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Incubation Process

Selection criteria for Incubation is as follows:

1. Must be technology based and Innovative; if that product already exists in the
market some value addition must be there.

. Should completed some background work.

!. "ommercial viability and Sustainability.

#. $ proper %usiness &lan' in the absence of a proper business plan' the re(uest for
membership will be accepted if business proposal looks promising prima)facie to
the expert committee.

*. +he clarity and potential of the market opportunity.

,. -inancial feasibility and potential customer.

.. should have significant technology content / employment potential / revenue
generation potential.

0. "ommitment 1preference for full time 2ntrepreneur3.

4. +eam Members 5 their experience and expertise.

16. &roper &lan to carry forward 5 societal impact.

Layout o Se!ection Criteria

Pre "un#in$ Process
Before providing funding support to the entrepreneurs the following necessary details are being checked for
due diligence:
1.) Incorporation Details of the Company
.) !emorandum of "rticles of "ssociations
#.) Directors Details$ %egister of !embers and &hareholders
'.) "ddress (roof of (ersonnel
).) *oan
+.) Bank ",C Details
-.) (". , /". , (./"0 , /%"D1 *IC1.C1
2.) %ent "greement
3.) (atent %egistration 4if any)
15.) %eceipt and (ayments "ccounts
11.) &alary %egisters 6 1mployee Details

Layout o Genera! Incubatio

Layout o Genera! Incubation Process o %IIT-TBI

Mentorin$ Process

+he incubation centre is well e(uipped with experienced professionals as mentors in the field
of %iotechnology' 2ngineering' Management' -inance' %randing' Marketing' Information
+echnology' $ngel Investment' 7enture -unding' "hattered $ccountant etc there by
providing uni(ue resource for consultancy in the field of entrepreneurship management'
technology implementation' market analysis' finance control and capital management. +his
includes support to the startups such as +echnical Support' -inancial Support' 8egal
$dvices' Market information and networking with 9esearch laboratories/institutions etc.

Initially an incubatee:s progress path is being monitored by ;II+)+%I officials. +he day today
activities' issues and problems etc. are discussed and solved out owing to perfect condition
and suitable ecosystem for the start ups growth. <owever the different need such as
financial' branding' marketing' knowledge ac(uisition and other kind of assistance is taken
into account by connecting to respective mentors as mentioned in the pictorial presentation.

Layout o Mentorin$ Process o %IIT

Process o %IIT-TBI


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