handler
Mar 24 14:02:19 <Itchy_Robot> DICK HANDLER
Mar 24 14:05:04 <ka> that you get fucking warts on your dick
Mar 24 14:28:05 <DrFysh> dammit penis
Mar 24 15:49:12 <mhek> plus his penis is just amazing to look at
Mar 24 16:02:18 <Fruitloop> ugh wow I managed to make a meat joke w/o mentio
ning dick
Mar 24 16:49:26 <n__u> u jjst have a hard cock
Mar 24 17:12:54 <mhek> mistform no it's definitely not just you, every time i t
ry to masturbate with a shoe on my dick i can't do it
Mar 25 16:43:21 <rewindthesecond> DrFysh has all of the dick picks of the
dv as well
Mar 25 16:43:43 <DrFysh> no i have no dick pics
Mar 25 17:09:23 <Nothing\> DrFysh: we all know you have a small dick
Mar 25 17:09:35 <DrFysh> lol nah my cock is fine
Mar 25 17:10:47 <DrFysh> Nothing\, hmmm, funny how you go DIRECTLY to ins
ulting penis size
Mar 25 17:11:11 <Nothing\> DrFysh: because i know you have a small dick
Mar 25 17:12:13 <Nothing\> i KNOW i have a small dick
Mar 25 17:12:25 <azazel> my dick is miles long
Mar 25 17:12:26 <bugg> fysh show dick
Mar 25 17:12:34 <DrFysh> i have a sorta big dick i guess but
Mar 25 17:12:45 <azazel> my dick circumnavigates the globe
Mar 25 17:12:54 <Nothing\> azazel: my dick circumcises the globe
Mar 25 17:14:01 <Nothing\> i thought most regulars here have sene my dick
Mar 25 17:38:48 <DrFysh> my briother Jesus is being a dick and wont show
Mar 25 18:55:51 <Nothing\> or how my dick would feel in your ass
Mar 25 18:56:31 <Nothing\> and stroking my hard cock
Mar 25 19:17:52 <kingofdiamonds> damn mother nature and her cock tease go
od weather on the weekend
Mar 27 15:09:59 <Hunter_S_Thompson> that sortof is a dick move anyway really
Mar 27 15:12:39 <Fruitloop> !w dick
Mar 27 15:13:18 <Fruitloop> it is nice in dick right now
Mar 27 15:32:44 <ka> dick-nut suck
Mar 27 15:55:12 <robotron> my dick is weird
Mar 27 15:56:13 <Fruitloop> ew I don`t want to see an elephant penis
Mar 27 18:12:37 <Fruitloop> you know after they made that video there was a
lot of dick sucking
Mar 27 18:53:59 <JARVIS> <+SaintWalker> I SUCKED DICK FOR COKE
Mar 27 21:03:40 <Fruitloop> use a penis as a sword
Mar 27 23:24:03 <williammacy> (with mah dick)
Mar 27 23:36:34 <DrFysh> Mister T Ate My Penis
Mar 27 23:38:19 <Fruitloop> williammacy wants to suck bill gates dick
Mar 28 00:23:03 <Fruitloop> Lois has a penis head
Mar 28 13:40:14 <postirony> yeah, and my dick is the bounty
Mar 28 13:40:33 <Fruitloop> bountiful dick
Mar 28 13:42:41 <Fruitloop> your penis
Mar 28 13:51:47 <Aphostile> cat tools.log | grep dick
Mar 28 14:01:05 <Aphostile> fangling.net is either cigarette makers or japan
ese penis torture devices
Mar 28 14:02:09 <tweek`> japanese penis torture devices?
Mar 28 15:10:17 <tsarompy> whose ready for this dick
Mar 28 15:11:20 <tsarompy> cause his dick is like my pinky and the first kn
Mar 28 15:12:27 <sopezamo> tsarompy: I like what the dick is attached to
Mar 28 15:13:04 <tsarompy> are you givin him that dragon cock Chromo
Mar 28 15:13:08 <Fruitloop> my dick is attached to my knuckle apparently
Mar 28 15:13:58 <tweek`> north of a dick
Mar 28 15:14:32 <tsarompy> !addquote <Deric> i cant stop jacking it to this
tranny porn. i wish my dick was that big, going right in my asshole
Mar 28 15:14:33 <JARVIS> tsarompy: Added "<Deric> i cant stop jacking it
to this tranny porn. i wish my dick was that big, going right in my asshole" to
the AddQuote database.
Mar 28 15:20:25 <tsarompy> maybe you should cut your dick off la_catalina
Mar 28 15:22:48 <tsarompy> as soon as you cut off your dick
Mar 28 15:23:33 <tweek`> you should cut your dick off, deric
Mar 28 15:23:41 <NTT> fuck your dick
Mar 28 15:24:46 <tweek`> Aphostile: did you really sell your dick to chi
na, dude?
Mar 28 15:42:50 <Aphostile> if it were up to me i really wouldn't ban anyone
just because i think it is that crass of a dick move and I don't like when it i
s done to me all the time
Mar 28 15:47:24 * Chromo inserts his d-cock into Fruitloop
Mar 28 16:16:03 <n__u> postirony, stompy sure was being a dick to you man
Mar 28 16:44:39 <pastaroni> with my dick, obv.
Mar 28 17:04:49 <Dextrovert> The monitor shows a big fucking dick all of a su
Mar 28 17:05:47 <azazel> " hehe I made their multimillion dollar machine
show a cock "
Mar 28 17:07:23 <tweek`> little bit of a cock(erspaniel) tease, right?
Mar 28 17:07:41 <Fruitloop> save the dick talk until I get back
Mar 28 17:07:56 <Dextrovert> supreme dick tater
Mar 28 17:07:59 <tweek`> dick tales. WOO-OOH
Mar 28 18:52:20 <Fruitloop> my penis
Mar 28 19:17:29 <SpiderJeru> whiskey dick
Mar 28 19:18:23 <tweek`> a dick made of whiskey?
Mar 28 19:18:35 <SpiderJeru> vidya and a dick made of a whiskey bottle
Mar 31 21:47:28 <Jesus_Of_Nazareth> resin is code for cock so really you sai
d [10:46] <Nothing\> i smoked some cock
Mar 31 21:47:39 <Fruitloop> mmmm cock
Mar 31 21:47:47 <Jesus_Of_Nazareth> cock and balls
Mar 31 21:47:55 <Fruitloop> I hear soulless_ has a huge cock
Apr 01 21:36:18 <Fruitloop> maybe she has a dick
Apr 04 00:41:22 <Fruitloop> What I am saying is that women have no idea how
to handle a penis
Apr 04 00:44:26 <Fruitloop> You know what they say about a dick in a box?
Apr 04 00:45:38 <JARVIS> URL: The Lonely Island Dick in a Box - YouTube
Apr 04 00:54:12 <Deric> you sister died so i scraped her off the brick and did i
t with my dick
Apr 04 01:35:03 <Fruitloop> I am pretty sure Kanon once said she has a giant
Apr 04 01:38:49 <ka> to let my dick unswell
Apr 05 00:13:17 <Fruitloop> There is this woman on this commercial blow dryi
ng a cock
Apr 05 00:19:29 <Itchy_Dexbot|Pot> my brother being a dick with the bud rec
Apr 05 00:20:26 <Itchy_Dexbot|Pot> my brohter is a dick
Apr 07 00:33:01 <Fruitloop> I want to slap her face around with my penis
Apr 07 01:07:10 <Fruitloop> sounds like my experience with operamail the oth
er day when stompy was going to send me a dick picture
Apr 08 02:30:03 * Topic for #dextroverse is: <@Dextrovert> /ns register yo
urpassword youremail <@Dextrovert> /j #dextroverse <fleshapparatus> I think i'
d rather puke my own dick up
Apr 08 02:30:16 <Fruitloop> Could God stick a dick so far up his nose that e
ven he couldn`t taste the rainbow?
Apr 08 02:39:44 <Fruitloop> just because we run linux does not mean we need
to wave it around in windows users face like a giant black dick
Apr 08 02:58:24 <dxmpy> and grit his teeth as he forcefully fists his cock up an
d down
Apr 08 02:58:26 <Amadan_Gibrean> you can eat a dick
Apr 08 02:58:43 <Fruitloop> you do realize eating dick is not exactly insult
ing to most here right?
Apr 08 03:18:07 <dxmpy> i would never cut my dick off
Apr 08 03:18:13 <dxmpy> i love my dick
Apr 08 03:23:06 * Topic for #dextroverse is: <@Dextrovert> /ns register yo
urpassword youremail <@Dextrovert> /j #dextroverse <fleshapparatus> I think i'
d rather puke my own dick up
Apr 08 03:23:27 <dxmpy> i showed you my dick the other when i was drunk
Apr 08 03:31:22 <Amadan_Gibrean> but for now, he's a dick
Apr 08 03:47:03 <Fruitloop> soulless_ has a bigger dick than I do
Apr 08 05:05:35 * Topic for #dextroverse is: <@Dextrovert> /ns register yo
urpassword youremail <@Dextrovert> /j #dextroverse <fleshapparatus> I think i'
d rather puke my own dick up
Apr 08 10:21:44 * Topic for #dextroverse is: <@Dextrovert> /ns register yo
urpassword youremail <@Dextrovert> /j #dextroverse <fleshapparatus> I think i'
d rather puke my own dick up
Apr 11 05:18:52 * Topic for #dextroverse is: Welcome to #dextroverse! Ga
yest place on the internet 11 years and going strong. | <fleshapparatus> I th
ink i'd rather puke my own dick up
Apr 11 07:48:23 * Topic for #dextroverse is: Welcome to #dextroverse! Ga
yest place on the internet 11 years and going strong. | <fleshapparatus> I th
ink i'd rather puke my own dick up
Apr 11 08:19:30 <soulless_> dick
Apr 11 08:19:43 <TetherDrone> Buck-cock.
Apr 11 08:22:07 * Topic for #dextroverse is: Welcome to #dextroverse! Ga
yest place on the internet 11 years and going strong. | <fleshapparatus> I th
ink i'd rather puke my own dick up
Apr 11 09:28:37 * Topic for #dextroverse is: Welcome to #dextroverse! Ga
yest place on the internet 11 years and going strong. | <fleshapparatus> I th
ink i'd rather puke my own dick up
Apr 11 10:56:28 <williammacy> brock lesner must have a small penis
Apr 11 10:56:40 <ka> cock lesbian
Apr 11 10:57:20 <williammacy> cock lesber
Apr 11 10:57:37 <williammacy> "more like cock lesber, amirite?"
Apr 11 11:47:17 <Fruitloop> vaginas would look cooler if they had a dick
Apr 11 12:14:30 <Fruitloop> hmm I think I will email stompy a weird looking
penis picture and say it`s mine
Apr 11 12:16:30 <arg> liu kang penis
Apr 11 12:16:53 <arg> if you had an eyeball on your dick
Apr 11 12:17:54 * bugg eyeballs arg's dick
Apr 11 12:22:12 <bugg> im glad he gave both sexes a penis hole
Apr 11 12:22:12 <Fruitloop> wait people don`t have eyeballs on their dick?
Apr 11 12:23:06 <Fruitloop> dick queef
Apr 11 12:28:22 <Fruitloop> penis picture sent to stompy
Apr 11 12:28:56 <Fruitloop> found the perfect weird looking dick with a huge
mushroom head
Apr 11 13:05:05 <Fruitloop> http://cdn.caffeineinformer.com/wp-content/uploa
Apr 11 13:06:17 <Fruitloop> pastaroni you should try big cock
Apr 11 13:07:10 <Fruitloop> http://www.caffeineinformer.com/big-cock-energy-
Apr 11 13:07:11 <JARVIS> URL: Big Cock Energy Drink: No, This Isnt a Joke!
Apr 11 13:07:42 <Fruitloop> big cock only has 140mg of caffeine
Apr 11 13:08:40 <Itchy_Robot> "just suck on this big cock"
Apr 11 13:09:18 <Fruitloop> maybe have a big cock and finish it down with a
Apr 11 13:09:22 <ApeOfHostility> cock is no good
Apr 11 13:10:03 <Fruitloop> I would want to try a big cock
Apr 11 13:18:34 <Fruitloop> !ld50 dick
Apr 11 17:07:52 * Topic for #dextroverse is: Welcome to #dextroverse! Ga
yest place on the internet 11 years and going strong. | <fleshapparatus> I th
ink i'd rather puke my own dick up
Apr 11 17:12:43 <williammacy> hes just being a dick
Apr 11 17:15:41 <Butternipple> okay Dick
Apr 11 17:16:14 <Butternipple> dick docking
Apr 11 18:21:06 <SpiderJeru> cock tail
Apr 11 18:22:48 <SpiderJeru> what about the penis colada?
Apr 11 18:22:59 <Dextrovert> penis colonda
Apr 11 19:04:20 <simon> and if I recall he didnt show cock.
Apr 11 19:04:32 <Butternipple> I wonder if his cock has a mustache
Apr 14 16:23:38 * Chromo grins wider, his lizard cock pulsing at the thoug
ht of unleashing his load into the massive 'loop
Apr 14 18:19:01 <tweek`> caudillo is the dv dick historian
Apr 14 18:20:00 <Fruitloop> it`s damn near a requirement here to send him a
dick picture when joining
Apr 18 06:14:27 <Fruitloop> yes, shemales with large penis and no boob
Apr 18 06:20:09 <mrwonderful> no cause you like a guys penis filling you with
cum and like sucking cock
Apr 18 06:20:47 <mrwonderful> no one cock at a time
Apr 18 06:21:01 <Fruitloop> a cock a day keeps the women away
Apr 18 10:17:01 <Dickdickdickdick> I am the dick master
Apr 18 10:17:07 <Dickdickdickdick> head dick of the DV
Apr 18 10:17:13 <Dickdickdickdick> dick head even
Apr 21 18:45:17 <Fruitloop> http://www.thehighteacast.co.uk/wp-content/uploa
Apr 21 19:25:30 <Nothing\> and squirted a shitton of lidocaine gel up my di
Apr 21 19:36:24 <Snickers_Bar> rub your penis head on some 100 grit sand paper?
Apr 21 20:07:22 <Nothing\> if you're talking about my penis
Apr 21 20:07:40 <Fruitloop> no one here has a penis longer than 5"
Apr 21 20:08:07 <Snickers_Bar> shit, I had to get a lift kit for my dick and ba
lls. Fat chicks can't jump.
Apr 21 20:12:35 <Nothing\> and my dick rubs against my pants just right
Apr 21 20:13:58 <Fruitloop> there is no way you can fret a bass with a penis
Apr 21 20:14:28 <digi> What if you attach something to the penis to fret the ba
Apr 21 20:14:53 <Fruitloop> penis fretter
Apr 21 20:19:25 <SnrG-1> fart on my dick
Apr 21 21:28:16 <Fruitloop> !w dick
Apr 21 21:28:27 <Fruitloop> always nice in dick
Apr 21 21:28:54 <Snickers_Bar> eat my dick.
Apr 21 21:31:00 <tweek`> spike is still riding on my pun dick with the st
Apr 23 12:32:34 <rewindthesecond> aerys was a major dick
Apr 23 14:49:24 <n__u> every new member has a penis
Apr 23 15:08:42 <Fruitloop> cock ring
Apr 23 15:09:05 <Fruitloop> do any of you actually use cock rings?
Apr 23 15:11:09 <Fruitloop> Does anyone here use a cock ring?
Apr 23 15:11:25 <chemystery> whats the point of a cock ring
Apr 23 15:11:37 <n__igga> whats the point of a cock
Apr 23 15:21:22 <n__igga> except on a black dick
Apr 23 15:54:04 <Buttercup> chemystery do you own a penis or a bleeding fish
Apr 23 21:01:58 <Fruitloop> http://birthdaycakes.1069126.n5.nabble.com/file/
Apr 23 21:02:25 <chibby> >cake-penis.jpg
Apr 23 22:11:17 <Fruitloop> duckwife dick
Apr 23 22:17:25 <Fruitloop> Women are fine and all for farting on a cake, bu
t imagine a dude like me nude sitting down slowly into a cake with my dick getti
ng all full of chocolate frosting and ripping a huge beer fart into it
Apr 23 22:31:46 <Fruitloop> I`m sucking dick
Apr 23 22:48:30 <Nothing\> Fruitloop: all i ever talk about is my dick
Apr 23 22:50:34 <hanniba1> "go suck some dick for some socks, ben"
Apr 23 22:50:57 <hanniba1> you sucked dick for socks
Apr 23 22:53:37 <hanniba1> i still see that guy who sucks dick for socks
Apr 23 23:15:51 <Nothing\> are my roommate's who's a dick
Apr 23 23:16:45 <Nothing\> before my roommate turned into a dick, i used to
hang out with him and his family a lot
Apr 23 23:17:09 <Nothing\> too bad he turned out to be a dick
Apr 26 12:09:16 <Fruitloop> dick dick dick dick
Apr 26 12:09:31 <Fruitloop> dick dick dick
Apr 26 12:15:06 <Fruitloop> dick dick dick dick dick dick dick
Apr 26 12:15:38 <Fruitloop> dick dick dick dick dick dick dick
Apr 26 12:18:47 <Fruitloop> dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dic
Apr 26 12:21:15 <Fruitloop> who doesn`t with a dicky dick like DM running th
is place
Apr 26 12:46:57 <Fruitloop> A glass of cranberry juice with a side of dick
Apr 26 12:47:43 <Dextrovert> penis flied lice
Apr 26 13:37:38 <taco> I'm pretty sure the glowing finger was his penis
Apr 26 15:13:40 <Fruitloop> you will get flooded with dick pictures
Apr 26 15:22:31 <DexalynDan> i pinch my cock off so nothing comes out
Apr 26 19:06:33 <poopoopeepee> is my penis
Apr 26 19:06:54 <Nothing\> your penis
Apr 26 20:04:15 <Fruitloop> great Nothing\, good to hear you mastered your p
Apr 26 22:07:10 <IRONMAN> you wouldnt put your dick in a dude, dude?
Apr 26 22:09:20 <la_catalina> IRONMAN, you put your dick in a dude?
Apr 26 22:30:07 <williammacy> penis shamble
Apr 26 22:50:35 <Fruitloop> cock ring
Apr 26 22:53:45 <Fruitloop> I have yet to find a DVer who has purchased or u
sed a cock ring
Apr 26 22:53:58 <Fruitloop> buttplugs are so popular here but not cock rings
Apr 26 22:54:29 <williammacy> HERE ILL PUT A METAL RING AROUND THE BASE OF MY
Apr 26 22:55:31 <digibot> URL: Cock ring - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedi
Apr 26 22:56:04 <williammacy> what are cock fighting rings for?
Apr 26 22:58:55 <Fruitloop> triple cock ring
Apr 26 22:59:06 <digibot> URL: File:Triple cock ring.jpg - Wikipedia, the
free encyclopedia
Apr 26 23:04:32 <digibot> <Deric> the truth is, I just love nigger cock in
my mouth and ass
Apr 26 23:05:32 <Fruitloop> I do kind of miss when JARVIS would give me a ro
undhouse kick in the nuts when asking it the LD50 of dick
Apr 26 23:26:45 <digibot> <digi> I love the taste of moose cock.
Apr 27 14:38:32 <Fruitloop> Penis butt rap
Apr 27 17:55:21 <Loki> what's the most clever way to getting out of sucking a d
Apr 27 18:27:09 <Fruitloop> ass shit dick pussy fucker dicksucker
Apr 30 13:39:53 <Loki> I HAD MY DICK OUT ALREADY
Apr 30 16:22:55 <Dickbutt> actually it would not surprise me if Michelle ha
s a penis
Apr 30 16:31:49 <DrFysh> ill vote for the intelligent leader over the old
man who folded on his own beliefs to suck Ws cock and the woman who can see Rus
sia from her backyard
Apr 30 16:55:47 <Chris> i always said kenny had dick on his mind
Apr 30 16:55:49 <rewindthesecond> wtf: http://knowyourmeme.com/photos/2170
Apr 30 16:55:49 <digibot> URL: [Image - 21706] | Dick Butt | Know Your Mem
Apr 30 17:37:31 <Chris> ive got a big dick
Apr 30 17:54:08 <Dickbutt> dick butt dick butt dickidy butt dick dick di di
ck dick dickidy butt
Apr 30 20:07:40 <Chris> that without drugs, im a dick to my friends because i ge
t so upset by their actions
Apr 30 20:10:41 <Chris> everybody loves a funny dick
Apr 30 20:11:13 <Fruitloop> you had a dick in your fridge?
Apr 30 20:27:54 <Fruitloop> dick pics go to me first
Apr 30 20:31:47 <Fruitloop> dick
Apr 30 20:31:59 <Fruitloop> well as long as "dick" is not censored
Apr 30 21:10:41 <Fruitloop> I would hang out with you people but I would hav
e to do the penis watch joke at least once
May 01 01:43:24 <purple_hulk> you know what, you dick wad
May 01 02:05:51 <n__u> i bet if i stick it in ur booty my dick'a smell like mol
dy cheese for a week nigga
May 01 16:16:06 <DrFysh> man what a dick landlord
May 01 16:18:08 <anoobis> what a dick
May 02 07:48:29 <nrg> shitting dick nipples
May 02 14:59:54 <Fruitloop> There is a giant walking dick on my TV
May 02 15:11:55 <Animals> and zorgin and rewind and citizen and bugg if he
s not a dick
May 02 15:18:13 <Cable> you've never seen a penis or an ass from him
May 02 15:18:48 <Fruitloop> They used to have a penis on the Ken doll but th
e PC police came and cut it off
May 02 15:18:57 <Animals> postirony has seen my dick
May 02 15:19:18 <Jim> ive seen pasta's dick
May 02 15:37:58 <Nothing\> Loki: suck a dick
May 02 15:38:19 <Fruitloop> pretty sure Loki WANTS to suck a dick
May 02 16:18:39 <Fruitloop> I know they have chocolate dick molds
May 02 16:20:21 <digi> Hey the other electrode hit his cock
May 02 16:20:28 <Fruitloop> If I had the money I would totally send tweek' a
chocolate dick for his birthday
May 02 16:20:41 <digi> You have a dick; I can afford chocolate...
May 02 16:21:31 <digi> Unless you can find another cock more well suited for th
e job.
May 02 16:46:09 <Chromo> cause the dick was so long
May 02 16:52:47 <Chromo> German Shepherd banged me doggy style with his h
uge, knotted penis
May 02 16:57:06 <Chromo> waiting for my dragon cock
May 02 16:59:15 <Chromo> have a male big cat bang you and feel the penis
spikes kill you
May 02 17:02:42 <Chromo> they have spikes on their penis Fruitloop
May 02 17:06:14 <anubis> http://www.timeslive.co.za/lifestyle/2014/04/25/
May 02 19:18:27 <Fruitloop> http://neighborshame.com/wp-content/uploads/2014
May 02 19:44:43 <Chris> good enough, dick
May 02 20:06:54 <SchnitzelPenor> eat my penis
May 02 20:09:02 <Loki> your penis sores are the offspring of cunt sores
May 02 20:09:52 <Loki> everybody wants a taste of your pussy dick
May 02 20:11:09 <Loki> ill see if batman can help find your dick
May 02 20:11:58 <SchnitzelPenor> because of jky endearing cock
May 02 20:12:19 <SchnitzelPenor> my cock is 8 inches long
May 02 20:12:22 <SchnitzelPenor> cock fuck
May 02 20:12:37 <SchnitzelPenor> beat the size of my cock
May 02 20:12:47 <Fruitloop> not dick wars again
May 02 20:14:14 <SchnitzelPenor> FUCK MY COCK
May 02 20:14:30 <SchnitzelPenor> too bad I have many wives cock rapist
May 02 20:14:45 <Loki> many wives cock rapist?
May 02 20:15:46 <SchnitzelPenor> I Rape you with my cock
May 02 20:18:15 <Loki> but i wouldnt touch you with somoene else's dick
May 02 20:18:24 <Loki> my worst enemy's dick, id never curse with you
May 02 20:21:56 <SchnitzelPenor> sucker of obama's dick
May 02 20:25:28 <SchnitzelPenor> eat my larger cock than yours cause you
wouldn't eat your own cock you fag faG FAGIOLI
May 02 20:25:56 <Loki> i wouldnt eat my own cock
May 02 20:26:14 <SchnitzelPenor> you like cock more than ive had it in my
May 02 20:26:31 <SchnitzelPenor> and ive been in love with man cock
May 02 20:26:33 <Fruitloop> Everyone here likes dick
May 02 20:26:42 <SchnitzelPenor> fuck a dick!
May 04 17:01:29 <Loki> im gonna smack you around with a dick, sir
May 04 18:08:33 <Loki> oh suck a moist dick, timmeh
May 04 18:36:17 <McPuffyfoot> I close my eyes all I see is dick and ass
May 05 02:03:50 <Fruitloop> well you can`t get a child by whipping me in the
face with your penis
May 05 02:34:59 <Fruitloop> Maybe I should talk about farts and dick jokes
May 05 02:35:12 <Loki> what did the fart say to the dick?
May 05 02:35:41 <Loki> what did the asshole say to the cock?
May 05 02:44:14 <Loki> what did the cock say to the timid asshole?
May 06 22:20:52 <Fruitloop> !lastspoke dick
May 06 22:20:52 <digibot> Sorry Fruitloop, I haven't seen dick speak in #d
May 06 22:38:08 <Fruitloop> Yeah dick splinters from the chair in his ass
May 06 23:31:01 <Fruitloop> Caudillo is the dick vault keeper here
May 06 23:31:57 <Itchy_Robot|Pot> "I have a picture of caudillo's dick, to
p that!" "I have tweek with a lighter up his ass!"
May 06 23:32:19 <Deric> your wife was sucking my cock
May 06 23:34:46 <Fruitloop> I need to practice my dick in butt lisp accent
May 06 23:38:36 <Loki> just try a dick once
May 06 23:38:44 <digibot> <digi> I love the taste of moose cock.
May 06 23:46:50 <Loki> thomaskmfdm thinking with his dick
May 06 23:58:18 <Fruitloop> you know what worries me... I used to joke about
sticking a dick into a light socket years ago and just recently I seen a pic of
someone who did just that
May 07 00:29:50 * Fruitloop waves his penis around in front of mrwonderful

May 07 00:42:20 <purple_hulk> maybe you could get a condom permantely attached
over your penis
May 07 00:42:43 <Loki> my dick was coated in an adamantium/vibranium alloy
May 07 00:48:27 <Fruitloop> Itchy_Dexbot|Pot if you were I would put my dick
into you
May 07 00:50:19 <purple_hulk> if he was you, he would put his dick into himsel
May 07 02:01:13 <Fruitloop> get yo hands off mah dick
May 07 02:13:20 <Itchy_Dexbot|Pot> penis
May 07 02:13:54 <Loki> the dick wars are over, fruitloop
May 07 02:14:17 <Itchy_Dexbot|Pot> dick wars is a religion
May 07 02:14:21 <Fruitloop> the wars are over, but now it is time to erect n
ew towns with the power of dick
May 07 02:30:14 <Fruitloop> dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dic
k dick dick dick dick
May 08 14:02:02 <NRG> stomped so hard his dick popped
May 08 14:10:54 <Deric> Speak your word upon the lands and build them. Get away
from my ass, dick ranger
May 08 15:19:21 <Fruitloop> penis gland
May 08 15:19:31 <sincere> (penis gland)
May 08 18:26:33 <NRG> dick salad, hmm
May 08 19:21:19 <digi> How did that make your penis feel?
May 08 21:25:21 <Fruitloop> Behold the DV Dick Log of 2014...
May 08 21:25:23 <Fruitloop> http://filebin.ca/1Llr6Hdz2q0X/dick.txt
May 08 21:26:19 <Alias\> Fruitloop: dick log?
May 08 21:30:55 <Fruitloop> Deric did you check out the dick log?
May 08 21:31:06 <Fruitloop> http://filebin.ca/1Llr6Hdz2q0X/dick.txt
May 08 21:32:37 <digi> Do you continue to keep said dick log, Fruitloop?
May 08 21:32:49 <Fruitloop> Oh the dick log will grow in time
May 08 21:34:56 <Loki> dick war memoirs?
May 08 21:57:17 <Fruitloop> <bugg> i love andy dick
May 08 21:57:37 <Loki> he meant randy dick
May 08 21:57:45 <digi> Not "any dick"?
May 08 21:58:16 <Loki> he just sneaks up on that dick
May 08 21:59:36 <Loki> <tweek`> i think i know why n__u got so mad about
his dick being smaller than mine. just another reminder that he's really whit
e. :>
May 08 21:59:47 <Loki> im a fan of your dick war diary here, Fruitloop
May 08 22:31:12 <digibot> URL: Dick Butt in Spore - YouTube
May 08 22:58:21 <Fruitloop> it did have a dick counter
May 08 23:36:08 <kate> la_catalina: dunno if my dick would fit through one
May 13 00:41:06 <Fruitloop> I don`t want to be a dick and ask too much but I
did to a lot of work
May 13 00:45:42 <Fruitloop> What bothers me is how much stuff my friend has
done for me, so I feel like a dick either way discussing money
May 13 01:06:55 <Loki> he might have stuck his dick in a drive thru clown face
May 13 13:59:01 <Sprague> bitch be like nigga shut yo mouf and put yo dick
in my butt
May 13 14:11:35 <Loki> asdf, you have done absolutely nothing but creep on wome
n and be a dick claiming autism as why you cant seem to be anything but a fuckin
g retard
May 13 14:56:36 <ka> i'm sure now he is being degisted and ejaculated out of
weird cybernetic dick vagina guns
May 13 17:21:16 <helios> and slide your penis in
May 13 17:21:54 <helios> that better not be a picture of you with your di
ck in an egg azazel
May 13 17:27:33 <Sprague> God is a real dick
May 13 22:21:45 <Dickbutt> if your horn was a penis
May 15 05:02:17 <Fruitloop> By the time you smoke 3 marijuanas you get a dic
k in the butt
May 15 05:30:51 <Fruitloop> I just remembered I had this dream the other day
that felt real where I was watching the news and Andy Dick was found dead from
an apparent drug OD
May 18 17:43:10 <ka> I got a dick in my butt
May 18 17:50:52 <Loki> That look was so gay. I thought Sam was gonna tell the l
ittle hobbits to take a walk so he could saunter over to Frodo and suck his fuck
ing cock. Now *that* would have been an Academy Award worthy ending.
May 18 17:52:44 <Dickbutt> They need to make a tussin flavored condom so th
at while you are giving a blowjob you can puke all over their cock
May 18 18:26:24 <DrFysh> YOUR PENIS IS A HATE CRIME
May 18 18:26:49 <Dickbutt> my penis is quite voilent
May 18 19:13:13 <Dickbutt> dick butt dick butt dickidy do
May 18 21:04:25 <DrFysh> 'My son was born with a dent in his hea from ym
May 18 21:07:42 <Dickbutt> hard to develop a brain when you have a dick pun
ching it constantly
May 18 21:17:02 <Dickbutt> Did you whip her around with your penis?
May 18 21:17:33 <Hunson_Abadeer> so it was decided that i wouldn't whip h
er with my penis
May 18 21:31:20 <Loki> general rule, old enough to operate a motor vehicle is o
ld enough to oprate a penis
May 19 00:01:09 <chibit> Eek! A penis!
May 20 09:27:53 <Loki> "boys have a penis, girls have a fachina"
May 20 09:55:45 <mhek> a time when gay didn't mean you liked sucking dick
May 23 06:35:37 <Fruitloop> Dick
May 23 06:35:42 <Fruitloop> Dick
May 23 06:35:54 <Fruitloop> Dick
May 23 06:36:07 <Fruitloop> Dick
May 23 06:36:19 <Fruitloop> Dick
May 23 06:36:30 <Fruitloop> Dick
May 23 06:36:30 <Loki> dick dick dick to you, sir
May 23 06:36:33 <Loki> dick dick
May 23 06:36:34 <Loki> dick
May 23 06:36:37 <Fruitloop> Dick
May 23 06:36:41 <Fruitloop> Dick
May 23 06:36:55 <Loki> settle your dick down
May 23 06:36:58 <Fruitloop> Dick
May 23 06:37:56 <Fruitloop> Dick
May 23 06:38:04 <Fruitloop> Dick
May 23 06:51:14 <Fruitloop> Dick
May 23 06:51:18 <Fruitloop> Dick
May 23 06:56:03 <Fruitloop> Dick
May 23 07:12:08 <Fruitloop> Where do I email Zorgin to tell her I want to se
e more dick on IRC?
May 23 07:14:03 <digi> Yeah, we need an average length counter in addition to a
dick count.
May 23 08:24:03 <Fruitloop> Dick
May 23 08:24:08 <Fruitloop> Dick
May 23 08:24:22 <Fruitloop> Dick
May 23 08:29:57 <Fruitloop> Dick
May 23 08:33:50 <Fruitloop> Dick
May 23 08:37:28 <Fruitloop> Dick
May 23 08:37:34 <Fruitloop> Dick
May 23 08:38:03 <Fruitloop> Dick
May 23 08:38:55 <Fruitloop> Dick
May 23 08:39:06 <Fruitloop> Dick
May 23 08:40:13 <Fruitloop> Dick
May 23 08:40:42 <Fruitloop> Dick
May 23 08:41:03 <Fruitloop> Dick
May 23 08:41:16 <Fruitloop> Dick
May 23 08:41:28 * Dick :Invalid nickname: Yes, you are.
May 23 08:41:41 <Dickdick> Dick
May 23 08:42:19 <Dickdick> Dick
May 23 08:42:51 <Dickdick> Dick
May 23 08:43:41 <Dickdick> Dick
May 23 08:44:24 <Dickdick> Dick
May 23 08:44:38 <Dickdick> Dick
May 23 08:44:55 <Dickdick> Dick
May 23 08:45:04 <digibot> zonk_plus when i was a little i always tri
ed to touch my dump with my penis
May 23 08:45:23 <Dickdick> Dick
May 23 08:45:53 <Dickdick> Dick
May 23 08:46:15 <Dickdick> Dick
May 23 08:47:29 <Dickdick> Dick
May 23 08:49:17 <Fruitloop> !w Dick
May 23 08:49:20 <digibot> Fruitloop, the current conditions for Dick are:
Sunny 26 C / 78 F (winds 11 km/h / 7 mph from the S).
May 23 08:50:11 <Fruitloop> You should setup a bot that says Dick every minu
May 23 08:50:42 <Fruitloop> name the bot Dick
May 23 08:57:05 <Fruitloop> Dick
May 23 09:01:36 <Fruitloop> Dick
May 23 09:02:28 <Fruitloop> Dick
May 23 09:08:34 <Fruitloop> Dick
May 23 09:15:42 <Fruitloop> Dick
May 23 09:15:48 <Fruitloop> Dick
May 23 09:18:52 <Fruitloop> Dick
May 23 09:18:52 <Fruitloop> Dick
May 23 09:21:27 <Fruitloop> Dick
May 23 09:21:47 <DrFysh> you really like that Dick, eh?
May 23 09:22:45 <Fruitloop> Dick
May 23 09:23:24 <Fruitloop> Dick
May 23 09:24:23 <Fruitloop> Dick
May 23 09:27:19 <Fruitloop> Dick
May 23 09:31:10 <Fruitloop> Dick
May 23 09:31:11 <Fruitloop> Dick
May 23 09:34:49 <Fruitloop> Dick
May 23 10:04:12 <digibot> URL: Dave Brockie Experience - You Want To Suck
My Dick - YouTube
May 23 10:13:10 <Fruitloop> Dick
May 23 10:13:20 <DrFysh> Dick
May 23 10:13:21 <DrFysh> Dick
May 23 10:13:22 <DrFysh> Dick
May 23 10:15:16 <Fruitloop> I got to admit black dick kind of turns me off
May 23 10:32:23 <Fruitloop> Dick
May 23 10:32:25 <Fruitloop> Dick
May 23 10:32:32 <Fruitloop> Dick
May 23 10:32:36 <Fruitloop> Dick
May 23 10:32:36 <Fruitloop> Dick
May 23 11:12:04 <Fruitloop> When I get really drunk I talk about dick a lot
May 23 11:17:21 <Fruitloop> Dick Dick Dick Dick Dick
May 23 11:19:16 <DrFysh> oh yeah you mean SAYING Dick
May 23 14:42:24 <Fruitloop> I am not racist but I don`t care for black dick
May 23 14:42:55 <Dextrovert> !addquote <Fruitloop> I am not racist but I don`
t care for black dick
May 23 14:48:26 <digibot> <soulless_> I GET TO MEET HIS 2 YEAR OLD FINALL
Y <sadnrg> go get that dick
May 23 14:59:34 <digibot> <soulless_> I GET TO MEET HIS 2 YEAR OLD FINALL
Y <sadnrg> go get that dick
May 23 15:09:49 * ganja slaps Fruitloop with his cock
May 23 15:51:53 <Fruitloop> !define dick
May 23 15:51:54 <digibot> dick: Sorry Fruitloop, the term Dick is ambigiou
s, do you mean: "Dick (surname)", "Dicks (surname)", "Dick (film)", "Dick (slang
)", "Dicks", "The Dicks", "Dick's Drive-In", "Dick's Sporting Goods", "Dick's Sp
orting Goods Park", "Democratic Indira Congress (Karunakaran)", "James Dickson (
botanist)", "Richard", "List of people with surname
May 23 15:51:54 <digibot> Dick", "Dickies", "Dicky (disambiguation)", "Dyc
k", "Kin...
May 23 16:33:54 <ganja> Dick Mouth Ass?
May 23 17:30:19 <ganja> theyre really on my dick about sobriety
May 23 17:30:39 <ganja> im sitting there with my dick in a cup
May 23 17:31:01 <ganja> i pay them to watch my cock
May 23 17:44:08 <ganja> you can hold onto my cock Loki
May 23 17:44:25 * ganja slaps Loki in the face with his cock
May 23 19:53:01 <ganja> and no dick
May 23 19:55:23 <Fruitloop> I should ask her if she has a dick
May 23 19:59:02 <Fruitloop> God I hope she has a dick
May 25 12:24:22 <ganja> a dick for a dick
May 25 12:24:36 <Fruitloop> a dick for a dick
May 25 12:25:07 <Fruitloop> an eye for an eye, and a dick for a dick in the
May 25 14:20:39 <ganja> maybe god can suck my thick fucking cock
May 25 14:21:27 <Fruitloop> Could God make a dick so small even he couldn`t
find it?
May 25 17:23:41 <Fruitloop> "You see, wherever I go, I'll just walk into an
antique or thrift store and ask, 'Do you have anything with a penis?"
May 30 20:35:58 <ganja> I believe it, but mdpv sucks dick
May 30 20:36:05 <Fartsniffer> Did someone say dick?
May 30 23:05:46 <DM> I have a small penis.
May 30 23:17:45 <Nothing\> drfysh loves the cock
May 30 23:19:35 <Vishnu> cock pictures
May 30 23:20:46 <Fartsniffer> A PENIS
May 30 23:20:52 <Nothing\> a penis in her ass
May 30 23:21:15 <Nothing\> she looks like she'd love to suck the taste of h
er shitty asshole off of my hard dick
May 30 23:23:45 <Fartsniffer> I am about ready to post cock pictures up in her
May 30 23:25:19 <Nothing\> Fartsniffer: you've never seen a dog's dick befo
May 30 23:26:05 <Fartsniffer> I am about ready to stick my dick in a blender
May 31 00:14:51 <Fartsniffer> How do you feel about the penis?
May 31 01:13:32 <mictlantecuhtli> nigtv don't tell me you don't have night
mares about penis captivus
May 31 01:26:23 <Fruitloop> !w dick
May 31 01:26:24 <digibot> Fruitloop, the current conditions for dick are:
Sunny 22 C / 71 F (winds 1 km/h / 1 mph from the SW).
May 31 01:32:22 <nigtv> do you have freckles on ur penis
May 31 01:33:07 <nigtv> Fruitloop: im not gonna take a pic of my dick
May 31 01:33:34 <Fruitloop> Dick pictures are required
May 31 01:33:43 <nigtv> by my penis
May 31 01:34:15 <nigtv> and theyd be like lemme see ur penis
May 31 01:34:42 <Fruitloop> actually I dunno if I have any freckles on my di
May 31 01:50:05 <Loki> your platinum cock ring and diamond dildos arrived at th
e same time?
May 31 03:11:53 <Fruitloop> is it true he has one freckle on his dick?
May 31 03:19:49 <Fruitloop> also I think black dick looks weird
May 31 03:20:11 <Fruitloop> especially uncut black dick
May 31 03:21:16 <Fruitloop> wetback dick is interesting
May 31 13:22:52 <Loki> so suck a dick
May 31 13:30:08 <Loki> that's a terrible non-contiguous dick
May 31 15:01:49 <NRG> "this big muthafuckin dick is whats up"
May 31 15:13:02 <Loki> 32 better not suck dick like 31
May 31 15:23:02 <DexHead> Fruitloop: its ok, I know you love my giant cock
May 31 15:23:19 <Fruitloop> it`s hard not to like a giant cock
May 31 15:23:50 <NRG> DexHead has the best dv cock of all time
May 31 15:24:09 <ganja> I highly doubt DexHead is the one with the best cock
May 31 15:25:30 <DexHead> you don't know bout my huge cock
May 31 15:25:59 <DexHead> nah man, its a penis
May 31 15:26:19 <DexHead> Fruitloop: tell ganja about my cock
May 31 15:26:49 * Loki is playing: Mickey Avalon - My Dick
May 31 16:44:10 * Itchy_Robot has quit (Killed (Loki (no dick for you)))
Jun 01 11:26:20 <SpiderJeruz_> because the bot can suck my dick
Jun 02 13:58:26 <Fruitloop> How does one confuse a foot with a penis?
Jun 02 13:58:33 <Fruitloop> http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/kochi/Do
Jun 02 13:58:33 <digibot> URL: Doctor operates on boy's penis instead of f
oot - The Times of India
Jun 04 16:25:55 <Nothing\> that he has a tube up his dick
Jun 05 11:52:16 <Animals> Fruitloop dont talk about my dick
Jun 05 11:52:26 <Itchy_Robot> why u call your diseased cock bigfoot
Jun 05 11:52:36 <Animals> fruitloop has a tangerine dick
Jun 05 11:52:39 <Animals> fruitloop has a tangerine dick
Jun 05 11:52:39 <Animals> fruitloop has a tangerine dick
Jun 05 11:52:39 <Animals> fruitloop has a tangerine dick
Jun 05 11:52:40 <Animals> fruitloop has a tangerine dick
Jun 05 11:52:44 <Deric> we don't wanna hear about poop, cock and radio
Jun 05 11:53:25 <Deric> poop all over his cock
Jun 05 11:56:04 <Deric> poop all over his cock
Jun 05 12:02:18 <Fruitloop> I am making up for her lack of sucking dick
Jun 05 12:04:31 * Fruitloop waves his penis at Deric
Jun 05 12:04:36 <Animals> if deric and i met, i bet i would have my dick i
n his mouth within ten minutes
Jun 05 12:19:53 <Fruitloop> though dick sucking is free
Jun 05 12:29:20 <Nothing\> metro.co.uk/2007/01/16/row-over-angry-penis-remo
Jun 05 12:29:29 <Nothing\> so he cut off the patient's penis
Jun 05 12:29:51 <Nothing\> they made him a new penis
Jun 05 12:30:36 <Fruitloop> I want a home-grown custom dick attached to my f
Jun 05 13:44:05 <Animals> i proibably ate pig dick
Jun 05 13:44:30 <Itchy_Robot> pig dick is good eatin
Jun 05 14:17:59 <Fruitloop> I suppose having a dick for a head makes me a mi
Jun 05 14:18:48 <Fruitloop> An alternative way to evolution could have conve
rged the function of the nipples and the penis, creating one simetric organ: The
Jun 05 14:19:08 <Itchy_Robot> shitting dick nipples have existed on /b/ for a
Jun 05 14:46:16 <Deric> always cock blocking
Jun 05 14:56:30 <Itchy_Robot> I bleed on big cock, I can't imagine glass
Jun 05 15:18:12 <la_catalina> that spike has a huge penis
Jun 05 15:19:09 <Itchy_Robot> I think i got a pic of Fruitloop's cock
Jun 05 19:40:19 <ganja> cow penis
Jun 05 19:41:23 <Dickle> did someone say dick?
Jun 05 19:47:27 <ganja> I find your singular penis offensive
Jun 05 19:49:33 <ganja> PENIS!
Jun 05 19:49:42 <ganja> !define penis
Jun 05 19:49:43 <digibot> penis: A penis (plural penises or penes) is the
primary sexual organ that male and hermaphrodite animals use to inseminate sexua
lly receptive mates (usually females and hermaphrodites respectively) during cop
ulation. Such organs occur in many animals, both vertebrate and invertebrate, bu
t males do not bear a penis in every animal species, and in
Jun 05 19:54:34 <rewindthesecond> a cornucopia of cock as a table centerpi
Jun 05 19:54:52 <Dickle> Dick a la carte
Jun 05 19:55:01 <rewindthesecond> dick au vin
Jun 05 19:55:07 <ganja> penis party
Jun 05 19:55:10 <digi> Dick a la carte? Might as well wait until marriage!
Jun 05 19:56:12 <Dickle> airen blanc dick
Jun 08 02:05:47 <nigtv> ive seen a lot of black dick
Jun 08 02:05:51 <nigtv> and ive seen a lot of white dick
Jun 08 02:05:57 <nigtv> and black dick is not generally bigger
Jun 08 02:06:07 <tweek`> you can be the dick historian
Jun 08 02:06:16 <nigtv> i have a bigger dick than any black guy ive seen
Jun 08 02:06:35 <Fruitloop> He was the first person I sent a dick pic to
Jun 08 02:06:52 <bugg> caudillo was the first dv'er to send me dick pics
Jun 08 02:07:07 <tweek`> "now this was a tremendous penis. it may have
been the biggest ive seen."
Jun 08 02:07:22 <tweek`> "this penis single dickedly won the great dick w
Jun 08 02:07:51 <tweek`> did he trick you out of your dick picks?
Jun 08 02:08:06 <Fruitloop> I sent caudillo dick pics while dexed
Jun 08 02:08:14 <tweek`> everybody sends caudillo a dick pic
Jun 08 02:09:06 <Fruitloop> I just can`t whore dick pics like that
Jun 08 02:09:14 <DrFysh> ALL THE DICK
Jun 08 02:10:20 <DrFysh> is thatr a nice dick?
Jun 08 02:12:17 <DrFysh> i wouldnt wnt cock up there
Jun 08 02:12:53 <DrFysh> beged me for cock in ass
Jun 08 02:21:54 <Fruitloop> or a cock ring
Jun 08 03:31:21 <DeusSexMachina> im indiana jones with a cock-gun sir
Jun 08 04:33:55 <Fruitloop> with your dick
Jun 08 04:43:21 <Fruitloop> You know in your mind you see my dick in your mo
Jun 08 04:44:05 <Fruitloop> Shove your cock into my cheeks
Jun 08 04:45:11 <Fruitloop> Stab me with your dick
Jun 08 04:47:27 <Fruitloop> slide your dick between my ball sack
Jun 08 05:13:09 * vine`` rams his fat cock through a glass window
Jun 08 05:13:41 <Fruitloop> before you break that dick
Jun 08 05:13:50 <vine``> dick broken
Jun 08 17:40:10 <Fruitloop> My dick has a first name, it`s O-S-C-A-R
Jun 08 17:40:41 <spaceghost> lets talk about Fruitloop's dick
Jun 08 17:56:54 <Fruitloop> dick slapping
Jun 08 19:43:52 <NRG> i'm gunna come on your big ass dick
Jun 08 20:09:43 <Fruitloop> my dick is big enough I can reach it around and
shove it right up in there
Jun 08 21:24:51 <Fruitloop> did she have a penis?
Jun 08 21:29:18 <tweek`> dick wars II
Jun 08 21:29:32 <Fruitloop> dick wars II doesn`t happen until 2015
Jun 08 21:35:34 <helios> to what bugg? the fact that he might want an inv
erted penis once and a while?
Jun 08 21:36:07 <bugg> a male with an inverted penis?
Jun 08 22:11:52 <helios> he's talking about my dick
Jun 08 22:12:14 <rewindthesecond> when isn't he talking about your dick
Jun 08 22:12:18 <Fruitloop> I am always talking about dick in some way
Jun 08 22:18:17 <Fruitloop> I wish my name had the word cock in it
Jun 08 22:18:58 * You are now known as Cock
Jun 08 22:19:14 * Cock wiggles
Jun 08 22:20:00 <Cock> it really is too bad I can`t be Dick
Jun 08 22:20:06 <Cock> but it won`t let me
Jun 08 22:21:27 <Cock> is there a meteor shower or something tonight?
Jun 08 22:21:34 <Cock> because my TV reception is getting shitty
Jun 08 22:41:29 <tweek`> traded in his crack for a nice dick to suck on
Jun 08 22:48:41 <wolfy> Well I furnised a devils dick pipe out in the courtyard.
Jun 08 23:17:04 <Dickle> Drew Barrymore would be hotter if she had a peni
Jun 08 23:17:19 <ganja> Drew Barrymore would NOT be hotter if she had a penis
Jun 08 23:18:27 <ganja> you ever put your dick in the microwave?
Jun 08 23:18:47 <Dickle> if I want a warm dick I would put it in your but
Jun 09 01:16:33 <DrFysh> i like the fact that Jon Lovitz punched Andy Dic
k in the fucking face i a bar after he made offhanded comments about Phil Hartma
ns death
Jun 09 03:10:46 <helios> it must have been your dick or something
Jun 09 03:11:46 <tweek`> deric is gonna ignore everyone in the chat with
a penis
Jun 09 03:13:12 <Dickbutt> aphostile_ is just mad because I waved my penis
Jun 09 03:26:54 <tweek`> i kinda like my penis
Jun 09 03:28:28 <tweek`> how would i bang these prison chicks without the
Jun 09 03:57:33 <Deric> no im not gay but you can suck my dick
Jun 09 03:57:51 <tweek`> i can suck my own dick if i get a hankering, sir
Jun 09 03:58:01 <Dickbutt> did someone say dick?
Jun 09 03:59:09 <Dickbutt> he tells me to stop hitting on him yet brings up
dick and talks about faggots all day
Jun 12 11:20:54 <TwoBikeChainz> she let it rub his dick on her leg so he could g
et his mind off sex so she could study it
Jun 12 11:51:49 * Alias\ whips out giant cock and slaps Fruitloop with it
Jun 12 13:55:42 <la_catalina> LoneWolf, so when did you get your dick cut off?
Jun 12 14:07:37 * Alias\ whips out giant cock
Jun 12 15:27:44 <nrgitis> and im clutching my dick and balls
Jun 12 17:53:52 <TwoKeyChains> liek a dick tickle?
Jun 15 16:17:41 <Deric> a girl jacking my cock would work
Jun 16 21:11:51 <Fruitloop> dick *infinity
Jun 17 08:04:02 <Fruitloop> I had to turn the cock knob
Jun 17 11:18:17 <sincere> you shut your cock hole
Jun 17 12:08:06 <cykros> yes, he was a dick. he was OUR dick though.
Jun 17 12:41:23 <chibit> Fruitloop cam in penis
Jun 17 12:41:45 <Dickbutt> my penis is camera shy
Jun 17 12:47:55 <willmax> Remote Dick Butt
Jun 17 15:32:35 <Dickbutt> nah, that is his penis
Jun 17 15:33:47 <pastaroni> you call that a penis
Jun 17 15:34:22 <Itchy_Robot> my penis is a gun, Im a robot
Jun 17 15:37:30 <pastaroni> bugg's client is set to notify him when "dick" a
nd "butt" are used in quick succession
Jun 17 16:18:38 <n__u> nigga need to get his dick wet somehow
Jun 17 18:26:30 <Dickbutt> there is a dick where the anus should be
Jun 17 19:06:11 <tweek`> 'wow that guy is a fucking dick. im gonna go te
ar holes in his underpants"
Jun 17 20:11:28 <tweek`> it's when i beat you to death with a dick, fruit
Jun 17 20:26:28 <tweek`> you dick
Jun 17 20:28:53 <Dickbutt> could not figure out whos dick it was
Jun 17 20:29:22 <ganja> this elephant penis
Jun 17 20:30:11 <Dickbutt> I couldn`t quite tie that dick to a specific mem
Jun 21 09:17:17 <Deric> does that mean man with baby dick?
Jun 21 09:17:28 <Fruitloop> everything means man with baby dick
Jun 21 09:46:31 <ChoopyDoopy> What scoville rating does your penis have, fruit
Jun 21 09:50:43 <ChoopyDoopy> He was talking about his penis, ghosts peppers,
and a vague anus.
Jun 21 09:56:27 <GLICEOLALIA> He gets his dick dry
Jun 21 10:03:53 <Fruitloop> maybe God is just a dick
Jun 21 10:03:57 <Fruitloop> like literally a dick
Jun 21 10:04:03 <Fruitloop> a giant floating dick in space
Jun 21 10:37:25 <tweek`> i just wanna punch him a couple times in the dic
Jun 21 10:38:37 <tweek`> maybe he could choke on a dick
Jun 21 10:38:58 <Dickbutt> See I knew you would all think I would have said
Jun 21 10:53:30 <ChoopyDoopy> scoville penis?
Jun 21 10:57:38 <Dickbutt> it is like a personal vagina penis funnel
Jun 24 01:22:03 <Deric> and I have really had more than enough of that dick
Jun 24 01:23:44 <tweek`> !addquote <Deric> and I have really had more tha
n enough of that dick
Jun 24 01:23:44 <JARVIS> tweek`: Added "<Deric> and I have really had mor
e than enough of that dick" to the AddQuote database.
Jun 24 23:08:34 <hanniba1> sucked more dick than richard simmons
Jun 24 23:39:36 <Fruitloop> wow this one I just seen has a dick the size of
a horses
Jun 25 00:19:36 <hanniba1> well i sucked dick once
Jun 25 00:25:17 <Fruitloop> it is not so much that he is cute, it is that I
want to beat him up a little bit with my dick
Jun 25 00:48:19 <Fruitloop> I believe it has a positive effect on my penis
Jun 25 01:09:13 <Animals> you had a dick in your ass
Jun 25 01:09:56 <Fruitloop> I was just really drunk, one thing led to anothe
r and next thing I know I have a dick in my butt
Jun 25 01:13:40 <cam> (They love dick and cash)
Jun 25 01:49:06 <nigtv> grows that big dick
Jun 25 06:47:07 <TheFlash> dick
Jun 25 06:51:10 <Itchy_Robot> and you don't need to worry about your cock twe
Jun 25 06:51:43 <TheFlash> i mean my dick
Jun 25 06:52:07 <Fruitloop> last thing I put my dick into broke
Jun 25 07:39:18 <Fruitloop> you would have to pry your hand off your dick fi
Jun 25 07:45:01 <TheFlash> dick
Jun 25 07:54:25 <TheFlash> im just that kind of dick
Jun 25 08:02:56 <TheFlash> i swear i might beat you with my dick, jeru
Jun 25 08:03:40 <TheFlash> my dick.
Jun 25 08:45:43 <TheFlash> say "small dick and couldnt afford a sports car?
Jun 25 08:58:46 <williammacy> a women doesnt usually say, hey baby, i got some
dick for you!
Jun 25 08:58:59 <williammacy> she says "hey baby, you got some dick for me?"
Jun 25 10:56:52 <Choop-Bacca> Eat my dick NAHHH!
Jun 25 10:57:11 <n__u> did this nigga just say to eat his dick
Jun 25 10:57:35 <williammacy> this nigga just said for you to eat a dick
Jun 25 11:25:16 <Choop-Bacca> Nah I'm passionate it's only a matter of my bone
d penis
Jun 25 11:25:41 <Choop-Bacca> I'm a very awesome inserter of cock.
Jun 25 11:27:46 <Choop-Bacca> I've seen a woman sucking a horses dick
Jun 27 02:02:28 <DrFysh> women could sort of say similar about dick, lol
Jun 28 16:42:50 <Itchy_Robot> better than dying from a cock sucking accident
Jun 28 16:43:12 <Fruitloop> I wouldn`t mind dying from a cock sucking accide
Jun 28 16:43:29 <Itchy_Robot> i'd rather have my obituary say I died from a ci
rcular saw to the brain than choked to death from sucking a cock
Jun 28 16:43:58 <Fruitloop> I don`t think you can actually choke to death on
a dick though
Jun 28 16:47:15 <Fruitloop> I would still pick the dick sucking accident
Jun 30 23:01:47 <DrFysh> hey ytou dont have fat cock like me tho
Jun 30 23:01:58 <spdrs> have a fat cock
Jun 30 23:56:47 <Delicious> !ld50 dick
Jul 01 01:18:13 #wifflebats 7 [+nrt] fuck you dude | PENIS | http://w
ww.youtube.com/watch?v=muTGOTdIMmw Lets Masturbate!
Jul 01 01:18:13 #IUPAC 6 [+CRTnt] Free minecraft accounts PM Itc
hy_Robot PENIS | I'd line one -sincere (im drunk and might forget but yeah i'd l
ike one)
Jul 01 01:30:42 * Itchy_Robot np: My Penis Is Made Of Dogshit - In C [18:5
Jul 01 01:42:28 <tweek`> so the head of your dick
Jul 01 01:43:03 <sincere> fuck you, you long dick motherfucker
Jul 01 02:25:58 <Delicious> I bet she has a penis
Jul 01 14:42:56 <Fruitloop> There is a Dick road not far from my town
Jul 01 14:43:21 <DrFysh> at the corner of bong and dick
Jul 01 15:13:33 <williammacy> big black cock?
Jul 01 16:31:12 <n__u> chelicerae u better take DrFysh tubin with me u so he ca
n get his dick wet again nigga
Jul 01 16:33:34 <n__u> and getting yo dick wet
Jul 01 16:40:21 <n__u> for u to get ur dick wet
Jul 01 16:55:21 <Fruitloop> Do I look like a dick choker to you?
Jul 01 17:02:42 <Fruitloop> that would be like a black mans penis
Jul 01 17:47:27 <Fruitloop> at least I don`t live in Dick
Jul 01 17:47:30 <Fruitloop> !w dick
Jul 01 17:47:50 <Fruitloop> chibit lets move to Dick together
Jul 01 17:48:05 <chibit> lets make a future together in Dick
Jul 01 17:48:13 <Fruitloop> Dick Harper, Kansas
Jul 01 18:41:23 <Animals> its a penis
Jul 01 18:42:36 <Fruitloop> Animals you think everything is a penis
Jul 01 18:52:16 <Fruitloop> "Why doesn't my penis get thicker through exerci
Jul 01 19:34:38 <Fruitloop> DexHead drink it, it will make your dick grow
Jul 01 19:35:46 <Hunter_S_Thompson> (about my penis)
Jul 01 19:35:56 <DexHead> Hunter_S_Thompson, thats exactly what we are tal
king about. MY penis
Jul 04 19:29:50 <JARVIS> <b0rg_> lovin' me some penis
Jul 04 19:31:24 <JARVIS> <%bugg> look we all cut off our own penis someti
Jul 04 19:33:57 <JARVIS> <BlopNuts> by the time someone sees your cock it
's going to be so obsolete nobody will know how to use it
Jul 04 19:55:16 <Geewiz> but sometimes its a BIG BLACK COCK
Jul 05 15:41:40 <Fruitloop> penis
Jul 05 15:41:53 * DexHead pokes Fruitloop with penis
Jul 05 16:03:46 * DexHead pins down Fruitloop with giant cock
Jul 05 16:34:10 <JARVIS> Don't let his being asian fool you. He's actuall
y a huge dick!
Jul 05 16:38:52 <postirony> but i didn't know you liked penis
Jul 05 16:38:56 <postirony> and penis accessories
Jul 05 16:49:36 <JARVIS> Don't let his being asian fool you. He's actuall
y a huge dick!
Jul 05 16:50:03 * Fruitloop imagines postirony as a huge dick
Jul 05 16:50:39 <Fruitloop> !dick
Jul 05 16:51:04 <JARVIS> I hear she's grown a neckbeard and can invade dr
eams. Also she says DM is a dick.
Jul 05 16:53:07 <postirony> dick taster*
Jul 05 18:00:58 <Fruitloop> she might have a penis
Jul 05 20:07:09 <JARVIS> Don't let his being asian fool you. He's actuall
y a huge dick!
Jul 05 20:09:14 <Xathagorra> One rarely encounters an Azn male that fails to
appreciate a huge dick reference.
Jul 05 20:20:59 <postirony> my coworker was telling me she knew someone name
d Dick Pain today
Jul 07 12:14:22 <postirony> my coworker knew a Dick Payne
Jul 07 12:15:49 <Fruitloop> My Mom went to school with a Dick Harry
Jul 07 16:02:06 <postirony> you should have a penis
Jul 07 16:02:23 <Fruitloop> I has penis
Jul 07 16:26:27 <Fruitloop> that is your penis
Jul 07 16:27:23 <Fruitloop> Like if you could somehow bread a dick
Jul 07 16:29:52 <soulless_> you mean his cock's head
Jul 07 16:29:56 <willmax> Dextrovert: dick rinds
Jul 07 16:32:12 <SpiderJeru> there is an organ player named Dick Hymen
Jul 07 16:32:20 <Fruitloop> Dick Hymen
Jul 07 16:32:29 <Neoluigi> lol Dick Hymen, the organ player
Jul 07 18:35:30 <Fruitloop> yeah n__u I got naked and showed everyone my dic
Jul 07 19:50:57 <anubis> and his dick cheney fanfics
Jul 07 19:51:07 <n__u> that dick cheney shit
Jul 07 20:02:08 <Fruitloop> I just realized his name would be Dick Simmons
Jul 07 20:02:29 <spdrs> the former ceo of wawa was named Dick Wood
Jul 07 20:02:38 <williammacy> dick simmons rubbing himself with bacon grease
Jul 07 20:43:49 <soulless_> i always expect it to say "show off his dick"
Jul 09 10:35:06 <tweek`> anybody who says 'my dick hangs in the water'
Jul 09 10:35:20 <tweek`> because my dick is probably substantially bigger
than any of them
Jul 09 10:36:57 <tweek`> are you just afraid of goonies coming up and eat
ing your dick?
Jul 09 10:39:50 <tweek`> imagine a multi thousand dollar cgi cutaway of a
urine stream coming out of a penis and hitting a pool of water
Jul 10 14:48:21 <Fruitloop> the funny thing is I bet most people have seen m
y dick and just don`t realize it
Jul 10 14:53:05 <chibit> How big is your penis unkn0wn
Jul 10 14:58:16 <Fruitloop> I got a D for dick
Jul 10 16:18:13 <n__u> lemme play with ur penis Fruitloop
Jul 10 16:35:29 <JARVIS> URL: Cock Napkin - Imgur
Jul 11 11:34:01 <GLICEOLALIA> liek it remind sme of benjamin the determined co
Jul 11 11:34:12 <GLICEOLALIA> being liek a determined dick
Jul 11 11:41:28 <GLICEOLALIA> theres a sketch from the snl with bryan cranston
where he gyrates his dick in morgan freemans face
Jul 12 11:44:14 <b0rg_> im not gay but I love your penis
Jul 12 13:26:39 <Fruitloop> !dick
Jul 12 15:25:49 <Fruitloop> Instead of cock fighting we should start a lesbi
an fighting ring
Jul 12 15:26:13 <ka> i think cock fighting is still legal
Jul 12 15:26:37 <SpiderJeru> that's kinda funny. but cock fighting is like an
imal abuse and shit
Jul 12 15:59:05 <Fruitloop> I bet it is beautiful in dick right now
Jul 12 15:59:08 <Fruitloop> !w dick
Jul 12 15:59:23 <Fruitloop> Animals you should move to Dick
Jul 15 11:58:14 <ka> 'take leaves from the penis'
Jul 15 12:25:25 <cykros> cell phones are for video taping cops, and convi
ncing people that using snapchat is secure enough to send dick pics
Jul 15 12:25:51 <tweek`> dick pics has helios curious
Jul 15 12:26:02 <Draeko> did someone say dick pics
Jul 15 12:49:09 <sincere> dis dick
Jul 15 12:49:25 <tweek`> or his dick
Jul 15 13:46:19 <sincere> lets talk about your fat cock
Jul 15 15:15:52 <spdrs> he's a dick
Jul 15 15:57:54 <Fruitloop> !dick
Jul 15 15:58:24 <Vipzta> fucking dick jarvis
Jul 15 18:43:52 <Psychenot> but suck my dick nigga
Jul 15 18:44:24 <tweek`> id im not sure your dick can be sucked
Jul 15 18:45:29 <JARVIS> <stem> i know you want this dick but uh <stem> i
m sorry it aint really existin
Jul 15 18:53:16 <tweek`> Psychenot: you got a picture of your penis? we
can put it on some milk cartons. see if we can locate that little guy.
Jul 15 18:53:26 <tweek`> he might have been a dumb dick, but at least he
had the good sense to get away from you
Jul 15 18:54:18 <Fruitloop> why would you put a picture of a dick on childre
ns milk cartons?
Jul 15 18:55:52 <tweek`> i told him to stop adding dumb quotes and his re
ponse was to 'suck his dick'
Jul 15 18:56:38 <Fruitloop> <tweek`> i told him to stop adding dumb quotes a
nd his reponse was to 'suck his dick'
Jul 15 19:01:19 <JARVIS> Don't let his being asian fool you. He's actuall
y a huge dick!
Jul 15 19:04:53 <NRG> !penis
Jul 15 19:15:19 <Fruitloop> !w dick
Jul 15 19:15:20 <JARVIS> Dick, KS: Thunderstorm and 75F/24C
Jul 15 19:15:39 <chibit> i wanna move into dick
Jul 15 19:15:49 <Fruitloop> I bet dick sucks hard
Jul 15 19:41:12 <FuckingMyself> my penis
Jul 15 20:22:06 <n__u> quit trollin my penis DexHead
Jul 15 20:25:18 <JARVIS> Don't let his being asian fool you. He's actuall
y a huge dick!
Jul 15 20:25:27 <JARVIS> Don't let his being asian fool you. He's actuall
y a huge dick!
Jul 15 21:20:02 * Fruitloop whips out his dick and does the helicopter
Jul 15 21:22:29 <tweek`> on your knees begging for cock?
Jul 15 21:24:16 <Fruitloop> tweek` my cock is just too big for film
Jul 15 22:21:33 <GLICEOLALIA> Helios do you have a detachable penis
Jul 16 12:14:46 <tweek`> i mean, sure that bull is a dick
Jul 16 13:28:56 <Deric> I'd cut off my dick and try to get on the view or someth
ing if I wanted to do that
Jul 16 13:33:50 <Fruitloop> Are you saying I have a small penis?
Jul 17 10:25:43 <n__u> u should dip my dick in ur mouf n stfu
Jul 17 10:26:02 <n__u> stickin my dick in ur mouf would be good
Jul 17 10:26:18 <n__u> fck stickin my dick in ur mouf
Jul 17 10:29:46 <Fruitloop> You people are a bunch of cock suckers
Jul 17 10:30:53 <n__u> strangle dis dick nigga
Jul 17 10:31:06 <Draeko> n__u is all about getting guys to suck his dick
Jul 17 10:33:41 <Fruitloop> does your Mom suck corner dick every night?
Jul 17 10:33:51 <Draeko> wtf is corner dick
Jul 17 10:33:55 <Draeko> like angled dick?
Jul 17 10:34:11 <Fruitloop> 90 degree dick
Jul 17 10:34:14 <tweek`> i am also unsure what corner dick is
Jul 17 10:34:24 <tweek`> coroner dick
Jul 17 10:34:26 <tweek`> cornbread dick
Jul 17 10:34:26 <Fruitloop> dick on the corner
Jul 17 10:34:29 <tweek`> cornish game dick
Jul 17 10:34:52 <Draeko> how would you go about sucking angled dick
Jul 17 11:48:18 <soulless_> tweek I am freckled. .but blonde gingers cN suck
my dick
Jul 17 11:48:47 <tweek`> you got a dick and a soul now?
Jul 17 11:50:58 <Fruitloop> well I have a freckle on my dick
Jul 17 12:14:45 <n__u> i wish my penis was detachable so i could throw it at ni
ggas that made me mad
Jul 17 12:15:11 <tweek`> do you often find yourself fantasizing about thr
owing your dick at dudes?
Jul 17 12:15:26 <Fruitloop> n__u ever have that dream that your dick falls o
ff and you try gluing or taping it back on?
Jul 17 12:15:37 <n__u> tweek` dont try to twist my words n use them against me
nigga all u gonna do is make me mad n get dis dick thrown at yo face
Jul 17 12:16:29 <soulless_> Same as dick discussion
Jul 17 12:25:54 <n__u> but she rly jus wants a penis
Jul 17 12:27:13 <n__u> so u wan a half black half mexican nigga dick soulless_?
Jul 17 13:00:30 <DrFysh> its mah dick in a box
Jul 17 13:01:13 <tweek`> a car in every garage and a box for every dick
Jul 17 13:02:06 <tweek`> it's full of photoshopped pictures of rachel ray
naked with a penis
Jul 17 13:05:39 <sincere> how big is your dick soulless_
Jul 17 13:06:18 <chibit> soulless_ has a huge dick
Jul 17 13:06:55 <chibit> i saw soulless_ dick through her skirt when we r
ode to the store
Jul 17 13:09:55 <JARVIS> <b0rg_> I shan't give my penis to any old beast.
Jul 17 13:31:59 <tweek`> they got the voice actor from one of the powerpu
ff girls for cock knocker just because everyone expected it to be mark hamil aga
Jul 17 13:39:38 <Fruitloop> !dick
Jul 17 13:39:53 <Fruitloop> There needs to be a !dick command
Jul 17 13:40:08 <tweek`> i thought about just replacing all instances of
chair with dick
Jul 17 14:39:14 <Fruitloop> dick
Jul 17 14:48:14 <Draeko> dick
Jul 17 14:58:04 <tweek`> i heard the oval office became the circle office
the day obama took over. cuz it had a black dick in thar.
Jul 17 15:03:42 <Fruitloop> don`t talk about my penis that way
Jul 17 15:28:03 <tweek`> sincere. penis for your thoughts
Jul 17 15:30:11 <DrFysh> my penis is supposed to have an extra heard and
talking to me as a sleep riight?
Jul 17 15:57:47 <CaptainBigDick> I was promoted to captain because of the
big dick
Jul 17 15:58:57 <REINDEEROFWORLDS> gingers are discriminated against in the
Dick Corps
Jul 17 16:19:09 <Draeko> flabby ass cancels out big dick
Jul 17 16:22:02 <tweek`> !addquote <Draeko> flabby ass cancels out big di
Jul 17 16:22:02 <JARVIS> tweek`: Added "<Draeko> flabby ass cancels out b
ig dick" to the AddQuote database.
Jul 17 16:24:58 <JARVIS> <Krystena> penis..rific
Jul 17 16:37:08 <Vipzta> who is captain big dick
Jul 17 17:18:59 <Draeko> my cock has a handwash cycle
Jul 17 17:22:01 <Draeko> jumping around my cock
Jul 17 17:27:55 <Draeko> you were a dick back then
Jul 17 17:28:14 <CaptainBigDick> I am a dick right now
Jul 17 17:28:19 <CaptainBigDick> I am and always will be a dick
Jul 17 17:28:31 <CaptainBigDick> a big giant cumming dick
Jul 17 17:28:34 <Draeko> medium dick atm
Jul 17 18:23:26 <CaptainBigDick> Only thing they penetrated was their rib
bed dick into the users butts of Windows 8
Jul 17 18:43:30 <REINDEEROFWORLDS> anyone that gets rich was definitely a m
ajor dick for a period of time
Jul 19 13:10:24 <tweek`> right in the dick kisser
Jul 19 13:12:25 <tweek`> you dick
Jul 19 17:39:14 <kingofdiamonds> so penis mutilation ftw?
Jul 19 17:41:57 <sigint> I like my dick not dried out I guess.
Jul 19 17:44:45 <Fruitloop> Let god into your heart and his penis into your
Jul 19 19:19:16 <SpiderJeru> something is his dick
Jul 19 19:19:35 <williammacy> he can have something against me, as long as its
his dick
Jul 20 23:24:35 <Fruitloop> You do realize every time you masturbate you are
touching a dick right?
Jul 21 00:28:19 #IUPAC 3 [+CRTnt] Free minecraft accounts PM Itc
hy_Robot PENIS | I'd line one -sincere (im drunk and might forget but yeah i'd l
ike one)
Jul 21 03:03:20 <QueefJerky> "Suck me, baby". His thumb presses on my tongue,
and my mouth closes round him, sucking wildly. Holy fuck. This is wrong, but ho
ly hell is it erotic. His dick is the best thing that has ever entered my mouth.
Jul 21 22:31:44 <Dickbutt> !w dick
Jul 21 22:31:45 <JARVIS> Dick, KS: Partly Cloudy and 81F/27C
Jul 21 22:31:53 <Dickbutt> dick is hot
Jul 21 22:34:38 <Dickbutt> there is no dick in hell
Jul 21 22:35:43 <Dickbutt> get your mind out of the gutter, I am talking ab
out the town Dick, not the male body part you sick freak
Jul 21 22:51:13 <tweek`> suck a dick, Dickbutt
Jul 21 23:04:02 <tweek`> general population would suck dick
Jul 21 23:18:18 <tweek`> im being a dick tonight
Jul 21 23:20:19 <nigtv> i guess just if you dont like dick
Jul 21 23:20:25 <nigtv> but how can you not like dick if you have one
Jul 21 23:46:00 <nigtv> most girls have no fucking clue what to do with a dick s
trapped to them
Jul 21 23:51:20 <tweek`> !dick Dickbutt
Jul 21 23:51:22 * JARVIS throws a dick at Dickbutt.
Jul 22 00:05:05 <n__u> just stick ur dick in her mouth
Jul 22 02:09:00 <nigtv> i got told early on i had a big dick
Jul 22 02:10:32 <nigtv> how do you keep ur dick
Jul 22 02:11:04 <nigtv> to dip ur dick
Jul 22 04:17:36 <Fruitloop_Is_Making_Brownies> Did she have a penis?
Jul 22 04:33:37 <Fruitloop_Is_Making_Brownies> !dick people who sleep
Jul 22 04:33:37 * JARVIS throws a dick at people who sleep.
Jul 22 04:33:59 <mhek> chair to dick
Jul 25 05:03:48 <Fruitloop> http://www.theonion.com/articles/why-do-all-thes
Jul 25 05:03:49 <JARVIS> URL: Why Do All These Homosexuals Keep Sucking M
y Cock? | The Onion - America's Finest News Source
Jul 25 05:05:37 <Fruitloop> "Believe me, I have no interest in getting my co
ck sucked by some queer. But try telling that to the guy at the beach club. Or t
he one at the video store. Or the one who catered my wedding. Or any of the coun
tless other homos who've come on to me recently. All of them sucked my cock, and
there was nothing I could do to stop them. "
Jul 25 18:26:20 <JARVIS> Don't let his being asian fool you. He's actuall
y a huge dick!
Jul 25 18:45:27 <kingofdiamonds> Fruitloop, is gonna taste the rainbow of
dick flavors and let us know
Jul 25 18:47:06 <Snickers_Bar> and what's to a penis? it looks like a bunch of
coins rolled up. or at best a popsicle.
Jul 25 19:03:52 <NRG> have your cock
Jul 25 19:04:10 <Snickers_Bar> cake, cake, cake, cake, cake, cake, cake, penis,
cake, cake, cake
Jul 25 19:07:40 <Snickers_Bar> but back big black penis.
Jul 25 19:08:04 <tweek`> !dick rewindthesecond
Jul 25 19:08:05 * JARVIS throws a dick at rewindthesecond.
Jul 25 19:08:14 <tweek`> still amuses me i replaced chair with dick
Jul 25 19:08:23 <tweek`> !dick dm
Jul 25 19:08:24 * JARVIS throws a dick at DM but just as it comes close to
him, it slows down to a dead stop and falls to the ground a foot away from him.
.. and then explodes killing him.
Jul 25 19:08:53 <rewindthesecond> !dick the stupid fucking face of dm
Jul 25 19:08:54 * JARVIS throws a dick at DM but just as it comes close to
him, it slows down to a dead stop and falls to the ground a foot away from him.
.. and then explodes killing him.
Jul 25 19:09:08 <rewindthesecond> !dick daniel musto
Jul 25 19:09:09 * JARVIS throws a dick at daniel musto.
Jul 25 19:09:40 <Snickers_Bar> !dick rewindthesecond
Jul 25 19:09:41 * JARVIS throws a dick at rewindthesecond.
Jul 25 19:10:16 <Fruitloop> !dick Fruitloops butt and he opens wide for entr
Jul 25 19:10:16 * JARVIS throws a dick at Fruitloops butt and he opens wid
e for entry.
Jul 25 19:16:34 <rewindthesecond> this isn't about your dick Fruitloop
Jul 25 19:22:47 <Snickers_Bar> Dick-chilli
Jul 27 16:46:28 * DICK :Unknown command
Jul 27 16:46:33 <Fruitloop> !dick rewindthesecond
Jul 27 16:46:33 * JARVIS throws a dick at rewindthesecond.
Jul 27 17:19:31 <Fruitloop> Pants have to warn users that you can accidental
ly zip up your dick?
Jul 27 18:02:07 <Draeko> !dick Fruitloop
Jul 27 18:02:07 * JARVIS throws a dick at Fruitloop.
Jul 27 18:51:39 <JARVIS> <sincere> i love taking penis in my ass
Jul 27 18:55:32 <n__u> wat u tryna say i like dick nigga?
Jul 27 18:57:48 <n__u> nigga go eat a dick
Jul 27 18:59:52 <Fruitloop> That 74 y/o has some dick sucking lips
Jul 27 18:59:55 <Psychenot> http://www.cnn.com/video/data/2.0/video/us/2014/
Jul 27 18:59:57 <JARVIS> URL: Man: My penis was mistakenly amputated - CN
N.com Video
Jul 27 19:00:44 <Draeko> you are a dick
Jul 27 19:00:55 <tweek`> !dick Draeko
Jul 27 19:00:56 * JARVIS throws a dick at Draeko.
Jul 27 19:01:24 <Fruitloop> !dick a butthole
Jul 27 19:01:25 * JARVIS throws a dick at a butthole.
Jul 27 19:02:10 <Fruitloop> You know this throwing of thy dick is really dis
Jul 27 19:02:20 <Fruitloop> It assumes the dick is no longer attached to the
Jul 27 19:02:21 <Draeko> !dick Fruitloop
Jul 27 19:02:22 * JARVIS throws a dick at Fruitloop.
Jul 27 20:15:14 <Draeko> dick
Jul 27 20:40:15 <n__u> did u get ur dick wet lil nigga :>
Jul 27 20:40:30 <n__u> did u get ur dick wet lil nigga :>
Jul 27 20:40:32 <n__u> did u get ur dick wet lil nigga :>
Jul 27 20:40:44 <Draeko> !DICK n__u
Jul 27 20:40:44 * JARVIS throws a dick at n__u.
Jul 27 20:40:49 <Draeko> caps dick
Jul 27 20:40:57 <n__u> did u get ur dick wet lil nigga :>
Jul 27 20:47:08 * Fruitloop shows penis
Jul 27 20:48:57 <n__u> !dick soulless_
Jul 27 20:48:58 * JARVIS throws a dick at soulless_.
Jul 27 20:49:13 <Draeko> !dick Fruitloop
Jul 27 20:49:14 * JARVIS throws a dick at Fruitloop.
Jul 27 20:51:12 <n__u> of gettin his dick wet
Jul 27 20:54:05 <Fruitloop> I have penis flesh eating syndrome
Jul 27 20:59:20 <n__u> DrFysh would use a soda bottle and stick his dick in the
Jul 27 21:06:32 <Fruitloop> that that Aphostile guy sure is a dick, I miss D
Jul 27 21:11:09 <migbee> get a tattoo of a violin on darklife's dick and
jerk him off
Jul 27 21:15:06 <Fruitloop> !dick Draeko
Jul 27 21:15:07 * JARVIS throws a dick at Draeko.
Jul 27 21:15:56 <migbee> so one day jimmy says "hey dad, why is your dick
so big?"
Jul 27 21:18:20 <Draeko> i heard he is a dick
Jul 27 21:20:35 <n__u> fo i unzip dis dick
Jul 27 22:59:15 <Fruitloop> jesus always was a dick anyways
Jul 27 22:59:45 <Fruitloop> have an xray of your dick yet?
Jul 27 23:01:24 <migbee> and the biggest dick in the world
Jul 27 23:01:51 <Fruitloop> I have the biggest dick in the world
Jul 28 00:56:28 <migbee> dick
Jul 28 23:56:30 <oath> you know black dick
Jul 29 00:27:24 <nigtv> i may have actually fucked with cock torture before porn
Jul 29 00:27:38 <nigtv> when i was like 9 used to put like 50 mini rubber bands
super tight around my dick
Jul 29 00:28:12 <nigtv> i stopped when i was like 10 and my dick ended up bent p
ermanently because i left them on too long
Jul 29 00:28:50 <Fruitloop> Oddly I messed with rubber bands, but still not
sure why or what made me want to dick around with them
Jul 29 00:33:46 <nigtv> talkin about cock torture
Jul 29 00:34:45 <tweek`> nigtv is giving a lecture on putting rubber band
s around your penis
Jul 29 00:40:00 <helios> i really dont like having sex with guys that hav
e gigantic cock
Jul 29 00:40:35 <nigtv> because the size of his dick
Jul 29 00:43:52 <Fruitloop> tweek` does dick workouts, that is why he is so
Jul 29 00:44:10 <helios> my dick
Jul 29 00:44:17 <helios> yo dick
Jul 29 00:44:38 <Fruitloop> If your dick is anything like a pumpkin you shou
ld probably get that tumor checked out
Jul 29 00:44:38 <tweek`> YOUR DICK, WENT STRAIGHT TO DVD
Jul 29 00:44:59 <Fruitloop> Actually McKully Culkin has a formidable dick
Jul 29 00:45:17 <helios> the lyrics dont say anything about mckully culki
ns dick fruitloop
Jul 29 00:51:25 <Fruitloop> echo "enjoy my dick in your Mila" > helios_tty7
Jul 29 00:56:14 <bugg> what about my dick
Jul 29 20:10:53 <MeganrgDraper> DongDraper do you want me to suck your dick
Jul 29 20:11:15 <Fruitloop> did someone say dick?
Jul 29 20:11:56 <Fruitloop> soulless_ has a penis?
Jul 29 20:12:09 <DrFysh> but u have no penis
Jul 29 20:15:17 <DongDraper> DrFysh: have you sucked soulless_'s dick yet
Jul 29 20:15:34 <Fruitloop> I bet soulless_ has a really small dick
Jul 29 20:24:12 <DongDraper> you suck a mans dick
Jul 29 20:34:17 <tweek`> be careful, her penis is close to her vagina
Jul 29 20:49:54 <JARVIS> <InfinitySquared> Now I'm going to have a nightm
are about Stompy bashing in my bedroom door going "WROPP WROPP I'M THE DUBSTEP B
Jul 29 21:41:00 <Fruitloop> Sexy Man Dick
Jul 29 21:41:10 <Hallucifer> damn right sexy man dick
Jul 29 21:47:27 <tweek`> !dick Hallucinate
Jul 29 21:47:28 * JARVIS throws a dick at Hallucinate.
Jul 29 21:53:11 <tweek`> out of your penis?
Jul 29 21:57:33 * Shitler punches DrFysh in the dick
Jul 29 21:58:19 <Hallucinate> *unzips dick*
Jul 29 22:03:50 <Hallucinate> it'll tickle your nose when you suck my dick
Jul 29 23:15:18 <Draeko> nigga a guy cut his dick off and threw it at a c
Jul 29 23:15:54 <Fruitloop> !dick JARVIS
Jul 29 23:16:21 <n__u> !dick Fruitloop
Jul 29 23:21:40 <n__u> Dick
Jul 29 23:22:09 <Fruitloop> it won`t allow dick or fuck
Jul 29 23:29:36 <Fruitloop> The site is cock blocking me when there is absol
utely no reason my browser and flash should not work
Jul 29 23:39:53 <n__u> you were kind of a dick last time you were here
Jul 29 23:40:11 <czarompy> i -am- a dick
Jul 31 00:37:27 <Fruitloop> !dick TheGovernor
Jul 31 00:37:28 * JARVIS throws a dick at TheGovernor.
Jul 31 01:44:04 <migbee> dick
Jul 31 02:22:37 <stem> take a shot of liquor, dont dick her
Jul 31 09:31:22 <spdrs> mine keeps autocorrecting fuck do 'dick'
Jul 31 09:31:39 <spdrs> i mean, dick
Jul 31 09:32:43 <spdrs> dick is close enough to fuck anyway so it kind of works
Jul 31 09:32:52 <williammacy> dick you!
Jul 31 09:33:02 <spdrs> it just makes me seem like i say dick all the time
Jul 31 10:27:41 <nurg> dick suckin lips
Jul 31 11:50:46 <nurg> writers cock
Jul 31 11:50:57 <ka> writers cock
Jul 31 21:47:13 <rewindthesecond> when you are melancholy about your dick
Jul 31 21:56:45 <Draeko> !dick Hallucinate
Jul 31 21:56:46 * JARVIS throws a dick at Hallucinate.
Aug 01 01:51:07 <la_catalina> yeah i hate men so much that i suck dick
Aug 01 15:57:47 <Deric> That's a bit harsh, Fruitloop what if there's no God and
it's just circumstances that are the penis hole?
Aug 01 19:49:53 <Fruitloop> sock rimes with cock
Aug 01 20:04:59 <NRG> to sucking nrgs dick
Aug 01 21:45:24 <spdrs> i told him he's a dick and an alcoholic and that he suck
s dicks
Aug 01 21:45:28 <spdrs> and then i called him a dick again
Aug 01 23:13:45 <darklife> she doesn`t have a dick
Aug 01 23:14:48 <darklife> I know I am dexed when the concept of penis and
vagina seems completely foreign to me
Aug 02 00:01:08 <tweek`> !dick Fruitloop
Aug 02 00:01:09 * JARVIS throws a dick at Fruitloop.
Aug 02 00:27:10 <Psychenot> suck my dick in the garbage smell i just paid fo
r ur dinner and offered u free 151
Aug 03 19:45:19 <tweek`> would you suck his filthy rich dick, derioc?
Aug 03 19:48:14 <Deric> if he saves the world i'll suck bill gates dick for free
Aug 03 20:10:02 <Fruitloop> he is a dick
Aug 03 21:22:00 <Deric> And yes, Fruitloop while I am being too real... I do sex
ually VASTLY prefer women. When I watch porn I see the cock as the vessel that
punishes them holes as much as I wish I could.
Aug 03 21:45:38 <Fruitloop> penis
Aug 03 22:30:50 <spdrs> lastspoke is a dick
Aug 03 23:12:02 <spdrs> you have to have a dick tho right
Aug 03 23:12:10 <spdrs> i mean, i've shared a dick before
Aug 03 23:16:17 <Fruitloop> I wonder if two dick porn exists?
Aug 03 23:18:01 <Fruitloop> !dick Fruitloop
Aug 03 23:18:01 * JARVIS throws a dick at Fruitloop.
Aug 04 14:08:10 <Ned_Ragget> i was wanting to suck his dick over that star tr
ek noise
Aug 04 14:31:13 <n__u> DrFysh u need to get a better penis nigga
Aug 04 14:31:19 <n__u> cause u think with ur dick too much lil nigga
Aug 04 14:31:23 <DrFysh> nigga my penis be fine
Aug 04 14:31:30 <DrFysh> i can crush entire continents with my penis
Aug 04 14:31:44 <n__u> nigga u couldnt crush a peanut with ur penis
Aug 04 14:40:11 <JARVIS> <%bugg> look we all cut off our own penis someti
Aug 04 14:41:17 <DrFysh> lol krystena has a penis, she cant crap out a ba
Aug 04 14:42:50 <DrFysh> shed tell you she has a penis
Aug 04 14:43:14 <billiammacy> krystena does have a penis
Aug 04 14:44:46 <bugg> but i'd be a dick to say it
Aug 04 14:52:53 <n__u> u get ur dick wet yet nigga
Aug 04 14:54:15 <n__u> u get ur dick wet yet nigga
Aug 04 15:00:13 <n__u> DrFysh nigga quit talkin with ur dick
Aug 04 15:08:13 <Buttercup> !w dick
Aug 04 15:08:14 <JARVIS> Dick, KS: Partly Cloudy and 89F/32C
Aug 04 15:31:43 <n__u> that nigga literally talks with his dick my niggas
Aug 04 15:31:51 <n__u> he takes his dick by the sides
Aug 04 15:31:57 <n__u> and moves its dick lips
Aug 04 15:32:04 <Buttercup> DrFysh has a talking dick?
Aug 04 15:32:41 <Buttercup> I just had a visual of a talking dick and I am n
ot even on drugs
Aug 04 15:42:38 <Buttercup> I always wondered what a life sized real life sn
ork could do to my penis
Aug 04 16:16:14 <sigint> It would depend why you put your penis there I'd
Aug 04 16:17:07 <sigint> "Would you suck dick for coke?"
Aug 04 17:00:35 <Fruitloop> I don`t want a scorched penis
Aug 05 18:08:36 <kingofdiamonds> penis blood
Aug 06 23:37:12 <Fruitloop> I came here for the dick
Aug 06 23:51:59 <Fruitloop> penis
Aug 06 23:52:03 <Fruitloop> penis
Aug 06 23:52:07 <Fruitloop> penis
Aug 07 17:07:43 <Fruitloop> !dick #dextroverse
Aug 07 17:07:43 * JARVIS throws a dick at #dextroverse.
Aug 07 17:18:26 <williammacy> never a penis
Aug 07 18:13:11 <SpiderJeru> I just think about the nausea and not being able
to feel my dick
Aug 07 18:13:27 <Fruitloop> in soviet russia dick feels you!
Aug 07 18:13:31 <chibit> SpiderJeru it would really suck if i couldnt fee
l your dick
Aug 07 20:44:35 <migbee> cykros lol mad people hate them, i like being a
dick about it
Aug 07 20:55:20 <Fruitloop> !dick SaintWalker
Aug 07 20:55:21 * JARVIS throws a dick at SaintWalker.
Aug 07 21:14:51 <Fruitloop> What if all of this time I have been a girl and
tricked you all into believing I have a penis?
Aug 07 21:31:46 <spiderjeruthle> i'm not big on seeing black dick for som
e reason though
Aug 08 01:14:20 <SaintWalker> constant dick jokes
Aug 08 01:14:50 * InfinitySquared is quite satisfied with his penis, as ha
ve been most of his lovers.
Aug 08 01:18:05 <SaintWalker> im a dick
Aug 08 01:18:13 <SaintWalker> nigga, you cant tell a butt from a dick, how you
gonna be gay?
Aug 08 01:18:31 <postirony> !addquote <SaintWalker> nigga, you cant tell a b
utt from a dick, how you gonna be gay?
Aug 08 01:18:32 <JARVIS> postirony: Added "<SaintWalker> nigga, you cant
tell a butt from a dick, how you gonna be gay?" to the AddQuote database.
Aug 09 00:21:28 <Fruitloop> your penis?
Aug 09 01:26:28 <bugg> you can eat my dick
Aug 09 01:26:42 <Fruitloop> dick sounds good
Aug 09 02:09:16 <Fruitloop> AnimalsXD needs a dick in his butt
Aug 09 02:40:56 <vine``> yea, dick maybe
Aug 09 02:42:22 <Fruitloop> well that`s what you get for having an inch peni
Aug 09 22:48:06 <Dickdicker> dick dick dick
Aug 09 22:51:03 <Dickdicker> !dick #dextroverse
Aug 09 22:51:03 * JARVIS throws a dick at #dextroverse.
Aug 09 22:51:59 <chops_dicks> eat a dirty penis
Aug 09 22:52:10 <Dickdicker> sure is a lot of dick in here
Aug 09 22:55:55 <Dickdicker> SpiderJeru she has a penis
Aug 09 22:56:47 <SpiderJeru> but one day I'm gonna have her smoking a blunt a
nd sucking my dick
Aug 10 02:08:10 <Dickdicker> !dick a dick
Aug 10 02:08:10 * JARVIS throws a dick at a dick.
Aug 10 02:22:09 <sigint> How many dicks would a dick dick dick if a dick
dick could dick dick?
Aug 10 02:23:29 <Dickdicker> !dick a dick while dicking around the dick dick
at the dick dickidy dick
Aug 10 02:23:29 * JARVIS throws a dick at a dick while dicking around the
dick dick at the dick dickidy dick.
Aug 10 05:01:20 <Fruitloop> !dick vidmnjva
Aug 10 05:01:20 * JARVIS throws a dick at DM but just as it comes close to
him, it slows down to a dead stop and falls to the ground a foot away from him.
.. and then explodes killing him.
Aug 10 05:24:25 <Fruitloop> <Fruitloop> !dick vidmnjva
Aug 10 05:24:25 <Fruitloop> * JARVIS throws a dick at DM but just as it come
s close to him, it slows down to a dead stop and falls to the ground a foot away
from him... and then explodes killing him.
Aug 10 14:43:48 <SaintWalker> my dick is more impressive
Aug 11 23:55:27 <Fruitloop> Penis
Aug 11 23:58:16 <Fruitloop> DICK robert williams
Aug 11 23:58:40 <Draeko> dick will i am
Aug 12 16:27:18 <Fruitloop> !dick Fleece_Beacon
Aug 12 16:27:19 * JARVIS throws a dick at Fleece_Beacon.
Aug 12 16:57:39 <Fruitloop> !dick Draeko
Aug 12 16:57:39 * JARVIS throws a dick at Draeko.
Aug 13 12:25:01 <NRG> cock
Aug 13 12:25:52 <NRG> cock
Aug 13 12:26:25 <fuck> dick
Aug 13 12:26:36 <fuck> dick
Aug 13 12:48:52 <fuck> !dick williammacy
Aug 13 12:48:52 * JARVIS throws a dick at williammacy.
Aug 13 13:18:45 <spdrs> http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-CV3eXIRaJpc/T3rryGApKAI/AAAAAA
Aug 13 13:19:39 <fuck> I want a cock puppet
Aug 13 13:20:58 <fuck> where the characters are our cock puppets
Aug 13 13:21:09 <chibit> Richard and Dick
Aug 13 13:33:45 <fuck> I am still upset that I can`t use dick as a name
Aug 13 15:36:57 <homosexual> Yeah sucking dick doesn`t make someone queer
Aug 13 15:37:19 <sigint> "lol stop sucking my dick, ur making me laugh ma
Aug 13 15:37:35 <homosexual> sucking dick is just a hobby
Aug 13 15:39:29 <sigint> Would you suck my dick if I cleaned it?
Aug 13 15:41:45 <sigint> Saving the country, sucking your dick, making co
rnbread, you know...
Aug 13 15:42:36 <Draeko> a cornbread making dick
Aug 13 15:55:06 <Cock_Smith> !dick homosexual
Aug 13 15:55:06 * JARVIS throws a dick at homosexual.
Aug 13 17:05:01 <homosexual> dick fart?
Aug 13 17:05:22 <homosexual> wouldn`t that be a dick queef?
Aug 15 09:29:45 <tweek`> if someone is gonna play with your dick, be at l
east somewhat selective
Aug 15 09:53:56 <tweek`> hrm. i had forgotten i took pictures of my dick
on dxm yesterday morning to send that girl
Aug 15 09:54:32 <Fruitloop> your dick or the girl?
Aug 15 09:57:43 <chibit> but ive yet to see this ... "dick"
Aug 15 12:32:41 <Durandal> i'm just like a little boy, playin' with his dic
k when he's nervous
Aug 15 12:33:16 <rewindthesecond> dick is the best remedy for anxiety
Aug 18 07:15:13 <tweek`> !dick SlobOnTheCob
Aug 18 07:15:14 * JARVIS throws a dick at SlobOnTheCob.
Aug 18 11:29:39 <Draeko> everyone tells me im a dick
Aug 18 13:02:09 <SlobOnTheCob> Spotted dick would be good for a last meal
Aug 18 13:05:56 <SlobOnTheCob> I really wonder if spotted dick taste any good
Aug 18 13:06:05 <nurbins> spotted dick
Aug 18 13:07:21 <SlobOnTheCob> double spotted dick into my food hole
Aug 18 13:21:38 <x__o> anicow u wanna eat some spotted dick n stfu my nigga
Aug 18 13:23:19 <x__o> nigga only thing u handles that dick
Aug 18 13:28:14 <x__o> hop on this dick homo
Aug 18 13:28:51 <x__o> and eat some spotted dick
Aug 18 13:29:22 <HyDr0> ze cock and ze balls
Aug 18 13:29:38 <SlobOnTheCob> Everyone here loves spotted dick
Aug 18 13:30:24 <SlobOnTheCob> with a dick
Aug 18 13:30:44 <SlobOnTheCob> HyDr0 likes spotted dick
Aug 18 13:31:41 <x__o> shit turns my lil dick on breh
Aug 18 13:31:48 <x__o> my lil bby dick
Aug 18 13:32:17 <SlobOnTheCob> I didn`t know anicow liked dick
Aug 18 13:32:33 <x__o> !addquote <HyDr0> i didnt know anicow was black <SlobOnT
heCob> I didn`t know anicow liked dick
Aug 18 13:32:33 <JARVIS> x__o: Added "<HyDr0> i didnt know anicow was bla
ck <SlobOnTheCob> I didn`t know anicow liked dick" to the AddQuote database.
Aug 18 13:35:50 <anicow> yeah im black and i dont like dick
Aug 18 13:36:01 <x__o> !addquote <anicow> yeah im black and i like dick
Aug 18 13:36:01 <JARVIS> x__o: Added "<anicow> yeah im black and i like d
ick" to the AddQuote database.
Aug 18 13:49:47 * DICK :Unknown command
Aug 18 13:49:52 <SlobOnTheCob> !dick Dextrovert
Aug 18 13:49:52 * JARVIS throws a dick at Dextrovert.
Aug 18 14:01:31 <Hunter_S_Thompson> if so, yeah thats a total dick move
Aug 18 15:44:43 <Hunter_S_Thompson> it'd probably be dick cheney
Aug 18 15:45:14 <Hunter_S_Thompson> dick cheney actively drove bush's presid
Aug 18 15:55:14 <SlobOnTheCob> saying you think about dick all the time
Aug 18 15:55:33 <tweek`> he has dick on his mind, 99% of the time
Aug 18 15:56:42 <SlobOnTheCob> including throbbing penis
Aug 18 16:14:48 <tweek`> stop being a selfish dick/asshole
Aug 18 16:22:15 <SlobOnTheCob> Somewhere out there BWHITE is in drag right now
eating a dick
Aug 18 16:47:37 <Hunter_S_Thompson> lol find me some lip balm with that scen
t and ill totally suck your dick
Aug 19 08:47:30 <putzaroni> plus, I have a big dick
Aug 19 08:47:45 <JARVIS> Don't let his being asian fool you. He's actuall
y a huge dick!
Aug 19 09:10:50 <Fruitloop> !dick Draeko
Aug 19 09:10:50 * JARVIS throws a dick at Draeko.
Aug 19 10:12:19 <Fruitloop> !dick Draeko
Aug 19 10:12:19 * JARVIS throws a dick at Draeko.
Aug 23 02:33:44 <tweek`> the 4th i have sensitive surgery and my penis wi
ll be out of commission for 3 weeks
Aug 23 02:34:08 <Fruitloop> You are finally getting that penis size reductio
Aug 23 02:41:57 <Fruitloop> Thrift go eat a dick
Aug 23 03:06:29 <Fruitloop> go eat a huge tweek` sized dick
Aug 23 03:08:01 <tweek`> Fruitloop just referenced my dick
Aug 23 03:10:32 <Fruitloop> !dick Vipzta
Aug 23 03:10:32 * JARVIS throws a dick at Vipzta.
Aug 23 03:11:55 <Vipzta> ive heard enough stories, fiction about tweeks`
Aug 23 03:14:34 <Fruitloop> !dick Vipzta
Aug 23 03:14:34 * JARVIS throws a dick at Vipzta.
Aug 23 03:14:35 <Fruitloop> !dick Vipzta
Aug 23 03:14:35 * JARVIS throws a dick at Vipzta.
Aug 23 03:14:36 <Fruitloop> !dick Vipzta
Aug 23 03:14:36 * JARVIS throws a dick at Vipzta.
Aug 23 03:14:47 <sigint> tweek` can you add a dick counter?
Aug 23 03:36:43 <sigint> Vipzta, do you like the dick bro?
Aug 23 03:36:48 <Thrift> afraid of the penis
Aug 23 03:36:54 <Thrift> oOooOoo penis penis penis
Aug 23 03:37:02 <sigint> Vipzta, would you suck my dick if I cleaned it?
Aug 23 03:37:30 <tweek`> you catch him on enough mdma, he'll suck any dic
k you put in front of him and beg for more
Aug 23 03:44:13 <Fruitloop> trailer livin is classy, you can all suck my dic
Aug 23 03:49:45 <Fruitloop> Vipzta I am gonna shove my dick into your ear
Aug 23 03:49:59 <Vipzta> you and shoving that dick is going to get it int
o trouble
Aug 23 12:37:19 <Fruitloop> Well we finish talking and I didn't finish touch
ing myself. Instead I just put on some running shorts and do the tuck. Every guy
knows the tuck as if we were born knowing it. So I put my cock behind the elast
ic and pull a shirt over top.
Aug 23 12:58:47 <pastaroni> and i wouldn't touch yours with a 10 foot dick
Aug 23 13:50:43 <Fruitloop> Cock Cicle
Aug 23 14:03:05 <Draeko> i could have been a real dick
Aug 23 16:46:27 <SpiderJeru> dick hyman is actually a really talented pianist
Aug 23 16:46:41 <SpiderJeru> the pianist dick hyman is quite good
Aug 23 16:46:49 <Dickbutt> does he play with his dick?
Aug 23 16:47:19 <SpiderJeru> people come from all over the world to see him s
lap his cock on those keys
Aug 23 17:17:11 <KINRG> 17:18 <@willmax> you're a real dick
Aug 23 17:23:23 <Dickbutt> So lets talk more about Dick Hymen
Aug 23 17:24:01 <JARVIS> URL: Dick Hyman, a great pianist, plays "fingerb
uster". - YouTube
Aug 23 17:33:43 <Dickbutt> I can`t wait until we have the technology to get
a mold of ones penis and then upload it into a computer, send it via email and
then the person on the other end can 3D print it out
Aug 23 20:11:09 <JARVIS> Don't let his being asian fool you. He's actuall
y a huge dick!
Aug 23 20:22:59 <nrg> without dick, i cannot survive
Aug 25 15:43:08 <postirony> is gayer than sucking a dick
Aug 25 15:43:30 <Fruitloop> nothing gay about sucking dick
Aug 25 21:33:34 <sigint> !dick
Aug 25 21:33:34 * JARVIS begins stocking DM's dick arsenal.
Aug 25 21:33:56 <tweek`> !dick Fruitloop
Aug 25 21:33:57 * JARVIS throws a dick at Fruitloop.
Aug 25 22:10:45 <tweek`> that's what she said about my penis, Fruitloop
Aug 26 00:52:31 <Fruitloop> suddenly I am craving dick
Aug 26 01:04:45 <nigtv> and my dick
Aug 26 02:41:01 <tweek`> MY DICK IS 8.7 INCHES
Aug 26 02:54:39 <nigtv> The bomb squad was brought in to handle the situation an
d a remote-controlled robot used to make the fake penis safe.
Aug 27 05:21:39 <tweek`> well it's not your penis
Aug 27 05:30:44 <tweek`> is it just me or is the notion of a 70 year old
surgeon taking a scalpel to your penis scary as fuck?
Aug 27 05:31:32 <Fruitloop> Why are you getting penis surgery?
Aug 27 05:33:15 <tweek`> who would take a picture of their dick without p
ulling it back?
Aug 27 05:34:15 <tweek`> as many times as you've seen my dick
Aug 27 05:35:25 <tweek`> i read that cnn story about the guy in mississip
pi waking up after an adult circumcision with no dick
Aug 27 05:40:42 <tweek`> my dick bends because it was literally torn when
i was 3 years old by some crazy fucking crackhead psychopath
Aug 27 05:41:53 <anicow> tore his dick off pparently
Aug 27 05:43:09 <tweek`> he took my dick between his fingernails and tore
it in two places
Aug 27 05:43:54 <anicow> that sucks about your penis though
Aug 29 13:49:19 <Hunter_S_Thompson> he got super pissed his cock is in the n
ew movie for like 1/8th of a second or something
Aug 29 18:47:14 <taco> Nah, cykros is just on that bitcoin cock atm
Aug 29 21:46:55 <Dickbutter> I have the opposite problem as pinnochio, when I
lie my dick gets longer
Sep 01 16:05:12 <Fruitloop> what a dick
Sep 01 17:18:19 <SpiderJeruz_> my dick actually hurts
Sep 01 17:57:51 <bugg> show dick & butt
Sep 01 17:58:05 <Dickbutt> my butt has a dick
Sep 01 17:58:28 <Dickbutt> dickbutt dickbutt dickidy do I got a dick on my
butt just for you
Sep 02 15:17:11 <SpiderJeruz_> anicow. I heard from someone that you want to pi
erce your dick
Sep 02 15:32:55 <anicow> you can suck my fucking cock if you want to
Sep 02 15:33:20 <Daffodil> I never had black cock before
Sep 02 15:33:47 <Daffodil> plot twist: Dextrovert likes the cock which is w
hy the pic offended him
Sep 02 15:46:32 <Daffodil> SpiderJeruz_ I suck everyones dick
Sep 02 16:21:08 <Daffodil> then I remember he is a dick
Sep 02 19:33:18 <Daffodil> I lost my penis once doing that
Sep 02 19:41:39 <Daffodil> I just like dick
Sep 02 19:41:48 <Daffodil> you can like dick and not be gay
Sep 02 21:29:49 <Daffodil> I hope you know JARVIS was being a real dick to
me earlier
Sep 02 21:54:33 <Drunko> i like penis n stuff
Sep 02 21:54:44 <Daffodil> I like dick too
Sep 02 21:55:12 <Daffodil> lets have a dick off
Sep 02 21:55:25 <Drawcow> lololol a dick off
Sep 02 22:00:17 <Daffodil> because stompy is a dick
Sep 02 22:00:40 <Drawcow> nigga ima dick your ass off
Sep 02 22:05:01 <tweek`> anicow better not be on dxm tonight or he's gett
ing dick punched
Sep 02 22:11:53 <ganja> why ae you such a dick tweek
Sep 02 22:12:26 <Itchy_Robot|drugs> tweek` is a dick because you are what yo
u eat
Sep 02 22:13:39 <ganja> is it because you have a small penis
Sep 02 22:13:51 <tweek`> im having to get penis reduction surgery soon
Sep 02 22:14:21 <Itchy_Robot> lol asian cock is great
Sep 02 22:14:24 <Daffodil> I like asian cock
Sep 02 22:14:57 <Drawcow> !addquote <Daffodil> I like asian cock
Sep 02 22:14:58 <JARVIS> Drawcow: Added "<Daffodil> I like asian cock" to
the AddQuote database.
Sep 02 22:15:32 <Itchy_Robot> postirony's cock
Sep 02 22:15:43 <Daffodil> pastaroni has shared his chinese penis with me b
Sep 02 22:18:27 <Itchy_Robot> then that guy put his dick in another guy's mout
Sep 02 22:18:53 <tweek`> and then your dick was consistently limp
Sep 02 22:19:16 <ganja> towards the end of our relationship 3-MMC made my dick l
imp a number of times
Sep 02 22:21:22 <Draeko> dick
Sep 02 22:21:24 <Daffodil> That is why I stick to dick sucking
Sep 02 22:21:56 <Itchy_Robot> I just was pre-occupied with dick
Sep 02 22:22:31 <Draeko> !addquote <Itchy_Robot> I just was pre-occupied
with dick
Sep 02 22:22:32 <JARVIS> Draeko: Added "<Itchy_Robot> I just was pre-occu
pied with dick" to the AddQuote database.
Sep 02 22:23:32 <Draeko> i know i have a giant cock
Sep 02 22:24:21 <Draeko> yeah Itchy_Robot lets all talk about tweek`s dic
Sep 02 22:26:55 <Itchy_Robot> backwards on the head of cat cock
Sep 02 22:40:05 <ganja> penis.
Sep 02 22:40:24 <ganja> penis.
Sep 02 22:40:39 <ganja> penis.
Sep 02 22:41:30 <ganja> penis
Sep 02 22:45:01 <ganja> penis
Sep 02 22:45:08 <ganja> penis penis penis penis
Sep 02 22:45:47 <Draeko> plus ganja is too fucked up to ramble anything a
side from penis
Sep 02 22:45:55 <ganja> penis
Sep 02 22:46:31 <Daffodil> dick
Sep 02 22:49:20 <ganja> penis
Sep 02 22:49:22 <ganja> penis vpnsidd
Sep 02 22:50:22 <Daffodil> we should talk about tweek`s dick more
Sep 02 22:50:55 <SpiderJeruz> tweek`s dick once beat chuck norris at air hocke
Sep 02 22:51:53 <SpiderJeruz> tweek`s dick signed the original declaration of
independence larger than john hancock
Sep 02 22:52:05 <ganja> penis.
Sep 02 22:52:38 <DrFysh> nigga my dick has crushed entire continents!
Sep 02 22:52:38 <ganja> soulless_ do i have a nice penis
Sep 02 22:55:14 <tweek`> fysh, just admit your penis is tiny and we can m
ove on
Sep 02 22:55:23 <DrFysh> haha no way my cock is great
Sep 02 22:55:40 <SpiderJeruz> my dick is ok
Sep 02 22:56:58 <tweek`> soulless_ made dick pic baseball cards of dv mem
Sep 02 22:57:52 <tweek`> you're not cool enough to be on the dick shelf,
Sep 02 22:58:14 <ganja> my cock is much bigger than yoourrssss
Sep 02 22:58:22 <tweek`> ganja, you refuse to show dick
Sep 02 22:58:43 <ganja> i think my penis is nice
Sep 02 23:47:36 <Itchy_Robot> I'm like a clown's dick.
Sep 02 23:47:49 <Itchy_Robot> Funny, but still a dick.
Sep 03 18:22:47 <sigint> Is that a euphimism for your penis hair?
Sep 03 19:39:35 #IUPAC 4 [+CRTnt] Free minecraft accounts PM Itc
hy_Robot PENIS | I'd line one -sincere (im drunk and might forget but yeah i'd l
ike one) \_()_/()*:( )_
Sep 03 19:40:46 <Fruitloop> !dick JARVIS
Sep 03 19:41:31 <sigint> !dick Fruitloop
Sep 03 19:41:32 * JARVIS throws a dick at Fruitloop.
Sep 03 20:02:49 <Fruitloop> spotted dick
Sep 04 01:50:01 <tweek`> !dick Fruitloop
Sep 04 01:50:02 * JARVIS throws a dick at Fruitloop.
Sep 07 13:17:37 <ataraxia|Day10> fucking dick.
Sep 07 14:11:42 <Fruitloop> so I could play slap bass with my penis
Sep 07 14:50:35 <Fruitloop> I have a 12" dick
Sep 07 16:49:41 <cykros> oh, here we go. even more than gonnhorea of the
penis... http://ts4.mm.bing.net/th?id=HN.607994810483017595&pid=15.1&H=105&W=160
Sep 09 13:40:58 <Fruitloop> I just like dick
Sep 09 13:41:16 <Fruitloop> pretty sure you can like dick and not be gay
Sep 09 13:42:03 <HyDr0> dick more than pussy
Sep 09 13:58:09 <Fruitloop> supposedly I am addicted to dick
Sep 09 14:03:13 <Fruitloop> I would suck dick for ghb right about now
Sep 09 14:03:48 <Fruitloop> lots of straight guys suck dick for drugs
Sep 09 14:13:29 <Fruitloop> !dick JARVIS
Sep 09 14:30:43 <Fruitloop> does his g/f have a penis?
Sep 09 15:31:07 <JARVIS> <HyDr0> i didnt know anicow was black <SlobOnThe
Cob> I didn`t know anicow liked dick
Sep 10 07:16:52 <Fruitloop> ataraxia|day12 sorry for being a dick if I was
Sep 10 09:45:04 <Buttercup> The other two are electronics and sucking dick
Sep 10 10:00:06 <Buttercup> I just have to remind people that just because I
enjoy a dick or two at a time does not mean I am gay
Sep 10 10:00:21 <ataraxia|day13> well who doesnt like dick
Sep 10 10:19:27 <Vipzta> you sucked dick for the drugs
Sep 10 10:19:43 <Buttercup> sucking dick is not a job, it is a pass time
Sep 10 10:20:12 <ataraxia|day13> to this day i cant believe my ex asked m
e to teach his new gf to suck dick
Sep 10 10:24:30 <Vipzta> idk maybe because a cock is in your mouth
Sep 10 10:25:05 <Buttercup> sucking cock is like giving a back massage, it i
s not gay, it is relaxing your friend
Sep 10 10:25:35 <idxln> oh god my swollen hungry cock, dripping rotten with volc
anic cum
Sep 10 10:26:43 <ataraxia|day13> theres no dick in your mouth
Sep 10 10:33:36 <Buttercup> Just because I like a dick or two at a time does
not make me a homosexual
Sep 10 10:59:13 <idxln> ugh i want to pump cum out of my cock right now but i ca
n't because of mucinex bombs
Sep 10 11:03:25 <Buttercup> So I wonder if all the dick and jizz talk made a
taraxia|day13 sick?
Sep 10 11:14:04 <Buttercup> I always wanted to spray zicam honey lemon on my
dick and let someone blow me
Sep 10 11:17:55 <idxln> oh god my throbbing cock full of cum is about to fucking
oh my god exploding with semen painting the walls with fiery sex my god
Sep 10 11:29:04 <Buttercup> Just because I like a dick or two at a time does
not make me gay
Sep 10 12:03:40 <Buttercup> I don`t care what any of you say, just because I
like a dick or two at once does not make me gay
Sep 11 14:34:59 <Draeko> HyDr0: im not being a dick
Sep 11 14:35:13 <Fruitloop> Yeah if Draeko was a dick I would have to blow h
Sep 11 14:41:55 <HyDr0> my dick
Sep 11 15:19:30 <Fruitloop> !addquote <idxln> oh god my swollen hungry cock,
dripping rotten with volcanic cum
Sep 11 15:19:31 <JARVIS> Fruitloop: Added "<idxln> oh god my swollen hung
ry cock, dripping rotten with volcanic cum" to the AddQuote database.
Sep 11 15:20:48 <Fruitloop> !addquote <idxln> oh god my throbbing cock full
of cum is about to fucking oh my god exploding with semen painting the walls wit
h fiery sex my god
Sep 11 15:20:49 <JARVIS> Fruitloop: Added "<idxln> oh god my throbbing co
ck full of cum is about to fucking oh my god exploding with semen painting the w
alls with fiery sex my god" to the AddQuote database.
Sep 11 15:24:56 <dementted> you suck dick though?
Sep 11 16:40:34 <Fruitloop> !ld50 dick
Sep 11 16:45:18 <Fruitloop> no, JARVIS is just a dick
Sep 11 16:51:30 <Fruitloop> punch me in the dick
Sep 11 16:55:36 <Draeko> your ass hairs were long enough to reach the tip
of your dick?
Sep 11 16:59:17 <Fruitloop> hey nothing wrong with the penis
Sep 11 17:19:37 <Fruitloop> soon you will be sucking dick and working as a f
ashion designer
Sep 12 12:36:57 <Fruitloop> ass shit cock
Sep 12 12:40:50 <JARVIS> <sincere> i want a full body dick massage from s
Sep 12 12:40:54 <oath> !dick
Sep 12 12:40:54 * JARVIS begins stocking DM's dick arsenal.
Sep 12 13:06:42 <Draeko> (defined as pubic hair outgrowing the penis)
Sep 12 13:16:04 <cykros> A) that's true. though we really weren't curious
. B) what makes you gay is liking dick, man ass, and having an irrational fear o
f vagina
Sep 12 13:23:23 <Draeko> COCK SUCKING
Sep 12 13:28:38 <Fruitloop> !dick Draeko
Sep 12 13:28:39 * JARVIS throws a dick at Draeko.
Sep 13 00:35:11 <Fruitloop> I am not into long hair, but I bet Jesus has a g
odly dick
Sep 13 00:52:34 <Fruitloop> So lets talk about dick
Sep 13 00:52:45 <Wysefool> I got my dick tested
Sep 13 02:24:49 <tweek`> the rf ones all sucked dick
Sep 13 09:34:02 <Fruitloop> I try not to share this because I know many of y
ou have problems and I don`t want to sound like a dick
Sep 13 10:29:46 <rowdy_joe> i rubbed the toilet bowel with a sponge and it r
eplaced the porcelein with dick skin wherever i rubbed
Sep 13 23:37:55 <Fruitloop> !dick anicow
Sep 13 23:37:55 * JARVIS throws a dick at anicow.
Sep 14 00:16:49 <Fruitloop> like if she had a penis
Sep 15 01:51:29 <ataraxia> Fruitloop: you sucked a dick on cam
Sep 15 01:52:18 <ataraxia> was it his penis
Sep 15 01:54:02 <Fruitloop> sucking dick on cam is the least of my worries
Sep 17 09:40:57 <anicow> with your penis?
Sep 17 09:41:33 <anicow> well your dick is a thumb.
Sep 17 11:40:03 <Itchy_Robot> "A ring placed on the boy's penis switches on a
contact in case of erection, as a result of which a bell, located in the parent'
s room, is sounded"
Sep 19 04:47:04 <GLICEOLALIA> deric no i dint know he had real life friends bu
t i knew he had job AND A penis car
Sep 19 04:47:31 <idxln> who has a penis car again
Sep 19 04:50:35 <GLICEOLALIA> no way hes got real life friends, a penis car, a
nd a money job
Sep 19 05:12:40 <kanon> I have none, I'm being a dick
Sep 19 06:15:46 <GLICEOLALIA> anicow i would try to ignore anyone being an out
right dick to you and try to just be the bigger person
Sep 19 06:20:00 <ataraxia> go suck a dick
Sep 19 06:25:25 <ataraxia> oh stfu, dick pics first
Sep 19 06:26:04 <anicow> I'll show you my dick
Sep 19 06:26:59 <anicow> ataraxv said she wants to see dick
Sep 19 06:27:42 <HyDr0> suck a dick prick
Sep 19 06:38:23 <HyDr0> suck my dick
Sep 19 06:42:54 <GLICEOLALIA> once i made a penis out of sculpey
Sep 19 06:44:06 <Thrift> I'm Freds inadiqate penis
Sep 19 14:06:27 <Fruitloop> I mean seriously have you seen his dick?
Sep 19 14:08:14 <diabolic> my dick is 12 inches and how does it work?
Sep 19 14:08:18 <Fruitloop> When Tweek' backs up his dick it goes beep beep
beep beep
Sep 19 14:09:13 <SpiderJeruz_> my dick is like almost 7 inches
Sep 19 14:09:14 <Vipzta-MDMA> great you have a big dick, must have been where
your personality went
Sep 19 14:11:42 <Vipzta-MDMA> my dick was good enough to make some girl squirt
, it scared the shit outta me, i still am confused as to what thats about
Sep 19 14:13:42 <diabolic> shitty dick
Sep 19 14:13:47 <Vipzta-MDMA> shit dick
Sep 19 14:14:52 <azazel> Alotaibi later told police he offered the boy mo
ney for sex, and when he refused, he raped the boy, the report said. [...] and h
is penis accidentally went into the boys rectum.
Sep 19 14:28:47 <benflex> choke with my cock
Sep 19 14:44:51 <agent> !dick diabolic
Sep 19 14:44:52 * JARVIS throws a dick at diabolic.
Sep 19 18:39:09 <Fruitloop> !dick the DV
Sep 19 18:39:09 * JARVIS throws a dick at the DV.
Sep 19 19:29:26 <Fruitloop> !dick Draeko
Sep 19 19:29:26 * JARVIS throws a dick at Draeko.
Sep 19 19:29:55 * Draeko chops said dick into bite size pieces and serves
it as stir fry to Fruitloop
Sep 19 19:30:13 <Fruitloop> I always kind of wanted to try penis
Sep 19 19:30:21 <Fruitloop> like bulls penis
Sep 19 19:30:27 <cykros> Fruitloop: my dog loves bull penis
Sep 19 19:30:51 <cykros> it's like penis jerky
Sep 19 19:30:58 <Fruitloop> penis jerky
Sep 19 19:31:25 <cykros> a friend of mine was once playing with my dog an
d decided he was going to taunt her by putting her toy in his mouth...i wasn't f
ast enough to let him know it was a penis :-/
Sep 19 19:32:03 <Fruitloop> I rather eat bulls penis than the balls
Sep 19 19:32:15 <idxln> can you just go up to the butcher and order penis
Sep 19 19:33:12 <idxln> what happens if you just step up to the butcher and ask
about the cow penis
Sep 19 19:33:25 <Fruitloop> Ask for the butchers penis
Sep 20 14:17:22 <anubis> muh dick
Sep 20 14:21:15 <Fruitloop> You know how we used to say Eat Dick BWHITE, wel
l I think the new one should be Fuck off benflex
Sep 23 08:34:52 <DexHead> !dick Fruitloop
Sep 23 08:34:53 * JARVIS throws a dick at Fruitloop.
Sep 23 09:00:24 <JARVIS> She was the victor of the Dick Wars!
Sep 23 09:00:26 <JARVIS> She was the victor of the Dick Wars!
Sep 23 09:05:37 <DexHead> krystena is the only trans I know who will just
wave her dick around in your face
Sep 23 10:16:40 <idxln> $100,000 a month on cocaine you blow off your own cock
Sep 23 10:33:17 <idxln> fruitloop you're just mad because you have tiny white pe
ople penis
Sep 23 10:34:15 <Fruitloop> http://elitedaily.com/news/world/average-penis-s
Sep 23 10:34:16 <JARVIS> URL: The Average Penis Sizes By Country May Or M
ay Not Shock You (Photo)
Sep 23 10:35:50 <idxln> there's a whole shape spectrum about the penis
Sep 23 10:37:04 <idxln> so i feel like everyone has a ten inch cock
Sep 23 10:37:23 <ataraxia> rofl i have a ten inch dick. its pink and sparkl
Sep 23 10:37:39 <idxln> gross the grossest thing to me is a pink white person di
Sep 23 10:39:57 <idxln> tweek alejandro heard you have a big penis
Sep 23 10:41:51 <Fruitloop> that is my dick
Sep 23 10:43:24 <Fruitloop> his 7cm dick and hand
Sep 23 10:43:57 <tweek`> 'see if we can find your dick'
Sep 23 10:44:08 <tweek`> 'everybody link hands! we're gonna do an amish s
weep for idxln's dick!'
Sep 23 10:44:18 <Fruitloop> tweek` you just made his 7cm dick retreat by kic
king him
Sep 23 11:02:13 <Itchy_Dexbot> you showed the entire 3rd grade class your penis
Sep 23 11:02:17 <Fruitloop> You waved your dick around on cam
Sep 23 11:10:43 <tweek`> basal ganglia smaller than idxln's penis
Sep 23 12:03:58 <Fruitloop> Nine Inch Dick
Sep 23 14:39:03 <Fruitloop> My penis is your mother?
Sep 23 14:39:49 <benflex> 'my dick'
Sep 23 14:40:04 <benflex> my penis in your mother, yeah.
Sep 23 14:40:31 <Dextrovert> new favorite dick euphemism
Sep 23 15:14:35 <agent> !dick Deric
Sep 23 15:14:37 * JARVIS throws a dick at Deric.
Sep 23 15:14:55 <Deric> i'm an asshole, not a dick tyvm
Sep 23 15:15:28 <tweek`> i can be an asshole or a dick
Sep 23 15:19:47 <Fruitloop> all it is around here all day long is dick this
and dick that and oh look at this dick over here
Sep 23 15:27:50 <Fruitloop> everything is actually a dick
Sep 23 15:28:25 <Fruitloop> so dick talk is in full gear now
Sep 23 15:30:52 <Fruitloop> Dick time!
Sep 23 15:31:05 <agent> !dick tweek`
Sep 23 15:31:06 * JARVIS throws a dick at tweek`.
Sep 23 15:31:33 <Fruitloop> it`s a NWS ASCII dick
Sep 23 16:12:46 <Chromo> I have been wanting more holes twrapped around m
y d-cock
Sep 23 16:13:27 <Chromo> I was gonna yiff my best friend the other day, b
ut he had a penis sore
Sep 23 19:34:34 <willmax> dick
Sep 23 19:45:44 <rewindtheepoch> !dick Fruitloop
Sep 23 19:45:45 * JARVIS throws a dick at Fruitloop.
Sep 24 00:14:40 <agent> !dick enchanted_forest_of_dicks
Sep 24 00:14:41 * JARVIS throws a dick at enchanted_forest_of_dicks.
Sep 24 00:15:01 <agent> I just want tweek` to tell me to stop laying with !dick
Sep 24 01:47:19 <bugg> for love and a penis
Sep 24 02:38:05 <psychenot> ur exactly like all the mainstream dick riders i
Sep 24 03:49:29 <willmax> Fruitloop didnt show the dick marks in it
Sep 24 04:00:11 <tweek`> im gonna smack the dick off the fruitloop one of
these days
Sep 24 04:01:43 <Fruitloop> It probably knows my penis size even
Sep 26 02:17:05 <Fruitloop> make dick jokes
Sep 26 02:32:35 <Fruitloop> !dick Draeko
Sep 26 02:32:35 * JARVIS throws a dick at Draeko.
Sep 26 03:36:16 <idxln> it's a penis complex thing
Sep 26 03:36:19 <idxln> it's like buying a penis car
Sep 26 03:39:47 <Fruitloop> penis car?
Sep 27 10:59:47 <Deric> cock insertion agent23
Sep 27 11:00:49 <Deric> from cock/computer science corporation
Sep 27 11:06:48 <Deric> another alabama csc cock slammer hello bitch:)
Sep 27 16:57:07 <DexHead> I like thick penis ttoo
Sep 27 16:57:32 <pastramaroni> !addquote <DexHead> I like thick penis too
Sep 27 16:57:34 <JARVIS> pastramaroni: Added "<DexHead> I like thick peni
s too" to the AddQuote database.
Sep 27 17:01:20 <JARVIS> <SaintWalker> nigga, you cant tell a butt from a
dick, how you gonna be gay?
Sep 27 17:01:28 <JARVIS> <%ephemeralmelody> One time my husband put my po
meranian's penis in my face <%ephemeralmelody> I don't know why he did that
Sep 27 17:01:44 <JARVIS> <Itchy_Robot> I just was pre-occupied with dick
Sep 27 17:02:50 <JARVIS> <%bugg> look we all cut off our own penis someti
Sep 27 17:03:18 <JARVIS> <b0rg_> lovin' me some penis
Sep 27 17:03:36 <Fruitloop> Sure is a lot of dick quotes
Sep 27 17:05:32 <Fruitloop> sucking dick or getting a BJ really doesn`t make
you gay or bi though
Sep 27 17:07:17 <oath> if i am in heart with penis it doesn't make me gay or bi
Sep 28 10:34:47 <Fruitloop> The longer your dick is the lower your IQ
Sep 28 10:35:01 <Fruitloop> They have itty bitty penis
Sep 28 10:42:27 <Itchy_Robot> based on dick sucking ability through the intern
Sep 28 10:43:26 <Fruitloop> tweek` is just mad that the bigger ones dick is
the lower their IQ, and this is quantifiable
Sep 28 10:43:38 <Itchy_Robot> nah his dick is pretty huge
Sep 28 10:44:47 <Fruitloop> More like the anicow inverse square law of IQ to
Sep 28 10:47:18 <Fruitloop> tweek` is so butthurt over the penis size invers
ion IQ theorem
Sep 28 10:48:33 <idxln> yes it means retardness divided by penis and vagina
Sep 28 10:58:07 <idxln> fruitloop i am going on about the size of your tiny, irr
elevant penis
Sep 28 10:58:24 <n__u> !addquote <idxln> fruitloop i am going on about the size
of your tiny, irrelevant penis
Sep 28 10:58:24 <JARVIS> n__u: Added "<idxln> fruitloop i am going on abo
ut the size of your tiny, irrelevant penis" to the AddQuote database.
Sep 28 10:58:48 <Fruitloop> idxln thank you, according to my inverse square
dick theory, that means I am very smart
Sep 28 10:59:37 <idxln> i could suck my own dick and not care about it
Sep 28 11:06:30 <idxln> i would fucking stroke my average-sized cock right now b
ut i can't fill it with blood
Sep 28 11:11:17 <n__u> idxln: dick?
Sep 28 11:14:16 <benflex> made my penis jump a bit
Sep 28 11:21:05 <Itchy_Robot> just because you're being a dick
Sep 28 11:34:28 <Itchy_RoboCop> idxln ur a dick
Sep 28 11:34:38 <Fruitloop> Did someone say dick?
Sep 28 11:48:06 <tweek`> oh, well maybe that's why you're more of a dick
but kind of witty lately
Sep 28 11:53:44 <idxln> it has to do with 1) my psychic godlikeness and 2) my hi
story of huge penis-having
Sep 28 11:53:59 <digi> Does that mean your huge penis-having is only HISTORICAL
Sep 28 11:54:13 <Fruitloop> historical dick
Sep 28 11:54:41 <Fruitloop> idxln had his penis removed?
Sep 28 11:54:45 <Itchy_RoboCop> lol historical dick : http://emancipationpark.o
Sep 28 12:14:50 <tweek`> and idxln is a dick and i never said it was anyt
hing more than impressions based on what i know about him
Sep 28 13:40:44 <Deric> <anubis> cock sucking piece of fucking shit loser
Sep 28 13:49:10 <Fruitloop> So when do we talk about dick?
Sep 28 21:15:00 <agent> !dick cookie
Sep 28 21:15:01 * JARVIS throws a dick at cookie.
Sep 28 21:15:59 <Fruitloop> !ld50 dick
Sep 28 22:25:58 <Fruitloop> !w dick
Sep 28 22:25:59 <JARVIS> Dick, KS: Clear and 66F/19C
Sep 28 22:27:47 <Fruitloop> !dick JARVIS
Sep 28 22:34:56 <Deric> stop projecting your cock blocking habit on others lol
Sep 28 22:39:52 <agent> aka the penis
Sep 30 13:01:10 <Fruitloop> !ld50 cock
Sep 30 15:38:55 <JARVIS> She was the victor of the Dick Wars!
Oct 01 01:06:47 <PsychoMantis> no one wants a pickle dick gigolo
Oct 01 01:09:23 <Fruitloop> wow what a dick, watching Cops and this fucking
pig just shoved some guy right off a bike
Oct 01 02:37:33 <tweek`> !dick Fruitloop
Oct 01 02:37:34 * JARVIS throws a dick at Fruitloop.
Oct 01 02:37:48 <Fruitloop> I have a dick, it is just a weird body part to m
e right now considering I am drunk and dexed
Oct 03 11:00:18 <anubis> dick truck
Oct 03 11:00:47 * Fruitloop drives the dick truck
Oct 03 12:17:20 <spacegiraffe> and cut off your dick if they like
Oct 03 12:19:20 <spacegiraffe> It's not like a mans dick has a retractable spik
e at the end of it
Oct 03 12:19:57 <oath> like shooting spikes out of your dick spout
Oct 03 12:20:57 <benflex> my penis off.
Oct 03 14:47:22 <Fruitloop> benflex go suck ever dick in a bag of dicks
Oct 06 17:25:03 <Fruitloop> !dick tweek`
Oct 06 17:25:04 * JARVIS throws a dick at tweek`.
Oct 06 17:53:31 <Dickbutt> I always knew Jesus was a dick
Oct 06 17:53:50 <ganja> "Remember me not, as a dick." - Jesus
Oct 06 17:54:26 <ganja> You wanna take jesus's hard dick?
Oct 06 17:59:20 <Dickbutt> all we have been talking about is dick
Oct 06 17:59:23 <Dickbutt> dog dick
Oct 06 17:59:26 <Dickbutt> but still dick
Oct 06 18:00:37 <tsarompy> and im sorry for being a dick to you lately
Oct 06 18:03:00 <willmac> im gonna punch you in the dick tsarompy
Oct 06 18:05:18 <Dickbutt> So tsarompy does your girlfriend have a penis? W
e need to know...
Oct 06 18:05:46 <Dickbutt> So she does have a penis then
Oct 06 18:09:01 <Dickbutt> I think dick was just a phase for me too
Oct 06 18:39:22 <Dickbutt> tsarompy don`t you have a girlfriend with a peni
s to be whipped by or is she busy?
Oct 07 12:41:28 <tweek`> the buffet place here sucks dick
Oct 07 12:58:32 <cykros> even if they're getting pounded by like, a huge
monster dick, they just kind of have a blank stare
Oct 07 13:29:41 <Draeko> !dick JARVIS
Oct 07 14:06:36 <ganja> I heard aspartame makes your dick fly off.
Oct 07 15:51:58 <Fruitloop> !forecast dick
Oct 07 15:52:00 <JARVIS> dick: Tuesday: Partly cloudy. Lows overnight in
the upper 50s. -|- Tuesday Night: Some clouds. Low 58F. Winds ENE at 5 to 10 mph
Oct 07 16:59:52 <Fruitloop> dick parking is a thing you know?
Oct 09 04:31:53 <Fruitloop> a little distraught after benflex being a dick e
Oct 09 05:03:37 <deathamphetamine> !dick at the dock
Oct 09 05:03:38 * JARVIS throws a dick at at the dock.
Oct 09 05:03:49 <ganja> !dick !dock
Oct 09 05:03:50 <tweek`> god damn my dick is all swollen top to bottom
Oct 09 05:03:50 * JARVIS throws a dick at !dock.
Oct 09 05:04:13 <deathamphetamine> !addquote <tweek`> god damn my dick is a
ll swollen top to bottom
Oct 09 05:04:14 <JARVIS> deathamphetamine: Added "<tweek`> god damn my di
ck is all swollen top to bottom" to the AddQuote database.
Oct 09 05:04:19 <ganja> !dock !dick
Oct 09 05:04:24 <ganja> !dock !dick !dock
Oct 09 05:04:27 <ganja> !dock !dick !dock !dick
Oct 09 05:04:35 <tweek`> i had part of my dick cut off today, deathamphet
Oct 09 05:04:51 <Fruitloop> tweek` your dick is in our prayers
Oct 09 05:05:12 <Fruitloop> his dick after all is another DV member entirely
Oct 09 05:06:23 <Fruitloop> tweek` sorry I don`t mean to add insult to injur
y, but it is kind of hard to not say something about a swollen dick
Oct 09 05:06:29 <tweek`> my dick is only for one girl now
Oct 09 05:06:40 <tweek`> she's the only one allowed to touch my enormous
Oct 09 05:06:58 <ganja> relax tweek` nobody wants to touch your dick
Oct 09 05:10:02 <tweek`> while my dick is all bloody
Oct 09 05:19:54 <ganjew> mr. dick butt
Oct 09 05:23:53 <ganjew> he wants your penis idxln
Oct 09 07:09:33 <tweek`> every time i try to lie down, i just get dick ac
hes and im all hyperactive from the hydro and trams
Oct 09 09:01:39 <tweek`> dont be a dick, man
Oct 09 09:02:16 <tsarompy> shoulda taken better care of your dick then
Oct 09 09:21:50 <Fruitloop> Well if you find out she has a dick give me her
Oct 09 09:21:52 <tsarompy> shes gonna dick you down hard DrFysh
Oct 09 09:23:27 <tsarompy> with a big ass dick
Oct 09 09:25:01 <Fruitloop> or a girl with a huge penis
Oct 09 09:25:29 <tsarompy> well i actually view my girlfriend as a person a
nd not a willing inviting orifice for my cock
Oct 09 09:27:21 <sigint> My dick makes a sound like a thunderbolt strikin
g when I cum.
Oct 09 09:28:05 <DrFysh> yeah u kinda a dick at times
Oct 09 09:28:35 <Fruitloop> I am not a dick
Oct 09 09:44:12 <Fruitloop> Does she have a dick?
Oct 09 09:44:19 <sigint> even if she does have a dick
Oct 09 09:46:15 <sigint> Yeah, because she has a dick.
Oct 09 09:47:59 <tsarompy> you dick
Oct 09 12:23:57 <DrFysh> j/k im not god, gods a dick
Oct 09 14:34:59 <choppy> This is Dick Drizzle reporting on "dripping" the
new phenomenon to take the nation by storm!
Oct 09 15:21:50 <cykros> it's called whiskey dick for a reason
Oct 09 15:58:40 <Dickbutt> death needs a light switch in the shape of a pen
Oct 10 15:48:20 <Fruitloop> yeah we talk about dick equally as much as tussi
Oct 10 15:48:32 <Fruitloop> When you think about it dick kind of goes with t
Oct 10 15:48:40 <ataraxia> dick is just as important as tussin dont you kno
Oct 10 15:48:53 <ganja> !addquote <ataraxia> dick is just as important as tussin
dont you know
Oct 10 15:48:54 <JARVIS> ganja: Added "<ataraxia> dick is just as importa
nt as tussin dont you know" to the AddQuote database.
Oct 10 15:49:22 <madison> !addquote <ataraxia> dick is just as important a
s tussin dont you know
Oct 10 15:49:23 <JARVIS> madison: Added "<ataraxia> dick is just as impor
tant as tussin dont you know" to the AddQuote database.
Oct 10 15:53:36 <madison> ganja ur not a dick docker?
Oct 10 15:53:55 <benflex> since I don't want dick
Oct 10 15:56:29 <benflex> that my dick hurt
Oct 10 15:56:50 <john> we dont care about your lil dick benflex
Oct 10 16:48:49 <DickServ> dick dick dick dick dick dick dick
Oct 10 17:21:06 <choppy> man my dv friend is pissed at me, hes being a re
al dick
Oct 10 19:51:59 <madison> a dick?
Oct 10 19:52:20 <Fruitloop> dick is always an option
Oct 10 19:52:43 <ganja> politicians pass amendments where you can put your dick
and what hole
Oct 10 19:58:13 <madison> !dock dick-a-dock
Oct 10 19:58:13 * ganja docks dicks with dick-a-dock
Oct 10 20:36:39 <ganja> drugs dick users define dicks
Oct 10 20:38:41 <ganja> im on that truth tourettes 2014 sippin on lean im like t
hree sixes puffin green ted bundi chop your throat in rwanda leave you broke lik
e burundi rest on sunday smoke a quarter ounce of green thru monday yay yerms ma
rmalade yips dick dock a dick click
Oct 10 20:52:31 <Fruitloop> I smoke cock
Oct 10 23:26:30 <ganja> scientific studies show that boofing bath salts on the d
aily may increase your intelligence and lengthen your penis
Oct 10 23:34:15 <ganja> lets talk about your dick
Oct 11 01:03:16 <tsarompy> keep sucking ganjas cock matthew
Oct 11 01:03:27 <ozzmotik> tsarompy: will u suck my cock
Oct 11 01:05:39 <ganja> madison, my dick is currently not docked
Oct 11 01:14:38 <ganja> fuck you tsarompy now suck my cock
Oct 11 01:16:31 <tsarompy> id rather put my dick in the garbage disposal th
an soulless_
Oct 11 01:17:55 <ganja> tsarompy why are you making me look like such a dick i n
ever did any of those things
Oct 11 07:44:09 <ganja> thats random as a dick on a stick gettin licked by a fis
h on bath salts in a big poofy hat that says IHAVEAIDS on a wendesday afternoon
Oct 12 11:48:19 <fagnigger> dude cut off your fucking fag dick
Oct 12 11:48:23 <JARVIS> <Draeko> of course chibit joins in when penis is
Oct 12 12:03:22 <death> look, just stop being an uptight dick
Oct 12 12:04:01 <Lollipop> is it about dick talk hour yet?
Oct 12 12:08:52 <Lollipop> Dick?
Oct 12 12:17:36 <idxln> ganja will you shut the fuck up about dick docking
Oct 12 12:18:42 <Lollipop> I docked dick with a hotdog before
Oct 12 12:40:33 <SpiderJeruze> so postirony can suck my dick
Oct 12 12:48:05 <SpiderJeruze> cuz I'm pretty sure most straight women secretly
love dick and hate other women
Oct 12 12:51:41 <idxln> OH GOD MMM MY ZERO INCH COCK
Oct 12 12:52:18 <Lollipop> We all know you like dick
Oct 12 12:52:32 <idxln> yeah every dick on the planet except your mealy, scabby
redneck cock
Oct 12 12:52:52 <Lollipop> redneck cock is a kind of chicken actually
Oct 12 12:55:23 <psychenot> she likes DICK
Oct 12 13:21:11 <DickDockingSupervisor> idxln u wanna get your dick docked?
Oct 12 13:41:56 <idxln> i mean i would have gone longer but my huge engorged coc
k started to explode all over the CRT
Oct 12 13:46:10 <Lollipop> being hot and fit does not make up for the tiny
Oct 12 14:40:58 <death> it's like, he calls me out for being a dick
Oct 12 14:46:08 <Lollipop> I always imagined SpiderJeruzes dick to be the p
erfect specimen
Oct 12 14:46:35 <SpiderJeruze> my dick has like ingrown hairs on it
Oct 12 14:48:05 <Lollipop> !dick benflex
Oct 12 14:48:06 * JARVIS throws a dick at benflex.
Oct 12 14:48:15 <Draeko> !dick Lollipop
Oct 12 14:48:16 * JARVIS throws a dick at Lollipop.
Oct 12 15:03:12 <tweek`> he lost a family member, idxln. learn empathy a
nd don't be such a dick
Oct 12 15:08:17 <spacefunk> my dick hit the water
Oct 12 15:12:22 <DrFysh> u gotta stuff cock somehere
Oct 12 15:12:35 <spacegiraffe> cock surfing is fun
Oct 12 15:19:06 <ataraxia> whiskey dick
Oct 12 16:08:48 <cykros> and people always think i'm just being a dick
Oct 12 17:24:43 <GENIUS> rewindthesecond that's only a theory based on th
e teachings of the catholic church its about as legitimate as creationism, the d
ick theory of docking is actually science... it's clearly observed that docking
is quite natural and causes no brain damage at all in fact, docking dicks daily
is recommended by doctors to lower your heterosexuality
Oct 12 17:25:06 <GENIUS> its said docking a dick a day is actually health
ier than having a glass of red wine
Oct 12 17:27:12 <GENIUS> its docking dicks that cured depression in peopl
e with treatment resistent depression, its also completely natural for two men t
o dock dicks i mean look, man has dock and dick like woman penis and pussy
Oct 12 17:27:14 <GENIUS> dick and dock
Oct 12 17:31:26 <Fruitloop> I am about to dock dick
Oct 12 17:31:45 <GENIUS> when we all get in syncronized psyhotic benders
on dxm we shold do it while believing in dick docking as the ultimate lulz
Oct 12 17:33:18 <GENIUS> there will be dxm and also a special guest speak
er, sir elton john will give a lecture on docking dicks and how docking has made
his dick longer
Oct 12 17:34:34 <ataraxia> when he isnt being a dick hes pretty hilarious
Oct 12 17:35:56 <GENIUS> its possible rewindthesecond, we could all dick
Oct 12 17:41:51 <GENIUS> he was walking on the sidewalk and was run over
by some dick
Oct 12 17:43:10 <Fruitloop> You can`t stop talking about dick docking
Oct 12 17:43:18 <GENIUS> because its really docked at this point the dick
has been docked and its just docking an old dick
Oct 12 17:43:21 <GENIUS> redocking a dick
Oct 12 17:44:04 <Fruitloop> Docking dick
Oct 12 17:45:20 <benflex> but you might get aids from dick docking
Oct 12 17:45:21 <Fruitloop> pretty sure dick docking causes brain damage tho
Oct 12 17:45:50 <GENIUS> benflex you get aids from my dick docked with yo
ur cock
Oct 12 17:46:06 <GENIUS> cock docking
Oct 12 17:48:07 <GENIUS> hickory dickory dock, the cock went up the bott
Oct 12 17:48:23 <GENIUS> the cock came down and jizzed a frown and poop c
ame tumbling after
Oct 12 17:48:43 <Fruitloop> mother dick docker
Oct 12 18:01:36 <Fruitloop> AgentLemon you into dick docking?
Oct 12 18:02:14 <digi> The fuck do you care if your dick is docked?
Oct 12 18:03:04 <Fruitloop> This whole place is one giant group dick dock
Oct 12 18:03:14 <GENIUS> digi docking dicks between gays is a sacred bond
between a dick and a dock, its eternal dockage between one penis
Oct 12 18:03:27 <GENIUS> two gays, becoming one penis in docking
Oct 12 18:04:22 <GENIUS> i dont support heterosexual docking, it should n
ot be legal, not that im heterophobic but its between a dick and a dock thats fo
r the gays and traditional docking needs to be preserved
Oct 12 18:06:35 <bugg> ben is testy tonight. someone needs their dick docked
Oct 12 18:08:14 * Fruitloop docks dick with benflex
Oct 12 18:08:28 <GENIUS> benflex i guess ill have to be more aware, thank
s for moderating me i appreciate your being a dick to me
Oct 12 18:08:32 <GENIUS> youre such a dick man
Oct 12 18:09:03 <Fruitloop> I bet benflex has docked dick hundreds of times
Oct 12 18:09:11 <GENIUS> great friend benflex, hed moderate his friends a
nd be a huge dick to any of them
Oct 12 18:09:57 <digi> Can we take a #dv Dick Poll?
Oct 12 18:10:52 <digi> Question #1. How would you describe the relationship be
tween your mind and your penis?
Oct 12 18:11:25 <Fruitloop> The great flood of dick dockings
Oct 12 18:11:26 <GENIUS> and what did god do on the 7th day? dock his dic
Oct 12 18:11:43 <digi> Question #3. How many standard deviations does your pen
is differ from the mean penis length for males residing in your municipality in
the same age group?
Oct 12 18:12:52 <digi> Fruitloop, that's what you said about my penis that one
Oct 12 18:13:36 <Fruitloop> I have docked dick before
Oct 12 18:14:02 <bugg> i theorize that its because my dick is so big
Oct 12 18:14:11 <GENIUS> Fruitloop pics or it didnt happen, your gayness
has never even been proved how on earth could you verify that your dick was dock
ed or vice versa
Oct 12 18:14:29 <GENIUS> god said to the jews yo btw before u do anything
cut the skin off your dick
Oct 12 18:17:27 <GENIUS> i dont dock dicks with god myself, everyone dock
s their dick with him its gross
Oct 12 18:18:39 <AgentLemon> GENIUS> i dont dock dicks with god myself, every
one docks their dick with him its gross
Oct 12 18:19:08 <Fruitloop> I wonder if the quran has dick docking stories?
Oct 12 18:20:42 <Fruitloop> thou shalt not bear false witness against thy di
ck docker
Oct 12 18:20:59 <Fruitloop> Honour thy dick and thy docker
Oct 12 18:21:20 <Fruitloop> Remember the sabbath day, to keep it dick docker
Oct 12 18:22:23 <Fruitloop> Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image o
f dick docking
Oct 12 18:22:41 <GENIUS> why not ban docking on the sabbath you rest your
Oct 12 18:23:43 <Fruitloop> help us become better dick dockers
Oct 12 18:24:31 <GENIUS> i was recklessly docking my dick to deliver bath
salts that i caused a ton of damage to the pier
Oct 12 18:25:47 <Fruitloop> niggers have it the easiest for dick docking
Oct 12 18:27:40 <GENIUS> if they docked dicks it was not that they were f
ree to do so but managed to dock cock while also picking cotton
Oct 12 18:28:14 <GENIUS> docking a black cock into a white dock was illeg
al until 2012
Oct 12 18:28:15 <bugg> lets chill with the dick docking for a while
Oct 12 18:28:21 <Fruitloop> http://assets.diylol.com/hfs/610/545/68c/resized
Oct 12 19:08:22 <madison> i need to tie up my dick at the pier
Oct 12 19:26:02 <GENIUS> SpiderJeruz_ you need to get field experience to
major in dick docking i dont really wanna do it
Oct 12 19:26:43 <SpiderJeruz_> I'll maybe minor in dick docks
Oct 12 19:28:57 <Fruitloop> how about dick docking?
Oct 12 19:29:26 <GENIUS> Fruitloop dick docking is a minor in Gay
Oct 12 19:45:30 <GENIUS> SpiderJeruz_ you should get a bachelors in sucki
n dick for coke
Oct 12 19:45:52 <GENIUS> fruitloop dont you have a certification for suck
ing dick for coke
Oct 12 19:46:11 <idxln> i've never sucked dick for coke
Oct 12 19:47:45 <SpiderJeruz_> than suckin' dick for coke
Oct 12 19:48:05 <idxln> dude sucking dick for coke is so much better
Oct 12 19:48:40 <GENIUS> dude its really like you will do anything for co
ke but certified youll suck a dick
Oct 12 19:55:21 <Fruitloop> he is on dick docking
Oct 12 19:59:08 <562AAAQ5I> tweek` you're a dick head
Oct 12 20:13:07 <madison> thats one dick he'll never dock
Oct 12 20:20:57 <562AAAQ5I> tweek` hows your dick healing do you think you w
ill ever dock again
Oct 12 20:25:43 <madison> but im also a dick
Oct 12 20:25:56 <madison> of being a dick
Oct 12 20:32:09 <idxln> mmm OH MY GOD mmm my LSD COCK is SO full of drugs and OH
MY GOD fractals
Oct 12 20:34:06 <bathsalts> DrFysh i heard you had to suck tweek`'s dick and
pay 200$ to get unbanned one time
Oct 12 20:40:01 <bathsalts> tweek` youre still a dick for zlining me and try
ing to get with my girlfriend
Oct 12 20:52:12 <bathsalts> god is a dick not a nice guy who feeds the poor
and tells people to love one another, god is a bipolar piece of shit who will no
t hesitate to kill everyone you love and torture you to prove a point to satan h
ow people worship you because that god is such a dick
Oct 12 20:52:51 <bathsalts> thats judaism vs christianity, christianity is j
esus as the messiah and judaism the messiah is always coming never comes, god's
a dick and ypi
Oct 12 21:59:31 <n__a> SO WE PUT DEEZ NUTZ BY DIS DICK
Oct 12 22:11:46 <idexalone> dude my penis right now smells like jumbo shrimp
with butter and vinegar and a side of haddock
Oct 12 22:12:20 <n__a> Fruitloop's penis smell like
Oct 12 22:12:34 <tweek`> fruitloop's dick is the pinkest of them all
Oct 12 22:12:57 <n__a> Fruitloop's dick is tainted
Oct 12 22:19:22 <idexalone> and it smells almost exactly like my penis
Oct 12 22:20:52 <tweek`> you keep talking about your filthy dick
Oct 12 22:21:03 <idexalone> at least i have a dick, not some mangled heap of
scar tissue
Oct 12 22:21:52 <idexalone> tie your cock to your ear
Oct 12 22:22:41 <williammacy> tuna fish penis
Oct 12 22:26:41 <Fruitloop> idexalone did you barf from the smell of your ow
n dick?
Oct 12 22:30:02 <idexalone> smelling my shrimpy dick
Oct 12 22:34:45 <williammacy> need me to suck on that dick while you smoke tha
t wet
Oct 12 22:35:41 <williammacy> wet that dick while you smoke that wet
Oct 12 22:57:19 <ataraxia> you're just a dick
Oct 12 22:58:56 <madison> n__a u better fuck off or i'm never suckin ur di
ck again
Oct 12 22:59:08 <n__a> madison, suck a dick homie
Oct 12 22:59:35 <digi> !addquote <madison> n__a u better fuck off or i'm never
suckin ur dick again <n__a> madison, suck my dick homie <n__a> idgaf
Oct 12 22:59:36 <JARVIS> digi: Added "<madison> n__a u better fuck off or
i'm never suckin ur dick again <n__a> madison, suck my dick homie <n__a> idgaf"
to the AddQuote database.
Oct 12 23:03:33 <n__a> funny you were on my dick 5 mins ago madison
Oct 12 23:45:45 <n__a> YO PIANO SONGS SUCK DICK NIGGA
Oct 12 23:56:17 <n__a> SUCK A DICK DEATH
Oct 12 23:56:24 <death> a dick death?
Oct 12 23:56:54 <death> why is your dick dead
Oct 13 00:26:44 <cykros> digi: don't be a dick, lol
Oct 13 13:47:42 <madison> gotta tie your dick up at the pier
Oct 13 14:35:14 <Fruitloop> tuna... is that why your dick smelled like fish?
Oct 13 15:18:29 <cykros> oakland seems like the place to be in the bay ar
ea, but i'd feel like a dick if i ever moved there.
Oct 13 15:49:08 <Fruitloop> You can always consult your penis gland
Oct 15 01:33:55 <JARVIS> <SaintWalker> nigga, you cant tell a butt from a
dick, how you gonna be gay?
Oct 15 02:16:11 * ataraxia knits a doily in the shape of a dick
Oct 15 02:17:10 * ataraxia gifts spacemonk a dick doily too
Oct 15 02:20:52 <Fruitloop> http://www.missionmission.org/wp-content/uploads
Oct 15 03:56:29 <Fruitloop> I just seen the weirdest dick on the internet
Oct 15 03:57:25 <Itchy_DexBot|Pot> when tweek` says "I just seen the wierde
st dick on the internet" I would be like alright so
Oct 15 04:12:38 <Itchy_DexBot|Pot> is it a penis?
Oct 15 04:51:23 <Itchy_DexBot|Pot> https://imgur.com/a/cFhfb dick oragami
Oct 15 06:31:16 <benflex> all about how I got a dick in my butt
Oct 15 06:58:26 <tsarompy> i just cant feel respected in a relationship wit
h a cock in my mouth
Oct 15 07:24:09 <tsarompy> you never knew your dick was so light
Oct 17 00:50:45 <Draeko> !dick JARVIS
Oct 21 00:48:00 <nigtv> ive never known the joy of an uncut dick to play with
Oct 21 00:51:06 <Fruitloop> We are talking about dick
Oct 21 00:51:27 <bugg> i think i might get some dick tomorrow
Oct 21 00:51:32 <madison> we're talkin bout tweeks dick obv
Oct 21 01:29:53 <Fruitloop> The way she grabs that blowup dolls dick at the
end is a little frightening though
Oct 21 02:25:51 <spacegiraffe> ive never had any dick
Oct 21 02:27:10 <tsarompy> he thinks you like black dick
Oct 21 02:27:13 <tsarompy> do you like black dick Fruitloop
Oct 21 02:27:27 <tsarompy> i hate black dick
Oct 21 02:29:37 <Fruitloop> black dick is too big for my taste
Oct 21 02:32:11 <tsarompy> well my dick isnt that little
Oct 21 02:37:58 <tsarompy> im sure the guy that said I SUCK BLACK LOADS OUT
OF THUG COCK wants love too
Oct 21 02:39:37 <tsarompy> if you cant tell her you like cock sometimes, wh
y are you married
Oct 21 02:40:21 <Fruitloop> Manbear beer man looking for sexy thin twink who
likes monster ginger dick
Oct 21 02:40:39 <tsarompy> i sent you a picture of my dick
Oct 21 02:41:22 <Fruitloop> I just don`t go around generously showing my dic
k pics to anyone, even IRC friends
Oct 21 03:39:40 <Fruitloop> awesome tweek` your dick is now ready
Oct 21 04:47:38 <Fruitloop> You can go suck a dick BAHTRPPM
Oct 21 05:53:48 <ataraxia> lol madison likes women but likes dick too
Oct 21 06:08:54 <Derock> lawdy lawdy na girls are sick in the head they d
on't need srs relationships they do need affection and penis though
Oct 21 06:26:57 <Fruitloop> one time I didn`t have the cock knob turned quit
e right and lit it and the fucker blew out a nice flame
Oct 23 00:48:28 <Fruitloop> !dick rewindthesecond
Oct 23 00:48:29 * JARVIS throws a dick at rewindthesecond.
Oct 23 00:53:48 <Fruitloop> !dick steve
Oct 23 00:53:49 * JARVIS throws a dick at steve.
Oct 23 01:09:32 <n__u> im da weiner of da dick sizin contest
Oct 23 02:09:35 <Fruitloop> because you don`t have a penis
Oct 24 13:19:42 <SpiderJeru> "SHE WANT MY DICK IN HER MOUTH ALL DAY"
Oct 24 14:17:25 <ozzmotik> get your penis out of my ear
Oct 24 14:17:45 <Jesus_Of_Nazareth> then bam you become cock eyed
Oct 24 18:01:42 <naruto> penis
Oct 24 18:01:53 <naruto> Penis.
Oct 24 18:02:01 <Fruitloop> Penis
Oct 24 21:50:40 <Fruitloop> god my cat is a dick, I move my laptop so his he
ad is not on the keyboard, so he gets up, moves a few inches so he can lay his f
ucking head back on the keyboard
Oct 24 22:11:14 <n__u> im tryna make this dick internationl
Oct 24 22:12:18 <n__u> im tryna make this dick interional
Oct 24 22:12:39 <Fruitloop> international dick
Oct 24 22:13:06 <Fruitloop> so what does international dick look like anyway
Oct 24 22:15:26 <spacegiraffe> this girl isn't going to feel anything when I th
rust my dick into the mic
Oct 24 23:35:24 <madison> dick docking is so passe
Oct 24 23:36:25 <ataraxia> !dick naruto
Oct 24 23:36:26 * JARVIS throws a dick at naruto.
Oct 24 23:38:20 <Fruitloop> made my dick fall off
Oct 24 23:39:41 <Fruitloop> fucking pulseaudio can suck a dick, audio is dea
d and need to close my laptop and open again to get audio
Oct 25 00:27:53 <Fruitloop> !dick butt
Oct 25 00:27:54 * JARVIS throws a dick at butt.
Oct 25 00:28:24 <Fruitloop> I just like the occasional dick
Oct 25 00:28:38 <digi> !dick count
Oct 25 00:28:39 * JARVIS throws a dick at count.
Oct 25 00:45:28 <ozzmotik> chops_dicks, can i chop ur dick
Oct 25 00:45:39 <ozzmotik> chops_dicks, can i chop ur dick
Oct 25 00:45:51 <ozzmotik> chops_dicks, can i chop ur dick
Oct 25 00:46:08 <ozzmotik> Fruitloop, idk why there's much talk of dick cho
Oct 25 00:51:54 <chops_dicks> but i mean, he sent me a picture of his dick ear
Oct 25 00:54:18 <Fruitloop> Everyone here likes sucking dick
Oct 25 00:54:42 <Fruitloop> If you think you don`t like sucking dick, you ju
st haven`t tried it enough
Oct 25 01:58:54 <Fruitloop> fucking lazy dick
Oct 25 02:21:59 <postirony> penis colada
Oct 25 02:22:58 <rewindthesecond> is a penis colada a penis with coconut o
il on it
Oct 25 02:31:16 <rewindthesecond> what a dick
Oct 25 02:35:57 <rewindthesecond> would you have to measure average dick l
ength to ascertain a winner
Oct 25 13:53:39 <SpiderJeruZ_> with my dick
Oct 25 14:48:33 <Draeko> eat a dick bitch
Oct 25 14:49:05 <Draeko> youre a dick and youre obnoxious
Oct 25 15:29:31 <idxln> is it like the South Park thing where he sucks a dick an
d gets it up the butt to drive his bicycle?
Oct 25 15:30:15 <anicow> and the white girl is like 'im just a black cock
slut dad'
Oct 25 15:30:55 <anicow> 'shes a black cock slut now dad, excellent'
Oct 25 15:39:25 <anicow> and bbc is big black cock
Oct 25 15:41:34 <idxln> no but she sucked my dick good
Oct 25 23:01:07 <naruto> Fruitloop: penis?
Oct 25 23:02:47 <migbee> Ataraxia being a total dick
Oct 25 23:03:03 <ataraxia> lol how am i being a dick
Oct 25 23:03:43 <migbee> No Ataraxia Rob was banned for being a total dic
Oct 25 23:04:13 <naruto> now suck my cock
Oct 25 23:05:15 <SpiderJeruZ_> you mean smuggle his dick in your ass to funky t
Oct 25 23:05:59 <naruto> docking dick joke #432545312452344
Oct 25 23:06:05 <JARVIS> Hey! Get your dick out of there!
Oct 25 23:07:01 <ataraxia> if i had a dick i might have to consider docking
Oct 25 23:07:33 <SpiderJeruZ_> I got my dick out
Oct 25 23:08:32 <naruto> suck my cock!
Oct 25 23:08:51 <ataraxia> !dick naruto
Oct 25 23:08:52 * JARVIS throws a dick at naruto.
Oct 25 23:15:12 <ataraxia> vine is a huge dick

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