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How to Make Law Of

Attraction Works

The Guide to Path of Manifestation


How To Make Law Of Attraction Works
Copyright 2013 Deanie Yap All Rights Reserved

Table of Content

1. Chapter 1 Introduction .2

2. Chapter 2 Recognise Your Pattern6
Our Internal World Creates External World..6
Accept Yourself.7
Exercise Releasing Negative Emotion...8

3. Chapter 3 Our Body..9
How Can We Do It?.....................................................................................9
Pick Up A Sport.9

4. Chapter 4 Our Mind....11
What We Think Affects What We Feel....11
How To Observe Our Mind....11

5. Chapter 5 Identify What You Want...13
What Does That Mean?..............................................................................13
What Are We Looking For?........................................................................13
Identifying The Qualities.14
Identifying The Activities.15

Copyright 2013 by Deanie Yap

All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any
manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the author.

This book is intended to be an informational guide and is not meant to treat, diagnose, or
replace the professional guidance of counsellors or health professionals. Always consult with
a qualified specialist for serious concerns. The author does not accept any responsibility for
the health of the readers as well as the outcome as a result of using the information
contained in this ebook.

How To Make Law Of Attraction Works
Copyright 2013 Deanie Yap All Rights Reserved 2
Chapter 1: Introduction

Identify Your Problem

Have you ever wondered why the same problems or life situations keep coming up over and
over again?

Typical Scene No 1 Your boss is unfriendly (or he could be nice to other people but just not
you), money minded and sets unreasonable deadlines. Your work day and night, even on
weekends and you are still not being remunerated properly. Yet he still yells at you,
embarrassing you. The worst part is you encountered the same type of boss again and
again, no matter how many times you changed jobs.

Typical Scene No 2 You lost faith in relationships because you had been cheated on a few
times. You attracted the same type of guy over and over again He is either married or is
seeing someone else, you became the third party. Or he is looking for someone better, and
you just happen to fill the gap before the right one appears for him.

Well, you may or may not have the same problems, but I did. The person whom I described
above is ME. I get stuck in the same life pattern for almost 10 years, wondering whats wrong
with me.

Then my best friend encouraged me to read The Secret and practiced the Law of Attraction.
So I read it and I practiced LOA seriously Positive Thinking, Visualisation, attract
my dream job and perfect partner. IT WORKED !

I secured my dream job after 10 months of practicing LOA. The pay was 60% more than my
previous job and my boss never yelled at me. It was a 5-day week job. Hooray!!! My previous
job required me to work a half day on Saturday twice a month. 2 months before I got my
dream job, I attracted a guy into my life. He was mature, rich and successful. He owns an
engineering firm and knows how to enjoy life. We travelled to Europe together for one week
after dating for 2 months, the best vacation I ever had.


Hold on.this is not the end of the story. Let me tell you what happened next:

The new job, other than the pay, did not bring any joy and satisfaction to me. It was a
property development firm and my boss was a typical businessman who wanted to derive the
maximum profit from any single development project Standardise the design of the houses,
maximising the quantity of houses within the same land sizes (so that he can sell more when
the land cost remains), minimising the landscape area and facilities for potential owners. As a
result I stopped creating. Every day and every moment I have to cut the flow of creativity of
the designers in order to cut costs. I was not in a job where I can express myself. It did not
resonate with me.

How To Make Law Of Attraction Works
Copyright 2013 Deanie Yap All Rights Reserved 3

I was extremely unhappy and I felt I was stuck in a bottleneck. Not long after that I started to
experience frustration in my daily work. I always feel anger within myself. Yes I was angry
with myself because I ignored the needs of my deeper self for the sake of higher pay. Then I
started to realise why I always encountered bosses who dont respect me; it was because I
never respected myself. I forced myself to do something I dont like in return for the money
a job that doesnt leave a positive impact on social and personal development.

I was so upset, cursing the Universe for fooling me. One day when I was complaining to my
best friend about it, she looked at me and said: The Universe will match the stuff with our
vibration. From what you told me, the feeling I have is your focus was a high paid job, isnt

Yes she was right. I may say I want a meaningful job but my emotional focus was on the
pay side during the process of manifesting the dream job. I was fooled, not by the Universe,
but my subconscious mind without me realising it. The Universe had responded to me It
gave me a job that was 60% higher than my previous job, because I evoke an emotional
response subliminally that money was the priority.

The guy I attracted, I found him a control freak. He wanted to be in control of everything. In
order to continue to have him, I chose to please him by listening to him. I stopped doing
activities l like in order to fit his schedule. I was losing myself. Eventually I found out he had
another girl friend. He was still seeing her while he was with me. The time we met (or I
attracted him) was the time he quarrelled with his girl friend, according to him. Of course I
broke off with him.

Again, the Universe delivered what I want a RICH boyfriend to match my emotional state of
wanting money. Because of my family background and my upbringing, I perceived that a rich
partner is always going to be a perfect partner.

After talking to my best friend I am pretty sure it is the emotion and vibration part that I
have got wrong. So I started all over again. I wrote down all the criteria of my dream job and
perfect partner, made the vision board and started to visualise every morning for 30 minutes.
I express gratitude on all the stuff that I possess.

2 months passed by.and I got a CALL to attend an interview. I attended the interview and
decided that was not for me. Now I am crystal clear with I want now. Then another 5 months
passed by.I went for job interviews, secured 2 job offers and I turned them down because
those are not what I want. It had been 10 months, I got more and more frustrated and there
was no significant progress in getting my dream job and perfect partner. I did not even meet
any new guy.

WHATS WRONG WITH ME? I thought this time I asked the right question. There was
nothing wrong with the Universe but me.

How To Make Law Of Attraction Works
Copyright 2013 Deanie Yap All Rights Reserved 4

I did not get the answer, not until I met my old schoolmate in a gathering who is now a
Psychologist. Apparently he is a huge fan of LOA. He laughed after listening to my story, and
said: Can you pour in more wine into this wine glass if it is filled with unwanted liquid?
This was the greatest epiphany moment that I ever had thus far.

Within us there are 2 entities working in 2 different fashions; they are the conscious mind and
subconscious mind. Our conscious mind is the thinking mind that is creative; it connects to
our personal identity. For the subconscious mind, it functions like a tape player. It records our
past experiences and information that we received, processing them and plays them back.
The subconscious mind is a million times more powerful than our conscious mind. Positive
thinking alone doesnt work because it only involves the conscious mind.

Then he continued: You know you need to get into the emotional state and raise your
vibration. Do you know exactly what you need to feel? And how to constantly feel it? His
words astonished me. I never thought about that. What to feel and how to feel???

I started to examine what negative thoughts and limiting beliefs that were preventing me from
reaching my dream. As I went deeper and deeper, I discovered there were also negative
emotions that were embedded deep inside me. I learnt how to release these thoughts and
emotions. I did another try to manifest my dream job. This time I also put in the main
ingredient that was missing last time: I did it with the right internal state and feeling. I know
exactly what I want and how it feels. I worked with the conditions of my physical body and
my mind to evoke the right emotional state to match the vibration of the things that I want.

After 3 months of manifestation, I secured a job that I really love but the pay was 20% lower.
How can you accept that? This was the typical response I got. But because I eliminated my
limiting belief that the day job is the only source of income, I accepted the job with the
premise I will only do what I love to do. With the new job I made several adjustments and
hence the reduction in pay doesnt really affect me:

1. The difference between my current job and the previous job is 20% in terms of gross
pay. After deducting tax, the difference is only 15%.

2. The new company is nearer to where I live, so I get to save 20% of my petrol bills.

3. As the working hour is reasonable, I have time to prepare my dinner in the evening.
Most of time I also prepare lunch for next day. This has reduced my bills on eating out.
To me this is a huge saving.

4. I stopped going to the gym. I save on the monthly subscription fees.

I love my job. My boss is creative and a passionate person, I enjoyed working with him.
Because I can give the best to add value to the team, I got a 16% raise after 2 months first
time ever in my entire career life. I become happier, healthier. The change in me was
significant because my friends and those in my neighbourhood noticed it. I started to get
invitations to dinners and gatherings, and I share with them what I did for the past 8 months,
from a frustrated person to a happier and healthier person. Then I started to speak at some
seminars and workshop as co-speaker during weekend, sharing my experience with the

How To Make Law Of Attraction Works
Copyright 2013 Deanie Yap All Rights Reserved 5

This also creates another source of income for me. See, the Universe always responds to us
provided we do it the right way.
This ebook is the improved version of the notes that I produced for distribution to my
friends/family as well as the course material for seminar/workshop. I have summarised the
most effective and powerful guides in 5 chapters that will put you in the path of manifestation
within shortest of period time:
In Chapter 2 Recognise Your Pattern we will learn how to release the negative
energy and how to accept ourselves.

In Chapter 3 Our Body and Chapter 4 Our Mind we will cover how to direct our
thoughts to the positive side. You will realise that both the conditions of our physical
body and our mind affects our internal state and we need to work on both of them.

In Chapter 5 Recognise What You want you will learn how to put up the missing
ingredient together so that you are on the right path to manifestation.
How do I came to know that these are the ultimate guide to LOA?
Well I invested more than $20,000 attending seminar & retreats and studying courses
conducted by different renowned Gurus and Coaches on Psychology, Relationships, NLP
and Spiritual Growth from all over the world in the past 3 years time. I am not going to lie. It is
a rewarding journey. It is fun, transformative and yielded life-changing results. But when I
looked back today I have this to say: Little did I know I am about to stumble upon an idea that
would change my outlook and vision about life and success. The knowledge, or the formula
about being happy, joyful and successful in life I knew I could have got the same
experience and went through the same transformative process, had I taken a different
Though the underlying principles involves psychology and metaphysics (it is not about
positive thinking and visualisation alone), but the essential knowledge and formula beneath
the Law Of Attraction that put you on the path leading to joy and success is not rocket
science. However, if you think Law Of Attraction is all about positive thinking, making visual
boards and expressing gratitude, you probably know only 10% of LOA and the process of
It is now my interest to spread the real, true secret of Law Of Attraction so that more people
will benefit from it. It should not be exclusive to selected people who afford expensive
seminars and courses while weeding the rest out.
This ebook is available for purchase at USD 2.99. Purchase the full version of ebook at
Amazon Kindle Store.

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