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Technology Financing Canada : The Psychology And Facts Around

Computer and Tech Leasing

Interested in Spending More And Getting Less ? Dont !inance "our Technology
#eeds $ %n the %ther &and '''
%()*(I)+ , In!ormation on technology !inancing in Canada ' &istorical -ene!its
o! lease !inance are e.en more enhanced /hen it comes to computer tech leasing o!
assets and so!t/are
Technology leasing 0 Financing is all about the ' economics' of acquiring tech assets in
key categories of hardware, software, consulting and maintenance. Tech financing got its
start 50 years ago from original behemoths such as IBM, ero!, etc. " large #art of the
initial success of those two e!am#le firms re$ol$ed around their ability to offer financing
to clients .
To# e!#erts tell us that today o$er 50% of all workers in &orth "merica are working in
com#anies 'ust like yours that are big users, or #roducers of technology #roducts and
ser$ices. ()ource* 'The +merging ,igital +conomy --'.
,o /anadian business owners and financial managers really understand the differences
between !inancing hard/are and so!t/are $ersus other assets they might need in their
1hile conser$ing cash and choosing the right term or amorti2ation are key elements in
any lease tech leasing requires e!#ertise and guidance in areas such as buy out o#tions,
renewals, u#grades, and early terminations. &o one method of financing is the 3 holy grail
3 in /anadian business financing . 1hile the ob$ious always ad$antage is the ability to
acquire assets, including technology for minimum cash outlay more com#le! financial
analysis in 3 lease $s. buy 3 scenarios will often suggest that lease financing is more
e!#ensi$e . "lso when owners choose the wrong lease term on the wrong asset they will
get that 3 locked in4 feeling 5
"lthough the benefit of 1 o!! -alance sheet !inancing2 has $irtually disa##eared with
changes in accounting rules o#erating leases, #articularly in the tech en$ironment still
deli$er lower #ayments, and ma!imum fle!ibility re u#grades, swa#s, etc.
1hile almost any asset can be financed it's im#ortant to work with e!#erts that offer
s#eciali2ed financing e!#ertise in this area. That allows ma!imum buy and minimum
s#end, including, by the way, your ability to add maintenance and consulting to your
desired solution.
&o one recogni2es the im#ortance of cash flow than owners and managers in the SM)
sector in /anada. 6rowing a com#any while at the same time 'uggling su##lier
commitments, recei$ables challenges, and sourcing e!ternal financing is a 78 hr 9ob : -.
Tech ;easing is all about capital and taking ad$antages of e!#ertise in terms
and structure. That's the ' huge win' that business owners are looking for.
<endors, resellers and software firms can grow sales and ma!imi2e cash flows by
offering lease financing o#tions to clients. =ro$iding clients with the ability to e!tend
#ayments, or e$en utili2ing ' buy now > #ay later' creati$e financing is the final building
block in the reseller ? $endor #roduct and ser$ice offering.
@arely does a financing solution makes sense for both the seller and the buyer, but time
in$ested with a trusted3 credi-le and e4perienced Canadian -usiness Financing
Ad.isor /ith a trac5 record o! success will guarantee a #ositi$e im#act on the bottom
line of any business selling or acquiring technology.
Stan Pro5op > 6 Par5 A.enue Financial :
Business financing for /anadian Airms , s#eciali2ing in working ca#ital, cash flow, asset
based financing , +qui#ment ;easing , franchise finance and /dn. Ta! /redit Ainance .
Aounded 7008 > /om#leted in e!cess of B0 Million C of financing for /anadian
cor#orations . Info ?/ontact *
6 PA*8 A()#9) FI#A#CIAL : CA#ADIA# C%MP9T)* A#D
T)C&#%L%G" FI#A#CI#G );P)*TIS)
Stan Pro5op
&a.e A <uestion 7Comment %n %ur =log %r Canadian =usiness Financing ?
6 Par5 A.enue Financial
)outh )heridan +!ecuti$e /entre
7B-0 )outh )heridan 1ay
)uite D0-
Eak$ille, Entario
;F9 G9H
Direct Line I 8-F D-B 5GFB
%!!ice I B05 H7B 7F5D
)mail I s#roko#JG#arka$
Canadian =usiness Financing +ith The Intelligent 9se %! )4perience

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