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a)For the Batsmen the statistically significant predictors include
var1=subset(ipl, ipl$BAT==1)
After multiple regression the final model with significant values is as follows
lm(formula = Sold.Price.US.. ~ Base.Price.US.. + L25 + BAT.SR +
BAT.T.RUNS + BAT.ODI.RUNS + INDIA, data = var1)
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) -5.853e+05 2.437e+05 -2.401 0.020630 *
Base.Price.US. . 1.278e+00 2.190e-01 5.835 5.90e-07 ***
L25 1.036e+06 1.934e+05 5.356 2.96e-06 ***
BAT.SR 4.743e+03 1.909e+03 2.484 0.016870 *
BAT.T.RUNS -5.579e+01 2.019e+01 -2.762 0. 008341 **
BAT.ODI.RUNS 7.422e+01 1.901e+01 3.904 0.000321 ***
INDIA 4.021e+05 7.659e+04 5.250 4.21e-06 ***
Signif. codes: 0 *** 0.001 ** 0.01 * 0.05 . 0.1 1

Residual standard error: 257900 on 44 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared: 0.7614, Adjusted R-squared: 0.7288
F-statistic: 23.4 on 6 and 44 DF, p-value: 3.355e-12
Name: Kritika Swaminathan
Roll No: 13PGP087
DOB: 24/11/1990

It can be seen from the analysis that the Sold Price depends on Base Price,L25,Batsman Strike
Rate,Total runs scored by the batsman,number of runs scored in ODI and the fact that they are
Indian Players.
For the Bowlers:
model1 = lm(Sold.Price.US.. ~ Base.Price.US..+L25 + BOW.SR.BL + BOW.WK.I + T.WKTS + MTS+
CAPTAINCY.EXP , data=var1)
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 2.016e+03 1.141e+05 0.018 0.985996
Base.Price.US.. 2.177e+00 5.341e-01 4.076 0.000241 ***
L25 2.120e+05 1.009e+05 2.102 0.042620 *
BOW.SR.BL -6.263e+03 4.798e+03 -1.305 0.200025
BOW.WK.I -8.439e+03 3.992e+03 -2.114 0.041515 *
T.WKTS -4.046e+02 2.175e+02 -1.860 0.071059 .
MTS 1.564e+04 4.552e+03 3.436 0.001506 **
CAPTAINCY.EXP -2.116e+05 1.562e+05 -1.354 0.184165

Matches played,Wickets scored in IPL ,Age less than 25 and Base Price in USD.

For All Rounders
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 1.100e+05 1.154e+05 0.954 0.34983
Base.Price.US.. 2.741e+00 3.886e-01 7.053 2.72e-07 ***
T.RUNS -4.746e+01 2.355e+01 -2.015 0.05523 .
T.WKTS -1.495e+03 6.779e+02 -2.204 0.03732 *
ODI.SR.B -7.534e+03 2.192e+03 -3.437 0.00215 **
ODI.WKTS 2.307e+03 6.950e+02 3.319 0.00288 **
ODI.SR.BL 5.974e+03 2.397e+03 2.492 0.02000 *
MTS 1.849e+04 3.559e+03 5.195 2.54e-05 ***
ALL.SR.BL 4.225e+04 1.608e+04 2.627 0.01478 *
WKTS -1.292e+04 3.736e+03 -3.458 0.00205 **
AVE.BL -3.547e+04 1.272e+04 -2.788 0.01020 *
Base Price,Total Runs,Total wickets ,ODI strike rate both bowling and batting ,matches played ,Strike
rate of Bowling ,Wickets taken and the Bowling Average.
Ans 1b) Ability to score SIXERS has no significant impact on the player's price.
Ans1c) While batting strike rate impacts the pricing of batsmen ,the bowling strike rate
impact the pricing of an All Rounder.
Ans 1d)The Base Price of the players has the highest impact in the pricing of players
irrespective of the Players primary skill (batsman, bowler, or all-rounder).The most
overpaid player is Virat Kohli due to high deifference in the base and sold price.The highly
underpaid player
Ans 1e)Only the batsmen of Indian origin are paid more than the other countries.
Ans1f)In the analysis for both the batsmen and the bowlers age is considered as a significant
factor with players less than 25 years having a strong impact on pricing.
Ans 1g)Multicollinearity

Ans 1h)

Ans2 A) There is no impact of removal of Virat Kohli from the sample on coefficients of L25
and India predictors. The regression model for batsmen remains the same.
Sold Price=1.28*Base Price+1.04*10^6*L25+4.7*10^3*BAT.SR-5.579e+01 * BAT.T.RUNS +
7.422e+01 * BAT.ODI.RUNS+ 4.021e+05* INDIA -5.853e+05
2B)The change in the model will be reflected since the L25 predictor no longer holds a significant
impact on the Sold Price which is obvious as the ages of the Icon players is greater than 25 years

Ans 3

It can be seen that the median price for all rounders is high and most of them receive a price greater
that the median price.
The price received by Bowlers is comparatively less when compared to both batsmen and bowlers.
The average price received Kolkata night riders ids the highest and the batsmen tend to receive the
highest amount.

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