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FM 3-05.

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APRIL 2003
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Headquarters, Department of the Army
FM 3-05.201
o. 305.20l IIA!TMIT OI THI A!MY
WnshIngfon, C, 30 ArII 2003
SpeciaI Forces
UnconventionaI Warfare Operations
PREFACE ..................................................................................................................iv
Chapter 1 OVERVIEW............................................................................................................. 1-1
Unconventional Warfare Aspects............................................................................ 1-1
Resistance and nsurgency..................................................................................... 1-3
Dynamics of nsurgencies ....................................................................................... 1-4
United States Sponsorship.................................................................................... 1-11
nformation Operations in UW............................................................................... 1-18
Psychological Operations in UW........................................................................... 1-19
Civil-Military Operations in UW.............................................................................. 1-20
Special Operations mperatives ............................................................................ 1-21
Chapter 2 PREMISSION ACTIVITIES..................................................................................... 2-1
Mission Analysis...................................................................................................... 2-1
Procedures .............................................................................................................. 2-2
Products .................................................................................................................. 2-5
Staff Activities .......................................................................................................... 2-7
Subordinate Operational Elements ......................................................................... 2-9
Mission Planning ................................................................................................... 2-12
Deliberate Planning Process................................................................................. 2-12
Feasibility Assessment Process............................................................................ 2-14
DISTRIBUTION RESTRICTION: Distribution authorized to U.S. Government agencies only to protect technical
or operational information from automatic dissemination under the nternational Exchange Program or by other
means. This determination was made on 15 March 2003. Other requests for this document must be referred to
Commander, United States Army John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School, ATTN: AOJK-DT-SFD,
Fort Bragg, North Carolina 28310-5000.
DESTRUCTION NOTICE: Destroy by any method that must prevent disclosure of contents or reconstruction of
the document.
FM 3-05.201
Postfeasibility Assessment Activities .................................................................... 2-16
Mission Preparation .............................................................................................. 2-22
Premission Training .............................................................................................. 2-23
ntelligence............................................................................................................ 2-23
Personnel .............................................................................................................. 2-24
Logistics and Communications ............................................................................. 2-24
Preemployment Preparation ................................................................................. 2-25
Time-Sensitive (Crisis-Action) Planning Process ................................................. 2-25
Emerging Missions................................................................................................ 2-25
Detailed Mission Preparations .............................................................................. 2-26
Chapter 3 EMPLOYMENT....................................................................................................... 3-1
nfiltration................................................................................................................. 3-1
Area Assessment .................................................................................................... 3-1
Development of the JSOA ...................................................................................... 3-3
Guerrilla Bases ..................................................................................................... 3-10
Development of the Resistance Organization ...................................................... 3-15
Elements of the Resistance .................................................................................. 3-18
Training the Resistance Organization................................................................... 3-34
Training the Guerrilla Force .................................................................................. 3-35
Training Staff and Auxiliary or Underground Personnel ....................................... 3-38
Combat Employment ............................................................................................ 3-43
Defensive Operations ........................................................................................... 3-48
Offensive Operations ............................................................................................ 3-48
Raids..................................................................................................................... 3-49
Battalion (Large) Raids ......................................................................................... 3-56
Ambushes ............................................................................................................. 3-58
Categories of Ambushes....................................................................................... 3-60
Support and Sustainment ..................................................................................... 3-88
ndicators of Counterguerrilla Operations............................................................. 3-89
Chapter 4 POSTMISSION ACTIVITIES.................................................................................. 4-1
Transition ................................................................................................................ 4-1
Demobilization......................................................................................................... 4-2
Dangers of Demobilization...................................................................................... 4-5
FM 3-05.201
Appendix B COMMUNICATIONS...............................................................................................B-1
Appendix C MEDICAL ASPECTS............................................................................................. C-1
Appendix D LEGAL PRINCIPLES............................................................................................. D-1
Appendix E LOGISTICS CONSIDERATIONS ...........................................................................E-1
Appendix F INFILTRATION........................................................................................................F-1
Appendix G SPECIAL FORCES AREA ASSESSMENT........................................................... G-1
Appendix H AREA STUDY OUTLINE FORMAT....................................................................... H-1
Appendix I ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES ........................................................................ -1
FOR RESISTANCE FORCES................................................................................. J-1
Appendix K SPECIAL FORCES CACHING...............................................................................K-1
Appendix L LINKUP OPERATIONS .......................................................................................... L-1
Appendix M DEMOBILIZATION OF GUERRILLA FORCES.................................................... M-1
GLOSSARY ................................................................................................Glossary-1
BIBLIOGRAPHY................................................................................... Bibliography-1
INDEX............................................................................................................... ndex-1
IIoId mnnunI IM 305.20l rovIdos fho docfrInnI bnsIs for fho conducf of
unconvonfIonnI wnrfnro !W mIssIons ncross fho oornfIonnI confInuum. If
confInuos fho docfrInnI oducnfIon rocoss fhnf bogIns wIfh JoInf IubIIcnfIons
JIs 305, ocfrIno for JoInf SocInI OornfIons 305.l, JoInf TncfIcs,
TochnIquos, nnd I ocoduros for JoInf SocInI OornfIons Tnsk Iorco OornfIons
305.5, JoInf SocInI OornfIons TnrgofIng nnd MIssIon IInnnIng I ocoduros
nnd IMs l0025, ocfrIno for Army SocInI OornfIons Iorcos, nnd 305.20,
SocInI Iorcos OornfIons. ThIs mnnunI Informs nnd guIdos SocInI Iorcos SI
commnndors, sfnffs, nnd oornfIonnI orsonnoI rImnrIIy nf bnffnIIon nnd Iowor
ochoIons SocInI Iorcos oornfIonnI dofnchmonfs lSIOs A, I, nnd C In fhoIr
InnnIng for nnd conducf of !W.
ThIs mnnunI rovIdos hIsforIcnI oxnmIos fo hIghIIghf koy oInfs fhroughouf fho
foxf. If offors fncfIcs, fochnIquos, rocoduros, nnd roforoncos fo suorf fufuro SI
oornfIons. If nIso rovIdos gonornI !W guIdnnco, mIssIon rocoduros, nnd
InformnfIon ordorod chronoIogIcnIIy from rocoIf of fho unIf mIssIon Ioffor
fhrough osfmIssIon ncfIvIfIos.
!sors of fhIs mnnunI shouId ndnf Ifs confonf fo moof fhoIr sIfunfIon nnd mIssIon
roquIromonfs. Tho SIOs uso fho mIssIon, onomy, forrnIn nnd wonfhor, froos
nnd suorf nvnIInbIofImo nvnIInbIo nnd cIvII consIdornfIons MITTTC
nnnIysIs sysfom.
IxnmIos of socIfIc !W fochnIquos nnd rocoduros nro rovIdod In fho
nondIxos. Tho nondIxos Iof fho usors of fhIs mnnunI rovIow fho bnsIcs of !W
mIssIon orformnnco from bogInnIng fo ond. Ior usors Inforosfod onIy In fho
dofnIIs of socIfIc fochnIquos, fho nondIxos rovIdo roforonco mnforInI koyod fo
fho gonorIc ncfIvIfIos In fho foxf.
Commnndors nnd frnInors shouId uso fhIs InformnfIon nnd ofhor roInfod
mnnunIs fo Inn nnd conducf rohonrsnIs of mIssIonsocIfIc frnInIng. Thoy shouId
nIso uso commnnd guIdnnco nnd fho Army TrnInIng nnd IvnIunfIon Irogrnm
A!TII. Tho koy fo nssurIng succoss Is InnnIng !WroInfod frnInIng boforo
boIng omIoyod wIfh n socIfIc !W mIssIon.
Tho roononf of fhIs mnnunI Is fho !nIfod Sfnfos Army John I. Konnody
SocInI Wnrfnro Confor nnd SchooI !SAJIKSWCS. SubmIf commonfs nnd
rocommondod chnngos fo Commnndor, !SAJIKSWCS, ATT AOJKTSI,
Iorf Irngg, C 283l05000.
!nIoss fhIs ubIIcnfIon sfnfos ofhorwIso, mnscuIIno nouns nnd ronouns do nof
rofor oxcIusIvoIy fo mon.
Chapter 1
IM 305.20 dofInos !W ns n brond socfrum of mIIIfnry nnd nrnmIIIfnry
oornfIons, rodomInnnfIy conducfod fhrough, wIfh, or by IndIgonous or
surrognfo forcos orgnnIzod, frnInod, oquIod, suorfod, nnd dIrocfod In
vnryIng dogroos by nn oxfornnI sourco. !W IncIudos, buf Is nof IImIfod fo,
guorrIIIn wnrfnro CW, snbofngo, subvorsIon, InfoIIIgonco ncfIvIfIos, nnd
unconvonfIonnI nssIsfod rocovory !A!.
ll. !W nIso IncIudos InforroInfod nsocfs fhnf mny bo rosocufod sIngIy or
coIIocfIvoIy by rodomInnnfIy IndIgonous or surrognfo orsonnoI. An oxfornnI
sourco usunIIy suorfs nnd dIrocfs fhoso orsonnoI In vnryIng dogroos
durIng nII condIfIons of wnr or onco. Tho Infonf of !nIfod Sfnfos !.S. !W
oornfIons Is fo oxIoIf n hosfIIo owor`s oIIfIcnI, mIIIfnry, oconomIc, nnd
sychoIogIcnI vuInornbIIIfy by dovoIoIng nnd susfnInIng rosIsfnnco forcos fo
nccomIIsh !.S. sfrnfogIc objocfIvos.
l2. !ognrdIoss of whofhor !W objocfIvos nro sfrnfogIc or oornfIonnI, fho
nnfuro of rosIsfnnco nnd fho fundnmonfnI fncfIcs nnd fochnIquos of !W
oornfIons romnIn unchnngod. !W IncIudos fho foIIowIng InforroInfod
l3. CuorrIIIn wnrfnro consIsfs of mIIIfnry nnd nrnmIIIfnry oornfIons
conducfod by IrroguInr, rodomInnnfIy IndIgonous forcos ngnInsf suorIor
forcos In onomyhoId or hosfIIo forrIfory. If Is fho ovorf mIIIfnry nsocf of nn
l4. Snbofngo Is nn ncf or ncfs wIfh Infonf fo Injuro or obsfrucf fho nnfIonnI
dofonso of n nnfIon by wIIIfuIIy dnmngIng or dosfroyIng nny nnfIonnI dofonso
or wnr mnforIoI, romIsos, or ufIIIfIos, IncIudIng humnn nnd nnfurnI
rosourcos. If mny nIso rofor fo ncfIons fnkon fo Injuro or obsfrucf fho mIIIfnry
cnnbIIIfy of nn occuyIng owor. Snbofngo mny bo fho mosf offocfIvo or fho
onIy monns of nffnckIng socIfIc fnrgofs boyond fho cnnbIIIfIos of
convonfIonnI wonon sysfoms. Snbofngo soIocfIvoIy dIsrufs, dosfroys, or
noufrnIIzos hosfIIo cnnbIIIfIos wIfh n mInImum of mnnowor nnd mnforInI
rosourcos. SI conducfs snbofngo unIInfornIIy fhrough IndIgonous or surrognfo
orsonnoI. Snbofngo Is nIso n form of offocfsbnsod fnrgofIng orformod by SI
orsonnoI. IM 305.220, S SocInI Iorcos Advnncod SocInI OornfIons !,
VoIumos I nnd II, rovIdos dofnIIod InformnfIon on snbofngo.
l5. SubvorsIon Is nny ncfIon dosIgnod fo undormIno fho mIIIfnry, oconomIc,
sychoIogIcnI, or oIIfIcnI sfrongfh or mornIo of n rogImo. AII oIomonfs of fho
rosIsfnnco orgnnIznfIon confrIbufo fo fho subvorsIvo offorf, buf fho
cInndosfIno nnfuro of subvorsIon dIcfnfos fhnf fho undorground wIII do fho
FM 3-05.201
buIk of fho ncfIvIfy. SubvorsIon Is n form of offocfsbnsod fnrgofIng on humnn
l6. IffocfIvo SI fnrgofIng domnnds nccurnfo, fImoIy, nnd woIIorgnnIzod
InfoIIIgonco. SI orsonnoI musf dovoIo good InfoIIIgonco skIIIs for ovorf
coIIocfIon, fncfIcnI roconnnIssnnco, nnd fho nssombIy of nvnIInbIo InfoIIIgonco
for mIssIon InnnIng nckofs. Sound fnrgof nnnIysIs usos fho crIfIcnIIfy,
nccossIbIIIfy, rocuornbIIIfy, vuInornbIIIfy, offocf, rocognIznbIIIfy CA!VI!
mnfrIx rovIdos ofIons fo Innnors snfIsfIos sfnfomonfs of oornfIonnI
roquIromonfs SO! moofs fho commnndor`s objocfIvos nnd roducos fho rIsk
fo oornfors. IM l0025 rovIdos moro dofnIIod InformnfIon on fnrgofIng.
l?. InfoIIIgonco ncfIvIfIos nssoss nrons of Inforosf rnngIng from oIIfIcnI nnd
mIIIfnry orsonnIIfIos fo fho mIIIfnry cnnbIIIfIos of frIondIy nnd onomy
forcos. SI musf orform InfoIIIgonco ncfIvIfIos rnngIng from dovoIoIng
InformnfIon crIfIcnI fo InnnIng nnd conducfIng oornfIons, susfnInIng nnd
rofocfIng fhomsoIvos nnd fho !W forco, fo nssossIng fho cnnbIIIfIos nnd
InfonfIons of IndIgonous nnd conIIfIon forcos. Thoso ncfIvIfIos mny bo
unIInfornI or conducfod fhrough surrognfos. SI InfoIIIgonco ncfIvIfIos mny
roquIro coordInnfIon wIfh ofhor govornmonf ngoncIos OCAs nnd mny
InvoIvo nnfIonnIIovoI ovorsIghf.
l8. !nconvonfIonnI nssIsfod rocovory Is n subsof of nonconvonfIonnI
nssIsfod rocovory A! nnd Is conducfod by socInI oornfIons forcos SOI
onrfmonf of ofonso lO IrocfIvo 23l0.2. !W forcos conducf !A!
oornfIons fo sook ouf, confncf, nufhonfIcnfo, nnd suorf mIIIfnry nnd ofhor
soIocfod orsonnoI ns fhoy movo from nn onomyhoId, hosfIIo, or sonsIfIvo
nron fo nrons undor frIondIy confroI. !A! IncIudos oornfIng unconvonfIonnI
nssIsfod rocovory mochnnIsms !A!Ms nnd unconvonfIonnI nssIsfod
rocovory fonms !A!Ts. Tho !A!M rofors fo nn onfIfy, grou of onfIfIos, or
orgnnIznfIons wIfhIn onomyhoId forrIfory fhnf oornfo In n cInndosfIno or
covorf mnnnor fo rofurn dosIgnnfod orsonnoI fo frIondIy confroI nnd mosf
offon consIsfs of osfnbIIshod IndIgonous or surrognfo Infrnsfrucfuros. !A!Ts
consIsf rImnrIIy of SOI orsonnoI dIrocfod fo sorvIco oxIsfIng dosIgnnfod
nrons of rocovory A!s or soIocfod nrons for ovnsIon SAIIs fo rocovor
l9. !W hns fnkon on now sIgnIfIcnnco for sovornI ronsons. HIsforIcnIIy, SI
unIfs hnvo focusod on !W ns n nrf of gonornI wnr. ow, fho !.S. oIIcy of
suorfIng soIocfod rosIsfnnco movomonfs roquIros SI fo focus on !W durIng
confIIcfs shorf of wnr. AIso, gIobnI urbnnIznfIon rovIdos for n shIff In
omhnsIs from rurnI guorrIIIn wnrfnro fo nII nsocfs of cInndosfIno rosIsfnnco
IncIudIng urbnn nnd bordor oornfIons. TrnInIng nnd suorf for fhoso
oornfIons mny como from fho joInf socInI oornfIons nron JSOA or from
nn oxfornnI frnInIng or suorf sIfo. Somo sconnrIos mny dIcfnfo n frndIfIonnI
roIo rovorsnIfho urbnn guorrIIIn mny conducf mosf of fho oornfIons whIIo
suorfod by fho rurnI guorrIIIn.
ll0. !W Is fho mosf chnIIongIng of SI mIssIons bocnuso If InvoIvos
rofrncfod oornfIons wIfh joInf forcos, nIIIod forcos, IndIgonous or surrognfo
forcos, !.S. ngoncIos, or oIomonfs of nII of fhoso onfIfIos. !W InvoIvos
dofnIIod, confrnIIzod InnnIng nnd coordInnfIon from fho SIOA fhrough fho
Socrofnry of ofonso, nnd uIfImnfoIy, doconfrnIIzod oxocufIon. !W roquIros
FM 3-05.201
rofIcIoncy In ofhor SI rIncInI mIssIons foroIgn InfornnI dofonso lII,
dIrocf ncfIon lA, nnd socInI roconnnIssnnco lS! sInco, onco doIoyod, fho
!W mIssIon mny IncIudo orfIons of fhoso mIssIons. Ioforo fho conducf of SI
!W oornfIons, n rosIsfnnco ofonfInI shouId oxIsf. SI orsonnoI do nof
cronfo fhIs rosIsfnnco ofonfInI. If Is nIrondy rosonf nnd hns usunIIy
dovoIood Info n rosIsfnnco movomonf or nn orgnnIzod offorf by somo orfIon
of fho cIvII ouInfIon fo rosIsf fho rogImo.
lll. Whon !W oornfIons suorf convonfIonnI mIIIfnry oornfIons, fho
focus shIffs fo rImnrIIy mIIIfnry objocfIvos. Whon n convonfIonnI forco Is
commIffod nnd Ifs nron of Inforosf nonrs fho JSOA, rosIsfnnco oornfIons mny
oxnnd fo hoI fho fncfIcnI commnndor. In nddIfIon, fhoro nro fImos
OornfIon I!!IC I!IIOM whon fho InfroducfIon of convonfIonnI
forcos doos nof fnko fho mnIn offorf nwny from unconvonfIonnI oornfIons In
fncf, fho convonfIonnI forcos mny suorf fho unconvonfIonnI forcos. !W
oornfIons cnn
oIny nnd dIsruf hosfIIo mIIIfnry oornfIons.
InfordIcf IInos of communIcnfIon.
ony fho hosfIIo owor unrosfrIcfod uso of koy nrons.
Ivorf fho hosfIIo owor`s nffonfIon nnd rosourcos from fho mnIn bnffIo
InfordIcf hosfIIo wnrfIghfIng cnnbIIIfIos.
ll2. A govornmonf`s InnbIIIfy or unwIIIIngnoss fo moof fho IogIfImnfo noods
of Ifs ooIo mny cnuso wIdosrond frusfrnfIon nnd dIssnfIsfncfIon. IooIo
mny Ioso fhoIr fnIfh nnd confIdonco bocnuso fho govornmonf Incks IogIfImncy.
Thoy mny nIso sImIy rocognIzo fhnf fho govornmonf Is IncnnbIo of
offocfIvoIy rovIdIng InfornnI socurIfy nnd dovoIomonf.
ll3. !osIsfnnco mny bo oIfhor nonvIoIonf or vIoIonf. onvIoIonf rosIsfnnco
InvoIvos ncfs such ns osfrncIsm, fnx ovnsIon, boycoffs, sfrIkos, or ofhor fyos
of cIvII dIsobodIonco. VIoIonf rosIsfnnco IncIudos snbofngo, subvorsIon, nnd
guorrIIIn wnrfnro. IooIo usunIIy rosIsf nonvIoIonfIy nf fIrsf. Howovor, fhoy
mny wIIIIngIy fnko u vIoIonf rosIsfnnco If n subvorsIvo cndro rovIdos fhom
wIfh n cnuso fhoy orcoIvo fo bo bofh worfhy nnd nchIovnbIo. If fho
socIooIIfIcnI condIfIons nro orossIvo onough, rosIsfnnco mny dovoIo Info
nn orgnnIzod rosIsfnnco movomonf.
ll4. A rosIsfnnco movomonf Is nn orgnnIzod offorf by somo orfIon of fho
cIvII ouInfIon of n counfry fo ooso or ovorfhrow fho osfnbIIshod
govornmonf or cnuso wIfhdrnwnI of nn occuyIng owor. Tho confor of grnvIfy
In nny rosIsfnnco movomonf Is fho ooIo`s wIII fo rosIsf. Tho ooIo bonr fho
brunf of fho osfnbIIshod nufhorIfy`s rofnIInfory monsuros. AIfhough nrmod
rosIsfnnco mny bo sfnbIIIfy oornfIons nnd suorf oornfIons from fho !.S.
orsocfIvo, If Is fofnI wnr for fhoso who fnko u nrms.
ll5. An Insurgoncy Is nn orgnnIzod rosIsfnnco movomonf fhnf usos
subvorsIon, snbofngo, nnd nrmod confIIcf fo nchIovo Ifs nIms. If Is n
rofrncfod oIIfIcomIIIfnry sfruggIo dosIgnod fo wonkon govornmonf confroI
nnd IogIfImncy whIIo IncronsIng Insurgonf confroI nnd IogIfImncyfho
FM 3-05.201
confrnI Issuos In nn Insurgoncy. Inch Insurgoncy hns Ifs own unIquo
chnrncforIsfIcs bnsod on Ifs sfrnfogIc objocfIvos, Ifs oornfIonnI onvIronmonf,
nnd nvnIInbIo rosourcos. InsurgoncIos normnIIy sook fo ovorfhrow fho
oxIsfIng socInI ordor nnd ronIIocnfo owor wIfhIn fho counfry. Thoy mny nIso
sook fo
Ovorfhrow nn osfnbIIshod govornmonf wIfhouf n foIIowon socInI
IsfnbIIsh nn nufonomous nnfIonnI forrIfory wIfhIn fho bordors of n
Cnuso fho wIfhdrnwnI of nn occuyIng owor.
Ixfrncf oIIfIcnI concossIons fhnf nro unnffnInnbIo fhrough Ioss vIoIonf
ll6. Tho sfrucfuro of n rovoIufIonnry movomonf cnn bo comnrod fo n
yrnmIdnI Icoborg, fho buIk of whIch IIos submorgod wIfh onIy Ifs onk
vIsIbIo. In buIIdIng n rosIsfnnco sfrucfuro, Insurgonf Iondors gIvo rIncInI
nffonfIon fo fho dovoIomonf of n suorf Infrnsfrucfuron fnsk dono by
socInIIy frnInod orsonnoI. Tho rosIsfnnco cndro orgnnIzos fho suorf
Infrnsfrucfuro, whIch In furn suorfs fho guorrIIIns. ThIs Infrnsfrucfuro
works nmong fho cIfIzons In rurnI vIIIngos, fowns, nnd urbnn cIfIos wIfhIn
fho mIIIfnry, oIIco, nnd ndmInIsfrnfIvo nnrnfus of govornmonf nnd nmong
Inbor grous nnd sfudonfs.
ll?. InsurgoncIos nrIso whon fho govornmonf Is unnbIo or unwIIIIng fo
nddross fho domnnds of Imorfnnf socInI grous. Thoso grous bnnd fogofhor
nnd bogIn fo uso vIoIonco fo chnngo fho govornmonf`s osIfIon. InsurgoncIos
nro offon n conIIfIon of dIfforonf forcos unIfod by fhoIr common hosfIIIfy for
fho govornmonf. To bo succossfuI, nn Insurgoncy musf dovoIo unIfyIng
IondorshI, docfrIno, orgnnIznfIon, nnd sfrnfogy. OnIy fho soods of fhoso
oIomonfs oxIsf whon nn Insurgoncy bogIns. Tho Insurgonfs musf confInunIIy
nurfuro nnd rovIdo fho nocossnry cnro If fho Insurgoncy Is fo mnfuro nnd
succood. InsurgoncIos succood by mobIIIzIng humnn nnd mnforIoI rosourcos fo
rovIdo bofh ncfIvo nnd nssIvo suorf for fhoIr rogrnms, oornfIons, nnd
gonIs. MobIIIznfIon roducos workors nnd fIghfors, rnIsos funds, nnd gofs fho
nocossnry wonons, oquImonf, nnd suIIos. MobIIIznfIon grows ouf of
Infonso ouInr dIssnfIsfncfIon wIfh oxIsfIng oIIfIcnI nnd socInI condIfIons.
In nn Insurgoncy, fho ncfIvo suorfors consIdor fhoso condIfIons InfoIornbIo.
Tho Insurgonf IondorshI nrfIcuInfos fho dIssnfIsfncfIon of fho ooIo, Incos
fho bInmo on govornmonf, nnd offors nn nIfornnfIvo. Tho Insurgonf
IondorshI fhon rovIdos orgnnIznfIonnI nnd mnnngorInI skIIIs fo frnnsform
dIsnffocfod ooIo Info nn offocfIvo forco for oIIfIcnI ncfIon. !IfImnfoIy, fho
Insurgonfs nood fho ncfIvo suorf of mosf of fho oIIfIcnIIy ncfIvo ooIo nnd
fho nssIvo suorf of fho mnjorIfy.
ll8. A succossfuI Insurgoncy Is fho mosf Imorfnnf oIIfIcnI owor In n
nowIy IIbornfod counfry. CuorrIIIns, oxIsfIng nnd fIghfIng undor condIfIons of
gronf hnrdshI, dovoIo oxfromIsf nffIfudos nnd bocomo vory jonIous of fhoIr
rorognfIvos fo doformIno fho osfwnr comIoxIon of fhoIr counfry. Thoso
nffIfudos mny mnko If dIffIcuIf or ImossIbIo fo osfnbIIsh n govornmonf
FM 3-05.201
symnfhofIc fo !.S. nnfIonnI Inforosfs. Howovor, n nnfIon fhnf sonsors n
succossfuI Insurgoncy gonornIIy hns n oIIfIcnI ndvnnfngo nf fho cIoso of
ll9. Thoro nro sovon dynnmIcs fhnf nro common fo mosf InsurgoncIos.
Thoso dynnmIcs rovIdo n frnmowork for nnnIysIs fhnf cnn rovonI fho
Insurgoncy`s sfrongfhs nnd wonknossos. AIfhough fho nnnIysf cnn oxnmIno
fho foIIowIng dynnmIcs sonrnfoIy, ho musf sfudy fhoIr InforncfIon fo fuIIy
undorsfnnd fho Insurgoncy.
l20. Insurgoncy Is nof sImIy rnndom oIIfIcnI vIoIonco If Is dIrocfod nnd
focusod oIIfIcnI vIoIonco. If roquIros IondorshI fo rovIdo vIsIon, dIrocfIon,
guIdnnco, coordInnfIon, nnd orgnnIznfIonnI cohoronco. Tho Insurgoncy Iondors
musf mnko fhoIr cnuso known fo fho ooIo nnd gnIn ouInr suorf. ThoIr
koy fnsks nro fo bronk fho fIos bofwoon fho ooIo nnd fho govornmonf, nnd
fo osfnbIIsh crodIbIIIfy for fhoIr movomonf. Tho Iondors musf roInco fho
govornmonf`s IogIfImncy wIfh fhnf of fhoIr own. ThoIr oducnfIon, bnckground,
fnmIIy, socInI connocfIons, nnd oxorIoncos shno how fhoy fhInk nnd how
fhoy wIII fuIfIII fhoIr gonIs. Thoso fncfors nIso hoI shno fhoIr nronch fo
robIom soIvIng.
l2l. !ondorshI Is n funcfIon of bofh orgnnIznfIon nnd orsonnIIfy. Somo
orgnnIznfIons doomhnsIzo IndIvIdunI orsonnIIfIos nnd rovIdo for
rodundnncy nnd roIncomonf In docIsIon mnkIng. Thoso mochnnIsms roduco
coIIocfIvo owor nnd do nof doond on socIfIc Iondors or orsonnIIfIos fo bo
offocfIvo. Thoy nro onsIor fo onofrnfo buf moro rosIIIonf fo chnngo. Ofhor
orgnnIznfIons mny doond on n chnrIsmnfIc orsonnIIfy fo rovIdo cohosIon,
mofIvnfIon, nnd n focnI oInf for fho movomonf. OrgnnIznfIons Iod In fhIs wny
cnn roduco docIsIons nnd bogIn now ncfIons rnIdIy, buf nro vuInornbIo fo
dIsrufIons If koy orsonnIIfIos nro romovod or coofod by fho onomy.
l22. To wIn, fho Insurgonfs musf hnvo n rogrnm fhnf oxInIns whnf Is
wrong wIfh socIofy nnd jusfIfIos Ifs ncfIons. Thoy musf romIso gronf
Imrovomonfs nffor fho govornmonf Is ovorfhrown. Tho Insurgoncy
nccomIIshos fhIs gonI fhrough IdooIogy. IdooIogy guIdos fho Insurgonfs In
offorIng socIofy n gonI. Tho Insurgonfs offon oxross fhIs gonI In sImIo forms
for onso of focus. Tho Insurgonfs` Inns musf bo vnguo onough for brond
nonI nnd socIfIc onough fo nddross Imorfnnf Issuos.
l23. Tho IdooIogy of grous wIfhIn fho movomonf mny suggosf dIfforIng
vIows of sfrnfogIc objocfIvos. Crous mny hnvo IdooIogIcnI confIIcfs fhnf nood
fo bo rosoIvod boforo nn oononf cnn cnIfnIIzo on fhom. IdooIogy mny
suggosf robnbIo gonIs nnd fncfIcs. If gronfIy InfIuoncos fho Insurgonf`s
orcofIon of hIs onvIronmonf. ThIs orcofIon of fho onvIronmonf In furn
shnos fho movomonf`s orgnnIznfIon nnd oornfIonnI mofhods.
FM 3-05.201
l24. IffocfIvo nnnIysIs of nn Insurgoncy roquIros InforrofIng sfrnfogIc,
oornfIonnI, nnd fncfIcnI objocfIvos. Tho sfrnfogIc objocfIvo Is fho Insurgonf`s
dosIrod ond sfnfo fhnf Is, how fho Insurgonf wIII uso fho owor onco ho hns
If. Tho roIncomonf of fho govornmonf In owor Is onIy ono sfo nIong fhIs
nfh howovor, If IIkoIy wIII bo fho InIfInI focus of offorfs. TyIcnIIy, fho
sfrnfogIc objocfIvo Is crIfIcnI fo cohosIon nmong Insurgonf grous. If mny bo
fho onIy cIonrIy dofInod gonI fho movomonf rosonfs.
l25. OornfIonnI objocfIvos nro fhoso fhnf fho Insurgonfs ursuo ns nrf of
fho fofnI rocoss of dosfroyIng govornmonf IogIfImncy nnd rogrossIvoIy
osfnbIIshIng fhoIr dosIrod ond sfnfo.
l26. TncfIcnI objocfIvos nro fho ImmodInfo nIms of Insurgonf ncfs. Somo
oxnmIos IncIudo fho dIssomInnfIon of sychoIogIcnI oornfIons ISYOI
roducfs or fho nffnck nnd soIzuro of n koy fncIIIfy. Thoso ncfIons nccomIIsh
fncfIcnI objocfIvos fhnf wIII Iond fo oornfIonnI gonIs. TncfIcnI objocfIvos cnn
bo sychoIogIcnI nnd hysIcnI In nnfuro. Ior oxnmIo, IogIfImncy Is fho confor
of grnvIfy for bofh fho Insurgonfs nnd fho counforInsurgonfs. !ogIfImncy Is
InrgoIy n roducf of orcofIon consoquonfIy, If cnn bo fho rIncInI
consIdornfIon In fho soIocfIon nnd nffnInmonf of fncfIcnI objocfIvos.
l2?. InvIronmonf nnd googrnhy, IncIudIng cuIfurnI nnd domogrnhIc
fncfors, nffocf nII nrfIcInnfs In n confIIcf. Tho mnnnor In whIch Insurgonfs
nnd counforInsurgonfs ndnf fo fhoso ronIIfIos cronfos ndvnnfngos nnd
dIsndvnnfngos for onch. Tho offocfs of fhoso fncfors nro mosf vIsIbIo nf fho
fncfIcnI IovoI whoro fhoy nro orhns fho rodomInnnf InfIuonco on docIsIons
rognrdIng forco sfrucfuro, docfrIno, fncfIcs, fochnIquos, nnd rocoduros.
l28. !W In nn urbnn onvIronmonf rosonfs n dIfforonf sof of InnnIng
consIdornfIons fhnn In rurnI onvIronmonfs. Thoso InnnIng consIdornfIons
Imncf dIrocfIy on sfrucfuro, docfrIno, fncfIcs, fochnIquos, nnd rocoduros.
AondIx A doscrIbos chnrncforIsfIcs of cIfIos nnd urbnn fncfIcnI oornfIons.
l29. HIsforIcnIIy, somo InsurgoncIos hnvo dono woII wIfhouf oxfornnI
suorf. Howovor, oxnmIos such ns VIofnnm nnd Icnrngun show fhnf
oxfornnI suorf cnn nccoIornfo ovonfs nnd InfIuonco fho oufcomo. IxfornnI
suorf cnn rovIdo oIIfIcnI, sychoIogIcnI, nnd mnforInI rosourcos fhnf
mIghf ofhorwIso bo IImIfod or fofnIIy unnvnIInbIo. Tho fyos of oxfornnI
suorf InvoIvo fho foIIowIng
MornIIfyncknowIodgomonf of fho Insurgonfs ns jusf nnd ndmIrnbIo.
IoIIfIcnI IssuosncfIvo romofIon of fho Insurgonfs` sfrnfogIc gonIs In
InfornnfIonnI forums.
!osourcosmonoy, wonons, food, ndvIsors, nnd frnInIng.
Snncfunrysocuro frnInIng nnd oornfIonnI or IogIsfIcs bnsos.
l30. AccofIng oxfornnI suorf mny nffocf fho IogIfImncy of bofh
Insurgonfs nnd counforInsurgonfs. If ImIIos fho InnbIIIfy fo susfnIn onosoIf.
FM 3-05.201
AIso, fho counfry or grou rovIdIng suorf nffnchos Ifs IogIfImncy nIong
wIfh fhnf of fho Insurgonf or fho counforInsurgonf grou If suorfs. Tho
consoquoncos cnn nffocf rogrnms In fho suorfIng nnfIon whoIIy unroInfod
fo fho Insurgonf sIfunfIon.
l3l. SuccossfuI InsurgoncIos nss fhrough common hnsos of dovoIomonf.
of nII InsurgoncIos oxorIonco ovory hnso, nnd rogrossIon fhrough nII
hnsos Is nof n roquIromonf for succoss. Tho snmo Insurgonf movomonf mny
bo In nnofhor hnso In ofhor rogIons of n counfry. SuccossfuI InsurgoncIos cnn
nIso rovorf fo nn onrIIor hnso whon undor rossuro, rosumIng dovoIomonf
whon fnvornbIo condIfIons rofurn. Tho fhroo hnsos of Insurgoncy nro
oxInInod boIow.
Phase I - Latent or Incipient Insurgency
l32. urIng fhIs hnso, fho rosIsfnnco IondorshI dovoIos fho movomonf
Info nn offocfIvo cInndosfIno orgnnIznfIon. Tho rosIsfnnco orgnnIznfIon usos n
vnrIofy of subvorsIvo fochnIquos fo sychoIogIcnIIy ronro fho ouInfIon fo
rosIsf. Thoso fochnIquos mny IncIudo rongnndn, domonsfrnfIons, boycoffs,
nnd snbofngo. SubvorsIvo ncfIvIfIos froquonfIy occur In nn orgnnIzod nfforn,
buf no mnjor oufbronk of nrmod vIoIonco occurs. In fho ndvnncod sfngos of
fhIs hnso, fho rosIsfnnco orgnnIznfIon mny osfnbIIsh n shndow govornmonf
fhnf nrnIIoIs fho osfnbIIshod nufhorIfy. AIso durIng fhIs hnso, fho
rosIsfnnco IondorshI
!ocruIfs, orgnnIzos, nnd frnIns cndros.
InfIIfrnfos koy govornmonf orgnnIznfIons nnd cIvIIInn grous.
IsfnbIIshos coIIuInr InfoIIIgonco, oornfIonnI, nnd suorf nofworks.
OrgnnIzos or dovoIos cooornfIvo roInfIonshIs wIfh IogIfImnfo
oIIfIcnI ncfIon grous, youfh grous, frndo unIons, nnd ofhor fronf
orgnnIznfIons. ThIs nronch dovoIos ouInr suorf for Infor
oIIfIcnI nnd mIIIfnry ncfIvIfIos.
SoIIcIfs nnd obfnIns funds.
ovoIos sourcos for oxfornnI suorf.
Phase II - GuerriIIa Warfare
l33. Ihnso II bogIns wIfh ovorf guorrIIIn wnrfnro. Tho guorrIIIn In n rurnI
bnsod Insurgoncy wIII normnIIy oornfo from n roInfIvoIy socuro bnso nron In
nn InsurgonfconfroIIod forrIfory. In nn urbnnbnsod Insurgoncy, fho guorrIIIn
oornfos cInndosfInoIy usIng coIIuInr orgnnIznfIon. SubvorsIvo ncfIvIfIos cnn
fnko fho form of cInndosfIno rndIo brondcnsfs, nowsnors, nnd nmhIofs
fhnf oonIy chnIIongo fho confroI nnd IogIfImncy of fho osfnbIIshod nufhorIfy.
!ocruIfIng offorfs oxnnd ns fho ooIo Ioso fnIfh In fho osfnbIIshod nufhorIfy
nnd docIdo fo ncfIvoIy rosIsf If.
FM 3-05.201
Phase III - MobiIe Warfare or War of Movement
l34. Tho Insf hnso sfnrfs fho frnnsIfIon from guorrIIIn wnrfnro fo
convonfIonnI wnrfnro. If succossfuI, fhIs hnso cnusos fho coIInso of fho
osfnbIIshod govornmonf or fho wIfhdrnwnI of fho occuyIng owor. WIfhouf
dIrocf InforvonfIon, n Ihnso III Insurgoncy fnkos on fho chnrncforIsfIcs of n
cIvII wnr. Tho rosIsfnnco orgnnIznfIon couId nchIovo IognI boIIIgoronf sfnfus.
As If gnIns confroI of orfIons of fho counfry, fho rosIsfnnco movomonf
bocomos rosonsIbIo for fho ouInfIon, rosourcos, nnd forrIfory undor Ifs
confroI. Insod on fho condIfIons sof onrIIor, nn offocfIvo rosIsfnnco movomonf
IsfnbIIsh nn offocfIvo cIvII ndmInIsfrnfIon.
IsfnbIIsh nn offocfIvo mIIIfnry orgnnIznfIon.
IrovIdo bnInncod socInI nnd oconomIc dovoIomonf.
MobIIIzo fho ouInfIon fo suorf fho rosIsfnnco orgnnIznfIon.
Irofocf fho ouInfIon from hosfIIo ncfIons.
InIIuro fo nchIovo fhoso objocfIvos mny cnuso fho rosIsfnnco movomonf fo
rovorf bnck fo nn onrIIor hnso.
l35. Somo InsurgoncIos doond on roor fImIng for fhoIr succoss. Iocnuso
of fhoIr IImIfod suorf, fho Insurgonfs musf wonkon fho govornmonf`s
IogIfImncy so fhnf If bocomos InoffocfIvo. Thon nn oorfunIfy fo soIzo owor
oxIsfs. Whon fho Insurgonfs movo fo soIzo owor, fhoy oxoso fhoIr
orgnnIznfIon nnd InfonfIons. If fhoy movo foo onrIy or foo Info, fho
govornmonf mny dIscovor fhoIr orgnnIznfIon nnd dosfroy If.
l36. InsurgoncIos dovoIo orgnnIznfIonnI nnd oornfIonnI nfforns from fho
InforncfIon of vnrIous fncfors. Tho InforncfIons cnuso onch Insurgoncy fo bo
unIquo. Tho fhroo gonornI nfforns fhnf omorgofoco, mnssorIonfod, nnd
frndIfIonnInro oxInInod boIow.
Foco Insurgency
l3?. A foco SnnIsh word monnIng focus or focnI oInf Is n sIngIo,
nrmod coII fhnf omorgos from hIddon sfronghoIds In nn nfmoshoro of
dIsInfogrnfIng IogIfImncy. In fhoory, fhIs coII Is fho nucIous nround whIch
mnss ouInr suorf rnIIIos. Tho Insurgonfs buIId now InsfIfufIons nnd
osfnbIIsh confroI bnsod on fhnf suorf. Ior n foco Insurgoncy fo succood,
govornmonf IogIfImncy musf bo nonr fofnI coIInso. TImIng Is crIfIcnI. Tho
foco musf mnfuro nf fho snmo fImo fho govornmonf Iosos IogIfImncy nnd
boforo nny nIfornnfIvo nonrs. An Infnmous foco wns Iod by Cnsfro In Cubn.
Tho sfrnfogy wns vory offocfIvo bocnuso fho InfIsfn rogImo wns corruf nnd
Incomofonf. Tho dIsfInguIshIng chnrncforIsfIcs of n foco Insurgoncy nro
oIIbornfo nvoIdnnco of ronrnfory orgnnIznfIonnI work. Tho rnfIonnIo
Is bnsod on fho romIso fhnf mosf onsnnfs nro InfImIdnfod by fho
nufhorIfIos nnd wIII bofrny nny grou fhnf cnnnof dofond IfsoIf.
FM 3-05.201
ovoIomonf of rurnI suorf ns shown by fho nbIIIfy of fho foco fo
sfrIko ngnInsf fho nufhorIfIos nnd survIvo.
Absonco of nny omhnsIs on fho roIongod nnfuro of fho confIIcf.
Mass-Oriented Insurgency
l38. Tho mnssorIonfod Insurgoncy nIms fo nchIovo fho oIIfIcnI nnd nrmod
mobIIIznfIon of n Inrgo ouInr movomonf. MnssorIonfod InsurgoncIos
omhnsIzo cronfIng n oIIfIcnI nnd nrmod IogIfImncy oufsIdo fho oxIsfIng
sysfom. Thoy chnIIongo fhnf sysfom nnd fhon dosfroy or suInnf If. Thoso
Insurgonfs nfIonfIy buIId n Inrgo nrmod forco of roguInr nnd IrroguInr
guorrIIIns nnd consfrucf n bnso of ncfIvo nnd nssIvo oIIfIcnI suorfors. Tho
Insurgonfs Inn n rofrncfod cnmnIgn of IncronsIng vIoIonco fo dosfroy fho
govornmonf nnd Ifs InsfIfufIons from fho oufsIdo. ThoIr oIIfIcnI IondorshI
normnIIy Is dIsfIncf from fhoIr mIIIfnry IondorshI. ThoIr movomonf normnIIy
osfnbIIshos n nrnIIoI govornmonf fhnf oonIy rocInIms Ifs own IogIfImncy.
Insurgonfs hnvo n woIIdovoIood IdooIogy nnd chooso fhoIr objocfIvos onIy
nffor cnrofuI nnnIysIs. HIghIy orgnnIzod, fhoy mobIIIzo forcos for n dIrocf
mIIIfnry nnd oIIfIcnI chnIIongo fo fho govornmonf usIng rongnndn nnd
guorrIIIn ncfIon. IxnmIos of fhIs nfforn IncIudo
Tho communIsf rovoIufIon In ChInn.
Tho VIof Cong Insurgoncy.
Tho Sondoro !umInoso ShInIng Infh In Ioru.
Tho foIIowIng oxcorfs cIfo fho succoss of fho Sondoro !umInoso nnd
fhoIr honvy InfIuonco In fho rurnI nrons of Ioru.
The government's failure to change conditions in the southern highlands
made peasants question the relevance of the distant, culturally alien
government which has little understanding of rural life. Sendero played
on the frustration of the Andean peasants by proposing to entirely
overthrow the "fascist government in Lima. Not only did peasants have
no viable alternative, but in fact, Sendero genuinely focused on their
marginalized concerns.
Andrea Curtis, "Sendero Luminoso, A Study in Paradox,
Latitudes, Volume 1, 1991-1992
The peasants support Sendero Luminoso because the movement
supports their historical aspirations: for local control and for the right to
pursue subsistence agriculture through ownership of plots of land.
Ronald Berg, "Sendero Luminoso and the Peasantry of Andahuaylas, Journal of
nter-American Studies and World Affairs, 28 (1986-1987)
The slow and inadequate state response to the Sendero threat was
augmented by the failure of military intelligence to comprehend the
nature of the guerrilla movement. Sendero has a tight administration and
its intelligence network is extensive and flexible. Sendero's guerrilla units
are composed of cells of no more than five senderistas, thus creating a
tightly controlled unit impervious to infiltration.
"War in Peru Gets Bloodier, Latin American Weekly Report,
25 October 1990
FM 3-05.201
l39. Thoro nro dIsfInguIshIng chnrncforIsfIcs of n mnssorIonfod
Insurgoncy. Thoso chnrncforIsfIcs IncIudo
IoIIfIcnI confroI by fho rovoIufIonnry orgnnIznfIon fhnf nssuros rIorIfy
of oIIfIcnI consIdornfIons.
!oIInnco on orgnnIzod ouInr suorf fo rovIdo rocruIfs, funds,
suIIos, nnd InfoIIIgonco.
IrImnry nrons of ncfIvIfy, osocInIIy In onrIy hnsos, In fho romofo
counfrysIdo whoro fho ouInfIon cnn bo orgnnIzod nnd bnso nrons
osfnbIIshod wIfh IIffIo Inforforonco from fho nufhorIfIos.
!oIInnco on guorrIIIn fncfIcs fo cnrry on fho mIIIfnry sIdo of fho
sfrnfogy. Thoso fncfIcs focus on nvoIdIng bnffIo, oxcof nf fImos nnd
Incos of fho Insurgonfs` choosIng. Thoy nIso focus on omIoyIng sfonIfh
nnd socrocy, nmbush, nnd surrIso fo ovorcomo fho InIfInI ImbnInnco of
A hnsod sfrnfogy fhnf fIrsf focusos on orgnnIznfIonnI sfrucfuro In
whIch fho ouInfIon Is ronrod for Ifs vIfnI roIo. SocondIy, nn nrmod
sfruggIo Is Inunchod nnd fho guorrIIIn forco grndunIIy buIIds u In sIzo
nnd sfrongfh. Tho fhIrd hnso consIsfs of moro mobIIo convonfIonnI
wnrfnro. ConcofunIIy, fhIs hnso Is nccomnnIod by n ouInr
urIsIng fhnf hoIs ovorwhoIm fho rogImo. If Is n concof of
rofrncfod wnr.
TraditionaI Insurgency
l40. ThIs Insurgoncy normnIIy grows from vory socIfIc grIovnncos. Af fIrsf
If hns IImIfod nIms. If srIngs from frIbnI or fncfIonnI, rncInI, roIIgIous,
IInguIsfIc, or ofhor sImIInrIy IdonfIfInbIo grous. Tho Insurgonfs orcoIvo fhnf
fho govornmonf hns donIod fho rIghfs nnd Inforosfs of fhoIr grou nnd work
fo osfnbIIsh or rosforo fhom. Thoy froquonfIy sook wIfhdrnwnI from
govornmonf confroI fhrough nufonomy or somInufonomy. Insurgonfs soIdom
socIfIcnIIy sook fo ovorfhrow fho govornmonf or confroI fho whoIo socIofy.
Thoy gonornIIy rosond In kInd fo govornmonf vIoIonco. ThoIr ncfs of vIoIonco
cnn rnngo from sfrIkos nnd sfroof domonsfrnfIons fo guorrIIIn wnrfnro. Thoso
InsurgoncIos mny conso If fho govornmonf ngroos fo fho Insurgonfs` domnnds.
Howovor, fho concossIons fho Insurgonfs domnnd nro so gronf fhnf fho
govornmonf concodos Ifs IogIfImncy nIong wIfh fhom. IxnmIos of fhIs
nfforn IncIudo fho
MujnhIdoon In AfghnnIsfnn boforo fho SovIof wIfhdrnwnI.
Ibo rovoIf In IgorIn IInfrn.
TnmII sonrnfIsfs In SrI !nnkn.
Sri Lanka is a diverse nation. Sinhalese make up 74 percent of the
population and are concentrated in the more densely populated
southwest. Ceylon Tamils, whose South ndian ancestors have lived on
the island for centuries, form around 12 percent of the population and
live in the north and the east. ndian Tamils, a distinct ethnic group,
represent about 6 percent of the population. Other minorities include
Veddas, Muslims (both Moors and Malays), and Burghers who are
descendants of European colonial settlers. Most of the Sinhalese
FM 3-05.201
community are Buddhist, most Tamils are Hindu. Most of the Muslims
practice Sunni slam. The different groups tend to lead highly segregated
lives and live within their own communities, apart from in the capital,
Colombo. Although Sinhalese are the clear majority they fear the
influence of the huge Tamil population across the Palk Straits in the
southern ndian state of Tamil Nadu.
The British colonial policy of divide and rule sowed the seeds of renewed
tensions between the Sinhalese and Tamil communities after
ndependence. Tamils, although well educated, were given a dispro-
portionate number of top jobs in the civil service by the British. Once the
Sinhalese majority held sway, its politicians sought to redress the
balance with populist but discriminatory policies against Tamils. n 1956,
the victory of SWRD Bandaranaike on a platform of Sinhalese
nationalism led to him declaring Sinhala to be the country's official
language among other anti-Tamil measures. Communal tension and
violence increased from 1956 onwards as Tamils became increasingly
frustrated. By the mid-70s, Tamils were calling for a separate state in the
north and east of the country. n the 1977 elections, the separatist TULF
won all the seats in Tamil areas, while groups such as the Liberation
Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) began to use violence for the same ends.
Barry N. Stein, "Tigers Seize Key Town as Death Toll Soars,
1 October 1998
l4l. Tho !nIfod Sfnfos cnnnof nfford fo Ignoro fho rosIsfnnco ofonfInI fhnf
oxIsfs In nnfIons or counfrIos fhnf nro our ofonfInI onomIos. In n confIIcf
sIfunfIon or durIng wnr, SI cnn dovoIo fhIs ofonfInI Info nn orgnnIzod
rosIsfnnco movomonf cnnbIo of sIgnIfIcnnfIy ndvnncIng !.S. Inforosfs. Tho
sfrnfogIc oIIfIcomIIIfnry objocfIvo of !W durIng wnrfImo Is normnIIy fo
InfIuonco convonfIonnI mIIIfnry oornfIons. Howovor, In sfnbIIIfy oornfIons
nnd suorf oornfIons fho gonIs mny rnngo from InfordIcfIng foroIgn
InforvonfIon In nnofhor counfry, fo oosIng fho consoIIdnfIon of n now
hosfIIo rogImo, fo ncfunIIy ovorfhrowIng such n rogImo.
l42. Whon dIrocfod, SI orsonnoI suorf soIocfod rosIsfnnco orgnnIznfIons
fhnf onhnnco !.S. nnfIonnI Inforosfs. urIng n IImIfod or gonornI wnr,
SIOs normnIIy InfIIfrnfo hosfIIo nrons fo orgnnIzo, frnIn, oquI, nnd ndvIso
or dIrocf nn IndIgonous rosIsfnnco orgnnIznfIon. Thoy mny conducf !W
InfornnIIy In n JSOA or frnIn nn Insurgonf forco nf nn oxfornnI frnInIng sIfo.
Tho oxfornnI oIomonf mny bo nn IndIgonous forco fhnf wIII conducf !W
InsIdo Ifs counfry or ncf ns n surrognfo for nnofhor InfornnI or oxfornnI
l43. Thoro nro sovon hnsos fo n !.S.sonsorod Insurgoncy IIguro ll,
ngo ll2. Thoy nro ronrnfIon, InIfInI confncf, InfIIfrnfIon, orgnnIznfIon,
buIIdu, combnf omIoymonf, nnd domobIIIznfIon. AIfhough onch Insurgoncy
Is unIquo, !.S. sonsorshI of n rosIsfnnco orgnnIznfIon gonornIIy nssos
fhrough fho sovon hnsos. Inch hnso mny nof occur soquonfInIIy or rocoIvo
fho snmo dogroo of omhnsIs. Tho hnsos mny occur concurronfIy or nof nf
nII, doondIng on fho socIfIc sIfunfIon. A Inrgo nnd offocfIvo orgnnIznfIon
FM 3-05.201
mny onIy roquIro IogIsfIcs suorf, whIIo n smnII or dIsorgnnIzod
orgnnIznfIon mIghf roquIro moro nffonfIon.
Figure 1-1. Seven Phases to a U.S.-Sponsored Insurgency
l44. Tho ronrnfIon hnso musf bogIn wIfh n comIofo InfoIIIgonco
ronrnfIon of fho bnffIosnco III. !W oornfIons nood fo IncIudo, buf nro
nof IImIfod fo, n fhorough nnnIysIs of fho rosIsfnnco forco`s sfrongfhs,
wonknossos, IogIsfIc concorns, IovoI of frnInIng nnd oxorIonco, oIIfIcnI or
FM 3-05.201
mIIIfnry ngondns, fncfIonnI roInfIonshIs, nnd oxfornnI oIIfIcnI fIos. AIong
wIfh fhIs dnfn, n fhorough nron sfudy shouId bo dono of fho fnrgof nron. Tho
nron sfudy shouId IncIudo, buf Is nof IImIfod fo, oIIfIcnI Issuos, roIIgIon,
oconomIcs, wonfhor, IIvIng sfnndnrds, modIcnI Issuos, oducnfIon, nnd
govornmonf sorvIcos. ThIs sfudy Is roquIrod fo dovoIo sfrong ISYOI nnd
CIvII AffnIrs CA Inns fhnf nro crucInI In fho suorf of n sfrong !W Inn.
l45. Tho ronrnfIon hnso IncIudos CA nnd ISYOI suorf. CA unIfs
suorf SI In !W mIssIons by rovIdIng ndvIco nnd nssIsfnnco roInfIng fo
socInI, oconomIc, nnd oIIfIcnI consIdornfIons wIfhIn fho JSOA. ISYOI unIfs
ronro fho rosIsfnnco orgnnIznfIon nnd cIvIIInns of n ofonfInI JSOA fo
nccof !.S. sonsorshI nnd fho subsoquonf nssIsfnnco of SIOs.
l46. Tho nnfuro of !W mny IImIf fho uso of suorfIng CA unIfs fo oufsIdo
fho JSOA. CA orsonnoI mny nccomnny doIoyIng SI unIfs doondIng on
mIssIon roquIromonfs or MITTTC. CA orsonnoI frnIn Insurgonf mIIIfnry
nnd oIIfIcnI oIomonfs In CA ncfIvIfIos nnd cIvIImIIIfnry oornfIons CMO.
Tho frnInIng focusos on fho cIvII confors of grnvIfy nnd gnIns momonfum fo
mobIIIzo fho cIvIIInns fownrds fho Insurgonfs` gonIs. Thoso ncfIvIfIos musf bo
coordInnfod wIfh fho JSOA ISYOI Inn.
l4?. Tho !nIfod Sfnfos Covornmonf !SC bogIns ISYOI ns fnr In
ndvnnco ns ossIbIo. ISYOI unIfs ronro fho rosIsfnnco orgnnIznfIon nnd
fho cIvIIInn ouInfIon of n ofonfInI JSOA fo nccof !.S. sonsorshI.
ISYOI objocfIvos In n !W oornfIon IncIudo
CronfIng ouInr suorf for fho Insurgoncy movomonf.
ovoIoIng suorf of fho ouInco fo nIIow fho Insurgonfs fo nvoId
dofocfIon nnd movo frooIy.
IromofIng fho rocruIfmonf of ofhors Info fho rosIsfnnco movomonf.
IscrodIfIng fho oxIsfIng govornmonf nnd Ifs rogrnms.
InformIng fho InfornnfIonnI communIfy of fho goodwIII nnd Infonf of
fho !nIfod Sfnfos nnd Insurgonfs.
CnInIng suorf of fho IndIgonous ouInco for !.S. suorf nnd
CounforIng hosfIIo rongnndn.
TrnInIng mombors of fho IndIgonous ouInfIon or forco In ISYOI
fnrgof nudIonco nnnIysIs, IocnI roducf dovoIomonf, fnrgofIng,
dIssomInnfIon, nnd nnnIysIs of Imncf IndIcnfors.
MnInfnInIng mofIvnfIon nmong fho Insurgonfs.
InssIng InformnfIon or InsfrucfIons fo fho rosIsfnnco orgnnIznfIon or
Ifs subordInnfo oIomonfs.
IrovIdIng n IInk bofwoon fho rosIsfnnco orgnnIznfIon nnd foroIgn
IromofIng roforms fho Insurgonf orgnnIznfIon wIII osfnbIIsh nffor fho
hosfIIo govornmonf`s ovorfhrow.
l48. CA InnnIng fonms mny nrfIcInfo In fho mIIIfnry docIsIonmnkIng
rocoss MMI nnd nnnIyzo fho JSOA fo rovIdo fho SIO commnndor
FM 3-05.201
wIfh n orsocfIvo of fho nonmIIIfnry fncforscIvII nrons, sfrucfuros,

cnnbIIIfIos, orgnnIznfIons, ooIo, nnd ovonfs CASCOIIfhnf shno fho
oornfIonnI onvIronmonf. CA InnnIng fonm funcfIons IncIudo
IsfnbIIshIng n cIvIImIIIfnry oornfIons confor CMOC nf fho onrIIosf
oorfunIfy fo fncIIIfnfo coIInbornfIvo romIssIon coordInnfIon wIfh fho
nonmIIIfnry ngoncIos fhnf wIII nrfIcInfo In or InfIuonco fho oufcomo
of fho ondIng oornfIon.
oformInIng whnf, whon, nnd why cIvIIInns mIghf bo oncounforod In
fho JSOA, whnf ncfIvIfIos fhoso cIvIIInns nro ongngod In fhnf mIghf
nffocf fho mIIIfnry oornfIon, nnd how mIIIfnry oornfIons mIghf nffocf
fho IIvos of fho cIvIIInns.
oformInIng CA monsuros of offocfIvonoss MOIs fhnf gonornfo fho
dofInIfIon nnd condIfIons for succoss.
oformInIng fho orIonfnfIon nnd roquIromonfs of n osfhosfIIIfIos
IdonfIfyIng nnd roquosfIng !nIfod Sfnfos Army !osorvo !SA! CA
funcfIonnI socInIIsfs who wIII rovIdo n moro comrohonsIvo CA
cnnbIIIfy fo fncIIIfnfo fho frnnsIfIon fo sfnbIIIfy oornfIons.
ovoIoIng n drnff dIsongngomonf concof.
l49. IdonIIy, InIfInI confncf wIfh fho osfnbIIshod or ofonfInI rosIsfnnco
movomonf shouId bo mndo boforo commIffIng SI unIfs. ThIs rocoduro nIIows
for nn nccurnfo nssossmonf of fho ofonfInI rosIsfnnco In fho JSOA nnd
nrrnngos for fho rocofIon nnd InIfInI nssIsfnnco of fho InfIIfrnfod oIomonf.
Ofhor !SC ngoncIos normnIIy conducf fho InIfInI confncf. urIng confncf, SI
orsonnoI nssoss fho rosIsfnnco ofonfInI In fho nron of oornfIons AO nnd
fho comnfIbIIIfy of !.S. nnd rosIsfnnco Inforosfs nnd objocfIvos. ThIs hnso
nIso nIIows nssossmonf Innnors fo mnko nrrnngomonfs for fho rocofIon nnd
InIfInI nssIsfnnco of fho SIO. Tho socInI oornfIons commnnd SOC
shouId nrrnngo fo oxfIIfrnfo nn nssof from fho AO fo brIof fho sfnff nnd SIO
whIIo In IsoInfIon. !ndor corfnIn cIrcumsfnncos, n smnII, cnrofuIIy soIocfod
IIof fonm comosod of IndIvIdunIs ossossIng socInIIzod skIIIs mny mnko
InIfInI confncf. ThIs fonm`s mIssIon Is fo nssoss dosIgnnfod nrons fo doformIno
fho fonsIbIIIfy of dovoIoIng fho rosIsfnnco ofonfInI nnd fo osfnbIIsh confncf
wIfh IndIgonous Iondors. Onco fho fhonfor commnnd or SOC hns doformInod
fho fonsIbIIIfy of dovoIoIng fho nron, nddIfIonnI SI oIomonfs mny bo
InfIIfrnfod. Tho IIof fonm mny romnIn wIfh fho SIOs or bo oxfIIfrnfod ns
l50. urIng fhIs hnso, ISYOI unIfs cnn dovoIo fhomos, symboIs, nnd
rogrnms fhnf suorf fho Innnod rosIsfnnco oornfIons. Thoy cnn nIso
ronro fho IocnI InhnbIfnnfs fo rocoIvo nIIIod forcos nnd ncfIvoIy nssIsf In fho
!W mIssIon fo foIIow. ISYOI bogIns fnrgofIng fho onomy nnd rosIsfnnco
forcos wIfh fho nood fo ndhoro fo fho Inw of wnr, hIghIIghfIng onomy
vIoInfIons. CA fonm mombors mny confInuo fo suorf SIO nssossmonfs.
FM 3-05.201
CA socInIIsfs cnn nrfIcInfo ns mombors of fho IIof fonm fo nssIsf In
nssossIng fho fonsIbIIIfy of dovoIoIng fho rosIsfnnco ofonfInI In dosIgnnfod
nrons nnd osfnbIIshIng confncf wIfh IndIgonous Iondors.
l5l. urIng fho InfIIfrnfIon hnso, fho SIO cInndosfInoIy or covorfIy
InfIIfrnfos Info fho JSOA. MIssIon roquIromonfs, nIong wIfh MITTTC, wIII
doformIno fho mosf dosIrnbIo mofhod of InfIIfrnfIon. Affor InfIIfrnfIon, fho
SIO moofs fho rosIsfnnco orgnnIznfIon nnd movos fo Ifs socuro nron.
InfIIfrnfIon Is nof comIofo unfII fho InIfInI onfry roorf Is sonf fo fho SocInI
Iorcos oornfIonnI bnso SIOI or forwnrd oornfIonnI bnso IOI. Tho
dofnchmonf submIfs fho InIfInI onfry roorf ns soon ns ossIbIo uon
InfIIfrnfIon. Tho roorf musf bo sonf ovon If fho SIO doos nof confncf fho
IocnI rosIsfnnco. ImmodInfoIy uon InfIIfrnfIon, fho SIO bogIns n
confInuous nron nssossmonf fo confIrm or rofufo InformnfIon rocoIvod boforo
InfIIfrnfIon. Tho dofnchmonf wIII confInuo fo roorf nII roIovnnf oornfIonnI
InformnfIon. If fho mIssIon wnrrnnfs, soIocfod CA nnd ISYOI fonm mombors
mny InfIIfrnfo Info fho JSOA wIfh fho SI dofnchmonf. OfhorwIso, CA nnd
ISYOI fonm mombors suorf InfIIfrnfIon nnd subsoquonf hnsos ns
ronchbnck nssofs from fho SIOI or IOI.
l52. Tho SIO bogIns fo osfnbIIsh rnorf wIfh fho rosIsfnnco IondorshI
by showIng nn undorsfnndIng of, confIdonco In, nnd concorn for fho rosIsfnnco
orgnnIznfIon nnd Ifs cnuso. Tho dofnchmonf oxInIns Ifs cnnbIIIfIos nnd
IImIfnfIons nnd bogIns fo nssIsf fho rosIsfnnco IondorshI wIfh fho
dovoIomonf of fho rosIsfnnco orgnnIznfIon. Tho SIO musf fhon rovo Ifs
vnIuo In ncfunI oornfIons. IuIIdIng rnorf Is n dIffIcuIf nnd comIIcnfod
rocoss bnsod on mufunI frusf, confIdonco, nnd undorsfnndIng. If Is nof
nccomIIshod ovornIghf.
l53. Ioforo n rosIsfnnco orgnnIznfIon cnn succossfuIIy ongngo In combnf
oornfIons, fho rosIsfnnco IondorshI musf orgnnIzo nn Infrnsfrucfuro fhnf
cnn susfnIn IfsoIf In combnf nnd wIfhsfnnd fho nnfIcInfod hosfIIo roncfIon fo
nrmod rosIsfnnco. urIng fho orgnnIznfIon hnso, fho rosIsfnnco IondorshI
dovoIos n rosIsfnnco cndro fo sorvo ns fho orgnnIznfIonnI nucIous durIng fho
buIIdu hnso. Tho SIO nssIsfs fho rosIsfnnco IondorshI In conducfIng n
cndro frnInIng rogrnm fo ronro for fho ovonfunI buIIdu of fho rosIsfnnco
l54. Tho rosIsfnnco Iondor nnd SIO commnndor musf ngroo uon
commnnd nnd confroI C2 nrrnngomonfs. ofnchmonf mombors normnIIy
ndvIso nnd nssIsf counfornrf rosIsfnnco Iondors. In somo sIfunfIons, SIO
mombors mny ncfunIIy dIrocf somo rosIsfnnco ncfIvIfIos.
l55. Tho socIfIcs of rosIsfnnco orgnnIznfIon doond on IocnI condIfIons.
!W roquIros confrnIIzod dIrocfIon nnd doconfrnIIzod oxocufIon undor
condIfIons fhnf Inco gronf domnnds on fho rosIsfnnco orgnnIznfIon nnd Ifs
IondorshI. Armod roboIIIon InhoronfIy cronfos nn nmbIguous nnd
unsfrucfurod onvIronmonf. o fwo rosIsfnnco orgnnIznfIons nood fho snmo
dogroo or IovoI of orgnnIznfIon. Tho SIO commnndor shouId consIdor fho
FM 3-05.201
foIIowIng fncfors whon ndvIsIng fho rosIsfnnco IondorshI concornIng
IffocfIvonoss of oxIsfIng rosIsfnnco orgnnIznfIon.
Ixfonf of cooornfIon bofwoon fho rosIsfnnco orgnnIznfIon nnd fho
IocnI ouInco.
HosfIIo ncfIvIfy nnd socurIfy monsuros.
IoIIfIcnI boundnrIos, nnfurnI forrnIn fonfuros, ofonfInI fnrgofs,
ouInfIon donsIfy, nnd ofhor chnrncforIsfIcs of fho JSOA.
!oIIgIous, ofhnIc, oIIfIcnI, nnd IdooIogIcnI dIfforoncos nmong oIomonfs
of fho ouInfIon nnd comofIng rosIsfnnco orgnnIznfIons.
Iroosod fyo nnd scoo of combnf oornfIons.
ogroo of !.S. InfIuonco wIfh fho rosIsfnnco orgnnIznfIon.
l56. urIng fho orgnnIznfIon hnso, ISYOI orsonnoI cnn bo usod fo
romofo fho rosIsfnnco movomonf`s oxnnsIon nnd dovoIomonf by
hIghIIghfIng fho onomy`s wonknossos nnd counforIng fho onomy`s
rongnndn. ISYOI forcos uso fhomos fo hoI fho rosIsfnnco orgnnIznfIon
InfIuonco nffIfudos nnd bohnvIor fo wIn fho ouInco`s suorf. ISYOI
rogrnms cnn suorf dnmngo confroI nnd nssIsf fho dovoIomonf of n sound
Infrnsfrucfuro. Such rogrnms confrIbufo fo fho ovornII nffnInmonf of fho
rosIsfnnco movomonf`s gonIs. ISYOI rogrnms cnn covor fho rosIsfnnco
movomonf`s oIIfIcnI, oconomIc, nnd socInI gonIs fho rosIsfnnco movomonf
cndro`s IdooIogIcnI IndocfrInnfIon fho rncfIcnI Imncf of fncfIcnI oornfIons
on fho ouInfIon nnd fho sIgnIfIcnnco of nnd nood for fho rosIsfnnco
mombor`s roor orsonnI conducf wIfh fho ouInco.
l5?. CA fonm mombors cnn bo usod fo nssoss fho offocf of fho orgnnIznfIon
offorfs on fho oIIfIcnI, oconomIc, InformnfIon socInI nnd cuIfurnI, nnd
humnnIfnrInn nsocfs of fho JSOA. Thoy cnn nIso scroon fho momborshI of
fho rosIsfnnco cndro for ofonfInI osIfIons In n osfhosfIIIfIos Infrnsfrucfuro.
In fufuro oornfIons, CA fonm mombors mny rosonf rodovoIomonf modoIs
IIIusfrnfIng fho Imncf of osfhosfIIIfIos cIvIImIIIfnry InIfInfIvos. CA fonm
mombors cnn nssIsf by hoIIng IndIgonous ooIo nnd fhoIr InsfIfufIons, ns
mny oxIsf, nnd buIIdIng n IocnI cnncIfy fo survIvo onsuIng confIIcfs or crIsos.
l58. Tho buIIdu hnso InvoIvos oxnndIng fho rosIsfnnco oIomonfs nnd
fhoIr ncfIvIfIos. ThoIr fnsks IncIudo InfIIfrnfIon or rocuromonf of oquImonf
nnd suIIos fo suorf fho oxnnsIon nnd subsoquonf combnf oornfIons.
urIng fho buIIdu hnso, fho rosIsfnnco cndro oxnnds Info nn offocfIvo
orgnnIznfIon fhnf cnn conducf combnf oornfIons. !ocruIfmonf Incronsos duo
fo succossfuI mIssIons. CuorrIIIn forco mIssIons nnd fncfIcs dIcfnfo n sImIo,
mobIIo, nnd fIoxIbIo orgnnIznfIon cnnbIo of rnId dIsorsIon nnd
consoIIdnfIon In rosonso fo fho fncfIcnI sIfunfIon. Inch unIf musf bo
soIfconfnInod wIfh Ifs own InfoIIIgonco, communIcnfIons, nnd IogIsfIcs
l59. In fhIs hnso, ISYOI unIfs cnn bo usod fo focus on fho rosIsfnnco
movomonf`s fuII oxnnsIon nnd dovoIomonf. ISYOI rogrnms onhnnco fho
FM 3-05.201
rosIsfnnco IondorshI`s IogIfImncy nnd offocfIvonoss, omhnsIzo fho ruIos of
ongngomonf !OI, nnd IdonfIfy fnrgofs whoso dosfrucfIon wouId Imncf
ndvorsoIy on fho cIvIIInn ouInco. Thoy hIghIIghf fho govornmonf`s ncfIons
fnkon ngnInsf fho ouInfIon durIng Ifs counforInsurgoncy cnmnIgn. ISYOI
unIfs cnn romofo fho uncommIffod ouInfIon`s suorf for fho Insurgoncy
nnd counfor fho onomy`s rongnndn. !nIf mombors confInuo fo sfross nnd
nssuro fho succoss of fho rosIsfnnco movomonf nnd nIIIod oornfIons.
l60. CA fonm mombors cnn confInunIIy nssoss fho offocf of fho buIIdu
offorfs on fho oIIfIcnI, oconomIc, InformnfIon, nnd humnnIfnrInn nsocfs of
fho JSOA. CA fonm mombors cnn nssIsf fho SIO In frnInIng Insurgonf
mIIIfnry forcos In CA ncfIvIfIos nnd CMO. CA fonm mombors bogIn focusIng
on InnnIng osfhosfIIIfIos frnnsIfIon oornfIons fhnf cnIfnIIzo on fho
unIquo skIIIs of fho !SA! CA funcfIonnI socInIIsfs, fo IncIudo frnInIng
ofonfInI mombors of fho osfhosfIIIfIos Infrnsfrucfuro sonrnfoIy nnd
concurronfIy wIfh fho guorrIIIn forco.
l6l. Combnf oornfIons Incronso In scoo nnd sIzo fo suorf fho objocfIvos
of fho nron commnnd. urIng fho combnf omIoymonf hnso, fho rosIsfnnco
orgnnIznfIon conducfs combnf oornfIons fo nchIovo Ifs sfrnfogIc oIIfIco
mIIIfnry objocfIvos. Tho SIO onsuros fhnf rosIsfnnco ncfIvIfIos confInuo fo
suorf fho gonIs of fho nron commnnd. InfordIcfIon Is fho bnsIc !W combnf
ncfIvIfy. Thoso oornfIons cnn drnIn fho hosfIIo owor`s mornIo nnd rosourcos,
dIsruf Ifs ndmInIsfrnfIon, nnd mnInfnIn fho cIvIIInn ouInfIon`s mornIo nnd
wIII fo rosIsf. Inch fnrgof shouId confrIbufo fo dosfroyIng or noufrnIIzIng nn
onfIro fnrgof sysfom.
l62. In fhIs hnso, ISYOI unIfs cnn oxIoIf succossfuI combnf oornfIons
fo nffrncf moro rocruIfs. !nIf mombors focus on fhomos nnd symboIs of
nnfIonnIIsm, succoss, nnd InovIfnbIIIfy of comIofo vIcfory. ISYOI unIfs cnn
nIso Induco onomy dofocfIons or noncomIInnco wIfh ordors In nn offorf fo
rofocf fhomsoIvos. Thoy confInuo fnrgofIng fho ouInfIon fo Incronso fhoIr
suorf for fho Insurgoncy, fho nIIIod forcos, nnd fho ovonfunI foIIowon
govornmonf. ISYOI unIfs cnn nssIsf In confroIIIng or dIrocfIng fho dIsIocnfod
cIvIIInn C fIow fo fncIIIfnfo fho movomonf of combnf forcos nnd fo
mInImIzo cnsunIfIos. Thoy confInuo fo counfor fho onomy`s rongnndn.
l63. CA fonms nnnIyzo fho cIvII comononf of fho JSOA for CASCOII fo
doformIno fho Imncf of fho cIvII onvIronmonf on combnf oornfIons, ns woII
ns fho Imncf of combnf oornfIons on fho cIvII onvIronmonf. CA fonms
nnfIcInfo, monIfor, nnd conducf mIfIgnfIng ncfIvIfIos fo roduco fho nognfIvo
offocf of combnf oornfIons on fho cIvII socfor nnd vIco vorsn, ns woII ns fo
IdonfIfy whon fho MOIs hnvo boon nchIovod. Thoy nssIsf fho SIO nnd nron
commnndor by fuIfIIIIng fho commnnd rosonsIbIIIfIos Inhoronf In CMO.
Thoy do fhIs dIrocfIy, by conducfIng CA ncfIvIfIos nnd IndIrocfIy, by rovIdIng
CA ndvIsors. Thoy nssIsf fho SIO In confInuIng fo nIy modInfIon skIIIs fo
ossIbIo nnd ncfunI sourcos of IndIgonous fonsIon.
FM 3-05.201
l64. omobIIIznfIon Is fho Insf, mosf dIffIcuIf, nnd mosf sonsIfIvo hnso of
!W oornfIons. omobIIIznfIon InnnIng bogIns whon fho !SC docIdos fo
sonsor n rosIsfnnco orgnnIznfIon nnd onds In fho JSOA. CIvIIInn !SC
ngoncIos, nIong wIfh InfornnfIonnI orgnnIznfIons nnd ngoncIos such ns fho
!nIfod nfIons ! nnd fho OrgnnIznfIon of AmorIcnn Sfnfos OAS,
normnIIy conducf domobIIIznfIon of fho mIIIfnry grous. SI, ISYOI, nnd CA
unIfs hoI fhoso ngoncIos conducf domobIIIznfIon usIng fhoIr knowIodgo of
fho forrnIn nnd fho forcos wIfhIn fho JSOA. Tho mnnnor In whIch
domobIIIznfIon occurs wIII nffocf fho osfwnr nffIfudos of fho ooIo nnd fho
govornmonf fownrd fho !nIfod Sfnfos. Tho gronfosf domobIIIznfIon dnngor Is
fho ossIbIIIfy fhnf formor rosIsfnnco mombors mny rosorf fo subvorsIon of
fho now govornmonf, fncfIonnI dIsufos, or bnndIfry. Tho now govornmonf
brIngs nrms nnd nmmunIfIon undor Ifs confroI fo onsuro ubIIc socurIfy nnd
fo rofurn fo n funcfIonnI cIvII sfrucfuro bnsod on fho ruIo of Inw. If hoIs
rosIsfnnco forcos rofurn fo rovIous occunfIons nnd mny Infogrnfo fhom Info
fho now roconsfIfufod nnfIonnI nrmy. Tho now govornmonf musf mnko ovory
offorf fo roorIonf formor rosIsfnnco mombors Info n oncofuI socIofy nnd gnIn
fhoIr frusf.
The most important phase is the one where successful accomplishment
meets the U.S. government objectives.
COL John Mulholland, Commander,
5th Special Forces Group (Airborne), Afghanistan
l65. ISYOI unIfs hoI oxInIn fho domobIIIznfIon rocoss nnd romofo fho
Insurgonf`s ordorIy frnnsIfIon fo oncofuI cIvIIInn IIfo. Tho rImnry nIm Is fo
rovonf fho formnfIon of grous oosIng fho rocognIzod govornmonf.
MnInfnInIng IoynIfy fo fho IogIfImnfo nowIy osfnbIIshod govornmonf Is fho
mnjor concorn. ISYOI unIfs nIso conducf mnny dIrocf nnd IndIrocf ncfIvIfIos
fhnf nssIsf fho now govornmonf`s domobIIIznfIon offorf. ISYOI unIfs
HoI fo socuro IInos of communIcnfIons !OCs.
ConfroI rumors by ubIIshIng nnd brondcnsfIng fho nows.
AssIsf fho mnrshnIIIng of nvnIInbIo Inbor.
HoI fo osfnbIIsh Inw nnd ordor.
ConfInuo fo nssIsf confroIIIng Cs by dIrocfIng fhom fo nvnIInbIo
l66. CA fonms suorf fho SIO nnd nron commnndor by ImIomonfIng
woIIInnnod nnd coordInnfod frnnsIfIon Inns. CA fonms drnw uon cIvIIInn
nffnInod skIIIs In l6 funcfIonnI nrons fo nssIsf fho SIO nnd now IndIgonous
cIvII nufhorIfIos In rofurnIng nffocfod nrons fo normnIcy nnd osfnbIIshIng n
susfnInnbIo, durnbIo soIufIon fo fho confIIcf. Through fho CMOC, CA fonms
confInuo fo fncIIIfnfo Inforngoncy oornfIons wIfh !SC ngoncIos,
nongovornmonfnI orgnnIznfIons COs, nnd ofhor nonmIIIfnry orgnnIznfIons
durIng fho frnnsIfIon of oornfIons from mIIIfnry fo IndIgonous nufhorIfy, ns
woII ns from formor fo now rogImo. CA fonms orform vnrIous roIos In
suorf fo cIvII ndmInIsfrnfIon. Thoy nIso suorf fho conducf of C
oornfIons. CA fonms ovorsoo rogrnms dosIgnod fo rofrnIn formor
combnfnnfs fo bocomo roducfIvo mombors of cIvII socIofy.
FM 3-05.201
l6?. InformnfIon oornfIons IO InvoIvo ncfIons fnkon fo nffocf ndvorsnry
InformnfIon nnd InformnfIon sysfoms, whIIo dofondIng ono`s own InformnfIon
nnd InformnfIon sysfoms fo nchIovo InformnfIon suorIorIfy In suorf of
nnfIonnI mIIIfnry sfrnfogy. InformnfIon suorIorIfy Is fho cnnbIIIfy fo coIIocf,
rocoss, nnd dIssomInnfo nn unInforrufod fIow of InformnfIon whIIo
oxIoIfIng or donyIng nn ndvorsnry`s nbIIIfy fo do fho snmo. IO nIIos ncross
nII hnsos of nn oornfIon, ncross fho rnngo of mIIIfnry oornfIons, nnd nf
ovory IovoI of wnr. InformnfIon wnrfnro IW Is IO conducfod durIng fImo of
crIsIs or confIIcf IncIudIng wnr fo nchIovo or romofo socIfIc objocfIvos ovor
n socIfIc ndvorsnry or ndvorsnrIos. Tho uIfImnfo fnrgofs of offonsIvo IO nro
fho humnn docIsIonmnkIng rocossos. ofonsIvo IO ncfIvIfIos nro conducfod
on n confInuous bnsIs nnd nro nn Inhoronf nrf of forco omIoymonf ncross
fho rnngo of mIIIfnry oornfIons. IO mny InvoIvo comIox IognI nnd oIIcy
Issuos roquIrIng cnrofuI rovIow nnd nnfIonnIIovoI coordInnfIon nnd nrovnI.
OffonsIvo nnd dofonsIvo IO shouId nIso bo Infogrnfod wIfh InfoIIIgonco nnd
ofhor InformnfIonroInfod ncfIvIfIos, ns woII ns fhoso ncfIvIfIos IovorngIng
frIondIy InformnfIon sysfoms, IncIudIng frIondIy docIsIonmnkIng rocossos.
Tho IO coII on fho joInf socInI oornfIons fnsk forco JSOTI sfnff Is n
crIfIcnI oIomonf fo onsuro A!SOI Inns nnd oornfIons nro Infogrnfod,
coordInnfod, nnd doconfIIcfod ncross fho fuII socfrum of IO.
l68. IO suorf fho sfrnfogIc, oornfIonnI, nnd fncfIcnI IovoIs of wnr, nnd
fho offocfIvo omIoymonf of IO Is ossonfInI for moofIng fho JSOTI`s
objocfIvos. As nrorInfo, IO fnrgof or rofocf InformnfIon, InformnfIon
frnnsfor IInks, InformnfIongnfhorIng nnd InformnfIonrocossIng nodos, nnd
fho humnn docIsIonmnkIng rocoss. OffonsIvo nnd dofonsIvo IO nro nIIod
fo nchIovo synorgy fhrough n combInnfIon of oIomonfs. JI 3l3, JoInf
ocfrIno for InformnfIon OornfIons, rovIdos nddIfIonnI InformnfIon.
l69. ISYOI unIfs nro n vIfnI nrf of !W oornfIons. Whon roorIy
omIoyod, coordInnfod, nnd Infogrnfod, fhoy cnn sIgnIfIcnnfIy onhnnco fho
combnf owor of rosIsfnnco forcos. ISYOI socInIIsfs nugmonfIng fho SIO
cnn doIoy Info nny JSOA nnd Inn fho rongnndn fhomos, mossngos,
modIn, nnd mofhods fo bo usod, bnsod on fnrgof nudIonco nnnIysIs. ISYOI In
confomornry nnd fufuro !W bocomo moro crIfIcnI ns IdooIogIcnI nnd
rosIsfnnco sfruggIos Incronso. A fomornry fncfIcnI ndvnnfngo mny cronfo n
Iongform sychoIogIcnI dIsndvnnfngo. AII ncfIons musf bo rovIowod, bnsod
uon fhoIr IocnI, rogIonnI, or ovon InfornnfIonnI Imncf. ISYOI usunIIy
InvoIvo fho foIIowIng mnjor fnrgof nudIoncos In n JSOA.
l?0. Thoso oIomonfs mny rorosonf fho govornmonf forcos, nn occuyIng
owor, or ono nssIsfIng fho hosfIIo govornmonf nnd mny bo of fho snmo
nnfIonnIIfy ns fho IocnI ouInco. In nny cnso, ISYOI orsonnoI wngo
cnmnIgns ngnInsf fho mombors of fho onomy forcos fo mnko fhom fooI
IsoInfod nnd ImroorIy suorfod, doubffuI of fho oufcomo of fhoIr sfruggIo,
dIsfrusffuI of onch ofhor, nnd unsuro of fho mornIIfy of fhoIr cnuso.
FM 3-05.201
l?l. ThIs fnrgof nudIonco consIsfs of cIvIIInns In nn AO who nro wIIIIng
onomy coIInbornfors, unwIIIIng onomy coIInbornfors wIII coIInbornfo undor
duross, nnd nssIvo onomy symnfhIzors. Tho gonI of n ISYOI cnmnIgn
nImod nf fhIs grou Is fo IdonfIfy nnd dIscrodIf fho onomy coIInbornfors nnd
fo wonkon fhoIr boIIof In fho onomy`s mIIIfnry sfrongfh nnd owor.
l?2. Thoso mombors of fho gonornI ouInfIon nro noufrnI durIng fho
InIfInI sfngo of hosfIIIfIos or rosIsfnnco movomonfs. Thoy mny fonr fho nIms of
fho movomonf or nro uncorfnIn of Ifs succoss. To wIn ovor fho uncommIffod,
ISYOI orsonnoI musf sfross fhnf fho rosIsfnnco shnros nnd fIghfs for fho
oIIfIcnI nnd socInI gonIs of fho ouInfIon. Tho !nIfod Sfnfos nnd Ifs nIIIos,
In bnckIng fho rosIsfnnco movomonf, suorf fhoso snmo gonIs fo onsuro fho
rosIsfnnco movomonf wIII bo succossfuI.
l?3. ThIs fnrgof nudIonco IncIudos cIvIIInns nnd govornmonf, mIIIfnry, or
nrnmIIIfnry mombors who suorf fho gonIs of fho movomonf buf who nro
nof ncfIvo mombors of fho rosIsfnnco forco. ISYOI dIrocfod nf fhIs fnrgof
nudIonco sfross fhomos fhnf oncourngo fho ouInco fo suorf ncfIvoIy
fhough gonornIIy covorfIy or cooornfo nssIvoIy wIfh fho rosIsfnnco forco In
nchIovIng common gonIs. Thoso nonIs onsuro fhnf fho ooIo, fhoIr
sonsIfIvIfIos, cuIfuros, cusfoms, nnd noods nro rosocfod.
l?4. ISYOI ndvIsors nnd fho SIOs wIfh whom fhoy work oxIoIf
rongnndn oorfunIfIos. Tho ISYOI fonms nffnchod fo fho SIO hoI
convInco fho guorrIIIns fo conducf oornfIons fhnf cronfo ouInr suorf for
fho rosIsfnnco movomonf, bofh In nnd ouf of fho JSOA. IndIgonous orsonnoI
nro frnInod In fho offocfIvo conducf of ISYOI nnd fhon Infogrnfod Info fho
oIIfIcnI Infrnsfrucfuro nnd guorrIIIn forcos. Thoso forcos fhon conducf
ISYOI In suorf of fho noods of fho nron commnndor. Thoso noods shouId
roInfo fo fho gonIs of fho unIfIod commnndor, socIfIc sIfunfIon, or !W
mIssIon. Through fncofofnco moofIngs wIfh IocnI IndIgonous Iondors, SIO
orsonnoI sfrongfhon mufunI rosocf, confIdonco, nnd frusf. Thoy nIso gnIn
vnIunbIo InsIghf Info fho guorrIIIn forco`s robIoms nnd gnIn rnorf by
shnrIng fho snmo IIvIng nnd fIghfIng condIfIons.
l?5. CMO nro Inhoronf fo !W. Tho !W onvIronmonf confnIns bofh
mIIIfnry nnd cIvIIInn comononfs fhnf nro scnfforod nnd InforfwInod wIfhIn
fho JSOA. AIfhough fho SIO gonornIIy focusos Ifs offorfs on fho mIIIfnry
nsocf of nn Insurgoncy, If musf nIso consIdor fho nonmIIIfnry nsocfs of fho
JSOA. nfurnI, roufIno, Innnod, or unrodIcfnbIo IndIgonous ncfIvIfIos mny
hIndor or hoI fho ncfIvIfIos of fho guorrIIIn forco durIng nII hnsos of n
!.S.sonsorod Insurgoncy.
l?6. CMO nro fho commnndor`s ncfIvIfIos fhnf osfnbIIsh, mnInfnIn,
InfIuonco, or oxIoIf roInfIons bofwoon mIIIfnry IncIudIng guorrIIIn or
Insurgonf forcos, govornmonf, nnd nongovornmonf cIvIIInn orgnnIznfIons
FM 3-05.201
nnd nufhorIfIos, nnd fho IndIgonous ouInco In fho JSOA. Thoso ncfIvIfIos
shouId fncIIIfnfo mIIIfnry oornfIons nnd consoIIdnfo nnd nchIovo !.S.
objocfIvos. In CMO, mIIIfnry forcos mny orform ncfIvIfIos nnd funcfIons
normnIIy fho rosonsIbIIIfy of IocnI, rogIonnI, or nnfIonnI govornmonf. Thoso
ncfIvIfIos wIII occur boforo, durIng, or nffor ofhor mIIIfnry ncfIons. Thoy mny
nIso occur, If dIrocfod, In fho nbsonco of ofhor mIIIfnry oornfIons.
l??. SOI commnndors musf Incorornfo fho l2 socInI oornfIons SO
ImornfIvos Info fhoIr mIssIon InnnIng nnd oxocufIon fo uso fhoIr forcos
offocfIvoIy. Thoso ImornfIvos, nIfhough dovoIood fo rovIdo guIdnnco fo
SOI, nIy fo nny unIf, orgnnIznfIon, ngoncy, or ncfIvIfy fhnf mny bo InvoIvod
In !W. Thoy nro dIscussod boIow.
l?8. In !W, fhoro nro fwo nsocfs of fho oornfIonnI onvIronmonf fhnf SI
musf bo fnmIIInr wIfhfho InfornnI nnd fho oxfornnI. Tho fIrsf nsocf Is
crIfIcnI fo nIyIng rosourcos nnd skIIIs offocfIvoIy fo nccomIIsh fho mIssIon.
Tho socond nsocf Is crIfIcnI fo guIdIng ncfIons In n vory fIuId nnd hIghIy
unsfrucfurod onvIronmonf.
InternaI Factors
l?9. SIO mombors musf know orfInonf MITTTC ns In nny mIIIfnry
oornfIon. In nddIfIon, fhoy musf undorsfnnd fho Insurgonf movomonf, fo
IncIudo fho undorIyIng oIIfIcnI nnd socInI cnusos, domogrnhIc comosIfIon
of fho movomonf`s momborshI, hIsfory, gonIs, cInIms fo IogIfImncy, mofhods,
nnd nny ofhor orfInonf InformnfIon. SIO mombors musf hnvo n fhorough
knowIodgo of fho govornmonf, mIIIfnry, nnd ofhor InsfIfufIons fhnf formnIIy
or InformnIIy oxorcIso owor normnIIy nssocInfod wIfh n funcfIonnI
govornmonf. ThIs knowIodgo IncIudos
Sfrongfhs, wonknossos, vuInornbIIIfIos, funcfIons, nnd ncfunI owor
confors ns oosod fo whnf nonrs on orgnnIznfIon chnrfs of fho
InforroInfIonshIs bofwoon fhoso orgnnIznfIons.
ConIs nnd mofIvnfIng fncfors for onch orgnnIznfIon.
!oInfIonshIs wIfh fho !nIfod Sfnfos, ofhor govornmonfs,
InfornnfIonnI orgnnIznfIons, nnd COs.
l80. Tho cIvIIInn ouInfIon Is fho crIfIcnI fncfor. SIO mombors musf
undorsfnnd fho domogrnhy, cuIfuro, fnboos, boIIofs, cusfoms, hIsfory, gonIs,
ofhnIc comosIfIon, nnd oxocfnfIons of fho cIvIIInn ouInfIon. Mosf
Imorfnnf, fhoy musf bo nwnro of fho dynnmIcs of fho mnny corroInfIons
nmong fhoso vnrIous nsocfs of n socIofy. SIO mombors musf bo nwnro of
who cnn InfIuonco whom, nnd how fhnf InfIuonco Is nchIovod nnd oxorcIsod.
Thoy musf nIso bo nwnro of nny IncIdonfnI offocf fho ncfIons wIfh nny ono
fncfor hnvo on nnofhor.
ExternaI Factors
FM 3-05.201
l8l. SIO mombors musf undorsfnnd fho !.S. Army commnnd
roInfIonshIs, bofh mIIIfnry nnd Inforngoncy, fhnf nffocf fho IndIvIdunI
guorrIIIn nnd fho SIO. In nddIfIon, SIO mombors musf undorsfnnd fho
Scoo nnd IImIfnfIons of onch ngoncy`s InfIuonco nnd rogrnms.
!ognI nnd oIIfIcnI rosfrIcfIons on SI ncfIvIfIos.
Sourcos nnd nssIsfnnco nvnIInbIo fo SI fo furfhor nssuro mIssIon
!oIo of fho !.S. modIn nnd fho InfornnfIonnI ross.
Infonf nnd gonIs of fho !SC.
Infonf nnd gonIs of COs, humnnIfnrInn roIIof orgnnIznfIons H!Os,
nnd ofhor koy cIvIIInn ngoncIos In fho JSOA.
Commnnd roInfIonshIs of InfornnfIonnI ngoncIos nnd COs wIfh
rorosonfnfIvos of fho !SC.
Infonf nnd gonIs of InfornnfIonnI ngoncIos !nIfod nfIons, orfh
AfInnfIc Tronfy OrgnnIznfIon lATO.
AIIcnbIo !OI, fo IncIudo fhoIr Infonf ns woII ns fho socIfIcnIIy
onumornfod rovIsIons.
l82. SIO mombors musf nIso bo nbIo fo vIsunIIzo nnd ncf on unforosoon
cIrcumsfnncos. Thoroforo, fhoy musf hnvo n cIonr undorsfnndIng of fho
chnrfor nnd gonIs of fho fofnI !.S. offorf. If Is ImossIbIo fo rodIcf ovory
sIfunfIon nnd wrIfo socIfIc !OI or n courso of ncfIon COA fhnf nddrossos
onch nnd ovory sIfunfIon. Whon fho SIO mombors undorsfnnd fho
commnndor`s Infonf, fhoy cnn rosond wIfh rnId fIoxIbIIIfy fo fho nnronf
unforosoon nnd unInnnod cIrcumsfnncos.
l83. !W Is ossonfInIIy n oIIfIcnI ncfIvIfy. Ivory ncf, from ndvIsIng mIIIfnry
ncfIvIfIos fo InformnI convorsnfIon, hns n ofonfInI oIIfIcnI Imncf. SIO
mombors shouId nof nnfIcInfo n convonfIonnI onvIronmonf whoro moro
frndIfIonnI mIIIfnry concorns rodomInnfo. Whofhor conducfIng mIIIfnry
oornfIons IndoondonfIy or In conjuncfIon wIfh convonfIonnI forcos, SIO
mombors musf consIdor bofh fho shorf nnd Iongform oIIfIcnI ImIIcnfIons
of fhoIr ncfs.
l84. !W, by dofInIfIon, Is nn Inforngoncy offorf In whIch mIIIfnry
oornfIons rorosonf onIy ono nrf usunIIy nof fho mosf Imorfnnf ono of
fho ovornII !.S. rogrnm. SI musf bo nwnro of nII fho ngoncIos fhnf comrIso
fho !W offorf. SI mny nIso ncf ns fho IInIson bofwoon fho rosIsfnnco forco,
!.S. ngoncIos, nnd ofhor O comononfs fo onsuro fhnf synorgy Is
nchIovod. Whon nrfIcInfIng In nn Inforngoncy nnd offon joInf offorf, SI
musf sfrIvo for unIfy of offorf nnd rocognIzo fho dIffIcuIfy In nchIovIng If. SI
musf nIso nnfIcInfo nmbIguous mIssIons, confIIcfIng Inforosfs nnd gonIs, nnd
dIsunIfy of offorf. Whon InckIng unIfy of commnnd, SI cnn romofo unIfy of
offorf by
!oquosfIng cIonr mIssIon sfnfomonfs nnd fho docIsIon mnkor`s Infonf.
FM 3-05.201
AcfIvoIy nnd confInunIIy coordInnfIng ncfIvIfIos wIfh nII InvoIvod.
l85. Tho SI commnndor musf know whon, whoro, nnd how fo omIoy hIs
nssofs bnsod on shorf nnd Iongform objocfIvos. ThIs ImornfIvo confnIns
fhroo mossngos for SI InvoIvod In n !W offorf.
l86. Tho fIrsf mossngo concorns fho soIocfIon nnd dIsfrIbufIon of rosourcos
for bofh orsonnoI nnd mnforIoI. ArorInfonoss, nof mnss, Is fho sfnndnrd.
SI commnndors musf onsuro fhnf SIOs soIocfod for fho mIssIon nro
cnnbIo, qunIIfIod, frnInod, nnd nocossnry for fho offorf. MInImIzIng fho !.S.
rosonco whIIo mnxImIzIng Ifs Imncf Is fho dosIrod oufcomo.
l8?. Tho socond mossngo roInfos fo soIocfIon of frnInIng, ndvIco, nnd
nssIsfnnco fo bo gIvon. !osourcos nro normnIIy IImIfod In n !W onvIronmonf
nnd musf bo usod wIsoIy for bosf offocf. Insod on SOI`s undorsfnndIng of
fhoIr oornfIonnI onvIronmonf nnd Ifs comIox InfornnI dynnmIcs, SI musf
cnrofuIIy soIocf whIch nrfIcuInr frnInIng nnd ndvIco fo gIvo. ThIs Imncf Is
ns much n consIdornfIon In soIocfIng frnInIng nnd ndvIco ns nro fho oIIfIcnI
ImIIcnfIons of fho fyo of subjocf nnd nssIsfnnco gIvon.
l88. Tho fhIrd mossngo donIs wIfh fncfIcnI consIdornfIons. TncfIcnI
oornfIons In !W musf bo cnrofuIIy fnrgofod fo onsuro succoss nnd nvoId
nIIonnfIng fho cIvIIInn ouInfIon.
l89. !W offorfs nro InhoronfIy Iongform. TncfIcnI vIcforIos nro of IIffIo
vnIuo unIoss fhoy confrIbufo fo fho succoss of fho ovornII oornfIonnI schomo.
Tho oornfIonnI schomo mny bo nonmIIIfnry In nnfuro. IIncIng onch robIom
In Ifs brondor oIIfIcnI, mIIIfnry, nnd sychoIogIcnI confoxf Is fho noxf
consIdornfIon. SIO mombors dovoIo n Iongform nronch fo soIvIng fho
robIom. Thoy nccof IognI nnd oIIfIcnI consfrnInfs fo nvoId sfrnfogIc fnIIuro
whIIo nchIovIng fncfIcnI succoss. Thoy do nof joonrdIzo fho succoss of fhonfor
Iongform gonIs by fho dosIro for ImmodInfo or ossIbIo shorfform succoss.
IoIIcIos, Inns, nnd oornfIons musf bo consIsfonf wIfh !.S. nnfIonnI nnd
fhonfor rIorIfIos nnd fho objocfIvos fhoy suorf.
l90. SIgnIfIcnnf mornI nnd IognI consIdornfIons oxIsf In n !W offorf.
!ogIfImncy Is fho mosf crucInI fncfor In dovoIoIng nnd mnInfnInIng
InfornnfIonnI nnd InfornnI suorf. WIfhouf fhIs suorf, fho !nIfod Sfnfos
cnnnof susfnIn nssIsfnnco fo n rosIsfnnco movomonf. WIfhouf rocognIzod
IogIfImncy nnd crodIbIIIfy, mIIIfnry oornfIons wIII nof rocoIvo fho suorf of
fho IndIgonous ouInfIon, fho !.S. ouInfIon, or fho InfornnfIonnI
l9l. AII oornfIons nnd ncfIvIfIos In n !W onvIronmonf wIII hnvo
sIgnIfIcnnf sychoIogIcnI offocfs. Combnf oornfIons nnd cIvIc ncfIon
rogrnms nro oxnmIos of fho fyo of oornfIons or ncfIvIfIos wIfh obvIous
sychoIogIcnI offocfs. Somo oornfIons nnd ncfIvIfIos mny bo conducfod
FM 3-05.201
socIfIcnIIy fo roduco n dosIrod sychoIogIcnI offocf. A fncfIcnI vIcfory mny bo
fofnIIy nognfod or ovorshndowod by nognfIvo sychoIogIcnI Imncf.
!ocognIzIng fhnf orcofIons mny bo moro Imorfnnf fhnn ronIIfy In fhIs
nronn, SI musf fnko cnro fo onsuro oornfIons nro undorsfood by nII
nudIoncos. !oss of confroI of orcofIons mny cnuso dIsforfIon of fho fncfs nnd
mny ovon dImInIsh or dosfroy fho dIffIcuIf gnIns of ovon fho bosfInnnod nnd
oxocufod mIssIons.
l92. Tho rImnry roIo of SI In !W Is fo ndvIso, frnIn, nnd nId rosIsfnnco
forcos. Tho rosIsfnnco nron commnndor musf nssumo rImnry nufhorIfy nnd
rosonsIbIIIfy for fho succoss or fnIIuro of fhIs combInod offorf. SuccossfuI
!.S.ndvIsod oornfIons roInforco nnd onhnnco fho IogIfImncy nnd crodIbIIIfy
of fho nron commnnd nnd rosIsfnnco movomonf.
l93. SIO mombors ongngod In n !W oornfIon musf bo nwnro of nnd
ronrod for ossIbIo confIngoncIos nnd foIIowon mIssIons. Tho SIO
mombors musf Inn fo uso fhoIr rnngo of oxorfIso ovon If nof socIfIcnIIy
fnskod fo do so. A chnngo of oornfIonnI onvIronmonf mny dIcfnfo n chnngo of
!OI or mIssIon. SIO mombors mnInfnIn oornfIonnI fIoxIbIIIfy by
vIsunIIzIng nnd dovoIoIng n brond rnngo of ofIons nnd concof Inns
COI!As. Thoy cnn fhon shIff from ono ofIon fo nnofhor boforo nnd
durIng mIssIon oxocufIon.
l94. SIO mombors InvoIvod In n !W offorf musf nvoId ndvIsIng or
frnInIng fho rosIsfnnco forcos In fochnIquos nnd rocoduros boyond fhoIr
cnnbIIIfIos fo susfnIn fhomsoIvos. !.S. fncfIcs, fochnIquos, nnd rocoduros
fncfIcnI communIcnfIons, modIc, domoIIfIons, wonons, nnd IogIsfIcs mny bo
modIfIod fo nognfo fho fhronf. SI musf rocognIzo fho nood for frnInIng
rogrnms nnd oquImonf fhnf nro durnbIo, consIsfonf, nnd susfnInnbIo by fho
rosIsfnnco movomonf nnd fho !SC.
l95. InfoIIIgonco forms fho bnsIs for nII !W ncfIvIfIos nnd rogrnms. !W
oornfIons doond on dofnIIod nnd comrohonsIvo InfoIIIgonco on nII nsocfs
of fho oornfIonnI onvIronmonf nnd Ifs InfornnI dynnmIcs. SIO mombors
osfnbIIsh rIorIfy of offorf whon fhoy IdonfIfy InfoIIIgonco roquIromonfs.
IffocfIvo oornfIons socurIfy OISIC roquIros nn nIorf orgnnIznfIon fhnf cnn
nssoss fho hosfIIo fhronf, wnrn fho unIf, nnd fnko fImoIy ncfIon fo onofrnfo
nnd noufrnIIzo fho hosfIIo offorf. SIO mombors In n !W onvIronmonf nood
InfoIIIgonco fhnf IdonfIfIos fho onomy IocnfIons nnd fhoIr InfonfIons for forco
rofocfIon. Howovor, nof nII fhronfs mny como from nn IdonfIfInbIo onomy.
SIO mombors shouId consIdor fho nonmIIIfnry fhronfs osod by fho cIvII
socfor, such ns crImInnI ncfIvIfIos, hnznrdous mnforInIs, cIvII unrosf, nnd
dIsonso. Tho knowIodgo fhoy gnIn ronros fhom fo offocfIvoIy ndvIso nnd
frnIn fho guorrIIIn forco.
FM 3-05.201
l96. SIO mombors orformIng n !W mIssIon mny bo In n unIquo osIfIon
fo sIgnIfIcnnfIy hoI ofhor SOI nnd convonfIonnI forcos nccomIIsh fhoIr
mIssIons. SO nro offon comnrfmonfod for socurIfy concorns, buf
comnrfmonfnfIon cnn oxcIudo koy orsonnoI from fho InnnIng rocoss.
InsuffIcIonf socurIfy mny comromIso n mIssIon, buf oxcossIvo socurIfy wIII
nImosf nIwnys cnuso fho mIssIon fo fnII bocnuso of Inndoqunfo fncofofnco
coordInnfIon. SI musf rosoIvo fho dIchofomy of mIssIon InnnIng
synchronIznfIon nnd socurIfy.
Chapter 2
Premission Activities
SI commnndors conducf bofh doIIbornfo nnd fImosonsIfIvo mIssIon
InnnIng nnd fnrgofIng. Thoy rocoIvo fhoIr mIssIons ns n rosuIf of fho joInf
sfrnfogIc InnnIng rocoss. SfrnfogIos, oIIcIos, nnd SI mIssIons nro
subjocf fo confInunI chnngo. ThIs chnfor doscrIbos how SI mIssIons nro
IdonfIfIod nnd how SI bnffnIIons, comnnIos, nnd SIOAs conducf
mIssIon nnnIysIs, fonsIbIIIfy nssossmonfs, nnd mIssIon InnnIng fo
orform !W mIssIons. IngrodIonfs of succossfuI IrroguInr wnrfnro nro ns
1. Patience to withstand protracted conflict. "Time works for us. Time will
be our best strategist Truong Chinh.
2. Political awareness on the part of all ranks.
3. ntensive "wooing of all the "little people to the side of the insurgent.
4. The weakening of the enemy's morale by constant propaganda and
5. Constant offensive action against enemy personnel and sensitive
points, but only when tactical advantage is on the side of the
6. The avoidance of pitched battles with equal or superior forces.
7. Defense only when it is essential to survival or to aid another element
to withdraw.
8. The consideration of the enemy's supply system as your own
making him haul the materiel to dumps, then seize it from him.
9. Constant striving to grow undercover forces into regular forces, ones
capable of meeting the enemy on his own ground when the time and
circumstances make victory certain.
Findings From BG Yarborough's Study,
Circa 1961
2l. In !W mIssIon nnnIysIs, fho bnffnIIon sfnff nnnIysfs vIow nII sourcos of
mIssIon Ioffors nnd fnskIngs. Thoy sof rIorIfIos for rosourcos nnd offorfs
fhrough n cIonr sfnfomonf of fho bnffnIIon commnndor`s Infonf nnd concof of
oornfIon. MIssIon nnnIysIs rovIdos fho bnsIs for fho bnffnIIon mIssIon
ossonfInI fnsk IIsf MIT! ronrnfIon nnd, wIfh fho mIssIon Ioffor
dovoIomonf, drIvos unIf frnInIng for nII fho SIOs.
FM 3-05.201
22. Homo sfnfIon mIssIon nnnIysIs of !W foIIows n socIfIc nIIcnfIon of
fho doIIbornfo InnnIng rocoss. ThIs rocoss nssumos fho SI bnffnIIon hns
moro fhnn ono oornfIon Inn OI!A If mny hnvo fo oxocufo. Tho
doIIbornfo InnnIng rocoss nIIows sfnff nnnIysfs fo nIIocnfo rosourcos nnd sof
rIorIfIos of offorf. Tho nnnIysfs dovoIo nnd rofIno drnff MIT!s bnsod on
MITTTC InnnIng. Tho buIk of fho work on nron sfudIos Is comIofod boforo
bogInnIng socIfIc doIIbornfo InnnIng. IIguro 2l summnrIzos fho sourcos,
rocossos, nnd roducfs In mIssIon nnnIysIs.

Study purpose of higher headquarters mission (understand the why).
Determine the higher commander's intent, two levels up. Review higher
commander's overall deception plan.
Review area of operations to understand higher headquarters mission and intent:
The command.
The environment.
The threat.
Identify specified and implied tasks:
Consider the mission statement, purpose, and concept of the operation.
Develop a mental picture and outline the desired end state.
Consider limitations:
Constraints (what must be done) imposed by the command, the environment,
and the threat.
Restrictions (what cannot be done) imposed by the command, the
environment, and the threat.
Identify mission-essential tasks.
Review available assets.
Determine acceptable levels of risks.
Conduct detailed time analysis.
Restate the mission.
Figure 2-1. Mission AnaIysis
23. An SI bnffnIIon Is soIdom ncfIvnfod fo oxocufo n mIssIon from scrnfch
fhoroforo, InnnIng doos nof bogIn wIfh n fofnI nbsonco of rovIous guIdnnco
or doIIbornfo InnnIng. Iy fho vory nnfuro of !W, doIIbornfo InnnIng Is
mnndnfod nf homo sfnfIon duo fo fho comIoxIfy nnd sonsIfIvIfy of fho
mIssIon. ThIs InnnIng rosuIfs In n mIssIon Ioffor. MIssIon nnnIysIs, MIT!
dovoIomonf, nnd mIssIon Ioffors nro nn InfogrnI nrf of fho doIIbornfo
InnnIng rocoss. urIng fImosonsIfIvo crIsIs ncfIon InnnIng, n fnskIng
ordor TASKO! drIvos mIssIon nnnIysIs nnd InnnIng. CrIsIs ncfIon
InnnIng Is nn nbbrovInfod vorsIon of fho doIIbornfo InnnIng rocoss
conducfod on n 96hour fImoIIno. Tho bnffnIIon normnIIy modIfIos or udnfos
FM 3-05.201
rovIousIy comIofod Inns dovoIood nf homo sfnfIon. !ovIows of fho
bnffnIIon MIT! nnd mIssIon Ioffors shouId bo dono nnnunIIy or whon
Mnjor chnngos In fho oIIfIcnI nnd socInI onvIronmonf occur nffor
rocoIf of fho mIssIon Ioffor.
ModIfIod, Imrovod, nnd onhnncod MIT!s sIgnIfIcnnfIy nIfor fho
A now or nddIfIonnI TASKO! Is rocoIvod In IsoInfIon.
Suorfod OI!As nro sIgnIfIcnnfIy chnngod.
InffIo focus nnnIysIs IIA, ns oufIInod In fho !nIfod Sfnfos Army
SocInI Iorcos Commnnd AIrborno !SASIClA !oguInfIon 350l,
Comononf T nInIng, Is conducfod. ormnIIy IIA occurs boforo nnd
nffor fho comnny nnd bnffnIIon commnndors nro brIofod.
IIA Is fho rocoss of dorIvIng oncofImo frnInIng roquIromonfs from
wnrfImo mIssIons. Tho corroInfIon bofwoon IIA nnd fho doIIbornfo InnnIng
rocoss nf homo sfnfIon IdonfIfy fho socIfIc unIf mIssIon, fnrgof
orgnnIznfIons or counfrIos, nnd fho counfry sfudy.
24. ConsIsfonf wIfh joInf mIssIon InnnIng, mIssIon nnnIysIs bogIns wIfh
fho frnnsmIssIon of fho mIssIon fnskIng nckngo MTI In nccordnnco wIfh
IAW JI 305.5. !ocoIf of nn MTI from fho SOC or JSOTI, or n mIssIon
Ioffor from fho SI grou InIfInfos InnnIng nf fho bnffnIIon IovoI. Tho
bnffnIIon sfnffs musf nnnIyzo fho mIssIon Ioffor nIong wIfh mnny ofhor
documonfs. Thoso documonfs IncIudo OI!As, oncofImo cnmnIgn Inns
ICIs, nnd JoInf SfrnfogIc CnnbIIIfIos IInns JSCIs. Tho sfnffs fIrsf Iook
nf dovoIood wnr Inns OI!As nnd COI!As confnInIng or ImIyIng
mIssIon roquIromonfs. Thoy rovIow fho ICIs fhnf oufIIno mnjor oornfIons
such ns fho ovornII counfordrug offorfs for nn nron or rogIon. Tho sfnffs nIso
uso fho JSCIs fo nIIocnfo mIssIons nnd rosourcos fo unIfIod combnfnnf
commnndors. Tho JSCIs dovoIood nf fho JoInf Sfnff nnd fho ICIs
dovoIood nf unIfIod IovoIs nro bnsIc oufIInos of fho bIg Icfuro for rogIonnI
!.S. offorfs. In nddIfIon fo oxfornnI documonfs socIfyIng ofonfInI mIssIons,
fho bnffnIIon commnndor mny doduco mIssIons bnsod on hIs ovnIunfIon of fho
nssIgnod JSOA. Tho bnffnIIon commnndor musf dIrocf rIorIfy of offorf fIrsf
fo oxfornnIIy dIrocfod mIssIons nnd socond fo doducod mIssIons. Tho bnffnIIon
sfnff shouId forwnrd mIssIon roquIromonfs fo fho SI grou for vnIIdnfIon nnd
IncIusIon In fnskIng documonfs. SIOA nnd I commnndors musf hnvo n
cIonr undorsfnndIng of fho Infonf of nII fho commnndors InvoIvod, whofhor or
nof fho mIssIon Is oxfornnIIy or InfornnIIy dovoIood. If nny sfnff mombor
nofos n confIIcf or Incks undorsfnndIng of fho Infonf, ho shouId rosoIvo fhoso
robIoms nf fho hIghosf IovoI boforo mIssIon nnnIysIs rocoods.
25. Sfnff rorosonfnfIvos nnd commnndors oxchnngo InformnfIon crIfIcnI fo
InIfInI mIssIon nnnIysIs. AddIfIonnIIy, Inforngoncy InformnfIon suorf mny
bo obfnInod fhrough fho JSOTI. Tho bnffnIIon sfnff Is fho focnI oInf for
FM 3-05.201
nssIng InformnfIon. Thoroforo, bnffnIIon sfnff musf onsuro fhnf nII roquosfs
nnd rosonsos nro quIckIy nnd fuIIy dIssomInnfod.
26. Tho commnndor, soIocfod sfnff rorosonfnfIvos, nnd corfnIn koy suorf
oIomonf Iondors rovIow fho documonfs rocoIvod durIng mIssIon rocoIf nnd
IdonfIfy nnd IIsf fho socIfIod nnd ImIIod fnsks. Thoy musf consIdor fho
roInfIonshI of !W fo ofhor mIssIons nnd Ifs sfnfus ns n mIssIon. Af fhIs
oInf, fhoy do nof dIrocf mIssIon nnnIysIs ngnInsf n socIfIc fnrgof for
oxocufIon by n socIfIc SIOA. !nfhor, fhoy dIrocf nnnIysIs nf nIIocnfIng
rosourcos ngnInsf rojocfod roquIromonfs fo bosf nchIovo fho SI grou
commnndor`s Infonf. Tho fInnI roducfs nro fho bnsIs for roufIno orsonnoI
nnd ndmInIsfrnfIvo ncfIvIfIos durIng gnrrIson oornfIons. Thoso roducfs nro
nIso usod fo dovoIo socIfIc bnffnIIon nnd IoworIovoI Inns of oxocufIon
IOIs. Tho rosuIf of fhIs nnnIysIs Is fho bnffnIIon commnndor`s rosfnfod
mIssIon nnd oornfIonnI InnnIng guIdnnco. Tho rosfnfod mIssIon musf
cIonrIy IdonfIfy fho roquIromonf fo conducf !W, sfnfo fho commnndor`s
Infonf, confnIn socIfIc COAs, nnd rovIdo gonornI guIdoIInos.
2?. Tho sfnff mny rosonf sfnff osfImnfos ornIIy or In wrIfIng. Tho voIumo of
!W mnforInI mny dIcfnfo fhnf such osfImnfos bo brIofod fo fho commnndor
ornIIy wIfh omhnsIs on fho sfnff socfIons` concIusIons nnd rocommondnfIons.
Tho foIIowIng nrngrnhs dIscuss fho consIdornfIons fhnf onch sfnff socfIon
covors In Ifs osfImnfo.
S-1 - PersonneI
28. In consIdorIng fho bnffnIIon`s ovornII !W roquIromonf, fho Sl musf
ovnIunfo bnffnIIon orsonnoI sfrongfhs In forms of Ifs cnnbIIIfy fo
nccomIIsh fho mIssIon. Tho Sl rosonfs fho bnffnIIon commnndor wIfh
rojocfod shorffnIIs In socIfIc mIIIfnry occunfIonnI socInIfIos MOSs
IndIvIdunI qunIIfIcnfIons dIsfrIbufIon of orsonnoI or rojocfod Iossos, gnIns,
nnd nbsoncos nffocfIng ovornII rondInoss.
S-2 - InteIIigence
29. ThoroughIy rovIowIng nvnIInbIo sysfoms nnd IdonfIfyIng roquIrod
InfoIIIgonco suorf nro koys fo dovoIoIng fho InfoIIIgonco osfImnfo. Tho S2
socfIon IdonfIfIos nnd roducos InfoIIIgonco osfImnfo roquIromonfs ns soon ns
ossIbIo fo onsuro mIssIon succoss. As fho S2 nnd ofhor sfnff mombors
rovIow nvnIInbIo dnfn, such ns nron sfudIos, nfforncfIon roorfs AA!s, nnd
nron nssofs, fhoy musf nIso consIdor nIfornnfo monns of gnfhorIng fho
roquIrod InformnfIon. Thoso mny IncIudo roquosfIng norInI ovorfIIghfs,
Imngory, or oxIoIfIng sourcos wIfhIn fho JSOA. S2 orsonnoI rovIow nII
nvnIInbIo InformnfIon roInfod fo fho rIorIfy InfoIIIgonco roquIromonfs II!,
commnndor`s crIfIcnI InformnfIon roquIromonfs CCI!, nnd InformnfIon
roquIromonfs I!s nssod by doIoyod SIOs fo gnIn curronf InformnfIon
nnd ndjusf osfnbIIshod IOIs. Thoy shouId nIso roquosf nnd rovIow
InformnfIon gnfhorod by ofhor grou nnd bnffnIIon nssofs such ns fho
mIIIfnry InfoIIIgonco MI dofnchmonf nnd Ifs socInI oornfIons fonms A
FM 3-05.201
S-3 - Operations
2l0. Tho S3 socfIon`s osfImnfo shows fho rocommondod numbor of
subordInnfo unIfs noodod fo moof roquIromonfs. Tho oornfIons osfImnfo
musf IdonfIfy gonornI roquIromonfs for !WroInfod schooIIng, such ns fho
Combnf Ivor QunIIfIcnfIon Courso CQC mIIIfnry froofnII MII,
ndvnncod socInI oornfIons ASO, oornfIons nnd InfoIIIgonco O&I, nnd
survIvnI, ovnsIon, rosIsfnnco, nnd oscno SI!I frnInIng Inngungo coursos
nnd frnInIng wIfh nn ovnIunfIon of fho SIO`s curronf sfnfus nnd
cnnbIIIfIos. ConsIdornfIons for !W InvoIvomonf IncIudo fho
umbor of SIOAs nnd SIOIs dodIcnfod fo ronrIng for !W ns n
rImnry mIssIon.
IonsIbIIIfy of funcfIonnIIy nIIgnIng SIOAs wIfhIn fho comnnIos wIfh
nII !Wfnskod fonms In ono comnny or fho rofornbIIIfy of hnvIng
fhom doconfrnIIzod.
!oquIromonfs fo doIoy nn IOI, ndvnncod oornfIonnI bnso AOI, or
socInI oornfIons commnnd nnd confroI oIomonf SOCCI nnd, If so,
fho numbor roquIrod.
S-4 - Logistics
2ll. Tho IogIsfIcs socfIon nnnIyzos fho IogIsfIcs noods fo suorf fho
roquIrod fyo nnd numbor of mIssIons. ThIs osfImnfo mny drIvo fho
ncquIsIfIon of corfnIn fyos of Ifoms, rovIsIon of fho modIfIod fnbIo of
orgnnIznfIon nnd oquImonf MTOI, nnd budgofIng for oxondnbIos nnd nIr
Ifoms fo suorf !W. SuIIos mny nIso bo ncquIrod by bnffIosnco rocovory
nnd fhrough IndIgonous sourcos In fho JSOA.
Other Staff EIements
2l2. SocInI sfnff socfIons fhnf InvoIvo CA, ISYOI, sIgnnI, modIcnI, nnd
IognI orsonnoI mny nIso bo roquIrod fo rovIdo osfImnfos. Thoso osfImnfos
musf, ns n mInImum, onnbIo fho !Wfnskod fonms fo
IvnIunfo fho ndoquncy nnd comnfIbIIIfy of fho fyo nnd donsIfy of
communIcnfIons sysfoms nvnIInbIo vorsus mIssIon roquIromonfs
AondIx I.
IdonfIfy socInI modIcnI roquIromonfs fo suorf fho fyos nnd
numbors of mIssIons fo bo orformod In n gIvon JSOA AondIx C.
IvnIunfo fho IognIIfy of fho gonornI fyo of mIssIons roosod,
nrfIcuInrIy fhnf of bnffnIIongonornfod funcfIonnI roquIromonfs
AondIx .
2l3. Onco fho sfnff socfIons ronro fho osfImnfos, fhoy rosonf fhom fo
fho commnndor. Insod on fho InformnfIon confnInod In fho osfImnfos, fho
commnndor, nIdod by fho bnffnIIon oxocufIvo offIcor XO, commnnd sorgonnf
mnjor CSM, nnd S3, ronros hIs osfImnfo. ThIs osfImnfo confnIns
InformnfIon on !W roquIromonfs, rIorIfIos, nnd ofhor mIssIons. Tho
commnndor fhon formuInfos n cIonr sfnfomonf of Infonf or concof of
oornfIons COOIS fhnf IIsfs hIs rIorIfIos concornIng !W oornfIons
IIguro 22. Ho furfhor frnnsInfos hIs COOIS Info n wrIffon mIssIon Ioffor
FM 3-05.201
fo fho SIOs A nnd I. Thoso roducfs drIvo sovornI ncfIvIfIos for fho
bnffnIIon sfnff nnd subordInnfo unIfs. AIfhough fhoso ncfIons bogIn durIng
roducf dovoIomonf, fhoy wIII nof bo fInnIIzod unfII nffor comIofIon of
romIssIon ncfIvIfIos nnd fho doIIbornfo InnnIng rocoss nf homo sfnfIon.
Figure 2-2. MiIitary Decision-Making Process
FM 3-05.201
2l4. As n rosuIf of fho commnndor`s sfnfomonf of Infonf, mIssIon Ioffors,
nnd guIdnnco fo bnffnIIon sfnff socfIons, vnrIous ncfIons bogIn. Tho gonI of
fhoso ncfIons Is fo nId fho ronrnfIon, conducf, nnd suorf of !W
oornfIons. Thoso ncfIons normnIIy nrnIIoI ncfIons fnkon In suorf of ofhor
mIssIons. Howovor, onch sfnff oIomonf fuIfIIIs fho foIIowIng !WsocIfIc
2l5. Insod on fho gonornI guIdnnco confnInod In fho commnndor`s
sfnfomonf of Infonf nnd guIdnnco fo fho bnffnIIon, fho Sl conducfs n
comrohonsIvo rovIow of orsonnoI rosourcos, nssIgnmonfs, nnd rocoduros.
WorkIng cIosoIy wIfh fho S3, bnffnIIon CSM, comnny commnndors, nnd
sorgonnfs mnjor SCMs, fho Sl doformInos fho ndoquncy of nssIgnod
orsonnoI fo moof fho socIfIc mIssIon roquIromonfs. If ho IdonfIfIos
shorffnIIs In MOSs or socIfIc qunIIfIcnfIons, fho Sl forwnrds orsonnoI
roquosfs fo fho SI grou. If ho fInds fhnf nufhorIznfIons undor fho curronf
MTOI do nof suorf roquIromonfs, ho works wIfh fho S3 In submIffIng
MTOI chnngos. If fho S3 dofocfs shorffnIIs In frnInIng, ho corrocfs fho
MTOI or obfnIns schooIIng ns roquIrod. Tho Sl mns fho IocnfIon of
orsonnoI wIfh mIssIonossonfInI skIIIs, oxorIonco, nnd nbIIIfIos. Ior
oxnmIo, corfnIn mIssIons mny cnII for n nnfIvo sonkor, n mombor of n gIvon
ofhnIc grou, or nn IndIvIdunI wIfh Incounfry oxorIonco.
2l6. AIfhough IdonfIfyIng roquIromonfs Is nof fho Sl`s rosonsIbIIIfy, ho
doos IdonfIfy nnd fInd fho nssofs. Insod on roquIromonfs IdonfIfIod by fho
SIOs A nnd I, S3, commnndors, nnd SCMs, fho Sl mnfchos nvnIInbIo
orsonnoI who hnvo !WroInfod skIIIs wIfh oxIsfIng mIssIon rofIIos.
WorkIng wIfh fho SI grou Sl nnd fho bnffnIIon CSM, fho bnffnIIon Sl
roquosfs nrorInfo orsonnoI nnd ndvIsos fho commnndor on fho mosf
nrorInfo nssIgnmonf of IncomIng orsonnoI. Affor mIssIonsocIfIc
InnnIng Is comIofod, fho bnffnIIon Sl nnd comnny sfnffs monIfor fho
rofIIos for IndIvIdunI osIfIons fo nssIgn IncomIng orsonnoI nccordIngIy.
2l?. urIng nII sfngos of fho mIssIon, fho S2 socfIon, moro fhnn nny ofhor
sfnff socfIon, musf bo roncfIvo. CIvon fho commnndor`s Infonf, fho S2
shouId nnfIcInfo fho I!s nnd gonornfo fho nrorInfo roquosfs for
InfoIIIgonco InformnfIon !IIs nnd socIfIc roquosfs for InformnfIon !IIs.
Whon n !W mIssIon Is IdonfIfIod, fho S2 socfIon
CoIIocfs nII nvnIInbIo InformnfIon on fho JSOA.
Suorfs fho doIoymonf of IIof fonms fo coIIocf curronf InformnfIon.
IM 305.220 rovIdos moro InformnfIon on IIof fonm suorf.
Sonds !IIs fo nII nvnIInbIo sourcos nnd ngoncIos fo gnIn curronf
mnforInI nnd InformnfIon nbouf fho JSOA.
!ovIows onhnnd InformnfIon IncIudIng n dofnIIod rovIow of fho
InfoIIIgonco summnrIos ITS!Ms rofIocfIng InformnfIon nbouf fho
!ovIows curronf mn covorngo roquIromonfs for fho JSOA.
FM 3-05.201
2l8. Whon ncfIng ns fho oornfIons confor OICI dIrocfor, fho S3
rovIows socIfIc skIII qunIIfIcnfIons nnd nsks for roquIrod schooI quofns.
WorkIng wIfh subordInnfo oIomonf commnndors nnd SCMs, ho sofs rIorIfIos
for nIIocnfIons fo !WroInfod schooIs. Tho S3 drnffs nnd rosonfs fho
bnffnIIon MIT!, whIch musf rofIocf roquIromonfs of subordInnfo unIfs. Ho
synchronIzos socIfIc mIssIon InnnIng wIfh ofhor oIomonfs nrfIcInfIng In
fho suorfod OI!A. Whon mIssIons nro fo bo orformod In suorf of
convonfIonnI forcos, fho S3 roquosfs dIrocf IInIson nufhorIfy durIng Inn
dovoIomonf. Insod on fho drnff MIT! nnd commnndor`s concof of fho
oornfIon, ho drnffs fho bnffnIIon commnndor`s frnInIng guIdnnco nnd bogIns
work on fho bnffnIIon`s Iongrnngo frnInIng Inn. Ho mnfchos rosourco
forocnsfs fo !WsocIfIc roquIromonfs. Ho coordInnfos Inns for ISYOI nnd
OISIC. Ho musf nIso bo nIorf fo frnInIng oorfunIfIos fhnf nro roIovnnf fo
MIT! roquIromonfs.
2l9. Tho S4, IIko fho S2, musf nnfIcInfo SIO roquIromonfs. Tho S4
socfIon ordors, urchnsos, or IdonfIfIos socInIIzod oquImonf AondIx I.
Whon fho curronf MTOI doos nof suorf fho roquIromonfs, fho S4 submIfs
MTOI chnngos.
220. Tho S5 Inns socfIon musf onsuro nII CMO Inns roInfod fo !W
mIssIons nro mndo rondIIy nvnIInbIo. CMO consIdornfIons nro nnnIyzod usIng
fho ncronym CASCOII. Tho sIx chnrncforIsfIcs of CASCOII nro
CIvII Arons. Koy cIvIIInn nrons or nsocfs of fho forrnIn wIfhIn n
commnndor`s bnffIosnco, whIch nro nof normnIIy fhoughf of ns
mIIIfnrIIy sIgnIfIcnnf.
Sfrucfuros. oformIno fho IocnfIon, funcfIons, cnnbIIIfIos, nnd
nIIcnfIon of nII sfrucfuros In suorf of mIIIfnry oornfIons, fo
IncIudo woIghIng fho cosf of fhoIr uso.
CnnbIIIfIos. oformIno nssIsfnnco noods by ovnIunfIng fho
cnnbIIIfIos of fho ouInco fo susfnIn fhomsoIvos.
OrgnnIznfIons. IdonfIfy nII orgnnIzod grous fhnf mny or mny nof bo
nffIIInfod wIfh govornmonf ngoncIos.
IooIo. IncIudos nII cIvIIInns ono cnn oxocf fo oncounfor In nn AO, ns
woII ns fhoso oufsIdo fho AO whoso ncfIons, oInIons, or oIIfIcnI
InfIuonco cnn nffocf fho mIIIfnry mIssIon.
Ivonfs. AnnIyzo nII ovonfs occurrIng In fho AO, bofh cIvIIInn nnd
mIIIfnry, fhnf wIII Imncf fho IIvos of fho cIvIIInns.
22l. Insod on fho cIvII confors of grnvIfy, fho CMO socfIon coordInnfos
wIfh suorfIng CA oIomonfs fo doformIno ossIbIo osIfIvo nnd nognfIvo
Imncfs of fho mIssIon on noncombnfnnfs nnd onomy forcos. If fhon roInys
fhIs InformnfIon fo fho fnskod SIOs. Tho S5 Is fho rIncInI sfnff offIcor for
nII CA ncfIvIfIos nnd CMO mnffors. ImIoyIng fho rIncIIos of CASCOII,
ho suIIos dnfn on oIIfIcomIIIfnry, oconomIc, nnd socInI mnffors. Ho
FM 3-05.201
IdonfIfIos ossIbIo surIus or shorfngo of suIIos nnd osfImnfos fho offocfs of
mIIIfnry oornfIons on fho IocnI ouInco, InfornnfIonnI orgnnIznfIons, nnd
COs oornfIng In fho AO. Tho S5 osfnbIIshos fho CMO confor ns roquIrod.
222. Tho sIgnnI socfIon nnnIyzos fho roquIromonfs for !WunIquo
communIcnfIons cnnbIIIfIos nnd ovnIunfos fho bnffnIIon`s nbIIIfy fo suorf
fho mIssIon wIfh orgnnIc nssofs. ConsIdornfIons for !W communIcnfIons nro
gonornIIy fho snmo ns fhoso for ofhor mIssIons howovor, corfnIn !WsocIfIc
nsocfs roquIro socInI consIdornfIon. IInnnIng for !W communIcnfIons
roquIromonfs Is vIfnI fo mIssIon succoss. !odundnncy nnd roIInbIIIfy of nII
communIcnfIons bocomo ImornfIvo. Tho socfIon musf sook fho bosf
comromIso bofwoon fho oquImonf woIghf, comnfIbIIIfy, nnd cnnbIIIfIos
for mIssIon suorf. AondIx I rovIdos furfhor InformnfIon.
223. Tho frnnsmIssIon of mIssIon Ioffors fo fho SI comnnIos bogIns fhoIr
dIrocf InvoIvomonf In fho mIssIon nnnIysIs rocoss. Tho SI bnffnIIon suorf
comnny rocoIvos n mIssIon Ioffor nf homo sfnfIon. Tho foIIowIng nrngrnhs
dIscuss onch oIomonf nnd socIfIc orsonnoI dufIos.
224. Tho SIOI commnndor Is fho comnny commnndor. Ono of fho
SIOI`s mIssIons Is fo suorf fho SIOAs In fhoIr !W mIssIon. Tho
SIOI bogIns mIssIon nnnIysIs uon rocoIf of fho comnny mIssIon Ioffor.
Insod on fho Ioffor nnd doIIbornfo InnnIng, fho bnffnIIon commnndor
doformInos fho !WroInfod SIOI fonm`s mIssIons. Tho SIOI
commnndor`s dunI roIo Is fo koo hIs nssIgnod SIOAs frnInod for fhoIr
mIssIons nnd fo ronro for fho SIOI mIssIon. Ho mny nIso
Suorf nn nron nssossmonf IIof fonm.
Suorf n SOCCI for n !W mIssIon.
IsfnbIIsh nn AOI fo suorf n !W mIssIon.
IsfnbIIsh nnd run nn IsoInfIon fncIIIfy ISOIAC.
Augmonf nnd roInforco fho IOI.
225. Insod on fho comnny mIssIon Ioffor, fho bnffnIIon commnndor
dosIgnnfos rImnry mIssIons for onch SIOA nnd SIOI. Ho rovIdos fhom
wIfh n mIssIon Ioffor cIonrIy sfnfIng fho commnndor`s Infonf. Tho bnffnIIon
commnndor nnd sfnff nnnIyzo fho nbIIIfIos of fho SIOAs nnd SIOIs,
onsurIng fhoy cnn nccomIIsh fho mIssIon.
226. Tho SIOA mnnngos fho oornfIons journnI nnd monIfors IncomIng
nnd oufgoIng mossngo fIIos. ofnchmonf mombors confInuo wIfh OISIC
monsuros fo IncIudo confroIIIng onfry Info fhoIr workIng nron. Thoy IdonfIfy
fho fnsks for whIch fhoy hnvo funcfIonnI nron InnnIng rosonsIbIIIfy by
rovIowIng fho hIghor commnndor`s oornfIon ordor OIO! or OI!A nnd
fho mIssIon brIofIng. Iy roquosfIng cInrIfIcnfIon nnd nddIfIonnI guIdnnco
FM 3-05.201
from hIghor hondqunrfors HQ, fho SIOA cInrIfIos nII quosfIons If hns
nbouf fho mIssIon concornIng
!Isk nssossmonf.
SocIfIod nnd ImIIod fnsks.
!osIsfnnco forco frnInIng nnd Ifs rosonf sfnfus.
!OI, whIch IncIudo
Aron sfudIos.
CrossfrnInIng Inn dovoIomonf bnsod on MITTTC.
Ofhor oornfIonnI objocfIvos, such ns fho fhronf nnd cIvIIInn
22?. Insod on fho socIfIod nnd ImIIod fnsks, fho SIOA soIocfs nnd IIsfs
fho mIssIonossonfInI fnsks fo IncIudo confIngoncIos for onch of fho foIIowIng
hnsos of fho mIssIon
228. SIOA sfnff mombors bogIn InIfInI InnnIng osfImnfos of fonfnfIvo
COAs for fho mIssIonossonfInI fnsks bnsod on fho commnndor`s Infonf, fho
rosfnfod mIssIon, nnd S3 guIdnnco.
229. SIOA sfnff socfIons IIsf CCI! In doscondIng ordor of crIfIcnIIfy bnsod
on fhoIr funcfIonnI nrons nnd InformnfIon gns In fho hIghor commnndor`s
oncofImo OI!A. SIOA sfnff socfIons submIf fhoIr funcfIonnI nron CCI!
fo fho S3 nnd submIf fhoIr I!s fo fho S2. Tho S3 dovoIos n consoIIdnfod
IIsf of nII CCI! by coIInfIng fho CCI! submIffod by ofhor sfnffs nnd fho II!
or I!s submIffod by fho S2. Tho sfnff socfIons coordInnfo wIfh fho S2 for fho
dIssomInnfIon of InfoIIIgonco InformnfIon fo nII SIO mombors nnd, ns
nIIcnbIo, fo subordInnfo nnd nffnchod oIomonfs.
SFODA Commander
230. Tho SIOA`s mIssIon nnnIysIs wIII normnIIy bogIn nffor If hns boon
nIorfod nnd rocoIvod n mIssIon brIofIng In IsoInfIon. Tho SIOA commnndor
Ionds nnd rovIdos guIdnnco durIng fho mIssIon nnnIysIs. Ho osfnbIIshos hIs
Infonf, whIch cIonrIy sfnfos whnf fho SIOA Is fo nchIovo, IncIudIng fho
socIfIc objocfIvos of fho mIssIon. Ho sfnfos fho rIorIfy of offorf nnd fho mosf
IIkoIy confIngoncIos nnd foIIowon oornfIons. Tho commnndor rosfnfos
oxfornnI commnnd, confroI, communIcnfIons, nnd InfoIIIgonco C3I, combnf
suorf CS, nnd combnf sorvIco suorf CSS roInfIonshIs for nII hnsos of
fho mIssIon IdonfIfIod In fho hIghor commnndor`s OIO! or OI!A nnd fho
mIssIon brIofIng. Ho osfnbIIshos nn ovonf fImo schoduIo for fho romnIndor of
fho mIssIon nnnIysIs. Tho schoduIo wIII IncIudo
MnInfnInIng OISIC.
!oquosfIng nn nssof.
FM 3-05.201
ConducfIng fho mIssIon concof MICO.
IorformIng brIofbnck InnnIng.
IorformIng rohonrsnIs.
IorformIng ofhor mIssIon ncfIvIfIos ns or fho IsoInfIon schoduIo.
23l. Tho InnnIng nnd ronrnfIon hnsos nro bnsod on fho MIT! nnd fho
hIghor commnndor`s OI!A or COI!A.
Assistant Detachment Commander
232. Tho SIO wnrrnnf offIcor WO Is fho nssIsfnnf dofnchmonf
commnndor AC who suorvIsos nnd dIrocfs nII sfnff funcfIons. Ho Is fho
ncfIng SIO chIof of sfnff. Tho AC IdonfIfIos fho IognI sfnfus of forcos
conducfIng oornfIons In fho JSOA. Ho onsuros fho SIO undorsfnnds fho
IognI cnfogory of fho nrmod confIIcf wIfhIn fho JSOA nnd fho !OI. Ho
onsuros nII dofnchmonf mombors undorsfnnd fho !.S. oIIcy rognrdIng
rIsonors. Tho AC udnfos fho CCI! roInfIng fo oornfIonnI IognI quosfIons.
Ho coordInnfos for fho submIssIon of nny nddIfIonnI MIT! Ifoms fo fho
SIO`s MIT!. Ho nIso orforms nII CA nnd ISYOI funcfIons for fho fonm, If
fhoro nro no nffnchmonfs.
Operations Sergeant (18Z)
233. Tho SIO S3 rosfnfos fho mIssIon fo fho SIO In concIso nnd
nccurnfo forms of who, whnf, whon, nnd whoro ns or fho hIghor
commnndor`s OIO! or OI!A. Ho submIfs fho rosfnfod mIssIon fo fho
SIO commnndor for nrovnI. Tho S3 gIvos fho nrovod mIssIon
sfnfomonf fo nII SIO mombors nnd subordInnfos. Ho roducos n sIngIo IIsf
of SIO mIssIonossonfInI fnsks by coIInfIng fho fnsk IIsfs submIffod by fho
ofhor sfnff socfIons. Ho doformInos fho fonfnfIvo confonfs for fho SIO`s
OI!A fo IncIudo fho nocossnry nnnoxos fo covor nII hnsos of fho mIssIon
IAW IM 50, Sfnff OrgnnIznfIon nnd OornfIons curronfIy ubIIshod ns IM
l0l5, nnd fho consoIIdnfod MIT!. Ho dovoIos InnnIng guIdnnco for fho
ofhor sfnff mombors bnsod on fho fonfnfIvo confonfs of fho SIO`s OI!A.
ThIs IIsf hns socIfIod nnd ImIIod fnsks. Irom fhoso fnsks, ho dovoIos fho
mIssIon MIT! from ofhor fonm mombors nnd dIsfrIbufos fho dovoIood
InnnIng guIdnnco fo fho nIIcnbIo sfnff socfIons.
Assistant Operations and InteIIigence Sergeant (18F)
234. Tho SIO S2 rovIows nII submIffod !IIs. Ho coordInnfos fhoso nnd
nny socInI sfnff socfIon roquosfs ns sonrnfo roquosfs. AIso ho rovIows fho
hIghor commnndor`s II! nnd coordInnfos wIfh fho S3 fo IdonfIfy ofhor I!s.
Ho dovoIos n fonfnfIvo IIsf of SIO II! nnd I!s bnsod on fho commnndor`s
Infonf, fho SIO mIssIon, fho crIfIcnIIfy of socIfIc sfnff I!s, fho hIghor
commnndor`s II!, nnd nnfIcInfod InfoIIIgonco roquIromonfs fo suorf
oornfIons. Tho S2 submIfs fho fonfnfIvo II! nnd I! IIsf fo fho S3 for
IncorornfIon Info fho SIO CCI!. Tho CCI! nro rIorIfIzod for hIs uso In
dovoIoIng hIs fImoIy InformnfIon mnnngomonf, fncfIcnI docIsIon rocoss, nnd
hIs ncfIons nnd roncfIons fhnf nffocf succossfuI mIssIon nccomIIshmonf. Ho
nIso coordInnfos for fho IncIusIon of nddIfIonnI mIssIonossonfInI fnsks Info
fho SIO`s MIT!.
FM 3-05.201
235. To bosf suorf fho SIOs, fho bnffnIIon suorf comnny musf hnvo
n cIonr Icfuro of mIssIon roquIromonfs. Tho comnny rovIdos InfoIIIgonco
nnd oIocfronIc wnrfnro IIW suorf, CSS, nnd sIgnnI suorf fo nn IOI
nnd fhoIr doIoyod SIOs. Tho fIrsf sourco of fhoso roquIromonfs Is fho
mIssIon Ioffor. WorkIng wIfh ofhor rImnry nnd socInI sfnff socfIons, fho S3
socfIon ronros fhIs mIssIon Ioffor, whIch fho bnffnIIon commnndor Issuos.
Tho mIssIon Ioffor confnIns gonornI guIdnnco ns fo fho fyos nnd qunnfIfIos of
suorf fho comnny wIII bo roquIrod fo rovIdo. Tho mIssIon Ioffor musf
nIorf fho sIgnnI dofnchmonf fo nny unusunI sIgnnI roquIromonfs nnd IncIudo
ofhor !WsocIfIc fnskIngs. Tho mIssIon Ioffor sorvos ns n bnsIs for MIT!
dovoIomonf for fho SI bnffnIIon suorf comnny commnndor. Tho socond
monns of IdonfIfyIng suorf roquIromonfs nro fho brIofbncks conducfod by
fho omIoyod SIOs. !orosonfnfIon of nII concornod sfnff socfIons nf fhIs
mosfIy ornI rosonfnfIon onhnncos mIssIon succoss moro fhnn nImosf nny
ofhor brIofIng. Tho brIofbnck Is normnIIy fho Insf chnnco for fho S3 nnd S4
rorosonfnfIvos fo brIof fho SIO commnndors rosonf nny Insf mInufo
chnngos nnd udnfos.
236. !on comIofIon of socIfIc mIssIon InnnIng, fho suorf comnny
commnndor rovIsos fho drnff MIT!. WorkIng wIfh fho nrorInfo sfnff
socfIon, fho suorf comnny commnndor Issuos guIdnnco fo onch of hIs
subordInnfo oIomonfs In n mIssIon Ioffor. Tho Ioffor IncIudos n sfnfomonf of
Infonf nnd COOIS. ThIs Ioffor rovIdos n sfnrf oInf for dovoIoIng fho
bnffnIIon MIT!. SubordInnfo oIomonfs fhon drnff socIfIc nnd roInfod fnsks
from fhIs gonornI nnnIysIs.
23?. IM 305.20 nnd CrnhIc TrnInIng AId CTA 3ll3, ofnchmonf
MIssIon IInnnIng CuIdo, oufIIno socIfIc SIOA mIssIon InnnIng
rocoduros fo IncIudo doIIbornfo nnd fImosonsIfIvo crIsIs ncfIon InnnIng.
oIIbornfo oncofImo InnnIng Is bnsod on rojocfod oIIfIcnI nnd mIIIfnry
sIfunfIons fhnf nro nIIcnbIo fo n !W onvIronmonf. Tho objocfIvo of fhIs
rocoss Is fo dovoIo nn OI!A wIfh COI!As fo rovIdo for fIoxIbIo
oxocufIon. A crIsIs Is fIuId by nnfuro nnd InvoIvos dynnmIc ovonfs, mnkIng
fIoxIbIo InnnIng n rIorIfy. oIIbornfo InnnIng suorfs fImosonsIfIvo
crIsIsncfIon InnnIng by nnfIcInfIng ofonfInI crIsos nnd dovoIoIng
COI!As fhnf nssIsf In fho rnId dovoIomonf nnd soIocfIon of n COA.
238. Tho doIIbornfo InnnIng rocoss bogIns wIfh rocoIf of fho TASKO!
nnd fnrgof InfoIIIgonco nckngo TII. Tho rocoss IIguro 23, ngo 2l3
wIII uIfImnfoIy rosuIf In n comIofod socInI oornfIons mIssIon InnnIng
foIdor SOMII. A mIssIon Ioffor nnd TII nro noodod fo bogIn n fonsIbIIIfy
nssossmonf IA or dovoIo n IOI. Inch TII confnIns fho SOC nnd grou
commnndors` oornfIonnI Infonf. If nIso confnIns n socIfIcnfIon of romIssIon
consfrnInfs nnd consIdornfIons fhnf wIII hnmor fho nssossmonf nnd
InnnIng rocoss. Tho grou commnndor nnd sfnff rovIow fho TII nnd
SOMII fo doformIno fho gonornI shorfcomIngs nnd roquIromonfs Inhoronf In
fho TASKO!. Thoy fhon nssIgn n bnffnIIon fo nssoss fho mIssIon`s
fonsIbIIIfy nnd fo bogIn InnnIng fho mIssIon. AIfhough fho grou nssos fho
FM 3-05.201
ncfIon fo fho bnffnIIon for moro dofnIIod nnnIysIs, grou sfnff oIomonfs musf
confInuo fhoIr own nnnIysIs nnd coordInnfo fho known nnd nnfIcInfod
Figure 2-3. DeIiberate PIanning Process
FM 3-05.201
239. !on rocoIf of fho TASKO!, fho SI bnffnIIon bogIns fho IA
rocoss. ThIs nssossmonf doformInos fho nbIIIfy of fho SIOA fo orform fho
mIssIon nnd fho nbIIIfIos of fho bnffnIIon or SIOI fo suorf fho mIssIon.
Tho bnffIofIoId oornfIng sysfoms IOS nnd SO ImornfIvos nro fho guIdos
fo uso for conducfIng nn IA. Tho IA rocoss roquIros dIrocf InvoIvomonf of
fho bnffnIIon or IOI sfnff, fho SIOI sfnff, nnd fho SIOA. Inch hns
socIfIc dogroos of concorn nnd nrons of rosonsIbIIIfy AO!s fhnf, whon
nddrossod, wIII nccurnfoIy rofIocf mIssIon fonsIbIIIfy. !ovIowIng fhoso Ifoms
onsuros unIfy of offorf of nII unIfs In fho JSOA nnd nvoIds confIIcf nmong
frIondIy unIfs. Whon doformInIng mIssIon fonsIbIIIfy for n roconfIIcf mIssIon
nssIgnmonf nf homo sfnfIon, Innnors musf forwnrd fo fho IsoInfod SIOI
dofnIIod mIssIon shorffnIIs In frnInIng or rosourco roquIromonfs fhnf nro
boyond fho bnffnIIon`s cnnbIIIfy fo fIx, such ns schooI quofns nnd mIssIon
socIfIc oquImonf. Onco comIofod, fho IA musf cIonrIy show whofhor
mIssIon fonsIbIIIfy Is condIfIonnI uon fho rosoIufIon of IdonfIfIod shorffnIIs.
Tho bnffnIIon commnndor frnnsInfos frnInIng dofIcIoncIos Info nddIfIons fo
fho SIO MIT! for frnInIng. Ho fhon fnsks hIs sfnff oIomonfs fo coordInnfo
fho rosoIufIon of mnforIoI or orsonnoI shorffnIIs.
240. Tho bnffnIIon commnndor nnd hIs sfnff consIdor fho socIfIc mIssIon
roquIromonfs In fho confoxf of ovornII grou nnd bnffnIIon Inns. Thoy musf
nssoss fho bnffnIIon or IOI sfnff`s nbIIIfy fo ronro, suorf, susfnIn,
commnnd, nnd confroI !W oIomonfs onco fhoy nro commIffod fo nn oornfIon.
Tho SI bnffnIIon hns fwo rIncInI roIos In fho IA rocoss, fo guIdo nnd
suorf fho SIO`s offorfs. In fho doIIbornfo InnnIng rocoss nf homo
sfnfIon whoro fImo Is nof n crIfIcnI fncfor, fho bnffnIIon wIII nof fInd n mIssIon
InfonsIbIo wIfhouf nIIowIng fho fnskod SIO fo conducf Ifs nssossmonf. If fho
SIO`s nnd fho bnffnIIon sfnff`s nssossmonfs confIIcf, fho bnffnIIon
commnndor mnkos fho fInnI doformInnfIon. Tho bnffnIIon oornfIons sfnff
sorvos ns fho focnI oInf for coordInnfIng InfIIfrnfIon nnd oxfIIfrnfIon
fonsIbIIIfIos. SIOs nnd bnffnIIon sfnffs musf consIdor nII mofhods of
InfIIfrnfIon nnd oxfIIfrnfIon durIng IA. InfonsIbIo or InnrorInfo mofhods
of InfIIfrnfIon or oxfIIfrnfIon nro oxcIudod from fufuro consIdornfIon. A
mIssIon bocomos InfonsIbIo whon nII ofonfInI InfIIfrnfIon nnd oxfIIfrnfIon
mofhods nro InfonsIbIo. Tho bnffnIIon or IOI sfnff forwnrds fo fho fnskod
SIOA nnd SIOI known consfrnInfs, nvnIInbIo InformnfIon, nnd fho
commnndor`s Infonf, whIch bocomo fhoIr bnsIs for nssossmonf.
24l. A bnffnIIon gIvos mIssIons dIrocfIy fo onch of Ifs 3 SIOIs nnd l8
SIOAs. ThIs fnskIng doos nof ImIy fhnf fho comnny HQ doos nof
nrfIcInfo In fnskIng Ifs orgnnIc SIOAs. !nIoss fhoro nro socurIfy ronsons
for comnrfmonfnIIzIng fho mIssIon, fho comnny rocoIvos fho TASKO!
from fho bnffnIIon commnndor nnd sfnff. Tho bnffnIIon fhon fnsks ono of Ifs
SIOAs or SIOIs nnd suorvIsos Ifs nssossmonf ncfIvIfIos. Tho SI
bnffnIIon commnndor hns fhroo ronsons fo nss fho TASKO! fhrough fho
comnny commnndor. IIrsf, fho SIOI comnny mnnngos fho dnyfodny
ncfIvIfIos of fho SIOA nnd SIOI. Socond, oornfIonnI oxorIonco of fho
FM 3-05.201
SI comnny HQ normnIIy oxcoods fhnf of fho SIOA fho comnny sfnff
monfors fho SIOA. ThIrd, nffor doIoymonf, fho mosf common mIssIons for
nn SIOI wIII bo fhnf If Is IndoondonfIy doIoyod Info fho JSOA or
doIoyod fo suorf fho SIOA ns nn AOI or ns n SOCCI. Ior !W, fho
comnny`s IA concorns IncIudo
CommunIcnfIons monns nnd schoduIos.
Imorgoncy oxfIIfrnfIon roquIromonfs.
Imorgoncy rosuIy consIdornfIons.
IroIImInnry confncf nnd IInku Inns.
242. Tho SIOA or SIOI orformIng IAs for socIfIc mIssIons doos nof
dovoIo Inns nf fhIs fImo. IIfhor dofnchmonf cnn doformIno mIssIon
roquIromonfs nnd oxnmIno nIIcnbIo fncfIcs, fochnIquos, nnd rocoduros. If
IdonfIfIos Inforngoncy coordInnfIon, roquIrod rosourcos, frnInIng boyond Ifs
orgnnIc cnnbIIIfy, nnd nugmonfnfIon noods. If musf IncIudo fhoso
roquIromonfs ns condIfIons In fho fInnI IA. IAs nro sfnfod ns oIfhor
AffIrmnfIvofrnInod, oquIod, nnd roufInoIy suorfod.
CondIfIonnIwo cnn do If, buf fho foIIowIng condIfIons or roquIromonfs
ognfIvowo cnnnof nccomIIsh fhIs mIssIon bocnuso of n cIonrIy
sfnfod ronson.
243. AvInfIon nssofs conducf IAs for nIrcrnff nvnIInbIIIfy nnd comnfIbIIIfy
wIfh mIssIon guIdoIInos nnd roufos for InfIIfrnfIon nnd oxfIIfrnfIon. TochnIcnI
nugmonfoos conducf IAs fo onsuro comnfIbIIIfy wIfh fho mIssIon. ThIs IA
shouId IncIudo
CnnbIIIfy fo oxocufo fho soIocfod InfIIfrnfIon nnd oxfIIfrnfIon.
Imorgoncy rosuIy.
IIro suorf.
Ofhor mIssIonsocIfIc skIIIs nocossnry for mIssIon succoss.
244. JoInf fIros, cIoso nIr suorf CAS, nnvnI gunfIro, fIro suorf fyos,
nvnIInbIIIfy, IImIfnfIons, nnd roquIromonfs nood fo bo IdonfIfIod onrIy In fho
mIssIon InnnIng soquonco. urIng InnnIng, fho commnndor
IsfnbIIshos rosfrIcfod fIro nrons !IAs, nofIro nrons IAs, nnd fIro
suorf coordInnfIon IInos ns noodod.
ovoIos fIro suorf coordInnfIon monsuros fhnf rofocf doIoyod
SIOs nnd nro nof unnocossnrIIy rosfrIcfIvo on fho convonfIonnI or
suorfIng forcos.
IM 305.20 nnd JI 309, ocfrIno for JoInf IIro Suorf, rovIdo
dofnIIod fIro suorf InformnfIon.
FM 3-05.201
245. Onco n mIssIon Is doformInod fonsIbIo or condIfIonnIIy fonsIbIo, fho
IOI sfnff or SIO nnfIcInfos ncfunI TASKO!. Tho bnffnIIon or IOI sfnff
ImmodInfoIy IdonfIfIos roquIromonfs for schooIIng, frnInIng, nnd oquImonf.
ModIfyIng MTOIs or fnskorgnnIzIng onrIy fo moof mIssIon roquIromonfs nro
oxnmIos of Iongform fIxos fhnf shouId bogIn durIng IA. Tho bnffnIIon sfnff
nnd fho SIO rofnIn nII documonfnfIon nnd workIng nors from fho IA
sInco fhoy form fho bnsIs for subsoquonf IOI dovoIomonf.
246. Tho IOI Is fho fInnI oIomonf of fho SOMII. If shows how fho SIOA
Infonds fo cnrry ouf fho nssIgnod mIssIon. SocIfIc mIssIon ronrnfIon
bogIns whon fho bnffnIIon rocoIvos fho fnskIng fo ronro n SOMII fo
nccomIIsh n fnskod mIssIon. ThIs fnskIng fnkos fho form of n SOMII shoII
confnInIng nII oIomonfs dovoIood fo fhnf oInf. IM l0025 nnd JI 305.5
rovIdo InformnfIon on SOMII confonfs. OfIons for conducfIng socIfIc
mIssIon InnnIng IncIudo
AcfIvnfIng fho IOI for frnInIng nnd IsoInfIng SIOAs so fhnf fhoy
mny nccomIIsh fhoIr dofnIIod InnnIng.
ConducfIng InnnIng ns nrf of fho roufIno frnInIng dny.
24?. Tho bnffnIIon commnndor nnd sfnff Inn for suorf of fho ovornII
oornfIon. In nddIfIon, fho bnffnIIon hns ncfIvIfIos fhnf suorf SIO IOI
dovoIomonf. IuIIdIng uon fho nnnIysIs conducfod durIng fho IA, fho
bnffnIIon sfnff usos fho mIIIfnry docIsIonmnkIng rocoss ns doscrIbod In
IM 50 curronfIy IM l0l5. Ior InnnIng fhnf Is nof fImocrIfIcnI, fho sfnff
ronros formnI wrIffon osfImnfos fhnf IdonfIfy nnfIcInfod mIssIonsocIfIc
roquIromonfs of fho SIOs. Thoy nIso nddross InnnIng ofIons nvnIInbIo fo
fho fnskod SIO. Ior oxnmIo, fho sIgnnI socfIon nddrossos nvnIInbIo
communIcnfIons cnnbIIIfIos nnd rocoduros for frnnsmIffIng dnfn wIfhouf
unduo rIsk of comromIso. Af fho bnffnIIon IovoI, fho commnndor dIrocfs fho
docIsIonmnkIng rocoss fownrd
ovoIoIng osfImnfos fo bo usod In ronrnfIon of fho bnffnIIon ordor
nnd SIO InnnIng guIdnnco.
ovoIoIng fho commnndor`s Infonf Info n fonsIbIo COOIS.
IInnnIng for IOI ncfIvIfIos roquIrod fo suorf fho omIoyod SIOs.
BattaIion Order
248. Tho bnffnIIon InnnIng rocoss roducos fho bnffnIIon ordor. Tho
bnffnIIon ordor oncomnssos nII mIssIons fho bnffnIIon`s SIOs wIII
nccomIIsh. SIOAs nnd SIOIs wIII normnIIy rocoIvo InformnfIon on fhoIr
JSOA onIy.
249. Onco comIofod, fho coordInnfod bnffnIIon ordor or Inn bocomos n
suorfIng Inn fo fho grou or SIOI OI!A. Tho rovIsod or now mIssIon
Ioffor normnIIy roquIros fho sfnff fo rovIow rovIous homo sfnfIon nnnIysIs
nnd coordInnfIon.
FM 3-05.201
Commander's Intent
250. Tho commnndor`s Infonf sorvos fo communIcnfo guIdnnco In fho
nbsonco of socIfIc ordors. Tho commnndor`s Infonf musf bo sfnfod cIonrIy. If
musf bo brIof nnd fo fho oInf. Tho commnndor musf IncIudo n sonrnfo
sfnfomonf of Infonf for onch socIfIc TASKO!. Tho Infonf dIrocfs MICO
dovoIomonf nf fho SIO IovoI. Tho ordor musf confnIn suffIcIonf dofnII fo
guIdo fho SIO commnndor`s mIssIon nnnIysIs nnd docIsIonmnkIng rocoss
wIfhouf IImIfIng fho SIO`s fIoxIbIIIfy durIng fho InnnIng ofIons.
Mission Letter
25l. Tho bnffnIIon commnndor Issuos n mIssIon Ioffor fo fho SIOAs nnd
SIOIs. Ho fhon rovIdos fho bnffnIIon OI!A nnd SOMII fo fho SIOA.
Tho SIOA noods fImo fo rovIow fho InformnfIon boforo rocoIvIng fho
mIssIon brIofIng from fho bnffnIIon commnndor nnd sfnff. Tho mIssIon
brIofIng consIsfs of bnffnIIon sfnff offIcors, mIssIon oornfIon coII MOC, nnd
noncommIssIonod offIcors COs. Thoy summnrIzo fhoIr socIfIc nrons nnd
oInbornfo on dnfn or chnngos In fho OI!A fhnf Imncf on fho SIOA`s
mIssIon. Tho SIOA doos nof Ionvo fho brIofIng unfII If undorsfnnds fho
commnndor`s Infonf nnd hns nskod nII fho quosfIons gonornfod by Ifs rovIow
of fho bnffnIIon OI!A nnd SOMII. Tho bnffnIIon sfnff nnswors nII
quosfIons concornIng, for oxnmIo, InfIIfrnfIon Infforms, suorf oquImonf
nvnIInbIIIfy, nnd rohonrsnI nrons nvnIInbIo fo fho SIO.
252. Tho SIOI mny nIso ronro for Ifs own foIIowon nron commnnd
mIssIon In fho fufuro. Whon fho SIOI Is nof comnrfmonfnIIzod from fho
SIOA rocoIvIng Ifs mIssIon, fho SI comnny commnndor nnd sfnff monIfor
fho mIssIon brIofIng wIfh fho SIOA. ThIs rncfIco onsuros fho SIOI
Is nvnIInbIo fo fho SIOA durIng fho InnnIng rocoss.
!ndorsfnnds fho frnInIng nnd rosourco roquIromonfs roInfod fo fho
If fnskod fo ncf ns nn AOI or ns IOI nugmonfnfIon, undorsfnnds fho
mIssIons If Is suorfIng or confroIIIng.
253. oIIbornfo !W InnnIng durIng IsoInfIon ronros fho SIOA for n
hyofhofIcnI crIsIs bnsod on fho mosf curronf InfoIIIgonco. ThIs nssumfIon
nIIows for fho roInnnod uso of rosourcos nnd orsonnoI rojocfod fo bo
nvnIInbIo whon fho Inn bocomos offocfIvo. Tho nssumfIons mnko If
ImrobnbIo fhnf nny COI!A fho SIOA hns ImIomonfod wIII bo fofnIIy
usnbIo wIfhouf modIfIcnfIons. Tho dofnIIod nnnIysIs nnd coordInnfIon fhnf
wns nccomIIshod durIng fho fImo nvnIInbIo for doIIbornfo InnnIng wIII
oxodIfo offocfIvo docIsIon mnkIng ns fho crIsIs unfoIds. Af fhIs fImo,
nssumfIons nnd rojocfIons nro roIncod wIfh hnrd dnfn. Onco fho IOI
commnndor soIocfs nn SIOA fo oxocufo fho mIssIon, fho dofnchmonf movos
Info nn ISOIAC, rocoIvos fho OIO! nnd mIssIon brIof, nnd bogIns Ifs
mIssIon ronrnfIon ns foIIows.
FM 3-05.201
Step 1: Receive the Mission
254. Tho SIO nnd Ifs MOC rocoIvo fho bnffnIIon sfnff`s InnnIng
guIdnnco. ThIs guIdnnco mny como In n mIssIon Ioffor from fho grou durIng
normnI oncofImo oornfIons, or If mny como In fho form of nn OI!A nnd
SOMII durIng hosfIIIfIos TASKO!. Tho comnny nssos commnnd
guIdnnco fo fho SIOA. Tho SIO commnndor rovIows fhIs InnnIng
guIdnnco nnd ncfIvnfos fho sfnff socfIons wIfhIn fho SIOA. !nIf sfnndIng
oornfIng rocoduros SOIs dosIgnnfo SIOA mombors for onch sfnff
socfIon nccordIng fo fhoIr MOSs nnd nssIgnod sfnff rosonsIbIIIfIos. Inch
SIO mombor rovIows hIs orfIon of fho OI!A. Whon rovIow of fho
OI!A Is comIofo, fho SIO dIscussos fho bnffnIIon commnndor`s Infonf.
Inch mombor voIcos hIs concorns nnd dovoIos quosfIons fo bo nnsworod In
fho mIssIon brIofIng fo fho fonm. Tho SIO dovoIos !IIs nnd ufs fhom In
wrIfIng. Thoso !IIs nddross unnnsworod quosfIons nnd uncIonr oInfs In fho
commnndor`s Infonf. Thoso !IIs nro forwnrdod fo fho bnffnIIon sfnff nnd n
mIssIon brIofIng Is schoduIod. Tho bnffnIIon sfnff rosonfs fho mIssIon
brIofIng, durIng whIch If nnswors ns mnny !IIs ns ossIbIo nnd rovIdos n
workIng sfnfus on fho ofhors. Tho SIO quosfIons onch sfnff mombor ns
roquIrod. Tho SIOA commnndor onsuros fho orcofIon of fho commnndor`s
Infonf Is corrocf fhrough fncofofnco dIscussIon wIfh fho bnffnIIon
Step 2: Exchange Information
255. Affor fho mIssIon brIofIng Is comIofo nnd nII quosfIons hnvo boon
nnsworod or nofod for furfhor rosonrch nnd coordInnfIon, fho SIO
commnndor conducfs n mIssIon nnnIysIs sossIon wIfh fho SIO. ThIs sossIon
onsuros SIO mombors undorsfnnd II!, !OI, InfoIIIgonco IndIcnfors, IognI
nnd oIIfIcnI consfrnInfs, nnd fho roIo of CA nnd ISYOI. In fhIs sossIon, fho
SIO rovIows nII nvnIInbIo InformnfIon fo onsuro fhnf nII SIO mombors
ngroo on whnf hns boon rosonfod. SIO mombors wIfh socInIIzod skIIIs or
oxorIonco oIfhor for fho mIssIon or In fho JSOA rovIdo InformnfIon on
fhoIr unIquo orsocfIvos or roquIromonfs. If confusIon ovor InformnfIon or
InforrofnfIons of InformnfIon oxIsfs, fho SIO dovoIos nnd forwnrds
nddIfIonnI !IIs fo fho bnffnIIon for cInrIfIcnfIon.
Step 3: Restate Commander's Intent and Produce PIanning Guidance
256. Affor oxchnngIng InformnfIon, fho SIO commnndor, AC, nnd fho
SIO oornfIons sorgonnf or comnny oornfIons WO or SCM If nn SIOI
moof fo dovoIo fho rosfnfod mIssIon nnd Infonf fo roduco OIO! InnnIng
guIdnnco. Horo, fho SIO Iondors
!ovIow fho socIfIod nnd ImIIod fnsks from fho OIO!.
!ovIow fho bnffnIIon mIssIon sfnfomonf nnd commnndor`s Infonf.
ConsIdor fho InformnfIon rocoIvod fo dnfo.
!ovIow fho fonsIbIo InfIIfrnfIon nnd oxfIIfrnfIon monns.
25?. Insod on fhIs InformnfIon, fho SIO Iondors rovIow nnd dovoIo n
comrohonsIvo IIsf of socIfIod nnd ImIIod fnsks, nnd fho commnndor
dovoIos n rosfnfod mIssIon. Tho wordIng of fho fnsk In fho OIO! doos nof
FM 3-05.201
nood fo bo ronrrnngod. Tho rosfnfod mIssIon socIfIcnIIy IdonfIfIos fho fnsk ns
fho whnf of fho who, whnf, whon, whoro, nnd why. Insod on fho knowIodgo
of fho skIIIs, cnnbIIIfIos, curronf nnd nchIovnbIo sfnndnrds of frnInIng of fho
SIO, nnd nvnIInbIo rosourcos, fho SIO Iondors dovoIo numorous COAs
for consIdornfIon.
258. IInnnIng rosonsIbIIIfIos dIfforonf from, or nof covorod by, unIf SOIs
nro nIso cIonrIy sfnfod. Whon fho SIO Iondors hnvo comIofod fho nnnIysIs,
fhoy nss fho fIndIngs ouf fo fho onfIro SIO. ormnIIy, InformnfIon Is gIvon
ornIIy howovor, wrIffon guIdnnco or frnInIng nIds for oxnmIo, fII chnrfs
nro rofornbIo whoro guIdnnco Is comIIcnfod. As n mInImum, fho SIO
Iondors musf usunIIy rosonf fhroo COAs In wrIfIng.
Step 4: Prepare Staff Estimates
259. Insod on fho InnnIng guIdnnco nnd unIf SOIs, fho SIO mombors
ronro osfImnfos for fhoIr AO!s. Thoso osfImnfos nro nof IImIfod fo fhoso of
fho frndIfIonnI sfnff AO!s. ISYOI nnd CMO osfImnfos wIII nIwnys bo
ronrod for !W oornfIons. Af homo sfnfIon, SIO`s InnnIng whoro fImo
Is nof n fncfor IncIudos wrIffon osfImnfos. WrIffon osfImnfos rovIdo noodod
confInuIfy for roIncomonfs whon SIO mombors rofnfo. Sfnff osfImnfos
musf IdonfIfy suorf roquIromonfs for onch COA. Onco comIofod, fho
dofnchmonf commnndor brIofs fho sfnff osfImnfos fo fho SIO. Tho brIofIng
sorvos fho uroso of oxchnngIng InformnfIon bofwoon SIO mombors.
Step 5: Prepare Commander's Estimate and Decision
260. Affor fho sfnff osfImnfo brIofIngs, fho SIO commnndor ronssombIos
fho SIO Iondors nnd, wIfh fhoIr nssIsfnnco, ronros fho commnndor`s
osfImnfo. A crIfIcnI orfIon of fhIs sfo Is fIndIng nnd woIghIng fho fncfors fo
bo usod In ovnIunfIng fho COAs. Tho SIO Iondors soIocf fho socIfIc fncfors
for fho mIssIon bnsod on fho commnndor`s Infonf nnd fho socIfIod nnd
ImIIod fnsks. Tho commnndor`s osfImnfo musf IncIudo socIfIc fncfors for
onch of fho funcfIonnI nrons In fho IOS. Tho SO ImornfIvos shouId bo
frnnsInfod Info socIfIc fncfors roInfod fo fho mIssIon. Tho commnndor`s
osfImnfo Is ronrod In wrIffon form. Insod on hIs osfImnfo, fho commnndor
docIdos whIch COA fho SIO wIII Inn fo oxocufo. Tho roducf of fhIs sfo Is
n sfnfomonf of fho SIO commnndor`s Infonf nnd n concof of fho oornfIon.
Tho SIO commnndor brIofs fhom fo fho onfIro SIO. ThIs brIofIng sorvos
fo nnswor nny quosfIons fho SIO mny hnvo nnd sorvos ns fho SIO
murdor bonrd for fho concof. Affor brIofIng fho bnffnIIon, fho commnndor
schoduIos nn InformnI MICO brIofIng wIfh fho SIO nnd fho bnffnIIon
Step 6: Present MICON Briefing
26l. Tho MICO brIofIng Is nn InformnI brIofIng rosonfod fo fho bnffnIIon
commnndor fo onsuro fho InnnIng offorfs moof hIs Infonf. Tho MICO
nIIows nrovnI of fho SIO`s concof of fho oornfIon boforo oxondIng fImo
In dofnIIod InnnIng. Tho gonI of fho MICO Is fo gof fho commnndor`s
nrovnI for n COA. MICO brIofIngs hnvo no socIfIc formnf buf normnIIy
IncIudo fho
FM 3-05.201
HIghor commnndor`s Infonf.
Concof of fho oornfIon.
COAs consIdorod.
Incfors usod fo ovnIunfo fho COA, rIsk nssossmonf, nnd MITTTC.
SocIfIc !W fnsks.
Tnsk orgnnIznfIon fo IncIudo roquosfs for roquIrod nffnchmonfs.
InfIIfrnfIon, confncf, nnd oxfIIfrnfIon monns.
IdonfIfIcnfIon of oxfornnI suorf roquIrod such ns Inforngoncy
nrovnI of socInI ncfIvIfIos nnd nonsfnndnrd oquImonf.
ConornI sfnfomonf of fho commnndor`s COOIS.
MIssIonossonfInI orsonnoI nnd oquImonf robIoms nof rovIousIy
262. VIsunI nIds shouId bo fhoso fhnf fho SIO Is nIrondy usIng for mIssIon
InnnIng. Tho MICO brIofIng shouId nof bo so formnI fho ovonf hIndors
fho SIO`s InnnIng ncfIvIfIos. Tho bnffnIIon commnndor nrovos fho
concof, modIfIos If, or dIrocfs fho SIO fo rofurn fo Sfo 3, rovIdIng
nddIfIonnI guIdnnco fo cInrIfy hIs mIssIon Infonf. Koy bnffnIIon sfnff mombors
mny nccomnny fho bnffnIIon commnndor fo fho MICO brIofIng nnd
fnmIIInrIzo fhomsoIvos wIfh fho nrovod mIssIon concof.
263. Insod on fho nrovod concof, fho bnffnIIon sfnff nnfIcInfos fho
SIO`s suorf roquIromonfs. Ior oxnmIo, If fho MICO cnIIs for hIgh
nIfIfudo IowoonIng HA!O InfIIfrnfIon of n l2mnn SIO, fho S4 doos nof
wnIf for n suorf roquosf for HA!O nIr Ifoms for fho InfIIfrnfIon. Tho
soIocfod concof drIvos InfoIIIgonco roquIromonfs. Iocnuso of fho gonornIIy
roofIfIous I!, InfoIIIgonco orsonnoI cnn nnfIcInfo nnd doIIvor mnny of
fhoIr roquIromonfs. Howovor, fho SIO Is sfIII rosonsIbIo for nII dofnIIs of
fho !W oornfIon.
264. ArovnI of fho MICO onds fho concof dovoIomonf hnso for fhIs
InnnIng sossIon. !osonsIbIIIfy for fho concof now rosfs wIfh fho bnffnIIon
commnndor, nnd fho SIO confInuos wIfh fhoIr InnnIng.
Step 7: Prepare OPLAN
265. !on nrovnI of fho MICO, fho SIO Iondors roduco fho body of
fho OI!A. Tho wrIffon OI!A socIfIos fnskIng fo subordInnfo oIomonfs
nnd IndIvIdunI mombors of fho SIO. Annoxos nro nof IncIudod nf fhIs oInf
fhoy nro roducod durIng fho dofnIIod InnnIng hnso. Tho Inn musf bo In
kooIng wIfh fho bnffnIIon commnndor`s guIdnnco nnd undorsfood by nII
mombors of fho SIO. Whon fhoso crIforIn nro snfIsfIod, fho bnffnIIon
commnndor nrovos fho Inn nffor comIofIon of fho brIofbnck.
Step 8: Conduct DetaiIed PIanning
266. Tho SIO orgnnIzos for InnnIng fho snmo ns If wouId for mIssIon
oxocufIon. Whon fho mIssIon doos nof roquIro fho onfIro SIO, nonossonfInI
mombors hoI subordInnfo oIomonfs In fho mIssIon InnnIng rocoss.
ComnrfmonfnfIon wIfhIn fho SIO Is gonornIIy counforroducfIvo. Inch
FM 3-05.201
SIO mombor or oIomonf comIofos n dofnIIod Inn for fho oxocufIon of
nssIgnod fnsks. Mombors of fho SIO brIof fhoIr rosocfIvo nrons, whIIo
ofhor mombors rovIdo nn nrorInfo crIfIquo. Tho bnffnIIon sfnff shouId bo
nvnIInbIo fo rovIdo fho snmo sorvIco wIfh fho nddod ndvnnfngo of gronfor
oxorIonco nnd objocfIvIfy.
26?. In !W, corfnIn nsocfs of fho mIssIon mny bo boyond fho oxorIonco of
nny of fho Innnors. In fhoso cIrcumsfnncos, rohonrsnIs nro oxcoIIonf mIssIon
InnnIng fooIs. ow or unfnmIIInr omIoymonf fochnIquos mny bo fosfod by
ronIIsfIc rohonrsnIs of orfIons of fho Inn durIng Ifs dovoIomonf. Offon,
wnIkIng fhrough nn ncfIon wIII rovonI fho nood for chnngos fo fho Inn. In
nny cnso, boforo nn SIO brIofs n IOI fo Ifs bnffnIIon commnndor, SIO
mombors shouId hysIcnIIy confIrm fho vInbIIIfy of fho Inn undor fho mosf
ronIIsfIc cIrcumsfnncos ossIbIo. Iormnfs for socIfIc suboIomonfs of fho
dofnIIod Inn fhnf suorf fho IOI vnry wIfh fho mIssIon. Somo orfIons of
fho IOI mny roquIro nnnoxos ofhors onIy roquIro monfIon In n Inrgor
socfIon. Tho IOI shouId roInfo how fho oxcofIonnI ncfIvIfy confrIbufos fo
coIIocfIng nnd roorfIng roquIromonfs or how If onhnncos fho survIvnbIIIfy of
fho SIO. AIfornnfo Inns nnd COI!As nro nIso consIdorod. Tho IOI
IIsfs nII mIssIonossonfInI oquImonf nnd nccounfs for fho dIsosIfIon of fhnf
oquImonf In SIO nckIng nnd rosuIy Inns. Tho SIO Iondors onsuro
fhnf nII suorfIng subInns nro consIsfonf nnd mufunIIy suorfIvo. Thoy
nIso musf onsuro fhnf socInIIzod oquImonf usod for ono ncfIvIfy cnn nIso bo
usod for nnofhor. !on comIofIon of nII suorfIng subInns, fho SIO
Iondors suorvIso fho ronrnfIon of fho formnI IOI. If IncIudos nII fho
nnnoxos, nofos, nnrrnfIvos, nnd grnhIcs ossonfInI fo conducf fho mIssIon.
Step 9: Conduct Briefback
268. Tho brIofbnck sorvos n dIsfIncf uroso. AIfhough fho IOI dofnIIs
whnf nn SIOA Infonds fo nccomIIsh, fho brIofbnck oxInIns fo fho
bnffnIIon commnndor how fho SIOA wIII oxocufo fho nssIgnod fnsks. AII
InformnfIon Is confnInod In fho commnndor`s foIdor nnd musf bo nbIo fo sfnnd
nIono. Tho SIOA Is now rondy fo nccomIIsh Ifs mIssIon. Tho bnffnIIon
commnndor`s Insf offocfIvo InfIuonco on fhoso ncfIvIfIos Is fhrough guIdnnco
gIvon nf fho brIofbnck.
269. Tho brIofbnck formnf Is drIvon by fho Inn, nof fho rovorso. SovornI
mIssIon brIofbnck formnfs nro nvnIInbIo fhnf rovIdo gonornI guIdnnco. Thoro
Is no bosf formnf or chockIIsf for !W. Tho SIOA ronros fho brIofbnck
usIng fho comIofod dofnIIod Inn. IxIsfIng formnfs nro usofuI ns n monns fo
orgnnIzo fho rosonfnfIon In gonornI forms nnd ns n chockIIsf fo Iook for
obvIous nrons fhnf woro ovorIookod durIng InnnIng. IrIofbnck ronrnfIon
offon rovonIs gns In InnnIng. In ndnfIng fho formnf, fho foIIowIng
rIncIIos nIy
Tho formnf musf rovIdo n dofnIIod doscrIfIon of fho ncfIvIfIos of onch
SIOA mombor fhroughouf fho oxocufIon of fho mIssIon. ThIs
doscrIfIon rovIdos n monfnI Icfuro of fho oornfIon for fho
commnndor rocoIvIng fho brIofIng.
Tho brIofIng usos vIsunI nIds onIy If fhoy hoI fo cInrIfy fho brIofIng.
FM 3-05.201
IrIofors musf nvoId consfnnf roforonco fo fho commnndor`s foIdor ns If
donIos fho sfnff nccoss fo nocossnry InformnfIon uso chnrfs Insfond.
Tho brIofIng musf rovIdo fho commnndor wIfh ndoqunfo InformnfIon
fo judgo fho offIcncy of fho Inn.
2?0. Tho SIOA rosonfs Ifs brIofbnck In fho ISOIAC whoro fho InnnIng
wns conducfod. ThIs rncfIco onhnncos OISIC nnd roducos bofh
ndmInIsfrnfIvo nnd suorf roquIromonfs. Inch SIOA mombor brIofs hIs
own rosonsIbIIIfIos. Tho sfnff mombors focus quosfIons on nrons whoro fhoy
dId nof honr ndoqunfo InformnfIon fo judgo fho comIofonoss or vInbIIIfy of
fho Inn. Howovor, nII sfnff oIomonfs shouId hnvo fhoroughIy coordInnfod
fhoIr Inuf durIng fho mIssIonInnnIng hnso. Tho frndIfIonnI hnbIf of
quIzzIng SIOA mombors` momory of mIssIonossonfInI dofnIIs Is
nrorInfo for fhIs brIofbnck sInco mIssIon ronrnfIon nnd frnInIng wIII
confInuo. Tho uroso of fho brIofbnck Is for fho commnndor nnd sfnff fo
judgo fho morIfs of fho Inn. Ior oxnmIo, If fho bnffnIIon communIcnfIons
rorosonfnfIvo honrs roforonco fo n communIcnfIons sysfom fhnf ho cnnnof
orsonnIIy vorIfy ns nvnIInbIo, ho quosfIons fho SIOA on fho nvnIInbIIIfy of
fhnf sysfom. If ho honrs dIscussIon on fho uso of nn nnfonnn fhnf nonrs
InnrorInfo, ho confIrms fho ronson for fhnf soIocfIon. Tho brIofbnck Is
Infondod fo show nny wonknossos In fho Inn whIIo fhoy cnn sfIII bo
corrocfod. If fho SIOA cnnnof jusfIfy nny ncfIon, no mnffor how mInufo,
fhnf ncfIon noods fo bo roconsIdorod, corrocfod, nnd fhon ImIomonfod.
2?l. Onco fho bnffnIIon commnndor Is confIdonf fho Inn Is worknbIo nnd Is
doIognfod fho nufhorIfy by fho grou commnndor, ho nrovos fho IOI. If
furfhor work Is sfIII roquIrod, ho gIvos socIfIc guIdnnco nnd rofurns fho
SIOA fo fho InnnIng hnso. Tho commnndor doformInos fho oxfonf of
rovIsIon nnd whofhor nnofhor fuII brIofbnck Is roquIrod. As n mInImum, ho
shouId roquIro fho nrorInfo sfnff offIcor fo orsonnIIy brIof hIm on nny
chnngos. Onco fho Inn Is nrovod, fho SIOA commnndor Is rosonsIbIo
onIy for fho ronrnfIon of fho SIOA nnd oxocufIon of Ifs mIssIon. Tho
bnffnIIon commnndor nssumos rosonsIbIIIfy for fho vInbIIIfy of fho Inn. Ho
shouId wIfhhoId fInnI nrovnI of Inns unfII nII suorf roquosfs nro
confIrmod nnd fho TASKO! nufhorIfy nrovos fho IOI.
Step 10: Obtain POE ApprovaI
2?2. Onco fho IOI Is comIofod nnd nrovod by fho bnffnIIon commnndor,
fho S3 forwnrds If fhrough fho SI grou fo fho fnskIng ngoncy. Tho fnskIng
ngoncy fhon comIIos fho SOMII by obfnInIng fho mIssIon suorf nckngo
MSI nnd ofhor suorfIng documonfs. Tho S2 or S3 socuros fho bnsIc
foIdor nnd rofurns n coy fo fho mIssIon InnnIng ngonf MIA. ThIs
rocoduro consfIfufos IOI nrovnI.
2?3. MIssIon ronrnfIon musf rodnfo IsoInfIon nnd fho doIIbornfo
InnnIng rocoss. urIng mIssIon ronrnfIon, socIfIc mIssIon omIoymonf
Is nof roquIrod. SIOs fnskod fo conducf n socIfIc fyo of mIssIon or uso n
socIfIc monns of InfIIfrnfIon confInuo fo suorf fhoIr MIT! fhrough
FM 3-05.201
schoduIod frnInIng. MIssIon ronrnfIon, whIch Is bosf dono nf fho unIf`s
homo sfnfIon, IncIudos MIT!, IndIvIdunI, nnd mIssIonsocIfIc frnInIng.
2?4. Insod on fho grou commnndor`s frnInIng guIdnnco, fho bnffnIIon
commnndor nssIgns fho mIssIons nnd nrovos fho drnff SIO`s MIT! fhnf
suorfs fho nssIgnod mIssIons. Tho comnny commnndor musf Inn,
conducf, nnd ovnIunfo comnny nnd SIO frnInIng fo suorf fhIs guIdnnco
nnd fho nrovod MIT! for fho mIssIon.
2?5. Tho SIO commnndor rnnks fho fnsks fhnf nood frnInIng. SInco fhoro
wIII novor bo onough fImo fo frnIn In ovory nron, ho focusos on fho MIT!
fnsks fhnf nro ossonfInI for mIssIon comIofIon. Ho omhnsIzos buIIdIng nnd
mnInfnInIng rofIcIoncy In fhoso fnsks fhnf hnvo nof boon orformod fo
sfnndnrd nnd susfnInIng rofIcIoncy In fhoso fnsks fhnf nro mosf dIffIcuIf. Ho
wIII rnnk fhoso fnsks durIng frnInIng moofIngs wIfh fho SIOAs nnd
2?6. Onco fho fnsks for frnInIng nro soIocfod, fho SIOA commnndor
buIIds n frnInIng schoduIo nnd Inns on fhoso fnsks. Ho rovIdos fho rovIous
frnInIng roquIromonfs fo fho bnffnIIon commnndor. Tho bnffnIIon commnndor
nrovos fho IIsf of fnsks fo bo frnInod, nnd fhon fho SIOA commnndor
IncIudos fhom In fho frnInIng schoduIo.
2??. Tho comnny commnndor coordInnfos fho suorf nnd rosourco
roquIromonfs wIfh fho bnffnIIon S3 woII boforo fho schoduIod frnInIng fo
nIIow S3 orsonnoI suffIcIonf fImo fo coordInnfo for fhom. Ho onsuros fhnf
fnsks, condIfIons, nnd sfnndnrds nro onforcod nnd conducfod IAW rIncIIos
oufIInod In IM ?0, TrnInIng fho Iorco.
2?8. In !W, fho SIO musf know fho oornfIonnI onvIronmonf. Tho SIO
offon doIoys fo fho ncfunI AO, ovon whon fho ncfIvIfIos In fho ofonfInI
JSOA nro nof dIrocfIy roInfod fo fho TASKO!. Tho oorfunIfy fo survoy
fho cIImnfIc, googrnhIc, cuIfurnI, nnd ofhor onvIronmonfnI fncfors musf nof
bo Iosf. Whoro If Is ImossIbIo fo doIoy fo fho ncfunI nron nnd conducf offsof
frnInIng, fho S3 coordInnfos wIfh fho bnffnIIon S2 fo IdonfIfy nccossIbIo
IocnfIons for frnInIng fhnf roIIcnfo onch dofnchmonf`s AO. Tho SIO frnIns
fo oxorcIso Ifs mIssIon Inns ns cnrofuIIy nnd ronIIsfIcnIIy ns ossIbIo whIIo
nIwnys mnInfnInIng OISIC.
2?9. Tho bnffnIIon S2 Is rosonsIbIo for nII InfoIIIgoncoroInfod mnffors. Ho
Is rosonsIbIo for kooIng fho commnndor nnd hIs sfnff Informod on nII !W
socurIfy mnffors, fo IncIudo hosfIIo nnd IndIgonous forco ncfIvIfIos. uo fo fho
nnfuro of !W, fho bnffnIIon S2 musf Iny n koy roIo In mIssIon succoss. AII
mIssIon Innnors wIII undorsfnnd fho II! nnd I! gonIs. Tho S2 musf onsuro
fho coIIocfIon Inn II! nnd I!s on whIch fho mIssIon Is bnsod hnvo nof boon
nor cnn bo snfIsfIod by ofhor sourcos. If fho S2 IdonfIfIos ofhor mIssIon
cnnbIo sourcos, ho Informs fho bnffnIIon commnndor fhrough fho S3, nnd
fho suorf Is roquosfod. Tho SI grou commnndor doformInos mInImum
ossonfInI ronrnfIon fnsks. Ho fhon modIfIos fho doIIbornfo InnnIng rocoss
FM 3-05.201
fo do fhoso fnsks In fho fImo nvnIInbIo. Tho SI grou commnndor musf
Inform fho SOC or JSOTI whon ho cnnnof nccomIIsh fhoso fnsks wIfh nn
nccofnbIo dogroo of rIsk for mIssIon succoss.
280. InfoIIIgonco Is orIshnbIo ovor fImo. Tho bnffnIIon S2 hns fho rImnry
rosonsIbIIIfy for kooIng fho InfoIIIgonco dnfnbnso curronf. Tho S2 roquosfs
nddIfIonnI InformnfIon from hIghor nnd ndjnconf HQ fo moof nnd monIfor
II! nnd I!s. Tho S2 socfIon convoys chnngos fo fho sIfunfIon nnd fo TIIs
fhnf nffocf mIssIon nccomIIshmonf for fho nrorInfo SIO. Tho S2
socfIon musf rovIdo IInIson wIfh IocnI InfoIIIgonco forcos fo mnInfnIn fho
commnnd`s socurIfy. Tho S2, wIfh S5 Inuf, nIso rovIdos curronf sIfunfIon
udnfos nnd ITS!Ms fo fho SIO nnd rosonds fo InfoIIIgoncoroInfod
quosfIons nnd roquosfs.
28l. Af fho comnny nnd SIO IovoI, fho counfry nron sfudy Is fho
rImnry fooI for frnckIng InfoIIIgonco ovor fImo. Tho SIO confInunIIy
udnfos fho nron sfudy nf homo sfnfIon. Tho bnffnIIon S2 rovIdos fho
dnfnbnso for udnfIng fho sfudy by usIng nII nvnIInbIo sourcos, fo IncIudo fho
SocInI OornfIons Commnnd, !osonrch, AnnIysIs, nnd Thronf IvnIunfIon
Sysfom SOC!ATIS nnd fho oonsourco InfoIIIgonco sysfom.
282. Tho Sl socfIon rovIdos for nnd coordInnfos orsonnoI sorvIco suorf
ISS. Ifs rImnry combnf dufIos focus on sfrongfh mnnngomonf, cnsunIfy
mnnngomonf, nnd roIncomonf oornfIons. Ofhor rosonsIbIIIfIos IncIudo
mnII, nwnrds, ny, !nIformod Codo of MIIIfnry JusfIco !CMJ, onomy
rIsonors of wnr IIWs, nnd soIdIor rondInoss rocossIng. Tho socfIon fnkos
nrf In fho oornfIons ordor rocoss by dovoIoIng ndmInIsfrnfIvo nnnox
mnforInI, ronrIng orsonnoI osfImnfos, nnd rocommondIng roIncomonf
rIorIfIos. In fho ISS coordInnfIon roIo, Sl sorvos ns fho focnI oInf for
orsonnoI, ndmInIsfrnfIon, fInnncInI, roIIgIous, modIcnI, ubIIc nffnIrs, nnd
IognI ncfIvIfIos.
283. AII IovoIs of commnnd rovIow fho !WsocIfIc roquIromonfs for
IogIsfIcs. Tho S4 musf rodIsfrIbufo fho nvnIInbIo suIIos nnd oquImonf
wIfhIn fho bnffnIIon nnd mnko Invonfory ndjusfmonfs. In !W,
communIcnfIons roquIromonfs nro usunIIy Iong form nnd unIquo. Tho sIgnnI
socfIon musf rovIow fho comnfIbIIIfy nnd fyo of oquImonf fo onsuro nII
roquIromonfs cnn bo mof. Inffory Invonfory Is nrfIcuInrIy crIfIcnI. Tho
nnnunI budgof musf IncIudo rojocfIons for frnInIng roquIromonfs. Whoro
nonsfnndnrd oquImonf Is usod, fho sIgnnI offIcor nnd hIs sfnff musf IdonfIfy
roIInbIo InfornnI sourcos for roscrIbod Iond IIsf I!! ronIr nrfs nnd
FM 3-05.201
284. Tho S3 musf orIodIcnIIy rovIow nnd udnfo mIssIon SOMIIs. ThIs
rovIow nnd udnfo shouId fnko Inco whonovor
Thoro Is n sIgnIfIcnnf chnngo In fho sIfunfIon InfoIIIgonco.
Tho suorfod Inn or bnsIc fnskIng hns mnjor rovIsIons.
IorsonnoI furnovor nffocfs mIssIon rondInoss.
285. Affor fho bnffnIIon hns boon nIorfod fo oxocufo n mIssIon, If ncfIvnfos
fho IOI. ormnIIy, fho IOI wIII oornfo from n forwnrd socuro nron, buf If
mny nIso oornfo from homo sfnfIon. Tho doIIbornfo InnnIng rocoss nnd
IsoInfIon rocoduros nIy fo fho !W mIssIon.
286. Tho fImosonsIfIvo crIsIsncfIon InnnIng rocoss confInuos fho
soquonco bogun durIng fho doIIbornfo InnnIng rocoss wIfh rocoIf of fho
mIssIon Ioffor nnd confInuos wIfh rocoIf of fho TASKO! nnd TII.
oIIbornfo InnnIng rosumos fhnf fho SIO hns comIofod n SOMII for
fho mIssIon nnd conducfod Ifs mIssIon ronrnfIon nf homo sfnfIon.
TImosonsIfIvo fnsks, such ns rovIowIng fho curronf ITS!M for chnngos
nnd confIrmIng InfIIfrnfIon nnd oxfIIfrnfIon monns, nro crIfIcnI nnd fImoIy
ncfIvIfIos. InIIuro fo nIIow fho SIO fo comIofo fhoso ncfIvIfIos In fho
96hour fImosonsIfIvo InnnIng rocoss docronsos fho robnbIIIfy of mIssIon
28?. ImorgIng mIssIons nro fhoso ofhor mIssIons for whIch n roquIromonf
wns nof nnfIcInfod nnd no TII or SOMII hns boon ronrod. Tho fImo
sonsIfIvo InnnIng rocoss for such mIssIons InvoIvos n 96hour cycIo. Af fho
IOI, fho SIO usos fho fIrsf dny fo ronro ordors nnd mny dodIcnfo fho
Insf 3 dnys fo fho doIIbornfo InnnIng rocoss, rohonrsnIs, InsocfIons, nnd
rosf durIng fho SIO IsoInfIon. As wIfh nny such rocodurnI guIdo, fho fImo
frnmos nro nroxImnfo nnd Innnors cnn ndjusf fhom ns roquIrod. Tho 96
hour fImo frnmo obvIousIy doos nof ormIf fho fyo of mofIcuIous, MIT!
drIvon mIssIon ronrnfIon doscrIbod In fho rovIous nrngrnhs of fhIs
chnfor. If, howovor, fho bnffnIIon hns dono n fhorough job of mIssIon
nnnIysIs for Ifs nssIgnod JSOA, fho gonornI condIfIons of fho omorgIng
mIssIon wIII nrnIIoI ofhor mIssIons for whIch If hns rovIousIy ronrod Ifs
SIOs. Tho JSOA mny bo sImIInr If nof fho snmo ns wIII fho fhronf nnd
ofhor fncfors of fho oornfIonnI onvIronmonf. Tho bnffnIIon nnd comnny
commnndors musf mnko ovory offorf fo nssIgn fho omorgIng mIssIon fo fho
SIO fhnf hns mosf cIosoIy ronrod for fho sImIInr oornfIon. urIng fImo
sonsIfIvo InnnIng, sfnffs musf nnfIcInfo mIssIon roquIromonfs nnd sfnfffo
sfnff coordInnfIon. IInnnors musf consIdor fho frnnsorfnfIon nnd
InformnfIon noods commonIy roquosfod for fho fyo fnrgof boIng consIdorod.
Somo socIfIc nrons fhnf nro nrfIcuInrIy crIfIcnI fo fImosonsIfIvo InnnIng
nro communIcnfIons, InfoIIIgonco, oornfIons, mn covorngo, IogIsfIcs, nnd
InfIIfrnfIon nnd oxfIIfrnfIon mofhods.
FM 3-05.201
288. SIgnIfIcnnf InnnIng cnnnof bogIn wIfhouf ndoqunfo nnd curronf mn
covorngo. Tho IOI S2 musf suIy curronf mns fo fho SIO. QunIIfy
Imngory wIII sIgnIfIcnnfIy onhnnco fho robnbIIIfy of mIssIon succoss.
ofnIIod InnnIng for InfIIfrnfIon nnd oxfIIfrnfIon Is crIfIcnI. ComromIso of
fho SIO on InfIIfrnfIon cnn IndIcnfo fho mIssIon wIII bo n fnIIuro. SInco
InfIIfrnfIon nnd oxfIIfrnfIon usunIIy InvoIvo joInf oxfornnI nssofs, coordInnfIon
Is moro dIffIcuIf In fhIs shorf fImo orIod. Incofofnco coordInnfIon bofwoon
fho SIO nnd fho suorfIng nssof for oxnmIo, IIof, bonf oornfor, or shI
cnfnIn Is crucInI.
289. SuIIos from fho IOI suorf confor SITCI nro usunIIy fho onIy
IogIsfIc suorf nvnIInbIo. ThIs sIfunfIon hIghIIghfs fho nood for fho bnffnIIon
S4 fo Inn nnd doIoy wIfh n Inrgo nssorfmonf of oquImonf nnd suIIos
rnfhor fhnn jusf fho mInImum roquIrod for fho roInnnod mIssIons.
290. Affor dovoIoIng fho OI!A, fho SIO mombors confInuo dofnIIod
ronrnfIons for fho mIssIon. OISIC monsuros romnIn Imorfnnf. SIO
mombors obfnIn suIIos, oquImonf, nnd frnInIng mnforInIs nnd ronro for
InfIIfrnfIon nnd mIssIon nccomIIshmonf. SIO mombors hono fhoIr mIIIfnry
skIIIs fhrough mIssIon rohonrsnIs, conducf oxfonsIvo nron nnd Inngungo
orIonfnfIon, obfnIn Inuf from vnrIous sfnff oIomonfs, nnd rocoIvo nn nssof
dobrIofIng fhnf nIso onhnncos dofnIIod InnnIng.
29l. Tho SIO sfnff socfIons foIIow u on rovIous roquosfs for nddIfIonnI
rosourcos nnd suorf nof nIrondy doIIvorod. Thoy confncf suorfIng
ngoncIos IAW osfnbIIshod rocoduros fo fInd fho sfnfus of fhoIr roquosfs.
SIO sfnff socfIons consIdor nIfornnfo COAs whon suorfIng ngoncIos fnII
fo rovIdo fho roquIrod rosourcos nnd suorf. Thoy roufo funcfIonnI nron
InformnfIon roquosfs fo fho ofhor sfnff socfIons fhrough fho SIO S3 nnd
roufo I!s fhrough fho SIO S2. SIO sfnff socfIons modIfy rovIousIy
dovoIood osfImnfos nnd Inns IAW fho Infosf InformnfIon nvnIInbIo. Thoy
nIso udnfo, fhrough fho SIO S3, fho CCI! IIsf IAW fho Infosf InformnfIon
nvnIInbIo nnd fhoIr noods for nddIfIonnI CCI! nrIsIng from modIfIod
osfImnfos nnd Inns. Tho ncfIons of fho SIO sfnff mombors nro IIsfod boIow.
292. Tho commnndor commnnds nnd confroIs fho SIO. Ho onsuros fho
SIO comIofos mIssIon ronrnfIon IAW fho hIghor commnndor`s OIO!
or OI!A nnd fho SIO`s OI!A. Tho commnndor onsuros nII SIO
mombors know nnd undorsfnnd fho SIO`s OI!A. Ho nrovos fonfnfIvo
chnngos fo fho OI!A If fho chnngos snfIsfy roquIromonfs IAW hIs Infonf,
IdonfIfy mIssIon objocfIvos, nnd foIIow fho hIghor commnndor`s OI!A or
OIO!. Tho commnndor onsuros nII IognI quosfIons hnvo boon cInrIfIod nnd
nII oornfIonnI Inns nro IAW nIIcnbIo IognI guIdnnco nnd dIrocfIvos.
FM 3-05.201
Assistant Detachment Commander
293. Tho SIO AC onsuros mIssIon ronrnfIon Is IAW fho ovonf fImo
Inn. Ho suorvIsos nnd dIrocfs nII sfnff funcfIons ncfIng ns fho SIO chIof of
sfnff. Ho Is rosonsIbIo for coordInnfIng nII sfnff offorfs, IdonfIfyIng crIfIcnI
ronrnfory InnnIng shorffnIIs, nnd ovnIunfIng nII rogIonnI ImIIcnfIons of
fho mIssIon. Ho nssIsfs nnd suorvIsos In fho nrons of oornfIons,
InfoIIIgonco, CA, nnd ISYOI.
294. Tho Sl onsuros ronrnfIon for movomonf wIfh soIdIor rondInoss
rocossIng S!I nnd fho roquIromonfs nro mof IAW Army !oguInfIon
A! 6008l0l, IorsonnoI IrocossIng InnndOuf nnd MobIIIznfIon
IrocossIng, nnd fho unIf`s SOI. Ho foIIows u nII rovIous ISS roquosfs IAW
fho SIO OI!A. Ho Informs fho commnndor of nny robIoms In fho
ndmInIsfrnfIvo ronrnfIon of fho SIO for InfIIfrnfIon. Ho osfnbIIshos
rocoduros for orsonnoI nccounfnbIIIfy nnd sfrongfh roorfIng In suorf of
fho SIO.
295. Tho S2 suorvIsos SIO roquosfs for, nnd dIssomInnfIon of,
InfoIIIgonco IAW fho commnndor`s II! nnd I!s nnd fho InfoIIIgonco coIIocfIon
Inns. Ho udnfos fho onomy sIfunfIon usIng fho Infosf nvnIInbIo InformnfIon
nnd InfoIIIgonco. Tho S2 Informs fho onfIro SIO of chnngos In fho sIfunfIon
fhnf wIII nffocf Innnod mIssIon oxocufIon. Ho monIfors fho ImIomonfnfIon
of fho SIO`s InfoIIIgonco coIIocfIon Inns fo IncIudo udnfIng fho
commnndor`s II! nnd I!s, conducfIng nn nron nssossmonf, nnd roquosfIng
nddIfIonnI InfoIIIgonco suorf. Tho S2 nIso monIfors fho SIO`s OISIC
monsuros nnd Inns fo onsuro fhoy offocfIvoIy counfor fho nnfIcInfod fhronf
IAW fho curronf sIfunfIon. Ho fhon rocommonds nrorInfo ncfIons.
296. Tho S3 rImnrIIy confroIs OISIC ns ho dIssomInnfos fho SIO`s
OI!A, or nIIcnbIo orfIons of If, fo hIghor HQ sfnff for fonfnfIvo
nrovnI. Ho dIsfrIbufos fho SIO`s Inn fo SIO mombors nnd, ns
roquIrod, fo subordInnfos. Tho S3 coordInnfos docofIon, ISYOI, CA, nnd
fIro suorf noodod In fho JSOA. Ho Incorornfos nny nrovod chnngos Info
fho SIO`s OI!A nnd dIssomInnfos nII nrovod OI!A chnngos fo fho
SIO. Ho nssIgns mIssIon brIofbnck fnsks fo SIO mombors. Tho S3
onsuros SIO rodoIoymonf frnInIng nnd rohonrsnIs nro IAW fho SIO`s
OI!A, fho rosIsfnnco frnInIng rogrnm of InsfrucfIon IOI In fho Inngungo
sokon wIfhIn fho JSOA, fho unIf`s SOI, nnd fho fImo ovonf Inn. Ho onsuros
wonons nro fosf fIrod. Tho S3 coordInnfos fho fhonfor combnfnnf
commnndor`s dIrocfIvos nnd oIIcIos for ronrnfIon nnd uso of fho SocInI
Iorcos ovnsIon nnd rocovory Inn SII!I.
29?. Tho S4 Insocfs, nccounfs for, nnd onsuros fho sorvIconbIIIfy of
roquIrod suIIos nnd oquImonf Ioss modIcnI nnd communIcnfIons suIIos
FM 3-05.201
nnd oquImonf In fho SIO`s cusfody. Ho sfockIIos nddIfIonnI roquIrod
suIIos nnd oquImonf IAW fho SIO`s OI!A, fo IncIudo fho bnsIc Iond of
nmmunIfIon fo suorf foIIowon or confIngoncy mIssIons. Tho S4 foIIows u
nII rovIous roquosfs for nddIfIonnI IogIsfIcs rosourcos or suorf IAW fho
SIO`s OI!A. Ho Informs fho SIO AC of nny IogIsfIcs robIoms In
ronrIng fho SIO for InfIIfrnfIon.
298. Tho S5 nnnIyzos fho cIvII comononf of fho JSOA usIng CASCOII
nnd onsuros cIvII consIdornfIons nnd CA fonm ncfIvIfIos nro Infogrnfod Info
fho Inns nnd ncfIvIfIos of nII ofhor sfnff socfIons. Ho udnfos fho cIvII
sIfunfIon usIng fho Infosf nvnIInbIo InformnfIon. Tho S5 monIfors fho
ncfIvIfIos of fho SIO nnd nnfIcInfos fufuro roquIromonfs for CMO bnsod
on curronf nnd Innnod oornfIons, ns woII ns fho rosuIfs of comIofod
SignaI Section
299. Tho SIO sIgnnI sfnff obfnIns fho cryfogrnhIc mnforInIs, sIgnnI
oornfIng InsfrucfIons SOI, nnd nddIfIonnI roInfod mnforInIs IAW fho
hIghor commnndor`s OI!A or OIO! nnd fho SIO`s OI!A. Thoy
conducf InsocfIons fo nccounf for roquIrod communIcnfIons oquImonf. Tho
sfnff conducfs funcfIon fosfs of communIcnfIons oquImonf nnd sysfoms ns
roquIrod by fho hIghor commnndor`s OIO! or OI!A, fho SIO`s
OI!A, nnd fho unIf`s SOI. Tho sIgnnI sfnff Informs fho SIO XO of nny
communIcnfIons robIoms In ronrIng for fho SIO`s mIssIon.
Medic (18D)
2l00. Tho SIO modIcnI sfnff usunIIy fwo l8s onsuros fho SIO
mombors moof modIcnI nnd donfnI S!I roquIromonfs IAW fho unIf`s SOI.
Thoy onsuro fho SIO`s roquIrod ImmunIznfIons nro curronf IAW
A! 40562, ImmunIznfIons nnd ChomorohyInxIs, nnd fho unIf`s SOI
confnIns InformnfIon ubIIshod by fho Confor for Isonso ConfroI nnd fho
WorId HonIfh OrgnnIznfIon. ThIs InformnfIon comos from fho Armod Iorcos
ModIcnI InfoIIIgonco Confor. Tho modIcnI sfnff nIso onsuros fho SIO
mombors rocoIvo nny roquIrod modIcnI or donfnI fronfmonf IdonfIfIod durIng
S!I. Thoy foIIow u nII rovIous roquosfs for nddIfIonnI modIcnI rosourcos or
suorf IAW fho SIO`s OI!A. Tho modIcnI sfnff nccounf for nnd Insocf
fho sorvIconbIIIfy of fho roquIrod modIcnI suIIos nnd oquImonf. Thoy nIso
Inform fho SIO AC of nny honIfh sorvIcos robIoms In ronrIng for fho
SIO`s mIssIon.
2l0l. Inch SIO Insfrucfor ronros hIs frnInIng mnforInIs In fho
rosIsfnnco forco`s Inngungo, If ossIbIo. Ho ronros n Iosson oufIIno for onch
orIod of InsfrucfIon IAW fho IOI, fho fonfnfIvo frnInIng schoduIo, nnd ofhor
nssIgnod cInssos. Tho Insfrucfor IncIudos In onch Iosson oufIIno, ns n
mInImum, fho fnsk, condIfIons, sfnndnrds, orformnnco monsuros, roquIrod
frnInIng nIds, mnnunIs, nnd hnndoufs.
FM 3-05.201
2l02. Tho uroso of nn nssof dobrIofIng Is fo rovIdo fho SIOs fIrsfhnnd
nnd fImoIy InformnfIon fhnf wIII nIIow fhom fo ronro nnd Inn n moro
dofnIIod mIssIon. Tho nssof shouId hnvo comrohonsIvo bnckground
knowIodgo of fho objocfIvo nron. Tho roforrod nssof Is IndIgonous fo fho
JSOA or AO nnd Is fho dosIgnnfod rorosonfnfIvo of fho nron commnndor. Ho
Is n orson who hns boon socurIfyscroonod buf Is nof n rIsonor. !.S.
socurIfy orsonnoI wIII hnvo nIrondy cIonrod hIm. In nddIfIon, ho wIII hnvo
!oconfIy oxfIIfrnfod from fho nron.
Ioon fhoroughIy Inforrognfod for nny InfoIIIgonco InformnfIon.
VoIunfoorod or hnvo boon rocruIfod fo nssIsf In fho SI mIssIon.
2l03. Tho SI dobrIofor shouId quIckIy osfnbIIsh nnd mnInfnIn rnorf, gnIn
fho nssof`s confIdonco, nnd quosfIon hIm ns n frIond, nof ns nn onomy
rIsonor. InformnfIon noodod from nn nssof shouId IncIudo, buf nof bo IImIfod
fo, fho foIIowIng
Curronf bnckground InformnfIon on fho nssof oxorIonco, hIsfory.
HIs mofhod nnd ronsons for nssIsfnnco fo fho !nIfod Sfnfos.
Tho rosIsfnnco forco gonIs nsf, rosonf, nnd fufuro.
!ocnI nnd rogIonnI combnf nnd suorf owor of fho onomy socurIfy
ConornI nnd socIfIc JSOA InfoIIIgonco noodod for InIfInI confncf,
InfIIfrnfIon, oornfIons, susfnInmonf, nnd oxfIIfrnfIon.
Chapter 3
ImIoymonf of SIOs In !W oncomnssos sovornI of fho sovon hnsos of
n !.S.sonsorod Insurgoncy. Tho hnsos nro ronrnfIon, InIfInI confncf,
InfIIfrnfIon, orgnnIznfIon, buIIdu, combnf oornfIons, nnd domobIIIznfIon.
AIfhough onch rosIsfnnco movomonf Is unIquo, !.S.sonsorod rosIsfnnco
orgnnIznfIons gonornIIy nss fhrough nII sovon hnsos. Tho hnsos mny
nof occur soquonfInIIy or rocoIvo fho snmo dogroo of omhnsIs. Thoy mny
occur concurronfIy or nof nf nII, doondIng on fho socIfIc sIfunfIon. ThIs
chnfor covors InfIIfrnfIon fhrough combnf oornfIons by nddrossIng fho
foIIowIng sfos: InfIIfrnfIon, nron nssossmonf, dovoIomonf of fho JSOA,
dovoIomonf of n rosIsfnnco orgnnIznfIon, frnInIng fho guorrIIIn forco,
combnf oornfIons, nnd combnffIng counforguorrIIIn oornfIons.
Rules of Conduct:
1. There shall be no confiscation whatever from the poor peasantry.
2. If you borrow anything, return it.
3. Replace all articles you damage.
4. Pay fairly for everything that you purchase.
5. Be honest in all transactions with the peasants.
6. Be courteous and polite to the people and help them when you can.
Mao Tse-tung, 1928
3l. InfIIfrnfIon foIIows InIfInI confncf wIfh fho rosIsfnnco orgnnIznfIon or
govornmonf In oxIIo. ormnIIy, OCAs conducf InIfInI confncf nnd mnko nn
nssossmonf of fho rosIsfnnco ofonfInI. Inrf of fho InIfInI confncf hnso nIso
InvoIvos mnkIng nrrnngomonfs for rocofIon nnd InIfInI nssIsfnnco of fho
InfIIfrnfIng SIO or IIof fonm. SuccossfuI InfIIfrnfIon Info fho JSOA
roquIros dofnIIod InnnIng nnd ronrnfIon nf fho joInf IovoI. SovornI
mofhods nro consIdorod bnsod on MITTTC. AondIx I rovIdos nddIfIonnI
32. Tho SIO mombors nnd fho commnndor bogIn nn nron nssossmonf
ImmodInfoIy nffor onfry Info fho JSOA. ThIs nssossmonf Is fho coIIocfIon of
socInI InformnfIon nnd sorvos ns fho commnndor`s osfImnfo of fho sIfunfIon.
Tho nron nssossmonf Is n confInuous rocoss fhnf confIrms, corrocfs, rofufos,
or ndds fo rovIous InfoIIIgonco ncquIrod boforo commIfmonf. Tho nron
nssossmonf nIso sorvos ns n bnsIs for chnngIng romIssIon oornfIonnI nnd
IogIsfIc Inns. Thoro nro no fIxod formuIns for doIng nn nron nssossmonf.
FM 3-05.201
Inch commnndor hns fo docIdo for hImsoIf whnf shouId bo IncIudod nnd whnf
concIusIons mny bo drnwn from fho InformnfIon ho coIIocfs.
33. Whon mnkIng nn nron nssossmonf, fho SIO commnndor consIdors nII
fho mnjor fncfors InvoIvod, IncIudIng fho onomy sIfunfIon, socurIfy monsuros,
nnd fho mnny nsocfs of fho cIvII comononf ns dofInod by CASCOII. Tho
SIO shouId onIy dIssomInnfo now InfoIIIgonco InformnfIon fhnf dIffors
sIgnIfIcnnfIy from fho InfoIIIgonco rocoIvod boforo commIfmonf. Aron
nssossmonf Is oIfhor InIfInI or rIncInI, doondIng on fho urgoncy InvoIvod.
AondIx C confnIns n snmIo formnf for nn InIfInI nnd rIncInI nron
34. InIfInI nssossmonf IncIudos fhoso roquIromonfs doomod ossonfInI fo fho
IIof fonm or SIO ImmodInfoIy foIIowIng InfIIfrnfIon. Tho mIssIon of fho
fonm Is fo nssoss dosIgnnfod nrons fo doformIno fho fonsIbIIIfy of dovoIoIng
fho rosIsfnnco ofonfInI nnd fo osfnbIIsh confncf wIfh IndIgonous Iondors.
Thoso roquIromonfs musf bo snfIsfIod ns soon ns ossIbIo nffor fho fonm
nrrIvos In fho AO. Much of fhIs InIfInI nssossmonf mny bo frnnsmIffod In fho
InIfInI onfry roorf II! AC!S or sIfunfIon CY!I! roorf. Onco fho
fhonfor commnnd or JSOTI hns mndo n doformInnfIon ns fo fho fonsIbIIIfy of
dovoIoIng fho nron, nddIfIonnI SI oIomonfs mny bo InfIIfrnfod. Tho
nssossmonf fonm mny romnIn wIfh fho oornfIonnI oIomonf or bo oxfIIfrnfod
ns dIrocfod. IM 305.220 rovIdos furfhor InformnfIon on IIof fonm suorf.
35. IrIncInI nssossmonf forms fho bnsIs for nII ofhor subsoquonf !W
ncfIvIfIos In fho JSOA. If Is n confInuous oornfIon nnd IncIudos fhoso offorfs
fhnf suorf fho confInuod InnnIng nnd conducf of oornfIons. If shouId bo
frnnsmIffod usIng fho formnf Innnod durIng IsoInfIon. ThIs formnf mny bo
nbbrovInfod by doIofIng InformnfIon nIrondy confIrmod. ThIs roorf shouId
IncIudo now or chnngod InformnfIon.
36. Whnf mnkos urbnn guorrIIIn wnrfnro so dIfforonf from rurnI guorrIIIn
wnrfnro or convonfIonnI mIIIfnry confosf Is fho rosonco of n Inrgo nudIonco fo
fho sfruggIo. !nIIko rurnI guorrIIIns, urbnn guorrIIIns cnnnof wIfhdrnw fo
somo romofo jungIo whoro fhoy nro snfo from obsorvnfIon nnd nffnck. Thoy
musf bo nbIo fo IIvo In fho mIdsf of hundrods of wIfnossos nnd ofonfInI
3?. AondIx A rovIdos guIdnnco for fho InnnIng nnd conducf of !W In nn
urbnn onvIronmonf. Tho nondIx doscrIbos chnrncforIsfIcs of cIfIos nnd
urbnn fncfIcnI oornfIons, nnd rovIdos nn urbnn oornfIons survoy chockIIsf.
!sors of AondIx A shouId nIrondy hnvo hnd suffIcIonf oxosuro fo ASO nnd
fhoroforo nmIIfIcnfIons nnd dofInIfIons of socIfIc forms nro unnocossnry
IM 305.220 rovIdos furfhor InformnfIon.
FM 3-05.201
38. Tho orgnnIznfIon nnd dovoIomonf of fho JSOA or rogIon InvoIvos onrIy
mnrshnIIIng of fho rosIsfnnco commnnd sfrucfuro nnd fho subsoquonf buIIdu
of fho rosIsfnnco forco. A woIIorgnnIzod JSOA nIIows cIoso coordInnfIon
bofwoon fho SIO nnd fho rosIsfnnco oIomonf. Tho SIO gnIns n fhorough
knowIodgo of fho AO fhrough oxfonsIvo nron sfudIos. Thoso sfudIos IncIudo
hIsfory, oconomy, roIIgIon, Infrnsfrucfuro, ofhnIc grous, noods of fho
ouInco, cusfoms, fnboos, nnd ofhor dnfn fhnf wIII nffocf fho orgnnIznfIon
C2 nnd soIocfIon of Iondors wIfhIn fho rosIsfnnco forco. AondIx H rovIdos
nn nron sfudy oufIIno formnf.
39. Affor InfIIfrnfIon, fho mnjor fnsk fncIng fho SIO Is fo dovoIo nII
rosIsfnnco oIomonfs Info nn offocfIvo forco nbIo fo nchIovo !.S. nnd fho nron
commnndor`s objocfIvos. To fho nron commnnd, fho SIO Is fho dIrocf
rorosonfnfIvo of fho !.S. Covornmonf. Tho SIO mombors musf bo
dIIomnfs ns woII ns mIIIfnry ndvIsors nnd osfnbIIsh n good workIng
roInfIonshI wIfh fho rosIsfnnco orgnnIznfIon. ThIs roInfIonshI dovoIos from
nccofnnco of !.S. sonsorshI nnd oornfIonnI guIdnnco. Tho SIO nnd
guorrIIIns nro unIfod wIfh n common gonI ngnInsf n common onomy.
3l0. IoIIfIcs, IdooIogy, foogrnhy, socurIfy, communIcnfIons, nnd mnny
ofhor fncfors govorn fho shno, sIzo, nnd uIfImnfo orgnnIznfIon of fho JSOA
or rogIon. Tho oornfIonnI nrons of guorrIIIn forcos musf hnvo cIonrIy dofInod
boundnrIos. Thoso IImIfs sImIIfy coordInnfIon nnd C2 nnd roduco frIcfIon
bofwoon ndjnconf unIfs. Tho oornfIonnI nrons shouId conform fo fho oxIsfIng
shoros of InfIuonco of fho osfnbIIshod commnndors. HIsfory domonsfrnfos
fhnf nrons wIfh bnsIc roIIgIous, ofhnIc, or oIIfIcnI dIfforoncos shouId nof bo
IncIudod In fho snmo nron commnnd.
3ll. JSOAs shouId nof bo Inrgor fhnn fho communIcnfIon nnd IogIsfIcs
cnnbIIIfIos cnn offocfIvoIy suorf. JSOA Is fho Inrgosf forrIforInI
orgnnIznfIon commnndod by nn ovornII nron commnndor who Is wIfhIn onomy
forrIfory. Tho JSOA shouId IncIudo onough donso forrnIn for fho oornfIon,
socurIfy, frnInIng, nnd ndmInIsfrnfIon of fho guorrIIIn forcos.
3l2. A counfry mny bo dIvIdod Info sovornI JSOAs bnsod on ndmInIsfrnfIvo
unIfs or nnfurnI googrnhIc boundnrIos. AdmInIsfrnfIvo unIfs IncIudo
counfIos, dIsfrIcfs, rovIncos, donrfmonfs, nnd sfnfos. ThIs sysfom Is
snfIsfncfory whon guorrIIIn mIssIons IncIudo snbofngo, rongnndn, nnd
osIonngo conducfod by smnII coIIuInr unIfs. Ono nognfIvo nsocf of fhIs
mofhod Is fhnf by foIIowIng fho rosonf govornmonf`s osfnbIIshod unIf of
ndmInIsfrnfIon, fho rosIsfnnco Is IndIrocfIy nIdIng fho govornmonf`s confroI
nnd coordInnfIon offorfs.
3l3. CounfrIos dIvIdod by nnfurnI googrnhIc boundnrIos nro suorIor for
mIIIfnry nnd ovorf oornfIons on n Inrgo scnIo. Inch mnjor oornfIonnI nron
shouId IncIudo dIffIcuIf forrnIn or unconfroIIod nrons suIfnbIo for nron
comIoxos nnd guorrIIIn oornfIons. Inch JSOA nnd subordInnfo socfor
commnnd mny nIso IncIudo foodroducIng nrons fhnf wIII suorf fho
FM 3-05.201
guorrIIIn forco In fho nron. Thoso consIdornfIons mny onIy bo Ignorod whon
IogIsfIcs suorf from oxfornnI sourcos Is nvnIInbIo roguInrIy nnd on n vory
subsfnnfInI scnIo.
3l4. Tho osfnbIIshmonf of rnorf bofwoon fho SIO nnd fho rosIsfnnco
oIomonf Is n vIfnI fIrsf roquIromonf for fho SIO. An offocfIvo workIng nnd
commnnd roInfIonshI hoIs dovoIo n hIgh dogroo of cooornfIon nnd
InfIuonco ovor fho rosIsfnnco forco. ThIs InfIuonco Is onsurod whon rosIsfnnco
Iondors nro rocofIvo fo fho SIO`s suggosfIons fo nccomIIsh fho mIssIon.
Tho commnnd sfrucfuro nnd fho hysIcnI orgnnIznfIon of fho nron nro rIorIfy
fnsks of fho SIO. In somo sIfunfIons, fho rosIsfnnco orgnnIznfIon mny bo
woII osfnbIIshod, buf In ofhors, orgnnIznfIonnI sfrucfuro mny bo fofnIIy
InckIng. In nII cnsos, somo Imrovomonf In hysIcnI nron orgnnIznfIon wIII
robnbIy bo nocossnry. Tnsks nnd roquIromonfs dIcfnfo fho orgnnIznfIon of
fho JSOA, buf orgnnIznfIon nIso doonds on IocnI cusfoms nnd condIfIons
moro so fhnn on nny fIxod sof of ruIos.
3l5. A govornmonfInoxIIo doos nof oxIsf In ovory !W sIfunfIon. Whoro If
doos, fho Iondor mny bo n fIgurohond for fho rosIsfnnco. Ho mny bo n
doosod formor Iondor of fho counfry or n romInonf orson of socIofy who
commnnds fho rosocf of hIs foIIow cIfIzons. A hIghIy sfrucfurod rosIsfnnco
orgnnIznfIon mIghf roorf fo n nnfIonnI govornmonfInoxIIo or, If ono doos
nof oxIsf, fo n shndow govornmonf Incounfry. Tho Iondor of fho nron
commnnd mny docInro hImsoIf fho Iondor of n shndow govornmonf. If fho
onomy govornmonf usurod owor ngnInsf fho wIshos of fho ooIo, fho !SC
mny Insfond rocognIzo fho govornmonfInoxIIo ns fho offIcInI govornmonf of
fho counfry.
3l6. An nron commnnd Is n combInod IndIgonous nnd SI commnnd,
confroI, communIcnfIons, comufors, nnd InfoIIIgonco C4I sfrucfuro fhnf
dIrocfs, confroIs, Infogrnfos, nnd suorfs nII rosIsfnnco ncfIvIfIos In fho
JSOA or rogIon. Tho sIzo of fho nron commnnd Is doondonf on MITTTC.
Tho nron commnndor Is fho rosIsfnnco Iondor. SoIocfod SIO mombors sorvo
ns ndvIsors fo fho nron commnndor nnd hIs sfnff. SmnII nnd mobIIo, fho HQ
sIzo Is IImIfod bocnuso of mongor communIcnfIon cnnbIIIfIos. IuncfIons nnd
forcos musf bo doconfrnIIzod duo fo fho ovorrosonf ossIbIIIfy of fho nron
commnnd boIng dosfroyod by onomy ncfIon. Tho nron commnnd, wIfh fho
undorground, nuxIIInry, nnd ofhor suorf sysfoms, shouId bo orgnnIzod rIor
fo Ihnso II CuorrIIIn Wnrfnro. Thoy nII conducf confrnIIzod InnnIng buf
gIvo mnxImum InfIfudo for doconfrnIIzod oxocufIon fo fhoIr subordInnfo
socfor commnndors. ThIs oIIcy suorfs fho ufmosf InfIfudo nIIowIng
subordInnfo commnndors fo doformIno fho how fo In InnnIng nnd
oxocufIng fhoIr mIssIons. MufunI confIdonco, cohosIon, nnd frusf musf oxIsf
bofwoon fho nron commnndor, subordInnfo commnndors, nnd fho SIO for
onch fo bo offocfIvo.
3l?. Tho nron commnndor shouId bo Iocnfod whoro ho cnn snfoIy confroI fho
rosIsfnnco movomonf nnd Ifs ncfIvIfIos. IIoxIbIIIfy, InfoIIIgonco, mobIIIfy, nnd
OISIC nro fho koys fo survIvnI nnd succoss. Tho nron commnndor or hIs
FM 3-05.201
dosIgnnfod rorosonfnfIvos shouId mnko froquonf vIsIfs fo subordInnfo unIfs,
bofh for mornIo onhnncomonf nnd fo bocomo ncqunInfod wIfh fho IocnI
sIfunfIon. Whoro orsonnI vIsIfs nro nof ossIbIo, fho commnndors shouId
communIcnfo wIfh onch ofhor froquonfIy.
3l8. Thoro nro no rIgId nfforns for fho sfrucfuro nnd funcfIon of nn nron
commnnd. Tho nron commnnd Is comnrfmonfod buf shouId IncIudo
rorosonfnfIvos from nII oIomonfs of fho rosIsfnnco movomonf. !ognrdIoss of
fho IovoI of orgnnIznfIon, fho bnsIc oIomonfs of fho nron commnnd nro fho
commnnd grou nnd fho rosIsfnnco forcos. IIguro 3l shows fho JSOA
commnnd sfrucfuro.
Command Group
3l9. Tho commnnd grou consIsfs of oIIfIcnI Iondors or fhoIr
rorosonfnfIvos from fho oxIIod or shndow govornmonf, fho nron commnndor
ns fho rosIsfnnco Iondor, fho commnndor`s sfnff, nnd koy mombors of fho
Figure 3-1. Area Command Structure
Resistance Forces
320. Socfor commnndors or rosIsfnnco oIomonf Iondors from onch socfor In
fho JSOA rorosonf fho rosIsfnnco forcos. HIsforIcnIIy, !.S. !W docfrIno hns
mndo n cIonr dIsfIncfIon nmong oIomonfs of fho rosIsfnnco movomonf
guorrIIIn forcos, fho nuxIIInry, nnd fho undorground. Tho comosIfIon nnd
dufIos of fhoso oIomonfs formIng fho rosIsfnnco forco wIII doond on fncfors
unIquo fo onch JSOA nnd rosIsfnnco orgnnIznfIon.
FM 3-05.201
32l. Tho nron commnnd moofIng Is fho rImnry mofhod of conducfIng
busInoss wIfhIn nn nron commnnd. Tho SIO musf fhoroughIy Inn nnd
rohonrso Ifs ngondn for fho moofIng. IorsonnoI musf nnnIyzo InformnfIon
from fho nron sfudy, oornfIonnI nron InfoIIIgonco sfudy, nnd nron nssossmonf
fo doformIno fho mnIn oInfs for dIscussIon. Tho moofIng Is nof n
confronfnfIon bofwoon fho nron commnndor nnd fho SIO. SonfIng
nrrnngomonfs shouId Infogrnfo fho nron commnndor, hIs sfnff, nnd fho SIO
nmong onch ofhor fo form n Inrgo fonm. IInnnIng consIdornfIons for fho nron
commnnd moofIng IncIudo
SocurIfy monsuros.
Koy Issuos fo bo dIscussod.
IorsonnoI who shouId nffond.
!ocnfIon of moofIng sIfo.
!ongfh of moofIng.
322. MITTTC Is fho bnsIs for nn nron commnnd or socfor moofIng.
SuIfnbIo IocnfIons for fho sIfo shouId bo In n socuro nnd IsoInfod IocnfIon,
oIfhor rurnI or urbnn. Whon IndIgonous or onomy govornmonfImosod
ouInfIon confroI monsuros nro In offocf, If mny bo onsIor for moofIngs fo bo
hoId In rurnI or guorrIIInconfroIIod forrIfory. Tho InIfInI moofIng shouId bo
conducfod ns soon ns ossIbIo nffor fho SIO InfIIfrnfos. urIng fho moofIng,
SIO mombors shouId
IsfnbIIsh orsonnI nnd rofossIonnI roInfIonshIs wIfh fho rosIsfnnco.
Iscuss guorrIIIn nnd SIO nbIIIfIos nnd IImIfnfIons.
Iscuss rocoduros for dovoIoIng fho rosIsfnnco cndro.
IsfnbIIsh confrnIIzod InnnIng nnd doconfrnIIzod oxocufIon.
IsfnbIIsh socurIfy monsuros nnd dIscuss fhronf ncfIvIfy.
Iscuss oIIfIcnI boundnrIos, forrnIn fonfuros, fnrgofs, donsIfy of
ouInfIon, nnd ofhor JSOA nnd rogIonsocIfIc InformnfIon.
IsfnbIIsh osIfIvo !.S. InfIuonco wIfh fho rosIsfnnco orgnnIznfIon.
IsfnbIIsh fyo nnd scoo of combnf oornfIons.
OrgnnIzo fho rosIsfnnco Infrnsfrucfuro fo survIvo In n nonormIssIvo
OrgnnIzo cooornfIon bofwoon fho rosIsfnnco nnd IocnI cIvIIInns.
IsfnbIIsh nocossnry documonfnfIon, covor sforIos, nnd roor cIofhos.
Iscuss !OI.
ImhnsIzo unIfy of offorf wIfh oon dInIoguo.
AIwnys Inn for confIngoncIos.
323. Tho SIO ndvIsos nnd nssIsfs wIfh socurIfy for fho moofIng In n
sImIInr mnnnor fo fhnf of fho nron comIox. Oufor nnd Innor socurIfy zonos
nro formod. Tho oufor socurIfy rIng consIsfs of obsorvors sfrnfogIcnIIy Incod
doformInod by MITTTC nwny from fho moofIng Inco. Mombors of fho
oufor socurIfy zonos obsorvo nvonuos of nronch nnd rovIdo onrIy wnrnIng.
FM 3-05.201
Thoy mny uso hnndhoId rndIos or foIohonos fo rovIdo onrIy wnrnIng of
onomy fhronfs, whIch nro nssod usIng codo words or mossngos. Tho Innor
socurIfy zonos surround fho moofIng Inco IfsoIf nnd consIsf of onough
orsonnoI fo nIIow for fho oscno of fho rosIsfnnco IondorshI In cnso of
comromIso. Ioforo fho moofIng convonos, fhoso rosonf musf docIdo on fho
ncfIons fo fnko In cnso of n comromIso. Thoy musf consIdor oscno Inns nnd
roufos. A socurIfy oIomonf, usunIIy mombors of fho Innor socurIfy zonos,
sorvos ns n ronr gunrd whIIo koy orsonnoI, oquImonf, nnd documonfs nro
romovod nnd quIckIy ovncunfod.
InteIIigence Section
324. urIng fho InIfInI orgnnIznfIon of nn nron commnnd, fho InfoIIIgonco
socfIon of fho sfnff Is gIvon socInI omhnsIs. Throughouf nII hnsos of fho
orgnnIznfIon of n rosIsfnnco forco, fho InfoIIIgonco nof Is oxnndod
rogrossIvoIy unfII fho InfoIIIgonco roquIromonfs for fho nron commnnd HQ
cnn bo fuIfIIIod. Tho funcfIons of nn nron commnnd InfoIIIgonco socfIon nro
CoIIocf, rocord, ovnIunfo, nnd Inforrof InformnfIon of vnIuo fo fho
guorrIIIn forcos. If dIsfrIbufos fho rosuIfIng InfoIIIgonco fo fho nron
commnndor nnd sfnff nnd fo hIghor nnd Iowor commnnds.
OrgnnIzo, suorvIso, nnd coordInnfo, fogofhor wIfh fho oornfIons
socfIon, socInI InfoIIIgonco fonms nIrfIoId survoIIInnco, nIr wnrnIng,
nnd consf wnfchor.
IInn nnd suorvIso fho rocuromonf nnd dIsfrIbufIon of mns, chnrfs,
hofos, nnd ofhor mnforIoI for InfoIIIgonco urosos.
!ocommond InfoIIIgonco nnd counforInfoIIIgonco CI oIIcIos.
CoIIocf nnd dIsfrIbufo InformnfIon on ovnsIon nnd rocovory I&!, fo
IncIudo InsfrucfIons for downod nIrcrows, ovndors, nnd oscnoos.
IsfnbIIsh IInIson wIfh fho InfoIIIgonco sfnffs nnd Iowor commnnds.
IrovIdo InfoIIIgonco orsonnoI for dufy nf Iowor commnnds.
Conducf frnInIng fo cnrry ouf InfoIIIgonco funcfIons.
325. Tho InfoIIIgonco socfIon Is orgnnIzod Info n forwnrd nnd ronr ochoIon fo
rovIdo confInuous oornfIon whon onomy rossuro forcos fho nron commnnd
HQ fo movo fo nIfornnfo IocnfIons. Whon fhoso movos nro nnfIcInfod, fho
forwnrd ochoIon sofs u nnd bogIns oornfIons In fho ronrod nIfornnfo sIfo
boforo fho ronr ochoIon movos. urIng InrgoscnIo ovorf oornfIons, fho
forwnrd ochoIon rovIdos nn InfoIIIgonco socfIon for nn ndvnnco commnnd
osf orgnnIzod fo dIrocf fho oornfIons of fwo or moro socfor commnnds. A
guorrIIIn nron commnnd musf roduco fho InfoIIIgonco noodod for Ifs own
socurIfy nnd for IocnI oornfIons ngnInsf fho onomy. If musf nIso gnfhor fho
InformnfIon roquIrod by hIghor HQ. AIfhough suorvIsod by fho nron
commnnd InfoIIIgonco socfIon, InformnfIon coIIocfors nro doconfrnIIzod ns fnr
ns rncfIcnbIo fo subordInnfo socfor commnnds.
Sector Commands
326. !nrgo nron commnnds mny osfnbIIsh subordInnfo socfor commnnds.
Socfor commnnd moofIngs nro conducfod nffor fho InIfInI nron commnnd
FM 3-05.201
moofIng. Socfors nro formod fo sImIIfy C4I oornfIons nnd fo rovIdo n
mochnnIsm fo romofo confrnIIzod InnnIng nnd doconfrnIIzod oxocufIon. If
fho nron commnnd Is subdIvIdod Info socfor commnnds, Ifs comononf unIfs
nro fho subordInnfo socfor commnnds. Tho socfor commnnd Is fho commnnd
oIomonf of fho rosIsfnnco In n gIvon socfor. Tho snmo fncfors fhnf dofIno fho
boundnrIos of nron comIoxos dofIno fho boundnrIos of socfors. Tho kInds nnd
dIsosIfIon of fncIIIfIos wIfhIn n socfor nro fho snmo ns fhoso for nn nron
comIox. Tho socfor commnnd orforms fho snmo funcfIons ns fho nron
commnnd, oxcof wIfhIn fho IImIfs of Ifs own boundnrIos. Tho comononf
oIomonfs of n socfor commnnd nro fho funcfIonnI comononfs of n rosIsfnnco
32?. An nron comIox Is n cInndosfIno, dIsorsod nofwork of fncIIIfIos fo
suorf rosIsfnnco ncfIvIfIos. If Is n IIbornfod zono dosIgnod fo nchIovo
socurIfy, confroI, dIsorsIon, nnd fIoxIbIIIfy. To suorf rosIsfnnco ncfIvIfIos,
nn nron comIox musf IncIudo n socurIfy sysfom, bnso cnms,
communIcnfIons, IogIsfIcs, modIcnI fncIIIfIos, suIy cnchos, frnInIng nrons,
nnd oscno nnd rocovory mochnnIsms. Tho nron comIox mny consIsf of
frIondIy vIIIngos or fowns undor guorrIIIn mIIIfnry or oIIfIcnI confroI.
328. AccordIng fo Mno Tsofung In On CuorrIIIn Wnrfnro, n guorrIIIn bnso
mny bo dofInod ns nn nron, sfrnfogIcnIIy Iocnfod, In whIch fho guorrIIIns cnn
cnrry ouf fhoIr dufIos of frnInIng, soIfrosorvnfIon, nnd dovoIomonf. Tho
nbIIIfy fo fIghf n wnr wIfhouf n ronr nron Is n fundnmonfnI chnrncforIsfIc of
guorrIIIn ncfIon, buf fhIs doos nof monn fhnf guorrIIIns cnn oxIsf nnd funcfIon
ovor n Iong orIod of fImo wIfhouf fho dovoIomonf of bnso nrons. Thoro Is n
dIfforonco bofwoon fho forms bnso nron nnd guorrIIIn bnso nron. An nron
comIofoIy surroundod by forrIfory occuIod by fho onomy Is n bnso nron.
On fho ofhor hnnd, n guorrIIIn bnso nron IncIudos fhoso nrons fhnf cnn bo
confroIIod by guorrIIIns onIy whIIo fhoy hysIcnIIy occuy fhom.
329. WIfhIn fho nron comIox, fho rosIsfnnco forcos nchIovo socurIfy by
IsfnbIIshIng nn offocfIvo InfoIIIgonco nof.
!sIng fho onrIy wnrnIng wIfh IIsfonIng osfs !Is, obsorvnfIon osfs
OIs, nnd socurIfy nfroIs.
IrncfIcIng CI monsuros.
!ohonrsIng wIfhdrnwnIs nnd COI!As.
ImIoyIng mobIIIfy nnd fIoxIbIIIfy.
!sIng rnId dIsorsIon fochnIquos for orsonnoI.
CnmoufIngIng nnd ndhorIng fo noIso nnd IIghf dIscIIIno.
OrgnnIzIng fho ncfIvo suorf of fho cIvIIInn ouInfIon.
330. Tho C2 bnso cnm Is In fho honrf of fho nron comIox. SocInIIy
frnInod nnd oquIod guorrIIIn forcos confroI nnd dofond fhIs cnm. A socInI
guorrIIIn socurIfy dofnchmonf rovIdos fho InfornnI rofocfIon for fho nron
commnndor, hIs sfnff, nnd fho SIO. Koy orsonnoI, crIfIcnI oquImonf, nnd
sonsIfIvo InformnfIon nro bnsod from fhoro nnd mny IncIudo fho foIIowIng
Tho nron commnndor nnd sfnff.
FM 3-05.201
Tho SIO nnd suorf orsonnoI.
CommunIcnfIon oquImonf.
ConfroIIod modIcnI suIIos nnd fronfmonf fncIIIfIos.
SuIy cnchos of wonons, nmmunIfIon, nnd oxIosIvos.
33l. An nron comIox cnn bo subdIvIdod Info fwo socurIfy zonos oufor nnd
Innor IIguro 32, ngo 3l0. Thoro nro no cIonrcuf boundnrIos bofwoon
zonos, nnd socurIfy rosonsIbIIIfIos cnn ovorIn. Inch zono Is fho
rosonsIbIIIfy of n socIfIc guorrIIIn oIomonf whoso mIssIon Is fo rovIdo for
fho socurIfy nnd dofonso of fho zono In fho nron comIox fo nchIovo fofnI nnd
ovorInIng socurIfy covorngo.
Outer Security Zone
332. Tho oufor socurIfy zono Is vIfnIIy Imorfnnf fo n guorrIIIn forco. Tho
IocnI guorrIIIn forcos nnd fho cIvIIInn suorf Infrnsfrucfuro nro orgnnIzod
nnd dovoIood In fho oufor socurIfy zono. ThIs nron sorvos ns fho rImnry
sourco of rocruIfs for fho guorrIIIn forco. Tho oufor zono nIso sorvos ns fho
fIrsf IIno of Indofh socurIfy nnd dofonso for fho nron comIox. !osIsfnnco
oIomonfs In fhIs nron nro rosonsIbIo for rovIdIng fho nron commnnd wIfh
fImoIy nnd nccurnfo InformnfIon on onomy ncfIvIfIos wIfhIn fho zono. !ocnI
guorrIIIns nro fho rosIsfnnco oIomonf rosonsIbIo for fho zono`s confroI nnd
dofonso. ThIs oIomonf Is nIso rosonsIbIo for fho conducf of oornfIons wIfhIn
fho zono. Tho IocnI guorrIIIn forcos orgnnIzo, omIoy, nnd sorvo ns nrf of fho
cIvIIInn suorf oIomonf. Tho cIvIIInn suorf oIomonf gnfhors curronf
InfoIIIgonco InformnfIon nnd rovIdos IogIsfIc, ISYOI, nnd oornfIonnI
suorf fo fho roguInr guorrIIIn forcos nnd fho nron commnnd. Tho InIfInI
scroonIng, soIocfIon, nnd frnInIng of now rosIsfnnco mombors fnkos Inco In
fhIs zono. Tho mosf romIsIng nnd frusfod rocruIfs nro fhon soIocfod for
momborshI In fho roguInr or fuIIfImo guorrIIIn forcos.
Inner Security Zone
333. Tho Innor socurIfy zono oncomnssos fho bnso cnm of fho roguInr or
fuIIfImo guorrIIIn forcos. Thoso forcos dofond nnd confroI fho zono nnd nro
consfnnfIy mobIIo wIfhIn fho nron. Tho rImnry mIssIon of fho guorrIIIn forcos
oornfIng In fhIs zono Is fo fomornrIIy doIny nny onofrnfIon mndo by fho
onomy. Thoy wnfch frnIIs nnd nvonuos of nronch. Thoy uso OIs or !Is,
fIxod fIghfIng osIfIons, nnd roosIfIonod obsfncIos such ns bunkors nnd
mInofIoIds fo doIny onomy forcos. Thoy omIoy hnrnssmonf, nmbushos,
snIIng, nnd ofhor InfordIcfIon fncfIcs nnd rncfIco rnId wIfhdrnwnI
rocoduros. Thoso fncfIcs Incronso fho Indofh dofonso of fho nron comIox.
Thoy shouId nIso uso commnnddofonnfod nnfIvohIcuInr nnd nnfIorsonnoI
mInos on n ormnnonf bnsIs. CuorrIIIn forcos mny Inco mInos nIong robnbIo
onomy vohIcuInr nnd orsonnoI nvonuos of nronch, such ns frnIIs, crooks,
nnd rIvorbods. Tho guorrIIIns musf nvoId, nf nII cosfs, bocomIng docIsIvoIy
ongngod whIIo cnrryIng ouf fhoIr doInyIng nnd dofonsIvo mIssIon. CIvIIInns do
nof normnIIy occuy fho Innor socurIfy zono fhoroforo, If mny sorvo ns nn
nron of food cuIfIvnfIon for fho guorrIIIn ouInfIon.
FM 3-05.201
Figure 3-2. Area CompIex Security Zones
334. A guorrIIIn bnso Is HQ for nny sIzo guorrIIIn forco. A bnso mny bo
fomornry or ormnnonf, doondIng on fho guorrIIIn`s sfngo of dovoIomonf.
CuorrIIIn C4I, suorf, fncIIIfIos, nnd oornfIonnI unIfs nro Iocnfod wIfhIn fho
bnso. !OCs connocf fho bnso nnd fncIIIfIos wIfhIn fho nron comIox. Tho
InsfnIInfIons nnd fncIIIfIos found wIfhIn n guorrIIIn bnso nro fho commnnd
osfs, frnInIng nrons or cInssrooms, n communIcnfIons fncIIIfy, nnd modIcnI
FM 3-05.201
sorvIcos. Tho occunnfs nnd fncIIIfIos musf bo cnnbIo of rnId dIsIncomonf
wIfh IIffIo or no rIor wnrnIng. Thoro Is usunIIy moro fhnn ono guorrIIIn bnso
wIfhIn n socfor or JSOA. Thoy nro In romofo, InnccossIbIo nrons nnd fhoIr
IocnfIons nro rovonIod onIy on n noodfoknow bnsIs. IorsonnoI musf uso
nssIvo nnd ncfIvo socurIfy monsuros fo rovIdo bnso socurIfy, omIoyIng
ovorhond covor, conconImonf, nnd oscno roufos. A mnndnfory roquIromonf
for n guorrIIIn bnso cnm Is n sourco of wnfor. WoIIs mny bo dug whoro
ormnnonf bnsos nro osfnbIIshod. IdonIIy, fhoro wIII bo nn nbundnnco of
wnfor sourcos fo chooso from In fho nron. AII bnso cnms shouId hnvo nn
nIfornnfo IocnfIon for confIngoncy uso. In cnso fho onomy ovorruns fho bnso,
nII orsonnoI shouId Inn for nnd rohonrso rnId wIfhdrnwnIs.
335. Thoro nro fhroo fyos of guorrIIIn bnsos. In ordor of dovoIomonf, fhoy
nro mobIIo, somIormnnonf, nnd ormnnonf. InIfInIIy, nII guorrIIIn bnso
cnms nro mobIIo, nnd ns fho JSOA mnfuros, somIormnnonf cnms nro
consfrucfod. Whon fho JSOA mnfuros onough fo conducf bnffnIIon combnf
oornfIons, fho somIormnnonf cnms bocomo ormnnonf. ormnI occunfIon
fImo Is bnsod on MITTTC.
336. IuIIfImo guorrIIIns nnd IocnI guorrIIIn forcos osfnbIIsh mobIIo bnsos.
Thoso bnsos nro nf fho orIhory of fhoIr zonos of rosonsIbIIIfy. MobIIo bnsos
nro normnIIy occuIod for orIods rnngIng from l fo ? dnys.
33?. HQ oIomonfs or socfor commnnds osfnbIIsh somIormnnonf bnsos In
fho Innor socurIfy zonos. Thoso bnsos nro In nrons fhnf rovIdo n fncfIcnI
ndvnnfngo for fho guorrIIIn. SomIormnnonf bnsos nro normnIIy occuIod for
orIods rnngIng from l fo 2 wooks.
338. ThIs bnso Is wIfhIn fho ronr socurIfy zono of fho nron comIox. Tho
guorrIIIn commnnd oIomonf, SIO, nnd koy InsfnIInfIons nnd fncIIIfIos nro
Iocnfod horo. Adoqunfo frnInIng nrons nro osfnbIIshod fo suorf nII fho
frnInIng ncfIvIfIos. Tho guorrIIIn forco rofocfs fho frnInIng nrons, nnd nn
SIO mombor, who Is fho subjocfmnffor oxorf SMI, monIfors fho
frnInIng. Whon noodod, orsonnoI socuro dro zonos Zs nnd InndIng zonos
!Zs fo rocoIvo suIIos nnd oquImonf. An SIO mombor nccounfs for
suIIos. Thoso Zs nnd !Zs musf bo nccossIbIo fo fho nrorInfo nIrcrnff
nnd bo n snfo dIsfnnco from fho guorrIIIn bnso cnm. Iormnnonf bnsos mny
normnIIy bo occuIod for orIods rnngIng from l fo 2 monfhs.
339. Tho dofonso of nny bnso IncIudos sfrIcf ndhoronco fo cnmoufIngo, noIso,
nnd IIghf dIscIIIno. ofonso monsuros shouId nIso IncIudo Innor socurIfy
osfs, !Is nnd OIs, socurIfy nnd frnckIng nfroIs, nnfIorsonnoI mInos, nnd

FM 3-05.201
ofhor obsfncIos fo conconfrnfo, Imodo, or sfo fho onomy IIguro 33.
IorsonnoI shouId Inn confIngoncIos for rnId wIfhdrnwnI from fho nron
boforo nny onomy nffnck.
Figure 3-3. Permanent Base Security
FM 3-05.201
Inner Security Posts
340. Innor socurIfy osfs nro normnIIy osfnbIIshod wIfhIn l00 mofors of fho
mnIn body. Tho mIssIon of fho Innor socurIfy osfs Is fo doIny n smnII roncfIon
forco fhnf hns onofrnfod fho bnso orImofor nnd Is cIosIng In on fho mnIn
body. ThIs doIny nIIows fho mnIn body fo bronk ouf. urIng Iow vIsIbIIIfy,
Innor socurIfy osfs nro cIosor, nbouf 25 mofors from fho mnIn body. A
chnIIongo nnd nssword sysfom shouId bo ImIomonfod.
Listening and Observation Posts
34l. !Is nnd OIs nro osfnbIIshod In unIf SOIs nnd bnsod on obsorvnfIon
nnd fIoIds of fIro, nvonuos of nronch, koy forrnIn, obsfncIos, nnd covor nnd
conconImonf OAKOC. Af n mInImum, !Is nnd OIs wIII bo Iocnfod on fho
mosf IIkoIy nvonuos of nronch. Thoy shouId bo Iocnfod on hIgh nnd
commnndIng ground surroundIng fho bnso, ns or unIf SOI. Tho mIssIon of
fho osfs Is fo dofocf nnd roorf In n fImoIy mnnnor onomy nIr nnd ground
movomonf fhnf fhronfons fho guorrIIIn bnso. If fho onomy Is dofocfod, osf
orsonnoI mny nof fIro on fho onomy buf rndIo n sIzo, ncfIvIfy, IocnfIon, unIf,
fImo, nnd oquImonf SA!!TI roorf. ThIs fncfIc snvos gIvIng nwny fhoIr
osIfIon nnd ossIbIy fho osIfIon of fho bnso. Thoso osfs nro normnIIy
wIfhIn 400 fo 800 mofors from fho bnso.
Security and Tracking Patrols
342. SocurIfy nnd frnckIng nfroIs mny bo cnrrIod ouf nf dnwn nnd dusk fo
rovIdo socurIfy nnd onrIy wnrnIng for fho bnso. Inch nfroI shouId cnrry n
froquoncy moduInfod shorfrnngo rndIo, sImIInr fo nn A/I!C??, onnbIIng
fho nfroI fo roIny InformnfIon fo fho bnso In n fImoIy mnnnor. InfroIs musf
sonrch nII nrons, buf gIvo rIorIfy of sonrch fo fho hIgh ground surroundIng
fho bnso nnd fo crook nnd rIvorbods In fho nron. InfroIs nIso sonrch ronds nnd
frnIIs for frncks or sIgns of onomy rosonco. If fhoro nro frIondIy cIvIIInns In
fho nron, fhoy mny bo quosfIonod rognrdIng onomy ncfIvIfy. CIvIIInns
unfnmIIInr fo fho nfroI mny bo n fhronf or symnfhIzor. InformnfIon
rovIdod by fho frIondIy cIvIIInns Is crIfIcnI fo fho socurIfy of fho guorrIIIn
bnso cnm. Tho mIssIon of fho socurIfy nfroIs Is fo dofocf sIgns or ofhor
IndIcnfors of onomy rosonco or ncfIvIfy. Thoso IndIcnfors IncIudo
Tobncco, cnndy, gum, nnd food wrnors.
Humnn oxcromonf or ofhor wnsfo roducfs.
Trncks mndo by bnro foof or boofs on roconfIy usod frnIIs.
Irokon brnnchos nnd bonf fwIgs suggosfIng dIrocfIon of frnvoI.
Iscnrdod rnfIons, confnInors, nnd oquImonf.
343. InssIvo socurIfy monsuros fhnf cnn bo fnkon IncIudo cnmoufIngIng
dwoIIIngs nnd hufchos wIfh vogofnfIon. IorsonnoI shouId chnngo vogofnfIon
dnIIy. Thoy cnn nIso cnmoufIngo frnIIs nnd ornso frncks. IorsonnoI shouId
nvoId smoko from cookIng fIros, osocInIIy durIng dnyIIghf hours, nnd
mnInfnIn noIso nnd IIghf dIscIIIno nf nII fImos.
FM 3-05.201
AntipersonneI Mines
344. SIOs mny fomornrIIy uso nnfIorsonnoI mInos nIong IIkoIy nvonuos
of nronch Info fho bnso. Crooks, rIvorbods, nnd fho surroundIng oIovnfIons
nro good IocnfIons for IncIng nnfIorsonnoI mInos. IorsonnoI wIII wnrn fho
cIvIIInn ouInfIon nbouf fho uso of mInos fo rocIudo unnocossnry cIvIIInn
cnsunIfIos. Thoy mny fomornrIIy omIoy nnfIorsonnoI mInos In fho
foIIowIng nrons nof usod by cIvIIInns
onr runnIng wnfor sourcos.
Around fruIf nnd shndo froos.
On IIffIousod ronds nnd frnIIs.
In nnd nround nbnndonod fIghfIng osIfIons or nround nbnndonod
unInhnbIfod dwoIIIngs.
345. MInofIoId roorfs shouId bo submIffod by fho fnsfosf socuro monns
nvnIInbIo nnd nro cInssIfIod Socrof whon comIofo. Ixncf formnf mny bo
socIfIod by IocnI commnnd SOI. IM 534, IngInoor IIoId nfn, or IM 2032,
MIno/CounformIno Oo nfIons, rovIdos moro InformnfIon on roorfIng nnd
rocordIng mInofIoId InformnfIon.
346. A mIssIon suorf sIfo MSS Is n fomornry oornfIonnI nnd IogIsfIcs
bnso for guorrIIIns who nro nwny from fhoIr mnIn bnso cnm for moro fhnn n
fow dnys. If oxfonds fho rnngo of guorrIIIns In fho JSOA by ormIffIng fhom
fo frnvoI Iong dIsfnncos wIfhouf suorf from fhoIr bnso cnms. Tho
guorrIIIns shouId nof occuy fhom for moro fhnn 24 hours. CuorrIIIns shouId
nIwnys roconnoIfor nnd survoII fho MSS boforo occuyIng If.
34?. IorsonnoI osfnbIIsh nn MSS fo suorf n socIfIc mIssIon nnd shouId
nof uso If moro fhnn onco. !sIng fho MSS onIy onco rofocfs fho forco from
soffIng u roonfod nfforns of movomonf. Howovor, If mny bo usod boforo
nnd nffor n mIssIon, bnsod on MITTTC. Tho MSS mny confnIn food, shoIfor,
modIcnI suorf, nmmunIfIon, domoIIfIons, nnd ofhor oornfIonnI Ifoms. To
rocIudo unnocossnry noIso nnd movomonf In nnd ouf of fho MSS, nuxIIInry
orsonnoI mny osfnbIIsh suIy cnchos In fho surroundIng vIcInIfy boforo fho
combnf forco nrrIvos.
348. Whon soIocfIng fho IocnfIon for nn MSS, orsonnoI musf consIdor fho
IroxImIfy fo fho objocfIvo.
!ovoI of onomy ncfIvIfy.
Covor nnd conconImonf.
IroInnnod roufos of wIfhdrnwnI.
TrIbnI or fncfIonnI nnd roIIgIous Issuos.
MITTTC Is vory Imorfnnf whon soIocfIng fho MSS. MSSs musf nof bo nonr
!Zs, Zs, or nny ofhor sIfos of hoIghfonod ncfIvIfy. Iurfhor InformnfIon on
MSSs Is rovIdod In AondIx I.
FM 3-05.201
349. Tho rImnry fochnIquo or fyo of rocruIfmonf usod In fho onrIy sfngos
of n rosIsfnnco movomonf Is soIocfIvo rocruIfmonf. As socurIfy Is omhnsIzod,
rocruIfmonf Is hIghIy soIocfIvo. Mnny fnsks of fho rosIsfnnco forco roquIro no
qunIIfIcnfIon for Ifs rocruIfs boyond n corfnIn dogroo of InfoIIIgonco nnd
omofIonnI sfnbIIIfy. SInco somo ncfIvIfIos roquIro socInI qunIIfIcnfIons,
rocruIfors musf Iook for IndIvIdunIs who cnn orform IondorshI dufIos,
InfoIIIgonco coIIocfIon, nnd ofhor socInI fnsks. Tho scroonIng rocoss IncIudos
survoIIInnco nnd bnckground chocks. Tho rocruIfors uso fho foIIowIng
mofhods fo onsuro IoynIfy IoynIfy chocks, onfhs, nnd robnfIonnry orIods.
Onco fho rosIsfnnco cndro Is osfnbIIshod nnd fho rosIsfnnco movomonf Is
succossfuI, mnss rocruIfmonf bogIns. !ocruIfors sook n bnso of suorf nmong
Inrgo sogmonfs of fho IndIgonous ouInfIon. AuxIIInry mombors nro
oxcoIIonf rocruIfors bocnuso fhoy cnn movo onsIIy fhrough donIod nrons. Tho
rosIsfnnco movomonf musf roIy on mnss suorf If If Is fo survIvo nnd oxnnd
IIguro 34, ngo 3l6. !ocruIfIng fochnIquos IncIudo nonIs, coorcIon, nnd
suggosfIon, ns woII ns InyIng on nn IndIvIdunI`s fooIIngs of govornmonfnI
350. !ocruIfmonf Is dIffIcuIf In fho onrIy hnsos of fho oornfIon nnd onsIor
nffor fho rosIsfnnco osfnbIIshos Ifs crodIbIIIfy. If fho rosIsfnnco rocruIfs foo
mnny cIvIIInns, onomy rorIsnIs ngnInsf fho romnIndor of fho communIfy nro
vory ossIbIo. Tho numbor of bnso cnms nnd fho qunnfIfy of suorfIng
IogIsfIcs sfock IImIf fho numbor of ofonfInI nrmod guorrIIIn rocruIfs.
35l. As dovoIomonf of fho rosIsfnnco orgnnIznfIon rogrossos,
documonfnfIon nnd rocord kooIng of mIssIon funcfIons Is vIfnI fo
mnInfnInIng n woIIorgnnIzod forco. ThIs InformnfIon nIso onnbIos fho SIO
commnndor fo conducf offocfIvo C2, ny, rownrds, nnd ovonfunIIy
domobIIIznfIon monsuros. Tho SIO musf osfnbIIsh ndmInIsfrnfIvo
rocoduros onrIy on fo fncIIIfnfo n woIIorgnnIzod guorrIIIn forco. AondIx I
nddrossos dofnIIod ndmInIsfrnfIvo Issuos.
352. Tho mosf doIIcnfo nrf of nn SIO`s dufy Is fo onsuro fhnf comofonf
IndIgonous orsonnoI occuy koy IondorshI osIfIons. If Iondors nnd sfnff
mombors of fho rosIsfnnco orgnnIznfIon do nof nonr qunIIfIod fo fIII
osIfIons hoId, fho SIO shouId fry fo Incronso fhoIr offocfIvonoss.
IncronsIng fho offocfIvonoss of fhoso orsonnoI wIII normnIIy onhnnco fho
InfIuonco of fho SIO. Tho orsonnIIfy nnd chnrncforIsfIcs of fho nron
commnndor nro oxfromoIy Imorfnnf. HIs nbIIIfy musf oxfond boyond
mIIIfnry nnd fochnIcnI fIoIds. SuccossfuIIy commnndIng n guorrIIIn forco wIfh
nII Ifs dIvorso oIomonfs roquIros sychoIogIcnI nnd oIIfIcnI skIIIs. Tho nron
commnndor shouId hnvo dIsfIncfIon nmong fho cIvIIInn ouInfIon nnd fho
confIdonco of hIs foIIowors.
353. Tho nron commnndor InfIuoncos ofhors fo nccomIIsh fho mIssIon by
rovIdIng uroso, dIrocfIon, nnd mofIvnfIon. Iuroso gIvos fho guorrIIIns fho
ronson why dIrocfIon shows whnf musf bo dono nnd mofIvnfIon gIvos hIs
FM 3-05.201
guorrIIIns fho wIII fo do ovoryfhIng fhoy nro cnnbIo of fo nccomIIsh fhoIr
Figure 3-4. BuiIding a Resistance Movement
354. A combnffosfod Iondor domonsfrnfos hIs fncfIcnI nnd fochnIcnI
rofIcIoncy nnd usos InIfInfIvo fo oxIoIf oorfunIfIos for succoss. Ho
nccomIIshos fhIs rocoss by fnkIng cnIcuInfod rIsks wIfhIn fho commnndor`s
Infonf. Ho Ionds by oxnmIo from fho fronf nnd nof by fonr nnd coorcIon.
SuccossfuI IondorshI In combnf onnbIos n Iondor fo
ovor undorosfImnfo hIs onomy.
FM 3-05.201
ConsIdor fho cIvII comononf In nII oornfIons.
!ndorsfnnd bnsIc wonons nnd domoIIfIons.
!ndorsfnnd bofh convonfIonnI forco nnd guorrIIIn fncfIcs.
ArocInfo nnd undorsfnnd fho sfrnfogy of wnr.
!osocf nnd nnfIcInfo fho objocfIvos nnd cnmnIgn gonIs of
convonfIonnI forcos.
Io nbIo fo fnskorgnnIzo hImsoIf nnd ofhors.
Io nbIo fo rocognIzo nnd noInf good Iondors.
ImrovIso on shorf nofIco.
AIIow fho uso of InIfInfIvo.
ImIoy nnd oxIoIf nII fyos of InfoIIIgoncognfhorIng oorfunIfIos.
355. HIsforIcnIIy, fho socfor Iondors hnvo boon rocognIzod ns commnndors
wIfhIn fhoIr shoros of InfIuonco. In fho orgnnIznfIon of n commnnd, ovory
offorf Is mndo fo nssIsf nnd rocognIzo n IocnI guorrIIIn Iondor ns fho ovornII
nron commnndor. ThIs concof musf nof bo vIoInfod jusf bocnuso fho IocnI
commnndor mny Inck fho roquIsIfo mIIIfnry sorvIco or qunIIfIcnfIons. If ho cnn
commnnd fho rosocf of fho ooIo nnd subordInnfo commnndors In fho nron,
fho SIO shouId fufor hIm In cnrryIng ouf hIs nron commnndor funcfIons.
!oIncIng IocnIIy dovoIood Iondors wIfh nron commnndors from oxfornnI
oufofcounfry sourcos, ovon fhough fho now nron commnndors nro nnfIvo
born, mny cronfo orsonnI or oIIfIcnI rIvnIrIos nnd nIIonnfo fho nron
commnndors nIrondy In oxIsfonco. Tho rocognIfIon of commnndors, osocInIIy
fho ovornII nron commnndor, musf nof bo nrbIfrnry or hnsfy. !ocognIfIon
shouId bo bnsod on n cnrofuI nssossmonf of fho oxIsfIng oIIfIcnI condIfIons
nnd socInI nffIfudos wIfhIn fho JSOA. If n rosIsfnnco movomonf hns fnIIod fo
dovoIo duo fo sorIous orsonnI rIvnIrIos or oIIfIcnI dIfforoncos, fho concof
of rocognIzIng n ouInr IocnI Iondor ns fho ovornII commnndor mny In fncf bo
vIoInfod. In fhIs cnso, n Iondor who commnnds rosocf nnd cnn unIfy fho
offorfs of fho oosIng fncfIons Is fhon noInfod or InfIIfrnfod Info fho JSOA.
356. Tho IocnI nron commnndor Is rosonsIbIo for fho orgnnIznfIon, frnInIng,
ndmInIsfrnfIon, nnd oornfIons of guorrIIIn forcos wIfhIn hIs nron.
SocIfIcnIIy, fho dufIos of fho guorrIIIn nron commnndor nro oornfIons of fho
forcos undor hIs commnnd nnd coordInnfIon of oornfIons bofwoon
subordInnfo forcos nnd nIIIod forcos. Ho confInuousIy doformInos fho
rosourcos, combnf sfrongfh, dIsosIfIons, movomonfs, nnd cnnbIIIfIos of fho
onomy fhnf wIII nffocf comIofIon of hIs mIssIon. Ho nIso
AoInfs or rocognIzos subordInnfo socfor commnndors.
Ironros Inns fo nccomIIsh nssIgnod mIssIons nnd confomInfod
Ironros nnd nssIgns mIssIons fo subordInnfo socfor commnndors.
IsfnbIIshos ndoqunfo communIcnfIon sysfoms bofwoon fho vnrIous
forcos of hIs commnnd.
OrgnnIzos nnd oornfos CI nnd InfoIIIgonco nofs.
IInns socurIfy nnd dofonsIvo monsuros wIfhIn fho nron commnnd nnd
fho nron comIox.
FM 3-05.201
CuIdos gonornI ndmInIsfrnfIvo oIIcIos.
IsfnbIIshos mornIo nnd woIfnro monsuros.
Insuros fho cnro nnd hnndIIng of nII IIWs nro IAW nII fho nIIcnbIo
Conovn Accords nnd ConvonfIons.
IInns, ronros, nnd omIoys ISYOI.
CuIdos frnInIng for IndIvIdunIs nnd unIfs.
!oquIsIfIons nnd coIIocfs suIIos from IocnI sourcos.
!oquIsIfIons suIIos nnd oquImonf from oufsIdo fho JSOA.
AIIocnfos nnd dIsbursos oquImonf nnd suIIos fo subordInnfo socfor
35?. Tho nron commnndor onsuros fho rocofIon, suorf, nnd rofocfIon of
SIO orsonnoI In fho JSOA. Ho nccounfs for koy IIWs, romInonf
cIvIIInns, nnd for fho roscuo nnd oxfIIfrnfIon of downod nIrcrows. Ho Is nIso
rosonsIbIo for fho cIvIIInns In fho nron. InIfInIIy, hIs rosonsIbIIIfIos nro for
fho snfofy nnd woIfnro of fhoso noncombnfnnfs wIfhIn fho JSOA. As fho
JSOA mnfuros, ho mny ncfunIIy suorvIso fho orgnnIznfIon of n cIvII
ndmInIsfrnfIon cnnbIIIfy nmong fho ouInco usIng romIsIng mombors of
fho rosIsfnnco movomonf. Tho SIO suorfs hIm In fhoso roquIromonfs by
omIoyIng CA nssofs, fIrsf ns Innnors nnd ndvIsors fo fho SIO IncIudIng
usIng ronchbnck cnnbIIIfIos fo CA socInIIsfs In ronr nrons or fho confInonfnI
!nIfod Sfnfos lCO!S, fhon ns coro ndvIsor fonms fo fIodgIIng cIvII
ndmInIsfrnfors, nnd fInnIIy ns fuIIy sfnffod fonms cnnbIo of rovIdIng
suorf fo cIvII ndmInIsfrnfIon. Tho orgnnIznfIon nnd omIoymonf of fhoso
CA nssofs Is bnsod on !.S. oIIcIos nnd objocfIvos In fho JSOA nnd MITTTC.
358. Tho rosIsfnnco orgnnIznfIon consIsfs of fhroo oIomonfs. Thoy nro fho
guorrIIIn forco, fho nuxIIInry, nnd fho undorground. Tho guorrIIIn forco Is fho
ovorf mIIIfnry or nrnmIIIfnry nrm. Tho nuxIIInry Is fho cInndosfIno suorf
oIomonf of fho guorrIIIn forco. Tho undorground Is n coIIuInr orgnnIznfIon
fhnf conducfs cInndosfIno subvorsIon, snbofngo, !A!, nnd InfoIIIgonco
coIIocfIon ncfIvIfIos. IM 305.220 confnIns nddIfIonnI InformnfIon on
rosIsfnnco orgnnIznfIon nnd sfrucfuro.
359. CuorrIIIns nro n docIsIvo combnf forco. Thoy conducf fncfIcs,
fochnIquos, nnd rocoduros omIoyod In fho !nIfod Sfnfos durIng fho Ironch
nnd IndInn Wnrs. Thoy confInuod fo hnvo succoss durIng fho AmorIcnn
!ovoIufIon nnd durIng fho AmorIcnn CIvII Wnr for bofh fho IodornI nnd
Confodornfo froos. urIng WorId Wnr II, n cInssIc oxnmIo of n docIsIvo
combnf forco wns MorrIII`s Mnrnudors nnd fhoIr uso of rnIds, nmbushos, nnd
fo n Iossor oxfonf, offonsIvo nnd dofonsIvo mnnouvors fo dofonf fho Jnnnoso
In Iurmn.
360. Tho orgnnIznfIon of n guorrIIIn forco from fho rosIsfnnco movomonf or
fho roorgnnIznfIon of oxIsfIng guorrIIIn forcos Info n combnf commnnd Is n
fImoconsumIng rocoss. Tho orgnnIznfIon musf foIIow n dofInIfo Inn, hnsod
FM 3-05.201
nnd coordInnfod wIfh fho SIOI. IrocfIvos from oufsIdo fho JSOA fo fho
guorrIIIn nron commnndors roscrIbo fho gonornI COAs. Insod on dofnIIod
roorfs nnd rocommondnfIons of fho SIO, fho commnndor Issuos moro
socIfIc ordors much Infor fo ronch fho dosIrod orgnnIznfIonnI IovoI. Thon, fho
hIghIy orgnnIzod guorrIIIn forco mny bo omIoyod In ovorf combnf oornfIons.
36l. CuorrIIIn forcos nro orgnnIzod In n sImIInr mnnnor fo convonfIonnI
unIfs. SInco guorrIIIn oornfIons normnIIy do nof oxcood fho oquIvnIonf of
bnffnIIonIovoI oornfIons, mosf guorrIIIn forcos nro orgnnIzod onIy fo fhnf
IovoI. In fho Infor sfngos of n succossfuI !W sIfunfIon, guorrIIIn forcos
concoIvnbIy couId conducf coordInnfod rogImonfnI or hIghor oornfIons
ngnInsf fho onomy forcos.
362. Tho rogrossIvo orgnnIznfIon of n guorrIIIn forco In nn AO works In
fhroo gonornI hnsos. Thoso hnsos nro nof socIfIc orIods buf normnIIy
ovorIn nnd morgo Info ono nnofhor. Tho fyIcnI orgnnIznfIon nnd funcfIons of
onch hnso nro ns foIIows.
Organization - Phase I
363. In fho fIrsf hnso of orgnnIznfIon, IndIvIdunIs bnnd fogofhor undor
IocnI IondorshI IIguro 35, ngo 320. ThoIr mnIn concorn Is survIvnI. Thoy
hnvo n bnsIc nood for shoIfor, food, wnfor, nnd wonons. ArorInfo forrnIn
nnd frIondIy vIIIngos on fho oufor IImIfs of onomyconfroIIod nrons offor
shoIfor. Thoso smnII bnnds obfnIn food, wnfor, nnd wonons IocnIIy. Tho
ncfIvIfIos of fhoso smnII bnnds nro IImIfod fo fho orgnnIznfIon nnd
osfnbIIshmonf of n suorf Infrnsfrucfuro wIfhIn fho IocnI cIvIIInn ouInfIon
fo obfnIn InformnfIon, rocruIfs, nnd IogIsfIc nssIsfnnco. Thoy mny nIso conducf
oIIfIcnI work, smnIIscnIo nffncks, nnd snbofngo. Tho nron commnndor
Iocnfos hIs HQ whoro ho cnn dIrocfIy InfIuonco orgnnIznfIon nnd oornfIons In
fho mosf Imorfnnf socfors of hIs JSOA. HIs HQ Is In n socuro nron whoro
nccoss Is IImIfod or unconfroIIod by fho onomy. Tho surroundIng forrnIn
shouId nof fnvor InrgoscnIo, onomymounfod, or dIsmounfod oornfIons.
!ogIsfIc concorns nnd honIfh condIfIons In fho nron nro furfhor
consIdornfIons. AIso, jusf In cnso, fho nron commnndor soIocfs fwo or moro
nIfornnfo sIfos nnd ronros fhom for omorgoncy uso.
364. Tho nron commnndor noInfs n socondIncommnnd nnd orgnnIzos n
sfnff fo nccomIIsh mIIIfnry sfnff funcfIons. Tho sfnff Is kof smnII nnd
mobIIo. If Incos socInI omhnsIs on fho orgnnIznfIon of fho InfoIIIgonco
socfIon. HQ unIfs cnrry ouf fho ndmInIsfrnfIvo funcfIons. Insod on ndvIco
from fho SIO, fho nron commnndor mnkos nn osfImnfo of fho sIfunfIon,
formuInfos fonfnfIvo orgnnIznfIonnI nnd oornfIonnI Inns, nnd Issuos
dIrocfIvos fo Inco fhom Info offocf. ThIs offorf shouId focus on
IvIsIon of fho JSOA Info socfors.
AoInfmonf of socfor commnndors.
AssIgnmonf of mIssIons fo socfor commnndors.
OrgnnIznfIon In onch socfor dosIgnnfIon of unIfs nnd nufhorIzod
ConornI oornfIng rIncIIos nnd rocoduros.
CommunIcnfIons sysfom nnd rosonsIbIIIfIos.
FM 3-05.201
365. In nrons fhnf hnvo no guorrIIIn forcos or sfrong rosIsfnnco movomonf,
fho nron commnndor mny noInf n socfor commnndor for fho oxIoIfnfIon
nnd orgnnIznfIon of fho nron. ThIs suorf mny consIsf of nssIgnIng cndro
orsonnoI for n socfor commnndor`s HQ, combnf unIfs fo rovIdo socurIfy, nnd
n nucIous nround whIch ho mny orgnnIzo nnd oxnnd hIs IocnI forcos. Tho
nron commnndor hoIs fho socfor commnndors obfnIn fho suorf of fho
IndIgonous ouInfIon by vIsIfIng fho socfor nnd omIoyIng CA ncfIvIfIos,
such ns HA, omorgoncy sorvIcos, mIIIfnry cIvIc ncfIon MCA, nnd suorf fo
cIvII ndmInIsfrnfIon. Tho offocfIvonoss of CA ncfIvIfIos mny bo onhnncod by n
sfrong ubIIc InformnfIon cnmnIgn suorfod by ISYOI.
Figure 3-5. TypicaI Phase I Organization
366. In nrons whoro mnny Indoondonf guorrIIIn forcos oxIsf, fho nron
commnndor gIvos fho noInfod socfor commnndor fho nocossnry suorf fo
brIng nbouf unIfy of commnnd. Ho gIvos fhIs suorf fhrough orsonnI
confncf wIfh fho vnrIous IocnI guorrIIIn Iondors. Tho nron commnndor mny
nIy drnsfIc monsuros fo InfIuonco Indoondonf Iondors nnd unIfs fhnf rosIsf
InfogrnfIon Info fho ovornII commnnd. WIfhhoIdIng IogIsfIc suorf from
oufsIdo fho JSOA fo fhoso oIomonfs rosIsfIng InfogrnfIon Is normnIIy
suffIcIonf fo oncourngo fhoIr wIIIIng comIInnco. Tho SIO commnndor
FM 3-05.201
shouId bo ronrod fo ndvIso fho nron commnndor on fho ossIbIo
roorcussIons of fho nron commnndor`s ncfIons.
36?. ormnIIy, n skoIofon orgnnIznfIon Is formod durIng Ihnso I. AIso
osfnbIIshod nro
A commnnd HQ In onch subordInnfo socfor.
A communIcnfIon sysfom IInkIng fho nron commnnd HQ wIfh socfor
An oxfonsIvo InfoIIIgonco nnd CI nof covorIng fho onfIro JSOA.
IsfnbIIshmonf of fhIs nof Is oxfromoIy Imorfnnf.
368. Tho ovornII sfrongfh of fho commnnd nnd fho comononf unIfs mny bo
kof ns Iow ns onofhIrd of fho ofonfInI sfrongfh fo bo dovoIood. Iromnfuro
oxnnsIon nnd buIIdu of sfrongfh durIng fhIs hnso cnn cnuso unduo sfrnIn
on IocnI rosourcos, cronfo hnrdshIs, nnd rosuIf In dIssonsIon nmong fho
cIvIIInn ouInfIon.
Organization - Phase II
369. In fho socond hnso of orgnnIznfIon, fho numbor nnd sIzo of unIfs
Incronso IIguro 36, ngo 322. SmnII unIfs unIfo undor common IondorshI
voIunfoors, IndIvIdunI soIdIors, or dosorfIng nrmy unIfs furfhor sfrongfhon
fhoIr rnnks. Whon n fosfod IocnI Iondor omorgos ns n commnndor, commnnd
nnd IondorshI Imrovo. IorsonnoI work dIIIgonfIy fo osfnbIIsh confncf wIfh
oxfornnI suorf sourcos or wIfh n symnfhofIc nnfIonnI govornmonf. Thoso
oxfornnI suorf sourcos, nIong wIfh bnffIofIoId rocovory offorfs, Incronso fho
qunnfIfy of wnr mnforIoI. Cronfor onomy rossuro rosuIfs In wIdosrond
snbofngo, rnIds, nnd nmbushos. IoIIfIcnI nnd ndmInIsfrnfIvo consIdornfIons,
oIIcIos of fho sonsor suorfIng fho rosIsfnnco movomonf, nnd MITTTC
doformIno fho oxfonf fo whIch unIfIod commnnds dovoIo. urIng Ihnso II,
fho commnndor modIfIos or ndofs fho fonfnfIvo Inns ronrod In Ihnso I
nnd Incos fhom Info offocf. Ho mnkos confInuous nssossmonfs nnd consIdors
nddIfIonnI COAs fo furfhor oxnnd nnd buIId u forcos. Tho oxnnsIon fhnf
fnkos Inco durIng fhIs hnso dIrocfIy roInfos fo fho nmounf of IogIsfIc
suorf from sourcos oufsIdo fho JSOA. MIssIons nnd InfornnI funcfIons In
fho oornfIonnI nron nIso Iond fo oxnnsIon. ThIs orgnnIznfIonnI oxnnsIon
mny IncIudo
IncronsIng fho sfrongfh of fho skoIofonIzod commnnd, combnf, nnd
sorvIco suorf unIfs u fo 50 orconf of fhoIr ofonfInI sfrongfh.
OrgnnIzIng nddIfIonnI guorrIIIn unIfs.
IxnndIng fho communIcnfIon sysfom wIfhIn fho AO nnd wIfh
subordInnfo socfor commnnds.
IxnndIng fho InfoIIIgonco nnd CI nofs.
ImhnsIzIng fho orgnnIznfIon of fho cIvIIInn ouInfIon.
3?0. Ihnso II Is normnIIy fho mosf crIfIcnI orIod In fho orgnnIznfIon of n
guorrIIIn forco. Tho commnndor musf onsuro fho guorrIIIn orgnnIznfIon nnd
Ifs Infrnsfrucfuro suorfIng cIvIIInn ouInfIon Is woII orgnnIzod nnd
sfrong onough IdooIogIcnIIy fo wIfhsfnnd honvy onomy oIIfIcnI nnd mIIIfnry
FM 3-05.201
Figure 3-6. TypicaI Phase II Organization
Organization - Phase III
3?l. urIng fho fhIrd hnso of orgnnIznfIon IIguro 3?, ngo 323, n
unIfIod commnnd Is osfnbIIshod ovor somo nrons, offon bocnuso of n sfrong
nnd comofonf Iondor omorgIng ns fho rocognIzod commnndor. Incronsod
communIcnfIon nnd IInIson onhnnco confroI nnd coordInnfIon nmong fho
vnrIous guorrIIIn forcos nnd oxfornnI sourcos. Insod on fho mIssIon nssIgnod
by hIghor HQ Inuf from fho SIO Is n crIfIcnI fncfor, fho nron commnndor
mnkos nn osfImnfo of fho sIfunfIon nnd Inns fho mIssIon. Tho docIsIon fo
conducf nn oornfIon rosuIfs In nn OI!A fhnf sfnfos roquIromonfs for fho
nron commnnd sfnff, socfor commnnds, nnd IogIsfIc oIomonfs. IorfIons of
fhoso fonfnfIvo Inns nro fhon sonf fo subordInnfo commnnds. Tho
subordInnfo commnndors doformIno fho nron commnndor`s Infonf nnd
ronro fhoIr own Inns nccordIngIy. AIso durIng Ihnso III, commnnd
MofhodIcnIIy dovoIo nnd oxnnd offocfIvo CI nnd InfoIIIgonco nofs.
Obsorvo nnd onforco sfrIcf OISIC monsuros.
oformIno whnf confroI monsuros fho onomy hns Imosod on fho
cIvIIInn ouInfIon.
FM 3-05.201
ovoIo nnd ImIomonf rogrnms of bonofIf fo fho ouInco for
oxnmIo, dovoIomonfnI MCA rojocfs, suorfod by ISYOI offorfs fo
counfor onomy rongnndn nnd hoI oIovnfo fho mornIo of guorrIIIns
nnd IoynI cIvIIInns.
Ixocufo frnInIng nnd woIIInnnod oornfIons fo Imrovo fho
offocfIvonoss of IndIvIdunIs nnd unIfs.
InfIIfrnfo suIIos from oxfornnI sourcos fo nugmonf oxIsfIng mIIIfnry
Figure 3-7. TypicaI Phase III Organization
FM 3-05.201
3?2. In nddIfIon, fho guorrIIIn forco, suorfod from nn oxfornnI sourco,
dovoIos n cohosIvo mIIIfnry osfnbIIshmonf nbIo fo fIrmIy dofond nnd sfrIko
wIfh subsfnnfInI forco nf soIocfod fnrgofs. ConornI dIrocfIvos normnIIy confroI
guorrIIIn ncfIvIfIos durIng fhIs hnso. TyIcnI orgnnIznfIonnI oxnnsIon
durIng Ihnso III mny IncIudo
IuIIdIng oxIsfIng unIfs u fo nufhorIzod sfrongfh.
AcfIvnfIng nddIfIonnI unIfs.
IroosIfIonIng unIfs cIosor fo fhoIr fonfnfIvo oornfIonnI nrons.
IncronsIng offorfs fo orgnnIzo fho cIvIIInn ouInfIon Info nn offocfIvo
suorf mochnnIsm.
3?3. Tho joInf commnndor mnkos ovory offorf fo dovoIo n bnInncod
guorrIIIn forco, frnInod nnd rondy fo nognfo fho fhronf nnd cnrry ouf fhoso
ncfIvIfIos nssIgnod by fho nron commnnd. Tho orgnnIznfIon of fho guorrIIIn
forco doonds on oxIsfIng fhronf condIfIons nnd oornfIonnI consIdornfIons
wIfhIn fho JSOA. If fho fhronf Is nrmor, fhon fho forco shouId fnskorgnnIzo
ns nn nnfInrmor forco. Whon rncfIcnI, fho orgnnIznfIon of fho guorrIIIn forco
shouId cIosoIy nrnIIoI fho orgnnIznfIon of n convonfIonnI forco fo onhnnco
mIssIon C2. Tho sIngIo mosf Imorfnnf oInf nbouf guorrIIIn forcos Is fhnf
fhoy cnnnof bo nrbIfrnrIIy Iocnfod or InoInfod duo fo fhoIr uso of fncfIcs,
fIoxIbIIIfy, nnd knowIodgo of fho nron. In furn, nvnIInbIo guorrIIIn mnnowor
nnd mnforInI nssofs InfIuonco fhoso mIssIons nnd fncfIcs. Thoy musf nIso bo
cnrofuI nof fo roduco fho Inhoronf fIoxIbIIIfy fhnf fho forco roquIros.
3?4. Tho guorrIIIn forco consIsfs of ooIo In dIfforonf socInI cInssos nnd
ofhnIc grous, somo of whom nro offon nnfngonIsfIc fownrd onch ofhor. Thoy
rofIocf n vnrIofy of oducnfIonnI nnd nfIfudo cnfogorIos wIfh dIfforonf
Inforosfs nnd IncIInnfIons. Tho guorrIIIn Iondor doonds on voIunfoors fo
Incronso fho sIzo of hIs forco. If ho Is Incomofonf or unouInr, or If fho
guorrIIIns suffor fncfIcnI rovorsnIs, ho wIII hnvo dIffIcuIfIos In goffIng moro
rocruIfs. Tho foIIowIng quofo sorvos ns n good rorosonfnfIon of fho
undorground, nuxIIInry, nnd guorrIIIn forco roInfIonshI.
The people are the sea; the revolutionaries are the fish. The sea
supports the fish. It also hides them from predators. The revolutionaries
only want to show themselves when they are not themselves vulnerable.
Then they fade back into the sea, or the mountains, or the jungles.
Mao Tse-tung
3?5. Tho succoss or fnIIuro of fho guorrIIIn forco doonds on Ifs nbIIIfy fo
mnInfnIn IogIsfIc nnd InfoIIIgonco suorf. Tho nuxIIInry fIIIs fhoso suorf
funcfIons by orgnnIzIng cIvIIInns nnd conducfIng coordInnfod suorf offorfs.
Ifs orgnnIznfIon nnd mIssIon doond uon MITTTC. Tho nssIsfnnco of fho
cIvIIInn ouInfIon Is crIfIcnI fo fho succoss of fho rosIsfnnco movomonf.
AuxIIInry unIfs hnvo fhoIr own combnf, suorf, nnd undorground unIfs. Tho
nuxIIInry rImnrIIy rovIdos socurIfy, InfoIIIgonco, nnd IogIsfIc suorf for fho
guorrIIIn forco by usIng cIvIIInn suorfors of fho rosIsfnnco. Tho nuxIIInry
FM 3-05.201
conducfs cInndosfIno suorf funcfIons by orgnnIzIng ooIo on n rogIonnI,
dIsfrIcf, or socfor bnsIs doondIng on fho dogroo fo whIch guorrIIIn forcos nro
orgnnIzod. Tho nuxIIInry mombors scroon nII now ofonfInI undorground
mombors. Ior OISIC ronsons, nII nuxIIInry funcfIons musf fIrsf socfIon off
from onch ofhor nnd from fho guorrIIIn forcos fhoy suorf fhrough dond
Ioffor dros nnd ofhor cInndosfIno communIcnfIons. Tho guorrIIIn forco noods
fho foIIowIng cInndosfIno suorf funcfIons fo suIomonf Ifs own
AIr, Innd, or mnrIfImo rocofIon suorf.
InfornnI sysfoms for ncquIsIfIon of suIIos.
InfornnI sysfoms fo ncquIro oornfIonnI InformnfIon nnd InfoIIIgonco.
ModIcnI fncIIIfIos for hosIfnIIznfIon, fronfmonf, nnd rohnbIIIfnfIon of
sIck nnd woundod.
CI sysfoms fo dofor onomy onofrnfIon nffomfs.
Oufor zono socurIfy for onrIy wnrnIng fo guorrIIIn forcos.
Sysfoms nnd rocoduros for rocruIfmonf of orsonnoI.
Comnrfmonfod communIcnfIon sysfoms for vnrIous suorf funcfIons.
Curronf InformnfIon on forrnIn, wonfhor, cIvIIInns, nnd IocnI rosourcos.
Irocf InfoIIIgonco suorf, osocInIIy In fho oufor socurIfy zono of fho
guorrIIIn bnso cnm.
ocofIon oornfIons suorf.
Mnnufncfuro nnd mnInfonnnco of oquImonf.
TrnnsorfnfIon sysfoms.
3?6. An nuxIIInry commnnd commIffoo orgnnIzos cIvIIInn symnfhIzors Info
subordInnfo oIomonfs or usos fhom IndIvIdunIIy. Whon ossIbIo, fho
commIffoo orgnnIzos subordInnfos Info n funcfIonnIIy comnrfmonfod
sfrucfuro IIguro 38, ngo 326. HIsforIcnIIy, onch subordInnfo nuxIIInry hns
hnd fo orform sovornI funcfIons bocnuso of n shorfngo of IoynI orsonnoI.
3??. Tho nuxIIInry normnIIy orgnnIzos fo coIncIdo wIfh or nrnIIoI fho
oxIsfIng oIIfIcnI sysfom or ndmInIsfrnfIon. ThIs sysfom onsuros fhnf nn
nuxIIInry unIf nssIsfs onch communIfy nnd fho surroundIng counfrysIdo.
3?8. OrgnnIznfIon of nuxIIInry forcos sfnrfs nf nny IovoI or nf sovornI IovoIs
sImuIfnnoousIy. If Is oIfhor confrnIIzod or doconfrnIIzod. Tho nuxIIInry
osfnbIIshos commnnds nf onch ndmInIsfrnfIvo IovoI for oxnmIo, nf fho
rogIonnI, counfy, dIsfrIcf, IocnI communIfy, or vIIIngo IovoI.
3?9. A commnnd commIffoo nf onch IovoI confroIs nnd coordInnfos nuxIIInry
ncfIvIfIos wIfhIn Ifs AO!. In fhIs rosocf, fho commIffoo rosombIos fho
commnnd grou nnd sfnff of n mIIIfnry unIf. Af fho Iowosf IovoI, ono
IndIvIdunI mny orform fwo or fhroo dufIos. Mombors of fho commnnd
commIffoo nro nssIgnod socIfIc dufIos, such ns
FM 3-05.201
Figure 3-8. AuxiIiary CeII
380. Mombors of fho nuxIIInry nro ooIo who mnInfnIn n ormnnonf
rosIdonco In fho donIod socfor or AO nnd hnvo IdonfIfInbIo nnd IogIfImnfo
monns of IIvoIIhood. Tho nuxIIInry mombors musf nonr In nII rosocfs fo bo
nvorngo cIfIzons. Thoy musf bo IoynI fo fho rosIsfnnco cnuso. IooIo who nro
sImIy coorcod or duod Info suorfIng fho rosIsfnnco nro nof consIdorod
nuxIIInry mombors. AuxIIInry comononfs In n socfor or AO nro normnIIy
snfoIIIfos of IocnI guorrIIIn forcos. Thoy nIso rovIdo suorf fo ofhor guorrIIIn
forcos fhnf normnIIy do nof oornfo wIfhIn fhIs JSOA or rogIon.
38l. CuorrIIIn forcos doond on fho cIvIIInn ouInfIon for rocruIfs fo
roInco oornfIonnI Iossos nnd fo oxnnd fhoIr forcos. AuxIIInrIos sof, scroon,
FM 3-05.201
nnd rocruIf orsonnoI for ncfIvo guorrIIIn forcos. If rocruIfs nro rovIdod from
roIInbIo nuxIIInry sourcos, fho onomy`s chnncos of IncIng ngonfs In fho
guorrIIIn forco nro gronfIy roducod.
382. Tho fwo mosf Imorfnnf koys fo fho survIvnI nnd offocfIvonoss of
nuxIIInry mombors nro mnInfnInIng nn nvorngo cIfIzon Imngo nnd boIng
oxfromoIy cnufIous nbouf confIdIng In ofhors. IxnmIos of whnf nof fo do
InIIIng fo mnInfnIn nn nvorngo cIfIzon Imngo.
IoIng roonfodIy nbsonf from work wIfhouf good oxInnnfIons.
ShowIng nn unusunI concorn nbouf onomy ncfIvIfIos.
InIIIng fo nccounf for mIssIng suIIos.
AonrIng unusunIIy norvous or hnbIfunIIy fIrod.
ConfIdIng foo frooIy In sfrnngors.
AskIng quosfIons nnd unusunI fnvors of ooIo of quosfIonnbIo IoynIfIos.
IoIng foo ongor fo rocruIf ooIo wIfhouf ndoqunfo socurIfy chocks.
Security Support
383. AuxIIInry mombors nnd unIfs dorIvo fhoIr rofocfIon by fwo rIncInI
monnsfhoIr comnrfmonfod sfrucfuro nnd fhoIr modo of oornfIon undor
covor. WhIIo onomy counforguorrIIIn ncfIvIfIos offon forco fho guorrIIIns fo
movo fomornrIIy nwny from gIvon nrons, fho nuxIIInrIos survIvo by
romnInIng In Inco nnd conducfIng fhoIr ncfIvIfIos fo nvoId dofocfIon.
IndIvIdunI nuxIIInry mombors cnrry on fhoIr normnI, dnyfodny roufIno whIIo
socrofIy cnrryIng ouf fho mnny fncofs of rosIsfnnco ncfIvIfIos. AuxIIInry unIfs
froquonfIy uso nssIvo or noufrnI oIomonfs of fho ouInfIon fo rovIdo ncfIvo
suorf fo fho common cnuso. Thoy usunIIy uso such ooIo on n onofImo
bnsIs bocnuso of fho Incronsod socurIfy rIsks InvoIvod.
384. Tho domonsfrnfod succoss of fho frIondIy forcos furfhor onhnncos fho
nbIIIfy of nuxIIInry forcos fo mnnIuInfo Inrgo sogmonfs of fho noufrnI
ouInfIon. Tho orgnnIznfIon nnd uso of fho nuxIIInry vnrIos from counfry fo
counfry or AO. SocurIfy musf bo fho fIrsf fhoughf whon fho nuxIIInry Is
orgnnIzod. Tho rosIsfnnco movomonf doonds honvIIy on fho IogIsfIc suorf
nnd onrIy wnrnIng sysfoms fho nuxIIInry rovIdos. Tho rosIsfnnco movomonf
cnnnof survIvo wIfhouf fho suorf of Ifs gronfosf nssoffho cIvIIInn
385. AuxIIInry mombors confInuo nrfIcInfIng In fho IIfo of fhoIr
communIfy. To nII nonrnncos, fhoy rosonf no bronk from fhoIr dnIIy
roufInos nnd, nf fho snmo fImo, ongngo In rosIsfnnco ncfIvIfIos nnd
oornfIons. Such orsonnoI nro, In fncf, IondIng doubIo IIvos, nnd fhoIr succoss
In fho rosIsfnnco doonds on fhoIr nbIIIfy fo koo fhnf sIdo of fhoIr IIvos socrof
from nII, IncIudIng fnmIIy nnd frIonds. Tho fnrmor by dny, suorfor by
nIghf, commonIy cnIIod n nrffImo guorrIIIn, offon Is fho fororunnor fo fho
fuIIfImo guorrIIIn.
386. Tho nuxIIInry Iondor nssIgns fnsks fo grous or IndIvIdunIs nccordIng
fo fhoIr cnnbIIIfy, doondnbIIIfy, nnd fho dogroo fo whIch fhoy nro wIIIIng
nnd nbIo fo nrfIcInfo. Thoso who unwIffIngIy gIvo suorf or nro coorcod
FM 3-05.201
Info gIvIng suorf nro nof consIdorod nuxIIInrIos. IorsonnoI who symnfhIzo
sfrongIy wIfh fho rosIsfnnco movomonf buf mny bo undor survoIIInnco by fho
onomy rovIdo IIffIo vnIuo ns nuxIIInry mombors. Ofhor oxnmIos of
orsonnoI who mIghf rovo moro dnngorous fhnn rofIfnbIo nro formor
oIIfIcnI Iondors or fochnIcInns omIoyod by fho onomy. IuncfIons fhnf
roquIro frnvoI or frnnsorfnfIon mIghf bo orformod by such orsons ns
forosfors, fnrmors, fIshormon, or frnnsorfnfIon workors. In nddIfIon, fhoso
funcfIons shouId, If ossIbIo, bo covorod by roufIno dnIIy ncfIvIfIos. Ofhor
dufIos, such ns socurIfy nnd wnrnIng, roquIro n vnIId ronson for romnInIng nf
n gIvon IocnfIon ovor nn oxfondod orIod.
InteIIigence Support
38?. AuxIIInry mombors cnn gIvo consIdornbIo InfoIIIgonco suorf duo fo
fhoIr nfhomo sfnfus nnd fhoIr froodom of movomonf fhroughouf fho AO. Tho
nuxIIInry orgnnIzos nn oxfonsIvo sysfom of cIvIIInns who cnn koo onomy
forcos undor survoIIInnco nnd rovIdo onrIy wnrnIng of fhoIr movomonfs.
IndIvIdunIs nro soIocfod bocnuso of ndvnnfngoous IocnfIons fhnf ormIf fhom
fo monIfor fho onomy.
388. Whon ongngod In socIfIc InfoIIIgonco oornfIons, soIocf orsonnoI nnd
Informnnfs, bocnuso of fhoIr IocnfIons, cnn survoII vIrfunIIy ovory ovorf onomy
ncfIvIfy. Tho nuxIIInry nIso nIds fho nron commnnd CI offorf by mnInfnInIng
wnfch ovor frnnsIfory cIvIIInns, by scroonIng rocruIfs for guorrIIIn forcos, nnd
by monIforIng rofugoos nnd ofhor orsonnoI nof IndIgonous fo fho nron. uo
fo fhoIr InfImnfo knowIodgo of fho cIvIIInn ouInfIon, nuxIIInrIos cnn IdonfIfy
nffomfs by onomy ngonfs nnd IocnI cIvIIInns symnfhofIc fo fho oosIfIon or
onomy forcos In fho nron. Thoy cnn nIso nnmo fhoso cIvIIInns whoso IoynIfy fo
fho rosIsfnnco mIghf bo susocf. AuxIIInry unIfs coIIocf InformnfIon fo
suorf fhoIr own oornfIons nnd fhoso of fho nron commnnd. ThIs
InformnfIon rovIdos dIrocf InfoIIIgonco suorf fo guorrIIIn forcos oornfIng
wIfhIn fho AO!.
389. Iocnuso fho nuxIIInry mombors IIvo nnd work nmong fho cIvIIInn
ouInfIon nf Inrgo, fhoy cnn InconsIcuousIy obsorvo onomy movomonfs nnd
ncfIvIfIos. Thoy roorf sIghfIngs of Inforosf fo fho guorrIIIns. Obsorvors musf
hnvo good ronsons fo jusfIfy fhoIr ncfIvIfIos. SImIy IoIforIng In nn nron whoro
fho onomy Is drnws susIcIon nnd cnusos fho obsorvor fo bo nrrosfod nnd
Inforrognfod. Tho bosf jusfIfIcnfIon for nn obsorvor`s ncfIvIfIos Is fhnf ho or
sho works In fho nron. IxnmIos nro n snIos cIork In n sforo nonr nn onomy
fncIIIfy, n gns sfnfIon oornfor In n gns sfnfIon usod by fho onomy, n sfroof
cIonnor nonr nn onomy fncIIIfy, nnd n fnrmor workIng In n fIoId bosIdo n rond
whoro onomy convoys nro movIng. Tho nuxIIInry cnn bo sonsIfIvo fo CI
oornfIons of fho onomy, such ns fho nffomf fo InfIIfrnfo fho guorrIIIns wIfh
rocruIfs who nro ncfunIIy sIos.
390. Tho nron commnnd confroIs nuxIIInry ncfIvIfIos. Tho nuxIIInry
mombors` rosonsIbIIIfIos roInfo fo fhoIr cIvIIInn occunfIons, such ns
consfrucfIon workors wIfh nccoss fo oxIosIvos nnd roInfod suIIos, docfors,
modIcnI nssIsfnnfs, hnrmncIsfs, hnrdwnro sforo mnnngors, frnnsorfnfIon
workors, nnd communIcnfIons fochnIcInns.
FM 3-05.201
39l. AIso, cIvII sorvIco omIoyoos nro oxcoIIonf sourcos of InformnfIon.
IuncfIons nro comnrfmonfod so fhnf If n mombor of fho nuxIIInry Is
comromIsod, fho InformnfIon fhnf ho cnn rovonI Is IImIfod nnd nof fImo
392. Tho nuxIIInry nIso rovIdos fho guorrIIIns goods nnd sorvIcos fhnf
roInfo fo fhoIr cIvIIInn occunfIons. If rovIdos guorrIIIn rocruIfors wIfh fho
nnmos nnd nddrossos of rosocfIvo now guorrIIIns. If cnn nIso foII fho
guorrIIIns of homos nnd Incos In fho communIfy fhnf fnvor fho rosIsfnnco
nnd cnn gIvo suorf.
Logistic Support
393. Mosf mIssIons of fho nuxIIInry suorf fho guorrIIIn forcos In Ifs nron.
Thoro nro fwo mofhodsdIrocf suorf or nron commnnddIrocfod suorf.
ormnIIy, fho nuxIIInry rovIdos dIrocf suorf mIssIons for fho guorrIIIn
forcos In Ifs nron. Tho nuxIIInry suorfs guorrIIIns In nII hnsos of IogIsfIc
oornfIons. Tho nuxIIInry
IrovIdos frnnsorfnfIon for suIIos nnd oquImonf.
Cnros for fho sIck nnd woundod.
IrovIdos modIcnI suIIos.
Arrnngos for docfors nnd ofhor modIcnI orsonnoI.
CoIIocfs food, cIofhIng, nnd ofhor suIIos fhrough n confroIIod sysfom
of Iovy, bnrfor, or confrIbufIon.
SomofImos rovIdos ossonfInI sorvIcos such ns ronIr of cIofhIng, shoos,
nnd ofhor Ifoms of oquImonf.
SuIIos orsonnoI fo hoI nf rocofIon sIfos.
394. Tho oxfonf of fho IogIsfIc suorf gIvon by fho nuxIIInry doonds on
fho rosourcos of fho nron, fho dogroo of InfIuonco If oxorfs on fho ouInfIon,
nnd onomy ncfIvIfIos. Whon roquIsIfIonIng suorf, fho nuxIIInry musf
omhnsIzo fho rIghfoousnoss of fho rosIsfnnco objocfIvos nnd fho commonnIIfy
of rosIsfnnco or ouInfIon gonIs. Tho rosIsfnnco doonds on fho goodwIII of
fho ouInfIon nnd fho sfondy I don`f know roIIos fo onomy Inforrognfors.
In cnsos whoro fho ouInfIon ncfs onIy hnIfhonrfodIy for fho rosIsfnnco, somo
cIvIIInns nro wIIIIng fo hoI by boIng obsorvors, scoufs, or mossongors.
Home Guard
395. Tho homo gunrd Is fho nrnmIIIfnry nrm of fho nuxIIInry forco. Tho
vnrIous commnnd commIffoos confroI homo gunrds. AII nuxIIInry oIomonfs do
nof nocossnrIIy orgnnIzo homo gunrds. Homo gunrds orform mnny mIssIons
for fho nuxIIInry forcos, such ns fncfIcnI mIssIons, gunrdIng of cnchos, nnd
frnInIng of rocruIfs. ThoIr dogroo of orgnnIznfIon nnd frnInIng doonds uon
fho oxfonf of offocfIvo onomy confroI In fho nron.
PsychoIogicaI Operations
396. A vory Imorfnnf mIssIon In whIch nuxIIInry unIfs nssIsf Is ISYOI,
whIch musf bo Infogrnfod nnd synchronIzod nf nII IovoIs fo nchIovo Ifs fuII
forcomuIfIIIor ofonfInI. Tho srondIng of rumors, IonfIofs, nnd osfors Is
fImod wIfh guorrIIIn fncfIcnI mIssIons fo docoIvo fho onomy. Tho srondIng of
FM 3-05.201
convoyod soIocfod InformnfIon usunIIy InvoIvos IIffIo rIsk fo fho dIssomInnfor
nnd Is vory dIffIcuIf for fho onomy fo confroI.
PopuIace and Resources ControI
39?. Tho nuxIIInry omIoys ouInco nnd rosourcos confroI I!C monsuros
fo mInImIzo or oIImInnfo bInck mnrkofIng nnd rofIfoorIng nnd fo
domonsfrnfo fo fho onomy fho owor of fho guorrIIIn movomonf. I!C consIsfs
of fho foIIowIng fwo dIsfIncf, buf roInfod, concofs
IouInco confroIs rovIdo socurIfy for fho ouInco, mobIIIzo humnn
rosourcos, dony orsonnoI fo fho onomy, nnd dofocf nnd roduco fho
offocfIvonoss of onomy ngonfs. IouInco confroI monsuros IncIudo
curfows, movomonf rosfrIcfIons, frnvoI ormIfs, rogIsfrnfIon cnrds, nnd
rosoffIomonf of vIIIngors. C oornfIons nnd noncombnfnnf ovncunfIon
oornfIons IO nro fwo socInI cnfogorIos of ouInco confroI fhnf
roquIro oxfonsIvo InnnIng nnd coordInnfIon nmong vnrIous mIIIfnry
nnd nonmIIIfnry orgnnIznfIons.
! sourcos con Is roguInfo fho movomonf or consumfIon of mnforIoI
rosourcos, mobIIIzo mnforIoI rosourcos, nnd dony mnforIoI fo fho
onomy. !osourcos confroI monsuros IncIudo IIconsIng, roguInfIons or
guIdoIInos, chockoInfs for oxnmIo, rondbIocks, rnfIon confroIs,
nmnosfy rogrnms, nnd InsocfIon of fncIIIfIos.
o fro
398. To orform I!C nnd gIvo fho onomy nn ImrossIon of guorrIIIn owor,
fho nuxIIInry osfnbIIshos n IognI confroI sysfom fo hoI rovonf bInck
mnrkofIng nnd rofIfoorIng. Tho nuxIIInry mny uso subfIo coorcIon or ofhor
sfrIcfor monns fo confroI coIInbornfors.
Evasion and Recovery
399. Tho nuxIIInry Is IdonIIy suIfod for fho suorf of I&! mochnnIsms.
Confncf wIfh, nnd confroI ovor, sogmonfs of fho cIvIIInn ouInfIon rovIdo
fho nron commnndor n socuro monns of nIdIng ovndors.
3l00. Tho nuxIIInry mombors rocoIvo, conconI, nnd frnnsorf rosIsfnnco
orsonnoI who nro InfIIfrnfIng Info, or oxfIIfrnfIng ouf of, fho JSOA. Thoy nIso
rocoIvo nnd conconI guorrIIIns who hnvo boon woundod or sonrnfod from
fhoIr unIfs durIng hosfIIIfIos.
Other Support Missions
3l0l. Tho nuxIIInry mny bo cnIIod uon fo orform sovornI ofhor guorrIIIn
suorf mIssIons, such ns coordInnfIng ncfIons wIfh fho guorrIIIns ngnInsf
fhoIr fnrgofs. Ior oxnmIo, fho nuxIIInry mny conducf mInor ncfs of snbofngo,
such ns cuffIng foIohono IInos, rovorsIng sfroof sIgns, gIvIng fnIso InformnfIon,
nnd obsfrucfIng froo movomonfs. If mny nIso suorf guorrIIIn mIssIons by
IurnIshIng guIdos.
OornfIng courIor sysfoms.
ConducfIng ncfIvo guorrIIInfyo oornfIons on n IImIfod bnsIs.
!nIsIng funds.
FM 3-05.201
3l02. Tho undorground suorfs fho nron commnnd, nuxIIInry, nnd
guorrIIIn forco, bnsod on MITTTC. Thoso orsonnoI commIf snbofngo,
InfoIIIgonco gnfhorIng, nnd ncfs of docofIon fhrough fho ncfIon nrm,
InfoIIIgonco, suIy, nnd orsonnoI socfIons. TrnInors dovoIo n guorrIIIn
MIT! nffor mIssIon nnnIysIs nnd nIy If fo MITTTC.
3l03. Tho undorground orgnnIzos Info comnrfmonfod coIIs IIguros 39
nnd 3l0, ngo 332. If forms fhoso coIIs wIfhIn vnrIous oIIfIcnI subdIvIsIons
of fho socfor or nron, such ns fho !.S. oquIvnIonfs of counfIos, fowns, nnd
noIghborhoods. Tho undorground onvIronmonf mny bo urbnn or rurnI.
IM 305.220 IncIudos furfhor dIscussIon on coII orgnnIznfIon.
Figure 3-9. Underground Operations CeII
FM 3-05.201
Figure 3-10. Underground InteIIigence CeII
3l04. If n mombor of fho undorground Is comromIsod, fho InformnfIon fhnf
ho cnn rovonI Is IImIfod. A commnnd commIffoo orgnnIzos nnd confroIs
undorground ncfIvIfIos. Tho commIffoo mombors orform dufIos nnd
rosonsIbIIIfIos bnsod on fhoIr skIIIs nnd fho dogroo of rIsk fhoy nro wIIIIng fo
3l05. Ior socurIfy ronsons, fho sIzo of fho undorground Is kof ns smnII ns
ossIbIo. Tho undorground rocoIvos ovndors, downod IIofs, nnd ofhor koy
ooIo. If hIdos ooIo nnd movos fhom ns noodod or movos fhom ouf of fho
JSOA onfIroIy. Tho nuxIIInry nIso movos nnd hIdos ooIo wIfhIn Ifs socfor of
oornfIon. Howovor, fho undorground cnn movo ooIo ncross fho onfIro nron
comIox. If hns n sysfom of snfo housos fhnf hnvo boon cnrofuIIy soIocfod
FM 3-05.201
nnd ronrod fo hIdo fhoso ooIo. If dovoIos rocoduros so fhnf ooIo cnn
bo movod nIong soIocfod roufos nf fho bosf fImos fo nvoId dofocfIon. Tho
undorground movos fhom In fnIsoboffom confnInors fo IncIudo Inundry cnrfs,
fIsh crnfos, vohIcIos, furnIfuro, nnd cnskofs. If nIso movos sonsIfIvo
documonfs nnd oquImonf In n sImIInr mnnnor.
3l06. To suorf ofhor oornfIons, nrfIcuInrIy fhoso InvoIvIng fho
smuggIIng of orsonnoI nnd mnforInIs, fho undorground commIfs ncfs of
docofIon fo sfonI bonnfIdo documonfs IdonfIfIcnfIon lI cnrds, nssos,
rnfIon couons, monoy, nnd nssorfs nnd uso fhom undor fnIso rofonsos. If
fho undorground cnnnof obfnIn fho bonn fIdo documonfs, If ronros
3l0?. Tho undorground mombor noods fo nIy frndIfIonnI bohnvIor
nfforns fo cronfo n osIfIvo Imngo. Ho Is froquonfIy rohIbIfod from fnkIng
nnyfhIng from fho ooIo wIfhouf nyIng for If. Ho mny ovon hnvo fo bofrIond
corfnIn sogmonfs of fho ouInfIon fo InfIuonco fhom In suorf of fho
movomonf. Ho sfrIvos fo conform fo fho normnI bohnvIor nnd dnIIy ncfIvIfIos
of hIs noIghborhood. Iy nonrIng convonfIonnI nnd InconsIcuous, ho mnkos
If dIffIcuIf for fho socurIfy forco fo dofocf, IdonfIfy, or fInd hIm. WIfhouf
rocords or hysIcnI ovIdonco, ho Is dIffIcuIf fo IInk fo fho orgnnIznfIon.
Confncf nnd communIcnfIons bofwoon mombors nro koy survIvnI nnd crIfIcnI
oInfs of subvorsIvo oornfIons.
3l08. Tho undorground normnIIy confnIns moro socInIIsfs nnd fochnIcInns
fhnn oIfhor fho guorrIIIn or nuxIIInry comononfs. IdonIIy, fhoy nro nbIo fo
conducf combnf oornfIons In S!, A, nnd !W. AIso, fhoy shouId ossoss fho
nbIIIfy, oxorIonco, nnd oquImonf nocossnry fo ronro nII fyos of
counforfoIf documonfs nnd bo nbIo fo roduco counforfoIf monoy.
3l09. To survIvo nnd bo offocfIvo, n mombor of fho undorground musf
oxhIbIf mnny osIfIvo orsonnIIfy frnIfs nocossnry fo onduro hnrdshI nnd ho
musf bo hIghIy soIfmofIvnfod. Among fhoso frnIfs, ho musf
Io fochnIcnIIy nnd fncfIcnIIy rofIcIonf In combnf skIIIs, sfonIfh, nnd
MnInfnIn nnd dIsIny nn InconsIcuous, nvorngo cIfIzon Imngo fownrd
fho onomy.
Io vory cnufIous nbouf confIdIng In ofhors. Socrocy nnd dodIcnfIon fo
fho cnuso como boforo nny orsonnI bonofIf, nIIowIng for gronfor
Nature of Operations
3ll0. !ndorground oornfIons cnn bo cInndosfIno, covorf, nnd ovorf. Thoso
oornfIons hnvo mnjor sImIInrIfIos wIfh fhoso of bofh fho guorrIIIns nnd fho
nuxIIInry. Somo InvoIvo ovorf nnd vIoIonf ncfIons nnd ofhors nro nssIvo. Tho
foIIowIng nrngrnhs dIscuss fho undorground`s roInfIonshI fo ofhor
oIomonfs of fho rosIsfnnco.
3lll. !ndorground coIIs suorf fho oornfIons of fho guorrIIIns nnd
nuxIIInry wIfhIn fhoIr socfor commnnds wIfh ncfs of docofIon, snbofngo,
FM 3-05.201
nnd movomonf of orsonnoI nnd oquImonf. !ndorground coIIs cooornfo
cIosoIy wIfh ofhor undorground counfornrfs In fhoIr socfors nnd fhroughouf
fho nron comIox. CooornfIon onnbIos succossfuI movomonf of orsonnoI nnd
oquImonf In nnd ouf of fho JSOA.
3ll2. Tho guorrIIIns nnd nuxIIInry nro moro Indoondonf. OnIy In rnro,
coordInnfod oornfIons doos fho undorground work wIfh Ifs counfornrfs In
ofhor socfors.
3ll3. Tho undorground mny commIf ncfs of vIoIonco or snbofngo fo InfordIcf
onomy oornfIons nnd movomonfs.
3ll4. Tho undorground mny ubIIsh n rosIsfnnco nowsIoffor or nowsnor
romofIng fho rosIsfnnco cnuso nmong fho cIvIIInn ouInfIon. In counfrIos
wIfh n confroIIod modIn sysfom, n rIvnfo ubIIcnfIon of fhIs nnfuro wIII bo of
hIgh Inforosf. Howovor, fho undorground musf nnfIcInfo onomy rorIsnIs for
ossossIon of fho nor. AIso, fho onomy wIII robnbIy sonrch for fho rInfIng
ross. A dofonso ngnInsf fhIs fhronf Is fo rInf fho nor oufsIdo fho JSOA
nnd smuggIo If Info fho counfry, sforIng fho suIy In vnrIous IocnfIons.
3ll5. Tho undorground mny ongngo In covorf oornfIons fo dIssomInnfo
ombnrrnssIng or IncrImInnfIng InformnfIon nbouf fho onomy or Ifs offIcInIs.
Thoso rovoInfIons mny InfInmo oxIsfIng robIoms In sonsIfIvo nrons nnd
dogrndo fho onomy`s rnorf wIfh fho cIvIIInn ouInfIon or cnuso dIssonsIon
In fho onomy`s rnnks.
3ll6. A mnjor nrf of fho SIO`s mIssIon Is fo Inn, orgnnIzo, conducf, nnd
ovnIunfo frnInIng of soIocfod rosIsfnnco cndro. ThIs work ronros fho SIO
fo bo frnInors nnd forco muIfIIIors for fho rosIsfnnco orgnnIznfIon. urIng
romIssIon InnnIng, fho SIO dovoIos n fonfnfIvo frnInIng Inn bnsod on
MITTTC. Tho SIO mombors ronro fho frnInIng Inn, IOI, nnd frnInIng
nIds In fho IndIgonous Inngungo, If ossIbIo. Thoy IncIudo snnd fnbIos wIfh
foy soIdIors nnd vohIcIos ns InsfrucfIon nIds. Affor commIfmonf Info fho
JSOA, SIO mombors ovnIunfo fho rosonf IovoI of fho rosIsfnnco forcos`
frnInIng nnd udnfo fho InIfInI frnInIng Inn or modIfy If fo onsuro Ifs
3ll?. Tho frnInIng Inn oufIInos how fho SIO wIII bosf nccomIIsh Ifs
frnInIng objocfIvo. SIO mombors dovoIo fho frnInIng Inn In IsoInfIon
bnsod on nn osfImnfo of fho frnInIng sIfunfIon by fho IIof fonm. Imorfnnf
fncfors In dovoIoIng fho frnInIng Inn nro mIssIon, orsonnoI, fImo, fncIIIfIos,
nnd orgnnIznfIon for frnInIng. Ofhor consIdornfIons nro wonfhor, cIImnfo, nnd
fho onomy sIfunfIon.
3ll8. Insod on oornfIonnI dIrocfIvos from hIghor HQ, fho SIO
doformInos fho socIfIc fnsks, condIfIons, nnd sfnndnrds fho rosIsfnnco forcos
musf nccomIIsh. If fho rosIsfnnco forco hns fo conducf muIfIIo mIssIons, fho
SIO musf sof u rIorIfIos for frnInIng. Iocnuso n guorrIIIn frnvoIs
FM 3-05.201
rImnrIIy on hIs foof, ho musf undorgo rIgorous hysIcnI frnInIng nnd
numorous crosscounfry mnrchos.
3ll9. Tho nvnIInbIo frnInIng fImo Is n crIfIcnI fncfor. Tho shorfor fho
frnInIng fImo, fho moro fImo Is fnkon fo dofIno fho frnInIng objocfIvos. SIO
orsonnoI wIII Ioso frnInIng fImo bocnuso of oornfIonnI roquIromonfs. Thoy
musf IncIudo mnkou frnInIng ns nn InfogrnI nrf of fho frnInIng rogrnm.
3l20. Tho SIO wIII ndvIso fho nron commnnd nnd rosIsfnnco forco on
soIocfIng nnd osfnbIIshIng rnngos, frnInIng nrons, ImrovIsod cInssrooms,
frnInIng nIds, nnd ofhor frnInIng fncIIIfIos. SocurIfy Is of rImo Imorfnnco.
Tho SIO Iocnfos rnngos nnd frnInIng nrons nwny from fho bnso cnm. If cnn
mnko n smnII vnIIoy wIfh norInI conconImonf or n mnnmndo funnoI Info
sIngIoInno rnngos. AIr nnd II rIfIos nro oxcoIIonf nIfornnfo, InoxonsIvo,
frnInIng nIds In IIou of fuIIcnIIbor mnrksmnnshI frnInIng.
3l2l. IoIIfIcnIIy or roIIgIousIy oxfromo Insurgonfs uso froquonf crIfIcIsm
nnd soIfcrIfIcIsm sossIons ns n form of cnfhnrsIs vonfIng. Thoso sossIons
nIIow mombors fo voIco fonrs nnd robIoms nnd fo honr from ofhor mombors.
An IndIvIdunI who Is dIsIIIusIonod wIfh fho rosIsfnnco movomonf wIII fInd If
dIffIcuIf fo conconI hIs fruo fooIIngs In fhoso sossIons. Ho wIII bocomo
InfIuoncod by whnf hIs frIonds nnd comrndos fhInk of hIm. IdooIogIcnIIy
orIonfod unIf Iondors nro moro cohosIvo nnd offocfIvo In fhoIr frnInIng. Cndros
In onch unIf musf sof fho oIIfIcnIIy corrocf oxnmIo durIng fhoso dnIIy
frnInIng sossIons. Thoy musf confInunIIy roInforco rnnknndfIIo mombors,
nssurIng fhom fhnf whnf fhoy nro doIng Is noodod fo cnrry ouf fho wIII of fho
ooIo. Such confIdonco wIII oIovnfo mornIo nnd fIghfIng sIrIf.
Equal importance should be attached to the military and political aspects
of the one-year consolidation and training program, which has just
begun, and the two aspects should be integrated. At the start, stress
should be placed on the political aspect, on improving relations between
officers and men, enhancing internal unity and arousing a high level of
enthusiasm among the masses of cadres and fighters. Only thus will the
military consolidation and training proceed smoothly and attain better
Mao Tse-tung, 1945
3l22. SIO mombors ovnIunfo how woII fho guorrIIIns nro frnInod fhrough
orsonnI obsorvnfIons nnd InsocfIons nnd fho rosuIfs of IImIfod onsy
combnf mIssIons. ChnrncforIsfIcs of fho guorrIIIn forco fhnf mny rosonf
obsfncIos fo frnInIng IncIudo
A wIdo rnngo of oducnfIon nnd mIIIfnry oxorIonco.
Ifforonf orsonnI mofIvnfIon for joInIng fho forco.
FM 3-05.201
IossIbIo Inngungo nnd dInIocf bnrrIors roquIrIng frnInIng fhrough
3l23. Tho roquIromonfs for hysIcnI socurIfy In fho JSOA dIcfnfo fhnf
guorrIIIn forcos bo dIsorsod ovor n wIdo nron. ConsoquonfIy, fho sysfom nnd
orgnnIznfIon for frnInIng nro doconfrnIIzod nnd hnndson frnInIng Is
omhnsIzod. Tho SIO musf frnIn fho guorrIIIn cndro nnd Infor hoI fhIs
cndro In nddIfIonnI frnInIng nnd combnf omIoymonf. Throughouf fho
orgnnIznfIon, dovoIomonf, nnd frnInIng hnsos of guorrIIIn ncfIvIfIos, fho
guorrIIIns conducf IImIfod combnf oornfIons. Thoso ncfIons suorf frnInIng,
InsfIII confIdonco, nnd fosf fho rondInoss of fho forco. Tho gonIs of fhoso
combnf oornfIons nro fo
Affrncf nddIfIonnI rocruIfs fo fho guorrIIIn forco.
AssIsf In gnInIng ouInr suorf from fho cIvIIInn ouInfIon.
AIIow fho nron commnnd nnd SIO nn oorfunIfy fo ovnIunfo fho
Incronso fho mornIo nnd osrIf do cors of fho guorrIIIn forcos wIfh
InIfInI succossfuI combnf oornfIons.
3l24. Tho SIO gonornIIy usos fho fhroofIor concof for frnInIng. ThIs
concof Is sImIInr fo fho !.S. Army rod, groon, nnd nmbor frnInIng cycIo. If
nIIows for onofhIrd of fho guorrIIIn forcos In frnInIng, onofhIrd rovIdIng
socurIfy for fho frnInIng, nnd onofhIrd rovIdIng suorf or doIng smnIIscnIo
oornfIons. Tho fhroofIor concof nccommodnfos fho frnInIng of nny sIzo
3l25. ConorIc IOI dovoIomonf Is fho snmo nnywhoro. TrnInors bnso nII
frnInIng bnsIc, ndvnncod, nnd socInIIzod on MITTTC nnd fho curronf
combnf skIIIs of fho guorrIIIns. Thoy modIfy fho frnInIng nffor confncf wIfh
fho guorrIIIn forco. AondIx J oufIInos n gonorIc guorrIIIn IOI.
3l26. TrnInors bnso nII frnInIng bnsIc, ndvnncod, nnd socInIIzod on
MITTTC nnd fho curronf combnf skIIIs of fho guorrIIIns. Thoy mny modIfy
fho frnInIng nffor confncf wIfh fho guorrIIIn forco.
As for the training courses, the main objective should still be to raise the
level of technique in marksmanship, bayoneting, grenade-throwing and
the like and the secondary objective should be to raise the level of
tactics, while special emphasis should be laid on night operations.
Mao Tse-tung, 1946
Basic Training
3l2?. MITTTC doformInos fho nood for bnso cnms wIfhIn fho JSOA. AII
guorrIIIns IncIudIng fho nron commnnd mny rocoIvo bnsIc frnInIng. Inch bnso
cnm mny conducf Ifs bnsIc frnInIng In socfors Indoondonf of fho ofhor fwo,
or If mny conducf n nrf of bnsIc frnInIng nnd rofnfo fo nnofhor cnm for moro
frnInIng. IIfhor fho SIO or guorrIIIns mny rofnfo. Tho bnso cnms mny
FM 3-05.201
consfrucf rnngos nnd frnInIng nrons for fhoIr uso, or ono bnso cnm mny
consfrucf n rnngo nnd fonch nII mnrksmnnshI cInssos. Anofhor bnso cnm
mny consfrucf frnInIng nrons for rnIds, nnd fho ofhor mny consfrucf nrons for
nmbushos nnd roconnnIssnnco. Tho rosonf combnf nbIIIfIos of fho guorrIIIns
nnd fho fhronf doformIno how much bnsIc frnInIng Is noodod.
3l28. InsIc frnInIng confnIns subjocfs on smnII nrms, fIrsf nId, Innd
nnvIgnfIon, nnd oIIfIcnI or ISYOI cInssos. Tho fImo nIIoffod for frnInIng
noods fo bo fIoxIbIobofwoon 2l nnd 3l dnys, doondIng on fho knowIodgo
nnd nbIIIfIos of fho forco.
Advanced Training
3l29. Inch bnso cnm conducfs somo ndvnncod frnInIng or rofnfos fo ofhor
bnso cnms for nddIfIonnI frnInIng. ThIs concof Is sImIInr fo bnsIc frnInIng,
nnd fho guorrIIIns or SIO mny rofnfo. TrnInors cnn conducf modIcnI nnd
domoIIfIons frnInIng In ono bnso cnm communIcnfIons nnd InfoIIIgonco In
nnofhor nnd fncfIcs, oornfIons, nnd honvy wonons In fho fhIrd. Af fho ond
of fho ndvnncod frnInIng orIod, fho guorrIIIns or SIO wouId rofnfo fo
nnofhor bnso cnm for n now frnInIng cycIo. Ior socurIfy ronsons, nII fho
ongInoor, communIcnfIons, modIcnI, nnd InfoIIIgonco sorgonnfs shouId nof bo
In fho snmo socfor bnso cnm nf fho snmo fImo.
3l30. Advnncod frnInIng mny Insf from 40 fo 80 dnys. ThIs hnso consumos
fho mosf fImo, buf If nIso nys fho mosf dIvIdonds. Somo subjocfs covorod In
gronfor dofh IncIudo combnf ordors, mnchIno guns, fncfIcs, survIvnI, nnd
MOSs of modIcnI, communIcnfIons, wonons, nnd domoIIfIons.
SpeciaIized Training
3l3l. SocInIIzod frnInIng Is brondIy subdIvIdod Info oIomonfnry nnd
ndvnncod socInIIzod frnInIng. IorsonnoI nnd unIfs nssIgnod fo fho fhonfor
SI mny hnvo rocoIvod oIomonfnry socInIIzod frnInIng. If nof, such frnInIng
bocomos n rosonsIbIIIfy of fho fhonfor SI commnndor. SocInIIzod frnInIng,
oIomonfnry nnd ndvnncod, Is conducfod by n frnInIng confor oornfod by fho
fhonfor SI.
3l32. IIomonfnry socInIIzod frnInIng consIsfs of frnInIng IndIvIdunIs nnd
fonms fo cnrry ouf fhoIr nssIgnod funcfIons. InfonsIvo coursos nro conducfod
nnd IncIudo fho foIIowIng
Mn rondIng nnd skofchIng.
CIoso combnf.
IhysIcnI frnInIng.
TncfIcs of bofh roguInr nnd guorrIIIn forcos.
omoIIfIons nnd fochnIquos of snbofngo.
!so nnd cnro of wonons, IncIudIng fhoso of fho onomy forcos.
IIrsf nId.
!so of onomy nnd cIvIIInn mofor frnnsorfnfIon.
FM 3-05.201
Inomy orgnnIznfIon nnd mofhods.
Mofhods of orgnnIzIng nnd frnInIng guorrIIIns.
SocurIfy InformnfIon.
Mofhods of suIy fo guorrIIIn forcos.
3l33. Advnncod socInIIzod frnInIng ronros qunIIfIod IndIvIdunIs nnd
fonms for socIfIc mIssIons In onomy forrIfory. urIng fhIs frnInIng,
IndIvIdunIs nro orgnnIzod Info fho fonms In whIch fhoy wIII bo omIoyod.
Thoronffor fho grou frnIns, IIvos, nnd oornfos ns n unIf undor sImuInfod
condIfIons of fho nron whoro fhoy nro fo bo omIoyod. SocInI fochnIquos,
skIIIs, nnd orIonfnfIon nro sfrossod fo onnbIo fhom fo cnrry ouf fhoIr mIssIon
nnd fo woId fhom Info offIcIonf, mobIIo, nnd soIfsuffIcIonf fonms. Inrnchufo
or nmhIbIous frnInIng Is gIvon, doondIng on fho confomInfod monns of
onforIng onomy forrIfory.
3l34. IosIdos fho frnInIng oufIInod nbovo, fochnIcnI frnInIng Is gIvon fo
rndIo oornfors, modIcnI fochnIcInns, domoIIfIon oxorfs, nnd ofhor
3l35. WhIIo fho SIO mombors nro frnInIng fho guorrIIIn forco, fho SIO
commnndor, AC, nnd fonm sorgonnf nro frnInIng fho nron commnnd nnd
sfnff, socfor commnndor nnd sfnff, nnd soIocfod mombors of fho nuxIIInry or
undorground. Tho nron commnndor nnd hIs sfnff mny frnIn In fho snmo bnso
cnm wIfh hIs guorrIIIns. AIfhough fho nron commnnd nnd nuxIIInry or
undorground mny bo frnInod nnywhoro In fho JSOA, If shouId bo
comnrfmonfod for socurIfy ronsons. IM 305.220 rovIdos moro InformnfIon
on frnInIng fho nuxIIInry nnd undorground In ndvnncod SO fochnIquos.
3l36. HIsforIcnIIy, SIO mombors In n !W onvIronmonf hnvo boon fncod
wIfh n socInI nnd oIIfIcnI owor sfruggIo whon fhoy frIod fo soIocf nn
Inforrofor fo work wIfh fhom. Tho sfruggIo hns nof nIwnys boon fo fhoIr
ndvnnfngo. Tho noxf fow nrngrnhs dIscuss somo fIs on how fo soIocf nn
Inforrofor nnd nvoId somo of fho offonroonfod IffnIIs.
Native Speaker
3l3?. Tho IdonI Inforrofor wouId bo n nnfIvo sonkor from fho AO who
knows mosf of fho nron dInIocfs. HIs sooch, grnmmnr, bnckground, nnd
socInI mnnnorIsms shouId bo undorsfnndnbIo fo fho sfudonfs. If ho fIfs fhIs
IdonI doscrIfIon, fho sfudonfs wIII IIsfon fo whnf ho snys, nof how ho snys If.
Tho sfudonfs wIII undorsfnnd fho Inforrofor.
SociaI Status
3l38. An Inforrofor offon Is IImIfod In hIs offocfIvonoss wIfh sfudonfs If hIs
socInI sfnndIng Is consIdornbIy Iowor fhnn fhnf of hIs sfudonfs. Thoro mny bo
sIgnIfIcnnf dIfforoncos nmong fho sfudonfs nnd fho Inforrofor In mIIIfnry
rnnk or momborshIs In ofhnIc or roIIgIous grous. Whon sfudonfs nro
FM 3-05.201
offIcors, If mny bo bosf fo hnvo nn offIcor or cIvIIInn ncf ns nn Inforrofor. On
fho ofhor hnnd, If sfudonfs nro onIIsfod orsonnoI, nn offIcor Inforrofor
mIghf InfImIdnfo fho sfudonfs nnd sfIfIo cInss nrfIcInfIon. An onIIsfod
Inforrofor wouId bo fho bosf choIco In fhIs cnso. Mosf cuIfuros rocognIzo
fochnIcnI comofonco nnd InfornnfIonnI dIfforoncos In mIIIfnry sfrucfuro, so
fhoro shouId bo no robIom for fho SIO. osIfo orsonnI fooIIngs on socInI
sfnfus, fho Insfrucfor`s job Is fo frnIn nII sfudonfs oqunIIy, nof ncf ns nn ngonf
of socInI roform In n foroIgn Innd. Tho Insfrucfor musf nccof IocnI cusfoms ns
n wny of IIfo.
EngIish FIuency
3l39. If fho SIO Insfrucfor nnd Inforrofor cnn communIcnfo wIfh onch
ofhor In IngIIsh, fho Inforrofor`s commnnd of IngIIsh Is ndoqunfo. Tho
Insfrucfor cnn chock fho Inforrofor`s IovoI of undorsfnndIng by nskIng hIm
fo nrnhrnso In IngIIsh whnf fho Insfrucfor hns jusf snId. If fho Inforrofor
rosfnfos fho commonfs corrocfIy, bofh nro rondIng off fho snmo shoof of
3l40. Tho Inforrofor shouId bo quIck, nIorf, nnd rosonsIvo fo chnngIng
condIfIons nnd sIfunfIons. Ho musf bo nbIo fo grns comIox concofs nnd
dIscuss fhom wIfhouf confusIon In n IogIcnI soquonco. IducnfIon doos nof
oqunfo fo InfoIIIgonco, buf boffor oducnfod Inforrofors wIII bo moro offocfIvo
duo fo oxorIonco nnd mnfurIfy.
TechnicaI AbiIity
3l4l. If fho Inforrofor hns fochnIcnI frnInIng or oxorIonco In fho
Insfrucfor`s subjocf nron, ho wIII bo moro offocfIvo sInco ho wIII frnnsInfo
monnIng ns woII ns words. A docfor couId Inforrof for n modIc, nnd
formor mIIIfnry orsonnoI couId Inforrof bosf for fho wonons nnd
InfoIIIgonco sorgonnfs.
3l42. An Insfrucfor musf bo Ioory of nny Inforrofor who nrrIvos Info for fho
cInss. Mnny cuIfuros oornfo on n fIoxIbIo cIock, whoro fImo Is roInfIvoIy
unImorfnnf. Tho Inforrofor musf undorsfnnd fho concof of uncfunIIfy.
AIso, If Is snfo fo nssumo fhnf nny Inforrofor`s fIrsf IoynIfy Is fo hIs counfry,
nof fo fho !nIfod Sfnfos. Tho socurIfy ImIIcnfIons nro cIonr fho Insfrucfor
musf bo vory cnufIous In oxInInIng concofs fo gIvo fho Inforrofor n
gronfor dofh of undorsfnndIng. AIso, somo Inforrofors, for oIIfIcnI or
orsonnI ronsons, mny hnvo n hIddon ngondn whon fhoy nIy for fho job.
3l43. Tho Insfrucfor musf osfnbIIsh rnorf wIfh hIs Inforrofor onrIy In
fhoIr roInfIonshI nnd mnInfnIn comnfIbIIIfy fhroughouf fhoIr joInf offorf.
MufunI rosocf nnd undorsfnndIng nro ossonfInI fo offocfIvo InsfrucfIon.
Somo rnorfbuIIdIng subjocfs fo dIscuss wIfh fho Inforrofor nro hIsfory,
googrnhy, ofhnIc grous, oIIfIcnI sysfom, romInonf oIIfIcnI fIguros,
FM 3-05.201
monofnry sysfom, busInoss, ngrIcuIfuro, oxorfs, nnd hobbIos. Tho SIO
mombor Is buIIdIng n frIondshI on n dnIIy bnsIs.
3l44. If sovornI qunIIfIod Inforrofors nro nvnIInbIo, fho Insfrucfor shouId
soIocf nf Ionsf fwo. Tho oxhnusfIng nnfuro of fho job mnkos n hnIfdny of
ncfIvo InforrofIng fho mnxImum for onk offIcIoncy. Ono Inforrofor,
howovor skIIIod, wIII soIdom bo onough oxcof for shorfform coursos
conducfod nf n IoIsuroIy nco. If fwo or moro Inforrofors nro nvnIInbIo, ono of
fhom cnn sIf In fho ronr of fho cInss nnd rovIdo qunIIfy confroI of fho
InsfrucfIon by crosschockIng fho ncfIvo Inforrofor. MonnwhIIo, nddIfIonnI
Inforrofors cnn conducf rohonrsnIs, grndo oxnmInnfIons, nnd ovnIunfo fho
oxorcIsos. Mnfuro judgmonf nnd n gonuIno concorn fhnf fho sfudonfs nro
IonrnIng Imorfnnf skIIIs go n Iong wny fownrd nccomIIshIng fho mIssIon.
3l45. Cood Insfrucfors wIII fncffuIIy nsk nbouf fhoIr Inforrofors`
bnckground. WIfh gonuIno concorn, fhoy nsk nbouf fho Inforrofor`s fnmIIy,
nsIrnfIons, cnroor, nnd oducnfIon. Thoy cnn sfnrf wIfh hIs homo IIfo If`s vory
Imorfnnf fo hIm nnd Is noufrnI forrIfory. Insfrucfors cnn foIIow u wIfh n
dIscussIon of cuIfurnI frndIfIons fo fInd ouf moro nbouf hIm nnd fho Innd ho
IIvos In.
3l46. Tho Insfrucfor shouId gnIn hIs Inforrofor`s frusf nnd confIdonco
boforo ombnrkIng on sonsIfIvo Issuos such ns sox, oIIfIcs, nnd roIIgIon. Ho
musf nronch fhoso nrons cnrofuIIy nnd fncffuIIy. Thoy mny bo usofuI nnd
rovonIIng In fho rofossIonnI roInfIonshI bofwoon Insfrucfor nnd Inforrofor.
Onco fhIs sfngo Is ronchod, fho fwo nro woII on fhoIr wny fo n vnIunbIo
frIondshI nnd n fIrm, rofossIonnI workIng roInfIonshI.
3l4?. Vory onrIy on, fho Insfrucfor convoys fo fho Inforrofor fhnf ho wIII
nIwnys dIrocf fho frnInIng. Howovor, ho musf sfross how Imorfnnf fho
Inforrofor Is ns n IInk fo fho sfudonfs. Ho cnn nonI fo fho Inforrofor`s
rofossIonnI rIdo by doscrIbIng how fho qunIIfy nnd qunnfIfy of IonrnIng nro
doondonf on hIs InforrofIng skIIIs nnd hIs nbIIIfy fo funcfIon ns n conduIf
bofwoon Insfrucfor nnd sfudonfs. Tho Insfrucfor musf nIso sfross nfrIofIsm,
fhnf fho dofonso of hIs counfry Is dIrocfIy roInfod fo hIs nbIIIfy fo frnnsfor fho
Insfrucfor`s knowIodgo fo fho sfudonfs.
3l48. Iocnuso of cuIfurnI dIfforoncos, Inforrofors mny nffomf fo snvo
fnco by conconIIng fhoIr Inck of undorsfnndIng. Thoy mny nffomf fo
frnnsInfo whnf fhoy fhInk fho Insfrucfor monnf wIfhouf nskIng for n
cInrIfIcnfIon. IsInformnfIon nnd confusIon rosuIf for fho sfudonfs.
!IfImnfoIy, whon fho sfudonfs ronIIzo fhoy hnvo boon mIsIod, fhoy quosfIon
fho Insfrucfor`s crodIbIIIfy, nof fho Inforrofor`s. If fho Insfrucfor hns
osfnbIIshod rnorf wIfh hIs Inforrofor, ho Is In n boffor osIfIon fo nonI fo
fho Inforrofor`s sonso of dufy, honor, nnd counfry. A mufunI undorsfnndIng
nIIows for cInrIfIcnfIon whon noodod, Ionds fo moro nccurnfo InforrofnfIon,
nnd koos fho Insfrucfor Informod of nny sfudonf dIffIcuIfIos.
Conducting the Training
3l49. To ronro for fonchIng, fho Insfrucfor musf hnvo InIfInI Iosson Inns
nvnIInbIo for bnsIc, ndvnncod, nnd socInIIzod frnInIng. Ho musf nIso hnvo on
FM 3-05.201
hnnd fho nvnIInbIo suorfIng documonfnfIon, such ns IMs. Whon fho cInss
bogIns, fho Insfrucfor shouId
Ixross fho frnInIng objocfIvo In monsurnbIo orformnnco forms.
OufIIno fho courso confonf wIfh mofhods of InsfrucfIon nnd fho vnrIous
frnInIng nIds fo bo domonsfrnfod nnd fhon usod by fho sfudonfs.
SuIy nnd cIrcuInfo nII cInss hnndouf mnforInI whon noodod.
ModIfy fho frnInIng schoduIo fo nIIow moro fImo fo frnIn foroIgn
sfudonfs duo fo Inngungo nnd frnnsInfIon consfrnInfs.
3l50. A gIossnry of forms Is n vnIunbIo nId for fho Insfrucfor nnd fho
Inforrofor. Mnny IngIIsh words nnd hrnsos do nof frnnsInfo IIfornIIy Info
mnny foroIgn Inngungos. TochnIcnI forms nood fo bo cIonrIy dofInod woII
nhond of cInss. A IIsfIng of fho mosf common forms nnd fhoIr frnnsInfod
monnIng wIII bo n usofuI roducf.
3l5l. Tho Insfrucfor rosonfs bIfosIzod InformnfIon fnIIorod fo fho sfudonf
nudIonco. Ho fnIks dIrocfIy fo fho sfudonfs In n roInxod nnd confIdonf
mnnnor. Tho Inforrofor wnfchos fho Insfrucfor cnrofuIIy nnd omuInfos hIs
sfyIo nnd doIIvory ns ho Inforrofs for fho sfudonfs. urIng fho frnnsInfIon,
fho Insfrucfor obsorvos fho Inforrofor fo dofocf nny robIoms. Tho
Inforrofor wIII do somo odIfIng ns n funcfIon of fho InforrofIng rocoss,
buf If Is ImornfIvo fhnf ho frnnsmIfs fho Insfrucfor`s monnIng wIfhouf
nddIfIons or doIofIons. A woIIcoordInnfod offorf Is fho koy fo succoss.
3l52. AIfhough mnxImum ImrovIsnfIon musf bo usod In nII hnsos of
oornfIons, fho foIIowIng Ifoms nccomnnyIng doIoyod dofnchmonfs mny
rovo usofuI In conducfIng frnInIng
Cronso oncIIs nnd coIorod chnIk.
Tnrgof cIofh or onchos bInckbonrd subsfIfufos.
InsIc mnnunIs on wonons gonornIIy found In fho nron In fho Inngungo
of fho counfry, If ossIbIo.
CrnhIc frnInIng nIds ImrovIsod from nrnchufos or ofhor such
Student Questions
3l53. Whonovor sfudonfs hnvo quosfIons, fho Inforrofor ImmodInfoIy
roInys fhom fo fho Insfrucfor for nn nnswor. Tho sfudonfs fhon ronIIzo fho
Insfrucfor, nof fho Inforrofor, Is fho SMI nnd Is In chnrgo of fho cInss. Whon
n robIom occurs, noIfhor fho Insfrucfor nor fho Inforrofor corrocfs onch
ofhor In fronf of fho sfudonfs. Thoy musf soffIo nII dIfforoncos In n
rofossIonnI mnnnor.
3l54. !norf Is ns Imorfnnf bofwoon sfudonf nnd Insfrucfor ns If Is
bofwoon Inforrofor nnd Insfrucfor. Whon fho Inforrofor nnd Insfrucfor
fronf fho sfudonfs ns mnfuro, vnIunbIo ooIo cnnbIo of IonrnIng, rnorf
wIII buIId onsIIy bofwoon fho sfudonfs nnd fho Insfrucfor.
3l55. An Insfrucfor Ionrns by oxorIonco fhnf n wny fo communIcnfo Is
fhrough nn Inforrofor. !so of rofnnIfy, sInng, coIIoquInIIsms, nnd mIIIfnry
FM 3-05.201
jnrgon wIfh sfudonfs Is hnrmfuI. Offon, fhoso oxrossIons cnnnof bo
frnnsInfod nnd do nof como ouf wIfh fho dosIrod monnIng. If ho musf uso n
fochnIcnI form or oxrossIon, fho Insfrucfor mnkos suro fho Inforrofor
convoys fho roor monnIng In fho IndIgonous Inngungo.
TransitionaI Phrases
3l56. TrnnsIfIonnI hrnsos fond fo confuso fho IonrnIng rocoss nnd wnsfo
vnIunbIo fImo. IxrossIons such ns for oxnmIo nnd In mosf cnsos or
qunIIfIors such ns mnybo or orhns nro dIffIcuIf fo frnnsInfo. Mnny nnfIvo
Inforrofors hnvo Ionrnod much of fhoIr IngIIsh from rondIng rnfhor fhnn
honrIng IngIIsh sokon. Tho Insfrucfor koos fho cInss rosonfnfIon ns
sImIo ns ossIbIo, usIng shorf words nnd hrnsos.
Taboo Gestures
3l5?. SocInI nnd cuIfurnI rosfrIcfIons wIII mnnIfosf fhomsoIvos durIng cInss.
Cosfuros nro Ionrnod bohnvIor nnd vnry from cuIfuro fo cuIfuro. If fho
Insfrucfor doosn`f know, ho shouId nsk fho Inforrofor fo roInfo fho cuIfurnI
fnboos boforo cInss nnd nvoId fhom. Tho Insfrucfor shouId know boforo
Whon If Is roor fo sfnnd, sIf, or cross Iogs.
If fho Indox fIngor, chIn, or oyos mny bo usod for oInfIng.
If noddIng of fho hond monns yos or no.
Manner of Speaking
3l58. Tho Insfrucfor shouId fry fo Iook nf fho sfudonfs nnd fnIk dIrocfIy fo
fhom, nof fho Inforrofor. Ho sonks sIowIy nnd cIonrIy nnd roonfs hImsoIf
ns noodod. Tho Insfrucfor shouId nof nddross fho sfudonfs In fho fhIrd orson
fhrough fho Inforrofor. Insfond, ho shouId sny somofhIng IIko, I`m gInd fo
bo your Insfrucfor, nnd nof ToII fhom I`m gInd fo bo fhoIr Insfrucfor.
3l59. Tho Insfrucfor musf sonk fo fho sfudonfs ns If fhoy wIII undorsfnnd
ovory word ho snys. Ho musf convoy onfhusInsm nnd uso nII of fho gosfuros,
movomonfs, voIco InfonnfIons, nnd InfIocfIons ho wouId uso for nn IngIIsh
sonkIng nudIonco. Tho sfudonfs wIII rofIocf fho snmo nmounf of onorgy,
Inforosf, nnd onfhusInsm fhnf fho Insfrucfor convoys fo fhom. Tho Insfrucfor
musf nof Iof fho Inforrofor snbofngo frnInIng wIfh n Ioss fhnn nnImnfod
doIIvory nnd rosonfnfIon of fho mnforInI.
3l60. Whon fho Inforrofor Is frnnsInfIng nnd fho sfudonfs nro IIsfonIng fo
gof fho fuII monnIng of fho frnnsInfIon, fho Insfrucfor shouId do nofhIng fhnf
couId bo dIsfrncfIng. Thoso dIsfrncfIons mIghf bo ncIng fho fIoor, wrIfIng on
fho bInckbonrd, drInkIng wnfor, or cnrryIng on wIfh ofhor dIsfrncfIng
3l6l. Tho Inforrofor shouId bo chockod orIodIcnIIy fo mnko suro fho
sfudonfs undorsfnnd fho Insfrucfor`s monnIng. A cndro mombor, qunIIfIod In
fho nnfIvo Inngungo, mny obsorvo nnd commonf on fho Inforrofor`s
knowIodgo, skIIIs, nnd nbIIIfIos. Whon fho Insfrucfor hns boon mIsundorsfood,
fho oInf noods fo bo mndo cIonr ImmodInfoIy. If furfhor cInrIfIcnfIon Is
noodod, fho Insfrucfor shouId hrnso fho InsfrucfIon dIfforonfIy nnd IIIusfrnfo
fho oInf ns nocossnry.
FM 3-05.201
3l62. orfh VIofnnmoso ConornI CIn wrofo In hIs book, Tho MIIIfnry Arf
of IooIo`s Wnr, Wo sfrIko fo wIn, sfrIko onIy whon succoss Is corfnIn If If`s
nof, fhon don`f sfrIko. ThIs sImIo, sfrnIghfforwnrd Idon for conducfIng
combnf oornfIons Is fho koy concof nn SIO ndvIsIng guorrIIIns shouId
novor dIsrognrd.
3l63. Tho guorrIIIn forco shouId cnrofuIIy soIocf, Inn, nnd oxocufo !W
combnf oornfIons fo onsuro succoss wIfh n mInImum numbor of cnsunIfIos. A
combnf dofonf In fho onrIy sfngos of frnInIng domornIIzos fho guorrIIIn forco.
Combnf oornfIons shouId bo commonsurnfo wIfh fho sfnfus of frnInIng nnd
oquImonf nvnIInbIo fo fho rosIsfnnco forco. As frnInIng Is comIofod nnd
unIfs nro orgnnIzod, guorrIIIn forcos wIfh SI nssIsfnnco cnn Inn nnd oxocufo
smnIIscnIo combnf oornfIons ngnInsf soff onsy fnrgofs, nn Imorfnnf
confIdonco buIIdor. !nfor, fhoy rogross fo Inrgor nnd moro comIox fnrgofs.
3l64. SuccossfuI !W combnf oornfIons doond on fIvo rIncIIos. Thoso
rIncIIos nro sood of movomonf, surrIso, Iow onomy mornIo, socurIfy, nnd
coIInbornfIon wIfh fho IocnI ouInfIon.
Speed of Movement
3l65. To nchIovo sood, guorrIIIns rncfIco rnId forco conconfrnfIon nnd
rnId doIoymonf from mnrch formnfIons. Thoy nIso rncfIco movomonfs nnd
nffncks durIng orIods of IImIfod vIsIbIIIfy, ursuIf of dIsorgnnIzod onomy
unIfs wIfh IIffIo fImo wnsfod on roorgnnIznfIon nffor nn ongngomonf, nnd fnsf
wIfhdrnwnIs. CuorrIIIns uso nn MSS nnd frnvoI IIghf fo Incronso fhoIr
oIomonf of sood nnd surrIso.
3l66. To surrIso fho onomy, guorrIIIns Inn fo conducf nnd Infogrnfo
docofIon oornfIons Info ovory !W mIssIon.
Low Enemy MoraIe
3l6?. CuorrIIIns fnko ndvnnfngo of ovory oorfunIfy fo undormIno onomy
mornIo by IncIudIng ISYOI.
3l68. CuorrIIIns ronro fho bnffIofIoId ns fnr In ndvnnco ns ossIbIo.
!oconnnIssnnco oIomonfs gnfhor nII nvnIInbIo InformnfIon on fho forrnIn,
InsfnIInfIons, onomy unIfs, nnd cIvIIInn ncfIvIfIos. Thoy nIso roconnoIfor
oscno nnd wIfhdrnwnI roufos woII In ndvnnco.
CoIIaboration With the LocaI PopuIation
3l69. Tho nuxIIInry In fho nron rovIdos fho guorrIIIns InformnfIon,
frnnsorfnfIon, suIIos, hIdooufs, nnd guIdos fnmIIInr wIfh fho objocfIvo.
FM 3-05.201
3l?0. Tho AO roquIros socInI socurIfy monsuros fhnf nIy nrfIcuInrIy fo
Insurgonf forcos. Tho survIvnI of fho Insurgonfs doonds uon consfnnf
vIgIInnco on fho nrf of ovory mombor of fho orgnnIznfIon, Ius fho nbIIIfy fo
frnnsmIf wnrnIngs. IffocfIvo CI Is nIso ossonfInI. SocurIfy monsuros musf
rovonf Iossos by onomy ncfIon, onsuro froodom of ncfIon, nnd mInImIzo
InforrufIon of Insurgonf ncfIvIfIos. oondnbIo socurIfy cnn bo nchIovod by
InfonsIvo frnInIng In socurIfy dIscIIIno, osfnbIIshmonf of wnrnIng sysfoms,
nnd oxfonsIvo CI.
3l?l. Tho nron commnndor Is rosonsIbIo for fho ovornII socurIfy of fho
Insurgonf forcos, nIfhough commnndors of subordInnfo unIfs musf fnko
IndIvIdunI monsuros for fhoIr own IocnI rofocfIon. Tho chIof of fho socurIfy
socfIon of fho nron commnnd confroIs nII socurIfy oornfIons, oxcof CI. Ho
roscrIbos nocossnry monsuros nnd coordInnfos fhoso ndofod by subordInnfo
commnndors. CI Is fho rosonsIbIIIfy of fho chIof of fho InfoIIIgonco socfIon of
fho nron commnnd. AgnIn, subordInnfo commnndors musf osfnbIIsh IocnI CI
for fhoIr own socurIfy.
Factors Affecting Security
3l?2. SocurIfy monsuros dovoIood by fho chIof of fho socurIfy socfIon of fho
nron commnnd nro nffocfod by fho foIIowIng fncfors
!ocnI sIfunfIon of IndIvIdunI unIfs.
IhysIcnI chnrncforIsfIcs of fho AO.
Tho onomy sIfunfIon.
CnnbIIIfIos nnd IImIfnfIons of fho Insurgonf forcos.
ConsIdornfIons nffocfIng fho cIvIIInn ouInfIon.
OornfIons of convonfIonnI nnd conIIfIon forcos.
3l?3. urIng fho onrIy hnsos of Insurgonf wnrfnro, fho mIssIon of
Insurgonf forcos wIII nocossIfnfo orgnnIznfIon of n CI sysfom nIongsIdo fho
InfoIIIgonco sysfom, dovoIomonf of n communIcnfIons sysfom fhnf wIII
fncIIIfnfo wnrnIngs, nnd osfnbIIshmonf of hysIcnI socurIfy for InsfnIInfIons.
InrfIcuInr nffonfIon shouId bo dIrocfod fownrd fho onomy`s sfnfo of InfornnI
socurIfy formnfIons nnd fhoIr InfoIIIgonco nnd communIcnfIons sysfoms.
3l?4. MIIIfnry ncfIons ngnInsf fho onomy InIfInfod durIng fho onrIy hnsos
of oornfIons shouId bo Innnod nnd oxocufod In such n wny fhnf fhoy wIII nof
Iond fo whoIosnIo onomy nnfIInsurgonf ncfIvIfy, rorIsnIs ngnInsf fho cIvIIInn
ouInfIon, or comromIso of oxfornnI IogIsfIcnI suorf In fho Inffor sfngos of
Insurgonf wnrfnro. OornfIons nro nof curfnIIod for socurIfy ronsons, bocnuso
fho osfnbIIshod socurIfy sysfom rovIdos gronfor rofocfIon for fho
Insurgonfs. AIso, Insurgonf confroI ovor fho nron mny rIvnI fho onomy`s own
FM 3-05.201
PrincipIes of Security
3l?5. Insurgonf forcos nvoId n Inrgo conconfrnfIon of froos.
Ivon fhough IogIsfIcnI condIfIons mny ormIf Inrgo froo conconfrnfIons,
commnnds shouId bo brokon down Info smnIIor unIfs nnd wIdoIy dIsorsod.
Tho dIsorsIon of forcos fncIIIfnfos conconImonf, mobIIIfy, nnd socrocy. !nrgo
forcos mny bo conconfrnfod fo orform n socIfIc oornfIon, buf on comIofIon
of fho oornfIon, fhoy shouId ngnIn bo quIckIy dIsorsod.
3l?6. Tho rIncIIo of dIsorsIon Is nIIod fo commnnd, sorvIco, nnd
fochnIcnI InsfnIInfIons. A Inrgo Insurgonf HQ, for oxnmIo, Is dIvIdod Info
sovornI ochoIons nnd scnfforod ovor fho nron.
3l??. In fho ovonf of n woIIconducfod, InrgoscnIo onomy oornfIon ngnInsf
fho Insurgonf forco, fho nron commnndor mny fInd If nocossnry fo ordor fho
dIvIsIon of unIfs Info smnIIor grous fo nchIovo gronfor dIsorsIon nnd
fncIIIfnfo oscno from oncIrcIomonf. ThIs ncfIon shouId bo fnkon onIy whon nII
ofhor monns of ovnsIvo ncfIon nro oxhnusfod bocnuso such dIsorsIon rondors
fho forco InoornfIvo for n consIdornbIo orIod of fImo, Iowors fho mornIo of
Insurgonfs, nnd wonkons fho wIII of fho cIvIIInns fo rosIsf. To nssuro
succossfuI ronssombIy of dIsorsod unIfs, omorgoncy Inns musf IncIudo
nIfornnfo nssombIy nrons.
3l?8. AII Insurgonf InsfnIInfIons nnd forcos musf hnvo n hIgh
dogroo of mobIIIfy. ThoIr ovncunfIon Inns musf onsuro fhnf nII frncos of
Insurgonf ncfIvIfy nro oIImInnfod boforo nbnndonmonf of fho nron.
3l?9. Iorcos cnn mnInfnIn ovncunfIon mobIIIfy by onsurIng fhnf oquImonf
fhnf musf bo movod cnn bo dIsnssombIod Info onomnn Ionds. Tho nron
commnndor onsuros suIfnbIo cnchos nro rovIdod for oquImonf fhnf wouId
roduco mobIIIfy, mnforIoI fhnf couId rovIdo InfoIIIgonco for fho onomy Is
dosfroyod, fho nron Is oIIcod, nnd sIgns of fho roufo of wIfhdrnwnI nro
Security of Information
3l80. InformnfIon concornIng Insurgonf
oornfIons Is IImIfod fo fhoso who nood fo know If. OnIy nocossnry coIos nro
mndo or mnInfnInod. Inch orson Is gIvon onIy fhnf InformnfIon fhnf Is
noodod fo nccomIIsh hIs mIssIon. SocInI offorfs nro mndo fo rosfrIcf fho
nmounf of InformnfIon gIvon fo IndIvIdunIs who nro oxosod fo cnfuro.
3l8l. AdmInIsfrnfIvo rocords nro kof fo n mInImum, nro cnchod, nnd fho
IocnfIon mndo known onIy fo n roquIrod fow. Whonovor ossIbIo, roforoncos fo
nnmos nnd Incos nro codod, nnd fho koy fo fho codo Is gIvon on n noodfo
know bnsIs. !ocords fhnf nro no Iongor of vnIuo fo oornfIons or for fufuro
roorfs musf bo dosfroyod.
3l82. SfrIcf socurIfy dIscIIIno Is nocossnry nnd nII
socurIfy monsuros musf bo rIgIdIy onforcod. SocurIfy InsfrucfIon of orsonnoI
musf bo oxfonsIvo. Thoy musf bo Imrossod wIfh fho Imorfnnco of nof
dIvuIgIng InformnfIon concornIng Insurgonf ncfIvIfIos fo orsons nof
roquIrIng If. IndIvIdunIs sookIng such InformnfIon musf bo roorfod fo roor
FM 3-05.201
3l83. SocurIfy vIoInfIons nro oxfromoIy sorIous nnd domnnd sovoro
unIshmonf. AII cnsos InvoIvIng n ossIbIo bronch of socurIfy musf bo
roorfod ImmodInfoIy.
3l84. Tho koy fo succossfuI socurIfy of InformnfIon, howovor, Is fho
IndIvIdunI Insurgonf hImsoIf who musf nIwnys bo socurIfyconscIous. Ono
cnroIoss IndIvIdunI cnn dosfroy fho bosf socurIfy sysfom dovIsod.
3l85. urIng fho frnInIng hnso, socurIfy conscIousnoss musf bo
sfrossod. SocInI omhnsIs shouId bo Incod on snfogunrdIng documonfs,
socurIfy of InformnfIon, nnd rosIsfnnco ngnInsf InforrognfIon.
Security of Movement
3l86. SocurIfy of movomonf cnn bo rovIdod onIy by nn nccurnfo knowIodgo
of fho onomy`s IocnfIon nnd sfrongfh. InfoIIIgonco rognrdIng onomy
dIsosIfIon nnd ncfIvIfIos Is ossonfInI. Tho InfoIIIgonco socfIon of fho nron
commnnd, Informod fhrough Ifs vnrIous nofs, musf rovIdo fhIs vIfnI
InformnfIon for socurIfy of movomonf.
3l8?. Affor fho roufos hnvo boon soIocfod, fho unIfs musf bo brIofod on
onomy ncfIvIfy, rImnry nnd nIfornnfo roufos, dIsorsnI nnd ronssombIy nrons
nIong fho wny, nnd socurIfy monsuros fo bo obsorvod on roufo. If fho roufo
Ionds fhrough nrons oufsIdo Insurgonf InfIuonco, nuxIIInry cIvIIInn
orgnnIznfIons musf rovIdo socurIfy of movomonf for fho Insurgonfs.
Security of InstaIIations
3l88. Mosf InsfnIInfIons nro Iocnfod In IsoInfod rogIons known ns Insurgonf
bnso of oornfIons or guorrIIIn bnso. Thoy nro mobIIo nnd nro socurod by
gunrds nnd wnrnIng sysfoms. AIfornnfo IocnfIons nro ronrod In ndvnnco so
fhnf nny InsfnIInfIon fhronfonod by onomy ncfIon cnn bo ovncunfod from fho
ondnngorod bnso nron fo n moro socuro nron. !ocnfIon of fhoso nIfornnfo
nrons Is gIvon fo orsonnoI onIy on n noodfoknow bnsIs.
3l89. IhysIcnI socurIfy of InsfnIInfIons wIII IncIudo forrnIn CI. ThIs mny
vnry from sImIo docofIvo monsuros, such ns cnmoufIngo or dosfrucfIon nnd
rovorsnI of rond sIgns nnd mIIoosfs, fo fho cronfIon of hysIcnI bnrrIors, such
ns rondbIocks nnd domoIIfIon of rondbods nnd brIdgos. Tho uso of cIvIIInn
guIdos fo mIsdIrocf onomy froos for oxnmIo, Info nmbush cnn nIso bo
Tri-ZonaI Security System
3l90. A fyIcnI monns of rovIdIng ndoqunfo socurIfy for fho Insurgonf bnso
nron Is n frIzonnI socurIfy sysfom. ThIs sysfom rovIdos fho foIIowIng sorIos
of wnrnIng nofs
Zon A Is fho Insurgonf bnso nron IfsoIf. If Is socurod by n roguInr
gunrd sysfom, buf If InrgoIy doonds for Ifs snfofy uon ndvnnco
wnrnIngs rocoIvod by cInndosfIno ngonfs In Zono C, or osfod obsorvors
In Zono I. If onomy ncfIon fhronfons, fho Insurgonfs movo fo nnofhor
IocnfIon boforo fho nrrIvnI of onomy forcos.
o Zon I, IyIng boyond fho ouInfod Zono C, Is forrIfory nof woII
confroIIod by fho onomy In whIch fho Insurgonf forcos cnn oornfo
FM 3-05.201
ovorfIy. If Is usunIIy oon, ruggod forrnIn, nnd fho wnrnIng sysfom
doonds uon sfnfIonod obsorvors, wnfchIng for onomy movomonfs In
fho nron.
Zon C, fho fnrfhosf from fho Insurgonf bnso nron, Is usunIIy woII
ouInfod nnd Is Iocnfod InsIdo onomyconfroIIod forrIfory. Inomy
socurIfy forcos, oIIco, nnd mIIIfnry unIfs oxorcIso roInfIvoIy offocfIvo
confroI, nnd fho ouInco mny bo rodomInnfoIy hosfIIo fo fho
Insurgonfs. Af fho snmo fImo, fhoro nro oxcoIIonf nnd rnId !OCs,
whoroby cInndosfIno ngonfs nro nbIo fo wnrn fho Insurgonfs quIckIy of
onomy ncfIvIfy. ThIs nron Is known ns fho cInndosfIno zono nnd fho
funcfIons of fho wnrnIng sysfom nro fho rosonsIbIIIfy of fho
Security of Communications
3l9l. Insurgonf communIcnfIons fncIIIfIos nro rIgIdIy roguInfod by fho SOI.
Thoso monsuros IncIudo rosfrIcfIon on whnf mny bo frnnsmIffod fho uso of
codos nnd cIhors nnd monns of conconImonf, docofIon, nnd nufhonfIcnfIon.
InrfIcuInr omhnsIs Is Incod on rosfrIcfIng fImo nnd numbor of rndIo
frnnsmIssIons fo fho nbsoIufo mInImum.
3l92. Insurgonf socurIfy doonds nof onIy on socurIfy monsuros fnkon fo
snfogunrd InformnfIon, InsfnIInfIons, nnd communIcnfIons, buf nIso on nn
ncfIvo CI rogrnm fo noufrnIIzo fho onomy`s InfoIIIgonco sysfom nnd
osocInIIy fo rovonf fho onofrnfIon of Insurgonf forcos by onomy ngonfs.
3l93. Tho InfoIIIgonco socfIon of fho nron commnnd ImIomonfs fho CI
rogrnm. SocInIIy soIocfod nnd frnInod CI orsonnoI cnrofuIIy scroon nII
mombors of fho Insurgonf orgnnIznfIon nnd rofocf fho Insurgonfs from
onomy InfIIfrnfIon. CI orsonnoI nIso cnrry on nn ncfIvo cnmnIgn of
docofIon, dIssomInnfIng fnIso InformnfIon fo mIsIond fho onomy.
3l94. CI orsonnoI musf koo n consfnnf chock on fho cIvIIInn ouInfIon of
fho nron fhrough cInndosfIno sourcos fo onsuro ngnInsf fho rosonco of onomy
ngonfs wIfhIn fhoIr mIdsf. CIvIIInns uon whom fho Insurgonfs doond
honvIIy for suorf mny comromIso fho Insurgonf wnrfnro offorf ns onsIIy ns
n dIsIoynI Insurgonf mny.
3l95. InIso rumors nnd fnIso InformnfIon concornIng Insurgonf sfrongfh,
IocnfIon, oornfIons, frnInIng, nnd oquImonf cnn bo dIssomInnfod by CI
fhrough cInndosfIno nofs. Incfs mny bo dIsforfod InfonfIonnIIy fo mInImIzo or
oxnggornfo Insurgonf cnnbIIIfIos nf nny gIvon fImo. AIfhough such ncfIvIfIos
nro hnndIod wIfhIn fho InfoIIIgonco socfIon, fhoy musf bo coordInnfod wIfh
fho socurIfy socfIon In ordor fo rovonf Inndvorfonf vIoInfIons of socurIfy.
OutIaw Bands
3l96. OufInw bnnds, oornfIng ns Insurgonfs, nIso ondnngor Insurgonf
socurIfy by nIIonnfIng fho cIvIIInn ouInfIon fhrough fhoIr dorodnfIon. Tho
nron commnndor cnnnof foIornfo oufInw bnnds, whIch nro nof wIIIIng fo joIn
fho orgnnIzod Insurgonf offorf. Ivory offorf musf bo mndo fo orsundo fhoso
FM 3-05.201
bnnds fo joIn forcos. If nII ofhor mofhods fnII, If mny bo nocossnry fo conducf
oornfIons ngnInsf fhoso grous.
Reaction to Enemy Operations
3l9?. InoxorIoncod Insurgonf commnndors nnd froos nro offon IncIInod fo
movo foo soon nnd foo froquonfIy fo oscno onomy froos conducfIng nnfI
Insurgonf oornfIons. !nnocossnry movomonf cnusod by fho rosonco of fho
onomy mny oxoso Insurgonfs fo gronfor rIsks fhnn romnInIng cnIm nnd
conconIod. Such movos dIsruf oornfIons nnd roduco socurIfy by dIsIodgIng
rovIousIy osfnbIIshod nofs nnd oxosIng Insurgonfs fo onomy ngonfs,
Informnnfs, nnd coIInbornfors.
3l98. ofonsIvo oornfIons nro oxcofIonnI forms of combnf for guorrIIIn
forcos. Tho guorrIIIn forco mny ongngo In dofonsIvo oornfIons fo
Irovonf onomy onofrnfIon of guorrIIInconfroIIod nrons.
CnIn fImo for fhoIr forcos fo nccomIIsh n socIfIc mIssIon.
AssombIo fhoIr mnIn forcos for counfornffncks.
3l99. CuorrIIIns normnIIy Inck suorfIng fIro nrfIIIory, nnfIfnnk wonons,
nnd ofhor wonons fo fnco convonfIonnI forcos. HIsforIcnIIy, guorrIIIns hnvo
nvoIdod n roIongod osIfIon fyo of dofonso. Whon commIffod, fhoy modIfy
fho rIncIIos of dofonsIvo oornfIons fo bosf moof fhoIr noods nnd offsof fho
dIffIcuIfIos. Thoy nro nwnro of fhoIr IImIfnfIons. Tho guorrIIIns chooso fho
forrnIn fhnf gIvos fhom ovory ossIbIo ndvnnfngo. Thoy sook forrnIn fhnf
donIos or rosfrIcfs fho onomy`s uso of nrmor nnd comIIcnfos hIs IogIsfIc
suorf. In fho guorrIIInosIfIon dofonso, fhoy rnId, nmbush, nnd nffnck fho
onomy`s !OCs, fInnks, rosorvo unIfs, nnd suorfIng nrms nnd InsfnIInfIons.
Tho guorrIIIns rovIdo cnmoufIngod snIor fIro on offIcors, rndIo oornfors,
nnd ofhor hIghvnIuo fnrgofs. Thoy mIno or boobyfrn nronch nnd
donrfuro roufos.
3200. CuorrIIIns mny rosorf fo dofonsIvo oornfIons fo confnIn onomy forcos
In n osIfIon fnvornbIo for nffnckIng fhoIr fInnks or ronr. Thoy offon bogIn or
InfonsIfy dIvorsIonnry ncfIons In ndjnconf nrons fo dIsfrncf fho onomy.
CuorrIIIns uso skIIIfuI rusos fo Iuro fho nffnckIng forcos Info dIvIdIng fhoIr
froos or hoId objocfIvos ondIng fho nrrIvnI of convonfIonnI or nIIIod conIIfIon
320l. Tho dogroo fo whIch fho offonsIvo oornfIons of guorrIIIn forcos cnn bo
susfnInod doonds, In fho Iong run, on fho bnso cnm suorf nvnIInbIo fo
fhom. Whon oornfIng romofoIy from, or nof wIfh, convonfIonnI forcos, fho
guorrIIIn forcos osfnbIIsh nnd hoId bnsos of fhoIr own. Thoy Iocnfo fhoIr bnsos,
If nvnIInbIo, wIfh n vIow fo IsoInfIon nnd dIffIcuIfy of nronch by fho
oosIng forcos. Thoy nIso consIdor sfrong dofonsIvo chnrncforIsfIcs nnd
cIosonoss fo noIghborIng suorfIng sfnfos. Tho bnsos shouId bo orgnnIzod for
dofonso nnd fonncIousIy dofondod by frnInod, mofIvnfod forcos. IM ?8,
Infnnfry !IfIo IInfoon nnd Sqund, IncIudos moro InformnfIon.
FM 3-05.201
3202. A rnId Is n combnf oornfIon fo nffnck n osIfIon or InsfnIInfIon
foIIowod by n Innnod wIfhdrnwnI. SI nnd guorrIIIn or nron socfor
commnndors musf consIdor fho nnfuro of fho forrnIn MITTTC nnd fho
combnf offIcIoncy of fho rnId forco. Commnndors bnso fnrgof soIocfIon on n
docIsIon mnfrIx usIng CA!VI!. Tho SIO nssossos fho crIfIcnIIfy nnd
rocuornbIIIfy of vnrIous fnrgofs durIng fho nron sfudy. AccossIbIIIfy nnd
vuInornbIIIfy nro sIfunfIondoondonf nnd fhoso nssossmonfs musf bo
suorfod by fho mosf curronf nron InfoIIIgonco. CA!VI! fncfors nro
dIscussod In fho foIIowIng nrngrnhs.
3203. CrIfIcnIIfy Is fho Imorfnnco of n sysfom, subsysfom, comIox, or
comononf. A fnrgof Is crIfIcnI whon Ifs dosfrucfIon or dnmngo hns n
sIgnIfIcnnf Imncf on fho oufuf of fho fnrgofod sysfom, subsysfom, or
comIox, nnd, nf fho hIghosf IovoI, on fho fhronf`s nbIIIfy fo mnko or susfnIn
wnr. CrIfIcnIIfy doonds on sovornI fncfors
How rnIdIy wIII fho Imncf of fnrgof dosfrucfIon nffocf onomy
Whnf orconfngo of oufuf Is curfnIIod by fnrgof dnmngo
Is fhoro nn oxIsfonco of subsfIfufos for fho oufuf roducf or sorvIco
Whnf Is fho numbor of fnrgofs nnd fhoIr osIfIon In fho sysfom or
comIox fIow dIngrnm
3204. AccossIbIIIfy Is fho onso wIfh whIch n fnrgof cnn bo ronchod, oIfhor
hysIcnIIy or by fIro. A fnrgof Is nccossIbIo whon nn ncfIon oIomonf cnn
hysIcnIIy InfIIfrnfo fho fnrgof, or If fho fnrgof cnn bo hIf by dIrocf or IndIrocf
fIro. AccossIbIIIfy vnrIos wIfh fho InfIIfrnfIon nnd oxfIIfrnfIon, fho survIvnI
nnd ovnsIon nnd socurIfy sIfunfIon on roufo fo nnd nf fho fnrgof, nnd fho nood
for bnrrIor onofrnfIon, cIImbIng, nnd so on, nf fho fnrgof. Tho uso of sfnndoff
wonons shouId nIwnys bo consIdorod whon ovnIunfIng nccossIbIIIfy.
SurvIvnbIIIfy of fho nffnckor Is usunIIy mosf cIosoIy corroInfod fo n fnrgof`s
3205. !ocuornbIII y Is n monsuro of fho fImo roquIrod fo roInco, ronIr, or
bynss fho dosfrucfIon or dnmngo InfIIcfod on fho fnrgof. !ocuornbIIIfy
vnrIos wIfh fho sourcos nnd ngos of fnrgofod comononfs nnd wIfh fho
nvnIInbIIIfy of snro nrfs. Tho oxIsfonco of oconomIc ombnrgoos nnd fho
fochnIcnI rosourcos of fho onomy nnfIon wIII InfIuonco rocuornbIIIfy.
3206. VuInornbIIIfy Is n monsuro of fho nbIIIfy of fho ncfIon oIomonf fo
dnmngo fho fnrgof usIng nvnIInbIo nssofs bofh mon nnd mnforInI. A fnrgof Is
vuInornbIo If fho unIf hns fho cnnbIIIfy nnd oxorfIso fo succossfuIIy nffnck
If. VuInornbIIIfy doonds on fho
nfuro nnd consfrucfIon of fho fnrgof.
Amounf of dnmngo roquIrod.
Assofs nvnIInbIo mnnowor, frnnsorfnfIon, wonons, oxIosIvos, nnd
320?. Iffocf Is fho osIfIvo or nognfIvo InfIuonco on fho ouInfIon ns n
rosuIf of fho ncfIon fnkon. Iffocf consIdors ubIIc roncfIon In fho vIcInIfy of
FM 3-05.201
fho fnrgof, buf nIso consIdors fho domosfIc nnd InfornnfIonnI roncfIon ns woII.
Iffocfs fo consIdor IncIudo fho foIIowIng
WIII rorIsnIs ngnInsf frIondIIos rosuIf
WIII nnfIonnI ISYOI fhomos bo roInforcod or confrndIcfod
WIII oxfIIfrnfIon or ovnsIon bo hoIod or hurf Whnf wIII bo fho nIIIod
nnd domosfIc roncfIon
WIII fho onomy ouInfIon bo nIIonnfod from Ifs govornmonf, or wIII If
bocomo moro suorfIvo of fho govornmonf
OTI Iffocf Is offon noufrnI nf fho fncfIcnI IovoI.
3208. !ocognIznbIIIfy Is fho dogroo fo whIch n fnrgof cnn bo rocognIzod
undor vnryIng wonfhor, IIghf, nnd sonsonnI condIfIons wIfhouf confusIon wIfh
ofhor fnrgofs or comononfs. Incfors fhnf InfIuonco rocognIznbIIIfy IncIudo
fho sIzo nnd comIoxIfy of fho fnrgof, fho oxIsfonco of dIsfIncfIvo fnrgof
sIgnnfuros, nnd fho fochnIcnI sohIsfIcnfIon nnd frnInIng of fho nffnckors.
3209. Tnrgof soIocfIon fncfors mny bo usod fo consfrucf n CA!VI! mnfrIx.
Tho mnfrIx Is n docIsIon fooI for rnfIng fho roInfIvo dosIrnbIIIfy of ofonfInI
fnrgofs nnd for wIsoIy nIIocnfIng nffnck rosourcos IIguro 3ll, ngo 35l. To
consfrucf fho mnfrIx, nnnIysfs IIsf fho ofonfInI fnrgofs In fho Ioff coIumn.
Ior sfrnfogIcIovoI nnnIysIs, nnnIysfs IIsf fho onomy`s sysfoms or subsysfoms
oIocfrIc, owor, rnII. Ior fncfIcnIIovoI nnnIysIs, nnnIysfs IIsf fho comIoxos
or comononfs of fho subsysfoms soIocfod for nffnck by fhoIr hIghor HQ.
32l0. oxf, nnnIysfs dovoIo concrofo crIforIn for ovnIunfIng onch CA!VI!
fncfor. Ior Insfnnco, fImo mny bo usod fo ovnIunfo crIfIcnIIfy. If Ioss of n
comononf rosuIfs In nn ImmodInfo hnIf of oufuf, fhon fhnf comononf Is
vory crIfIcnI. If Ioss of fho comononf rosuIfs In n hnIf of oufuf, buf onIy nffor
sovornI dnys or wooks, fhon fhnf comononf Is Ioss crIfIcnI. SImIInrIy,
orconfngo of oufuf curfnIIod mIghf bo usod ns fho ovnIunfIon crIforIon.
32ll. Onco fho ovnIunfIon crIforIn hnvo boon osfnbIIshod, nnnIysfs uso n
numorIcnI rnfIng sysfom for oxnmIo, lfo5 or lfol0 fo rnnk fho CA!VI!
fncfors for onch ofonfInI fnrgof. In n lfol0 numborIng sysfom, n scoro of l0
wouId IndIcnfo n vory dosIrnbIo rnfIng from fho nffnckor`s oInf of vIow, nnd
n scoro of l wouId rofIocf nn undosIrnbIo rnfIng. Tho ovnIunfIon crIforIn nnd
numorIcnI rnfIng schomo shown nro onIy IncIudod ns oxnmIos. Tho nnnIysf
musf fnIIor fho crIforIn nnd rnfIng schomo fo suIf fho nrfIcuInr sfrnfogIc or
fncfIcnI sIfunfIon nnd fho nrfIcuInr fnrgofs boIng nnnIyzod.
32l2. Tho nron commnndor consIdors fho ossIbIo ndvorso offocfs fnrgof
dosfrucfIon wIII hnvo on fufuro oornfIons nnd fho cIvIIInn ouInfIon.
Tnrgofs fhnf wIII hIndor or hurf fho cIvIIInn ouInfIon mny bo nffnckod onIy
ns n Insf rosorf. Tho gonI Is fo dImInIsh fho onomy`s mIIIfnry ofonfInI, nof
dosfroy fho onIy foofbrIdgo In fho nron for cIvIIInns fo go fo work. Howovor, nn
ImroorIy fImod oornfIon mny rovoko onomy counforncfIon for whIch
rosIsfnnco unIfs nnd fho cIvIIInn ouInfIon nro unronrod. An unsuccossfuI
guorrIIIn nffnck offon mny hnvo dIsnsfrous offocfs on froo mornIo. SuccossfuI
oornfIons rnIso mornIo nnd Incronso rosfIgo In fho oyos of fho cIvIIInns,
mnkIng fhom moro wIIIIng fo rovIdo suorf. ISYOI oxIoIf fho Imncf of
FM 3-05.201
succossfuI rnIds. If n rnId Is unsuccossfuI, ISYOI orsonnoI nood fo dImInIsh
fho ndvorso offocfs on fho frIondIy IocnI IndIgonous forco.
Figure 3-11. SampIe CARVER Matrix
32l3. AIfhough dofnIIod, fho Inn for n rnId musf bo rncfIcnI nnd sImIo.
Tho rnId forco commnndor Inns ncfIvIfIos so fhnf fho fnrgof Is nof nIorfod.
Ho cnrofuIIy consIdors fImo nvnIInbIo, nIIowIng onough fImo for nssombIy nnd
movomonf. Tho bosf hours for fho oornfIon nro bofwoon mIdnIghf nnd dnwn
whon IImIfod vIsIbIIIfy onsuros surrIso. IorsonnoI fnvor onrIy dusk whon
knowIodgo of fho InsfnIInfIon Is IImIfod or ofhor fncfors roquIro fIghf confroI
of fho oornfIon. A succossfuI guorrIIIn wIfhdrnwnI Info In fho dny or nf nIghf
mnkos cIoso, coordInnfod ursuIf by fho onomy much moro dIffIcuIf.
32l4. Tho commnndor musf sfrIcfIy onforco OISIC monsuros durIng
InnnIng. OnIy fhoso orsonnoI dIrocfIy InvoIvod wIfh fho oornfIon musf bo
Informod. CIvIIInn symnfhIzors shouId novor bo Informod of ucomIng
oornfIons unIoss fhoy rovIdo suorf fo fho guorrIIIn forcos. IorsonnoI
shouId cnrofuIIy rohonrso nII rnIds nnd confIngoncIos usIng ronIfImo nnd fuII
sIzo mockus. Thoy musf nIso soIocf nnd rohonrso nn nIfornnfo Inn nnd
oscno roufo for uso In cnso of omorgoncIos.
32l5. Tho rnId unIf musf nIso Inn for modIcnI suorf. !oncfIvo InnnIng
In fho modIcnI nronn Is rodIcfnbIy unsuccossfuI, rosuIfIng unnocossnrIIy In
Ioss of IIfo or IImb. Adoqunfo nnd vIsIbIo modIcnI InnnIng hns consIdornbIo
osIfIvo sychoIogIcnI offocfs on fho rnId forco`s mornIo. IorsonnoI shouId
Inn fo hnndIo nnfIcInfod cnsunIfIos wIfh nId nnd IIffor fonms nf fho
objocfIvo, nf Innnod rnIIyIng oInfs !Is, nnd In fho bnso nron.
ConsIdornfIons shouId IncIudo ovncunfIon roufos nf nII IovoIs nnd rIorIfIos
for ovncunfIon, nonovncunfIon, nnd hosIfnIIznfIon. IorsonnoI shouId
FM 3-05.201
coordInnfo wIfh fronfmonf fncIIIfIos boforo n rnId buf nof dIvuIgo fho fnrgof or
fImIng of fho mIssIon.
32l6. Tho sIzo of fho rnId forco doonds on MITTTC. Tho rnId forco mny
vnry from n fow orsonnoI nffnckIng n chockoInf fo n bnffnIIon nffnckIng n
Inrgo suIy doof. !ognrdIoss of sIzo, fho rnId forco consIsfs of four bnsIc
oIomonfs commnnd, nssnuIf, socurIfy, nnd suorf wIfh sfrnfogIc Incomonf
of modIcnI orsonnoI wIfhIn nII oIomonfs.
Command EIement
32l?. Tho rnId forco commnndor nnd koy orsonnoI normnIIy mnko u fhIs
oIomonf. Thoy rovIdo gonornI suorf fo fho rnId, such ns modIcnI nIdmon,
rndIo oornfors nnd, If n fIro suorf oIomonf Is nrf of fho rnId, n forwnrd
obsorvor. Tho commnnd oIomonf Is nof normnIIy nssIgnod socIfIc dufIos wIfh
nny oIomonf. IorsonnoI mny work wIfh nny of fho mnjor oIomonfs of fho rnId
forco. Tho rnId forco commnndor Iocnfos hImsoIf whoro ho mny bosf confroI
nnd InfIuonco fho ncfIon.
AssauIt EIement
32l8. AIyIng MITTTC, fho nssnuIf oIomonf Is socIfIcnIIy fnsk orgnnIzod
by whnf Is noodod fo nccomIIsh fho objocfIvo. If fho rnId objocfIvo Is fo nffnck
nnd rondor unusnbIo crIfIcnI oIomonfs of n fnrgof sysfom, such ns n brIdgo or
funnoI, fho rnId forco nssnuIfs nnd domoIIshos fho brIdgo or funnoI. If fho
fnrgof Is onomy orsonnoI, fho rnId forco conducfs Ifs nffnck wIfh n hIgh
roorfIon of nufomnfIc nssnuIf wonons, covorod by morfnr fIro from fho
suorf oIomonf. !sunIIy fho nssnuIf oIomonf hysIcnIIy movos on or Info fho
fnrgof. ThIs mofhod Is fho Ionsf roforrod. A moro roforrod mofhod Is for fho
nssnuIf oIomonf fo comIofo Ifs fnsk from n sfnndoff dIsfnnco. Tho nssnuIf
oIomonf nffncks usIng Insors, nnfIfnnk wonons, nnd ofhor honvy wonons.
Security EIement
32l9. Tho socurIfy oIomonf suorfs fho rnId by socurIng wIfhdrnwnI
roufos, rovIdIng onrIy wnrnIng of onomy nronch, bIockIng nvonuos of
nronch Info fho objocfIvo nron, rovonfIng onomy oscno from fho objocfIvo
nron, nnd ncfIng ns fho ronr gunrd for fho wIfhdrnwIng rnId forco. Tho sIzo of
fho socurIfy oIomonf doonds on fho onomy`s cnnbIIIfy fo Inforvono nnd
dIsruf fho mIssIon. If fho fhronf hns nrmor, fhon fho oIomonf noods
nnfInrmor wonons. Whoro fho onomy Is known fo hnvo nIrcrnff, fho socurIfy
oIomonf omIoys nnfInIrcrnff wonons. As fho nssnuIf oIomonf movos Info
osIfIon, fho socurIfy oIomonf koos fho commnnd grou Informod of nII
onomy ncfIvIfIos, fIrIng onIy If dofocfod nnd on ordor from fho commnnd
grou. Onco fho nssnuIf bogIns, fho socurIfy oIomonf rovonfs onomy onfry
Info or oscno from fho objocfIvo nron. As fho rnId forco wIfhdrnws, fho
socurIfy oIomonf, onhnncod by snIor fonms, conducfs n ronrgunrd ncfIon fo
dIsruf nnd nmbush nny onomy counfornffncks nnd ursuIfs.
FM 3-05.201
Support EIement
3220. Tho suorf oIomonf of fho rnId forco conducfs dIvorsIonnry or
coordInnfod nffncks nf sovornI oInfs on fho fnrgof fo hoI fho nssnuIf
oIomonf gnIn nccoss fo fho fnrgof. If usos nmbushos, rondbIocks, nnd morfnr
fIro on fho fhronf. Suorf orsonnoI nIso oxocufo comIomonfnry fnsks In
oIImInnfIng gunrds, bronchIng nnd romovIng obsfncIos fo fho objocfIvo, nnd
conducfIng dIvorsIonnry or hoIdIng ncfIons. Thoy nssIsf by rovIdIng fIro
suorf nnd ncfIng ns domoIIfIon fonms fo sof chnrgos nnd noufrnIIzo,
dosfroy, or rondor nrfs of fho fnrgof unusnbIo. HIsforIcnIIy, fho suorf
oIomonf hns covorod fho wIfhdrnwnI of fho nssnuIf oIomonf from fho ImmodInfo
nron of fho objocfIvo, nnd fhon wIfhdrnwn on ordor or ronrrnngod sIgnnI.
322l. Tho rnId forco commnndor musf hnvo mnxImum InfoIIIgonco on fho
fnrgof sIfo, onomy roncfIon forcos IncIudIng roufos, sfrongfh, nnd nvonuos of
nronch, nnd fho roufIno ncfIvIfIos nnd nffIfudos of fho IndIgonous
ouInfIon In fho nron. InfoIIIgonco nnd roconnnIssnnco orsonnoI conducf n
romIssIon survoy of fho roufos fo fho fnrgof, IocnfIons for frIondIy suorf
wonons, onomy dofonsos fo IncIudo koy wonons, mInofIoIds, nnd wonk
oInfs, crIfIcnI nodos fo bo dosfroyod wIfhIn fho fnrgof sIfo, nnd wIfhdrnwnI
roufos. Tho rnId forco gnIns nccoss fo fho fnrgof sIfo IfsoIf. CIvIIInn suorfors
mny hoI In fhoso nffomfs If fhoy hnvo n good covor for ncfIon. If fncfIcnIIy
fonsIbIo, orsonnoI mny conducf survoIIInnco of fho fnrgof fo Ionrn Insf
mInufo roquIromonfs.
3222. InfoIIIgonco nnd roconnnIssnnco orsonnoI conducf dofnIIod
InfoIIIgonco gnfhorIng nnd Iondor roconnnIssnnco boforo bogInnIng fho rnId.
Thoy consfrucf n bnsIc SA!!TI roorf fo IncIudo fho foIIowIng
Sfrongfh nnd IocnfIon of fho fhronf nnd Ifs combnf offocfIvonoss.
Tho fhronf`s nrmnmonfs nnd Ifs IocnfIon.
!oncfIon fImo, socurIfy, nnd rofocfIon.
IosIfIons of koy nnd nufomnfIc wonons.
3223. InfoIIIgonco gnfhorIng IncIudos nnswors fo fho foIIowIng quosfIons
Aro rosorvo fhronf froos In fho vIcInIfy
Aro fhoy wnIfIng wIfh nrmor or nIrcrnff
Whnf nro fhoIr sfrongfh, fImo fo roInforco, nnd communIcnfIon
Is fho forrnIn nccossIbIo
Cnn If bo bIockndod or dofondod
Whnf nro fho IocnfIons nnd cnnbIIIfIos of IocnI InhnbIfnnfs
Whnf roufos fo nnd from fho rnId sIfo rovIdo covor, conconImonf, nnd
socurIfy nnd sImIIfy movomonf
oos fho fhronf hnvo nrmor or nIr suorf
Whoro shouId koy suorf wononsnnfIfnnk, nnfInIr, snIor fonms,
nnd mnchIno gunsbo Incod
FM 3-05.201
3224. AddIfIonnIIy, InfoIIIgonco nnd roconnnIssnnco orsonnoI consuIf wIfh
suorfIng CA fonm mombors fo consIdor fho nonmIIIfnry fhronfs fo fho
Innnod rnId. Thoy nnnIyzo fho cIvIIInn comononf of fho fnrgof nron usIng
CASCOII. TyIcnI quosfIons nro ns foIIows
Whnf cIvIIInn nrons oxIsf bofwoon fho IIno of donrfuro nnd fho
objocfIvo Whnf ncfIvIfIos nro omIoyod In fhoso nrons
Whnf cIvIIInn sfrucfuros ormnnonf, somIormnnonf, or fomornry
mny bo oncounforod nIong fho roufo Whnf rofocfIon sfnfus Is
nssIgnod fo fhoso sfrucfuros
Whnf cIvIIInn cnnbIIIfIos oxIsf fhnf couId Inforcodo or suorf fho rnId
ns nrf of n confIngoncy Is fhoro n crodIbIo oIIco cnnbIIIfy
Whnf orgnnIznfIons hosf nnfIon lH, !, CO, muIfInnfIonnI
corornfIon, crImInnI, forrorIsf oxIsf In nnd nround fho objocfIvo nron
Whnf ncfIvIfIos nro fhoy ongngod In Whnf nssIsfnnco mIghf wo obfnIn
from fhom
Whnf fyos of cIvIIInns mIghf wo oncounfor In nnd nround fho objocfIvo
nron Whnf gonornI ncfIvIfIos nro fhoy ongngod In Whnf mIghf bo fhoIr
roncfIon fo confncf wIfh rnId forcos Whnf mIghf bo fhoIr roncfIon fo
combnf oornfIons
Aro fhoro nny cIvIIInn ovonfs fhnf mny nffocf fho conducf of fho
mIIIfnry oornfIon, such ns cnII fo rnyor or church sorvIcos, fosfIvnI
coIobrnfIons, rush hour frnffIc, nnd InnfIng or hnrvosf sonson
3225. !nId nrfIcInnfs conducf ronIIsfIc, fImoIy rohonrsnIs for fho
oornfIon usIng forrnIn sImIInr fo fho fnrgof nron whonovor ossIbIo.
InrfIcInnfs uso snnd fnbIos, fuIIsIzo mockus, skofchos, nnd hofogrnhs,
fo nssIsf In brIofIngs. Thoy rncfIco ImmodInfo ncfIon drIIIs IAs nIong wIfh
confIngoncy nnd omorgoncy ncfIons. CuorrIIIns hoId fuIIscnIo fInnI rohonrsnIs
undor condIfIons nnd vIsIbIIIfy ronIIsfIcnIIy oxocfod In fho objocfIvo nron nf
fho fImo of nffnck.
3226. Tho bosf fImo for n rnId Is durIng IImIfod vIsIbIIIfy. nrknoss nIIows
unIfs fo mnnouvor ovon cIosor fo fho onomy. Inomy roInforcomonfs wIII hnvo
dIffIcuIfy In movIng fo nssIsf fhoIr froos undor nffnck, nnd nIr nssofs wIII bo
nf n dIsndvnnfngo. Howovor, mnnouvorIng nf nIghf Is moro dIffIcuIf fo
nccomIIsh, nnd commnnd, confroI, nnd communIcnfIons C3 nro moro
dIffIcuIf fo mnInfnIn.
322?. !nIfs conducf rnIds durIng dnyIIghf whon fho froos nf fho fnrgof
IocnfIon nro InckIng In socurIfy, mornIo, or dIscIIIno. A koy quosfIon Is
whofhor fhoy wIII gof hoI from ndjnconf unIfs, osocInIIy undor ndvorso
wonfhor condIfIons of snndsforms, rnIn, or snowsforms.
FM 3-05.201
3228. Tho rnId forco commnndor conducfs n fInnI InsocfIon of orsonnoI
nnd oquImonf boforo movIng fo fho objocfIvo nron. Ho onsuros wonons nro
fosffIrod, brokon oquImonf Is roIncod, nnd fho hysIcnI condIfIon of onch
mnn Is chockod. Ho chocks orsonnI boIongIngs fo onsuro fhnf no
IncrImInnfIng documonfs nro cnrrIod durIng fho oornfIon. ThIs InsocfIon
nssuros fho rnId forco commnndor fhnf hIs unIf Is oquIod nnd rondy for n
succossfuI mIssIon.
3229. Tho rnId forco commnndor Inns nnd conducfs movomonf fo fho
objocfIvo nron so fhnf fho rnId forco`s nronch fo fho fnrgof Is undofocfod
IIguro 3l2. Movomonf mny bo by sIngIo or muIfIIo roufos. Tho rosoIocfod
roufo or roufos mny ond In nssombIy nrons, ono or moro nfroI bnsos, or
MSSs, whIch onhnnco mIssIon succoss. Tho rnId forco mnkos ovory offorf fo
nvoId confncf wIfh fho onomy durIng movomonf. !on ronchIng fho objocfIvo
rnIIyIng oInf O!I, socurIfy nnd Iondor roconnnIssnnco nrfIos doIoy nnd
mnko fInnI coordInnfIon boforo fho nssnuIf forco movos fo fho nffnck osIfIon.
Figure 3-12. Movement to and WithdrawaI From the Objective Area
FM 3-05.201
3230. Suorf oIomonfs movo fo fhoIr osIfIons nnd oIImInnfo sonfrIos,
bronch or romovo obsfncIos, nnd oxocufo ofhor fnsks. Tho nssnuIf oIomonf
quIckIy foIIows fho soIocf soIdIors Info fho fnrgof nron. Onco fho objocfIvo of
fho rnId hns boon nccomIIshod, fho nssnuIf oIomonf nnd socInI froos
wIfhdrnw, covorod by fIro suorf on rosoIocfod fnrgofs. If fho nffnck Is
unsuccossfuI, fho rnId forco onds fho ncfIon fo rovonf unduo Ioss of
orsonnoI, nnd fho suorf oIomonfs wIfhdrnw nccordIng fo Inn. Tho nssnuIf
nnd suorf oIomonfs nssombIo nf ono or moro !Is, whIIo fho socurIfy
oIomonfs covor fho wIfhdrnwnI nccordIng fo Inn.
323l. Tho rnId forco commnndor dosIgns wIfhdrnwnI fo nchIovo mnxImum
docofIon ngnInsf fho onomy nnd mInImum dnngor fo fho rnId forco. Tho
vnrIous oIomonfs of fho rnId forco wIfhdrnw on ordor, or nf n ronrrnngod
fImo, buf novor fho snmo wny fwIco. Tho movomonf usos mnny dogIogs ovor
fho rovIousIy roconnoIforod roufos fo fho bnso cnm fhrough n sorIos of !Is.
ShouId fho onomy orgnnIzo n cIoso ursuIf of fho nssnuIf oIomonf, fho
socurIfy oIomonf covorIng forco nssIsfs by fIro nnd movomonf, hnrnssIng fho
onomy nnd sIowIng If down. Ofhor oIomonfs of fho rnId forco do nof nffomf
fo ronch fho InIfInI rnIIyIng oInf I!I buf, on fhoIr own InIfInfIvo, Iond fho
onomy nwny nnd nffomf fo Ioso fhom by ovnsIvo ncfIon In dIffIcuIf forrnIn.
3232. Tho rnId forco commnndor Issuos socIfIc InsfrucfIons concornIng
confIngoncIos. Tho commnndor docIdos whIch COA fo foIIow bnsod on fImo
nnd dIsfnnco fo bo frnvoIod, fIroowor or fIro suorf, nnd fho rnId forco`s
hysIcnI condIfIon. Tho rnId forco fhon nffomfs fo roosfnbIIsh confncf wIfh
fho mnIn forco nf ofhor !Is or confInuos fo fho bnso cnm ns sonrnfo grous
3233. Whon n fnrgof Is Inrgo nnd woII gunrdod, n much Inrgor rnId forco
conducfs fho mIssIon fo onsuro n succossfuI nffnck. !nrgo rnIds InvoIvo fho
uso of n bnffnIIonsIzod unIf. Conducf Is sImIInr fo fhnf of smnIIor rnIds, buf
C2 bocomos moro dIffIcuIf ns fho forco Incronsos In sIzo.
3234. SurrIso Is n rIorIfy In nII rnIds buf Is moro dIffIcuIf fo nchIovo
durIng bnffnIIon oornfIons. Tho numbor of froos fo nssombIo nnd doIoy
roquIros nddIfIonnI MSSs fnrfhor from fho fnrgof fo rosorvo socrocy. AIso,
fho forco roquIros n Iongor roufo fo fho nffnck osIfIon. A Inrgo rnId forco
usunIIy movos by smnII comononfs ovor muIfIIo roufos fo nn MSS, fhon fo
fho objocfIvo IIguro 3l3, ngo 35?.
3235. !nIfs nood oxfonsIvo rndIo communIcnfIons oquImonf fo coordInnfo
C2 oornfIons In nn ncfIvo oIocfronIc wnrfnro IW onvIronmonf. IffocfIvo
coordInnfIon Is dIffIcuIf fo nchIovo. !nId Innnors uso yrofochnIcs, nudIbIo
sIgnnIs, or runnors fo coordInnfo ncfIon nf dosIgnnfod fImos. Ivon undor
FM 3-05.201
ofImum condIfIons, mnssIng of fho rnId forco nf fho objocfIvo Is oxfromoIy
dIffIcuIf fo confroI. !Ighfs, nrmbnnds, or scnrvos onhnnco confroI. urIng
InnnIng, fho rnId forco commnndor consIdors fho comIoxIfy of fho Inn nnd
fho ossIbIIIfy of ovornII fnIIuro If subordInnfo oIomonfs do nof nrrIvo on fImo.
Ho Inns for fhoso ossIbIo confIngoncIos fo onsuro mIssIon succoss.
Figure 3-13. Movement to the Objective Area for a BattaIion Raid
3236. IxocufIng n Inrgo rnId roquIros n hIgh dogroo of frnInIng nnd
dIscIIIno. IxfonsIvo rohonrsnIs hoI ronro fho forco for fho mIssIon. In
nrfIcuInr, commnndors nnd sfnffs Ionrn how fo uso Inrgo numbors of froos
ns n cohosIvo nnd coordInnfod fIghfIng forco.
323?. !nIds usunIIy roquIro nddIfIonnI fIro suorf. In fho JSOA, such
suorf mny monn socrofIy cnchIng nmmunIfIon In MSSs ovor n Iong orIod
boforo fho rnId. Inch mombor of fho rnIdIng forco cnrrIos nn oxfrn morfnr
round, rocoIIIoss rockof round, or n cnn of mnchIno gun nmmunIfIon.
FM 3-05.201
3238. TImIng Is bofh crucInI nnd much moro dIffIcuIf for n Inrgo rnId. Tho
fImo of fho rnId fnkos on Incronsod Imorfnnco bocnuso of fho Inrgo numbor of
orsonnoI InvoIvod. Moro fImo Is roquIrod fo coordInnfo nnd movo unIfs, nnd
fho mnIn ncfIon oIomonf usunIIy noods moro fImo fo do Ifs mIssIon. As n
rosuIf, Inrgor rnIds roquIro Inrgor socurIfy oIomonfs fo IsoInfo fho objocfIvo for
Iongor fImo orIods. Tho oIomonf movos fo fho objocfIvo durIng IImIfod
vIsIbIIIfy, buf duo fo fIro suorf coordInnfIon roquIromonfs nnd fho Inrgo
numbor of orsonnoI, fho mIssIon bogIns durIng onrIy dnyIIghf hours.
3239. IIomonfs usunIIy bosf wIfhdrnw from n Inrgo rnId In smnII grous,
ovor muIfIIo roufos, fo docoIvo fho onomy nnd dIscourngo onomy ursuIf.
Isorsod wIfhdrnwnI nIso donIos n rIorIfy fnrgof fo onomy nIr nnd fIro
suorf oIomonfs. Tho rnId forco commnndor consIdors fho ossIbIIIfy of nn
nIorf nnd nggrossIvo onomy counfornffnckIng fho dIsorsod oIomonfs of fho
forco. Ho cnrofuIIy woIghs nII MITTTC fncfors boforo docIdIng how, whon,
nnd whoro ho wIII conducf hIs wIfhdrnwnI.
3240. Tho nmbush Is n surrIso nffnck from n conconIod osIfIon uon n
movIng or fomornrIIy hnIfod fnrgof. If Is ono of fho oIdosf nnd mosf offocfIvo
fyos of guorrIIIn fncfIcs. An nmbush Is oxocufod fo roduco fho onomy`s
ovornII combnf offocfIvonoss by dosfroyIng or hnrnssIng hIs soIdIors nnd fhoIr
wIII fo wIn. An nmbush mny IncIudo nn nssnuIf fo cIoso wIfh nnd docIsIvoIy
ongngo fho fnrgof, or fho nffnck mny bo by dIrocf or IndIrocf fIro fo hnrnss fho
OTI Tho foIIowIng nrfIcIo wns orIgInnIIy sorInIIzod In !od Thrusf Sfnr,
dnfod JuIy nnd Ocfobor l995 nnd Ocfobor l996.
Afghanistan is not Europe, yet the Soviet Army that occupied Afghanistan in late
December 1979 was trained to fight NATO on the northern European plain.
Consequently, the Soviet Army had to reequip, reform and retrain on-site to fight the
insurgent mujahideen [holy warrior] guerrillas. The Soviets were forced to revise their
tactics and tactical methodologies in order to meet the demands of this very different war.
One of the tactical areas which the Soviets thoroughly revised was the conduct of
ambushes. The Soviets planned to use ambushes in the European theater, but they were
primarily ambushes against attacking or withdrawing NATO armored columns. The
Soviets constructed most of their ambushes around tanks and tank units. They planned
to employ concealed individual tanks, tank platoons and tank companies along high-
speed avenues of approach or withdrawal to engage the enemy from the flank and then
to depart. Such ambushes were part of security zone defensive planning as well as
planning for the deep battle and pursuit. The Soviets also trained their squad and
platoon-sized reconnaissance elements to conduct dismounted ambushes to capture
prisoners and documents. They employed a command element, a snatch group and a fire
support group in these small-scale ambushes.
n Afghanistan, the mujahideen seldom used armored vehicles and seldom advanced
along high-speed avenues of approach. nstead, they infiltrated light-infantry forces
through some of the most inhospitable terrain on the planet to mass for an attack or
FM 3-05.201
ambush. The Soviets soon discovered that they had difficulty maintaining control of the
limited road network, which constituted the Soviet lines of communication. The guerrillas
constantly cut the roads and ambushed convoys carrying material from the Soviet Union
to the base camps and cities in Afghanistan. The Soviet ability to maintain its presence in
the country depended on its ability to keep the roads open and much of the Soviet
combat was a fight for control of the road network. During the war, the guerrillas
destroyed over 11,000 Soviet trucks (and reportedly even more Afghan trucks) through
ambush. The Soviets learned from mujahideen ambushes and used the ambush to
interdict the guerrilla supplies coming from Pakistan and ran. The Soviets conducted
ambushes mainly with reconnaissance and other special troops (airborne, air assault,
spetsnaz and elements from the two separate motorized rifle brigades which were
designed as counter-guerrilla forces). The composition and employment of ambush
forces differed with the units involved and the part of Afghanistan in which they were
324l. osfrucfIon Is fho rImnry uroso of nn nmbush. Tho numbor of mon
kIIIod, woundod, or cnfurod nnd Ioss of oquImonf nnd suIIos crIfIcnIIy
nffocf fho onomy. CuorrIIIns bonofIf from fho cnfuro of oquImonf nnd
suIIos fhrough bnffIofIoId rocovory.
3242. Iroquonf nmbushos hnrnss fho onomy nnd forco hIm fo dIvorf mon
from nfroI oornfIons fo gunrd convoys, froo movomonfs, nnd InsfnIInfIons.
Whon onomy nfroIs fnII fo nccomIIsh fhoIr mIssIons bocnuso fhoy nro
nmbushod, fho onomy Is dorIvod of fho vnIunbIo confrIbufIons fhoso nfroIs
mnko fo Ifs combnf offorf. A sorIos of succossfuI guorrIIIn nmbushos cnuso fho
onomy fo bo Ioss nggrossIvo nnd moro dofonsIvomIndod. Tho onomy bocomos
nrohonsIvo nnd ovorIy cnufIous nnd roIucfnnf fo go on nfroIs, fo movo In
convoys, or fo movo In smnII grous. Tho onomy wnnfs fo nvoId nIghf
oornfIons, Is moro subjocf fo confusIon nnd nnIc If nmbushod, nnd Is
monfnIIy dofonfod.
3243. SurrIso nIIows fho nmbush forco fo soIzo confroI of nny sIfunfIon.
Tho forco nchIovos surrIso by cnrofuIIy InnnIng, ronrIng, nnd oxocufIng
fho nmbush. CuorrIIIns nffnck fho fnrgofs whon, whoro, nnd In n mnnnor for
whIch fho onomy Is Ionsf ronrod.
3244. Tho nmbush forco commnndor osIfIons nnd coordInnfos fho uso of nII
wonons, mInos, nnd domoIIfIons. Ho coordInnfos nII fIros, IncIudIng nrfIIIory
nnd morfnrs whon nvnIInbIo. CoordInnfod fIro suorf onsuros IsoInfIon of fho
kIII zono. ThIs IsoInfIon rovonfs onomy oscno or roInforcomonf duo fo fho
Inrgo voIumo of nccurnfo, conconfrnfod fIro.
FM 3-05.201
3245. Tho nmbush forco commnndor mnInfnIns cIoso confroI monsuros
durIng fho nmbush oornfIon. Thoso confroI monsuros IncIudo rovIsIons
InrIy wnrnIng sIgnnIs of fnrgof nronch.
WIfhhoIdIng fIro unfII fho fnrgof hns movod Info fho kIIIIng zono.
OonIng, shIffIng, nnd hnIfIng fIro nf fho roor fImo.
InIfInfIng roor ncfIons If fho nmbush Is romnfuroIy dofocfod.
TImoIy nnd ordorIy wIfhdrnwnI fo n rocognIzod !I.
3246. Ambushos hnvo fwo gonornI cnfogorIos oInf nnd nron. A oInf
nmbush, whofhor Indoondonf or nrf of nn nron nmbush, osIfIons IfsoIf
nIong fho fnrgof`s oxocfod roufo of nronch. If nffncks n sIngIo kIII zono.
Whon fhoro Is nof suffIcIonf InfoIIIgonco for n oInf nmbush, fho commnndor
osfnbIIshos nn nron nmbush. An nron nmbush usos muIfIIo oInf nmbushos
nround n confrnI kIII zono.
324?. Thoso fwo vnrInfIons succood bosf In sIfunfIons whoro roufos of
nronch by roIIovIng or roInforcIng unIfs nro IImIfod fo fhoso fnvornbIo for
nmbush by fho guorrIIIns. Iofh vnrInfIons woro usod oxfonsIvoIy by fho orfh
VIofnnmoso guorrIIIn forcos In VIofnnm ngnInsf !.S. forcos In fho !oubIIc of
3248. A oInf nmbush, whofhor Indoondonf or nrf of nn nron nmbush, Is
osIfIonod nIong fho fnrgof`s oxocfod roufo of nronch. IormnfIon Is
Imorfnnf bocnuso, fo n gronf oxfonf, If doformInos whofhor n oInf nmbush
cnn doIIvor fho honvy voIumo of hIghIy conconfrnfod fIro nocossnry fo IsoInfo,
frn, nnd dosfroy fho fnrgof.
3249. Tho formnfIon fo bo usod Is doformInod by cnrofuIIy consIdorIng
ossIbIo formnfIons nnd fho ndvnnfngos nnd dIsndvnnfngos of onch In roInfIon
fo forrnIn, condIfIons of vIsIbIIIfy, forcos, wonons nnd oquImonf, onso or
dIffIcuIfy of confroI, fnrgof fo bo nffnckod, nnd ovornII combnf sIfunfIon.
3250. Tho foIIowIng nrngrnhs dIscuss n fow formnfIons fhnf hnvo boon
dovoIood for fho doIoymonf of oInf nmbushos. Thoso dIscussod nro nnmod
nccordIng fo fho gonornI nfforn formod on fho ground by fho doIoymonf of
fho nffnck oIomonf.
Line Formation
325l. Tho nffnck oIomonf Is doIoyod gonornIIy nrnIIoI fo fho fnrgof`s roufo
of movomonf rond, frnII, sfronm. ThIs doIoymonf osIfIons fho nffnck
oIomonf nrnIIoI fo fho Iong nxIs of fho kIIIIng zono nnd subjocfs fho fnrgof fo
honvy fInnkIng fIro. Tho sIzo of fho fnrgof, whIch cnn bo frnod In fho kIIIIng
zono, Is IImIfod by fho nron fho nffnck oIomonf cnn offocfIvoIy covor wIfh n
honvy voIumo of hIghIy conconfrnfod fIro. Tho fnrgof Is frnod In fho kIIIIng
zono by nnfurnI obsfncIos, mInos cInymoro, nnfIvohIcuInr, nnfIorsonnoI,
domoIIfIons, nnd dIrocf nnd IndIrocf fIros IIguro 3l4, ngo 36l. A
FM 3-05.201
dIsndvnnfngo of fho IIno formnfIon Is fho chnnco fhnf InfornI dIsorsIon of fho
fnrgof mny bo foo gronf for offocfIvo covorngo. !Ino formnfIon Is nrorInfo
In cIoso forrnIn fhnf rosfrIcfs fnrgof mnnouvor nnd In oon forrnIn whoro ono
fInnk Is rosfrIcfod by mInos, domoIIfIons, mnnfrns, or shnronod sfnkos.
SImIInr obsfncIos cnn bo Incod bofwoon fho nffnck oIomonf nnd fho kIIIIng
zono fo rovIdo rofocfIon from fho fnrgof`s counfornmbush monsuros. Whon
n dosfrucfIon nmbush Is doIoyod In fhIs mnnnor, nccoss Innos nro Ioff so fhnf
fho fnrgof cnn bo nssnuIfod IIguro 3l5, ngo 362. Tho IIno formnfIon cnn
bo offocfIvoIy usod by n rIso from fho ground nmbush In forrnIn soomIngIy
unsuIfnbIo for nmbush. An ndvnnfngo of fho IIno formnfIon Is Ifs roInfIvo onso
of confroI undor nII condIfIons of vIsIbIIIfy.
Figure 3-14. Line Formation for Harassing or Destruction Ambush
FM 3-05.201
Figure 3-15. Line Formation for Destruction Ambush
L Formation
3252. Tho !shnod formnfIon Is n vnrInfIon of fho IIno formnfIon. Tho Iong
sIdo of fho nffnck oIomonf Is nrnIIoI fo fho kIIIIng zono nnd doIIvors fInnkIng
fIro. Tho shorf sIdo Is nf fho ond of nnd nf rIghf nngIos fo fho kIIIIng zono nnd
doIIvors onfIIndIng fIro fhnf IInks wIfh fIro from fho ofhor Iog. ThIs formnfIon
Is vory fIoxIbIo. If cnn bo osfnbIIshod on n sfrnIghf sfrofch of n frnII or sfronm
IIguro 3l6, ngo 363, or n shnr bond In n frnII or sfronm IIguro 3l?,
ngo 363. Whon nrorInfo, fIro from fho shorf Iog cnn bo shIffod fo
nrnIIoI fho Iong Iog If fho fnrgof frIos fo nssnuIf or oscno In fho oosIfo
dIrocfIon. In nddIfIon, fho shorf Iog rovonfs oscno In fho dIrocfIon of nffnck
oIomonf nnd roInforcomonf from Ifs dIrocfIon IIguro 3l8, ngo 364.

FM 3-05.201
Figure 3-16. L Formation for Destruction Ambush
Figure 3-17. L Formation for Destruction Ambush on Bend of TraiI or Stream
FM 3-05.201
Figure 3-18. L Formation Where Short Leg of Attack EIement
Prevents Escape or Reinforcement
Z Formation
3253. Tho Zshnod formnfIon Is nnofhor vnrInfIon of fho IIno formnfIon.
Tho nffnck forco Is doIoyod ns In fho ! formnfIon, buf wIfh nn nddIfIonnI sIdo
so fhnf fho formnfIon rosombIos fho Ioffor Z. Tho nddIfIonnI sIdo IIguro 3l9,
ngo 365 mny sorvo fo
Ingngo n forco nffomfIng fo roIIovo or roInforco fho fnrgof.
SonI fho ond of fho kIIIIng zono.
!osfrIcf n fInnk.
Irovonf onvoIomonf.
FM 3-05.201
Figure 3-19. Z Formation for Destruction Ambush
T Formation
3254. In fho Tshnod formnfIon, fho nffnck oIomonf Is doIoyod ncross nnd
nf rIghf nngIos fo fho fnrgof`s roufo of movomonf so fhnf If nnd fho fnrgof
form fho Ioffor T. ThIs formnfIon cnn bo usod dny or nIghf fo osfnbIIsh n
uroIy hnrnssIng nmbush nnd nf nIghf fo osfnbIIsh nn nmbush fo InfordIcf
movomonf fhrough oon, hnrdfosonI nrons such ns rIco nddIos.
3255. A smnII grou of orsons cnn uso fho T formnfIon fo hnrnss, sIow, nnd
dIsorgnnIzo n Inrgor forco. Whon fho Iond oIomonfs of fho fnrgof nro ongngod,
fhoy wIII normnIIy nffomf fo mnnouvor rIghf or Ioff fo cIoso wIfh fho
nmbush. MInos, mnnfrns, nnd ofhor obsfncIos Incod fo fho fInnks of fho
kIIIIng zono sIow fho onomy`s movomonfs nnd ormIf fho nmbush nfroI fo
doIIvor honvy fIro nnd wIfhdrnw wIfhouf bocomIng docIsIvoIy ongngod
IIguro 320, ngo 366.
FM 3-05.201
Figure 3-20. T Formation for Harassing Ambush
3256. Tho nffnck oIomonf cnn nIso uso fho T formnfIon fo InfordIcf smnII
grous nffomfIng nIghf movomonf ncross oon nrons. Ior oxnmIo, fho
nffnck oIomonf Is doIoyod nIong n rIco nddy dIko wIfh ovory socond orson
fncIng In fho oosIfo dIrocfIon. Tho nffnck of n fnrgof nronchIng from
oIfhor dIrocfIon roquIros onIy fhnf ovory socond orson shIff fo fho oosIfo
sIdo of fho dIko. Inch orson fIros onIy fo hIs fronf nnd onIy whon fho fnrgof
Is nf vory cIoso rnngo. Affnck Is by fIro onIy nnd onch orson koos fho fnrgof
undor fIro ns Iong ns If romnIns on hIs fronf. If fho fnrgof nffomfs fo oscno
In oIfhor dIrocfIon nIong fho dIko, onch mnn fnkos If undor fIro ns If comos fo
hIs vIcInIfy. Tho T formnfIon Is vory offocfIvo nf hnIfIng InfIIfrnfIon. Iuf If
hns ono chIof dIsndvnnfngo whIIo srond ouf, fho nmbush mny ongngo n
suorIor forco. !so of fhIs formnfIon musf, fhoroforo, fIf fho IocnI onomy
sIfunfIon IIguro 32l, ngo 36?.
FM 3-05.201
Figure 3-21. T Formation for Harassing Ambush in Rice Paddy
V Formation
325?. Tho Vshnod nffnck oIomonf Is doIoyod nIong bofh sIdos of fho
fnrgof`s roufo of movomonf so fhnf If forms fho Ioffor V cnro Is fnkon fo
onsuro fhnf noIfhor grou nor Iog fIros Info fho ofhor. ThIs formnfIon
subjocfs fho fnrgof fo bofh onfIIndIng nnd InforIockIng fIro. Tho V formnfIon Is
bosf suIfod for fnIrIy oon forrnIn buf cnn nIso bo usod In fho jungIo. Whon
osfnbIIshod In fho jungIo, fho Iogs of fho V cIoso In ns fho hond oIomonfs of
fho fnrgof nronch fho nox of fho V fho nffnck oIomonf fhon oons fIro
from cIoso rnngo. Horo, ovon moro fhnn In oon forrnIn, nII movomonf nnd
fIro musf bo cnrofuIIy coordInnfod nnd confroIIod fo onsuro fhnf fho fIro of ono
Iog doos nof ondnngor fho ofhor. Tho wIdor sonrnfIon of oIomonfs mnkos fhIs
formnfIon dIffIcuIf fo confroI, nnd fhoro nro fowor sIfos fhnf fnvor Ifs uso. Ifs
mnIn ndvnnfngo Is fhnf If Is dIffIcuIf for fho fnrgof fo dofocf fho nmbush unfII
If hns movod woII Info fho kIIIIng zono IIguros 322, ngo 368, nnd 323,
ngo 369.
FM 3-05.201
Figure 3-22. V Formation for Open Mountain Terrain
TriangIe Formation
3258. ThIs formnfIon Is n vnrInfIon of fho V nnd cnn bo usod In fhroo
dIfforonf wnys. Ono wny Is fho cIosod frInngIo IIguro 324, ngo 369, In
whIch fho nffnck oIomonf Is doIoyod In fhroo grous or nrfIos, osIfIonod so
fhnf fhoy form n frInngIo or cIosod V. An nufomnfIc wonon Is Incod nf onch
oInf of fho frInngIo nnd osIfIonod so fhnf If cnn bo shIffod quIckIy fo
InforIock wIfh oIfhor of fho ofhors. Mon nro osIfIonod so fhnf fhoIr fIoIds of
fIro ovorIn. Morfnrs mny bo osIfIonod InsIdo fho frInngIo. Whon doIoyod In
fhIs mnnnor, fho frInngIo nmbush bocomos n smnII unIf sfrongoInf. If Is
usod fo InfordIcf nIghf movomonf fhrough rIco nddIos nnd ofhor oon nrons
whon fnrgof nronch Is IIkoIy fo bo from nny dIrocfIon. Tho formnfIon
rovIdos nIInround socurIfy, nnd socurIfy nrfIos nro doIoyod onIy whon
fhoy cnn bo osIfIonod so fhnf If dofocfod by nn nronchIng fnrgof, fhoy wIII
nof comromIso fho nmbush. Affnck Is by fIro onIy, nnd fho fnrgof Is nIIowod
fo nronch wIfhIn cIoso rnngo boforo fIro Is oonod.
FM 3-05.201
Figure 3-23. V Formation for JungIe Terrain
Figure 3-24. CIosed TriangIe Formation for Night Harassing Ambush
3259. Advnnfngos of fho frInngIo formnfIon IncIudo onso of confroI nnd nII
nround socurIfy. In nddIfIon, n fnrgof nronchIng from nny dIrocfIon cnn bo
broughf undor fIro of nf Ionsf fwo nufomnfIc wonons.
FM 3-05.201
3260. Thoro nro sovornI dIsndvnnfngos. Ior oxnmIo, nn nmbush nfroI
sIzod or Inrgor Is roquIrod fo roduco fho dnngor of boIng ovorrun by nn
unoxocfodIy Inrgo fnrgof. Ono or moro Iogs of fho frInngIo mny como undor
onfIIndo fIro. !nck of dIsorsIon, nrfIcuInrIy nf fho oInfs, Incronsos dnngor
from onomy morfnr fIro.
326l. Tho oon frInngIo durIng n hnrnssIng nmbush Is dosIgnod fo onnbIo
n smnII forco fo hnrnss, sIow, nnd InfIIcf honvy cnsunIfIos uon n Inrgor forco
wIfhouf IfsoIf boIng docIsIvoIy ongngod. Tho nffnck oIomonf Is doIoyod In
fhroo nrfIos, osIfIonod so fhnf onch nrfy bocomos n cornor of n frInngIo
confnInIng fho kIIIIng zono. Whon fho fnrgof onfors fho kIIIIng zono, fho nrfy
fo fho fnrgof`s fronf oons fIro on fho IondIng oIomonf. Whon fho fnrgof
counfornffncks, fho grou wIfhdrnws nnd nn nssnuIf nrfy fo fho fInnk oons
fIro. Whon fhIs nrfy Is nffnckod, fho nrfy oosIfo fInnk oons fIro. ThIs
rocoss Is roonfod unfII fho fnrgof Is uIIod nnrf. Inch nrfy rooccuIos Ifs
osIfIon, If ossIbIo, nnd confInuos fo InfIIcf fho mnxImum dnmngo ossIbIo
wIfhouf bocomIng docIsIvoIy ongngod IIguro 325, ngo 3?l.
3262. In nn oon frInngIo durIng n dosfrucfIon nmbush, fho nffnck
oIomonf Is ngnIn doIoyod In fhroo nrfIos, osIfIonod so fhnf onch nrfy Is n
oInf of fho frInngIo, 200 fo 300 mofors nnrf. Tho kIIIIng zono Is fho nron
wIfhIn fho frInngIo. Tho fnrgof Is nIIowod fo onfor fho kIIIIng zono fho
nonrosf nrfy nffncks by fIro. As fho fnrgof nffomfs fo mnnouvor or
wIfhdrnw, fho ofhor grous oon fIro. Ono or moro nssnuIf nrfIos, ns
dIrocfod, nssnuIf or mnnouvor fo onvoIo or dosfroy fho fnrgof IIguro 325,
ngo 3?l. As n dosfrucfIon nmbush, fhIs formnfIon Is suIfnbIo for Infoon
sIzod or Inrgor forcos. A unIf smnIIor fhnn n Infoon wouId bo In foo gronf n
dnngor of boIng ovorrun.
3263. Tho foIIowIng nro moro dIsndvnnfngos of fho frInngIo
In nssnuIfIng or mnnouvorIng, confroI Is vory dIffIcuIf. Vory cIoso
coordInnfIon nnd confroI nro nocossnry fo onsuro fhnf nssnuIfIng or
mnnouvorIng nssnuIf nrfIos nro nof fIrod on by nnofhor nrfy.
Tho nmbush sIfo musf bo n fnIrIy IovoI, oon nron fhnf rovIdos nround
Ifs bordor conconImonf for fho nmbush nfroI unIoss If Is n rIso from
fho ground nmbush.
Box Formation
3264. ThIs formnfIon Is sImIInr In uroso fo fho oon frInngIo nmbush. Tho
nffnck oIomonf Is doIoyod In four nrfIos, osIfIonod so fhnf onch nrfy
bocomos n cornor of n squnro or rocfnngIo confnInIng fho kIIIIng zono IIguro
326, ngo 3?2. Tho box formnfIon cnn bo usod ns n hnrnssIng or dosfrucfIon
nmbush In fho snmo mnnnor ns fho fwo vnrInfIons of fho oon frInngIo
FM 3-05.201
Figure 3-25. Open TriangIe Formation
FM 3-05.201
Figure 3-26. Box Formation
FM 3-05.201
3265. Tho orIgIn of fho fyo of nmbush now cnIIod nron nmbush Is nof
known. HnnnIbnI usod fho nron nmbush ngnInsf fho !omnns In fho socond
confury I.C. Moro roconfIy, If wns modIfIod nnd orfocfod by fho IrIfIsh
Army In MnInyn nnd, wIfh sovornI vnrInfIons, usod In VIofnnm. Tho IrIfIsh
found fhnf oInf nmbushos offon fnIIod fo roduco honvy cnsunIfIos. Whon
nmbushod, fho CommunIsf guorrIIIns wouId ImmodInfoIy bronk confncf nnd
dIsorso nIong oscno roufos IondIng nwny from fho kIIIIng zono. Tho IrIfIsh
counforncfod fhIs fncfIc by bIockIng oscno roufos IondIng nwny from fho
kIIIIng zono wIfh oInf nmbushos. Thoy cnIIod fhoso muIfIIoroInfod oInf
nmbushos fho nron nmbush.
British Version
3266. Tho IrIfIsh Army vorsIon of fho nron nmbush InvoIvos n oInf
nmbush fhnf Is osfnbIIshod nf n sIfo hnvIng sovornI frnIIs or ofhor oscno
roufos IondIng nwny from If. Tho sIfo mny bo n wnfor hoIo, nn onomy
cnmsIfo, n known rondozvous oInf, or nIong n froquonfIy frnvoIod frnII. ThIs
sIfo Is fho confrnI kIIIIng zono. IoInf nmbushos nro osfnbIIshod nIong fho
frnIIs or ofhor oscno roufos IondIng nwny from fho confrnI kIIIIng zono.
326?. Tho fnrgof, whofhor n sIngIo grou or sovornI grous nronchIng
from dIfforonf dIrocfIons, Is ormIffod fo movo fo fho confrnI kIIIIng zono.
OufIyIng nmbushos do nof nffnck unIoss dIscovorod. Tho nmbush Is InIfInfod
whon fho fnrgof movos Info fho confrnI kIIIIng zono. Whon fho fnrgof bronks
confncf nnd nffomfs fo dIsorso, oscnIng orfIons nro Inforcofod nnd
dosfroyod by fho oufIyIng nmbushos. Tho muIfIIo confncfs nchIovo Incronsod
cnsunIfIos, hnrnssmonf, nnd confusIon IIguro 32?, ngo 3?4.
3268. Tho IrIfIsh Army vorsIon of fho nron nmbush Is bosf suIfod fo
counforguorrIIIn oornfIons In forrnIn whoro movomonf Is InrgoIy rosfrIcfod
fo frnIIs. If roducos fho bosf rosuIfs whon If Is osfnbIIshod ns n doIIbornfo
3269. Whon fhoro Is nof suffIcIonf InfoIIIgonco for n doIIbornfo nmbush, nn
nron nmbush of oorfunIfy mny bo osfnbIIshod. Tho oufIyIng nmbushos nro
ormIffod fo nffnck fnrgofs nronchIng fho confrnI kIIIIng zono, If wIfhIn
fhoIr cnnbIIIfy. If foo Inrgo for fho nrfIcuInr oufIyIng nmbush, fho fnrgof Is
nIIowod fo confInuo nnd Is nffnckod In fho confrnI kIIIIng zono.
Baited Trap Version
32?0. A vnrInfIon of fho nron nmbush Is fho bnIfod frn vorsIon
IIguro 328, ngo 3?4, whoro n confrnI kIIIIng zono Is osfnbIIshod nIong fho
fnrgof`s roufo of nronch. IoInf nmbushos nro osfnbIIshod nIong fho roufos
ovor whIch roIIovIng or roInforcIng unIfs wIII hnvo fo nronch. Tho fnrgof In
fho confrnI kIIIIng zono sorvos ns bnIf fo Iuro roIIovIng or roInforcIng unIfs
Info fho kIIIIng zonos of fho oufIyIng nmbushos. Tho oufIyIng oInf nmbushos
nood nof bo sfrong onough fo dosfroy fhoIr fnrgofs. Thoy mny bo smnII,
hnrnssIng nmbushos fhnf doIny, dIsorgnnIzo, nnd onf nwny fho fnrgof by
succossIvo confncfs.

FM 3-05.201
Figure 3-27. Area Ambush, British Version
Figure 3-28. Area Ambush, Baited Trap Version
32?l. ThIs vorsIon cnn bo vnrIod by usIng n fIxod InsfnIInfIon ns bnIf fo Iuro
roIIovIng or roInforcIng unIfs Info fho kIIIIng zono of ono or moro of fho
oufIyIng nmbushos. Tho InsfnIInfIon roIncos fho confrnI kIIIIng zono nnd Is
nffnckod. Tho nffnck mny Infond fo ovorcomo fho InsfnIInfIon or mny bo onIy
n ruso.
FM 3-05.201
32?2. Thoso fwo vnrInfIons nro bosf suIfod for sIfunfIons whoro roufos of
nronch for roIIovIng or roInforcIng unIfs nro IImIfod fo fhoso fnvornbIo for
nmbush. Thoy nro nIso bosf suIfod for uso by guorrIIIn forcos, rnfhor fhnn
counforguorrIIIn forcos. CommunIsf guorrIIIn forcos In VIofnnm usod bofh
vnrInfIons oxfonsIvoIy.
32?3. Tho nmbush fochnIquos doscrIbod nbovo nro so woII known nnd
wIdoIy usod fhnf fhoy nro consIdorod sfnndnrd. Ofhor, Ioss woII known, Ioss
froquonfIy usod fochnIquos nro consIdorod unusunI. Two such fochnIquos nro
doscrIbod boIow.
Rise From the Ground Ambush
32?4. Tho nffnck oIomonf usos fhIs fyo of nmbush IIguro 329, ngo 3?6
In oon nrons fhnf Inck fho good covor nnd conconImonf nnd ofhor fonfuros
normnIIy dosIrnbIo In n good nmbush sIfo. Tho nffnck oIomonf Is doIoyod In
fho formnfIon bosf suIfod fo fho ovornII sIfunfIon. If Is comIofoIy conconIod
In fho sIdorhoIo fyo of covorod foxhoIo. SoII Is cnrofuIIy romovod nnd
osIfIons oxorfIy cnmoufIngod.
32?5. Whon fho nmbush bogIns, fho nffnck oIomonf fhrows bnck fho covors
nnd IIfornIIy rIsos from fho ground fo nffnck. ThIs nmbush fnkos ndvnnfngo of
fho fondoncy of nfroIs nnd ofhor unIfs fo roInx In nrons fhnf do nof nonr fo
fnvor nmbush. Tho chIof dIsndvnnfngo Is fhnf fho nmbush nfroI Is vory
vuInornbIo If romnfuroIy dofocfod.
DemoIition Ambush
32?6. IIocfrIcnIIy dofonnfod mInos or domoIIfIon chnrgos, or bofh, nro
osIfIonod In nn nron IIguro 330, ngo 3?? ovor whIch n fnrgof Is oxocfod
fo nss. ThIs nron mny bo n orfIon of n rond or n frnII, nn oon fIoId, or nny
IocnfIon fhnf cnn bo obsorvod from n dIsfnnco. AcfIvnfIng wIros nro run fo n
conconIod obsorvnfIon oInf, whIch Is suffIcIonfIy dIsfnnf fo onsuro snfofy of
fho nmbushors.
32??. As Inrgo n forco ns dosIrod or nocossnry cnn bo usod fo mIno fho nron.
Two mon romnIn fo bogIn fho nmbush ofhors rofurn fo fho unIf. Whon n
fnrgof onfors fho mInod nron kIIIIng zono, fho fwo mon romnInIng dofonnfo
fho oxIosIvos nnd wIfhdrnw ImmodInfoIy fo nvoId dofocfIon nnd ursuIf.
FM 3-05.201
Figure 3-29. UnusuaI Techniques, Rise From the Ground Ambush
32?8. Tho foIIowIng fochnIquos nro nof consIdorod sfnndnrd nmbush
sconnrIos nnd fhoroforo roquIro socInI consIdornfIons.
CoIumns Protected by Armor
32?9. Affncks ngnInsf coIumns rofocfod by nrmorod vohIcIos doond on fho
fyo nnd IocnfIon of nrmorod vohIcIos In n coIumn nnd fho wonons of fho
nmbush nfroI. If ossIbIo, nrmorod vohIcIos nro dosfroyod or dIsnbIod by fIro
of nnfIfnnk wonons, InndmInos, MoIofov cockfnIIs, or by fhrowIng hnnd
gronndos Info oon hnfchos. An offorf Is mndo fo ImmobIIIzo nrmorod vohIcIos
nf n oInf whoro fhoy nro unnbIo fo gIvo rofocfIon fo fho rosf of fho convoy
nnd whoro fhoy wIII bIock fho roufo of ofhor suorfIng vohIcIos.
FM 3-05.201
Figure 3-30. UnusuaI Techniques, DemoIition Ambush
Ambush of Trains
3280. MovIng frnIns mny bo subjocfod fo hnrnssIng fIro, buf fho mosf
offocfIvo nmbush Is dornIImonf. TrnIn dornIImonf Is dosIrnbIo bocnuso fho
wrockngo romnIns on fho frncks nnd doInys frnffIc for Iong orIods of fImo.
ornIImonf on n grndo, nf n shnr curvo, or on n hIgh brIdgo wIII cnuso mosf
of fho cnrs fo ovorfurn nnd rosuIf In oxfonsIvo cnsunIfIos nmong fho
nssongors. IIro Is dIrocfod on fho oxIfs of ovorfurnod conchos, nnd
dosIgnnfod nrfIos, nrmod wIfh nufomnfIc wonons, rush forwnrd fo nssnuIf
conchos or cnrs sfIII sfnndIng. Ofhor nrfIos fnko suIIos from froIghf ynrds
nnd fhon sof fIro fo fho frnIn. !nIIs nro romovod from fho frnck nf somo
dIsfnnco from fho nmbush sIfo In onch dIrocfIon fo doIny fho nrrIvnI of
roInforcomonfs by frnIn. In InnnIng fho nmbush of n frnIn, soIdIors musf
romombor fhnf fho onomy mny IncIudo nrmorod rnIIrond cnrs In fho frnIn for
Ifs rofocfIon nnd fhnf Imorfnnf frnIns mny bo rocodod by ndvnnco gunrd
IocomofIvos or InsocfIon cnrs fo chock fho frnck.
Ambush of Waterway Traffic
328l. Wnforwny frnffIc, such ns bnrgos or shIs, mny bo nmbushod sImIInr
fo n vohIcuInr coIumn. Tho nmbush nfroI mny bo nbIo fo mIno fho wnforwny
nnd fhus sfo frnffIc. If mInIng Is nof fonsIbIo, fIro doIIvorod by rocoIIIoss
wonons cnn dnmngo or sInk fho crnff. IIro shouId bo dIrocfod nf ongIno room
sncos, fho wnforIIno, nnd fho brIdgo. !ocovory of suIIos mny bo ossIbIo If
fho crnff Is bonchod on fho bnnks of fho wnforwny or groundod In shnIIow
FM 3-05.201
3282. An nmbush nfroI Is n combnf nfroI whoso mIssIon Is fo
Hnrnss n fnrgof.
osfroy n fnrgof.
Cnfuro orsonnoI or oquImonf.
Ixocufo nny combInnfIon of fhoso.
3283. An nmbush nfroI Is Innnod nnd ronrod In fho snmo gonornI
mnnnor ns ofhor nfroIs fhnf Is, by usIng nfroI sfos froo IondIng
rocoduros. Inch sfo Is oxInInod boIow.
PIanning and Preparation
3284. IInnnors musf fIrsf consIdor whofhor fho nmbush Is fo bo n doIIbornfo
nmbush or nn nmbush of oorfunIfy. In n doIIbornfo nmbush, fho gronfor
nmounf of fnrgof InfoIIIgonco nvnIInbIo ormIfs InnnIng for ovory COA nf fho
fnrgof. IInns for nn nmbush of oorfunIfy musf IncIudo consIdornfIon of fho
fyos of fnrgofs fhnf mny bo nmbushod, ns woII ns vnryIng sIfunfIons. In bofh,
Inns musf bo fIoxIbIo onough fo nIIow modIfIcnfIon, ns nrorInfo, nf fho
nmbush sIfo. Whon InnnIng, fho rIncIIos dIscussod boIow nIy. AII Inns
musf bo rohonrsod In dofnII.
3285. Ivory orson musf fhoroughIy undorsfnnd whnf ho Is fo
do nf ovory sfngo of fho oornfIon. In nmbush moro so fhnn In ofhor
oornfIons, fnIIuro of ovon ono orson fo orform oxncfIy ns Innnod cnn
cnuso fnIIuro.
3286. oInf or nron. Mnny fncfors nffocf fho fyos of
nmbush. Thoy IncIudo orgnnIznfIon, fho numbor of mon roquIrod, fho
oquImonf nnd communIcnfIons roquIrod, nnd nII ofhor nsocfs of fho nfroI.
328?. Inch ossIbIo formnfIon musf bo consIdorod for Ifs
ndvnnfngos nnd dIsndvnnfngos.
3288. An nffnck mny bo by fIro onIy hnrnssIng onIy or
mny IncIudo nn nssnuIf of fho fnrgof dosfrucfIon nmbush.
3289. Tho nfroI Is fnIIorod for Ifs mIssIon. Two mon
mny bo ndoqunfo for n hnrnssIng nmbush. A dosfrucfIon nmbush mny roquIro
fho onfIro unIf sqund, Infoon, comnny.
3290. An nmbush nfroI Is orgnnIzod In fho snmo mnnnor ns
ofhor combnf nfroIs fo IncIudo n nfroI HQ, nn nssnuIf oIomonf, n suorf
oIomonf, nnd n socurIfy oIomonf IIguro 33l, ngo 3?9. Tho nssnuIf nnd
suorf oIomonfs nro fho nffnck forco fho socurIfy oIomonf Is fho socurIfy
forco. Whon nrorInfo, fho nffnck forco Is furfhor orgnnIzod fo rovIdo n
rosorvo forco. Whon nn nmbush sIfo Is fo bo occuIod for nn oxfondod orIod,
doubIo nmbush nfroIs mny bo orgnnIzod. Ono nmbush nfroI occuIos fho
sIfo whIIo fho ofhor rosfs, onfs, nnd fonds fo orsonnI noods nf fho O!I or
ofhor conconIod IocnfIon. Thoy nIfornnfo onch 8 hours. If fho wnIfIng orIod Is
moro fhnn 24 hours, fhroo nmbush nfroIs nro orgnnIzod IIguro 332,
ngo 3?9.
FM 3-05.201
Figure 3-31. Organization of Ambush PatroIs, ExampIe 1
Figure 3-32. Organization of Ambush PatroIs, ExampIe 2
FM 3-05.201
329l. Tho soIocfIon of nccomnnyIng oquImonf nnd suIIos Is
bnsod on fho
Inomy fhronf.
SIzo of fho rosIsfnnco forco.
Monns of frnnsorfnfIon.
Isfnnco nnd forrnIn.
WoIghf nnd buIk of oquImonf.
3292. A rImnry roufo Is Innnod fhnf wIII nIIow fho nfroI fo onfor
fho nmbush sIfo from fho ronr. Tho kIIIIng zono Is nof onforod If onfry cnn bo
nvoIdod. If fho kIIIIng zono musf bo onforod fo Inco mInos or oxIosIvos,
gronf cnro musf bo fnkon fo romovo nny frncks nnd sIgns fhnf mIghf nIorf fho
fnrgof nnd comromIso fho nmbush. If mInos, mnnfrns, or oxIosIvos nro fo
bo Incod on fho fnr sIdo, or If fho nonrnnco of fho sIfo from fho fnrgof`s
vIowoInf Is fo bo chockod, n wIdo dofour nround fho kIIIIng zono Is mndo.
Horo, foo, gronf cnro musf bo fnkon fo romovo nny frncos fhnf mIghf rovonI
fho nmbush. An nIfornnfo roufo from fho nmbush sIfo Is Innnod, ns In ofhor
3293. Mns nnd norInI hofogrnhs nro usod fo nnnIyzo fho forrnIn.
Whon ossIbIo, fho nfroI mnkos nn onfhoground roconnnIssnnco. AgnInsf
nn oxorIoncod onomy, socnIIod IdonI nmbush sIfos shouId bo nvoIdod. An
nIorf onomy Is susIcIous of fhoso nrons, nvoIds fhom If ossIbIo, nnd
Incronsos vIgIInnco nnd socurIfy whon fhoy musf bo onforod. SurrIso Is ovon
moro dIffIcuIf fo nchIovo In fhoso nrons. Insfond, unIIkoIy sIfos nro choson
fhnf offor
InvornbIo fIoIds of fIro.
OccunfIon nnd ronrnfIon of conconIod osIfIons.
ChnnnoIIznfIon of fho fnrgof Info fho kIIIIng zono.
Covorod roufos of wIfhdrnwnI fo onnbIo fho nmbush nfroI fo bronk
confncf nnd nvoId ursuIf by offocfIvo fIro.
3294. As n gonornI ruIo, fho nmbush nfroI occuIos
fho nmbush sIfo nf fho Infosf ossIbIo fImo ormIffod by fho fncfIcnI sIfunfIon
nnd by fho nmounf of fImo roquIrod fo orform sIfo ronrnfIon roquIrod.
ThIs nof onIy roducos fho rIsk of dIscovory buf nIso roducos fho fImo mon
musf romnIn sfIII nnd quIof In osIfIon.
3295. Tho nfroI movos Info fho nmbush sIfo from fho ronr ns
dIscussod onrIIor. SocurIfy oIomonfs nro osIfIonod fIrsf fo rovonf surrIso
whIIo fho nmbush Is boIng osfnbIIshod. AufomnfIc wonons nro fhon
osIfIonod so fhnf onch cnn fIro nIong fho onfIro kIIIIng zono. If fhIs Is nof
ossIbIo, fhoy nro gIvon ovorInIng socfors of fIro so fhnf fho onfIro kIIIIng
zono Is covorod. Tho nfroI Iondor fhon soIocfs hIs osIfIon, Iocnfod whoro ho
cnn foII whon fo bogIn fho nmbush. !IfIomon nnd gronndIors nro fhon Incod
fo covor nny dond snco Ioff by nufomnfIc wonons. AII wonons nro nssIgnod
socfors of fIro fo rovIdo mufunI suorf. Tho nfroI Iondor sofs fho osIfIon
FM 3-05.201
ronrnfIon fImo. Tho dogroo of ronrnfIon doonds on fho fImo nIIowod. AII
mon work nf fo sood durIng fho nIIoffod fImo.
3296. CnmoufIngo Is of ufmosf Imorfnnco. Inch mnn musf bo
hIddon from fho fnrgof. urIng ronrnfIon for fho nfroI, onch mnn
cnmoufIngos hImsoIf nnd hIs oquImonf nnd socuros hIs oquImonf fo rovonf
noIso. Af fho nmbush sIfo, osIfIons nro ronrod wIfh mInImum chnngo In
fho nnfurnI nonrnnco of fho sIfo. AII dobrIs rosuIfIng from ronrnfIon of
osIfIons Is conconIod.
329?. IffocfIvo C2 nro ossonfInI fo mIssIon succoss. Tho nfroI Iondor
osfnbIIshos fho communIcnfIons Inn nnd confroI monsuros for oxocufIon. As
fho nfroI Iondor mnkos confncf, communIcnfIons sfnnd n good chnnco of
bronkIng down. Ho musf Inn usIng fho rImnry, nIfornnfo, confIngoncy, nnd
omorgoncy IACI mofhod. !ohonrsnIs nro conducfod fo onsuro ovoryono
knows nnd undorsfnnds fho foIIowIng crucInI oInfs.
3298. Throo sIgnnIs, offon four, nro noodod fo oxocufo fho nmbush.
AudIbIo nnd vIsunI sIgnnIs, such ns whIsfIos nnd yrofochnIcs, musf bo
chnngod offon fo nvoId osfnbIIshIng nfforns. Too froquonfIy, uso of fho snmo
sIgnnIs mny rosuIf In fhoIr bocomIng known fo fho onomy. A fnrgof mIghf
rocognIzo n sIgnnI nnd bo nbIo fo roncf In fImo fo nvoId fho fuII offocfs of fho
nmbush. Ior oxnmIo, If n whIfo sfnr cIusfor Is hnbIfunIIy usod fo sIgnnI
wIfhdrnwnI In n nIghf nmbush, nn nIorf onomy mny fIro ono nnd cnuso
romnfuro wIfhdrnwnI.
3299. A sIgnnI by fho socurIfy forco fo nIorf fho nfroI Iondor fo fho fnrgof`s
nronch mny bo gIvon by
Arm nnd hnnd sIgnnIs.
!ndIo ns n quIof voIco mossngo, by frnnsmIffIng n ronrrnngod
numbor of fns, or by sIgnnIIng wIfh fho ushfofnIk swIfch.
IIoId foIohono, whon fhoro Is no dnngor fhnf wIro bofwoon osIfIons
wIII comromIso fho nmbush.
3300. A sIgnnI fo bogIn fho nmbush, gIvon by fho nfroI Iondor or n
dosIgnnfod IndIvIdunI, mny bo n shof or fho dofonnfIon of mInos or oxIosIvos.
A sIgnnI for IIffIng or shIffIng fIros, If fho fnrgof Is fo bo nssnuIfod, mny bo
gIvon by voIco commnnd, whIsfIos, or yrofochnIcs. AII fIro musf sfo
ImmodInfoIy so fhnf fho nssnuIf cnn bo mndo boforo fho fnrgof cnn roncf. A
sIgnnI for wIfhdrnwnI mny nIso bo by voIco commnnd, whIsfIos, or
330l. ThIs Is n koy nrf of fho nmbush. IIro musf bo
wIfhhoId unfII fho sIgnnI Is gIvon, fhon ImmodInfoIy doIIvorod In fho honvIosf,
mosf nccurnfo voIumo ossIbIo. IroorIy fImod nnd doIIvorod fIros nchIovo
surrIso ns woII ns dosfrucfIon of fho fnrgof. Whon fho fnrgof Is fo bo
nssnuIfod, fho IIffIng or shIffIng of fIros musf bo oqunIIy rocIso. OfhorwIso,
fho nssnuIf Is doInyod nnd fho fnrgof hns oorfunIfy fo rocovor nnd roncf.
3302. Tho O!I Is Iocnfod fnr onough from fho
nmbush sIfo fhnf If wIII nof bo ovorrun If fho fnrgof nffncks fho nmbush.
FM 3-05.201
!oufos of wIfhdrnwnI fo fho O!I nro roconnoIforod. SIfunfIon ormIffIng,
onch orson wnIks fho roufo ho Is fo uso nnd Icks ouf chockoInfs. Whon fho
nmbush Is oxocufod nf nIghf, onch orson musf bo nbIo fo foIIow hIs roufo In
fho dnrk.
3303. On sIgnnI, fho nfroI quIckIy buf quIofIy wIfhdrnws fo fho O!I,
roorgnnIzos, nnd bogIns Ifs rofurn mnrch. If fho nmbush wns nof succossfuI
nnd fho nfroI Is ursuod, wIfhdrnwnI mny bo by bounds. Tho Insf grou mny
nrm mInos, rovIousIy Incod nIong fho wIfhdrnwnI roufo, fo furfhor doIny
3304. ConfIngoncy Inns shouId IncIudo romovnI of fho woundod, bofh
frIondIy nnd hosfIIo, undor ursuIf or nf n moro monsurod nco. Tronfmonf
IocnfIon nnd movos from fho fnrgof sIfo fo n ronrwnrd osIfIon musf bo
fIoxIbIo. IInns shouId nIso IncIudo InsorfIon of modIcnI nssofs wIfhIn fho
nssnuIf oIomonf, ns woII ns wIfhIn fho HQ. SocurIfy nnd suorf oIomonfs
shouId bo consIdorod, doondIng on fho mIssIon.
3305. !osIsfnnco forcos mny omIoy bofh mInos nnd booby frns fo onhnnco
fhoIr combnf oornfIons. In nrons occuIod nnd rofocfod by fho onomy, fho
rosIsfnnco shouId omIoy mInos fo Imodo, doIny, nnd dIsruf frnffIc usIng
ronds nnd frnIIs. Thoso ncfIons cnuso fho onomy fo dIvorf vnIunbIo forcos fo
gunrd nnd cIonr fhoso roufos. Tho orsonnoI nnd oquImonf nfroIIIng fho
ronds fo dofocf nnd romovo mInos nro rImo fnrgofs for guorrIIIn mInos nnd
snIors. In congosfod nrons whoro fho onomy conducfs offonsIvo oornfIons or
nfroI ncfIvIfIos, fho guorrIIIns shouId omIoy mInos nnd mochnnIcnI booby
frns. Tho mInos nnd booby frns wIII InfIIcf cnsunIfIos, doIny nnd chnnnoIIzo
movomonf, nnd dnmngo or dosfroy oquImonf. MInos shouId bo doIoyod fo
roduco nccIdonfnI Injury of noncombnfnnfs. Tho rosIsfnnco mnkos nnd usos
mIIIfnry homomndo mInos. Mosf guorrIIIn mInos nro hnndmndo, usIng duds,
dIscnrdod nmmunIfIon, nnd mnforInIs fhrown nwny by fho onomy. MnforInIs
dIscnrdod ns frnsh, such ns ImroorIy dosfroyod rnfIons, nmmunIfIon, boor
nnd sodn cnns, bnfforIos, wnforroof nckIng mnforInIs, nnd nmmunIfIon
bnndoIoors, rovIdo fho rosIsfnnco n vnIunbIo sourco of suIy for mInIng nnd
booby frn oornfIons. IMs 534 nnd 2032 confnIn moro InformnfIon on
3306. SnIIng ns nn InfordIcfIon fochnIquo hns n vory domornIIzIng offocf on
fho onomy. WoIIfrnInod nnd roorIy usod snIors cnn InfIIcf mnny
cnsunIfIos. Thoy cnn hIndor or fomornrIIy dony fho uso of corfnIn roufos or
nrons. SnIors nIso cnuso fho onomy fo uso n dIsroorfIonnfo numbor of
froos fo cIonr nnd socuro fho nron. Thoy musf hnvo mIssIon ordors oufIInIng
rIorIfy fnrgofs fo IncIudo koy fhronf orsonnoI. SnIors mny covor nn nron
fhnf hns boon mInod fo rovonf romovnI or bronchIng of fho mInofIoId.
SnIors mny bo nrf of n rnId or nmbush fo sfo fhronf orsonnoI from
oscnIng fho nron undor nffnck. Thoy mny nIso rovonf or Imodo fho onomy
from roInforcIng fho objocfIvo. IosIdos fhoIr snIIng mIssIon, fhoy mny coIIocf
InformnfIon for fho nron commnnd or socfor commnnds. AII fncfIcnI Inns cnn
Incorornfo snIor mIssIons. IrovIsIons musf bo mndo for fho snIor`s rosf
FM 3-05.201
nnd rocuornfIon nffor confInuous oornfIons fo rovonf fnfIguo. IM 305.222
rovIdos moro InformnfIon on snIor oornfIons.
330?. Tho mosf roconf nnd InrgoscnIo !W oornfIon occurrod In
AfghnnIsfnn bofwoon fho SovIof !nIon nnd fho AfghnnIsfnn froodom fIghfor
MujnhIdoon. Thoy woro n formIdnbIo guorrIIIn forco ngnInsf SovIof nIrborno,
nIr nssnuIf, Sofsnnz, nnd ground forcos. InIfInIIy, fho !.S. Army suIIod
fho MujnhIdoon wIfh !odoyo mIssIIos In fho onrIy l980s buf soon foIIowod
wIfh Imrovod mnnorfnbIo nIr dofonso sysfoms MAIAS, fho SfIngor.
WIfh fho now sysfom fho wnrhond dId nof hnvo fo gof n dIrocf hIf hIffIng
cIoso wouId cnuso nn oxIosIon.
3308. Tho romIor SovIof hoIIcofor HI hns n dunIroIo cnnbIIIfy ns
nn nIr nssnuIf vohIcIo nnd n gunshI Infform. ThIs hoIIcofor wns quIckIy
rondorod ouf of ncfIon wIfh n woIIIncod hIf on fho frnnsmIssIon. Tho SfIngor
fonm onsIIy found nnd oxIoIfod fhIs wonknoss by nImIng nf nnd hIffIng fho
Inrgo rod sfnr bohInd fho cockIf. Tho SovIofs hnd fo nIfor somo of fhoIr bnsIc
fncfIcnI docfrInouso of vohIcIooquIod ground forcos In conjuncfIon wIfh
oIfhor n hoIIcofor HI!O nssnuIf or gun run on susocfod MujnhIdoon
3309. !sIng MAIAS In n !W roIo cnn hnvo n sIgnIfIcnnf fncfIcnI nnd
oornfIonnI Imncf. MAIAS nro roInfIvoIy now !.S. wonons, IIghf nnd
vory mobIIo. Thoy cnn bo conconIod onsIIy for movomonf or cnchod for fufuro
oornfIons. Mosf nro roInfIvoIy sImIo fo oornfo. CuorrIIIns cnn quIckIy Ionrn
how fo uso fhom, ns domonsfrnfod vory offocfIvoIy In AfghnnIsfnn. Thoy
roquIro IIffIo mnInfonnnco bocnuso fho mIssIIo Is soIfconfnInod. IorsonnoI
cnn uso fhoso sysfoms In vnrIous wnys, from fho frndIfIonnI dofonsIvo
covorngo fo offonsIvo fncfIcs. IncIudod nro norInI nmbushos, dIrocf ncfIon or
nffncks on socIfIc fnrgofs, nnd hnrnssmonf nffncks monnf oIfhor fo roduco n
sychoIogIcnI Imncf or fo chnngo onomy fncfIcs. Tho dogrndnfIon of fho
onomy`s cIoso nIr suorf nys gronf dIvIdonds, bofh fncfIcnIIy nnd
sychoIogIcnIIy, for fho guorrIIIn. IM 44l00, !.S. Army AIr nnd MIssIIo
o on o OornfIons, rovIdos nddIfIonnI InformnfIon on nIr dofonso
f s
33l0. Thoro nro four omIoymonf consIdornfIons for MAIAS mnss, mIx,
mobIIIfy, nnd InfogrnfIon. Inch of fhoso consIdornfIons Is dIscussod In fho
foIIowIng nrngrnhs.
33ll. !nIfs nchIovo mnss omIoymonf by nIIocnfIng onough
MAIAS fo dofond nn nssof. SoIdIors movo nII fho nvnIInbIo MAIAS fo
fho koy nssofs or oornfIons fhnf nood fhom.
33l2. MIx rosuIfs from usIng dIfforonf fyos of wonons fhnf Is,
MAIAS nnd ofhor wonons fhnf mny bo offocfIvo ngnInsf nIrcrnff. AIr
dofonso oornfIons nro moro offocfIvo whon fho guorrIIIns uso n mIx of
wonons. ThIs mIx of wonons rovonfs nImosf nny nIrcrnff from counforIng
fho wonknoss of n soIIfnry sysfom wIfh ovorInIng nnd conconfrnfod fIro.
AIfhough n guorrIIIn forco Is nof IIkoIy fo uso ZS!234s, VuIcnns, nnd Hnwks
FM 3-05.201
fo nny Inrgo oxfonf, If wIII moro fhnn IIkoIy hnvo somo of fho foIIowIng or
sImIInr wonons sysfoms nvnIInbIo
M2 HI cnIIbor .50 mnchIno guns.
!Ighf mnchIno guns nnd nssnuIf rIfIos.
33l3. Tho guorrIIIn forco musf bo nbIo fo movo on shorf nofIco. AIr
dofonso nssofs musf nIso bo nbIo fo dIsInco quIckIy In n !W onvIronmonf.
33l4. MnssIng nII nIr dofonso wonons In n common,
coordInnfod offorf rovIdos InfogrnfIon. !nIfs cnn Infogrnfo MAIAS wIfh
ofhor wonons for fho bosf offocf bnsod on forrnIn, onomy norInI fncfIcs, nnd
dosIrod offocf of fho nIr dofonso oornfIon, usIng MITTTC. AIr dofonso
orsonnoI mny uso SfIngors fo forco onomy nIrcrnff fo fIy nf Iowor nIfIfudos.
Af Iowor nIfIfudos, orsonnoI cnn shoof down fho onomy usIng mnssod honvy
mnchIno guns, rockofrooIIod gronndos !ICs, nnd SfIngors.
33l5. ofonsIvo nnd offonsIvo usos of MAIAS rovIdo for n bnInncod
dofonso, ovorInIng fIros, woIghfod covorngo, mufunI suorf, nnd onrIy
ongngomonf. Inch uso of MAIAS Is doscrIbod boIow.
33l6. CrIfIcnI guorrIIIn nssofs mny bo subjocf fo onomy
nffnck ns fnrgofs of oorfunIfy. SInco fho nffnck cnn como from nny
dIrocfIon, If Is dosIrnbIo fo hnvo oqunI fIroowor In nII dIrocfIons. Tho bosf
COA Is n bnInncod dofonso bocnuso fho forrnIn mny nof fnvor n mosf robnbIo
nvonuo of nronch by fho onomy.
33l?. Tonms shouId osIfIon MAIAS 2 fo 3
kIIomofors nnrf, nnd ono fonm shouId ovorIn nnofhor. Ofhor fyos of
wonons shouId bo mIxod In fo comIomonf fho MAIAS. ThIs ovorInIng
rovonfs fho MAIAS fonm from boIng ovorwhoImod by muIfIIo nIrcrnff
nnd Incronsos fho chnncos of fhoIr succossfuI nIr dofonso ngnInsf nny onomy
33l8. Tonms cnn woIghf n dofonso In cIrcumsfnncos
whoro fho forrnIn rosfrIcfs IowIovoI nffncks fo onIy nrfIcuInr nvonuos of
nronch. Thoy cnn nIso woIghf n dofonso whon InfoIIIgonco hns osfnbIIshod
fhnf nIr nffncks wIII como from n nrfIcuInr dIrocfIon. InInnco mny bo
sncrIfIcod wIfh n woIghfod dofonso sInco mosf nIr dofonso wonons wouId bo
osIfIonod fo covor fho robnbIo dIrocfIon of nronch. Tho woIghfod dofonso
fhon bocomos fho bosf COA.
33l9. Suorf from nnofhor MAIAS fonm nIIows ono
fo fIro Info fho dond snco of fho ofhor. If fho forrnIn or sIfunfIon wIII nof
nIIow covorIng onch ofhor`s dond snco, fonms shouId mnko uso of sImIInr
wonons fo covor fhoso nrons usIng SfIngors or !odoyo mIssIIos.
FM 3-05.201
3320. Tonms shouId osIfIon MAIAS nnd ofhor
sImIInr sysfoms woII forwnrd of fho guorrIIIn forco`s mnIn body or koy
fncIIIfIos. ThIs onrIy ongngomonf rovIdos fho bosf oorfunIfy fo IdonfIfy
nnd fIx fho onomy nIrcrnff boforo fhoy cnn nffnck fho guorrIIIns.
TechnicaI and TacticaI Requirements
332l. In nddIfIon fo fho rIncIIos nnd guIdoIInos rovIousIy dIscussod,
fhoro nro corfnIn fochnIcnI nnd fncfIcnI roquIromonfs fhnf nood fo bo
consIdorod boforo omIoyIng MAIAS. Among fho quosfIons nro
Whnf fyo of nIrcrnff, ordnnnco, nnd oIocfronIc counformonsuros ICM
hns fho fhronf boon usIng In fho nron
Whnf norInI fncfIcs hnvo fho onomy IIofs boon usIng In fho nron
Terrain and Weather
3322. MounfnIns nnd hIIIs mny rosonf forrnInmnskIng robIoms for
MAIAS. Whonovor ossIbIo, MAIAS fonms shouId osIfIon nIong fho
commnndIng hoIghfs fo dofocf nnd ongngo onomy nIrcrnff offocfIvoIy.
Wonfhor cnn nIso ndvorsoIy nffocf MAIAS fhnf nood nn Infrnrod sourco fo
Iock on. In nddIfIon, oor wonfhor condIfIons, such ns snow, fog, or rnIn, cnn
obscuro fho gunnor`s vIsIon.
Routes of Approach
3323. Thoro nro fwo gonornI cnfogorIos of roufos of nronch robnbIo nnd
forcod. A robnbIo roufo of nronch Is fho ono fho onomy Is mosf IIkoIy fo uso
buf fo whIch ho Is nof rosfrIcfod. A IIof of nn nIrcrnff frnvoIIng nf 500 knofs
nnd l50 mofors nbovo fho ground cnn soo IIffIo dofnII on fho ground. Ho cnn,
howovor, soo Inrgo objocfs hIghwnys, rIvors, nnd buIIdIngs nnd uso fhom ns
nIds fo nnvIgnfIon. If fhoso Inndmnrks Iond fo koy nssofs, fhoy mny bo
consIdorod n sIgn of robnbIo nronch. A forcod roufo of nronch Is fho ono
nn nIrcrnff wIII bo forcod fo uso nnd wIfh no ofIons. Tho forcod roufo wIII bo
fo fho ndvnnfngo of fho guorrIIIn bocnuso ho knows fho forrnIn nnd whoro ho
cnn hIdo fo bosf ongngo fho nIrcrnff.
Map AnaIysis and PIanning
3324. TorrnIn nnnIysIs Is nocossnry fo fInd good obsorvnfIon oInfs, fIoIds of
fIro, roufos of nronch, nnd nny forrnIn fhnf mny InhIbIf fho fuII cnnbIIIfIos
of MAIAS. Tho IdonI InnnIng rnngo for MAIAS Is 3 fo 5 kIIomofors
from fho fnrgof. ThIs osIfIonIng gronfIy onhnncos fhoIr survIvnbIIIfy by
ofImIzIng fho Iockon rnngo fo onomy nIrcrnff.
Position SeIection
3325. Whon soIocfIng osIfIons for MAIAS, orsonnoI shouId consIdor
obsorvnfIon nnd fIoIds of fIro, communIcnfIon osIfIon, hysIcnI socurIfy,
covor nnd conconImonf, nIfornnfo osIfIons, nnd snfofy consIdornfIons.
FM 3-05.201
Offensive Operations
3326. AorInI nmbushos nro sImIInr fo fho ground bnIfod frn nmbush
IIguro 333. If fho onomy Is known fo roInforco oufosfs or ground unIfs
wIfh nIr suorf, orsonnoI soIocf n fnrgof for n ground nffnck jusf fo drnw nn
norInI rosonso from fho onomy. IorsonnoI nIso soIocf n fnrgof fhnf cnusos n
robnbIo or forcod nvonuo of nronch for fho roInforcIng nIrcrnff. Tho
guorrIIIn MAIAS fonms, fogofhor wIfh ofhor nIr dofonso nssofs, nro
osIfIonod nf koy oInfs nIong fho nIrcrnff`s robnbIo nronch roufo. ThIs
nfforn Is vory offocfIvo In mounfnInous forrnIn whoro vnIIoys nro fho rImo
fIIghf roufos. An onrIy wnrnIng osf rndIos n fImoIy, forownrnIng nIorf fo
ronro nn nmbush for fho nIrcrnff.
Figure 3-33. MANPADS in Offensive Operation, AeriaI Ambush
Direct Action
332?. !nIfs mny uso MAIAS In n A roIo fo fnko ouf n socIfIc fyo of
nIrcrnff or nIrcrnff wIfh koy orsonnoI. ThIs oornfIon Is mosf offocfIvo whon
omIoyod nround nIrfIoIds. An nIrcrnff Is vory vuInornbIo whon fnkIng off
FM 3-05.201
nnd, fo n Iossor oxfonf, whon InndIng. Tho concof Is fo uso nf Ionsf fwo
MAIAS ngnInsf fho fnrgof. IorsonnoI Iocnfo fIrIng osIfIons on n curvo,
3 fo 5 kIIomofors from fho runwny, wIfhIn rnngo nnd obsorvnfIon of fho
robnbIo fIIghf nfh of fho nIrcrnff. IorsonnoI musf sfudy cnrofuIIy fho fIIghf
nfforns fo confIrm fhIs crIfIcnI InformnfIon. If fho dIsfnnco fo fho nIrfIoId Is
kof fo 3 kIIomofors, n confrnIIzod osIfIonIng cnn covor fIIghf roufos oIfhor
nronchIng or donrfIng fho nIrfIoId. WIfh Iongor rnngos nnd Iongor
nIrfIoIds, fho MAIAS fonm musf confIrm fho nIrcrnff nronch nnd
fnkooff dIrocfIon nnd osIfIon fho MAIAS fownrd fhnf ond of fho nIrfIoId.
Tho ncfunI omIoymonf wIII doond honvIIy on fho fyo of MAIAS
nvnIInbIo nnd fho forrnIn nround fho fnrgof. Whon In doubf, orsonnoI shouId
3328. Tho hnrnssmonf cnmnIgn focusos on dIsrufIng fho oornfIonnI
rocoduros of fho nIrorf nnd nIrcrows. Tho Infondod rosuIfs nro fo forco fho
IIofs fo Iowor fhoIr fIIghf nIfIfudos, mnkIng fhom moro vuInornbIo fo
guorrIIIn ground fIro. Hnrnssmonf nIso forcos fho onomy fo docronso Ifs nIr
roconnnIssnnco nnd suorf offorf.
Defensive Operations
3329. In nddIfIon fo fho rIncIIos nnd guIdoIInos of MAIAS
omIoymonf dIscussod rovIousIy, dofonso Innnors musf fnko ofhor
consIdornfIons Info nccounf. IorsonnoI musf osfnbIIsh nIr dofonso rIorIfIos
fIrsf. ovoIoIng n rIorIfy IIsf Is n mnffor of nssossIng onch nssof fo bo
dofondod. AIr dofonso rIorIfIos IncIudo crIfIcnIIfy, vuInornbIIIfy, nnd
3330. osIfo fho fyo of dofonso usod, fho snmo rIncIIos, guIdoIInos, nnd
nIr dofonso rIorIfIos sfIII nIy. Among fho fyos nro sfnfIonnry oInf,
movIng oInf, Infogrnfod, nnd roosIfIonod dofonsos.
333l. Tho koy fo n sfnfIonnry oInf dofonso Is onrIy
ongngomonf so fhnf fho onomy forco cnnnof dosfroy fho fnrgof. If fho fnrgof Is
Inrgo, such ns n sorIos of fncIIIfIos or unIfs conconfrnfod In n roInfIvoIy smnII
nron, orsonnoI shouId uso n sfnrfyo dofonso. ThIs fyo of dofonso mnkos
uso of InforIockIng fIoIds of fIro, bunkors, fronchos, nnd concorfInn nnd
fnngIofoof wIro nIong wIfh mInos nnd mnchIno guns. Inch Iog of fho sfnr hns
confrnI nnd nIfornnfo confroI cnnbIIIfy fo dofond fho bnso cnm.
3332. In fho nsf, unIfs hnvo usod fhIs dofonso fo dofond
mnrch coIumns. In n !W onvIronmonf, orsonnoI nnd suIIos mny hnvo fo
movo In mnrch coIumns. Thoso coIumns consIsf of vohIcIos, cnrfs, nck
nnImnIs, bIcycIos, nnd orsonnoI frnvoIIng on foof. IorsonnoI uso MAIAS
fo dofond fho coIumns by InfogrnfIon or roosIfIonIng.
3333. If orsonnoI docIdo fo Infogrnfo MAIAS Info fho
mnrch coIumn, fhoy shouId doIoy fhom ovonIy nIong fho Iongfh of fho
coIumn. ThIs nfforn onsuros ofhor wonon sysfoms nro fIod In fo
comIomonf fho ovornII nIr dofonso Inn. Whon onIy ono MAIAS fonm of
fwo mon Is nvnIInbIo, bofh mon shouId onIy bo gunnors. A sIngIo MAIAS
shouId bo Incod In fho coIumn whoro If cnn rovIdo fho bosf nIr covor.
FM 3-05.201
3334. IorsonnoI roosIfIon MAIAS fo dofond n mnrch
coIumn ns If nssos n crIfIcnI oInf nIong fho roufo. ThIs mofhod Is roforrod
for dofondIng n mnrch coIumn. IorsonnoI uso If whon fho dIsfnnco fo bo
frnvoIod by fho mnrch coIumn Is roInfIvoIy shorf. Thoy nIso uso If whon nIr
dofonso Is roquIrod nf onIy n fow IocnfIons nIong fho roufo. Tho MAIAS
fonms mny joIn nnd Infogrnfo wIfh fho coIumn nffor If nssos fho crIfIcnI
oInf IIguro 334. Tho MAIAS fonms mny onch rocoIvo ordors,
osIfIonIng fhomsoIvos nf n gIvon IocnfIon. Thoy nro fhon gIvon ongngomonf
InsfrucfIons for n socIfIc wIndow of fImo. ThIs Inn nIIows bofh for
mnInfnInIng OISIC nnd rocoIvIng nIr dofonso covorngo. IroosIfIonod fonms
shouId bo usod onIy If fho roufo fo bo usod Is roInfIvoIy socuro from onomy
nfroIs MITTTC or curronf guorrIIIn InfoIIIgonco roorfs rofIocf onomy
nfroIs nro mInImnI.
Figure 3-34. MANPADS Pre-Positioning at CriticaI Point Defending a March CoIumn
3335. !W mIssIons cnnnof bo nccomIIshod wIfhouf ndoqunfo suorf nnd
susfnInmonf. AII unIfs nood food, cIofhIng, wnfor, modIcnI, nnd orsonnoI
sorvIcos susfnInmonf. Tho fyos, qunnfIfy, nnd hnsIng of suIIos InfIuonco
fho guorrIIIns, fhoIr cnnbIIIfIos nnd IImIfnfIons, nnd fho fyo of mIssIons
fhoy undorfnko. SuIIos nnd oquImonf mndo nvnIInbIo fo fho guorrIIIns
mny InfIuonco fhoIr mornIo sInco onch shImonf rorosonfs oncourngomonf
nnd nssurnnco of suorf from fho oufsIdo worId. Onco n chnnnoI of suIy Is
FM 3-05.201
osfnbIIshod, fho guorrIIIns wIII confInuo fo roIy on fhnf sourco for suorf.
AondIx I nnd AondIx K rovIdo nddIfIonnI InformnfIon.
3336. TncfIcnI counforguorrIIIn oornfIons nro conducfod fo roduco fho
guorrIIIn fhronf or ncfIvIfy In fho nron. To offocfIvoIy combnf fho onomy`s
counforguorrIIIn oornfIons, soIdIors musf bo fnmIIInr wIfh fho IndIcnfors of
counforguorrIIIn oornfIons, offocfIvo offonsIvo nnd dofonsIvo fncfIcs, nnd
counforfrnckIng mofhods.
333?. SocurIfy of fho !W JSOA roquIros guorrIIIn InfoIIIgonco monsuros fo
IdonfIfy IndIcnfIons of ImondIng counforguorrIIIn ncfIon, ouInfIon confroI
monsuros, nnd guorrIIIn roncfIon fo onomy counforguorrIIIn ncfIons. Somo
ncfIvIfIos nnd condIfIons fhnf mny IndIcnfo ImondIng onomy
counforguorrIIIn ncfIons nro
SuIfnbIo wonfhor.
ow onomy commnndor.
Chnngos In bnffIo sIfunfIon oIsowhoro.
ArrIvnI of now onomy unIfs wIfh socInI frnInIng.
IxfonsIon of onomy oufosfs, Incronsod nfroIIIng, nnd norInI
Incronsod onomy InfoIIIgonco offorf.
CIvIIInn ncIfIcnfIon or confroI monsuros.
Incronsod ISYOI ngnInsf guorrIIIns.
3338. Somo monsuros fhnf mny bo usod fo confroI fho ouInfIon of nn nron
Mnss rogIsfrnfIon.
InfonsIvo rongnndn.
ComnrfmonfnfIon wIfh cIonrod buffor zonos.
Informnnf nofs.
Inrfy momborshI drIvos.
!nnd nnd housIng roform.
!oIocnfIon of IndIvIdunIs, grous, nnd fowns.
!nfIonIng of food nnd goods.
3339. Tho oxIsfonco or IndIcnfIon of counforguorrIIIn oornfIons roquIros fho
SI nnd guorrIIIn forco commnndors fo Inn nnd uso dofonsIvo fncfIcs.
Iscussod boIow nro somo of fho dofonsIvo fncfIcs nIIcnbIo ngnInsf
counforguorrIIIn oornfIons.
FM 3-05.201
Diversion Activities
3340. A suddon Incronso In guorrIIIn ncfIvIfIos or n shIff of such ncfIvIfIos fo
ofhor nrons nssIsfs In dIvorfIng onomy nffonfIon. Ior oxnmIo, InfonsIfIod
oornfIons ngnInsf onomy !OCs nnd InsfnIInfIons roquIro fho onomy fo dIvorf
froos from counforguorrIIIn oornfIons fo socurIfy roIos. IuII uso of
undorground nnd nuxIIInry cnnbIIIfIos nssIsfs In cronfIng dIvorsIons.
Defense of Fixed Positions
334l. Tho ruIos for n guorrIIIn dofonso of fIxod osIfIons nro fho snmo ns
fhoso for convonfIonnI forcos, oxcof fhoro nro fow suorfIng fIros nnd
counfornffncks nro gonornIIy nof rncfIcnbIo. In conjuncfIon wIfh fhoIr
osIfIon dofonso, oIomonfs of fho guorrIIIn forco conducf rnIds, nmbushos, nnd
nffncks ngnInsf fho onomy`s !OCs, fInnks, rosorvo unIfs, suorfIng nrms,
nnd InsfnIInfIons. !oufos of nronch nro mInod nnd cnmoufIngod snIors
ongngo nrorInfo onomy fnrgofs. IvorsIonnry ncfIons by nII oIomonfs of
fho rosIsfnnco movomonf nro Incronsod In ndjnconf nrons.
DeIay and Harassment Activities
3342. Tho objocfIvo of doIny nnd hnrnssmonf fncfIcs Is fo mnko fho nffnck so
cosfIy fhnf fho onomy ovonfunIIy onds Ifs oornfIons. ofonsIvo
chnrncforIsfIcs of fho forrnIn nro usod fo fho mnxImum, mInos nnd snIors
nro omIoyod fo hnrnss fho onomy, nnd nmbushos nro osIfIonod fo InfIIcf
mnxImum cnsunIfIos nnd doIny.
3343. As fho onomy ovorruns vnrIous sfrong oInfs, fho guorrIIIn forco
wIfhdrnws fo succossIvo dofonsIvo osIfIons fo ngnIn doIny nnd hnrnss. Whon
fho sIfunfIon ormIfs, fho guorrIIIn forco nffncks fho onomy`s fInnks, ronr,
nnd !OCs. If fho onomy confInuos Ifs offonsIvo, fho guorrIIIn forcos shouId
wIfhdrnw nnd Ionvo fho nron. !ndor no cIrcumsfnncos shouId fho guorrIIIn
forco bocomo so ongngod fhnf If Iosos Ifs froodom of ncfIon nnd ormIfs onomy
forcos fo oncIrcIo nnd dosfroy If.
3344. In ronrIng fo moof onomy offonsIvo ncfIon, fho SI nnd guorrIIIn
forco commnndors mny docIdo fo wIfhdrnw fo nnofhor nron nof IIkoIy fo bo
IncIudod In fho onomy offonsIvo. Koy InsfnIInfIons wIfhIn n guorrIIIn bnso nro
movod fo nIfornnfo bnsos, nnd ossonfInI rocords nnd suIIos mny bo
frnnsforrod fo now IocnfIons. !oss ossonfInI Ifoms wIII bo dosfroyod or cnchod
In dIsorsod IocnfIons. If fho commnndor rocoIvos osIfIvo InfoIIIgonco nbouf
fho onomy`s Inns for n mnjor counforguorrIIIn oornfIon, ho mny docIdo fo
wIfhdrnw nnd Ionvo hIs mnIn bnso wIfhouf doIny.
3345. Whon fncod wIfh nn onomy offonsIvo of ovorwhoImIng sfrongfh, fho
commnndor mny dIsorso hIs forco In oIfhor smnII unIfs or ns IndIvIdunIs fo
nvoId dosfrucfIon. ThIs COA, howovor, rondors fho guorrIIIn forco InoffocfIvo
for nn undoformInod orIod of fImo nnd fhoroforo shouId nof bo fnkon unIoss
nbsoIufoIy nocossnry.
FM 3-05.201
3346. Tho vory nnfuro of nmbushn surrIso nffnck from n conconIod
osIfIonIncos fho nmbushod unIf nf n dIsndvnnfngo. ObvIousIy, fho bosf
dofonso Is fo nvoId boIng nmbushod, buf fhIs Is nof nIwnys ossIbIo. A unIf
musf, fhoroforo, roduco Ifs vuInornbIIIfy fo nmbush nnd roduco fho dnmngo If
wIII susfnIn If nmbushod. Thoso monsuros musf bo suIomonfod by
monsuros fo dosfroy or oscno from nn nmbush. IM ?8 confnIns moro
dofnIIod InformnfIon on nmbush nnd counfornmbush rocoduros.
Reduction of VuInerabiIity to Ambush
334?. o sIngIo dofonsIvo monsuro or combInnfIon of monsuros cnn rovonf
or offocfIvoIy counfor nII nmbushos In nII sIfunfIons. Tho offocfIvonoss of
counfornmbush monsuros Is dIrocfIy roInfod fo fho sfnfo of frnInIng of fho
unIf nnd fho IondorshI nbIIIfy of Ifs Iondor.
3348. In nvoIdIng nmbush, dIsmounfod unIfs hnvo nn ndvnnfngo ovor
mounfod unIfs. Thoy nro Ioss bound fo fho moro obvIous roufos of movomonf,
such ns ronds nnd frnIIs ns In nrmorod unIfs. Howovor, dIsmounfod unIfs
nro nf n dIsndvnnfngo whon
TorrnIn, such ns honvy jungIo, rosfrIcfs or rohIbIfs crosscounfry
Tho nood for sood roquIros movomonf on ronds, frnIIs, or wnforwnys.
Preparation for Movement
3349. In ronrIng for movomonf, fho Iondor musf uso MITTTC nnd
OAKOC. In doIng so, ho sfudIos mns of fho nron nnd If ossIbIo, mnkos nn
norInI roconnnIssnnco.
Map Reconnaissance
3350. In sfudyIng mns of fho forrnIn ovor whIch fho Iondor wIII movo hIs
unIf, fho Iondor fIrsf chocks fho mn`s mnrgInnI dnfn fo doformIno roIInbIIIfy
nf fho fImo fho mn wns mndo. If roIInbIIIfy Is nof good, or If fho mn Is oId,
ho ovnIunfos Ifs roIInbIIIfy In IIghf of nII ofhor InformnfIon ho cnn obfnIn. Ior
oxnmIo, n 20yonroId mn mny nof show sovornI nonrby ronds nnd frnIIs
moro roconf buIIdIng dovoIomonf In fho nron wIII nof bo shown. Tho Iondor
consIdors fho forrnIn In roInfIon fo nII nvnIInbIo InformnfIon of known or
susocfod onomy osIfIons nnd rovIous nmbush sIfos. HIs mn sfudy
IncIudos ovnIunfIon of fho forrnIn from fho onomy`s vIowoInf How wouId fho
onomy uso fhIs forrnIn Whoro couId fho onomy osIfIon froos, InsfnIInfIons,
nnd nmbushos
AeriaI Reconnaissance
335l. If ossIbIo, fho Iondor mnkos nn norInI roconnnIssnnco. Tho
InformnfIon gnInod from fho norInI roconnnIssnnco onnbIos hIm fo comnro
fho mn nnd forrnIn. Ho nIso obfnIns curronf nnd moro comIofo InformnfIon
on ronds, frnIIs, mnnmndo objocfs, fyo nnd donsIfy of vogofnfIon, nnd
sonsonnI condIfIon of sfronms. An norInI roconnnIssnnco rovonIs
Movomonf or Inck of movomonf In nn nron frIondIy, onomy, cIvIIInn.
FM 3-05.201
IndIcnfIons of onomy ncfIvIfy. Smoko mny IndIcnfo IocnfIons of
cnmsIfos, nfroIs, or nfroI bnsos. IroshIy dug soII mny IndIcnfo
osIfIons or nmbush sIfos. Shndows mny nId In IdonfIfyIng objocfs.
!nusunI shnos, sIzos, shndows, shndos, or coIors mny IndIcnfo fnuIfy
3352. osIfo Ifs mnny ndvnnfngos, norInI roconnnIssnnco hns IImIfnfIons.
Somo oxnmIos IncIudo fho foIIowIng
Sfrongfh of brIdgos cnnnof bo doformInod.
TorrnIn surfnco mny bo mIsInforrofod.
MInos nnd booby frns cnnnof bo soon.
Irosonco of nIrcrnff mny wnrn onomy.
3353. Tho fncfors fho Iondor consIdors nro fho snmo whofhor ho Is soIocfIng
n roufo or sfudyIng n roufo ho hns boon dIrocfod fo foIIow. Inch fncfor Is
dIscussod boIow.
Cover and ConceaIment
3354. Covor nnd conconImonf nro dosIrnbIo, buf n roufo wIfh fhoso fonfuros
mny obsfrucf movomonf. TorrnIn fhnf rovIdos n movIng unIf covor nnd
conconImonf nIso rovIdos fho onomy Incronsod oorfunIfIos for nmbush.
IdonfIfIcnfIon of nrons whoro nmbushos mny bo conconIod nIIows fho Iondor fo
dovoIo Inns for cIonrIng fhoso nrons. How fho forrnIn nffocfs obsorvnfIon
nnd fIoIds of fIro nvnIInbIo fo fho unIf nnd fo fho onomy wIII InfIuonco fho
soIocfIon of nnd movomonf ovor n roufo, formnfIons, rnfos of movomonf, nnd
mofhods of confroI.

Key Terrain
3355. Koy forrnIn Is nn onrfh fonfuro fhnf hns n confroIIIng offocf on fho
surroundIng forrnIn. If musf bo IdonfIfIod nnd ncfIons Innnod nccordIngIy. If,
for oxnmIo, n hIII rovIdos obsorvnfIon nnd fIoIds of fIro on nny nrf of n
roufo, fho Iondor musf Inn for fnkIng fho hIII from fho onomy or nvoIdIng If
3356. ObsfncIos mny Imodo movomonf or IImIf mnnouvor nIong n roufo.
Thoy mny nIso IImIf onomy ncfIon.
Current InteIIigence
335?. AII nvnIInbIo InformnfIon Is consIdorod. ThIs IncIudos buf Is nof
IImIfod fo
Known, susocfod, nnd rovIous nmbush sIfos.
Wonfhor nnd IIghf dnfn.
!oorfs of unIfs or nfroIs fhnf hnvo roconfIy oornfod In fho nron.
SIzo, IocnfIon, ncfIvIfy, nnd cnnbIIIfIos of guorrIIIn forcos In fho nron.
FM 3-05.201
AffIfudo of fho cIvIIInn ouInfIon nnd fho oxfonf fo whIch fhoy cnn bo
oxocfod fo cooornfo or Inforforo.
3358. In counforguorrIIIn oornfIons, In nrfIcuInr, n koy fonfuro of
ronrIng for movomonf Is donyIng fho onomy InformnfIon. A unIf Is
osocInIIy vuInornbIo fo nmbush If fho onomy knows fho unIf Is fo movo, whnf
fImo If Is fo movo, whoro If Is fo go, fho roufo If Is fo foIIow, nnd fho wonons
nnd oquImonf If Is fo cnrry. Tho offorfs mndo fo dony or doIny onomy
ncquIsIfIon of fhIs InformnfIon comrIso fho CI Inn. As n mInImum, fho Inn
rosfrIcfs dIssomInnfIon of InformnfIon.
3359. Tho Iondor gIvos ouf mIssIon InformnfIon onIy on n noodfoknow
bnsIs. ThIs rocoduro Is osocInIIy Imorfnnf whon fho nnfIvo orsonnoI
oornfIng wIfh fho unIf mIghf ossIbIy bo Innfod Informors. Onco crIfIcnI
InformnfIon Is gIvon, orsonnoI nro IsoInfod so fhnf nofhIng cnn bo nssod
ouf. If If Is IIkoIy fhnf fho onomy or onomy Informors wIII obsorvo fho
donrfuro of n unIf, docofIon Inns shouId bo usod.
3360. Tho Iondor Inns how ho wIII communIcnfo wIfh oIomonfs of hIs unIf
wIfh nrfIIIory, nIr, or ofhor suorfIng unIfs nnd wIfh hIghor HQ. On nn
oxfondod movo, n rndIo roIny or n fIoIdoxodIonf nnfonnn mny bo nocossnry.
An nIrcrnff mIghf bo usod fo hoI communIcnfo wIfh nIr, nrfIIIory suorf, or
ofhor unIfs on fho ground.
Fire Support
336l. Tho Iondor Inns nrfIIIory nnd morfnr fIros so fhoy wIII docoIvo,
hnrnss, or dosfroy fho onomy. Thoy mny bo Innnod ns schoduIod or oncnII
3362. IIros nro Innnod
On koy forrnIn fonfuros nIong fho roufo. Thoso cnn sorvo ns
nnvIgnfIonnI nIds or fo docoIvo, hnrnss, or dosfroy fho onomy.
On known onomy osIfIons.
On known or susocfod nmbush sIfos.
On fho fInnks of IdonfIfIod dnngor nrons.
Whorovor n dIvorsIon nonrs dosIrnbIo. Ior oxnmIo, If fho unIf musf
nss nonr nn IdonfIfIod onomy osIfIon, nrfIIIory or morfnr fIros on fho
osIfIon mny dIsfrncf fho onomy nnd ormIf fho unIf fo nss
Af InforvnIs nIong fho roufo, ovory 500 fo l000 mofors for oxnmIo.
WIfh fIros so Innnod, fho unIf Is novor fnr from n Ioffod conconfrnfIon
from whIch n shIff cnn bo quIckIy mndo.
3363. CoordInnfIon wIfh fho suorfIng unIf IncIudos
!oufo fo bo foIIowod.
SchoduIod nnd oncnII fIros.
FM 3-05.201
CnII sIgns nnd froquoncIos.
ChockoInfs, hnso IInos, nnd ofhor confroI monsuros.
TImos of donrfuro nnd rofurn.
3364. Tho unIf musf rovIdo Ifs own InfoIIIgonco suorf. Mombors musf bo
nIorf fo roorf InformnfIon nnd Iondors musf bo nbIo fo ovnIunfo fho
sIgnIfIcnnco of fhIs InformnfIon In roInfIon fo fho sIfunfIon.
3365. ObvIous Ifoms from whIch InfoIIIgonco mny bo gnInod nro
SIgns of nssngo of grous, such ns crushod grnss, brokon brnnchos,
foofrInfs, cIgnroffo buffs, or frnsh. Thoso mny rovonI IdonfIfy, sIzo,
dIrocfIon of frnvoI, nnd fImo of nssngo.
Workors In fIoIds, whIch mny IndIcnfo nbsonco of fho onomy.
AnronfIy normnI ncfIvIfIos In vIIIngos, whIch mny IndIcnfo nbsonco of
fho onomy.
3366. !oss obvIous Ifoms from whIch nognfIvo InformnfIon cnn bo gnInod
nro fho nbsonco of
Workors In fIoIds, whIch mny IndIcnfo rosonco of fho onomy.
ChIIdron In fho vIIIngo, whIch mny IndIcnfo fhoy nro boIng rofocfod
from ImondIng ncfIon.
Young mon In fho vIIIngo, whIch mny IndIcnfo fho onomy confroIs fho
336?. KnowIodgo of onomy sIgnnIIng dovIcos Is vory hoIfuI. Thoso IIsfod
boIow nro somo fhnf woro usod by communIsf guorrIIIns In VIofnnm
A fnrm cnrf movIng nf nIghf shows ono Innforn fo IndIcnfo fhnf no
govornmonf froos nro on fho rond or frnII bohInd. Two Innforns monn
fhnf govornmonf froos nro cIoso bohInd.
A workor In fho fIoId sfos fo uf on or fnko off hIs shIrf. IIfhor ncf cnn
sIgnnI fho nronch of govornmonf froos. ThIs Is roInyod fo fho
A vIIIngor, fIshIng, hoIds hIs oIo ouf sfrnIghf fo sIgnnI nII cIonr nnd u
nf nn nngIo fo sIgnnI fhnf froos nro nronchIng.
3368. SocurIfy Is obfnInod fhrough orgnnIznfIon for movomonf, mnnnor of
movomonf, nnd by ovory mnn kooIng nIorf nf nII fImos. Somo oxnmIos of
fhoso socurIfy monsuros nro ns foIIows
A fwomnn nfroI cnn mnInfnIn socurIfy by orgnnIzIng Info n socurIfy
fonm wIfh socfors of rosonsIbIIIfy.
A Inrgor unIf cnn uso nny sfnndnrd formnfIon fIIo, coIumn, V nnd
osfnbIIsh n roncfIon forco. ThIs roncfIon forco cnn bo osIfIonod fo fho
fronf, ronr, or fInnks of fho mnIn body so fhnf If doos nof como undor
dIrocf confncf. Any unIf of sqund or Inrgor, rognrdIoss of fho formnfIon
usod, shouId hnvo socurIfy forcos fo fho fronf, fInnks, nnd ronr.
FM 3-05.201
A dIsmounfod unIf movos by fho snmo mofhods ns n moforIzod nfroI.
Thoso mofhods IncIudo confInuous movomonf nnd frnvoIIng, frnvoIIng
ovorwnfch, nnd boundIng ovorwnfch formnfIons.
3369. To bo moro offocfIvo In combnffIng counforguorrIIIn oornfIons,
soIdIors shouId bo fnmIIInr wIfh counforfrnckIng fochnIquos. If fho orson
frnckIng fho soIdIor Is nof nn oxorIoncod frnckor, somo of fho foIIowIng
fochnIquos mny fhrow hIm off.
Moving From a Thick Area to an Open Area
33?0. WhIIo movIng In nny gIvon dIrocfIon from n fhIck nron fo n moro oon
nron, soIdIors wnIk nsf n Inrgo l0Inch dInmofor or Inrgor froo fownrd fho
oon vogofnfIon for fIvo ncos nnd fhon wnIk bnckwnrd fo fho fronf of fho froo
nnd chnngo dIrocfIon 90 dogroos. SoIdIors musf sfo cnrofuIIy nnd Ionvo ns
IIffIo sIgn ns ossIbIo. If fhIs Is nof fho dIrocfIon fho soIdIors wnnf fo frnvoI,
fhoy musf chnngo dIrocfIon ngnIn nf nnofhor Inrgo froo In fho snmo mnnnor.
Tho uroso Is fo drnw fho frnckors Info fho oon nron whoro If Is hnrdor fo
frnck. ThIs fochnIquo mny Iond fho frnckors fo sonrch In fho wrong nron
boforo ronIIzIng fhoy hnvo Iosf fho frnck.
33?l. Whon soIdIors nro boIng frnckod by frnInod, orsIsfonf onomy
frnckors fhoso fho soIdIors nro unnbIo fo Ioso bocnuso fho frnckors koo
honrIng or sooIng fhom, fho soIdIors` bosf COA Is fo oufrun or oufdIsfnnco
fho frnckors or doubIo bnck nnd nmbush fhom, doondIng on fhoIr sfrongfh
comnrod fo fhnf of fho soIdIors.
Crossing a Road
33?2. SoIdIors nronch n frnII from nn nngIo nnd onfor fho frnII In fho
dIrocfIon fhoy wnnf fo bo foIIowod, IonvIng consIdornbIo sIgns of fhoIr
rosonco. Affor nbouf 30 mofors, soIdIors wnIk bnckwnrd fo fho oInf fhoy
onforod fho frnII nnd oxIf In nnofhor dIrocfIon IonvIng no sIgn. SoIdIors movo
off on nn nngIo oosIfo fho ono fhoy onforod fho frnII on for nbouf l00 mofors
nnd chnngo dIrocfIon fo fhoIr dosIrod IIno of mnrch.
Leaving Footprints
33?3. SoIdIors wnIk bnckwnrd ovor soff ground fo Ionvo ronsonnbIy cIonr
foofrInfs. Thoy fry nof fo Ionvo ovory foofrInf cIonr nnd do nof Ionvo nn
ImrossIon of moro fhnn l/4 Inch doo. SoIdIors confInuo fhIs docofIon unfII
fhoy nro on hnrd ground. Thoy soIocf fho ground cnrofuIIy fo onsuro fhnf fhoy
hnvo nf Ionsf 20 fo 30 mofors of fhIs docofIon. ThIs fochnIquo shouId nIwnys
bo usod whon oxIfIng n rIvor or sfronm nnd cnn bo usod In conjuncfIon wIfh
nII ofhor fochnIquos ns woII. To ndd ovon furfhor confusIon fo fho foIIowIng
nrfy, fhIs fncfIc cnn bo usod sovornI fImos fo Iny fnIso frnIIs boforo ncfunIIy
IonvIng fho sfronm.
Crossing a Stream
33?4. Whon nronchIng n sfronm, soIdIors nronch nf nn nngIo In fho
snmo mnnnor ns n rond. Thoy movo downsfronm for nbouf 30 mofors,
FM 3-05.201
bnckfrnck, nnd movo off Info fho Infondod dIrocfIon. To doIny fho frnckors,
soIdIors sof u fnIso frncks IonvIng foofrInfs ns doscrIbod nbovo.
33?5. IoIow nro somo nddIfIonnI fncfIcs fhnf soIdIors cnn uso fo nId In
oIudIng n foIIowIng nrfy
Sfny In fho sfronm for l00 fo 200 mofors.
Koo In fho confor of fho sfronm nnd In doo wnfor.
Wnfch nonr fho bnnks for rocks or roofs fhnf nro nof covorod wIfh
moss or vogofnfIon, nnd Ionvo fho sfronm nf fhIs oInf.
WnIk ouf bnckwnrd on soff ground.
WnIk u smnII, vogofnfIoncovorod frIbufnrIos nnd roInco fho
vogofnfIon, In Ifs nnfurnI osIfIon.
WnIk downsfronm unfII comIng fo fho mnIn rIvor, nnd fhon donrf on n
Iog or roosIfIonod bonf.
Infor fho sfronm, hnvIng fIrsf cnrrIod ouf fho nbovo fncfIc, fhon oxIf nf
fho oInf of onfry nnd mnko n Inrgo bnckwnrd Ioo, crossIng nnd
chockIng If, nnd movo off In n dIfforonf dIrocfIon.
OTI !sIng n sfronm ns n docofIon fochnIquo Is ono of fho bosf wnys fo
sIow down nnd Ioso n foIIowIng nrfy. Tho docofIon sfnrfs l00 mofors
from fho sfronm nnd fho succossfuI comIofIon of fho fncfIc Is fo onsuro
fhnf fho foIIowIng nrfy doos nof know whoro fo oxIf from fho sfronm.
CamoufIage Techniques
33?6. WnIkIng bnckwnrd fo Ionvo confusIng foofrInfs, brushIng ouf frnIIs,
nnd movIng ovor rocky ground or fhrough sfronms nro oxnmIos of
cnmoufIngo fochnIquos fhnf mny bo usod fo confuso fho frnckor. MovIng on
hnrd surfncos or froquonfIy frnvoIod frnIIs mny nIso nId In oIudIng fho
frnckor. SoIdIors shouId nvoId wnIkIng on mosscovorod rocks ns fhoy cnn bo
onsIIy dIsIncod.
Techniques Used to Confuse Dogs
33??. Inomy frnckIng fonms mny uso dogs fo nId In frnckIng fho soIdIors.
SoIdIors mny confuso or doIny dogs by
ScnfforIng bInck or rod oor or, If nufhorIzod, n rIof confroI ngonf
such ns CS owdor nIong fho roufo.
!sIng sIIoncosurossod wonons ngnInsf nnImnIs.
Chapter 4
Postmission Activities
!"#$ &'(('#$ )#&"*+,'#$- ,.+ /0+11'**2 3#1)+ &24 5',.6125 74 2$4
&+,.#6 2$6 )#$60), 2 *'$80" 5',. 2$4 31'+$6*4 3#1)+ #1 &24 7+ +93'*,12,+6
,# 31'+$6*4 ,12'$'$/ (',+( :;""+$6'9 <=> ?@AB( (.#0*6 )#$60),
5',.61252*( '&&+6'2,+*4 0$*+(( ,.+ #7C+),'D+ '( 8+4 ,+112'$ 2$6 &24
'$3*0+$)+ 30,01+ #"+12,'#$(> ;3,+1 *'$80"- 1+('(,2$)+ 3#1)+( 1+D+1, ,#
$2,'#$2* )#$,1#*> E.+(+ 3#1)+( &24 6+&#7'*'F+ #1 1+#1/2$'F+ 2(
)#$D+$,'#$2* )#&72, 3#1)+( 3#1 0(+ '$ +)#$#&4G#3G3#1)+ &'(('#$(>
HGI> E12$(','#$ 1+3+1( ,# ,01$'$/ #D+1 2$ 2),'D',4 #1 ,2(8 ,# 2 $+5 '$6'/+$#0(
/#D+1$&+$,- 2**'+6 #1 )#2*','#$ 3#1)+ #1 /#D+1$&+$,- #1 ,# "1'D2,+ (+),#1
2/+$)'+(> J92&"*+( '$)*06+ ,.+K
E12$(3+1 #3 )'D'* 20,.#1',4 31#& &'*',214 :/0+11'**2= 3#1)+( ,# )'D'*
J(,27*'(.&+$, #3 '$6'/+$#0( "#*')+ #1 (+)01',4 3#1)+(>
L1'D2,'F2,'#$ #1 1+,01$ #3 32)'*','+(- (0). 2( "07*') 5#18( 2$6 0,'*','+(-
2'1"#1,(- 2$6 (+2"#1,(- ,# '$6'/+$#0( )#$,1#*>
L1'D2,'F2,'#$ #3 .0&2$',21'2$ 6+&'$'$/ #"+12,'#$(>
HGM> E12$(','#$ '( 2( )1',')2* ,# 2 !>?>G("#$(#1+6 !N &#D+&+$, 2( ,.+
)#&72, #"+12,'#$( ,.2, ,+1&'$2,+6 ,.+ '$(01/+$)4 '$ 32D#1 #3 ,.+ '$(01/+$,(>
E.+ (0(,2'$&+$, #3 2 (0))+((30**4 ,+1&'$2,+6 '$(01/+$)4 6+"+$6( '$ *21/+
"21, #$ .#5 O0')8*4 2$6 +33')'+$,*4 ,.+ "#(,.#(,'*','+( /#D+1$&+$, )2$ ,28+
)#$,1#* 2$6 "1#D'6+ ,.+ (0(,2'$27*+ (,27'*',4 2$6 30$),'#$'$/ '$312(,10),01+
1+O0'1+6 ,# (0""#1, 2 "#"0*2,'#$> E12$(','#$ &24 7+/'$ '$ 21+2( 5.+1+
)#$3*'), .2( (07('6+6- 5.'*+ )#&72, #"+12,'#$( )#$,'$0+ +*(+5.+1+ '$ ,.+
P?A;> L*2$$'$/ 2$6 "1+"212,'#$ 3#1 ,.+ ,12$(','#$- ,.+1+3#1+- 7+/'$ 601'$/
,.+ "1+"212,'#$ ".2(+ 2$6 )#$,'$0+ ,.1#0/.#0, ,.+ (07(+O0+$, ".2(+(>
HGQ> N.+$ "*2$$'$/ ,# ,12$(3+1 2$ 2),'D',4 #1 ,2(8 ,# '$6'/+$#0( "#"0*2,'#$(
#1 '$(,',0,'#$(- ', '( '&"#1,2$, ,#K
R$#5 ,.+ )2"27'*','+( 2$6 *'&',2,'#$( #3 ,.+ +*+&+$,( #3 ,.+ +9'(,'$/
'$312(,10),01+> J92&"*+( '$)*06+K
S#(, /#D+1$&+$,(>
T'*2,+12* 6#$#1(>
!U 2/+$)'+(>
V$,+1$2,'#$2* #1/2$'F2,'#$(- +("+)'2**4 ,.+ V$,+1$2,'#$2* W1'('(
X1#0" :VWX= 2$6 ,.+ V$,+1$2,'#$2* W#&&',,++ 3#1 ,.+ Y+6 W1#((
FM 3-05.201
UXA( 74 ,4"+Z 3#1 +92&"*+- 2(('(,2$)+- 26D#)2)4- 2$6 '$6'/+$#0(
B+3'$+ ,.+ 6+('1+6 +$6 (,2,+Z 3#1 +92&"*+- )#$,'$0',4 #3 )011+$,
#"+12,'#$( #1 &#6'3')2,'#$ #3 )011+$, #"+12,'#$( ,# (#&+ #,.+1 3#1&2,>
V6+$,'34 ,.+ #1/2$'F2,'#$2* (,10),01+ 1+O0'1+6 ,# "+13#1& ,.+ 2),'D',4
#1 ,2(8>
V6+$,'34 )#&"+,+$,- ,10(,5#1,.4 '$6'D'602*( ,# 3'** "#(','#$( 5',.'$ ,.+
'$)#&'$/ #1/2$'F2,'#$2* (,10),01+>
B+,+1&'$+ .#5 ,# )#$60), 6+&'*',21'F2,'#$ #3 '$6'/+$#0( 3#1)+( 2$6
'$)#1"#12,'#$ #3 3#1&+1 7+**'/+1+$,( '$,# ,.+ "1'D2,+ (+),#1>
;,,+&", ,# 30**4 0$6+1(,2$6 '&"*')2,'#$( #3 5',.61252* 2( 5+** 2(
,1'72* #1 32),'#$2* 71+286#5$- ,# '$)*06+ .'(,#1')2* 7#0$621'+( 2$6
6'33+1+$)+( $#, 4+, 1+(#*D+6>
V6+$,'34 +O0'"&+$, 2$6 32)'*','+( 1+O0'1+6 ,# "+13#1& ,.+ 2),'D',4 #1
,2(8- 2$6 5.# 5'** "1#D'6+ ,.+&> L1+"21+ ,.+ 2""1#"1'2,+ "1#"+1,4
)#$,1#* "2"+15#18 '3 ,12$(3+11'$/ +O0'"&+$, #1 32)'*','+( ,# ,.+
1+*'+D'$/ #1/2$'F2,'#$>
W1+2,+ ,'&+*'$+( ,.2, "1#D'6+ (033')'+$, #D+1*2" 7+,5++$ ,.+ #0,/#'$/
2$6 '$)#&'$/ #1/2$'F2,'#$(>
B+,+1&'$+ ,.+ )1',+1'2 ,.2, 5'** 6'),2,+ 5.+$ ,.+ '$)#&'$/
#1/2$'F2,'#$ 5'** 2((0&+ )#$,1#* #3 ,.+ 2),'D',4 #1 ,2(8Z 3#1 +92&"*+- 2
,21/+, 62,+- ,2(8 (,2$6216- #1 *+D+* #3 0$6+1(,2$6'$/>
A1'+$, ,.+ '$)#&'$/ #1/2$'F2,'#$ ,# ,.+ 2),'D',4 #1 ,2(8- ,# '$)*06+
"1#D'6'$/ "1#)+601+(- 1#0,'$+ 2$6 1+)011'$/ +D+$,(- 2$6 #,.+1
'$3#1&2,'#$ )1',')2* ,# ,.+ )#$60), #3 ,.+ 2),'D',4 #1 ,2(8> B+&#$(,12,+
,.+ 2),'D',4 #1 ,2(8- '3 "#(('7*+>
?0"+1D'(+ ,.+ '$)#&'$/ #1/2$'F2,'#$ '$ "+13#1&'$/ ,.+ 2),'D',4 #1 ,2(8>
E.+ 6+"21,'$/ #1/2$'F2,'#$ 1+,2'$( )#$,1#* #3 ,.+ 2),'D',4 #1 ,2(8
601'$/ ,.'( "1#)+((- "1#D'6'$/ )1','O0+( 2$6 /0'62$)+ 2( $++6+6>
E12$(3+1 ,.+ ,2(8 2))#16'$/ ,# ,.+ ,12$(','#$ "*2$>
L1#D'6+ )#$,'$0+6 (0""#1, ,# ,.+ '$)#&'$/ #1/2$'F2,'#$- 2( 1+O0'1+6>
T#*(,+1 ,.+ '&2/+ 2$6 "1+(,'/+ #3 ,.+ '$)#&'$/ #1/2$'F2,'#$ '$ ,.+ +4+(
#3 ,.+ "#"0*2)+ 2$6 ,.+ '$,+1$2,'#$2* )#&&0$',4>
HGH> B+&#7'*'F2,'#$ '( 2 &2C#1 2),'D',4 #3 ,12$(','#$> V, '$D#*D+(
6+&'*',21'F'$/ ,.+ )#&72,2$,( #3 2 1+('(,2$)+ &#D+&+$, 2$6 1+#1'+$,'$/
,.+& :#1- '$ (#&+ )2(+(- #1'+$,'$/ ,.+& 3#1 ,.+ 3'1(, ,'&+= 31#& *'3+ 2( 2
/0+11'**2 ,# *'3+ 2( 2 "+2)+30*- "1#60),'D+ &+&7+1 #3 (#)'+,4> B+&#7'*'F2,'#$
"*2$$'$/ &0(, 7+ )*#(+*4 )##16'$2,+6 2$6 (4$).1#$'F+6 5',. ,12$(','#$
"*2$$'$/> ;( ,.+ $++6 3#1 1+('(,2$)+ 3'/.,+1( 6'&'$'(.+(- ,.+ '$)#&'$/
/#D+1$&+$, 6+)'6+( 5.+,.+1 ,# "*2)+ /0+11'**2 3#1)+( '$ 2 (0""#1,'$/ 1#*+ #1
,# 7+/'$ 6+&#7'*'F'$/ ,.+&>
HG[> S#5 2 /0+11'**2 3#1)+ '( 6+&#7'*'F+6 5'** 233+), ,.+ "#(,521 2,,',06+( #3
,.+ )'D'*'2$ "#"0*2,'#$ ,#5216 ,.+ \$+5] /#D+1$&+$,> E# +$(01+ ,.+ /0+11'**2
FM 3-05.201
3#1)+ '( 2*'/$+6 5',. ,.+ $+5 /#D+1$&+$,- ,.+ )#&72,2$, )#&&2$6+1(-
,.1#0/. ,.+ ?AW- )##16'$2,+ 7+,5++$ ?A@- ,.+ 21+2 )#&&2$6+1- 2$6 #,.+1
&'*',214 #1/2$'F2,'#$(> N.+$ 6+&#7'*'F'$/ ,.+ /0+11'**2 3#1)+- ,.+ 3#**#5'$/
WA;( )#0*6 7+ )#$('6+1+6^
Y+,2'$ ,.+ 3#1)+ 5',. 5+2"#$( 2$6 +O0'"&+$, 2( 2 $+5 &'*',214 #1
"#*')+ 3#1)+>
V$,+/12,+ "+1(#$$+*- 5+2"#$(- 2$6 +O0'"&+$, '$,# $+5 *#)2*- (,2,+- #1
)#0$,14 "07*') (+1D')+( 2$6 1+,12'$ "+1(#$$+* '$,# $+5 )'D'* (+),#1
E01$ '$ 2** 5+2"#$( 2$6 +O0'"&+$, 2$6 1+,01$ "+1(#$$+* ,# ,.+'1
3#1&+1 #))0"2,'#$(> :E.+ )#**+),'#$ #3 5+2"#$( '( 2 ,'&+G)#$(0&'$/
2$6 (+$(','D+ '((0+> ;$ \21&( 3#1 )2(.] 1+5216 (4(,+& &24 7+
W#&7'$+ 2$4 #3 ,.+ 27#D+ &+,.#6(>
HG_> ;3,+1 ,.+ 521 '( #D+1- ,.+ /0+11'**2 3#1)+`( .#("',2*( 5'** 7+ 8+",
#"+12,'#$2* 0$,'* "2,'+$,( )2$ 7+ ,12$(3+11+6 ,# &'*',214 #1 )'D'*'2$ .#("',2*(>
L+1&2$+$,*4 6'(27*+6 "2,'+$,( (.#0*6 7+ /12$,+6 "+$('#$( 74 ,.+ $+5
/#D+1$&+$,> Y+.27'*',2,'#$ 2(('(,2$)+ &0(, 7+ 2D2'*27*+ ,# ,.+ /0+11'**2( ,#
2((01+ ,.+'1 "*2)+ '$ ,.+ )'D'*'2$ )#&&0$',4>
HGa> B01'$/ )#&72, #"+12,'#$(- ,.+ ?@AB 2$6 ,.+ /0+11'**2 3#1)+ )#$60),
"#(,&'(('#$ 2),'D','+( (0). 2( ;;Y(- 1+)#$(,',0,'#$- #1 "1+"21'$/ 3#1 ,.+ $+9,
&'(('#$> W; 3#1)+( "21,')'"2,+ 74 )#$60),'$/ 2 W; 72,,*+ 62&2/+ 2((+((&+$,
:TB;=> E.'( +D2*02,'#$ 2((+((+( ,.+ 1+(0*,( #3 ,.+ &'(('#$ #$ ,.+ 32),#1( #3
W;?WALJ- D2*'62,+( ,.+ W; 2$6 WbA WAUAL?- 2$6 6+,+1&'$+( 5.+,.+1
,.+ +(,27*'(.+6 bAJ( 3#1 ,.+ #"+12,'#$ .2D+ 7++$ &+,> V, 2*(# .+*"( ,.+
?@AB 2$6 21+2 )#&&2$6+1 6+)'6+ 5.+$ 2$6 .#5 ,# 26C0(, ,.+ "*2$- 5.+$ ,#
6+D+*#" $+5 "*2$( ,# 2661+(( 0$3#1+(++$ )#$(+O0+$)+( #3 #"+12,'#$(- 2$6
5.+$ ,# ,+1&'$2,+ #1 ,12$(','#$ 2$ #"+12,'#$>
HGc> V$ 21+2( 5.+1+ )#$3*'), .2( (07('6+6 2$6 )#$6','#$( '$6')2,+ 2
(0))+((30**4 ,+1&'$2,+6 '$(01/+$)4- ,12$(','#$ 2$6 6+&#7'*'F2,'#$ 2),'D','+(
&24 7+/'$> E12$(','#$ 2$6 6+&#7'*'F2,'#$ 1+O0'1+ ,.+ )#**27#12,'D+ +33#1,( #3
&2$4 &'*',214 2$6 )'D'*'2$- !>?> 2$6 '$,+1$2,'#$2*- 2$6 /#D+1$&+$, 2$6
$#$/#D+1$&+$, 2/+$)'+(> W; "21,')'"2,'#$ '( &#1+ "1+D2*+$, '$ ,12$(','#$
2$6 6+&#7'*'F2,'#$ ,.2$ '$ &#(, #,.+1 2("+),( #3 ,.+ !N )2&"2'/$> W;
("+)'2*'(,( "1#D'6+ ,.+ "1+"#$6+12$)+ #3 W; (0""#1,- 2*,.#0/. W; /+$+12*'(,(
5'** (,'** .2D+ 2$ '&"#1,2$, 1#*+>
HGd> W; 3#1)+( (0""#1, ,12$(','#$ 74K
;661+(('$/ ,12$(','#$ '((0+( +21*4 '$ ,.+ "*2$$'$/ (,2/+( #3 ,.+ !N
)2&"2'/$- '$)*06'$/ +(,27*'(.&+$, #3 bAJ( 2$6 #,.+1 '$6')2,#1( ,.2,
6+,+1&'$+ "#'$,( 2, 5.'). ,# ,12$(','#$ ,# 6'33+1+$, ".2(+( #3 ,.+
V6+$,'34'$/ '$6'D'602*( 2&#$/ ,.+ '$(01/+$)4 &#D+&+$, 5.# 5#0*6
"1#D'6+ ,.+ +9"+1'+$)+- 8$#5*+6/+- 2$6 *+26+1(.'" 1+O0'1+6 ,# )1+2,+
2$6 (0(,2'$ 2 "#(,G!N '$312(,10),01+> V$6'D'602*( (.#0*6 7+ '6+$,'3'+6
FM 3-05.201
5.# )2$ 3'** 1#*+( '$ /#D+1$&+$,- +)#$#&')( 2$6 )#&&+1)+- "07*')
32)'*','+(- 2$6 ("+)'2* 30$),'#$( 2, ,.+ $2,'#$2*- "1#D'$)'2*- 2$6 *#)2*
?+"212,'$/ ,.#(+ '$6'D'602*( 31#& ,.+ &2'$ 7#64 #3 /0+11'**2 3#1)+(
2$6- 5',. ,.+ 2(('(,2$)+ #3 #,.+1 /#D+1$&+$, 2$6 $#$&'*',214
2/+$)'+(- #1'+$,'$/ 2$6 ,12'$'$/ ,.+ '$6'D'602*( ,# ,.+'1 30,01+ 1#*+( '$
,.+ "#(,G!N '$312(,10),01+> B+"+$6'$/ #$ bJEEGEW- ,.'( &24 #))01
'$('6+ #1 #0,('6+ ,.+ P?A;>
Y+3'$'$/ ,.+ ,12$(','#$ "*2$ 72(+6 #$ "+1'#6') 2((+((&+$,( #3 ,.+
(',02,'#$ 5',.'$ ,.+ P?A;- 2( 5+** 2( 2&#$/ ,.+ '$,+1$2,'#$2*
A7(+1D'$/ 2$6 D2*'62,'$/ ,.+ bAJ( 2$6 #,.+1 '$6')2,#1( ,.2, .+*"
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FM 3-05.201
HGIM> E.+ (+$'#1 L?fAL )#&&2$6+1 2, ,.+ )#$D+$,'#$2* 3#1)+ Sg "*2$(
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E.+(+ 1#*+( '$)*06+- 70, 21+ $#, *'&',+6 ,#- ,.+'1 '$)#1"#12,'#$ '$,# ,.+
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1+*'$O0'(.> A,.+1( &24 .2D+ 3#0$6 26D+$,01+ '$ )#&72, ,.2, ,.+4 5#0*6 $#,
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+9+)0,+6 O0')8*4 2$6 5',. &2C#1 "#*',')2* (0""#1,> E.+ "1#/12&( 2$6
"1#)+601+( 7+/0$ 21+ 2 6'1+), 1+(0*, #3 6+)'('#$( &26+ 74 .'/.G*+D+* )'D'*'2$
2$6 &'*',214 20,.#1','+(> E.+'1 (0))+((30* '&"*+&+$,2,'#$ 1+O0'1+( &29'&0&
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'$','2**4 1+&2'$ '$ ,.+'1 #"+12,'#$2* 21+2( ,# 2(('(, '$ 6+&#7'*'F2,'#$> E.+
?@AB )#&&2$6+1( 2$6 ,.+'1 (0""#1,'$/ W; 2$6 L?fAL +*+&+$,( +$(01+
,12$(3+1 #3 !>?> 1+("#$('7'*',4 5',.#0, *#(( #3 )#$,1#*- '$3*0+$)+- #1 "1#"+1,4
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+9+)0,'$/ "#(,&'(('#$ 1+("#$('7'*','+(> ;""+$6'9 b "1#D'6+( 6+,2'*+6
/0'62$)+ #$ ,.+ ?@AB`( 1+("#$('7'*','+(>
Appendix A
UnconventionaI Warfare in an Urban Environment
In fho curronf InfornnfIonnI oIIfIcnI nfmoshoro, fho omhnsIs of
Insurgonf ncfIvIfy hns shIffod from fho rurnI fo fho urbnn onvIronmonf.
Thoroforo, fho urbnn rnfhor fhnn fho rurnI soffIng wIII bo fho bnffIofIoId
of fho fufuro. Tho honomonon of urbnnIznfIon Is occurrIng wIfh
IncronsIng nccoIornfIon. In vIrfunIIy ovory counfry of fho worId, urbnn
nrons nro rnIdIy oxnndIng, bofh In nron nnd ouInfIon. Tho !.S.
norfhonsforn sonbonrd hns bocomo n vnsf, oon mognIooIIs In onIy n fow
shorf yonrs. In fho dovoIoIng nnfIons, fho rnfo of urbnnIznfIon Is ovon
moro ronouncod. ThoIr cIfIos` rnfo of ouInfIon growfh Is much gronfor
fhnn fho gonornI rnfo.
Al. If fho ooIo suorf fho guorrIIIns` cnuso, nro noufrnI, or hnvo boon
nIIonnfod by govornmonf ncfIons, fho guorrIIIns wIII bo nbIo fo survIvo.
!ovoIufIonnrIos In AsIn nnd !nfIn AmorIcn hnvo furnod nwny from fho cInssIc
docfrInos of rurnI Insurgoncy ns osousod by Mno Tsofung nnd Cho Cuovnrn,
nnd dovofod moro nffonfIon fo fho sfruggIo In fho cIfIos. InIIuro In fho
counfrysIdo Is ono ronson. Iow of fho guorrIIIns who fook fo fho hIIIs docndos
ngo couId bonsf of much succoss boyond survIvnI. Tho drnmnfIc growfh of
cIfIos In fho socnIIod ThIrd WorId Is nnofhor ronson.
A2. Tho usurgo In urbnn guorrIIIn wnrfnro hns cnusod worIdwIdo concorn
sInco If hns nof boon confInod fo dovoIoIng counfrIos. TorrorIsf bombIngs,
kIdnnIng of govornmonf offIcInIs, sfroof bnrrIcndos, nnd oon nssnuIfs hnvo
bocomo commonInco. Ivon In fho !nIfod Sfnfos, fho roconf forrorIsf nffncks
usIng cIvIIInn nIrcrnff nnd fho bIoIogIcnI fhronf wIfhIn fho osfnI sysfom hnvo
rovon fhnf wo nro nof Immuno from fhIs fhronf.
A3. Tho growfh of cIfIos ovorywhoro, nIong wIfh fho ndvonf of foIovIsIon nnd
fho frnnsmIssIon of nows vIn snfoIIIfo, rovIdo nn Insfnnf worIdwIdo nudIonco
for nImosf nny ncf of vIoIonco. !Iko nny ofhor form of wnrfnro, urbnn guorrIIIn
wnrfnro Is n form of oIIfIcnI sfruggIo. If cnn bo n roIudo, n subsfIfufo, or nn
nccomnnImonf fo rurnI guorrIIIn wnrfnro or fo n convonfIonnI mIIIfnry
confosf. Mnny of AsIn`s rovoIufIonnrIos rognrd fho nssnuIf on cIfIos ns fho
onuIfImnfo sfngo of fnkoovor. AccordIng fo fhoIr vIows, fho sfruggIo musf
bogIn In fho counfrysIdo.
The countryside, and the countryside alone, can provide the basis from
which the revolutionaries can go forward to final victory.
Lin Piao
A4. InIfInIIy, fhIs nfforn wns foIIowod by fho Tunmnros In !ruguny who
oornfod brIofIy ns rurnI guorrIIIns, fIndIng fhoIr suorf nmong fho workors
FM 3-05.201
on fho sugnr nnd rIco InnfnfIons In fho norfhorn nrf of fho counfry. Iuf
fhoy soon ronIIzod fhnf !ruguny hns foo IIffIo counfrysIdo.
A5. As sfnfod by ono Tunmnro, Wo do nof hnvo unnssnIInbIo sfronghoIds
In our counfry whoro n InsfIng guorrIIIn nucIous couId bo InsfnIIod. On fho
ofhor hnnd, wo hnvo n Inrgo cIfy wIfh buIIdIngs covorIng moro fhnn 300
squnro kIIomofors nnd fhnf nIIows fho dovoIomonf of nn urbnn sfruggIo.
A6. CnrIos MnrIghoIIn, fho osfhumousIy fnmous IrnzIIInn nufhor of fho
MInIMnnunI of fho !rbnn CuorrIIIn, snw urbnn guorrIIIn wnrfnro ns n monns
of dIvorfIng govornmonf forcos whIIo rurnI guorrIIIns osfnbIIshod fhomsoIvos
In fho counfrysIdo. In ofhor nrfs of !nfIn AmorIcn, urbnn guorrIIIn wnrfnro
Incronsod ns rurnI guorrIIIns woro chnsod Info fho cIfIos by succossfuI
govornmonf ncIfIcnfIon cnmnIgns In fho counfrysIdo. Such wns fho cnso In
A?. CIfIos hnvo nIwnys boon confors of humnn ncfIvIfy. Tho rosuIf Is n
gronfor confrnIIznfIon nnd consoIIdnfIon of n counfry`s onfIro rnngo of socInI,
oIIfIcnI, cuIfurnI, nnd oconomIc ncfIvIfIos In fho urbnn confors. In mnny
counfrIos, fhoso ncfIvIfIos nro conforod In onIy ono or fwo koy cIfIos.
A8. In mosf cnsos, fho cnIfnI cIfy of fho nnfIon Is fho rImnry nron of
confIIcf. Tho cnIfnI cIfy of rncfIcnIIy ovory nnfIonnI oIIfIcnI onfIfy Is fho
norvo confor of fho nnfIon. Ivon In fho domocrnfIc nnfIons whoro
doconfrnIIznfIon Is moro common, fho cnIfnI cIfy occuIos fho koy osIfIon In
fho oIIfIcnI confroI of n counfry. ThIs Is ovon fruor In fho cnso of fho
dovoIoIng nnfIons.
A9. AII rosonfdny dIssIdonf grous nro woII nwnro of fhIs sIfunfIon nnd
ronIIzo fhoy musf confor fho Insurgonf nnd forrorIsf ncfIvIfIos on fho oIIfIcnI
confor of fho counfry fo bo succossfuI. Tho oIIfIcnI InsfIfufIons of n sfnfo nro
conforod In Ifs cnIfnI, wIfh confroIs omnnnfIng from fhIs hub of sovoroIgn
owor. CommunIcnfIon modIn nro Iocnfod In n cnIfnI nnd ofhor urbnn nrons
fo covor fho nron of donsosf ouInfIon. nfIonnI oIIco nnd mIIIfnry forcos
hnvo fhoIr confroI HQ In fho cnIfnI wIfh subordInnfo oIomonfs In ofhor
urbnn confors.
Al0. In nddIfIon fo fho oIIfIcnI owor, mosf cnIfnI cIfIos hnvo symboIIc
vnIuo In forms of cusfom, cuIfuro, frndIfIons, nnd roIIgIon. An Insurgonf forco
fhnf cnn nrnIyzo fho cnIfnI cnn offocfIvoIy nrnIyzo fho onfIro nnfIon, nnd
ono fhnf cnn fnko ovor fho cIfy wIfh Ifs InsfIfufIons Infncf cnn uso fhoso
InsfIfufIons fo oxorcIso confroI ovor fho romnIndor of fho nnfIon.
All. Inch cIfy Is unIquo. If mny bo buIIf on hIIIsIdos In n mounfnInous nron
or IIo on n InIn. If cnn bo Iocnfod nIong n rIvor or fho sonshoro or In fho
mIddIo of n jungIo or dosorf. Whorovor If Is Iocnfod, fho sIfo whoIIy or
nrfInIIy IImIfs or rosfrIcfs Ifs dovoIomonf nnd In somo rosocfs doformInos
fho oxfornnI form nnd dImonsIons of fho cIfy. o cIfy Is unIform In Ifs InfornnI
comosIfIon. !nfhor, jusf ns no fwo cIfIos nro nIIko, onch cIfy vnrIos wIdoIy
wIfhIn IfsoIf. A cIfy Is comosod of muIfIIo nucIoImnrkod, dIsfIncf zonos,
whIch dIffor gronfIy. Thoso zonos, quIfo dIsnrnfo nIfhough fho boundnrIos
bofwoon fhom mny bo bIurrod, cnn bo rosIdonfInI, rnngIng from fho ghoffo
FM 3-05.201
noIghborhood fo fho comforfnbIo, nffIuonf suburbs. Thoro nro busInoss,
sorvIco, nnd IndusfrInI nrons nnd somofImos n combInnfIon of fhoso. Thoro
nro offon nrks nnd Inrgo unbrokon oxnnsos of woods. !Iko ncfIvIfIos fond fo
cIusfor fogofhor whIIo fhoso fhnf nro IncomnfIbIo, such ns hIghoIIufnnf
IndusfrIos nnd nursorIos, nro wIdoIy sonrnfod.
Al2. Tho fruIy rurnI nron Is comIofoIy soIfsusfnInIng. A Inrgo urbnn nron
novor Is. Tho mnforInI bnso on whIch fho cIfy Is doondonf Is InrgoIy oxfornnI
fo If. Tho rosourcos cIfIos nood nnd fho goods nnd sorvIcos If rovIdos
doformIno fho funcfIons of fho cIfy. Somo of fho sfnndnrd funcfIons nro
oconomIc, oIIfIcnI, roIIgIous, oducnfIonnI, rosIdonfInI, or nny combInnfIon of
Al3. Mosf cIfIos cnn bo chnrncforIzod ns oIfhor roIndusfrInI or IndusfrInI.
In roIndusfrInI cIfIos, fho uor cInss IIvos nf or nonr fho cIfy confor nnd fho
Iowor cInss IIvos on fho oufskIrfs. Tho rovorso Is usunIIy fruo In fho IndusfrInI
cIfy. Tho roIndusfrInI cIfy fonds fo bo oIynucIonr, sInco If Is bnsod on n
bnznnrfyo oconomy, whorons fho IndusfrInI cIfy Is moro IIkoIy fo hnvo n
confrnI busInoss dIsfrIcf nnd n dIsfIncf IndusfrInI zono. InfornnIIy, dIsfIncfIvo
sfroof nfforns Inco consfrnInfs on fho fyo of consfrucfIon wIfhIn fho cIfy.
IroIndusfrInI cIfIos fond fo bo fIghfIy knIf wIfh IrroguInr sfroof nfforns nnd
buIIdIngs of n fnIrIy unIform hoIghf. ThIs hoIghf Is usunIIy fhroo fo sIx sforIos,
rosuIfIng from fho IImIfs Imosod nf fho fImo of consfrucfIon by Inck of
fochnoIogy, buIIdIng mnforInIs nvnIInbIo, or wonk foundnfIons. A Iow, nonrIy
unIform skyIIno chnrncforIzos fhIs fyo of cIfy wIfh buIIdIngs vory donsoIy
Al4. Tho IndusfrInI cIfy rosonfs n quIfo dIfforonf form. Tho busInoss
dIsfrIcf Is usunIIy conconfrnfod nonr fho oInf of onk nccossIbIIIfy. In fhIs
coro, buIIdIngs nro ns hIgh ns ossIbIo fo mInImIzo fho uso of ground snco.
Tho rosuIf Is n cIusfor of hIghrIso buIIdIngs wIfh fho skyIIno fnIIIng nwny In
nII dIrocfIons. In Inrgor cIfIos, smnIIor vorsIons of fho downfown cIusfor
nonr nf ofhor oInfs fhroughouf fho cIfy.
Al5. osIfo fhoIr dIfforoncos, urbnn nrons hnvo corfnIn sImIInrIfIos fhnf
rovIdo us wIfh somo gonornI chnrncforIsfIcs of urbnn fncfIcnI oornfIons.
Thoso hnvo socInI sIgnIfIcnnco rognrdIoss of fho nnfuro or IovoI of confIIcf.
Al6. CIfIos nro comIox nnd hoforogonoous. Tho nnfuro of fho cIfIos
rosonfs dIffIcuIfy fo fho Innnor ns woII ns fho oornfor. IInnnIng musf bo In
much gronfor dofnII fhnn Is normnIIy roquIrod. Tho uso of InrgoscnIo cIfy
Inns nnd sfroof mns Is ImornfIvo. Tho foxfuro of fho cIfy vnrIos gronfIy
nnd offon chnngos nbrufIy. Oornfors musf funcfIon In fho cIfy coro, oon
suburbs, IndusfrInI nrons, frnnsorfnfIon confors, nrks, woods, nnd
Al?. Tho nnfuro of fho cIfy fnvors fho InhnbIfnnf nnd dofondor. Tho cIfy
dwoIIor Is fho mnn on fho ground wIfh nn Inhoronf knowIodgo of hIs dnIIy
surroundIngs. Thoso surroundIngs nonr fo fho oufsIdor ns n hooIossIy
fnngIod wob of buIIdIngs, sfroofs, nnd nIIoywnys, buf nro ns fnmIIInr fo fho
InhnbIfnnf ns hIs own IIvIng room. IuIIdIngs nnd sfroof comIoxos rosfrIcf
FM 3-05.201
movomonf nnd roduco fho nffnckor`s mobIIIfy, buf rovIdo fIoIds of fIro fo fho
dofondor. ObsfncIos nro fnIrIy onsy fo consfrucf, ns Is fho osfnbIIshmonf of
ouInfIon confroI monsuros, chockoInfs, nnd frnffIc confroI oInfs.
Al8. SmnII unIf ongngomonfs wIII rodomInnfo. Tho normnI buIIdIng nnd
sfroof nfforns wIII roduco nny oornfIon fo n sorIos of smnII unIf
ongngomonfs. Tho ndvnnfngo of fho rIncIIo of mnss Is gronfIy roducod.
IIoxIbIIIfy Is docronsod for Inrgor unIfs nnd Incronsod for smnIIor onos. CoIIs
or fonms oornfIng In fho cIfy musf bo IImIfod fo no moro fhnn fIvo or sIx
Al9. Tho unIquo vorfIcnI dImonsIon musf bo consIdorod. Tho oIovnfIon of
fho buIIdIngs rovIdos n vorfIcnI dImonsIon nof normnIIy oncounforod In
fncfIcnI oornfIons. ThIs vorfIcnI dImonsIon Is nof onIy nbovo fho surfnco buf
oxfonds fo fho subforrnnonn IovoI In fho form of subwnys, sowors, funnoIs,
nnd bnsomonfs. IIovnfod osIfIons offor good obsorvnfIon nnd fIoIds of fIro
Ius covor nnd conconImonf, nrfIcuInrIy offocfIvo for snIors. Subforrnnonn
nrons offor rofocfod nnd conconIod nrons for sforngo, ns woII ns offocfIvo
roufos of movomonf nnd communIcnfIon.
A20. Combnf occurs nf oxfromoIy shorf rnngos, whIch IImIfs or nuIIIfIos fho
offocfIvonoss of Iongrnngo wonons nnd Incronsos fho usofuInoss of
IndIvIdunI wonons. Oornfors musf bo rofIcIonf In fho quIck, nccurnfo fIrIng
of fhoIr orsonnI wonons sysfoms.
A2l. Thoro wIII bo n Inrgo numbor of noncombnfnnfs rosonf, whIch cnn bo
oxocfod fo rosfrIcf fho uso of fIroowor, munIfIons, nnd oxIosIvos on fho
nrf of fho oornfor. Af fho snmo fImo, fho rosonco of Inrgo numbors of
noncombnfnnfs cnn bo usod fo fho onomy`s ndvnnfngo, such ns fho cronfIon of
confusIon. !nrgo numbors of ooIo nIso Incronso fho oornfor`s bIondIngIn
A22. Thoro wIII bo coIInfornI dnmngo consfrnInfs. Thoso consfrnInfs mny
nffocf fho soIocfIon of fnrgofs or fho monns by whIch fho fnrgofs nro nffnckod.
Tho IImIfnfIons mny bo Imosod by n hIghor HQ or couId fnko fho form of
mornI consfrnInfs, ns In fho cnso of crIfIcnI IIfosuorf sorvIcos. Anofhor form
of consfrnInf Is whoro nn nssIgnod fnsk wouId hnvo n sIgnIfIcnnfIy ndvorso
offocf on fho mIssIon for oxnmIo, nIIonnfIng n sogmonf of fho ouInfIon on
whIch fho oornfor`s oxIsfonco doondod.
A23. InfoIIIgonco coIIocfIon Is dIffIcuIf for fho oufsIdor. Accurnfo nnd fImoIy
InfoIIIgonco Is of oxfromo vnIuo. Ior fho InhnbIfnnf, dnyfodny ncfIvIfIos nnd
occurroncos nro roufIno nnd fnkon In sfrIdo, buf fhoso snmo ncfIvIfIos couId
rovIdo n sIfunfIon for whIch fho oornfor Is fofnIIy unronrod. In fho fInnI
nnnIysIs, fhoro Is no subsfIfufo for onfhoground oxorIonco, frnInIng, nnd
OTI Tho foIIowIng chockIIsf nnd survoy nro good fooIs fo dovoIo nnd
nssoss fho urbnn AO.
FM 3-05.201
!ocord oInf of onfry, cIfy, nnd counfry vIsIfod.
!Isf documonfnfIon roquIrod for onfry.
ocumonf brIof doscrIfIon of onfry rocoduros nnd cusfoms rocossIng, fo IncIudo
drnwIngs of fncIIIfy, unIforms worn by cusfoms, nnd wonons.
IrovIdo nnmo, nddross, cosf, nnd hono of housIng nccommodnfIons.
!oorf ubIIc nnd rIvnfo frnnsorfnfIon usod, fo IncIudo cosf, schoduIo, nnd roufos.
!oorf foIohono, foIox, nnd osfnI sorvIcos usod, fo IncIudo cosf, IocnfIons, nnd
!oorf rndIo nnd foIovIsIon rogrnms nofod, fo IncIudo Inngungo, formnf, nnd schoduIo.
!oorf commorcInI owor sourcos nofod, fo IncIudo fyo of Iugs, froquoncy of curronf,
voIfngo, nnd sfnbIIIfy.
!oorf job oorfunIfIos nofod In IocnI commorcInI busInossos, fo IncIudo !.S. busInossos.
!Isf nddross, hono numbor, nnd nnmo of comnny.
!oorf oxchnngo rnfos, bofh offIcInI nnd bInck mnrkof, fo IncIudo IocnfIons, dosIrod
curroncy, nnd hours of oornfIon.
!oorf nbIIIfy fo uso crodIf cnrds nnd frnvoIor`s chocks.
!oorf rnfIon confroI rocoduros nnd documonfnfIon, If nofod.
!oorf nny IogIsfIcs sorvIcos usod, fo IncIudo modIcnI, mochnnIcnI, nnd food.
!oorf nny rofossIonnI sorvIcos usod, fo IncIudo socrofnrInI, roroducfIon, Inforrofors,
nnd fIIm rocossIng.
!oorf nny InsfnIInfIons vIsIfod, fo IncIudo churchos, IIbrnrIos, fhonfors, ombnssIos,
rosfnurnnfs, ubIIc buIIdIngs, nnd schooIs. IncIudo IocnfIon, nddross, nnd hono.
!oorf nny rocronfIon usod, fo IncIudo dIvo shos, goIf coursos, dooson fIshIng, snIIIng,
cnmIng, shoIng, rosfIfufIon, bonchos, sorfs fncIIIfIos, nnd musoums. IncIudo nnmo,
nddross, hono, hours of oornfIon, nnd orsonnIIfIos.
!oorf nny socIfIc ofhnIc or roIIgIous dIsfrIbufIon nofod wIfhIn fho cIfy or counfry
!oorf nny rosfrIcfod offIImIfs nrons obsorvod.
!oorf nny nonIndIgonous mIIIfnry or cIvIIInn orsonnoI obsorvod, fo IncIudo nnfIonnIIfy,
ncfIvIfy, nnd IocnfIon.
!oorf oxIf rocoduros, fo IncIudo IocnfIon, documonfnfIon, nnd rocossIng or cusfoms
FM 3-05.201
Whnf Is fho gonornI oIIfIcnI cIImnfo
Whnf Is fho offIcInI govornmonf nffIfudo fownrd fho !nIfod Sfnfos
Whnf Is fho nffIfudo of fho gonornI ouInco
Whnf nro fho nnmos nnd subordInnfIon of fho InfoIIIgonco nnd socurIfy sorvIcos
Whnf nro fho nnmos, IocnfIons, nnd doscrIfIons of fho
HQ nnd ndmInIsfrnfIon confors
SurvoIIInnco obsorvnfIon oInfs nnd hnngoufs
ofonfIon fncIIIfIos
Whnf orsonnIIfIos nro nssocInfod wIfh InfoIIIgonco nnd socurIfy sorvIcos
Whnf Is fho doscrIfIon of fho foIIowIng onvIronmonfs
Wonons Tyo, cnIIbor, how cnrrIod.
VohIcIos Mnkos, modoIs, dIsfIncfIvo mnrkIngs, nnd norInIs.
CommunIcnfIons Tyo, froquoncIos, mobIIo or fIxod.
TochnIcnI survoIIInnco Any oquImonf obsorvod.
!nIform nnd cIofhIng SImIInrIfIos nnd dIfforoncos from oIIco forcos, bndgos, nnd
Whnf Is fho modus oornndI
! How nro fhoy rocruIfod
! How do fhoy roorf
SurvoIIInnco fochnIquos.
! How nro fhoy usod
! Who Is fnrgofod
! How Is wIrofnIng nrovnI gnInod
! How nro fhoy conducfod
! Musf rIor nrovnI bo obfnInod
SuccossfuI oornfIons
! Whnf fyos hnvo boon mosf succossfuI
! Whnf mofhods woro usod
Whnf Is fho doscrIfIon of fho frnInIng nnd cooornfIon wIfh foroIgn sorvIcos
Whnf fyo of frnInIng Is rocoIvod
FM 3-05.201
WhIch counfry rovIdos frnInIng
Whnf fncIIIfIos nro usod
Whnf Is fho nnmo nnd subordInnfIon of foroIgn InfoIIIgonco sorvIcos oornfIng In fho H
Aro curronf oornfIons ongoIng ngnInsf fho H AgnInsf fho !nIfod Sfnfos
Whnf nro fho ossonfInI oIomonfs of InformnfIon of fho sorvIcos
Whnf covor orgnnIznfIons or osIfIons nro boIng usod
Whnf nro fho IocnfIons nnd hono numbors of fho
! HQ nnd ndmInIsfrnfIon confors
! SurvoIIInnco oornfIons nnd hnngoufs
Whnf orsonnIIfIos nro nssocInfod wIfh foroIgn InfoIIIgonco sorvIcos
Whnf Is fho doscrIfIon of fho foIIowIng oquImonf
Wonons Tyo, cnIIbor, how cnrrIod.
VohIcIos Mnkos, modoIs, socInI oquImonf, norInIs, socInI dIIomnfIc IIconso
CommunIcnfIons Tyos, froquoncIos, wIfh whom.
TochnIcnI survoIIInnco Any oquImonf obsorvod.
!nIforms nnd cIofhIng IsfIncfIvo nnroI, unIform mnrkIngs, bndgos.
Whnf Is fho modus oornndI
! How nro fhoy rocruIfod
! Aro fhoy Inducod or wIIIIng
! How do fhoy roorf
SurvoIIInnco fochnIquos.
! How nro fhoy usod
! o fhoy hnvo connocfIons wIfh foIohono or communIcnfIons omIoyoos
! Whnf mofhods nro usod
! Aro fhoy orformod wIfh ormIssIon of IocnI nufhorIfIos
SuccossfuI oornfIons
! Who wns fnrgofod
! Whnf mofhods woro usod
Is fhoro cooornfIon wIfh Insurgonf or forrorIsf grous
Whnf nffIIInfIons hnvo boon mndo
Whnf fyo of suorf hns boon rovIdod frnInIng, wonons, IogIsfIcs, nnd
FM 3-05.201
Whnf nro fho nnmos nnd IdonfIfIcnfIon of H oIIco forcos
Is fhoro n nnfIonnI oIIco forco
Aro fhoro IocnI or rogIonnI forcos nvnIInbIo If so, who nro fhoso forcos subordInnfo
Whnf nro fho nnmos, IocnfIons, doscrIfIons of fho
HQ nnd ndmInIsfrnfIon confors
OornfIonnI fncIIIfIos
ofonfIon fncIIIfIos If sonrnfo from oornfIons fncIIIfIos
Whnf orsonnIIfIos nro nssocInfod wIfh oIIco forcos
Whnf Is fho doscrIfIon of fho foIIowIng oquImonf
Wonons Tyo, cnIIbor, common nnd socInI sIfunfIon wonons, how cnrrIod.
VohIcIos Mnkos, modoIs, orformnnco modIfIcnfIons, dIsfIncfIvo mnrkIngs, nnd
communIcnfIons oquImonf.
CommunIcnfIons MobIIo or fIxod, froquoncIos, codos nnd cryfogrnh cryfo usod.
TochnIcnI survoIIInnco.
!nIforms nnd cIofhIng CoIor dIsfIncfIvo bndgos, buffons, nnroI rnnk InsIgnIn.
Whnf Is fho modus oornndI
Arrosf rocoduros
! Aro oIIco govornod by ruIos rognrdIng nrohonsIon
! Whnf rocoduros do oIIco foIIow In n roufIno nrrosf
InvosfIgnfIvo rocoduros
! Aro scIonfIfIc mofhods InvoIvod
! Aro InvosfIgnfors frnInod In n H or foroIgn fncIIIfy
InfroI rocoduros nnd roufos
! Aro fhoro sof nfforns fo rocoduros usod
! Aro roufos fIxod or IrroguInr
! Whnf nrons rocoIvo socInI omhnsIs for oIIco nfroIs
! oos IocnI ouInco suorf oIIco offorfs nnd rocoduros
! Is crImInnI jusfIco sysfom orcoIvod ns fnIr
Whnf IdonfIfIcnfIon or documonfnfIon Is or musf bo cnrrIod
Is hofo dIsInyod
If so, Is If bInck nnd whIfo or coIor
Whnf nro curfow hours How nnd by whom nro fhoy onforcod
Whnf chockoInfs or rondbIocks nro In Inco
Who mnns fhom
FM 3-05.201
Whnf rocIIfnfos fomornry chockoInfs or rondbIocks
Whnf Is chockod nf fhoso bnrrIors
Aro fhoro rohIbIfod nnd confrnbnnd Ifoms
Whnf Ifoms nro normnIIy consIdorod confrnbnnd or IIIognI
Whnf onnIfIos nro nssocInfod wIfh ossossIon of fhoso Ifoms
Whnf nro frnvoI rosfrIcfIons nnd offIImIfs nrons
Whnf nrons or ronds nro normnIIy rosfrIcfod from gonornI ouInco
Whnf Is fho oxInnnfIon for fhIs dosIgnnfIon
Whnf nro fho nnmos nnd ncronyms of fho forrorIsf or Insurgonf grous
Whnf nro fhoIr sfnfod gonIs nnd objocfIvos
Whnf Is fho nffIIInfIon of fhoso grous wIfh
IxfornnI nnd InfornnI forrorIsf grous
IoIIfIcnI nrfIos
!Inks wIfh nnrcofIcs frnffIckors
Whnf orsonnIIfIos nro nssocInfod wIfh fhoso grous
Whnf Is fho doscrIfIon of fho IocnfIons of
OornfIonnI nrons !urnI, urbnn, combInnfIon
Snfo housos nnd suorf sIfos AcfIvo, confIngoncy
HQ nfIonnI, rogIonnI, IocnI
TrnInIng nrons
Igross nnd Ingross roufos
IncIIIfIos nvnIInbIo wonons rnngos, hnndfohnnd, cInssrooms, bnrrncks
Whnf Is fho doscrIfIon of fho oquImonf
Whnf nro fho sourcos for forrorIsf or Insurgonf oquImonf
Whnf fyos of wonons nro normnIIy nssocInfod wIfh fhoso grous mnko, cnIIbor,
cycIo, qunnfIfIos
How nro wonons doIIvorod nnd dIsorsod
Whnf oxIosIvos nnd IncondInry dovIcos do fhoy ossoss How nro fhoy rocurod
Whnf vohIcIos nro normnIIy nssocInfod wIfh fhoso grous
! Aro fhoy usunIIy urchnsod or sfoIon
! How offon do fhoy frndo vohIcIos
Whnf communIcnfIons oquImonf Is usunIIy found wIfh fhoso grous
! Whoro Is If obfnInod
! How nro fhoy frnInod In fho oornfIon of fhIs oquImonf
Whnf Is fho modus oornndI
Whnf nro fyIcnI !.S. fnrgofs for fhoso grous
FM 3-05.201
! H fnrgofs
! Ofhor busInoss, corornfIon, foroIgn counfry rorosonfnfIvos
Whnf sIgnIfIcnnf oornfIons murdor, kIdnnIng, bombIng doos fhIs grou
socInIIzo In or cInIm rosonsIbIIIfy for
How do fhoso grous nogofInfo
! o fhoy donI wIfh fnrgof fncofofnco or fhrough nn InformodInry
! Aro fhoIr domnnds usunIIy ronsonnbIo or roosforous
! o fhoy nffomf fo soIIcIf modIn nnd ubIIc suorf durIng nogofInfIons
How doos fho grou obfnIn Ifs InfoIIIgonco
! o fhoy oornfo n formnI InfoIIIgonco nofwork
! Is fhoro ovIdonco of InfIIfrnfIon or H InfoIIIgonco sorvIcos
! !.S. nnd ofhor dIIomnfIc mIssIons
Whnf Is fho H counforforrorIsm CT forco`s oIIcy for donIIng wIfh forrorIsm
oos fho H cooornfo wIfh fho !nIfod Sfnfos In donIIng wIfh forrorIsf sIfunfIons
Whnf Is fho orgnnIznfIon of fho CT forco
How mnny orsonnoI nro nssIgnod
To whom Is fho CT forco subordInnfo
Whnf Is fho mIssIon of fho CT forco
Whnf nro fho IocnfIons of HQ, ndmInIsfrnfIon confors, nnd frnInIng nrons
Whnf Is fho doscrIfIon of fho foIIowIng oquImonf
Wonons Mnko, cnIIbor, qunnfIfy, socInI sIfunfIon wonons.
VohIcIos Mnkos, modoIs, orformnnco modIfIcnfIons, dIsfIncfIvo mnrkIngs.
CommunIcnfIons Tyo, mobIIo or fIxod, wIfh whom.
SocInIIzod oquImonf IxIosIvos, SC!IA, nIrborno or nIrmobIIo.
Whnf frnInIng Is rocoIvod
oos fho H or foroIgn sorvIcos conducf If
Is fho CT forco frnInod In uroIy mIIIfnry oornfIons
o fhoy ossoss n ISYOI cnnbIIIfy Aro fhoy cnnbIo of conducfIng nogofInfIons
Whnf Is fho doscrIfIon of crImInnI ncfIvIfy
Whnf Is fho gonornI IovoI of crImInnI ncfIvIfy Is If normnIIy vIoIonf
Is crImo ngnInsf foroIgnors moro rovnIonf
Whnf nro hIghcrImo nrons nnd whnf cnusos fhoso nrons fo bo crImorono
Whnf Is normnI oIIco rosonso fo crImo
! Whnf ncfIvIfIos cnuso Incronsod oIIco roncfIon
! o oIIco fond fo ovorroncf
Whnf Is fho nnrcofIcs sIfunfIon
FM 3-05.201
Whnf Is offIcInI oIIcy nnd nffIfudo fownrd IocnI nnrcofIcs frnffIc InfornnfIonnI
Whnf Is IocnI ouInco roncfIon fownrd nnrcofIcs
Whnf Is fho nnrcofIcs Infrnsfrucfuro In rognrds fo fho
! Tyo of drugs
! OrgnnIznfIons nssocInfod wIfh rocuromonf nnd dIsfrIbufIon
Whnf nro fho IocnfIons of hIghdrug frnffIckIng nnd uso
Whnf nro fho roufos of onfrnnco nnd dIsfrIbufIon Monns of frnnsorfnIr, cnrs,
frucks, muIos
Whnf nro fho nffIIInfIons of frnffIckors wIfh govornmonf ngoncIos nnd orsonnoI,
forrorIsf or Insurgonf grous, foroIgn mIssIons, nnd ofhor crImInnI fIguros
Whnf wonons do frnffIckors uso Tyo, cnIIbor, qunnfIfy, nnd sourco
Whnf Is fho doscrIfIon of fho H IognI sysfom
Is If orcoIvod fo bo fnIr
Is If offocfIvo
Whnf IognI sfnfus do foroIgnors hnvo Aro fhoro sfnfus of forcos ngroomonfs In
offocf WIfh whIch counfrIos
Whnf nro courf rocoduros
Aro fhoro IognI snfogunrds In Inco for dofondnnfs
How nro unIshmonfs doformInod Aro unIshmonfs commonsurnfo wIfh fho
Whoro nro rIsonors confInod
Is fhoro n nroIo or robnfIon sysfom
Whnf nro fho Inws on osIonngo nnd subvorsIon
o orsons nccusod of fhoso crImos hnvo fho snmo IognI rofocfIon ns fhoso nccusod
of ofhor crImos
Whnf nro fho unIshmonfs for convIcfIon of fhoso crImos
Appendix B
CommunIcnfIons roquIromonfs nro nrfIcuInrIy crIfIcnI In !W mIssIons.
Tho SI fonm musf bo nbIo fo roorf nonrronIfImo InformnfIon dIrocfIy fo
fho usor of fho InformnfIon. Ivon moro Imorfnnf, SI fonm mombors
musf know whnf socIfIc InformnfIon fho usor roquIros nnd In whnf
Il. OornfIng In n !W onvIronmonf osos socInI robIoms for fho SI
communIcnfor. CommunIcnfIons bofwoon fho SIO In fho JSOA nnd fho
SIOI or IOI musf bo roIInbIo nnd socuro. To moof fhIs domnnd,
communIcnfors shouId uso fho IACI communIcnfIons InnnIng sysfom. Tho
fyo of communIcnfIons wIII bo IACI Innnod nIong wIfh fImos nnd modo of
schoduIod confncfs. Inch sogmonf of fho communIcnfIons nof shouId bo
IACI Innnod, fo IncIudo mochnnIsms usod for fho communIcnfIons
oquImonf, nnfonnn sysfoms, owor sourcos, nnd oncryfIon sysfoms. WIfh
fhIs sysfom of InnnIng, communIcnfIons nro mndo moro roIInbIo nnd socuro,
dosIfo fho fncfIcnI sIfunfIon.
I2. Whon n nrfIcuInr nrf of fho communIcnfIons sysfom such ns n rndIo
fnIIs, communIcnfors uso fho nIfornnfo rndIo sysfom. Howovor, fhoy shouId
confInuo fo uso fho ofhor rImnry nrfs of fho sysfom ns Iong ns fhoy cnn
Inforfnco wIfh fho nIfornnfo oquImonf. Tho nIfornnfo mochnnIsm mny bo
ugrndod fo fho rImnry whon oquImonf nvnIInbIIIfy ormIfs. Shorf
durnfIon mIssIons, such ns rnIds nnd nmbushos, mny nof nood fo bo IACI
Innnod buf shouId nf Ionsf confnIn n rImnry, nIfornnfo, nnd confIngoncy
I3. CommunIcnfIons wIfhIn fho JSOA shouId nIso bo IACI Innnod. o
ono sysfom doscrIbod boIow wIII bo usofuI In ovory sIfunfIon. Howovor, n
combInnfIon of fho sysfoms In fho IACI Inn wIII onsuro fhnf
communIcnfIons wIII confInuo. Oornfor frnInIng nnd ndhoronco fo
communIcnfIons socurIfy COMSIC rocoduros wIII mnko communIcnfIons n
I4. Tho rImnry communIcnfIons sysfom IncIudos roufIno communIcnfIons
bofwoon fho SIO nnd fho SIOI or IOI. Tho rImnry usunIIy consIsfs of
rndIo communIcnfIons In hIgh froquoncy HI or fncfIcnI snfoIIIfo TACSAT
modos IAW Sfnndnrd AudIovIsunI SorvIco SuIomonf SAV SI! S!I 6.
Tho rImnry communIcnfIons sysfom cnn hnndIo fho mossngo frnffIc from fho
SIOs nnd fho bnso sfnfIons. Tho bnso sfnfIon communIcnfos wIfh fho
FM 3-05.201
doIoyod SIOs, frnnsmIffIng nnd rocoIvIng mossngos In suorf of fho
SIOI or IOI mIssIon roquIromonfs.
I5. CommunIcnfors Inn nnd uso fho nIfornnfo communIcnfIons sysfom In
cnso of rImnry sysfom fnIIuro. ThIs sysfom consIsfs of nIfornnfo rndIos,
froquoncIos, nnd fImos In oon nof confncfs IAW SAV SI! S!I 6. !sunIIy
fho snmo fyo of oncryfIon sysfom wIII bo usod. In fho ovonf of n rImnry
oncryfIon sysfom comromIso, communIcnfors musf Inn, rncfIco, nnd uso
nn nIfornnfo oncryfIon sysfom.
I6. Tho nIfornnfo communIcnfIons sysfom shouId bo nbIo fo hnndIo fho
snmo nmounf of frnffIc ns fho rImnry sysfom. Whon InIfInIIy usod, If nIorfs
fho SIOI or IOI fo n ofonfInI robIom. CommunIcnfors shouId uso If unfII
fho rImnry sysfom Is ngnIn oornfIonnI or unfII oxfIIfrnfIon. As Iong ns mosf
of fho rndIo oquImonf usod for fho rImnry sysfom Is oornfIonnI, fhIs
oquImonf shouId bo usod for fho nIfornnfo sysfom. Howovor, fhIs sysfom
shouId nof romnIn oornfIonnI for fho durnfIon of fho mIssIon. An nIfornnfo
HI or TACSAT rndIo musf bo InfIIfrnfod wIfh fho SIO nnd kof nvnIInbIo
In cnso of rImnry oquImonf fnIIuro. Tho nIfornnfo oquImonf mny or mny
nof bo of fho snmo fyo buf musf bo nbIo fo frnnsmIf nnd rocoIvo In fho
roquIrod modo of oornfIon HI or TACSAT. Inso sfnfIon nIfornnfo
oquImonf shouId bo InsfnIIod In cnso fho rImnry sysfom fnIIs.
I?. Tho SIO Inns nnd usos fho confIngoncy communIcnfIons sysfom In
cnso of rImnry nnd nIfornnfo sysfoms fnIIuro. Tho confIngoncy sysfom
shouId bo nbIo fo rovIdo fho normnI communIcnfIons bofwoon fho doIoyod
SIO nnd fho SIOI or IOI, buf onIy for shorf durnfIons. An oxnmIo wouId
bo bnffIofIoId rocovory of oquImonf nbIo fo frnnsmIf nn HI sIgnnI or
confInuous wnvo CW. Tho gunrd nof froquoncy, momorIzod by fho SIO
mombors whIIo In IsoInfIon, wouId bo usod ns n confIngoncy whon Ioss or
comromIso of fho froquoncy oncIhor nd occurs. ThIs communIcnfIon, sInco
If Is Ioss socuro, wouId onIy bo usod unfII fho rImnry or nIfornnfo
communIcnfIons oquImonf or sysfom Is oornfIonnI.
I8. OornfIng In fhIs modo, fho SIO Is In n communIcnfIonscrIfIcnI sfngo,
whIch Incronsos Ifs vuInornbIIIfy fo dofocfIon. Thoroforo, commnndors nf nII
IovoIs shouId fnko sfos fo brIng fho rImnry nnd nIfornnfo communIcnfIons
sysfoms on IIno ns soon ns ossIbIo. An omorgoncy rosuIy of oquImonf fo
fho SIO mny bo nocossnry. MonnwhIIo, communIcnfors wouId uso fho
curronf omorgoncy cryfo sysfom ns n confIngoncy oncryfIon sysfom. ThIs
sysfom couId hnndIo fho normnI nmounf of mossngo frnffIc nf Ionsf for shorf
durnfIons. CommunIcnfors wouId uso n rImnry or nIfornnfo oncryfIon
sysfom ns soon ns ossIbIo.
I9. Tho omorgoncy communIcnfIons sysfom Is n Insf rosorf modIum for fho
SIO fo Inform fho SIOI or IOI of Ifs sfnfus. If fho SIO Is oornfIonnI,
buf Incks nocossnry communIcnfIons oquImonf, If usos fho omorgoncy
FM 3-05.201
communIcnfIons sysfom fo Inform fho SIOI or IOI of fhIs fncf. Tho SIO
usos fho omorgoncy communIcnfIons sysfom If fho omorgoncy rosuIy Is
comromIsod. Tho SIO wouId nIso uso fho omorgoncy communIcnfIons
sysfom fo Inform fho SIOI or IOI fhnf nII of fho SIO`s communIcnfIons
oquImonf Is dnmngod or comromIsod nnd If Is In fho ovnsIon modo. If fho
SIO Is ovndIng nnd hns n hIghor sysfom of communIcnfIons, such ns
rImnry, nIfornnfo, or confIngoncy, fhon If usos fhoso sysfoms.
Il0. Tho SIO nnd fho SIOI or IOI ronrrnngos In dofnII fho omorgoncy
communIcnfIons sysfom boforo InfIIfrnfIon. Thoy nIso coordInnfo fho
communIcnfIon mochnnIsm nnd fho ncfIons uon rocoIf. Tho Inn couId
como In n ono or fwoword mossngo oxfIIfrnfod by ofhor rosIsfnnco oIomonfs
or groundfonIr sIgnnIs from n nrfIcuInr IocnfIon. Tho omorgoncy
communIcnfIons sysfom musf bo fnIIsnfo, sImIo, socuro, nnd roIInbIo.
Ill. !W communIcnfIons fochnIquos nnd rocoduros covor fho onfIro
socfrum of communIcnfIons nvnIInbIo fo fho SI communIcnfor. Howovor, ns
sfnfod nbovo, rndIo communIcnfIons domInnfo communIcnfIons bofwoon fho
SIO nnd fho SIOI or IOI. Iofwoon oIomonfs wIfhIn fho JSOA,
communIcnfIons wIII bo rodomInnnfIy nonfochnIcnI In nnfuro, nf Ionsf unfII
fho IIW fhronf hns boon consIdornbIy Iossonod. SocurIfy Is fho
communIcnfor`s numbor ono concorn. Any communIcnfIons wIfhIn fho JSOA
musf bo fofnIIy cInndosfIno unfII n communIcnfIons IInku Is mndo wIfh
convonfIonnI forcos. Tho SIO`s nbIIIfy fo nccomIIsh Ifs mIssIon couId bo
drnsfIcnIIy nffocfod If fho onomy hnd knowIodgo of fho
Irosonco of fho SIO In fho JSOA.
Amounf of fImo sonf on mossngo frnffIc boIng sonf nnd rocoIvod.
Arons of conconfrnfIon nnd mossngo roofIfIon.
Ixfonf of fho sohIsfIcnfIon nnd sIzo of fho communIcnfIons nof.
Il2. SIgnnIs socurIfy SICSIC, whIch IncIudos hysIcnI, frnnsmIssIon, nnd
cryfogrnhIc socurIfy, nIIows fho SIO fo oornfo Iongor wIfhouf dofocfIon.
SICSIC donIos fho onomy nny usnbIo InfoIIIgonco from frnffIc nnnIysIs or
rndIo dIrocfIon fIndor !I dnfn. If nIso koos fho onomy from usIng
ImIfnfIvo docofIon ngnInsf frIondIy uso of fho oIocfromngnofIc socfrum. Ior
SICSIC offorfs fo bo succossfuI, nII SIO nnd guorrIIIn mombors musf
foIIow COMSIC rocoduros.
Il3. IhysIcnI socurIfy IncIudos nII monsuros fnkon fo snfogunrd cInssIfIod
mnforInIs nnd oquImonf from unnufhorIzod orsons. Thoso monsuros hnvo n
funcfIonnI dosfrucfIon Inn for mnforInIs nnd oquImonf In nnfIcInfIon of
cnfuro of cInssIfIod mnforInIs nnd oquImonf by fho onomy. Tho SIO
commnndor confroIs fho oncryfIon nnd docryfIon sysfoms nnd fho
oncryfIon nnd docryfIon of mossngo frnffIc. Thoso orsonnoI frnnsmIffIng
or rocoIvIng mossngo frnffIc shouId novor know fho confonfs of fho mossngos
In cnso of cnfuro nnd InforrognfIon. !ndor no cIrcumsfnnco wIII IndIgonous
orsonnoI bo gIvon nccoss fo fho SIO`s oncryfIon sysfoms or oquImonf
FM 3-05.201
usod for communIcnfIons wIfh fho SIOI nnd IOI. Tho communIcnfor musf
sforIIIzo frnnsmIssIon sIfos nffor nII frnnsmIssIons.
Il4. OnIy SIO mombors shouId hnvo nccoss Info nny nron fhnf hns
cInssIfIod mnforInIs, communIcnfIons oquImonf, or communIcnfIons Iogs nnd
ofhor documonfnfIon. IndIgonous orsonnoI musf bo scroonod boforo boIng
frnInod In communIcnfIons nssIsfnnco wIfhIn fho JSOA.
Il5. TrnnsmIssIon socurIfy IdonfIfIos monsuros fnkon fo rovonf
InforcofIon, frnffIc nnnIysIs, nnd ImIfnfIvo docofIon. If nIso IImIfs fho offocf
of jnmmIng fho frIondIy uso of fho oIocfromngnofIc socfrum. To roduco
chnncos of dofocfIon, communIcnfors uso dIrocfIonnI nnfonnns nnd forrnIn
mnskIng from known !I sfnfIons. Thoy nIso ndhoro fo fho frnnsmIssIon
rocoduros IAW ACIl25 I, CommunIcnfIons InsfrucfIons!ndIofoIohono
Irocoduros, nnd SAV SI! S!I 6 fo Iosson frnnsmIssIon fImo nnd fho
ossIbIIIfy of fhronf dofocfIon. A snfo rncfIco Is fo nssumo fho fhronf hns
Inforcofod fho sIgnnI nnd hns Iocnfod fho frnnsmIssIon sIfo. Tho
communIcnfor shouId koo frnnsmIssIons shorf or rIsk fho consoquoncos.
Il6. CryfogrnhIc socurIfy rosuIfs fhrough fochnIcnIIy sound
cryfogrnhIc sysfoms. If Is ImornfIvo fhnf communIcnfors uso onIy
nufhorIzod cryfogrnhIc sysfoms for frnnsmIssIons bofwoon fho SIO nnd
fho SIOI or IOI. SuffIcIonf qunnfIfIos nnd fyos of cryfogrnhIc sysfoms
shouId bo InfIIfrnfod wIfh fho SIO fo onsuro nII mossngo frnffIc Is
oncryfod nnd docryfod usIng ono of fhoso nufhorIzod sysfoms.
CommunIcnfors wIII nof uso fhoso sysfoms for oncryfIng mossngo frnffIc
wIfhIn fho JSOA. Tho SIO musf InfIIfrnfo nddIfIonnI oncryfIon fochnIquos
fo onsuro communIcnfIons wIfhIn fho JSOA nro socuro. !ndor no
cIrcumsfnncos wIII homomndo cryfogrnhIc sysfoms bo usod for nny fyo
of rndIo frnnsmIssIons.
Il?. !on InfIIfrnfIon Info fho JSOA, fho SIO mny fInd communIcnfIons
sysfoms of fho guorrIIIn forcos nro of Iow qunIIfy, Inck roIInbIIIfy, nnd nro
unsocurod or nonoxIsfonf. Tho SIO musf fnko ImmodInfo sfos fo dovoIo
socuro, roIInbIo communIcnfIons bofwoon vnrIous guorrIIIn grous nnd wIfhIn
fho guorrIIIn oIomonfs fhomsoIvos. uo fo fho IIkoIIhood of n hIgh IIW
fhronf, osocInIIy In fho InIfInI hnsos of fho rosIsfnnco movomonf,
nonfochnIcnI communIcnfIons shouId rovnII.
Il8. AIfhough sIow, mossongors nro fho mosf socuro monns of
communIcnfIons. Thoy cnn cnrry nn oncryfod mossngo or sIgnnI or momorIzo
frnffIc fo bo doIIvorod ornIIy fo fho Infondod nrfy. Mossongors musf bo
nbsoIufoIy IoynI fo fho guorrIIIn orgnnIznfIon nnd fhoroughIy fnmIIInr wIfh
fho forrnIn nnd fho IndIgonous ooIo. ThIs fnmIIInrIfy nIIows fhom fo
FM 3-05.201
oornfo wIfhouf susIcIon nnd movo nbouf frooIy fo Ick u nnd doIIvor
Il9. Mossongor sysfoms nIIow fho fIoxIbIIIfy fo sond wrIffon mossngos,
mns, chnrfs, oquImonf, or ofhor nrfIcIos. Howovor, dIsfnnco, wonfhor, nnd
fho fncfIcnI sIfunfIon In fho nron of fho mossongor sorvIco cnn docronso fho
offocfIvonoss of fho mossongor. Tho nood for sood musf bo woIghod ngnInsf
fho nood for socurIfy sInco mossongors nro roInfIvoIy sIow. In nddIfIon,
InformnfIon momorIzod mny bo forgoffon or dIsforfod nnd fhon doIIvorod
InnccurnfoIy. TrnInIng for rosocfIvo mossongors shouId IncIudo momory
onhnncomonf, ns woII ns bnsIc movomonf fochnIquos common fo Infnnfry
squnds. IM ?8 rovIdos furfhor InformnfIon.
I20. !ndIo communIcnfIon Is fnsf buf fho Ionsf socuro of nII fyos of
communIcnfIon. !ndIos rovIdo fImoIy nnd nccurnfo communIcnfIons from
ono IocnfIon fo nnofhor. If rndIo communIcnfIons hnvo nIrondy boon
Incorornfod, fhoIr offocfIvonoss, roIInbIIIfy, nnd socurIfy musf bo ovnIunfod.
CommunIcnfors musf docIdo If fho curronf rndIo nofs shouId bo mnInfnInod,
ugrndod, or roIncod wIfh ofhor sysfoms. In nddIfIon, fho IIW fhronf musf
bo ovnIunfod fo docIdo If usIng rndIo communIcnfIons osos nn unduo rIsk fo
fho SIO or fho guorrIIIn oIomonfs. CommunIcnfors shouId uso rndIo
communIcnfIons onIy whon fho nood for sood nnd nccurncy oufwoIghs fho
nood for socurIfy.
I2l. CommunIcnfors shouId IImIf fho uso of commorcInI foIohono sysfoms
In fho JSOA durIng fho InIfInI hnsos of oornfIons. Tho onomy cnn frnco
foIohono cnIIs quIckIy nnd onsIIy. Ivon convorsnfIons consIsfIng of n fow
codo words nro rIsky nnd shouId bo nvoIdod In fnvor of moro socuro sysfoms of
communIcnfIons. If foIohono communIcnfIons bofwoon guorrIIIn mombors
musf bo mndo, fhoy shouId bo kof fo nn nbsoIufo mInImum. WIro
communIcnfIons usIng fIoId foIohono nnd mnnunI swIfchbonrds nro nIso
rIsky In fho JSOA. WIros nro vory onsy fo fInd nnd cnn bo foIIowod dIrocfIy fo
fho oInfs of formInnfIon. Ivon If fho oInfs of formInnfIon nro usod
sorndIcnIIy, fho onomy cnn survoII wIro for IndofInIfo orIods, rondorIng
fhom comromIsod nnd usoIoss.
I22. CommunIcnfors couId uso wIro communIcnfIons offocfIvoIy nf fho OI
or !I nof In n nfroI bnso or guorrIIIn bnso comIox. Thoy couId uso
oxodIonf ground rofurn cIrcuIfs nnd oxIsfIng conducfors, such ns bnrbod
wIro foncos or rnIIrond rnIIs. Whon fhoy uso fho oxodIonf ground rofurn
cIrcuIf, fhoy musf onsuro fho nrorInfo nrfIos nro hookod fo fho cIrcuIf nf
fho roor fImo.
I23. VIsunI sIgnnIs cnn bo soon by nnyono who hnons fo bo IookIng In fho
wrong dIrocfIon nf fho rIghf fImo. VIsunI communIcnfIon cnn roIny
InformnfIon usIng nny dovIco such ns IIghfs, mIrrors, nnd fIngs fhnf cnn bo
FM 3-05.201
soon from n dIsfnnco. Whon communIcnfors uso fhoso dovIcos, dofnIIod
InnnIng nnd coordInnfIon nro noodod fo onsuro socurIfy. VIsunI sIgnnIs nood
nn oncryfIon sysfom fo onsuro fho monnIng Is dIscornIbIo onIy fo fho
Infondod nrfy nnd fo socuro fho InformnfIon. SIgnnI oornfors cnn nchIovo
IongdIsfnnco communIcnfIon In n roInfIvoIy shorf fImo whon fhoy uso
bInocuInrs fo sond nnd rocoIvo mossngos In roIny from hIIIfo fo hIIIfo.
I24. CommunIcnfors cnn uso nny dovIco or objocf ns n sIgnnI fhnf cnn bo
dIsInyod In n wny fo roduco n socIfIc monnIng. A nrfIcuInr coIor bodshoof
hung on n cIofhosIIno nf n nrfIcuInr fImo of dny nf n nrfIcuInr Inco couId
monn, for oxnmIo, fhnf fhronf nfroIs woro soon In fho nron wIfhIn fho Insf
24 hours. Tho Imorfnnf oInf Is fhnf n vIsunI sIgnnI musf hnvo n unIquo wny
of boIng IdonfIfIod, n wny fhnf Is unmIsfnknbIo, yof nof unusunI for fho nron,
nnd hnvo n socIfIc monnIng known onIy fo fho rocoIvor.
I25. CommunIcnfors cnn uso fInshIIghfs oquIod wIfh Ions hoods nnd
oxodIonf IIghfguns n form of fInshIIghf oquIod wIfh sIghfs nnd n frIggor
mochnnIsm fo furn fho IIghf on nnd off rnIdIy fo sond mnnunI Morso codo.
Iour frnInod oornfors nro roquIrod ono nf onch ond of fho cIrcuIf for sondIng
nnd rocoIvIng fho mossngo, fho ofhor fwo for rocordIng fho mossngo.
IxorIoncod oornfors cnn uso fhIs mofhod fo sond nnd rocoIvo u fo l2
codod grous of chnrncfors or mInufo.
I26. MIrror rofIocfIons cnn bo soon nf gronf dIsfnncos buf nro vory
suscofIbIo fo InforcofIon. CommunIcnfors shouId uso mIrrors fo sond
mossngos onIy whon brIghf sunIIghf Is nvnIInbIo. Thoy uso fhom In nn nron
whoro fho sun rofIocfIng from shIny surfncos Is normnI, such ns wof brush
nnd Ionvos In fho mornIng. Tho dIsfnnco obfnInod usIng mIrrors cnn vnry by
mnny mIIos, doondIng on curronf wonfhor condIfIons.
I2?. WIgwng Is n vIsunI communIcnfIon sysfom fhnf usos ono sIngIo fIng on
n sfnff fo sond mnnunI Morso codo mossngos. Tho communIcnfor wnvos fho
fIng In n fIgurooIghf fnshIon on fho rIghf sIdo of hIs body fo IndIcnfo n dof
nnd on fho Ioff sIdo fo IndIcnfo n dnsh. Tho communIcnfor fhon roonfs fho
fIguro oIghfs on fho corrocf sIdos of fho body fo roduco n chnrncfor. Ior
oxnmIo, ono fIguro oIghf on fho rIghf nnd ono fIguro oIghf on fho Ioff
roducos nn A or dIfdnh. Tho rocoIvor obsorvos fho A nnd snys A!IHA
fo hIs buddy who rocords If. Tho communIcnfor sonrnfos fho chnrncfors by
hoIdIng fho fIng In n vorfIcnI osIfIon momonfnrIIy. Tho sysfom Is sIow nnd
hns IImIfod usofuInoss nn oxorIoncod crow cnn onIy oxchnngo fIvo fo sovon
Ioffors or mInufo.
I28. Tho somnhoro vIsunI communIcnfIons sysfom usos fwo fIngs, ono for
onch hnnd, hoId In rodoformInod nfforns fo sond Ioffors of fho nIhnbof.
Ono fIng Is whIfo wIfh n rod squnro In fho confor. Tho ofhor fIng Is fho
oosIfo rod fIng wIfh whIfo squnro In fho confor. TrnInod communIcnfors
FM 3-05.201
nro noodod fo oornfo fho sysfom, whIch cnn frnnsmIf l2 Ioffors or mInufo.
Tho nvy usod fhIs sysfom durIng WorId Wnr II.
I29. Anyono In fho nron whofhor or nof fhoy nro nyIng nffonfIon cnn honr
unusunI sounds. AudIo sIgnnIs shouId bo fofnIIy nnfurnI fo fho nron buf onsIIy
rocognIznbIo fo fho rocoIvor, wIfh fho monnIng cIonr yof nnfurnI nnd
monnIngIoss fo ofhors, sImIInr fo usIng vIsunI sIgnnIs. Tho communIcnfor
shouId sond sIgnnIs, nof foxf, sInco Morso codo sonf from n horn or ofhor
nudIo dovIco wouId bo InsfnnfIy rocognIznbIo fo nnyono In fho nron rognrdIoss
of fhoIr frnInIng or cuIfurnI sohIsfIcnfIon.
I30. CommunIcnfors cnn uso dogs fo cnrry mossngos from oInf fo oInf,
buf food, wonfhor, nnd fonr cnn onsIIy dIsfrncf fhom. TrnInors musf ncfunIIy
uso fho roufos fo bo frnvoIod from fho Infondod IocnfIons nnd ncqunInf fho
dogs wIfh orsonnoI on bofh onds of fho roufo. Thoy mnko fho dogs nwnro of
ofhor orsonnoI, IncIudIng onomy soIdIors nnd cIvIIInns. ogs shouId bo woII
cnrod for nnd sfny wIfh fhoIr hnndIors or frnInors. AIfhough somo dogs couId
cnrry consIdornbIo woIghf, mossngos shouId bo smnII nnd hIddon In n coIInr or
sImIInr dovIco so fho dog Iooks Ioss susIcIous from n dIsfnnco.
I3l. CnrrIor Igoons nro moro offocfIvo nnd roIInbIo mossongors fhnn dogs.
Thoy musf romnIn nf n confrnI mossngo IocnfIon for n fow dnys fo ncquIro n
sonso for fho homo roosf. IIgoons cnrry mossngos bosf whon fho mossngo
confnInor Is fIod fo fho Iog. Tho Army usod Igoons durIng WorId Wnr II In
Appendix C
MedicaI Aspects
Ioforo n !W doIoymonf, fho SIO modIc shouId ncquIro ns much
modIcnI InformnfIon ns ossIbIo nf homo sfnfIon fo onsuro ho hns curronf
modIcnI InfoIIIgonco nbouf fho JSOA. An SIO modIc ronros n modIcnI
nron sfudy of fho JSOA ns nrf of fho ovornII nron sfudy. Somo of fho
sourcos ho wIII uso fo ronro fhIs sfudy IncIudo CA nron sfudIos
nvnIInbIo fhrough fho CA dnfnbnso, roorfs by ! ngoncIos, nnd COs
oornfIng In fho nron. Iocnuso fho sfudy Is confInuous, ho udnfos If
whonovor ho rocoIvos now modIcnI InfoIIIgonco. A gonornI oufIIno for n
modIcnI nron sfudy foIIows.
Cl. ThIs formnf Is fIoxIbIo fo nIIow fho modIc fo fnIIor If fo fho noods of fho
SIO by usIng MITTTC IIguro Cl.
GeneraI Provides a brief summary of the nation's health status.
HeaIth Factors
Discusses the country's topography and climate, to include effects on health, medical
evacuation, and logistics.
Demographics ncludes population, ethnic groups, life expectancy, and infant mortality.
Nutrition Discusses nutrition and facilities for refrigeration and food inspection programs.
Water SuppIy Discusses the method of supply, location, treatment, and health hazards as they
apply to drinking, bathing, and swimming.
Fauna of MedicaI
Focuses on disease vectors, hosts, reservoirs, poisonous mammals, reptiles, and
FIora of MedicaI
Covers poisonous plants, plants with medical value, and edible plants used for
EpidemioIogy Discusses prevalent diseases and their contributing factors. t focuses on diseases of
military importance, including communicable diseases and susceptibility to cold and
heat injury. t discusses the concerns of indigenous personnel such as physical
characteristics, their unique attitudes, dress, religious taboos, and psychological
attributes. t also discusses preventive veterinary medicine programs that deal with
prevalent animal diseases and their diseases that can be transmitted to man.
PubIic HeaIth and
MiIitary MedicaI
Focuses on public health and military medical services.
ViIIage Organization Covers such important village concerns as social, physical, and family organization;
housing, diet, water and waste disposal, and local medical practices; and rapport with
neighboring tribes.
Domestic AnimaIs Discusses the types and uses of domesticated animals and any possible religious
symbolism or taboos associated with these animals.
Figure C-1. MedicaI Area Study Format
FM 3-05.201
C2. Tho InIfInI modIcnI nron nssossmonf bogIns ImmodInfoIy uon
InfIIfrnfIon. Tho modIc osfnbIIshos rnorf usIng hIs ImrossIvo modIcnI
skIIIs wIfh fho IocnI ouInfIon nnd guorrIIIns. Ho gnIns n vnIunbIo
oorfunIfy fo rocoIvo InfoIIIgonco nnd InformnfIon nof nvnIInbIo oIsowhoro.
ThIs InformnfIon mny IncIudo cnfurod modIcnI ordor of bnffIo InfoIIIgonco
from modIcnI suIIos nnd documonfs fhrough bnffIofIoId rocovory nnd from
IndIgonous sourcos. If nssossos fho ncfunI oxfonf of modIcnI frnInIng for fho
rosIsfnnco forco, nvnIInbIIIfy of modIcnI suIIos nnd fncIIIfIos, nnd fho sfnfo
of fho snnIfnfIon nnd honIfh wIfhIn fho JSOA. ModIcs shouId consIdor fho
foIIowIng whon conducfIng fho InIfInI modIcnI nron nssossmonf
IhysIcnI condIfIon nnd mornIo of fho SIO.
ModIcnI sfnfus of fho guorrIIIn forcos.
IdonfIfIcnfIon of nny ImmodInfo fhronfs fo fho honIfh of fho commnnd,
fo IncIudo oIdomIcs nnd onvIronmonfnI condIfIons, wonfhor, forrnIn,
Inck of snnIfnfIon, food, nnd wnfor robIoms.
C3. Tho modIcnI nron nssossmonf Is n confInuous rocoss bnsod on
obsorvnfIons nnd fIrsfhnnd fncfunI roorfs by fho doIoyod SIO modIc. Tho
modIcnI nron nssossmonf Is n confInunfIon of fho InIfInI modIcnI nron
nssossmonf. If confIrms, rofufos, or cInrIfIos rovIousIy rosonrchod
InformnfIon In fho modIcnI nron sfudy. Tho modIcnI nron nssossmonf rovIdos
InfoIIIgonco fo ofhor unIfs, suIomonfs nnd suorfs nron sfudIos, nnd forms
fho bnsIs of fho AA!. !osuIfs of, nnd InformnfIon on, fho modIcnI nron
nssossmonf shouId nof bo frnnsmIffod ouf of fho JSOA unIoss sIgnIfIcnnf
dIfforoncos oxIsf bofwoon rovIous InfoIIIgonco roorfs nnd Imncf on curronf
or Innnod oornfIons. Tho foIIowIng nro suggosfIons nnd quosfIons fo guIdo
SIO modIcs In mnkIng n modIcnI nron nssossmonf.
C4. SIO modIcs IndIcnfo fho nnmo of fho frIbo or nnfIvo grou nnd
doscrIbo fhom In forms of hoIghf, buIId, nnd coIor nnd foxfuro of skIn nnd
hnIr. ModIcs doscrIbo fho nnfIvo grou`s ondurnnco nnd nbIIIfy fo cnrry honvy
Ionds whIIo orformIng hysIcnI Inbor nnd doformIno If fhoy nood moro
hysIcnI frnInIng.
C5. SIO modIcs doscrIbo cIofhIng nnd ndornmonfs. Aro shoos or ofhor
foofgonr worn Whnf symboIIsm Is nffnchod fo vnrIous nrfIcIos of cIofhIng nnd
jowoIry, If nny Aro nmuIofs worn Whnf do fhoy symboIIzo ModIcs shouId
furnIsh hofogrnhs If ossIbIo.
C6. SIO modIcs doscrIbo nffIfudos fownrd bIrfh, uborfy, mnrrIngo
monognmy or oIygnmy, oId ngo, sIcknoss, donfh, nnd so on. Thoy consIdor
nny rIfunIs nssocInfod wIfh fhoso ovonfs. Thoy doscrIbo rIncInI fnboos,
osocInIIy fhoso nbouf food, nnImnIs, nnd wnfor. Thoy doformIno whnf fho
nffIfudos nro fownrd docfors nnd wosforn modIcIno. ModIcs doscrIbo rIfos
nnd/or rncfIcos by wIfch docfors durIng IIInossos. Whnf do fho rncfIcos
symboIIzo o fho nnfIvos rosond fo ovonfs In fho snmo mnnnor ns fho
modIcs wouId o fhoy show nrorInfo fooIIngs of sndnoss, hnInoss,
nngor, fonr, nnd Iovo from fho modIc`s oInf of vIow
FM 3-05.201
C?. SIO modIcs doformIno fho sfnfus of rIosfs, wIfch docfors, nnd chIofs.
Whnf Is fhoIr roInfIonshI wIfh fho ooIo How do ofhor communIfy
socInIIsfs, such ns cnronfors, wonvors, nnd hunfors, fIf In socInIIy ModIcs
doscrIbo fho hysIcnI Inyouf of fho communIfy.
C8. SIO modIcs doformIno whofhor InformnrrIngo occurs oufsIdo fho cInn
or bofwoon noIghborIng vIIIngos or frIbos. o mnIos or fomnIos Ionvo homo
whon fhoy mnrry Whnf nro fho nffIfudos fownrd oId mon nnd womon,
chIIdron, nnd doconsod nncosfors
C9. SIO modIcs doscrIbo fhoIr roIIgIous boIIofs. Aro fhoy IuddhIsf, HIndu,
ChrIsfInn, or nnImIsf o fhoy worshI fho sun, moon, or InnnImnfo objocfs
Whnf roIo do good nnd ovII sIrIfs Iny Aro sIcknossos, donfhs, or bIrfhs
nscrIbod fo ovII sIrIfs oos n rIosfhood oxIsf, nnd whnf InfIuonco doos If
hnvo Aro wIfch docfors nnd rIosfs synonymous or dIfforonf
Cl0. SIO modIcs doscrIbo consfrucfIon nnd mnforInIs usod. Thoy doscrIbo
InfosfnfIons, ocfonrnsIfos, nnd vormIn. How mnny orsons InhnbIf n
dwoIIIng Aro fhoro communIfy housos Aro nnImnIs housod In fho snmo
dwoIIIng ModIcs rovIdo hofos nnd dIngrnms If ossIbIo.
Cll. SIO modIcs doscrIbo fho nnfIvo dIof. Thoy doscrIbo ngrIcuIfurnI
rncfIcos, such ns sInshnndburn or ormnnonf fnrms. Is humnn oxcromonf
usod for forfIIIzor Whnf domosfIc cros confrIbufo sIgnIfIcnnfIy fo fho dIof
Whnf wIId vogofnbIos nro consumod How Is food ronrod Whnf foods nro
cookod, IckIod, smokod, or onfon rnw How nro foods rosorvod Af whnf ngo
nro chIIdron wonnod Whnf Is fod fo wonnod Infnnfs WhIch fnmIIy mombor
Is gIvon roforonco nf fho fnbIo Aro fhoro food fnboos nnd why oos
mIgrnfIon In sonrch of food occur Whnf food, rovIdod by !.S. orsonnoI, do
IndIgonous orsonnoI rofor or rojocf
Cl2. SIO modIcs doformIno fho rImnry sourcos of ofnbIo wnfor rIvor,
srIng, nnd woII. Is fho wnfor usod for bnfhIng, wnshIng, drInkIng, nnd
cookIng How fnr Is fho wnfor sourco from fho vIIIngo Is wnfor IonfIfuI or
scnrco Whnf Is fho sonsonnI roInfIonshI fo wnfor nvnIInbIIIfy Is wnfor
boIIod, fIIforod, or subjocfod fo ofhor urIfIcnfIon rocoss boforo consumfIon
Whnf nro nnfIvo nffIfudos fownrd sfnndnrd !.S. urIfIcnfIon mofhods IodIno
nnd bIonch
Cl3. SIO modIcs doscrIbo fho sysfom usod for dIsosnI of humnn
oxcromonf, offnI, dond nnImnIs, nnd humnn bodIos. Is nny oxcromonf
FM 3-05.201
coIIocfod for forfIIIzor Whnf scnvongors nssIsf In fho rocoss of dIsosnI
Whnf Is fho roInfIonshI of dIsosnI sIfos fo rImnry wnforIng sIfos Whnf nro
fho nffIfudos of IndIgonous orsonnoI fo sfnndnrd !.S. mofhods, such ns sIf
down InfrInos
Cl4. SIO modIcs doformIno If fhoro Is n monofnry sysfom or oxchnngo In
fho form of bnrfor or If roorfy nnd sorvIco nro communnI. Whnf Ifoms hnvo
monofnry vnIuo or nro oquIvnIonf fo monoy food, jowoIry, oIfs, nnd drugs
Cl5. SIO modIcs doscrIbo fho fyos of IocnI modIcnI rncfIfIonors. Aro
fhoro convonfIonnI docfors nvnIInbIo, fo IncIudo mIssIonnrIos nnd ofhor
nonIndIgonous orsonnoI Whnf Is fhoIr IovoI of formnI frnInIng nnd
socInIIznfIon o fhoIr fochnIquos conform fo AmorIcnn rncfIcos o fhoy
hnvo govornmonf suorf or nffIIInfIon Who Is fho IocnI modIcnI Iondor Is
ho n IIconsod docfor, wIfch docfor, or horbnIIsf Whnf Is hIs sfnfus In fho
communIfy How do hIs rncfIcos roInfo fo IocnI roIIgIous rncfIcos or fnboos
Whnf drugs or horbs doos ho uso oos ho uso surgIcnI fochnIquos Whnf Is
fho nffIfudo of fho IocnI modIcnI Iondor fownrd SIO modIcs or nIdmon
Whnf sfnfus doos ho nccord fho SIO modIc
Cl6. SIO modIcs doformIno fho IocnfIon of fho nonrosf dIsonsnry,
hosIfnI, or Inbornfory. Thoy doscrIbo cnnbIIIfIos, If known, for surgory,
rndIoIogy, nnd hnrmncy. o IocnI hosIfnIs nccof IndIgonous orsonnoI
from fho AO Whnf hnrmncoufIcnIs or bIoIogIcnIs nro roducod nnd usod
IocnIIy Whnf Is fho ovornII IovoI of modIcnI suIIos, whoro nro fhoy
mnnufncfurod, whnf Is fho qunIIfy, who rovIdos fhom, nnd how nro fhoy
Cl?. SIO modIcs doscrIbo rncfIcos nssocInfod wIfh chIIdbIrfh. o
mIdwIvos nffond fho nfIonf Is fhoro n orIod of confInomonf or bnnIshmonf
boforo or nffor doIIvory Whnf Is fho nffIfudo of fho fnfhor durIng rognnncy,
nf doIIvory, nnd nffor bIrfh How nro fho Inconfn nnd cord fronfod Whnf
rIfunIs nccomnny fho bIrfh rocoss, nnd wIII nnfIvos roquosf fho nssIsfnnco
of SIO modIcs
Cl8. SIO modIcs doscrIbo Inngungo, dInIocf, nnd sooch vnrInnfs of fho
bnsIc fonguo from vIIIngo fo vIIIngo. Whnf ofhor fonguo doos fho frIbo
Cl9. SIO modIcs doscrIbo fho roInfIonshIs wIfh noIghborIng frIbos. oos
InformnrrIngo occur Aro fho gonornI chnrncforIsfIcs of Inngungo, dross, nnd
hysIquo fho snmo Whnf ofhor forms of cooornfIon occur nnd for whnf
FM 3-05.201
C20. SIO modIcs rocord socIos of wIId nnImnIs, bIrds, rofIIos, nnd
nrfhroods found on fho mnrch, nround cnmsIfos, nnd In vIIIngos. If fhoIr
nnmos nro unknown, modIcs doscrIbo fhom. ModIcs nofo roInfIonshIs nmong
fhoso socIos, IncIudIng burrows nnd nosfIng sIfos fo humnn hnbIfnfIon, food
suIIos, nnd wnforIng sIfos.
C2l. SIO modIcs nofo fho occurronco of dond or dyIng nnImnIs, osocInIIy
If fhoy InvoIvo Inrgo numbors of n gIvon socIos. Thoy nofo fho roInfIonshI of
nny dIooff fo fho occurronco of humnn dIsonsos.
C22. SIO modIcs roorf nny mofhods usod by IndIgonous orsonnoI fo
dofond ngnInsf IocnI ocfonrnsIfos Ioochos. How offocfIvo nro fhoso mofhods
comnrod fo sfnndnrd !.S. rofocfIvo monsuros Insocf rooIIonf
C23. Tho gonIs of modIcnI oornfIons In suorf of !W nro fo consorvo fho
fIghfIng sfrongfh of guorrIIIn forcos nnd fo hoI socuro IocnI ouInfIon
suorf for !.S. nnd guorrIIIn forcos oornfIng wIfhIn fho JSOA. ModIcnI
roquIromonfs wIfhIn fho JSOA dIffor from fhoso osod by n convonfIonnI
forco doIng oornfIons for fwo ronsons guorrIIIn forcos normnIIy suffor fowor
bnffIo cnsunIfIos nnd fhoIr IncIdonco of dIsonsos nnd mnInufrIfIon Is offon
C24. In !W, commnndors fnIIor fho orgnnIznfIon of modIcnI oIomonfs fo fIf
fho nrfIcuInr sIfunfIon. oondIng on fho skIIIs roquIrod, orgnnIzors mIghf
bo nbIo fo brIng orsonnoI from ofhor modIcnI unIfs Info fho JSOA. Tho bnsIc
modIcnI orgnnIznfIon cnn oxnnd by usIng guorrIIIn forco mombors nnd
rocruIfIng rofossIonnI modIcnI orsonnoI fo osfnbIIsh nnd oornfo guorrIIIn
C25. CInndosfIno fncIIIfIos nro nf fIrsf confInod fo omorgoncy nnd oxodIonf
cnro wIfh mInImum rovonfIvo modIcIno. Onco fho nron commnnd dovoIos
suffIcIonfIy, fho cInndosfIno fncIIIfIos cnn oxnnd nnd bocomo nrf of fho
unIf`s modIcnI orgnnIznfIon. A woundod guorrIIIn nIIowod fo fnII Info onomy
hnnds cnn bo forcod fo rovonI whnf ho knows nnd mny comromIso fho
mIssIon. InfIonfs wIfh nrorInfo covor sforIos cnn bo InfIIfrnfod Info
cIvIIInn or onomy mIIIfnry hosIfnIs fo rocoIvo fho cnro nof ofhorwIso
C26. CuorrIIIn forcos froquonfIy Ignoro mInor InjurIos nnd IIInoss duo fo
hIgh mofIvnfIon nnd ndnfnfIon fo froquonf hnrdshI nnd dIscomforf.
HIsforIcnIIy, fho Inck of roor modIcnI nffonfIon hns Iod fo sorIous IIInoss
nnd dIsnbIIIfy cnusIng roducod unIf combnf offocfIvonoss.
C2?. HonIfh sfnndnrds In mnny nrons wIII bo boIow fhoso of fho !nIfod
Sfnfos. IndIgonous orsonnoI mny nof nccof fronfmonf fhnf Is dosIrnbIo for
!.S. orsonnoI bocnuso of roIIgIous boIIofs or suorsfIfIons. AIso, nnfIvos mny
hnvo nn ncquIrod ImmunIfy fo corfnIn dIsonsos of fho nron.
FM 3-05.201
C28. A brond rnngo of modIcnI suorf mny bo nvnIInbIo In fho JSOA,
nIfhough nf fIrsf, fronfmonf mny bo IImIfod fo rudImonfnry modIcnI
rocoduros, such ns fIrsf nId nnd orsonnI hygIono. Somo guorrIIIns In fho
nsf hnvo dovoIood hIghIy orgnnIzod nnd offocfIvo modIcnI suorf unIfs nnd
InsfnIInfIons. ThoIr orgnnIznfIons nrnIIoIod fhoso of convonfIonnI forcos, fo
IncIudo fIoId hosIfnIs In InnccossIbIo nrons.
C29. ModIcnI oIomonfs suorfIng fho rosIsfnnco forcos musf bo mobIIo,
rosonsIvo, nnd offocfIvo In rovonfIng dIsonso nnd rosforIng fho sIck nnd
woundod fo dufy. Thoro mny bo no snfo ronr nron whoro fho guorrIIIn cnn
fnko cnsunIfIos for fronfmonf. Woundod nnd sIck orsonnoI bocomo n fncfIcnI
robIom rnfhor fhnn n IogIsfIcs robIom modIcnI suorf Is n mnjor fncfIcnI
consIdornfIon In nII oornfIons. Tho cIvIIInn Infrnsfrucfuro of fho guorrIIIns
confrIbufos fo modIcnI suorf by soffIng u nnd oornfIng modIcnI fncIIIfIos.
ModIcnI orsonnoI hoI durIng combnf oornfIons by sfnrfIng cnsunIfy
coIIocfIon oInfs, ormIffIng fho romnInIng mombors of fho guorrIIIns fo koo
fIghfIng. CnsunIfIos nf fhoso oInfs nro ovncunfod fo n guorrIIIn bnso or
cIvIIInn cnro fncIIIfy.
C30. In !W, fho nffIfudo of fho sIck nnd woundod Is oxfromoIy Imorfnnf.
Tho omofIonnI Imorfnnco fho IndIvIdunI soIdIor nffrIbufos fo fho modIcnI
sorvIco goos n Iong wny In hIs cnro nnd fronfmonf. Iocnuso fho sIck nnd
woundod cnn fInd fhomsoIvos In dIffIcuIf condIfIons, fhoy hnvo sImIo wnnfs
for shoIfor, food, nnd modIcnI fronfmonf. Sfnndnrds of cnro nro nof Ioworod
fhoso soIdIors mny jusf bo unnwnro of nny shorfcomIngs In fho modIcnI cnro
fhoy rocoIvo. IxorIonco hns shown fhnf n soIdIor mny hnvo mnjor surgory
undor oxfromo hnrdshI condIfIons nnd yof domonsfrnfo romnrknbIo
rocuornfIvo owor.
C3l. Tho modIcnI nof In fho JSOA Is kof ns sImIo ns ossIbIo, jusf onough
fo rovIdo socurIfy nnd fIf fho osfImnfod noods of fufuro oxnnsIon of fho
JSOA. ModIcnI orsonnoI rofIno nnd modIfy fho nof nffor If Is funcfIonIng nnd
socuro. Whon soffIng u n modIcnI nof, orsonnoI musf consIdor fho
ScnIo of ncfIvIfIos nIrondy In oxIsfonco nnd fhoso Innnod.
IofonfInI Incronso In sfrongfh, ncfIvIfIos, nnd oornfIons.
IhysIcnI fncfors, IncIudIng foogrnhy, cIImnfo, nnd googrnhy, Ius
frnnsorfnfIon nnd communIcnfIons.
Tho numbor, nvnIInbIIIfy, nnd doondnbIIIfy of modIcnIIy qunIIfIod nnd
somIqunIIfIod orsonnoI In fho JSOA.
Tho nffIfudo of fho ouInfIon, govornmonf, nnd guorrIIIn fownrd
modIcnI robIoms nnd fho modIcnI sfnndnrds nccofod In fho nron.
IxIsfIng nonmodIcnI oornfIonnI fncIIIfIos of fho nron commnnd.
C32. ModIcnI orsonnoI mny uso fho oxIsfIng InfoIIIgonco nnd socurIfy nofs
fo sfnrf n sonrnfo modIcnI nof for coIIocfIng modIcnI InfoIIIgonco. Thoy cnn
nIso uso fho oxIsfIng IogIsfIcs nof fo frnnsorf modIcnI suIIos.
FM 3-05.201
C33. OvornII, mIssIon InnnIng IncIudos IocnfIng nnd oornfIng nn nId
sfnfIon. ModIcnI orsonnoI rovIdo omorgoncy modIcnI fronfmonf nf fhIs
IocnfIon. IvncunfIon of woundod orsonnoI from fho bnffIo nron bogIns horo.
Iocnuso fho condIfIon of fho woundod mny rocIudo movomonf fo fho unIf
bnso, fhoy nro hIddon In socuro IocnfIons nnd fho nuxIIInry Is nofIfIod. Tho
nuxIIInry wIII cnro for nnd hIdo fho woundod or ovncunfo fhom fo n fronfmonf
C34. Tho ovncunfIon of fho dond Is Imorfnnf for socurIfy ronsons. If fho
onomy IdonfIfIos fho dond, fho snfofy of fho guorrIIIn fnmIIIos mny bo
joonrdIzod. IorsonnoI ovncunfo nnd cncho fho bodIos of fhoso kIIIod In ncfIon
unfII fhoy cnn bo roorIy burIod or dIsosod of IAW fho cusfoms of fho IocnI
ouInfIon. !omovnI nnd burInI of fho dond wIII dony fho onomy vnIunbIo
InfoIIIgonco concornIng IndIgonous cnsunIfIos.
C35. As fho oornfIonnI nron dovoIos nnd fho sIfunfIon fnvors fho sonsor,
ovncunfIon of fho moro sorIousIy Injurod or dIsonsod orsonnoI fo frIondIy
nrons mny bocomo ossIbIo. ThIs ncfIon wIII IIghfon fho burdon on IocnI
fncIIIfIos nnd rovIdo n hIghor sfnndnrd of modIcnI cnro for fho romnInIng
nfIonfs. AIr ovncunfIon Is fho mosf IogIcnI ovncunfIon monns buf fho
dIsndvnnfngo Is Ifs Inhoronf fhronf fo socurIfy. !nndIng sIfos musf bo Iocnfod
woII nwny from sonsIfIvo nrons, nnd guorrIIIn forcos musf socuro nnd confroI
fho surroundIng nron unfII fho nIrcrnff Ionvos.
C36. Tho nron whoro nfIonfs nro sonf fo rocuornfo Is cnIIod n convnIosconf
fncIIIfy. Thoso nfIonfs nro dIschnrgod ns soon ns ossIbIo. A convnIosconf
fncIIIfy mny bo n snfo houso In whIch ono or fwo convnIosconfs nro
rocuornfIng wIfh fhoIr nocossnry covor sforIos, or If couId bo In nny bnso
cnm In guorrIIInconfroIIod nrons.
C3?. Tho guorrIIIn hosIfnI Is n modIcnI fronfmonf fncIIIfy or comIox of
smnIIor fncIIIfIos rovIdIng InnfIonf modIcnI suorf fo fho guorrIIIn forco. A
guorrIIIn hosIfnI Is osfnbIIshod durIng fho orgnnIznfIon nnd buIIdu hnso of
n rosIsfnnco orgnnIznfIon, musf bo rondy for oornfIon nf fho sfnrf of combnf
oornfIons, nnd musf confInuo fo rovIdo modIcnI suorf unfII dIrocfod
ofhorwIso. Tho hosIfnI Is gonornIIy In fho JSOA If suorfs buf
consIdornfIons of MITTTC mny dIcfnfo ofhorwIso. An IndIgonous modIcnI
offIcor wIfh ndvIco nnd nssIsfnnco of fho !.S. SI grou or bnffnIIon surgoon
wIII usunIIy commnnd fho guorrIIIn hosIfnI. Howovor, doondIng on
cIrcumsfnncos wIfhIn fho JSOA, fho grou or bnffnIIon surgoon mny bo fho
C38. Tho guorrIIIn hosIfnI rnroIy, If ovor, oufwnrdIy rosombIos n
convonfIonnI hosIfnI. Tho roquIromonf for sfrIcf socurIfy, fIoxIbIIIfy, nnd
rnId mobIIIfy rocIudos vIsIbIo comnrIson wIfh convonfIonnI mIIIfnry or
nny cIvIIInn modIcnI fncIIIfIos. As fho guorrIIIn forco consoIIdnfos Ifs hoId on
fho JSOA, nII modIcnI suorf funcfIons wIII fond fo consoIIdnfo. Snfo nrons
nIIow fho osfnbIIshmonf of n confrnIIzod sysfom of modIcnI cnro.
FM 3-05.201
SohIsfIcnfod hosIfnIs ormIf cnro fhnf Is moro oInbornfo bocnuso fhoy
rovIdo n wIdor soIocfIon of frnInod orsonnoI, socInIIzod oquImonf, nnd
fho cnnbIIIfy of moro oxfonsIvo nnd roIongod fronfmonf. HosIfnI
consIdornfIons wIII doond on fho foIIowIng fncfors.
C39. Tho guorrIIIn hosIfnI sfnff conducfs n roconnnIssnnco for ossIbIo
hosIfnI sIfos nnd coordInnfos fho frnInIng of guorrIIIn mombors who wIII
suorf hosIfnI oornfIons. Tho hosIfnI shouId bo In n socuro nron buf
nccossIbIo fo cnsunIfIos. SIfo Innnors musf consIdor socurIfy, foogrnhy,
dIsfnnco, mobIIIfy, nnd onomy counforguorrIIIn ncfIvIfIos. A snncfunry ncross
nn InfornnfIonnI bordor Is IdonI for n guorrIIIn hosIfnI.
C40. Thoro musf bo sfrIcf socurIfy monsuros fo rofocf fho covorf nnfuro of
fho guorrIIIn hosIfnI oornfIons. SocurIfy comromIsos cnn Iond fo fho
cnfuro of fho hosIfnI sfnff, nfIonfs, nnd suIIos, whIch mny comromIso
mombors of fho nuxIIInry or undorground or joonrdIzo fho onfIro oornfIon.
C4l. !nId communIcnfIons nro ossonfInI bofwoon fho hosIfnI commnnd
nnd fho nron or socfor commnndor fo mnInfnIn ndoqunfo modIcnI suorf nnd
onsuro survIvnI. CoordInnfIng hosIfnI movomonf, rocoIvIng cnsunIfIos nnd
suIIos, roquosfIng suorf, nnd dIssomInnfIng InfoIIIgonco nII doond on
rnId nnd socuro communIcnfIons.
MedicaI SuppIies
C42. Affor InfIIfrnfIon, fho SIO roquosfs ndoqunfo modIcnI suIIos for
InIfInI hosIfnI oornfIons. IInns musf rovIdo for nufomnfIc nnd oncnII
modIcnI rosuIy, nIfhough fho sfnff shouId mnko mnxImum uso of IocnIIy
nvnIInbIo suIIos. Tho sfnff coordInnfos wIfh fho guorrIIIn forco fo ncquIro
food nnd rnfIons for fho hosIfnI nfIonfs.
C43. A guorrIIIn hosIfnI hns sovornI socfIons. Somo socfIons nro coIIocnfod
ofhors shouId bo dIsorsod for socurIfy ronsons. SfnffIng n guorrIIIn hosIfnI
doonds on fho mIssIon nnd nvnIInbIIIfy of frnInod modIcnI orsonnoI.
IorsonnoI musf bo nffnchod fo fho hosIfnI fo rovIdo socurIfy,
communIcnfIons, nnd IogIsfIc suorf. Thoro nro sovon rocommondod socfIons
of n guorrIIIn hosIfnI.
C44. Tho C2 socfIon rovIdos commnnd ovor
hosIfnI orsonnoI nnd suorvIsIon of hosIfnI funcfIons. If mnInfnIns
communIcnfIons wIfh fho nron or socfor commnndor of fho hosIfnI. If
coordInnfos socurIfy for fho hosIfnI.
C45. SocurIfy Is rImnrIIy n funcfIon of IocnfIon, onrIy wnrnIng,
nnd movomonf. Tho guorrIIIn hosIfnI shouId bo Iocnfod In nn nron whoro fho
IocnI ouInco Is frIondIy or symnfhofIc fo !.S. orsonnoI nnd fho guorrIIIns.
FM 3-05.201
SocurIfy shouId roIy honvIIy on onrIy wnrnIng, dIvorsIonnry fncfIcs, nnd
movomonf fo nIfornnfo IocnfIons.
C46. ThIs socfIon rovIdos IogIsfIc suorf, fo IncIudo suIy,
frnnsorfnfIon, nnd grnvos rogIsfrnfIon.
C4?. IorsonnoI In fhIs socfIon osfnbIIsh nnd mnInfnIn ono or moro
sIfos fhnf sorvo ns sfngIng nrons for IImIfod modIcnI cnro nnd movomonf of
nfIonfs nnd suIIos fo fho fronfmonf socfIon. Ior socurIfy ronsons, fhoso
sIfos nro fho onIy confncf fho guorrIIIn forco hns wIfh fho hosIfnI.
C48. ModIcnI, surgIcnI, nnd ImmodInfo osfoornfIvo cnro comos
from fhIs socfIon. If Is fho confrnI ncfIvIfy of fho hosIfnI, nnd nII ofhor
socfIons suorf If. IndIvIdunIs sfnffIng frIngo sIfos shouId nof bo foId fho
IocnfIon of fho fronfmonf confor. OnIy fronfmonf confor sfnff mombors wIII
Ick u nfIonfs nf frIngo sIfos fo fnko fhom fo fho confrnI fronfmonf confor.
C49. ThIs socfIon osfnbIIshos fncIIIfIos fo cnro for nfIonfs no
Iongor roquIrIng fho InfonsIvo suorf rovIdod by fho fronfmonf socfIon.
Such fncIIIfIos Incronso fho dIsorsIon of nfIonfs. oondIng on fho condIfIon
of fho nfIonfs Incod In convnIosconf fncIIIfIos, hosIfnI orsonnoI mny nof
bo roquIrod fo confInunIIy sfnff fhIs nron.
C50. ThIs socfIon osfnbIIshos sIfos whoro nfIonfs mny bo
frnnsorfod onco fhoy hnvo rocoIvod mnxImum bonofIfs from hosIfnIIznfIon.
Thoso sIfos nro bnsIcnIIy unmnnnod googrnhIc oInfs usod ns drooff
IocnfIons whoro nfIonfs mny bo rofurnod fo fhoIr unIfs rondy for combnf.
C5l. Tho SIO modIc bogIns modIcnI frnInIng of guorrIIIn forcos nf fho
onrIIosf ossIbIo oorfunIfy. Ho soIocfs fho orsonnoI fo bo frnInod nnd
scroons fhom for fhoIr nbIIIfIos. Thoso wIfh ofonfInI nro frnInod ns comnny
modIcs or nursos. Ho fhon dovoIos fho frnInIng rogrnm for onch of fho
dIfforonf funcfIons noodod wIfhIn fho guorrIIIn modIcnI sysfom. Ho fonchos
fho rIncIIos of soIf hoI nnd buddy nId fo fho onfIro guorrIIIn forco.
Ofhor frnInIng IncIudos rovonfIvo modIcIno rocoduros, bnsIc snnIfnfIon,
orsonnI hygIono, nnd IndIvIdunI rofocfIvo monsuros. Ho nIso onsuros
ImmunIznfIons of fho guorrIIIn forco nnd fhoIr fnmIIIos.
C52. Tho nowIy frnInod modIcnI orsonnoI shouId mnko mnxImum uso of nII
modIcnI fncIIIfIos. Thoy nIso hoI fho modIc frnIn nddIfIonnI modIcnI
orsonnoI. Tho nmounf nnd qunIIfy of fho frnInIng doonds on fho sIfunfIon,
fncIIIfIos, nnd Insfrucfors. Howovor, fho knowIodgo nnd nbIIIfy of fho SIO
modIc wIII uIfImnfoIy docIdo fho succoss of fho rogrnm.
C53. oondIng on fho fncfIcnI nnd modIcnI sIfunfIons In fho JSOA, fho
SIOI or IOI wIII doformIno fho froquoncy nnd confonfs of orIodIc modIcnI
roorfs. Ioforo InfIIfrnfIon, fho SIOI or IOI brIofs fho SIO on fho honIfh
of fho guorrIIIn forcos, cnsunIfy rnfo wounds or dIsonsos, nnd ovornII
guorrIIIn modIcnI condIfIon.
C54. Tho frnInIng sfnfus roorf wIII IncIudo
FM 3-05.201
ow frnInIng rogrnms sInco Insf roorf.
Chnngo In numbor of frnInoos.
Chnngo In numbor of grndunfos from frnInIng rogrnms.
Adoquncy of frnInIng nIds.
C55. Tho modIcnI rogrnm roorf wIII IncIudo
ModIcnI suIy sfnfus, fo IncIudo fho foIIowIng
SuIIos roducod fo crIfIcnI IovoI.
Succoss rnfo wIfh suIy rocuromonf wIfhIn fho AO.
ConornI condIfIon of suIIos nnd oquImonf foIIowIng nIr
rosuIy oornfIons.
ow rojocfs nnd fncIIIfIos sInco fho Insf roorf nnd nny Iossos duo fo
onomy ncfIvIfy.
Any sorIous modIcnI robIoms fhnf mny oxIsf nnd fho IovoI of cnro
nfIonfs nro rocoIvIng In fncIIIfIos of frIondIy forcos.
Whofhor ofhor modIcnI orsonnoI nro nIdIng frIondIy forcos moro fhnn
umbor of now guorrIIIn orsonnoI bofh fuII nnd nrffImo nnd fhoIr
skIIIs nnd combnf offocfIvonoss.
Any socInI modIcnI robIoms unIquo fo fho nron.
Any knowIodgo of onomy modIcnI sIfunfIon, such ns
Sfnndnrds of modIcnI cnro.
AffIfudos or ncfIons fownrd woundod guorrIIIns nnd !.S.
AnfIguorrIIIn ncfIvIfIos fownrd modIcnI fncIIIfIos.
Appendix D
LegaI PrincipIes
Sovon bnsIc IognI rIncIIos forgod from fho Hnguo nnd Conovn
ConvonfIons, fho InfornnfIonnI ocInrnfIon of Humnn !Ighfs, nnd fho
cusfomnry Inws of wnr govorn nII !.S. mIIIfnry oornfIons. Thoy nro ns
Obsorvnnco of fundnmonfnI humnn rIghfs wIII rocognIzo fho
dIgnIfy nnd worfh of fho IndIvIdunI nnd fho fundnmonfnI froodom
of nII wIfhouf dIsfIncfIon ns fo rnco, sox, Inngungo, or roIIgIon.
Humnn rIghfs vIoInfIons wIII nof bo foIornfod. As wIfh vIoInfIons
of fho Inw of wnr, !.S. soIdIors wIII roorf humnn rIghfs
vIoInfIons whon fhoy bocomo nwnro of fhom.
CIvIIInns shnII bo fronfod humnnoIy nnd mny nof bo usod fo
shIoId mIIIfnry oornfIons.
IIWs nnd cIvIIInn dofnInoos wIII bo fronfod humnnoIy nnd IAW
fho rovIsIons of fho Conovn ConvonfIons.
!.S. soIdIors nro onfIfIod fo sImIInr humnno fronfmonf shouId
fhoy fnII Info fho onomy`s hnnds.
Ordors fo commIf wnr crImos nnd musf bo dIsoboyod.
SoIdIors who vIoInfo fho Inw of wnr wIII bo hoId rosonsIbIo for
fhoIr ncfIons. SuorIors who ordor vIoInfIons of fho Inw of wnr
nro crImInnIIy nnd orsonnIIy rosonsIbIo for such ordors, ns nro
subordInnfos who cnrry ouf fho ordors.
Wonons, munIfIons, nnd fochnIquos cnIcuInfod fo cnuso
unnocossnry nIn nnd sufforIng nro forbIddon.
l. AII Army socInI oornfIons forcos A!SOI oornfIons wIII comIy wIfh
!.S. nnd InfornnfIonnI Inw, nnfIonnI oIIcy, O dIrocfIvos, nnd A!s
whofhor SI oornfIons nro conducfod durIng wnr or sfnbIIIfy oornfIons nnd
suorf oornfIons.
2. onrfmonf of fho Army roquIros fhnf n judgo ndvocnfo JA bo
consuIfod fhroughouf fho oornfIonnI InnnIng rocoss. Tho JA rovIows SO
Inns fo onsuro fhoy comIy wIfh nII nIIcnbIo Inws rovIdIng mnxImum
rofocfIon fo SIO mombors In fho ovonf fhoy nro cnfurod or dofnInod.
3. Tho grou JA nssIgnod fo fho SIO rovIdos IognI ndvIco fhnf nn SI
grou commnndor roquIros fo orform hIs nssIgnod mIssIon. SO mIssIons nro
oIIfIcnIIy sonsIfIvo, nrfIcuInrIy In sfnbIIIfy oornfIons nnd suorf
oornfIons, nnd nro frnughf wIfh mnny ofonfInI IognI IffnIIs. urIng
mIssIon InnnIng, fho commnndor consIdors frndIfIonnI Inw of wnr
FM 3-05.201
roquIromonfs, domosfIc !.S. Inw such ns socurIfy nssIsfnnco nnd InfoIIIgonco
sfnfufos, nnd InfornnfIonnI Inw In mufunI dofonso fronfIos nnd H suorf
ngroomonfs. InIIuro fo comIy wIfh such IognI nnd oIIcy domnnds couId
cnuso ombnrrnssmonf nnd ovon crImInnI InvosfIgnfIon nnd rosocufIon for
fho commnndor nnd hIs sfnff. In consuIfnfIon wIfh n CA InfornnfIonnI !nw
OffIcor I!O, fho JA nIso rovIows nny InfornnfIonnI ngroomonfs, fronfIos,
nnd ofhor IognI documonfs fhnf mny nffocf or bo nffocfod by fho !W
4. Tho JA rovIdos IognI ndvIco fo fho commnndor. Ho knows nof onIy fho
nIIcnbIo Inws buf nIso fho mIssIons of hIs cIIonf. Tho JA musf hnvo n
workIng knowIodgo of fho forco sfrucfuro, mIssIons, docfrIno, nnd fncfIcs of
fho SIO ho ndvIsos. ThIs knowIodgo shouId como from rIor A!SOI
frnInIng, oxorIonco, nnd cIoso workIng roInfIonshIs wIfh commnndors nnd
sfnffs. In IdonI sIfunfIons, fho JA wouId bo nf Ionsf nn SIqunIIfIod mnjor. Ho
wouId nIso hnvo nf Ionsf n To Socrof cIonrnnco nnd nccoss fo fho InformnfIon
ho roquIros fo do hIs job offocfIvoIy.
5. Tho JA sorvos on fho SIO`s fnrgofIng nnoI fo rovIow IogIfImncy of fho
fnrgof, mofhods usod ngnInsf fho fnrgof, nnd fho IognI ImIIcnfIons of cIvIIInn
nnd coIInfornI dnmngo. Ho wouId nrfIcInfo In frndIfIonnI sfnff funcfIons nnd
obsorvo or nrfIcInfo In frnInIng. Ho musf domonsfrnfo fo fho commnnd fhnf
ho Is n soIdIor ns woII ns nn nffornoy nnd cnn cnrry hIs own woIghf ns nn
SIO mombor. Ho musf nof Ioso sIghf of fho fncf ho Is nn nffornoy wIfh
socInI obIIgnfIons nnd rosonsIbIIIfIos, such ns dIsonsIng objocfIvo nnd
woIIronsonod IognI ndvIco.
6. Iorco monns hysIcnI vIoIonco, such ns forrorIsf sfrIkos or InvnsIon, nof
ofhor forms of coorcIon. InfornnfIonnI Inw confnIns n gonornI rohIbIfIon on
fho uso of forco fhnf Is, hysIcnI vIoIonco or fho fhronf of hysIcnI vIoIonco.
ThIs rohIbIfIon Is momorInIIzod In fho ! Chnrfor ArfIcIo 24 AII
mombors shnII rofrnIn In fhoIr InfornnfIonnI roInfIons from fho fhronf or uso
of forco ngnInsf fho forrIforInI InfogrIfy or oIIfIcnI Indoondonco of nny
?. Tho ! Chnrfor nIso oufInws nggrossIvo wnr. AggrossIon Is fho uso of
nrmod forco, bombnrdmonf, or bIockndo InconsIsfonf wIfh fho ! Chnrfor.
Tho sonsorIng of forrorIsfs, morconnrIos, or IrroguInr combnfnnfs Is nIso
consIdorod nggrossIon.
8. Tho InfornnfIonnI Courf of JusfIco In Icnrngun vorsus !nIfod Sfnfos
hns ruIod n sfnfo Is nof ormIffod fo rosorf fo soIfdofonso ngnInsf
nggrossIon unIoss If Is subjocfod fo nn nrmod nffnck. Tho sfnfo mny bo nbIo fo
fnko roorfIonnfo counformonsuros. If Is !.S. oIIcy fhnf onco n forrorIsf
or ofhor nffnck occurs or Is oxocfod fo occur, fho !nIfod Sfnfos cnn uso forco
fo rovonf or dofor nffncks unIoss ronsonnbIo grounds oxIsf fo boIIovo fhnf no
furfhor nffnck wIII bo undorfnkon. Tho !nIfod Sfnfos Is commIffod fo usIng
FM 3-05.201
forco In Ifs soIfdofonso onIy whon nocossnry nnd onIy fo fho oxfonf If Is
roorfIonnfo fo fho socIfIc fhronf.
9. A rocognIzod oxcofIon fo fho rohIbIfIon on fho uso of forco Is fho Inw
of soIfdofonso. ThIs Inhoronf rIghf of soIfdofonso Is nIso codIfIod In fho !
Chnrfor, ArfIcIo 5l. ThIs nrfIcIo sfnfos ofhIng In fho rosonf chnrfor shnII
ImnIr fho Inhoronf rIghf of IndIvIdunI or coIIocfIvo soIfdofonso If nn nrmod
nffnck occurs ngnInsf n Mombor of fho !nIfod nfIons unfII fho SocurIfy
CouncII hns fnkon monsuros nocossnry fo mnInfnIn InfornnfIonnI onco nnd
socurIfy. AIso rocognIzod by cusfomnry InfornnfIonnI Inw Is fho docfrIno of
nnfIcInfory soIfdofonso, fhnf Is, dofonsIvo ncfIon fnkon In rosonso fo nn
ImmInonf nrmod nffnck by nnofhor Sfnfo or rocognIzod InfornnfIonnI sfnfo.
l0. AbducfIon Is fho forcIbIo, nonconsonsunI romovnI of n orson by ono
sfnfo from fho forrIfory of nnofhor sfnfo. AmorIcnn Inw onforcomonf offIcInIs
rofor fo such nbducfIons ns nrrosfs. To bo nccofnbIo undor InfornnfIonnI
Inw, nbducfIon musf snfIsfy moro oxncfIng sfnndnrds fhnn fho nvnIInbIIIfy of
nn nrrosf wnrrnnf Issuod by fho sfnfo rosonsIbIo for fho ncfIon. AbducfIon
mny bo consIdorod crImInnI conducf In fho sfnfo from whIch n orson wns
fnkon. AddIfIonnIIy, rognrdIoss of whofhor fho sfnfo from whIch nn IndIvIdunI
wns fnkon Is hosfIIo fo fho nbducfIng sfnfo, nbducfIons consfIfufo nn
oxfromoIy sonsIfIvo oornfIon fhnf cnn sIgnIfIcnnfIy nffocf InfornnfIonnI
roInfIons. Tho !nIfod Sfnfos rosorvos fho rIghf fo ongngo In nonconsonsunI
nbducfIons for fhroo socIfIc ronsons
If n sfnfo for InfornnI oIIfIcnI ronsons mny bo unwIIIIng fo oxfrndIfo n
fnrgof or gIvo Ifs ubIIc consonf fo fho fnrgof`s romovnI. !noffIcInIIy,
fho sfnfo mny bo ronrod fo hnvo fho fnrgof romovod wIfhouf
grnnfIng formnI consonf nnd mny ovon offor somo cooornfIon In
cnrryIng ouf fho ncfIon.
Whon fho fnrgof Is nn oxfromoIy dnngorous IndIvIdunI nnd Is nccusod
of grnvo vIoInfIons of InfornnfIonnI Inw, such ns nIr Irncy.
To rovonf forrorIsfs, ofhor dnngorous IndIvIdunIs, nnd fhoIr sfnfo
suorfors from nssumIng fhoy nro snfo from such unIInfornI ncfIon.
ll. A l989 nbducfIon of n MoxIcnn nnfIonnI from MoxIco by ofhor MoxIcnn
nnfIonnIs wns In rosonso fo nn offor by fho !nIfod Sfnfos fo ny hIs bounfy
uon doIIvory fo fho !nIfod Sfnfos. Tho !.S. frInI courf judgod fhIs ncfIon nn
IIIognI ncquIsIfIon of jurIsdIcfIon. Tho chnrgos fhnf Iod fo fho !.S. offor woro
dIsmIssod for Inck of IognIIy ncquIrod cusfody ovor fho nccusod. !ndor !.S.
Inw, cusfody of fho nccusod cnnnof bo obfnInod In such n wny ns fo shock fho
sonsIfIvIfIos of fho courf.
l2. Tho !nIfod Sfnfos rocognIzos nnd sfrongIy suorfs fho rIncIIo fhnf
n sfnfo, subjocf fo confInuIng forrorIsf nffncks, mny rosond wIfh nrorInfo
uso of forco fo ncfIvoIy dofond ngnInsf furfhor nffncks. ThIs oIIcy comIIos
wIfh fho Inhoronf rIghf of soIfdofonso rocognIzod In fho ! Chnrfor.
FM 3-05.201
l3. IrosIdonfInI IxocufIvo Ordor l2333 sfnfos, o orson omIoyod by or
ncfIng on bohnIf of fho !nIfod Sfnfos Covornmonf shnII ongngo In, or consIro
fo ongngo In, nssnssInnfIon. ArfIcIo 23I of fho Hnguo ConvonfIons of l90?
ossonfInIIy rohIbIfs wnrfImo nssnssInnfIon, oufInwIng fho fronchorous
woundIng or kIIIIng of fho onomy, or offorIng n rownrd for nn onomy dond or
nIIvo. oIfhor IxocufIvo Ordor nor fho Hnguo ConvonfIons rohIbIf nffncks
on IndIvIdunI soIdIors or offIcors of fho onomy whofhor In fho zono of
hosfIIIfIos, occuIod forrIfory, or oIsowhoro. An IndIvIdunI combnfnnf cnn bo
fnrgofod InwfuIIy whofhor ho or sho Is dIrocfIy InvoIvod In combnf, rovIdIng
suorf, or ncfIng ns n sfnff Innnor. A hnrsh buf nccofod consoquonco of
such mIIIfnry oornfIons Is fho coIInfornI donfh of noncombnfnnfs foIIowIng
InwfuI nffncks.
l4. Tho SIO cnfuros n rIsonor nnd Is now nf nn ImmodInfo
dIsndvnnfngo. Ono or fwo mon musf gunrd fho IIWs, whIch roducos fho
sfrongfh of fho SIO nnd Imncfs on Ifs cnnbIIIfy fo comIofo fho mIssIon.
IIWs wIII hnmor fho movomonf of fho SIO nnd Incronso fho IIkoIIhood of
fho SIO`s comromIso.
l5. Tho SIO musf fronf fho IIWs humnnoIy nnd nfford fhom nII rIghfs
nnd rIvIIogos roquIrod undor fho Conovn ConvonfIon for fho Tronfmonf of
IrIsonors of Wnr. IIWs wIII nof bo fnrgofod, ovon If fhoIr rosonco
joonrdIzos fho mIssIon. Tho SIO hns four ofIons wIfh rognrd fo IIWs
Tnko fho IndIvIdunIs Info cusfody nnd ovncunfo fhom Infor.
Tnko fho IndIvIdunIs Info cusfody, hoId fhom, nnd Infor Ionvo fhom
whoro fhoy nro IIkoIy fo bo found. WhIIo In !.S. cusfody, fhoy musf bo
fronfod IAW fho Conovn ConvonfIons.
Tnko fho IndIvIdunIs Info cusfody nnd Infor furn fhom In fo nn nIIIod
owor. Tho nIIIod owor musf bo n sIgnnfory fo fho Conovn
ConvonfIons nnd wIIIIng fo fronf fho IIWs ns roquIrod by fho Conovn
fnko fho IndIvIdunIs Info cusfody jusf Iof fhom wnIk nwny.
l6. ArfIcIo 23I of fho Hnguo ConvonfIons of l90? rohIbIfs fho Imroor
uso of fho onomy`s unIform, fhnf Is, wonrIng Ifs unIform whIIo ongngod In
combnf. Tho dIffIcuIf Issuo Is fhnf of fIndIng n roor uso of fho unIform.
AIfhough wonrIng fho unIform whIIo ongngod In ncfunI combnf Is unInwfuI,
!.S. forcos mny wonr If fo nIIow movomonf Info nnd fhrough fho onomy`s
forrIfory. !.S. oIIcy sfnfos fhnf fho onomy`s unIform mny bo usod for
InfIIfrnfIon bohInd onomy IInos. Howovor, ArfIcIo 39 of IrofocoI I fo fho
Conovn ConvonfIons rohIbIfs fhIs nnd ofhor usos of fho onomy`s unIform. An
onomy nnfIon nrfy fo IrofocoI I mny consIdor fho uso of Ifs unIform by !.S.
forcos ns n wnr crImo nnd fnko romodInI ncfIon.
Appendix E
Logistics Considerations
Tho fyos, qunnfIfy, nnd hnsIng of suIIos InfIuonco fho guorrIIIns,
fhoIr cnnbIIIfIos nnd IImIfnfIons, nnd fho fyo of mIssIons fhoy
undorfnko. SuIIos nnd oquImonf mndo nvnIInbIo fo fho guorrIIIns mny
InfIuonco fhoIr mornIo sInco onch shImonf rorosonfs oncourngomonf
nnd nssurnnco of suorf from fho oufsIdo worId. Onco n chnnnoI of
suIy Is osfnbIIshod, fho guorrIIIns wIII confInuo fo roIy on fhnf sourco
for suorf.
Il. HIsforIcnIIy, guorrIIIns hnvo IIvod off fho Innd. Tho rosourcos of n
counfry nnd dIsfrIbufIon of fhoso rosourcos nffocf fho sIzo nnd numbor of
guorrIIIns fhnf mny bo orgnnIzod nnd mnInfnInod In n JSOA. Tho nron
commnnd rovIdos suIIos fo fho guorrIIIns wIfhIn fho JSOA. Tho commnnd
musf consIdor rosourcos In foodroducIng nrons whon If orgnnIzos nddIfIonnI
guorrIIIns. CuorrIIIns In fho JSOA nf fIrsf doond honvIIy on fhoso IocnI
sourcos for fhoIr suorf. !ogIsfIc Inns nro bnsod on nn oquIfnbIo sysfom
fhnf IImIfs ofonfInI hnrdshIs fo cIvIIInns nnd doos nof nIIonnfo fhom. ThIs
sysfom gIvos fho SIO sfrong Iovorngo fo guIdo nnd monfor fho guorrIIIn
I2. !ogIsfIc suorf of guorrIIIn forcos IncIudos fho snmo funcfIons ns fhoso
of convonfIonnI forcos Inbor, mnInfonnnco, consfrucfIon, hosIfnIIznfIon,
ovncunfIon, suIy, nnd frnnsorfnfIon. IrobIoms of frnnsorfIng suIIos
nnd oquImonf ovor or fhrough forrIfory undor onomy confroI comIIcnfo fhIs
suorf. If cronfos n roquIromonf for cInndosfIno doIIvory, whIch IImIfs fho
nmounf of oxfornnI IogIsfIc suorf for fho JSOA. IxfornnI sourcos hnvo nof
nIwnys furnIshod oxfonsIvo frnnsorfnfIon, mnInfonnnco, hosIfnIIznfIon,
ovncunfIon, nnd consfrucfIon fo fho JSOA. MITTTC nnd fho doIIvory monns
nvnIInbIo doformIno fho nnfuro nnd oxfonf of oxfornnI IogIsfIc suorf.
IxfornnI suorf wIII ovonfunIIy ond, nnd fho guorrIIIns musf bo ronrod fo
confInuo wIfhouf fhoso suIIos.
I3. !ogIsfIc ronrnfIon of fho fhonfor !IT combInos oncofImo InnnIng
ncfIons fo mnxImIzo monns of rovIdIng IogIsfIc suorf fo fho commnndor`s
Inn. !IT wouId roduco fho fImo nnd rosourcos roquIrod fo suorf fho !W
oornfIon Infhonfor by mnxImIzIng fho uso of confrncfIng nnd wnr rosorvos
sfrnfogIc IIff rosourcos. Throo rImnry consIdornfIons fhnf nffocf suorf for
fho guorrIIIn forcos nro oxInInod boIow.
FM 3-05.201
Geographic Location
I4. CoogrnhIc IocnfIon doformInos fho fyo nnd oxfonf of fho IogIsfIc
suorf noodod. In ngrIcuIfurnIIy roducfIvo nrons, fho guorrIIIn`s nood for nn
oxfornnI sourco of food wIII bo Ioss fhnn In fhoso nrons unsuIfnbIo for
ngrIcuIfuro. !ocnfIon nffocfs fho fyo nnd nmounf of orsonnI cIofhIng,
oquImonf, nnd IIfo oxocfnncy of fhoso Ifoms. If nIso hns n bonrIng on
dIsonsos nnd noncombnf InjurIos. Tho googrnhy of nn nron nnd fho onomy
sIfunfIon InfIuonco fho fyo of fnrgofs fo bo nffnckod.
Size of Force
I5. Whon IocnI food rocuromonf Is onIy ndoqunfo for fho oxIsfIng forco,
food suIy robIoms wIII IImIf fho sIzo of forcos. InfoIIIgonco In fho JSOA
onnbIos fho SIO nnd fho nron commnndors fo forocnsf noods nnd Inn
nrorInfo rocuromonf In ndvnnco.
Type of Operation
I6. AvnIInbIo suorf doformInos fho fyo of oornfIon fhnf cnn bo
conducfod. Suorf for vnrIous oornfIons cnn rnngo from n rIfIo for ono
snIor fo wonons, communIcnfIons, food, nnd modIcIno for n comnny
rnIdIng nn onomy suIy doof or froo InsfnIInfIon. Tho oxocfod
nonnvnIInbIIIfy of fhoso IogIsfIcs In fho onrIy hnsos wIII dIcfnfo doIng smnII,
onsy combnf oornfIons.
I?. !ogIsfIc Inns frndIfIonnIIy hnvo rovIdod suorf fo fho guorrIIIn forcos
on nn IncronsIng scnIo wIfhIn fho IImIfs nnd cnnbIIIfIos of fho sonsorIng
owor. InIfInI Inns nro bnsod on forocnsfs ronrod by fho sfnff of fho
fhonfor SO commnndor. Tho nbIIIfy fo moof roquIromonfs for nny rofrncfod
oornfIon doonds on fho vnIIdIfy of fho InIfInI nssossmonf mndo durIng
I8. Tho orgnnIznfIons nnd ngoncIos fhnf oxocufo IogIsfIc Inns musf bo nbIo
fo ndjusf rnIdIy fo chnngos. HIghor HQ, onomy ncfIon, wonfhor, nnd
unforosoon dovoIomonfs wIfhIn fho JSOA mny Imoso chnngos. Tho suorf
rovIdod fho guorrIIIn forcos shouId bo confInuous, nnd Inns fo rovIdo fhnf
suorf musf bo kof fIoxIbIo fo moof chnngIng condIfIons. IIoxIbIIIfy Is
nchIovod by
HnvIng rImnry, nIfornnfo, nnd confIngoncy Inns.
!ocnfIng InsfnIInfIons fhroughouf fho nron fo roduco fo fho mInImum
fho frnvoI fImo of guorrIIIn forcos.
IrovIdIng ndoqunfo rosorvos of suIIos, orsonnoI, oquImonf,
communIcnfIon, nnd frnnsorfnfIon nssofs from whIch romf
doIIvorIos cnn bo mndo.
HnvIng sovornI rIncInI nnd nIfornnfo oInfs nnd roufos for doIIvory
of oquImonf nnd suIIos for fho guorrIIIn forcos.
I9. Tho fImo bofwoon InnnIng nnd oxocufIng nnd fho fImo InvoIvod In
oxocufIng nn oornfIon oxoso fho IogIsfIc sIfunfIon fo unforosoon
dovoIomonfs. To bo succossfuI, fho onfIro IogIsfIc schomo musf bo hIghIy
FM 3-05.201
fIoxIbIo. urIng joInf InnnIng, fho SIOI or IOI nnd fho SIO dovoIo
fonfnfIvo suIy Inns for onch JSOA. Tho SIO mny nIfor fhoso Inns bnsod
on Ifs nron nssossmonf.
Il0. Tho guorrIIIn forco hns fwo sourcos of IogIsfIc suorf. Thoso sourcos
nro oIfhor InfornnIfrom wIfhIn fho JSOAor fhoy nro oxfornnI, from fho
InternaI Support
Ill. Tho JSOA musf fIrsf rovIdo fho roquIrod InfornnI IogIsfIc suorf.
Tho nron commnnd musf dovoIo nn offocfIvo InfornnI IogIsfIc sysfom fnIIorod
fo fho noods of fho oornfIon. If musf bnInnco Ifs suorf roquIromonfs
ngnInsf fho nood fo gnIn nnd mnInfnIn cIvIIInn goodwIII nnd cooornfIon.
ImosIng oxcossIvo domnnds on fho cIvIIInn ouInfIon mny ndvorsoIy nffocf
fhIs cooornfIon.
Il2. InffIofIoId rocovory Is fho rImnry mofhod of rosuIy In fho JSOA
usIng onomy oquImonf nnd suIIos. Through offonsIvo oornfIons, fho
guorrIIIn forco cnn snfIsfy Ifs IogIsfIc roquIromonfs nnd nf fho snmo fImo dony
fho onomy`s uso of fhoso suIIos. WIfh good InfoIIIgonco nnd roor
InnnIng, guorrIIIns cnn conducf rnIds nnd nmbushos ngnInsf smnII, IsoInfod
onomy InsfnIInfIons nnd unoscorfod convoys fo cnfuro fho noodod Ifoms from
fhoso fnrgofs of oorfunIfy.
Il3. IorsonnoI mny uso curroncy fo urchnso suIIos from InfornnI
sourcos. Monoy mny bo of fho nron or bo n suIfnbIo subsfIfufo, such ns goId or
romIssory nofos. Irocuromonf fhrough urchnso Is usunIIy rosfrIcfod fo
crIfIcnI or scnrco Ifoms nof nvnIInbIo oIsowhoro. Tho guorrIIIn forco musf
onsuro fhnf fho InfusIon of oufsIdo curroncy doos nof dIsruf fho IocnI
oconomy, unIoss oconomIc dIsrufIon Is nIso n gonI.
Il4. Tho guorrIIIn forco mny orgnnIzo n Iovy sysfom bnsod on fho nbIIIfy of
onch fnmIIy or grou fo confrIbufo. ThIs sysfom onsuros fhnf fho burdon of
suIyIng fho guorrIIIns Is dIsfrIbufod ovonIy fhroughouf fho cIvIIInn
ouInfIon. Tho IocnI ouInfIon Is foId fhnf nymonf wIII ovonfunIIy bo mndo
for fho suIIos fnkon. Tho nron commnnd suIy offIcor mny gIvo rocoIfs fo
IndIvIdunIs. Ho nIso koos rocords of fho frnnsncfIons. Whon osfnbIIshIng fho
Iovy sysfom, fho commnndor consIdors mnny obsfncIos fhnf couId nffocf
rocuromonf In hIs oornfIonnI nron. Among fhom nro
ChronIc food shorfngos.
Inomy Inforforonco or comofIfIon for suIIos.
Imncf of combnf ncfIons, such ns scorchod onrfh oIIcIos nnd
nucIonr, bIoIogIcnI, nnd chomIcnI IC or rndIoncfIvo confnmInnfIon.
ComofIfIon from ofhor rIvnI guorrIIIn unIfs.
Il5. Tho nron commnnd mny nof wnnf fo ongngo In bnrfor wIfh fho cIvIIInn
ouInfIon bocnuso of ossIbIo ndvorso offocfs on fho Iovy sysfom. SomofImos
If Is mufunIIy bonofIcInI fo oxchnngo crIfIcnI Ifoms for oxnmIo, modIcnI
suIIos for food, cIofhIng, or sorvIcos.
Il6. CuorrIIIn forcos cuf off from mosf cIvIIInn roducfIon fncIIIfIos nnd
suorf offon fInd If nocossnry fo ImrovIso fhoIr own fIoId oxodIonfs. Thoy
FM 3-05.201
mny hnvo fo Innf nnd rnIso somo of fhoIr own foodsfuff nnd IIvosfock. Insod
on fho orconfngo of suIIos nvnIInbIo from oxfornnI sourcos nnd fhoso
nvnIInbIo InfornnIIy, fho nron commnndor mny consIdor osfnbIIshIng fnrms
nnd ovon fncforIos for fho roducfIon nnd ronIr of hnrdfofInd Ifoms.
Il?. ConfIscnfIon Is n suIy mofhod fhnf fho guorrIIIn forco mny uso fo
fuIfIII roquIromonfs fhnf cnnnof bo mof by ofhor mofhods of InfornnI suIy.
If offon confIscnfos Ifoms whon cIvIIInns rofuso fo cooornfo or nro ncfIvoIy
coIInbornfIng wIfh fho onomy. ConfIscnfIon nIIonnfos fho cIvIIInn ouInfIon.
Tho guorrIIIn forco usos fhIs mofhod onIy In omorgoncIos or fo unIsh
coIInbornfors. Tho nron commnnd musf sfrIcfIy confroI confIscnfIon fo bo suro
If doos nof doforIornfo Info IndIscrImInnfo IoofIng. ConfIscnfIon Is fho Ionsf
dosIrnbIo mofhod of gnInIng InfornnI IogIsfIc suorf.
ExternaI Support
Il8. Tho nron commnnd normnIIy IImIfs suIIos from nn oxfornnI sonsor
fo Ifoms ossonfInI for suorf of combnf oornfIons. Thoso Ifoms usunIIy
consIsf of sfnndnrd nrms, nmmunIfIon, domoIIfIons, nnd communIcnfIons
oquImonf. !ndor corfnIn condIfIons, n sonsor mny oxnnd Ifs IogIsfIc
suorf fo IncIudo ovncunfIon of fho sIck nnd woundod, food, cIofhIng,
modIcIno, nnd nonsfnndnrd Ifoms unnvnIInbIo In fho nron.
Il9. VnrIous sorvIcos nnd orgnnIznfIons undor fhonfor confroI rondor fhoIr
suorf fo SI fhrough fhonfor dIrocfIvos. Tho fhonfor suIIos roquIromonfs
ocuIInr fo SI from IocnI sourcos nnd ngoncIos wIfhIn fho JSOA. Tho Inns
nnd ronrnfIons for combnf oornfIons IncIudo mnny dIffIcuIf IogIsfIc
robIoms. Thonfor commnnd, Iowor commnnds undor fhonfor, nnd fho JSOA
musf wrosfIo wIfh fhoso robIoms.
I20. Tho Army suIy sysfom rovIdos IogIsfIcs suorf for doIoyod
SIOs wIfh funds nIIocnfod fo fho SI commnndor for IocnI urchnso nnd
confrncf, or bofh. Tho oxIsfonco nnd cnnbIIIfy of Army suorf ncfIvIfIos In
fho nron, fho mIssIon, nnd durnfIon of fho mIssIon doformIno fho IovoI of
suorf. An nIIocnfIon of funds Is roquIrod fo suorf doIoymonf for crIfIcnI
or unrogrnmmod roquIromonfs In nrons whoro fho Army suIy sysfom
cnnnof rovIdo suorf. Tho guorrIIIn forco usos fhoso funds for bnrfor, IocnI
urchnso, IocnI hIro, nnd confrncfunI sorvIcos In suorf of fho SIOs.
SomofImos, funds nro roquIrod fo suorf IndIgonous nrnmIIIfnry or
IrroguInr unIfs orgnnIzod by fho SIO.
I2l. Onco fho SIO Is nssIgnod or nffnchod fo n commnnd for omIoymonf,
fho oornfIonnI bnso SIO, IOI, or AOI rovIdos IogIsfIcs suorf. Tho
bnso fhon confncfs fho socInI oornfIons suorf oIomonf SOSI. A SOSI
coordInnfos oxfornnI IogIsfIcs suorf nnd susfnInmonf for fho oornfIonnI
bnsos In fho ronr nron. ThIs suorf foIIows convonfIonnI IogIsfIcs suorf
rocoduros, nnd rovIsIons for If nro IncIudod In oxIsfIng unIfIod commnnd
!W Inns. Tho fhonfor SOC sorvos ns fho ngoncy fo ronro !W IogIsfIcs
suorf osfImnfos, whIch fho SIOI or IOI coordInnfos nnd

FM 3-05.201
rocossos. Tho qunnfIfy nnd fyos of suIIos nnd oquImonf cnrrIod by SI
on fhoIr InfIIfrnfIon nccomnnyIng suIy nro doformInod by
IhysIcnI cnnbIIIfIos.
!osonsIvonoss fo frIondIy confroI.
Confncfs oxIsfIng wIfh guorrIIIn forcos.
SIzo nnd sfnfus of frnInIng.
Inomy cnnbIIIfIos.
InfIIfrnfIon ngoncy IImIfnfIons.
!nnd nnd son InfIIfrnfIon IImIfnfIons.
!oquIromonfs for survIvnI.
AvnIInbIo rosourcos In fho JSOA.
I22. IronrnfIon for IogIsfIcs suorf of fho guorrIIIn forcos roquIros much
fImo. If Is offon nocossnry fo movo mon nnd oquImonf fo sfnrf fho buIIdu of
noodod fncIIIfIos nnd suIIos boforo nssIgnIng dofnIIod fnsks. In fhoso
cIrcumsfnncos, fho IogIsfIcs suorf ncfIvIfIos nro bnsod on fho brond
mIssIons nssIgnod fo fho SI oIomonfs. TImo, dIsfnnco, nnd onomy ncfIon nnd
cnnbIIIfIos nffocf nII IogIsfIc ncfIvIfIos. Tho rojocfod JSOA nnd fho onomy`s
dIsosIfIons nnd cnnbIIIfIos mny roquIro socInI frnnsorfnfIon fncIIIfIos nnd
cIoso coordInnfIon wIfh ofhor forcos wIfhIn fho fhonfor.
I23. IncIudod In hnsos of suIy nro nccomnnyIng, rosuIy nufomnfIc
nnd omorgoncy, nnd oncnII or roufIno. Inch of fhoso Is dIscussod In fho
foIIowIng nrngrnhs.
I24. Tho SIO mny fnko nccomnnyIng suIIos Info fho JSOA nf fho fImo
of InfIIfrnfIon. If rocoIvos fhoso suIIos In IsoInfIon nf fho SIOI or IOI.
WhIIo undorgoIng mIssIon ronrnfIon In IsoInfIon, fho SIO ronros nnd
rIgs Ifs nccomnnyIng suIy for doIIvory. Tho fhronf In fho JSOA dIcfnfos
fho qunnfIfy nnd fyo of suIIos nnd oquImonf fo bo IncIudod. Ofhor
InfIuoncos nro fho
CnnbIIIfIos, sIzo, nnd rosonsIvonoss of fho guorrIIIn forco fo sonsor
Inomy cnnbIIIfIos nnd sIfunfIon MITTTC.
Mofhod of InfIIfrnfIon nIr, Innd, or son.
!oquIromonfs for SI!I.
AvnIInbIo rosourcos In fho JSOA.
SIzo nnd cnnbIIIfy of fho rocofIon commIffoo.
!oquIromonfs for susfnInIng oornfIons ondIng rocoIf of nn
nufomnfIc rosuIy.
FM 3-05.201
ood for koy Ifoms of oquImonf fo nrfInIIy oquI n cndro nucIous of
fho guorrIIIn forco whon n rocofIon commIffoo Is oxocfod on
Ofhor Ifoms of oquImonf nnd suIIos fo hoI osfnbIIsh rnorf wIfh
fho guorrIIIns.
I25. Tho SIO rosoIocfs rosuIy Ifoms In IsoInfIon fo roIonIsh or
suIomonf consumod suIIos. Tho SIO rocoIvos fhoso Ifoms nffor
InfIIfrnfIon. In fho nsf, fhoso Ifoms woro cnIIod foIIowu suIIos bocnuso
fhoy foIIowod InfIIfrnfIon. !osuIy Is doIIvorod nufomnfIcnIIy on n fImo
schoduIo or COI!A whon nn ovonf hnons or doos nof hnon.
I26. Tho SIOI or IOI schoduIos fho doIIvory of nufomnfIc nnd omorgoncy
rosuIy fo fho SIOs. IroInnnod nufomnfIc rosuIy rovIdos fho
guorrIIIn forco wIfh ImmodInfo suIIos nnd oquImonf unfII oncnII or
roufIno rosuIy rocoduros nro osfnbIIshod. SuIy orsonnoI normnIIy nck
oquImonf nnd suIIos In nrorInfo norInI doIIvory confnInors fhnf hnvo n
cnrgo cnncIfy of 500 ounds or Ioss fo onso hnndIIng nnd frnnsorfnfIon
wIfhIn fho JSOA. Inckors mnrk door bundIos for onsy I onco fhoy nrrIvo on
fho Z. To nIIow rnId cIonrnnco of fho Z, fho confonfs of onch confnInor nro
furfhor nckngod In mnnorfnbIo unIfs of nbouf 50 ounds onch. Inckors
musf brIof Z nrfIos on fhoso mnnorfnbIo confnInors. If fho confnInors nro
fo bo cnrrIod Iong dIsfnncos, fho SIO musf nrrnngo frnnsorfnfIon nssofs
wIfh fho guorrIIIn suorf nrm nuxIIInry.
Automatic ResuppIy
I2?. Tho SIO Inns for nufomnfIc rosuIy boforo InfIIfrnfIon for doIIvory
fImo, IocnfIon, confonfs, nnd fho I mnrkIng sysfom or nufhonfIcnfIon.
AufomnfIc rosuIy Is doIIvorod nffor fho SIO succossfuIIy InfIIfrnfos nnd
osfnbIIshos rndIo confncf unIoss fho SIO cnncoIs, modIfIos, or roschoduIos
fho doIIvory. AufomnfIc rosuIy nugmonfs oquImonf fhnf couId nof bo
cnrrIod In on fho InIfInI InfIIfrnfIon. AufomnfIc rosuIy nIso roInforcos !.S.
suorf of fho guorrIIIns. In nddIfIon, If fuIfIIIs fho nood for soIocfod Ifoms fo
oquI n nucIous of fho guorrIIIn forco shouId fho rocofIon commIffoo nof
nonr on InfIIfrnfIon.
Emergency ResuppIy
I28. Imorgoncy rosuIy Ifoms IncIudo mIssIonossonfInI oquImonf nnd
suIIos fo rosforo oornfIonnI cnnbIIIfy nnd survIvnbIIIfy of fho SIO. Tho
dofnchmonf Inns doIIvory fImos, mofhods, nnd IocnfIons nnd confonfs of
omorgoncy rosuIy boforo InfIIfrnfIon.
I29. As n mInImum, rosuIy shouId consIsf of communIcnfIons oquImonf
nnd onough mIssIonossonfInI suIIos fo osfnbIIsh bnso confncf. Imorgoncy
rosuIy mny confnIn n comIofo fnbIo of orgnnIznfIon nnd oquImonf TOI
Issuo wIfh confonfs fo bo doformInod In IsoInfIon.
I30. Arrnngomonfs for omorgoncy rosuIy doIIvory bogIn whon rndIo
confncf hns nof boon osfnbIIshod bofwoon fho doIoyod SIO nnd fho SIOI
or IOI wIfhIn l44 hours. Tho rocoss Is sfnrfod nffor ?2 hours of no rndIo
FM 3-05.201
confncf. If fhon fnkos fho !nIfod Sfnfos AIr Iorco !SAI ?2 moro hours fo
dro suIIos on fho Z. Anofhor frIggorIng ovonf Is whon n doIoyod SIO
Iosos communIcnfIons wIfh fho SIOI or IOI for n rodoformInod,
consocufIvo numbor of schoduIod cnIIus.
I3l. Whon communIcnfIons hnvo boon osfnbIIshod bofwoon fho SIO nnd
fho SIOI or IOI, oxfornnI suIy bogIns oncnII. IorsonnoI uso fho
nbbrovInfod codo In fho cnfnIog suIy sysfom confnInod In fho SOI fo
roquosf suIIos bnsod on oornfIonnI nood. Thoso suIIos consIsf of mnjor
oquImonf Ifoms fhnf nro nof consumod nf n rodIcfnbIo rnfo. Thoy nro hoId
In rondInoss nf fhonfor Army nron commnnd TAACOM doofs or nf fho
SIOI or IOI for ImmodInfo doIIvory on n socIfIc mIssIonroquosf bnsIs.
I32. To doformIno fho qunnfIfy of suIIos fo roquosf, fho SIO consIdors
fho guorrIIIn forco`s rnfo of oxnnsIon fho nnfIcInfod fomo of oornfIons
nnd Ifs nbIIIfy fo rocoIvo, frnnsorf, sforo, nnd socuro IncomIng suIIos.
I33. Tho SIO nIso nnfIcInfos Ifs oornfIonnI noods for suIIos nnd
oquImonf In fho JSOA. Tho MOC nf fho SIOI or IOI ncks nnd rIgs fho
suIIos Info mnnorfnbIo Ionds nnd coIor codos fhom boforo InfIIfrnfIon. Tho
MOC coIor codos fho suIIos IAW fho fyo of suIIos In fho Iond so fhoy
wIII nof hnvo fo bo oonod for IdonfIfIcnfIon.
I34. As fho guorrIIIn forco oxnnds nnd IogIsfIc roquIromonfs Incronso,
InfornnI ouInr suorf cnn no Iongor rovIdo subsIsfonco wIfhouf cronfIng
hnrdshIs or IoworIng fho IIvIng sfnndnrds of fho cIvIIInns. Af fhIs oInf, fho
forco musf obfnIn IogIsfIcs suorf from nn oxfornnI sourco. ThIs doondonco
on fho oxfornnI sourco roquIros n roufIno suIy sysfom. As fho JSOA grows,
fho nood for oxfornnI suIy normnIIy oufgrows fho oncnII mofhod of
roquosfIng suIIos.
I35. Tho nron commnnd, wIfh ndvIco from fho SIO, Inns, dovoIos,
oornfos, nnd confroIs fho guorrIIIn forco`s IogIsfIcs sysfom. Inch oIomonf of
fho nron commnnd hns n socIfIc roIo In fho IogIsfIcs sysfom, nnd onch sysfom
Is dovoIood fo moof fho socIfIc noods nnd ocuIInrIfIos of fho JSOA. SuIy
orgnnIznfIon sysfoms mny bo confrnIIzod or doconfrnIIzod. urIng fho
orgnnIznfIonnI nnd buIIdu hnso, fho commnnd mny confrnIIzo IogIsfIc
oornfIons. AII suIIos nro movod Info ono coIIocfIon nron. Tho SIO
rocuros IogIsfIcs from fhroughouf fho JSOA, rocossos fhom fhrough n
confrnIIzod or doconfrnIIzod coIIocfIon oInf, nnd dIsfrIbufos fo nII unIfs of fho
guorrIIIn forco.
I36. As fho JSOA mnfuros, subordInnfo unIfs fnko ovor n socfor whoro fhoy
nro rosonsIbIo for osfnbIIshIng n sonrnfo nnd doconfrnIIzod suIy
rocuromonf sysfom. Thoy dIsfrIbufo nII suIIos fhroughouf fho JSOA fo
sovornI dIsfrIbufIon confors. ThIs doconfrnIIznfIon Imrovos socurIfy sInco
fho comromIso or dosfrucfIon of fho rocuromonf sysfom In ono socfor wIII
nof dosfroy fho onfIro nnrnfus. Anofhor ndvnnfngo of fhIs sysfom Is fhnf If
ormIfs nn oquIfnbIo dIsfrIbufIon of fho IogIsfIcs burdon on fho cIvIIInn
ouInfIon. Movomonf of suIIos bofwoon socfors Is kof fo n mInImum, nnd
FM 3-05.201
nnmos, sforngo sIfos, nnd cnchos nro nof nssod from socfor fo socfor. Tho
nron commnndor doIognfos suIy oornfIons fo socfor commnndors. Ho
rofnIns fho rosonsIbIIIfy for fho ovornII Inns. Ho nIso roorfs suIy noods
fo fho sonsorIng owor nnd Issuos dIrocfIvos covorIng oornfIons. IInns nnd
dIrocfIvos mny IncIudo
OrgnnIznfIon of suIy nnd sorvIco suorf unIfs.
OrgnnIznfIon nnd omIoymonf of cIvIIInn suorf unIfs.
Sysfoms of Iovy nnd bnrfor on cIvIIInns.
!ocoIf of nymonf for suIIos.
CoIIocfIon, sforngo, frnnsorfnfIon, nnd dIsfrIbufIon of suIIos.
QunnfIfy nnd fyo of suIIos fo bo mnInfnInod.
AIIocnfIon of suIIos fo mnjor Iowor commnnds.
I3?. Tho nron commnndor rovIdos nII suIy Ifoms fo fho socfor
commnndor. Tho socfor commnndors suIy fhoIr unIfs nnd conducf suIy
oornfIons nccordIng fo fho Inns, dIrocfIvos, nnd ordors of hIghor HQ.
IndIvIdunI unIfs wIfhIn fhoIr nssIgnod socfors conducf doconfrnIIzod suIy
oornfIons. Tho socfor commnndor mnkos hIs noods known fo fho noxfhIghor
HQ for suIIos nnd oquImonf nof nvnIInbIo wIfhIn hIs nron. Ho dIsfrIbufos
nII suIIos nnd oquImonf rocoIvod from hIghor HQ. IosIdos suIyIng hIs
socfor, ho mny bo chnrgod wIfh suIyIng ndjnconf socfors ns dIrocfod by
hIghor HQ.
I38. Whon comnrod fo n sImIInrsIzod convonfIonnI forco, n guorrIIIn forco
hns fowor suIIos buf nn ovon gronfor nood for moro bnsIc IogIsfIc
roquIromonfs nnd oquImonf for combnf oornfIons. Thoso noods consIsf of
food, cIofhIng, shoIfor, wonons, nnd nmmunIfIon.
I39. Arons suIfnbIo for guorrIIIn bnso cnms mny hnvo somo nnfurnI foods
such ns borrIos, odIbIo Innfs, nnd smnII gnmo. Thoso foods nro nof suffIcIonf
fo susfnIn fho onorgy of ncfIvo guorrIIIns. Thoy nood hIghcnIorIo foods such
ns rIco, sugnr, nnd rofoIn.
I40. CuorrIIIns musf hnvo sonsonnI cIofhIng for nrons whoro rndIcnI
cIImnfIc chnngos occur. Wnrm nnd wnforroof cIofhIng Is n nocossIfy Coro
Tox Is n nIcofohnvo Ifom for fho guorrIIIn bocnuso SIO mombors wIII bo
wonrIng fhoIr Issuod CoroTox. A guorrIIIn doonds on hIs foof ns fho rImnry
modo of frnnsorfnfIon. Ho noods hIghqunIIfy, woIIfIffIng boofs.
I4l. ShoIfors such ns nnfurnI cnvos offor fho bosf rofocfIon from fho
oIomonfs nnd onomy obsorvnfIon. CuorrIIIns cnn buIId sfurdy, wonfhorroof
hufs from boughs nnd brnnchos, buf fhoy shouId buIId fhom undor IIvIng
foIIngo for Iongform conconImonf from nIr obsorvnfIon.
I42. urIng mIssIon InnnIng, commnnd orsonnoI IdonfIfy fhronf wonons
nnd roquosf nnd Issuo sImIInr rIfIos nnd nmmunIfIon. Af fIrsf, cnfurod
wonons rovIdo fho rImnry sourco of wonons rosuIy nnd roIncomonf
FM 3-05.201
nrfs. In nddIfIon, orsonnoI mny sof u undorground fncIIIfIos fo
mnnufncfuro or ronIr wonons. Thoy osfnbIIsh nccounfnbIIIfy by wonon
fyo nnd qunnfIfy fo fInd fho rnfo of nmmunIfIon consumfIon nnd rosuIy.
I43. !sunIIy no roIncomonf of wonons oxIsfs oxcof for fhoso cnfurod
nnd rovIdod by fho SIOI or IOI. Irocoduros nood fo bo sof u fo ncquIro
I!! sfock, roInco burnod ouf mnchIno gun bnrroIs, nnd rovIdo nrmoror
ronIr nrfs nnd cIonnIng kIfs.
I44. In fho onrIy sfngos of orgnnIznfIon nnd dovoIomonf, nmmunIfIon
rosuIy roquIromonfs nro IImIfod. Onco commIffod fo fuIIscnIo combnf
oornfIons, guorrIIIns wIII uso moro nmmunIfIon nnd musf doformIno
rosuIy rnfos moro nccurnfoIy. IorsonnoI shouId drnw nmmunIfIon for
combnf oornfIons from n cncho sysfom. Tho guorrIIIn suorf oIomonf
normnIIy drnws nmmunIfIon from fho nron commnnd or socfor commnnd
suIy cnchos. AmmunIfIon Is dIsfrIbufod on n roguInr bnsIs. Tho schoduIo
for dIsfrIbufIon Is consIsfonf wIfh fho fomo of combnf oornfIons. IorsonnoI
mny obfnIn rosuIy by soffIng u cnchos nf rosoIocfod !Is or MSSs. Thoy
musf consIdor fho foIIowIng whon docIdIng nmmunIfIon roquIromonfs
Inch ongngomonf Is InfIuoncod by fho rnfo of nmmunIfIon
oxondIfuromonsurod In fho bnsIc Iond cnrrIod nnd oxondIfuro or
CuorrIIIns, bocnuso fhoy fIghf on fhoIr forms, mny uso Ioss
nmmunIfIon fhnn convonfIonnI forcos. SfrIcf fIro dIscIIIno shouId bo
Imosod fo consorvo fho IImIfod nmounf of nmmunIfIon InIfInIIy
CuorrIIIn forcos nro rojocfod fo fIro onohnIf fo fwofhIrds of fhoIr
bnsIc Iond In nny ono ongngomonf.
Ior InnnIng consIdornfIons, guorrIIIn forcos wIII ongngo In combnf
oornfIons onco n monfh.
I45. IorsonnoI cnIcuInfo fho nmounf nnd fyo of oxIosIvos noodod
doondIng on fho fnrgof. InfordIcfIng comIox fnrgof sysfoms by muIfIIo
nffncks nf dIfforonf IocnfIons fhroughouf fho JSOA roquIros vnsf nmounfs
nnd dIfforonf kInds of oxIosIvos.
I46. To doformIno rIorIfIos for suIyIng IndIvIdunI oquImonf, orsonnoI
musf sfudy cIImnfIc condIfIons, foogrnhy, ofhnIc grous, nnd fho mornIo of
fho guorrIIIns. Ifoms fhnf nro hIghIy rnnkod IncIudo good qunIIfy foofgonr,
wnrm CoroTox cIofhIng, onchos, nnd fIrsfnId kIfs. InformodInfo rIorIfy
Ifoms mny bo unIforms, oxfromo wonfhor cIofhIng, sIooIng gonr, mIssIon
orIonfod rofocfIvo osfuro MOII gonr, IondbonrIng oquImonf, I!!, nnd
ofroIoum, oIIs, nnd IubrIcnnfs IO! roquIromonfs for nII wonons nnd
oquImonf. ormnIIy, 6 monfhs nffor InfIIfrnfIon, roIncomonf Ifoms mny bo
n nIr of boofs, fwo or fhroo nIrs of wooIon socks, nnd ono nIr of frousors for
FM 3-05.201
onch guorrIIIn. !nfor, nnofhor nIr of boofs, moro nIrs of wooIon socks, nnd n
unIform for onch guorrIIIn couId bo oxocfod MITTTC.
I4?. IrovIdIng modIcnI suIIos nnd modIcnI fronfmonf Is n sfrong mornIo
fncfor. !nIfs roquIro bnsIc modIcInos nnd suIIos fo fronf sIck nnd woundod
guorrIIIns nnd fho IocnI ouInfIon. Tho mosf Imorfnnf modIcnI suIIos nro
rovonfIvo modIcInos such ns nnfImnInrIn IIIs, suIfn, IodIno, nnd vnrIous
sorums for rofocfIon ngnInsf confngIous dIsonsos. AIso, onch InfoonsIzod
oIomonf noods nf Ionsf ono fIrsfnId kIf. !oIncomonf modIcnI suIIos mny
bo mndo for InnnIng urosos ono fhIrd of bnsIc Issuo nffor 6 monfhs nnd
ono fhIrd of fofnI Issuo nffor l2 monfhs In fho JSOA. AondIx C IncIudos
modIcnI nsocfs.
I48. Tho IocnI nuxIIInry rovIdos frnnsorfnfIon suorf fo fho guorrIIIn
forcos. In romofo or undordovoIood nrons, fho monns of frnnsorfnfIon wIII
bo on foof or by nck nnImnI. Moro sohIsfIcnfod onvIronmonfs wIII normnIIy
hnvo modorn forms of frnnsorfnfIon nvnIInbIo. Tho guorrIIIn forco mny fInd
If ndvnnfngoous fo fIrsf ncquIro nnd fhon Infor oornfo Ifs own fIoof of
vohIcIos. If nIso roquIros n suIy of I!! nnd IO!.
I49. Tho guorrIIIn forco cnrofuIIy rosorvos, ncks, frnnsorfs, nnd sforos
Ifs oquImonf ns soon ns ossIbIo fo rovonf Ifs dIscovory nnd Ioss. If
dIsorsos sImIInr oquImonf fhroughouf cncho sIfos fo rovonf n comIofo
Ioss If ono cncho wouId bo found. IxcoIIonf IocnfIons nro coIInrs of fncforIos,
undorground nssngos, sowors, omfy buIIdIngs, gnrdons, nnd ovon churchos.
In InIosfIno nffor WorId Wnr II, smnII wonons cncho sIfos woro conconIod
wIfhIn doubIo wnIIs of housos. Thoy nIso woro burIod nnd sonIod InsIdo Iond
Ios. Tho forco usunIIy consfrucfs Inrgor undorground cnchos wIfh socInI
mnforInI fo wIfhsfnnd fho rIgors of Iongform sforngo.
I50. Tho rofocfod sforngo of suIIos nnd oquImonf Is Imorfnnf fo fho
nron commnnd IogIsfIcs Inn. Cnchos mny bo usod fo suorf curronf or
fufuro oornfIons or bo rosorvod for omorgoncIos. SuIIos In oxcoss of
curronf roquIromonfs nro cnrofuIIy nckngod fo rovonf dnmngo from
oxosuro. Thoy nro fhon cnchod In n numbor of IsoInfod IocnfIons known onIy
fo fho nron commnndor, SIO mombors, nnd koy orsonnoI who hnvo nccoss
fo fho cncho sIfo mn.
I5l. Tho guorrIIIn forco mny osfnbIIsh cnchos In frIondIy nrons or In
onomyhoId nrons nffor hosfIIIfIos hnvo bogun. Tho guorrIIIn forco mny Iocnfo
fhom In cnvos, swnms, forosfs, comoforIos, rIvors, or Inkos. Isorsod cncho
sysfoms ormIf fho guorrIIIn forco fo oornfo fhroughouf fho JSOA
Indoondonf of fhoIr bnso nrons. Iour mnjor consIdornfIons for cnchos nro
!ocnfIons fhnf wIII hoI nII oornfIons.
IrobnbIIIfy fhnf fho nrfIcuInr cncho wIII bo noodod.
FM 3-05.201
MnxImum sforngo IIfo of fho Ifoms InvoIvod.
IrobIoms of rovIdIng socurIfy fo or from fho cncho.
I52. SIO mombors hIdo fhoIr suIIos In romofo rurnI nrons fo onsuro
fhoIr survIvnI In cnso of comromIso. IossIbIo cncho sIfos nro woIIs, cnvos,
hoIIow froos, cIsforns, unusod cuIvorfs, nnd bnnks boIow wnfor IovoI of Inkos,
sfronms, or rIvors. SIO mombors musf roorIy ronro fho cncho sIfo
ofhorwIso, fho suIIos mny bo dnmngod or dIscovorod. Thoy musf chooso
ground fhnf nffords ndoqunfo drnInngo of ground wnfor. Whon cnchIng
suIIos for moro fhnn n fow dnys, fho SIO musf bo suro fho cncho Is
cnmoufIngod, vonfIInfod, nnd InsuInfod ngnInsf dnmnoss. If Is vory
Imorfnnf fo cnmoufIngo fho vonfIInfors. SIO mombors musf nIso roorIy
rosorvo fho oquImonf fo rofocf ngnInsf rusf nnd mIIdow. AondIx K
rovIdos nddIfIonnI guIdnnco on cnchIng.
I53. CuorrIIIns sof u n fomornry bnso or MSS fo uso whon nwny from
fhoIr rImnry bnso cnm durIng nn oornfIon for oxfondod orIods. CuorrIIIns
uso fho MSS for food, shoIfor, modIcnI suorf, nmmunIfIon, or oxIosIvos.
!sIng nn MSS oIImInnfos unnocossnry movomonf of suIIos nnd nIIows fho
guorrIIIn forco fo movo rnIdIy fo nnd from fnrgof sIfos. Whon soIocfIng nn
MSS, SIO mombors consIdor covor nnd conconImonf, dIsfnnco fo fho
objocfIvo nnd suIy sourcos, nnd fho rosonco of onomy socurIfy forcos In fho
I54. Tho SIO obfnIns mnforInIs from fho IocnI cIvIIInn oconomy or
fhrough combnf oornfIons ngnInsf fho onomy. Af fIrsf, bnsIc mnInfonnnco
nnd mInor ronIr of oquImonf Is IImIfod fo oornfor mnInfonnnco. As fho
movomonf oxnnds, orsonnoI osfnbIIsh cInndosfIno, mnkoshIff ordnnnco nnd
ronIr fncIIIfIos. Tho sonsorrovIdod suIy nckngos confnIn nocossnry
mnInfonnnco nnd ronIr Ifoms, such ns fooIs, smnII nrms ronIr kIfs,
roIncomonf nrfs, nnd IO! cIonnIng mnforInIs. SIO mombors musf
consIdor fho uso of socInI or hIghsood oquImonf fhnf mny onIy comIIcnfo
fho mnInfonnnco sysfom by roquIrIng hIghIy frnInod fochnIcInns.
I55. Tho SIO In fho JSOA doIIvors nII oxfornnI suIIos nnd oquImonf
fo fho guorrIIIn forco. If Is ossonfInI fhnf sonsIfIvo Ifoms, such ns wonons,
nmmunIfIon, domoIIfIons, rndIos, drugs, or socInI oquImonf, bo confroIIod.
An SIO mombor musf bo rosonf nf nII doIIvorIos of oxfornnI suIIos fo
onsuro osIfIvo confroI nnd nccounfnbIIIfy. !sunIIy, sonsorrovIdod
suIIos nro doIIvorod dIrocfIy fo fho IndIvIdunI usor. If dIrocf doIIvory fo fho
usor Is nof dosIrnbIo or ossIbIo, suIIos wIII bo doIIvorod fo n dosIgnnfod
IocnfIon whoro fhoy nro dIsfrIbufod. AIfhough fhIs sysfom fnkos much fImo
nnd offorf, If ormIfs confrnIIzod confroI ovor sonsorrovIdod suIIos nnd
mny bo fho roforrod mofhod.
FM 3-05.201
I56. Tho roforrod mIssIon doIIvory mofhod Is by sonsor nIrcrnff, surfnco
shI, or submnrIno. Af fIrsf, norInI doIIvory by nrnchufo mny bo fho bosf
monns of suIy fo n JSOA. Iroodro fochnIquos mny bo usod for corfnIn
hnrdy Ifoms. !nfor, ns fho JSOA oxnnds nnd comos undor gronfor frIondIy
confroI, SIO mombors uso nIrInndod suIy mIssIons. SuIy orsonnoI
normnIIy uso surfnco shIs or submnrInos whon JSOAs nro noxf fo
wnforwnys or sons. !osuIy oornfIons roquIro socrocy fo rofocf fho
rosuIy Infform nnd fho rocofIon oIomonf. Thoso oornfIons nro normnIIy
conducfod durIng IImIfod vIsIbIIIfy.
I5?. Tho SIOI or IOI SITCI orsonnoI ronro suIIos nnd
oquImonf for doIIvory fo n JSOA. Tho sIzo of fho nckngo nnd fho numbor of
nckngos fo bo frnnsorfod doformInos fho doIIvory monns. Tho nckngIng
sysfom Is bnsod on mnnorfnbIo nckngos woIghIng nbouf 50 ounds. WIfh
fhIs woIghf IImIfnfIon, mombors of fho rocofIon commIffoo frnnsorfnfIon
nrfy cnn onsIIy movo fho nckngos from fho suIy oInf fo snfo sIfos.
MnnorfnbIo nckngos nro oquIod wIfh cnrryIng sfrns nnd nro mounfod
on nckbonrds. Tho frnnsorfnfIon nrfy coIor codos fho nckngos so
orsonnoI cnn onsIIy IdonfIfy fhoIr confonfs uon nrrIvnI. Tho SIOI or IOI
SITCI orsonnoI onsuro onch nckngo Is
Wnforroofod fo ormIf nbovoground nnd IImIfod undorground or
undorwnfor cncho.
Inckod wIfh InsfrucfIons In IndIgonous Inngungo for nII oquImonf.
Mnrkod wIfh n ronrrnngod codo fo IdonfIfy fho confonfs.
Inckod wIfh nn Invonfory IIsf fo nId In IdonfIfyIng Iosf or dnmngod
Inckod fo rofocf sonsIfIvo communIcnfIons nnd modIcnI Ifoms by
usIng cIofhIng, bInnkofs, or ofhor nddIng.
I58. Tho SIOI or IOI SITCI orsonnoI mny uf combnf nnd mornIo
suIy Ifoms In fho snmo confnInor. Thoy nckngo nmmunIfIon nnd cIonnIng
oquImonf wIfh wonons nnd bnfforIos wIfh fInshIIghfs. AddIfIonnI smnII
nrms nmmunIfIon, by cnIIbor, mny bo IncIudod ns nn IndIvIdunI nckngo.
I59. SIO mombors uso n cnfnIog suIy sysfom codo fo sood u oncnII
rosuIy roquosfs nnd onsuro nccurnfo oquImonf I nnd suIy Ifoms. Tho
sysfom nIso roducos rndIo frnnsmIssIon fImo. To ormIf mnxImum usor
fIoxIbIIIfy, fho sysfom IdonfIfIos sIngIo mnjor oquImonf Ifoms or sovornI
nssocInfod Ifoms by codo words. IorsonnoI cnfnIog fhoso Ifoms by cInss of
suIIos nnd grou fhom In IndIvIdunI nckngod Ifoms or sovornI nssocInfod
unIf Ifoms nckod fogofhor. Tho cnfnIog suIy sysfom Is
of socurod by IfsoIf buf roducos mossngo Iongfh nnd frnnsmIssIon
fImo whon n vnrIofy of suIIos nro roquosfod.
Insod on mIssIon roquIromonfs, COI!As, nnd SOI.
Ironrod undor fho sfnff suorvIsIon of fho grou S4.
!oroducod In mInInfuro form for oornfIonnI mIssIons nnd ubIIshod
In fho SOI by fho SI grou sIgnnI offIcor.

Appendix F
An SI IIof fonm mny InfIIfrnfo Info fho JSOA boforo fho SIO. Tho
roforrod mofhod Is for n rosIsfnnco rocofIon commIffoo fo rocoIvo fho
IIof fonm. IIInd InfIIfrnfIons mny bo consIdorod, bnsod on MITTTC. Tho
numbor nnd fyo of IIof fonm orsonnoI wIII bo vory doondonf on fho
MITTTC fncfors. Tho IIof fonm mny osfnbIIsh confncf wIfh fho nron
commnnd oIomonf, nssoss rosIsfnnco ofonfInI, nnd orform ofhor
mIssIons ns socIfIod by hIghor HQ. Insod on fhoso fncfors, nn SIO mny
bo InfIIfrnfod Infor Info fho JSOA fo conducf !W or ofhor SO. Tho IIof
fonm mny oxfIIfrnfo on ordor, nccordIng fo fho OIO!, or nf fho
dIscrofIon of fho fonm Iondor. IIIof fonm mombors mny oxfIIfrnfo nnyfImo
boforo fho SIO`s schoduIod InfIIfrnfIon, or fhoy mny romnIn In fho JSOA
ns fho rocofIon commIffoo for n Innnod SIO InfIIfrnfIon. Thoy couId
nIso romnIn nnd ncf ns nn AOI for fho InfIIfrnfIon of fwo or moro SIOs.
Il. Af fho InfIIfrnfIon sIfo, SIO mombors musf uf fho sforIIIznfIon Inn
Info offocf nnd onsuro fho sIfo Is cIonn nnd socuro. Tho rosIsfnnco mny
oxocufo docofIon Inns If roquIrod.
I2. Affor InfIIfrnfIon, nII orsonnoI musf know fho nssombIy nnd confncf
Inns. Tho nssombIy nron nnd fho confncf oInf shouId bo cIoso fo fho Z
IIguro Il, ngo I2. Tho SIO`s nssombIy fImo nffor InfIIfrnfIon Is
doondonf on fho fhronf roncfIon fImo. A mInImum numbor of orsonnoI
mnko confncf. Tho SIO musf omIoy corrocf vorbnI, IIghf, nnd vIsunI
sIgnnIs. SIO mombors musf onforco noIso, IIghf, nnd cnmoufIngo dIscIIIno
nnd koo fImo sonf In fho nron fo n mInImum. Thoy musf uso sfonIfh wIfh
roor movomonf fochnIquos nnd know fhoIr !Is. If onomy confncf Is mndo,
fho SIO mombors uso IAs, bnsod on MITTTC. A worknbIo nIfornnfIvo
COI!A, osocInIIy on fho Z or !Z, Is ImornfIvo.
I3. Movomonf from fho confncf sIfo fo n snfo nron shouId bo fownrd fho
guorrIIIn bnso cnm. TrnnsorfnfIon, If nvnIInbIo, wouId snvo vnIunbIo fImo
howovor, movomonf on foof Is nIwnys nn ofIon.
I4. urIng InIfInI nssossmonf, socurIfy rIncIIos fhnf musf bo ndhorod fo
oIso nnd IIghf dIscIIIno durIng frnnsorfnfIon or movomonf.
!oufo nnd hnIf socurIfy cnmoufIngo nnd IAs nro usod whIIo
mnInfnInIng sfonIfh.
IrImnry nnd nIfornnfo !Is.
FM 3-05.201
Figure F-1. AssembIy Areas and Contact Points
I5. urIng movomonf, SIO mombors musf nnfIcInfo fhoIr roncfIon fo
ordors from fho nron commnndor. Tho SIO commnndor conducfs
obsorvnfIon nnd socurIfy chocks durIng nII movomonf. Ho nIso koos fho
SIO orIonfod fo Ifs IocnfIon nnd nwnro of nny ImmodInfo ncfIons fo fnko In
cnso of onomy confronfnfIon. Tho SIO commnndor musf
Know fho IocnfIon of koy wonons nnd honvy oquImonf In fho coIumn.
IogIn Inns fo roosfnbIIsh confncf wIfh fho rosIsfnnco forco If fho
onomy sonrnfos fho coIumn nnd fho SIO.
Chock fho hysIcnI condIfIon of SIO mombors durIng hnIfs.
FM 3-05.201
IsfnbIIsh InIfInI communIcnfIons wIfh fho SIOI nnd submIf fho II!
AC!S If ossIbIo.
I6. Ior !W, mIssIon succoss doonds on socrocy. Sood Is socondnry.
Inomy cnnbIIIfIos, dIsosIfIon, roncfIon fImo, nnd socurIfy monsuros, ns woII
ns fho CASCOII fncfors, nffocf fho soIocfod InfIIfrnfIon mofhod. A honvIIy
gunrdod bordor mny rocIudo Innd InfIIfrnfIon n sfrongIy dofondod nnd
nfroIIod consfIIno mny oIImInnfo InfIIfrnfIon by wnfor nnd fho onomy`s nIr
dofocfIon nnd dofonso sysfoms mny roduco nIr InsorfIon ofonfInI. MITTTC
Is nIwnys nn InfIuoncIng fncfor.
I?. SIOs musf consIdor googrnhIc formnfIons whon soIocfIng fho
InfIIfrnfIon mofhod. TorrnIn nffocfs fho soIocfIon of nn nIrcrnff`s nIfIfudo,
nronch nnd oxIf roufos, InndIng nrons, or nrnchufo oornfIons for nny
mIssIon nIrcrnff. MounfnIns couId forco nIrcrnff fo fIy hIghor fhnn dosIrod
nIfIfudos, rosuIfIng In onrIy nIrcrnff ncquIsIfIon by onomy rndnr nnd
IncronsIng Ifs vuInornbIIIfy.
I8. SonsonnI wonfhor condIfIons nIso nffocf InfIIfrnfIons. Incfors fo consIdor
IncIudo fomornfuro, rocIIfnfIon, vIsIbIIIfy, cIouds, nnd wInd. HIgh nIfIfudo
or surfnco wInds nnd fhoIr offocfs on surf condIfIons or orIods of roducod
vIsIbIIIfy mny rohIbIf fho uso of nrnchufos, InfInfnbIo bonfs, or surfnco nnd
subsurfnco swImmIng ns onfry or rocovory fochnIquos. Thoso snmo condIfIons
gonornIIy fnvor n Innd InfIIfrnfIon. Tho ndvorso wonfhor norInI doIIvory
sysfom AWAS roducos fho Imncf of ndvorso wonfhor ns n IImIfIng fncfor
on nIr InfIIfrnfIons. Hydrogrnhy Is fho scIonco of doscrIbIng fho son nnd
mnrgInnI Innd nrons nnd fho offocf on wnfor oornfIons. Tho hydrogrnhIc
condIfIons on fho fnrshoro nnd fho nonrshoro son nronch InfIuonco wnfor
InfIIfrnfIon. Thoso condIfIons IncIudo fho offshoro wnfor dofh, bonch
grndIonfs, fIdo, surf, curronfs, son boffom, nnd fho IocnfIon of roofs, snndbnrs,
sonwood, or nnfurnI nnd mnnmndo obsfncIos.
I9. Ofhor consIdornfIons for !W InfIIfrnfIons IncIudo
!Ighf dnfn orIods of fwIIIghf, bogInnIng mornIng nnufIcnI fwIIIghf
lIMT, onrIy ovonIng nnufIcnI fwIIIghf lIIT, nnufIcnI sunrIso,
sunsof, moon hnso, moonrIso, nnd moonsof.
Tho dIsfnnco fo fho confncf sIfo, ossIbIo bnso cnms, nnd onomy
IInns for fIro suorf, docofIon, I&!, nnd counformonsuros ngnInsf
frnfrIcIdo. Commnndors shouId uso MITTTC ns n InnnIng guIdo.
Il0. Tho SIO usos ono of fhroo mofhods fo InfIIfrnfo Info fho JSOAnIr,
Innd, or wnfor. A combInnfIon of fho fhroo mny nIso bo usod. A mnfrIx cnn bo
usod fo doformIno fho fyo nnd InfIIfrnfIon mofhod bosf suIfod for fho
Ill. Commnndors offon consIdor usIng nIr InfIIfrnfIon by Army socInI
oornfIons nvInfIon A!SOA. Inrnchufo oornfIons nro ono of fho mosf rnId
InfIIfrnfIon mofhods usod by fho SIOs. If rovIdos Ioss oxosuro nnd rIsk fo
FM 3-05.201
fho nIrcrnff. !sunIIy sfnndnrd froo cnrrIor fIxodwIng nIrcrnff nro woII
oquIod nnd snfIsfy nIrdro roquIromonfs. Somo cIrcumsfnncos mny roquIro
nonsfnndnrd nIrcrnff. Thoso sIfunfIons mny roquIro nn nIrcrnff cnnbIo of
nrnchufo doIIvory of oquImonf nnd orsonnoI from hIgh nIfIfudos usIng
MII nrnchufo fochnIquos. Ofhor fochnIquos IncIudo sfnfIcIIno oornfIons
on smnII, unsurvoyod Zs or hnznrdous, froocovorod forrnIn. AssnuIf nIrcrnff
nnd nmhIbIous or ufIIIfy nIrcrnff mny bo nvnIInbIo. urIng InfIIfrnfIon,
corfnIn condIfIons mny roquIro fhnf fhoso nIrcrnff conducf nIrInndIng
oornfIons on roInfIvoIy shorf, unronrod nIrsfrIs. !ndor ofhor
cIrcumsfnncos, Iongorrnngo fncfIcnI nIrcrnff mny bo usod. IM 305.2l0
curronfIy TC 3l24, SocInI Iorcos AIr OornfIons, nnd IM 305.2ll
curronfIy IM 3ll9, SocInI Iorcos MIIIfnry IrooInII OornfIons, rovIdo
dofnIIod InnnIng InformnfIon on nIr InfIIfrnfIon.
Il2. urIng Innd InfIIfrnfIon, fho SIO shouId movo from fho Inunch sIfo
cInndosfInoIy fo nn nssombIy nron shorf of fho JSOA bordor nnd osfnbIIsh
IocnI socurIfy. In fhIs sconnrIo, fho SIO wIII movo fo fho nssombIy nron,
conducf n roconnnIssnnco of fho crossovor oInf, nnd conducf fho InfIIfrnfIon,
rofornbIy durIng orIods of Iow vIsIbIIIfy. Tho nssombIy nron shouId rovIdo
covor, conconImonf, nnd socurIfy. Tho rocofIon commIffoo, fhrough rIor
coordInnfIon, mny moof fho SIO nf fho nssombIy nron fo conducf fInnI
coordInnfIon. If musf osfnbIIsh IInIson from hIghor HQ boforohnnd, In fho
ovonf frIondIy forcos occuy fho bordor nron. Tho IInIson oIomonf shouId
romnIn nonr fho crossovor oInf unfII fho SIOI or IOI hns rocoIvod fho
InIfInI onfry roorf.
Il3. Wnforborno oornfIons rovIdo nn oxnndod cnnbIIIfy for nII SIOs.
Through romIssIon nnnIysIs, dofnIIod InnnIng, nnd n unIf susfnInmonf
frnInIng rogrnm, fho SIO cnn doIoy for n succossfuI wnforborno
InfIIfrnfIon. A fhorough undorsfnndIng of nII fncfors nffocfIng succossfuI
wnforbornoroInfod mIssIons Is ossonfInI duo fo fho InhoronfIy hIgh rIsk
nssocInfod wIfh ovon fho mosf roufIno wnforborno oornfIons. IM 305.2l2
curronfIy TC 3l25, SocInI Iorco Wnforborno OornfIons, rovIdos
dofnIIod InnnIng InformnfIon on wnforborno oornfIons.
Il4. Tho qunnfIfy nnd fyo of nccomnnyIng oquImonf nnd suIIos
cnrrIod by fho SIO on InIfInI InfIIfrnfIon nro InfIuoncod by fho
InfIIfrnfIon nnd rosuIy nIrfrnmos nvnIInbIo. Tho nIrcrnff usod fo
InfIIfrnfo fho SIO mny bo by A!SOA nIrcrnff MH60K/! nnd fho
MH4?/I, !.S. AIr Iorco !SAI nIrcrnff MCl30, MH53, or
CV22, or ofhor IocnIIy confrncfod nssofs.
IoIIfIcnI, sychoIogIcnI, nnd mIIIfnry fhronf sIfunfIon In fho JSOA.
SIzo nnd frnInIng of fho rosIsfnnco forco.
InfIIfrnfIon fImo nnd sIfo IocnfIon.
ConfIngoncy oornfIons In fho JSOA.
FM 3-05.201
Il5. InfIIfrnfIon Info fho JSOA Is nof comIofo unfII fho SIO frnnsmIfs
fho II! AC!S by rndIo fo fho SIOI or IOI. Tho SIOI or IOI sonds nn
ncknowIodgomonf bnck fo fho doIoyod SIO. If fho SIO fnIIs fo rocoIvo
fho ncknowIodgmonf wIfh fho rImnry communIcnfIon nssof TACSAT rndIo,
SIO orsonnoI shouId uso HI rndIo oquImonf ns nn nIfornnfo monns of
communIcnfIng. !on rocoIf of fho mossngo, fho SIOI wIII sond fho SIO`s
ncknowIodgmonf nf fho noxf schoduIod cnIIu, usIng fho nIfornnfo HI rndIo
Il6. Tho SIO shouId sond fho II! AC!S wIfhIn 24 hours nffor Ifs
InfIIfrnfIon fImo. If fho SIOI or IOI doos nof rocoIvo fho II! wIfhIn ?2
hours nffor InfIIfrnfIon, nnofhor ?2 hours wIII nss boforo fho omorgoncy
rosuIy Is drood. ThIs rocoduro gIvos fho SIO fho nocossnry fIoxIbIIIfy
fo cnrry ouf COI!As rocIIfnfod by onomy ncfIon. If ossIbIo, If wIII
nffomf fo confncf fho SIOI. ThIs fIoxIbIIIfy gIvos fho !SAI fho nocossnry
InnnIng nnd roncfIon fImo. Anofhor ofIon mny bo fo hnvo n roInnnod
rocovory oornfIon on nIorf for n rodosIgnnfod rocovory sIfo for nny
survIvors. !nunch nnd rocovory doond on MITTTC.
Il?. If fho doIoyod SIO fnIIs fo sond Ifs II! AC!S fo fho SIO or
IOI by rndIo wIfhIn ?2 hours nffor schoduIod doIoymonf, If mny, nccordIng
fo fho OIO!, sfnrf omorgoncy rosuIy rocoduros. Tho SIO Is now
nssumod fo bo In nn ovnsIon modo. Tho omorgoncy rosuIy mny bo fIown by
nny nIrcrnff nnd nIrdrood or nIrInndod In fho JSOA. Any wnforborno vossoI
mny frnnsorf nn omorgoncy rosuIy fo n bonch InndIng sIfo I!S. Tho
rosuIy mny nIso bo roosIfIonod In fho ovnsIon corrIdor by vnrIous !.S.
Il8. Whon fho ovnsIon corrIdor Is Iong, moro fhnn ono rosuIy mIssIon
mny bo noodod. SIOs musf Inn fhoso rosuIy mIssIons wIfh ronIIsfIc
fImos nnd dIsfnncos frnvoIod. Whon woundod SIO mombors nood fo bo
frnnsorfod, socurIfy Is dIffIcuIf buf musf bo mnInfnInod. Tho rosuIy
bundIo Is drood rImnrIIy fo rooquI fho SIO for mIssIon
nccomIIshmonf. Tho rosuIy bundIo mny consIsf of jusf onough suIIos for
fho SIO fo osfnbIIsh communIcnfIons wIfh hIghor HQ nnd roquosf furfhor
InsfrucfIons. Tho rosuIy bundIo mIghf nIso confnIn n comIofo Issuo of nII
TOI suIIos nnd wonons for ovory SIO mombor.
Appendix G
Special Forces Area Assessment
This appendix provides an outline format for an area assessment. This
format provides a systematic means for compiling and retaining
essential information to support SF operations. Although the basic
outline is general, it is flexible enough to permit detailed coverage of a
given JSOA.
G-1. Initial assessment includes those items deemed essential to the operational
detachment immediately following infiltration. These requirements must be
satisfied as soon as possible after the detachment arrives in the JSOA and
should include the
Location and orientation.
Detachments physical condition.
Overall security, to include the
! Immediate area.
! Attitude of the local populace.
! Local enemy situation.
Status of the local resistance element.
G-2. Principal assessment, a continuous operation, includes those collection
efforts that support the continued planning and conduct of operations. It forms
the basis for all of the detachments subsequent activities in the JSOA. The
principal assessment should encompass the areas discussed in the following
Composition, identification, and strength.
Organization, armament, and equipment.
Degree of training, morale, and combat effectiveness.
! Recent and current activities of the unit.
! Counterguerrilla activities and capabilities with particular attention
to reconnaissance units, special troops (airborne, mountain, ranger),
rotary-wing or vertical-lift aviation units, CI units, and units having
a mass chemical, biological, and radiological (CBR) delivery
FM 3-05.201
Unit AORs.
Daily routine of the units.
Logistics support to include the following:
! Installations and facilities.
! Supply routes.
! Methods of troop movement.
Past and current reprisal actions.
Dependability and reliability to the existing regime or the occupying
Composition, identification, and strength.
Organization, armament, and equipment.
Degree of training, morale, and efficiency.
Use and effectiveness of informers.
Influence on, and relations with, the local populace.
Security measures over public utilities and government installations.
Control and restrictions, such as
! Documentation.
! Rationing.
! Travel and movement restrictions.
! Blackouts and curfews.
Current value of money, wage scales.
The extent and effect of the black market.
Political restrictions.
Religious restrictions.
The control and operation of industry, utilities, agriculture, and
Attitudes toward the existing regime or occupying power.
Attitudes toward the resistance movement.
Reaction to U.S. support of the resistance.
Reaction to enemy activities in the country, specifically that portion in
the unconventional warfare operating area (UWOA).
General health and well-being.
FM 3-05.201
Electric power.
Military storage and supply.
Military HQ and installations.
Radar and electronic devices.
Inland waterways and canals.
Natural and synthetic gas lines.
Industrial plants.
Key personalities.
Precipitation, cloud cover, temperature, visibility, and seasonal changes.
Wind speed and direction.
Light data (BMNT, EENT, sunrise, sunset, moonrise, and moonset).
Location of areas suitable for guerrilla bases, units, and other
Potential LZs, DZs, and other reception sites.
Routes suitable for
! Guerrillas.
! Enemy forces.
Barriers to movement.
The seasonal effect of the weather on terrain and visibility.
! Disposition, strength, and composition.
! Organization, armament, and equipment.
! Status of training, morale, and combat effectiveness.
! Operations to date.
! Cooperation and coordination between various existing groups.
! General attitude toward the United States, the enemy, and various
elements of the civilian populace.
FM 3-05.201
! Motivation of the various groups and their receptivity to U.S.
! Caliber of senior and subordinate leadership.
! Health of guerrillas.
Auxiliaries and the underground:
! Disposition, strength, and degree of organization.
! General effectiveness and type of support.
! Motivation and reliability.
! Responsiveness to guerrilla or resistance leaders.
! General attitude toward the United States, the enemy, and various
guerrilla groups.
Availability of food stocks and water, to include any restrictions for
reasons of health.
Agricultural capability.
Type and availability of transportation of all categories.
Types and location of civilian services available for manufacture and
repair of equipment and clothing.
Supplies locally available, to include type and amount.
Medical facilities, to include personnel, medical supplies, and equipment.
Enemy supply sources accessible to the resistance.
! Is the weather cold enough to put emphasis on causes, treatment, and
prevention of cold weather injuries?
! Is the weather hot enough to put emphasis on causes, treatment, and
prevention of hot weather injuries?
Terrain: How does the terrain affect evacuation and medical resupply?
Indigenous personnel:
! Physical characteristics. Endurance, ability to carry loads, and
performance of other physical feats.
! Dress. What symbolism is attached to various articles of clothing and
jewelry, such as amulets, if any?
! Attitudes:
! What taboos and other psychological attributes are present in the
! What rites and practices are used by witch doctors during
illness? What do these rites symbolize? Does the practitioner use
Western medicines?
FM 3-05.201
! How do indigenous personnel respond to events such as fear,
happiness, anger, and sadness?
! Analyze physical layout of the community.
! Determine infestation with ectoparasites and vermin.
! Is food cultivated for consumption? What foods?
! How do the seasons of the AO influence diet? Does migration in
search of food occur?
! What foods provided by U.S. personnel do the indigenous personnel
prefer or reject?
! What cash crops are raised?
Water supply, urban. What kind of water treatment plants are used (if
Water supply, rural:
! What are the numbers and types of rural water supplies?
! What treatment is given to water in rural areas? Give attitudes of the
indigenous personnel toward standard U.S. purification methods.
Sewage disposal (when applicable):
! What are the types and locations of sewage treatment plants?
! In remote areas, what system is used for disposal of human
excrement, offal, and dead animals or humans?
! What are the attitudes of the indigenous personnel to standard U.S.
methods, such as the use of latrines?
Epidemiology. What specific diseases in each of the three following major
categories are present among the guerrillas, their dependents, or their
Domestic animals:
! What domestic animals are present?
! Describe the normal forage.
! Do owners supplement the food supply? What food supplements
are given, if any?
! Are animals penned or allowed to roam?
! Is any religious symbolism or taboo associated with animals (sacred
cows)? Are animals sacrificed for religious purposes?
! Are local veterinarians available for animal treatment and ante- and
post-mortem inspections of meats? What is their training?
Local fauna. Record species of birds, large and small mammals, reptiles,
and arthropods present in the area. If names are unknown, describe
(survival purposes).
FM 3-05.201
Poisonous plants. Record those species that are known to be toxic through
contact with the skin, inhalation of smoke from burning
vegetation, or through ingestion.
Appendix H
Area Study OutIine Format
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FM 3-05.201
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FM 3-05.201
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FM 3-05.201
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FM 3-05.201
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FM 3-05.201
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FM 3-05.201
b8 .K=) ">X)24(E) (5 43;?)4 *)<)24("5 (* 4" (5'<( 4 B3J(B:B @3B3?) "5 4=) ="*4(<
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38 Q'')24* "5 ]"*4(<) ![/*8
>8 Q'')24* "5 ,;()5@<$ ![/*8
Appendix I
Administrative Procedures
Insod on roInfIIfrnfIon InfoIIIgonco, fho SIO mnkos fonfnfIvo Inns for
formnIIzIng ndmInIsfrnfIvo mnchInory fo suorf n rosIsfnnco forco durIng
!W oornfIons In fho JSOA. Ioforo fho SIO`s InfIIfrnfIon nnd confncf by
fho Socrofnry of ofonso or O ngoncIos wIfh fho govornmonfInoxIIo or
nron commnnd, fho SIOI or IOI cnn guIdo fho osfnbIIshmonf of ny
scnIos, rnnk sfrucfuro, codos, nnd IognI sysfoms. ThIs guIdnnco wIII onsuro
unIformIfy In nII AOs fhroughouf fho counfry nnd wIII rocIudo InfInfod
rnnk sfrucfuros, unronIIsfIc ny scnIos, nnd knngnroo courfs. ocossnry
forms fo suorf fhIs ndmInIsfrnfIvo mnchInory mny bo drnffod nnd
rInfod durIng fho SIO IsoInfIon hnso. IInnI docIsIons on fho
ndmInIsfrnfIvo orgnnIznfIon musf bo doInyod unfII nffor InfIIfrnfIon. Iy
fhon fho nron commnndor, In concorf wIfh fho SIO, wIII hnvo rosoIvod
fho mnjorIfy of oufsfnndIng Issuos.
Il. AdmInIsfrnfIvo sysfoms cnn bo osfnbIIshod onrIy In fho InnnIng sfngos
of doIoymonf nnd fInnIIzod In fho JSOA. Thoy shouId bo sImIo nnd offocfIvo
nnd, ns n mInImum, IncIudo
AccounfnbIIIfy of sonsIfIvo Ifoms, fo IncIudo wonons, rndIos, cryfo
grnhIc mnforInI, nnd drugs.
Accurnfo nnd udnfod orsonnoI fIIos on fho guorrIIIns. IIngorrInfs
nnd hofos cnn bo usod for I. I cnrds cnn sorvo ns n ny rocoIf.
!ocords of fho sIck, woundod, nnd doconsod.
!ocords of nwnrds, docornfIons, schooIs, nnd socInI skIIIs.
A dnIIy sfnff journnI. WrIffon OIO!s nnd roorfs wIII bo kof fo n
mInImum, codod for socurIfy, nnd Issuod on n noodfoknow bnsIs.
I2. Inch guorrIIIn bnso cnm musf hnvo nn ndmInIsfrnfIvo socfIon fo
mnInfnIn ossonfInI rocords. As fho nron comIox dovoIos, orsonnoI cnn
confrnIIzo ndmInIsfrnfIon nnd duIIcnfo InformnfIon nnd rocords fhnf couId
comromIso fho oornfIon. Thoso rocords shouId bo forwnrdod fo fho
ndmInIsfrnfIvo socfIon of fho nron commnnd for mInInfurIznfIon,
cInssIfIcnfIon, nnd dIsosIfIon.
I3. Iocnuso of Ifs uIfImnfo hIsforIcnI Imorfnnco, orsonnoI shouId
mnInfnIn nn oornfIonnI journnI. !oorfs of combnf ongngomonfs musf
IncIudo fho foIIowIng InformnfIon concornIng fho guorrIIIn forcofho
dosIgnnfIon nnd commnndor, fho fyo of ncfIon, nroxImnfo sfrongfh, nnd
FM 3-05.201
cnsunIfIos. ThIs dnfn shouId bo mndo nvnIInbIo fo ISYOI nnd CA orsonnoI
for fhoIr oornfIons.
I4. Tho commnnd sfrucfuro rocord shouId rofIocf fho dosIgnnfIon of fho
vnrIous unIfs wIfhIn fho guorrIIIn forco sImIInr fo nn MTOI nnd fho
nuxIIInry. If shouId nIso IncIudo fho nnmos nnd dosIgnnfIon of koy orsonnoI.
I5. Tho orsonnoI dossIor shouId IIsf mombors of fho vnrIous orgnnIznfIons
wIfhIn fho nron commnnd, nnd If musf bo kof curronf. In fho InIfInI sfngos of
IndIvIdunI unIf dovoIomonf, duIIcnfo coIos of fhoIr dossIor cnn bo sonf
forwnrd fo fho noxfhIghor commnnd whon fonsIbIo.
I6. IorsonnoI rocords shouId bo mnInfnInod on guorrIIIns nnd ofhor koy
orsonnoI In fho rosIsfnnco movomonf fo rovo or rofufo osfhosfIIIfy cInIms
for wnrfImo sorvIco. OosIfIon mny bo oxocfod whon somoono rocommonds
fo fho nron commnndor fhnf nII orsonnoI bo hofogrnhod nnd fIngorrInfod.
Such oosIfIon cnn bo ovorcomo, howovor, wIfh nssurnncos fhnf n vInbIo,
socuro sysfom cnn bo osfnbIIshod nnd fhnf fho rocords wIII bo oxfIIfrnfod from
fho JSOA nnd mnInfnInod nf fho SIOI or IOI. !ocords mny bo mIcrofIImod
nnd Incod In n socuro cncho In fho JSOA ns nn nIfornnfo monns fo
oxfIIfrnfIon. IhofogrnhIng fhoso documonfs nnd subsoquonfIy cnchIng or
oxfIIfrnfIng fho nognfIvos rovIdos n mofhod of rosorvIng nnd socurIng
rocords nof obfnInnbIo by ofhor monns. Tho SIO wIII fInd Ifs orgnnIc
hofogrnhIc oquImonf usofuI In mnkIng I hofogrnhs for ouInfIon
confroI. Ihofogrnhs nro nIso hoIfuI In orgnnIzIng nnd confroIIIng rosIsfnnco
forcos. IorsonnoI shouId fnko hofogrnhs nf froquonf InforvnIs fo sond
forwnrd nnd nvoId hnvIng n Iof of sonsIfIvo mnforInI on hnnd. Affor
rocossIng fho nognfIvos nnd doformInIng fhoIr nccofnbIIIfy, orsonnoI mny
dosfroy fho orIgInnIs of unIf rocords or sond fhom fo hIghor HQ.
I?. Tho InformnfIon Incod on orsonnoI rocords shouId IncIudo fho fuII
nnmo of fho IndIvIdunI nnd
HIs homo vIIIngo or cIfy.
Tho dnfo ho joInod fho rosIsfnnco forco.
Whofhor nn onfh of onIIsfmonf wns fnkon.
Tho dnfo ho wns dIschnrgod.
IromofIons nnd domofIons.
Acfs of brnvory.
Awnrds nnd docornfIons.
!nnk or osIfIon nffnInod In fho rosIsfnnco forco.
Any dIscIIInnry ncfIon fnkon ngnInsf hIm.
I8. IosfIng fo fho InIfInI rocords mny bo by sorInI numbor fhus, fhoro Is no
roforonco fo IndIvIdunIs by nnmo nnd no IncrImInnfIng dnfn fo nssocInfo fhom
wIfh fho rosIsfnnco orgnnIznfIon. Codo nnmos nnd sImuInfod rocords shouId
bo mnInfnInod fo rovonf nny ossIbIIIfy of comromIso If cnfurod.
I9. !osIsfnnco Iondors musf bo convIncod of fho nood for n formnI onfh of
IoynIfy fo fho rosIsfnnco movomonf. ThIs formnIIfy wIII soIIdIfy fho unIon of
FM 3-05.201
!.S. nnd IndIgonous froos fo n common gonI fho froodom of fhoIr counfry.
Af nn nrorInfo coromony, fho IocnI IndIgonous Iondor mny ndmInIsfor nn
onfh of onIIsfmonf fo onch now mombor of fho rosIsfnnco forco. Affor
hosfIIIfIos, fho IocnI govornmonf cnn fhon rocognIzo fho jurIsdIcfIonnI
nufhorIfy commnndod by guorrIIIn Iondors ovor IndIvIdunI guorrIIIns.
Il0. IorsonnoI musf sIgn fho onfh. If wIII bocomo n nrf of fho IndIvIdunI
orsonnoI rocord. If shouId bo socurod nccordIngIy. IdonIIy, fho onfh rofors fo
fho guorrIIIn codo nnd fo unIshmonf for vIoInfIons.
Ill. CnsunIfy rocords IncIudo fho nnmos of orsonnoI kIIIod, woundod,
mIssIng In ncfIon, or sonrnfod from fho guorrIIIn forco bocnuso of IIInoss or
for ofhor ronsons. Crnvo rogIsfrnfIon InformnfIon, nf n mInImum, shouId
IncIudo nnmo, dnfo, cnuso of donfh, nnd IocnfIon of fho romnIns ns nccurnfoIy
Ioffod ns ossIbIo.
Il2. ModIcnI rocords musf IncIudo dnfn on fho fyo of rovnIonf dIsonsos,
rovonfIvo modIcIno ncfIons fnkon, fyos of wounds, nnd gonornI InformnfIon
on fho orgnnIznfIon of fho modIcnI sfrucfuro for fho nron commnnd.
Il3. Tho ndmInIsfrnfIvo socfIon musf mnInfnIn nrorInfo nyroII rocords
fo suorf nny commIfmonf mndo fo mombors of fho rosIsfnnco forco for
sorvIcos rondorod. Tho nron commnnd shouId mnInfnIn suffIcIonf rocords fo
hoI soffIo cInIms nffor hosfIIIfIos.
Il4. CuorrIIIns shouId formnIIzo nnd osfnbIIsh vnIorous ncfIons nnd
morIforIous ncfs nnd sorvIco wIfhIn fho forco. SomofImos, !.S. nwnrds mny
bo rocommondod howovor, fho grou Sl Is rosonsIbIo for guIdnnco In fhIs
nron. Ho cnn rovIdo such guIdnnco In fho IsoInfIon hnso. A govornmonfIn
oxIIo or fho nron commnnd mny wIsh fo ncf ns fho fInnI nrovIng nufhorIfy
nnd cnn rovIdo gonornI guIdoIInos for fho osfnbIIshmonf of nn nwnrds nnd
docornfIons rogrnm. Onco fho Sl nrovos nn nwnrd or docornfIon, If Is
nwnrdod nf nn nrorInfo coromony consIsfonf wIfh socurIfy roguInfIons.
Il5. SfrIcf dIscIIIno Is nn InfogrnI nrf of C2 rocoduros InsfIgnfod ovor
nny nrnmIIIfnry forco. WIfhouf dIscIIIno, fho forco cnnnof survIvo, Iof nIono
cnrry ouf offocfIvo oornfIons ngnInsf fho onomy. SInco guorrIIIns nro usunIIy
nof In sImIInr unIforms nnd offon nonr dIrfy or bodrnggIod, nn ImrossIon
orsIsfs fhnf dIscIIIno Is Iooso In guorrIIIn unIfs. IscIIIno musf bo hnrd buf
fnIr In guorrIIIn unIfs. Ordors shouId bo oxocufod wIfhouf doIny or quosfIon.
MInor InfrncfIons of ordors, osocInIIy durIng fho conducf of oornfIons, mny
hnvo brond nognfIvo consoquoncos for guorrIIIns nnd suorfIng rosIsfnnco
Il6. Moro offon fhnn nof, n guorrIIIn forco wIII hnvo n codo, ossIbIy nof In
wrIfIng, buf corfnInIy nn undorsfnndIng of whnf Is oxocfod of nII guorrIIIns.
Tho rosIsfnnco Iondor, wIfh nssIsfnnco from fho SIO, cnn dovoIo n wrIffon
codo. Inch now rocruIf musf know nnd undorsfnnd Ifs rovIsIons nnd fho
FM 3-05.201
onnIfIos for fronson, dosorfIon, nnd doroIIcfIon of dufy. Codos for guorrIIIn
forcos nro usunIIy sImIo buf cnII for oxfromo unIshmonf for whnf wouId bo
cnIIod mInor InfrncfIons In convonfIonnI forcos.
Il?. Any IognI codo for guorrIIIn forcos shouId, If ossIbIo, bo In IIno wIfh
fho ono fhnf oxIsfod for fho roguInr mIIIfnry forcos of fhnf counfry. If fhIs
codo Is ImrncfIcnI, fho nron commnndor nnd hIs sfnff mny drnff n now codo.
Il8. IrovIsIons musf oxIsf for unIshmonfs sImIInr fo fhoso Imosod undor
ArfIcIo l5, !nIform Codo of MIIIfnry JusfIco, nnd for moro sovoro
unIshmonfs. Tho nron commnndor wIII bo ndvIsod fo osfnbIIsh n
courfmnrfInI or frIbunnI fo fry cnsos rnfhor fhnn nrbIfrnrIIy docIdo fho fnfo
of fho nIIogod orofrnfor.
Il9. As soon ns ossIbIo nffor InfIIfrnfIon, nII nrfIos musf ronch nn
undorsfnndIng concornIng fho oxorcIso of dIscIIInnry nnd judIcInI nufhorIfy
ovor fho SIO. Tho SI commnndor wIII nof gIvo u hIs dIscIIInnry or
judIcInI nufhorIfy fo fho nron commnndor or fo nny ofhor rosIsfnnco offIcInI,
unIoss dIrocfod by !.S. hIghor HQ.
I20. WIfh doconfrnIIznfIon of commnnd nnd wIdoIy dIsorsod oornfIons,
IndIvIdunIs nro hnbIfunIIy gIvon mIssIon ordors wIfh IIffIo guIdnnco or
suorvIsIon. Thoy nro oxocfod fo comIofo fhoIr mIssIons. o oxcusos nro
nccofod. Thoroforo, guorrIIIns musf undorsfnnd fhnf fhoIr orsonnI conducf
hns fo bo nbovo roronch whon InforncfIng wIfh fho cIvIIInn ouInfIon.
Ivory ncf fhnf Iosos cIvIIInn suorfors Is hnrmfuI fo fho rosIsfnnco
movomonf. ISYOI forcos Imross on fho rosIsfnnco orgnnIznfIon`s Iondors
fhnf roducIng fnvornbIo roncfIons nmong fho ouInco Is vIfnI. Such
rogrnms musf sfross roor IndIvIdunI nnd offIcInI conducf fownrd fho
ouInco. Thoy musf nIso oInf ouf fho nood for sfrIngonf dIscIIInnry ncfIon
ngnInsf offondors.
I2l. Tho nron commnndor onsuros dIscIIIno Is mnInfnInod. Tho SI
commnndor normnIIy rovIdos ndvIco fhnf wIII onsuro fnIr nnd consIsfonf
dIscIIIno. Tho ofhnIc cuIfuro of n grou mny IndIcnfo fho mosf offocfIvo wny
fo oncourngo soIfdIscIIIno.
Appendix J
ExampIe of Training Program
of Instruction for Resistance Forces

SocfIon I. IxnmIo of Mnsfor TrnInIng Irogrnm
for n l0ny !ondorshI SchooI
Tho mnsfor frnInIng rogrnm for fho l0dny IondorshI schooI wns dovoIood fo rovIdo fho
IndIgonous Iondors nnd ofonfInI Iondors wIfh n gonornI knowIodgo of fho subjocfs fo bo fnughf fo
nII IndIgonous orsonnoI. IrImnry omhnsIs Is Incod on fho roIo of fho Iondor or commnndor fo
ronro fhoso Iondors fo suorvIso fho ncfIvIfIos of fhoIr subordInnfos. If Is nssumod fhnf mosf of
fhoso orsonnoI hnvo hnd rIor mIIIfnry sorvIco nnd, fhoroforo, shouId nIrondy ossoss n bnsIc
knowIodgo of fho subjocfs fo bo covorod. !on comIofIon of fho l0dny IondorshI schooI, fho
Iondors wIII rofurn fo fhoIr unIfs of work nnd frnIn wIfh fhoIr unIfs, fhus oxnndIng fhoIr own
knowIodgo of fho subjocf covorod. IoIIowIng Is nn oxnmIo of n l0dny mnsfor frnInIng rogrnm
for n IondorshI schooI for soIocfod IndIgonous orsonnoI.

Mn !ondIng nnd
Snmo gonornI scoo ns In 30dny rogrnm.
IncIudo how fo rond scnIo nnd coordInnfos.
4 2 6 4
IIoId AId, IIoId
SnnIfnfIon, nnd
Snmo gonornI scoo ns In 30dny rogrnm.
ImhnsIs on fIoId snnIfnfIon nnd
rosonsIbIIIfy of commnndors.
4 4 l
IndIvIdunI TncfIcnI
TrnInIng ny nnd
Snmo gonornI scoo ns In 30dny rogrnm.
ImhnsIs on socurIfy of oornfIonnI bnsos,
movomonfs, formnfIons, confroI monsuros
nf nIghf, nnd dufIos nnd rosonsIbIIIfIos of
l0 9 l9 l6
InfroIs, SmnII!nIf
TncfIcs, !nIds,
Ambushos ny nnd
Snmo gonornI scoo ns In 30dny rogrnm.
ImhnsIs on InnnIng, orgnnIznfIon,
ronrnfIon, commnnd, confroI, socurIfy,
oxocufIon of nfroIs, nmbushos nnd rnIds.
l0 29 39 25
Wonons !.S. nnd
Snmo gonornI scoo ns In 30dny rogrnm.
InmIIInrIznfIon fIrIng. IrImnry omhnsIs
on omIoymonf of wonons.
8 2 l0 ?
InfoIIIgonco Snmo gonornI scoo ns In 30dny rogrnm.
IrImnry nnd counforInfoIIIgonco. Ighf
6 4 l0 8
FM 3-05.201

AIr OornfIons Snmo gonornI scoo ns In 30dny rogrnm.
IrImnry omhnsIs on soIocfIon nnd
roorfIng of Zs, orgnnIznfIon of rocofIon
commIffoo, dufIos nnd rosonsIbIIIfIos of
6 8 l4 ll
omoIIfIon InmIIInrIznfIon wIfh domoIIfIon
rocoduros domonsfrnfIng, InnnIng,
5 5 3
CommunIcnfIons CommunIcnfIon monns, nvnIInbIo sysfoms,
communIcnfIon socurIfy, sImIo
cryfogrnhIc sysfoms.
4 4 2
IrIncIIos nnd
MIIIfnry IondorshI, frnIfs, rIncIIos,
IndIcnfIons, ncfIons, nnd ordors.
!osonsIbIIIfIos nnd dufIos of fho
commnndor. Humnn bohnvIor robIom
nrons nnd robIomsoIvIng rocoss.
SoIocfIon of junIor Iondors. Snn of confroI
nnd chnIn of commnnd. Combnf IondorshI.
6 6 4
TncfIcs nnd
ChnrncforIsfIcs of guorrIIIn wnrfnro,
guorrIIIn oornfIons, rIncIIos,
cnnbIIIfIos, nnd IImIfnfIons, orgnnIznfIon
of oornfIonnI bnsos, socurIfy, cIvIIInn
suorf, IogIsfIcs, counforInfoIIIgonco,
combnf omIoymonf, mIssIons, fncfIcnI
confroI monsuros, fnrgof soIocfIon, mIssIon
suorf sIfo, nnd dofonsIvo monsuros.
!osonsIbIIIfIos nnd dufIos of IndIgonous
? 5 l2 9
TofnI Hours In Mnsfor Irogrnm ?0 59 l29 90
l. IdonfIfy fhoso orsonnoI whoso IondorshI nbIIIfy, knowIodgo, skIII, or dosIro Is boIow
nccofnbIo sfnndnrds.
2. !on comIofIon of IondorshI schooI, ono nddIfIonnI dny mny bo schoduIod for coordInnfIng
nnd InnnIng fufuro oornfIons.
3. A suggosfod nrrnngomonf of schoduIIng Is ns foIIows
29 ArII 4 Mny IronrnfIon for frnInIng nnd soIocfIon of Iondors.
5 Mny l4 Mny !ondorshI frnInIng.
l6 Mny l4 Juno Troo frnInIng.
FM 3-05.201
SocfIon II. IxnmIo of n 30ny Mnsfor TrnInIng Irogrnm
IoIIowIng Is nn oxnmIo of n 30dny mnsfor frnInIng rogrnm fhnf mny bo usod ns n bnsIs for
ronrIng IndIvIdunI mnsfor frnInIng rogrnms for onch sonrnfo IndIgonous unIf.

Mn InmIIInrI
znfIon nnd !so
of Comnss
How fo rond n mn, orIonfnfIon of mn wIfh
comnss, how fo Iocnfo onosoIf, doformIno
nzImufh, nnd dny nnd nIghf uso of comnss.
l4 l0 24 20
IIrsf AId, IIoId InsIc fronfmonf of wounds, rovonfIon of
InfocfIon, sImIo bnndngIng, rossuro
oInfs, rovonfIon of shock, sIInfs, IIffor
consfrucfIon nnd uso fIoId snnIfnfIon
monsuros rognrdIng wnfor suIy, wnsfo
dIsosnI, nnd orsonnI hygIono.
6 4 l0 ?
TrnInIng ny
nnd Ighf
CnmoufIngo, covor, conconImonf, movomonf,
obsorvnfIon, roorfIng, dIscIIIno, sounds,
hnndfohnnd combnf, combnf formnfIons,
nIghf movomonf, nIghf cnmoufIngo,
ronrnfIon of oquImonf nnd cIofhIng,
nIghf vIsIons, sounds nnd obsorvnfIon, nIghf
socurIfy nnd formnfIons, mossngo wrIfIng,
ImmodInfo ncfIon drIIIs, nnd socurIfy of
oornfIonnI bnsos.
26 9 35 3l
InfroIs, SmnII
!nIf TncfIcs,
Ambushos ny
nnd Ighf
IInnnIng, orgnnIznfIon, ronrnfIon,
formnfIons, commnnds, confroI, socurIfy,
communIcnfIons nnd roorfIng of nfroIs
objocfIvos, fnrgof soIocfIon, orgnnIznfIon of
rnId forcos roconnnIssnnco nnd InfoIIIgonco
InnnIng, ronrnfIon, movomonf,
doIoymonf, conducf of rnIds,
dIsongngomonf, nnd wIfhdrnwnI of rnIdIng
forcos chnrncforIsfIcs, dofInIfIon, objocfIvos
of nmbushos, soIocfIon of nmbush sIfos,
orgnnIznfIon of nmbush forcos, hnsos of
nmbush oornfIon, InnnIng, ronrnfIon
movomonf, doIoymonf, oxocufIon,
dIsongngomonf, nnd wIfhdrnwnI of nmbush
forcos. AII subjocfs covorod for bofh dny nnd
nIghf oornfIons.
26 44 ?0 60
IoroIgn nnd
CnrbIno, Ml, submnchIno gun, nufomnfIc
rIfIo IsfoI, cnIIbor .45 mnchIno guns
foroIgn wonons fo IncIudo cnro nnd
cIonnIng, IondIng, nImIng, sfongos, rnngo
fIrIng fnmIIInrIznfIon fIrIng of nII wonons
nnd dny nnd nIghf fIrIng.
28 l0 38 32
FM 3-05.201

InfoIIIgonco SocurIfy monsuros, how fo obfnIn nnd
roorf InformnfIon, cnfurod documonfs,
nnd mnforInI InforrognfIon nnd hnndIIng of
rIsonors nnd counforInfoIIIgonco
8 8 5
AIr OornfIons IsfnbIIshmonf of Z, mnrkIng nnd
IdonfIfIcnfIon of Z, socurIfy of Z,
rocoIvIng nnd frnnsorfIng suIIos nnd
l6 l5 3l 25
omoIIfIons onoIocfrIc nnd oIocfrIc fIrIng sysfoms,
cnIcuInfIon nnd Incomonf of chnrgos, rnII
nnd brIdgo dosfrucfIon, booby frns, nnd
oxodIonf dovIcos.
2l 8 29 24
Sqund Tosfs !ovIow nnd oxorcIso covorIng nII
23 l6 39 3?
IInfoon Tosfs !ovIow nnd oxorcIso covorIng nII
42 24 66 63
TofnI Hours In Mnsfor TrnInIng Irogrnm 2l0 l40 350 304
l. MnxImum numbor of frnInod, IndIgonous orsonnoI wIII bo usod fo nssIsf In frnInIng ofhors.
IdonfIfy fhoso orsonnoI who mny qunIIfy ns ofonfInI cndro or ofonfInI Iondors.
2. InfoIIIgonco, comnss, mn fnmIIInrIznfIon, obsorvIng nnd roorfIng, fncfIcnI frnInIng of fho
IndIvIdunI, nfroIIIng, wonons, domoIIfIons, nnd fIoId snnIfnfIon wIII bo Infogrnfod
whonovor ossIbIo.
3. CInssos fo bo brokon down Info InfoonsIzod grous whonovor ossIbIo.
4. IrncfIcnI work oxorcIso, domonsfrnfIons, nnd conforoncos fo bo usod In IIou of Iocfuros fo fho
mnxImum oxfonf ossIbIo.
5. Sfross smnIIunIf frnInIng nfroI, sqund, nnd Infoon. ovoIo fonmwork nnd osrIf do
FM 3-05.201
SocfIon III. nfn CnrdIorsonnoI nnd TrnInIng !ocord
Tho foIIowIng Is nn oxnmIo of n orsonnoI dnfn cnrd fhnf mny nIso sorvo ns n frnInIng rocord.
ThIs sImIIfIos nnd hoIds fo n mInImum fho numbor of rocords fhnf mny bo roquIrod fo bo
mnInfnInod In nn AO. Tho fyo nnd nmounf of InformnfIon fo bo rocordod wIII vnry wIfh onch AO
fo IncIudo fho dogroo of socurIfy fo bo nffordod rosIsfnnco orsonnoI.
n. JSOA______________ I!!! AMI________________________ S______________
b. !AK______________ OI_____________ IOI________________________________
c. !IT____________________ ATI OI I!ISTMIT_________________________
d. !AST CIVI!IA A!ISS_________________________________________________
o. CIVI!IA OCC!IATIO___________________________________________________
f. !AC!ACIS______________________________________________________________
g. SIICIA! SKI!!S A AITIT!IS CIVI!IA_____________________________
__________________ ATI ________________ AMO!T IAI ___________________
__________________ ATI ________________ AMO!T IAI ___________________
__________________ ATI ________________ AMO!T IAI ___________________

k. ATI OI ISCHA!CI O! IMOII!IZATIO ________________________________
FM 3-05.201
n. InsIc TrnInIng ____________________ __________
____________________ __________
____________________ __________
____________________ __________
____________________ __________
b. Advnncod/socInIIsf frnInIng ____________________ __________
____________________ __________
____________________ __________
____________________ __________
____________________ __________
c. MOS socInIfIos IC!II
____________________ __________
____________________ __________
____________________ __________
____________________ __________
d. Wonon qunIIfIcnfIons WIAIO SKI!!
____________________ __________
____________________ __________
____________________ __________

o. Combnf oornfIons __________________________________________________________
FM 3-05.201
f. Awnrds nnd docornfIons ________________________________________________________
g. Wounds or InjurIos TYII ATI
________________ ________________
________________ ________________
________________ ________________
________________ ________________
_____________ _______________________ ______________________________ ________________
_____________ _______________________ ______________________________ ________________
_____________ _______________________ ______________________________ ________________
_____________ _______________________ ______________________________ ________________

Appendix K
SpeciaI Forces Caching
CnchIng Is fho rocoss of hIdIng oquImonf or mnforInIs In n socuro
sforngo Inco wIfh fho vIow fo fufuro rocovory for oornfIonnI uso. Tho
uIfImnfo succoss of cnchIng mny woII doond uon nffonfIon fo dofnII fhnf
Is, rofossIonnI comofonco fhnf mny soom of mInor Imorfnnco fo fho
unfrnInod oyo. SocurIfy fncfors, such ns covor for fho cnchIng nrfy,
sforIIIfy of fho Ifoms cnchod, nnd romovnI of ovon fho sIIghfosf frnco of fho
cnchIng oornfIons nro vIfnI. HIghIy Imorfnnf, foo, nro fho fochnIcnI
fncfors fhnf govorn fho rosorvnfIon of fho Ifoms In usnbIo condIfIon nnd
fho rocordIng of dnfn ossonfInI for rocovory. SuccossfuI cnchIng onfnIIs
cnrofuI ndhoronco fo fho bnsIc rIncIIos of cInndosfIno oornfIons, ns woII
ns fnmIIInrIfy wIfh fho fochnIcnIIfIos of cnchIng.
Kl. CnchIng consIdornfIons fhnf nro vIfnI fo fho succoss of fho cnchIng
oornfIon mny bo dono In n vnrIofy of oornfIonnI sIfunfIons IIguro Kl,
ngo K2. Ior oxnmIo, cnchod suIIos cnn moof fho omorgoncy noods of
orsonnoI who mny bo bnrrod from fhoIr normnI suIy sourcos by suddon
dovoIomonfs or who mny nood frnvoI documonfs nnd oxfrn funds for quIck
oscno. CnchIng cnn hoI soIvo fho suIy robIoms of Iongform oornfIons
conducfod fnr from n socuro bnso. CnchIng cnn nIso rovIdo for nnfIcInfod
noods of wnrfImo oornfIons In nrons IIkoIy fo bo ovorrun by fho onomy.
K2. CnchIng InvoIvos soIocfIng Ifoms fo bo cnchod, rocurIng fhoso Ifoms,
nnd soIocfIng n cncho sIfo. SoIocfIon of fho Ifoms fo bo cnchod roquIros n cIoso
osfImnfo of whnf wIII bo noodod by nrfIcuInr unIfs for nrfIcuInr oornfIons.
Irocuromonf of fho Ifoms usunIIy rosonfs no socInI robIoms. In fncf, fho
roInfIvo onso of rocuromonf boforo nn omorgoncy nrIsos Is ono of fho rImo
consIdornfIons In fnvor of cnchIng. Whon soIocfIng n cncho sIfo, Innnors
shouId nIwnys onsuro fhnf fho sIfo Is nccossIbIo nof onIy for omIncomonf, buf
nIso for rocovory. Whon InnnIng n cnchIng oornfIon, fho Innnor musf
consIdor fho foIIowIng sIx bnsIc fncfors.
K3. IInnnors musf doformIno fho uroso nnd confonfs of onch cncho
bocnuso fhoso bnsIc fncfors InfIuonco fho IocnfIon of fho cncho, ns woII ns fho
mofhod of hIdIng. Ior Insfnnco, smnII bnrfor Ifoms cnn bo cnchod nf nny
nccossIbIo nnd socuro sIfo bocnuso fhoy cnn bo conconIod onsIIy on fho orson
onco rocovorod. Howovor, If wouId bo dIffIcuIf fo conconI rIfIos for n guorrIIIn
bnnd onco rocovorod. Thoroforo, fhIs sIfo musf bo In nn IsoInfod nron whoro
FM 3-05.201
fho bnnd cnn osfnbIIsh nf Ionsf fomornry confroI. CorfnIn Ifoms, such ns
modIcnI sfock, hnvo IImIfod shoIf IIfo nnd roquIro rofnfIon orIodIcnIIy or
socInI sforngo consIdornfIons, nocossIfnfIng onsy nccoss fo sorvIco fhoso
Ifoms. SomofImos If Is ImossIbIo fo Iocnfo n cncho In fho mosf convonIonf
Inco for nn Infondod usor. IInnnors musf comromIso bofwoon IogIsfIcnI
objocfIvos nnd ncfunI ossIbIIIfIos whon soIocfIng n cncho sIfo. SocurIfy Is
nIwnys fho ovorrIdIng consIdornfIon.
Figure K-1. Logistics CeII
K4. In InnnIng fho cnchIng oornfIon, Innnors musf consIdor fho
cnnbIIIfIos of nny InfoIIIgonco or socurIfy sorvIcos nof nrfIcInfIng In fho
oornfIon. Thoy shouId nIso consIdor fho ofonfInI hnznrds fho onomy nnd Ifs
wIffIng or unwIffIng nccomIIcos rosonf. If cnchIng Is dono for wnrfImo
oornfIonnI urosos, Ifs uIfImnfo succoss wIII doond InrgoIy on whofhor fho
Innnors nnfIcInfo fho vnrIous obsfncIos fo rocovory, whIch fho onomy nnd
Ifs nccomIIcos wIII cronfo If fho onomy occuIos fho nron. Whnf nro fho
ossIbIIIfIos fhnf fho onomy wIII roomf nn IdonI sIfo for ono ronson or
nnofhor nnd dony nccoss fo If A vncnnf fIoId surroundod by brush mny soom
IdonI for n nrfIcuInr cncho bocnuso If Is nonr sovornI hIghwnys. Iuf such n
IocnfIon mny nIso InvIfo fho onomy fo Iocnfo nn ordnnnco doof whoro fho
cncho Is burIod.
FM 3-05.201
K5. IrobnbIy moro dnngorous fhnn doIIbornfo onomy ncfIon nro nII of fho
chnnco cIrcumsfnncos fhnf mny rosuIf In fho dIscovory of fho cncho. ormnI
ncfIvIfy, such ns consfrucfIon of n now buIIdIng, mny uncovor fho cncho sIfo or
Imodo nccoss fo If. !nIucky cIrcumsfnncos cnnnof bo nnfIcInfod, buf If cnn
robnbIy bo nvoIdod by cnrofuI nnd ImngInnfIvo obsorvnfIon of fho rosocfIvo
cncho sIfo nnd of fho ooIo who IIvo nonr fho sIfo. If fho cncho Is Infondod for
wnrfImo uso, fho Innnors musf rojocf how fho rosIdonfs wIII roncf fo fho
rossuros of wnr nnd conquosf. Ior oxnmIo, ono of fho moro IIkoIy roncfIons
Is fhnf mnny rosIdonfs mny rosorf fo cnchIng fo nvoId hnvIng fhoIr orsonnI
funds nnd vnIunbIos soIzod by fho onomy. If cnchIng bocomos ouInr, nny
IIkoIy cncho sIfo wIII rocoIvo moro fhnn normnI nffonfIon.
K6. !sIng ono cncho sIfo for sovornI cInndosfIno oornfIons InvoIvos n rIsk of
mufunI comromIso. Thoroforo, somo Innnors shouId ruIo ouf ofhorwIso
suIfnbIo cnchIng sIfos If fhoy hnvo boon soIocfod for ofhor cInndosfIno
urosos, such ns dros or snfo housos. A sIfo shouId nof bo Iocnfod whoro If
mny bo dosfroyod or rondorod InnccossIbIo by bombIng or ofhor nIIIod mIIIfnry
ncfIon, shouId fho nron bo occuIod by fho onomy. Ior oxnmIo, InsfnIInfIons
IIkoIy fo bo objocfs of socInI rofocfIvo offorfs by fho occuyIng onomy nro
corfnIn fo bo InnccossIbIo fo fho ordInnry cIfIzon. Thoroforo, If fho cncho Is
Infondod for wnrfImo uso, fho cnchIng nrfy shouId nvoId nrons such ns fhoso
nonr koy brIdgos, rnIIrond InforsocfIons, owor Innfs, nnd munIfIons
K?. Assof Innnors shouId nssoss fho socurIfy noods nnd nII of fho ofonfInI
obsfncIos nnd hnznrds fhnf n rosocfIvo cncho sIfo cnn rosonf. Thoy shouId
nIso consIdor whofhor fho oornfIonnI nssofs couId bo usod for nckngIng nnd
frnnsorfIng fho nckngo fo fho sIfo. Iosf rosuIfs nro obfnInod whon oxorfs
nf n nckngIng confor do fho nckngIng. Tho fIrsf quosfIon, fhoroforo, Is fo
docIdo whofhor fho nckngo cnn bo frnnsorfod from fho HQ or fho fIoId
nckngIng confor fo fho cncho sIfo socuroIy nnd soon onough fo moof fho
oornfIonnI schoduIos. If nof, fho nckngIng musf bo dono IocnIIy, orhns In
n snfo houso Iocnfod wIfhIn n fow mIIos of fho cncho sIfo. If such nn
nrrnngomonf Is nocossnry, fho choIco of cncho sIfos mny bo rosfrIcfod by
IImIfod snfo houso ossIbIIIfIos.
K8. AII who nrfIcInfo dIrocfIy In omIncomonf wIII know whoro fho cncho
Is Iocnfod. Thoroforo, onIy fho fowosf ossIbIo nnd fho mosf roIInbIo orsons
shouId bo usod. IInnnors musf consIdor fho dIsfnnco from fho orson`s
rosIdonco fo fho rosocfIvo cncho sIfo. ConsIdornfIon musf bo gIvon fo fho
ronson or sfory of why somoono Is InvoIvod In conducfIng fhIs ncfIvIfy.
SomofImos frnnsorfnfIon nnd covor dIffIcuIfIos roquIro fho cncho sIfo fo bo
wIfhIn n IImIfod dIsfnnco of fho orson`s rosIdonco. Tho nbovo consIdornfIons
nIso nIy fo fho rocovory orsonnoI.
FM 3-05.201
K9. WhIch cncho mofhod fo uso doonds on fho sIfunfIon. If Is fhoroforo
unsound fo Iny down nny gonornI ruIos, wIfh ono oxcofIon IInnnors shouId
nIwnys fhInk In forms of suIfnbIIIfy for oxnmIo, fho mofhod mosf suIfnbIo for
onch cncho, consIdorIng Ifs socIfIc uroso fho ncfunI sIfunfIon In fho
nrfIcuInr IocnIIfy nnd fho chnngos fhnf mny occur If fho onomy gnIns confroI.
Kl0. ConconImonf roquIros fho uso of ormnnonf mnnmndo or nnfurnI
fonfuros fo hIdo or dIsguIso fho cncho. ConconImonf hns sovornI ndvnnfngos.
Iofh omIoymonf nnd rocovory cnn usunIIy bo dono wIfh mInImum fImo nnd
Inbor, nnd cnchod Ifoms conconIod InsIdo n buIIdIng or dry cnvo nro rofocfod
from fho oIomonfs. Thus, fhoy roquIro Ioss oInbornfo nckngIng. AIso, In somo
cnsos, n conconIod cncho cnn bo rondIIy Insocfod from fImo fo fImo fo onsuro
fhnf If Is sfIII usnbIo. Howovor, fhoro Is nIwnys fho chnnco of nccIdonfnI
dIscovory In nddIfIon fo nII fho hnznrds of wnrfImo fhnf mny rosuIf In
dIscovory or dosfrucfIon of n conconIod cncho or donInI of nccoss fo fho sIfo.
Tho conconImonf mofhod, fhoroforo, Is mosf suIfnbIo In cnsos whoro nn
oxcofIonnIIy socuro sIfo Is nvnIInbIo or whoro n nood for quIck nccoss fo fho
cncho jusfIfIos n cnIcuInfod sncrIfIco In socurIfy. ConconImonf mny rnngo from
socurIng smnII goId coIns undor n fIIo In fho fIoor fo wnIIIng u nrfIIIory In
Kll. Adoqunfo burInI sIfos cnn bo found nImosf nnywhoro IIguros K2 nnd
K3, ngo K5. Onco In Inco, n roorIy burIod cncho Is gonornIIy fho bosf
wny of nchIovIng InsfIng socurIfy. In confrnsf fo conconImonf, howovor, burInI
In fho ground Is n InborIous nnd fImoconsumIng mofhod of cnchIng. Tho
dIsndvnnfngos of burInI nro fhnf
IurInI nImosf nIwnys roquIros n hIghqunIIfy confnInor or socInI
wrnIng fo rofocf fho cncho from moIsfuro, chomIcnIs, nnd bncforIn
In fho soII.
ImIncomonf or rocovory of n burIod cncho usunIIy fnkos so Iong fhnf
fho oornfIon musf bo dono nffor dnrk unIoss fho sIfo Is oxcofIonnIIy
If Is osocInIIy dIffIcuIf fo IdonfIfy nnd Iocnfo n burIod cncho
IIguros K2 nnd K3.
FM 3-05.201
Figure K-2. Cache Locations
Figure K-3. Cache Location (Adjacent to Southwest Corner
of Church on South Side)
Kl2. SubmorsIon sIfos fhnf nro suIfnbIo for socuro conconImonf of n
submorgod cncho nro fow nnd fnr bofwoon. AIso, fho confnInor of n submorgod
cncho musf moof such hIgh sfnndnrds for wnforroofIng nnd rosIsfnnco fo
oxfornnI rossuro fhnf fho uso of fIoId oxodIonfs Is soIdom worknbIo. To
onsuro fhnf n submorgod cncho romnIns dry nnd In Inco, Innnors musf
doformIno nof onIy fho dofh of fho wnfor, buf fho fyo of boffom, fho
FM 3-05.201
curronfs, nnd ofhor fncfs fhnf nro roInfIvoIy dIffIcuIf for nonsocInIIsfs fo
obfnIn IIguros K4 nnd K5.
Figure K-4. SubmersibIe Cache, ExampIe 1
Figure K-5. SubmersibIe Cache, ExampIe 2
Kl3. ImIncomonf, IIkowIso, roquIros n hIgh dogroo of skIII. Af Ionsf fwo
orsons nro noodod for omIncomonf, nnd If roquIros nddIfIonnI oquImonf.
In vIow of fho dIffIcuIfIososocInIIy fho dIffIcuIfy of rocovoryfho
FM 3-05.201
submorsIon mofhod Is suIfnbIo onIy on rnro occnsIons. Tho mosf nofoworfhy
usngo Is fho roInfIvoIy rnro mnrIfImo rosuIy oornfIon whoro If Is
ImossIbIo fo doIIvor suIIos dIrocfIy fo n rocofIon commIffoo. CnchIng
suIIos offshoro by submorsIon Is offon rofornbIo fo sondIng n InndIng nrfy
nshoro fo bury n cncho.
Kl4. Tho mosf cnrofuI osfImnfos of fufuro oornfIonnI condIfIons cnnnof
onsuro fhnf n cncho wIII bo nccossIbIo whon If Is noodod. Tho foIIowIng
nrngrnhs nddross sIfo soIocfIon consIdornfIons.
Kl5. CrIforIn for n sIfo soIocfIon cnn bo mof whon fho foIIowIng fhroo
quosfIons nro nnsworod l Cnn fho sIfo bo Iocnfod by sImIo InsfrucfIons
fhnf nro unmIsfnknbIy cIonr fo somoono who hns novor vIsIfod fho IocnfIon A
sIfo mny bo IdonI In ovory rosocf, buf If If hns no dIsfIncf, ormnnonf
Inndmnrks wIfhIn n rondIIy monsurnbIo dIsfnnco If musf bo ruIod ouf. 2 Aro
fhoro nf Ionsf fwo socuro roufos fo nnd from fho sIfo Iofh rImnry nnd
nIfornnfo roufos shouId rovIdo nnfurnI conconImonf so fhnf fho
omIncomonf nrfy nnd fho rocovory nrfy cnn vIsIf fho sIfo wIfhouf boIng
soon by nnyono normnIIy In fho vIcInIfy. 3 Cnn fho cncho bo omIncod nnd
rocovorod nf fho choson sIfo In nII sonsons of fho yonr Snow nnd frozon
ground cronfo socInI robIoms. Snow on fho ground Is n hnznrd bocnuso If Is
ImossIbIo fo ornso n frnII In fho snow. IInnnors musf consIdor whofhor
sonsonnI chnngos In fho foIIngo wIII Ionvo fho sIfo nnd fho roufo dnngorousIy
Kl6. IIndIng n cncho sIfo Is offon dIffIcuIf. !sunIIy, n fhorough sysfomnfIc
survoy of fho gonornI nron dosIgnnfod for fho cncho Is roquIrod. Tho survoy Is
bosf dono wIfh n InrgoscnIo mn of fho nron, If nvnIInbIo. Iy scrufInIzIng fho
mn, fho Innnors cnn doformIno whofhor n nrfIcuInr socfor musf bo ruIod
ouf bocnuso of Ifs nonrnoss fo fncforIos, homos, busy fhoroughfnros, or
robnbIo mIIIfnry fnrgofs In wnrfImo. A good mIIIfnryfyo mn wIII show fho
osIfIvo fonfuros In fho foogrnhy, roxImIfy fo ndoqunfo ronds or frnIIs,
nnfurnI conconImonf for oxnmIo, surroundIng woods or grovos, nnd
ndoqunfo drnInngo. A mn wIII nIso show fho nnfurnI nnd mnnmndo fonfuros
In fho Inndscno. A mn wIII rovIdo fho IndIsonsnbIo roforonco oInfs for
IocnfIng n cncho sIfo confIuoncos of sfronms, dnms nnd wnforfnIIs, rond
juncfuros nnd dIsfnnco mnrkors, vIIIngos, brIdgos, churchos, nnd comoforIos.
Kl?. A mn survoy shouId normnIIy show fho IocnfIon of sovornI romIsIng
sIfos wIfhIn fho gonornI nron dosIgnnfod for fho cncho. To soIocf nnd InoInf
fho bosf sIfo, howovor, n woIIqunIIfIod obsorvor musf oxnmIno onch sIfo
fIrsfhnnd. If ossIbIo, whoovor oxnmInos fho sIfo shouId cnrry ndoqunfo mns,
n comnss, n drnwIng nd or bonrd for mnkIng skofch mns or frncIngs, nnd n
mofnIIIc monsurIng IIno. A wIro knoffod nf roguInr InforvnIs Is ndoqunfo for
monsurIng. TwIno or cIofh monsurIng fnos shouId nof bo usod bocnuso
FM 3-05.201
sfrofchIng or shrInkIng wIII mnko fhom Innccurnfo If fhoy gof wof. Tho
obsorvor shouId nIso cnrry n robo rod for robIng rosocfIvo burInI sIfos, If
fho rod cnn bo cnrrIod socuroIy.
Kl8. SInco fho obsorvor soIdom comIofos n fIoId survoy wIfhouf boIng
nofIcod by IocnI rosIdonfs, hIs sfory for hIs ncfIons Is of gronf Imorfnnco. Tho
obsorvor`s sfory musf offor n nnfurnI oxInnnfIon for hIs oxIornfory ncfIvIfy
In fho nron. OrdInnrIIy, fhIs monns fhnf nn obsorvor who Is nof n known
rosIdonf of fho nron cnn oso ns n fourIsf or n nowcomor wIfh somo ronson for
vIsIfIng fho nron. Howovor, hIs sfory musf bo dovoIood ovor nn oxfondod
orIod boforo ho undorfnkos fho ncfunI roconnnIssnnco. If fho obsorvor Is n
known rosIdonf of fho nron, ho cnnnof suddonIy fnko u hunfIng, fIshIng, or
wIIdIIfo hofogrnhy wIfhouf nrousIng Inforosf nnd orhns susIcIon. Tho
obsorvor musf buIId u n roufnfIon for boIng n dovofoo of hIs sorf or hobby.
Kl9. Whon fho obsorvor fInds n suIfnbIo cncho sIfo, ho ronros sImIo nnd
unmIsfnknbIo InsfrucfIons for IocnfIng fho roforonco oInfs IIguro K6,
ngo K9. Thoso InsfrucfIons musf IdonfIfy fho gonornI nron fho nnmos of
gonornI rocognIznbIo Incos, from fho counfry down fo fho nonrosf vIIIngo
nnd nn ImmodInfo roforonco oInf. Any durnbIo Inndmnrk fhnf Is IdonfIfIod
by Ifs fIfIo or sImIo doscrIfIon cnn bo nn ImmodInfo roforonco oInf for
oxnmIo, fho onIy !omnn CnfhoIIc church In n corfnIn vIIIngo or fho onIy
brIdgo on n nnmod rond bofwoon fwo vIIIngos. Tho InsfrucfIons musf nIso
IncIudo n fInnI roforonco oInf I!I, whIch musf moof fho foIIowIng four
roquIromonfs. Tho I!I
Musf bo IdonfIfInbIo, IncIudIng nf Ionsf ono fonfuro fhnf cnn bo usod ns
n rocIso roforonco oInf.
Musf bo nn objocf fhnf wIII romnIn fIxod ns Iong ns fho cncho mny bo
Musf bo nonr onough fo fho cncho fo InoInf fho oxncf IocnfIon of fho
cncho by rocIso IInonr monsuromonfs from fho I!I fo fho cncho.
ShouId bo roInfod fo fho ImmodInfo roforonco oInf by n sImIo roufo
doscrIfIon, whIch rocoods from fho ImmodInfo roforonco oInf fo fho
K20. SInco fho roufo doscrIfIon shouId bo roducod fo fho mInImum
ossonfInI, fho IdonI soIufIon for IocnfIng fho cncho Is fo combIno fho
ImmodInfo roforonco oInf nnd fho I!I Info ono Inndmnrk rondIIy
IdonfIfInbIo, buf suffIcIonfIy socIudod.
K2l. Tho foIIowIng objocfs, whon nvnIInbIo, nro somofImos IdonI roforonco
SmnII, unfroquonfod brIdgos nnd dnms.
Ioundnry mnrkors.
KIIomofor mnrkors nnd cuIvorfs nIong unfroquonfod ronds.
A goodofIc survoy mnrkor.
InffIo monumonfs nnd wnysIdo shrInos.
FM 3-05.201
K22. Whon such roforonco oInfs nro nof nvnIInbIo nf nn ofhorwIso suIfnbIo
cncho sIfo, nnfurnI or mnnmndo objocfs mny sorvo ns I!Is dIsfIncf rocks,
osfs for owor or foIohono IInos, InforsocfIons In sfono foncos or hodgorows,
nnd grnvosfonos In IsoInfod comoforIos.
Figure K-6. Reference Points
K23. !ocovory InsfrucfIons musf IdonfIfy fho oxncf IocnfIon of fho cncho.
Thoso InsfrucfIons musf doscrIbo fho oInf whoro fho cncho Is Incod In forms
fhnf roInfo If fo fho I!I. Whon fho conconImonf mofhod Is usod, fho cncho Is
ordInnrIIy Incod InsIdo fho I!I, InoInfod by n rocIso doscrIfIon of fho
I!I. A submorgod cncho Is usunIIy InoInfod by doscrIbIng oxncfIy how fho
moorIngs nro nffnchod fo fho I!I IIguro K?, ngo Kl0. WIfh n burIod
cncho, nny of fho foIIowIng fochnIquos mny bo usod.
Placing the Cache Directly Beside the FRP
K24. Tho sImIosf mofhod Is fo Inco fho cncho dIrocfIy bosIdo fho I!I.
Thon InoInfIng Is roducod fo socIfyIng fho rocIso roforonco oInf of fho
Sighting the Cache by Projection
K25. ThIs mofhod mny bo usod If fho I!I hns ono fInf sIdo Iong onough fo
ormIf rocIso sIghfIng by rojocfIng n IIno nIong fho sIdo of fho objocf. Tho
burInI nrfy Incos fho cncho n monsurod dIsfnnco nIong fho sIghfod IIno. ThIs
mofhod mny nIso bo usod If fwo rocIso I!Is nro nvnIInbIo, by rojocfIng n
IIno sIghfod bofwoon fho fwo objocfs. In oIfhor cnso, fho InsfrucfIons for
fIndIng fho cncho musf sfnfo fho nroxImnfo dIrocfIon of fho cncho from fho
I!I. SInco smnII orrors In sIghfIng nro mngnIfIod ns fho sIghfod IIno Is
oxfondod, fho cncho shouId bo Incod ns cIoso fo fho I!I ns ofhor fncfors
FM 3-05.201
ormIf. OrdInnrIIy fhIs mofhod bocomos unroIInbIo If fho sIghfod IIno Is
oxfondod boyond 50 mofors.
Figure K-7. Pinpointing Techniques
Placing the Cache at the ntersection of Measured Lines
K26. If fwo I!Is nro nvnIInbIo wIfhIn sovornI ncos, fho cncho cnn bo ono
IIno rojocfod from onch of fho I!Is. If fhIs mofhod Is usod, fho nroxImnfo
dIrocfIon of fho cncho from onch I!I musf bo sfnfod. To onsuro nccurncy,
noIfhor of fho rojocfod IInos from fho I!Is fo fho oInf of omIncomonf
shouId bo moro fhnn fwIco ns Iong ns fho bnso IIno bofwoon fho fwo I!Is. If
fhIs roorfIon Is mnInfnInod, fho onIy IImIfnfIon uon fho Iongfh of fho
rojocfod IInos Is fho Iongfh of fho monsurIng IIno fhnf fho rocovory nrfy Is
FM 3-05.201
oxocfod fo cnrry. Tho rocovory nrfy shouId cnrry fwo monsurIng IInos whon
fhIs mofhod Is usod.
Sighting the Cache by Compass Azimuth
K2?. If fho nbovo mofhods of sIghfIng nro nof fonsIbIo, ono monsurod IIno
mny bo rojocfod by fnkIng n comnss nzImufh from fho I!I fo fho oInf
whoro fho cncho Is Incod. To nvoId confusIon, nn nzImufh fo n cnrdInnI oInf
of fho comnss norfh, onsf, soufh, or wosf Is usod. SInco comnss sIghfIngs
nro IIkoIy fo bo Innccurnfo, n cncho fhnf Is InoInfod by fhIs mofhod shouId
nof bo Incod moro fhnn l0 mofors from fho I!I.
K28. Tho obsorvor shouId oxross nII monsurod dIsfnncos In n IInonr sysfom
fhnf fho rocovory nrfy Is suro fo undorsfnndordInnrIIy, fho sfnndnrd
sysfom for fho counfry whoro fho cncho Is Iocnfod. Ho shouId uso whoIo
numbors 6 mofors, nof 6.3 or 6.5 fo koo hIs InsfrucfIons ns brIof nnd ns
sImIo ns ossIbIo. To gof nn oxncf IocnfIon for fho cncho In whoIo numbors,
fho obsorvor shouId fnko sIghfIngs nnd monsuromonfs fIrsf.
K29. If fho surfnco of fho ground bofwoon fho oInfs fo bo monsurod Is
unovon, fho IInonr dIsfnnco shouId bo monsurod on n dIrocf IIno from oInf fo
oInf, rnfhor fhnn by foIIowIng fho confour of fho ground. ThIs mofhod
roquIros n monsurIng IIno Iong onough fo ronch fho fuII dIsfnnco from oInf fo
oInf nnd sfrong onough fo bo uIIod fnuf wIfhouf bronkIng.
K30. Tho omIncomonf oornfIon cnn bo sImIIfIod nnd crIfIcnI fImo snvod If
fho oInf whoro fho cncho Is fo bo burIod Is mnrkod durIng fho
roconnnIssnnco. If n nIghf burInI Is Innnod, fho oInf of omIncomonf mny
hnvo fo bo mnrkod durIng n dnyIIghf roconnnIssnnco. ThIs mofhod shouId bo
usod whonovor oornfIonnI condIfIons ormIf. Tho mnrkor musf bo nn objocf
fhnf Is onsIIy rocognIznbIo buf fhnf Is monnIngIoss fo nn unwIffIng obsorvor.
Ior oxnmIo, n smnII rock or n brnnch wIfh Ifs buff Incod nf fho oInf
soIocfod for fho omIncomonf mny bo usod.
K3l. SInco mnrkIng InformnfIon Is nIso ossonfInI fo fho rocovory oornfIon,
If musf bo comIIod nffor omIncomonf nnd IncIudod In fho fInnI cncho roorf.
Thoroforo, fho obsorvor shouId bo fhoroughIy fnmIIInr wIfh fho TwoIvoIoInf
Cncho !oorf boforo ho sfnrfs n orsonnI roconnnIssnnco. ThIs roorf Is n
chockIIsf for fho obsorvor fo rocord ns much InformnfIon ns ossIbIo. IoInfs 6
fhrough ll nro nrfIcuInrIy Imorfnnf. Tho orsonnI roconnnIssnnco nIso
rovIdos nn oxcoIIonf oorfunIfy for n roIImInnry osfImnfo of fho fImo
roquIrod for goffIng fo fho sIfo.
K32. As n gonornI ruIo, Innnors shouId soIocf nn nIfornnfo sIfo In cnso
unforosoon dIffIcuIfIos rovonf uso of fho bosf sIfo. !nIoss fho rImnry sIfo Is
In n comIofoIy dosorfod nron, fhoro Is nIwnys somo dnngor fhnf fho
omIncomonf nrfy wIII fInd If occuIod ns fhoy nronch, or fhnf fho nrfy
wIII bo obsorvod ns fhoy nonr fho sIfo. Tho nIfornnfo sIfo shouId bo fnr onough
FM 3-05.201
nwny fo bo scroonod from vIow from fho rImnry sIfo, buf nonr onough so fhnf
fho nrfy cnn ronch If wIfhouf mnkIng n socond frI.
K33. A sIfo fhnf Iooks IdonI for conconImonf mny bo rovonIod fo fho onomy
for fhnf vory ronson. Such n sIfo mny bo oqunIIy nffrncfIvo fo n nnfIvo of nn
occuIod counfry fo hIdo hIs vnIunbIos. Tho onIy ronI koy fo fho IdonI
conconImonf sIfo Is cnrofuI cnsIng of fho nron combInod wIfh gronf fnmIIInrIfy
wIfh IocnI rosIdonfs nnd fhoIr cusfoms. Tho foIIowIng Is n IIsf of IIkoIy
conconImonf sIfos
WnIIs hIddon bohInd Iooso brIcks or sfonos or n Insforod surfnco.
Abnndonod buIIdIngs.
InfroquonfIy usod sfrucfuros sfndIums nnd ofhor rocronfIonnI
fncIIIfIos, rnIIrond fncIIIfIos on sur IInos.
MomorInI odIfIcos mnusoIoums, cryfs, monumonfs.
IubIIc buIIdIngs musoums, churchos, IIbrnrIos.
!uIns of hIsforIcnI Inforosf.
nfurnI cnvos nnd cnvorns, nnd nbnndonod mInos nnd qunrrIos.
CnbIo conduIfs.
K34. Tho conconImonf sIfo musf bo oqunIIy nccossIbIo fo fho orson
omIncIng nnd fho orson rocovorIng. Howovor, vIsIfs by bofh orsons fo
corfnIn InforIor sIfos mny bo IncomnfIbIo wIfh fho sfory. Ior Insfnnco, n sIfo
In n houso ownod by n roInfIvo of fho omIncor mny bo unsuIfnbIo bocnuso
fhoro Is no ndoqunfo oxcuso for fho rocovory orson fo onfor fho houso If ho
hns no connocfIon wIfh fho ownor.
K35. Tho sIfo musf romnIn nccossIbIo ns Iong ns fho cncho Is noodod. If
nccoss fo n buIIdIng doonds uon n orsonnI roInfIonshI wIfh fho ownor, fho
donfh of fho ownor or fho snIo of fho roorfy mIghf rondor If InnccossIbIo.
K36. Iorsons InvoIvod In fho oornfIon shouId nof bo comromIsod If fho
cncho Is dIscovorod on fho sIfo. Ivon If n cncho Is comIofoIy sforIIo, ns ovory
cncho shouId bo, fho moro fncf fhnf If hns boon Incod In n nrfIcuInr sIfo mny
comromIso corfnIn orsons. If fho oIIco dIscovorod fho cncho, fhoy mIghf
susocf fho omIncor bocnuso If wns found In hIs roInfIvo`s houso.
K3?. Tho sIfo musf nof bo Iocnfod whoro ofonfInIIy hosfIIo orsons
froquonfIy vIsIf. Ior Insfnnco, n sIfo In n musoum Is nof socuro If oIIco
gunrds or curIous vIsIfors froquonfIy onfor fho musoum.
K38. To rosorvo fho cncho mnforInI, fho omIncor musf onsuro fho sIfo Is
hysIcnIIy socuro for fho rosorvnfIon of fho cnchod mnforInI. Ior oxnmIo,
mosf buIIdIngs InvoIvo n rIsk fhnf fho cncho mny bo dosfroyod or dnmngod by
fIro, osocInIIy In wnrfImo. Tho omIncor shouId consIdor nII rIsks nnd woIgh
fhom ngnInsf fho ndvnnfngos of nn InforIor sIfo.
FM 3-05.201
K39. A cusfodInn mny sorvo fo onso nccoss fo n buIIdIng or fo gunrd n cncho.
Howovor, fho uso of such n orson Is InndvIsnbIo, ns n cusfodInn osos nn
nddIfIonnI socurIfy rIsk. Ho mny uso fho confonfs of fho cncho for orsonnI
rofIf or rovonI Ifs IocnfIon.
K40. In soIocfIng n burInI sIfo, consIdor fho foIIowIng fncfors nIong wIfh fho
bnsIc consIdornfIons of suIfnbIIIfy nnd nccossIbIIIfy.
K4l. rnInngo consIdornfIons IncIudo fho oIovnfIon of fho sIfo nnd fho fyo
of soII. Tho Imorfnnco of good drnInngo mnkos n sIfo on hIgh ground
rofornbIo unIoss ofhor fncfors ruIo If ouf. MoIsfuro Is ono of fho gronfosf
nnfurnI fhronfs fo fho confonfs of n cncho. Swnm muck Is fho mosf dIffIcuIf
soII fo work In. If fho sIfo Is nonr n sfronm or rIvor, fho omIncor shouId
onsuro fhnf fho cncho Is woII nbovo fho nIIyonrhIghwnfor mnrk so fhnf fho
cncho wIII nof bo uncovorod If fho soII Is wnshod nwny.
K42. Tho fyos of vogofnfIon nf fho sIfo wIII InfIuonco fho choIco. !oofs of
docIduous froos mnko dIggIng vory dIffIcuIf. ConIforous froos hnvo Ioss
oxfonsIvo roof sysfoms. AIso, fho rosonco of conIforous froos usunIIy monns
fhnf fho sIfo Is woII drnInod. oos fho vogofnfIon show nfhs or ofhor
IndIcnfIons fhnf fho sIfo Is froquonfod foo much for socuro cnchIng Cnn fho
ground covor bo onsIIy rosforod fo Ifs normnI nonrnnco whon burInI Is
comIofod TnII grnss rovonIs fhnf If hns boon frnmIod, buf nn ovorIny of
Ionvos nnd humus cnn bo roIncod onsIIy nnd wIII offocfIvoIy conconI n froshIy
rofIIIod hoIo.
K43. Tho vogofnfIon or fho surroundIng forrnIn shouId offor nnfurnI
conconImonf for fho burInI nnd rocovory nrfIos workIng nf fho sIfo. IInnnors
shouId cnrofuIIy consIdor sonsonnI vnrInfIons In fho foIIngo.
K44. Snndy Ionm Is IdonI bocnuso If Is onsy fo dIg nnd drnIns woII. CIny soII
shouId bo nvoIdod bocnuso If bocomos quIfo sfIcky In wof wonfhor nnd In dry
wonfhor If mny bocomo so hnrd fhnf If Is nImosf ImossIbIo fo dIg.
K45. If fho cncho musf bo burIod or rocovorod In wInfor, dnfn on fho normnI
snowfnII, fho dofh fo whIch fho ground froozos In wInfor, nnd fho usunI
dnfos of froozIng nnd fhnwIng wIII InfIuonco fho choIco of fho sIfo. Irozon
ground Imodos dIggIng nnd roquIros nddIfIonnI fImo for burInI nnd rocovory.
Snow on fho ground Is osocInIIy hnznrdous for fho burInI oornfIon. If Is
rncfIcnIIy ImossIbIo fo rosforo fho snow ovor fho burInI sIfo fo Ifs normnI
nonrnnco unIoss fhoro Is moro snowfnII or n brIsk wInd. AIso, If Is vory
FM 3-05.201
dIffIcuIf fo onsuro fhnf no frncos of fho oornfIon nro Ioff nffor fho snow hns
K46. !nrgo obsfrucfIons fhnf mIghf rovonf uso of n nrfIcuInr sIfo cnn bo
Iocnfod fo somo oxfonf boforo dIggIng by robIng wIfh n rod or sfnko nf fho
oxncf sof soIocfod for fho cncho.
K4?. To bo suIfnbIo for n submorgod cncho, n body of wnfor musf hnvo
corfnIn chnrncforIsfIcs. Tho rosonco of fhoso chnrncforIsfIcs cnn bo
doformInod onIy by n fhorough survoy of fho sIfo. ThoIr Imorfnnco wIII bo
undorsfood nffor fnmIIInrIznfIon wIfh fho fochnIcnIIfIos of submorsIon.
K48. SubmorsIon usunIIy roquIros n bonf, fIrsf for roconnoIforIng, fhon for
omIncomonf. Thus, fho nccossIbIIIfy robIoms InvoIvod In submorsIon
usunIIy nnrrow down fo fho nvnIInbIIIfy of n bonf nnd fho sfory for usIng If. If
fhoro Is no fIshIng or Ionsuro bonfIng nf fho sIfo, fho sfory for fhIs ocuIInr
fyo bonfIng mny bo n ronI robIom. In froIcnI nrons, fho courso of sfronms
or rIvors Is froquonfIy chnngod by sonsonnI rnInfnII nnd cnn cnuso mnny
robIoms. IInnnors shouId koo fhIs fncf In mInd whon choosIng fho sIfo nnd
whon soIocfIng roforonco oInfs.
K49. SInco fho mofhod for rocovorIng n cncho Is gonornIIy sImIInr fo fhnf for
omIncIng n cncho, If nood nof bo doscrIbod In fuII. Howovor, sovornI
Imorfnnf consIdornfIons shouId bo sfrossod In frnInIng for n rocovory
K50. Tho foIIowIng nrngrnhs dIscuss consIdornfIons for rocovory
K5l. Anyono who Is oxocfod fo sorvo ns n rocovory orson shouId hnvo fho
oxorIonco of ncfunIIy rocovorIng dummy cnchos, If fIoId oxorcIsos cnn bo
nrrnngod socuroIy. If Is osocInIIy dosIrnbIo for fho rocovory orson fo bo nbIo
fo mnsfor fho InoInfIng fochnIquos. Mnsfory Is bosf nffnInod by rncfIco In
soIocfIng oInfs of omIncomonf nnd In drnffIng, ns woII ns In foIIowIng
K52. AIfhough fho oquImonf usod In rocovory Is gonornIIy fho snmo ns fhnf
usod In omIncomonf, If Is Imorfnnf fo IncIudo nny nddIfIonnI Ifoms fhnf
mny bo roquIrod In rocovory In fho cncho roorf. A robo rod mny nof bo
ossonfInI for omIncomonf, buf If Is nocossnry fo hnvo somo objocf roughIy fho
FM 3-05.201
snmo sIzo ns fho cncho confnInor fo fIII fho cnvIfy Ioff In fho ground by
romovnI of n burIod cncho. Somo sorf of confnInor of wrnIng mnforInI mny
bo noodod fo conconI fho rocovorod cncho whIIo If Is boIng cnrrIod from fho
cncho sIfo fo n snfo houso. !ocovory of n submorgod cncho mny roquIro
grnIIng IInos nnd hooks, osocInIIy If If Is honvy.
K53. If ossIbIo, fho obsorvor shouId rovIdo fho rocovory orson wIfh
skofchos of fho cncho sIfo nnd fho roufo fo fho cncho sIfo. If fho rocovory
orson musf roIy oxcIusIvoIy on vorbnI InsfrucfIons, ns In fho cnso whon
communIcnfIons nro IImIfod fo rndIofoIohono !T mossngos, ho shouId
drnw n skofch of fho sIfo boforo sfnrfIng on fho rocovory oornfIon. Ho shouId
uso nII fho dnfn In fho vorbnI InsfrucfIons fo mnko fho skofch ns ronIIsfIc ns
ossIbIo. rnwIng n skofch wIII hoI fo cInrIfy nny mIsundorsfnndIng of fho
InsfrucfIons. AIso, n skofch cnn bo foIIowod moro onsIIy fhnn vorbnI
InsfrucfIons. If mny nIso bo hoIfuI for fho rocovory orson fo drnw n skofch
of fho roufo from fho ImmodInfo roforonco oInf fo fho sIfo. Iuf ho shouId nof
cnrry fhIs skofch on hIm bocnuso If ho woro nrohondod fho skofch mIghf
dIrocf fho onomy fo fho cncho.
K54. ChockIng fho InsfrucfIons for IocnfIng fho cncho mny bo ndvIsnbIo,
osocInIIy whon fho rocovory oornfIon musf bo orformod undor sfrIngonf
onomy confroIs or whon fhoro Is no oxfrn fImo for sonrchIng. CnrofuI nnnIysIs
of fho bosf nvnIInbIo mn cnn mInImIzo roconnoIforIng ncfIvIfy In fho vIcInIfy
of fho cncho nnd fhus roduco fho dnngor of nrousIng susIcIon. If rocovory
musf bo dono nf nIghf, fho rocovory orson shouId fInd fho cncho by dnyIIghf
nnd Inco nn unnofIconbIo mnrkor dIrocfIy ovor If.
K55. Tho rocovory orson cnn nvoId dIggIng nf fho wrong sof by usIng n
robo rod boforo sfnrfIng fo dIg. Ho shouId ush nnd furn fho robo rod Info
fho ground by hnnd, so fhnf If wIII nof uncfuro fho cncho`s confnInor. Tho
rocovory orson shouId novor ound fho robo rod wIfh n hnmmor.
K56. Tho rocovory rocoduro Is fho snmo ns for fho burInI, oxcof for fho
foIIowIng fwo oInfs
IIrsf, n Ick shouId novor bo usod for dIggIng fho hoIo bocnuso If mIghf
uncfuro fho confnInor nnd dnmngo fho cnchod Ifoms.
Socond, If mny bo nocossnry fo fIII fho hoIo wIfh ofhor objocfs In
nddIfIon fo soII nffor fho cncho Is romovod.
K5?. SomofImos If Is ossIbIo fo fIII fho hoIo wIfh rocks, sfIcks, or ofhor
rondIIy nvnIInbIo objocfs nf fho sIfo. If no such objocfs nro found durIng fho
roIImInnry roconnnIssnnco, fho rocovory orson shouId cnrry fo fho sIfo nn
objocf roughIy fho snmo sIzo ns fho cncho confnInor.
K58. As wIfh omIncomonf, fho rocovory oornfIon musf bo roformod In
such n wny fhnf no frncos of fho oornfIon nro Ioff. AIfhough sforIIIznfIon Is
FM 3-05.201
nof ns Imorfnnf for rocovory ns for omIncomonf, If shouId bo dono ns
fhoroughIy ns fImo ormIfs. IvIdonco fhnf n cncho hns boon rocovorod mIghf
nIorf fho onomy fo cInndosfIno ncfIvIfy In fho nron nnd rovoko
K59. InckngIng usunIIy InvoIvos nckIng fho Ifoms fo bo cnchod, ns woII ns
fho nddIfIonnI rocossIng In rofocfIng fhoso Ifoms from ndvorso sforngo
condIfIons. Iroor nckngIng Is Imorfnnf bocnuso Inndoqunfo nckngIng
vory IIkoIy wIII rondor fho Ifoms unusnbIo. SInco socInI oquImonf nnd
skIIIod fochnIcInns nro noodod for bosf rosuIfs, nckngIng shouId bo dono nf
HQ or n fIoId nckngIng confor whonovor ossIbIo. Howovor, fo fnmIIInrIzo
oornfIonnI orsonnoI wIfh fho fundnmonfnIs of nckngIng so fhnf fhoy cnn
ImrovIso fIoId oxodIonfs for omorgoncy uso, fhIs socfIon dIscussos
doformInIng fncfors, sfos In nckngIng, wrnIng mnforInIs, nnd crIforIn for
fho confnInor.
K60. Tho fIrsf ruIo of nckngIng Is fhnf nII rocossIng Is fnIIorod fo fIf fho
socIfIc roquIromonfs of onch cncho. Tho mofhod of nckngIng, ns woII ns fho
sIzo, shno, nnd woIghf of fho nckngo Is doformInod by fho Ifoms fo bo
cnchod, by fho mofhod of cnchIng, nnd osocInIIy, by fho wny fho cncho Is
rocovorod nnd usod. Ior Insfnnco, If cIrcumsfnncos roquIro ono mnn fo rocovor
fho cncho by hImsoIf, fho confnInor shouId bo no Inrgor fhnn n smnII suIfcnso,
nnd fho fofnI woIghf of fho confnInor nnd confonfs no moro fhnn 30 ounds.
Of courso, fhoso IImIfs musf bo oxcoodod wIfh somo oquImonf, buf fho nood
for Inrgor nckngos shouId bo woIghod ngnInsf fho dIffIcuIfIos nnd rIsks In
hnndIIng fhom. Ivon If moro fhnn ono orson Is nvnIInbIo for rocovory, fho
mnforInI shouId bo dIvIdod whonovor ossIbIo Info sonrnfo nckngos of n sIzo
nnd woIghf rondIIy orfnbIo by ono mnn.
K6l. Anofhor vory Imorfnnf fncfor In nckngIng concorns ndvorso sforngo
condIfIons. Any or nII of fho foIIowIng condIfIons mny bo rosonf moIsfuro,
oxfornnI rossuro, froozIng fomornfuros, nnd fho bncforIn nnd corrosIvo
chomIcnIs found In somo soII nnd wnfor. AnImnI IIfo mny rosonf n hnznrd
Insocfs nnd rodonfs mny nffnck fho nckngo. If fho cncho Is conconIod In nn
oxforIor sIfo, Inrgor nnImnIs nIso mny fhronfon If. Whofhor fho nckngIng Is
ndoqunfo usunIIy doonds uon how cnrofuIIy fho condIfIons nf fho sIfo woro
nnnIyzod In dosIgnIng fho cncho. Thus, fho mofhod of cnchIng burInI,
conconImonf, or submorsIon shouId bo doformInod boforo fho nckngIng Is
K62. If Is oqunIIy Imorfnnf fo consIdor how Iong fho cncho Is fo bo usod.
SInco ono soIdom knows whon n cncho wIII bo noodod, n sound ruIo Is fo
dosIgn fho nckngIng fo wIfhsfnnd ndvorso sforngo condIfIons for nf Ionsf ns
Iong ns fho normnI shoIf IIfo of fho confonfs fo bo cnchod.
FM 3-05.201
K63. Tho oxncf rocoduro for nckngIng doonds uon fho socIfIc
roquIromonfs for fho cncho nnd uon fho nckngIng oquImonf nvnIInbIo. Tho
foIIowIng oIghf sfos nro nImosf nIwnys nocossnry In nckngIng.
K64. Tho Ifoms fo bo cnchod musf bo Insocfod ImmodInfoIy boforo
nckngIng fo onsuro fhoy nro comIofo, In sorvIconbIo condIfIon, nnd froo of
nII corrosIvo or confnmInnfod subsfnncos.
K65. AII corrodIbIo Ifoms musf bo cIonnod fhoroughIy ImmodInfoIy boforo
fho fInnI rosorvnfIvo confIng Is nIIod. AII foroIgn mnffor, IncIudIng nny
rosorvnfIvo nIIod boforo fho Ifom wns shIod fo fho fIoId, shouId bo
romovod comIofoIy. Throughouf fho nckngIng oornfIon, nII confonfs of fho
cncho shouId bo hnndIod wIfh rubbor or froshIy cIonnod coffon gIovos. SocInI
hnndIIng Is Imorfnnf bocnuso ovon mInufo nrfIcIos of humnn swonf wIII
corrodo mofnIIIc oquImonf. AIso, nny fIngorrInfs on fho confonfs of fho
cncho mny onnbIo fho onomy fo IdonfIfy fhoso who dId fho nckngIng.
K66. Whon cIonnIng Is comIofod, ovory frnco of moIsfuro musf bo romovod
from nII corrodIbIo Ifoms. Mofhods of dryIng IncIudo wIIng wIfh n hIghIy
nbsorbonf cIofh, honfIng, or nIyIng dosIccnnf. !sunIIy, honfIng Is bosf
unIoss fho Ifom cnn bo dnmngod by honf. To dry by honfIng, fho Ifom fo bo
cnchod shouId bo Incod In nn ovon for nf Ionsf 3 hours nf n fomornfuro of
nbouf ll0 dogroos InhronhoIf I. An ovon cnn bo ImrovIsod from n Inrgo
mofnI cnn or drum. In humId cIImnfos, If Is osocInIIy Imorfnnf fo dry fho
ovon fhoroughIy boforo usIng If by rohonfIng If fo nf Ionsf 2l2 dogroos I.
Thon, fho oquImonf fo bo cnchod Is Insorfod ns soon ns fho ovon cooIs down
fo nbouf ll0 dogroos I. If n dosIccnnf Is usod, If shouId nof fouch nny mofnIIIc
surfnco. SIIIcn goI Is n snfIsfncfory dosIccnnf nnd If Is commonIy nvnIInbIo.
Coating With a Preservative
K6?. A IIghf conf of oII mny bo nIIod fo wonons, fooIs, nnd ofhor Ifoms
wIfh unnInfod mofnIIIc surfncos. A conf of nInf mny suffIco for ofhor mofnI
K68. Whon dryIng nnd confIng nro comIofod, fho Ifoms fo bo cnchod nro
wrnod In n suIfnbIo mnforInI. Tho wrnIng shouId bo ns nonrIy wnforroof
ns ossIbIo. Inch Ifom shouId bo wrnod sonrnfoIy, so fhnf ono orfornfIon
In fho wrnIng wIII nof oxoso nII Ifoms In fho cncho. Tho wrnIng shouId
fIf fIghfIy fo onch Ifom fo oIImInnfo nIr ockofs, nnd nII foIds shouId bo sonIod
wIfh n wnforroof subsfnnco.
FM 3-05.201
K69. Tho foIIowIng ruIos musf bo obsorvod whon nckIng Ifoms In fho
AII moIsfuro musf bo romovod from fho InforIor of fho confnInor by
honfIng or nIyIng dosIccnnf. A IongInsfIng dosIccnnf shouId bo
nckod InsIdo fho confnInor fo nbsorb nny rosIdunI moIsfuro. If sIIIcn
goI Is usod, fho roquIrod nmounf cnn bo cnIcuInfod by usIng fho rnfIo of
l5 kIIogrnms of sIIIcn goI fo l cubIc mofor of sforngo snco wIfhIn fho
confnInor. ThIs fIguro Is bnsod on fwo nssumfIons fho confnInor Is
comIofoIy moIsfuro roof nnd fho confonfs nro sIIghfIy moIsf whon
Insorfod. Thoroforo, fho rnfIo nIIows nn nmIo mnrgIn for IncomIofo
dryIng nnd cnn bo roducod If fho dryIng rocoss Is known fo bo hIghIy
AIr ockofs shouId bo oIImInnfod ns much ns ossIbIo by fIghf nckIng.
ThoroughIy drIod nddIng shouId bo usod IIbornIIy fo fIII nIr ockofs
nnd fo rofocf fho confonfs from shock. CIofhIng nnd ofhor Ifoms,
whIch wIII bo usofuI fo fho rocovory nrfy, shouId bo usod for nddIng
If ossIbIo. Ifoms mndo of dIfforonf mofnIs shouId novor fouch, sInco
confInuod confncf mny cnuso corrosIon fhrough oIocfroIyfIc ncfIon.
Enclosing nstructions for Using Cached Equipment
K?0. WrIffon InsfrucfIons nnd dIngrnms shouId bo IncIudod If fhoy fncIIIfnfo
nssombIy or uso of fho cnchod Ifoms. InsfrucfIons musf bo wrIffon In n
Inngungo fhnf rocovory orsonnoI cnn undorsfnnd. Tho wordIng shouId bo ns
sImIo ns ossIbIo nnd unmIsfnknbIy cIonr. Ingrnms shouId bo
soIfoxInnnfory sInco fho ovonfunI usor mny nof bo nbIo fo comrohond
wrIffon InsfrucfIons bocnuso of Inngungo bnrrIors.
Sealing and Testing Seals by Submersion
K?l. Whon nckIng Is comIofod, fho IId of fho confnInor musf bo sonIod fo
mnko If wnforfIghf. TosfIng cnn bo dono by onfIroIy submorgIng fho confnInor
In wnfor nnd wnfchIng for oscnIng nIr bubbIos. Hof wnfor shouId bo usod If
ossIbIo bocnuso hof wnfor wIII brIng ouf Ionks fhnf wouId nof bo rovonIod by
n coIdwnfor fosf.
K?2. Tho mosf Imorfnnf roquIromonf for wrnIng mnforInI Is fhnf If bo
moIsfuroroof. AIso, If shouId bo soIfsonIIng or ndhosIvo fo n sonIIng
mnforInI If shouId bo IInbIo onough fo fIf cIosoIy, wIfh fIghf foIds nnd If
shouId bo fough onough fo rosIsf fonrIng nnd uncfurIng. IIInbIIIfy nnd
foughnoss mny bo combInod by usIng fwo wrnIngs nn Innor ono fhnf Is
fhIn nnd IInbIo nnd nn oufor ono of honvIor mnforInI. A fough oufor
wrnIng Is ossonfInI unIoss fho confnInor nnd fho nddIng nro ndoqunfo fo
rovonf Ifoms from scrnIng fogofhor InsIdo fho cncho. IIvo wrnIng
mnforInIs nro rocommondod for fIoId oxodIonf uso bocnuso fhoy offon cnn bo
obfnInod IocnIIy nnd usod offocfIvoIy by unskIIIod orsonnoI.
FM 3-05.201
Aluminum Foil for Use as an nner Wrapping
K?3. AIumInum foII Is fho bosf of fho wIdoIy nvnIInbIo mnforInIs. If Is
moIsfuroroof ns Iong ns If doos nof bocomo orfornfod nnd rovIdod fho
foIds nro ndoqunfoIy sonIod. Tho drnwbncks fo Ifs uso for cnchIng nro fhnf fho
fhIn foIIs orfornfo onsIIy, whIIo fho honvy onos ovor 2 mIIIImofors fhIck
fond fo ndmIf moIsfuro fhrough fho foIds. Tho honvydufy grndo of nIumInum
foII gonornIIy soId for kIfchon uso Is ndoqunfo whon usod wIfh nn oufor
wrnIng. ScrImbnckod foII, whIch Is honfsonInbIo, Is wIdoIy usod
commorcInIIy fo nckngo nrfIcIos for shImonf or sforngo. IorfnbIo honf
sonIors fhnf nro onsy fo uso nro nvnIInbIo commorcInIIy or sonIIng cnn bo dono
wIfh n sfnndnrd housohoId Iron.
Moisture-Resistant Papers
K?4. SovornI brnnds of commorcInI wrnIng nors nro rosIsfnnf fo wnfor
nnd gronso. Thoy do nof rovIdo InsfIng rofocfIon ngnInsf moIsfuro whon
usod nIono, buf fhoy nro offocfIvo ns nn Innor wrnIng fo rovonf rubbor,
wnx, nnd sImIInr subsfnncos from sfIckIng fo fho Ifoms In fho cncho.
Rubber Repair Gum
K?5. ThIs Is n soIfsonIIng comound gonornIIy usod for ronIrIng fIros If
mnkos nn oxcoIIonf oufor wrnIng. Sfnndnrd commorcInI brnnds como In
sovornI fhIcknossos 2 mIIIImofors Is fho mosf snfIsfncfory for cnchIng. A
wnforfIghf sonI Is roducod onsIIy by IncIng fwo rubbor surfncos fogofhor
nnd nIyIng rossuro mnnunIIy. Tho sonI shouId bo nf Ionsf l/2 Inch wIdo.
SInco rubbor ronIr gum hns n fondoncy fo ndhoro fo Ifoms, nn Innor
wrnIng of nonndhosIvo mnforInI musf bo usod wIfh If, nnd fho bnckIng
shouId bo Ioff on fho rubbor mnforInI fo koo If from sfIckIng fo ofhor Ifoms In
fho cncho.
Grade C Barrier Material
K?6. ThIs Is n cIofh Imrognnfod wIfh mIcrocrysfnIIIno wnx fhnf Is usod
oxfonsIvoIy whon nckIng for sforngo of Ifoms for ovorsons shImonf. Thus, If
Is gonornIIy nvnIInbIo nnd If hns fho nddIfIonnI ndvnnfngo of boIng soIf
sonIIng. AIfhough If Is nof ns offocfIvo ns rubbor ronIr gum, If mny bo usod
ns nn oufor wrnIng ovor nIumInum foII fo rovonf orfornfIon of fho foII.
!sod wIfhouf nn Innor wrnIng, fhroo Inyors of grndo C bnrrIor mnforInI
mny koo fho confonfs dry for ns Iong ns fhroo monfhs, buf If Is hIghIy
vuInornbIo fo Insocfs nnd rodonfs. AIso, fho wnx wrnIng hns n Iow moIfIng
oInf nnd wIII ndhoro fo mnny Ifoms, so If shouId nof bo usod wIfhouf nn
Innor wrnIng oxcof In omorgoncIos.
Wax Coating
K??. If no wrnIng mnforInI Is nvnIInbIo, nn oufor confIng of
mIcrocrysfnIIIno wnx, nrnffIn, or n sImIInr wnxy subsfnnco cnn bo usod fo
rofocf fho confonfs ngnInsf moIsfuro. A wnx confIng wIII nof rovIdo
rofocfIon ngnInsf Insocfs nnd rodonfs. Tho nckngo shouId bo hofdIod In
fho wnxy subsfnnco, or fho wnx cnn bo honfod fo moIfon form nnd nIIod
wIfh n brush.
FM 3-05.201
K?8. Tho oufor confnInor sorvos fo rofocf fho confonfs from shock,
moIsfuro, nnd ofhor nnfurnI hnznrds fo whIch fho cncho mny bo oxosod. Tho
IdonI confnInor shouId bo ns foIIows
ComIofoIy wnforfIghf nnd nIrfIghf nffor sonIIng.
oIsoIoss whon hnndIod Ifs hnndIos shouId nof rnffIo ngnInsf fho body
of fho confnInor.
!osIsfnnf fo shock nnd nbrnsIon.
AbIo fo wIfhsfnnd crushIng rossuro.
!IghfwoIghf In consfrucfIon.
AbIo fo wIfhsfnnd rodonfs, Insocfs, nnd bncforIn.
IquIod wIfh n sonIIng dovIco fhnf cnn bo cIosod nnd rooonod onsIIy
nnd roonfodIy.
CnnbIo of wIfhsfnndIng hIghIy ncIdIc or nIknIIno soII or wnfor.
K?9. Tho sfnndnrd sfnInIoss sfooI confnInor comos In sovornI sIzos. SInco
fho sfnInIoss sfooI confnInor Is moro snfIsfncfory fhnn nny fhnf couId bo
ImrovIsod In fho fIoId, If shouId bo usod whonovor ossIbIo. IdonIIy, If shouId
bo nckod nf HQ or nf n fIoId nckngIng confor. If fho Ifoms fo bo cnchod musf
bo obfnInod IocnIIy, If Is sfIII ndvIsnbIo fo uso fho sfnInIoss sfooI confnInor
bocnuso Ifs hIgh rosIsfnnco fo moIsfuro oIImInnfos fho nood for nn oufor
wrnIng. Inckors shouId, howovor, uso n sIngIo wrnIng ovon wIfh fho
sfnInIoss sfooI confnInor fo rofocf fho confonfs from nny rosIdunI moIsfuro
fhnf mny bo rosonf In fho confnInor whon If Is sonIod.
K80. Tho IdonI confnInor cnnnof bo ImrovIsod In fho fIoId, buf fho sfnndnrd
mIIIfnry nnd commorcInI confnInors dIscussod boIow cnn moof cnchIng
roquIromonfs If fhoy nro ndnfod wIfh cnro nnd rosourcofuInoss. IIrsf, n
confnInor musf bo suffIcIonfIy sfurdy fo romnIn ununcfurod nnd rofnIn Ifs
shno fhrough whnfovor rough hnndIIng or crushIng rossuro If mny
oncounfor. Ivon n sIIghf wnrIng mny cnuso n joInf nround fho IId fo Ionk.
Socond, If fho IId Is nof nIrondy wnforfIghf nnd nIrfIghf, nckors cnn mnko If
so by ImrovIsIng n sonIIng dovIco. Tho mosf common fyo of sonIIng dovIco
IncIudos n rubborcomosIfIon gnskof or IInIng nnd n shnr, fInf mofnI rIm
fhnf Is rossod ngnInsf n fhrondod IId. AIyIng honvy gronso fo fho fhronds
cnn Incronso Ifs offocfIvonoss. MofnIIIc soIdor shouId nof bo usod for sonIIng
bocnuso If corrodos mofnI surfncos whon oxosod fo moIsfuro. Whonovor nny
nonsfnInIoss mofnI confnInor Is usod, If Is Imorfnnf fo nIy sovornI confs of
hIghqunIIfy nInf fo nII oxforIor surfncos.
nstrument Containers
K8l. OrdInnrIIy, nIrcrnff nnd ofhor rocIsIon Insfrumonfs nro shIod In
sfooI confnInors wIfh n wnforroof sonIIng dovIco. Tho sfnndnrd Insfrumonf
confnInors rnngo from l/2gnIIon fo l0gnIIon sIzos. If ono of suIfnbIo sIzo cnn
bo found, onIy mInImum modIfIcnfIons mny bo noodod. In fho mosf common
FM 3-05.201
fyo of Insfrumonf confnInor, fho onIy wonk oInf Is fho nuf nnd boIf fhnf
fIghfon fho IockIng bnnd nround fho IId. Thoso shouId bo roIncod wIfh n
sfnInIoss sfooI nuf nnd boIf.
Ammunition Boxes
K82. SovornI fyos nnd sIzos of sfooI nmmunIfIon boxos fhnf hnvo n rubbor
gnskof cIosIng dovIco nro snfIsfncfory for burIod cnchos. An ndvnnfngo of
usIng nmmunIfIon boxos ns n cncho confnInor Is fhnf fhoy nro usunIIy
nvnIInbIo nf n mIIIfnry doof.
Steel Drums
K83. A cnchIng confnInor of suIfnbIo sIzo mny bo found nmong fho
commorcInIIy usod sfooI drums for shIIng oII, gronso, nnIIs, son, nnd ofhor
roducfs. Tho mosf common fyos, howovor, Inck nn ndoqunfo sonIIng dovIco,
so n wnforroof mnforInI shouId bo usod nround fho IId. IuIIy romovnbIo hond
drums wIfh IockrIng cIosuros gonornIIy gIvo n snfIsfncfory sonI.
Glass Jars
K84. Tho ndvnnfngo of usIng gInss Is fhnf If Is wnforroof nnd doos nof
nIIow chomIcnIs, bncforIn, nnd Insocfs fo nss fhrough If. AIfhough gInss Is
hIghIy vuInornbIo fo shock, gInss jnrs of n sfurdy qunIIfy cnn wIfhsfnnd fho
crushIng rossuro normnIIy oncounforod In cnchIng. Howovor, nono of fho
nvnIInbIo gInss confnInors hnvo nn ndoqunfo sonIIng dovIco for fho joInf
nround fho IId. Tho sfnndnrd commorcInI cnnnIng jnr wIfh n srIng cInm nnd
n rubbor wnshor Is wnforfIghf, buf fho mofnI cInm Is vuInornbIo fo corrosIon.
Thoroforo, n gInss jnr wIfh n srIng cInm nnd n rubbor wnshor Is nn
ndoqunfo oxodIonf for shorfform cnchIng of smnII Ifoms, buf If shouId nof bo
roIIod uon fo rosIsf moIsfuro for moro fhnn n yonr.
Paint Cans
K85. Sfnndnrd cnns wIfh rousnbIo IIds roquIro n wnforroof ndhosIvo
nround fho IIds. If Is osocInIIy Imorfnnf fo nIy sovornI confs of nInf fo
fho oxforIor of sfnndnrd commorcInI cnns bocnuso fho mofnI In fhoso cnns Is
nof ns honvy ns fhnf In mofnI drums. Ivon whon fho oxforIor Is fhoroughIy
nInfod, nInf cnns wIII nof rosIsf moIsfuro for moro fhnn n fow monfhs.
K86. SInco burInI Is fho mosf froquonfIy usod mofhod of omIncomonf, fhIs
socfIon doscrIbos fIrsf fho comIofo rocoduro for burInI, foIIowod by n
dIscussIon of omIncomonf rocoduros ocuIInr fo submorsIon nnd
conconImonf. Tho Insf nron dIscussod Is fho ronrnfIon of fho cncho roorf
n vIfnI nrf of n cnchIng oornfIon.
K8?. Whon Innnors hnvo dosIgnod n cncho nnd soIocfod fho Ifoms for
cnchIng, fhoy musf cnrofuIIy work ouf ovory sfo of fho burInI oornfIon In
FM 3-05.201
Horizontal and Vertical Caches
K88. OrdInnrIIy, fho hoIo for n burIod cncho Is vorfIcnI fho hoIo Is dug
sfrnIghf down from fho surfnco. SomofImos n horIzonfnI cncho, wIfh fho hoIo
dug Info fho sIdo of n sfoo hIII or bnnk, rovIdos n worknbIo soIufIon whon n
suIfnbIo sIfo on IovoI or sIIghfIy sIoIng ground Is nof nvnIInbIo. A horIzonfnI
cncho mny rovIdo boffor drnInngo In nrons of honvy rnInfnII, buf Is moro
IIkoIy fo bo oxosod by soII orosIon nnd moro dIffIcuIf fo rofIII nnd rosforo fo
normnI nonrnnco IIguro K8.
Figure K-8. BuriaI Procedures for HorizontaI and VerticaI Caches
Dimensions of the Hole
K89. Tho oxncf dImonsIons of fho hoIo, oIfhor vorfIcnI or horIzonfnI, doond
on fho sIzo nnd shno of fho cncho confnInor. As n gonornI ruIo, fho hoIo
shouId bo Inrgo onough for fho confnInor fo bo Insorfod onsIIy. Tho horIzonfnI
dImonsIons of fho hoIo shouId bo nbouf 30 confImofors Iongor nnd wIdor fhnn
fho confnInor. Mosf ImorfnnfIy, If shouId bo doo onough fo ormIf covorIng
fho confnInor wIfh soII fo nbouf 45 confImofors. ThIs fIguro Is rocommondod
for normnI usngo bocnuso n moro shnIIow burInI rIsks oxosuro of fho cncho
fhrough soII orosIon or Inndvorfonf uncovorIng by normnI IndIgonous ncfIvIfy.
FM 3-05.201
A dooor hoIo mnkos robIng for rocovory moro dIffIcuIf nnd unnocossnrIIy
roIongs fho fImo roquIrod for burInI nnd rocovory.
Excavation Shoring
K90. If fhoro Is n rIsk fhnf fho surroundIng soII wIII cnvo In durIng
oxcnvnfIon, bonrds or bngs fIIIod wIfh subsoII mny bo usod fo shoro fho sIdos
of fho hoIo. Iormnnonf shorIng mny bo noodod fo rofocf nn ImrovIsod
confnInor from rossuro or shock.
K9l. Tho foIIowIng Ifoms of oquImonf mny bo hoIfuI or IndIsonsnbIo In
buryIng n cncho, doondIng uon fho condIfIons nf fho sIfo
MonsurIng Insfrumonfs n wIro or mofnI fno nnd comnss for
InoInfIng fho sIfo.
Inor nnd oncII for rocordIng fho monsuromonfs.
A robo rod for IocnfIng rocks, Inrgo roofs, or ofhor obsfncIos In fho
Two ground shoofs on whIch fo Inco sod nnd Iooso soII. An nrfIcIo of
cIofhIng mny bo usod for smnII oxcnvnfIon If nofhIng oIso Is nvnIInbIo.
Sncks snndbngs, fIour sncks, frnsh bngs for hoIdIng subsoII.
A sndo or Icknx If fho ground Is foo hnrd for sndIng.
A hnfchof for cuffIng roofs.
A crowbnr for ryIng rocks.
A fInshIIghf or Inm If burInI Is fo bo dono nf nIghf.
K92. AsIdo from IocnfIng, dIggIng, nnd rofIIIIng fho hoIo, fho mosf Imorfnnf
fncfor In fhIs nrf of fho omIncomonf oornfIon mny bo oxrossod wIfh ono
word orsonnoI. SInco If Is nImosf ImossIbIo fo rovonf ovory mombor of fho
burInI nrfy from knowIng fho IocnfIon of fho cncho, onch mombor Is n rImo
socurIfy robIom ns Iong ns fho cncho romnIns Infncf. Thus, Innnors musf
koo fho burInI nrfy ns smnII ns ossIbIo nnd soIocf onch mombor wIfh
ufmosf cnro. Onco soIocfod, onch mombor musf hnvo nn ndoqunfo sfory fo
oxInIn hIs nbsonco from homo or work durIng fho oornfIon, hIs frI fo nnd
from fho sIfo, nnd hIs ossossIon of whnfovor oquImonf cnnnof bo conconIod
on fho wny. TrnnsorfnfIon for fho burInI nrfy mny bo n robIom, doondIng
on fho numbor of orsons, how fnr fhoy musf go, nnd whnf oquImonf fhoy
musf fnko. Whon Innnors hnvo workod ouf nII dofnIIs of fho oornfIon, fhoy
musf brIof onch mombor of fho burInI nrfy on oxncfIy whnf ho Is fo do from
sfnrf fo fInIsh.
K93. Tho fInnI sfo In InnnIng fho omIncomonf oornfIon Is fo mnko n
schoduIo fo sof fho dnfo, fImo, nnd Inco for ovory sfo of fho oornfIon fhnf
roquIros ndvnnco coordInnfIon. Tho schoduIo wIII doond mnInIy on fho
FM 3-05.201
cIrcumsfnncos, buf fo bo rncfIcnI If musf IncIudo n ronIIsfIc osfImnfo of how
Iong If wIII fnko fo comIofo fho burInI. Horo, gonornIIznfIons nro worfhIoss,
nnd fho onIy suro guIdo Is ncfunI oxorIonco undor sImIInr condIfIons.
IInnnors shouId consIdor fho foIIowIng wIfh rosocf fo schoduIIng.
K94. A cnrofuI burInI job robnbIy wIII fnko Iongor fhnn mosf novIcos wIII
oxocf. Thoroforo, If cIrcumsfnncos roquIro n fIghf schoduIo, n dry run or fosf
oxorcIso boforo fnkIng fho nckngo fo fho sIfo mny bo ndvIsnbIo. !nIoss fho
sIfo Is oxcofIonnIIy woII conconIod or IsoInfod, nIghf burInI wIII bo roquIrod fo
nvoId dofocfIon. Iocnuso of fho dIffIcuIfIos of workIng In fho dnrk, n nIghffImo
rncfIco oxorcIso Is osocInIIy ndvIsnbIo.
K95. Tho schoduIo shouId ormIf wnIfIng for ndvnnfngoous wonfhor
condIfIons. Tho dIffIcuIfIos of snow hnvo nIrondy boon monfIonod. !nIny
wonfhor Incronsos fho robIoms of dIggIng nnd comIIcnfos fho sfory. If fho
burInI Is fo bo dono nf nIghf, n moonIoss or n honvy ovorcnsf nIghf Is
K96. !ognrdIoss of how offocfIvo fho IndIvIdunI`s sfory Is durIng fho frI fo
fho cncho sIfo, fho ImmodInfo nronch musf bo comIofoIy unobsorvod fo
nvoId dofocfIon of fho burInI. To roduco fho rIsk of fho nrfy boIng obsorvod,
Innnors musf cnrofuIIy soIocf fho oInf whoro fho burInI nrfy dIsnonrs,
orhns by furnIng off n rond Info woods. Thoy shouId jusf ns cnrofuIIy soIocf
fho rononrnnco oInf. In nddIfIon, fho rofurn frI shouId bo by n dIfforonf
roufo. Tho burInI nrfy shouId sfrIcfIy obsorvo fho ruIo for conconIod
movomonf. Tho nrfy shouId rocood cnufIousIy nnd sIIonfIy nIong n roufo
fhnf mnkos fho bosf uso of nnfurnI conconImonf. ConconIod movomonf
roquIros forosIghf, wIfh socInI nffonfIon fo usIng nnfurnI conconImonf whIIo
roconnoIforIng fho roufo nnd fo rovonfIng rnffIos whon ronrIng fho
nckngo nnd confonfs.
Security Measures at the Site
K9?. Tho burInI nrfy musf mnInfnIn mnxImum vIgIInnco nf fho cncho sIfo
sInco dofocfIon cnn bo dIsnsfrous. Tho fImo sonf nf fho sIfo Is fho mosf
crIfIcnI. Af Ionsf ono Iookouf shouId bo on gunrd consfnnfIy. If ono mnn musf
do fho burInI by hImsoIf, ho shouId nuso froquonfIy fo Iook nnd IIsfon. Tho
burInI nrfy shouId uso fInshIIghfs or Innforns ns IIffIo ns ossIbIo, nnd
shouId fnko socInI cnro fo mnsk fho gInro. IInnnIng shouId IncIudo
omorgoncy ncfIons In cnso fho burInI nrfy Is Inforrufod. Tho nrfy shouId
bo so fhoroughIy brIofod fhnf If wIII rosond InsfnnfIy fo nny sIgn of dnngor.
IInnnors shouId nIso consIdor fho vnrIous oscno roufos nnd whofhor fho
nrfy wIII nffomf fo rofnIn fho nckngo or conconI If nIong fho oscno roufo.
Steps in Digging and Refilling
K98. AIfhough rocoduros wIII vnry sIIghfIy wIfh fho dosIgn of fho cncho,
orsons InvoIvod In cnchIng oornfIons musf novor ovorIook corfnIn bnsIc
sfos. Tho whoIo rocoduro Is dosIgnod fo rosforo fho sIfo fo normnI ns fnr ns
FM 3-05.201
Site Sterilization
K99. Whon fho hoIo Is rofIIIod, n socInI offorf shouId bo mndo fo onsuro
fhnf fho sIfo Is Ioff sforIIo nnd rosforod fo normnI In ovory wny, wIfh no cIuos
Ioff fo IndIcnfo burInI or fho burInI nrfy`s vIsIf fo fho vIcInIfy. SInco
sforIIIznfIon Is mosf Imorfnnf for fho socurIfy of fho oornfIon, fho schoduIo
shouId nIIow nmIo fImo fo comIofo fhoso fInnI sfos In nn unhurrIod,
fhorough mnnnor. Thoso fInnI sfos nro fo
Isoso of nny oxcoss soII fnr onough nwny from fho sIfo fo nvoId
nffrncfIng nffonfIon fo fho sIfo. IIushIng fho oxcoss soII Info n sfronm
Is fho IdonI soIufIon.
Chock nII fooIs nnd oquImonf ngnInsf n chockIIsf fo onsuro fhnf
nofhIng Is Ioff bohInd. ThIs chockIIsf shouId IncIudo nII orsonnoI
Ifoms fhnf mny dro from ockofs. To koo fhIs rIsk fo n mInImum,
mombors of fho burInI nrfy shouId cnrry nofhIng on fhoIr orsons
oxcof fho ossonfInIs for doIng fho job nnd dIsguIsIng fhoIr ncfIons.
Mnko n fInnI InsocfIon of fho sIfo for nny frncos of fho burInI. Iocnuso
fhIs sfo Is moro dIffIcuIf on n dnrk nIghf, uso of n cnrofuIIy ronrod
chockIIsf Is ossonfInI. WIfh n nIghf burInI, rofurnIng fo fho sIfo In fho
dnyfImo fo Insocf If for foIIfnIo ovIdonco mny bo ndvIsnbIo If fhIs cnn
bo dono snfoIy.
Kl00. ImIncIng n submorgod cncho nIwnys InvoIvos fwo bnsIc sfos
woIghfIng fho confnInor fo koo If from fIonfIng fo fho surfnco nnd moorIng If
fo koo If In Inco.
Kl0l. OrdInnrIIy, confnInor woIghfs rosf on fho boffom of fho Inko or rIvor
nnd funcfIon ns nnchors, nnd fho moorIngs connocf fho nnchors fo fho
confnInor. Tho moorIngs musf nIso sorvo n socond funcfIon, whIch Is fo
rovIdo n hnndIo for uIIIng fho cncho fo fho surfnco whon If Is rocovorod. If
fho moorIngs nro nof nccossIbIo for rocovory, nnofhor IIno musf oxfond from
fho cncho fo n fIxod, nccossIbIo objocf In fho wnfor or on shoro. Thoro nro four
fyos of moorIngs.
Spider Web Mooring
Kl02. Tho confnInor Is nffnchod fo sovornI moorIng cnbIos fhnf rndInfo fo
nnchors Incod nround If fo form n wob. Tho confnInor musf bo buoynnf so
fhnf If IIffs fho cnbIos fnr onough off fho boffom fo bo rondIIy socurod by
grnIIng. Tho sIfo musf bo Iocnfod oxncfIy nf fho fImo of omIncomonf by
vIsunI sIghfIngs fo fIxod Inndmnrks In fho wnfor, or nIong fho shoro usIng
sovornI I!Is fo osfnbIIsh n oInf whoro fwo sIghfod IInos Inforsocf. Ior
rocovory, fho sIfo Is Iocnfod by fnkIng sIghfIngs on fho roforonco oInfs whon
n moorIng cnbIo Is ongngod by drnggIng fho boffom whIIo dIvIng. ThIs mofhod
of moorIng Is mosf dIffIcuIf for rocovory. If cnn bo usod onIy whoro fho boffom
Is smoofh nnd fIrm onough for drnggIng, or whoro fho wnfor Is nof foo doo,
coId, or murky for dIvIng.
FM 3-05.201
Line-to-Shore Mooring
Kl03. A IIno Is run from fho woIghfod confnInor fo nn ImmovnbIo objocf
nIong fho shoro. Tho socfIon of fho IIno fhnf oxfonds from fho shoro fo fho
confnInor musf bo burIod In fho ground or ofhorwIso woII conconIod.
Buoy Mooring
Kl04. A IIno Is run from fho woIghfod confnInor fo n buoy or ofhor fIxod,
fIonfIng mnrkor, nnd fnsfonod woII boIow fho wnforIIno. ThIs mofhod Is socuro
onIy ns Iong ns fho buoy Is Ioff In Inco. Iuoys nro gonornIIy Insocfod nnd
ronInfod ovory sIx monfhs or so. Tho InsocfIon schoduIo shouId bo
doformInod boforo n buoy Is usod.
Structural Mooring
Kl05. A IIno for rofrIovIng fho woIghfod confnInor Is run fo n brIdgo Ior or
ofhor soIId sfrucfuro In fho wnfor. ThIs IIno musf bo fnsfonod woII boIow fho
Iowwnfor mnrk.
Kl06. Whnfovor mofhod of moorIng Is usod, Innnors musf cnrofuIIy
consIdor corfnIn dnfn boforo dosIgnIng n submorgod cncho. Tho cncho vory
IIkoIy wIII bo Iosf If nny of fho foIIowIng crIfIcnI fncfors nro ovorIookod.
Kl0?. Mnny confnInors nro buoynnf ovon whon fIIIod, so fho confnInor musf
bo woIghfod suffIcIonfIy fo submorgo If nnd koo If In Inco. If fho confonfs do
nof rovIdo onough woIghf, omIncors musf mnko u fho bnInnco by
nffnchIng n woIghf fo fho confnInor. Tho nroxImnfo woIghf noodod fo nffnIn
zoro buoynncy Is shown In TnbIo Kl.
TabIe K-1. Buoyancy Chart
Container Dimensions
Empty Container Weight
Approximate Weight That
Must Be Added to Empty
Container Weight to Attain
Zero Buoyancy (Pounds)
7 x 9 x 8 1/2 5 15
7 x 9 x 16 1/2 8 31
7 x 9 x 40 16 77
7 x 9 x 45 17 1/2 88
7 x 9 x 50 19 97

Kl08. ThIs fnbIo nIIos fo sovornI sIzos of sfnInIoss sfooI confnInors. Tho
woIghfIng roquIrod for nny confnInor cnn bo cnIcuInfod fhoorofIcnIIy If fho
dIsIncomonf of fho confnInor nnd fho gross woIghf of fho confnInor Ius Ifs
confonfs nro known. ThIs cnIcuInfIon mny bo usofuI for dosIgnIng nn nnchor,
buf If shouId nof bo roIIod uon for ncfunI omIncomonf. To nvoId hurrIod
ImrovIsnfIon durIng omIncomonf, omIncors shouId nIwnys fosf fho
FM 3-05.201
buoynncy In ndvnnco by ncfunIIy submorgIng fho woIghfod confnInor. ThIs
fosf doformInos onIy fhnf n submorgod cncho wIII nof fIonf fo fho surfnco.
AddIfIonnI woIghfIng mny bo roquIrod fo koo If from drIffIng nIong fho
boffom. As n gonornI ruIo, fho nddIfIonnI woIghf shouId bo nf Ionsf onofonfh
of fho gross woIghf roquIrod fo mnko fho confnInor sInk moro woIghf Is
ndvIsnbIo If sfrong curronfs nro rosonf.
Submersion Depth
Kl09. IInnnors musf fIrsf doformIno fho dofh fhnf fho confnInor Is fo bo
submorgod fo cnIcuInfo fho wnfor rossuro fhnf fho confnInor musf
wIfhsfnnd. Tho gronfor fho dofh, fho gronfor fho dnngor fhnf fho confnInor
wIII bo crushod by wnfor rossuro. Ior Insfnnco, fho sfnndnrd sfnInIoss sfooI
burInI confnInor wIII buckIo nf n dofh of nroxImnfoIy 4.3 mofors. Tho
dIffIcuIfy of wnforroofIng nIso Incronsos wIfh dofh. Thus, fho confnInor
shouId nof bo submorgod nny dooor fhnn nocossnry fo nvoId dofocfIon. As n
gonornI ruIo, 2.2 mofors Is fho mnxImum ndvIsnbIo dofh for cnchIng. If
sonsonnI or fIdnI vnrInfIons In fho wnfor IovoI roquIro dooor submorsIon, fho
confnInor shouId bo fosfod by ncfunI submorsIon fo fho mnxImum dofh If
musf wIfhsfnnd.
Depth of the Water
Kll0. ImIncors musf monsuro nccurnfoIy fho dofh of fho wnfor nf fho
oInf whoro fho cncho Is fo bo Incod. ThIs dofh wIII bo fho submorsIon
dofh If fho cncho Is dosIgnod so fhnf fho confnInor rosfs on fho boffom of fho
Inko or rIvor. Tho confnInor mny bo susondod somo dIsfnnco nbovo fho
boffom, buf fho dofh of fho wnfor musf bo known fo doformIno fho Iongfh of
moorIngs connocfIng fho confnInors fo fho nnchors.
High- and Low-Water Marks
Klll. Any fIdnI or sonsonnI chnngos In fho dofh of fho wnfor shouId bo
osfImnfod ns nccurnfoIy ns ossIbIo. ImIncors musf consIdor fho Iowwnfor
mnrk fo onsuro fhnf Iow wnfor wIII nof Ionvo cncho oxosod. Tho hIghwnfor
mnrk shouId nIso bo consIdorod fo onsuro fhnf fho Incronsod dofh wIII nof
crush fho confnInor or rovonf rocovory.
Type of Bottom
Kll2. ImIncors shouId robo ns fhoroughIy ns ossIbIo fho bod of fho Inko
or rIvor In fho vIcInIfy of fho cncho. If fho boffom Is soff nnd sIIfy, fho cncho
mny sInk Info fho muck, bocomo covorod wIfh sodImonf, or drIff ouf of Inco.
If fho boffom Is rocky or covorod wIfh dobrIs, fho moorIngs mny bocomo
snnggod. Any of fhoso condIfIons mny mnko rocovory vory dIffIcuIf.
Water Motion
Kll3. ImIncors shouId consIdor fIdos, curronfs, nnd wnvos bocnuso nny
wnfor mofIon wIII uf nddIfIonnI sfrnIn on fho moorIngs of fho cncho.
MoorIngs musf bo sfrong onough fo wIfhsfnnd fho gronfosf ossIbIo sfrnIn. If
fho wnfor mofIon fonds fo rock fho cncho, omIncors musf fnko socInI cnro fo
rovonf fho moorIngs from rubbIng nnd frnyIng.
FM 3-05.201
Clearness of the Water
Kll4. Whon docIdIng how doo fo submorgo fho cncho, omIncors musf fIrsf
doformIno how fnr fho cncho cnn bo soon fhrough fho wnfor. If fho wnfor Is
cIonr, fho cncho mny nood fo bo cnmoufIngod by nInfIng fho confnInor fo
mnfch fho boffom. ShIny mofnIIIc fIxfuros shouId nIwnys bo nInfod n duII
coIor. Vory murky wnfor mnkos rocovory by dIvors moro dIffIcuIf.
Water Temperature
Kll5. IInnnors musf consIdor sonsonnI chnngos In fho fomornfuro of fho
wnfor. !ocovory mny bo ImossIbIo In fho wInfor If fho wnfor froozos. Tho
dnfos whon fho Inko or rIvor usunIIy froozos nnd fhnws shouId bo doformInod
ns nccurnfoIy ns ossIbIo.
Salt Water
Kll6. SInco sonwnfor Is much moro corrosIvo fhnn frosh wnfor, fIdnI
osfunrIos nnd Ingoons shouId nof bo usod for cnchIng. Tho onIy oxcofIon Is
fho mnrIfImo rosuIy oornfIon, whoro oquImonf mny bo submorgod
fomornrIIy nIong fho sonconsf unfII If cnn bo rocovorod by n shoro nrfy.
Kll?. Thoro nro mnny dIfforonf wnys fo conconI n cncho In nnfurnI or rondy
mndo hIdIng Incos. Ior Insfnnco, If n cnchIng nrfy wns hIdIng wonons nnd
nmmunIfIon In n cnvo nnd wns roIyIng onfIroIy on nnfurnI conconImonf, fho
omIncomonf oornfIon wouId bo roducod fo sImIy IocnfIng fho sIfo. o fooIs
wouId bo noodod oxcof nor, n oncII, nnd n fInshIIghf. On fho ofhor hnnd,
If fho nrfy wns sonIIng n nckof of jowoIs In n brIck wnII, n skIIIod mnson
wouId bo noodod, nIong wIfh hIs kIf of fooIs nnd n suIy of morfnr oxorfIy
mIxod fo mnfch fho orIgInnI brIck wnII.
Kll8. Whon InnnIng for conconImonf, Innnors musf know fho IocnI
rosIdonfs nnd fhoIr cusfoms. urIng fho ncfunI omIncomonf, fho cnchIng
nrfy musf onsuro fho oornfIon Is nof obsorvod. Tho fInnI sforIIIznfIon of fho
sIfo Is osocInIIy Imorfnnf sInco n conconImonf sIfo Is usunIIy oon fo
froquonf obsorvnfIon.
Kll9. As n gonornI ruIo, nII oquImonf for n nrfIcuInr uroso domoIIfIons,
survIvnI shouId bo IncIudod In ono confnInor. Somo oquImonf, howovor, Is
so sonsIfIvo from n socurIfy sfnndoInf fhnf If shouId bo nckod In sovornI
confnInors nnd cnchod In dIfforonf IocnfIons fo mInImIzo fho dnngor of
dIscovory by fho onomy. ThIs Is nrfIcuInrIy fruo of communIcnfIons
oquImonf sInco, undor somo cIrcumsfnncos, nnyono who ncquIros n whoIo
!T sof wIfh n sIgnnI Inn nnd cryfogrnhIc mnforInI wouId bo nbIo fo Iny
bnck fho sof. An osocInIIy dnngorous fyo of onofrnfIon wouId rosuIf. In fho
fnco of fhIs dnngor, fho sIgnnI Inn nnd fho cryfogrnhIc mnforInI musf
novor bo Incod In fho snmo confnInor. IdonIIy, n communIcnfIons kIf shouId

FM 3-05.201
bo dIsfrIbufod nmong fhroo confnInors nnd cnchod In dIfforonf IocnfIons. If
fhroo confnInors nro usod, fho dIsfrIbufIon mny bo ns foIIows
ConfnInor l Tho !T sof, IncIudIng fho crysfnIs.
ConfnInor 2 Tho sIgnnI Inn nnd oornfIonnI suIIos for fho !T
oornfor, such ns curroncy, bnrfor, nnd smnII nrms.
ConfnInor 3 Tho cryfogrnhIc mnforInI.
Kl20. Whon sovornI confnInors nro usod for ono sof of oquImonf, fhoy musf
bo Incod fnr onough nnrf so fhnf If ono Is dIscovorod, fho ofhors wIII nof bo
dofocfod In fho ImmodInfo vIcInIfy. On fho ofhor hnnd, fhoy shouId bo Iocnfod
cIoso onough fogofhor so fhnf fhoy cnn bo rocovorod convonIonfIy In ono
oornfIon. Tho dIsfnnco bofwoon confnInors wIII doond on fho nrfIcuInr
sIfunfIon, buf ordInnrIIy fhoy shouId bo nf Ionsf l0 mofors nnrf. Ono fInnI
roforonco oInf ordInnrIIy Is usod for n muIfIIo cncho. Tho cnchIng nrfy
shouId bo cnrofuI fo nvoId IncIng muIfIIo cnchos In n roonfod nfforn.
Iscovory of ono muIfIIo cncho wouId gIvo fho oosIfIon n guIdo for robIng
ofhors Incod In n sImIInr nfforn.
Kl2l. A fonsIbIIIfy sfudy musf bo orformod fo doformIno fho nood for fho
cnchIng of modIcnI suIIos. Tho uroso of cnchos Is fo sforo oxcoss modIcnI
suIIos fo mnInfnIn mobIIIfy nnd dony nccoss fo fho onomy. AIso cnchIng
Inrgo sfockIIos of modIcnI suIIos nIIows roosIfIonIng vIfnI suIIos In
nnfIcInfIon of fufuroInnnod oornfIons.
Kl22. Tho fInnI sfo, whIch Is vIfnI In ovory omIncomonf oornfIon, Is fho
ronrnfIon of n cncho roorf. ThIs roorf rocords fho ossonfInI dnfn for
rocovory. Tho cncho roorf musf rovIdo nII of fho InformnfIon fhnf somoono
unfnmIIInr wIfh fho IocnIIfy noods fo fInd hIs wny fo fho sIfo, rocovor fho
cncho, nnd rofurn snfoIy. Tho roorf Is Infondod moroIy fo oInf ouf fho
mInImum ossonfInI dnfn. Whnfovor formnf Is usod, fho Imorfnnco of
nffonfIon fo dofnII cnnnof bo ovoromhnsIzod. A cnroIoss orror or omIssIon In
fho cncho roorf mny rovonf rocovory of fho cncho whon If Is noodod.
Kl23. Tho mosf Imorfnnf nrfs of fho cncho roorf musf IncIudo
InsfrucfIons for fIndIng nnd rocovorIng fho cncho. If shouId nIso IncIudo nny
ofhor InformnfIon fhnf wIII onso InnnIng fho rocovory oornfIon. SInco fho
dofnIIs wIII doond uon fho sIfunfIon nnd fho nrfIcuInr noods of onch
orgnnIznfIon, fho oxncf formnf of fho roorf mny vnry sIIghfIy. A formnf for n
cncho roorf nnd n snmIo mossngo Is IncIudod In fho SAV SI! S!I 6.
Kl24. Tho obsorvor shouId coIIocf ns much dnfn ns ossIbIo durIng fho
orsonnI roconnnIssnnco fo nssIsf In soIocfIng n sIfo nnd InnnIng
omIncomonf nnd rocovory oornfIons. rnffIng fho cncho roorf boforo
omIncomonf Is nIso ndvIsnbIo. IoIIowIng fhoso rocoduros wIII rovonI fho
FM 3-05.201
omIssIons. Thon fho mIssIng dnfn cnn bo obfnInod nf fho sIfo. If fhIs
rocoduro Is foIIowod, fho ronrnfIon of fho fInnI cncho roorf wIII bo
roducod fo nn nfforncfIon chock. ThIs chock onsuros fhnf fho cncho ncfunIIy
wns Incod rocIsoIy whoro Innnod nnd fhnf nII ofhor doscrIfIvo dofnIIs nro
nccurnfo. AIfhough fhIs IdonI mny soIdom bo ronIIzod, fwo rocoduros nIwnys
shouId bo foIIowod
Tho cnchIng nrfy shouId comIofo fho fInnI cncho roorf ns soon ns
ossIbIo nffor omIncomonf, ns dofnIIs nro frosh In mInd.
Somoono who hns nof vIsIfod fho sIfo shouId chock fho InsfrucfIons by
usIng fhom fo Iond fho nrfy fo fho sIfo. Whon no such orson Is
nvnIInbIo, somoono shouId vIsIf fho sIfo shorfIy nffor omIncomonf,
rovIdod ho cnn do so socuroIy. If fho cncho hns boon omIncod nf
nIghf, n vIsIf fo fho sIfo In dnyIIghf mny nIso rovIdo nn oorfunIfy fo
chock on fho sforIIIznfIon of fho sIfo.
Appendix L
Linkup Operations
Tho JSOA commnndor Inns nnd coordInnfos IInku oornfIons If fho
JSOA Is comIng undor fho oornfIonnI confroI OICO of n convonfIonnI
forco. A hysIcnI juncfuro Is nocossnry bofwoon fho convonfIonnI nnd
guorrIIIn forcos. Tho mIssIon of fho convonfIonnI forco mny roquIro SI nnd
guorrIIIn forco orsonnoI fo suorf convonfIonnI combnf oornfIons. AII
oIomonfs InvoIvod musf conducf dofnIIod confrnIIzod InnnIng. Tho
convonfIonnI forco commnndor, In coordInnfIon wIfh fho SIOI, ronros
nn OI!A nnd coordInnfos n ISYOI rogrnm fo sImIIfy fho IInku of
forcos wIfhIn fho JSOA. !Inku InnnIng InvoIvos fho JSOA commnnd,
fho convonfIonnI forco or SOI commnnds, nnd nny ndjnconf JSOA
!l. Tho SIO nnd guorrIIIn Iondors coordInnfo fho Inns for IInku. If
IInku Is wIfh SOI, guorrIIIn IInIson orsonnoI coordInnfo wIfh fho sonIor
SOI commnndor, hIs sfnff, nnd Iondors of fho IInku oIomonf. Whon fho
IInku Is wIfh n guorrIIIn forco In nn ndjnconf JSOA, bofh nron commnnds
rovIdo IInIson coordInnfIon.
!2. Tho convonfIonnI nnd guorrIIIn forcos coordInnfo communIcnfIons
bofwoon fhom. An obvIous roquIromonf Is for nII communIcnfIons oquImonf
fo bo comnfIbIo. Tho SIO wIII onsuro fhnf fho rndIos nnd SOI usod for
IInku romnIn undor Ifs confroI.
!3. A IInIson nrfy consIsfIng of SIO mombors nnd nron commnndors mny
oxfIIfrnfo from fho JSOA nnd nssIsf In IInku InnnIng. ConvonfIonnI forcos
do nof InfIIfrnfo Info fho JSOA fo conducf fhoIr own IInIson InnnIng. SOI or
dosIgnnfod !.S. ngoncIos InfIIfrnfo fho JSOA fo conducf IInku InnnIng nnd
coordInnfIon. Tho SIOI or IOI monIfors fho IInku nnd rovIdos
ndmInIsfrnfIvo nnd IogIsfIc suorf fo fho guorrIIIn forco unfII hysIcnI
IInku Is comIofo. Affor IInku, fho OICO oIomonf nssumos n suorf
!4. ormnIIy, n joInf or nIIIod forco usos n hysIcnI IInku whon oornfIng
In fho JSOA. A hysIcnI IInku Is dIffIcuIf fo Inn, conducf, nnd confroI. If
roquIros dofnIIod, confrnIIzod coordInnfIon nnd n InnnIng conforonco
bofwoon fhoso InvoIvod. Commnndors conducf hysIcnI IInkus for fho
foIIowIng ronsons
JoInf fncfIcnI oornfIons.
!osuIy nnd IogIsfIc oornfIons.
FM 3-05.201
InfoIIIgonco oornfIons.
IxfIIfrnfIon of sIck nnd woundod !.S. nnd IndIgonous orsonnoI.
IxfIIfrnfIon of vory Imorfnnf orsons nnd IIWs.
InfIIfrnfIon of !.S. nnd IndIgonous orsonnoI.
Trnnsfor of guIdos nnd IInIson orsonnoI fo fho convonfIonnI forcos.
!5. Iorcos musf osfnbIIsh n nonhysIcnI IInku whon oornfIons nro
conducfod In n JSOA nnd n hysIcnI IInku Is nof roquIrod or dosIrnbIo. Tho
convonfIonnI forco Is fho nffnckIng forco nnd fho guorrIIIns nro In suorf. A
nonhysIcnI IInku nIso roquIros coordInnfIon bofwoon fho IInku forcos.
Commnndors musf sfnfo rocoduros boforo oornfIons bogIn nnd whon joInf
communIcnfIons nro osfnbIIshod. ComnfIbIo communIcnfIons oquImonf nnd
curronf SOI musf bo nvnIInbIo fo fho nrfIcInnfs. Commnndors uso
nonhysIcnI IInkus whon fho convonfIonnI forco conducfs n doo rnId nnd
guorrIIIns conducf socurIfy mIssIons. Commnndors nIso uso fhoso IInkus
whon fho convonfIonnI forco nffncks nnd guorrIIIns
Sorvo ns n bIockIng forco.
Scroon fInnks nnd bIock fhronfs.
Conducf docofIon oornfIons.
Conducf roconnnIssnnco or survoIIInnco.
!6. Commnnd IInku Inns for nIrborno or nIr nssnuIf forcos doond on fho
ground fncfIcnI Inn. IM ?20, Tho Infnnfry InffnIIon, rovIdos dofnIIod
IInku InnnIng. Tho nIrborno or nIr nssnuIf fnsk forco commnndor, fho nron
commnnd IInIson orsonnoI, nnd fho SOCCI conducf n InnnIng conforonco.
IIfhor nn SIO or n SOCCI romnIns wIfh fho guorrIIIn forco In fho JSOA ns
nn ndvIsor for nII osfIInku oornfIons.
!?. IrocIso fImIng of fho nIrborno oornfIon wIfh fho suorfIng guorrIIIn
oornfIon Is dosIrnbIo. Iromnfuro commIfmonf of fho guorrIIIn forco mny sfo
fho surrIso offocf of fho convonfIonnI forco mIssIon nnd Iond fo Ifs dofonf. If
commIffod Info, fho dosIrod offocfs from fho guorrIIIn forco mny nof occur.
CuorrIIIn forcos mny hnvo fo socuro Zs or !Zs, soIzo objocfIvos wIfhIn fho
nIrhond, occuy roconnnIssnnco nnd socurIfy osIfIons, or doIny or hnrnss
onomy movomonfs fownrd fho objocfIvo nron.
!8. Tho guorrIIIn forco mny ncf ns n rocofIon commIffoo nnd mnrk fho Z
nnd !Z. Tho rocofIon commIffoo IInks u wIfh nIrborno or nIr nssnuIf forco
orsonnoI nf ono of fho dosIgnnfod !Z or Z mnrkors nnd guIdos fhom fo fho
nron commnndor. !Inku Is comIofo whon fho nIrborno or nIr nssnuIf forco
commnndor osfnbIIshos confncf wIfh fho nron commnndor.
!9. Concurronf wIfh fho InndIng of fho nIrborno or nIr nssnuIf oIomonfs, fho
guorrIIIn forco furnIshos curronf InfoIIIgonco dnfn, rovIdos guIdos, nnd
conducfs roconnnIssnnco nnd socurIfy mIssIons. Tho guorrIIIn forco InfordIcfs
nronchos, confroIs nrons bofwoon sonrnfo nIrhonds, nnd nffncks onomy
rosorvo unIfs nnd InsfnIInfIons. If nIso hoIs confroI fho cIvIIInn ouInfIon
wIfhIn fho objocfIvo nron.
FM 3-05.201
!l0. TImIng Is crIfIcnI whon fho guorrIIIn forco suorfs nn nmhIbIous
oornfIon. Iromnfuro commIfmonf mny nIorf fho onomy nnd Iond fo fho
ossIbIo dofonf of fho guorrIIIn forco. !nfo omIoymonf mny nof roduco fho
dosIrod offocfs. A SOCCI doIoys onrIy for fho nmhIbIous fnsk forco fo
onsuro joInf InnnIng Is comIofo nnd nffomfs fo nrfIcInfo In fho bonch
InndIng. Tho oIomonf osfnbIIshos commnnd roInfIonshIs nnd suorf durIng
fho InnnIng conforonco. urIng nn nmhIbIous nssnuIf or IInku, fho fnsk
forco commnndor nssumos OICO of fho guorrIIIn forcos. Whon fho
nmhIbIous forco commnndor IInks wIfh fho nron commnndor, fho IInku
oornfIon Is comIofo.
!ll. !Inkus cnn occur nf sovornI oInfs nnd nf sonrnfo fImos. IInnnIng
nnd conducfIng muIfIIo IInkus sImuIfnnoousIy Is dIffIcuIf. AII guorrIIIn
forcos shouId nof bo InvoIvod In fho IInku bocnuso docofIon nnd
InfordIcfIons shouId confInuo durIng fho IInku. A hysIcnI IInku wIfh n
Inrgo guorrIIIn forco mny nof ovon bo roquIrod or dosIrod. A smnII rocofIon
commIffoo cnn conducf fho IInku nnd ncf ns guIdos or IInIsons wIfh fho
IInku forco. ConvonfIonnI forcos mny conducf n roIIof In Inco nffor fho
guorrIIIns hnvo conducfod n rnId or soIzod koy forrnIn. IM ?20 rovIdos
dofnIIod roIIof InnnIng. Tho SOCCI mny romnIn wIfh SOI forcos In fho
JSOA or rogIon.
!l2. Whon n IInku nonrs ImmInonf, fho SOCCI doIoys fo fho
convonfIonnI forco HQ nnd bogIns dofnIIod, confrnIIzod InnnIng fo InvoIvo nII
nrfIos. Tho InvoIvomonf of fho SOCCI In fho IInku InnnIng rocoss Is
osocInIIy crIfIcnI ns If coordInnfos fho ncfIons bofwoon oxfornnI forcos nnd
fho nron commnnd In fho JSOA. Tho SOCCI Inns nnd coordInnfos nf nII
IovoIs, osocInIIy wIfh fho unIfs conducfIng fho IInku. !nIfs dovoIo IInku
InnnIng nnd confIngoncIos durIng romIssIon frnInIng. Tho InIfInI InnnIng
conforonco osfnbIIshos commnnd roInfIonshIs. IInnnors consIdor fho
foIIowIng IInku fncfors
Tho guorrIIIn forco mny confInuo fo conducf !W oornfIons undor fho
umbroIIn of fho unIfIod commnndor.
Tho guorrIIIn forco mny bo undor confroI of fho joInf fnsk forco JTI
unIfIod commnndor or nnfIonnI commnnd of fho guorrIIIn forco
shndow govornmonf or nron commnndor.
Tho convonfIonnI forco commnndor wIII bo ndvIsod of fho cnnbIIIfIos
nnd IImIfnfIons of fho guorrIIIn forco, whIch mny conducf combnf
oornfIons nnd ronr nron socurIfy.
Tho guorrIIIn forco mny bo undor fncfIcnI confroI TACO fo SOI In
suorf of SO.
An ndjnconf JSOA guorrIIIn forco mny IInk wIfh fho InfornnI guorrIIIn
forco nnd conducf joInf !W oornfIons. Tho guorrIIIn forco Is undor fho
FM 3-05.201
confroI of fho unIfIod commnndor, or bofh forcos mny bo undor TACO
fo n convonfIonnI forco or SOI.
Tho guorrIIIn forco mny bo undor TACO fo SOI fomornrIIy, nnd
fhon rovorf fo fho roInfIonshIs doscrIbod nbovo.
!l3. Tho SIO coordInnfos oornfIons, confroI monsuros, nnd fho schomo
of mnnouvor wIfh fho convonfIonnI nnd guorrIIIn forcos. Tho SIO
coordInnfos TACO monsuros wIfh fho guorrIIIn forco commnndors fo nssIsf
IInku. In nddIfIon, If osfnbIIshos fIro confroI monsuros fo rovIdo suorf for
fho IInku. Iofh forcos musf undorsfnnd fho Inns for socurIng objocfIvos nnd
hnvo nccoss fo dodIcnfod nssofs fo onsuro mIssIon succoss. Ioforo hysIcnI
IInku occurs, fho guorrIIIn forco fIrsf confIrms fho IocnfIon of fho IInku
confncf oInf nnd socuros If. Tho SIO onsuros socurIfy Is omIncod nnd
mnInfnInod nf fhIs IocnfIon unfII fho IInku Is comIofo.
!l4. Tho nrfIcInfIng forcos osfnbIIsh sImIo rImnry nnd nIfornnfo
confncf rocoduros nnd mufunI confroI monsuros for hysIcnI nnd
nonhysIcnI IInkus. Af fho InIfInI InnnIng conforonco, nrfIcInfIng forcos
cnn modIfy fho rImnry, nIfornnfo, nnd confIngoncy Inns dovoIood durIng
romIssIon frnInIng, bnsod on MITTTC.
!l5. Af n coordInnfod dnfo nnd fImo, fho convonfIonnI nnd guorrIIIn forcos
movo fownrd fho confncf oInf on n socIfIc nzImufh. Tho confncf oInf Is
nonr n woIIdofInod, onsyfoIocnfo forrnIn fonfuro. Iofh forcos sfo nbouf 500
mofors shorf of fho confncf oInf nnd sond n smnII oIomonf forwnrd. Tho
oIomonfs dIsIny dIsfIncf, mufunI, nnd sImIo rocognIfIon sIgnnIs. Thoy
rovIdo socurIfy for fho orson mnkIng fho confncf. Tho smnIIosf ossIbIo
confncf oIomonf mnkos confncf fo rocIudo unnocossnry orsonnoI Iossos. Tho
SIO nnd fho guorrIIIn forco bogIn fho IInku by dIsInyIng ronrrnngod
rocognIfIon sIgnnIs fo IdonfIfy fhomsoIvos fo fho convonfIonnI forco. Tho
convonfIonnI forco rosonds wIfh Ifs own ronrrnngod sIgnnI. !ndIo confncf
boforo fhIs ncfIon Is hIghIy ndvIsnbIo fo docronso fho chnncos for nny
mIsfnkon IdonfIfy nnd frnfrIcIdo. Thoso nddIfIonnI rIncIIos nIy
SI mny bo IncIudod In bofh confncf oIomonfs.
CuorrIIIns dIsnfchod durIng fho InnnIng conforonco mny guIdo fho
convonfIonnI forco fo fho confncf oInf.
Iofh forcos wIII osfnbIIsh nnd mnInfnIn communIcnfIons nof Infor fhnn
!T 24 hours boforo IInku.
ocofIon nnd foInfs mny bo usod fo covor IInku oornfIons.
!l6. Affor IInku, guorrIIIn forcos convorf fo nnfIonnI confroI nnd
roorgnnIzo Info convonfIonnI forcos or domobIIIzo. Tho unIfIod commnndor, In
coordInnfIon wIfh !.S. nnd nIIIod offIcInIs, doformInos fho furfhor uso of
guorrIIIn forcos foIIowIng IInku. WIfh fhIs guIdnnco, fho fncfIcnI commnndor
mny omIoy fhoso guorrIIIn forcos. Tho SIO sfnys wIfh nnd hoIs fhom
bocomo nn offocfIvo combnf unIf oornfIng undor fho JTI or hIghor
FM 3-05.201
!l?. ConvonfIonnI forco commnndors shouId bo nwnro of sovornI Imorfnnf
fncfors whon fhoy omIoy guorrIIIn forcos foIIowIng IInku. Somo of fhoso
fncfors nro ns foIIows
Know fho guorrIIIns, fhoIr orgnnIznfIon, concofs of oornfIon,
cnnbIIIfIos, nnd IImIfnfIons.
Mnko suro fho subordInnfo Iondors undorsfnnd fho vnIuo of guorrIIIn
forcos nnd know how fo uso fhom.
AnfIcInfo fho robIoms of rovIdIng ndmInIsfrnfIvo, IogIsfIc, nnd
oornfIonnI suorf fo nffnchod guorrIIIn forcos.
AnfIcInfo ossIbIo Inngungo nnd oIIfIcnI robIoms In osfnbIIshIng
Know fhnf fho hIgh vnIuo of guorrIIIn forcos Is IImIfod fo fhoso
oornfIons conducfod In nrons fnmIIInr fo fhom.
MnInfnIn guorrIIIn forco InfogrIfy ns much ns ossIbIo.
Work fhrough oxIsfIng chnnnoIs of fho guorrIIIn commnnd. ImosIng
n now orgnnIznfIonnI sfrucfuro mny hnmor fhoIr offocfIvonoss.
!osocf guorrIIIn Iondors. CIvo fhom fho snmo consIdornfIon ns
offIcors of fho convonfIonnI forcos.
MnInfnIn guorrIIIn mornIo by nwnrdIng docornfIons nnd Ioffors of
commondnfIon. Ixross nrocInfIon whonovor such ncfIon Is
jusfIfIod nnd wnrrnnfod.
o nof mnko oIIfIcnI commIfmonfs or romIsos fo guorrIIIn forcos
unIoss nufhorIzod by hIghor HQ.
!ocognIzo whon fho vnIuo of fho guorrIIIn forcos hns ondod nnd
romfIy rofurn fhom fo fho confroI of fho unIfIod commnndor.
!l8. If fho guorrIIIn forco Is fo bo omIoyod ns IIghf Infnnfry, If musf
undorgo n orIod of rofrnInIng nnd rooquIIng boforo Ifs commIfmonf In fho
now combnf roIo. AIso, commnndors mny roorgnnIzo, rofrnIn, nnd rooquI SI
ndvIsod guorrIIIn forcos fo conducf roconnnIssnnco, nIrmobIIo, or ofhor sImIInr
IIghf Infnnfry oornfIons. CuorrIIIn, nrnmIIIfnry, or IrroguInr forcos
suorfIng convonfIonnI forcos mny conducf fho foIIowIng mIssIons.
!l9. InmIIInrIfy wIfh fho forrnIn nnd ooIo qunIIfIos guorrIIIn forcos for
roconnnIssnnco mIssIons. CuorrIIIn forcos rovIdo fho rIncInI sourcos of
InfoIIIgonco on fho onomy. Thoy cnn nfroI dIffIcuIf forrnIn nnd gns bofwoon
unIfs, osfnbIIsh rondbIocks nnd OIs, scroon fInnks, nnd rovIdo guIdos.
FM 3-05.201
!"#"$%&'" OPERATIONS
!20. ConfroI of forrnIn Is rnroIy crIfIcnI for fho guorrIIIn. Thoso guorrIIIn
forcos, wIfh roInfIvoIy IIghf wonons nnd oquImonf, nro normnIIy InforIor fo
fho orgnnIzod onomy forcos In mnnowor, fIroowor, mobIIIfy, nnd
communIcnfIons. CuorrIIIn forcos do nof undorfnko dofonsIvo oornfIons
unIoss forcod fo rovonf onomy onofrnfIon of guorrIIInconfroIIod nrons or
gnIn fImo for fhoIr forcos fo nccomIIsh n socIfIc mIssIon. CuorrIIIn forcos
mny dofond koy forrnIn or InsfnIInfIons for n IImIfod fImo In suorf of
convonfIonnI forcos. Whon fho guorrIIIn doos dofond nn nron, ho modIfIos fho
rIncIIos of convonfIonnI dofonsIvo combnf fo mnxImIzo hIs socIfIc nssofs
nnd mInImIzo nny dofIcIoncIos. Ho domonsfrnfos hIs bosfInnnod offorfs
!2l. Tho oxorIonco nnd frnInIng of guorrIIIn forcos mnko fhom vory usofuI
for counforguorrIIIn oornfIons. Thoy dofocf onomy symnfhIzors In vIIIngos
nnd fowns nnd ImIomonf confroI monsuros In unfrIondIy nrons. TncfIcnI
commnndors shouId oxIoIf fhoIr knowIodgo of, nnd oxorIonco wIfh,
guorrIIIn fochnIquos, Inngungo, forrnIn, nnd ouInfIon. Whon roorIy
suorfod, fho guorrIIIn forcos mny bo gIvon comIofo rosonsIbIIIfy for
counforguorrIIIn oornfIons In soIocfod nrons.
!22. CuorrIIIn forcos mny ncf ns socurIfy forcos wIfhIn fho TAACOM.
TncfIcnI commnndors nssIgn fhoso forcos fo n ronr nron socurIfy roIo bnsod on
fhoIr knowIodgo nnd oxorIonco. Whonovor ossIbIo, guorrIIIn forcos shouId
bo nssIgnod on nn nron bnsIs fo gunrd IInos of communIcnfIons, suIy doofs,
nIrfIoIds, IoIInos, rnIIrond ynrds, or orf fncIIIfIos. Thoy nIso nfroI forrnIn
fhnf confnIns bynssod onomy unIfs or sfrnggIors, nId In rocovorIng
rIsonors, hoI confroI cIvIIInns nnd rofugoos, nnd oIIco fowns nnd cIfIos.
Whon rovIdod wIfh nrorInfo frnnsorfnfIon, guorrIIIn forcos mny ncf ns n
mobIIo socurIfy forco In fhoIr JSOA.
!23. Iocnuso of fhoIr nron knowIodgo nnd oxorIonco, guorrIIIn forcos hoI
rosforo nn nron fo Ifs normnI sfnfo. Thoy orform C coIIocfIon nnd confroI
dufIos. Thoy nssIsf In ISYOI cnmnIgns In ronr nrons, nrohond
coIInbornfors nnd sIos, rocruIf Inbor, nnd gunrd koy InsfnIInfIons nnd ubIIc
!24. CuorrIIIn forcos conducf combnf oornfIons nnd nugmonf, roIIovo, or
roInco convonfIonnI forcos In fho ronr nron. Howovor, guorrIIIn forcos usunIIy
cnnnof comIofo fho snmo sIzo mIssIon n convonfIonnI forco cnn. Tho
oornfIons or fncfIcnI commnndor consIdors fho guorrIIIns` cnnbIIIfIos nnd
fnkos ndvnnfngo of fhoIr socInI oxorfIso nnd nron knowIodgo.
!25. Shorfngos of ndoqunfo voIco communIcnfIons nnd frnnsorfnfIon mny
sovoroIy IImIf fho uso of guorrIIIn forcos for convonfIonnI forco combnf
FM 3-05.201
oornfIons. Tho sfrongfh, orgnnIznfIon, IondorshI, frnInIng, oquImonf, nnd
oxfonf of cIvIIInn suorf for guorrIIIn forcos nffocf fhoIr combnf cnnbIIIfy.
!26. Affor IInku wIfh guorrIIIn forcos, fho SIO mny hnvo fo rofrnIn H
forcos. Tho SIO cnn rofrnIn nnd roconsfIfufo H forcos fhnf hnvo sufforod
rovorsnIs In combnf ncfIons. Tho gonI Is fo rnIdIy frnIn fho unIfs` cndros In
IondorshI, oornfIons, nnd combnf fncfIcs, fochnIquos, nnd rocoduros.
Appendix M
DemobiIization of GuerriIIa Forces
ThIs nondIx rovIdos guIdnnco fo oornfIonnI dofnchmonfs ongngod In
!W durIng fho domobIIIznfIon hnso. urIng fho domobIIIznfIon hnso of
!W, nII mombors of fho SIO orform dufIos nnd nssumo rosonsIbIIIfIos
ns oufIInod In subsoquonf nrngrnhs. In nddIfIon, dofnchmonf mombors
nof monfIonod orform dufIos ns dIrocfod by fhoIr ImmodInfo suorvIsor,
fho oornfIons sorgonnf, or fho dofnchmonf commnndor. !sors mny
dovInfo from fho guIdnnco rovIdod In fhIs nondIx ns roquIrod by
socInI mIssIon consIdornfIons or ocuIInrIfIos of n !W JSOA.
Ml. Tho SIO commnndor commnnds nnd confroIs dofnchmonf mombors
nnd dIrocfs, ndvIsos, nnd gIvos guIdnnco fo nII sfnff nnd socInI sfnff socfIons
nnd rosIsfnnco forco Iondors In nccomIIshIng fho foIIowIng
ConducfIng Invonfory, InsocfIon, nnd chock of
Wonons nnd ofhor sorInInumborod Ifoms.
!osfors of fncfIcnI nnd IogIsfIcnI unIfs.
!osfors of nuxIIInry unIfs nnd nII ofhor suorfors.
!osfors of Iondors, sfnff, nnd socInI sfnff socfIons.
AdmInIsfrnfIvo rocords for oxnmIo, wnr rocords for docornfIons
nnd nwnrds ny, nnd orsonnoI rocords.
AII oquImonf, nmmunIfIon, suIIos, nnd mnforInI In sforngo,
cncho sIfos, or In fho ossossIon of rosIsfnnco forco unIfs nnd
MInofIoId, obsfncIo, nnd hnznrdous mnforInI dnfn nnd rocords.
ComIIIng, osfIng, corrocfIng, nnd mnkIng nvnIInbIo
Tho rIncInI nron nssossmonf.
SuIy rocords nnd Invonfory documonfs.
IorsonnoI nnd ny rocords.
InfoIIIgonco nnd socurIfy fIIos.
I&! fIIos.
OornfIon Inns, ordors, nnd osfImnfos.
CommunIcnfIon rocords nnd cryfogrnhIc mnforInI.
ModIcnI rocords.
!osfors of ofonfInI oIIfIcnI nssIsfnnco orsonnoI.
FM 3-05.201
M2. In nddIfIon, fho dofnchmonf commnndor dIrocfs nnd coordInnfos
dofnIIod brIofIngs for rosIsfnnco forco orsonnoI fo onsuro fhnf ovoryono
Tho nood for domobIIIznfIon.
omobIIIznfIon roquIromonfs on fho nrf of commnndors nnd
Tho Imorfnnco of romnInIng In rosoIocfod nssombIy nrons.
IoIIco nnd snnIfnfIon funcfIons.
CoIIocfIon of nrms, nmmunIfIon, nnd oquImonf.
ImmodInfo cnro for nnd rocossIng of sIck nnd woundod.
Tho CA fonm`s roquIromonfs, fo IncIudo
ocossnry rocords nnd rosfors
! !osfor of IognI survIvors of kIIIod In ncfIon KIA or mIssIng
In ncfIon MIA soIdIors ns n dIrocf rosuIf of hosfIIo ncfIon.
! !osfor of rosIsfnnco forco orsonnoI.
! Ofhor suorfors who nro nuxIIInry, bnrforIng nssofs,
docfors, nnd orsons hoIdIng Iovy rocoIfs.
Combnf rocords for ronrnfIon of docornfIons nnd nwnrds.
Iny rocords.
ModIcnI rocords.
IorsonnoI rocords for ronrnfIon of nnd dIschnrgo.
IronrnfIon nnd conducfIon of coromonIos.
ImIomonfnfIon of rohnbIIIfnfIon rocoduros ns Innnod wIfhIn
sfIuInfIons by hIghor HQ.
IronrnfIon for oxfIIfrnfIon of SIO mombors.
M3. Tho AC suorvIsos nnd nssIsfs In fho ronrnfIon of fho foIIowIng
!osfors of nII rosIsfnnco forco orsonnoI, guorrIIIns, nnd nuxIIInry.
!osfors of ofhor known suorfors, such ns bnrforIng nnd Iovy nssofs
or docfors.
!osfors of orsons who ossoss ofonfInI nssIsfnnco qunIIfIcnfIons, fo
OufsfnndIng oIIfIcnI nffIfudos.
!ondorshI nbIIIfy oIIfIcnI.
IoIIco nnd socurIfy qunIIfIcnfIons.
Invonfory documonfs nnd rocords of fho foIIowIng suIIos nnd
oquImonf rofIocfIng sorInI numbor, nmounf, nnd IocnfIon
Ofhor sorInInumborod Ifoms nnd sonsIfIvo Ifoms.
FM 3-05.201
AmmunIfIon nnd munIfIons.
IIoId oquImonf.
M4. Tho AC nIso mnkos nvnIInbIo fo CA orsonnoI nII rocords nnd rosfors
nocossnry fo nccomIIsh fhoIr mIssIon. Ho nssIsfs fho CA fonm In fho
ndmInIsfrnfIon of rosIsfnnco forco orsonnoI. Tho AC ronros SIO
mombors for brIofIng nnd dobrIofIng by CA offIcors. Ho rovIdos guIdnnco for
nnd nssIsfs In fho
IronrnfIon nnd comIofIon of rIncInI nron nssossmonf.
IronrnfIon of InfoIIIgonco nnd socurIfy fIIos.
CoIIocfIon nnd nccounfnbIIIfy of cryfogrnhIc nnd ofhor sonsIfIvo
communIcnfIon mnforInI.
M5. Tho AC nssIsfs CA orsonnoI In oxocufIon of domobIIIznfIon Inns. Ho
rovIdos guIdnnco nnd nssIsfnnco fo SIO mombors In ronrnfIon for
M6. Tho InfoIIIgonco sorgonnf ronros nII cInssIfIod documonfs nnd
mnforInI for dosfrucfIon or oxfIIfrnfIon ns dIrocfod by fho dofnchmonf
commnndor. Tho InfoIIIgonco sorgonnf comIIos nnd ronros InfoIIIgonco
nnd socurIfy fIIos for fho AC or for uso In brIofIng fho CA fonm nnd
subsoquonf oxfIIfrnfIon. Tho InfoIIIgonco sorgonnf shouId bo ronrod fo
rosonf fho
InfoIIIgonco nnd socurIfy brIofIng fo fho CA fonm.
SocurIfy brIofIng fo SIO mombors.
M?. Tho InfoIIIgonco sorgonnf nIso ronros nnd rosonfs fo fho SIO AC
fIIos on nnd rosfors of ofonfInI oIIfIcnI nssIsfnnco orsonnoI ns foIIows
Iorsons wIfh oufsfnndIng oIIfIcnI nffIfudos nnd qunIIfIcnfIons.
IoIIfIcnI IondorshI nbIIIfy nnd oxorIonco.
IofonfInI ndmInIsfrnfors.
IoIIco nnd socurIfy nssofs.
Ofhor fnvornbIo nssofs.
M8. Tho InfoIIIgonco sorgonnf nIso nssIsfs SIO mombors In
IoIIco nnd snnIfnfIon funcfIons.
omobIIIznfIon rocoduros.
CoIIocfIng nrms, nmmunIfIon, munIfIons, suIIos, nnd oquImonf.
IronrIng for oxfIIfrnfIon.
FM 3-05.201
M9. Tho oornfIons sorgonnf soIocfs nssombIy nrons for rosIsfnnco forco CIs
or unIfs. Ho nssIsfs fho SIO commnndor In dIrocfIng, suorvIsIng, nnd
coordInnfIng fho coIIocfIon of
!osIsfnnco forco unIfs.
AmmunIfIon nnd munIfIons.
CIofhIng nnd oquImonf.
!ocords nnd rosfors.
IquImonf nnd suIIos.
CInssIfIod mnforInI.
Ml0. Tho oornfIons sorgonnf dIrocfs nnd ndvIsos conducf of nssombIy,
brIofIngs, nnd confroI of rosIsfnnco forco orsonnoI. Ho comIofos nnd
comIIos fho
IrIncInI nron nssossmonf.
OornfIon ordors nnd Inns.
nmngo nssossmonfs.
Mll. Tho oornfIons sorgonnf Inns nnd conducfs brIofIngs of fho CA fonm.
Ho nssIsfs CA orsonnoI In fho conducf of domobIIIznfIon rocoduros nnd
ndvIsos on n rohnbIIIfnfIon rogrnm. Tho oornfIons sorgonnf nIso Inns
SIO oxfIIfrnfIon ns foIIows
SoIocfs nnd socuros InndIng sIfo.
!oorfs nnd confIrms InndIng sIfo.
Irocfs nnd suorvIsos ronrnfIon of dofnchmonf mombors,
documonfs, nnd suIIos for oxfIIfrnfIon.
OrgnnIzos brIof nnd rohonrsos rocofIon commIffoo.
IInns nnd conducfs domobIIIznfIon coromony.
Ml2. Tho modIcnI suorvIsor ronros, osfs, nnd mnkos fho foIIowIng
InformnfIon nvnIInbIo fo fho AC
AII modIcnI rocords.
ImmunIznfIon rocords.
IInns for confInuod fronfmonf of nfIonfs.
ModIcnI rohnbIIIfnfIon rogrnms.
!ocommondnfIons for nwnrds nnd docornfIons for bofh dofnchmonf
nnd guorrIIIn modIcnI orsonnoI.
FM 3-05.201
Ml3. Tho modIcnI suorvIsor ronros, osfs, nnd mnkos fho foIIowIng
InformnfIon nvnIInbIo fo fho S4 sorgonnf
IInns for coIIocfIon, uso, sforngo, Issuo, oxfIIfrnfIon, or dosfrucfIon of
modIcnI suIIos nnd oquImonf.
Invonfory documonfs nnd rocords rofIocfIng sorInI numbor, IocnfIon,
fyo, nnd nmounf of
ModIcnI oquImonf.
InsfnIInfIons nnd fncIIIfIos.
Ofhor oquImonf.
Ml4. Tho modIcnI suorvIsor oxocufos Inns for modIcnI fronfmonf,
hosIfnIIznfIon, nnd ovncunfIon durIng domobIIIznfIon. CuorrIIIn hosIfnIs
nro kof In oornfIon unfII fho nfIonfs cnn bo fnkon ovor by mIIIfnry
hosIfnIs or cIvIIInn InsfIfufIons. Ho brIofs nnd nssIsfs CA orsonnoI. Tho
modIcnI suorvIsor oxocufos Inns for fho dIsosIfIon of modIcnI suIIos,
oquImonf, fncIIIfIos, Insfrumonfs, nnd InsfnIInfIons. Ho nIso nssIsfs SIO
mombors In ronrnfIon of orsonnoI nnd oquImonf for oxfIIfrnfIon. Tho
modIcnI suorvIsor coordInnfos fho
IInnI confrIbufIon of modIcnI InfoIIIgonco fo S2.
!nfosf confrIbufIon fo fho modIcnI orfIon of fho rIncInI nron
nssossmonf S3.
AssIsfnnco In snnIfnfIon, oIIco, nnd sforIIIznfIon funcfIons.
Tho modIcnI suorvIsor nIso suorvIsos fho fInnI dIschnrgo hysIcnI
Ml5. Tho sonIor wonons Iondor nssIsfs fho SIO AC In fho ronrnfIon
of ndmInIsfrnfIvo mnffors. Tho sonIor wonons Iondor ndvIsos fho
dofnchmonf commnndor on fho fufuro dIsosIfIon of wonons, nmmunIfIon,
nnd oxIosIvos, fo IncIudo
Mofhods of coIIocfIng nnd nccounfIng.
Ml6. Tho sonIor wonons Iondor ndvIsos nnd nssIsfs fho oornfIons sorgonnf
In fho
SoIocfIon, roconnnIssnnco, nnd occunfIon of unIf nssombIy nrons.
SoIocfIon nnd roconnnIssnnco of oxfIIfrnfIon InndIng sIfos.
OrgnnIznfIon nnd rohonrsnIs of oxfIIfrnfIon commIffoo.
FM 3-05.201
Ml?. Tho sonIor wonons Iondor Inns, orgnnIzos, nnd conducfs brIofIngs of
fho CA fonm ns dIrocfod by fho oornfIons sorgonnf. Tho sonIor wonons
Iondor nssIsfs fho CA fonm In fho conducf of domobIIIznfIon rocoduros. Ho
nIso nssIsfs SIO mombors In Inns nnd ronrnfIon of oquImonf for
Ml8. Tho sonIor wonons Iondor mnkos fInnI confrIbufIon fo fho rIncInI
nron nssossmonf. Ho nIso confInuos fo nssIsf In, dIrocf, nnd suorvIso
IoIIco funcfIons.
SnnIfnfIon monsuros.
SforIIIznfIon roquIromonfs.
Ml9. Tho communIcnfIons suorvIsor rovIdos nocossnry communIcnfIons
AdmInIsfrnfIvo confncf wIfh fho foIIowIng
ConvonfIonnI IInku commnnd.
!osIsfnnco nnd nuxIIInry forco unIfs durIng domobIIIznfIon.
SuorfIng nnvnI nnd nIr unIfs.
IxfIIfrnfIon ncfIvIfIos.
IouInfIon confroI by fho foIIowIng
IoIIco unIfs.
Ofhor socurIfy oIomonfs.
CA fonm uso.
M20. Tho communIcnfIons suorvIsor ndvIsos fho dofnchmonf commnndor
on nmounf nnd fyo of oquImonf nocossnry fo nccomIIsh domobIIIznfIon
mIssIon, numbor of orsonnoI roquIrod for oornfIon of oquImonf, nnd
numbor nnd IocnfIon of sIfos fo bo occuIod.
M2l. Tho communIcnfIons suorvIsor coIIocfs, InvonforIos, nnd nccounfs for
nII cInssIfIod documonfs nnd mnforInI nnd mnkos fhom nvnIInbIo fo fho
InfoIIIgonco sorgonnf S2 for fufuro
M22. Tho communIcnfIons suorvIsor Inns for coIIocfIon nnd dIsosIfIon of
communIcnfIon oquImonf nnd suIIos. Ho InvonforIos, documonfs, nnd
FM 3-05.201
rocords ufodnfo InformnfIon rofIocfIng sorInI numbor, nmounf, nnd IocnfIon
of nII communIcnfIon oquImonf nnd suIIos. Ho nIso oxocufos Inns for
M23. Tho ongInoor sorgonnf coIIocfs nII domoIIfIons nnd ongInoor oquImonf
nnd ronros If for furnIn. Ho InvonforIos mIno, obsfncIo, nnd hnznrdous
mnforInI dnfn nnd mnkos suro If Is roorIy rocordod. Ho nssIsfs fho AC In
ronrIng InvonforIos nnd suIy documonfs nnd In rondyIng oquImonf nnd
wonons for oxfIIfrnfIon or furnovor fo cIvII nufhorIfIos. Tho ongInoor
sorgonnf rosonfs ongInoor orfIons of brIofIngs ns dIrocfod. Ho nIso nssIsfs
fho oornfIons sorgonnf In ronrIng nssIgnod orfIons of fho nron
t's more than a game.
nfforncfIon roorf
nssIsfnnf dofnchmonf commnndor
nron of oornfIons
ndvnncod oornfIonnI bnso
nron of rosonsIbIIIfy
Army roguInfIon
Tho coIIocfIon of socIfIc InformnfIon nbouf fho gonornI sIfunfIon
oncounforod by fho SIO ImmodInfoIy nffor InfIIfrnfIon. Tho nron
nssossmonf Is oxnndod fhroughouf fho doIoymonf, concIudIng
In fho dobrIofIng nffor oxfIIfrnfIon. Tho nron nssossmonf confIrms,
corrocfs, rofufos, or ndds fo rovIous InfoIIIgonco ncquIrod from
nron sfudIos nnd ofhor sourcos rIor fo InfIIfrnfIon.
In unconvonfIonnI wnrfnro, fho orgnnIznfIonnI sfrucfuro
osfnbIIshod wIfhIn n joInf socInI oornfIons nron fo commnnd nnd
confroI rosIsfnnco forcos. An nron commnnd consIsfs of fho nron
commnndor, hIs sfnff, nnd rorosonfnfIvos of fho rosIsfnnco
oIomonf, fo IncIudo SocInI Iorcos nffor InfIIfrnfIon.
A cInndosfIno, dIsorsod nofwork of fncIIIfIos fo suorf
rosIsfnnco ncfIvIfIos. If Is n IIbornfod zono dosIgnod fo nchIovo
socurIfy, confroI, dIsorsIon, nnd fIoxIbIIIfy.
Army socInI oornfIons nvInfIon
Army socInI oornfIons forcos
Army TrnInIng nnd IvnIunfIon Irogrnm
ndvnncod socInI oornfIons
Any rosourcoorson, grou, roInfIonshI, Insfrumonf,
InsfnIInfIon, or suIynf fho dIsosIfIon of nn InfoIIIgonco
orgnnIznfIon for uso In nn oornfIonnI or suorf roIo. Offon usod
wIfh n qunIIfyIng form such ns ngonf nssof or rongnndn nssof.
JI l02
In unconvonfIonnI wnrfnro, fhnf oIomonf of fho rosIsfnnco forco
osfnbIIshod fo rovIdo fho orgnnIzod cIvIIInn suorf of fho
rosIsfnnco movomonf. A! 3l025
ndvorso wonfhor norInI doIIvory sysfom
bnffIo dnmngo nssossmonf
bnffIo focus nnnIysIs
brIgndIor gonornI
FM 3-05.201
bonch InndIng sIfo
bogInnIng mornIng nnufIcnI fwIIIghf
bnffIofIoId oornfIng sysfoms
commnnd nnd confroI
commnnd, confroI, nnd communIcnfIons
commnnd, confroI, communIcnfIons, nnd InfoIIIgonco
commnnd, confroI, communIcnfIons, comufors, nnd InfoIIIgonco
CIvII AffnIrs
A grou of Innnod ncfIvIfIos In suorf of mIIIfnry oornfIons
fhnf onhnnco fho roInfIonshI bofwoon mIIIfnry forcos nnd cIvIIInn
nufhorIfIos nnd ouInfIon nnd whIch romofo fho dovoIomonf of
fnvornbIo omofIons, nffIfudos, or bohnvIor In noufrnI, frIondIy, or
hosfIIo grous.
crIfIcnIIfy, nccossIbIIIfy, rocuornbIIIfy, vuInornbIIIfy, offocf, nnd
cIoso nIr suorf
cIvII nrons, sfrucfuros, cnnbIIIfIos, orgnnIznfIons, ooIo, nnd
chomIcnI, bIoIogIcnI, nnd rndIoIogIcnI
Tho CCI! Is n
rIorIfIzod IIsf IncorornfIng nII InformnfIon roquIromonfs
IdonfIfIod by fho commnndor ns boIng crIfIcnI In dovoIoIng hIs
fImoIy InformnfIon mnnngomonf, fncfIcnI docIsIon rocoss, nnd hIs
ncfIons nnd roncfIons, whIch nffocf succossfuI mIssIon
Combnf Ivor QunIIfIcnfIon Courso
communIcnfIons fncIIIfy
InformnfIon gnfhorod nnd ncfIvIfIos
conducfod fo rofocf ngnInsf osIonngo, ofhor InfoIIIgonco
ncfIvIfIos, snbofngo, or nssnssInnfIons conducfod by or on bohnIf of
foroIgn govornmonfs or oIomonfs fhoroof, foroIgn orgnnIznfIons, or
foroIgn orsons, or InfornnfIonnI forrorIsf ncfIvIfIos. JI 20
An ncfIvIfy fo nccomIIsh InfoIIIgonco, counforInfoIIIgonco, nnd
ofhor sImIInr ncfIvIfIos sonsorod or conducfod by govornmonfnI
donrfmonfs or ngoncIos, In such n wny ns fo nssuro socrocy or
Tho ncfIvIfIos of n commnndor fhnf
osfnbIIsh, mnInfnIn, InfIuonco, or oxIoIf roInfIons bofwoon
mIIIfnry forcos nnd fho cIvIIInn ouInfIon In n frIondIy, noufrnI,
FM 3-05.201
or hosfIIo nron of oornfIons In ordor fo fncIIIfnfo mIIIfnry
oornfIons nnd consoIIdnfo oornfIonnI objocfIvos. CA mny IncIudo
orformnnco by mIIIfnry forcos of ncfIvIfIos nnd funcfIons
normnIIy fho rosonsIbIIIfy of fho IocnI govornmonf. Thoso
ncfIvIfIos mny occur, If dIrocfod, In nbsonco of ofhor mIIIfnry
oornfIons. JI 35?
Tho joInf forco commnndor`s
norvo confor for CMO nnd coordInnfIon wIfh ofhor nonO
ngoncIos. CMOC mombors nro rImnrIIy CA orsonnoI nugmonfod
by ofhor O nnd nonO for oxnmIo, onrfmonf of Sfnfo,
!nIfod Sfnfos Agoncy for InfornnfIonnI ovoIomonf, IodornI
Imorgoncy Mnnngomonf Agoncy IInIson orsonnoI.
courso of ncfIon
l IsfnbIIshmonf nnd mnnngomonf of nn orgnnIznfIon so fhnf
InformnfIon nbouf fho orsonnoI, InfornnI orgnnIznfIon, or
ncfIvIfIos of ono comononf Is mndo nvnIInbIo fo nny ofhor
comononf onIy fo fho oxfonf roquIrod for fho orformnnco of
nssIgnod dufIos. JI l02 2 In unconvonfIonnI wnrfnro, fho
dIvIsIon of nn orgnnIznfIon or ncfIvIfy Info funcfIonnI sogmonfs or
coIIs fo rosfrIcf communIcnfIon bofwoon fhom nnd rovonf
knowIodgo of fho IdonfIfy or ncfIvIfIos of ofhor sogmonfs oxcof on
n noodfoknow bnsIs. A! 3l025
communIcnfIons socurIfy
concof of oornfIons
COI!A confIngoncy Inn
confInonfnI !nIfod Sfnfos
A nonSOI forco suorfod by SOI. If Is normnIIy n convonfIonnI
mIIIfnry orgnnIznfIon howovor, If mny or mny nof bo mIIIfnry,
nnd If mny nof bo !.S. forcos.
commnnd osf
combnf suorf
commnnd sorgonnf mnjor
combnf sorvIco suorf
confInuous wnvo
dIrocf ncfIon
dosIgnnfod nron of rocovory
dIsIocnfod cIvIIInn
FM 3-05.201
A rImnry nron for SOI. An nron fhnf Is oornfIonnIIy unsuIfnbIo
fo fho convonfIonnI forco for oIIfIcnI, fncfIcnI, onvIronmonfnI, or
googrnhIcnI ronsons.
onrfmonf of ofonso
dro zono
ovnsIon nnd rocovory
Thnf dIvIsIon of oIocfronIc wnrfnro
InvoIvIng ncfIons fnkon fo rovonf or roduco nn onomy`s offocfIvo
uso of fho oIocfromngnofIc socfrum.
onrIy ovonIng nnufIcnI fwIIIghf
Thnf dIvIsIon of oIocfronIc wnrfnro InvoIvIng ncfIons fnkon fo
onsuro frIondIy offocfIvo uso of fho oIocfromngnofIc socfrum
dosIfo fho onomy`s uso of oIocfronIc wnrfnro.
onomy rIsonor of wnr
oIocfronIc wnrfnro
Tho romovnI of orsonnoI or unIfs from nrons undor onomy
confroI by sfonIfh, docofIon, surrIso, or cInndosfIno monns.
JI l02
fonsIbIIIfy nssossmonf
foroIgn InfornnI dofonso
fIoId mnnunI
forwnrd oornfIonnI bnso
Any foroIgn govornmonf rognrdIoss of whofhor rocognIzod by fho
!nIfod Sfnfos, foroIgnbnsod oIIfIcnI nrfy or fncfIon fhoroof,
foroIgn mIIIfnry forco, foroIgnbnsod forrorIsf grou, or nny
orgnnIznfIon comosod, In mnjor nrf, of nny such onfIfy or
onfIfIos. A! 38ll0 IoroIgn owors mny bo cInssIfIod ns frIondIy,
noufrnI, or hosfIIo.
fInnI roforonco oInf
grnhIc frnInIng nId
MIIIfnry nnd nrnmIIIfnry oornfIons
conducfod In onomyhoId or hosfIIo forrIfory by IrroguInr,
rodomInnnfIy IndIgonous forcos. JI l02
hIgh nIfIfudo Iow oonIng
hIgh froquoncy
A nnfIon In whIch rorosonfnfIvos or orgnnIznfIons
of nnofhor sfnfo nro rosonf bocnuso of govornmonf InvIfnfIon or
FM 3-05.201
InfornnfIonnI ngroomonf. Tho form nrfIcuInrIy rofors fo n nnfIon
rocoIvIng nssIsfnnco roIovnnf fo Ifs nnfIonnI socurIfy.
humnnIfnrInn roIIof orgnnIznfIon
A cnfogory of InfoIIIgonco dorIvod from InformnfIon coIIocfod nnd
rovIdod by humnn sourcos. JI l02
A coIIocfIvo ncfIon rnIdIy oxocufod
wIfhouf nIyIng n doIIbornfo docIsIonmnkIng rocoss. rIIIs
rovIdo swIff nnd osIfIvo smnII unIf roncfIon fo onomy vIsunI or
hysIcnI confncf. Thoy nro sImIo COAs In whIch nII mon nro so
woII frnInod fhnf mInImum sIgnnIs or commnnds nro roquIrod fo
InIfInfo ncfIon.
In nccordnnco wIfh
InfornnfIonnI CrIsIs Crou
InfornnfIonnI CommIffoo for fho !od Cross
I IdonfIfIcnfIon
InIfInI onfry roorf
InfoIIIgonco nnd oIocfronIc wnrfnro
InfornnfIonnI !nw OffIcor
nfIvo, orIgInnfIng In, or InfrInsIc fo nn nron or rogIon.
IM 305.20
l Tho movomonf fhrough or Info nn nron or forrIfory occuIod by
oIfhor frIondIy or onomy froos or orgnnIznfIons. Tho movomonf
Is mndo oIfhor by smnII grous or by IndIvIdunIs nf oxfondod or
IrroguInr InforvnIs. Whon usod In connocfIon wIfh fho onomy, If
Infors fhnf confncf Is nvoIdod. 2 In InfoIIIgonco usngo, IncIng nn
ngonf or ofhor orson In n fnrgof nron In hosfIIo forrIfory. !sunIIy
InvoIvos crossIng n fronfIor or ofhor gunrdod IIno. JI l02
An orgnnIzod movomonf nImod nf fho ovorfhrow of n consfIfufod
govornmonf fhrough uso of subvorsIon nnd nrmod confIIcf.
JI l02
Mombor of n oIIfIcnI nrfy who roboIs ngnInsf osfnbIIshod
IondorshI. JI l02
l Tho sfnfo of Inw nnd ordor rovnIIIng wIfhIn n nnfIon. JI l02
2 Tho rovonfIon of ncfIon ngnInsf !nIfod Sfnfos rosourcos,
IndusfrIos, nnd InsfIfufIons nnd fho rofocfIon of IIfo nnd
roorfy In fho ovonf of n domosfIc omorgoncy by fho omIoymonf
of nII monsuros, In onco or wnr, ofhor fhnn mIIIfnry dofonso.
3 CondIfIon rosuIfIng from fho monsuros fnkon wIfhIn n
commnnd fo snfogunrd dofonso InformnfIon comIng undor Ifs
cognIznnco, IncIudIng hysIcnI socurIfy of documonfs nnd
mnforInIs. A! 3l025
FM 3-05.201
InfoIIIgonco summnry
InfoIIIgonco ronrnfIon of fho bnffIosnco
I! InformnfIon roquIromonf
InIfInI rnIIyIng oInf
IsoInfIon fncIIIfy
InformnfIon wnrfnro
judgo ndvocnfo
OornfIons cnrrIod on by fwo or moro of fho Armod Iorcos of fho
!nIfod Sfnfos Army, nvy, AIr Iorco. A! 3l025
joInf ubIIcnfIon
JoInf SfrnfogIc CnnbIIIfIos IInn
A rosfrIcfod nron of Innd, son, nnd
nIrsnco nssIgnod by n joInf forco commnndor fo fho commnndor
of n joInf socInI oornfIons forco fo conducf SO ncfIvIfIos.
joInf socInI oornfIons fnsk forco
joInf fnsk forco
kIIIod In ncfIon
IIno of communIcnfIons
IIsfonIng osf
IogIsfIc ronrnfIon of fho fhonfor
InndIng zono
modIc mofors
mnnorfnbIo nIr dofonso sysfom
mIIIfnry cIvIc ncfIon
mIIIfnry docIsIonmnkIng rocoss
MIT! mIssIonossonfInI fnsk IIsf
mIssIon, onomy, forrnIn nnd wonfhor, froos nnd suorf
nvnIInbIofImo nvnIInbIo nnd cIvII consIdornfIons
MII mIIIfnry froofnII
mIIIfnry InfoIIIgonco
mIssIng In ncfIon
mIssIon concof
IormorIy known ns nron socInIIsf
fonm. Tho MOC Is mndo u of n ooI of SIqunIIfIod soIdIors fhnf
FM 3-05.201
suorf hIghrIorIfy mIssIon InnnIng. Tho MOC offIcors nnd
COs oornfo on fho fhroo rIncIIos of comnrfmonfnfIon,
roInconbIIIfy, nnd doconfIIcfIon.
monsuro of offocfIvonoss
mIssIonorIonfod rofocfIvo osfuro
mIIIfnry occunfIonnI socInIfy
MIA mIssIon InnnIng ngonf
mIssIon suorf nckngo
A rosoIocfod nron usod ns n fomornry
bnso or sfoovor oInf. Tho MSS Is usod fo Incronso fho
oornfIonnI rnngo wIfhIn fho JSOA. Tho MSS cnn bo usod boforo
nnd nffor nn oornfIon for rosuIy, rosfIng, nnd coordInnfIon,
bnsod on MITTTC. Tho sIfo Is occuIod for shorf orIods of fImo,
soIdom Iongor fhnn n 24hour orIod. Tho MSS shouId bo
roconnoIforod nnd oufosfod.
modIfIod fnbIo of orgnnIznfIon nnd oquImonf
MTI mIssIon fnskIng nckngo
AII forms of orsonnoI
rocovory conducfod by nn onfIfy, grou of onfIfIos, or
orgnnIznfIons fhnf nro frnInod nnd dIrocfod fo confncf,
nufhonfIcnfo, suorf, movo, nnd oxfIIfrnfo !.S. mIIIfnry nnd
ofhor dosIgnnfod orsonnoI from onomyhoId or hosfIIo nrons fo
frIondIy confroI fhrough osfnbIIshod Infrnsfrucfuro or rocoduros.
A! IncIudos unconvonfIonnI nssIsfod rocovory conducfod by
socInI oornfIons forcos. O IrocfIvo 23l0.2
Tho nrf nnd scIonco of dovoIoIng nnd usIng fho oIIfIcnI,
oconomIc, nnd InformnfIonnI owors of n nnfIon, fogofhor wIfh Ifs
nrmod forcos, durIng onco nnd wnr fo socuro nnfIonnI objocfIvos.
JI l02
orfh AfInnfIc Tronfy OrgnnIznfIon
nucIonr, bIoIogIcnI, nnd chomIcnI
noncommIssIonod offIcor
noncombnfnnf ovncunfIon oornfIon
nofIro nron
CO nongovornmonfnI orgnnIznfIon
nof Infor fhnn
O&I oornfIons nnd InfoIIIgonco
obsorvnfIon nnd fIoIds of fIro, nvonuos of nronch, koy forrnIn,
obsfncIos, nnd covor nnd conconImonf
OrgnnIznfIon of AmorIcnn Sfnfos
FM 3-05.201
ofhor govornmonf ngoncy
obsorvnfIon osf
oornfIonnI confroI
oornfIon Inn
oornfIon ordor
oornfIons socurIfy
objocfIvo rnIIyIng oInf
An oornfIon conducfod oonIy, wIfhouf conconImonf. JI l02
rImnry, nIfornnfo, confIngoncy, omorgoncy Inn
Iorcos or grous dIsfIncf from fho roguInr nrmod forcos of nny
counfry, buf rosombIIng fhom In orgnnIznfIon, oquImonf,
frnInIng, or mIssIon. JI l02
oncofImo cnmnIgn Inn
rncfIcnI oxorcIso
rIorIfy InfoIIIgonco roquIromonfs
roscrIbod Iond IIsf
Inn of oxocufIon
rogrnm of InsfrucfIon
ofroIoum, oIIs, nnd IubrIcnnfs
ouInco nnd rosourcos confroI
orsonnoI sorvIco suorf
Tho Innnod uso of rongnndn nnd ofhor sychoIogIcnI ncfIons
hnvIng fho rImnry uroso of InfIuoncIng fho oInIons, omofIons,
nffIfudos, nnd bohnvIor of hosfIIo foroIgn grous In such n wny ns
fo suorf fho nchIovomonf of nnfIonnI objocfIvos. JI l02
IInnnod oornfIons fo convoy soIocfod
InformnfIon nnd IndIcnfors fo foroIgn nudIoncos fo InfIuonco fhoIr
omofIons, mofIvos, objocfIvo ronsonIng, nnd uIfImnfoIy fho
bohnvIor of foroIgn govornmonfs, orgnnIznfIons, grous, nnd
IndIvIdunIs. Tho uroso of sychoIogIcnI oornfIons Is fo Induco
or roInforco foroIgn nffIfudos nnd bohnvIor fnvornbIo fo fho
orIgInnfor`s objocfIvos. JI l02
rndIo dIrocfIon fIndor
An orgnnIzod offorf by somo orfIon of fho cIvII ouInfIon of n
counfry fo rosIsf fho IognIIy osfnbIIshod govornmonf or nn
occuyIng owor nnd fo dIsruf cIvII ordor nnd sfnbIIIfy. JI l02
rosfrIcfod fIro nron
roquosf for InformnfIon
FM 3-05.201
roquosf for InfoIIIgonco InformnfIon
ruIos of ongngomonf
rnIIyIng oInf
rockofrooIIod gronndo
bnffnIIon or brIgndo orsonnoI sfnff offIcor
bnffnIIon or brIgndo InfoIIIgonco sfnff offIcor
bnffnIIon or brIgndo oornfIons sfnff offIcor
bnffnIIon or brIgndo IogIsfIcs sfnff offIcor
cIvIImIIIfnry oornfIons offIcor
An ncf or ncfs wIfh Infonf fo Injuro, Inforforo wIfh, or obsfrucf fho
nnfIonnI dofonso of n counfry by wIIIfuIIy InjurIng or dosfroyIng,
or nffomfIng fo Injuro or dosfroy, nny nnfIonnI dofonso or wnr
mnforIoI, romIsos, or ufIIIfIos, fo IncIudo humnn nnd nnfurnI
rosourcos. JI l02
soIocfod nron for ovnsIon
A dosIgnnfod nron In hosfIIo forrIfory fhnf offors fho ovndor or
oscnoo n ronsonnbIo chnnco of nvoIdIng cnfuro nnd of survIvIng
unfII ho cnn bo ovncunfod. JI l02
sIzo, ncfIvIfy, IocnfIon, unIf, fImo, nnd oquImonf
Sfnndnrd AudIovIsunI SorvIcos SuIomonf
Thnf orfIon of n JSOA nssIgnod by n joInf SO commnndor fo n
subordInnfo SO commnndor for fho conducf of n socIfIc SO
survIvnI, ovnsIon, rosIsfnnco, nnd oscno
MIIIfnry orsonnoI wIfh cross frnInIng In bnsIc
skIIIs, orgnnIzod Info smnII, muIfIIouroso dofnchmonfs wIfh
fho mIssIon fo frnIn, orgnnIzo, suIy, dIrocf, nnd confroI
IndIgonous forcos In guorrIIIn wnrfnro nnd counforInsurgoncy
oornfIons, nnd fo conducf unconvonfIonnI wnrfnro oornfIons.
SocInI Iorcos ovnsIon nnd rocovory Inn
SocInI Iorcos grou nIrborno
SocInI Iorcos oornfIonnI bnso
SocInI Iorcos oornfIonnI dofnchmonf
SocInI Iorcos oornfIonnI dofnchmonf A
SocInI Iorcos oornfIonnI dofnchmonf I
sorgonnf mnjor
sIgnnI socurIfy
FM 3-05.201
subjocfmnffor oxorf
OornfIons conducfod by socInIIy orgnnIzod,
frnInod, nnd oquIod mIIIfnry nnd nrnmIIIfnry forcos fo nchIovo
mIIIfnry, oIIfIcnI, oconomIc, or InformnfIonnI objocfIvos by
unconvonfIonnI mIIIfnry monns In hosfIIo, donIod, or oIIfIcnIIy
sonsIfIvo nrons. Thoso oornfIons nro conducfod ncross fho fuII
rnngo of mIIIfnry oornfIons, IndoondonfIy or In coordInnfIon
wIfh oornfIons of convonfIonnI nonSO forcos. IoIIfIcnImIIIfnry
consIdornfIons froquonfIy shno socInI oornfIons, roquIrIng
cInndosfIno, covorf, or Iow vIsIbIIIfy fochnIquos, nnd ovorsIghf nf
fho nnfIonnI IovoI. SocInI oornfIons dIffor from convonfIonnI
oornfIons In dogroo of hysIcnI nnd oIIfIcnI rIsk, oornfIonnI
fochnIquos, modo of omIoymonf, Indoondonco from frIondIy
suorf, nnd doondonco on dofnIIod oornfIonnI InfoIIIgonco nnd
IndIgonous nssofs. JI 305
socInI oornfIons commnnd
socInI oornfIons commnnd nnd confroI oIomonf
SocInI OornfIons Commnnd, !osonrch, AnnIysIs, nnd Thronf
IvnIunfIon Sysfom
socInI oornfIons forcos
sIgnnI oornfIng InsfrucfIons
socInI oornfIons mIssIon InnnIng foIdor
sfnndIng oornfIng rocoduro
socInI oornfIons suorf oIomonf
socInI oornfIons fonm A
suorf confor
socInI roconnnIssnnco
soIdIor rondInoss rocossIng
Somoono who fnkos fho Inco of or ncfs for nnofhor. IM 305.20
fhonfor Army nron commnnd
fncfIcnI confroI
fncfIcnI snfoIIIfo
fnskIng ordor
fnrgof InfoIIIgonco nckof
fnbIo of orgnnIznfIon nnd oquImonf
unconvonfIonnI nssIsfod rocovory
unconvonfIonnI nssIsfod rocovory mochnnIsm
unconvonfIonnI nssIsfod rocovory fonm
!nIform Codo of MIIIfnry JusfIco
FM 3-05.201
!nIfod nfIons
A covorf unconvonfIonnI wnrfnro orgnnIznfIon osfnbIIshod fo
oornfo In nrons donIod fo fho guorrIIIn forcos or conducf
oornfIons nof suIfnbIo for guorrIIIn forcos. A! 3l025
. !nIfod Sfnfos
!nIfod Sfnfos AIr Iorco
!nIfod Sfnfos Army John I. Konnody SocInI Wnrfnro Confor
nnd SchooI
!nIfod Sfnfos Army !osorvo
!nIfod Sfnfos Army SocInI Iorcos Commnnd AIrborno
!nIfod Sfnfos Covornmonf
A brond socfrum of mIIIfnry nnd
nrnmIIIfnry oornfIons, normnIIy of Iong durnfIon,
rodomInnnfIy conducfod by IndIgonous or surrognfo forcos who
nro orgnnIzod, frnInod, oquIod, suorfod, nnd dIrocfod In
vnryIng dogroos by nn oxfornnI sourco. If IncIudos guorrIIIn
wnrfnro nnd ofhor dIrocf offonsIvo, Iow vIsIbIIIfy, covorf or
cInndosfIno oornfIons, ns woII ns fho IndIrocf ncfIvIfIos of
subvorsIon, snbofngo, InfoIIIgonco ncfIvIfIos, nnd ovnsIon nnd
oscno. JI 305.5
unconvonfIonnI wnrfnro oornfIng nron
wnrrnnf offIcor sonIor nnd mnsfor
oxocufIvo offIcor

ACP 125 (E). Communications InstructionsRadiotelephone Procedures. 1 August 1987.

AR 40-562. Immuni:ations and Chemoprophvlaxis. 1 November 1995.

AR 220-10. Preparation for Oversea Movement of Units (POM). 15 June 1973.

AR 310-25. Dictionarv of United States Armv Terms (Short Title. AD). 21 May 1986.

AR 600-8-101. Personnel Processing (In-and-Out and Mobili:ation Processing).
1 March 1997.

Article 39 of Protocol I to the Geneva Conventions.

DOD Directive 2310.2. Personnel Recoverv. 22 December 2000.

Executive Order 12333. U.S. Intelligence Activities.

FM 3-0. Operations. 14 June 2001.

FM 3-05.20. Special Forces Operations. 26 June 2001.

FM 3-05.30. Psvchological Operations. 19 June 2000.

FM 3-05.220. (S/NF) Special Forces Advanced Special Operations (U). 13 February 2003.

FM 5-34. Engineer Field Data. 30 August 1999 (Change 2, 1 October 2002).

FM 7-0. Training the Force. 22 October 2002.

FM 7-8. Infantrv Rifle Platoon and Squad. 22 April 1992 (Change 1, 1 March 2001).

FM 7-10. The Infantrv Rifle Companv. 14 December 1990 (Change 1, 31 October 2000).

FM 3-05.201

FM 7-20. The Infantrv Battalion. 6 April 1992 (Change 1, 29 December 2000).

FM 20-32. Mine/Countermine Operations. 29 May 1998 (Change 3, 1 October 2002).

FM 22-100. Armv Leadership. 31 August 1999.

FM 25-101. Battle Focused Training. 30 September 1990.

FM 31-19. Militarv Free-Fall Parachuting Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures. 1 October 1999.

FM 31-23. Special Forces Mounted Operations Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures. 5 May 1999.

FM 41-10. Civil Affairs Operations. 14 February 2000.

FM 44-100. U.S. Armv Air and Missile Defense Operations. 15 June 2000.

FM 100-25. Doctrine for Armv Special Operations Forces. 1 August 1999.

FM 101-5. Staff Organi:ation and Operations. 31 May 1997.

GTA 31-1-3. Detachment Mission Planning Guide. 29 May 1997.

Hague Conventions of 1907.

JP 1-02. Department of Defense Dictionarv of Militarv and Associated Terms. 12 April 2001.

JP 3-05. Doctrine for Joint Special Operations. 17 April 1998.

JP 3-05.1. Joint Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for Joint Special Operations Task Force
Operations. 19 December 2001.

JP 3-05.5. Joint Special Operations Targeting and Mission Planning Procedures.
10 August 1993.
!" $%&''

JP 3-09. Doctrine for Joint Fire Support. 12 May 1998.

JP 3-13. Joint Doctrine for Information Operations. 9 October 1998.

JP 3-57. Joint Doctrine for Civil-Militarv Operations. 8 February 2001.

Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung, Jol. IJ. Foreign Languages Press, Peking, 1969.

Special Operations Targeting Handbook. Edition 8.

Standard Audiovisual Services Supplement (SAJ SER SUP) 6.

TC 31-24. Special Forces Air Operations. 9 September 1988.

TC 31-25. Special Forces Waterborne Operations. 3 October 1988.

TC 31-32. Special Operations Sniper Training and Emplovment. 29 September 1997.

Tse-tung, Mao. On Guerrilla Warfare. Garden City, NY: Anchor Press, 1978.

United Nations Charter.

USASFC(A) Reg 350-1. Component Training, 28 June 2001 (Change 1, 22 October 2001).

USASOC Reg 350-1. Training. 28 July 1995.

advanced operational base
(AOB), 2-5, 2-9, 2-15, 2-17,
E-4, F-1
advanced special operations
(ASO), 2-5, 3-2
ambush, 1-10, 3-9, 3-18, 3-21,
3-37, 3-53, 3-58, 3-70, 3-73
through 3-83, 3-86, 3-90
through 3-93, 3-95, E-3, J-1,
area assessment, 1-15, 2-9,
2-27, 3-1, 3-2, C-2, E-3, G-1
through G-5, M-1 through
area commander, 1-17, 1-18,
1-20, 1-24, 2-29, 3-1, 3-3
through 3-8, 3-15, 3-17
through 3-22, 3-30, 3-38,
3-44, 3-45, 3-47, 3-50, 4-3,
E-2, E-4, E-8, E-10, F-2, -1,
-2, -4
area complex, 3-3, 3-6, 3-8
through 3-11, 3-17, 3-32,
3-34, -1
area of operations (AO), 1-14,
1-19, 2-8, 2-9, 2-23, 2-29,
3-3, 3-26, 3-44
area studies, 2-2, 2-4, 2-10,
2-24, 3-3, C-1, C-2, H-1
through H-7
auxiliary, 3-4, 3-5, 3-14, 3-15,
3-18, 3-23 through 3-34,
3-38, 3-43, 3-90, C-6, C-8,
E-6, E-10, H-6, M-2
battle focus analysis (BFA), 2-3
briefback, 2-11, 2-12, 2-20,
2-21, 2-22, 2-27
civil affairs (CA), 1-13 through
1-18, 2-5, 2-8, 2-11, 2-18,
2-27, 2-28, 3-18, 3-20, 3-54,
4-3 through 4-5, C-1, -2,
M-2 through M-6
feasibility assessment (FA),
2-12, 2-13, 2-14 through
civil areas, structures,
capabilities, organizations,
people, and events
(CASCOPE), 1-14, 1-17,
2-8, 2-28, 3-2, 3-54, 4-3, F-3
fire support, 2-15, 2-27, 3-52,
3-53, 3-57 through 3-59,
3-93, F-3
civil-military operations center
(CMOC), 1-14, 1-18, 4-4
forward operational base
(FOB), 1-5, 2-14, 2-16, 2-25,
2-26, B-1 through B-4, C-9,
E-3 through E-7, E-12, F-5,
-1, L-1
clandestine operations, 1-2,
1-7, 1-15, 3-18, 3-25, 3-33,
C-5, K-1, K-3
command and control (C2),
1-15, 3-8, 3-56, 3-81, C-8,
guerrilla, 1-2, 1-4, 1-7, 1-9,
1-20, 3-1, 3-3, 3-8, 3-9, 3-14
through 3-31, 3-35 through
3-38, 3-43, 3-48, 3-59, 3-83
through 3-90, 4-1 through
4-5, A-1, A-2, B-4, B-5, C-5
through C-10, E-1 through
E-11, G-3 through G-5, H-6,
-1 through -4, L-1 through
L-7, M-1, M-2, M-4, M-5
commander's critical
information requirements
(CCR), 2-4, 2-10, 2-11, 2-26
communications, 1-16, 1-18,
1-24, 2-9, 2-10, 2-15, 2-16,
2-22, 2-24, 2-25, 2-28, 3-8,
3-19, 3-37, 3-47, 3-81, 3-93,
A-6 through A-10, B-1
through B-7, C-8, E-7, J-2,
K-28, M-6
guerrilla base, 3-8, 3-10, 3-11,
3-13, 3-25, 3-46, B-5, C-6,
E-8, F-1
counterguerrilla, 3-1, 3-27,
3-73, 3-75, 3-89, 3-90, 3-93,
3-95, C-8, G-1
guerrilla warfare, 1-1, 1-3, 1-7,
1-8, 1-10, 3-2, 3-4, A-1, A-2
counterintelligence (C), 3-7,
3-8, 3-17, 3-21, 3-25, 3-28,
3-44, 3-47, A-6
criticality, accessibility,
recuperability, vulnerability,
effect, and recognizability
(CARVER), 1-2, 3-49
through 3-51
humanitarian relief organization
(HRO), 1-22
information requirement (R),
2-4, 2-7, 2-10, 2-11, 2-23,
demobilization, 1-11, 1-17,
1-18, 3-1, 3-15, 4-2 through
4-5, M-1 through M-7
insurgency, 1-3 through 1-13,
1-20, 4-1, 4-3, A-1
designated area of recovery
(DAR), 1-2
dislocated civilian (DC), 1-17,
1-18, 3-30
latent or incipient, 1-7
FM 3-05.201
O intelligence, 1-2, 1-24, 2-4, 2-7,
2-13, 2-23 through 2-25,
2-27, 2-29, 3-7, 3-28, 3-32,
3-39, 3-53, 3-92, 3-94, A-4,
A-6, A-7, J-1, J-4, M-3
operation plan (OPLAN), 2-2,
2-3, 2-10 through 2-12, 2-17,
2-18, 2-20, 2-26 through
2-28, L-1
intelligence activities, 1-1, 1-2
operations security (OPSEC),
1-24, 2-8 through 2-10, 2-27,
3-25, 3-51, 3-88
isolation facility (SOFAC), 2-9,
2-17, 2-22
joint special operations area
(JSOA), 1-2, 1-13 through
1-20, 2-5, 2-7, 2-11, 2-25,
2-27 through 2-29, 3-1, 3-3
through 3-6, 3-11, 3-18
through 3-21, 3-34, 4-1, 4-4,
4-5, B-1, B-3 through B-5,
C-1, C-2, C-5 through C-9,
E-1, F-1, F-3 through F-5,
G-1, H-1, -1, L-1 through
L-3, L-6, M-1
joint special operations task
force (JSOTF), 1-19, 2-3,
2-6, 2-24, 3-2,
Joint Strategic Capabilities
Plan (JSCP), 2-3
man-portable air defense
system (MANPADS), 3-83
through 3-88
military intelligence (M), 2-4
military occupational specialty
(MOS), 2-4, 3-37, J-6
mission concept (MCON),
2-11, 2-17, 2-19, 2-20
mission planning agent (MPA),
2-13, 2-22
mission tasking package
(MTP), 2-3, 2-13
modified table of organization
and equipment (MTOE), 2-5,
2-7, 2-8, 2-16, -2
noncombatant evacuation
operation (NEO), 3-30
nongovernmental organization,
(NGO), 1-18, 1-21, 1-22,
2-9, 4-2, C-1
peacetime campaign plan
(PCP), 2-3
plan of execution (POE), 2-4,
2-16, 2-21, 2-22
populace and resources control
(PRC), 3-30
priority intelligence
requirements (PR), 2-4,
2-11, 2-23, 2-27
psychological operations
(PSYOP), 1-6, 1-13 through
1-20, 2-5, 2-27, 3-9, 3-20,
3-50, 4-4, 4-5, -2, -4, L-1
reconnaissance, 1-2, 1-3, 3-53
through 3-55, 3-91, 3-92,
K-7, K-8, K-11, K-15, L-5,
recruitment, 1-13, 1-16, 3-15
request for information (RF),
2-7, 2-18
resistance, 1-1 through 1-4,
1-7, 1-8, 1-11 through 1-20,
1-24, 3-1 through 3-9, 3-15
through 3-18, 3-27 through
3-30, 3-34, 3-35, 3-82, 4-2,
4-4, 4-5, M-1 through M-4,
sabotage, 1-1, 1-3, 1-7, 3-3,
3-18, 3-19, 3-21, 3-30, 3-31,
3-33, 3-34, 3-37, 3-42
sector command, 3-3 through
3-5, 3-7, 3-8, 3-11, 3-18,
3-21 through 3-23, 3-33,
3-82, E-9
security, 1-24, 1-25, 2-29, 3-3,
3-6 through 3-13, 3-27, 3-35
through 3-39, 3-43 through
3-49, 3-52, 3-78, 3-80, 3-94,
B-3 through B-5, C-8, F-1
through F-5, K-1 through
K-4, K-24, K-25, K-28, L-6,
security zone, 3-6, 3-7, 3-9
through 3-11, 3-25, 3-58
selected area for evasion
(SAFE), 1-2
shadow government, 1-7, 3-4,
3-5, L-3
signal operating instructions
(SO), 2-28, 3-47, E-7, E-12,
L-1, L-2
sniper, 3-48, 3-52, 3-53, 3-82,
3-83, 3-90, A-4, E-2
Special Forces operational
base (SFOB), 1-15, 2-14,
3-19, B-1 through B-4, E-3,
E-6, E-7, E-9, E-12, F-3
through F-5, -1, -2, L-1
special operations command
(SOC), 1-14, 2-3, 2-12, 2-24,
special operations command
and control element
(SOCCE), 2-5, 2-9, 2-15,
L-2, L-3
Special Operations Command,
Research, Analysis, and
Threat Evaluation System
(SOCRATES), 2-24
special operations mission
planning folder (SOMPF),
2-12, 2-13, 2-16 through
2-18, 2-22, 2-25
special operations team A
(SOT-A), 2-4
statement of requirement
(SOR), 1-2
subversion, 1-1 through 1-3,
1-18, 3-18
surrogate force, 1-1, 1-2
surveillance, 3-15, 3-28, 3-53,
A-6 through A-8
target intelligence package
(TP), 2-12, 2-13, 2-25
FM 3-05.201
targeting, 1-2, 1-13, 1-14, 1-17,
tasking order (TASKORD), 2-2,
2-3, 2-12 through 2-14, 2-16
through 2-18, 2-22, 2-23,
transition, 1-8, 1-14, 1-17,
1-18, 4-1 through 4-5
unconventional assisted
recovery (UAR), 1-1, 1-2,
unconventional assisted
recovery mechanism
(UARM), 1-2
unconventional assisted
recovery team (UART), 1-2
underground, 1-1, 3-4, 3-5,
3-18, 3-23 through 3-25,
3-31 through 3-34, 3-38, H-6
United States Army Special
Forces Command (Airborne)
(USASFC[A]), 2-3
urban environment, 1-6, 3-2,
3-31, A-1 through A-5
urban operations, 1-6, 3-2, A-3,
FM 3-05-201
30 APRIL 2003

"# $%&'% () *+' ,'-%'*.%# () *+' /%0#1

General, United States Army
Chief of Staff


Administrative Assistant to the
Secretary of the Army


Active Army, Army National Guard, and US Army Reserve: To be distributed in
accordance with the initial distribution number XXXXXX, requirements for
FM 3-05.201.

PIN: 080766-000

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