India Posts: Trading As Government Postal System

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India Posts

The Department of Posts, trading as India Post, is a government-operated postal system in India
it is generally re!erred to within India as "the post o!!ice".
#s o! $% &arch '(%%, the Indian Postal Service had %)*,+,, post o!!ices, o! which %$-,(*( .+-./+
percent0 were in rural areas and %),+', .%(.'' percent0 in ur1an areas. It had '),*,* departmental
Post 2!!ices and %'-,*(' 34tra-5epartmental 6ranch Post 2!!ices. #t the time o! independence,
there were '$,$** post o!!ices, primarily in ur1an areas. The network has registered a si4!old growth
since independence, with the e4pansion7s !ocus primarily in rural areas. 2n average, a post o!!ice
serves an area o! '%.'$ s8uare kilometres .+.'( s8 mi0 and a population o! /,%%* it is the most
widely distri1uted postal system in the world.
The large num1er is a result o! a tradition o! disparate
postal systems, which were uni!ied in the Indian ;nion a!ter independence. 6ecause o! this !ar-!lung
reach and its presence in remote areas, the Indian postal service is also involved in other services
.such as small-savings 1anking and !inancial services0.
The postal service is under the 5epartment o! Posts, which is part o! the &inistry o! <ommunications
and In!ormation Technology o! the=overnment o! India. The ape4 1ody o! the department is the
Postal Service 6oard, consisting o! a chair and si4 mem1ers. The si4 1oard mem1ers govern
personnel, operations, technology, postal li!e insurance, human-resource development .>?50 and
planning. The @oint secretary and !inancial adviser is also a permanent invitee.
India has 1een divided into '' postal circles, each circle headed 1y a chie! postmaster general. 3ach
circle is divided into regions, headed 1y a postmaster general and comprising !ield units known as
divisions .headed 1y SSP2s and SP2s0. These divisions are !urther divided into su1divisions,
headed 1y #SPs and IP2s. 2ther !unctional units .such as circle stamp depots, postal store depots
and mail motor service0 may e4ist in the circles and regions. In addition to the '' circles, there is a
1ase circle to provide postal services to the #rmed Aorces o! India. The 1ase circle is headed 1y a
5irector =eneral, #rmy Postal Service .with a rank o! ma@or general0.
Bision C &ission
India Post7s products and services will 1e the customer7s !irst choice.
To sustain its position as the largest postal network in the world touching the lives o! every citiDen in the
To provide mail parcel, money trans!er, 1anking, insurance and retail services with speed and relia1ility.
To provide services to the customers on value-!or-money 1asis.
To ensure that the employees are proud to 1e its main strength and serve its customers with a human touch.
To continue to deliver social security services and to ena1le last mile connectivity as a =overnment o! India
Core Values
Ee will maintain our iconic status as a uni8ue and trusted national institution 1y:
#lways providing the human touch in all our interactions with society
6eing responsive and relia1le
5emonstrating the highest order o! integrity, honesty, transparency and pro!essionalism
5ischarging our responsi1ilities towards the society in an environment o! deep trust, mutual respect and a
culture o! service before self
Strategic Goals
#chieve the long term goal o! !inancial sel!-su!!iciency 1y generating surpluses !rom services .e4isting C
new0 outside our universal service o1ligation
5evelop, implement and operate a system o! standards with accounta1ility !or per!ormance
5evelop a scala1le and !le4i1le technology in!rastructure to support our operations
6e the pre!erred, trusted and relia1le service partner !or all customers
3nsure that India Post ac8uires all re8uired people capa1ilities to deliver its chosen services port!olio
6e the inter!ace 1etween citiDens and the government
Speed post
6usiness post
34press parcel
&edia post
=reeting post
Fogistics post
Speed Post ...We deliver Excellence
Speed Post, the market leader in the domestic e4press industry, was started 1y 5epartment o! Posts in #ugust %-+,
!or providing time-1ound and e4press delivery o! letters G documents and parcels across the nation and around the
world. In the past '( years , it continues to 1e the market leader in the e4press industry with monthly volumes
e4ceeding %.* crores. h monthly volumes e4ceeding %.* crores. soHormal" Speed Post ushered in a new era when
I2ne India, 2ne ?ateG scheme was launched J IH? ') !or all destinations across India, !rom Kashmir to
Kanyakumari. How, Speed Post delivers IBalue !or moneyG to every one every where, delivering local Speed Post
upto )( grams J IH? %', inclusive o! Service Ta4. Ealk into any o! the Speed Post 1ooking centres across the
country and e4perience the I@oy o! communicationG.
Aor corporate customers and to regular users , Speed Post provides I>ome collectionG, credit !acilities, on-line
tracking, account management and personalised services. <all your Speed Post <entre today.
!ocal "#itin
municipaI limits$ %pto &'' (ms.
&') to )'''
)'') to &'''
*bove &'''
;pto )( grams IH? %) IH? $) IH? $) IH? $) IH? $)
)% grams to '(( grams IH? ') IH? $) IH? *( IH? ,( IH? /(
'(% grams to )(( grams IH? $( IH? )( IH? ,( IH? +( IH? -(
#dditional )(( grams or
part thereo! IH? %( IH? %) IH? $( IH? *( IH? )(
6usiness Post
+usinessPost , Mailing solutions for businesses
I! you are a corporate customer looking !or mailing solutions, 6usiness Post services will make your task easy and
convenient. 6usiness Post demonstrates our responsiveness to market demands in providing value additions to mail
services, with the 1est possi1le delivery at the lowest possi1le price.
2ur customers are the reason !or our e4istence. Their satis!action in our products and services is o! paramount
importance to us. ?ealising this, we are improving our services at all levels and we !ocus on continual improvement.
Welcome to +usiness Post
-otal Mailing solutions.
6usiness Post provides Itotal mailing solutionsG to the 1usinesses !rom mail preparation to mail delivery. It is a one-
stop shop service that manages entire mail-out process, !or small 1usinesses as well as large companies. <ustomers
can choose !rom a range o! cost-e!!ective and pro!essional mailing services, including printing, collating, inserting,
sealing, and addressing to meet their speci!ic 1usiness needs. In order to speed up the mail delivery, special
despatch direct to destination post o!!ice and special delivery arrangements can also 1e made under 6usiness Post .
+usiness mail processing made earl/.
6usiness Post handles all 1usiness mail processing to make the task easy and convenient !or the customer.
2utsourcing the 1usiness mail processing needs to India Post means that the company can redirect precious
resources to its core 1usiness activities. It makes sound 1usiness sense.
+usiness Post Centres.
6usiness Post services are availa1le in I6usiness Post <entresG which have 1een esta1lished in ma@or towns.
6usiness Post <entres are availa1le at ma@or post o!!ices. 6usiness Post <entres deal with the processing o! the
6usiness Post consignments. 6usiness Post centres can also 1e set up at the premises o! the customers, specially at
6ank >ead 8uarters or company >ead8uarters where the 1usiness volumes are very large. ;nder 6usiness Post, the
amount paya1le !or 6usiness Post services is received in advance.
0ange of services.
6usiness Post has enormous 1usiness potential as it can provide a range o! services to the S&3s and large
corporate, who are in need o! communication and distri1ution services.
Service Details
&ail ?oom services >ome collection
5ocumentation and special despatch
Special delivery services Special delivery
2ther value additions as per customerGs re8uirements o! the customer
+usiness Post rates.
Aor providing the &ail room services, the rates are as !ollows and this will 1e in addition to the postage rates.
Service +usiness Post rates "in I10$ effective )2,)&,&''3
;n-?egistered ?egistered
<ollection !rom premises (.'( (.$(
Aranking (.'( (.*(
#ddressing (.$( (.$(
Sealing (.%( (.%(
Inserting .per insertion0 (.%( (.'(
Special handling charges (.%( (.)(
&edia Post
India Post o!!ers an uni8ue media concept to help the Indian corporate and the =overnment organiDations reach p
otential customers through &edia Post. <reative, cost-
e!!ective and personaliDed , it is over packed . #1solutely no other media can match the sheer e4panse o!
India Post in terms o! volume and reach. Media Post - an innovative C e!!ective vehicle !or 6rand and
&arketing managers to communicate their corporate messages across the nation.
How, your 1rand could take the !ast track and reach the masses at a low cost with &edia Post.
Extensive 0eac
India Post delivers %,)/) crore mails every year linking every nook and corner o! the country through a network o!
%,)*,%*- post o!!ices and ),,*,/(% Fetter 6o4es. Lou can use the !ollowing !or your 1randing e4ercise.
#dvertisement on postcards, letters, aerogrammes, postal stationary etc.
Space sponsorship options on letter 1o4es.
India Post handles more than $((( million pieces o! unregistered mail every year, reaching out to million o!
households in the country and the world. 3very time a person sends or receives a postcard, an inland letter or an
envelope, he gets to see your logo or your message. The #erogramme even gives you the opportunity to make a
glo1al impact.
!anguage no +arrier
Postcards, Inland Fetters and &oney 2rder Aorms can carry your message in any Indian language or in 3nglish.
#erogramme will carry your message in 3nglish only.
<olours o! Lour <hoice
2n #erogramme and Postcards, the printing can 1e done in !our colors o! your choice.
=reeting Post
Innovative Product
Eelcome to the world o! =reeting Post ,a new range o! delight!ul greeting cards, 1rought to you 1y India Post. These
cards come ready with pre-paid postage envelopes there1y eliminating the need to a!!i4 stamps: a uni8ue concept !or
the !irst time in India. EhatGs more !ascinating, the postage stamps are an e4act replica o! the cards inside.
*dvantage Greeting Post
#nd itGs not only convenience that these cards o!!er, 1ut a lot more. Through =reeting Post you can e4press yoursel!
per!ectly on every occasion, !estival or event. Aew would miss the warmth re!lected in their 1eauti!ul designs and
pleasing colours Ehich undou1tedly makes them an a1solute @oy to receive.

Were /ou can Get
The cards are 1eing sold through the private distri1utors o! the =reeting <ards and the stationary shops. The <ards
and the envelopes with the em1ossed stamp will 1e sold together. =reeting cards are availa1le at all ma@or Post
=reeting Post is yet another innovative product o! India Post comprises o! a card with envelop with pre-printed
postage stamp upon the envelope. The envelope contains multi coloured em1ossed stamp .which is a miniature
replica o! the design that appears upon the card0 o! ) cm 4 * cm 4 $ cm o! the denomination o! IH? )/- written on the
stamp . Thus you need not a!!i4 postage stamps on the envelope thus saving your time o! going to post o!!ices and
standing in the 8uepue. The =reeting <ard also has in 1uilt a round stamp in gray 1lue on the 1ack o! the card
precisely on the !lap. #ll the rules and regulations !or the postage dues will 1e applica1le to the =reeting Post. #s per
the current rules, IH? )/- postage entitles the sender to send the article to any part o! the country up to '( grams. The
same rule will 1e applica1le !or the =reeting Post also.
Dimension and -/pes
Ee have two types o! varying SiDe.
Small siDe card %(.) cm 4 %,.) cm
Farge siDe card %' cm 4 %+.) cm
There are ), designs availa1le right now.
Small siDe card IH? %*/- per card inclusive o! IH? )/- postage.
Farge siDe card IH? %//- per card inclusive o! IH? )/- postage.
Fogistics Post - 6'6 34press 5istri1ution
I! you are a corporate customer looking !or logistics solutions, Fogistics Post services will provide you cost-e!!ective
and e!!icient distri1ution across the country.
Fogistics Post manages the entire distri1ution side o! the logistics in!rastructure !rom collection to distri1ution, !rom
storage to carriage,!rom order preparation to order !ul!illment at the lowest possi1le price.
Welcome to !ogistics Post5 /our reliable partner in express distribution
Distribution solutions. Eith a high growth Indian economy in India, transport and logistics take on a new dimension
in any 1usiness. Fogistics Post can cater to any demand !or moving goods, parcels and consignments in terms o!
delivery deadline and 8uality o! service. Aurther, it o!!ers the possi1ility o! monitoring the delivery progress at all times.
Ehether you want to distri1ute your computers across the nation or to send your auto parts to the distri1utors,
Fogistics Post provides you a tailor-made solution.
4-! and !-S services. ;nder this service, customers can send their consignments either in !ull truck load .ATF0 or
Fess than a Truck Foad .FTF0 , one parcel or multi-parcels, 1ased on their re8uirements. It is !le4i1le and convenient.
Fogistics Post uses a special network !or carrying and delivering packages and consignments across the nation. It
moves the shipments 1y road, rail and air and ensures sa!e and timely delivery.
!ogistics Post Centres. Ee have esta1lished Fogistics Post <entres across the country to take your consignments.
Must get in touch with any o! the Fogistics Post <entres.
Distance and #eigt,based tariff. The tari!! is 1ased on weight, volume and distance. The weight sla1 is )( kg. Aor
each consignment, a docket !ee o! IH?%(( is paya1le in addition to other charges 1ased on weight, volume and
Multi,modal transport. 6ased on the speci!ic re8uirements o! the customers, the consignments are sent 1y road, rail
or air. India Post has a !leet o! e4clusive aircra!t to carry Fogistics Post air consignments. Aurther, we have a !leet o!
vehicles to transport the consignments 1y road.
Wareousing services. To make logistics operations cost e!!ective and e!!icient, Fogistics Post provides
warehousing options .storage o! goods 1e!ore dispatch/ delivery0 to the customers, on payment o! warehousing
charges. This ena1les you to 1ring your products closer to your customers. Fet us know your re8uirements and we
shall provide you the warehousing solutions.
6rder processing 7 fulfillment services. #long with warehousing services, we provide you an order processing
and order management solution that takes a "whole o! 1usiness" approach. Fogistics Post will make the entire
Fogistics operations smooth 1y providing Ipick and packG !acilities 1ased on speci!ic re8uirements o! the customers.
3ach consignment will 1e packed with the speci!ic goods, as desired 1y the customer.
0eturn !ogistics. 6usinesses re8uiring I?eturn servicesG will !ind Fogistics Post the ideal solution. Must sign a
1usiness agreement with us !or I?everse logisticsG and we shall make the re8uired arrangements.
*gents re8uired. Ee are also looking !or outsourced agents !or Fogistics Post services, who will collect and 1ook
the consignments as agents, on commission 1asis.
Post 2!!ice Hetwork .source:
India has the largest Postal Hetwork in the world with over %, )),(%) Post 2!!ices .as on $%.($.'((-0 o! which %,
$-,%** .+-./,N0 are in the rural areas. #t the time o! independence, there were '$,$** Post 2!!ices, which were
primarily in ur1an areas. Thus, the network has registered a seven-!old growth since Independence, with the !ocus o!
this e4pansion primarily in rural areas. 2n an average, a Post 2!!ice serves an area o! '%.'% S8. Km and a
population o! /%/) people
Third-party logistics
# tird,part/ logistics provider .a11reviated 9P!, or sometimes -P!0 is a !irm that provides
service to its customers o! outsourced .or "third party"0 logistics services !or part, or all o! their supply
chain management !unctions. Third party logistics providers typically specialiDe in integrated
operation, warehousing and transportation services that can 1e scaled and customiDed to customers7
needs 1ased on market conditions and the demands and delivery service re8uirements !or their
products and materials. 2!ten, these services go 1eyond logistics and include value-added services
related to the production or procurement o! goods, i.e., services that integrate parts o! the supply
chain. Then the provider is called third-party supply chain management provider .$PS<&0 or supply
chain management service provider .S<&SP0. Third Party Fogistics System is a process which
targets a particular Aunction in the management. It may 1e like warehousing, transportation, raw
material provider, etc
#ccording to the <ouncil o! Supply <hain &anagement Pro!essionals, $PF is de!ined as "a !irm that
provides multiple logistics services !or use 1y customers. Pre!era1ly, these services are integrated,
or 1undled together, 1y the provider. #mong the services $PFs provide are transportation,
warehousing, cross-docking, inventory management, packaging, and !reight !orwarding."
Advantages and disadvantages of third party logistics
#dvantages o! $PF
- <ost and time savings !or the client
#s logistics is the core competence o! third party logistics providers. They possess 1etter know how
and a greater e4pertise as any producing or selling company could 1e a1le. This know how together
with the glo1al networks o! the o!ten large company siDe ena1les a higher time and cost e!!iciency.
#nother point is, that the e8uipment and the IT systems o! $PF providers are constantly updated and
adapted to new re8uirement o! their customers, so that they are a1le to meet the re8uirements o!
their customerGs suppliers. #nd that is more than essential to a companyGs survival. Producing or
selling companies o!ten do not have the time, resources or e4pertise to adapt their e8uipment and
systems as 8uickly as necessary. So in conclusion a $PF provider can meet the technical
re8uirements in a !aster and more cost e!!icient way than a company could do itsel!.
- Fow capital commitment
Thus the !act that most or all operative !unctions are outsourced to a $PF provider there is no need
!or the client to hold own warehouses or transport assets. There is very less or no tied up logistics
capital. This is very 1ene!icial i! a company has high deviations in warehouse capacity utiliDation,
1ecause a 1ad capacity utiliDation ratio at e8ual !i4 cost .!or warehouse0 is evil !or a companyGs
e!!iciency and pro!its.
- #1ility o! client to !ocus on core 1usiness
The outsourcing o! logistics departments permits the company to !ocus even more on their real core
1usiness. I! logistics is one o! the !irmsG core 1usinesses then outsourcing doesnGt make sense. 6ut i!
logistics is no core competency 1ut rather needed or annoying attachment it should 1e outsourced to
a logistics provider, 1ecause the continuous increasing o! 1usiness comple4ity makes it impossi1le
to 1e an e4pert in every division or sector.
#nd i! you are no e4pert in a division, there is always the
opportunity to improve. 2!ten only the core competency is really adding value to your product. So it
is immense important to 1e 1est in class or one o! the market leaders to generate pro!its, 1ecause
normally the 8uality o! the core product is the main .not the only, 1ut the mainO0 reason !or the
consumer to 1uy it.
-$PFs provide !le4i1ility
Third party logistics provider can provide a much higher !le4i1ility in geographic aspects and can
o!!er a much larger variety o! services than the clients could provider their selves. In addition to that,
the client gets !le4i1ility in resources and work!orce siDe and logistics !i4 costs turn into varia1le

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