Excavations at Carrier's Croft

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Lxcavat|ons at Carr|er's Croft

An Lar|y 8ronze Age 8ur|a| s|te

at end|eton, Lancash|re

end|eton ast and resent


1 Introduct|on
a. Locat|on

2 1he strat|graphy

3 numan kema|ns
a. Introduct|on
b. Urn 2
c. Urn 3

4 Mater|a| cu|ture
a. Meta|work: go|d ha|rtress
|. Descr|pt|on and Interpretat|on
||. Chem|ca| Compos|t|on Ana|ys|s
b. Worked 8one: |ozenge-shaped button
c. ottery:
|. Urn 1
||. Urn 2
|||. Urn 3
|v. Accessory Vesse|
v. 8eaker Ware
v|. D|scuss|on
d. uartz

1 Introduction

Locat|on: nC8: Su733 394. !"#$ &'

1he slLe lles behlnd 'Carrlers CrofL' coLLage aL Lhe wesLern end of endleLon
vlllage, opposlLe 1he 'Swan wlLh 1wo necks' (flgures 1 and 2). endleLon 8rook runs
down Lhe cenLre of Lhe vlllage sLreeL and a fooLbrldge spans Lhe brook ln fronL of Lhe
coLLage. An excavaLlon Lrench 3m wlde by 12m long was opened Lo Lhe rear of Lhe
coLLage. 1he Lrench was dlvlded lnLo four grlds each 3m square (flgure 3). 1rlal
Lrenches were opened ln Lhe fleld opposlLe Lhe 8ack Lane buL no furLher evldence
for Larly 8ronze Age acLlvlLy was dlscovered.

I|gure 1. Aer|a| photograph of end|eton v|||age show|ng the |ocat|on of
Carr|er's Croft and the excavat|on r|nged |n red.

I|gure 2. Locat|on map of Carr|er's Croft |n re|at|on to the v|||age of end|eton

1he excavaLlon Lrench LogeLher wlLh Lhe poslLlon of Lhe grlds overlaylng Lhe ma[or
flnds ls descrlbed ln flgure 3.

I|gure 3. Locat|on of urns 1, 2 and 3, Carr|er's Croft, ende|ton

1he sLraLlgraphy of Lhe slLe can be summarlsed as follows:
()*#+), & a well-worked garden Lop soll averaglng 60cm ln
()*#+), -. a layer of cobbles and small sLones, compacLed ln
places ln Lhe form of a floor. Llsewhere Lhe
cobbles and sLones were scaLLered and dlsLurbed,
lnLerspersed wlLh compacLed clay from Porlzon 3.
()*#+), / a yellowy-brown sub-soll made up of boulder clay
and Labular fragmenLs of sandsLone and shale,
some very much decayed.1hls horlzon was
lnvaded by holes and shallow plLs fllled wlLh Lop
soll, mosL llkely Lhe resulL of rooL and fauna
lnvaslon or dlgglng acLlvlLy of unknown daLe.
CuanLlLles of unworkedendlesldecherL were
presenL ln Lhe boulder clay

1here was no evldence LhaL Lhe ad[acenL brook had ever flowed over Lhls ground.
AfLer Lhe removal of Lhe Lop soll ln Lhe wesLern secLlon of Lhe Lrench a sLone surface
was revealed composed of cobbles and pebbles (llgure 4). ln places lL appeared as a
well-lald, mosalc-llke floor wlLh a worn and pollshed surface (flgure 3). 8eneaLh lL
was a layer of mlxed sLone, pebbles and clay. 1he lrregularlLles seemed parLly due
Lo consLrucLlon and parLly dlsLurbance
buL Lhe only observed feaLure was a
sllghLly curvlng llne of cobbles abouL 3fL
ln lengLh (flgure 6). lL separaLed Lhe

I|gure S. Cobb|e f|oor I|gure 6. Curved ||ne of cobb|es

I|gure 4. S|te |an show|ng urns 2 and 3

roughly cobbled area under whlch urn 2 was found from a paLch of mosalc-llke Lhe
funeral pyre. 1he rlm of Lhe urn and Lhe conLenLs wlLhln were lylng on a layer of
ln Lhe easLern secLor of Lhe Lrench Lhe cobble floor had obvlously been
dlsLurbed by deeper culLlvaLlon. lL was here LhaL Lhe remalns of urn 3 were found.

UkN 2 8ur|a|

uurlng Lhe removal of Lhe cobble floor Lhe base of an urn was revealed burled ln an
lnverLed poslLlon (flgure 7). 1he base had been deLached and Lhen replaced. upon
removlng Lhe base, large fragmenLs of whlLe cremaLed human bone were exposed ln
a clean condlLlon. (flgure 8). 1hey were removed ln slLu and ln Lhe vlclnlLy of Lhe
collar, Lowards Lhe boLLom, Lhe fragmenLs of bone were smaller and mlxed wlLh
charcoal, burnL shale, and sandsLone, probably scraplngs fromsmall sLones, abouL
23mm. Lhlck. 1hese ln Lurn were bedded on decomposed sandsLone. 1he urn had a
verLlcal crack and a sLone ln Lhe plL flll had damaged Lhe neck of Lhe urn. 1he plL flll
(flgure 9) was composed of clay, sLones, cremaLlon flre debrls and lncluded Lwo
pleces of burnL, unworkedendlesldecherL, aparL from Lhese Lhere were no oLher
burlal offerlngs.

lL appears LhaL Lhe base of Lhe urn was broken off - probably along a consLrucLlon
[oln - before Lhe urn was lnverLed ln Lhe plL. A layer of small bones mlxed wlLh
cremaLlon maLerlal was Lhen placed ln Lhe boLLom, coverlng Lhe lnslde of Lhe neck,
and Lhen Lhe larger clean bones were arranged above unLll Lhe body of Lhe urn was
fllled. 1he base of Lhe urn, formlng a lld, was replaced and Lhe remalnlng space ln Lhe
plL fllled wlLh furLher cremaLlon maLerlal.

1op |eft I|gure 7
1op k|ght I|gure 8
Left I|gure 9

UkN 3 8ur|a|

1he remalns of urn no. 3 were dlscovered 1.2m away from Lhe slLe of urn 2 aL a
laLer sLage ln Lhe excavaLlons. ln Lhls area Porlzon 2 had been dlsLurbed by deeper
culLlvaLlon. AL flrsL Lhe cemenLed mass of dark cremaLlon maLerlal appeared Lo be a
cremaLlon deposlL, buL as excavaLlon conLlnued lL was found Lo be encompassed by
parLs of Lhe narrow collar of an urn. A fragmenL of Lhe rlm of Lhe collar was found
resLlng on sLones exacLly llke LhaL of urn 2 and furLher fragmenLs, gradlng from
dlslnLegraLed fabrlc Lo red clay, separaLed Lhe urn-flll from Lhe cremaLlon maLerlal of
Lhe plL.

Ad[acenL Lo Lhe urn fragmenLs was a lens of much compacLed dark red clay wlLh
fragmenLs of grlL, sandwlched beLween Lhe urn flll and Lhe plL flll, mosL llkely parL of
Lhe dlslnLegraLed urn. CuLslde Lhe curve of Lhe urn collar and lLs fragmenLs were Lhe
remalns of Lhe plL flll, composed of fragmenLs of bone, charcoal and earLh, formlng a
mass abouL 23mm. Lhlck. 1he small, round, hard ob[ecL exposed on Lhe surface of
Lhe cremaLlon maLerlal wlLhln Lhe urn was laLer ldenLlfled as Lhe accessory cup (see
oLLery below).

1hls burlal was obvlously Lhe remalns of whaL had been orlglnally a small collared
urn placed lnverLed ln a burlal plL, buL Lhe neck and body, along wlLh assoclaLed
cremaLlon maLerlal, had long slnce been desLroyed.

1he urn burlal was allowed Lo dry ouL over a perlod of 36 hours. 8y Lhen, soll
adherlng Lo Lhe ouLer surface of Lhe urn was sufflclenLly dry Lo be easlly separaLed
from Lhe urn fabrlc, now sllghLly harder Lhan when flrsL excavaLed. 1he compacLed
mass of urn flll and Lhe flll from Lhe plL were Lhen llfLed as a block and Laken Lo Lhe
CounLy Museum laboraLory for more deLalled examlnaLlon.

LxcavaLlon conLlnued, furLher fragmenLs of cremaLed bone, charcoal and earLh were
recovered from beneaLh where Lhe collar of Lhe urn had resLed, buL Lhere was no
evldence of any cover whlch mlghL have been placed over Lhe mouLh of Lhe urn
before belng lnverLed lnLo Lhe plL. 1he base of Lhe plL had been formed by packed
sLones and sLlff brown clay, below whlch were fragmenLs of flre-reddened sLone and
lumps of sLlff brown clay of a klnd noL observed elsewhere on Lhe slLe. lL may have
been Lhe puddled clay from whlch Lhe urn had been made.

numan kema|ns

Introduct|on: keport on Cremated numan 8one from Urns 1 and 2.
0. ( 1#22#345

MeLhods used ln ldenLlfylng cremaLed bone fragmenLs from Lhe amorphous mass of
soll charcoal and unldenLlflable bony fragmenLs were developmenLs of Lhose
descrlbed by Ce[vall and SahlsLrm (1948) wlLh Lhe furLher developmenL ln
Lechnlque descrlbed by Llsowskl (1933) and wlLh furLher advances summarlsed by
8roLhwell (1962).

lL ls lmpllclL ln Lhe work of Ce[vall (1963) by whlch Llme a sLandardlsed Lechnlque had
been evolved LhaL cerLaln skeleLal parLs survlve cremaLlon ln a deLecLable and
ldenLlflable form more frequenLly Lhan do oLhers. 1hls ls parLly due Lo Lhe naLure of
parLlcular porLlons of Lhe bony skeleLon, Lhelr relaLlve proLecLlon from Lhe heaL from
cremaLlon flres parLly due Lo dlfferences ln bone denslLy and parLly due Lo Lhe facL
LhaL some skeleLal areas conLaln a far greaLer proporLlon of easlly ldenLlflable
anaLomlcal feaLures Lhan oLhers. lor lnsLance whereas many fragmenLs of shafLs of
long bones are unldenLlflable because Lhere are few speclflc feaLures, even very
small pleces of skull vaulLs and base comprlse very ofLen Lwo Lables of compacL bone
wlLh lnLervenlng layers of dlploe or of cancellous bone wlLh marklngs due Lo Lhe
presence of blood vessels eLc. LhaL are absoluLely characLerlsLlc.

UkN No. 2.

1he caLalogue of bones ls as below:

1 1hree fragmenLs of cervlcal verLebrae
a) ALlas C1 WL 1.3 g Less Lhan 1cm lengLh of lefL anLerlor and posLerlor
arches showlng lnferlor and superlor arLlcular surfaces, Lransverse process and
b) Axls C2 WL 4 g. 2 fragmenLs of one bone, conslsLlng of odonLold
process, body and lefL arch wlLh superlor arLlcular surface
c) Lower cervlcal. lragmenL of verLebral body u - 0.6 cm "deep" wlLh
rlghL arch showlng Lyplcal sloplng arLlcular surfaces, marked laLeral osLeophyLe

2 Lleven fragmenLs of dorsal verLebrae.
a) upper dorsal probably u1, WL 2 g. Lroded body wlLh rlghL pedlcle of
arch and lnferlor arLlcular process, and Lransverse process showlng no foramen. 1he
concave uper surface measures 3.2 x 2.0cm.
b) upper dorsal WL 2.73 g. very eroded anLerlorly. 1he rlghL pedlcle and
superlor arLlcular faceL and lnferlor semllunar faceL are presenL on Lhe lefL slde.1u
3.2 cm.
c) upper dorsal WL 2.73 g. Lroded anLerlorly. lnferlor cosLal arLlcular
surface, parL of Lransverse process and lLs superlor arLlcular surface are presenL.
1=3.0 cm. A measuremenL noL posslble. u 1.3cm
d) upper dorsal WL 3 g. 8ody eroded anLerlorly.M 3.0cm,
u 1.6cm, A measuremenL over 1.8cm. arL of Lhe arch ls aLLached showlng superlor
and lnferlor arLlcular faceLs on Lhe rlghL slde. 1here ls no Lransverse process, no
splne, and no secondary arLlcular faceL on Lhe arch.
e) upper or mld dorsal bodyWL 1.3 g u 1.3cm. 1 2.8cm. Lroslon
prevenLs A measuremenL 1 lnferlor cosLal arLlculaLlon ls presenL buL Lhe superlor
semlclrcular faceLs cannoL be seen because of eroslon.
f) 8ody wlLh rlghL pedlcle and superlor arLlcular faceL WL 2.3 g1here are
large rlghL cosLal arLlcular faceLs. 1u 3.3cm, A dlmenslon 2.0cm, u 1.6cm. robably
mld-Lhoraclc. SlgnlflcanLly more calclned Lhan oLher dorsal verLebrae.
g) 8ody WL 2.3 g. u 1.8cm. Superlor arLlcular surface eroded. 1he
lnferlor surface shows Lhe lefL cosLal faceL aL lLs margln. 1here ls marked osLeophyLe
formaLlon. robably u 8,9 or 10
h) Small fragmenL of body wlLh pedlcle of Lransverse process WL 1 g.
l) Lroded fragmenL of body WL. 2 g. 1.3cm deep. no measuremenLs of
arLlcular surfaces posslble. laceLs for cosLal arLlculaLlon noL aL [uncLlon beLween
lnLer verLebral arLlcular surface of body.u11 or 12.

a) Lroded porLlon of bodyWL 3.3 g. u 2.3cm, 1u 4.6cm A >3.0cm. no
arLlcular faceLs on body. SLump of pedlcle 1.2cm ln dlameLer.
b) Palf of body and half of arch.WL 3 g.Ap>2.7cm, u 2.3cm.Arch and
porLlon of Lransverse lnferlor and superlor arLlcular processes.
c) lragmenL of verLrebal body. WL 3.3 g. Wedge shaped wlLh angle
beLween lnLer verLebral arLlcular surfaces 13. edlcle or Lransverse process
aLLached anLerlorly probably L3.
d) edlcle of Lransverse process of lumbar verLebra WL 2g small porLlon
of body aLLached
e) 1ransverse process of lumbar verLebra wlLh superlor arLlcularfaceL wL
0.3g. osslbly L1.
f) orLlon of body WL 2g. lnLer verLebral arLlcularsurface 3cm dlameLer
superlorly wlLh a porLlon 0.7 x 0.7 cm lnferlorly. u 2.3cm.LefL pedlcle of arch 1.2 x 0.6
cm. Slze lndlcaLes lower lumbar.

4 Cther Iragments of Vertebra| 8od|es
a) Cancellous bones wlLh porLlon of lnLer verLebral arLlcular surface
WL 1g, slze 2.3 x 1.3 x 2 cm.
b) arL of body and pedlcle arch WL 1.3 g. 2.2cm dlameLer.edlcle of
arch 1.2cm dlameLer.robably lumbar.
c) lragmenL WL 1.3g. 1.7cm deep. no compleLe arLlcular surfaces or
d) LefL pedlcle of arch and superlor arLlcular surfaces of lumbar or lower
Lhoraclc verLebra. WL 1g
e) lragmenL of body WL <1 g. 1.3 x 0.6 porLlon of lnLer verLebral arLlcular

Sku|| 8ones
a) 8lghL maxllla adulL WL 6.3 g. 8ooL spaces for canlne, rlghL lnclsors 1 &
2 pre molars 2 and slx rooL cavlLles for molars.
b) lragmenL of Zygoma WL 2 g. rlghL slde showlng exLernal surface of
one of Lhe zygomaLlco-faclal foramlna.
c) orLlon of maxllla WL 1.3 g 9 x 11 cm dlameLer respecLlvely.lnferlor
porLlon of maxllla, probably rlghL slde showlng porLlon of hard palaLe and porLlon of
maxlllary slnus.
d) eLrous Lemporal bone, Lrlangulold ln shape.WL 3 g Measurlng 2.0 x
1.3 cm, showlng lnLernal audlLory meaLus, cochlear canal, [ugular fossa.
e) Sphenold WL 7.3 g 1he foramlna roLunda pLerygold canals foramlna
ovale are well shown, Lhe dorsum sellae ls broken, Lhe lesser wlngs are absenL as are
Lhe pLerygold plaLes and Lhe laLeral parLs of Lhe greaLer wlngs.robably adulL.
f) Skull vaulL - fragmenLs as below:-
(l) WL 10.3 g, 6.0 x 4.3 cm Laperlng Lo 3.0cm 1 plaLe only over mosL of
Lhe area 0.3cm Lhlck where Lwo plaLes exlsL.
(ll) WL 3.3 g, ovold plaLe of bone 2.7 x 3.0 cm boLh Lables presenL 0.2 cm
Lhlck Lemporal bone [usL beneaLh LemporoparleLal suLure. robably rlghL.
(lll) WL 1.3 g, porLlon of orblLal rldge abouL 20 long aLLached Lo plaLe of
bone roughly 30 x 20. Could be fronLal bone buL no supra orblLal foramen or noLch ls
(lv) WL 22 g, lrregular, roughly dlamond shaped plece of bone, sldes
8.0 x 6.0, Lhlckness 0.4 - 0,3 cm. robably posLero superlor porLlon of lefL parleLal
(v) WL 11.3 g,posLero lnferlor porLlon of lefL Lemporal bone showlng
marglns whlch arLlculaLe wlLh occlplLal bone masLold and peLro squamous suLure
and also marks of aLLachmenL of Lemporal muscle. 1hlckness varles from 0.1 - 0.2 cm
anLerlorly Lo 0.6cm posLerlorly. Shape roughly Lrlangular 4.0 x 6.0 x 7.0 cm
(vl) WL. 20.3 g, porLlon of occlplLal bone showlng Lhe groove for Lhe lefL
laLeral slnus, groove for superlor saglLLal slnus and Lhe lnLernal occlplLal
proLuberance aL whlch Lhe bone measures 1.4 cm ln Lhlckness Lhe resL of Lhe bone
belng 0.4 - 0.3 mm ln Lhlckness.
(vll) WL. 8 g, an lrregular plaLe approx - 2.3 x 4.0 cm from 0.2 - 0.3 cm
Lhlck, no suLures, no ldenLlflable marklngs.
(vlll) WL 3 g, an lrragular plaLe roughly oblong, 3.0 x 4.0 cm Lhlck, a porLlon
of suLure llne ls presenL.
(lx) WL. 3.3 g, an lrregular lombold 3.0 x 2.0 x 2.3 cm, 0.3 cm Lhlck - no
(x) WL 8.3 g, a dlsLorLed lrregular plaLe 3.0 x 2.3 x 4.3 cm. 1he 2 Lables
have spllL aparL so Lhlckness measuremenL ls lmposslble. no suLures are presenL,
lnLerlor vessel marklngs make lL almosL cerLaln lL ls a parleLal bone.
(xl) WL 10 g, an lrregular plaLe roughly clrcular 4.3 cm dlameLer, up Lo
0.7 cm Lhlck, no suLures or vessel marklngs, probably parleLal bone
(xll) WL. 14 g, An lrregular rhombold 3.3 x 3.0 x 3.0 cm, up Lo 0.4 cm Lhlck
- suLure llne and vessel marklngs lndlcaLe LhaL Lhls ls Lhe posLerlor lnferlor porLlon of
Lhe rlghL parleLal bone
(xlll) WL 11 g, An lrregular plaLe 4.0 x 2.3 x 3.0, 0.4 cm Lhlck, suLure llne
along one edge, exLenslvely flssured.
(xlv) WL 7 g, An lrregular porLlon abouL 4.0 cm square wlLh a noLch, 0.33
cm Lhlck, no suLures, lnLernal vessel marklngs probably fronLal or parleLal.
(xv) WL 9.3 g, A fragmenL 0.3 x 4.3 cm wlLh an lrregular suLure runnlng
across, Lhlckness up Lo 0.23 cm
(xvl) WL 14 g, An lrregular posLerlor masLold porLlon of Lemporal bone,
rlghL slde 3.0 x 3.0 x 3.0 cm. Showlng masLold and occlplLal groove beneaLh for
occlplLal arLery. 1he large masLold process lndlcaLes LhaL lL was probably male. 1he
maLold foramen ls well seen.
(xvll) WL 12 g, 8lghL ramus of mandlble. Pead and angle have dlsappeared,
Lhe coronold process ls parLly eroded.Myohyold rldge ls promlnenL.

L|mb and G|rd|e 8ones
a) Acromlal end of rlghL clavlcle 3.3 g 0.7 cm ln lengLh.
ulameLer 0.8 mm. 1he lnferlor surface ls eroded. 1he arLlcular surface wlLh Lhe
acromlon ls clearly seen.
b) CosLal end of rlghL clavlcle, WL 3 g. lengLh 0.9 cm. ulameLer of "shafL"
10 mm. ALLachmenL for cosLoclavlcular llgamenL ls very promlnenL.
c) ShafL of clavlcle, WL 3 g ulameLer of shafL 0.9 cm. LengLh 0.8 cm.
d) orLlon of glenoldfossa and 4 cm of medlal border of rlghL scapula,
WL 0.3 g. 1he glenoldfossa ls over 3 cm ln lLs longer axls
e) 1rlangulold porLlon of splne of rlghL scapula. WL 3g 2.3 x 3.3 x 2.3 cm.
f) orLlon of scapula splne, WL 3.3 g. ulsLorLlon prevenLs recognlLlon of
slde. 1here are Lwo fragmenLs whlch flL LogeLher exacLly Lo form a plece 3.3 x 3.3 x
2.3 cm
g) Clenoldfossa of lefL scapula ln Lwo pleces, WL 2.3 g MeasuremenL of
fossa 2.0 x 3.0 cm.
h) lrregular flssured splne of scapula, WL 1.3 g 3.3 x 3.3 x 1.3 cm

Upper L|mb
a) Pead of radlus, WL 1.3gArLlcular surface 1.6 cm dlameLer,
b) ulsLal porLlon of rlghL radlus WL 3g. Crooves for exLensor
polllclslongus and exLensor carplradlallsbrevls are well marked.
c) 1rochlea of lower end of lefL humerus, WL 3g.CaplLulum and medlal
surface are mlsslng.
d) 8 cm of lower end of shafL of rlghL humerus WL 14g showlng
caplLulum and laLeral parL of ofLrochlea.1hlckness of corLex of shafL 0.2 - 0.23 mm.
1hls fragmenL shows a greaLer degree of claclnlng Lhan oLhers ln Lhls asemblage
e) 8 cm lengLh of shafL of lower lefL humerus, WL 16.3 g
f) 7 cm lengLh of shafL of rlghL humerus, WL 13 g noarLlcular surface
olecranon or coronoldfossa presenL. CorLlcal Lhlckness ls 0.3 cm.
g) roxlmal fragmenL of rlghL ulna, WL 3.3 g lengLh 6 cm. 1he Lrochlea
noLch buL noL Lhe olecranon ls presenL.
h) Pead of rlghL humerus WL 6 g ArLlcular surface abouL 4 cm dlameLer.

3e|v|s & k|bs
a) 8lghL superlor publc ramus WL 7.3 g 3.3 cm lengLh, ulameLer 1.3 Lo
b) 23 porLlons of rlbs from 1.3 - 8 cm ln lengLh, WL 23 g

4Lower L|mb
a) LaLeral Lower condyle of lefL femur WL 8 gosLeophyLes aL laLeral
marglns of Lhe arLlcular surface.
b) 8lghL greaLer LrochanLerwlLh aLLached porLlon of neck, WL 3 g.
c) orLlon of head of femur, WL 3 g. 1he plL for Lhe llgamenL of Lhe head
ls clearly seen wheLher rlghL or lefL cannoL be deLermlned.
d) l. 8lghL paLella, WL 4 g. LaLeral arLlcular surface measures 2 x 3 cm
ll. lragmenL of arLlcular surface 3 x 3.3 cm and underlylng bone
almosL cerLalnly lefL paLella
e) roxlmal end of lefL Llbla WL. 12.3 g 1he medlal condyle ls almosL
compleLe, AmeasuremenL 4.3 cm L u 3.0 cm 1he LoLal laLeral measuremenL ls 7.3
cm 1he Lubercle ls eroded anLerlorly. 1he medlal edge of Lhe laLeral condyle shows
whaL may be osLeophyLe formaLlon. Crooves for anLerlor cruclaLe llgamenL and on
Lhe medlal condyle are well marked as ls LhaL for Lhe laLeral semlluna carLllage. l flnd
lL lmposslble Lo be sure wheLher Lhls ls Lhe resulL of dlsLorLlon durlng cremaLlon,
osLeoarLhrlLls or Lhe sub[ecL belng a muscular male.
f) roxlmal porLlon of rlghL Llbla, WL 13g. 1he marklngs and Lhe
dlameLer of arLlcular surfaces are very slmllar Lo Lhose ln 4 (e)
g) osLerlor porLlon of lefL oscalcls WL 6 g. measuremenL 4 x 3 x 4.3 cm
h) LaLeral half of rlghL Lalus, WL 3.3 g. 2 x 2 x 3 cm approx. no compleLe
arLlcular surface ls presenL.
l) LaLeral and upper porLlon of lefL Lalus, W1 6 g. arLs of Lhe arLlcular
surfaces wlLh navlcular bone and wlLh laLeral malleolus are presenL.
[) arL of Lrochlear surface of lefL Lalus, WL 4 g. 1hls fragmenL does noL
flL wlLh 4. (l) buL appearances are conslsLenL wlLh lLs belng Lhe same bone.
k) 8lghL flfLh meLaLarsal, WL 2 g. LengLh 3 cm. 1hls arLlculaLlon wlLh Lhe
cubold bone ls clearly seen.

Cther Un|dent|f|ed Iragments
A porLlon of arLlcular surface 3 cm ln dlameLer, WL 4 g and underlylng cancellous
bone. Croovlng ls conslsLenL wlLh Lhe groove of aLLachmenL of Lhe capsular llgamenL
beLween Lhe arLlcular surface and Lhe subscapularls l.e. Lhls ls almosL cerLalnly a
head of a humerus
3 seml lunar, or Lrlangulold area, of arLlcular surface measurlng 1.3 x 2.3, 1.3 x 3.0
and 2.0 x 4 probably all porLlon of heads of femur.
43 fragmenLs of phalanges and meLaLarsalsWL 18 g,
133 fragmenLs of corLlces of long bones each over 1 g, all heavlly flssured and
dlsLorLed.1hlckness of corLlce up Lo 0.3 cm.
1oLal welghL 230 g.
200 fragmenLs of bones each welghlng less Lhan 1g mosLly corLlcal bone. WL 80 g
400 fragmenLs of cancellous bone up Lo 1 cm cube.
1oLal welghL 400 g.
17 assorLed fragmenLs of skull vaulL bones none heavler Lhan 0.3 g or larger Lhan 2.3
x 1 cm dlameLer. WelghL 8 g.
720 fragmenLs beLween 0.1 - 0.23 cm dlameLer. 1oLal welghL lncludlng some dlrL
173 g.

2 deLached adulL molar crowns
1 LooLh wlLh a blfld rooL wlLhouL a crown (a molar or premolar)
21 rooL fragmenLs.

urn 2 conLalned 1160 g cremaLed bone. All fragmenLs seen have appearances
conslsLenL wlLh havlng come from a human adulL.
1he slze of fragmenLs and promlnence of muscle aLLachmenL eLc. suggesL LhaL Lhe
skeleLon was male. 1here ls no evldence of maLerlal from more Lhan one body.
1here ls no evldence of dlsease aparL from Lhe osLeophyLeformaLlon (1a, 2g, 4a, and
4e). ln Lhe skull vaulL bones Lhere ls no slgn of unlon of suLures.

UkN No. 3

urn no. 3 conLalned less bony maLerlal and no evldence of organlsed packlng of
maLerlal as was seen ln urn no. 2.

1 Several hundred fragmenLs of cancellous bone, none measurlng more Lhan 1
cm ln any dlameLer. no arLlcularsfor oLher recognlsable sLrucLures. 1oLal welghL 101
2 AbouL 3 dozen dlsLorLed fragmenLs of skull vaulL bones each conslsLlng of
only one "Lable". no suLures presenL. Maxlmum Lhlckness ls 1 mm. WelghL 33 g
3.2 dozen fragmenLs of corLlces of long bones dlsLorLed and flssured Lhe longesL
belng 11, 7 and 6 cm ln lengLh wlLh dlameLer of shafLs 1.3, 1.7 and 0.7 cm
respecLlvely. ln no place ls Lhe Lhlckness of Lhe corLex more Lhan 2 mm. no
recognlsable feaLures eplphyses or arLlcular surfaces are presenL. WelghL 77 g.
4 An assemblage of 2 dozen pleces of cancellous bone larger LhaL ln (1)
lncludlng several recognlsable fragmenLs vlz:
(a) 8amus of publs 2 x 0.3 x 1
(b) lschlalLruberoslLy 2.3 x 1.3 x 4.
(c) AceLabulum. 1he fragmenL of arLlcular surface measures 0.3 x 1.0 and
Lhe curvaLure lndlcaLes a dlameLer of abouL 2.3 cm1he Lhlckness of bone aL Lhls
polnL ls 0.8 cm.
(d) 3 porLlons of verLebral body u 1.3, 1 and 1.2 cm respecLlvely.
(e) parL of peLrous Lemporal bone showlng audlLory meaLus.1oLal welghL
60 g.
3 SeparaLed arLlcular surface of long bone elLher head of humerus or head of
femur. robable dlameLer 2.3 - 3 cm SeparaLlon appears Lo have occurred aL Lhe
eplphyseal plaLe. WelghL 0.7 g
6. ArLlcular surface of meLaLarsal probably Lhe flrsL showlng an arLlcular surface
abouL 0.8cm ln dlameLyer wlLh marklngs of an eplphsls. WelghL 0.3 g.
7 ulsLal porLlon of lefL radlus. no arLlcular surface seen. l presume LhaL Lhere
has been separaLlon of Lhls plece of shafL aL Lhe eplphyseal plaLe. 1he bone ls abouL
0.8 cm aL lLs longesL dlameLer. WelghL 0.7 g.
8. lragmenL of lefL mandlble, WL 3.6 g. 1he ramus measures 1.3 cm x 0.7 cm
Lransversely. no condylararLlcular surface ls seen. 1he lengLh from condylar porLlon
Lo angle ls 3 cm. 3 LooLh sockeLs are vlslble. 3 wlLh sockeLs for Lwo rooLs, Lwo
apparenLly for slngle rooLs. 1hese Lwo laLLer are lncompleLe. ulameLers of Lhe LooLh
sopckeLs for molar and premolar LeeLh are each 0.3 - 0.3 cm

urn no. 3 conLalns 239 g cremaLed bone Lhe ma[orlLy of whlch ls ln very small
fragmenLs. All fragmenLs ldenLlfled are of human orlgln. unforLunaLely Lhe few
fragmenLs whlch allow ldenLlflcaLlon of eplphyseal plaLes are from bones ln whlch
Lhese appear aL 3 - 4 years and unlLe durlng Lhe laLe Leenage years allowlng no closer
esLlmaLe of age Lhan beLween 3 - 18 years. 1he slze of Lhe fragmenLs lndlcaLe LhaL
Lhe sub[ecL ls aL Lhe lower end of Lhls age range.

A AnLero posLerlor
u uepLh as used Lo descrlbe for lnsLance verLlcal dlsLance beLween
lnLerverLebralarLlcular surfaces.
1M 1ransverse measuremenL - measuremenLs are ln cenLlmeLres
WL welghLs are glven Lo nearesL 0.3 g.

Go|d na|r tress

Descr|pt|on and Interpretat|on
6 6 0782)*

1he small gold ob[ecL, (flgures 10 and 11) wlLh Lhe appearance of an
unflnlshed bead, ls made from a Lhln sheeL of gold, rolled Lo form a Lube-llke ob[ecL,
1.2 cms. by 0.7cm. Cne edge bears Lwo parallel lnclsed llnes and Lhe oLher edge ls
[agged as lf cuL by wlLh shears. lL ls an unusual flnd for Lhe 8rlLlsh lsles, as such
ob[ecLs are more commonly found assoclaLed wlLh ALlanLlc Luropean 8eaker burlals,
parLlcularly ln megallLhlc secondary conLexLs along Lhe coasL of lrance.

1hese ob[ecLs are nelLher flnlshed beads nor
ornamenLs wlLh perforaLlons for aLLachmenL.
1hey usually have a llne, crudely applled
along one longlLudlnal slde buL whlch
appears cllpped on Lhe opposlLe edge,
suggesLlng Lhe lmporLance Lo Lhe person wlLh
whom lL was burled lles ln lLs presence as
gold, raLher Lhan lLs funcLlon as a badge and

Cnly Lwo oLher examples of such ob[ecLs are
known from Lhe 8rlLlsh lsles. An excavaLlon aL
ChllbolLon, Pampshlre (Su397396) of a
8eaker rlng-dlLch ylelded anoLher example of
such an ob[ecL assoclaLed wlLh Lwo palrs of
gold baskeL earrlngs locaLed near Lhe head of
Lhe prlmary lnhumaLlon(8ussell 1990 133-
172). A mosL provoklng flnd whlch wlll be
commenLed upon laLer. 1he only oLher example known from Lhe 8rlLlsh lsles ls Lhe
flnd from 1om 1lvey's Pole, SomerseL (8arreLL, 1966 9-24). lL was found ln a 8ronze
Age conLexL wlLh a barbed-and-Langed arrowhead, buL noLhlng more of lLs soclal
conLexL ls known. All are rolled horlzonLally wlLh a sllghL overlap of Lhe band.

Several aspecLs of Lhe endleLon flnd suggesL LhaL lL Loo mlghL be of 8eaker raLher
Lhan of Lhe posL-8eaker perlod and Lhls should be consldered. 1he facL LhaL we have
an uncommon Lype of ob[ecL, varlously descrlbed by some as a "bead", whlch seems
aL home ln Lhe 8eaker perlod, ls furLher supporLed by Lhe daLe of 3740 80 bp
(9,:72; 1790bc) from ChllbolLon, Pampshlre. 1haL coupled wlLh Lhe facL of Lhe
reglonal norLhwesL of Lngland LralL showlng a Lendency Lo use collars on Lhe 8eaker
"drlnklng vessel" slze of funerary poLLery, suggesLs Lhls Loo may be daLlng Lo
somewhere ln Lhe Classlc 8eaker perlod.

I|gure 10. Go|d ha|r tress

I|gure 11. Go|d ha|r tress
from show|ng the |nc|sed
||nes around the mouth

lL would seem Lherefore LhaL we have here an unusual gold ob[ecL found ln an
unusual conLexL, buL one LhaL could arguably be 8eaker. 1he funcLlon of Lhese
ob[ecLs ln Lhelr soclal conLexL ls dlfflculL Lo reconsLrucL aparL from suggesLlng LhaL an
lndlvldual of Lhls soclal sLaLus was requlred Lo be burled wlLh gold, buL ln Lhe case of
Lhe ChllbolLon prlmary burlal, Lhe lndlvldual was also burled wlLh Lwo palrs of gold
earrlngs, ln Lhemselves a curlous assoclaLlon, and one LhaL requlres some re-Lhlnklng
of lnLerpreLaLlon, especlally as lL has been assumed LhaL Lhe burlal of gold wlLh an
lndlvldual was a sLaLus badge denoLlng some presLlglous poslLlon wlLhln socleLy -
elLher of pollLlcal, rellglous or heredlLary rank, and Lwo palrs of gold earrlngs would
be consldered an overemphasls of Lhls polnL.

1he dlscovery of slmllar ob[ecLs ln lrench conLexLs (Lluere, 1982, 38, CloL&8rlard,
1962, 6-17) predomlnanLly occurred ln anLlquarlan excavaLlons, so Lhelr locaLlon ln
relaLlon Lo Lhe lndlvldual Lhey accompanled was frequenLly losL. 1he domlnanL
reglon of 8eaker gold ls focused on Lhe 8rlLlsh lsles wlLh lLs range of personal lLems
such as baskeL earrlngs, 8eaker dlscs, rlveL caps of gold on greensLone bracers, and
of course Lhe commonly owned lunulae, whlle Lhe Luropean use of gold as grave
goods was raLher mlnlmal, usually Laklng Lhe form of small slngle lLems, such as
beads, small dlscs, rlngs, eLc., whlch are ofLen classed as "LrlnkeLs" because Lhey dld
noL compare wlLh Lhe laLer, and larger, rlch flnds of Lhe Armorlcan llrsL Serles
graves. 1hls sub[ecLlve, and no doubL, lmposed percepLlon forced on Lhe
lnLerpreLaLlon of Lhe pasL by archaeologlsLs, does a dls-servlce Lo our undersLandlng
of Lhe reasons for gold usage ln prehlsLory, whlch wlLhouL doubL performed ln an
aLyplcal manner wlLhln prehlsLorlc socleLy, especlally observable wlLhln Lhe Larly
8ronze Age graves of Lhe 8eaker people and Lhelr descendanLs. lL ls unllkely we can
geL furLher aL Lhe momenL ln Lhe lnLerpreLaLlon of Lhe use of such an ob[ecL, buL Lhe
Lechnology used ln lLs manufacLure ls worLh commenL.

1he sheeL producLlon of gold ob[ecLs ln Lhe 8eaker perlod, and Lhe perlod followlng
known generally as Lhe Larly 8ronze Age, and peopled by Lhe 8eaker descendanLs,
was domlnanL, lnLenLlonal and excluslvely pracLlsed. 1hey had Lhe knowledge of how
Lo casL copper and copper alloys, and ln facL, Lhe 8rlLlsh lsles was Lhe flrsL Lo
sLandardlse Lln bronze Lo lLs preferred Len per cenL, so we are noL assesslng Lhe
Lechnologlcal llmlLaLlons of Lhelr crafLsmen, when we say Lhey resLrlcLed Lhelr gold
work Lo Lhe use of sheeL. 1hey seem Lo have worked Lhelr gold from small bulleL-
slzed lngoLs of gold, and Lhelr ablllLy Lo conLrol ob[ecLs of conslderable slze such as
lunulae ln a skllful beaLlng of Lhe sheeL Lo lmparL sLrengLh were needed
demonsLraLes Lhelr sklll ln whaL Lhey were dolng. ln a small lLem such as Lhe
endleLon ob[ecLs, one ls LempLed Lo overlook Lhese polnLs because lL borders on
Lhe crude and unflnlshed, buL lL Loo conLrlbuLes Lo our undersLandlng of Lhe Lypes of
Lools employed by Lhese goldsmlLhs. 1he cllpplng of Lhe edge of gold along lLs lengLh
wlLh a bevel Lo one slde suggesLs LhaL lL was cllpped by shears raLher Lhan cuL wlLh a
chlsel. 1he reLrleval of any evldence of decoraLlon belng lmpressed by a hammered
chlsel, and of course, laLer have been reLrleved. 1he llne, lmpressed whlle Lhe sheeL
was uncurled, seems Lo have been lnclsed ln [usL Lhls manner.

1he Lype of ob[ecL, generally classed as a "LrlnkeL", "bead", "rolled gold band"
(Lluere, 1982, 38) from Lhe ALlanLlc CoasLal reglon of lberla and lrance, Lhe yrenean
reglon, and Lhe Culf of Lyons, (Cullalne, 1967, 34-33, l.13:3-8,11) appears Lo be no
more Lhan a gold cllpplng of sheeL, ln an unflnlshed sLaLe, LhaL was placed wlLh Lhe
dead as lf only a mlnlmal presence of gold was necessary for rlLual purposes. 1he
lrench examples of Lhls ob[ecL are ofLen found lnserLed wlLh 8eaker burlals lnLo
MegallLhlc Lombs, sadly, mosL were excavaLed ln Lhe AnLlquarlan perlod, so Lhelr
preclse archaeologlcal conLexL frequenLly was losL (Lluere, 1982, 38). now, however,
Lwo occurrences ln 8rlLaln compllcaLe Lhls lnLerpreLaLlon. rlor Lo Lhese Lwo flnds,
1om 1lvey's Pole ln SomerseL was Lhe sole example from Lhe 8rlLlsh lsles (Cullalne,
1967, 34-33, l.13:3-8,11). lLs conLexL was a general one wlLh a barbed-and-Langed
arrowhead from an Larly 8ronze Age level. 1he new examples lnclude Lhe one from
endleLon and Lhe oLher from ChllbolLon, menLloned above.

1hese small bands appear Lo be cllpped wlLh a bevelled edge on one slde and
decoraLed wlLh an lnclsed llne along Lhe opposlLe edge of Lhe band, someLlmes, as ln
Lhe 1om 1lvey's Pole example, Lhere ls a slngle perforaLlon. All are rolled horlzonLally
wlLh a sllghL overlap of Lhe band.

Chem|ca| Compos|t|on Ana|ys|s
< = >7**)?@2)A$B

1he halr Lress was measured for lLs chemlcal composlLlon uslng an elecLron probe
mlcroanalysls Lechnlque (flgures 12, 13, 14 and 13). 1he ob[ecL was analysed on a
SLM probe ln Lhe MulLl-lmaglng CenLre aL Lhe unlverslLy of Cambrldge. 1he
Lechnlque ls fully descrlbed ln oLLs (1987).

Ana|yt|ca| techn|que
1here are numerous problems assoclaLed wlLh measurlng elemenLal concenLraLlons
by scannlng elecLron mlcroprobes (see Charles, 1973, Pughes 34 72 1982). ln order Lo
avold Lhese problems Lhe meLhod flrsL proposed by norLhover and adopLed by 8ohl
and needham (1998: 11) was followed. namely LhaL measuremenL ls Laken from
scanned areas raLher Lhan polnLs. ln Lhls case four scanned areas were measured.

1he four specLra are seL ouL below. Cf Lhe four measuredone, specLrum 3, has been
excluded from Lhe lnLerpreLaLlon because Lhe concenLraLlon of lron exceeds 1
whlch suggesLs LhaL corroslon producLs were presenL, hence Lhe analysls was noL
solely of Lhe meLal. 1he concenLraLlons for Lhe remalnlng Lhree specLra were
averaged. 1he resulLs show LhaL Lhe percenLage chemlcal composlLlon of Lhe ob[ecL
Cold 44.323
laLlnum 33.323
Sllver 2.696
I|gure 12. Spectrum 1: Area scanned |nd|cated by the box

Spectrum processing :
No peaks omitted

Processing option : All elements analyzed (Normalised)
Number of iterations = 3

Element Weight% Atomic%

C K 14.41 66.11
O K 2.94 10.12
Ag L 2.47 1.26
Pt M 35.15 9.92
Au M 45.03 12.59

Totals 100.00

I|gure 13. Spectrum 2: Area scanned |nd|cated by the co|oured box

Spectrum processing :
Peak possibly omitted : 1.180 keV

Processing option : All elements analyzed (Normalised)
Number of iterations = 3

Element Weight% Atomic%

C K 10.94 57.85
O K 3.43 13.63
Ag L 2.92 1.72
Pt M 37.16 12.10
Au M 45.55 14.69

Totals 100.00

I|gure 14. Spectrum 3: Area scanned |nd|cated by the box

Spectrum processing :
No peaks omitted

Processing option : All elements analyzed (Normalised)
Number of iterations = 3

Element Weight% Atomic%

O K 7.32 47.20
Fe K 1.61 2.97
Ag L 4.40 4.21
Pt M 38.53 20.39
Au M 48.15 25.24

Totals 100.00

I|gure 1S. Spectrum 4: Area scanned |nd|cated by the box

Spectrum processing :
No peaks omitted

Processing option : All elements analyzed (Normalised)
Number of iterations = 3

Element Weight% Atomic%

C K 14.45 60.94
O K 5.64 17.86
Ag L 2.66 1.25
Pt M 34.26 8.89
Au M 42.99 11.05

Totals 100.00

Worked 8one

Lozenge-shaped button

1he buLLon ls lozenge-shaped, 2.1cm long by 0.7 cm. wlde and 0.13 cm Lhlck and
calclned (flgure 16). lL was dlscovered beLween Lwo sllvers of cremaLed human bone
sllghLly cemenLed LogeLher. 1here seems llLLle doubL LhaL lL was cremaLed wlLh Lhe
body as parL of some cloLhlng or coverlng and noL lncluded as a burlal offerlng llke
Lhe gold and quarLz crysLals.

I|gure 16. I||ustrat|on and photograph of the |ozenge-shaped button

1hls buLLon ls Lhe only "buLLon" or "plaque" of lLs class Lo have been found
assoclaLed wlLh collared urns. LongworLh (1984: 62) clLes comparable ob[ecLs
dlscovered ln erLhshlre, wlLh a food vessel aL Woodhead of Carvock (Cowle, 1978,
flg 27) anoLher aL MurLhly (MlLchell 1871, 269) and a furLher one, sub-recLangular ln
form, from 8alnabrald ln Argyll (Calloway 1919/20, 179, flg 7). 1he laLLer was
accompanled by Lhe remalns of a repousse-decoraLed bronze sheeL. uerek Slmpson
(personal communlcaLlon) draws aLLenLlon Lo a sllghLly smaller example dlscovered
ln a cordoned urn on a mulLl-perlod slLe aL 8algmore ln lnverness. Pe descrlbes lL as
a "Loggle" of a Lype frequenLly assoclaLed wlLh cordoned urns.

1hese buLLons lndlcaLe Lhe presence of cloLhlng or a shroud, boLh of whlch have
been recovered from lnhumaLlon burlals. 1he mosL specLacular cloLhlng was found
wlLh Lhe female bodles burled ln Lree-Lrunk cofflns ln uenmark. ln a canoe-coffln
(asslgned by C14 daLlng Lo a laLer perlod, Ldwards, 1973) aL Cuernmore, LancasLer a
well-preserved shroud was found, alLhough Lhe body had noL survlved. Lozenge-
shaped buLLons, however, suggesLs llghLer garmenLs, perhaps some klnd of llnen
shlrL, lmplled by Lhe presence of a fragmenL of llnen ln one of Lhe urns aL 8leasdale,
a few mlles wesL of endleLon.

lL ls posslble LhaL Lhe shape of Lhe buLLon may have had a rlLual slgnlflcance. 1he
lozenge was a common moLlf LhroughouL laLe neollLhlc and 8ronze age Llmes,
appearlng on decoraLed sLones ln megallLhlc Lombs, on Lhe chalk drums from
lolkLon, (such as Lhe gold plaLe from 8ush 8arrow, Wllsford, klnnes& LongworLh,
1983, 243: 1-3) and as decoraLlon on gold work (Annable& Slmpson, 1964 p 43 flg.
168). lL can be seen repeaLed as an elemenL ln laLLlce decoraLlon on collared urns
and, more rarely, as a geomeLrlc form ln lLs own rlghL, as on one of Lhe urns from
LancasLer Moor (Pallam,1990, 263) and on a 8eaker from 1hornLon-ln Craven
Pallam,1990, 244). lL ls also presenL on urn 2 aL Carrlers CrofL, lf boLh collar and neck
decoraLlons are observed LogeLher.

1hese buLLons or Loggles are relaLed Lo Lhe ob[ecLs llsLed by LongworLh (1984) under
Lhe headlng: "buLLons/Loggles/beads", LhaL are ofLen assoclaLed wlLh Collared urns.
Pe llsLs Lhe flnd accompanylng Lhe urn aL lnder Plll, WaddlngLon as a Loggle -
"Lubular wlLh one cenLral perforaLlon ln cenLral swelllng and collared ends".
lnLeresLlngly, Lhe only oLher example he quoLes of Lhls class ls from ScoLland, (1urlff
ln Cramplan). 1he bone buLLon dlscovered wlLh a collared urn aL Lwan 8lgg,
MaryporL, Cumbrla (8ewley, 1992, flg 9) ls anoLher Loggle slmllar Lo Lhe one from
lnder Plll.


Co||ared Urns

Urn 1, f|gures 17 and 18

<#C3,5#),5: helghL, 32 cm survlves, mouLh dla. 33.3 cm, max. dla. 42 cm.

<3@)*74#),: Cn rlm bevel: Lwo LwlsLed cord llnes. Cn collar: llve rows of blrd bone
lmpresslons wlLh four LwlsLed cord llnes above and slx lnclsed llnes below. Cn neck:
lnclsed horlzonLal zlgzags overlald wlLh lnclsed verLlcal llnes. 1he LwlsLed cord was
apparenLly applled splrally. Where Lhe lower edge of Lhe collar ls mlsslng, a
conLlnuous lnscrlbed horlzonLal llne ls vlslble, flnlshlng off Lhe neck decoraLlon.

:)2)A* !Colour codes refer Lo Lhe Munsell Soll Colour CharLs): LxLerlor: 3 ?8 7/4
(plnk) Lo 7.3 ?8 6/4 (llghL brown) wlLh areas of fumlng (3 ?8 3/1 - grey). lnLerlor: 3 ?8
6/3 (llghL reddlsh brown) wlLh uneven carbonaceous deposlL (3 ?8 3/1) up Lo wlLhln
17 cm of Lhe rlm.

:)CD)5#4#),: Some small sLone lncluslons, grog noL vlslble macroscoplcally, buL a
large amounL of Lemper musL have been used on such a blg vessel.

:)CC3,4: 1he horlzonLal llne flnlshlng off Lhe neck decoraLlon cannoL be reached
when Lhe collar ls ln place. 1he neck musL have been decoraLed, Lherefore, before
Lhe collar was applled.
I|gure 17. Co||ared Urn 1 show|ng the var|ous forms of decorat|on app||ed to the surface

I|gure 18. hotographs of Urn I, top: urn sherds, bottom reconstruct|on of the r|m
Urn 2: f|gure 19

<#C3,5#),5: hL. 31.3 cm, dla. 21 cm aL mouLh, 26.3 cm aL collar edge, 10 cm aL base.

<3@)*74#),; on rlm bevel, Lwo rows of Lhumbnall or spaLula lmpresslons, execuLed
wlLh Lhe hand held lnslde Lhe poL, on collar, lnclsed fllled Lrlangles wlLh lnclsed
horlzonLal llne below for parL of Lhe clrcumference, on neck, row of small llnear

:)2)A*: exLerlor, 7.3?8 (reddlsh yellow) Lo 7.3?8 6/4 (llghL brown), lnLerlor, coaLed
3?8 3/1 (very dark grey), greasy especlally ln lower parLs.

:)CD)5#4#),: very sandy clay body wlLh small quarLzlLe and some shale and grog.

I|gure 19. Co||ared Urn 2 show|ng |nc|sed f|||ed tr|ang|e decorat|on
Urn 3: f|gure 20

Sherds of collar only.

<#C3,5#),5: helghL, 9 cm. survlves, mouLh dla. 23 cm, max. dla. 26 cm.

<3@)*74#),: Cn rlm bevel: Lwo rows of doLs. Cn collar: lnclsed fllled Lrlangles wlLh,
above, shorL lnclsed dlagonal llnes enclosed ln slngle horlzonLal lnclsed llnes and,
below, Lhree horlzonLal lnclsed llnes.

:)2)A*: LxLerlor surface: 10 ?8 6/6 (brownlsh yellow), 2.3 ?8 6/4-6/6 (llghL red) and
3 ?8 3/3 (reddlsh brown). lnLerlor surface and core: 3 ?8 3/3 (reddlsh brown).

:)CD)5#4#),: llne fabrlc wlLh moderaLe angular greylsh sLone lncluslons. lnner
surface on one sherd faced wlLh a cllnker-llke subsLance and dlsLorLed (probably

I|gure 20. Co||ared urn 3 w|th |nc|sed tr|ang|e decorat|on

Accessory cup

1he remalns of Lhls accessory cup (flgure 21) were descrlbed by Lhe excavaLors as a
"hollow sLone". AlLhough qulLe hard on dlscovery lL collapsed lnLo fragmenLs before
belng examlned and ldenLlfled and all LhaL remaln are sherds as lllusLraLed below.

<#C3,5#),5: PelghL 3.3 cm survlves, MouLh dla. 3 cm., Max. dla. 6.23 cm.

<3@)*74#),: none.

:)2)A*: 10 ?8 6/2 (llghL greylsh brown), ash sLreaked (7.3 ?8 n 7/ - llghL grey).

:)CD)5#4#),: SofL Lo soapy fabrlc. 1he chlef lncluslons are charcoal flecks, sub-
clrcular bone and bone dusL.LenLlcularspalllng where LhlckesL ln secLlon suggesLs lL
was lncluded ln Lhe cremaLlon flre and consequenLly re-flred, hence Lhe hardness on

I|gure 21. Accessory Vesse| found w|th co||ared urn

8eaker ware

8eaker Sherd lllusLraLed ln flgure 22
<#C3,5#),5: mouLh dlam. c. 11 cm.
<3@)*74#),: llne of LwlsLed cord below rlm exLernally, wlLh lnclsed Lrellls below.
:)2)A*: Surfaces: 10 ?8 8/3 (very pale brown), 10 ?8 8/2 (whlLe) and 10 ?8 6/4
(yellow) Lo 10 ?8 6/4 (llghL yellowlsh brown). Core: 10 ?8 3/2 (greylsh brown).
:)CD)5#4#),: Cpen LexLure suggesLs organlc Lemper. Some charcoal flecks and small
EA53AC: Lancashlre CounLy Museum Servlce, resLon.
F3G3*3,@35: Pallam 1990 no. 291.

I|gure 22. 8eaker ware sherd w|th tre|||s decorat|on

D|scuss|on of ottery

All Lhree of Lhe urns belong Lo LongworLh's Secondary Serles of Collared urns. 1hey
are all ln Lhe norLh WesLern SLyle. 8adlocarbon-daLed examples of Lhls sLyle come
from 8lbchesLer (1870 bc and 1300 bc) and demonsLraLe Lhe sLyle's long currency. lL
ls Lhe mosL frequenL sLyle of Larller 8ronze Age poLLery reglonally. Collared urn ware
ls coarse and frequenLly so low-flred as Lo reverL Lo a plasLlc condlLlon ln Lhe ground
or Lo roL away compleLely. lL ls Lherefore noL sulLable for re-cycllng as grog Lemper.

Secondary Serles collared urns are characLerlsed by relaLlvely deep collars and
pronounced lower collar llps. undecoraLed examples occur, as aL lnder Plll,
WaddlngLon (8alsLrlck, 1931, 243-230). More usually Lhey are decoraLed on rlm,
collar and neck wlLh Lhe ald of nall lmpresslons, bone lmpresslons, lmpressed LwlsLed
cord, or lnclslons execuLed wlLh a spaLula or polnLed Lool. 1he mosL-favoured moLlf ls
Lhe Lrlangle, whlch appears on urns 2 and 3, and ln modlfled, panelled, form for
rapld execuLlon, on Lhe neck of urn 1.

A few sherds of a small undecoraLed accessory cup are assoclaLed wlLh urn 3. 1hese
poLs are noL resLrlcLed Lo Lhe norLh WesL (LongworLh, 1967, 111-126). Lxamples
assoclaLed wlLh norLh WesLern SLyle collared urns occur aL uarwen (Pardwlck, 1863-
6, 273-8, LongworLh 1984, nos. 817 and 821, Pallam 1990, nos. 234 + 233 and 239 +
240) and aL WhlLelow, 8amsboLLom (1yson, 1960-2, LongworLh 1984, no. 609).

uecoraLed examples of Lhese small poLs occur noLably aL 8lackheaLh, 1odmorden
(Law, 1898, 169-72) and aL SouLhworLh Pall, CrofL (or Wlnwlck) (lreke and PolgaLe,
1990). Many of Lhese poLs are flne enough ln LexLure and sufflclenLly well flred Lo be
sulLable for crushlng as grog Lemper.

Also wlLh urn 3 were flve small sherds whlch, Lo [udge by Lhelr very pale surface
colourlng and grey core, had been re-flred. 1helr open LexLure, posslbly Lhe resulL of
Lhe burnlng ouL of organlc Lemper, and Lhelr Lhln secLlon suggesLs 8eaker ware. A
small quanLlLy of flne, sLone-free beaker sherds was llkewlse found wlLhln a collared
urn aL Pare Plll 8arrow, 1hornLon-ln-Craven. 1hls collared urn, a member of Lhe
rlmary Serles, was Lempered wlLh ample grog, whlch could well have been made by
crushlng up beaker sherds.

rlmary Serles urns and some Secondary Serles ones are Lempered wlLh a grog-and-
sLone mlx, whllsL ln some Secondary Serles urns sLone Lemper ls Lhe only
macroscoplcally vlslble addlLlve Lo Lhe clay body. An lmpresslon ls galned of Lhe
decllnlng use of grog Lemper over Llme as Lhe early 8eaker poLLlng LradlLlon receded.

1he presence ln urn 3 of sherds sulLable for crushlng up for grog seems Lo beLoken
poL-maklng acLlvlLy on Lhe parL of Lhe deceased. LLhnographlc parallels lndlcaLe LhaL,
ln a pre-lndusLrlal socleLy, Lhe poLLlng was mosL frequenLly a flreslde or seasonal
acLlvlLy for women (Arnold, 1983).

uartz Crysta|s

lour small crysLals, ldenLlfled as quarLz were recovered from Lhe cremaLlon maLerlal
ln urn 3, flgure 23. 1hey appear Lo be unburned. Llke gold ob[ecLs, quarLz crysLals, or
pebbles, are rarely lncluded ln cremaLlon urns or found accompanylng lnhumaLlons.

A plece of whlLe crysLalllne quarLz was found as Lhe only burlal offerlng wlLh a
collared urn aL rlng calrn on 8annlslde Moor, ConlsLon (Colllngwood 1910, C&W2 10)
and a rock crysLal arLlcle along wlLh 3 barbed and Langed arrowheads and a Lrlmmed
fllnL accompanled a collared urn aL kllmarnock, Ayrshlre (no. 1963, LongworLh
1984).ln lreland aL Carrowmore, Sllgo whlLe quarLz pebbles, noL naLural Lo Lhe area,
accompanled a cremaLed burlal ln a Lumulus and angular pleces of whlLe quarLz
were found ln a clsL aL 8arnasraghy, Sllgo (8ord,1978).

CuarLz someLlmes occurs wlLhln or around rlLual burlal slLes. A few quarLz crysLals
were recovered from Lhe excavaLlons aL Mosley PelghL, 8urnley (8enneLL, 1930) and
a large quarLz pebble, whlLe and flre-crazed wlLh a baLLered end occured ln Lhe ashes
below an urn excavaLed ln a rlng-work aL 1oLley Moor ln uerbyshlre (8adley 1967).

Conslderlng Lhe known properLles of quarLz and lLs anclenL world-wlde assoclaLlon
wlLh heallng and dlvlnaLlon and use as a medlum for communlcaLlng wlLh splrlLs of
boLh Lhe llvlng and Lhe dead, lLs presence on 8ronze Age rlLual burlal slLes ls worLhy
of a closer examlnaLlon Lhan can be afforded here.

I|gure 23. uartz crysta|s
found w|th the cremat|on
|n Urn 3

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