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BrotherhoodPAGE2 FatePAGE 5 out PAGE 7 dependentPAGE 8 CaliForniaPAGE 9

Of course, full divorce
would be a huge step. But
it is becoming increasingly
difcult to see what other
options Britain has.
Neither the military
nor the protesters are
calling the shots anymore.
For Greece, events have
already moved beyond
the point of no return.
The world may be at, but
it is tilted, and its tilted
in a way right now that
technology, production,
jobs and wages tend to
slide away from us to
the rest of world.
California could become
the rst state in the U.S.
to teach gay and lesbian
history in public schools.
hen the state of New York voted
on same-sex marriage rights
in December 2009, Democrats
controlled the state Senate. And even
then, the bill had no chance. It lost by 14
votes. Two weeks ago, with Republicans
now controlling the New York Senate,
the same legislation passed by a com-
fortable margin of 33-29.
On June 25, the New York Times
printed a revealing piece about the
stunning turnaround in the state legislature. It started
with Andrew Cuomo, New Yorks popular governor, who
endorsed same-sex marriage just fve years agoseveral
years after many of his political rivals had done so. But if
Cuomo angered homosexual advocates for being slow to
endorse gay marriage, he quickly won them over last year,
when he made same-sex unions one of the central planks of
his gubernatorial campaign.
Since becoming governor, Cuomo has faced intense
pressure to follow through on his campaign promisenot
just from the homosexual lobby, but his girlfriend also. She
has no interest in marriage, personally. But she desperately
wants a change in the marriage lawbecause of her openly
gay brother.
So earlier this year, Cuomo went to work legalizing
same-sex marriage. First, he mobilized same-sex mar-
riage groups into one unifed coalition. In the lead-up
to the 2009 vote, these groups had been bitterly divided.
Under Cuomos leadership, they merged together as New
Yorkers United for Marriage.
Cuomo then recruited the wealthiest, most powerful
Republican donors he could fndthose who favored same-
sex marriage legislation. One of them, a billionaire, had
a homosexual son. These rich Republicans were needed to
fnance the gay marriage coalitionand to provide cover
for Republican lawmakers willing to reverse their vote.
These donors had the infuence and the money, the Times
wrote, to insulate nervous senators from conservative
backlash if they supported the marriage measure.
Cuomo also took advantage of a leadership vacuum
within the Republican ranks. They held a slim majority in
the legislature, but without strong leadership at the top,
stragglers were left in a vulnerable position.
Cuomo went right after Republicans who came from
moderate districts, like James Alesi from Rochester. The
homosexual lobby arranged for the super-rich Republican
donors to assure Alesi that he would receive enthusiastic
support for switching his vote.
Thats not the kind of lily pad I normally hop on, Mr.
Alesi told the New York Times. But on June 13, he hopped
on it anyway. After Cuomo introduced him to a group of
homosexual marriage advocates as the frst Republican
to support marriage equality, Alesi proceeded to apologize
for his 2009 position, saying it was politically motivated.
Another critical fip-fop came from Carl Kruger, a
Democrat from Brooklyn, who alienated his party with the
2009 vote. Like Governor Cuomo, Kruger is not married
he lives with his girlfriend. According to the New York
Times, ever since he cast his no vote a year and a half ago,
Kruger had desperately wanted to reverse course because it
was tearing apart his household. His girlfriend, the Times
explained, had a homosexual nephew who was so upset by
Krugers opposition to same-sex marriage that he cut off
contact with both of them.
I dont need this, Kruger told his colleagues in the
legislature. His colleague helped to assure Kruger that he
was right to change his vote saying, When everything else
is gone, all you have left is family.
Thus, in the upside-down world of today, its the frag-
mented remains of a broken institutionthe traditional
familythat are now rising in defense of homosexual
marriage! Its the billionaire conservatives who are buy-
ing political favors for their homosexual offspring. Its the
cohabiting divorces, now occupying governors mansions,
who are ramrodding the homosexual agenda through state
legislatures. Its the nagging girlfriends, those who have
no interest in getting married themselves, but who pull the
puppet strings of decision-makers in order to secure equal
rights for homosexual siblings. And its the homosexual
children and relatives of those in positions of power who
throw tantrums until they get what they want.
New York is now the sixth state in the Union to legalize
homosexual marriage, joining Connecticut, Vermont, Mas-
sachusetts, New Hampshire and Iowa. As the third-most
populated state in America, the territorial reach of same-sex
marriage rights effectively doubled on the night of June 24.
This landmark decision now sets the stage for a number of
other contentious battles that are sure to erupt in other states.
I think youre going to see this message resonate all
across the country now, Governor Cuomo predicted,
see MARRIAGE page 10
Middle east
nGerman-Saudicooperation:Saudi security sources revealed
that Germany has agreed to sell 200 new Leopard battle tanks to Saudi
Arabia, according to reports published July 3. The deal, which has not
been offcially confrmed by the German government, marks a major
change in Germanys arms export policy. The agreement to buy the
most modern Leopard tank, the 2A7+, was approved in principle by
the German security council last week, according to Der Spiegel. The
tanks are built by German companies Krauss-Maffei Wegmann and
Rheinmetall. The deal has stirred much controversy in Germany, with
Green Member of Parliament Katja Keul saying the sale should not be
approved because it goes against Germanys policy of not exporting
weapons to regions in crisis. Despite the controversy, however, based
on biblical prophecy we can expect relations between Saudi Arabia and
Germany to grow stronger.
nGuesswhereiraqsweaponsarecomingfrom:New fo-
rensic evidence proves that weapons being used by Iraqi insurgents
against U.S. troops are being supplied by Iran. According to senior
U.S. offcials, Iranian-backed militias in Iraq are using more sophis-
ticated weapons than in the past to target U.S. troops and military
bases. James F. Jeffrey, the U.S. ambassador to Iraq, said Tuesday that
forensic testing on weapons used in recent attacks in the country pro-
vides further proof that Iran is supporting Iraqi insurgents with new
weapons and training. There is no doubt this is Iranian, Jeffrey said
in an interview. Were seeing more lethal weapons, more accurate
weapons, more longer-range weapons. And were seeing more sophis-
ticated mobile and other deployment options, and were seeing better-
trained people. June was the deadliest month for U.S. troops in Iraq
in the past two years, with 15 being killed in a wave of Iranian-backed
attacks. Three Shiite militia groups, which have been trained and
supplied by Iranian Revolutionary Guard special forces, are mainly
responsible for the violence, according to U.S. offcials. Michael Eisen-
stadt, director of military studies at the Washington Institute for Near
East Policy, said Iran has little reason to hide its support for groups
attacking Americans in Iraq. Theyre feeling a lot more confdent
now, as the supreme leader is not worried about an American attack
on Iran, he said. As the Trumpet pointed out back in 2007, America
isnt fghting Iran directly. But Iran is fghting America directly. With
deliberate intent, Iran supplies and stokes the chaos in Iraq in order to
break what the U.S. is trying to fx (February 2007).
ntalibanstrikesintheheartofafghanistan:The Taliban
conducted one of their boldest terrorist attacks to date in the Afghan
capital on June 28 when nine heavily armed suicide bombers stormed
the Intercontinental Hotel, battling security forces and targeting for-
eign hotel guests. It took some nine hours for Afghan security forces,
assisted by the International Security Assistance Force (isaf), to clear
the hotel of attackers. While just 12 people were killed by the attackers,
the incident highlights the fact that the Taliban can strike anywhere in
Afghanistan. The hotel was considered by many as being a safe fortress.
Ascending to the hilltop hotel is a solitary road protected by a number
of fortifed checkpoints manned by Afghan police and security forces,
writes correspondent Scott Taylor. Knowing the lay of this land makes
it diffcult to understand how nine, heavily armed, suicide bombers
were able to penetrate that many layers of security before entering the
hotelunless there was collusion with the guards (TheChronicleHe-, July 4). Stratfor points out that the Taliban have shown that
they like to use such attacks at strategic times to make sure the threat
they pose is not forgotten (July 7). This attack came during a confer-
ence on the transfer of security authority from the isaf to the Afghan
government. We can expect such attacks to continue as the United
States draws down its forces in Afghanistan.
in a recent column,
Jerusalem Posts Caroline
Glick explained how in
Egypt neither the military
nor the protesters are call-
ing the shots anymore .
Rather, Glick wrote, ruling
Egypt is now the job of the
MusliM brotherhood.
Right now conditions are converging for
the MB to make huge gains in Septembers
parliamentary elections. Analysts and Egyp-
tians agree with Amr Moussa, Egypts leading
presidential candidate, who told the Wall
Street Journal in May that it is inevitable
that parliamentary elections will usher in a
legislature led by a bloc of Islamists, with the
brotherhood at the forefront.
Although the Brotherhood has promised it
will refrain from running a candidate for the
presidency, this is a lie. In May debkafle report-
ed that Brotherhood leaders had on the quiet
picked [Abdel Moneim Aboul] Fotouh as their
candidate for future president of Egypt and
had convinced Egypts military rulers not to
run a military or secular contender against him.
Since February, the Brotherhood has gained
some powerful allies too. First, Egypts ruling
military council, despite its mandate to ensure
the democratic establishment of a peace-loving,
secular government, appears to have thrown
its lot in with the Brotherhood. For example, it
has only tossed aside three decades of treating
Hamas with caution and has embraced the ter-
rorist organization, which was created by the
Muslim Brotherhood, with open arms.
Iran has also reached out to the Brother-
hood. Iran is attempting to infuence the
political process in Egypt through efforts
to connect with the Muslim Brotherhood,
warned the head of Israels military intelli-
gence this week.
In addition to these heavyweights, the MB
recently gained another powerful ally: the
United States! Last week, U.S. Secretary of
State Hillary Clinton said the U.S. will pursue
a policy of limited contacts with the Muslim
Brotherhood in Egypt. We believe, given the
changing political landscape in Egypt, that
it is in the interests of the United States to
engage with all parties that are peaceful .
In a single gesture the Obama administration
signifcantly enhanced the political credibil-
ity and legitimacy of Egypts most destructive
forceand the ideological ally of iran!
the saddest part of all this though, is the
fact that when the MB gains control of Egypt,
and the country swings toward radical Islam,
the West will reel in surprise!

gypt and Tunisia have overthrown repressive regimes. Citizens
in Syria, Yemen and other Middle East countries are demanding
change. Yet in Iran, where a wave of 2009 demonstrations helped
spark the movements we are now witnessing elsewhere in the Middle
East, the populace is strangely silent.
What accounts for the relative quiet in Iran? The answer, at least in
part, is that one of the great human rights tragedies of the modern era
is underway in Iran. From the moment the frst protesters hit Tahrir
Square in Cairo, Irans leadership has cracked down hard, instituting a
brutal campaign of terror against its own people. The most gruesome
manifestation of this repression has been a wave of public executions.
Since January, Iran has been on an execution binge. In February, the
United Nations reported that the rate of executions in Iran had in-
creased threefold in 2011 over the previous year. Amnesty International
reported that Iran is the only country this year known to have executed
juvenile offenders, a violation of international law. What is perhaps
most disturbing is the growing number of executions in Iran taking
place in public. In a number of instances, those executed have been
left hanging high in the air on construction cranes for all to see.
nhabsburgdies,havingrealizedadream: Otto von Habsburg,
the last offcial emperor of the old Austro-Hungarian Empire before he
renounced all titles after World War ii, died on July 4. He was impe-
rialist, Roman Catholic to the core, and a staunch supporter of pan-
Germanism and European union. Habsburg settled in Bavaria after the
war, joined the Christian Social Union andfollowing encouragement
to do so by former strong man of Europe, Franz Josef Straussbecame
a member of the European Parliament. He was the only serving mem-
ber of that body to have been born before World War i. He thus was
able to see the dream of German and European union in a uniquely
historical context. This drove him to strive for a personal goal: to see
every country in Europe, east and west, that had been headed by a royal
dynasty pre-World War i, become part of the European Union. He lived
to see that goal fulflled. In this sense at least, Otto von Habsburg was
instrumental in setting the scene for a biblical prophecy that is even
now taking place before our eyes: the division of an east-west union of
European nations into 10 specifc regions ruled by 10 kings (Revela-
tion 17:12-13).
nGreecenowaneuprotectorate: The sovereignty of Greece
will be massively limited, Eurogroup President Jean-Claude Juncker
said in an interview with the German Focus magazine published July 3.
The interview was published just after eurozone fnance ministers
agreed to give Greece the next part of its bailouta loan of 12 billion.
In order to get this money, Greece had to agree to sell 50 billion worth
of state assets by 2015. The EU will be sending large-scale technical
assistance to make sure this gets done, fnance ministers said last
Saturday. A kind of protectorate is now in place, said Greek newspa-
per To Thnos, with representatives whose frst job will be to supervise
the application of the privatization program. Presseurop wrote that
Junckers comments leave no room for doubt: Both Greeces economy
and its budgetary decisions are now under supervision. Greece is now
a European protectorate.
nCroatiaonpathtojoineu: Croatia offcially concluded nego-
tiations over an accession treaty to join the EU on June 30. Now the
Surrounded by an arc of radical Islamic
hatred, the Bible shows that Israel will
turn to Europe for help. When Egypt aligns
itself with Iran, we should expect to see
the Jewish state look desperately to
Europeespecially Germanyfor security
guarantees, Jan. 15, 2009
when arab masses began to rise up
against dictatorial regimes and demand
democratic reforms, Western leaders
hailed the movement as one that would
result in a more liberal, open and confict-
free Middle East. Many Western offcials,
especially those in Washington, insisted
that the so-called Arab Spring would im-
prove the prospects of peaceful relations
between Israel and its Arab neighbors.
But as Islamist groups have effectively
hijacked most of the regional revolutions,
those prospects have diminished consid-
erably. In the nation where it all started,
Tunisia, the newly established High Com-
mission for Political Reforms and Demo-
cratic Transition decided last Friday that
peace with Israel will in fact be forbidden.
An offcial government document cited by
the afp news agency stated that the new
Tunisia is democratic, that its language
is Arabic, its religion is Islam and that it
rejects any form of normalization with
the Zionist state.
The situation is likely to be similar
in Egypt, though with more devastating
effects, since that country already has a
peace agreement with Israel. [T]he only
organized and broadly supported politi-
cal force in Egypt at present is the Muslim
Brotherhood. And with so little time be-
fore the election, there is no chance for any
other group to rise up and win a majority
of seats in the parliament. That means the
Muslim Brotherhood is almost guaran-
teed to control the Egyptian parliament,
whether through an outright majority or
via smaller allied political groups. And
that will not bode well for the Israel-Egypt
peace treaty.
All in all, the Arab Spring is turning out
to be a rather chilly season for Israel. It ap-
pears those experts in Washington and
Europe dont know as much as they would
like to think.

treaty must be approved by all 27 EU nations and by Croatian voters in
a referendum. If everything goes according to plan, Croatia will join the
EU on July 1, 2013. Germany facilitated the breakup of Yugoslavia so it
could extend its infuence into the area. The fact that Croatia is prepar-
ing to join the EU shows it has succeeded.
nportuguesedebtnowjunk;eurocratsupset: Moodys
credit rating agency downgraded Portugals debt rating to Ba2junk
statuson July 6. It gave Portuguese debt a negative outlook, mean-
ing it may downgrade the debt further in the future. Portugal will have
formidable challenges in cutting spending and may need another
bailout, it said. Ireland is now worried that it too will have its rating
cut to junk status. Europe plainly has not solved its economic problems.
The EUs response to this downgrade has revealed its natural anti-
democratic instincts. Upset that the rating agencies are critical of their
project, EU leaders are trying to punish the agencies. We must break
the oligopoly of the rating agencies, said German Finance Minister
Wolfgang Schuble. Its quite strange that the market is almost domi-
nated by only three players. It seems strange that there is not a single
rating agency coming from Europe, said head of the European Com-
mission Jos Manuel Barroso. It shows that there may be some bias
in the markets when it comes to the evaluation of the specifc issues of
Europe. Hes not telling the whole truth: Fitch is in fact owned by Fi-
malac, a French company. The Telegraphs international business editor
Ambrose Evans-Pritchard warned, The EU authorities are attempting
to muzzle free opinion, frst by threatening Fitch, Moodys, and S&P
with vague retribution, and then by drafting restrictive laws to prevent
them from publishing unwelcome messages. In taking up this cause,
the EU is on a slippery slope, he wrote.
nifyoudontvoluntarilycomply,wellforceyouto: The Eu-
ropean Parliament said that by 2015, 30 percent of top managers at
EU listed companies must be women, rising to 40 percent in 2020, in
a non-binding recommendation passed on July 6. However, it warns
that if companies ignore these voluntary quotas, then next year the
European Commission will introduce legislation to make it compul-
sory. This is exactly the type of anti-business social engineering so
typical of the EU.
nitalytryingtostayafoat: Italy unveiled a new austerity package
on July 6 that it says will save the country 40 billion and balance its
budget by 2014. There is some speculation that Italys economy could go
the same way as Greeces and Portugals. The new measures aim to stop
that and fght off rumors of the economys pending collapse. Lawmak-
ers hope to get the budget through parliament by the end of the month.
THE LOCAL | July 6
erMany, france and Poland have joined forces to form a joint Euro-
pean combat group that will be ready to deploy in crisis zones from
2013. The three European Union military powers signed an agree-
ment in Brussels to put together a unit of 1,700 soldiers that will take part
in the rotation of the EUs rapid reaction force, known as battle groups.
The three nations, bound by a long history of alliances, rivalry and
wars, have discussed the possibility of creating the so-called Weimar
Combat Group since 2006. The unit will be available as part of the
rotation of EU battle groups. Two battle groups are on standby every
six months to deploy in case of emergencies, but they have never been
called into action.
last saturday, Hezbollah chief Hassan
Nasrallah gave Hezbollah-backed Leba-
nese Prime Minister Najib Mikati the
political equivalent of a public thrash-
ing. Last Thursday, Mikati gave a speech
in which he tried to project an image of
a leader of a government that has not
abandoned the Western world com-
pletely. Mikati gave the impression that
his Hezbollah-controlled government is
not averse to cooperating with the UN
Special Tribunal for Lebanon. The Special
Tribunal just indicted four Hezbollah op-
eratives for their role in the 2005 assassi-
nation of former Lebanese prime minister
Rafk Hariri.
But on Saturday night, Nasrallah gave
a speech in which he made clear that he
has no intention whatsoever of coop-
erating with the Special Tribunal and
that since he runs the show in Lebanon,
Lebanon will not cooperate in any way
with the UN judicial body. As an edito-
rial at the now Lebanon website run by
the anti-Hezbollah March 14 movement
wrote, last Saturday night Nasrallah
demolished Mikatis authority and the of-
fce from whence it comes, and used it as
a rag to mop up what is left of Lebanese
The March 14 movement has tried to
make the Special Tribunal the litmus test
for Mikatis legitimacy, demanding that
his government either cooperate with the
UN Special Tribunal, or resign. But the
fact is that the March 14 movement is no
match for Hezbollah. Its protests are not
capable of dislodging the Iranian-con-
trolled jihadist movement from power.
Just as it always has, the fate of Leba-
non today lies in the hands of outside
powers. Hezbollah rules the roost in
Lebanon because it is backed by Syria
and Iran. Unlike the U.S. and France,
Iran and Syria are willing to fght for
their proxys control over Lebanon. And
so their proxy controls Lebanon. It fol-
lows then that assuming the U.S. and
France will continue to betray their allies
in the March 14 democracy movement,
Hezbollah will be removed from power
in Lebanon only if its outside sponsors
are unseated.
And it is this prospect, more than the
UN Special Tribunal, that is keeping Nas-
rallah up at nights. To date, [however] the
U.S. has backed Assad against the Syrian
people and Europe has gone along.
The technical agreement between the high-ranking military offcers
from Germany, France and Poland comes four days after Poland took
over the EUs rotating presidency. Poland will command the group,
providing the core combat troops and a mechanized battalion, a high-
ranking French military offcial said in Brussels.
Germany will provide logistical support, while France will contrib-
ute with medical support. The operational command center will be
based in Mont Valerien, located in a Paris suburb. Paris, Berlin and
Warsaw created the Weimar Triangle in 1992 to encourage cooperation
between the three nations after the Cold War.
nnuclearrevelationsfromKhan: The founder of Pakistans
nuclear bomb program said on Thursday that North Korea bribed top
Pakistani military offcials in the late 1990s in order to obtain access to
sensitive nuclear know-how and equipment. Abdul Qadeer Khan pro-
duced documents supporting his claim that he personally transferred
over $3 million worth of payments from Pyongyang to top offcials in
Pakistans military. Khan also said authorities in Islamabad sanctioned
his sharing of technologies with scientists in North Korea. Pakistan
says Khans document is fake, but many in the West believe it to be
authentic. Khans claims come amid rising tensions between the United
States and Pakistan after U.S. troops killed al Qaeda leader Osama bin
Laden outside of Pakistans capital without informing authorities in Is-
lamabad. If substantiated, Khans claims may increase the growing rift
between Washington and its ally Pakistan, and drive Islamabad toward
Tehran or Beijing.
nrussianarmygoinghigh-tech:Moscows supply of high-
tech weaponry to the Russian Army for 2011 to 2015 will increase, as
compared to the 2010 quantities, Russian Defense Minister Anatoly
Serdyukov said on July 1. The defense minister also said Russias sea-
based Bulava intercontinental ballistic missile, which the Russian Army
successfully tested recently, is now ready for mass production. Expect
Russia to continue to bolster its military might.
nFormeruSSrstatescomingtogether:Russia, Belarus and
Kazakhstan created a single customs region on July 1 by doing away
with the customs controls on the borders between the three nations.
Movement of goods and work forces are no longer delayed by adminis-
tration controls, taxes or other duties. Cancelling the customs controls
represents a victory for Moscow, which desires to expand its sphere of
infuence and power in its satellite nations.
africa/latin aMerica
nSouthafricaembracingextremism: After singing along to the
Zulu militaristic anthem Dubuli Bhunu (Shoot the Boer) on Tues-
day, frebrand South African anc youth leader Julius Malema launched
into a tirade against the U.S. government and nato. We are here to
confront the imperialiststhe bloodthirsty imperialists who did not
get tired of bombing other countries every day, Malema said in regard
to the current military campaign against Muammar Gadhaf in Libya.
He called on America and nato to leave the African continent to fnd
peaceful solutions to its own problems. Gone are the days when South
Africa worked together with the Western world as an ally of Britain and
the U.S. Now the leaders of South Africa chant racist anthems as they
denounce their former allies.
whether or not Europes monetary union
survives in its current form, shrinks to
a Carolingian core, or shatters, depends
as much on abstruse legal arguments put
forward on Tuesday in Germanys consti-
tutional court as it does on the parallel
drama unfolding on Greek streets.
If the eight judges in Karlsruhe rule
that Europes 500 billion bailout machin-
ery breaches of Germanys Basic Law in
any signifcant way, they risk knocking
away the central prop beneath the debt
edifce of Southern Europe.
Wolfgang Schuble, Germanys fnance
minister, told the court on Tuesday that
Greek bankruptcy would have set off epic
contagion and triggered an even greater
fnancial cataclysm than the U.S. credit
The judges know the risks. They will
bend a long way to fnd a formula that does
not set off a banking collapse, or threaten
Germanys strategic investment in post-
war Europe. But will they bend enough to
satisfy the bond markets when they issue
their verdict, probably in September?
The court has been the backbone of
German democracy for 60 years. It is
ber-vigilant because it knows where
pliant judges went wrong in the 1930s.
Tbingen professor Joachim Starbatty,
one of the litigants, expects the court
to reach a Yes, but ruling that allows
agreed rescues to go ahead, but imposes a
strict corset on future bailouts.
This could have serious implications.
Further doubts over how far Germany
will go to backstop the eMu system risks
accelerating capital fight from Spain and
Italy. Neither country is safely out of the
woods yet.
For Greece, events have already moved
beyond the point of no return. The country
is being pushed deeper into economic and
political ruin by an iMf austerity drive that
lacks the usual shock absorbers. The iMfs
twin cures of devaluation and orderly de-
fault are both blocked, one by euro mem-
bership, the other by EU contagion fears.
The Greeks are being sacrifced for
the greater cause. Their reward is to
learn from Eurogroup chief Jean-Claude
Juncker that Greek sovereignty will be
massively limited. A body overseen by EU
offcials and modeled on East Germanys
Treuhand will liquidate Greeces national
assets to cover debts.
A devastating war with local drug cartels is weakening the Mexican
government and creating opportunities for Hezbollah to join forces
with Latin American drug lords, according to Sue Myrick and other
U.S. congressional representatives. In a special meeting on Thursday
of last week, witnesses from public policy groups met before a House
Homeland Security sub-committee to testify on Hezbollahs growing
Latin American connections. These testimonies outlined how both Iran
and Hezbollah are taking advantage of friendly relations not only with
the leaders of Mexican drug cartels, but also with Venezuelan President
Hugo Chvez. Air Force Gen. Douglas Fraser, who heads U.S. military
operations throughout Latin America, described Irans growing infu-
ence as a potential risk to the region. Tehran is increasing the number
of Iranian embassies throughout Latin America and has made an effort
to teach Islam to impoverished residents in the region. Expect the ter-
rorist threat to America to intensify as radical Islam forges alliances
close to the U.S.s porous southern border.
npoliticalcorrectnessvs.freedomofreligion:Britains anti-
discrimination laws are causing erosion of religious liberty, Britains
chief rabbi, Jonathan Sacks, told the House of Commons public ad-
ministration select committee June 30. I share a real concern that the
attempt to impose the current prevailing template of equality and dis-
crimination on religious organizations is an erosion of religious liberty,
he said. Director of the Christian Legal Center, Andrea Minichiello Wil-
liams, agreed. These days, you can lose your job if you have incorrect
views. At the Christian Legal Center we have 50 cases and have seen a
number of Christians sacked or disciplined because of their beliefs, she
said. Equality legislation in Britain often means persecuting anyone
with strong moral principles.
nBritishministerirkedovereufagregulations: British
local government minister Eric Pickles criticized the EU for fning lo-
cal councils, museums, universities, travel frms and business groups
nearly half a million pounds for not displaying the EU fag after receiv-
ing grant money from the EU. It defes common sense that the EU can
hammer public bodies with huge fnes for merely not fying their fag,
he said June 5. This is a prime example of bureaucracy taking over,
with organizations being hit for the most minor breaches for over-com-
plicated rules. The end result is British taxpayers money being wasted
on design guidelines, form-flling and millions of pounds of red tape.
These fnes should be axed. This is just another irritation for Britain,
causing the EU to become even more unpopular with the general public.
nBarbaricracialviolenceinMilwaukee: Violence broke out
in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, over the Fourth of July weekend as a group of
African-Americans attacked and taunted a group of passersby. Though
Milwaukee Police Chief Edward Flynn noted Tuesday that crime is
colorblind, he called the Sunday night beatings of a group of people
who had gone to the park disturbing, outrageous and barbaric. One of
the victims, Shaina Perry, remembers being punched in the face before
having her debit card and cell phone stolen. They just said Oh, white
girl bleeds a lot, said Perry, age 22. As the economy worsens and tem-
pers fare, expect crime and racial violence to increase all the more.
nWhatthievesdowhentheyoverheat:In the Chatham neigh-
borhood of Chicago, a concerned citizen has put out a notice for people
to keep an eye on their air conditioners. According to the notice, thieves
have been sneaking into backyards and crawling onto rooftops to steal
entire central air conditioning units. Police have said this type of theft
is an ongoing problem thats affected the whole city for a while now.
supply and demand for the
worlds most strategic com-
modity collided head on last
year. The world consumed
more oil than it produced.
Full stop.
The world has experi-
enced oil shocks before, but
this looming one is differ-
ent. During the 1970s, the Arabs temporarily
turned off the taps to blackmail the West.
Today, the situation is orders of magnitude
more dangerous because supply limitations
are not purely geopolitical in natureor tem-
porarybut structural.
In June, BP released its Statistical Review
of World Energy. In short, it said last year
the world once again burned more oil than it
pumped out of the ground. And that the di-
vergence is widening. The world is now con-
suming 5 million barrels of oil per day more
than it produces. This is clearly unsustain-
able. Part of the gap was covered by biofuels,
like corn ethanol, but that was only able to
make up for a small fraction of the shortfall.
The world dipped heavily into its above-
ground emergency reserves. But how much
longer can the world operate in defcit before
someone panics?
Great leaps in renewable power genera-
tion technology are being madebut it is still
years away from being able to meaningfully
replace oil.
Since 2002, world oil production has
basically fatlined. Nine years with virtually
no production growth!
But the worlds oil supply problem is ex-
acerbated by perhaps an equally challenging
issue: population growth.
Last Tuesday, the U.S. Census Bureau
released its global population report. It high-
lights just how fast the global population is
growing. In less than 10 years, more than 3
billion people will live in China, India, Indo-
nesia and Brazil alonenearly half the worlds
current population. The per capita consump-
tion of virtually everything in these countries
from oil to computersis a small fraction of
what it is in America. But that is changing.
Supply and demand are colliding, and the
collision will involve a lot more than just oil
A global recession compounded by a
shortage of vital resources and coupled with
a lack of historical appreciation are exactly
the kind of conditions that led to war in the
pastthink Japan and Germany in 1930.
Will the next decade be characterized by co-
operation, or another variation of lebensraum?

Bernard Azrikam of The Price is Right Heating and Cooling said he
has seen a spike in such thefts of late and believes it is a sign of tough
money times. Without a strong sense of national morality, hard times
will produce social breakdown.
eMbers of the European Parliament are backing calls to fy the
EUs blue fag with yellow stars at sporting events, such as
Wimbledon, held in its territory and, most controversially, to
have the EU emblem on national team shirts.
The proposals, to be released next week, stipulate that all national
sports teams, including football, rugby, cricket and the British Olympic
team, would be forced to have the EU emblem appear on their jerseys.
The ideadismissed by the Tories as simply daftis contained in
a report on The European Dimension in Sport, drafted by Spanish
center-right Mep Santiago Fisas Ayxela which will be presented to the
Parliament next week.
The Lisbon Treaty gave the EU a competence over sport for the frst
time and the EU shirt emblem recommendation is Parliaments response
to a Commission communication, or white paper, on sport. The Euro-
pean Parliaments culture committee has already endorsed the plan. If,
as expected, Meps back the idea next week, the recommendation will go
back to the Commission which will prepare formal legislative proposals.
The plan would then be put to a qualifed majority vote in the
Council of Ministers, which means it is possible the UK could be out
voted on the measure, particularly by smaller countries that could ben-
eft by a more European approach to tournaments like the Olympics.
But Conservative Mep Emma McClarkin said, Sport has a special
place in the UK, and our national sport teams form a key part of our
identities and heritage. The EU has no business interfering in the
badges worn on national team shirtsit is just another clear example of
the EU vanity project at work.
ll figures in dollars. The U.S. economy (gdp) is worth about 15
trillion (2009 was 14.12 trillion). The total federal debt stands
now higher than 14 trillion, and reaches about 100 percent of gdp.
If all non-covered expenses for retirees over the next years are added,
the total federal debt reaches about 400 percent of gdp. The debt of the
50 individual states and of all local governments in the country is not
yet added to this total.
The yearly federal defcit during Obamas three years in offce is
on average 1.5 trillion, and this on a budget total of 3.83 trillion. This
means about 40 percent. Obama borrows 40 cents on every dollar he
spends. His administration predicts a yearly budget defcit of over 1
trillion for the next 10 years. Obama wants Congress to raise the debt
ceiling, now legally fxed at a bit over 14 trillion, with at least another
2 trillion. In exchange he promises to lower the expenses with 1 tril-
lion over the next 10 years. This means 100 billion per year. His defcit
when williaM Hague, then Conservative
leader, likened membership of the euro to being
stuck in a burning building without exits, he
was condemned as a little Englander and
crazed extremist. But with Athens ablaze this
week it is Hague who has been vindicated
and his critics who are on the back foot.
The EU wants to introduce a continent-wide
sales tax (which would cost British consumers up
to 5 billion a year) and a fnancial transactions
tax which would hit the City of London, Europes
leading fnancial center, particularly hard.
Britains relationship with Europe is increas-
ingly central to this countrys problems.
For example, it becomes daily more obvious
that EU laws and rules prevent Britain from gov-
erning itself effectively and controlling our own
borders. In particular, the plethora of employ-
ment laws that emanate from Brussels make
it harder for small and medium-sized businesses
to operate properly. The situation is bound to get
worse later this year when a new EU directive
will give all temporary and agency workers the
same holiday, sick pay and maternity rights as
full-time employees. This will pile further costs
on business owners as they try to pull Britain
out of a slump.
Then there is the wretched European-
inspired Human Rights Act, made law by the
Labor government. This week judges in Stras-
bourg blocked the extradition from Britain of
200 Somalis who came here illegally, including
serial burglars and drug-dealers.
Against this backdrop, the Tory Party is un-
surprisingly increasingly restless. Mr. Cam-
erons close adviser Steve Hilton now wants
Britain to withdraw from the EU. His views are
supported by Oliver Letwin, minister of state at
the Cabinet Offce, and a mood of Euroskepti-
cism is spreading . Work and Pensions Sec-
retary Iain Duncan Smith, Liam Fox (Defense)
and Philip Hammond (Transport) are among
those who are losing patience with the EU.
Meanwhile, several backbench Tories are
busy setting up various Euroskeptic groups
and it is estimated that as many as half of all
Conservative Mps now want Britain to pull out
of the EU.
From the original laudable aim of getting the
countries of this war-scarred continent to co-
operate peacefully and trade together, we now
have a dangerous, meddling monster. Somehow,
Britain must be freed from its grip.
Of course, full divorce would be a huge step.
But it is becoming increasingly diffcult to see
what other options Britain has unless the EU
changes course.

improves to only 1.4 trillion. The cut equals 7 percent of his defcit, or
not even 3 percent of his budget.
Both U.S. parties dont consider the U.S. fnancial situation serious.
And, worse is about to happen: Nobody is willing to buy U.S. govern-
ment debt at the present conditions. During the last 12 months the
American Central Bank, the Fed, bought 70 percent of all new U.S. gov-
ernment debt. This means, the government prints money: More money
is brought into circulation. This creates infation, but it gives the U.S.
government access to cheap money, because the Fed keeps the interest
artifcially low.
The average interest percentage on the total debt of the U.S. stands
now at about 2.5 percent. Historically, this percentage was on aver-
age close to 6 percent. 2.5 percent on 16 trillion is 400 billion. If the
percentage would normalize and for example double, it would mean an
extra cost of another 400 billion. Four times more than Obamas defcit
reduction proposal, and twice as much as the Republicans proposal!
In which fairy tale do these folks live?
illions of children today are immersing
themselves in realistic video games that
depict worlds populated by hit men, drug
lords, psychopaths, zombies, school shooters, war
criminals and worse. These games not only allow
but encourage them to become killers, sadists,
mutilators and monsters, using famethrowers,
scythes, meat grinders, syringes, chainsaws, cattle
prods and human shields to engage in abduction,
murder, torture, dismemberment, decapitation, impaling, ethnic
cleansing and rape.
This demonic world caused parents and other sane people to fght
back against the multibillion-dollar video game industry, eventually
winning passage of a law in California. The law prohibited the sale of
certain games to minors without their parents consent. The Entertain-
ment Merchants Association appealed to Californias infamous Ninth
Circuit Court of Appeals, which struck down the law as unconstitution-
al in 2005. Last Monday, the Supreme Court weighed in on the matter
and sided with the gore merchants, 7-2. In his majority opinion, Justice
Antonin Scalia said he was protecting the First Amendment rights of
children to access free speechthe blood-and-guts deluge pouring
out of millionaire video game companies. Let freedom ring.
According to the Supreme Court, the government needs to pro-
tect children from parental authority. That is the stark reality of the
Courts twisted reasoning. These justices feel they must beat back
parents who are trying to deprive their own children of material that
will distort their thinking. They feel obligated to protect young peoples
right to go behind their parents backs and give video store clerks their
money in exchange for immersive visual bloodbaths.
Justice Clarence Thomas, one of only two dissenters, accurately
identifed the crux of the issue. He said that the history clearly shows
a founding generation that believed parents to have complete authority
over their minor children and expected parents to direct the develop-
ment of those children.
But in the world today, as in the court chambers, Thomas is in the
minority. Parental authority is under attack. Something sinister is
this year, as the nation celebrates Indepen-
dence Day, the sputtering U.S. economy
offers a stark reminder that today were more
dependent upon foreigners than ever before.
We need them to fnance our debt; China
and Japan together hold more than $2 tril-
lion of U.S. treasury bonds. We need them to
supply much of the oil thats critical to our
economy. We need them to make the shoes
we wear and the gadgets that dominate our
lives. We even need them to buy more of the
products we make, as growing exports are
vital to our economic rebound.
None of these dependencies is particularly
new, but theres growing concern about how
much economic independence weve lost.
Were much more dependent than we have
been, probably since the 1800s, said Clyde
Prestowitz, a former U.S. trade negotiator and
the author of the 2010 book The Betrayal of
American Prosperity.
I think dependence per se is not necessar-
ily a bad thing. The question is whether the
dependence is working to your advantage or
against you . Our dependence is growing in
ways that are disadvantageous to us.
The most obvious example of dangerous
dependence comes from foreigners own-
ing our debt. If China or Japan were to
sell their holdings at once, that would badly
disrupt fnancial markets. But holding huge
amounts of U.S. debt gives these nations a
degree of leverage over us, especially on is-
sues such as trying to get China to devalue its
currency. And Chinas undervalued currency
gives it a trade advantage over us.
The growing dependence of the U.S. econ-
omy on China and other emerging economies
results in a leveling out that Thomas Friedman
famously noted in his book The World Is Flat.
Prestowitz, the former trade negotiator,
doesnt buy that view of the new economic
world order. It may be fat, but it is tilted,
and its tilted in a way right now that technol-
ogy, production, jobs and wages tend to slide
away from us to the rest of world, he said.
In an increasingly inter-dependent world
economy, shocks spread quickly. U.S. banks
and money-market funds are invested in Eu-
ropean banks, and they, in turn, are invested
in Greece, Spain, Ireland and other struggling
euro-economies. If things unravel across the
Atlantic, this inter-dependency could further
endanger the U.S. economic recovery.
In addition, theres the chance that foreign
investors who hold much of the U.S. debt may
come to view America as Greece .

trying to get between parents and their children. In the classroom,
teachers are ignoring parents preferences. Sex ed is foisted on younger
and younger kids before parents can or will teach it to them themselves.
Activists are pushing for girls to get underage abortions and not have to
notify their parents. It goes all the way down to televised cartoons that
are flled with the anti-parental authority message.
This attitude isnt coming from the Supreme Court. It didnt origi-
nate in the UN. Believe it or not, the worlds political, legal, commer-
cial and creative minds are actually pawnsvideo game characters, if
you willof a much greater power. That power is the very real Satan
the devil. He is, in fact, the god of this world (2 Corinthians 4:4) and
has deceived the whole world (Revelation 12:9). He is the master-
mind that is pushing not only the horrifc carnage to be found in
those video gamesbut also the spirit of rebellion against parents
that hangs like a stench around both those games and the Supreme
Courts decision.
ast year, the U.S. Navy bought 59,000 microchips for use in ev-
erything from missiles to transponders and all of them turned
out to be counterfeits from China. Wired reports the chips
werent only low-quality fakes, they had been made with a back-
door and could have been remotely shut down at any time. If left
undiscovered, the result could have rendered useless U.S. missiles
and killed the signal from aircraft that tells everyone whether its
friend or foe.
Apparently foreign chip makers are often better at making cheap
microchips and U.S. defense contractors are loathe to pass up the bet-
ter deal. The problem remains with these Trojan horse circuits that
can be built into the chip and are almost impossible to detectespe-
cially without the original plans to compare them to. The Intelligence
Advanced Research Projects Agency (iarpa) is now looking for ways to
check the chips to make sure they havent been hacked in the produc-
tion process.
yse euronexts shareholders have approved its merger with
the German exchange operator Deutsche Brse. The New York
exchange held a special shareholders meeting Thursday morn-
ing, where 96 percent voted in favor of the deal. The votes represent 66
percent of nyse Euronexts total shares.
Deutsche Brse AG said in February that it would buy the par-
ent company of the New York Stock Exchange for $10 billion, creat-
ing the worlds largest exchange operator. Deutsche Brse runs the
Frankfurt Stock Exchange, while nyse Euronext owns bourses in
Paris, Lisbon, Brussels and Amsterdam, in addition to New York
Stock Exchange.
california lawMakers have tabled a bill
that would make the state the frst in
the U.S. to teach gay and lesbian his-
tory in public schools. The bill, passed
on a party-line vote, adds lesbian, gay,
bisexual and transgender people as well
as people with disabilities to the list
of groups that schools must include in
It would also prohibit material that
refects adversely on gays. Tom Am-
miano, Democratic assemblyman of
San Francisco, said the SB48 bill was
crucial because of the bullying targeted
at gay students. But Republicans said
that while well intentioned, the bill was
ill conceived and raised concerns that
it would indoctrinate children to accept
Speaker John Perez, the frst
openly gay speaker of the California
Assembly, said: This bill will re-
quire California schools to present a
more accurate and nuanced view of
American history in our social science
curriculum by recognizing the accom-
plishments of groups that are not often
The bill will now go to Gov. Jerry
Brown, a Democrat, who has not said
whether he will sign it. Former Gov.
Arnold Schwarzenegger vetoed a similar
bill in 2006. Tim Donnelly, a Republi-
can assemblyman from Twin Peaks, said
he was offended as a Christian that the
bill was being used to promote a homo-
sexual agenda in public schools.
California law already requires
schools to teach about women, African
Americans, Mexican Americans, Asian
Americans, European Americans,
American Indians and labor. SB48
would requireas soon as the 2013-
2014 school yearthe California Board
of Education and local school districts
to adopt textbooks and other teaching
materials that cover the contributions
and roles of sexual minorities.
It leaves it to local school boards to
decide how to implement the require-
ment and does not specify a grade
level for the instruction to begin.
The assembly passed the bill by 49
votes to 25.
following New Yorks historic vote. If New York can do it, its okay for
every other place to do it.
Eighteen months ago, New York rejected the measure by a large
majority. And today, homosexuals and liberal activists are celebrating
yet another victory.
One popular liberal website even turned an iconic image of Ameri-
can heroism into a celebration of same-sex marriage. Instead of fve
soldiers raising the American fag at Iwo Jima, it posted a picture of
four scantily clad homosexuals raising the rainbow fag, representing
the diversity of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender communities.
Not to be outdone, in the same edition that featured the story about
the recent gay marriage vote, the New York Times printed a snapshot
of a Broadway performance showing a group of half-naked homosexu-
als reenacting George Washingtons famous boat ride across the icy
waters of the Delaware River.
The shew of their countenance doth witness against them; and
they declare their sin as Sodom, the Prophet Isaiah wrote (Isaiah 3:9).
Jesus said our day would be just as it was in the days of Noah, when
they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage
(Matthew 24:38). The problem wasnt with the institution of marriage,
as Herbert Armstrong explained in Mystery of the Ages. It was in the
manner that they were marrying and giving in marriage!
We see these same evils multiplying greatly in our society today
and rapidly, as the recent overturn in New York plainly reveals.
The New York law also reveals a lot about the overall strategy of our
adversary the devil. To thinkbarely a year and a half ago, state legisla-
tors in New York overwhelmingly voted against the prospect of legaliz-
ing homosexual marriage.
But in Satans mind, that resounding no only meant not now. And
today, same-sex marriage is legal in New York. And since there are no
residency restrictions within the law, homosexuals from anywhere in
America can legally marry in the Empire State.
This perversion will continue only until Jesus Christ returns to this
Earth to forcibly stop the madness by frst removing Satan from the
throne of this Earth (Luke 17:26). Then, after Marrying His wife, the
true Church, the God faMily will establish and administer Gods loving
government over all of mankind.
In the end, it is the Family of God that will turn this worldand,
ultimately, the entire, vast, limitless universeright side up!
TCHY | July 3
his suMMer, it doesnt take much for the wind to kick up sand in
western Kansas. A 10 to 15 mph wind will cause the horizon to
dim; at 30 to 40 mph, it darkens the sky and visibility is less than
100 feet. Much of Morton County is in an exceptional drought, the driest
rating, according to the U.S. Drought Monitor. Already it is drier than
the driest years of the Dust Bowl. Since last September10 months
agoMorton County near Elkhart has received 2.99 inches of moisture.
The normal average rainfall for that corner of Kansas is about 19 inches.
There was no dryland wheat harvested in the county this year; more
than three quarters of the countys acres are dryland. Farmers are sell-
ing cow-calf operations in record numbers because there is not enough
feed. Newborn calves, less than a day old, are on the auction block.
THE TRUMPET WEEKLY July 9, 2011 10
MARRIAGE from page 1
june was proclaimed lgbt
Pride Month by the cur-
rent U.S. president during
his frst year in offce. It
has been celebrated as
such each year since. The
Clinton administration had
previously declared the
same during the years 1999
and 2000.
In his proclamation, the U.S. president
declared that he is proud to be the frst
to appoint openly lgbt candidates to
Senate-confrmed positions in the frst 100
days of an administration. These individu-
als embody the best qualities we seek in
public servants (ibid.).
The president further declared to an
lgbt group gathered at the White House in
June that, Everybody deserves to be able
to live and love as they see ft.
The Creator of mankind spontaneously
eliminated two entire cities due to their
populations exhibiting such openly lgbt
behaviorliving and loving as they saw
ft! Now we announce our pride in hir-
ing such into key government positions,
regarding them as embodying the best
qualities we seek in public servants.
One result of this is, according to, that The Department of
Health and Home Services has plans to
integrate questions on sexual orienta-
tion into national data collection efforts
by 2013 and begin a process to collect
information on gender identity (op. cit.).
To what use will such data be put? Could
it be to bludgeon American citizenry into
embracing the lgbt agenda?
It may be that by 2013 the group that
needs most protection as a threatened
species will be those who proudly, conf-
dently and faithfully still identify as solid
heterosexuals supportive of monogamous
marriage in its true God-given sense and
who seek to protect their children from
exposure to deviant behavior.
The cities of Sodom and Gomorrah
were accounted by God as unworthy to
continue to exist. Not even 10 persons
were found still living unperverted
lifestyles in those cities. Sodom and
Gomorrah have been associated with lgbt
behavior ever since.
God called down fre to eliminate the
perverted populations of those cities!
Four millennia later, are we not heading
for the same result?

RON FRASER | Columnist

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