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Workout Design and Templates

by Owen Johnston
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Workout Design
"et ".#.$.%.. goa!s speci&ic' measurab!e' attainab!e' rea!istic' time!y
#ore about setting training goa!s (*+,/+*/*-/setting(training(goa!s/
Workout &re.uency +(,x / week &or beginners
Workout structure &u!! bo/y workouts' push/pu!! sp!it' upper bo/y / !ower bo/y sp!it' &u!! bo/y / sports
sp!it' or other 0ariation
est your abi!ities in training progressions to 0eri&y which progression1s2 you wi!! inc!u/e in the current or
next training cyc!e
$!ways inc!u/e at !east some warmup sets be&ore your work sets3 try to a!so inc!u/e ski!! work 1han/
ba!ancing' gymnastics rings' para!!ettes' or any other ski!! base/ mo0ement2 e0en i& you4re not a
gymnast' this is sti!! use&u! as it he!ps you /e0e!op contro!' stamina' an/ genera! bo/y awareness3 a!so try
to inc!u/e some mobi!ity work an/ acti0e &!exibi!ity 1bri/ges' L(sits' twist stretches' joint work in genera!2
Work 0o!ume 1how many tota! repetitions / sets2 an/ 0ariety 1number o& exercises per workout2 keep
re!ati0e!y !ow i& you4re a beginner3 norma!!y 5 recommen/ no more than , exercises per workout an/ no
more than 6 or 7 tota! sets 1)(, warmup sets' )(, work sets2 i& you4re a comp!ete beginner
5ntensity an/ !oa/ in weight !i&ting terms' ha0ing more weight 8!oa/9 wi!! make the exercise more
intense an/ more !ike!y to &orce a/aptations. 5n ca!isthenics' there are 0ariab!es you can experiment with
that wi!! make an exercise more or !ess intense. he har/er an exercise is' the !ess reps you wi!! be ab!e to
/o. 5 /o not be!ie0e there is any 8per&ect9 rep/set scheme: 5t /epen/s on your bo/y type' your goa!s' the
exercise in .uestion' an/ other &actors. $ basic gui/e!ine to keep in min/ is that you /o nee/ to make sure
that the exercises you se!ect are /i&&icu!t enough to &orce a/aptations' meaning that you wi!! bui!/ strength
an/ mass. Di&&erent rep ranges wi!! pro/uce /i&&erent resu!ts &or a break/own o& rep ranges that
encourage these resu!ts' 0iew the be!ow page:;itness/comments/+c<-r6/
he abo0e artic!e is more weight !i&ting oriente/' so 5 wi!! a!so !ink a ca!isthenics re!ate/ ;$=. 5n
progressi0e ca!isthenics' higher repetitions are ca!!e/ &or' which the author exp!ains. >e a!so /etai!s some
training programs' &rom beginner to a/0ance/.
Workout Design, page 2
Working up i& you4re a beginner to interme/iate trainee' s!ow!y bui!/ up repetitions unti! you can meet
the 8progression stan/ar/9 1set amount o& reps / sets2 &or a particu!ar progression' then test your abi!ities
again to see i& you can mo0e up in the progression. 5& you can4t' there are a &ew things you can try a// an
assistance exercise 1such as using a wrist ro!!er to assist grip strength &or pu!!ups2 or change a 0ariab!e or
two in the exercise you met the repetition stan/ar/ &or 1perhaps s!ight!y change han/ positioning' !ocking
/own your &orm better' using s!ow eccentric reps' etc2.
5& you4re new to writing workout programs' check out my post be!ow' which is base/ on a training
program that 5 wrote &or a &itness c!ient. 5 exp!aine/ the reasoning behin/ what we wou!/ be /oing' an/
how she shou!/ try to progress' as we!!.
raining Brogram &or ;itness ?!ient*+6/*+/))/training(program(&or(&itness(c!ient/
raining cyc!es as you become more a/0ance/ 1aroun/ ) years o& training2 you may nee/ to exp!ore
more a/0ance/ workout structures or week!y cyc!es. 5 ha0e an a/0ance/ session temp!ate post here (
Dasic emp!ate $/0ance/ raining "ession*+6/*+/)E/basic(temp!ate(a/0ance/(training(session/
he be!ow artic!e by the author o& 8O0ercoming Fra0ity9 /etai!s beginner training programs' as we!! as
how to progress beyon/ them' an/ a!so !inks out to interme/iate programs.
Deginner raining Brograms*+*/*)/beginning(training(programs/
8O0ercoming Fra0ity9 a!so has some a/0ance/ training program i/eas. 5 high!y recommen/ it you can
purchase a printe/ or BD; e/ition o& the book at the be!ow page:!!ections/pro/ucts/pro/ucts/o0ercoming(gra0ity(a(systematic(
Workout Templates
Calisthenics Workout
Warmups car/io' mobi!ity' stretches
"ki!! work gymnastics ho!/s an/ agi!ity /ri!!s
?ore o& the workout ca!isthenics warmup sets an/ work sets 1a// san/bags i& /esire/2
;inisher sprints' san/bags or 8hojo un/o9 corner' then /o neck' gut' an/ grip work
Sandbags Workout
Warmups car/io' mobi!ity' stretches' ca!isthenics warmup sets
?ore o& the workout c!ean an/ press' shou!/er toss' upright rows' bear hug carry' cur!s' /ea/!i&ts or
s.uats' shou!/er carry' &armer4s wa!k
;inisher pick a 8hojo un/o9 too! to work &or a &ew minutes' then /o neck' gut' an/ grip work
Warm/owns stretches' massage' acti0e &!exibi!ity work 1bri/ges' ho!/ !unges' etc2
>ojo An/o Workout
Warmups car/io' mobi!ity' stretches 1&ocus on the wrists' shou!/ers' e!bows' an/ ank!es2
?ore o& the workout warmup sets with !ighter too!s' with a &ocus on techni.ue3 work sets using hea0ier
too!s or high rep work sets with !ighter too!s make sure to use a 0ariety o& too!s
;inisher neck an/ gut work' 8hojo un/o9 makiage kigu 1wrist ro!!ers2 &or grip work
Learn more about ca!isthenics (
Learn more about san/bag training (*+,/*E/+)/san/bag(training/
Learn more about 8>ojo An/o9 (

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