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And yetthe heavens
still beckon. Will they
ever be conquered?
Will European
governments risk
putting the Church of the
Holy Sepulchre under
a regime even partly
controlled by Hamas?
The European Union is
preparing for a large-scale
military operation.
Whoever is elected U.S.
president next year will be
the last to preside over the
worlds largest economy.
I dont see how we can
be in a recovery if record
numbers of people require
government handouts.
hen Princess Elizabeth married
Philip Mountbatten in Novem-
ber 1947, Winston Churchill
welcomed the wedding as a fash of
color on the hard road we travel.
To Churchill, a lifelong servant of
imperial Britain, the monarchy embod-
ied the greatest attributes of the British
Empire, the indomitable English spirit,
the wealth and splendor of the Com-
monwealth, the class, culture and qual-
ity of English civilization. To Churchill and most of the Brit-
ish, the royal family was the face of Britain. Coming less
than two years after the dark days of World War ii, when
England was still licking its wounds, the public wedding of
a young, radiant princess was exactly what Britain needed.
The royal wedding would give Britain a shot of inspiration,
a much-needed reminder of Britains magnifcent heritage.
To Churchill, the royal wedding would signal to Britains
subjects, and to the world, that Britain was alive and well!
Tomorrow, the world will witness another royal wedding.
Although it will be a similarly grand affair, the wedding of
Prince William and Kate Middleton has not been greeted
with nearly the same genuine enthusiasm and support that
the princes grandmother enjoyed. In fact, tomorrows wed-
ding has been met with widespread apathy, and in many
instances outright hostility.
Last month, the icm polling institute performed a survey
in England in which 79 percent of respondents said they
were largely indifferent or couldnt care less about the
wedding. Another poll found that although 35 percent of
British adults planned to watch the wedding on television,
the same proportion intended to ignore the event, with
the balance saying they had made no specifc plans for the
day. Today the average Brit views the monarchy much like
23-year-old Irishman Daniel Murphy, who says the mon-
archy belongs to another age.
Then there are the anti-royalists, which comprise about
20 percent of the population. Their ranks have swelled
since Prince William announced his engagement last year.
Republic, Britains main republican campaign organization,
for example, has seen its membership jump by roughly 50
percent since the announcement. In the weeks leading up
to tomorrows event, anti-royalists like widely read leftist
journalist Johann Hari have waged a full-frontal assault on
the monarchy. In a recent piece titled This Royal Frenzy
Should Embarrass Us All, Hari explained that it wasnt the
wedding he opposed, but the orgy of deference, snobbery
and worship for the hereditary principle that will take place
before, during and after it.
Much of the world is also enamored too, but not in a
good way. To foreigners the wedding is more of a spectacle
than an event to be watched with reverence. In America,
the wedding and the monarchy in general has been mocked
by pundits across the media spectrum, from comedian Jer-
ry Seinfeld to conservative Fox News bigwig Bill OReilly.
The consensus the world over is much the same as Haris:
The British monarchy is a relic, a joke, nothing more than a
rolling media road show selling nothing but itself.
The reason for this widespread and growing apathy and
hostility gets back to how people see Britain.
Sixty-four years ago, the wedding of Princess Elizabeth
mattered because in the minds of the British and the world
alike, Britain still mattered. In Churchills day, the royal
family was exceptional, and deserved respect and admi-
ration, because Britain was exceptional, and deserved
respect and admiration. The royal family was Britains
family, the face of the Commonwealththe symbol of Brit-
ains global prestige and splendor.
Today, the British monarchy is widely considered irrel-
evant because Britain is widely considered irrelevant. The
royal family is no longer a priority because the Britain the
royals have historically representeda global entity with
terrifc power and infuence that gave the world a system
of superior morals, politics and laws, that advanced global
standards in politics, education and fnancesis no longer
a priority. The British monarchy doesnt matter because the
Britain it embodiesthe respectable and mighty force in
the worldno longer matters.
In fact, its worse than that. Today, the monarchy as an
institution is anathema to the modern liberal sophisticate.
Amid our culture of multiculturalism and multilateralism,
of political correctness and tolerance for evil, a culture that
seeks to destroy tradition and stamp out Christian values
and morality, the monarchy as an institution embodies ev-
erything this liberal culture detests. As an enduring insti-
tution rooted in tradition and Christendom, the monarchy
is the enemy of the radical liberal.
For Winston Churchill, the apathy and hostility with
see MONARCHY page 10
The World Needs Britains Monarchy
he new military government in Egypt is pushing for a range of
foreign-policy changes. On Thursday, Egyptian Foreign Minister
Nabil al-Arabi said in an interview with al-Jazeera that Cairo was
working to permanently open the Rafah border crossing between Egypt
and the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip. Al-Arabi said that in the coming
seven to ten days, moves would be made to end the blockade and suf-
fering of the Palestinian nation. This is a radical change in policy for
Egypt, which has cooperated with Israel in keeping the border closed,
apart from occasional openings, since Hamas took control of Gaza in
2007. The aim has been to weaken the popularity of Hamas among
Gaza residents. Stratfor reports, The reality is that this is just the lat-
est of a whole host of some radical foreign-policy moves on the part of
the new provisional military authority which includes a push towards
reviving diplomatic ties with Iran, [and] brokering a rapprochement be-
tween Hamas and its arch secular rival, Fatah, towards the creation of
a new Palestinian coalition government. There is also talk of allowing
Hamas to open up an offce in Cairo (April 29). Stratfor reports that Is-
rael has been surprised that this change in foreign policy is happening
despite there not yet being any actual regime change in Egypt. Though
the Mubarak clan is no longer in power, the military that supported him
is simply now ruling directly. Clearly, Israel has underestimated the in-
fuence of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and the popular support in
the country for anti-Israel policies. Watch for further radicalization of
Egypt once multi-party elections are held and the Muslim Brotherhood
undoubtedly gains a more direct role in Egyptian politics.
In Iraq, the United States is pursuing measures aimed at keeping
troops in the country past the deadline of the end of this year. With
much of the region roiling with political instability and a confdent
Iran on the rise, Washington sees staying in Iraq longer as a means
of maintaining some infuence in the situation. The U.S. told the Iraqi
government last week that if it wanted U.S. troops to stay in Iraq after
the December 31 deadline that had been agreed between the two
countries, it must make its request known soon. It appears, however,
that Iraqmore concerned about Iran than Americadoesnt want
this. While some quietly want the United States to remain, the general
response has ranged from dismissal to threats if the United States did
not leave, reports Stratfor (April 26). In another attempt toward the
same end, Iraqi media is reporting that the U.S. is seeking to broker a
deal between Prime Minister Nouri al-Malikis Shiite State of Law co-
alition and former Prime Minister Iyad Allawis al-Iraqiya List to form
a new unity governmenta realignment that would, Washington hopes,
make it likelier Iraq would soften its demand that all U.S. troops leave
Iraq at the end of the year. It seems U.S. policymakers are beginning to
understand what was clear all along: If U.S. troops leave Iraq, Iran will
take over.
Syria Sends in the Tanks
ver 400 people have now been killed in Syria since the wave
of protests began. On Monday, government forces, including
armored tanks, stormed the city of Dara, reportedly killing
another 25 protesters in that city. The militarys move into the town
seemed to signal a new, harrowing chapter in a crackdown, reported
the New York Times. Until now the government has been hewing to
a mix of concessions and brute force, but its actions Monday indicated
that it had chosen the latter, seeking to crush a wave of dissent in
THE TRUMPET WEEKLY April 30, 2011 2
A Bad Deal
On wednesday, representatives of Fatah
and Hamas, the two main Palestinian
factions, announced in Cairo that they had
suddenly reached a reconciliation agree-
ment. The emerging deal, which calls for
the establishment of a Palestinian unity
government to pave the way for elections
within a year, has a lot to do with the
Palestinians drive to gain the UN General
Assemblys backing this September for the
establishment of an independent state.
Abbass plan suffers from a funda-
mental misconceptionthat the General
Assembly has any authority to decide
about the existence of new states. In fact,
the assembly only has the power to make a
non-binding recommendation to the world
community that a Palestinian state should
be established; Abbas would then have to
actually declare a state and, by doing so,
set the stage for gaining formal recogni-
tion by the major powers of the world.
What are the outlines of the new Pal-
estinian state Abbas is hoping the inter-
national community will endorse? By all
accounts, Abbas would like a UN resolu-
tion to delimit the borders of his new Pal-
estinian state; in this context, he will seek
control not only of the entire West Bank
but the Gaza Strip as well. However, since
Hamass violent takeover in 2007, Abbas
has been powerless in Gaza
But Abbass reconciliation with Hamas
contains more risks than it does advantag-
es. Hamas is designated as an international
terrorist organization not only by Israel, but
also by Canada, the European Union, and
the United States. Moreover, it serves as a
proxy force for Iran, which provides Hamas
with funding, training, and weapons.
The problems with including Hamas
dont stop there. Abbass hope is that a
General Assembly resolution will refer-
ence the pre-1967 boundaries, which
have assumed almost holy status among
Palestinians. In Jerusalem, the pre-1967
line will put the entire Old City, with its
holy sites, like the Western Wall, under
Palestinian control. Israelis will not agree
to such a division of their capital in any
case, but will European governments risk
putting the Church of the Holy Sepulchre
under a regime even partly controlled by
Hamas? They know that many members
of Gazas small Christian community have
been seeking refuge abroad in order to fee
Hamas rule.
[B]y reaching out to Hamas, Abbas has
plainly moved even further away from
THE TRUMPET WEEKLY April 30, 2011 3
virtually every province that has shaken the once uncontested rule of
President Bashar al-Assad.
The protests seem to be reaching a tipping point in Syria, with dem-
onstrators taking on a more anti-regime tonedespite the concessions
made by Assad. If Assad decides to crack down harder, he risks delegiti-
mizing the few freedoms he recently restored. Yet, the anti-government
protests show few signs of diminishing. And with each protester killed,
more families, more people, and new demonstrators take to the streets.
The great fear for the regime is that protests will break out in central
Damascus. [W]ith reports of Syrias wealthy beginning to fee the coun-
try and likely moving assets offshore, it would not be surprising to see
the economy begin feeling the effects of the unrest, which would likely
throw more fuel on the fre.
[T]he Bible says that a political revolution is coming. Psalm 83
outlines an alliance of Arab nations that band together with the goal of
destroying Israel. This is an alliance of nations that has never occurred
in history. This group of nations makes a peace deal with an invading
European power (termed the king of the north in Daniel 11 and Assur in
Psalm 83) to avoid occupation. Syria is part of this Psalm 83 alliance of
Arab nations.
The nations of Iran, Libya, Egypt and Ethiopia are not part of this
Psalm 83 alliance. These nations, led by Iran, are the target of the in-
vading European power. This means that Syria will not long stay in the
pro-Iran camp. A major shift in Syrian politics will occur in the near
future. Unfortunately for the United States and Israel, the shift will just
be from one radical camp to another.
For Iran, the protests in Syria are a harbinger that, despite gains in
Egypt and Libya, it will soon lose its most important and dependable
regional ally.
TELEGRAPH | April 26
Over Half of Egyptians
Want to End Peace Treaty
With Israel
Ore than half of Egyptians want to end the peace treaty with
Israel, according to an opinion poll, which will worsen the
Wests fears about a shift towards conservative Islamic politics
in the country.
The survey, the fullest to be conducted on any of the Middle East
countries that have undergone uprisings in the Arab Spring, found 54
percent of Egyptians wanted to end the treaty, signed in 1979, com-
pared to 36 percent who wanted to keep it.
The survey also found a high degree of support for Islamic law and
for a prominent role for the Muslim Brotherhood, which was banned
before the February revolution. The Muslim Brotherhood was seen as
one of the big winners from the democratic uprising which toppled Mr.
Mubarak. Islamists were appointed to a constitutional committee to
plan the next steps for Egypts fedgling democracy.
Meanwhile, the military council temporarily in charge has moved
to improve relations with Iran, broken off altogether after the Islamic
Revolution there in 1979.
Thirty percent of those asked said they agreed with the views of
Islamic fundamentalists, with a similar number opposing them. Most
people62 percentthought Egyptian laws should strictly follow
the Koran and 27 percent that it should follow Islamic principles and
Egypts Changing
Foreign Policy
egyPtian FOreign Minister Nabil al-Arabi
said in an interview with Al Jazeera on
Thursday that Cairo was working to perma-
nently open the Rafah border crossing with
the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip. Al-Arabi
told the Qatari-owned channel that within
seven to 10 days, measures would be ad-
opted to assuage the blockade and suffering
of the Palestinian nation.
These statements refect a shift in Egyp-
tian policy toward the Palestinian territory
ruled by the Islamist movement since mid-
2007. Although occasional openings were
allowed, Egypt, under the ousted Mubarak
regime and in conjunction with Israel,
maintained the blockade of Gaza in an effort
to weaken Hamas standing among Gazans
through economic hardships. So, the ques-
tion is why is Egypt making such a radical
change in policy?
This is the latest of radical foreign policy
moves on the part of the new provisional
military authority: There is a push toward
reviving diplomatic ties with Iran, and the
brokering of a rapprochement between
Hamas and its arch secular rival, Fatah,
toward the creation of a new Palestinian co-
alition government. There is also talk of al-
lowing Hamas to open up an offce in Cairo.
The common element in these develop-
ments is that they are against what Israel
has to come to expect of Egypt. For the
foreseeable future Egypt is to be ruled by
the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces
(scaF). Yet, we see shifts in the attitudes
toward Israel that one does not expect from
the Egyptian military, which has long done
business with Israel.
These changes have to do with both
domestic and foreign policy concerns of
Egypts military rulers. On the domestic
front, scaF is well aware of the popular senti-
ment toward the Palestinians and Israel and
is therefore adjusting its behavior accord-
ingly. In an effort to manage a new era of
multiparty politics, the military is appropri-
ating the agenda of groups like the Muslim
Brotherhood to contain their infuence and
placate popular sentiment.
Domestic politics, however, is not the
only factor informing the shift in Egypts
foreign policy attitude. The new military
rulers also wish to see their country regain
its status as the pre-eminent player in the
Arab world. From their perspective, this can
be achieved by engaging in radical moves
vis-a-vis the Palestinians, Israel and Iran.

STRATFOR | April 29
ermanys unemPlOyment rate is around its lowest point in 20 years,
according to statistics published April 28. The seasonally adjust-
ed rate of 7.1 percent unemployment could fall even further, says
an analyst at Capital Economics, Ben May. Germanys robust recovery
is likely to continue for a little while yet, he said. After suffering its
worst recession in more than 60 years in 2009, the German economy
has bounced back strongly, registering a record growth rate of 3.6 per-
cent in 2010, notes the Local. Berlin expects the economy to grow
by 2.6 percent this year, ahead of European rivals Britain and France.
The European Commission has released plans to build three
high-powered lasers in Eastern Europe. It hopes the frst la-
ser will have a power of around an exawatt, or 1 quintillion watts
(1,000,000,000,000,000,000)around a hundred times more powerful
than todays most powerful laser. It will be built near Prague, in the Czech
Republic, and is scheduled to be completed in 2015. This is just another
example of Europes determination to become a leading scientifc power.
EU Readies for
Large-Scale Military
Operation in Libya
he eurOPean Union is preparing for a large-scale military opera-
tion if the United Nations authorizes the international coalition
to scale up its military action in Libya. This comes in a 60-page
document that has landed in the hands of reporters of Germanys big-
gest daily publication, Das Bild.
According to the paper, all branches of arms are due to take part in
the operation in question. The plan also enumerates the threats that the
Western force will come to face in Libya, specifcally terrorist attacks,
road and feld mining and the drawing of the troops into inter-clan and
inter-tribal conficts.
A ground operation in Libya would thus prove a dangerous under-
taking for Europe, the document says. According to the plan, the opera-
tion should last no more than four months.
natO airstrikes have failed to ensure a settlement in Libya, says the
African Union Commissioner Ramtane Lamamra. He was speaking
during a meeting of the African Union Peace and Security Council in
Addis Ababa on Tuesday. The UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon
also said Tuesday that the humanitarian situation was worsening in the
North African country.
Or chinese Premier Wen Jiabao, it has been a busy week. He ar-
rived in Malaysia on Wednesday to meet with Prime Minister
Najib Tun Razak. The two forged a four-point agreement to bolster
China-Malaysia ties. Wen said the two nations are moving to enhance
high-level exchange, while increasing cooperation in law enforcement,
fnance, trade, investment, maritime, cultural exchanges and other areas.
On Thursday evening, Wen few to Jakarta for a two-day visit designed
THE TRUMPET WEEKLY April 30, 2011 4
A Plague on Your
sOmething has set us won-
dering about the group that
has since become known as
Vroniplag exposing unat-
tributed quotations in the
doctoral dissertations of
three high-profle people in
German society, two of them
being popular politiciansex-Defense Minister
Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg and Silvana Koch-
Mehrin, a prominent Free Democratic politi-
cianthe third being Veronica Sass, the lawyer
daughter of one of Germanys most well-known
elder statesmen, Bavarian Edmund Stoiber.
Why initiate such an investigation? To be
legitimate, such an investigation would extend
on into the probing of multiple thousands of
In the absence of such a blanket investigation,
why specifcally target the three in question?
As justifcation for their hidden motives in
devoting their time to singling out certain in-
dividuals for this treatment, the group posted
a statement on their website which reads, The
work performed here is neither politically mo-
tivated nor is it aimed at personal defamation
or anything like it.
Spiegel reports on the secrecy of the group,
such secrecy immediately leading one to won-
der, what does it have to hide? If its motives are
simply to promote greater academic transpar-
ency in the awarding of higher degrees, then
why not set the example and be wholly trans-
parent itself? Theres something fshy going on
[T]hey are sensitive to accusations that
their work is politically motivated. All the
authors of dissertations that have thus far been
targeted by the cyber-detectivesincluding
a Christian Democratic politician in Baden-
Wrttemberghave been center-right politi-
cians from southern Germany (op. cit.).
The bias against center-right politicians and
the damage done to the reputation of individuals
through this selective targeting during Ger-
manys current spate of highly important state
elections speaks directly against the Vroniplag
It was by no means coincidence that both
Guttenberg and Stoiberthrough his daugh-
terwere the frst two personalities attacked
via Vroniplag. Theres something afoot here
that may well play to the future political suc-
cess of Guttenberg and to the strengthening
of the resolve of that old pit bull of German
politics, Edmund Stoiber. Neither are prone to
accepting attack without a response.
Watch and wait for the reaction of either or
both amid the coming political crisis in Germany.

to boost Chinas ties with Indonesia. Wen met with President Susilo
Bambang Yudhoyono and other Indonesian leaders about increasing
cooperation in defense, economics, and maritime, cultural, international
and regional affairs. Wen also worked to boost Beijings relations with
the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (asean), since Indonesia now
serves as the associations rotating chair. Earlier in the week, trade min-
isters from China, Japan and South Korea met in Tokyo to work toward a
trilateral investment agreement. Offcials from all three sides called for
accelerating a joint study on establishing a free-trade agreement among
the three countries. The ministers agreed that an open and free trade
system would support Japans recovery from the March 11 disasters
and hasten growth of all three economies. Wens visits and the trilateral
meetings will give momentum to the congealing of the Asian nations.
On Monday, Vietnamese Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung met
with Russias deputy foreign minister to discuss economic and cultural
ties. Dung expressed Vietnams desire to accelerate negotiations on a
free-trade agreement with the post-Soviet Customs Union of Russia,
Belarus and Kazakhstan. The meeting was held in advance of Russian
Prime Minister Vladimir Putins trip to Vietnam in July.
On Wednesday, Russia and China blocked the U.S. and its European
allies from obtaining a United Nations Security Council condemna-
tion of the Syrian governments attacks on demonstrators. The Secu-
rity Council requires consent from all 15 members of the UNs main
policymaking body to take a position on a given issue, and it failed to
agree on a statement circulated by Germany, Portugal, France and Brit-
ain because of disapproval from Beijing and Moscow. Russias deputy
ambassador explained Moscows stance, saying the situation in Syria
does not present a threat to international peace and security. Chinas
ambassador explained Beijings position, saying the UN could upset
broader stability and have a major active impact on the recovery of the
world economy. Last month, Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin
famously said the UN resolutions on Libya were a medieval call to cru-
sade, and this week he lashed out at the West over its action in Africa
again. In the months and years ahead, we can expect the trend of Rus-
sia and China collaborating to work against the West to grow stronger.
TELEGRAPH | April 27
China to Build Its
Own Space Station
Ore than half a century after the space race between the United
States and the former Soviet Union, China has poured billions
into its own space program in competition with India.
If everything goes according to plan, China will send a man to the
moon by 2025 according to Ye Peijin, the commander in chief of the
Change (lunar landing) program.
Plans are also afoot to send probes to both Mars and Venus.
The plan for a 60-ton, three-module space station is the third and
fnal phase of Project 921, a project that began in 1992 and which has
already seen China become the third country to launch a man into
space. In 2008, China carried out its frst space walk, which was broad-
cast live to a huge audience on national television.
The space station, whose name will be picked by a public competi-
tion, will consist of a core module with two laboratory units, according
to Xinhua, the state news agency.
It will be around one ffth of the length of the International Space
Station, currently the only other space station in orbit, and one seventh
of the weight, according to specifcations released by Chinas Manned
THE TRUMPET WEEKLY April 30, 2011 5
this mOnth marks 50 years
of man in space. It was on
April 12, 1961, that Russian
cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin
frst orbited our planet for
108 glorious minutes. That
achievement inspired a
zealous race for space. Soon President Kennedy
was challenging Americans to undertake the
most hazardous and dangerous and greatest
adventure on which man has ever embarked,
the trip to our moon.
A generation began looking up at the night
sky not only with wonderbut also ambition. It
was a new frontier, shimmering with possibili-
ties. On July 21, 1969, when a human being did
at last plant foot on the moon, the potential for
more great adventures seemed limitless. Pro-
jections of what wonders the coming decades of
space exploration would yield were daring and
As it has turned out, our half-century of
manned space exploration has been well
compared to the projectionsrelatively timid.
A handful of men followed Gagarin around
Earths orbit. Twelve people landed on the
moon, the last of them in 1972. Subsequent
missions have remained anchored within the
space between these two celestial bodies.
Today, it seems people have given up on
such exploitsoutside the cineplexes, anyway.
The space shuttle programaimed at return-
ing man to the moon and then reaching Mars
has been scrapped. This Friday, the space
shuttle Endeavour is supposed to lift off for the
last time. nasas fnal shuttle fight is scheduled
for June, when the Atlantis will be launched.
Dreams of space travel no longer seem practi-
cal. Its as if weve grown up, abandoned youth-
ful fancies, and become preoccupied with more
pressing matters.
And yetthe heavens still beckon. Will
they ever be conquered? Gods Word shows
that not only did God create the universe, but
He intends to put it to use. Isaiah 45:18 says
he formed it to be inhabited. In Isaiah 51:16,
God reveals his plan to plant the heavens.
He doesnt intend for it to sit empty forever. He
wants to populate it with life!
How? With whom? These are valid, impor-
tant questionswith solid answers, plainly
revealed within the pages of the Bible. Mans
half-century of space exploration has provided
us only the tiniest taste of the miracles that lie
ahead. God wants us yet to look up at the night
sky with wonderand ambition. Our destiny
lies in the stars.
Half a Century
of Exploring
the Heavens

Space Engineering Offce.
The 60-ton space station is rather small compared to the Interna-
tional Space Station (419 tons), and Russias Mir Space Station (137 tons),
which served between 1996 and 2001, said Pang Zhihao, a researcher
and deputy editor in chief of the monthly magazine Space International.
But it is only the worlds third multi-module space station, which
usually demands much more complicated technology than a single-
module space lab, he said.
imBaBwes aFFirmative Action Groupaligned with Robert Mugabes
Zanu PFannounced this week that it is sending a delegation to
South Africa to support African National Congress (anc) Youth
League leader Julius Malema, who is currently facing legal charges due
to his insistence on singing a racially charged anc song glorifying the
murder of white farmers. The song, with the words shoot the boer, kill
the farmer, dates back to the anti-apartheid struggle and was sung on
several occasions last year by Malema. The anc Youth League has called
for citizens to show support for struggle songs of the anc such as this
one. Opposition groups draw a direct connection between the song and
the growing number of white farmers being murdered across South
Africa. With such hate speech being supported by both South Africas
anc and Zimbabwes Affrmative Action Group, it seems sure that race
violence will continue to escalate in this region of the world.
Iranian Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi and his Venezuelan coun-
terpart Nicolas Maduro stressed the importance both nations place
on the expansion of mutual ties at a meeting in Tehran held Friday of
last week. The Venezuelan minister supported Salehis claim that the
current violence in Libya and Bahrain were part of the Wests strategy
to control Middle East oil wealth. The Bible speaks of a time when
America will be besieged by its enemies. It looks as if Iran now has an
anti-American partner located just below the U.S.s southern coast.
he u.s. would never deliberately promote a weak-dollar policy, U.S.
Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner vowed Tuesday. Our policy
has been and will always be that a strong dollar is in the interest
of the country, Geithner said at a New York conference. We will never
embrace a strategy to weaken the dollar. It was the frst time this year
that Geithner publicly defended a position that everyone knows is a lie.
A U.S. strong-dollar policy has been the mantra of treasury secretaries
for decades. However, over that time period the dollar has continually
devalued. Members of Congress also frequently call on the Federal Re-
serve to devalue the dollar to temporarily aid exporters. Conversely, if
a strong dollar really is in the interest of America, the government has
done a horrible job. The dollar hit a new all-time low against the Swiss
Franc Tuesday. Earlier this month the dollar hit all-time lows against
gold. On Tuesday it also hit a 35-year low against coffee. In fact, the
dollar has been cascading against virtually all commodities over the
past decade and has even been plunging against other paper curren-
ciesdown 6.5 percent against a basket of currencies so far this year.
The dollars plunge in value is an indicator of the relative poor health of
the U.S. economy. It is a sign of a lack of confdence in the economy and
presages more diffcult economic conditions in the future.
Around 900 Anglicans, including 61 clergy, entered the Catholic
THE TRUMPET WEEKLY April 30, 2011 6
Everythings OK
With Economy,
Go Back to Sleep
i dOnt see how we can be in a recovery if
record numbers of people require govern-
ment handouts. Recently on his website,
Congressman Ron Paul said, Even the most
conservative budget that has been proposed
by Republican leadership requires raising
the debt ceiling by an additional $9 tril-
lion by 2021. This demonstrates absolutely
that no one in power right now has any
real intention of addressing our spending
problems or paying down the debt. They
simply expect to continue to borrow and run
up more debt forever, without limit. Yet they
always imagine our dollar will have value
no matter how many we print. This expecta-
tion is foolish and nave. I guarantee that
those buying our debt are not foolish and
nave enough to go along with this charade
Other countries are not happy with the
money printing by the U.S. which is cur-
rently the worlds reserve currency. Bric
countries (Brazil, Russia, India and China)
held a summit recently, and according to
fnancial writer Jr Nyquist, the Bric coun-
tries would like nothing better than to crush
the U.S. dollar and change the balance of
power. Nyquist writes, The sequence of un-
raveling is easy to follow. If you dump U.S.
treasuries, how will the U.S. dollar remain
the global reserve currency? In that event,
how will the United States fnance its defcit
spending? Interest rates would skyrocket,
with predictable consequences.
The U.S. would be forced to print even
more money to fnance its debt, and the
dollar would hyper-infate. This is not some
farfetched scenario, but a defnite possibili-
ty. Nyquist goes on to say, The Bric summit
testifes to the desire of Russia and China
to undermine the dollar. However crazy
you think such a scheme, they are nonethe-
less pursuing it. You might say it makes no
sense, but you are not a former kgB offcer
or a member of the Chinese Communist
Party. Do you really imagine that kgB of-
fcers and Communists are bourgeois, like
you? No, they are not. They are the declared
enemies of the bourgeoisie.
The U.S. is in a very serious economic
and budget quagmire with no easy road out.
[Some people] would like you to think that
everything is okay with the economygo
back to sleep. But if you do that, you will
surely wake up in a nightmare.
Church during special services this Easter in protest of the Church
of Englands decision to ordain female bishops. The converts took the
frst step toward conversion two weeks previous, participating in a rite
of election service. They now join a rung of the Catholic Church called
the Ordinariate, which Pope Benedict xvi created specifcally for them
in 2009. Thanks to the popes creation, Anglican traditionalists who
feel embattled by excessive liberalization in the Anglican Church now
have an easy path of escape into the more traditional and conserva-
tive Catholic Church. The Ordinariate permits Anglican communities
to retain their distinct traditions while being in full communion with
the Catholic Church. The number of defectors seems set to swell, as
many are still waiting to see more details about how the Ordinariate
will function. This wave of converts into the Catholic Church is part of
a movement that will eventually see the Church of England engulfed
entirely by Rome. For more information on where this is heading, see
our article The Church That Swallowed a Church.
Devastate South
Ozens OF tornadoes ripped through the South, fattening homes
and businesses and killing at least 214 people in six states in the
deadliest outbreak in nearly 40 years.
As day broke Thursday, people in hard-hit Alabama surveyed fat-
tened, debris-strewn neighborhoods and told of pulling bodies from
rubble after the storms passed Wednesday afternoon and evening.
It happened so fast it was unbelievable, said Jerry Stewart, a
63-year-old retired frefghter who was picking through the remains
of his sons wrecked home in Pleasant Grove, a suburb of Birmingham.
They said the storm was in Tuscaloosa and it would be here in 15 min-
utes. And before I knew it, it was here.
Alabamas state emergency management agency said it had con-
frmed 131 deaths, while there were 32 in Mississippi, 29 in Tennes-
see, 13 in Georgia, eight in Virginia and one in Kentucky. The National
Weather Services Storm Prediction Center in Norman, Oklahoma, said
it received 137 tornado reports into Wednesday night. The storm sys-
tem spread destruction from Texas to New York, where dozens of roads
were fooded or washed out. The governors of Alabama, Mississippi and
Georgia issued emergency declarations for parts of their states.
DAILY MAIL | April 28
Kate WONT Obey
ate middletOn arrived at Westminster Abbey today where she
was cheered by crowds of well-wishers just 24 hours before she
marries Prince William. The last run-through was taking place
as it was revealed Miss Middleton will not promise to obey Prince
William in her vows. ...
The soon-to-be royal is following in the footsteps of the Princes
mother Diana who also opted not to obey the Prince of Wales during
their wedding ceremony in 1981. The Queen, Princess Margaret and the
Princess Royal all said they would obey their husbands.
William and his fance have selected the Series One Book of Com-
mon Prayer ceremony, from 1966, which allows the bride to drop obey
THE TRUMPET WEEKLY April 30, 2011 7
On easter, Mr. Obama and his family attended
Shiloh Baptist Church in Washington. The lib-
eral press corps made much of the fact that the
church was founded in 1863 by freed slaves. Yet
the churchs pastor, the Rev. Wallace Charles
Smith, is a race-baiting black nationalist. He is
a more polished version of the Rev. Jeremiah
Wright, a longtime pastor of Mr. Obama.
Mr. Smith peddles the same philosophy
of racialism, grievance-mongering and black
victimology. In one of his recent sermons,
Mr. Smith argued that institutionalized racism
continues. Anytime a swimming club can deny
membership to students simply because they
are African-American or Hispanic is an indica-
tion that Baracks presidency does not solve the
question of justice in this nation, he said.
Really? Where and at what institutions are
blacks and Hispanics denied access to swim-
ming pools? This is a fgment of Mr. Smiths
He further stressed that segregation was
not really eradicated; rather, it has simply
morphed into a more subtle system of racial
oppression through conservative talk radio
and widespread opposition to affrmative ac-
tion. He compared Rush Limbaugh to the
Ku Klux Klan and the White Citizens Council.
In other words, conservativesMr. Obamas
criticsare incorrigibly racist and seek to per-
petuate a watered-down form of apartheid.
[N]o other nation in history has done more
to alleviate the injustices of its past or cre-
ate a more open, fair and tolerant society for
minorities than Americaespecially regard-
ing black Americans. Slavery was abolished
nearly 150 years ago. But Mr. Smith gives the
impression that blacks were enslaved only yes-
terday. During his Easter sermon, he pointed
with pride to his 4-week-old grandson, whose
gurgling, according to Mr. Smith, was actu-
ally talking. And what was the little piker
saying? I am here they tried to write me off
as three ffths of a person in the Constitution,
but I am here right now and is saying I am
not going to let anybody stop me from being
what God wants me to be, Mr. Smith said.
It is shocking that Mr. Obamaour com-
mander in chief who is supposed to embody
our highest idealschose this church to
celebrate Easter. He sat in the pews nodding
in approval as Mr. Smith peddled his racialist
A Black Nationalist
Sermon on Easter
Sunday for the

him and serve him from the religious proceedings. With William
choosing not to wear a wedding ring, only the prince will say With this
ring I thee wed as he places the golden band on Kates fnger.
TELEGRAPH | April 27
Campuses Hotbeds
of Islamic Extremism
slamic Fundamentalism is being allowed to fourish at universities, en-
dangering national security, MPs and peers said yesterday. Academ-
ics are turning a blind eye to radicals because they do not want to spy
on students, a report claimed. Despite damning evidence of a serious
problem, little progress had been made in tackling the unsustainable
situation, the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Homeland Security said.
They urged the government to tackle the issue on campuses with
utmost urgency. Such extremism endangers our security at home and
has international implications that are serious enough to threaten our
alliance relationships, said the group, which includes the former home
secretary Lord Reid.
Secret fles obtained by the Daily Telegraph and WikiLeaks dis-
closed this week that at least 35 terrorists held at Guantnamo Bay were
indoctrinated by extremists in Britain. The leaked documents, written
by senior U.S. military commanders, illustrated how Britain effectively
became a crucible of terrorism over the course of two decades.
Universities UK, which represents vice chancellors, said it could do
very little about extremism on campus. Instead it issued new guidance
on the importance of freedom of speech. Their report followed the at-
tempt by Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, a former student at University
College London, to blow himself up using a bomb in his underpants as a
fight came in to land at Detroit on Christmas Day, 2009.
Abdulmutallab, an engineering student, was the Islamic Society
president from 2006 to 2007. Abdulmutallab was only one in a long
line of university students to become involved in terrorism.
A recent survey found that 31 percent of those convicted of terrorist-
related offences had attended university and 10 percent were still
students when they were arrested. Two of the July 7 bombers had been
Think tanks have highlighted a succession of extremist speakers
invited to deliver lectures unopposed at university Islamic societies,
including ucl. Westminster University recently elected students with
links to the extremist group Hizb ut-Tahrir as president and vice presi-
dent of the student union.
Americans Rely on
Government Aid
More Than Ever
wO years into the recovery and Americans are more dependent on
government than ever. And the increasing reliance on government
aid shows no indication of reversing. In the process, the amount of
money the government spends on social programs has skyrocketed.
THE TRUMPET WEEKLY April 30, 2011 8
the internatiOnal Monetary Fund has just
dropped a bombshell, and nobody noticed.
For the frst time, the international organi-
zation has set a date for the moment when
the Age of America will end and the U.S.
economy will be overtaken by that of China.
And its a lot closer than you may think.
According to the latest imF offcial fore-
casts, Chinas economy will surpass that
of America in real terms in 2016just fve
years from now. Put that in your calendar.
It provides a painful context for the budget
wrangling taking place in Washington right
now. It raises enormous questions about
what the international security system
is going to look like in just a handful of
years. And it casts a deepening cloud over
both the U.S. dollar and the giant treasury
market, which have been propped up for
decades by their privileged status as the li-
abilities of the worlds hegemonic power.
According to the IMF forecast, which
was quietly posted on the funds website
just two weeks ago, whoever is elected U.S.
president next yearObama? Mitt Romney?
Donald Trump?will be the last to preside
over the worlds largest economy. Most
people arent prepared for this. They arent
even aware its that close. Listen to experts
of various stripes, and they will tell you this
moment is decades away. The most bearish
will put the fgure in the mid-2020s. But
theyre miscounting. Theyre only compar-
ing the gross domestic products of the two
countries using current exchange rates.
Thats a largely meaningless comparison
in real terms. Exchange rates change quick-
ly. And Chinas exchange rates are phony.
China artifcially undervalues its currency,
the renminbi, through massive intervention
in the markets.
It is the end of the Age of America. As
a bond strategist in Europe told me two
weeks ago, We are witnessing the end
of Americas economic hegemony. No
wonder so many have been buying gold. If
the U.S. dollar ceases to be the worlds sole
reserve currency, what will be? The euro
would be fne if it acts like the old deutsche-
mark. If its just the Greek drachma in drag
not so much.
The last time the worlds dominant he-
gemon lost its ability to run things single-
handedly was early in the past century.
Thats when the U.S. and Germany sur-
passed Great Britain. It didnt turn out well.
IMF Bombshell:
Age of America
Nears End
The government is set to spend $2.3 trillion on Social Security,
Medicare, food stamps, unemployment benefts and other government
programs this year. This is approximately how much the government
will collect in total taxes this year. The rest of the governmentinclud-
ing education, defense, highways, being paid for by borrowing
money from foreign countries.
And for the frst time since the Great Depression, households are
receiving more from the government in benefts than they are paying in
taxes .
USA Today reports that during 2010, a record 18.3 percent of total
personal income in the United States came from the government in the
form of government programs. Wages accounted for only 51 percent of
total personal income, which is the scantest percentage since the gov-
ernment started recording rates in 1929.
[Americas] dependence will only increase in the months and years
ahead. Seventy-seven million of Americas 310 million people were born
between 1946 and 1964, making up the baby boomer generation. And
the oldest wave of these baby boomers turn 65 this year.
Whats frightening
is the baby boomers
havent really started
to retire, said Donald
Grimes, economist
at the University of
Michigan. Thats
when the cost of
Medicare will start to
The trend reveals
that the nations
economic recovery,
following a recession
that offcially ended in
June 2009, is very
delicate. The rising
dependence on federal aid also indicates how diffcult it would be for
policymakers to reduce federal spending by cutting assistance pro-
gramsand how socially destabilizing it will be when budget realities
eventually dictate drastic cuts. In the words of economic analyst Bill
Bonner, Those who count on the Feds for their daily bread will soon go
Fed Stance Helps Push
Dollar to Three-Year Low
he u.s. dollar reached a three-year low while hard assets and
equities around the world pushed towards post-crisis highs in the
wake of tepid growth fgures signaling still-loose monetary policy.
Ben Bernanke, chairman of the U.S. Federal Reserve, gave his
frst press conference on Wednesday and emphasized that, while the
$600 billion quantitative easing program would end as stated in June,
the Fed saw enough weakness in the U.S. economy to suggest that price
pressures were transitory, and it would not begin shrinking the cen-
tral banks enormous balance sheet.
Gold set yet another all-time nominal record price of $1,543 an
ounce, and a rise of 2.4 percent on the week. Silver neared $50 an
THE TRUMPET WEEKLY April 30, 2011 9
S&P and the
Debt Trap
a deBt trap is about to snap
shut. The interest on the
national debt is now so
threatening that there may
be no way out.
Standard & Poors Rat-
ings Service downgraded its
outlook on Americas ability
to pay its debt from stable
to negative on April 18. It expressed
unprecedented doubts about the massive
federal budget defcit and whether or not
America would be able to get control of it.
So far this year, the federal govern-
ment has wasted $215 billion in inter-
est payments. The total is projected to
exceed $420 billion by the end of fscal
year 2011.
$420 billion just in interest!
All told, America is expected to bor-
row around $1.6 trillion to pay its budget
bills this year. That means that one out
of every four dollars America is bor-
rowing is going to pay just the interest
on the debt.
The fact is that America is spending
$420 billion per year on interest alone
and under the most ideal interest rate
conditions in the history of America!
In case you didnt know, the Federal
Reserve has artifcially manipulated
interest rates down to close to zero, but
it will not be able to hold them there
And as interest rates rise, Americas
interest payments will skyrocketand
the debt trap will slam shut. This is
reality, and it is coming soon to America.
Sub-5 percent mortgages are a thing of
the past. And what do you think that will
do to the housing market, the economy
and the big banks?
America owes so much money that ac-
cording to economic analyst Gonzo Lira,
each 0.01 percent hike in the Fed funds
interest rate translates into an additional
$1.25 billion per year in extra interest
Pause here and read slowly: If interest
rates rise just 1 percent, Americas inter-
est payments will soar by $125 billion
per year! If interest rates were to rise to 5
percent (back up to where they were as re-
cently as 2007), America would be forced
to pay over $1 trillion per year in interest!
The debt trap is slamming shut and
you dont have much time to get out of
the way.

Social Security supporters attend a rally on
Capitol Hill March 28, in Washington, D.C., to
protest Republicans proposed reforms.
which the royal family is being treated today would be deeply disturb-
ing. But Churchill is not alone. In fact, God is even more upset by the
apathy and hostility displayed toward the institution of the monarchy,
by the British, by foreigners, and even by some members of the royal
For those prepared to read and believe their Bible, there is a dimen-
sion to the royal family that most people today simply do not under-
stand: God created the British monarchy as a window through which
mankind can begin to understand his Plan!
In a recent column I explained how the British royal family was set
in place as the result of a promise God made to Abraham, and later
to King David. That thrilling promise is explained thoroughly in The
United States and Britain in Prophecy. In short, God promised King
David that He would establish a royal dynasty beginning with his
son Solomon, and that that royal lineage would continue ruling on
a throne until the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. Believe it or not,
Britains royals are descendants of King Davidand therefore are living
manifestations of Gods promise!
But the institution of the monarchy is important for another reason.
Throughout the Bible, in both the Old and New Testaments, God
reveals His ideal form of government. The Old Testament revolves
primarily around the nation of Israel, a nation created by God after He
rescued the Israelites from Egypt. Do you have any idea what form of
government God gave the nation of Israel? It was a cOnstitutiOnal mOn-
archy! The constitution was the law of God, revealed by God to Moses
at Mt. Sinai (Exodus 20). And the line of kings, as Herbert Armstrong
explained, began with God Himself!
The point is, while much of the world scorns the monarchical form of
government, this FOrm OF gOvernment is emBraced By gOd!
Gods advocacy of the institution of monarchy is on even greater
display in the New Testament. Every Christian knows that when Jesus
Christ came to Earth as a human He spent His lifetime preaching His
Fathers gospel message. That message, as Christ so often explained, re-
volved around His Second Coming and the establishment of the kingdOm
of God on Earth. What is Christs role in this coming empire? Read in
Luke 1:30-33 where it was prophesied, even prior to Christs human birth,
that He was destined to inherit a royal dynasty and to reign as king over
a kingdom. In Revelation 19, Jesus Christ is called the King of kings.
The gospel message is all about a kingdOm ruled by a rOyal Family,
with Jesus Christ Himself as king OF kings.
Clearly, God does not abhor a monarchical style of government!
Truly, the British monarchy as an enduring institution furnishes
some exhilarating insight into the mind of God. Yet Britain and the rest
of the world is ready tO get rid OF it!
Before we conclude, it must be noted that while our admiration and
reverence of the British monarchy runs deep, we do not seek for a mo-
ment to imply the behavior and character of some members of the royal
family are above reproach. In many instances, they are reprehensible
and disgusting, and intensely upsetting to God!
Nevertheless, the magnifcent institution that Queen Elizabeth,
Prince Charles, Prince Williamand now Kate Middletonare privi-
leged to be a part of has Gods fngerprints all over it!
If you can spare the time, take a few moments to at least catch the
highlights of tomorrows wedding. When you do, look past the pomp
and pageantry, the emotion and commotion, and even past the imagery
reminding the world of Britains former wealth and splendor. If pos-
sible, perhaps with words of The United States and Britain in Prophecy
in mind, look past the physical and strive to capture the great sPiritual
truths buried within the British monarchy. Believe it or not, they are
thereand God wants you to understand them!
And this, above all, is why the world needs Englands monarchy.
THE TRUMPET WEEKLY April 30, 2011 10
MONARCHY from page 1
One PivOtal issue stood at
the forefront of the budget
crisis earlier this month,
almost causing the govern-
ment to be shut downthe
federal funding of Planned
Parenthood, which is
responsible for 300,000 abortions per year.
At the last moment Republicans caved, and
Planned Parenthood funding remains in place.
At the end of last year, President Obama
repealed the Dont Ask, Dont Tell law, al-
lowing homosexuals to now openly serve in
the military. He also called into question the
Defense of Marriage Act (dOma), which defnes
marriage as the legal union between one man
and one woman, and proclaimed the month of
June to be Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans-
gender Pride Month.
There is an ever-increasing war being waged
on the traditional family today. A recent survey
funded by the British government released
earlier this year showed that the happiest child
is one who is living in a stable, two-parent fam-
ily that communicates regularly, and in which
Dad and Mom are married. Yet in Britain, the
traditional family is penalized the most when
it comes to taxes.
In America, states continue to battle over
legalizing same-sex marriage, with fve states
caving to pressure so far. California has be-
come the latest state to introduce legislation
that would, if approved, require public schools
to include history of lgBt persons in the teach-
ing of history classes.
Meanwhile, the most basic building block of
a strong and stable civilizationthe traditional
family structurecontinues to disintegrate.
Herbert W. Armstrong saw this attack on
the institution of family decades agoand ac-
curately predicted where it would lead. First,
he wrote, there is the prophesied breakdown of
traditional marriage and family relationships.
Added to that, there is a widespread and ag-
gressive conspiracy to destroy the institution of
marriage (Plain Truth, July 1976).
Everything about our modern-day dysfunc-
tional society is exactly as the Prophet Isaiah
said it would be in the last days: completely
uPside dOwn.
But in the not-too-distant future, the world-
ruling Family of God will vigorously teach all of
mankind the just and holy laws He intended,
from the beginning, to govern the sacred insti-
tutions of marriage and familyinstitutions,
by the way, that God designed for no other cre-
ated beings, excePt man!
Where This
Family Breakdown
Is Leading


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