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split PAGE 3 america PAGE 3 asia PAGE 6 nyse PAGE 8 scenario PAGE 8

Russia says Kiev must
choose a side.
A tectonic shift has
occurred in the U.S.-Saudi
Conceptually and
substantively, Obama
abandoned the U.S.
alliance with Israel.
Why has Americas premier
stock exchange become
prey as opposed to the
predator it once was?
We just cant keep living
the way were living. Itll
end within our lifetime.
.S. PreSident Barack Obama fol-
lowed up on his June 2009 Cairo
speech this week with another
milestone address to the Middle East.
Unsurprisingly, the speech revealed a
superpower unwilling to accept reality,
suffering from suicidal moral inversion
and clearly in retreat before the forces
of radical Islam.
For radical Islam, and especially the
Palestinians, the speech was confrma-
tion that they are on course for victory over Israel, and
that all they need to do is hold fast to their current strat-
egy. That strategy is simple: It involves bringing about the
genocide of Israel by waging SimultaneouS campaigns of
aggression and of feigned peace, designed to force conces-
sions and buy time. Two events from the past two weeks
The frst occurred in Cairo on May 4, when the Iran-
sponsored terrorist group Hamas formed a unity govern-
ment with Fatah, the moderate, U.S.-backed political
organization based out of the West Bank. The coalition
government was forged in an attempt to project Palestinian
unity and stability and thereby gain legitimacy in the inter-
national community ahead of the possible declaration of a
Palestinian state, which could occur as soon as September.
Reality is, the unity government is a fake overture to-
ward peace with Israel. Indeed, as Hamass political leader
Khaled Mashaal made clear the day he signed on the dotted
line in Cairo: Our common enemy is Israel. Israel must
be fought both with force and through diplomacy, he said.
Ultimately, the Hamas-Fatah deal was concocted primarily
for Western leaders and the media, and designed to extract
more concessions from Israel. The Palestinians know that if
President Obama and the international community can be
convinced that a united, stable and competent Palestinian
government exists, they will increase pressure on Israel to
consider it a legitimate peace partner.
Embarrassingly, many in the West have stepped into the
In an op-ed for the Washington Post earlier this month,
former U.S. President Jimmy Carter praised the deal and
encouraged the international community to get behind
the new Hamas-Fatah axis. If the United States and the
international community support this effort, Carter wrote,
they can help Palestinian democracy and establish the
basis for a unifed Palestinian state in the West Bank and
Gaza that can make a secure peace with Israel.
The response from the White House was a little more
nuanced. However, despite intense opposition from many
within Congress who consider the unity government a
joke, it seems many, including some key players in the
peace process, consider the unity government a genuine
opportunity for peace! As the Jerusalem Posts Caroline
Glick wrote, the signals emanating from the White House
and its allied media indicate that Obama is ready to plow
forward and make the case for demanding that Israel
surrender Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria to Hamas and
its partners in Fatah (emphasis mine throughout).
Meanwhile, as the Chamberlains of the world rejoice
at the promise of peace, Hamas and Fatah continue their
campaign of pursuing victory through violence.
This was evident last weekend when tens of thousands of
Palestinians, and Arabs throughout the region, celebrated
their Day of Catastrophe, or Nakba Day. Created by Nobel
Peace Prize winner and renowned terrorist leader Yasser
Arafat, the catastrophe commemorated on Nakba Day is the
creation of the State of Israel on May 15, 1948.
This year, Nakba Day aggression toward Israel was
worse than ever, with violent protests breaking out along
Israels borders with Syria, Lebanon and Gaza, as well as in
the West Bank.
On Israels northern border, thousands of pro-Palestinian
protesters from Syria and Lebanon invaded and stormed
the fence. By early Sunday afternoon, hundreds of Syrians,
Palestinians and Hezbollah members had managed to enter
the main square of the Golan village of Majd al Shams and
hoist Syrian and Palestinian fags. At least 14 people were
killed in the protests, and hundreds more were injured.
In Gaza, Nakba demonstrations turned violent when
hundreds of protesters marched on the Erez Crossing and
one protester attempted to plant a roadside bomb. In Tel
Aviv Sunday, in what evidence suggests was an act of terror,
an Arab Israeli went on a truck rampage that killed one
person and injured 17.
There were also large demonstrations in the West Bank
and smaller clashes in East Jerusalem. The focal point
of the confrontations between demonstrators and Israeli
security forces was in the Qalandia refugee camp near East
Jerusalem. A mob of 600 Palestinians threw stones and
fares at Israeli soldiers and burned tires. Across the border
see HITLER page 10
Hitler, the palestinians and the West
Middle east
aleStinianS and
their support-
ers on Sunday
celebrated the an-
niversary of Israels
founding with violent
protests on Israels
borders with Syria,
Lebanon and the
Gaza Strip. Some 15
people were killed and
dozens wounded in the
clashes. On the Syrian
border, thousands
of pro-Palestinian
protesters stormed the fence and entered the main square of the Golan
village of Majd al Shams, hoisting Syrian and Palestinian fags. In Gaza,
demonstrations turned violent when hundreds of protesters marched
on the Erez Crossing. There were also large demonstrations in the West
Bank and clashes in East Jerusalem. Earlier in the day, an Arab Israeli
in Tel Aviv went on a truck rampage that killed one person and injured
17. The terrorist attack and the protests occurred on Nakba (Catastro-
phe) Day, a day of mourning to Palestinians marking the founding of
the State of Israel in 1948. For several weeks leading up to Nakba Day,
pro-Palestinian groups had conducted an Internet campaign calling for
a third Palestinian intifada. There are fears in Israel that the eruptions
on Sunday presage just such a third intifada. Stratfor comments that
Palestinians in the Gaza Strip and West Bank, along with Palestinian
refugees in neighboring Syria, Lebanon, Jordan and Egypt, could theo-
retically coalesce behind an all-too-familiar but politically recharged
campaign against Israel and bear down on Israels frontiers. This time,
taking cues from surrounding, largely nonviolent uprisings, Palestin-
ians could wage a third intifada across state lines ... (May 17).
A few days earlier, the Fatah Revolutionary Council urged Palestin-
ians to take part in the Nakba Day marches and rallies. At the end of a
meeting on May 12, the council issued a statement urging Palestinians
to escalate popular resistance against Israel, especially in Jerusalem
neighborhoods like Silwan, Isawiya, Sheikh Jarrah and the Old City.
Also at the meeting, Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas
confrmed his decision not to seek reelection and reiterated his deter-
mination to seek UN recognition of a Palestinian state in September.
Elsewhere on Sunday, Nakba Day, thousands of Egyptians attempted
to storm the Israeli Embassy in Cairo, resulting in over 350 injuries and
150 arrests as police responded. The violent protest refects the general
hostility among Egyptians toward Israel that is now coming to the fore
since the downfall of former President Hosni Mubarak. We want to
cut diplomatic relations between Egypt and Israel, said Islam Amin, a
university student. Israel is our enemy. It was the most unruly protest
at the embassy since the Egyptian-Israeli peace accord was signed in
1979. There is growing pressure in Egypt for Cairo to end relations with
Israel. Protestors are demanding the expulsion of the Israeli ambas-
sador and a referendum on whether to extend Egypts peace treaty with
Israel. McClatchy Newspapers reports that anti-Israeli activism and
speech have proliferated as Egyptians assert their independence from
what they consider the puppet regime of the former president. Hence,
it can be expected that candidates vying to replace the current leader-
ship will play to this anti-Israel sentiment.
While the Muslim Brotherhood has promised not to feld a candi-
date in Egypts presidential election, slated for September, a member of
the group, Abdel Moneim Abul Futouh, has announced he will run for
Protesters inltrate the Israel-Syria border on
May 15 near the village of Majd al Shams, Israel.
pakistans new
oSama bin Ladens death made
one thing plain: The relation-
ship between America and
Pakistan has tanked.
It is pretty telling that
when Pakistan apologized
for harboring the terrorist
mastermindit did so by be-
rating the U.S. for not getting its permission
to kill him. Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani
warned that future American raids within
Pakistan could be repelled with full force.
As if to prove it, on Tuesday, Pakistani troops
fred at two nato helicopters that crossed into
Pakistans airspace from Afghanistan.
Signs are that Pakistan has had enough
and is ready to walk away from the U.S.and
back into the arms an old ally: China.
Beijing is aggressively courting Pakistan.
It expects Americas presence in the region to
shrink soon, and it wants to fll the void.
China particularly seeks greater strate-
gic control over the Indian Ocean. Pakistan
provides the perfect means. Back in 2002,
China broke ground on a joint project with
Pakistan to build a major deep-sea port in the
Pakistani coastal city of Gwadar. This became
operational in 2008. Now the Chinese want
to build an oil pipeline direct from there into
their own Xinjiang region.
Gwadar has been called the Chinese
Gibraltar. This port increases Chinas trade
access to the Middle East, Central Asia and
Europe. When the project began, China tried
to dispel anxiety among its rivals by insist-
ing the port would only be used for trade. But
sure enough, as we suspected at the time,
China is actually expanding it into a naval
base. From there, China could patrol the In-
dian Ocean and the Arabian Sea. The Chinese
Navy is establishing a presence on the Middle
Easts doorstep.
Biblical prophecy speaks of a massive war
to shake this world very soonin which an
enormous pan-Asian army will march into the
Middle East. Given the geography of the region,
it seems Pakistan, including this key seaport,
could come into play as a major staging point.
Evidence also suggests the possibility that,
despite its Muslim majority, Pakistan could
by that point be allied with that Asian behe-
moth, contributing not only its gateways but
even its soldiers to the effort.
It certainly appears that Americas tattered
alliance with Pakistan is all but over. The U.S.
is fading; power is shifting eastward. And
Islamabad is entertaining offers from another,
more attractive suitor.

president as an independent. Futouh is depicted in the Western media
as a moderate and a reformer, and his candidacy is not being formally
backed by the Muslim Brotherhood. However, it is possible this is a
ploy by the Brotherhood to get an Islamist into the presidency. debkafle
reports that on the quiet, in the second week of April, the Brotherhood
leaders picked Futouh as their candidate for future president of Egypt.
Barry Rubin, writing for the Jerusalem Post, also sees this as a Muslim
Brotherhood tactic to get one of its own into power after it dropped
presidential candidate Muhammad ElBaradei. At this early stage, an Al-
Ahram poll has Futouh tied with Amr Moussa, Egypts former foreign
minister and Arab League secretary general, as the leading candidates.
This means, in addition to most likely having an Islamist-dominated
parliament, it is quite possible that Egypt will soon have an Islamist
Another repercussion of the removal of the law and order imposed
in Egypt by Mubarak is a crime wave. The New York Times reports that
there have been at least three successful jailbreaks in recent weeks.
Things are actually going from bad to worse, ElBaradei admitted.
Where have the police and military gone? With scores of police of-
fcers in jail for their part in suppressing the protests, those who are left
are hesitant to carry out their duties. Meanwhile, 8,400 prisoners who
escaped during the revolution are still at large.
Meanwhile, in Tunisia, the Ennahda Party, the Islamist party
banned under the dictatorship of Zine el-Abidine Ben Ali, is now
emerging as perhaps the most powerful political force in the country.
The New York Times reports that activists and politicians are becoming
increasingly worried that elections scheduled for July 24 will see the es-
tablishment of a conservative Islamic government. Just as in Egypt the
Muslim Brotherhood is the most organized, infuential and prepared
party to fll the political void, so in Tunisia is Ennahda. Most other par-
ties have existed for only a matter of weeks. The Republican Alliance, a
secular party, wants the elections to be delayed. July 24 is a favor to
Ennahda, the strategist for the party said. Its suicide. With Ennahda
in power, he said, It would be Iran. Meanwhile, polls suggest that En-
nahda enjoys broader support than any of the other disparate parties in
the 98 percent Muslim country. The assembly that is elected in the July
vote will be tasked with rewriting the countrys constitution.
a U.s.-saudi split
tectonic shift has occurred in the U.S.-Saudi relationship. For
more than 60 years, Saudi Arabia has been bound by an unwritten
bargain: oil for security. Riyadh has often protested but ultimately
acquiesced to what it saw as misguided U.S. policies. But American mis-
steps in the region since September 11, an ill-conceived response to the
Arab protest movements and refusal to [penalize Israel for] settlement
building have brought this arrangement to an end. As the Saudis recali-
brate the partnership, Riyadh intends to pursue a much more assertive
foreign policy, at times conficting with American interests.
The backdrop for this change are the rise of Iranian meddling in the
region and the counterproductive policies that the United States has
pursued here since September 11. As Riyadh fghts a cold war with
Tehran, Washington has shown itself in recent months to be an unwill-
ing and unreliable partner against this threat. The emerging political
reality is a Saudi-led Arab world facing off against the aggression of
Iran and its non-state proxies.
Saudi Arabia will not allow the political unrest in the region to de-
stabilize the Arab monarchiesthe Gulf states, Jordan and Morocco. In
Yemen, the Saudis are insisting on an orderly transition of power and a
of america
before we get into what [President Obamas]
speech means for Israel, it is important to
consider what it means for America. Quite
simply, Obamas speech represents the effec-
tive renunciation of the U.S.s right to have
and to pursue national interests. Conse-
quently, his speech imperils the real inter-
ests that the U.S. has in the regionfrst and
foremost, the U.S.s interest in securing its
national security.
And of course, intimations of Obamas
plan to woo and appease the jihadists appear
throughout the speech. For instance: There
will be times when our short-term interests
do not align perfectly with our long-term
vision of the region. So U.S. short-term
interests, like for instance preventing terror-
ist attacks against itself or its interests, will
have to be sacrifced for the greater good of
bringing the Muslim Brotherhood to power
in democratic elections.
As for Israel, in a way, Obama did Israel a
favor by giving this speech. By abandoning
even a semblance of friendliness, he has told
us that we have nothing whatsoever to gain
by trying to make him like us. Obama didnt
even say that he would oppose the Palestin-
ians plan to get the UN Security Council to
pass a resolution in support for Palestinian
independence. All he said was that it is a
dumb idea.
Of course there are all the hostile, hate-
ful details of the speech: He said Israel has
to concede its right to defensible borders as
a precondition for negotiations; he didnt
say he opposes the Palestinian demand for
open immigration of millions of foreign
Arabs into Israel; he again ignored Bushs
2004 letter to Sharon opposing a return
to the 1949 armistice lines, supporting
the large settlements, defensible borders
and opposing mass Arab immigration into
Israel; he said he was leaving Jerusalem out
but actually brought it in by calling for an
Israeli retreat to the 1949 lines; he called for
Israel to be cut in two when he called for the
Palestinians state to be contiguous; he called
for Israel to withdraw from the Jordan Val-
leywithout which it is powerless against
invasion .
Conceptually and substantively, Obama
abandoned the U.S. alliance with Israel. The
rest of his wordssecurity arrangements,
demilitarized Palestinian state and the rest
of itwere nothing more than fller to please
empty-headed liberal Jews in America .

dignifed exit for President Ali Abdullah Saleh . Saudi Arabia remains
strong and stable, lending muscle to its invigorated foreign policy.
Spiritually, the kingdom plays a unique role for the worlds 1.2 billion
Muslimsmore than 1 billion of whom are Sunnias the birthplace of
Islam and home of the two holiest cities.
As the worlds sole energy superpower and the de facto central
banker of the global energy
markets, Riyadh is the eco-
nomic powerhouse of the
Middle East, representing
25 percent of the combined
gross domestic product of
the Arab world. With
Iran working tirelessly to
dominate the region, the
Muslim Brotherhood rising
in Egypt and unrest on
nearly every border, there is simply too much at stake for the kingdom
to rely on a security policy written in Washington, which has backfred
more often than not and spread instability. The special relationship
may never be the same .
n may 19, Dominique Strauss-Kahn
resigned his powerful position as chair-
man of the International Monetary
Fund. In a letter to the imf board, he denied
the allegations he sexually assaulted a hotel
maid. He is currently being held without bail in
New Yorks Rikers Island jail. His resignation
set off a power struggle at the fnancial institu-
tion, which has historically been dominated
by Europeans. Nations like China and Brazil
are pushing hard for the position. But with
Europe locked in fnancial crisis, it wants this
post more than ever. Of the four Europeans
most widely touted for the position, three are
German: former German central bank president Axel Weber; the head
of Europes bailout fund, Klaus Regling; and Peer Steinbrck, a former
German fnance minister. The other primary contender seems to be
Frances Finance Minister Christine Lagarde. With an Italian recently
winning the top spot at the European Central Bank, this seems like an
opportunity that Germany will not pass up.
EU fnance ministers approved a 78 billion (uS$111 billion) bailout
for Portugal on May 16. The bailout requires Portugal to implement
the austerity measures its parliament rejected in March. It will have
to cut spending for 2012-2013 by 3.4 percent of gross domestic prod-
uct and increase government revenue. One third of this bailout will
be provided by the International Monetary Fund (imf), another third
will come from the European Financial Stabilization Mechanism and
the rest will come from the eurozones 440 billion rescue fund. The
imf will loan its money at an interest rate of 3.25 percent, but the loan
from the EU will be more priceyinterest will be between 5.5 and 6
percent. The bailout program will last 7 years. Following the May 16
meeting, it seems certain that Mario Draghi will be the next head of the
European Central Bank (ecb). German Chancellor Angela Merkel has
now endorsed him, which means he has enough support to cruise easily
into that powerful role. Draghi is Jesuit-educated and a devout Catholic.
Trumpet columnist Ron Fraser wrote April 13, 2009, that Draghi is a
europeenter the
the euroPean Union was
founded on a lie: the great
lie that it was only ever to
be a democratic, free-trade
institution, protecting the
individual national sover-
eignty of its constituents.
But, even as its founders
admitted, it was anything but democratic
in intent, and, from its very beginnings,
was destined to become a political union.
European elites have, via a series of
treaties, steadily worked to develop the
original Common Market into the imperial
political enterprise that it is today.
The eurozone was the idea of cer-
tain infuential German elites, actually
designed to achieve that which is clearly
emerging as its end result right nowthe
subservience of the weak to the strong. It
is by no mere coincidence that Germany
will end up with the whole EU at its beck
and call as its powerhouse economy ben-
efts from the European Monetary Union
policy of fxing exchange rates to bolster
the German economy at the expense of all
Germany is the fnancial controller of
In the context of todays revival of that
old system of the Holy Roman Empire of
the German Nation arising before our eyes,
we noted how the deck was deliberately
cleared for one candidate, and one only, to
be endorsed for the most powerful fnan-
cial controlling offce on the planetthe
president of the European Central Bank.
Under the auspices of the three leading
powers in EuropeGermany, France and
ItalyEU fnance ministers have unani-
mously nominated the governor of the Ital-
ian central bank, Jesuit-trained Vatican
supporter and head of the global fnancial
regulatory authority, the Financial Stabil-
ity Board, Mario Draghi as President of
the European Central Bank.
This is the man slated to oversee fnan-
cial and economic policy over the whole of
the EU as it builds toward the power that
this fnal resurrection of the Holy Roman
Empire will possess, be it only briefy, over
the whole global economy as revealed in
Revelation 13:4, 6-18.
It is of interest in this context to note
that the man possesses a Christian name
that literally means war, warring or
warlikeMario. But the surname also
intriguesDraghi, meaning dragon.

Psalm 83 tells us the nations that will not be
allied with Iran when Germany and Europe
conquer that nation and radical Islam. Saudi
Arabia is also drawing closer to Germany
to enhance its own security against Iran as
America gets weaker and continues to withdraw
from the Middle East. The mystery of the Psalm
83 prophecy is being removed.
Gerald Flurry, Trumpet, May/June 2011
dedicated Roman Catholic with connections that run deep within the
global banking and fnance community and has historic Vatican Bank
and European Central Bank connections.
The Euroskeptic True Finns are now the most popular political party
in Finland, according to a recent poll. The party recently refused to join
the newly elected government rather than compromise with its prin-
ciples and be part of a government that bails out Portugal. Now, polls
show it has the support of 22.4 percent of the population. The National
Coalition Party is in second place with 20.6 percent.
THE LOCAL | May 11
schuble promises Hard
line on eurozone Bailouts
erman finance Minister Wolfgang Schuble has promised mem-
bers of parliament that strict conditions will be attached to any
future bailout of eurozone members. There must be no fnancial
help without binding promises once the permanent European Stability
Mechanism (eSm) comes into force in two years time, Schuble said in a
letter to MPs belonging to Angela Merkels center-right coalition.
Parliament is expected to vote on introducing the eSm in the autumn.
Public opinion in Germany has been increasingly critical of European
Union measures to rescue heavily-indebted countries within the euro-
zone, including Greece, Ireland and Portugal. Some MPs, including
from within the ruling majority, have threatened to abstain or even
oppose the eSm if strict conditions are not applied, such as involving
private investors in any
bailout plan.
In his letter Schuble
stressed that a response
to mistakes of the past
cannot be to go back on
European integration, but
to ensure an adaptation
and evolution of this inte-
the Known Unknown
n the debate about Europes possible forthcoming global decline,
German government advisers are insisting that Germany and the
EU take action. At present, most experts assume that Europes
global infuence will be measurably waning in the future, but this
prognosis is based on the assumption that current trends of develop-
ment will continue. This is uncertain, because no one can exclude
unexpected developments. The authors of a recent article in the
foreign-policy periodical Internationale Politik point out that pos-
sible distribution conficts could lead to a civil war in China thereby
bringing the Peoples Republics emergence to a halt. Domestic conficts
in China, systematically supported by the West, could possibly reverse
Europes decline, according to German government institutions. In any
case, the authors of the article in Internationale Politik predict that
Germany and the EU will also have the capacity to be among the global
players in a multi-polar world. It all depends on their willingness to
the Full-Blown
return of
anti-semitism in
on aPril 19, the Corfu synagogue, in Greece,
was burned. How many Jews live in Corfu to-
day? One hundred and ffty. How many Jews
live in Greece? Eight thousand, or about 0.8
percent of the population. For some, it seems
these fgures are still far too high. Two other
synagogues were burned in Greece during the
past year. Anti-Semitic graffti on the walls
are spreading all over the country.
What happened in Greece is happening
everywhere across the European continent.
During the last decade, synagogues were
vandalized or set on fre in Poland, Sweden,
Hungary, France. Anti-Semitic inscriptions
are being drawn on building walls in Paris,
Madrid, Amsterdam, London, Berlin and
Rome. Jewish cemeteries are being ransacked.
Jews are being attacked on the streets of most
major cities on the Continent. In the Nether-
lands, the police use decoy Jews in order to
try arrest the perpetrators red-handed.
Jewish schools are being placed under
police protection everywhere, and are usually
equipped with security gates.
In some cities such as Malm, Sweden, or
Roubaix, France, the persecution suffered by
the Jewish community has reached such a
degree that people are selling their homes
and leaving. In 1990, approximately 2,000
Jewish people lived in Malm; now there are
fewer than 700, and the number is decreasing
every year.
A few weeks ago in Norway, when Alan
Dershowitz was banned from giving lectures
on the confict in the Middle East, the profes-
sors who supported the ban used anti-Semitic
stereotypes in their remarks. What hap-
pened to him is now commonplace. In many
universities in Europe, giving lectures on
Jewish culture has become risky, and giving
lectures on Israel anywherewithout being
clearly pro-Palestinianis even more risky,
or impossible: Once the event is announced,
the organizers and the lecturers immediately
receive explicit death threats by mail or by
the Internet.
After World War ii, anti-Semitism seemed
to disappear in Europe. It is back, to a very
disquieting degree. Hatred towards Israel
is now the most widely shared sentiment
among Europeans, whatever their place on
the political spectrum. It is now through ha-
tred of Israel, that hatred of Jews as annoying
troublemakers can again express itself.
Berlin has been planning for this crisis before
it even adopted the euro. European elites knew
it would eventually come. And they will soon
present a solution. Watch Germany. Watch
for Germany to be at the helm in a restructuring
not only of EU member nations economies, but
of the entire European Union itself!
Gerald Flurry, Trumpet, February 2009
exhaust their capabilities, which must include coordinated and unifed
action and the enhancement of Europes militarization.
uSSian PreSident Dmitry Medvedev said on Wednesday that
Ukraines entrance into the customs union made up of Russia,
Belarus and Kazakhstan will be at risk if Kiev continues forg-
ing closer ties with the European Union. Ukrainian President Viktor
Yanukovych wishes for Ukraine to have both associate member status
in the eu and to enter into a free-trade agreement with the Russian-led
customs union, but Russia says Kiev must choose a side. Speaking at a
news conference near Moscow, Medvedev explained that Ukraine must
choose one or the other, saying, One cannot sit on two chairs at the
same time. At present, both Russia and the EU are vying for infuence
in Ukraine. Expect Moscows efforts to infuence Ukraine and other
former Soviet states to increase.
On Wednesday, President Medvedev threatened to start a new cold
war with the West if Moscow and Western powers fail to agree on a new
missile defense shield. He also warned that such a failure would prompt
Russia to pull out of a new nuclear disarmament treaty. Medvedev
said that moves by the United States to forge ahead with the European
shield project in spite of Moscows objections will force Russia to take
response measuressomething that we would very much rather not
do. Medvedev said, We would then be talking about developing the
offensive potential of our nuclear capabilities. This would be a very bad
scenario. It would be a scenario that throws us back into the Cold War
era. Expect Russian assertiveness to intensify in the months ahead as
the nation becomes more powerful.
africa/latin aMerica
he government of Sudan sent warplanes to strike the city of
Sukamir in the western Sudanese province of Darfur on Tuesday
according to the United Nations mission unamid. It is still unclear
whether or not there were any casualties, but the attack is the second
one this week to be perpetrated by the Sudanese government against
Darfur. On Sunday, Sudanese warplanes bombed the town of Labado
and the village of Esheraya in southern Darfur. Now that the predomi-
nately Christian South Sudan has seceded from the rest of the country,
expect Islamic-perpetrated violence against Darfurs predominately
Christian population to increase. As radical Islam engulfs North Africa,
religious confict is spreading south.
South Africas opposition Democratic Alliance increased its share of
the national vote in municipal elections held on Wednesday. With about
11.9 million ballots counted, the African National Congress (anc) held
62.8 percent of the vote, while the Democratic Alliance (DA) had 24.2
percent, said the Independent Electoral Commission in Pretoria. This
compares with 65.9 percent of the vote to the anc and 16.6 percent to
the DA just two years ago. The anc has won every election since 1994
with more than 60 percent of the vote due to the fact that many South
African blacks remain loyal to the party because of its decades-long
fght against apartheid. Now, rising unemployment and a lack of basic
services is beginning to weaken that support. Seventeen years since
Nelson Mandelas supposed victory for racial equality, South Africa has
become a nation more rife than ever with crime and racial hatred.
Iran is planning to build a missile base in Venezuela, Die Welt wrote
laSt week, on the eve of this weeks visit
to the United States by Peoples Libera-
tion Army (Pla) Chief of General Staff Chen
Bingde, the U.S.-China Economic and Secu-
rity Review Commission (uScc) held a hear-
ing on The Implications of Chinas Military
and Civil Space Programs. We monitor the
hearings of the uScc closely, in part because
it acts as a bellwether for U.S.-China rela-
tions and in part because it invariably mus-
ters an impressive collection of witnesses.
Three key points emerged from last weeks
The frst point that stands out is how
political this issue has become. The view
from Congress was provided by Rep. Frank
Wolf (R-VA) . The political aspect of Wolfs
testimony was apparent from the start. He
opened his remarks by saying: Before I start,
I want to express my sincere disappointment
that naSa has not chosen to participate in this
important hearing. naSas absence is refec-
tive of this administrations abysmal record
on American leadership in space.
The second point that stands out from the
hearings is that, although China still lags far
behind the U.S. in space, the determination
and direction of its movement is unquestion-
able. China believes that the U.S. is seeking
to develop space hegemony, and in Novem-
ber 2009 President Hu Jintao talked openly
about the Pla air forces requirement for
both offensive and defensive space capabili-
ties. Bruce W. MacDonald from the United
States Institute of Peace called the challenge
from Chinas expanding capabilities in space
an issue of rising urgency. He pointed out:
In the more than four years since China
destroyed an aging weather satellite, demon-
strating not only an anti-satellite (aSat) capa-
bility but the potential for strategic ballistic
missile defence capability as well, it has pro-
ceeded to deploy more, and more-advanced,
military space capabilities as well.
Chinas ambitions in space are being
driven by the usual mix of political calcula-
tion and national pride, but also by a strong
military imperative. China also, of course,
wants to develop its space capabilities in
order to enhance the strike range and capa-
bilities of the Pla. Chinese articles have been
published in authoritative journals advo-
cating accelerating and expanding Chinas
space-based surveillance system to cover
targets operating out to a range of 3,000
kilometers from the coast.
china countering
americas space

on May 13. The German daily earlier reported that Iran and Venezuela
signed an agreement last October to build the base. Now, citing secu-
rity insiders, it says the two nations have agreed on the location for
the base and have begun planning for it. It states that engineers from
a construction frm owned by Irans Revolutionary Guards visited the
site in February, accompanied by the head of the Guards air force. Iran
reportedly will be deploying Shahab 3 rockets, with a range of 800
to 930 miles, Scud-B missiles, with a range of 180 to 205 miles, and
Scud-C missiles, with a range of 185, 310 or 435 miles. This would leave
America outside of Irans range. However, the Federation of American
Scientists states that a modifed variant of the Shahab 3 has a range of
1,200 miles. This would put Miami just within reach of Irans rockets.
Once Iran has a missile base in Latin America, it will be relatively easy
for it to upgrade the base as it upgrades its missiles.
iSSiSSiPPi floodwaterS surged through central Louisiana last Sat-
urday as the Morganza spillway was opened for the frst time
in almost 40 years. To protect cities like Baton Rouge and New
Orleans, the spillway was opened to divert water from the increasingly
strained levees, which, if breached, could cause fooding much worse
than Hurricane Katrina. Oil refneries and chemical plants along the
river were also under threat as the Mississippi reached an all-time high
Wednesday of last week. While the Morganza spillway was designed spe-
cifcally for this purpose, many farms, businesses, neighborhoods and
communities have developed in the area in the 40 years since it was last
fooded. The decision to open the Morganza places thousands of acres of
farms and fsh camps underwater. In the 57 years since its construction,
the Morganza spillway has only been opened one other time, in 1973.
On Wednesday the Senate decisively rejected a Republican plan to
allow more coastal oil and gas exploration and to speed the issuance of
drilling permits to oil companies. The 57-to-42 vote against the mea-
sure came after Republicans on Tuesday rejected a Democratic plan to
end tax breaks for oil companies. Sen. Lisa Murkowski, a Republican
from Alaska, backed the measure by saying it would also improve the
safety of offshore drilling by requiring companies to develop spill re-
sponse and containment plans. Democrats responded by claiming that
the Republican Party had not learned the lesson of the BP oil spill.
British Environment Minister Caroline Spelman held an emergency
drought meeting on May 16. Were not in a drought yet, although the
severity of dry conditions differs from place to place, she said. The
country could be on its way to the hottest May since records began.
April had just a quarter of average rainfall, and some areas experienced
their driest March for 50 years. Increasingly dry and warm weather
has created perfect conditions for the huge increase in wildfres so
far this year, said Matt Wrack, general secretary of the Fire Brigades
Union. Fire crews have been working to the point of exhaustion to pro-
tect their local communities. Farmers too are worried. Its the subject
that preoccupies my every waking moment, said policy director of the
Soil Association, Peter Melchett. The dust is unbelievable. Its a com-
plete nightmare. This is just part of a global trend of bad weather. For
the reason behind this trend, see our May 4 article Twisters, Floods,
DroughtWhats Wrong With the Weather?
A recent investigation into schools in Merseyside, England, shows
how Britains ridiculous compensation culture is hampering educa-
tion. Schools were forced to pay over 77,000 in compensation between
2008 and 2010, according to the Daily Mail. One pupil received 750
for being splashed with custard. Another child received 6,000 be-
cause he was hit in the eye with a pen. The Mail gives many examples of
I believe that some event is going to
happen suddenly, just like out of a blue
sky, that is going to shock the whole
world, and is going to cause the nations
in Europe to realize they must unite!
I think I can see what may be the very
event that is going to trigger it, and that is
the economic situation in the world.
Herbert W. Armstrong,
Plain Truth, May/June 1984
World on course
for next crisis
the global economy is heading towards
another meltdown despite the lessons of
the last fnancial crisis, Gordon Brown has
warned. The former prime minister said
that unless leaders take more action, the
recent credit crunch could prove just the
trailer to a string of crises.
In 2008, when we were hours away
from atms running out of money, small
businesses being unable to pay their staffs,
and schools and hospitals closing down
through lack of cash fow, it felt as if the
crisis of the century was upon us, he
wrote in U.S. magazine Newsweek.
But if the world continues on its cur-
rent path, the historians of the future will
say that the great fnancial collapse of
three years ago was simply the trailer for a
succession of avoidable crises that eroded
popular consent for globalization itself.
Those who believe that the world has
learned from the mistakes that led to the
crash are mistaken.
Mr. Brown said the resolve to act
seen immediately after the crisis has been
replaced by indecision and vested inter-
est. He urged politicians at the next G20
summit, which takes place in Cannes in
November, to take control of a globalized
fnancial system which is still perilously
Mr. Browns comments come amid
repeated warnings by European policy-
makers that the debt crisis surrounding
the eurozones weaker nations could have
a worse systemic effect on global markets
than the collapse of the investment bank
Lehman Brothers in 2008, which precipi-
tated the last crisis.
They fear with good cause that if
Greece has to restructure its debteffec-
tively defaultit could unravel a chain of
trades based on the problematic debt and
lay bare the interconnectedness of insti-
tutions around the world, said Stephen
Lewis, an analyst at Monument Securities.

similarly ridiculous claims. No wonder Britains education is suffering
when teachers have to worry about being sued for spilt custard.
U.s. Forces nyse into
German arms
.S. officialS squelched a proposal to keep the New York Stock Ex-
change an American corporation on Monday because the result-
ing monopoly would not be in the interest of the public. But how
is the alternativeselling the family jewels to a foreign rival (Deutsche
Brse)in their interest?
Justice Department offcials worried that combining nySe and Nas-
daq operations would create an unacceptable monopoly in domestic
share listings and other services. Nasdaq and partner omx had offered
$11 billion for the nySe Euronext group, which owns the stock exchanges
in New York, Paris, Amsterdam, Lisbon and Brussels, as well as a
highly sought-after derivatives exchange.
Following the strong opposition from U.S. authorities, Nasdaq
withdrew its offer. It is now almost inevitable that Deutsche Brse will
end up owning this American corporate jewel, even though it only of-
fered $9.8 billion. If this merger goes through, the stock exchanges in
Amsterdam, Paris, Lisbon, Brussels, Frankfurt and nine other Euro-
pean countries will all fall under control of Germanys Deutsche Brse.
And that is not all. Deutsche Brse will also gain control of the former
Euronext derivatives unit Liffe. Once combined with Deutsche Brses
derivatives units, the new company will dominate the global derivatives
market, which the Bank of International Settlements estimated at an
astounding $1.28 quadrillion notional value in 2008.
Americans will want to ask themselves which was the lesser of the two
evils. Is it really better for America to allow one of its crown corporations
to be sold to a foreign competitor than allowing the creation of a national
champion of its own, even if it had a virtual monopoly over share listings?
Americans will also want to ask themselves: Why isnt the nySe the
company doing the purchasing, as opposed to the one being purchased?
Why has Americas premier stock exchange become prey as opposed to
the predator it once was? What is wrong with America?
What a Quarter of
teenagers think is
ne in four teenagers thinks it is acceptable to cheat in exams,
new research suggests, and many see no harm in shoplifting or
fare dodging on public transport. The fndings will raise con-
cerns that many youngsters will start adulthood believing that unethi-
cal behavior is acceptable.
The report concludes that the fndings are clear evidence that
students should be given ethics lessons as part of the curriculum. But it
also found that more teenagers believe they can make the world a better
place. Researchers questioned 10,000 13-to-15-year-olds between 2008
Hedge Farm! the
Doomsday Food
price scenario
on the rare occasion that New Yorkers talk
about farming, its usually something along
the lines of what sort of organic kale to plant
in the vanity garden at the second house in
the Adirondacks. But on a recent afternoon,
The Observer had a conversation of a differ-
ent sort about agricultural pursuits with a
hedge fund manager hed met at one of the
many dark-paneled private clubs in midtown
a few weeks prior. A friend of mine is actu-
ally the largest owner of agricultural land in
Uruguay, said the hedge fund manager. Hes
a year older than I am. Were somewhere
[around] the 15th-largest farmers in America
right now. We, as in, his hedge fund.
It may seem a little odd that in 2011 any-
ones thinking of putting money into assets
that would have seemed attractive in 1911,
but theres something in the airnamely,
fear. The hedge fund manager and oth-
ers like him envision a doomsday scenario
catalyzed by a weak dollar, higher-than-you-
think infation and an uncertain political
climate here and abroad.
The pattern began to emerge sometime
in 2008. The Hedge Fund Manager Who
Bought a Farm, read the headline on one
February 2008 Times of London piece
detailing a British hedge fund managers at-
tempt to play off the rising prices of grains in
order to usurp local farmland. A Financial
Times piece two months later began: Hedge
funds and investment banks are swapping
their Gucci for gumboots. It detailed Black-
Rocks then-relatively new $420 million
Agriculture Fund, which had already swept
up 2,800 acres of land.
Even Michael Burry, the now-defunct
Scion Capital founder and star protagonist
of Michael Lewis The Big Shortwho bet
against the housing bubble in 2008 with
credit default swaps to enormous proft
gave a rare interview on Bloomberg tv last
year, explaining that hes thrown his hat into
productive agriculture land with water on
site as its going to be very valuable in the
When asked if this is an end of the world
scenario, the hedge-fund manager replied,
It really is. I tell my fance this from time
to time, and Ive stopped telling her this,
because its not the most pleasant thought.
He pauses for a moment. We just cant keep
living the way were living. Itll end within our
lifetime. Were just going to run out of certain
things. Well just have to learn how to adjust.
and 2010, and found that a quarter believe it is fne to cheat in an exam.
But it isnt just in school that youngsters are stretching the boundar-
ies of acceptable morality. Just over one in fve (22 percent) could see
nothing wrong with traveling on public transport without a ticket, with
older students more likely to dodge a fare than younger pupils.
And nearly one in 10 (9 percent) said they think shoplifting is accept-
able. This is a 29 percent increase from 10 years ago, when a similar
survey was conducted.
alarming number of
Disasters striking World
Food Baskets
or the last fve years, we have posted countless articles cover-
ing both natural disasters and their impact on our food supplies
as well as on many other timely topics. After several decades of
monitoring these events, its hard to convey how shocked we are by
the sheer number of disasters that have occurred just in the frst four
months of 2011.
Yesterday, all day, I spent analyzing natural disasters and plotted
them against our food belts. Never, ever, have I seen so many federally
declared disasters this early in the year.
The dha/fema maps were defned by two colors: blue signifed no
disasters and yellow indicated declared disasters. Map after map,
state after state were mostly yellow. They are striking the heart of
our food-growing regions. Many food crops have been wiped out by
drought, food, hail and freezes. These food destroyers are occurring
in greater frequency and having larger impact. Americas food belts are
taking mighty hits. Some growing areas will not recover this entire year.
It wont matter if you dont have work, cant trade greenbacks for
gold, have no access to Facebook or online shopping or whatever else
you care to nameminus faith in Godif you dont have clean water
and food, civilization will quickly disintegrate around you. In the 2007-
2008 food riots across the globe, we witnessed a mere taste of what to
expect. The only difference is that we, Americans and Canadians, en-
joyed these precious commodities of bread, wheat, soybeans, cornthe
staples of food supplieswithout interruption. Countries that suffered
natural disasters combined with economic catastrophe were either too
poor to import these necessities or there was none to be had.
America is one of the largest food exporters. Now supplies in our
country are getting creamed with one weather event after another.
Crops are either hammered by drought or literally inundated by feet
of water. Some farmers still cant get their crops in the ground because
the land is too soggynever mind the 3 million acres that are now
submerged due to the unending, unmerciful rain and fooding in the
Midwest. Still there is no let-up in sight. Many farmers crops are wiped
for this entire year. There will be no second shot at planting.
Unprecedented freezes took a lot of Mexicos produce that supplies
huge quantities of fresh fruits and veggies to North America. Con-
versely, Texas, one of the backbone states for cattle, is experiencing the
worst drought in decades forcing ranchers to sell herds early.
Last year we watched in disbelief as Russia suffered massive drought
that brought raging fres to their country. Last year in Australia, an-
other huge food producer was struck with massive rains. These foods
crippled food supplies. Today, conditions are reversed. Drought rears
its head again.
thiS Summer, the huge Boeing assembly plant
here will begin producing 787 Dreamlin-
ersup to three a month, priced at $185 mil-
lion apiece. It will, unless the National Labor
Relations Board controlled by Democrats and
encouraged by Barack Obamas reverberating
silence gets its way.
Last month17 months after Boeing an-
nounced plans to build here and with the
$2 billion plant nearing completionthe nlrb,
collaborating with the International Associa-
tion of Machinists and Aerospace Workers
(iam), charged that Boeings decision violated
the rights of its unionized workers in Wash-
ington state, where some Dreamliners are as-
sembled and still will be even after the plant
here is operational.
South Carolina is one of 22so farright-
to-work states, where workers cannot be com-
pelled to join a union. The nlrb complaint
fctitiously says Boeing has decided to re-
move or transfer work from Washington.
Actually, Boeing has so far added more than
2,000 workers in Washington, where planned
productionseven 787s a month, full capacity
for that facilitywill not be reduced. Besides,
how can locating a new plant here violate
the rights of iam members whose collective
bargaining agreement with Boeing gives the
company the right to locate new production
facilities where it deems best?
The nlrb says that Boeing has come here
because iam strikes have disrupted produc-
tion and to discourage future strikes. Since
1995, iam has stopped Boeings production in
three of fve labor negotiations, including a
58-day walkout in 2008 that cost the com-
pany $1.8 billion and a diminished reputation
with customers.
The economy is mired in a sluggish
recovery. But the destructiveand self-
destructiveObama administration is trying
to debilitate the worlds largest aerospace
corporation and the nations leading exporter,
which has 155,000 U.S. employees and whose
738 million shares are held by individual
and institutional investors, mutual funds
and retirement accounts. Why? Organized
labor, primarily and increasingly confned
to government workers, cannot convince
private-sector workers that it adds more value
to their lives than it subtracts with dues and
work rules that damage productivity. Hence
unions reliance on government coercion
where persuasion has failed.
The nlrbs attack on Boeing illustrates the
Obama administrations penchant for lawless-
ness .
the Dreamliner

in Jordan, a group of protesters trying to reach the border were stopped
by police.
Among the protesters chants were calls for the liberation of Pal-
estine from the [Jordan] river to the [Mediterranean] sea by means of
terrorism and violence.
Of course, the new, peace-loving Fatah-Hamas unity government
the one Jimmy Carter says will help forge peace with Israelcon-
demned the violent Nakba protests, right? Dream on.
Fatahs moderate leader Mahmoud Abbas praised the protests,
promising that the will of the people is stronger and more durable than
the might of tyrannical forces and occupation. To the families of those
who died, Abbas pledged that their precious blood will not be wasted.
It was spilled for the sake of our nations freedom.
In Gaza, Hamas leader Ismail Haniya visited a local mosque and
gave a sermon in honor of Nakba Day. In his message, Haniya stated
that the last century was the century of jihad, and that violent acts of
terrorism were not to be abandoned, even within the Palestinian rec-
onciliation agreement. Moreover, in what was a glimpse of the future
of the Palestinians new government, Haniya stated that the Nakba
protests were the frst application of the Hamas-Fatah reconciliation.
Reality is, both Hamas and Fataheven as they were making an
overture toward peace by forming a unity coalition in Cairowere
drumming up support for Nakba Day protests!
For several weeks leading up to Nakba Day, pro-Palestinian groups
with the sanction of Fatah and Hamas had conducted an Internet cam-
paign calling for a third Palestinian intifada, or armed uprising. To
the rational mind, last weekends massive and violent Nakba protests
are convincing evidence that Hamas, Fatah and most of the Palestin-
ians simply have no desire to forge lasting peace with Israel.
This reality was explained by Caroline Glick Tuesday: The assertion
that Israels establishment was a catastrophe for the Arabs makes clear
that the Palestinian leadership has no interest in living at peace with
Israel. If Israels existence is the Palestinian catastrophe, then obvi-
ously, every patriotic Palestinian must seek Israels destruction.
By embracing Nakba, the celebration of the day Arab armies invaded
Israel in 1948, the Palestinians are embracing the goal of that Arab in-
vasion, which was to practice genocide by rooting out every Jewish man,
woman and child from Israeli soil. And still many Western leaders
remain convinced that they must be embraced as peace partners.
This curious equation between the Palestinians, Israel and the West
is not unlike what happened in the 1930s. When Adolf Hitler dis-
patched German troops to Austria and annexed the country in March
1938, British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain did nothing. Despite
the aggressive illegal infux of thousands of German jackboots on
Austrian soil, Chamberlain believed Hitler when he promised, following
the annexation, that he would no longer disturb the peace.
Six months later, when Hitlers bristling army was ready to invade
the Sudetenland region of Czechoslovakia, Britain and France once
again, despite Hitlers policy of aggression, fell for another of Hitlers
feigned peace overtures. He was given the Sudetenland. By March 1939
Nazi Germany had taken all of Czechoslovakia. In September 1939, Hit-
ler invaded Poland and set off the most destructive war in history.
If history is our guide, then expect the Palestinians and their regional
sponsors to continue to create and deliver insincere peace overtures
toward Israel and the West. This will continue as long as Israel and the
West continue to make concessions. Eventually, perhaps very soon, when
every concession has been rung, or when the armies of radical Islam are
ready, the strategy of victory through feigned peace will be tossed aside.
Watch for this moment. According to Bible prophecy, when radical Is-
lam devotes its energies strictly to a campaign of victory through violence,
which will result in the capture of East Jerusalem, World War iii begins!
THE TRUMPET WEEKLY May 21, 2011 10
HITLER from page 1
end of the Dollar
what if one day all your
money wasnt worth any-
thing? The worlds biggest,
most powerful banks may
be gearing up for just that
For the frst time in close
to a generation, last year central banks
around the world on average dumped dol-
lars. And bought gold instead.
From 1989 to 2007, central banks aver-
aged net sales of 400 to 500 tons of gold
per year, according to Kitco News. By 2009
the total had plummeted to only 30 tons.
Then in 2010, for the frst time in 21 years,
central banks bought gold on average87
metric tons worth. And it looks like 2011
balance sheets will see more dollars going
up in smoke.
Earlier this month, Mexico made the sur-
prise announcement that its central bank
had purchased almost 100 tons of gold in
February and March. The Bank of Thailand
purchased nearly 100 tons in March too,
continuing its new accumulation strategy.
China, India, Russia and Saudi Arabia have
all also announced signifcant gold pur-
chases in recent years.
And it is not just central banks waking
up from the mass dollar delusion. The glob-
al investment community is showing the
frst signs of waking up too. The University
of Texas Investment Management Co., the
second-largest university endowment in the
U.S., has announced that for the frst time it
has purchased and taken delivery of almost
$1 billion worth of physical gold as a way to
protect its investments.
Pimco, the biggest private bond inves-
tors in the world, which made headlines
earlier this year for selling virtually its
whole horde of U.S. dollar treasuries from
its fagship fund, has now announced that it
is buying gold tooand it is already in the
largest position in its equities fund.
Central banks are the institutions that
create dollars, euros and yen. But if the
paper-pushers themselves are dumping
their own paper to get goldwhat does that
tell you about their confdence in their own
Is the dollar a savvy investment or a de-
funct delusion? Central banks are dumping.
The worlds biggest bond fund is dumping.
Universities are dumping. And soon even
everyday Americans may be dumping. A
40-year monetary experiment may be about
to come to a disillusioning and tragic end.


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