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1867 with the founding of the North German Confederation whose constitution granted legislative

power over the protection of intellectual property (Schutz des geistigen Eigentums) to the
#hen the administrative secretariats esta$lished $y the %aris Convention(188&)
and the 'erne Convention (1886) merged in 18(&) they located in 'erne) and also adopted the
term intellectual property in their new com$ined title) the *nited +nternational 'ureau, for the
%rotection of +ntellectual %roperty.
-he organi.ation su$se/uently relocated to Geneva in 1(60) and was succeeded in 1(67 with
the esta$lishment of the#orld +ntellectual %roperty 1rgani.ation (#+%1) $y treaty as an agency
of the *nited Nations. 2ccording to 3emley) it was only at this point that the term really $egan to
$e used in the *nited 4tates (which had not $een a party to the 'erne Convention))
and it did
not enter popular usage until passage of the 'ayh67ole 2ct in 1(80.
9-he history of patents does not $egin with inventions) $ut rather with royal grants $y :ueen
;li.a$eth + (1888<160&) for monopoly privileges... 2ppro,imately 500 years after the end of
;li.a$eth=s reign) however) a patent represents a legal right" o$tained $y an inventor providing
for e,clusive control over the production and sale of his mechanical or scientific invention...
demonstrating" the evolution of patents from royal prerogative to common6law doctrine.9
-he term intellectual property can $e found used in an 1cto$er 18!8 >assachusetts Circuit
Court ruling in the patent caseDavoll et al. v. Brown.) in which ?ustice Charles 3. #ood$ury wrote
that 9only in this way can we protect intellectual property) the la$ors of the mind) productions and
interests are as much a man=s the wheat he cultivates) or the floc@s he rears.9
statement that 9discoveries are...property9 goes $ac@ earlier. 4ection 1 of the Arench law of 17(1
stated) 92ll new discoveries are the property of the authorB to assure the inventor the property
and temporary enCoyment of his discovery) there shall $e delivered to him a patent for five) ten or
fifteen years.9
+n ;urope) Arench author 2. Nion mentioned proprit intellectuelle in his Droits
civils des auteurs, artistes et inventeurs) pu$lished in 18!6.
*ntil recently) the purpose of intellectual property law was to give as little protection possi$le in
order to encourage innovation. Distorically) therefore) they were granted only when they were
necessary to encourage invention) limited in time and scope.
-he concept=s origins can potentially $e traced $ac@ further. ?ewish law includes several
considerations whose effects are similar to those of modern intellectual property laws) though the
notion of intellectual creations as property does not seem to e,ist < nota$ly the principle of
Dasagat Ge=vul (unfair encroachment) was used to Custify limited6term pu$lisher ($ut not author)
copyright in the 16th century.
+n 800 'C;) the government of the Gree@ state of 4y$aris offered
one year=s patent 9to all who should discover any new refinement in lu,ury9.
Copyright infringement is the use of wor@s protected $y copyright law without
permission) infringing certain e,clusive rights granted to thecopyright holder)
such as the right to reproduce) distri$ute) display or perform the protected wor@)
or to ma@e derivative wor@s.
Copyright infringements and piracy are not victimless crimes as many people think; the true
victims are the creators, designers, the authors, composers, songwriters, flm makers and
investors. Without these individuals there would never be anything new.
Allrights reserved bisa dijual ke mobile rights, games, soundtrack, fashion, theme park
Dunia kreatif industri yang berbasis oleh ip
nline rights, tv rights, mobile rights
4tudy tour @ompas (cadangan dari $loom$erg)E
#or@flow programE
6$erapa tahun mere@a dapat rights
6ip nya se$erapa $anya@
6$u@an di production tapi di operation
-ugas uasE
'uat travel channel di $$rp @ota
4peciali.ed channel
-ravel channel tida@ sesuai ses tapi @arena @esu@aan orang
1$CectiveE $ecoming the preffered travel channel among indonesian viewers
and travel lovers
#hich provides programs involving travel a$out destinations) culture etc
-v channel will $e $roadcast via satellite -F
+ts content could $e also distri$uted through online media and mo$ile in F17
format or live streaming
-here hasnGt $een yet an +ndonesian channel e,clusively for travel
-ourism is an important component in +ndonesia economy &rd in foreign
-arget audienceE primary6 maleHfemale) 516&8 2'I) secondary !8668 2'I
Channel format 5! hours) fresh content) contentE 80J productionE50J
4ponsorsE travel
DKE 1 head channel) 5 producers) 1 production assistant) 1 promo team) 1
scheduler) 1 admin

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