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The Rain Came Notes

Made by: Grace Ogot

Labong-o The father
Minya The Mother
Oganda The Daughter; her name means beans
Luo The tribe being cared by Labong-o
Ndithi The Medicine Man
Podho The Ancestor of the Luo
Nyabogo The messenger
Kech, the son of a neighboring clan elder, smaller
Dimo thought to be a cruel husband
Osinda The guy who Osinda Choose; saved her.
Karlamo Sacred Place

She turned southward to start her trek
The household assembled at the SIala Tree

Makato and The Cowrie Shell

Made By: Supanee Khanchanathiti

Makato Orphan soon to be King; 12 years of age when he met the King; Picked One Cowrie
Shell; Became the ruler of the City of Mon
Sukhotai The Land where Makato wished to go
Pra Ruang King of Sukhotai
City of Mon Where Makato came from
Kun Wang Most important person in the Kings Court; given to Makato


There are 3 types of Irony

Verbal Irony
Verbal Irony has two types:
Overstatement exaggerates
Understatement underestimate

- Verbal Irony is the use of words to mean something different from what a person actually

Examples of verbal irony include:
Thanks for the ticket officer you just made my day!
I cant wait to read the seven hundred page report.
The above examples show how irony is used to show someones frustration or disappointment.
Sarcasm and Irony *croo croo*
Most of the time, sarcasm and verbal irony are used interchangeably. There is however a clear
distinction between the two.
In most cases, sarcasm is used to insult or to cause harm.
A statement like Great, someone stained my new dress. is ironic, while You call this a work
of art? is sarcastic.
While verbal irony implies a different meaning to what is actually said, sarcasm is mainly used
as a sharp and direct utterance designed to cause pain.

Dramatic Irony
This type of irony is popular in works of art such as movies, books, poems and plays.
Example of a Dramatic Irony:
An example of dramatic irony is in a movie where a detective does not know that the criminal
responsible for the crimes in the city is his partner. The audience however is already aware of
this fact and waits anxiously to know what will happen once the character finds out what they
already know.
Stages of Dramatic Irony
Installation audience is informed of something the character does not know about
Exploitation using this information to develop curiosity among the audience
Resolution what happens when the character finally finds out what is going on?
A special category of dramatic irony is tragic irony.

Tragic irony occurs when a character in a play does or says something that communicates a
meaning unknown to her but recognized by the audience
An example of tragic irony is when a character orders poisoned food that is supposed to kill
him or her and the audience already knows that the character is destined to die from food
Tragic irony was common in plays that depicted the lives of legends in ancient Greece.
The audience already knew the fate of the characters before they watched the play.

Situational Irony
It involves a discrepancy between what is expected to happen and what actually happens.
Example of a Situational Irony
An example would be when someone buys a gun to protect himself, but the same gun is used
by another individual to injure him. One would expect that the gun would keep him safe, but it
has actually caused him injury.

There is however a difference between situation irony and coincidence or bad luck.
When someone washes his car and it rains, that is just bad luck; nothing led him or her to think
that it would not rain. However, when a TV weather presenter gets caught in an unexpected
storm, it is ironic because he or she is expected to know the exact weather changes.
For situation irony to occur there has to be something that leads a person to think that a
particular event or situation is unlikely happen.

1) Man Vs. Himself 2) Man Vs. Man 3) Man Vs. Society 4) Man Vs. Nature

Coordinating Conjunctions- join 2 words or phrases that are grammatically alike
1) For- presents an explanation
2) And- presents non-contrasting ideas
3) Nor- presents non-contrasting negative ideas
4) But- presents contrast or exception
5) Or- presents alteration of ideas
6) Yet- presents contrast or excpetion
7) So- presents the effect
1. Setting
-The setting refers to place, time, weather condition, social condition, and even mood or
atmosphere. To recognize the setting of the story, you may ask these questions:
Where is the action taking place?
Where is the story taking place? Is it during the day, night, what year, what period?
What is the weather condition? Is it sunny, rainy, and stormy?
What is the daily life of the character? What are his customs and status in life?
What is the feeling created at the beginning of the story? Is it bright, cheerful, dark or
2. Plot
- It is the sequence of events in a story or play. The plot is a planned, logical series of events
having a beginning, middle and end. The short story usually has one plot, and it could be
read in one sitting .There are five essential parts of a plot :
a. Exposition/Introduction
-In the introduction, the setting and the characters are revealed.
b. Rising Action
-This is where the events in the story become complicated and the conflict in the story is
revealed .This is where events between introduction and climax take place.
c. Climax
It is the turning point of the story and the highest point of interest. It is where the reader asks
what will happen next. Will the conflict be resolved or not?
d. Falling Action
- The problems and complications begin to be resolved.
e. Denouement
- This is the final outcome or untangling of events in the story.
3. Conflict
-It is the opposition of forces which ties one incident to another and makes the plot move .
There are two types of conflict:
External refers to outside forces that may cause conflict, like another human being,
circumstances, environment, etc.
Internal - refers a struggle within oneself. The character maybe debating inside himself about
what to do.
4. Character
there are two meanings for the word character: the person in a work of fiction and the
characteristics of a person. He may be the protagonist, the good-natured character, or the
antagonist, the opponent of the main character.
5. Point of View
- the angle from which the story is told
6. Theme
- it is the controlling idea or value in a piece of fiction. The theme maybe the author s idea
about a topic or view of human nature.

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