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Johnston Karate Network - Selected Blog Posts, 2014

Owen Johnston
Working through n!ur"
Strength in the Face of Injury: 5 Lessons Learned
%hese 5 "essons are great& %he 'st "esson to "earn( though( in my opinion( is to respect your ody ) !now your
"imits so that you don*t train to injury. +ut I thin! "esson , in the artic"e is proa"y the most important& -ou
ha$e to wor! around the injury ) ut what this forces you to do is "earn new things aout yourse"f and new things
aout training.
.e ha$e had an e/ce""ent discussion so far on this topic. 0ead on o$er to the forums to join in #
#iking $or health
I "o$e ta!ing so"itary hi!es to ;dec"utter< the mind and recharge emotiona""y. O$ious"y( it*s a"so hea"thy for the
ody& It can promote one hea"th and he"p "ower the ris! of heart disease. I a"so find that I can get a decent
cardio wor!out if I go on a "ong hi!e on a difficu"t to na$igate trai" whi"e !eeping up a ris! ;power wa"!ing< pace.
0i!ing up hi""s especia""y is a good wor!out for the "egs& Sometimes whi"e on a hi!e out in the woods( I*"" c"im a
tree o$er jump o$er natura" ostac"es for the muscu"ar enefits.$>?wuI@h77Aew
%rain like Bruce &ee
+odyui" ) 9nter %he Si/#Bac!: %rain Li!e +ruce Lee
40 years ago, young athletes found inspiration in Bruce Lees peerless intensity and wiry strength.
Not much has changed since. Get out the heavy bag and mae Lees training style wor for you!
%his is SC80 a great resource& I*"" share it with my students and perhaps ma!e some printouts of it. +ruce was
definite"y ahead of his time when it came to strength training and proper nutrition for martia" arts. 0e was one of
the inspirations for me to start thorough"y researching as much as I cou"d aout the martia" arts( nutrition( and
strength ) and I !now it*s the same for many practitioners.
%here is a "ot I "i!e aout the training programs "isted.
7ariety of e/ercises( eDuipment( routines( and rep / set schemes. %his can pre$ent training oredom.
+ui"t#in progression princip"es. ' to 5 sets of fai"ure has a "ot of room for progression. -ou can a"so ui"d up from
the shorter routines up to +ruce Lee*s routines. -ou can a"ways ;go eyond< one of the ody weight e/ercises
"isted y adding weightE etc.
+a"ance ) e$ery side of the ody is trained. :o ody part is ignored. Fs we !now( muscu"ar ima"ances are
unhea"thy and can "imit strength gains( as we"" as "ead to ad posture and injury. Broper muscu"ar a"ance and
o$era"" symmetry( howe$er( are $ery eneficia" to hea"th and ath"etics.
Functiona"ity ) for one( no training moda"ity was ignored in +ruce*s Duest for functiona" ath"etic prowess( and a""
of these e/ercises are among those he stuc! with. One major princip"e of his wor!outs was using compound
e/ercises( meaning that they in$o"$e mu"tip"e joints or musc"es. %he compound mo$ements he used train the
ody in ways that the ody was meant to e used( instead of the unnatura"( potentia""y injurious mo$ements used
y many serious weight"ifters. %he sDuat wor!s practica""y the entire ody and promote an anao"ic en$ironment
in the ody( as we"". SDuats a"so he"p you run faster and jump higher ) meaning that sDuats are $ery functiona"
for ath"etes& Other compound e/ercises such as pu""ups( pushups( ridging( and many !ett"ee"" e/ercises ha$e
simi"ar enefits.
Fnother pair of good resources that are re"e$ant to the ao$e resource #
SDuats: 3 reasons to do this misunderstood e/ercise
+enefits of compound e/ercises/wor!outs re$ea"ed.
%raining 'rogra( $or $itness client
I wrote up a program for a new fitness c"ient. She is more or "ess tota""y new to eing in a dedicated fitness
program( ut she wants to "ose weight( tone up( and "oo! good at the each. Fs such( the program had to start her
off with the asics. I chose a short "ist of training progressions for ody weight e/ercises( orrowed from the
8on$ict 8onditioning system. %he goa" is to gent"y train e$ery area of the ody with easy( therapeutic ca"isthenics
e/ercises. Once the goa" numer of repetitions for an e/ercise is attained( with good form( we wi"" mo$e up in the
progression( in order to continue ui"ding strength ) which of course wi"" a"so add some "ean musc"e mass.
0ere are the major reasons why I wi"" !eep the c"ient on a steady diet of ca"isthenics. Gost ca"isthenics e/ercises
are compound mo$ements( meaning they act on mu"tip"e joints. %his means more musc"es eing wor!ed instead
of on"y wor!ing one musc"e in iso"ation. Stai"i?er musc"es get wor! as we"". Fs such( ca"isthenics ui"d functiona"
ath"etic strength( and as a resu"t( wi"" ta!e the physiDue to optima" de$e"opment ) not some frea!y ;musc"e
maga?ine< "oo!. :ot on"y that( they protect and strengthen the joints and connecti$e tissues( un"i!e hea$y
weights wor!. Last"y( a steady diet of ca"isthenics norma"i?es and regu"ates ody fat "e$e"s. F"" of these fa"" in "ine
with my c"ient*s goa"s.
I a"so need to e/p"ain a it aout why re"ati$e"y high repetitions are the way to go with ca"isthenics. %he ear"y
techniDues in each progression ha$e a rehai"itati$e effect( especia""y when done for the $ery high repetition
count ca""ed for in the progression standards. HOf course( when you mo$e up in difficu"ty( it wi"" dri$e rep counts
down.I 0igh reps a"so ingrain proper form( as we"" as demonstrate strength in a particu"ar techniDue. H.ho*s
stronger at pushups= Someone who can do '1( or ,1=I Of course( if you want to continue ui"ding strength
through ca"isthenics( you can*t simp"y continue adding repetitions. Ft some point you ha$e to ma!e an e/ercise
more difficu"t( which wi"" mean you wi"" not e a"e to do as many repetitions. Jenera""y( to go eyond ,1 or 51
reps is to $enture into endurance ui"ding( rather than strength. %his depends on the e/ercise and the person(
;0igher reps ha$e the added enefit of f"ushing more "ood to the joints and nourishing carti"age. %his is why
you see high reps used to aid reco$ery from injuries in reha programs.<
8ontinued on ne/t page
%raining 'rogra( $or $itness client, 'age 2
+e"ow is a s"ight"y modified $ersion of what I wrote up for her:
.e wi"" ui"d up to doing a"" of the e"ow warmups( mo$es( and ho"ds. Bic! at "east one day during the wee! to do
a"" of the mo$es. -ou cou"d instead do your repetitions of one mo$e( per day. HSuch as doing your pushups on
Gonday( sDuats on %uesday( etc.I F"ways rememer to warm up for at "east 5 to '1 minutes efore doing any of
the other e/ercises. Fnything that gets your heart pumping. F"so( rememer to stretch and wor! on your joints.
-ou don*t want to do anything too rigorous right efore doing the e/ercises( or it wi"" ta!e away from them.
%he guide e"ow inc"udes some other routines we can orrow from "ater on once we ha$e you used to the asics.
%he point is not to get stuc! on routines( ut to teach you the approach so that you can e your own coach and
figure out what routines are est for you.$ictK8onditioningKSCB9LKFFM.pdf
%raining 'rogra( $or $itness client, 'age 2
I recommend doing a"" of the "isted mo$es and ho"ds in one routine( since it ma!es for a fu"" ody routine. -our
goa" at first is a minimum of '1 repetitions per e/ercise. %hat wou"d ma!e one set of '1 repetitions. If you !now
you can do more of the e/ercise( try to do a second set of at "east '1 repetitions. If you can do a third set of any
e/ercise( great& If you can on"y do one set of an e/ercise at first( add repetitions each wee! unti" you can do one
set of ,1 or ,5. %hen( the fo""owing wor!out( try do the ,1 or ,5( then do a second set for as many as you can up
to ,1 or ,5( up to the intermediate standard for the e/ercise.
9$ery e/ercise wi"" ha$e eginner( intermediate( and progression standards. %he set and repetition numers for
the standards tend to differ etween the e/ercises( so here is a chart for con$enience.'6435@5/8on$ict#8onditioning#8harts
Once you can do the intermediate standard of an e/ercise( we*"" start wor!ing towards the progression standard
for it. Once you can hit the progression standard( we*"" e a"e to start a more difficu"t e/ercise. Non*t worry ) we
wi"" e/pect "ess reps of the more difficu"t e/ercise( so we won*t e jumping in at the deep end&
%o go eyond the intermediate standard( simp"y add a few repetitions to the first set the ne/t time you wor! on
that e/ercise.%ry to do as many repetitions in your second set as you did in the first. 9ach wee! you wi"" add
repetitions unti" you can do , sets of the progression standard*s repetitions. For instance( if the progression
standard ca""s for 5 sets of 21( try to ui"d up to , sets of 21. Once you can do that( you can add a third set of at
"east a few repetitions the fo""owing wee!. Focus more on Dua"ity repetitions than Duantity. Fdd repetitions to the
third set of that e/ercise( each wee!( unti" you can hit the progression standard for that e/ercise.
.armup e/ercises ) we*"" go o$er these each wee!. Just do the ones you can rememer whene$er you wor! out(
or design your own warmups. Ft "east inc"ude some !ind of cardio or aeroic acti$ity for 5 to '1 minutes( joint
circ"ing and acti$e stretching Hsuch as shou"der rotationsI. %ry to stretch out a"" of the joints and musc"es you*"" e
using in the wor!out and try to simu"ate the mo$ement patterns you*"" e doing as we"".
%raining 'rogra( $or $itness client, 'age )
Once you hit the progression standard for an e/ercise and "earn the ne/t e/ercise in the progression( you can add
the e/ercise you mastered to warmups. For instance( once you hit the progression standard for inc"ine pushups(
we wi"" mo$e on to !nee"ing pushups( and you wi"" do a short to medium set of inc"ine pushups as part of the
warmups for !nee"ing pushups.
+e"ow are the 5 progressions from 8on$ict 8onditioning that we*"" e drawing from unti" we mo$e up in difficu"ty
a few "e$e"s. Once we ha$e done that( you*"" ha$e the foundation of oth strength and s!i"" to mo$e into other
progressions. %he progressions that we wou"d ranch out to are handstand wor! from 8on$ict 8onditioning( and
other progressions from O$ercoming Jra$ity. HSuch as different types of ring wor! and different handstand
Bushups Hwe*"" start with wa"" pushups or inc"ines depending on what you can doI
Bu""ups Hstarting with $ertica" pu""s ) $ery easyI
Leg raises
:otes: .e*"" try two types of each of the "ast three to see how we shou"d progress. For the time eing we*re going
to wor! on the asics ) getting the form down. +ui"ding up to a "ot of repetitions is important for ingraining the
correct form into your ner$ous system. Of course( this ui"ds your strength in the first stages of "earning( and
then your stamina as you add "ots of reps. Fs you impro$e we*"" !eep twea!ing your form. Once you hit the
progression standard of an e/ercise( we*"" start wor!ing on the ne/t e/ercise in the progression. Sometimes(
though( we wi"" ha$e to ma!e sma"" changes to an e/isting e/ercise( ma!ing it just a it harder( instead of
jumping up in the progression. %his is ecause some in some cases( the ne/t e/ercise in a progression wi"" reDuire
Duite a "ot more strength than the pre$ious one( and may e too difficu"t for you to do for mu"tip"e repetitions. Of
course( I*d sti"" want to teach you how to adjust different $aria"es for e$ery e/ercise you master( so that you can
ma!e them easier or harder( or hit musc"es in different ways.
Summary ) once you master an e/ercise( we*"" find ways to ma!e an e/ercise more difficu"t( or wor! on the ne/t
e/ercise in the progression( and u"timate"y( we*"" wor! on oth.
%a!e a rea! of at "east ' minute( and a ma/imum of 5 minutes( etween sets. One you can hit progression
standard on each e/ercise( your tota" time wor!ing on the e/ercises( with rest rea!s etween sets( wi"" e ,1 to
51 minutes. .ith the warmups and some static ho"ds added in( e$entua""y your wor!outs with me wi"" e 25
minutes to an hour.
Sti""( try to wor! towards the progression standard for e$ery e/ercise I teach you. Fs you add sets and reps( your
wor!out time wi"" increase( meaning more ca"ories urned( your metao"ism wi"" impro$e( cra$ings S0OCLN
"essen( you*"" start "oo!ing and fee"ing etter( and you*"" fee" stronger as we"". Once we*$e mo$ed up a few times in
each progression( you*"" ha$e the strength( stamina( and s!i"" to ranch out into a few other progressions. I can
e/p"ain those to you on Friday if you want.
%raining 'rogra( $or $itness client, 'age 4
:ow for a few ;static ho"ds< ) you wi"" want to ho"d these for at "east '1 seconds each( and ui"d up time each
wor!out. %he goa" is at "east ' minute each.
Lunge ) push off with one foot and step forward as deep"y as you can with the other. For instance( if you step
forward with your "eft "eg( you wi"" want to push off on your right foot. -ou wi"" end up with the front !nee deep"y
ent. Fs you end forward( you shou"d fee" a good stretch on the ac! "eg. Keep the ac! !nee at "east s"ight"y
ent. Once you ui"d up to eing a"e to do a $ery deep "unge( you wi"" want to e on the a"" of the ac! foot.
0o"d the "unge position for at "east '1 seconds and concentrate on stretching as deep"y as you can( without pain.
%he numer one ru"e of any stretch is to do so to the point of mi"d to moderate discomfort( not pain. Bain is your
ody*s way of te""ing you that something is wrong or that you are doing something too hard( or too much. Last"y(
ma!e sure that after you ho"d a "unge with one foot forward( do the same with the other "eg( and try to ho"d the
same amount of time. %ry to add time e$ery wee! unti" you*re ho"ding for 51 seconds( two to four times each "eg(
then we*"" add another static ho"d for the "egs.
Si/ inches ) "ay f"at on your ac! with your !nees straight. Lift your feet @ inches off the f"oor and do :O% end
your !nees& 0o"d your !nees stiff and your feet @ inches off the f"oor for a minimum of '1 seconds. Fdd time each
wor!out unti" you can ho"d for 51 seconds( 2 times Hor more&I
0ori?onta" hang grip ) find something sturdy that you can c"im under and ho"d onto. %his might e a des!(
chair( para""e" ars such as at a gym or par!( or e$en a hand rai" Hsuch as on a whee"chair ramp or a wa"!wayI.
Fgain( ho"d this for at "east '1 seconds and add time each wor!out if possi"e.
Basic te('late * ad+anced training session
I prefer to ha$e s"ight"y sophisticated yet a"so $ery difficu"t training sessions for ad$anced martia" arts students
and competitors. In this post( I detai" a asic temp"ate for this !ind of session( which inc"udes warmups( moi"ity(
strength and conditioning( and martia" arts practice( then a finisher. For students who are tight on time( you can
sDuee?e a"" of this into an hour( if you don*t do as many ;rounds<. 0owe$er( a two hour session is prefera"e.
8ompare to a session at a o/ing gym. On Saturdays( when students ) on a$erage ) wi"" ha$e more time
a$ai"a"e( I wi"" norma""y run two separate sessions ) one for strength and conditioning( and another for martia"
arts practice( oth with ;finishers< ) with a ha"f hour rea! inetween Husua""y with sports drin!s in$o"$edI.
0ere is the asic temp"ate for a conso"idated ;ad$anced< session( which can e modified to suit intermediate
.armup to sweating ) more or "ess depending on goa"s ) ut if you need a "ot of cardio for your goa"s( you*""
need a separate session a"together for it
Joint circ"ing ) primari"y the joints you*"" e using in the wor!out ) do so etween rounds of s!ipping rope or
when you ta!e a rea! during a run
.ater rea!
Gassage and stretch whate$er is stiff ) ta!e 5 to '1 minutes of acti$e stretching
S!i"" wor! ) agi"ity dri""s( hand a"ancing( gymnastics dri""s( whate$er
.armup sets ) wa"" pushups( chair pushups ) that !ind of thing ) easy e/ercises that he"p you warm up to the
mo$ements in the ;wor! sets<
.or! sets Hwi"" depend on goa"s( current "e$e" of conditioning( etcI
.ater rea!
Stretch and ;circ"e< as needed
Gartia" arts asics and dri""s( or forms and app"ications ) depending on the day of the wee! or the sty"e that the
students are wor!ing on that night
Finishers #
Sandag training( sparring( grapp"ing( any reDuired toughening Hfor a sport ) such as rice uc!et training for
asea"" or martia" artsI( whate$er
8oo"downs #
.a"!ing( repeat a few of the warmup sets from ear"ier( that sort of thing
Goi"ity e/ercises as needed for your particu"ar sport or needs Hthe !ey is injury pre$entionI
,ecent workouts
I*"" "ist some of my recent wor!outs here as inspiration for others.
January 7th, 2014 Tuesday
%uesday*s first wor!out goa"s #
.arm up #
5 two minute rounds of s!ipping rope with one minute stretch rea!s inetween
'51O of the 8entury %est whi"e wearing ,1 pound weight $est
%he test is '11 tota" repetitions. Noing '51 tota" reps with perfect form is a good indicator of readiness for the
test at the ca"isthenics wor!shop. %he test is 21 sDuats( 51 pushups H!nee"ing pushups for womenI( ,1 hanging
!nee raises( and '1 pu""ups HFustra"ian pu""ups a!a in$erted rows or hori?onta" pu""ups( for womenI. So( '51O
wou"d e @1 sDuats( 25 pushups H!nee"ing for womenI( 51 hanging !nee raises( and '5 pu""ups Hhori?onta" for
F" Ka$ad"o on %he 8entury ) B88 +"og
Fctua" resu"ts #
I comp"eted two rounds of s!ipping rope and fe"t pretty warmed up. I*"" do the third one "ater.
SDuats ) "egs started urning at 51( ut I sDuee?ed out the "ast ten a "itt"e s"ower( and sti"" with good form.
Ginute rea!.
Bushups ) arms were urning at 55 s"ow pushups( too! a few short reaths( did another 5( too! another few
reaths( and s"ow"y sDuee?ed out the "ast 5 with good form. Some wor! "eft to do( ut I fe"t good.
Stretched and reathed for a few minutes.
0anging "eg raises ) my hip f"e/ors and as were urning at ,'( ut got to ,5 s"ow ones( then dropped carefu""y
from the ar for a few reaths( then sDuee?ed out the "ast 5. :eed more wor! here( ut fee"ing good.
Stretch rea!.
Bu""ups ) fe"t good on the first 6( s"ight"y cheated on 5 more. Nropped carefu""y and shoo! my arms out for a few
seconds. Fe"t good for another 5 then had to cheat on the "ast two. 8ou"dn*t Duite get my chin o$er the ar on the
"ast two on each set. So( I ha$e a "ot of wor! to do here( ut I fee" good considering I was wearing a weight $est.
I ate a pouch of wi"d caught tuna( dran! an energy shot( and some water( then rested a it. Ffter restingP
Hcontinued on ne/t pageI
,ecent workouts, 'age 2
%uesday*s second wor!out( resu"ts #
8omination of ca"isthenics and sandag training
'Q'1 c"ose underhand grip pu""ups
'Q'5 hori?onta" pu""ups using dip station
5/Farmer*s wa"! with 25 pound sandag in each hand ) "ength of '11 feet and ac!
,Q'1 25 pound sandag swings with one hand( and repeated with other hand
'Q,1 f"at straight "eg raises
,/Sandag carry for '11 feet and ac! ) 41"s of sand in a tra$e" case carried on forearms Hpa"ms up and e"ows
ent at 41 degrees to wor! the iceps as a ;static ho"d<I
'Q,1 f"at straight "eg raises
'Q51 g"ute ridges
'Q@ sumo sDuat upright row with 41"s of sand
'Q,1 wrest"er*s ridge
'Q'5 sumo sDuat upright row with 25"s of sand
'Q'1 dead"ift of '55 pounds of sand
'/ duc! wa"! a "ength of '11 feet and ac! whi"e wearing ,1" $est
'Q,1 wrest"er*s ridge
January 8th, 2014 Wednesday
Karate !ata practice and stri!ing the ma!iwara for warmups
First portion of the wor!out:
.earing ,1" weight $est for the fo""owing:
'Q'1( hori?onta" pu""ups on dip station
'Q6( fa"se grip pu""ups on gymnastics rings
,Q,1( !nuc!"e pushups
'Q6( fa"se grip pu""ups on gymnastics rings
'Q,1( dips on dip station
'Q6( fa"se grip pu""ups on gymnastics rings
'Q,1( dips on dip station Hat 25 degree ang"e to focus on pectora"sI
Lest rea!
Hcontinued on ne/t pageI
,ecent workouts, 'age )
Second portion of the wor!out:
Specia"i?ation e/ercises #
51 seconds( hang grip from pu""up ar( roc! c"imer grip
'1 repetitions each of eag"e c"aw ( wrist rotations( and wrist stretches Hto "oosen up the musc"es and sha!e out
waste ui"dupI
'1 repetitions each of wrist pushups and fingertip pushups Hoth done on !neesI
'1 eag"e c"aws( wrist rotations( and wrist stretches
51 seconds( hang grip from pu""up ar( with one hand on ar and the other hand tight"y ho"ding a fo"ded towe"
dou"ed o$er the ar Hswitched the towe" to the other side after the first 51 seconds( and repeated the hang with
the other hand on the towe"I
'1 eag"e c"aws( wrist rotations( and wrist stretches
'1 repetitions each of wrist pushups and fingertip pushups Hoth done on !neesI
' minute per hand( rice uc!et e/ercises for fingers and wrists
Finisher ) wrist ro""er:
5/( a"" the way up and down( o$erhand grip( with '6.5 pounds
5/( a"" the way up and down( underhand grip( with ,6.5 pounds
9ag"e c"aw ) one repetition > start with the thum and fingers fu""y e/tended( then c"inch the fist tight
Working with new students
One of our regu"ar contriutors o$er at the Gartia" Frts Forums had this to say recent"y.
"i everyone!
#ometimes, it feels lie youre not maing progress if you end up spending a lot of time woring
with the newbies, doesnt it$
% thin youre still maing progress & very, very important progress.
She "in!ed to a "og post of hers where she ta"!s aout ecoming a white e"t again in an art unfami"iar to her( as
we"" as wor!ing with new students and ha$ing to thin! aout e/act"y how to e/p"ain the techniDues. %eaching is
itse"f an art form& I appreciate the fresh perspecti$e on ecoming a white e"t a"" o$er again and !eeping an eye
on techniDue. Fnd I can re"ate ) I ha$e gone o$er the !ihon !ata*s and Bin an !ata*s with students '111s of times.
8ompared to so"o practice( teaching does ma!e you thin! aout "itt"e detai"s ) so a"" those repetitions ha$e
he"ped me twea! my own techniDue Duite a it&
0er "og post ) %he Joy of :ewies
If you wou"d "i!e to join in on the discussion( head on o$er to the thread we ha$e going at the forums #
O$er coaching in martia" arts
+"og post y +amoo Spirit Gartia" Frts 8entre ) O$er 8oaching
%n this post, % e'plore the issue of (over coaching.) "ave any of you e'perienced this$
I certain"y ha$e( and I wonder how common it is in martia" arts instruction= Bersona""y( I had to "earn how to
stri!e a a"ance etween correcting techniDues( and simp"y oser$ing the mo$ements. Occasiona""y I wi"" watch a
student*s performance of a !ata a"" the way through( as! him or her to repeat a certain seDuence( and then
pro$ide correction on it. Csua""y( when I see a student strugg"ing with a particu"ar transition or seDuence( I*""
he"p them dri"" that as a separate mo$ement. So( I do appreciate +amoo Spirit*s "og post for !eeping some
important points in mind and getting teachers to thin! aout their own haits. If you*d "i!e to join in on the
discussion aout this topic( head on o$er #
Karate Princi'les discussion
Lesponses to ;!arate ni sente nashi< ) a "og post y Nan Njurdje$ic( instructor at the Fcademy of %raditiona"
Fighting Frts. 0e is a regu"ar contriutor at the Gartia" Frts Forums and has decades of e/perience.
%ve had two main (contrary) responses to my (*arate ni sente nashi$) article+
'. ;,hats all very interesting, but % prefer this article-) .which goes on to detail e'actly why and
how arate is compatible with pre/emptive striing0.
,. ;% dont have time for your theories & % hit first and hard and that wors for me.)
% thought %d address both of these as succinctly as % can.
Origina" Karate ni sente nashi artic"e #
.e ha$e had a good discussion aout the issues raised in this artic"e( o$er at the forums. 0ead on o$er if you
wou"d "i!e to join in #
Perse+erence in 'ractice
+amoo Spirit Gartia" Frts 8entre: Keep On Bracticing&
%n this blog entry, % tal about incremental improvement and how it can add up over time.
.hen I first egan martia" arts( I cou"dn*t understand how my instructors were a"ways etter y just inches. +ut
that*s right ) incrementa" progress& It is "i!e the "aw of diminishing returnsP-et( as we get o"der( we ha$e to
"earn how to conser$e energy( especia""y against younger students. .ith age comes certain per!s( such as
proficiency in strength and techniDue ) younger men with their high metao"isms and "ac! of e/perience wi"" not
ha$e hit their pea! yet in terms of ui"ding their ath"etic prowess or martia" s!i"". O"der martia" arts ath"etes Hages
55 and o$er ) I am 5@ nowI with a "ot of e/perience and ;tria" and error<( as we"" as a s"ower metao"ism( ha$e
accrued the ath"etic strength and fighting e/perience to !now how to dea" with younger( faster opponents. Indeed
) consistency&
If you want to join in on the discussion( head on o$er #
Kata -o('arison a(ong St"les
0igaonna#sensei performing Seisan. I see simi"arities to .ansu and Fnnan. I !now the JKF .ado!ai $ersion of
the !ata Has Ohtsu!a#sensei performed itI. In comparing the two( the first ;ac! side< pattern Hwith pa"m "oc!s
etc starting at around 51 secondsI gi$es me some ideas on how the re"ated .ado!ai pattern cou"d e used. Gy
understanding that one potentia" un!ai for the .ado!ai $ersion of the pattern is to rea! a grip( "ift the
opponent*s arm( pu"" it ac!( and stri!e to the ody.
%o join in on the discussion of this topic( head on o$er #
Naka.ato Sh/gor0 * -hinto kata
+e"ow is a $ideo of a great performance of the !ata 8hinto. I was "earning the .ado ryu $ersion of the !ata at one
point. %his one isn*t $ery different as far as I can te"".$>tRurwyyBC+G
1aking sense o$ Passai
Frtic"e # Ga!ing Sense of Bassai HFn 9/p"oration of Origin and Sty"eI
%his is a great artic"e on the ;+assai< fami"y of !ata. I*$e seen many $ersions of +assai and !now one that is
simi"ar to +assai as practiced .ado ryu ut with o$ious Shoto!an inf"uences. I can certain"y see why it is ;"i!e
fighting at night< ) "ight ody mo$ements and many hip twists rather than a "ot of "oc!ing motions. I thin! it*s a
mista!e to say that there are "ots of "oc!s in +assai. Fs stated in the artic"e ) there is grapp"ing in there. Some of
the techiDues that some might see as "oc!s may e used as e"ow( hammerfist( or ac!hand stri!es.
2da'ta3ilit" in (artial arts
.e ha$e een discussion the topic of f"e/ii"ity in martia" arts o$er at the Gartia" Frts Forums. One of our
regu"ar posters wrote an artic"e aout the suject( which you can find here #
%he :eed for F"e/ii"ity in Gartia" Frts
Gy sensei a"so taught us aout adapting in our ;un!ai< and how to ;fee"< it out with partners. I ha$e to agree
with other posters in the discussion ) it simp"y can*t e "earned from oo!s or $ideos a"one( no matter how usefu"
they are. It ta!es a "ot of feedac! from partners( and e/pert instruction( to dri"" and interna"i?e the princip"es
ehind the arts we "earn.
2da'ta3ilit" in (artial arts, continued
I "o$e it how the artic"e author*s teacher is open minded and is wi""ing to consider new wrin!"es on o"d
techniDues( etc. Gastery is a"ways e"usi$e( ut chasing after it is a"ways eneficia"&
Fee" free to join in on the discussion here #
Old School Karate %echni4ues
O$er at the Gartia" Frts Forums( we ha$e een discussing the uses of o"d schoo" !arate techniDues and tactics in
mi/ed martia" arts. Lyoto Gachida is a great e/amp"e of these. %he animated gif e"ow does shows the
effecti$eness of !arate sty"e stances in a different conte/t. 0e dodged and intercepted the attac! with a counter of
his own. It is a good e/amp"e of wea$ing defense and attac! together in an efficient manner( and I can see the
!arate inf"uence.
7iew the animated gif e"ow #
8redit to Nan Njurdje$ic for pro$iding the gif. 7isit his Joog"eS profi"e e"ow #
%o read an artic"e aout this suject( chec! it out e"ow #
Lyoto Gachida: O"d Schoo" Karate
If you wou"d "i!e to join in on the con$ersation( head on o$er to the discussion thread #
-li(3 that (ountain5
.hat mountain is in front of you= Noes it seem to e an impossi"e c"im= Keep pushing forward. +e persistent.
It wi"" e a att"e ) no dout aout it. %here wi"" e days that you fee" "i!e gi$ing upPwhere it seems "i!e a"" you
can do is rea! down and cry. %hat*s perfect"y human. Just don*t gi$e up ) if you*re a"ready going through pain(
get a reward for it& -ou are stronger than you imagine. Fighting spirit&&&
;:ow you*re gonna ha$e to go through he"". .orse than any nightmare that you e$er dreamed. +ut in the end( I
!now you*"" e the one standing. -ou !now what you gotta do. No it. No it.<
Loc!y I7 Jreat moti$ationa" speech etween Loc!y and Nu!e #$>8LIKrnC/L6I
6reek Pugilis(
.estern sport o/ing as we !now it today is ased on are !nuc!"e o/ing( which has its roots in the pugi"ism of
ancient Jreece and Lome. +o/ing and wrest"ing were integra" part*s of a young man*s education in o"d Jreece.
%his $ideo demonstrates a reconstruction of Jree! pugi"ism. Loo!ing at the roots of are !nuc!"e o/ing and
wrest"ing can teach us a "ot aout se"f defense& Ban!ration( the fighting art of Jreece( was formed from a
comination of o/ing and wrest"ing.$>26jmO/?u/#3
Post %raining &ini(ent
Bost#.or!out Gusc"e Lu
.hat fo""ows is my modified recipe for a ruing preparation to he"p re"ie$e muscu"ar aches and pains associated
with ath"etic sports. %he recipe is ased on the one recommended in Jac! Nempsey*s 8hampionship Fighting.
5 ounces of .a"greens rand ruing a"coho" Hisopropy" a"coho"I with wintergreen and g"ycerin. 8omes in '@ o?
5 ounces witch ha?e" Hnatura" astringentI. Csua""y found on the same ais"e as the a"coho". .a"greens se""s %.:.
Nic!inson*s rand of .itch 0a?e". 8omes in '@ o? ott"es.
' ounce o"i$e oi" Hin the coo!ing sectionI
.e used a measuring cup to measure the correct amount of f"uid efore pouring it into the mason jar pictured
e"ow. First( 5 ounces of a"coho" was poured in( then 5 ounces of witch ha?e"( and ' ounce of o"i$e oi". .e
repeated this unti" there was a "itt"e o$er an ounce "eft of the a"coho" and an ounce of the witch ha?e". .e then
poured those into the jar( and measured out aout 5/2ths of an ounce of o"i$e oi" to pour into the jar.
%he 7our Pillars o$ Strength
Frtic"e # %he Four Bi""ars of Strength ) the LK8 Schoo" of Strength
Jrip training is oth $ery neg"ected and $ery misunderstood in the fitness industry. %he fact remains that a chain
is on"y as strong as its wea!est "in! ) and this is usua""y the hands in the case of most gym rats. Broper training
for the forearms resu"ts in a stronger grip. %hic! ar training( !ett"ee""s( wrist ro""ers( towe" wor! Hhang grip
training and towe" pu"" upsI( and aw!ward oject "ifting Hsandags( s"edgehammers( etcI are the most effecti$e
grip training too"s that I*m aware of. %hey a"so ui"d fearsome upper ody strength in genera". Some peop"e
swear y grippers as we""( ut those can get !ind of pricey. I much prefer the uses of a hand towe" "ooped o$er my
pu"" up ar. I ha$e a ton of pu""up $ariations using towe"s( as we"" as $arious ;hang grip< e/ercises ) I wi"" g"ad"y
write up a "og post aout this if there is enough interest. Lea$e a comment e"ow or head o$er to the discussion
thread on Joog"eS.
For a few $ariations( chec! out this $ideo y another guy #$>++:jRK6F4g!
Learning from Injury
8ertain"y we want to a$oid injuries in training( ut it*s important to "earn from them when they do happen. Bain
and ruises and musc"e soreness from training are ine$ita"e. -et( we train to ecome smarter aout "ife and to
!now how to a$oid injury. Cnfortunate"y( there wi"" e young peop"e who wi"" use any e/cuse to run head"ong
into potentia""y injurious training methods. If pain teaches us anything( though( it is what the author points out
in the eginning of the e"ow artic"e. +e smart aout what you do and don*t e unnecessari"y hard on your ody.
-ou on"y get one "ife. I*"" admit that I*m a !"ut? y nature( since I ha$e inferior ;Se< Hin G+%I termsI. So I*$e had
my share of spi""s especia""y when "earning how to ro"" and tum"e. +ut( it has definite"y taught me the $a"ue of
safe training&
%han! -ou( Bain: .hy Injuries are Jood for -ou ) Sensei Fndo Gier?wa
2d+ice on 1artial 2rts Schools
Frtic"es on the suject y Gaster Fran! 9hn"e #
In this day and age( we do ha$e to run things "i!e a usiness and do a"" of the things that come with that. .hi"e
the artic"e did seem to go against the grain as far as running things "i!e a usiness( I sti"" agree with the points he
made aout the unethica" usiness practices that are in p"ace at many commercia" schoo"s.
Cnfortunate"y( there seems to e Duite the di"emma. %here doesn*t seem to e much money in traditiona" martia"
arts these days( in genera"( so do we say ;the end justifies the means< Hmcdojo tacticsI( or wor! hard to mar!et to
and try to retain Dua"ity students= I*$e found that a "ot of the ethica" schoo"s that are successfu" run different
types of programs.
%o $iew or join in on the discussion we*$e een ha$ing aout this topic( head o$er to #
dealis( in 1artial 2rts
Se"f defense is a necessary and integra" part of martia" arts. Sti""( it is a"so an unfortunate fact that se"f defense
s!i""s are sti"" needed. In a wor"d that is supposed"y ci$i"i?ed( you wou"d thin! that $io"ence is a thing of the past.
%here is no getting rid of human nature( howe$er. .e can sti"" discip"ine ourse"$es( of course( and dai"y try to e
etter peop"e.
F"so( se"f defense is a necessary e$i". Sti""( I train in martia" arts so as to pre$ent $io"ence and to temper my own
human nature. Fnd perhaps I*m o$er"y idea"istic( ut I*d "i!e to continue trying to he"p others do the same and
wor!ing towards changing the cu"ture one "ife at a time.
Power and %echni4ue in 1artial 2rts
Some martia" arts instructors c"aim that strength is o$errated and that it shou"d not e re"ied upon. It is true
there has to e a premium p"aced on techniDue. %here is just no rep"acement for ecoming as efficient as possi"e
at mechanica""y effecti$e mo$ements. Sti""( the 8:S and muscu"ar system dri$e the ody. %he stronger you ma!e
the musc"es needed for your chosen ath"etic acti$ity( and the etter you train your e/p"osi$eness( the faster you
ecome and the more powerfu" your techniDues can e. Of course( you ha$e to ridge the gap etween strength
training and pure techniDue y "earning how to impro$e your strength in your martia" art( so here again I agree
that a premium has to e p"aced on techniDue. HSuch as stance wor! and partner "oc!ing dri""s seen in !arate
sty"es( which ta!e "eg and forearm strength( respecti$e"y.I Simp"y eing stronger doesn*t mean automatic success
in the martia" arts( and I wou"d ne$er argue that ) techniDue and strength( a"ong with other Dua"ities( are needed.
Specificity is !ing in any ath"etic endea$or( and this means specific techniDue training to get the most out of your
-ou wou"d e surprised( ut a strong grip is e$en usefu" in Fi!ido. F"so( "oo! at a"" the grip training and e/p"osi$e
training that Judo p"ayers engage in. %echniDue is utmost( yes. +ut "et*s rememer that techniDue re"ies on the
training methods and Dua"ities that ma!e it wor!. %his inc"udes the dri""s( footwor!( momentum( ody
mechanics( power( "ooseness Heing tensed on"y in the needed musc"esI( etc.
I wi"" draw something of a comparison. If you "oo! at sprinters( they ha$e $ery powerfu" "egs. Sprinting up hi""s(
y itse"f( is an incredi"e way to ui"d power in the "egs. -et( sprinters often ha$e to go through a strength
training regimen to ui"d up the muscu"ature needed to form a foundation for the e/p"osi$e wor!. Of course(
there*s o$ious"y a "ot of techniDue ehind sprinting as we"". If you "oo! at great sprinters in action( you*"" notice
how re"a/ed their upper ody "oo!s. :o wasted energy.
In the martia" arts( !arate / %KN / simi"ar stri!ing sty"es especia""y( e/p"osi$eness in the "egs is needed. If you
"oo! at the re$erse punch( one of the stap"e mo$es of !arate( you find that it is necessari"y dri$en first"y y the
"egs and hips( whi"e you do not carry unnecessary tension in the upper ody. %his is necessary for oth efficiency
of techniDue( meaning optima" use of power( and to a$oid te"egraphing. Sti""( a re$erse punch ) proper"y set up(
timed( and performed ) can e a"most thought of as a sprint#"i!e "unge( ut focused into the whipping action of
the hip that gi$es momentum to the shou"der( which tra$e"s through to the fist ) thin! of the fist as eing a "ead
pipe on the end of a chain. -ou ha$e to ha$e the power to generate the momentum( yet a"so the techniDue to "and
it accurate"y&
Fny power in a stri!ing techniDue starts with the "ower ody ) and it does start in the techniDue. :o amount of
musc"e or strength rep"aces proper techniDue. %hat eing said( no amount of techniDue rep"aces the need for
some strength. %here*s no deating the fact( though( that in Fi!ido( strength is $ery much deemphasi?ed in fa$or
of the princip"e of ;irimi<. %hat*s so foundationa" to the art( it*s a wonder more peop"e don*t grasp it. Fs you said(
using your opponent*s strength against them& Gy Fi!ido instructor a"ways said not to att"e strength against
strength or asica""y wrest"e with the guy. Let him go where he wants to go and direct him that way. It made me
thin! a "ot aout redirection as it is used in other sty"es. It does a"" go ac! to the ;yie"ding< or softer aspects of
these arts. 9$en with joint "oc!s( though( there*s a minimum amount of hip torDue needed to ma!e the
techniDues wor!. +ut none of the throws in Fi!ido emphasi?e "eg strength the way that Judo does. I found that
Fi!ido was more mechanica""y efficient than Judo for certain throws( actua""y. %hat*s not e$en a s"ight against
Judo at a"" ) I studied it under an instructor as we"" and "o$e throw whee"( uchimata( and other such throws that
Power and %echni4ue in 1artial 2rts, 'age 2
are Duite efficient and can e set up rather Duic!"y. Fnd the ad$anced cominations and counters in Judo )
which honest"y I ne$er ecame ad$anced enough to "earn ) are ama?ing. +ut that*s going off topic some :B
1akiwara Board * car tire 'ro!ect
.e added a second modification to a ma!iwara oard. O"d car tire ) '2 and 5/2 inches. .e had a few "engths of
o"d ca"e wire from when %ime .arner 8a"e rep"aced the ca"e that went from our "ight po"e to house( ecause
of the recent icy weather. .e used a good it of wire to cinch up the ma!iwara to the tire. F fina" it of wire was
used for a hanger. .e used a pair of rat nose p"iers to twist the wire( and a wire cutter. %he pre$ious modification
we made was g"uing on a "ayer of dense foam on the ac! as a cushion.
Located at SJohnston Karate
For more aout this !ind of training( $isit #
Bictures of the process we used in setting up the ma!iwara oard #
7ighting a south'aw
Fs a southpaw with o/ing e/perience( I wou"d LO79 it if an orthodo/ fighter stepped in "i!e that for a power
shot. HSee ,:,3.I F southpaw can easi"y neutra"i?e the jaing hand of an orthodo/ o/er( more easi"y "and a
right hoo!( and stay on the outside of a right straight. 0onest"y( the first tip shou"d ha$e een getting past the
right hand. Gost orthodo/ fighters are just not used to the right hand eing c"oser or eing the jaing hand.
F"so( for the guy to get in c"ose with his right hand( he has to step in ) a"" I wou"d ha$e to do is ja to stop him(
especia""y with a ;sDuared up< position "i!e in the first tip demonstrated. If you can*t reach with your ja( you
ha$e no usiness trying to hit with your cross& F"so( this assumes that the southpaw won*t e mo$ing either.
Nutrition 1"ths Busted
Supp"ement manufacturers wou"d ha$e you e"ie$e that it*s too e/pensi$e to uy a"" the food it wou"d ta!e to get
the nutrients supp"ied y their supp"ements. For one( hea"thy food isn*t e/pensi$e. For two( the sheer amount of
nutrients in most of these supp"ements is unnecessary. For three( of course they say that( ecause they*re trying
to se"" you ) gasp& ) an Ue8'ensi+e9 $itamin&
%he myth of protein deficiency
'1 myths aout $egetarian diets usted
%he $itamin myth ) why we thin! we need supp"ements
'1 myths aout $itamin supp"ements
Gyth: 0ea"thy Food Is %oo 9/pensi$e
-a+e(an -onditioning: ;nci+ili.ed, 1ini(alist %raining 1ethods
8a$eman conditioning re$o"$es around rather unci$i"i?ed and minima"ist( ut $ery rewarding( strength training
methods out in nature( whether it e the woods( the mountains( where$er. .hy other with a gym or e/pensi$e
eDuipment when you can get your strength training for "itt"e to no money= 9$en if the c"osest thing to nature you
ha$e a$ai"a"e to you is a pu"ic par!( you can sti"" get a free ut difficu"t wor!out y trying some of the ideas
from ;ca$eman conditioning<& :o matter where you go( you just need some creati$ity and !now"edge of proper
e/ercise techniDue.
F"ways dress for safety and for the weather. F"ways ha$e permission to use the "and. HCn"ess you( a c"ose friend(
or a fami"y memer owns it ) in which case( !noc! yourse"f out. If you get yourse"f in trou"e though( ;I to"d you
so.<I F"ways ta!e proper precautions efore you go into the woods( inc"uding hydration( sun"oc!( any needed
eDuipment( hi!ing shoes( thic! soc!s( and ug repe""ent spray. Lead the e"ow artic"e on Lyme disease( which can
e contracted from tic!s Hoften pic!ed up in the woods during warmer monthsI #
-a+e(an -onditioning * Strength %raining 1ethods
Nrag away dead trees y hand. 8hop down a tree for firewood. Sho$e" some dirt. -ou*d e surprised how great
these are for training oth strength F:N endurance( unti" you*$e done one of them steadi"y for an hour.
9specia""y in hot weather.
-ou can use a re"ati$e"y "ow ut $ery sturdy tree ranch for pu""ups( "eg raises( $arious gymnastics e/ercises( and
so forth. -ou cou"d a"so perform a urpee( jump up to the ranch e/p"osi$e"y( do a pu""up( drop( and repeat( for a
fu"" set.
Lun through and na$igate the natura" ostac"e course that the woods pro$ide ) this inc"udes jumping ditches.
8"im trees for grip wor! and o$era"" agi"ity. 0ang a rope from a tree and "earn some rope c"iming e/ercises to
train your grip and o$era"" ody strength e$en more. Lopes are a"so usefu" in pu""up $ariations and mud run sty"e
ostac"es. Loo! into army training and dri""s for ideas. Loo! on"ine for the Frmy Fie"d Ganua" ,'#,1 and read it
8"ear any straw and or "ea$es in a particu"ar"y shady and grassy area that cou"d e used for $arious ca"isthenics )
just rememer to wear "ong shirts and pants for this. F"so ma!e sure that if you*re going to use the area and
regu"ar"y( spray it for tic!s using Bermethrin or another recommended pesticide. Fnyway( some e/ce""ent
ca"isthenics in such an area inc"ude using a tree for support when practicing gymnastics ac!ends or $arious
handstand e/ercises. -ou cou"d a"so wrap a "ength of hea$y rope around a tree to use for stri!ing practice. Just
ma!e sure you get instruction from a Dua"ified martia" arts instructor efore trying this and wear hand
protection( such as wrist wraps. I recommend using rice uc!et e/ercises to strengthen your wrists( and using
other such e/ercises to toughen the hands. 0ere is a writeup I did on this topic #
-a+e(an -onditioning, 'age 2
Bicture of a ;tree ma!iwara< #
B"enty of great ca"isthenics tutoria"s( inc"uding some on e/ercises "isted in this post #
Sprint through an aandoned fie"d ) ut ma!e aso"ute"y sure you c"ear a straight path of anything that you
cou"d trip o$er or that cou"d pierce shoes or s!in( as we"" as wear sweatpants and running shoes with e/ce""ent
hee" support. If the woods are in a particu"ar"y hi""y area( you can go for hi"" sprints( which are great for
Lepurpose materia"s from aandoned properties out in the woods. %his inc"udes using cinder "oc!s for iceps
cur"s and other "ifts. -ou cou"d a"so use any o"d eams( chairs( hea$y duty rope( and ric!s that are a$ai"a"e. O"d
eams or p"an!s of wood cou"d e "aid across a ditch( or used as a ca"f raise step Hput it ne/t to a tree or wa"" that
you can use to assist in a"anceI. +ric!s can e used in some hand a"ancing e/ercises( and as support in one "eg
sDuats. O"d chairs can e used for an incredi"e $ariety of ca"isthenics. %hese inc"ude dec"ine pushups( chair dips(
gymnastics L#sits( une$en or ;"e$er< pushups Has they are ca""ed in the first 8on$ict 8onditioning oo!( ut using
a chair instead of a as!eta""I( and so forth.
-ou cou"d push your car down a path through the woods( a"ong a mountain path that is not high"y traffic!ed( and
so forth. It is ama?ing for oth cardio and gi$ing you a who"e ody wor!out& 8hec! out the e"ow $ideo for some
Nid you "i!e these ;8a$eman 8onditioning< strength training ideas= No you ha$e any of your own that you want
to share or rag aout= Nrop me a "ine in the comments on this artic"e*s "og post&
0ead o$er to my "og post e"ow for much more aout ca"isthenics( inc"uding artic"es and $ideos #
Jreat "og post on the officia" Brogressi$e 8a"isthenics certification "og( aout a simi"ar approach to ;hyrid<
training methods #
For more ideas on impro$ised training eDuipment( and p"enty of tutoria" $ideos( head to my re"ated "og #
7itness industr" rant
I firm"y e"ie$e that if the Fmerican pu"ic in genera" was se"f moti$ated( etter educated aout nutrition( and
patient aout wor!ing towards "ong term resu"ts( the fitness industry as we !now it simp"y wou"dn*t e/ist.
Sad"y( the industry ta!es ad$antage of a "ac! of se"f direction y offering coo!ie cutter routines in the form of
dangerous fads such as 8rossfit. It*s etter to ha$e an approach to fitness( rather than one set routine. .hen you
understand a system of e/ercise( you can use it to ui"d your own indi$idua"i?ed routines. %ai"oring it to your
current "e$e" pre$ents o$er training to injury( and wi"" he"p you progress faster. F"so( !nowing how to design your
own program and change things up !eep it e/citing ) which he"p you stay se"f directed and moti$ated.
%he industry a"so gets away with se""ing supp"ements to an uninformed pu"ic. %here are many nutritiona" myths
that continue to e propagated y the industry. H;-ou can*t afford a"" the food you need to e hea"thy( ut we*""
se"" you these insane"y e/pensi$e supp"ements that humans somehow "i$ed hea"thi"y without for thousands of
%he industry a"so touts a"" manner of get s!inny Duic!( get si/ pac! as Duic!( and other such nonsensica" diets
and wor!outs. Beop"e want instant gratification( ut nothing rep"aces the time tested princip"es of proper
training( nutrition( and reco$ery. It*s great to "earn new things( ut we ha$e to understand the aforementioned
princip"es so that we can ma!e sense of the "atest research and trends( and figure out what is usefu". %here are no
secrets to getting s!inny( strong( or hea"thy& Simp"y wor! hard( eat right( a""ow yourse"f to reco$er( and !eep
1artial 2rts ndustr" ,ant
+efore you read my "ong winded ranting( chec! out the e"ow two pages for definitions of terms I use #
.hat a GcNojo is and how it wor!s # http://rationa"wi!!i/GcNojo
+u""shido at Cran Nictionary #>u""shido
%here are many pro"ems caused y the traditiona" martia" arts community itse"f. For one( most traditiona"
martia" arts schoo"s in Fmerica are ;GcNojo*s< or ;+u""shido< schoo"s( or oth. %his is usua""y ecause of
underDua"ified instructors or outright conmen fa!ing as instructors.
.hen I say under Dua"ified( what I mean is that they ha$e no idea how to teach what they say they do. Csua""y
it*s more of a case of them not e$en !nowing any etter ) they*re just passing it on as it was passed on to them.
;%his is just the way it*s supposed to e done.< :o Duestioning. %radition is important( ut when you ecome a
product of the sty"e( rather than "earning from it and !eeping its traditions a"i$e( whi"e using some common
sense ) we""( that*s just ad usiness. %here is a a"ance that needs to e struc!.
I !new a 2th degree "ac! e"t in some a""eged"y ama?ing sty"e of !arate who defeated easi"y in a street fight. I fe"t
ad for the guy( certain"y( and it was fortunate that there was a pair of guest instructors at his dojo who actua""y
!new how to teach se"f defense. Sti""( seeing the Dua"ity of the !arate instruction at the p"ace( and the genera" "ac!
of sparring( it*s no wonder. It*s dangerous to ta!e something that has its roots in actua" fights( and defang it( then
pass it off as se"f defense. Or( you !now( not e$en teach it as se"f defense ) just as an art form. I*$e seen schoo"s
do oth and it*s fraudu"ent. Oh( and unethica".
I read an artic"e y a +"ac! +e"t maga?ine co"umnist where he said that if you want to "earn se"f defense( you
shou"dn*t e putting on uniforms and owing to peop"e. 8ertain"y( it isn*t necessary to wear a uniform to practice
!arate techniDues( as a ru"e( ut the insinuation is that !arate shou"d not e one*s first choice when it comes to
se"f defense. It*s true that( in genera"( GcNojo instructors ha$e no idea whatsoe$er how to teach peop"e to defend
themse"$es. On the other hand( when taught proper"y( any of the major !arate sty"es and many of their offshoots
are Duite usefu". I don*t !now where this notion of !arate not eing at all usefu" for se"f defense or comat came
from. It seems to e widespread( and dojo*s aren*t he"ping it either.
%he genera" pu"ic just sees it as something that !ids ta!e up when they*re "itt"e so they can "earn discip"ine.
Sorry( ut that*s what the parents are for. Niscip"ine starts at home. %he dojo is not a daycare and shou"dn*t e
treated "i!e one. +ut that*s a who"e other rant. Sti""( my point is that( yes( whi"e the money is in chi"d c"asses( the
!ids sti"" do need to "earn se"f defense whi"e they*re in your c"ass. Fnything "ess and it*s just a rep"acement for
sports unti" the ne/t actua" sport starts up.
I hate seeing this !ind of thing happen ) they get treated as paychec!s and not gi$en anything worthwhi"e in
return. -es( there are the agi"ity games( teamwor! ui"ding e/ercises( and so forth at some !arate schoo"s( that
are offered to !ids. %his just shou"dn*t e at the e/pense of the actua" !arate program. Berhaps I*m just $ery
conser$ati$e or o"d schoo" that way. .ho !nows. %he i""s do ha$e to get paid( ut at some point a "ine has to e
1artial 2rts ndustr" ,ant, 'age 2
Fnyway( two other major pro"ems in most organi?ations are the forced e"t testing fees Husua""y e/oritant(
freDuent( and time asedI and the contracts. %hese are such horrid epidemics that I had to mention them e$en
though they fa"" under ;GcNojo<. 0onest"y( you don*t want to e nic!e" and dimed anywhere e"se( or forced into a
unch of "ega"ese.
%he primary means of income should e the tuition( and e"t testing fees just shou"dn*t e$en e/ist. It*s
comp"ete"y unethica" to charge peop"e twice for what they a"ready !now. %he tuition shou"d co$er the cost of the
e"ts. %hat*s a e"ief of mine( though.
Fnyway( e"itism and pride in the form of ;purism< are a"so major pro"ems that "ead to GcNojo eha$ior and
some outright +u""shido. :o cross training is a""owed in some organi?ations or it is hea$i"y discouraged ) with
the e/cuse that doing so wou"d depri$e you of the time you need to impro$e upon what you*re "earning from the
organi?ation. %his ma!es some sense on the surface( ut if you*re tru"y dedicated to the sty"e( and another acti$ity
of yours doesn*t wor! at opposite ends( there*s no reason you can*t mu"titas!. .e a"" ha$e '@3 hours in the wee!(
after a"".
Sti""( another e/cuse used is that they don*t want you getting your sty"e watered down y the others. Burity issues(
mi/ing up the princip"es of the sty"es( etc. Sty"e purists rea""y grind my gears( ut that*s a post for another day.
Sti""( most of the time peop"e spout this !ind of thing( they*re usua""y a"most acting "i!e cu"t memers and ta"!
aout how ama?ing the sty"e is and nothing else is Duite "i!e it( therefore you shou"dn*t cross train. %hese cu"t
"i!e atmospheres on"y e/ist in GcNojo*s. Fnother sure sign is that what these types of p"aces teach is essentia""y
sport !arate. HSorry( ut it is( and it*s a guarantee when you a"most can*t wa"! safe"y in the dojo ecause of a"" the
tournament trophies and meda"s stac!ed up.I 8ertain"y( it*s important to spend time ecoming proficient in the
asics of a sty"e efore trying to ranch out( ut it*s a"so important to sti"" cross train at some point.
I cou"d write at "ength on a"" of these points( ut that depends on whether any of my readers wou"d e interested.
7isit the origina" "og post for this rant if youWd "i!e to discuss&
1akeshi$t 'ullu' 3ar setu' * outside training area
Gy dad and I put up a pu""up ar outside of one of the ac! windows at the studio. %he ar can e used for
hanging "eg or !nee raises( as we"". %his he"ps to comp"ete a $ery ;minima"ist< outside training area& .e a"ready
ha$e a ma!iwara oard hung up for stri!ing practice. .e a"ready had cinder "oc!s for $arious "ifts( as we"" as
some o"d car tires for e/p"osi$e training HthrowingI and for stri!ing with a s"edgehammer. %he tires can a"so e
he"d y a partner for de$e"oping power in !ic!s and punches Hjust ma!e sure you wear g"o$esI. %here are a"so a
few ric!s for use in pushup( handstand pushup( L#sit( and sDuat progressions. .e can now get a tough( fu"" ody
wor!out outside&
Oh( and the tota" cost of the project ) X1& .e had the hoo!s( wood( foam( and duct tape a"ready( and the pu""up
ar was a donation. .e just hadn*t e$er gotten around to putting it up anywhere unti" today.
Bictures #
7ake su'er-si.ed (uscles$>"I"L#iwO"F
0is "oo! is unnatura"( ecause his methods arePand then the steroids he admitted ta!ing. 0is pursuit of
perfection is way off. Instead( the ody shou"d e de$e"oped proportionate"y and in a symmetrica" fashion in
order to ha$e optima" strength a"ances( as we"" as a etter aesthetic. Lather than ha$ing artificia""y inf"ated
musc"es( he shou"d ha$e wor!ed hard for them instead( and fo""owed a proper diet for training. %his wou"d ha$e
guaranteed oth strength and mass( in a more proportiona" and symmetrica" way( a"" without the ris! to his
S'orts and Per$or(ance 1artial 2rts ,ant
%he sports cu"ture draws peop"e to the $io"ent aspects of competition. Strength shou"dn*t e used to attac! and
destroy. %he cu"ture encourages a"" the trash ta"! and $era" u""ying. %he fans pay to watch this dri$e"& I can*t
understand the joc! menta"ity or the ;e a man< / ;toughen up< sports cu"ture in Fmerica. It doesn*t promote the
$a"ues and ethics of martia" arts.
%he performance martia" arts such as in mo$ies don*t gi$e the right impression of martia" arts. It ta!es years of
wor! and a "ot of discip"ine to ecome proficient. Beop"e watch martia" arts mo$ies and are "ed to e"ie$e that you
can master it in a few easy "essons if you meet a wac!y stereotypica" !arate or !ungfu master who spouts fortune
coo!ie sayings with a thic! Fsian accent.
0onest"y +ruce Lee( Karate Kid( and the ninja mo$ie cra?e of the 31s guaranteed the rise of GcNojo*s and
fraudu"ent masters e$erywhere. Sad"y peop"e are sti"" uying sna!e oi" from these types of con artists.
F"so( ;sports< is the nationa" re"igion of Fmerica and it a"" re$o"$es around greed. 8orporati?ing martia" arts this
way and through mo$ies has ruined the pu"ic image of the arts.
I just ha$e ne$er understood sports cu"ture( the win at a"" costs attitude towards competition( and such that are
dri""ed from day one in the mainstream Fmerican education system. %hey permeate the nation*s cu"ture. %hey
put peop"e against each other instead of ui"ding ridges. .hy can*t we e future oriented and so"$ing po$erty(
crime( and hunger rather than "ining the poc!ets of corporations( ath"etes( and po"iticians= I suppose you cou"d
say I*m a"most anti#e$erything when it comes to Fmerican cu"ture in genera".
Sti""( I*m an idea"ist to a fau"t. I e"ie$e in changing the wor"d one "ife at a time and changing the cu"ture from the
ground up.
Nutrilies * a su''le(ent rant
I recent"y "eft a fitness group ecause they !ept trying to con$ince me to uy use"ess ut $ery e/pensi$e :utri"ite
supp"ements Hso"d y FmwayI. %he reasoning they used was that you can*t afford a"" of the food you need to e
hea"thy. So uh( the so"ution is to uy the supp"ements so e/pensi$e that I can*t afford them either= .hat= I eat
pretty we"" and continuous"y ma!e progress in my training( without detriment to my hea"th. F"so( humans were
around and hea"thy for UthousandsU of years efore supp"ements. %he who"e ;soi" dep"etion< e/cuse that Fmway
spouts is another myth that the fitness group used in response to my reasoning against supp"ements. Fpparent"y(
they ha$e a who"e "ine of "ies they use to se"" supp"ements. -ep( :utri"ies. Non*t get me wrong ) supp"ements are
UsometimesU needed( such as ca"cium ta"ets as you get o"der( or 7itamin + comp"e/ ta"ets for $ery acti$e
ath"etes. Sti""( esides those and simi"ar e/amp"es( a"" of your nutrition UcanU and Ushou"dU e gained from food.
Frtic"e ) Garried to an Fmot: Fmway Broducts are a Jood Leason :ot to Jet In$o"$ed with Fmway
Workout <esign
Set S.G.F.L.%. goa"s ) specific( measura"e( attaina"e( rea"istic( time"y
Gore aout setting training goa"s #
.or!out freDuency ) '#5/ / wee! for eginners
.or!out structure ) fu"" ody wor!outs( push/pu"" sp"it( upper ody / "ower ody sp"it( fu"" ody / sports sp"it( or
other $ariation
%est your ai"ities in training progressions to $erify which progressionHsI you wi"" inc"ude in the current or ne/t
training cyc"e
F"ways inc"ude at "east some warmup sets efore your wor! setsE try to a"so inc"ude s!i"" wor! Hhand a"ancing(
gymnastics rings( para""ettes( or any other s!i"" ased mo$ementI ) e$en if you*re not a gymnast( this is sti""
usefu" as it he"ps you de$e"op contro"( stamina( and genera" ody awarenessE a"so try to inc"ude some moi"ity
wor! and acti$e f"e/ii"ity Hridges( L#sits( twist stretches( joint wor! in genera"I
.or! $o"ume Hhow many tota" repetitions / setsI and $ariety Hnumer of e/ercises per wor!outI ) !eep re"ati$e"y
"ow if you*re a eginnerE norma""y I recommend no more than 5 e/ercises per wor!out and no more than 2 or 5
tota" sets H,#5 warmup sets( ,#5 wor! setsI if you*re a comp"ete eginner
Intensity and "oad ) in weight "ifting terms( ha$ing more weight ) ;"oad< wi"" ma!e the e/ercise more intense and
more "i!e"y to force adaptations. In ca"isthenics( there are $aria"es you can e/periment with that wi"" ma!e an
e/ercise more or "ess intense. %he harder an e/ercise is( the "ess reps you wi"" e a"e to do. I do not e"ie$e there
is any ;perfect< rep/set scheme& It depends on your ody type( your goa"s( the e/ercise in Duestion( and other
factors. F asic guide"ine to !eep in mind is that you do need to ma!e sure that the e/ercises you se"ect are
difficu"t enough to force adaptations( meaning that you wi"" ui"d strength and mass. Nifferent rep ranges wi""
produce different resu"ts ) for a rea!down of rep ranges that encourage these resu"ts( $iew the e"ow page:'c63r2/
%he ao$e artic"e is more weight "ifting oriented( so I wi"" a"so "in! a ca"isthenics re"ated FFM. In progressi$e
ca"isthenics( higher repetitions are ca""ed for( which the author e/p"ains. 0e a"so detai"s some training programs(
from eginner to ad$anced.$ictK8onditioningKSCB9LKFFM.pdf
Workout <esign, 'age 2
.or!ing up ) if you*re a eginner to intermediate trainee( s"ow"y ui"d up repetitions unti" you can meet the
;progression standard< Hset amount of reps / setsI for a particu"ar progression( then test your ai"ities again to
see if you can mo$e up in the progression. If you can*t( there are a few things you can try ) add an assistance
e/ercise Hsuch as using a wrist ro""er to assist grip strength for pu""upsI or change a $aria"e or two in the e/ercise
you met the repetition standard for Hperhaps s"ight"y change hand positioning( "oc!ing down your form etter(
using s"ow eccentric reps( etcI.
If you*re new to writing wor!out programs( chec! out my post e"ow( which is ased on a training program that I
wrote for a fitness c"ient. I e/p"ained the reasoning ehind what we wou"d e doing( and how she shou"d try to
progress( as we"".
%raining Brogram for Fitness 8"ient
%raining cyc"es ) as you ecome more ad$anced Haround , years of trainingI you may need to e/p"ore more
ad$anced wor!out structures or wee!"y cyc"es. I ha$e an ad$anced session temp"ate post here #
+asic %emp"ate ) Fd$anced %raining Session
%he e"ow artic"e y the author of ;O$ercoming Jra$ity< detai"s eginner training programs( as we"" as how to
progress eyond them( and a"so "in!s out to intermediate programs.
+eginner %raining Brograms
;O$ercoming Jra$ity< a"so has some ad$anced training program ideas. I high"y recommend it ) you can
purchase a printed or BNF edition of the oo! at the e"ow page:
Workout %e('lates
-alisthenics Workout
.armups ) cardio( moi"ity( stretches
S!i"" wor! ) gymnastics ho"ds and agi"ity dri""s
8ore of the wor!out ) ca"isthenics warmup sets and wor! sets Hadd sandags if desiredI
Finisher ) sprints( sandags or ;hojo undo< corner( then do nec!( gut( and grip wor!
Sand3ags Workout
.armups ) cardio( moi"ity( stretches( ca"isthenics warmup sets
8ore of the wor!out ) c"ean and press( shou"der toss( upright rows( ear hug carry( cur"s( dead"ifts or sDuats(
shou"der carry( farmer*s wa"!
Finisher ) pic! a ;hojo undo< too" to wor! for a few minutes( then do nec!( gut( and grip wor!
.armdowns ) stretches( massage( acti$e f"e/ii"ity wor! Hridges( ho"d "unges( etcI
0ojo Cndo .or!out
.armups ) cardio( moi"ity( stretches Hfocus on the wrists( shou"ders( e"ows( and an!"esI
8ore of the wor!out ) warmup sets with "ighter too"s( with a focus on techniDueE wor! sets using hea$ier too"s or
high rep wor! sets with "ighter too"s ) ma!e sure to use a $ariety of too"s
Finisher ) nec! and gut wor!( ;hojo undo< ma!iage !igu Hwrist ro""ersI for grip wor!
Learn more aout ca"isthenics #
Learn more aout sandag training #
Learn more aout ;0ojo Cndo< #
,eco((endations $or (artial arts school owners
I high"y recommend a"" martia" arts instructors otain other certifications that are we"" !nown and reputa"e.
%his shows he or she is serious aout eing a etter instructor and engaging in continuing education. Fnother
sign of good usiness is safety eDuipment eing a$ai"a"e Hfire e/tinguishers( first aid !its( etc.I. F"so( a "ot of the
etter martia" arts studios norma""y ha$e at "east one or two of the instructors trained in 8BL( F9N( and first aid.
Sometimes money is indeed tight( and the instructor can*t afford to enro"" in other certification courses( ut he or
she shou"d at least ma!e sure his or her studio is safe& %his ties in with the maintenance issues you rought up.
Csua""y( though( ha$ing other certifications re"ated to the core curricu"um of the schoo" wi"" gi$e the instructor
other possii"ities for c"asses. Fdditiona" streams of re$enue he"p ease the urden of e/penses on the core
curricu"um( and therefore the tuition won*t ha$e to e too high.
9$en in a tournament oriented schoo"( it*s sti"" important for the instructors to maintain a safe( discip"ined(
respectfu" atmosphere. %his isn*t just a recommendation ) it*s essentia"& I e"ie$e that tournament oriented
schoo"s especia""y can "earn from the physica" conditioning and organi?ation of sports teams. %hat*s not to say
I*m casting any dout on the effecti$eness of the age o"d methods of the martia" arts traditions throughout Fsia(
and they common"y ha$e simi"arities to today*s training methods. For instance( compare O!inawan !arate
eDuipment to modern are""s and wrist ro""ers. Godern sports science $a"idates these methods& In many martia"
arts traditions( the training a"ready inc"udes warmups( progressi$e o$er"oad to force muscu"ar adaptations(
thousands of repetitions of an e/ercise to ui"d s!i"" and reha connecti$e tissues( f"e/ii"ity / moi"ity wor!( etc.
-et( modern sports science can a"so contriute Duite a "ot to the training in traditiona" arts. Godern therapeutic
moda"ities( training periodi?ation( understanding ody mechanics and anatomy( and so forth can add a "ot to the
$a"ue of a traditiona" martia" arts conditioning program.
F"so( I shou"d c"arify my thoughts on certifications. It*s great for instructors to get further certifications in other
martia" arts( and/or attend $arious training camps as we"" as ring in guest instructors. 0owe$er( it*s a"so
important to ranch out into other discip"ines such as gymnastics( Bi"ates( progressi$e ca"isthenics( what ha$e
you. Cnderstanding how these can e integrated into an e/isting martia" arts program( or comp"iment your
program( is so eneficia" to students that it shou"dn*t e passed up. +esides( it gi$es instructors an opportunity to
"earn( understand( and app"y !now"edge from modern sports sciences to their e/isting physica" training
I*m not saying that taichi instructors shou"d sudden"y start incorporating weight training into their courses.
8omp"imentary discip"ines wor! est( such as yoga( ca"isthenics( and so forth. +ody weight training of any sort is
so integra" to success in any martia" art( it*s in$a"ua"e to "earn an art of ody weight training. %he menta" and
hea"th enefits of oth martia" arts and ody weight arts are so numerous that it*s a surprise that more peop"e
don*t do more of oth&
F great ody weight training certification to add to your repertoire is the Brogressi$e 8a"isthenics Instructor
8ertification. %he officia" "og for the certification has artic"es that I recommend "oo!ing through for ideas on
e/ercises and routines to add to your e/isting fitness program.
,eco((endations $or (artial arts school owners, 'age 2
One of my fa$orite artic"es is ;%urning up the Gind#Gusc"e 8onnection<. %he mind and ody are so connected
that they are $ery near"y the same. Strength is a s!i"" and a hait& Broa"y my fa$orite point from the artic"e #
;One of the iggest "essons aout the mind#musc"e connection was that there*s nothing in there aout
supp"ements( gadgets or fitness dogma. %he root cause of a"" things musc"e comes from the rain( not a product
you can uy in a store.<
I ha$e a"ready written aout the progressi$e ca"isthenics certification e"ow #
%rans$or( "our li$e
.ith time( patience( proper training( proper nutrition( and proper attention to "ifesty"e factors( a"most anyone
can transform their ody and their "ife. It does ta!e a "ot of time and dedication( though ) I te"" a"" of my c"ients
interested in "osing weight and toning up that it cou"d ta!e at "east a fu"" year to achie$e a trim( proportioned( fit
"oo!. -es( of course you wi"" see some resu"ts within two wee!s if you*re training at "east twice a wee! and
watching your nutrition.
+ut to get a who"e new ody ) trimming down whi"e ui"ding up the musc"es ) is a "ong term( difficu"t process. It
ta!es time to rep"ace o"d haits with new ones. -ou a"so ha$e to pay a "ot of attention to nutrition( "osing weight
s"ow"y Hinstead of too Duic!"yI( "earning how to train Hs!i""I( ui"ding up the stamina and strength for tru"y
intense training( whi"e not o$er training. O$er training fatigues mind and ody( s"owing your progress( and o$er
training a"so "eads to injury. 8ertain"y( you do want to train hard( ut a""ow for reco$ery. Bush past your comfort
?one( ut not to injury.
%he fortunate thing( though( is that hard wor! ui"ds not just strength( ut wi""power and confidence as we"". It
ta!es guts and tenacity to train hard& Gost peop"e gi$e up too easi"y( efore they see resu"ts. Non*t gi$e up& 8"im
that mountain&
,es'onse to a s'ort (artial arts article
.hat fo""ows is my response to this artic"e )
%he major pro"em with sport martia" arts( especia""y the Fsian f"a$ors( is that they are so watered down from the
origina" and effecti$e traditions that it*s a wonder there are an" effecti$e techniDues in them for se"f defense.
Sport !arate and %KN are es'eciall" horrendous. -ou*re taught to tap your partner with a c"ean shot that is $ery
e/tended and easy for the judges to see( and then ac! off. F"so( ground wor! and therefore( ground defense are
not a""owed at a"" Hin genera"I. F"" of these are just terri3le haits to ha$e.
F"so( the techniDues that are a""owed are genera""y going to e dangerous to use( especia""y in %KN. It*s "i!e they
intentionall" do pretty much e+er"thing wrong for se"f defense. 0ead "e$e" !ic!s( ut no "eg !ic!s a""owed=
.ow. Gu"tip"e head "e$e" !ic!s without setting your foot down( spinning !ic!s( aeria" !ic!s( etc. %he punching
s!i""s are supar and infreDuent"y used.
F"so( I ha$e ne$er seen any Fmerican sty"e %KN practitioner actua""y use a sustantia" amount of "oc!ing(
parries( or usefu" !ic! e$asions. F"most e$ery sing"e one I*$e watched "itera""y on"y mo$es ac!ward and forward
in a straight "ine to dodge( which is terri3le. F"so( the !ic!s are hu(ongous and easy to see coming. 8omined
with the hands eing "eft down a"" the time( and the ouncing up and down on the feet in a "ight stance( and a
"ac! of c"ose#in fighting ai"ity( and a "ac! of punching power( these ma!e Fmerican sty"e %KN just a"" wrong for
se"f defense.
Gost wrest"ing "ac!s sumission wor!( ut the structure and positiona" dominance are usefu". 8an e comined
we"" with are !nuc!"e o/ing for a fair"y usefu" street se"f defense system. Sport o/ing( not Duite as much( ut
can e modified.
Judo ) for se"f defense( a traditiona" Japanese Jiujitsu sty"e or Fi!ido wou"d e prefera"e( if you can on"y choose
one. Fi!ido doesn*t emphasi?e strength in any of the throws( whi"e sport Judo does in some throws. %he
mechanics are different. F"so if you "oo! at o"der Japanese sty"es of Jiujitsu( the app"ications were necessaril"
att"efie"d oriented( therefore sti"" effecti$e for se"f defense.
Judo can sti"" e modified( howe$er( for se"f defense. %he first thing is "earning how to ma!e it wor! when not in
a gi. Loo!ing at ath"etes such as Londa Lousey wi"" pro$ide inspiration.
Fencing and shooting ) you can*t e/act"y carry weapons on the street e/cept if you ha$e a concea"ed weapons
permit. Gartia" arts weapons( usua""y you can*t get one. :ot sure why( ut hey( "aw is "aw. So these are no go. -es(
fencing can he"p with footwor!( ut since you can*t e/act"y carry a sword around( you sti"" need to train
s'eci$icall" for the situations you would find yourse"f in on the street or in a ar or where$er.
I*m not e$en getting into GGF e/cept to point ac! to ear"ier points I made aout o/ing( muay %hai( and
wrest"ing. .e""( I*"" a"so add( sti""( that +ra?i"ian Jiujitsu is a sport sty"e with some se"f defense "eanings if you
ha$e the right instructor. GGF is a sport with ru"es( though( ut fighting on the ground is a messy( dangerous
affair for many reasons.
,es'onse to a s'ort (artial arts article, 'age 2
Fs to the 5 reasons you "ist for why sport martia" arts are great for the rest of usP
'. %he iggest pro"em here is that the wider cu"ture is sti"" c"ue"ess as to the $a"ue of the traditiona" arts( and
genera""y has a $ery negati$e perception of it. %hat*s a major reason why it*s so hard to successfu""y mar!et the
traditiona" arts in Fmerica. Beop"e see the sport f"a$ors and thin! that martia" arts are $io"ent( or that they*re
some !ind of mystica" Fsian ;woo<( or that they*re tota""y ineffecti$e ecause of GGF and o/ing.
Fnother pro"em is that when martia" arts e/p"oded in popu"arity in Fmerica as a resu"t of +ruce Lee( a "ot of con
men too! ad$antage of this and the fact that Fmericans a.I had "itt"e to no !now"edge of martia" arts efore this
Hin genera"I and .I need instant gratification. So( GcNojo*s ecame a trend. Sport martia" arts and 0o""ywood
ha$e destroyed the perception of the traditiona" arts. %hey a"so Duite often get in the way of $a"ua"e se"f defense
s!i""s actua""y eing taught. %his is most"y due to the 0o""ywood#i?ed comat sports inf"uencing peop"e interested
in martia" arts to "earn ;how to do CF8< or how to o/ or how to eat peop"e up in the ring or cage in genera".
%herefore( it*s ad usiness in genera" to not offer these things.
,. If you want to get into great shape( ta!ing up martia" arts isn*t the optima" way to do it. 8ertain"y( the
conditioning routines used in comat sports are indeed $ery effecti$e( ut those routines are genera""y used as
separate wor!outs. %raining your ody $or (artial arts is "i!e training for any other ath"etic acti$ity. -ou need
to focus on impro$ing !inesthetic awareness / proprioception( moi"ity / strength in ranges of motion( ui"ding
strength in the musc"es needed for your acti$ity( injury proofing your ody through proper and intense e/ercise(
and impro$ing your cardio$ascu"ar conditioning. Specifica""y focusing on strength and conditioning training is
what he"ps with this( no matter the chosen ath"etic acti$ity. Fran!"y( I wish I cou"d con$ince more martia" arts
instructors to get certified in fitness instruction as we"" and offer that as an additiona" program.
5. I disagree with the gamification of martia" arts ecause of the pro"ems I mentioned ao$e. F "ot of peop"e do
thin! of martia" arts as fun and that*s fine. .hate$er moti$ates them( right= +ut the pro"em with it just ;eing a
game< is that when it ceases to e a game and the resu"ts or progress aren*t coming( when it actua""y fee"s "i!e the
wor! that it is( most peop"e get discouraged or straight out Duit. I practice martia" arts and train $ery hard in
ca"isthenics ecause I "o$e ma!ing progress( not ecause I find either one fun. It can sti"" e $ery rewarding for
me persona""y without it eing just a si""y game or sport.
+esides( a"" competition is dri$en y ego or greed anyway( and I ha$e nothing to do with these as far as I can he"p
it. Sport and competition don*t ma!e you a etter person. I don*t understand why an"one enjoys eating other
peop"e up in a cage or ring or ac!yard or where$er( or why anyone enjoys watching ruta"( araric spectac"es.
0er counter to my response #
%o which I pro$ided a fina" response o$er at a Joog"eS discussion thread here #
%eaching at a g"(nastics studio
I*$e een coaching strength and conditioning at a gymnastics studio in Gonc!s 8orner( S8. %he owner had een
praying for a ma"e instructor who cou"d e a good ro"e mode" for the oys under their care. I responded to a
craigs"ist ad she posted( and admitted that I don*t ha$e a gymnastics ac!ground( ut that I cou"d he"p with
genera" strength. .e ended up on the phone aout many possii"ities and how I cou"d e of ser$ice to her
So( I*$e een he"ping them out for a "itt"e o$er a wee! now. 9$en though I didn*t e/pect to get sore whi"e teaching
there( I proa"y shou"d ha$e. I must ha$e "ogged hundreds of tota" repetitions of dips( sDuats( handstand
e/ercises( pushups( and pu""ups there( etween .ednesday and Friday. Muite a few of those were done s"oooow"y
in order to demonstrate the haits of proper form that I e/p"ained to each group( which is a wor!out itse"f&
One of the est things to come out of it is ha$ing to c"ear"y thin! through and e/p"ain the sma""er detai"s of
proper form in each e/ercise. I don*t dout that I enefit from this as much as they do. %eaching once is "i!e
"earning twice& So( hopefu""y with more e/perience I*"" get etter at wor!ing with gymnasts.
F"" of the gymnasts I*$e wor!ed with there are great students and great to get a"ong with( as we""& I*$e een
teaching them ways to ui"d strength and endurance in $arious positions and e/ercises ) they*$e een $ery open
to "earning things that wi"" impro$e their strength in gymnastics& I hope I get !ept on as a coach at the studio :I
I a"so disco$ered the $a"ue of gym cha"! at the gymnastics studio( as we"". I don*t !now why it too! so "ong for me
to disco$er this( ut etter "ate than ne$er& I ordered some from Fma?on #
No you "i$e in Gonc!s 8orner( Summer$i""e( Joose 8ree!( or 8har"eston= .ou"d you "i!e to "earn progressi$e
ca"isthenics from me( or gymnastics and/or tum"ing from the ama?ing team at O"ympia Jymnastics= 0ead on
o$er to this page for more information and to find out how to get in touch #
&earning new g"(nastics skills
So( I don*t ha$e a gymnastics ac!ground( ut I*$e een coaching strength and conditioning at a gymnastics
studio. I wou"d sti"" "o$e to "earn some of the awesome s!i""s they practice& It*s interesting that the ;master step<
of the ridge progression in 8on$ict 8onditioning comes across as a foundationa" e/ercise in mo$ements such as
the ac! handspring( in gymnastics. %he master step I mentioned is ca""ed ;stand to stand ridge< ut it is !nown
as the ac!end in gymnastics. -et( this does high"ight the difference etween progressi$e ca"isthenics Hstrength
focusI and gymnastics Hs!i"" focusI( whi"e the two do share a common corpus of ody weight training history.
%here*s SO much more to "earn& I hope to e a"e to "earn the ac! handspring someday( ecause it "oo!s rea""y
sweet& I found a good tutoria" e"ow( which I*"" e trying to practice some a"ong with the tips I got at the studio on
No you "i$e in Gonc!s 8orner( Summer$i""e( Joose 8ree!( or 8har"eston= .ou"d you "i!e to "earn progressi$e
ca"isthenics from me( or gymnastics and/or tum"ing from the ama?ing team at O"ympia Jymnastics= 0ead on
o$er to this page for more information and to find out how to get in touch #
1artial 2rts * -oo'erati+e S'irit
%he martia" arts in genera" c"aim to e aout de$e"oping your character and not just the ody. 0ow can any
martia" artist c"aim that their training ma!es them a etter person when they train to eat other peop"e= .inning
and "osing under the ru"es of a sport are ego centered pursuits and ha$e nothing to do with the martia" spirit or
the way of +udo. %hin! first of destroying the ego and cooperating with training partners. Sport can e a
recreationa" acti$ity that does not in$o"$e competition or the hosti"ity that comes a"ong with such. 9$eryone can
win and impro$e in cooperati$e p"ay.
For p"enty of credi"e hea"th information #
For p"enty of training $ideos and tutoria"s( head o$er to my -ou%ue p"ay"ist "og #
NonWt forget to chec! out the two "ists of resources that I maintain #

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