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School of Environmental Sciences, JNU

M. Sc. Programme
The M. Sc. programme is spread over four semesters. It carries 64 credits and comprises
of four different components viz: I) Teaching II) Lab Wor III) !ie"d Wor and I#)
Distribution of credits for M. Sc. Programme is:
Tota" %redits for M. Sc. $egree &rogramme ' 64 credits
I) Teaching ' () credits
II) Lab *or+ !ie"d *or and $issertation ' ,4 credits
Distribution of credits for teaching (otal !" credits#
i) %ore courses ' -6 credits
ii) .ptiona" courses ' -4 credits
Distribution of credits for $ab %or&, 'ield %or& and Dissertation (otal () credits#
a) Lab *or ' 6 credits /Lab Wor I '0 credits1 Lab Wor II '0 credits)
b) !ie"d *or ' 0 credits

c) $issertation ' ( credits
*# eaching (!" credits#
Teaching is a ma2or component of the programme. It shares () credits out of tota" 64.
The remaining three components i.e. Lab *or+ fie"d *or and dissertation share
remaining ,4 credits
#arious courses offered under M. Sc. programme are categorized as:
3) %ore courses
4) 5on %redit courses and
%) .ptiona" courses.
3"together there are 46 courses: ,0 as core+ - non credit courses and 0, optiona" courses.
3"" core courses are offered in I and II semesters and a"" optiona" courses are offered in
III and I# semester of the M. Sc programme.
3"" %ore %ourses are of - credits each and compu"sor6 for a"" the students. 5on credit
courses do not carr6 an6 credits+ ho*ever+ as per the 758 ordinance+ comp"etion of such
courses b6 ever6 student is a mandator6 re9uirement for the a*ard of the degree.
.ptiona" courses are of 0 credits each and cover a"" specia"ized courses across different
sub discip"ines of environmenta" sciences name"61 Mathematics+ &h6sics+ Statistics+
:eo"og6+ %hemistr6 and 4io"og6. There is a running "ist of 0, optiona" courses+ out of
*hich students *i"" have to choose an6 ; optiona" courses /four in each semester) to
obtain -4 credits.
**# $ab %or&, 'ield %or& and Dissertation (() credits#
a# $ab %or& (+ credits#
The "ab *or component is spread over first t*o semesters and is ca""ed as
Lab *or I and Lab *or II to be comp"eted in I and II semesters
respective"6. 8nder Lab Wor I and II+ sets of e<periments specia""6
designed for M. Sc. students b6 facu"t6 members of the schoo" are carried
out in M. Sc. "ab or in the "ab of the concerned facu"t6 member during the
period of five *oring da6s in the afternoon.
b# 'ield %or& (, credits#
To strengthen the fie"d *or component and to have a *ider e<posure of
the fie"d conditions+ students *i"" undergo e<tensive fie"d *or *hich *i""
he"p them in deve"oping the understanding of different aspects of
environmenta" sciences. !ie"d *or is comp"eted in second semester. =ach
student *i"" submit his>her fie"d *or report for eva"uation.
c# Dissertation (! credits#
=ach student *i"" *or for M. Sc. &ro2ect under the supervision of
forma""6 assigned supervisor in the schoo". 3ssigning of supervisor *i"" be
based on academic interest sho*n b6 the student in research specia"ization
of the concerned facu"t6 member fo""o*ed b6 the consent given b6 the
facu"t6 member to supervise the pro2ect *or of that particu"ar student.
Student sha"" comp"ete the process of academic interaction to obtain
teachers consent to supervise his>her pro2ect *or b6 the end of second
semester. The *or on research pro2ect *i"" start in 0
semester under the
supervision of concerned facu"t6 member in his >her "ab and *i"" be
comp"eted b6 4
semester *ith *riting and submission of dissertation.
$issertation *i"" be eva"uated b6 a 0 member e<pert committee. Students
*i"" have to present their *or and defend it in an open viva? voce.

$*S -' .-U/SES
0# .ore .ourses /%ompu"sor6 for a"")
/Tota" courses ,0+ Tota" credits: ,0 < - '-6)
,. @emedia" Mathematics =S?,),
-. @emedia" 4io"og6 =S?,)-
0. =nvironmenta" %hemistr6 =S?,)0

4. =arth processes =S?,)4
(. =co"og6 =S?,)(
6. Statistics =S?,)6
A. =nvironmenta" &o""ution =S?,)A
;. 5atura" hazards and disaster management =S?,);
B. =nvironmenta" Impact 3ssessment =S?,)B
,). =nerg6 and =nvironment =S?,,)
,,. @emote sensing and :eoinformatics =S?,,,
,-. =nvironmenta" 4iochemistr6 and To<ico"og6 =S?,,-
,0. Marine environment =S ,,0
,4. Soi" Science =S?,,4

1# Non2 .redit .ourses /%ompu"sor6 for a"")
,(. %urrent =nvironmenta" Issues =S?,,(
,6. Scientific Writings and =thics =S?,,6
.# -3tional .ourses C /Tota" courses? 0, of 0 credits each1 Students *i"" have to
choose an6 ; courses to obtain tota" -4 credits)
,. =nvironmenta" Mode"ing =S?-),
-. %"imato"og6 =S?-)-
0. Meteoro"og6 =S?-)0
4. 5oise &o""ution =S?-)4
(. =nvironmenta" &h6sics =S?-)(
6. =nvironmenta" instrumentation and techni9ues =S?-)6
A. :eochemistr6 =S?-)A
;. :round*ater D6dro"og6 =S?-);
B. .ceanograph6 =S?-)B
,). 5atura" resource Management =S?-,)
,,. :"acio"og6 =S?-,,
,-. 4iogeochemistr6 =S?-,-
,0. =nvironmenta" :eo"og6 =S?-,0
,4. Water @esources =S?-,4
,(. 3ir &o""ution %hemistr6 =S?-,(
,6. Water &o""ution %hemistr6 =S?-,6
,A. Soi" &o""ution %hemistr6 =S?-,A
,;. So"id and Dazardous Wastes Management =S?-,;
,B. Metro"og6 =S?-,B
-). &o""ution 4io"og6 =S?--)
-,. 4iodiversit6 and conservation =S?--,
--. !orest eco"og6 =S?---
-0. Microbia" eco"og6 =S?--0
-4. =cos6stem $6namics =S?--4
-(. =nvironmenta" 4ioph6sics =S?--(
-6. =co"og6 and sustainab"e deve"opment =S?--6
-A. =nvironmenta" Eenobiotics and human hea"th =S?--A
-;. !undamenta"s of Mo"ecu"ar 4io"og6 and 4iotechno"og6 =S?--;
-B. 3pp"ied biotechno"og6 and 4ioremediation =S?--B
0). =co?to<ico"og6 =S?-0)
0,. =nvironmenta" and .ccupationa" hea"th =S?-0,
D# $ab 4or&

,. Lab *or I /0 credits) =S?-0-
-. Lab *or II /0 credits) =S?-00
E# 'ield 4or& /0 credits) =S?-04
'# Pro5ect 4or& /( credits) =S?-0(

.-U/SE .-NEN
0# .ore .ourses
(. /emedial Mathematics ES2("( (for Non2 Mathematics students#
!unctions? po"6nomia"+ "ogarithmic+ e<ponentia"+ abso"ute va"ue+ trigonometric. Limits+
Indeterminate forms+ %ontinuit6. $erivabi"it6. $ifferentiation of simp"e mathematica"
functions? product ru"e+ 9uotient ru"e and chain ru"e. Integration? b6 parts+ substitution
and b6 partia" fractions. Linear differentia" e9uations and their so"ution. Introduction to
Matrices and $eterminants. Introduction to #ectors? addition+ subtraction+ mu"tip"ication
of vectors. =9uation of Straight Line and So"ving Linear S6stem of =9uations.
6. /emedial 1iolog7 ES2("6 (for Non2 1iolog7 students#
Distor6 and scope of eco"og6+ =vo"ution of biosphere+ $iversit6 of "ife forms.
4io"ogica" communities+ species interaction+ %ommunities properties+ succession. &"ant
diversit6 and nomenc"ature *ith ma2or c"asses of p"ants1 &h6togeographica" regions1
@are and threatened p"ants and e<p"oration of p"ant *ea"th. 3nima" diversit6 and
categories of anima"s1 @are and threatened species of mamma"s+ aves+ repti"es+ pisces
etc.1 =<p"oration and conservation of fauna" *ea"th. Microbia" diversit6+ bacteria+
fungi+ actinom6cetes1 Microbia" diversit6 in man?made ecos6stems and natura"
ecos6stems. Importance of f"ora and fauna in nutrient c6c"ing+ its effect+ degradation
and metabo"ism.
,. Environmental chemistr7 ES2(",
!undamenta" %hemistr6: ="ements+ %hemica" bonding+ chemica" reactions and e9uations+
.rganic functiona" groups+ c"asses of organic compounds. !ree radica" reactions+ cata"6tic
="ementa" c6c"es /%+ 5+ S+ .) and their environmenta" significance.
!ossi" fue"s: their t6pes+ properties+ combustion and environmenta" imp"ications.
3tmospheric constituents+ :reen house gases and c"imatic changes. %h"orof"uorocarbons
and their substitutes. &hotochemica" smog. Water 9ua"it6 and *aste*ater treatment. @o"e
of soaps+ detergents and phosphorus ferti"izers in eutrophication. &ersistent organic
po""utants: pesticides usage+ to<icit6 and their environmenta" degradation. =arth crust and
*eathering mechanism1 Soi" formation and chemica" characteristics. %hemica" c"asses of
Dazardous *aste+ their effects on the environment. %hemica" treatment of hazardous
). Earth Processes ES2(")
=vo"ution of various branches of :eo"og6. .rigin of the earth. &rimar6 differentiation
and formation of core+ mant"e+ crust+ atmosphere and h6drosphere. Magma generation
and formation of igneous and metamorphic rocs. %oncept of Minera"s and @ocs.
Weathering+ erosion+ transportation and deposition of earthFs materia"s b6 running *ater+
*ind and g"aciers. !ormation of "and forms and sedimentar6 rocs. &"ate tectonics? sea
f"oor spreading+ mountain bui"ding+ evo"ution of continents and structura" deformation.
Therma"+ magnetic and gravitationa" fie"ds of the earth. %oncepts of engineering and
urban geo"og6.
!. Ecolog7 ES2("!
Distor6 and scope of eco"og6+ auteco"ot6+ s6neco"og6+ popu"ation+ communit6+ biome+
to"erance range and "imiting factors. $istinguishing characters of forests grass"ands+ arid
"ands and *et"ands1 communit6 organization? concept of habitat+ functiona" ro"e and
niche+ e6 stone species+ dominant species+ ecotone+ edge effect. 3na"6tica" characters+
s6nthetic characters "ie forms+ species diversit6 and measurement of diversit6.
&opu"ation d6namics+ mode"s for sing"e and interacting popu"ation+ stab"e points+ stab"e
c6c"es+ chaos competition+ pre6 predation+ etc. =co"ogica" succession+ primar6 and
secondar6 processes in successions+ mode"s of successions+ c"ima< communit6 and t6pes
of c"ima<. #egetation of India. !undamenta"s of Microbia" eco"og6. Microbia"
metabo"ism and microbia" interaction. 4iochemistr6 of bio"ogica" nitrogen fi<ation and
other microbia" &ath*a6s in terms of enz6mo"og6.
+. Statistics ES2("+
Measures of centra" tendenc6. Measures of dispersion. Measures of se*ness and
urtosis. &robabi"it6? definition+ addition and mu"tip"ication "a*s+concept of random
variab"e. &robabi"it6 distributions? binomia"+ poisson and norma". Samp"ing theor6?
h6pothesis testing and interva" estimation for "arge samp"es. %hi?s9uare test+ t?test and !?
test of significance. %orre"ation and regression. ana"6sis. .ne *a6 ana"6sis of variance.
8. Environmental Pollution ES2("8
Linage bet*een energ6+ environment and deve"opment. Duman popu"ation issues.
$efinition of po""ution. $ifferent t6pes of po""ution? 3ir+ Water and soi" and their "oca"+
regiona" and g"oba" aspects. 3ir: Sources of air po""utants+ their behavior in the
atmosphere. =ffects of air po""utants on humans+ anima"s+ p"ants and properties. %ontro"
approaches. Water: Sources+ effects+ *ater po""ution treatment. Soi": Sources and nature
of soi" po""ution and its harmfu" effects. So"id *aste: generation+ co""ection+
environmenta" effects and safe disposa" practices. =nvironmenta" prob"ems associated
*ith noise po""ution+ oi" po""ution and radioactive po""ution.
9. Natural ha:ards and disaster management ES2("9
Introduction to Dazards? Dazard c"assification?t6pes of hazards 15atura" Dazards: causes+
/continenta" drift+ p"ate tectonics+ sea f"oor spreading+ isostac6+ etc.+) distribution pattern+
conse9uences and mitigation: =arth9uae+ Tsunami+ #o"canoes+ %6c"one+ !"ood+ $rought+
Lands"ide+ co"d and heat hazards+ forest fire+ etc.+? causes+ t6pes+ distribution adverse
effects+ etc.+? $isaster introduction? disaster Management %apabi"it6?#u"nerabi"it6? ris?
preparedness and mitigation? $isaster management c6c"e? communit6 p"anning education
and =ngineered structure >structura" strengthening techni9ues? Dazard zonation and
mapping? @is @eduction Measures.
;. Environmental *m3act 0ssessment ES2(";
Linage bet*een deve"opment and environment1 g"oba" commons: carr6ing capacit6:
origin and deve"opment of =I3: re"ationship of =I3 to sustainab"e deve"opment: =I3 in
pro2ect p"anning and imp"ementation: =I3 process: eva"uation of proposed actions+
scoping and base "ine stud6+ identification and prediction of impacts+ mitigation
measures. %omparison of a"ternatives+ revie* and decision maing+ pub"ic participation
and compensator6 actions: green be"ts: 5ationa" =nvironmenta" &o"icies and guide"ines in
India. %onditions and approach for =IS revie*. %ase studies: river va""e6 pro2ects:
therma" po*er p"ants: mining pro2ects: oi" refineries and petrochemica"s.
(". Energ7 and Environment ES2(("
=nerg6 resources and their e<p"oitation+ Sun as source of energ6? nature of its radiation+
%onventiona" energ6 sources: coa"+ oi"+ biomass and nature gas+ non?conventiona" energ6
sources: h6droe"ectric po*er+ tida"+ *ind+ geotherma" energ6+ so"ar co""ectors+
photovo"taics+ so"ar ponds+ nuc"ear?fission and fusion+ magneto?h6drod6namic po*er
/MD$)+ =nerg6 use pattern in different parts of the *or"d and its impact on the
environment. %.- emission in atmosphere.
Mechanism of radiation action on "iving s6stems? Stochastic and 5on?stochastic effects1
de"a6ed effects+ radioactivit6 from nuc"ear reactors+ fue" processing and radioactive
*aste+ hazards re"ated to po*er p"ants+ terrestria" and non terrestria" radiation+ dose from
environment and nuc"ear radiations+ u"travio"et radiations+ path*a6s ana"6sis and dose
assessment+ radio"ogic age dating+ radioactivit6 ris assessment+ criterion for safe
((. /emote sensing and <eo2 informatics ES2(((
Introduction to @emote sensing G :IS. &rincip"es of remote sensing G :IS. Spectra of
=nvironmenta" %omponents. Terrestria" and =<tra terrestria" sate""ites in @emote sensing
and :IS. @emote sensing G :IS app"ications on .cean+ 3tmosphere+ Land+ :eo"og6+
Water @esources /:round *ater and Surface *ater). %r6osphere+ $isaster+ $efence
studies. 8se of soft*ares in @emote sensing and :IS to so"ve =nvironmenta" prob"ems
inc"uding :round*ater =<p"oration+ @ain*ater Darvesting+ 4iomass ana"6sis and its
re"ationship *ith :eoresource eva"uation. 8se of @emote sensing and :IS in
deve"opment of =ar"6 *arning s6stem to monitor 3gricu"ture. Identification of
:enetica""6 modified crops in corre"ation *ith *ater 9ua"it6 and soi" moisture b6 using
@emote sensing G :IS. 3pp"ications of @emote sensing and :IS in ear"6 *arning of
Tsunami+ =arth9uae+ Sno*fa""+ :"oba" *arming+ !orest fire+ Lands"ide+ Landsubsidance.
8se of L35$S3T+ S&.T+ I@S =@S+ @3$3@S3T and =<tra terrestria" sate""ite data b6
using =@$3S+ 3@%:IS+ =@M3&&=@+ I$@ISI =5#I and SH soft*are for so"ving the
=nvironmenta" prob"ems. Sun?earth cosmic connection to understand environment of the
(6. Environmental 1iochemistr7 and o=icolog7 ES2((6
=nvironmenta" ph6sio"og6 *ith considerations of intermediar6 metabo"ism? approaches
for stud6ing energ6 metabo"ism and bod6 temperature changes1 Thermo regu"ation and
adaptation. .<6gen uptae from the environment+ respiration and metabo"ism. ="ectron
transport s6stem and o<idative phosphor6"ation. &hotos6nthesis: %,+ %0+ %4 path*a6s
and their regu"ation. &hotorespiration. 4iochemistr6 of a"tered membrane permeabi"it6+
free radica" formation+ "ipid pero<idation+ "6sosoma" degradation+ supero<ide dismutase.
=nvironmenta" po""utants and their effects on "iving s6stem. 4iochemica" approaches to
the deto<ification of <enobiotics through ce""u"ar metabo"ism.
(,. Marine Environment ES2((,
Introduction?%"assification? open ocean? sha""o* marine and deep sea environment?
marine resources? marine eco"og6? marine organisms?productivit6? coasta" environment?
coasta" *ater movement? beaches? coasta" dunes? barrier is"ands? c"iffed coast? de"tas?
coast "ine? estuaries?mangroves? "agoons? sa"t marshes? cora" reefs? c"assification of
marine sediments? c"a6 minera"s? biogenic si"ica? evaporites? nutrient in oceans? carbon
and g"oba" c"imate change? marine po""ution? "a* of the sea.
(). Soil Science ES2(()
Soi" forming rocs and minera"s? %"assification? Weathering of rocs and minera"s?
&rocesses of *eathering and factors affecting them. Soi" formation? !actors of soi"
formation? Soi" forming processes? &rofi"e deve"opment? $efinition of soi"? Soi"
Soi" ph6sica" properties? Soi" separates and partic"e size distribution? Soi" te<ture and
structure? 4u" densit6+ partic"e densit6+ pore space+ soi" air+ soi" temperature+ soi" *ater+
soi" consistence ? Significance of ph6sica" properties to p"ant gro*th.
Soi" chemica" properties? Soi" co""oids? Inorganic co""oids? %"a6 minera"s? amorphous?
Ion e<change reactions? .rganic co""oids? Soi" organic matter? $ecomposition? Dumus
formation? Significance on soi" ferti"it6+ Soi" reaction? 4io"ogica" properties of soi"?
nutrient avai"abi"it6.
1# Non .redit .ourses (.om3ulsor7 for all#
(. .urrent Environmental *ssues ES2((!
%ontemporar6 and emerging environmenta" issues of "oca"+ regiona" and g"oba"
significance. 4road"6 the topics *i"" be pertaining to: i) Linage bet*een popu"ation+
deve"opment and environment ii) c"imate change ii) stratospheric .zone dep"etion iii)
*ater resources iv) environmenta" to<icants and human hea"th v) biodiversit6
conservation and vi) environmenta" episodic events+ etc.
6. Scientific 4ritings and Ethics ES2((+
.vervie* of Mora" and =thica" 9uestions in Scientific *riting. .vera"" out"ine and
structure of the artic"e>manuscript. $escription+ va"ue+ and deve"opment of points>out"ines
before *riting. Screening of Materia" for inc"usion *ithin the structure of the manuscript.
Importance of 3uthors and their se9uence+ importance of c"ear tit"e+ abstract or summar6.
Introduction+ Methods+ @esu"ts+ and $iscussion. 5umbers and statistics+ Tab"es and
!igures+ $iscussion. Writing St6"e: 3ctive or passive+ &unctuation+ use of commas+
apostrophe+ semico"on and co"on. 3voiding dup"ication and repetition. Importance of
revisions and references.
&"agiarism+ paraphrasing and cop6 *rite vio"ation. %onse9uences of p"agiarism. Wh6 not
to fudge+ tiner+ fabricate or fa"sif6 data. =<amp"es.
.# -3tional .ourses
(. Environmental Modeling ES 2 6"(
@o"e of Mode"ing in =nvironmenta" Science. Mode" %"assification? $eterministic
Mode"s+ Stochastic Mode"s+ $6namic Mode"s+ Stead6 State Mode"s. :enera" Steps
Invo"ved in Mode"ing+ Mass 4a"ancing+ =nerg6 4a"ancing+ Microbia" :ro*th Iinetics?
=<ponentia" :ro*th Mode"+ Logistic :ro*th Mode"+ Monod =9uation+ T*o Species
&opu"ation :ro*th Mode" of %ompetition. Lota?#o"terra &re6?&redator Mode"+ .<6gen
Sag Mode"+ :aussian &"ume Mode".
6. .limatolog7 ES 2 6"6
="ements of c"imate+ c"imate contro"s+ =arthJs radiation ba"ance+ "atitudina" and seasona"
variation of inso"ation+ temperature+ pressure+ *ind be"ts+ humidit6+ c"oud formation and
precipitation+ *ater ba"ance+ spatia" and tempora" patterns of c"imate parameters+ 3ir
masses and fronts+ SW and 5= monsoon+ 2et stream+ tropica" and e<tratropica" c6c"one+
=5S.+ K4.. %"assification of c"imate? IoppenJs and Thornth*aiteJ scheme. %"imate
,. Meteorolog7 ES 2 6",
="ements of c"imate+ c"imate contro"s+ =arthJs radiation ba"ance+ "atitudina" and seasona"
variation of inso"ation+ temperature+ pressure+ *ind be"ts+ humidit6+ c"oud formation and
precipitation+ *ater ba"ance+ spatia" and tempora" patterns of c"imate parameters+ 3ir
masses and fronts+ SW and 5= monsoon+ 2et stream+ tropica" and e<tratropica" c6c"one+
=5S.+ K4.. %"assification of c"imate? IoppenJs and Thornth*aiteJ scheme. %"imate
Meteoro"og6 fundamenta"s? &ressure+ temperature+ *ind humidit6+ radiation+ atmospheric
stabi"it6 diagrams+ turbu"ence+ diffusion. Therma" structure of the atmosphere and its
composition+ radiation from sun+ so"ar constant+ effects of c"oud+ surface and p"anetar6
a"bedo+ emission and absorption of terrestria" radiation+ radiation *indo*s+ greenhouse
effect+ net radiation budget+ thermod6namics of dr6 and moist air+ specific gas constant+
adiabatic and isoentropic processes+ entrop6 and entha"p6+ moisture variab"es+ virtua"
temperature+ adiabatic processes of moist air+ thermod6namic diagrams+ dr6 and moist air
parce"+ T?phigram and mi<ing height
). Noise Pollution ES 2 6")
4asic properties of sound *aves+ sound propagation+ $efinition of 5oise+ Dea"th =ffects
of 5oise+ %oncept of sound pressure "eve" /S&L)+ decibe" sca"e+ addition of decibe"s+
!re9uenc6 @esponse of Duman =ar+ =9ua" Loudness %ontours+ Weighting 5et*ors+
.ctave 4ands+ Measurement and ana"6sis of sound. &ercenti"e Indices of 5oise+
=9uiva"ent sound pressure "eve" /Le9)+ 5oise po""ution "eve" /5&L)+ Sound e<posure
"eve" /S=L)+ Traffic noise inde< /T5I)+ $a6?5ight "eve" /$5L)+ noise criteria curves1
5oise sources1 Industria" 5oise and Traffic 5oise+ 5oise contro" and abatement measures1
absorbing materia"s+ barrier materia"s and damping materia"s. 3coustic si"encers and
!. Environmental Ph7sics ES 2 6"!
%oncept and scope of environmenta" &h6sics *ith respect to human environment1 bui"t
environment1 urban environment1 g"oba" environment. La*s of thermod6namics+
irreversib"e thermod6namics and entrop6. Wind chi""+ D6pothermia. Deat ba"ance /stead6
and transient)+ ="ectromagnetic @adiation+ Therma" regu"ation in bui"dings? Therma"
insu"ation+ Therma" conduction effects+ %onvection effects+ @adiation effects+ 8?va"ues+
=nerg6 use and efficienc6 in bui"dings. =nerg6 "osses+ ca"cu"ation of energ6 "osses+
energ6 gains.3ir regu"ation in bui"dings+ heat pumps+ condensation. 4ui"dings of the
future. 5ano materia"s: their properties and inf"uence on human hea"th+ environment+
communication sector and energ6. Method of preparation and 3pp"ications of nano
+. Environmental *nstrumentation and echni>ues ES 2 6"+
&h6sics of $ie"ectrophoresis and its environmenta" app"ications+ 4asics of 5M@
instrumentations+ significance of re"a<ation time+ @aman effect and e<perimenta"
measurement+ @aman Spectroscop6+ L3S=@ based techni9ues+ LI$3@ based methods
and techni9ues+ S.$3@ @adiofre9uenc6 measurement and techni9ues.
8. <eochemistr7 ES 2 6"8
3tomic properties of e"ements+ the periodic+ tab"e and geochemica" c"assification of
e"ements1 abundance of e"ements in the bu" earth+ crust+ h6drosphere+ atmosphere and
biosphere1 introduction to minera" structures and compositions1 thermod6namic
c"assification of e"ements into essentia"+ structura"+ ma2or and trace e"ements and their
partitioning during minera" formation1 chemica" reactions invo"ving proton and e"ectron
transfers+ minera" stabi"it6 diagrams and contro"s on the chemistr6 of natura" *aters1
geochemica" c6c"ing?concepts *ith an e<amp"e1 radioactivit6+ deca6 of parent and gro*th
of daughter nuc"ides and methods of radiometric dating1 stab"e isotopes+ their
fractionation and app"ication to geothermometr6 and pa"eoc"imates. Interpretation of
E@$ and E@! data for =nvironmenta" components. :eochemica" samp"e preparation. E?
@a6 !"uorescence. E?@a6 $iffraction. Ion %hromatograph6+ 33S and its interpretation.
9. <round%ater ?7drolog7 ES 2 6"9
$efinition and concept of h6dro"og6 and h6drogeo"og6. $istribution of *ater in the
earthFs crust. D6dro"ogica" c6c"e. :enetic t6pes of ground*ater and residence time of
ground*ater+ :eo"ogica" contro" of ground*ater+ #ertica" distribution of ground*ater+
T6pes of a9uifers+ springs and their c"assification+ %"assification of rocs *ith reference
to their *ater bearing properties. Mode of occurrence of ground*ater in different
geo"ogica" terrains of India. $arc6Fs "a* and its va"idit6+ $etermination of h6drau"ic
conductivit6+ ground*ater tracers. =nvironmenta" factors on :round*ater "eve"
f"uctuations and Land subsidence due to changes in subsurface moisture. =ffects of
e<cessive use of ground*ater resources. Sources of sa"init6+ %hemica" ana"6sis of
ground*ater+ Kua"it6 criteria for different uses+ :round*ater 9ua"it6 in different
provinces of India+ po""ution of ground*ater resources. :h6ben?Derzberg re"ationship
bet*een fresh?sa"ine *ater. :round*ater e<p"oration. %onstruction and design of
different t6pes of *e""s. We"" comp"etion and deve"opment. :round*ater deve"opment
and management: :round*ater deve"opment in urban areas and rain*ater harvesting+
artificia" recharge methods. Management of ground*ater and ground*ater "egis"ation.
;. -ceanogra3h7 ES 2 6";
Introduction? historica"+ current and future? =arths structure? &h6siograph6 of oceans?
origin and evo"ution of ocean basins /%ontinenta" and oceanic basins)? %ontinenta" drift+
sea f"oor spreading+ p"ate tectonics? she"f and deep sea sedimentation? ph6sica"+ chemica"
and bio"ogica" aspects of sea *ater? .cean current /circu"ation)? Waves properties and
motion? tida" currents and characteristics? air?*ater interface> e<change+ gas so"ubi"it6
and circu"ation mode"s.
(". Natural resource Management ES 2 6("
$efinition? "and+ *ater+ soi"+ p"ants and anima"s: 9ua"it6 of "ife: rene*ab"e and non?
rene*ab"e resources: Minera" occurrences+ prospects: Minera" resources: Minera"
reserves+ ore minera"s+ coa"+ petro"eum+ oi" and natura" gas: *ater? h6dropo*er+ inc"uding
tida" po*er1 ocean surface *aves used for *ave po*er+ *ind? *ind po*er+ geotherma"
heat? geotherma" po*er and radiant energ6? so"ar po*er: sustainab"e deve"opment+ 8rban
p"anning =nvironmenta" management+ 8nderstanding the resource eco"og6 and "ife?
supporting capacit6 of resources-=conomic mode"s: :reen bui"ding concept? green
techno"og6 concept.
((. <laciolog7 ES 2 6((
:"acier s6stems? Structure and morpho"og6 of g"aciers? :"acia" erosion1 Landscape
evo"ution under g"aciers+ g"acia" "andforms? Mass ba"ance? :"acier d6namics+ =ng"acia"
and subg"acia" process and f"uctuations? :"acier h6dro"og6? Sno* and me"t *ater
chemistr6 of? 3pproaches to :"acio"og6? :"acier mode"ing? :"acier and c"imate change
impact? :"aciers? :"acier and *ater resources? @ecent advances in :"acio"og6? Spatia"
$ata 3c9uisition :"acier Dazards? :"aciers as too" for pa"aeo c"imate studies.
(6. 1iogeochemistr7 ES 2 6(6
Introduction? 4iogeochemica" provinces? 3tmosphere? Lithosphere: *eathering process+
soi" biogeochemistr6? Terrestria" s6stems: photos6nthesis respiration?
Wet"ands: vegetation adaptations? !resh*ater and Marine 4iogeochemistr6: Laes+
ponds+ rivers+ mangroves+ sa"t marsh and estuaries? .ceans: productivit6 and "imiting
nutrient ro"e+ carbon chemistr6? :"oba" biogeochemica" c6c"es: 5utrient c6c"es?
3dvances in biogeochemistr6? Sediment biogeochemistr6+ stab"e Isotopes in
4iogeochemistr6 and their app"ication to various environmenta" prob"ems. 5utrient
d6namic in the atmosphere+ h6drosphere+ and Lithosphere. 5utrient budgeting and
(,. Environmental <eolog7 ES 2 6(,

Interior of the earth? minera"s and rocs? earth processes? p"ate tectonics? sea f"oor
spreading+ mountain bui"ding+ roc deformation? evo"ution of continents and earth
9uaes+ vo"canoes+ "ands"ides+ subsidence+ rivers and f"oods and coasta" process?
interactions bet*een humans and the geo"ogica" processes+ =nvironmenta" Dazards?
&o""ution of the =nvironment? Waste $isposa"+ 5atura" @esources+ and =nerg6 Sources
and their e<p"oitation. &ast+ present and future environmenta" issues and their affect on
the earth and our societ6.
(). 4ater /esources ES 2 6()
D6dro"ogica" c6c"e? D6drometeoro"og6 and c"imate? h6drometric net*ors and
catchment morpho"og6? precipitation? evaporation and evapotranspiration? soi" moisture?
river f"o*? @iver+ Laes and :round *ater? .ccurrence of surface *ater and
ground*ater. Movement of *ater on the surface and be"o* the surface. Springs and
D6drotherma" phenomena. 8ngauged river basin f"o*? @iver ban infi"tration and
recharge?precipitation ana"6sis? evaporation ca"cu"ation?river f"o* ana"6sis? Time
variation of stream f"o* "eve"s? rainfa""? runoff re"ationships? =coh6dro"og6? urban
h6dro"og6? Integrated Water @esource Management /IW@M)+ 8rbanization effect on
Water resources. =arth9uae+ Land subsidence and Water resources. &h6sica"+ chemica"
and bio"ogica" characteristics of Water resources and *ater 9ua"it6 data processing and
interpretation. Sea *ater intrusion in a9uifer s6stem?structura" geo"ogica" approach.
Inf"uence of Sun?=arth cosmic connection on Water resources.

(!. 0ir Pollution .hemistr7 ES 2 6(!
%hemica" composition of atmosphere+ Sources of air po""ution. T6pes of air po""utants+
organic and inorganic po""utants+ their behavior and fate on "oca"+ regiona" and g"oba"
sca"e+ monitoring of criteria and non?criteria po""utants.
=ffects of air po""utants on human hea"th+ p"ants+ anima"s and materia"s. &o""utants and
hea"th effects.
3ir po""ution meteoro"og6: Mi<ing heights+ Wind roses+ Inversion conditions+ Stabi"it6 of
the atmosphere. Long range transport+ p"ume behavior+ 3ir po""ution dispersion.
Land?atmosphere?ocean interactions of air po""utants. &hotochemistr6 of troposphere+
Inorganic reaction in the atmosphere. @eactions invo"ving organic po""utants+ :as to
partic"e conversion. .zone dep"etion+ 3cid rain+ :reenhouse effect+ !ormation of
photochemica" smog+ %!%+ their nomenc"ature+ sources and effect+ 3tmospheric 4ro*n
3ir po""ution contro" techno"ogies: %oncept of c"ean environment+ :reen techno"ogies+
%arbon se9uestration+ %hemica" methods+ ="ectrostatic precipitators.
(+. 4ater Pollution .hemistr7ES 2 6(+
&h6sicochemica" properties of *ater+ Water use? c"assifications and *ater 9ua"it6
standard. 4asic princip"es of contaminant behavior in the environment. D6dro"ogic c6c"e.
T6pes and sources of *ater po""ution+ Ma2or Water Kua"it6 /ph6sicochemica" and
bacterio"ogica") &arameters and their 3pp"ications+ 4asics of *ater samp"ing.
Water 9ua"it6 ob2ectives and the ma2or chemica"+ ph6sica" and bio"ogica" processes
necessar6 for designing and managing modern drining *ater and *aste*ater treatment
p"ants+ &rincip"es of coagu"ation+ f"occu"ation+ sedimentation+ chemica" precipitation+
porous media fi"tration+ disinfection+ ion e<change+ adsorption+ membrane &rocesses+
advanced o<idation processes+ air?stripping and other advanced treatment processes+
Ma2or contaminant groups and natura" path*a6s for their remova" from *ater
(8. Soil Pollution .hemistr7 ES 2 6(8
&h6sica" %hemistr6 of Soi": Soi" So"ution &hase+ The Soi">So"ution Interface+ Surface
e<change reactions+ Soi" acidit6+ ="ectrochemistr6 and the Soi"+ chemistr6 of *ater"ogged
Soi" &o""ution: Inorganic and .rganic?$efinition of po""ution and contamination+ sources
of soi" po""ution+ =ffects of chemica" residues on soi"+ /pesticides+ ferti"izers+ heav6 meta"s
etc.+ Soi" sa"init6 and a"a"init6+ Soi" po""ution from nitrogen+ phosphorus+ su"fur+
micronutrients or trace e"ements and radionuc"ide+ "and degradation+ soi" erosion.
Soi" po""ution and c"imate change: :reenhouse gases production+ emission+ mitigation+
carbon se9uestration+ soi" 9ua"it6.
(9. Solid and ?a:ardous 4aste Management ES 2 6(9
So"id *astes: $efinition+ t6pes+ sources+ characteristics+ and impact on environmenta"
hea"th. Waste generation rates. %oncepts of *aste reduction+ rec6c"ing and reuse.
%o""ection+ segregation and transport of so"id *astes Dand"ing and segregation of *astes
at source. %o""ection and storage of municipa" so"id *astes. So"id *aste processing
techno"ogies. Mechanica" and therma" vo"ume reduction. 4io"ogica" and chemica"
techni9ues for energ6 and other resource recover6. %omposting+ #ermicomposting+
Incineration of so"id *astes. $isposa" in "andfi""s: site se"ection+ design+ and operation of
sanitar6 "andfi""s1 secure "andfi""s and "andfi"" bioreactors1 "eachate and "andfi"" gas
management1 "andfi"" c"osure and post?c"osure environmenta" monitoring1 "andfi""
Dazardous *astes: $efinition+ sources and characteristics: Dazardous *aste
categorization+ generation+ co""ection+ transport+ treatment and disposa". Legis"ation on
management and hand"ing of municipa" so"id *astes and hazardous *astes.

(;. Metrolog7 ES 2 6(;
!undamenta"s of metro"og6+ %hemica" metro"og6+ $efining uncertaint6 of measurements+
traceabi"it6 of standards+ va"idation of method+ ca"ibration of method+ accurac6 and
precision of resu"ts+ se"ectivit6+ sensitivit6+ detection "imit+ "imit of determination+
specificit6+ "inearit6+ ana"6tica" error+ 3ccreditation s6stems+ Metro"og6 in environment+
K3>K% parameters in environmenta" studies+ use of %@Ms /%ertified reference
materia"s)+ inter?"aborator6 comparison e<ercise+ participation in 5ationa" and
Internationa" round @obin tests.
@epresentativeness of samp"ing site+ se"ection of ana"6tica" method+ se"ection of
appropriate ana"6tica" techni9ue+ proper storage of samp"es *ith suitab"e preservative+
samp"e b"an+ fie"d b"an+ so"vent b"an+ efficienc6 of e<traction+ efficienc6 of samp"ing+
determination of uncertaint6 in f"o*+ samp"e preparation.

6". Pollution 1iolog7 ES 2 66"
%oncepts: &o""utants vs. resources1 c6c"ing of materia"s+ to"erance ranges+ carr6ing
capacit6+ bioaccumu"ation. 3ir &o""ution: @esponses of p"ants and anima"s+ monitoring
/e.g. "ichens) and contro" of air po""ution b6 p"ants. Water po""ution: @esponses of p"ants
and anima"s to changes in ph6sico?chemica" characteristics1 distribution of p"ants in
re"ation to po""ution /microph6tes1 &h6top"anton+ periph6ton and mooroph6tes)1
4io"ogica" monitoring and contro" of po""ution in *ater. Soi" po""ution: @esponses of
p"ants to soi" po""ution1 changes in soi" characteristics b6 *aste disposa"+ sanitar6 "and
fi""s+ mining *astes and human activities+ and effects on p"ants and anima"s.
6(. 1iodiversit7 and .onservation ES 2 66(
4iodiversit6 concepts and patterns+ Microbia" diversit6+ &"ant diversit6+ 3grobiodiversit6+
Soi" biodiversit6+ =conomic va"ue of biodiversit6+ biodiversit6 "osses. 4iodiversit6
hotspots and their characteristic f"ora and fauna+ threatened p"ants and anima"s of India+
ecos6stem peop"e and traditiona" conservation mechanisms+ 4iodiversit6 %onvention and
4iodiversit6 3ct+ I&@s+ nationa" and internationa" programmes for biodiversit6
conservation. Wi"d"ife va"ues and eco?tourism+ *i"d"ife distribution in India+ prob"em in
*i"d"ife protection+ ro"e of WW!+ W%8+ %IT=S+ T@3!!I%+ Wi"d"ife &rotection 3ct
,BA-. In?situ conservation: sanctuaries+ biospheres reserves+ nationa" pars+ nature
reserves+ preservation p"ots. =<?situ conservation: botanica" gardens+ zoos+ a9uaria+
homestead garden1 herbarium1 In?vitro %onservation: germp"asm and gene 4an1 tissue
cu"ture: po""en and spore bac+ $53 ban.
66. 'orest Ecolog7 ES 2 666
!orest and forest environment: Structure of forest ecos6stem+ ma2or forest t6pes of the
*or"d+ forest t6pes and forest cover of India+ regeneration eco"og6 of forest trees.
!orest ecos6stem function: &rimar6 productivit6 of forest ecos6stems+ "itter production
and decomposition+ nutrient c6c"ing and nutrient conservation strategies+ p"ant *ater
!orest ecos6stem management: !orest management s6stems+ 2oint forest management+
forest h6dro"og6+ forest fire+ app"ication of remote sensing techni9ue in forest
eco"og6+ deforestation and sustainab"e forestr6+ forest "a*s+ non timber forest
@o"e of 4io"og6 in management and habitat management techni9ues. Wi"d"ife farming:
.b2ectives+ management design+ *i"d"ife products+ disease contro"+ breeding.
4ehaviora"+ eco"og6 and eva"uation.
6,. Microbial Ecolog7 ES 2 66,
Microbia" *or"d? introductor6 revie* to the &roar6otic and =uar6otic microorganisms+
5utrition and gro*th+ Microbia" metabo"ism and regu"ation. Ma2or groups of
microorganims. 5atura" environments of microorganisms? the terrestria"
environment+ a9uatic environment and e<treme environments. Structure+ behaviour
and gro*th of microorganisms as re"ated to the environment. T6pes of Interactions?
microbe?microbe+ Interactions bet*een microorganisms and p"ants. Interaction
bet*een microorganisms and anima"s. @o"e of microorganisms in the c6c"ing of
bioe"ements? the carbon c6c"e+ nitrogen c6c"e+ su"phur c6c"e+ phosphorous c6c"e.
@o"e of microorganisms in the degradation of man made compounds pesticides+
s6nthetic po"6mers+ and other reca"citrant chemica"s.
6). Ecos7stem D7namics ES 2 66)
The ecos6stem concept+ abiotic and biotic components. =nerg6 input in ecos6stem+
standing crop+ biomass+ primar6 and secondar6 production+ gross and net production+
concept of food chain food *eb+ ten percent "a*+ net communit6 production+
methods of measuring productivit6+ pattern of primar6 production and biomass in the
ma2or ecos6stem of the *or"d+ =nerg6 f"o*+ !eed bac and contro". 4iogeochemica"
c6c"es+ gaseous and sedimentar6 turnover rate and turnover item. D6dro"ogica" c6c"e+
carbon c6c"e+ nitrogen c6c"e+ su"phur c6c"e+ phosphorus c6c"e+ nutrient budget+ manFs
impact on nutrient c6c"es. &opu"ation d6namics.
6!. Environmental 1io3h7sics ES 2 66!
%e""u"ar function of ce""+ membrane structure and transport origin and conduction
of impu"ses in nerve ce"" musc"es+ methods in bioe"ectric measurements. @adiation and
mo"ecu"ar response+ e"ementar6 aspects of atomic and mo"ecu"ar e<citation+
biointeractions *ith environment+ fundamenta" and app"ied aspects of e<treme"6 "o*
fre9uenc6+ radio and micro*ave fie"ds+ bioacoustics+ biomedica" aspects of "aser.
Magnetic environments and geomagnetic fie"ds+ behavioura" changes+ therapeutic and
diagnostic possibi"ities.
6+. Ecolog7 and Sustainable Develo3ment ES 2 66+
=cos6stem concept in space and time1 =cos6stem "eve" processes and "andscape "eve"
processes1 the concept of sustainab"e deve"opment tempora" and spatia" dimensions1
%urrencies for eva"uations of sustainab"e deve"opment? 4ioph6sica" measurements1
=nvironmenta" degradations and conservation issues1 :"oba" change and sustainabi"it6
issues: %"imate change+ bio"ogica" invasion+ bio?diversit6 concerns1 =cos6stem and socia"
processes in: /a) @ehabi"itation of degraded rura" "andscape+ /b) @ehabi"itation of
unba"anced soi"s+ /c) @ehabi"itation of specia"ized habitats+ e.g. *ater bodies+ mangroves1
/d) Mined area rehabi"itation participator6 research and education environmenta" decision
maing *ith peop"e initiates.
68. Environmental @enobiotics and human health ES 2 668
Interaction of po""utants *ith bio"ogica" s6stems at different "eve"s+ e.g.+ organism+
organs+ and ce"" organe""es. 4iochemica" degradation of po""utants inside the ce"" as
*e"" as ce""u"ar interactions *ith the po""utants. To<ins of p"ant origin. Stress
response in "iving s6stems. To<icogenomics: Duman popu"ation issues and
popu"ation genetics. &harmacogenomics1 =pidemio"og6. %e""u"ar interaction and
metabo"ism of <enobiotics1 metabo"ic disorders. 4ioconversion of po""utants: active
vs. inactive process1 enz6mic degradation b6 monoo<6genases1 @o"e of c6tochrome
& 4() and its mu"tip"e forms. Immuno"og6: Immune ce"" responses+ Immunit6 and
Immunodeficienc6. 3""erg6 and h6persensitive reactions and disorders of immune
responses. %arcinogens and %arcinogenesis. Meta" to<icit6: chemica" form+ meta"
biomacromo"ecu"e interaction+ teratogenecit6.
69. 'undamentals of Molecular 1iolog7 and 1iotechnolog7 ES 2 669
4asic concepts of mo"ecu"ar bio"og6 needed for understanding biotechno"og6. $53
structure and organization into chromosomes. $53 rep"ication. @epetitive $531 coding
and noncoding se9uences in genomes. :ene structure and e<pression. Mechanics of
transcription+ trans"ation and their regu"ation in both proar6otes and euar6otes. Ie6
discoveries /restriction enz6mes+ bacteria" p"asmids+ modif6ing enz6mes) "eading to
recombinant $53 techno"og6. .vervie* of basic techni9ues in genetic engineering:
Introduction of c"oned genes into ne* hosts using p"asmid and phage vector s6stems.
=<pression c"oning+ affinit6 purification of e<pressed proteins. 5uc"eic acid h6bridization
and po"6merase chain reaction as sensitive detection methods. $53 se9uencing. 3na"6sis
of genomes and proteomes b6 bioinformatics too"s. :enome?*ide ana"6sis using
6;. 033lied 1iotechnolog7 and 1ioremediations ES 2 66;
&ractica" aspects of genetic engineering *ith microorganisms from e<treme environment:
8se of e<tremophi"ic microorganisms in *aste treatment and methane production from
agro industria" *astes1 &roduction of enz6mes "ie ce""u"ase+ proteases+ am6"ases1 a"coho"
and acetic acid production1 4iocomposting: Microbia" process invo"vement+ vermin
composting+ bioferti"izer+ biopesticides production. 4iomining: Microbia" "eaching of "o*
grade minera" ores+ mo"ecu"ar probes for organisms in mines and mine tai"ings+
&etro"eum po""utant biodegradation. 3"ternate fue"s: Source and mechanism of various
biofue" production. 4ioremediation: %oncept+ ro"e of bioremediation in contro""ing
various po""ution prob"ems e.g. so"id *ater+ se*age *ater+ industria" eff"uents+ heav6
meta"s+ radioactive substances+ oi" spi""age. &h6toremediation: 3batement of different
t6pes of po""ution using p"ants+ t6pes of ph6toremediation+ mechanism invo"ved *ith case
studies. Waste *ater treatment strategies: $omestic and Industria" *aste?*ater+
app"ication of microbio"og6 *aste treatment. Metagenomics: =nvironmenta" :enomics+
ecogenomics or communit6 genomics+ the stud6 of genetic materia" recovered direct"6
from environmenta" samp"es and future app"ications in bioremediation.
,". Eco2o=icolog7 ES 2 6,"
&rincip"es in to<ico"og61 $efinition of Eenobiotics. 3nima" management in to<ico"ogica"
eva"uation1 3nima" to<icit6 tests1 Statistica" concepts of L$()1 $ose?effect and dose
response re"ationship1 !re9uenc6 response and cumu"ative response1 4io"ogica" and
chemica" factors that inf"uence to<icit61 4io?transformation and bio?accumu"ation.
Inf"uence of eco"ogica" factors on the effects of to<icit61 %oncept of green chemistr6.
&o""ution of the ecosphere b6 industries1 :"oba" dispersion of to<ic substance1
$ispersion and circu"ating mechanisms of po""utants1 degradab"e and non?degradab"e
to<ic substances1 food chain. =co?s6stem inf"uence on the fate and transport of
to<icants. 39uatic to<icit6 tests1 Statistica" tests1 @esponse of p"antons to to<icants1
=%4B1 &hotos6nthetic bacteria1 4io?absorption of heav6 meta"s. Information
management s6stem in eco?to<ico"og6.
,(. Environmental and -ccu3ational ?ealth ES 2 6,(
4asic princip"e of environmenta" hea"th. &h6sio"ogica" responses of man to re"evant
stresses in the environment. %ases and effects of po""ution. Industria" To<ico"og6:
Stud6 of environmenta" dose effect re"ationships. =va"uation of to<icit6 and
thresho"d "imits. &rincip"es and methods of occupationa" hea"th. The re"ationship of
occupation of h6giene and safet6 and disease. Dea"th maintenance: Surve6+ ana"6sis
and recommendations regarding hea"th and safet6 prob"ems in the *oring and
"iving environment. 4iostatistics+ epidemio"og6: 3pp"ication of statistica" methods to
medica" records in the stud6 of hea"th prob"ems of human popu"ation in a given
environment. Treatment of variation+ *ith demographic+ vita" statistics and
epidemio"ogica" data. Dazard eva"uation in po""uted environment *ith specific
emphasis on radio"ogica" hea"th. Industria" h6giene techno"og6?"aborator6 remains
i""ustrating the princip"es+ methods of recognizing eva"uating and contro""ing
environmenta" hazards "ie air po""ution+ etc.


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