Food Calories

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Food calorie count

Food Items Calorie Count

Cooked plain rice (1/2 cup) 83.5

Cooked plain rice (1 cup) 167

Mee soup (1 bowl) 383

Chicken rice (1 plate) 278

Fried meehoon (1 plate) 294

Fried egg (1) 95

Fried kuey teow (1 plate) 321

Mee goreng (1 plate) 281

Nasi Lemak (1 plate) 389

Ikan bilis sambal (2 tbsp) 252

Capati (1 piece) served with 1/2 cup green gram gravy 376

Roti canai (1 piece) with 3 1/2 tbsp dhal 332

Fried pomfret (1 piece) 143

Cooked beansprouts (4 tbsp) 82

Cooked spinach with anchovies (5 tbsp) 32.5

Fried ikan kembong (1 piece) 111

Chicken curry (1 medium piece) 195

Nasi briyani (1 plate) 224

Fried chicken (1 piece) 255

Wholemeal bread (2 slices) with 1 tbsp margarine 217

Kangkung belacan (4tbsp) 96

Rojak (4 tbsp) 182

Long beans with taucheo (3 tbsp) 55.5

Chicken kurma (1medium piece) 175

Chicken satay (5 sticks) 100

Fruits Calorie Count

Watermelon (1 small slice) 37

Guava (1 small slice) 41

Kiwi fruit (1 small slice) 34

Lychee (5 fruits) 59

Papaya (1 small slice) 56

Mango (1 medium) 226

Dates (5 fruits) 89

Red apple (1 medium slice) 63

Starfruit ( 1 medium slice) 54

Avocado (1 medium slice) 289

Mata kucing (10 whole, small) 29

Pineapple ( 1 medium slice) 59

Yellow pear ( 1 medium) 36

Snack Calorie Count

Pineapple tart (1 piece) 15

Cekodok pisang (1 piece) 179

Red bean porridge with coconut milk (1 bowl) 101

Chocolate swiss roll (1 slice) 36

Curry puff (1 medium) 129

Pisang goreng (1 piece) 117

Wajik (1 piece) 65

Kesari (1 medium piece) 172

Kuih pau kacang merah (1 small piece) 34

Kuih appam balik (1 piece) 245

Kuih koci pulut hitam (1 piece) 180

Drinks Calorie Count

NUTRILITE POSITRIM with 250ml skimmed milk 250

NUTRILITE ACTIVE 8 Acerola Cherry Drink Mix (90ml) 30

NUTRILITE ACTIVE 8 Tangerine/Orange Drink Mix (180ml) 68

Tea with 2 1/2 tsp skimmed milk & 1 1/2 tsp sugar 79

Coffee with 2 1/2 tsp skimmed milk & 1 1/2 tsp sugar 79

How is
Converted to

Carbo & Starch Digestion
Body weight is related to how much energy one consumes and
expends. Carbohydrate is the main source of blood glucose, which
is a major fuel for all of the body's cells and the only source of energy
for the brain and red blood cells. If a person consumes more energy-
giving foods than he/she needs, then the excess energy is stored as

1. 2 forms of carbohydrates that we consume
Simple carbohydrates (sucrose, glucose and fructose
sourced from table sugar, corn syrup or fruit sugar)
Complex carbohydrates (mainly "carbo" foods such as
rice, bread, potato, spaghetti and noodle)
3. Inside the mouth, starch is broken down into maltose. At
this stage, only 5% of all starch is broken down.
4. Inside the lining of the small intestines, an enzyme called
amylase breaks maltose into glucose molecules that can
be absorbed into the blood. Glucose is carried through the
bloodstream to the liver where it is stored or used to
provide energy to perform bodily functions.
5. The smaller units of starch (broken down by alpha-
amylase) passes through the intestine, where a second
enzyme alpha-glucosidase is secreted. It further breaks
down the smaller units of starch into simple sugars
(monosaccharides) that the body can absorb.
By blocking the actions of both alpha-amylase and alpha-
glucosidase, the starch in the foods we eat cannot be completely
broken down into simple sugars that our body can absorb.

E CB Plus

>> Main Ingredients >> FAQ

Main Ingredients

Kidney Bean
Kidney Bean extract has been found to inhibit the action of alpha-
amylase, the enzyme that breaks down starch and sugar (sucrose) in
the foods we eat into glucose that can be absorbed by the body.
Neutralising alpha-amylase prevents the digestion of starches, thus
long chains of sugar is not broken down into smaller units that can be
absorbed by the body.

Soy Beans
Soybean extract inhibits the action of alpha-glucosidase. By blocking
its action, the starch in foods we eat cannot be completely broken
down into simple sugars that our body can absorb.

Healthy Eating & Lifestyle Habits
>> Healthy Eating >> Physical Activity

Healthy Eating

Always choose foods that are fresh or minimally processed and nutrient-
rich such as:

Whole foods and
vegetables that is raw
or lightly cooked.

Whole, unprocessed
grains such as brown
rice, whole-grain
breads and pastas,
oatmeal and barley.

Lean proteins: tofu,
eggs, poultry, lean
meats, fish, beans,
lentils, chick peas and

Low fat dairy products: milk, yoghurt and cheese.

Mono-unsaturated fats: such as olive oil, avocados, nuts and seeds.

Omega-3 fatty acids: flaxseed, walnuts, oils from high-omega-seeds
and nuts, and coldwater fish like salmon.


Physical Activity

It pays to exercise more in the long
term. Start by incorporating physical
activities that offer:
Cardiovascular health
benefits like walking for 30
minutes, swimming or
Bone density and muscle
mass benefits like
strengthening exercises or
weight training.

Body Mass Index

"Overweight" or "obese" are terms used to describe excess body
weight. However, these terms differ in meaning. The Body Mass Index
or more popularly known as BMI is recommended by the World Health
Organisation (WHO) as an ideal measure of obesity in adults.
To calculate your BMI, click on the BMI Calculator below.


[Weight in kg]

[Height (m) x (m)]

A recent WHO report states that Asian population experiences
obesity-related health risks at the lower scale of the BMI as compared
to Westerners. This is because Asians tend to accumulate intra-
abdominal fat without developing generalized obesity. In other words,
even though Asians look thinner but are in actual fact, fatter than
Westerners because they have more fat in their bodies.

NUTRILITE CB Plus (90 tab)


Product Minisite
Product Information (pdf)
Be Healthier with Carb-blocking Beans.
NUTRILITE CB Plus contains Kidney Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) and soybean (Glycine max. L) extracts.
Suggested Use : Adults take 1-3 tablets at the beginning of a carbohydrate-containing meal. Do not exceed
nine tablets per day.
Anyone with a medical condition, including diabetes and hypoglycaemia, should consult a physician before
using this product.
Nutrition Information Per tablet
Kidney Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) 167mg
Soybean Extract (Glycine max. L) 100mg
Parsley Concentrate (leaf, stem) 10mg
K.K.L.I.U: 1634/2012/I

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