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So the spirit of

still broods.
Six out of ten told
the authors that morality
is a personal choice,
like preferring long
or short hair.
Every one of the worlds
nine nuclear powers is
currently in the middle
of a shopping spree.
Unless the UK ruling
class gets its act together
pretty quickthe
Islamists will win.
VEN TO the casual observer, this
world has withstood a series of
profound crises in the last few
years. At the end of 2004, just seven
years ago, a devastating earthquake
rocked the Indian Ocean, trigger-
ing a massive tsunami that wiped out
230,000 lives in Indonesia. Nearly a
quarter of a million people were swept
out to sea.
In July 2005, radical Islamists
bombed the London underground rail system, killing 56
people; injuring 700. A month later, Hurricane Katrina
plowed into the Gulf Coast, killing more than 1,800 people.
It was the deadliest hurricane to strike America in more
than 75 years.
We also witnessed a change of power in the Vatican in
2005. The new pope, Benedict XVI (Joseph Ratzinger), was
the man the Trumpet had correctly predicted.
In August 2006, Iran started the Second Lebanon War
by orchestrating the kidnappings of Israeli soldiers.
In December 2006 we saw a radical turn in U.S. politics
with the midterm elections. At the time, we wrote, You
dont need deep biblical understanding to realize that
something is dreadfully wrong in this country. America is
being cursed!
In September 2007, Israel bombed Syrias nuclear facil-
ity. Some analysts said this nearly started World War III!
There was the Hamas takeover of Gaza in June of 2007.
And then the National Intelligence Estimate of December
2007, which signifed, as we wrote at the time, a nation-
destroying change in American foreign policy.
In 2008, Russia invaded Georgia, Iran conquered
Lebanon, Germany conquered Kosovo, the United States
ran Musharraf out of offce, adding to Pakistans instability,
and the U.S. economy came within a few minutes of total
fnancial meltdown.
In 2009, the new leadership in the United States spent
the year courting its traditional enemies while at the same
time sticking it in the eye of our allies. Israel went to war
with Hamas in Gaza, Iran crushed a democratic uprising
called the Green Revolution, and the Lisbon Treaty became
Europes new constitution! That same year, Europe was
rocked by a fnancial crisis, which opened the way for Ger-
many to ride to the rescue.
In 2010, for all intents and purposes, Iraq fell to Iran
something we have been predicting for years. The U.S.
dollar came under assault. Americas strong traditional
ties with Israel unraveled. Britain surrendered its military
sovereignty. And then there were the natural disasters: Last
year, more human beings died in natural disasters than any
other year on record! The Associated Press called 2010 the
year the Earth struck back.
This year, Bible prophecy has accelerated in spectacular
fashionparticularly in the Middle East and Europe.
These are not normal times! Time was, Herbert
Armstrong wrote in Are We in the Last Days?, when some
wild-eyed freak shouting a doomsday warning was ridi-
culed as off his rocker. But today serious world leaders and
scientists are saying grave things about the current drift in
world conditions.
In Matthew 24, the disciples asked Jesus Christ what
would be the sign of His coming and of the end of the world.
Notice the frst and most important warning Christ gave:
Take heed that no man deceive you. For many shall come
in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many
(verses 4-5).
This religious deception is the frst horseman of the
apocalypse! And this isnt referring to deception com-
ing from non-Christian religions. Jesus said many people
would be deceived about His messageabout what true
Christianity really is.
Christ continued in verse 14, And this gospel of the
kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness
unto all nations; and then shall the end come.
The word end here is not the same as the Greek word
used for the end of the age (see verse 3). Thayers Lexicon
defnes the word end in verse 14 this way: In the Greek
writing, always the end of SOME ACT OR STATE, but not the end
of a period of time. What end is intended the reader must
determine by the context.
So what really ended? When the gospel was preached
around the world as a witness, then that work ended. It
was the end of the Philadelphia era and the beginning of
the Laodicean era in Gods Church (Revelation 3:7-20). A
man came and fnished an end-time work (Zechariah 4:9).
Then he was taken out of the way (2 Thessalonians 2:7). For
more on this subject, study our free book Malachis Mes-
sage to Gods Church Today.
What Mr. Cameron
is actually proposing is
to end the monarchy
in England.
see END page 10
Is This the Time of the End?
nUNESCO grants Palestinians full membership: The United
Nations Educational Scientifc and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) ac-
cepted the Palestinians as a full member state on Monday, the frst UN
affliate body to do so. Two thirds of the members of the UN cultural
and scientifc agency voted in favor of Palestinian membership107
members in favor, 14 against, and 52 abstentions. The UNESCO accep-
tance is a great diplomatic victory for the Palestinians. They hope to
build on this victory by seeking membership of other UN agencies. Pal-
estinian President Mahmoud Abbas requested full membership in the
UN on September 23, and a Security Council vote is tentatively sched-
uled for November 11. Such moves serve to further isolate Israel, though
the United States has promised to use its veto power in the Security
Council and has cut funding to UNESCO. Seekingand now gainingad-
mittance to various UN agencies is the frst step in a wider diplomatic
campaign by the PA to secure a UN Security Council vote on Palestin-
ian statehood, writes the Eurasia Review. In fact, it appears to be
a deliberate tactic to isolate those countries opposed to the statehood
bidchiefy, the U.S. and Israel (November 3). These unilateral moves
by the Palestinians are largely symbolic but may have far-reaching
implications on the ground by triggering further violence.
nEgypt threatens Israel over Gaza: Israel has authorized its
military to take all necessary action to stop the ongoing rocket attacks
launched from Gaza, an Israeli military offcial said Tuesday, though no
offcial statement was made. Tensions have risen once again since Gaza
terrorists hit Israel with a barrage of rockets late last week and Israel
responded with air strikes. Egypt stepped in to try to mediate a truce.
The offcial line is that Israel is refraining from a major attack on Gaza
due to these efforts. However, it seems Egypt has privately issued a se-
rious threat to Israel over taking any military action in Gaza. Courcys
Intelligence Service reported November 3 that according to Palestinian
sources, prominent Egyptian security commanders have warned Isra-
el that Cairo would not permit a wide-scale military operation in Gaza
because the Egyptian position has completely changed since President
Hosni Mubarak was ousted. Egypt is not threatening a direct military
response, but it has said that the military would not be able (or willing)
to prevent thousands of Egyptian youths marching towards the Israeli
border, JKC de Courcy writes. Already, it appears the Islamist-leaning
post-Mubarak Egypt is taking away Israels ability to act to defend itself.
nEgyptian sheikhs issue fatwas ahead of elections: There
has been an increase in Islamist activism in Egypt ahead of staggered
parliamentary elections beginning November 28, according to the BBC
Monitoring Service. Prominent clerics have issued fatwas against voting
for supporters of the former regime, or for liberals, secular or Christian
candidates. Salafst preacher Sheikh Mahmud Amir, head of The Group
of the Supporters of the Muhammad Sunna, pronounced: Voting for
these people is religiously prohibited. Whoever does this will be com-
mitting a major sin and should expiate for it. He also prohibited votes
for any Muslim candidate who doesnt call for the implementation of
sharia law. Last month, the secretary general of the Higher Committee
for the Islamic Call at Al-Azhar issued a fatwa against voting against any
member of the former ruling party. A Muslim Brotherhood leader at an
election event said that supporting the Brotherhood was getting close
to God in the service of the Egyptian people. These sheikhs are gaining
large followings in Egypt. They have tens of thousands of followers,
writes JKC de Courcy, and their supporters tend to put complete trust
in their sayings (November 3). Watch for Egypt to turn radical.
nAl Qaeda fag fying over Benghazi courthouse: The Mail
Online reports that al Qaedas fag was hoisted on Tuesday over the
birthplace of Libyas revolution as the NATO operation offcially ended.
The fag was seen fying, along with the Libyan national fag, over the
THE TRUMPET WEEKLY November 5, 2011 2
Forges More
AFTER CLOSE to a decade of deployment
in Afghanistan, German soldiers have
seen something not experienced by their
postwar predecessors: extensive combat.
It has helped to create a more assertive
army and changed the military in fun-
damental ways. It has also made the job
more deadly.
One day last July, Maj. Gen. Hans-Wer-
ner Fritz ordered German troops to fre
artillery in combat for the frst time since
World War II. The engagement took place
south of Kunduz in northern Afghanistan,
where the Taliban have over the last few
years opened up a second front against
NATO, and in the process put German
soldiers in the line of fre more than at any
point since the countrys armed forces, the
Bundeswehr, frst arrived in the country
nearly a decade ago. General Fritz had
just taken over as the commander of the
11,000 NATO troops in the north of Af-
ghanistanincluding, for the frst time,
Since then, the Bundeswehr, alongside
the United States and other troops in
northern Afghanistan, has fought many
such battles as part of a more aggressive
strategy that General Fritz describes as
aufspren, stellen, schlagen, or detect,
engage, strike. The use of artillery allows
the Bundeswehr to support infantry more
effciently in order to take the initiative and
drive the Taliban out of the area and pre-
vent them from laying roadside bombs.
Its a long way from the old Bundeswehr
that one senior British offcer referred
to a few years ago, only half-jokingly, as
an aggressive camping organization. In
former times, the Bundeswehr was more
likely to wait to be attacked than to go on
the offensive.
Fritz says that although the German
public has in the last two years come to
the realization that it is at war rather than
simply carrying out a stabilization mis-
sion in Afghanistan, it still has some way
to go. The German media reports about
Afghanistan more frequently than it used
to, Fritz says. However, the public inter-
est in security policy is limitedsome-
thing that we would like to change so that
our nation recognizes the achievements of
our troops in Afghanistan even more.
DER SPIEGEL | November 1
THE TRUMPET WEEKLY November 5, 2011 3
courthouse in Benghazi, where the countrys new rulers are already
imposing sharia law. The courthouse is where rebel leaders established
their provisional government. Libyas interim prime minister has said
that sharia would be the basic source of legislation and that the coun-
trys future parliament would have an Islamist tint.
nTaliban suicide attack in Kabul: A Taliban car bomb attack in
Afghanistans capital, Kabul, last Saturday killed 17 people, including 12
Americans and a Canadian. A convoy of coalition forces was hit in what
was the deadliest strike against the U.S.-led coalition in Kabul since the
beginning of the war. The same day, two other Taliban attacks occurred:
Three Australian soldiers and an Afghan interpreter were killed in a gun
attack by a man wearing the Afghan Army uniform; and a teenage girl
carried out a suicide attack that wounded several people at a National
Directorate of Security building. On Thursday, a further suicide bomb
attack targeted the entrance to a compound housing NATO contractors in
western Afghanistan. Two private security guards were killed in the at-
tack. The attacks come as U.S. and other NATO forces prepare to withdraw
from the country and hand over security responsibilities to Afghan forces.
TELEGRAPH | October 31
Libya: Revolutionaries
Turn on Each Other
UNDREDS OF revolutionaries fought each other at a hospital in
Tripoli early on Monday, in the biggest armed clash between
allies since the fall of Muammar Qadhaf. The fghting fueled
growing fears that nobody is in control of thousands of swaggering
armed men who are still based in Tripoli and that the countrys interim
government will struggle to impose law and order.
Two people died from bullet wounds and at least seven fghters
were injured during a battle that started when militia from the town of
Zintan were stopped by guards from the Tripoli Brigade from entering
the citys Central Hospital to kill a patient.
The incident will raise pressure on the fragile National Transitional
Council to disarm the former rebel fghters who are still at large in Lib-
yas capital, even though they were asked to leave weeks ago and have
been ordered to give up their heavy weapons. The battle came on the
day Human Rights Watch warned in a report that the entire population
of 30,000 people from the town of Tawargha, near Misurata, has been
driven out by former rebels for siding with Qadhaf.
nGreece causes euro pandemonium: Leaders from around the
world gathered this week to once again try to solve Europes fnancial
crisis. Leaders of the G-20 nations met in Cannes, France, as Europe
struggled to get its act together. Greece announced that it would hold
a referendum on the conditions of the latest bailout package. France
and Germany insisted that if Greece voted against the package, it would
have to leave the euro. Does Greece want to remain part of the euro-
zone or not? German Chancellor Angela Merkel asked. That is the
question the Greek people must now answer. Greece Prime Minister
George Papandreou later announced that Greece wouldnt hold a ref-
erendum after all. The dust it yet to settle, but it is clear that Greece is
in trouble. It needs more money to stay in the eurozone, but its people
Comes Out
MARIO DRAGHI came out of the gate swing-
ing a powerful punch during his frst
meeting with EU offcials as the European
Central Banks (ECBs) new president. He
immediately moved to enact a change in
eurozone interest rates (something his
predecessor, Claude Trichet, had refused
to do), dropping the EU benchmark rate
by 25 basis points to 1.25 percent, and also
cutting marginal lending rates to 2 per-
cent and the deposit rate to 0.5 percent.
This was the latest shocker in a volatile
week for fnancial markets in Europe, the
effects of which continue to ripple around
the globe. But this time, after receiving a
battering from confusing signals com-
ing out of Greece, the markets reacted
Such a strong start by the Jesuit-
trained Italian banker indicates that he
may well prove to be a more activist chief
of Europes most infuential bank than
Frenchman Claude Trichet proved to be.
With market experts of the opinion that
only the ECB can now really help mend the
euro crisis, Draghi is under the spotlight.
At a press conference called on the eve
of the G-20 meeting in Cannes, Draghi
reinforced the need for fscal consolidation
in Europe:Turning to fscal policies, all
euro area governments need to show their
infexible determination to fully honor
their own individual sovereign signature
as a key element in ensuring fnancial
stability in the euro area as a whole.
There is more than a hint here that,
under Draghi, the ECB will be putting its
weight behind continuing to reduce the
sovereignty of EU member nations by
exerting more centralized control. Will
the new ecb head live up to his name? As
we have noted, Mario is a take on Mars,
the pagan god of war. The name Draghi
is simply a version of dragon. Will Mario
Draghi prove to be a warlike dragon as
Europes chief central banker?
Germany holds the whip hand as pay-
master of Europe. The Vatican released
its own plan for centralized global gov-
ernance just a week before Draghi took
offce in Frankfurt. As the imperialist
agenda of both Berlin and Rome takes on
new impetus amid the present euro crisis,
this committed Roman Catholic banker
would seem well placed to play diplomatic
fnancial games between the two.
are fed up with handing over their sovereignty. As this story continues
to unfold, remember what Trumpet editor in chief Gerald Flurry wrote
early this year: Germany will use this crisis to force Europe to unite
more tightly. In the process, some eurozone countries will be forced out
of the union. When that happens, the pundits will say European unif-
cation is dead, that the European Union has failed. Dont listen to them!
nGreece sacks top brass: Greeces minister of defense sacked and
replaced the entire upper echelon of the countrys defense services
November 1. Athens News reported that the personnel changes took
many members of the government and of the armed forces by surprise
. The sackings included the chiefs of the Greek National Defense
General Staff, the Greek Army General Staff, the Greek Air Force and
the Greek Navy General Staff. It was a complete rout of the entire chiefs
of staff of the whole of Greeces defense establishment. Was this clear-
ing out a senior offcer cadre not suffciently attuned to EU motives in
Greece? What were these defense establishment heads up to? Were they
planning rebellion against the Greek government, perhaps a military
takeover akin to the coup of the colonels of Greek history? It all smells
fshy, coming at a time of increasing social disruption in Greece because
of resistance to austerity measures forced upon the Greeks.
STRATFOR | November 3
The G-20 Summit
Amid Escalation of the
European Crisis
IVE EU summits in the past two weeks have failed to stem the Eu-
ropean fnancial crisis. In fact, by some measures the agreements
reached have made it worse. Should the Greeks vote down the
bailout program, its funds will stop fowing to the country. Greece will
default and be pushed, either by its own economic circumstances or
by its European partners, out of the eurozone. Financial markets will
shut out any other damaged statesmost notably Italyand the threat
of default will repeat on a far larger scale. A meaningful bailout facility
must be in place to keep the eurozone from breaking up.
Europes politicians are losing their ability to manage the European
crisis. A generation ago, Germany would have had no choice but to
bail out Greece. But Germany is breaking free of its Cold War restric-
tions and has frmly resisted. A generation ago, Greece could have been
made to accept the conditions of a bailout, regardless of the suffering
inficted. But the ties that bind Europe are no longer reinforced by the
United States, and Greece is now at liberty to make its own decisions.
A generation ago, Europeans would accept the decisions their leaders
made. But with the pall of the Cold War gone, citizens across the Con-
tinent are choosing to follow nationalist inclinations at the expense of
the European ideal. Nationalism isnt creeping back into Europeit has
already arrived. It just hasnt taken formal power yet.
The present crop of European leaders is not familiar with a world in
which Europe is simply the name of the continent on which they live.
Most of them will be swept out of power by the current political changes.
Only those politicians who learn to bolster their personal political stand-
ings with stances that beneft their own states will remain relevant.
This is the European backdrop as the Group of 20 meets in Cannes,
France, on Thursday and Friday. Europes crisis has advanced to the
degree that European structures threaten to fall apart. Meanwhile,
Stratfor has to start imagining what the world might look like if Europe
as we know it begins to unravel.
THE TRUMPET WEEKLY November 5, 2011 4
THE WORLD is heading for a new era of glob-
al nuclear force modernization and growth
despite anti-proliferation rhetoric in the U.S.
and EU, a new study says. The survey by the
London and Washington-based think tank,
the British American Security Information
Council (Basic), notes that every one of the
worlds nine nuclear powers is currently in
the middle of a shopping spree.
The U.S., which already has 8,500
warheads, plans to spend $700 billion on
its nuclear capability in the next 10 years.
The other big player, Russia, which has
around 11,500 warheads, plans to spend
$70 billion by 2020. It aims to double
the number of ballistic missiles it makes
each year by investing $500 million in its
Votkinsk factory. It is also buying eight new
submarines, developing a strategic missile
capable of carrying 10 warheads and work-
ing on a new long-range stealth bomber.
The author of the Basic study, Brit-
ish defense expert Ian Kearns, wrote
Whatever the current rhetoric about glob-
al nuclear disarmament the evidence
points to a new era of global nuclear force
modernization and growth. He added:
There is little sign in any of these nuclear
armed states that a future without nuclear
weapons is seriously being contemplated.
The survey does not cover UK invest-
ments, but notes that Britain has 225 war-
heads. France (300) is said to be putting
more robust warheads on submarine mis-
siles and on Rafale fghters on its Charles
de Gaulle aircraft carrier. China (currently
on 240 warheads) is pointing interconti-
nental missiles at the U.S. and building
fve new submarines capable of launching
up to 60 nuclear projectiles each. India (up
to 80 warheads) is working on a missile
capable of hitting all of Pakistan or Beijing.
And Pakistan is, among other projects,
investing in small and light warheads for
tactical use alongside conventional forces.
In the Middle East, the regions only nu-
clear power, Israel (100 to 200 warheads)
is building new long-range rockets capable
of striking the Far East as well as buying
three new submarines. But for their part,
U.S. and EU diplomats are more concerned
about the prospect of Pakistans arsenal
falling into the hands of Islamic extremists
if the countrys government loses control.
The worst case scenario in Pakistan is
complete chaos, a U.S. source said. There
are whole hosts of armies and militant
groups already poised to try and step in if
Pakistan falls apart, an EU contact added.
Worlds Nuclear
Arsenals Growing
EU OBSERVER | November 2
Charlemagne Crushes
Greek Democracy
HE TRUE anti-democratic nature of the European Union has rarely
been more explicit; the ruling Franco-German axis rarely more
conspicuous. George Papandreou merely sought moral authority
for the austerity packages being imposed upon the Greek people, and
that demanded the application of democracya referendum. So he
marched his people to the top of the Parthenon, only to be forced to
march them down again. Athensthe cradle of democracyhas been
humiliated in Europe and the world: Her social and economic turmoil is
merely a refection of her political impotence. It is clear who really runs
the European Union and where the real power resides. It wasnt, after
all, Malta who summoned Greece: He who pays the piper gets to call the
tune. And the piper is Germany, aided and abetted by France. And when
the Greek prime minister arrived at the headmasters study, naughty
George was read the riot act; hysterical threats were made of expulsion;
he was bullied into backing down; and the dark threats were too much
to bear. Europes political lite badgered and cajoled until little George
canceled his referendum. Sarkozy strutted and postured like Napoleon;
Merkel puffed and blew like the Kaiser. But this alliance is nothing new.
The European Union is essentially the recreation of the old empire of
Charlemagne: From the moment the Treaty of Paris was signed in 1951,
the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) bound together the
economic and political destinies of France and Germany. Charlemagne
was crowned imperator Romanorum (emperor of the Romans) by Pope
Leo III in A.D. 800. He became Western Europes Christian Caesara
Roman emperor born of a Germanic race. The West once again had an
emperor, and his coronation was to become the central event of the
Middle Ages. He was proclaimed Rex Pater Europae (King Father of
Europe) and espoused the ideal of a unifed Christian Empire of the
Frankish and Germanic tribesalbeit Christianized at sword-pointin
close alliance with the pope.
In 962, Otto the Great revived Charlemagnes Empire as the frst
German Reich, and was crowned Holy Roman emperor by Pope John
XII. This Reich became known as the Sacrum Romanum Imperium Na-
tionis Germanicae (Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation). Ger-
many became the power center of the empire. Throughout the Middle
Ages it was to be the kings of the Germans, crowned by the pope, who
would be named holy Roman emperor.
Napoleon crowned himself with the iron crown of Lombardy, the
great historic symbol of Europe which had previously been worn by
Charlemagne, Otto the Great and other European sovereigns.
And so the spirit of Charlemagne still broods: The Franco-German axis
has chewed and spat out the birthplace of democracy, the fount of Western
philosophy and literature, the creator of the Olympic Games, the origina-
tor of historiography, political science, mathematical principles, and our
dramatic traditions of tragedy and comedy. And there is more to come .
nThe worlds most aggressive spies: The U.S. government says Chi-
na is the most active and persistent perpetrator of economic spying on
the planet and that Russia is not far behind. The U.S. intelligence report
published on Thursday said Chinese and Russian intelligence agents spy
brazenly to obtain American technology and economic data. The report
THE TRUMPET WEEKLY November 5, 2011 5
IMAGINE YOU were given a
priceless 3,000-year-old
heirloom. Most people
would hold such an im-
portant possession in high
regard, and treat it with
tremendous care, respect
and admiration. But not British Prime Minister
David Cameron.
In Perth, Western Australia, last week, Mr.
Cameron was at the vanguard of a full-frontal
assault on a 3,000-year-old English heirloom,
an enduring institution that has defned British
history, and that even today beams a message
of hope to the world. Speaking at a conference
of Commonwealth states, Cameron laid out
a plan to destroy the British monarchy as we
know it. He wants to do this by changing the
centuries-old laws governing the succession to
the English throne, particularly those regard-
ing females inheriting the throne and English
royals marrying Catholics.
Were it to happen, this would be a catas-
trophenot only for Britain, but even for the
world! Englands monarchy has been the back-
bone of the nation and the unfailing institution
on which all other elements of national power
and character have depended. For centuries it
has been the glue binding together the United
Kingdom and its many dominions. The mon-
archy embodied the greatest attributes of the
British Empire, the indomitable English spirit,
the wealth and splendor of the Common-
wealth, the class, culture and quality of English
civilization. For hundreds of years, the royal
family was the face of Britain.
During the 18th and 19th centuries, the
royal family presided over Britains growth into
the largest empire this world has ever known.
That globe-girding empire was a blessing to the
rest of humanity, revolutionizing everything
from commerce and banking to infrastructure,
agriculture and medicine.
British royals have helped transform inter-
national politics and law. Be it King John and
the Magna Carta, Henry VIII and the Act of
Supremacy, or William of Orange and the Bill
of Rights, the monarchy has been at the fore-
front of Britains and the worlds judicial and
political evolution. On the battlefeld, English
royalsbe they in the form of bold military
geniuses, skillful statesmen or a fortress of in-
spiration and hope for a downtrodden nation
have played a critical role in all of Britains
major military conficts.
The lesson is clear: Britain needs its monar-
In Defense of
Britains Royal

concluded that China and Russia are the worlds most aggressive collec-
tors of Americas economic information and technology. U.S. offcials
say that the two Asian giants carry out most of their spying in cyberspace,
where large amounts of data can be stolen in mere seconds. The espionage
campaigns have intensifed exponentially in this era of extraordinary reli-
ance on communication technology. Cyber has become the great game-
changer, a senior intelligence agent said. Our research and development
is under attack. The report pointed out that such spying presents the
U.S. with a number of national security threats, including the possibility
that stolen military technology will be given to hostile nations like Iran
or North Korea. These espionage attacks present a sobering danger to the
U.S., and they will intensify in the months and years ahead.
nChina ignores UN sanctions, sells missiles to Iran: Despite
United Nations sanctions against Iran, Beijing is providing advanced
missiles and other weaponry to Tehran, according to a report by the
congressional U.S.-China Commission. China continues to provide
Iran with what could be considered advanced conventional weap-
ons, says the report, details of which were published Thursday by the
Washington Times. The analysis says China sold $312 million worth of
arms to Iran after Congress passed the Iran Freedom Support Act in
2006, which permits the U.S. to sanction companies that sell advanced
weapons to Iran. The report also points out that since 2008 when Rus-
sia began reducing weapons sales to Iran, China has become the largest
weapons dealer for Irans military. The weapons transfers consist pri-
marily of sales of Chinas anti-ship cruise missiles, including the C-802
model, which Beijing promised Washington it would not sell to Iran.
Last year, China also built a missile factory in Iran to produce Nasr-1
anti-ship cruise missiles. The report says it is possible that these trans-
actions violate the Iran Freedom Support Act, or the Comprehensive
Iran Sanctions, Accountability and Divestment Act of 2010, which both
use the ambiguous term advanced conventional weapons. In spite of
Chinas claims of behaving like a responsible major power, it consistent-
ly and increasingly places its national interests ahead of global stability.
nBrazil reaches out to Cuba: Latin American giant Brazil wants
to help Cuba update its economic model and increase exports to its
mainland neighbors. The Cuban foreign trade and investment minister,
Rodrigo Malmierca, emphasized on Wednesday that Brazil and Cuba are
promoting joint projects in the areas of health care, education, computers
and agriculture and livestock. During 2012 were going to continue deep-
ening and broadening our economic and trade relations toward new stra-
tegic objectives, placing emphasis on those that allow Cuba to increase its
exports to Brazil and to other countries, Malmierca emphasized. Expect
the Communist-ruled island to forge strong ties with the rest of Latin
America in the near future as it returns to its Roman Catholic roots.
TELEGRAPH | October 31
Brazil to Overtake UK as
Sixth-Largest Economy
RAZIL WILL overtake the UK to become the worlds sixth-biggest
economy this year, according to new projections. The Latin
American giants GDP for 2011 is expected to hit $2.44 trillion
THE TRUMPET WEEKLY November 5, 2011 6
EARLIER THIS year in the East London boroughs
of Tower Hamlets, Waltham Forest and
Newham, posters suddenly sprouted in the
streets declaring: You are entering a sharia-
controlled zone. Islamic rules enforced. Un-
derneath were images indicating that smoking,
alcohol and music were banned. Also this year
posters declaring Tower Hamlets a gay-free
zone were put up across the borough. Police
and local councilors declared that they would
take all such posters down.
Now, however, it seems that the threatening
implications of self-declared Muslim areas are
spreading into the heart of our democracy.
Last Friday Mike Freer, MP for Finchley and
Golders Green, was forced to abandon his con-
stituency surgery at the North Finchley mosque
and hide in a locked part of the building when
a group of activists from the Muslims against
Crusades group forced their way in. The Daily
Mail reported that Mr. Freer, a gay man and a
member of Conservative Friends of Israel, said
he was called a Jewish homosexual pig.
In fact, Mr. Freer said he only realized that
the danger he was in possibly went beyond such
abuse when he was made aware that ahead of
this incident the group had posted up a reference
to the attack last year on East Ham MP Stephen-
Timms, who was stabbed by a Muslim woman
while he too was holding a constituency surgery.
This message warned the attack on Mr. Timms
should serve as a piercing reminder to politi-
cians that their presence is no longer welcome
in any Muslim area. The message also stated
that as a member of the Conservative Party,
Mr. Freer has the blood of thousands of Muslims
on his hands.
The process of Islamization through intimi-
dation is well under way.
Earlier this year, four Tower Hamlets
Muslims were jailed for at least 19 years for
attacking a local white teacher who gave
religious studies lessons to Muslim girls. An
Asian womannot a practicing Muslimwho
worked in a pharmacy was threatened with her
life unless she wore a headscarf or veil. And
as Andrew Gilligan has reported, many more
such Islamist attacks are taking placewhich
he claims the police are downplaying for fear of
being accused of racism .
Such reports areto put it mildlydeeply
disturbing. Yet from the progressive chatter-
ing class and the politicians, the response has
been silence.
Thusunless the UK ruling class gets its act
together pretty quickthe Islamists will win.
Another No-Go
Area in
DAILY MAIL | October 31
(1.51 trillion) compared with $2.43 trillion for the UK, the latest
monthly forecasts from the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) show.
This will see Brazil, which last year overtook Italy to become the
worlds seventh-biggest economy, move up one more place to sixth with
the UK falling to seventh. According to the EIU, Brazil will lose sixth
place to India in 2013 but regain it in 2014the year it will host the
World Cupwhen its GDP overtakes that of France.
nFifteen percent of Americans now on food stamps: The
number of food stamp recipients in American has risen to 45.8 mil-
lion, according to the Department of Agriculture. This means nearly 15
percent of the U.S. population relied on food stamps in August, an 8.1
percent increase over last year. Food stamp rolls have exploded since
the current economic downturn began in late 2007. Even after the
recession offcially ended in June 2009, families continued to tap into
food assistance as unemployment remained high. As Americas debt
level spirals out of control and government agencies struggle to keep up
with their fnancial obligations, 45.8 million people living off govern-
ment assistance presents a real risk leading to violent civil unrest.
nHistoric storm slams East Coast: A massive storm battered
Americas East Coast last weekend, dumping record snowfall and shut-
tering schools and businesses in a half-dozen states. The storm caused
enormous damage, including widespread power outages, damage to
homes and infrastructure, and at least 15 deaths. The storm caught the
region by surprise as historically major snowstorms like this are rarely
if ever seen before Thanksgiving. This weeks blizzard comes in the
wake of historic droughts, foods and tornados in America.
nOctober sees $200 billion added to U.S. debt: The U.S. Trea-
sury reported this week that federal government debt increased by
$203,368,715,583.63 in October. Thats an increase of about $650 per
person for every man, woman and child living in the United Statesin
a single month. October is the frst month of the federal fscal year. If
this trend continues, with federal debt increasing by about $200 bil-
lion per month for the next 11 months, the national debt will skyrocket
about $2.4 trillion in the upcoming year.
nBritains feral youths: Forty-nine percent of British adults
think children are starting to behave like animals. Around 47 percent
said youths were angry, violent and abusive. Forty-four percent said
youths were becoming feral. The study of 2,000 adults was commis-
sioned by the childrens charity Barnardos and carried out by ICM
research. The study confrms a trend the Trumpet has long been watch-
ing: Out-of-control youths are cowing the rest of society.
DAILY MAIL | November 3
Guarding Our
Nations Waters
HEN YOU go to sleep at night, you may imagine that somewhere
out there in British waters there will be one or more warships
fying the fag and keeping an eye on possible dangers to our
national security. Indeed, there usually is, and has been for as long as
anyone can remember.
And yet since the beginning of October, there hasnt been a single
THE TRUMPET WEEKLY November 5, 2011 7
EMOTIONS RAN high as Occupy Wall Street
supporters and public offcials dealt with the
aftermath of protests that shut down the na-
tions ffth-busiest port before spiraling into
chaos near the movements downtown en-
campment. Dozens of people who participat-
ed in the massive demonstrations Wednes-
day returned a day later to help clean up after
a night of violence by what they characterized
as a rogue band of troublemakers.
Varucha Peller, who identifed herself as
a member of Occupy Oaklands media com-
mittee, said at an afternoon news confer-
ence she thought the protests that drew
7,000 people to the streets and shut down
the Port of Oakland had been a huge suc-
cess. The media were wrong to focus on the
rampant vandalism and spasms of violence
that led to more than 100 arrests, she said.
Thats extremely irrelevant. Whats
relevant is there has been no general strike
in the United States since 1946 and yester-
day there was tens of thousands of people
in the street, taking over banks, using a
diversity of tactics and in many ways shut-
ting down the city. We had tons of unions
and workers come out, Peller said. Things
got testy, however, when another member
of the media committee, Shake Anderson,
said participants in the encampment outside
City Hall had called the mayors offce early
Thursday to disavow the people who were
causing damage.
Peller interrupted him, saying that Oc-
cupy Oakland had not cooperated with the
mayor. If individuals called the mayors
offce they do not represent Occupy Oak-
A night earlier, police in riot gear ar-
rested dozens of protesters after bands of
masked demonstrators took over a vacant
building, erected roadblocks and threw
chunks of concrete and frebombs. Five
people and several offcers were injured.
Oakland offcials said 103 people had been
arrested by Thursday afternoon.
Hours before the group of what city lead-
ers called provocateurs clashed with au-
thorities, setting fres, spraying graffti and
shattering windows early Thursday, the dem-
onstrations in the city had gone smoothly.
The far-fung movement challenging the
worlds economic systems and distribution
of wealth has gained momentum in recent
weeks, with Oakland becoming a rallying
point after an Iraq War veteran was injured
in clashes with police last week.
Emotions Run
High After Occupy
Protests in Oakland

British frigate or destroyer fulflling this task. The Royal Navy, once
the mightiest in the world, could not muster even one vessel to protect
our shores. The reason is that, following last years Strategic Defense
Review, the number of frigates and destroyers has been reduced from
23 to 19. This came after a succession of previous cuts. It wasnt very
long ago that some Tory MPs were insisting that a 40-ship Navy was the
absolute bare minimum.
Even so, one ship out of the 19 would have been found had it not been
for the Libyan escapade. It was the deployment of 10 warships in the
Mediterranean that left our own waters unprotected. [T]he episode
has illustrated how dangerously depleted our defenses have become.
The truth is that the government has so reduced Britains naval and
military resources that we can no longer play the part of even a minor
world power. And yet that is exactly what it expects us to do.
I wonder what further foreign entanglements the government has
in mind for the Navy. Of course, there is the lurking problem of the
Falklands. In the view of Adm. Sir Sandy Woodward, who commanded
the task force that re-took the islands in 1982, it would be well-nigh
impossible to defend them now that the government has got rid of our
two aircraft carriers.
CNN MONEY | October 31
Home Prices Heading
for Triple-Dip
HE BESIEGED housing market has even further to fall before home
prices really hit rock bottom.
According to Fiserv, a fnancial analytics company, home values
are expected to fall another 3.6 percent by next June, pushing them to a
new low of 35 percent below the peak reached in early 2006 and mark-
ing a triple dip in prices.
Several factors will be working against the housing market in the
upcoming months, including an increase in foreclosure activity and sus-
tained high unemployment, explained David Stiff, Fiservs chief econo-
mist. Should home values meet Fiservs expectations, it would make it the
third (and lowest) trough for home prices since the housing bubble burst.
Earlier this month, RealtyTrac reported the frst quarterly increase
in foreclosure flings in three quarters. Even more discouraging: New
default notices were up 14 percent. Theres also a shadow inventory of
homes in foreclosure that have yet to go back onto the market.
NEW YORK TIMES | November 2
Fed Lowers Its
Forecast for Growth
HE FEDERAL Reserve signifcantly reduced its forecast of economic
growth through 2013, acknowledging that it had once again over-
estimated the nations recovery from the 2008 fnancial crisis.
Despite the bleak forecast, however, the Fed said that its policy-
making committee had decided against taking new measures to stimu-
late growth at a two-day meeting that concluded Wednesday. The Feds
chairman, Ben S. Bernanke, said that the central bank already was push-
ing hard to spur growth and create jobs. We have taken a lot of actions,
THE TRUMPET WEEKLY November 5, 2011 8
THE ONLY institution that
historically bound together
the once great British Em-
pire and Commonwealth of
Nations at its peak was the
monarchy. Most especially
a monarchy freed from any
attachment to and infuence by Rome.
The monarchy remains to this day the only
institution that binds the United Kingdom, its
dominions and protectorates together as an
Liberal-socialist elements within Britain
have striven to tear down that institution
for decades. Now a British prime minister is
proposing legislation that, taken to its limits,
would eliminate the very foundation of true
royalty, the British monarchy.
Speaking in Perth, Australia, last Friday,
where he attended the Commonwealth Heads
of Government Meeting, Prime Minister David
Cameron maintained that the existing prin-
ciple of male primogeniture is outdated, and
has received a positive response from other
Commonwealth countries to whom he wrote
several weeks ago outlining his concerns (Sky
News, October 28).
In response, we received an e-mail last Fri-
day from Philip Benwell MBE, national chairman
of the Australian Monarchist League, which
states the constitutional case against Mr. Cam-
erons plan succeeding: British Prime Minister
David Camerons announcement that Common-
wealth nations have approved a change to the
rules of succession to allow frstborn daughters
and heirs who marry Catholics to inherit the
throne is wrong and is blatant politicking on
his part.
The e-mail then stated: The British prime
ministers proposals are not really about dis-
crimination, for all religions aspire to pro-
tect their beliefs and can therefore be said to
discriminate. What Mr. Cameron is actually
proposing is to end the Protestant Succession
and ultimately the monarchy in England.
Mr. Cameron cannot succeed in destroying
the British monarchy. The historic reality is
that Britains royal throne had its beginnings
with a Jewish shepherd boy over 3,000 years
ago. The genealogy from ancient King David to
Queen Elizabeth II is very precisely documented
in a combination of biblical and secular record.
The guarantee of that throne being destined
to exist in all perpetuity is recorded by the
Prophet Samuel. Speaking of the line of descent
from David through Solomon his son, Samuel
wrote of its divinely decreed continuance: I
will stablish the throne of his kingdom for
ever! (2 Samuel 7:13).
the Crown?

RON FRASER | Columnist
Mr. Bernanke said at a news conference after the announcement. He
added that Congress, by contrast, was not doing enough to pull the le-
vers of fscal policy. Lawmakers are gridlocked over a new jobs proposal
from the White House, and a special bipartisan committee charged with
reducing the defcit is struggling to reach agreement by Thanksgiving.
I think it would be helpful if we could get assistance from other
parts of the government to help create more jobs, Mr. Bernanke said.
The central bank predicted that the economy would expand 2.5 percent
to 2.9 percent in 2012, well below its June projection of 3.3 percent
to 3.7 percent. The unemployment rate, it predicted, would
still be at least 8.5 percent at the end of 2012, at least 7.8 percent at the
end of 2013 and at least 6.8 percent at the end of 2014. Such reductions
probably would come in part from people abandoning the search for
work, rather than those fnding new jobs.
TELEGRAPH | November 2
Fathers Denied a
Right to See Children
IVORCED FATHERS are to be denied a legal right to a relationship
with their children in a review of family law due to be published
tomorrow. The Daily Telegraph has learnt that plans to enshrine
in law that a child has a meaningful relationship with both parents
are likely to be dropped.
The proposal would have proved to be too disruptive to children and
would have made it necessary for judges to allocate time that parents
each had to spend with their offspring, according to Whitehall sources.
The review is likely to anger fathers rights groups, which have pushed
for a legal right to retain access to their children after a divorce.
Courts decide to leave chil-
dren with their mothers in
the vast majority of cases.
Groups such as Fathers 4
Justice have waged a battle
throughout the past decade
for improved rights for
men denied access to their
One Shocking Way
Drug Smugglers
Get Their Guns
N OPERATION Fast and Furious, between Sep-
tember 2009 and December 2010 U.S. authorities dumbly watched
as straw buyers patronized Phoenix-area gun stores. These felons
purchased over 2,000 assault weapons, sniper rifes, semi-automatic
pistols and other deadly frearms, and frustrated ATF (Bureau of Alcohol,
Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives) agents were ordered to let the weap-
ons go as they crossed the border into Mexico. Supposedly, this fow of
gun traffc would lead authorities to drug cartel honchos. However, no
THE TRUMPET WEEKLY November 5, 2011 9
[T]he greatest and most damaging conspiracy
is the one against fatherhood today. And very
few people understand it or what deadly
consequences it will have in our society. The
goal of this conspiracy is to rip apart the family.
And if you believe in the biblical family, the
father is the head (1 Corinthians 11:3). So he
becomes the main target.
Gerald Flurry, Trumpet, October 1999
Britains Children
Are So Privileged
and So Neglected
THE UK has the highest number of house-
holds in Europe where both parents are
in full-time work. Seeing less and less of
their young, certain parents become too
guilty, too exhaustedand maybe too fear-
fulto lay down the boundaries children
crave and need. So much easier to be their
best mate instead, isnt it? Or bribe them
with expensive toys.
A nanny working for a high-powered
media couple in Primrose Hill told me that
the parents banned all television for their
children during the week, but allowed
them to sit in front of screens the entire
weekend because they hated dealing with
the childrens tantrums. Time-poor par-
ents prefer their few precious hours with
the children to be as pleasant as possible.
Delegate the dreary, diffcult business of
teaching self-discipline to other carers.
Or to schoolsthey can take that on, too,
cant they?
My friend Mary, who has taught for
almost two decades at one of Londons
leading pre-prep schools, bears this out.
She says each new batch of 4-year-olds
is less well-prepared than the last. They
dont know how to use knives and forks
because they have been fed fnger food.
Speech is impaired from spending too
long with carers for whom English is often
not their frst language. The offspring of
mothers who stay home are often no better
because said mums whizz off to tennis
and coffee at David Lloyd . Worst of all,
Mary reports, these little Lord and Lady
Fauntleroys are strangers to the concept of
deferred gratifcation. They are used to be-
ing given what they want when they want
to shut them up so their shattered parents
can get some rest. Increasingly, its teach-
ers like Mary who are left to deal with the
poisonous legacy of paternal overindul-
genceor neglect by another name.
What does it say about a society
when a health minister has to advise
parents to eat a meal with their children?
A society where the average parent spends
49 minutes a day with their offspring?
[A]ll evidence suggests that time-deprived,
well-off professional parents are invent-
ing a new kind of child poverty. We are
raising some of the most privileged and
simultaneously most neglected children in
TELEGRAPH | October 26
Never before has there been ANYTHING like this, nor will there ever be
again, it says in verse 21 of Matthew 24. And except those days should
be shortened, there should no fesh be saved: but for the elects sake
those days shall be shortened (verse 22).
Notice what Mr. Armstrong wrote about this passage in the booklet
mentioned above: This is a prophecy, as it plainly states, for the last
days. When I was a little boy, 90 years ago, those conditions were not
true or escalating as they have been within the last 20 or 30 years.
The weapons have never existed in all history that could have laid all
cities waste until the hydrogen bomb of some 30 years ago. How signif-
cant that this became possible only during the time while this gospel
of the Kingdom was going from nation to nation into all the world for a
witness to all nations.
Numerous other Bible passages describe these frightful conditions,
Mr. Armstrong went on to write. Person is against person, even within
a large proportion of families. Group is against group. Nation is against
nation. Violence is escalating as never before in history. Terrorism is
throwing fear and consternation into people all over the world.
But all of this, Jesus plainly revealed, culminates in His literal
return to this Earth: And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man
in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they
shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and
great glory (verse 30).
Jesus Christ returns the same way He left this Earth 2,000 years
ago (Acts 1:11). Only this time Hes not coming to die for mankind. Hes
coming to forcibly put an end to human suffering and sin and to set up
the glorious Kingdom of the living God!
effort was made to track the movement of the guns.
Today, the whereabouts of about half these weapons are unknown.
Hundreds went to drug smugglers and violent gangs and turned up in
bloody shootouts all over Mexico. Apparently, that loss of life was con-
sidered an acceptable cost. It wasnt until Dec. 14, 2010, after 15 months,
that the programs architects were forced to admit failure and stop it
when U.S. Border Patrol agent Brian Terry was murdered by a Mexican
smuggler with an assault rife illegally purchased under U.S. federal
supervision in Glendale, Arizona. It was the highest-profle of at least a
dozen violent crimes within America tied to Fast and Furious weapons.
What were the instigators of this program thinking? The botched
sting operation logic just doesnt add up. Efforts to get to the bottom of
what happened and why have been unfolding for eight months, and the
plot is only getting thicker. Evidence is mounting of intensive cover-up
efforts. What is being covered up? The murky situation has become a
playground of speculation. Culpability is stretching to the highest levels
in Washington. Some observers suggest that Fast and Furious was delib-
erately designed by anti-gun leaders to pad statistics on American guns
in Mexico to provide momentum to gun control legislation in the U.S.
Some point to evidence that Washington has actually taken sides in the
Mexican drug gang war and is helping the Sinaloa cartel rise to the top. A
CBS News reporter found allegations of similar gun walking programs
in at least 10 American cities in fve states. Who has these guns now?
How might such dangerous, corrupt activities come back to haunt us?
Fast and Furious raises chilling questions. It is an astonishing
glimpse at an American governments willingness to use corrupt, even
deadly means to achieve its goals. With the Bible prophesying of bar-
baric violence overtaking Americas cities, the potential dangers posed
by a government thatwhether out of stupidity or outright maliceis
patently aiding and arming some of the worlds most brutal criminals
become far more disturbing to contemplate.
THE TRUMPET WEEKLY November 5, 2011 10
END from page 1
bling as he read his world-history textbook.
He pointed me to this sentence about the
encounter between European and Meso-
american civilizations. The American In-
dian societies had many religious ideas and
practices that shocked Christian observers,
and aspects of their social and familial ar-
rangements clashed with European sensibili-
ties .
The text, World Civilizations: The Global
Experience by Peter N. Stearns et. al., was a
little oblique about the nature of those ideas
and practices. It mentioned human sacrifce
but then rushed to add that many of those
who most condemned human sacrifce,
polygamy, or the despotism of Indian rulers
were also those who tried to justify Europe-
an conquest and control, mass violence, and
theft on a continental scale.
The authors clearly wish to avoid the un-
pleasant details of Indian practices in their
rush to condemn European depredations. A
curious student would have to discover on
his own that the Aztecs themselves claimed
to have ritually sacrifced 80,400 people over
the course of four days at the rededication of
the Great Pyramid of Tenochtitln in 1487.
When the topic of human sacrifce was
broached in the classroom, my son reported
that none of his classmates was comfortable
condemning the practice as immoral. It was
their culture, his classmates said. And its
wrong to impose your values on someone
elses culture.
This is not a fuke. In Lost in Transition:
The Dark Side of Emerging Adulthood,
Christian Smith and his co-authors recount
the results of their decade-long study of a
representative sample of Americans aged
1823. Through in-depth interviews, they
examined their subjects lives and concluded
that an alarming percentage of young people
are highly materialistic, commitment averse,
disengaged from political and civic life, sexu-
ally irresponsible, often heavily intoxicated,
and morally confused. In fact, the authors
contend, they lack even the vocabulary to
think in moral terms.
Six out of ten told the authors that moral-
ity is a personal choice, like preferring
long or short hair. Moral rights and wrongs
are essentially matters of individual opin-
ion. One young woman, a student at an Ivy
League college, explained that while she
doesnt cheat, she is loath to judge others
who do.
[T]he withdrawal from any kind of
judgment is yielding a generation of moral
Moral Abdication

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