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General Chemistry Laboratory Manual

CHEM 1611/1621
University of Virginia

Table of Contents
Syllabus ........................................................................................................................................................................ 1-4
CHEM 1611 Semester Schedule ............................................................................................................................... 3
CHEM 1621 Semester Schedule ............................................................................................................................... 4
Laboratory Policies ....................................................................................................................................................... 5
Lab attire, attendance, honor policy ......................................................................................................................... 5
Laboratory Roles & Responsibilities .................................................................................................................. 6-8
What to do during planning, experimenting, and presenting ............................................................................ 6-7
Laboratory Assignments ....................................................................................................................................... 9-12
Lab write-ups for each project ................................................................................................................................... 9
Grading Policies ......................................................................................................................................................... 11
Assignments Overview (what is due where and when) ....................................................................................... 12
Keeping a Lab Notebook ................................................................................................................................... 13-15
Sample lab notebook page ....................................................................................................................................... 15
Lab Report Write-up Resources ....................................................................................................................... 16-26
Writing a formal lab report ................................................................................................................................ 16-21
Graphing Techniques .......................................................................................................................................... 22-26
Safety & Waste ....................................................................................................................................................... 27-28
Lab Techniques ..................................................................................................................................................... 29-43
Glassware and lab equipment ............................................................................................................................ 29-30
General technique information ......................................................................................................................... 31-32
In-lab technique practice .................................................................................................................................... 33-41
Vernier Probeware resources .............................................................................................................................. 42-43
CHEM 1611 Laboratory Projects ...................................................................................................................... 44-50
Project 1 Glassware Accuracy Determination .............................................................................................. 44-45
Project 2 Identifying an Unknown White Compound ................................................................................ 46-48
Project 3 Designing a Calcium Supplement .................................................................................................. 49-50
CHEM 1621 Laboratory Projects ...................................................................................................................... 51-61
Project 1 Dye Dies by Lye ............................................................................................................................... 51-52
Project 2 Evaluating Road Deicers ................................................................................................................ 53-54
Project 3 Unknown Acid Identification ......................................................................................................... 55-57
Grade Breakdowns & Rubrics .......................................................................................................................... 58-63
Plans & Summaries .................................................................................................................................................... 58
Presentations .............................................................................................................................................................. 59

Table of Contents iii

Report Write-up ................................................................................................................................................... 60-62
Specific Project Write-ups ........................................................................................................................................ 63

Table of Contents 1


Welcome to General Chemistry Laboratory! During each semester you will be completing four lab projects.
The goal of the course is to learn proper laboratory safety and techniques and gain an appreciation for the
practice of chemistry as an experimental science. In the course, we will focus on the development of the
following scientific practices
as you plan, experiment, and present each project:

1 National Research Council. (2012). A framework for K-12 science education: Practices, crosscutting concepts, and core
ideas. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press.

1. Asking questions
2. Developing and using models
3. Planning and carrying out investigations
4. Analyzing and interpreting data
5. Using mathematics & computational thinking
6. Constructing explanations
7. Engaging in argument from evidence
8. Obtaining, evaluating, and communicating

Students will also develop the following laboratory techniques over the course of two semesters:
1. Weighing on an analytical balance
2. Accurately measuring liquids using the
appropriate glassware
3. Handling Vernier probeware (pH meter,
temperature probe, conductivity probe,
drop counter)
4. Creating solutions and diluting stock
5. Using a spectrophotometer
6. Completing titrations using a buret
7. Measuring vapor pressure

By completing the planning, experimenting, presenting, and writing for each lab project, students should
also improve their understanding of the following chemical concepts over the course of two semesters:
1. Accuracy and precision
2. Chemical and physical properties
3. Solubility and solutions
4. Stoichiometry
5. Chemical reactions
6. Vapor pressure
7. Acid/Base chemistry and equilibria
8. Buffers
9. Thermodynamics
10. Kinetics

In order to successfully improve your scientific practices, laboratory techniques, and understanding of
chemical concepts we encourage you to do the following in the course:
prepare for the planning questions ahead of lab by reading over the recommended resources and
doing some online research
read over and utilize the resources in this manual, including watching the course videos posted in
attend office hours, communicate with your TA during lab, and contribute to your lab group in and
outside of lab.

INSTRUCTOR: Dr. Charles Grisham Email: Office: CHEM 152

HEAD TA: Lindsay Wheeler Email: Office: CHEM 318

All materials can be purchased from the University Bookstore. Lab coat and goggles will be available
outside the chemistry building August 22
. See the flyer posted to Collab. You must purchase the

Table of Contents 2

exact lab notebook and googles specified below. If you are taking CHEM 1621 in the spring and continuing
from the fall semester CHEM 1411/1611, you do not need to repurchase these materials.
Introductory Chemistry Laboratory notebook for CHEM 1411/1611/1421/1621 (ISBN #978-0-
Mathematica license available at the Customer Service Desk of the Bookstore.
Lab coat
3M tech safety goggle from the Bookstore (#91252) or 3M Clear Plastic Chemical Impact Goggle at
Lowes (Item #: 79788 | Model #: 90519-00001)
For every lab period you will need to bring a ball point pen, simple calculator with log/ln function
keys, your lab notebook, and a laptop computer.

For CHEM 1621 students, if you took CHEM 1411/1611 prior to the fall 2013 or took CHEM 1811, you
must purchase the above materials.

The following resources will help in developing your scientific writing. If you plan on majoring in
Chemistry you might want to consider purchasing these books.

The ACS Style Guide: Effective Communication of Scientific Information. A.M. Coghill & L. R. Garson, Eds.;
American Chemical Society: Washington, D.C., 2006.

J. A. Pechenik, H. B. Davis, & J.F. Tyson. A short guide to writing about chemistry. Pearson Education: Canada,

TA Office Hours are held in the south corridor of the Chemistry Building on the 3
floor. The TA
schedule will be posted on the course Collab site and on the class bulletin board outside Room 311.

A class web page can be accessed on UVA Collab at
Students are responsible for any materials, changes, and/or announcements posted on the web page.

Class announcements will be posted on the bulletin board outside Room 311 and also emailed via the
Collab roster. You are responsible for the information in emails sent by instructors and TAs; please
read these emails carefully!

The TA assignment for each section will be posted on Collab and outside room 311 the first week of
classes. On the first day of lab each student will be assigned to a team of four students. This team will
work together for the entire semester, and each student will play an important role in the team.

The first day of your lab will meet the according to the schedule below. Please bring your lab notebook,
safety goggles, laptop, and pen as you will begin your first project that day. You will be doing lab work the
first day, so wear long pants, closed toed shoes, and your lab coat. You will electronically turn in your
Safety training certificate and complete an online survey by FRIDAY, AUGUST 29
at 5pm. You
need to complete and submit the prelab prior to coming to the first lab. You should also read over

Table of Contents 3

the Glassware Accuracy project and be prepared to plan with your group. Afternoon labs begin at
2.00 p.m.; Tuesday/Thursday morning labs begin at 9.00 a.m. Space is at a premium; if you fail to show up
for lab your space may be reassigned.

Fall 2014
NOTE: All plans, summaries, and quizzes are completed in lab. Bolded items are completed outside of lab
and due at the beginning of lab. Please see Assignments section for details.

Week of Lab Experiment What is due
Safety Training certificate
Online survey (will be sent via email)
Group 1: Preassessment, Safety, Plan
Glassware accuracy Project
Group 1: Glassware prelab,
Glassware plan
Group 2: Preassessment, Safety, Plan
Glassware accuracy Project
Group 2: Glassware prelab,
Glassware plan
Group 1: Glassware Accuracy Project
Plan Unknown Compound- Day 1
Group 1: Unknown prelab, Glassware Summary,
Unknown Plan
Group 2: Glassware Accuracy Project
Plan Unknown Compound- Day 1
Group 1: Glassware Quiz,
Glassware Peer Evaluation,
Glassware Individual & Group Write-up
Group 2: Unknown prelab, Glassware Summary,
Unknown Plan
Group 1: Unknown Compound-Day 1
Proposed Plan Unknown Compound-
Day 2
Group 1: Unknown Summary, Unknown Proposed
Plan, Research Topic Due
Group 2: Glassware Quiz,
Glassware Peer Evaluation,
Glassware Individual & Group Write-up
Group 2: Unknown Compound-Day 1
Proposed Plan Unknown Compound-
Day 2
Group 2: Unknown Summary, Unknown
Proposed Plan, Research Topic due
Group 1: Unknown Compound
Plan Calcium Supplement-Day 1
Group 1: Calcium prelab
Calcium Plan
Unknown Group Write-up

Group 2: Unknown Compound
Plan Calcium Supplement-Day 1
Group 1: Unknown Compound Quiz
Unknown Peer Evaluation
Unknown Individual Write-up
Group 2: Calcium prelab
Calcium Plan
Unknown Group Write-up
Group 1: Calcium Project-Day 1
Proposed Plan Calcium Project-Day 2
Group 1: Preliminary Research on Topic,
Calcium Summary, Calcium Proposed Plan
Group 2: Unknown Compound Quiz
Unknown Peer Evaluation
Unknown Individual Write-up
Group 2: Calcium Project-Day 1
Proposed Plan Calcium Project-Day 2
Group 1: Mathematica Assignment
Group 2: Preliminary Research on Topic,
Calcium Summary, Calcium Proposed Plan
Group 1: Calcium Presentations,
Research Project Presentations, Post-
Group 1: Calcium Peer Evaluation, Calcium
Individual Write-up, Calcium Quiz
Group 2: Mathematica Assignment
Group 2: Calcium Presentations,
Research Project Presentations, Post-
Group 2: Calcium Peer Evaluation, Calcium
Individual Write-up, Calcium Quiz

Spring 2015

Week Lab Experiment What is due
Group 1: Safety & Pre-assessment, Forming
lab groups, Plan Dye Project
Group 1: Safety training certificate, Dye
Group 2: Safety & Pre-assessment, Forming
lab groups, Plan Dye Project
Group 1 & 2: Mathematica graphing
(due 1/24 at 5pm)
Group 2: Safety training certificate, Dye
Group 1: Dye Project, Plan Deicer Project
Day 1
Group 1: Dye Summary, Deicer Plan 1
Group 2: Dye Project, Plan Deicer Project
Day 1
Group 1: Dye Write-up, Dye Peer
Group 2: Dye Summary, Deicer Plan 1
Group 1: Deicer Project Day 1, Plan Deicer
Project Day 2
Group 1: Deicer Summary 1, Deicer
Plan 2
Group 2: Dye Write-up, Dye Peer
Group 2: Deicer Project Day 1, Plan Deicer
Project Day 2
Group 2: Deicer Summary 1, Deicer
Plan 2
Group 1: Deicer Project Day 2 Group 1: Deicer Summary 2
Group 2: Deicer Project Day 2 Group 2: Deicer Summary 2
Group 1: Deicer Presentations, Plan
Unknown Acid Project
Group 1: Deicer presentation,
Unknown Acid Plan
Group 2: Deicer Presentations, Plan
Unknown Acid Project
Group 1: Deicer Write-up, Deicer
Peer Evaluation
Group 2: Deicer presentation,
Unknown Acid Plan
Group 1: Unknown Acid Project
Group 1: Acid/Base Summary
Group 2: Deicer Write-up, Deicer
Peer Evaluations
Group 2: Unknown Acid Project Group 2: Unknown Acid Summary
Group 1: Unknown Acid Presentation, Post-

Group 1: Unknown Acid Presentation,
Unknown Acid Write-up, Acid/Base
Peer Evaluation
Group 2: Unknown Acid Presentation, Post-
Group 2: Unknown Acid Presentation,
Unknown Acid Write-up, Acid/Base
Peer Evaluation


Please wear the following in lab every week:
Long pants
Long sleeves
Non-permeable shoes
Lab coat
Safety goggles
If you can see any skin from the armpits down, you are not properly dressed. The main consideration
is protection of the skin from chemical attack, hence no shorts/capri pants, no sandals/flip-flops/
ballerina flats, no bare midriffs, etc. Please watch the What to wear to lab video posted in the Kaltura media
Gallery on the Collab site. Failure to be properly attired and/or to wear your safety goggles at all times can
result from dismissal from lab. If you are not properly attired when you arrive for lab, you will be sent
home to change clothes and/or shoes.

Since you will be working in collaborative teams during lab, it is also essential you show up to lab ON
TIME and do not miss any lab sessions. There is no make-up week for missed labs. Should you miss
an experiment for an EXCUSED reason, you will have to complete the required assignments independent
of your group and may have alternative assignments depending upon the day missed. There are certain
assignments that cannot be made up, even for an excused absence. The following constitute potentially excused
absences: family emergency, death in the family, severe individual illness (doctors note required), and
participation on a UVA varsity athletic team that requires you to travel during your lab meeting. Your TA
and lab group members MUST be notified in e-mail or in person of the absence PRIOR to lab unless it is
due to a death or emergency in the family, in which case, you will have 48 hours after the missed lab to
notify the instructor or TA. If you missed lab for any unexcused reason you may receive a 0 or a grade
penalty, depending upon the assignment. Since there is no opportunity to make-up lab work and labs only
meet every other week, if you miss more than 1 lab period, even with an excused absence, you may be asked
to withdraw from the course. If the withdraw date has passed, you will receive a failing grade for missing
more than 1 lab period.

Final course grades are determined primarily on a points-earned-out-of-possible-points basis for both labs
and additional assignments/projects. Other factors may influence your final grade and we reserve the
right to change how grades are determined at any point.

The Honor System is taken very seriously in this course. The Prelabs, Quizzes, and Individual Write-ups
must be completed individually; only the instructor and the TAs may help you with questions. You may
discuss the experimental procedure with peers prior to and during lab. By writing the pledge on your work,
you are stating: On my honor as a student, this is my own original work. I did not read or use work
written by a current or former student in this course. Help was limited only to having students not
enrolled in this course read and identify unclear sections. Do not hesitate to ask the TAs or your
instructor for assistance throughout the semester. Any evidence of plagiarism, whether you plagiarized or
someone plagiarized off you, will result in a 0 for the assignment. Please watch the videos on Plagiarism
in the Kaltura Media Gallery on the Collab site and keep track of your work!

Table of Contents 7


There are a total of four guided inquiry projects over the course of a semester. For each project students
will be given guiding questions to help complete the project. Students will work in a group of four to plan,
perform experiments, and present the results of their work. Each student will:
Be an active participant in their group
Maintain a laboratory notebook with planning, experimental, and summary details
Present the results of the project to their laboratory section
Complete a group write-up for two of the three projects
Complete an individua a write-up for each project
These components are outlined below. The Assignments section outlines what is due for lab, the Rubrics
section details the points associated with each assignment, and the Write-up section outlines what
components of the write-up should be completed for each project.

At the end of each project students will evaluate each team member. Students will switch roles for each
project. TAs may also switch groups between each project.
Team Leader
The team leader manages the teams discussions about the project and makes sure that every member is
contributing to the process. The team leader is in charge of the groups safety and should constantly check
to make sure all students are properly dressed and are wearing goggles. This team member is also
responsible for all discussions with the TA. He or she must explain the team's plan for the next lab period to
the TA each day before the group may leave.
Plan Writer
The plan writer is responsible for making sure that all team members agree on the team plan and that
everyone's input is included. The plan writer will record the team's plan/planning questions/lab technique
questions and turn in a copy to the TA.
Summary Writer
The summary writer is responsible for making sure that all team members agree the experiment has yielded
the needed data for the project. The summary writer will record the teams summary/summary questions
and turn in a copy to the TA.
Equipment Manager
The equipment manager is responsible for obtaining things from the stockroom, and returning them to the
stockroom. The equipment manager is also in charge of labeling waste containers at the work station during
an experiment and then placing team waste in the correct waste container at the end of the experiment.
This team member is to make sure all glassware is returned to the proper locations and ensures the
workstation is clean before leaving.

Students will complete a prelab assignment for each project. These projects will introduce you to
Mathematica, a powerful programming tool used in computational chemistry. An additional Mathematica
project will be assigned during the semester to be completed during the off-weeks of lab.All materials
needed to complete these assignments will be posted on the Collab site.

Each project has a set of planning questions for each experimental day to help students develop their
experimental procedure. Please see the lab notebook section for what to include in the plan.

Table of Contents 8

Prior to lab
Prior to coming to lab, each student should read over the project and the planning questions for the
day. You will save significant time and trouble during the planning sessions by studying all course
videos related to the current project, and by preparing a preliminary draft of what you propose to do
in lab that day. This preliminary plan will help you contribute to the group discussion and final
proposed plan
During lab
The team works together to answer the planning questions and develop a procedure for the
following lab period.
The Plan writer writes down the groups plan to be turned in to the TA
The team determines which practice lab techniques should be performed based on their proposed
plan. Lab techniques must be relevant to project and cannot be repeated during the semester.
The Team Leader gets plan and proposed practice lab techniques approved by TA (NOTE: TA can
keep students in lab for further work if the plan is not sufficient)
Students practice the designated lab techniques and answer the lab techniques questions (Plan writer
writes down the answers to be turned in with the plan)
TA signs off that lab techniques were performed before students leave lab

Each team will execute their planned procedure, make modifications to the procedure, and record their
procedure and the data generated.
Prior to lab
It is the students responsibility to ensure they understand the laboratory techniques that they will be
performing in lab.
Students should read over other relevant laboratory techniques in the lab manual beyond the
practice technique, watch any pertinent videos, and look up techniques online prior to performing
the techniques in lab.
During lab
The team communicates who will be doing what during the experiment
Each team completes their planned experiment
Each student writes a detailed experimental section on what he/she performs in lab including all
data, observations, and calculations the TA will sign off on each students experimental section
Each team member emails data to their TA and to other team members
Each team discusses the summary questions
The Summary writer writes down the teams summary and answers to the summary questions to be
turned in to the TA
If a project requires more than one day of experimenting, students will complete the next set of
planning questions after finishing the experiment and summary

Prior to lab
Outside of lab, each team member contributes to the creation of a presentation on the project (3-4
slide presentation including important experimental information, data/results, and any
errors/limitations of your experiment)
The team comes up with 3 discussion questions (and answers!) to be included in the discussion on
presentation day

Table of Contents 9

The Team Leader emails the teams presentation and three questions to the TA 24 hours prior to
presentation lab day
During lab
The team turns in one group write-up at the beginning of lab (all group members pledge)
During the presentation, each team should illustrate their understanding of the project (i.e. what you
did, why you did it, what the results mean)
Each student in the team needs to talk during presentation
Your TA will hold a group discussion after all presentations, and it is your responsibility to
contribute during presentation day. This is your chance to show your understanding of the
underlying concepts related to the project
After lab
For each project, students will complete a peer evaluation for each team member, due by lab the
following week
Students should start working on writing their individual write-ups, due by lab the following week

Students will complete in-class quizzes when turning in write-ups on the off week. The purpose of the
quizzes is to assess students understanding of the concepts and lab techniques associated with each lab.
Thus, the quizzes must be completed individually and with no additional help. The questions on the quiz
will be based on the stated objective written out in each project sheet.

Students will complete write-ups for each of the three projects. Depending upon the project, students will
complete different sections of a lab report either individually or within their group (see the Lab Write-ups
section below). This is your chance to illustrate your ability to write scientifically as well as demonstrate
your understanding of lab techniques and chemical concepts. We highly suggest that students:
Reference details on how to write a lab report in the Lab Report Writing section of the lab manual
Watch the lab report writing videos, read sample lab reports and sample published manuscripts
Read the lab report rubric
Attend TA office hours.

You are expected to contribute to your group write-up and write concisely and coherently. In order to help
students integrate their conceptual understanding into each project write-up, students should include the
answers to the write-up questions at the end of each project (NOTE: For project 1, students only answer
the write-up questions to gain experience connecting content to lab). Do NOT leave writing your lab report
write-ups to the last minute!!

During the weeks you are not in lab you will be working on additional projects. One of the projects will be
an assignment in Mathematica that builds upon the prelab Mathematica assignments you will be completing
for each project. Directions for this assignment will be posted on Collab. The second project will be a
group research project.

Group research project
At the end of the semester each lab group will present an independent research project of their choosing.
Students will pick a common/practical idea or phenomenon and research the chemistry behind the

Table of Contents 10

Groups should be working during their off-week of lab to identify a project, complete the research, and
work on their presentation. Groups will submit their topic to their TA and preliminary research to ensure
students are preparing for the final presentation. Reference the laboratory assignments, research project
assignment, and rubric for further details.

Here are a few topic ideas to get you started:
The Commercial use of acids and the world's strongest Acid
Quinine and why Tonic Water Glows
Chemical phenomena involved in fireworks
Why does helium make your voice higher?
Why do bananas and avocados ripen?
How does chemical hair removal work?
Why do onions make you cry?
What does snake venom do to your blood?
Why is spider silk so strong?
What happens when you cook eggs?
How does beano work?
Why does orange juice make taste so bad after brushing your teeth?
So what are your B vitamins and what do they do?
Why do you breathe heavily when you exercise a lot?
How does cyanide kill you?
Why does asparagus give you stinky pee?
How does Tylenol work?
Why does coffee keep you awake and what does it do?
Whats laughing gas?
Why do we lose weight in the morning?


The goal of General Chemistry lab at UVA is to provide students an authentic science inquiry experience. It
is your responsibility to know what is due to your TA. You must pledge each assignment you turn in,
whether it is electronic or paper. Specific due dates for these assignments can be found in the Semester
Schedule (1611 or 1621) section of the manual. The rubrics for the graded assignments can be found at the
end of the manual. If you have any questions about the assignments for the course please talk with your

Prior to the first day of lab, students will complete an online safety training for Research personnel
(II, B, 1) and submit the last page indicating training was completed (NOTE: if training previously
completed, submit the page indicating the date of completion). Use print screen to capture the
webpage or print to pdf. Make sure whatever file you upload can be opened and your safety training
is viewable
You will need to be on campus or have the proxy server set up if completing off campus

Administered during the first and last week of the course
This is a non-graded assignment used to help form teams and improve the course
Students do not need to study for the assessment but should put effort into answering the questions
on the assessment.

Students will be working with the program Mathematica to learn simple programming and gather
information that will be helpful for each project
Prelab directions can be found in the resources folder on the Collab website
Prelabs are due as .nb files in the Assignments tab on the Collab website
Files must be uploaded prior to the beginning of the lab period

Components of the plan (including lab technique answers) and summary can be found in the Lab
Notebook section of the manual
The Plan Writer or Summary Writer will turn in the copy page of the teams plan and the teams
All group members sign the pledge on the plan/summary
The TA initials the plan/summary
Students in the same team will receive the same grade for each plan/summary

PRESENTATIONS (30pts/project)
Students will receive a group grade for the presentation (20pts) and an individual grade for their
participation (10pts) during presentation day
The expectations for presentation can be found in Presenting Your Results video, Presentation
Discussion video, and in the presentation rubric
The Team Leader emails the teams presentation to the TA 24 hours before the beginning of the

Table of Contents 12

presentation day

QUIZZES (30pts/project)
Students will complete a quiz for each project after turning in their individual write-up during the off
Quizzes will be completed through Collab, so each student needs to bring their laptop to lab
on quiz day

LAB NOTEBOOK PAGES (5pts/project)
Each student must maintain their own lab notebook and write down the experiments they
performed in lab
The Lab Notebook section of the manual details how to keep a lab notebook
Each student will be the Plan Writer and Summary Writer once and should have the plans or
summaries for that project
Lab notebook copy pages for each project should be attached to the paper lab write-up and will be

LAB REPORT WRITE-UPS (70-85pts/project)
As mentioned in the Roles and Responsibilities section above, students will complete individual and
group write-ups for each project.
Students will be graded on each section using the report rubric and the content of their answers to
write-up questions as they are integrated into the write-up. Students will be graded on grammar,
format and references for EVERY writing assignment.

Project Group Write-up (3pages max) Individual Write-up (3pages max)
Experimental, results Write-up questions
2 Experimental, results Introduction, discussion
3 Experimental, results Abstract, introduction, experimental, results,
discussion, conclusion (6pages max)
* Since there is no presentation for the first project each semester, the individual and group write-up for the
first project is due the week after completing the project

See the semester schedule to determine when each write-up is due (NOTE: Group and individual
write-ups may be due at different times)
Lab reports are worth different amounts, depending upon the length of the project and the length of
the write-up. See the last page in the lab manual for the points values.
Two copies are due for the individual write-ups - a paper copy, and an electronic copy both must
be submitted for full credit (NOTE: Only paper copy of group write-ups are due).
Paper lab report write-ups (Group and Individual)
Submitted to your TA during the off week between 2:30-3pm (afternoon labs) or 10-10:30am
(morning labs). Please do not come early as the TAs are busy with students in lab. Labs
turned in after this time are considered late.
Attach lab notebook pages to your individual report and pledge the report
Late reports can be turned in to the stockroom between 2-4pm for 20%/day penalty
Electronic lab report write-ups (Individual only)

Table of Contents 13

Submitted to the CHEM lab (all) Collab site under Assignments
Name the file: Report #-initials (e.g. Report 1-LBW)
The assignment will close at the deadline (5pm Friday the week reports are due) and cannot be
submitted after this time; an automatic 10pt penalty will be incurred if not submitted

Students will receive an average score from their peers (15pts) and from their TA (15pts)
Peer evaluations will be completed via a Google form emailed by your TA and are due the week
after the presentation for the project.
If you do not receive your peer evaluation in your inbox, check your SPAM folder
You must use the link sent directly by your TA
Peer evaluations are due the week after presentations and will not be accepted late (students will
receive a 0 if it is not completed on time)

Mathematica (30pts)
Completed individually and submitted to the CHEM lab (all) Collab site under Assignments
Name the file: Mathematica-initials (e.g. Mathematica-LBW)
Directions for the assignment will be posted in the Resources folder on Collab

Group research project (50pts)
Student groups will identify a researchable topic of interest to their group to be approved by their
TA. Topic submitted per group at the beginning of lab (10pts)
Students groups complete preliminary research on their topic emailed to their TA (10pts)
Students groups present their research project to the class (30pts)
Please see the rubric for grading details, assignments overview for how to submit assignments, the
syllabus for when assignments are due.

TAs assess all assignments against a standardized rubric. General rubrics for plans, summaries,
presentations, student evaluations and lab report write-ups can be found at the end of the lab manual. TAs
will return and post your score for these assignments on Collab within one week of when you turn it in. TAs
will return group and individual lab report write-ups and post grades on Collab within two weeks of when
you turn it in. Any disputes/ questions regarding grading for any assignment must be addressed
within two weeks of receiving your score on an assignment; no grading issues will be addressed
after this deadline. You should contact your TA first. If your TA cannot resolve the issue, then contact
Lindsay Wheeler. Dr. Grisham will answer questions if the issue cannot be resolved.
Grade Deductions
All assignments, written and typed, must be pledged. For lab notebooks, groups will sign the Record
Keepers plan and summary, and the last page of an experimental day for each student must be pledged.
Students will lose 10% of the grade on the assignment for not writing and signing the complete Honor
pledge. I pledge is not an acceptable form of the pledge. See late policies for each assignment below.
Final Course Grade
Determined by total points. % grade = pts earned/total points. Letter grades will not be determined until
the end of the semester. The default grade cutoffs in the Collab gradebook should be ignored. Until final
grades have been determined at the end of the semester, the Collab gradebook grade thresholds are not
meaningful. Total points for each assignment are located in the Collab gradebook


Assignment When is it due? Where is it due? How much is it worth? Late Policy?
Safety Training Friday, August 29
at 5pm
CHEM lab all Collab site -
10pts 0 if not on time
At the beginning of each
In lab (1/person) 20pts/prelab
-20% if not submitted on
Plan At the end of lab In lab (1/group) 10-16pts/plan 0 if not submitted
Summary At the end of lab In lab (1/group) 10pts/summary 0 if not submitted
Lab notebook pages At the beginning of lab
With the individual paper lab
incorporated with report
0 if not on time
Ppt emailed to TA 24hrs
prior to lab
Via email (1/group)
30pts/project (18pts for
presentation, 12pts for
-3pts if not emailed on
Questions emailed 24hrs
prior to lab
Via email (1/group)
-2pts if not emailed on
Lab Report Write-ups paper
Between 2:30-3pm or 10-
10:30am on off week
In lab 70-85pts/report -20%/day
Lab Report Write-ups
electronic (INDIVIDUAL
By 5pm the Friday after
paper report due in lab
CHEM lab all Collab site
included in report grade
-10pts if not submitted on
Student Evaluations
Peer evaluation due prior to
the beginning of lab 1 week
after presentation
Peer evaluation completed
on Collab Quizzes & Tests
0 for evaluation if
evaluations not completed
on time
During write-up submission
In lab onCollab Quizzes &
30pts/quiz 0 if not in lab
Mathematica Assignment By the beginning of lab
CHEM lab all Collab site -
30pts -20%/day
Group Research Project
Topics and preliminary
research due at the beginning
of lab
Topic in lab (1/group)
Research via email (1/group)
10pts each 0 if not on time
Presentation emailed to TA
24 hrs prior to lab
Via email (1/group) 30pts
-3pts if not emailed on

Table of Contents 15


Your laboratory notebook is a permanent record of your laboratory work and will be graded by your
TA during the semester. In general, a laboratory notebook is a bound book that contains
sequentially numbered pages and a table of contents. The lab notebook for this course has a
duplicate set of pages that you WILL tear out and turn in for credit, leaving the original numbered
pages intact. You must bring this to each and every lab period to record your work. Work done on
loose sheets of paper or in a regular notebook will NOT be accepted no matter what the reason. If
you do not have your laboratory notebook, you will be asked to leave the lab for the day. All work in
your laboratory notebook must be legible and in blue or black ink to receive credit. Never white
out or scribble out data. When an error is made in recording information, one single line through
the data is the appropriate method to denote the error. Make sure you label the top of each page.
NEVER tear out all copies of a lab notebook page even if the work is incorrect.

In order to earn maximum credit for your lab work, you must complete the following items in your
laboratory notebook for each project.

Table of Contents:
Update your table of contents every lab period. Use detailed titles which the name of the project
(i.e. Glassware accuracy) and the purpose of the lab period (i.e. planning, experimental, or summary)

The Plan Writer should take detailed notes of the planning discussion. The plan should be 1-2 pages
and include:
answers to planning questions
general procedure outline (including approximate masses/volumes of chemicals needed)
specific glassware or lab equipment to be used
chemicals needed, including MSDS information, concentrations and amounts
any mathematical equations needed
balanced chemical equations for any proposed reactions
role each group member will play (see Roles document for specifics)
answers to the lab techniques practice questions

This section will be completed during the experimental day and based upon your group plan. Only
record details of the experiment you personally perform. You do not need to include the details
from experiments that other group members conduct; however, all group members should email
each other relevant data to be used in the final lab report. The experimental section should include
the following sections labeled clearly so that your TA (and anyone else) can find your work quickly
and easily:
Purpose - how will your experiment help solve the problem proposed in the project?
Detailed Procedure - someone else must be able to repeat your experiment. Include all
chemicals used with MSDS info, mass, volume, concentration and specific glassware and lab
equipment used (may be in bulleted or numerical form no complete sentences needed)
Data & Observations - observations should be made before, during, and after reactions take
place. Utilize data tables when appropriate.

Table of Contents 16

Calculations - show your work and any equations used. Make sure to include units and
consider significant figures. All calculations must be done in your lab notebook, no matter
how trivial.
Reference any experiments conducted by lab partners. For example, "All solubility tests were
conducted by Jane Doe on page 23 of her lab notebook".
Reference any procedures or values obtained from other sources. No specific formatting is

Your teams summary, written down and turned in by the Summary Writer, should be ~ page in
length, clearly labeled and include the following:
Answers to any summary questions (may come from your experiment or a group members
If not part of the summary questions, also include a summary of experiments you performed
& results of experiments you performed (table or bulleted form acceptable)
Conclusions (what does your data mean? How does it relate to the purpose/hypothesis of
the experiment? Were there any errors or experimental difficulties?)

You will turn in all of your CONSECUTIVE notebook pages for a project with your individual lab
report (NEVER tear out pages and throw them away). Your individual notebook grade will be based
upon completion, accuracy, quality of experimental work, and clarity. Your lab notebook may be
messy, but clear. There is no need to use full sentences, punctuation or spelling in your lab

Table of Contents 17


Lab notebooks may be
messy, but should be readable!!
Heading is
filled out
Planning questions
are clearly answered
components of plan
are on subsequent
Procedure is
detailed (note
masses above) but
concise NO
sentences needed
Mistakes are
crossed out with a
single line
Team members should
sign pledge and TA should
initial on the last page of
the Record Keepers

Table of Contents 18


Formal report writing is required in conjunction with all of the projects in this chemistry course. It
is your chance to demonstrate to your TA how well you understand the experiment and the
chemical principles involved. Lab report writing is different than a term paper. It should be written
in a scientific style, which is not the same style used for English or philosophy papers.

The keys to effective technical writing are organization, brevity, clarity, and an appreciation of the
needs of the reader. You must write clearly and be thorough, but concise. Do not ramble. The
best way to avoid rambling is to first prepare an outline of the report and stick to it. Always use
complete sentences. Bulleted lists are okay in a lab notebook but are unacceptable in a formal
report. Formal reports must be typed. Use double spacing, 1-inch margins, 12 pt font and 8.5x11
inch paper. Page limit of 7 pages, including title and references. Proofread well.

The general structure of a formal lab report follows that of a scientific paper. It is:
Title and Author (s)
Experimental Procedures

Before writing your first report, read over the sample lab reports and scientific journal articles
posted in the Resources folder on Collab. Pay close attention to the style of the prose and the
contents of each particular section. Several common journals to investigate are:
The Journal of the American Chemical Society
The Journal of Physical Chemistry
Analytical Chemistry

For further information about writing in Chemistry, please use the recommended books for the
course (available to checkout in the UVA libraries):

The ACS Style Guide: Effective Communication of Scientific Information. A.M. Coghill & L. R. Garson, Eds.;
American Chemical Society: Washington, D.C., 2006.

Pechenik, J. A., Davis, H. B., & Tyson, J. F. (2009). A short guide to writing about chemistry.
Pearson Education Canada.

Initialed and dated laboratory notebook pages of the experiment must be submitted with the

Modified from IUPUI Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, C125 Experimental Chemistry,

Table of Contents 19

individually written portion of the lab report. While writing of the experimental and results sections
may be a joint effort, individual sections and the final formal reports must be written individually. A
schedule of reports and dates on which they are due is given in the syllabus (CHEM 1611, CHEM
1621) We highly recommend that reports be completed prior to the day of submission to allow time
to proofread, and thus avoiding loss of points due to last minute problems. Lost data or the inability
to print reports is not acceptable excuses for incomplete or missing reports.

State the title of the experiment, your name, the date, your laboratory section number and TA. Also
state the name of your lab partner(s). This information should be at the top of the first page.

The abstract should be a maximum of ~200 words and summarize the purpose (the bigger picture),
your experiment, and your results. The abstract should be included on the first page with the Title
and Author(s).

The Introduction can start immediately after the abstract on the first page, It states the purpose of
the study and introduces the reader with new ideas and topics. It also provides any background
necessary to acquaint the reader with the problem being addressed, as well as providing the reader
with references to previous relevant work.

Although a portion of a formal report, it is sometimes easier to view this section as a short essay,
one in which the writer describes the importance of his work, and the possible application of his
work to other areas of interest to the reader. As in an essay, the Introduction begins with a broad
description of the principles being discussed in the report, and funnels down, becoming more
specific along the way, to a statement of the specific objective of the study. It should acquaint the
reader with the main topics and ideas discussed in the experiment, any previous work that has been
done, and should include definitions of key terms that are new.

In your Introduction, you will need to choose the relevant facts from your textbook, lab manual or
other materials available to you, organize them in your own words, and present them in a logical
order that highlights and supports the proposed experiment. Definitions of significant terms should
be included. In general, your introduction should be two to three paragraphs long, concluding with
the statement(s) of purpose.

Here you must give a concise description of what occurred in lab with sufficient detail to allow the
reader to repeat the study. However unlike the audience for a laboratory text book, the audience for
a formal report does not need to be told to wash the beakers or to insure there are no air bubbles in
the buret tips. It is essential, therefore, that the writer be careful not to insult the intelligence of the
audience when writing the Experimental section.

Another difference between formal Experimental sections and laboratory text books is that
laboratory texts are generally written in second person past tense, i.e., Open the lab drawer and take
out your notebook. Formal Experimental sections, on the other hand, are written in the third
person, past tense, i.e., The KHP solution was titrated with NaOH until a slight pink color

Table of Contents 20

permeated the solution.

In this section you should state significant information: amounts of starting materials and products,
reagents used and their concentrations, instruments used, including their make and model, and
significant observations of chemical reactions. A figure of an equipment setup may be helpful if the
setup is uncommon. It may be helpful to organize your experimental section by different portions
of the experiment and does not need to be a chronological account. Give a synopsis of what went

In general, remember that the audience would like to know what was done, not what to do. In a
report you must write in complete sentences. Write in the third person past tense. One final note,
be forewarned that step-by-step cookbook instructions are unacceptable in formal lab reports.

The first step in completing this section is to use your data and generate any tables or graphs
necessary for the analysis. Data may be graphed or tabulated using Excel, Word, Mathematica, or
other data analysis software. Whether the results are graphed or tabulated will depend on the data
and the conclusions you draw. Examine your data and select the appropriate, pertinent items for
your final report. Not everything in the data tables will necessarily go into tables in your report. You
might have recorded initial and final buret readings during an experiment, but in your report you
would only state the volume of titrant used (i.e. the difference between the initial and final buret
volumes). All graphs and tables should be clear and labeled with a table or figure heading.
Appropriate sample calculations include stoichiometric calculations, % error, % yield, standard
deviation, etc. Unnecessary calculations include subtraction of the mass of a beaker or subtraction
of two measured volumes of a buret.

When writing this section begin with a statement of the results. When you have finished working up
your data, look it over to decide what conclusions may be drawn. State your results briefly, using the
past tense. Write a sentence about each table or figure, keeping in mind that they present the data
but they do not state the results. Depending upon the nature of the project, it may make more sense
to combine the results and discussion sections. It is up to your discretion on whether this is

This section is the meat of a formal report as it is where you demonstrate your understanding of the
experiment and its results. It is also the most difficult to write, should take the most time. You may
want to break this section into subheadings to clarify for the reader. Begin the section with your
interpretation of the results, and then a comparison of them with expected values, if relevant.
Always try to put a positive spin on your results if possible. You must also discuss the reliability of
your data, including any experimental limitations. Explain the significance of your results and end
the section with the potential experiments that could have been conducted had there been more

Before one can draw conclusions from data, one must assess the precision and accuracy of the
results. A result is only as good as the accuracy to which it was measured. To evaluate your data you
must know how reliable it is. Acquiring data on a brand-new instrument does not mean that there is
no error in the data, nor are computer calculated results error free.

Table of Contents 21

There are always some limitations in your experiments. In the discussion of each limitation, a
discussion of its effect on the experimental outcome/results should be included. Listed below are
some common sources of error, all of which should be considered in assessing your data. To keep
your discussion concise, only discuss the limitations which are specific to the experiment. For
example, it is not acceptable to just state there were human errors; the specific error (i.e. spilling
product) should be discussed along with how it affected your experiment (i.e. low % yield).

Limitations of experimental procedures: For many experiments there are multiple methods that
could be used to obtain the results. Sometimes the procedure may not be the most effective
method of obtaining the required data. Limitations of the actual procedure used in the lab
should be discussed. For example, if you let a solid sample air dry rather than dry it in an
oven, you may need to discuss the possibility that the sample was wet when weighed.

Errors in measurement: It is easy to misread an instrument, particularly when reading
measurements rather than using a digital instrument. Make sure you are reading the right
scale. Make sure you know what the units are when recording data from an instrument.
Other common measurement errors might be misreading a buret, not zeroing a balance, or
failing to calibrate. It is common to take 3-5 readings and use the standard deviation of the
readings to estimate the uncertainty.

Errors in Recording or Recopying: It occasionally occurs that numbers are transposed or decimal
points lost when entering data in your notebook or copying them to a table. This type of
error is hard to catch unless the number is totally unreasonable or well removed from an
observed trend in the other measurements. Examples might be a pH of 23 or a series of
repeated measurements where four out of five readings gave values between 0.2 and 0.8, but
the firth reading gave 3.9; clearly there is a problem with the fifth measurement.

Errors in Computation: Double check your calculations. Dont assume your answer is wrong
if it did not agree with your lab partners or the literature. Watch your units and unit
conversions! Make sure they are consistent. Once you have completed your calculations,
consider if the answer is reasonable. Always evaluate your calculations, particularly your

Once you have assessed the reliability of your data, you can discuss and interpret your results. You
should first consider whether you accomplished what was proposed in the introduction and if your
results were successful. Conclusions you draw from your data must be presented in a clear, concise
manner. The interpretation of your results should include why the results were important and how
they fit into the context of the project. Things may go wrong in lab; however, even if your results
are questionable, it is still possible to write a good lab report. Begin by stating what should have
happened, then discuss what actually happened and why the experiment went wrong. Never begin
your discussion with what went wrong. It is important that you demonstrate that you understand
both what should have happened and what might have gone wrong. Note also that there is a big
difference between a null result and a failure to get results.

Tables and figures (graphs are considered figures) introduced in your results section can be
referenced in the discussion. You should reference data tables and figures with words using

Table of Contents 22

complete sentences. See details below about formatting tables and figures.

The purpose of the Conclusion section is to summarize, but not repeat, the pertinent concepts
discussed in the results and discussion section. This is where you relate your results and discussion
to the ideas presented in the introduction. It is also important to connect your experiments to the
overall project. For example, if the objective of the project was to synthesize a soluble calcium
supplement, the conclusion is where you would indicate whether your experiment produced a
calcium solution that could practically be used as a supplement

Then make a concluding statement(s) and relate your conclusion to the ideas presented in the
introduction. Note: Stating that overall the experiment went well or that I learned how to use a
piece of equipment are not strong conclusions. Future areas of research can be discussed in the
conclusion as well.

The conclusion is not to be a lengthy discourse. One paragraph (about four to seven sentences) is
the amount to be presented in conclusion.

Always cite any literature and websites used in preparing your lab report. Verbal Communications
may also be cited as such. The specific format used to cite references for your lab write-ups should
be ACS style. The ACS style guide is available online to UVA students (Ch. 14 References):

Clarity and Style
Observe the rules of good grammar, spelling, and punctuation. It is expected you will write in
complete sentences. Proofread your report before you turn it in. There is no bigger turn off when
grading a report than to find sloppy grammar and incorrect spelling. It sets the tone expect the
worst and it will surely be reflected in your grade. Remember, if you meet the minimum
requirements of the bulleted rubric document, you will receive an 80%.

Reports must be typed and a maximum of 7 pages. Use 1-inch margins, 12-point font for text and
double spaced. Choose a font that is easy to read.

Equations are presented as part of the sentence structure of the text and are numbered for future
reference. All symbols are defined where first used. In formal reports, the first time an equation is
presented, it is identified by a number. Each use of that equation is then referenced by that number,
whether in the section introduced or in later sections. Sample calculations and results in any section
may refer to equations previously introduced, or new equations may be presented. Equations are
not grouped together, but are presented only when needed during the course of discussion.

A very useful tool for inserting equations into your documents is the equation editor available in
many word processor packages.

"The molarity of HCl was calculated from Equation 1, where M and V are molarity and volume

Table of Contents 23

(mL) respectively. The mean molarity of HCl for the three trials was 0.0985 M, and the standard
deviation, calculated with Equation 2, was 0.0002 M."




x )
i n

n 1

One figure that is often used in Chemistry is a graph. The type of graph you compose will depend
on your data. Chemists most commonly use an x-y scatter plot with the dependent variable on the
y-axis and the independent variable on the x-axis. All axes should be labeled the reader does not
necessarily know what you are plotting. And be sure to include the units for each axis, for example,
time (secs) or Fe
concentration (moles/liter). (You will be penalized if you leave axes labels
out.) Pay attention to your axes scales and make sure your data fills the graph. The same data can
look very different depending on how it is scaled. Always consider whether it is important to show
that your data passes through the origin, or if it s more important that your data fills the scale.

Generally on an x-y scatter plot, you do not connect the dots, but simply draw the best straight line
or curve through the data. If you plot more than one set of data on the same axis, you must include
a legend to identify each series. Error bars are also important and helpful in judging the significance
of the data. Usually these are only included for the dependent variable.

Figures (graphs) should be at least one-half of a page in size and regression statistics also included if
calculated. They need to be numbered sequentially and include a relevant title. Ex: Figure 1.
Density of Metal, Volume (mL) vs. Mass (g)

Tables are used when graphs are inappropriate and the data cannot be introduced in a single
sentence of text. Each table should have a title at the top and a table number by which it can be
cited in the text. Arrange your data by column rather than by row. It is much easier to read down
than across. Do not include a column containing all the same numbers. Footnotes are frequently
used to convey specifics about a subset of data within the table. Uncertainties in results should be
presented with the data in the table. Tables are sequentially numbered, independent of Figures.

Well-known abbreviations, such as mL, M.W., etc., may be used without explanation. Otherwise,
spell out the words the first time they are used, followed by the abbreviation in parenthesis, and use
the abbreviation thereafter:
Potassium hydrogen phthalate (KHP) was used as the primary standard.

Subtopic: Symbols
Many quantities have accepted symbols, i.e., pressure (P) or temperature (T). It is often convenient
or efficient to define symbols for calculated or measured values

Table of Contents 24

Graphing for this course can be completed using a variety of resources. For quick graphs created in the
lab, you can use graph paper, the LabQuest2, or your calculator. For reports and presentations, a neat
graph is expected, so please use either Excel or Mathematica software. If you have data collected using
the LabQuest2, your graph can be viewed on your laptop using LoggerPro (see Vernier Directions for
more details).
EXCEL (2010 Version)
1. Input data in columns (typically starting in A and going across.)
2. Highlight columns of data and then click on the Insert tab
3. Select the type of graph you would like (typically line or scatter for this course)

4. A graph should be created with your A column values on the x-axis and your B column
values on the y-axis. If you would like to make changes to the data in your graph, click on
Select Data which will open up another window.

a. If you want to change what is on each axis, click Switch Row/Column

Table of Contents 25

b. If you want to edit the data, click on Edit. Click on the box to the right of the
values you want to change in order to re-highlight the column you want for the
name of the variable, your x-axis, and y-axis values.

o add another set of data to this graph click the Add button and then highlight the
columns for your x and y-axis values

Table of Contents 26

5. It is important your graph is correctly titled and labeled. You can edit the format of the
graph (axis values, titles, size, etc) using the Chart tool tabs
a. To add a title/axis values/legend, click on the Layout tab at the top of the
screen, then click on what you want to add/remove (i.e. Chart Title, Axis Title).

To edit the values on the axes right click on the values within the graph you want
changed, then click on format axes

Table of Contents 27

6. This is an example of a final excel graph that would be acceptable to use in your lab

For a more in depth description of how to use excel, please work through this tutorial:
Please see this link for a graphing tutorial:

Table of Contents 28


Students are responsible for safety and waste in lab. The following documents are for reference and
will be provided for students to sign on the first day of lab.

I. The safety goggles supplied must be worn at all times while you are in the laboratory. No contact lenses should be
worn as they may lead to enhanced injury where chemicals lodge between the lens and the eye and to possible serious
injury in the treatment of eye injuries caused by chemicals. Be familiar with the location and use of the eye-wash fountain
in your laboratory.

2. Wear approved clothing in the laboratory at all times. A lab. coat or apron is required. Wear long trousers and long
sleeves, and impermeable shoes. Keep long hair confined.

3. Eating, drinking, and smoking are forbidden in the laboratory.

4. Avoid direct skin contact with chemicals. All chemicals are harmful to some extent, and many are readily absorbed
through the skin. Wash your hands and exposed skin thoroughly with soap and water before leaving the laboratory.

5. Do not directly inhale gases, fumes, vapors, or aerosols of any kind. Notify your instructor of any persistent or
unpleasant odors. Do not put your nose directly over any container to smell its contents. Do not use your mouth to fill
any pipet. Never try to taste any chemical.

6. Always use a fume hood whenever any noxious or corrosive agent is involved in a reaction.

7. Do not use more material than is needed.

8. Dispose of any excess reagent or solvent only in the appropriately labeled waste container. Do not discard solid
chemicals, glass or sharp objects in the trash bins. Do not discard solutions or other liquids in the sinks unless specifically
told to do so. Alert your assistant to incorrectly or poorly labeled chemical waste containers.

9. Return all reagent bottles or cans to their proper places. Clean up all spills and dispose of spilled material in the
proper waste containers. Return all communal equipment to the proper place in a tidy fashion. Alert your assistant to
incorrectly or poorly labeled items.

10. Maintain a professional attitude at all times. Do not distract or startle any other worker. Do not run in the laboratory.
Avoid horseplay or practical jokes, etc.

11. Keep your workspace uncluttered, dry, and tidy. Only authorized materials, your laboratory manual, pen or pencil
should be present. Store all other materials, such as coats, packs, books, (but no valuables!) etc. outside the laboratory.

12. Use an open flame only when necessary, and extinguish it when it is no longer needed. Before lighting a flame
remove all flammable substances from the immediate area. Never heat organic liquids over an open flame. All flasks and
beakers containing non-flammable liquids or solutions that are to be heated must have a wire gauze between the
glassware and the flame.

13. Set up your apparatus well back from the edge of the bench, and with due regard for the safety of others. Do not
point heated test tubes at other workers. Be sure that all glass apparatus is free of chips and cracks, that rubber tubing is
securely attached to taps, etc., and free of constrictions.

14. In case of fire, chemical spill, glass breakage, or other accident, call your instructor at once and follow the directions
given to clean up. Know the proper procedures to be followed in case of fire or accident. Know the location and use of
all safety items in the laboratory, including the posted instructions for dealing with injuries of varying degrees of severity.

15. Unauthorized experiments are forbidden. Work only during scheduled hours with an assistant present.

Table of Contents 29

Disposal of chemical wastes in these laboratories is regulated by the Virginia Department of
Environmental Quality. You must be aware of proper procedures to be followed in disposing of such

At the start of each session your Teaching Assistant will announce explicit instructions on how to
dispose of ALL materials used in the course of the experiment. For all hazardous wastes, the materials
must be placed in specially labeled capped containers for proper disposal. These containers will be
labeled HAZARDOUS WASTE and will carry an identification of their contents. Be sure to place your
wastes in the correct containers and to recap the container.

Do not overfill the waste containers. Leave a two inch gap between the top of the waste and the top of
the container. If a container is full, ask your Teaching Assistant for a new one. Keep the lids on
hazardous waste containers closed between fills.

Unless given specific instructions to do so, by your Teaching Assistant, do not pour any chemical wastes
down the sink drains and do not discard any chemicals in the regular trash containers. Place broken glass
only in the labeled Glass Box.

Wear safety goggles at all times in the laboratory or when handling chemical wastes elsewhere.

Proper handling of wastes benefits us all, but is an individual responsibility. Be aware that VDEQ
mandates heavy penalties for individuals violating these regulations. This notice constitutes formal
notification to you of your individual responsibilities.

Statement Concerning Contact Lenses in Student Laboratories

The wearing of contact lenses in laboratories of the Chemistry Department of the University of
Virginia is a violation of Safety Regulations promulgated by the Department for the protection of
persons working in laboratories.

By my signature to this statement I acknowledge that I have been warned of the hazards
associated with the wearing of contact lenses in the laboratories. In particular, I have been informed of
the possible enhanced severity of injury in case of chemicals becoming lodged between the lens and the
eye, and I have been warned of possible risks involved in attempts to treat an eye injury where contact
lenses are in place.

By this same signature, I hereby absolve the University of Virginia, its Board of Visitors, faculty,
staff, and teaching assistants from any and all liability in the case of any injury to my eyes that may occur
in the course of laboratory work where I have chosen to wear contact lenses in breach of the
Department of Chemistrys regulations.

Table of Contents 30


Images from:

Table of Contents 31

Buchner funnel

Table of Contents 32

This semester you will be using a variety of laboratory techniques as you complete each guided
inquiry project. For each project you and your team members will practice specific lab techniques
which may be appropriate for the experiment. In order to gather the most accurate and precise data
for your project you will need to be able to properly decide which technique to use and execute each
technique. The following exercises will help prepare you for completing your projects. Answer the
questions in your laboratory notebook for each designated project (you do not need to write the
question if you clearly designate the answer). Show all work for calculation problems and write
your final answers to the correct significant figures.

Any waste created from lab technique practice can be gathered in a 1000 mL beaker, and placed in a
waste carboy in the hood.

Return to project: Glassware, White compound, Calcium, Dye, Deicer, Acid

Bunsen Burner

Technique video: Lighting a Bunsen burner
Obtain a Bunsen burner and burner tubing. Make sure the
bench and shelf above the burner is cleared. Tie back long hair and
remove any necklaces/ties/etc, and also, clear the bench top around
the burner (keep solvents, such as acids, away from the burner too!).
Attach the burner tubing to the gas inlet on the burner and to the gas
valve on the bench top. Always remember to first check the condition of the
burner tubing: look for cracked hosing but also check the connection, making sure
the hose is tightly connected at the burner joint.
Make sure both the air valve/port and gas/needle valve are
closed. Slowly open the gas valve to about one turn. If this is your
first time using a striker, practice getting a spark before turning on the
gas. Grip the striker tightly and compress to create a spark.
Once you can consistently get a spark, turn on the gas from the source
and light the burner (dont have your hand over the flame!). If the burner doesnt ignite within a
few seconds, turn the gas off, wait, and then try again. Never leave the gas on without a flame for more than
a few seconds. Adjust the flame as necessary.
Change the temperature of the flame using the air vent (turning the barrel). Most often you
want a blue cone flame, NOT a yellow flame as it deposits soot and is much cooler. Change the
height of the flame by adjusting the gas valve located at the base of the burner. Turn off the burner
by first turning the gas off at the source, then close the air vent (close the barrel).
1. How will you use this technique in your project?
2. Why is it important to have the air vent closed when lighting?
3. Where is the hottest part of the flame?

Picture from

Table of Contents 33

Cleaning & conditioning:
Obtain approximately 20 mL of your solution in a small beaker and approximately 20 mL of
distilled water in another small beaker. The water will be used for the cleaning portion of the
process, and your solution will be used for the conditioning. When conditioning you always use distilled
water and the solution you will be measuring out in the pipet.
Using the up and down buttons on the bulb, fill the pipet about a third full with the distilled
water, remove the bulb, and swirl to coat all sides of the glass. Allow the water to drain into the
sink. Repeat this twice. After rinsing with distilled water, repeat the process with the solution. The
solution should drain into the waste beaker, not the sink. Your pipet is now ready to be used. Never
reuse the distilled water or conditioning solution. This process should be completed for other glassware
such as burets and drop counters.
1. How will you use this technique in your project?
2. What is the purpose of cleaning and conditioning a pipet?
3. You forgot to complete the conditioning portion of this process, and used your pipet to
deliver an aliquot (i.e. a known volume of solution) of solution for your project. What effect
might your error have on the concentration of the solution you deliver?

Return to project: Glassware, White compound, Calcium, Dye, Deicer, Acid

Using a Conductivity Probe:
Obtain approximately 10mL of 1.00M HCl in a 100mL beaker. Using a graduated cylinder,
measure 5mL of 1.00M HCl into a separate 100mL beaker and dilute with 50mL of distilled water.
Attach the conductivity probe to the LabQuest2 and completely submerge the metal sensor of the
probe in the diluted HCl solution. Using the switch on the side of the conductivity probe box, flip
the switch from 0-200 to 0-2000 to 0-20000 to determine the most appropriate setting.
1. How will you use this technique in your project?
2. What was the most appropriate conductivity setting and why? What was the reading in that
3. Is conductivity a tool for identifying a compound? Why or why not?

Return to project: Glassware, White compound, Calcium, Dye, Deicer, Acid

Diluting a solution :
You will be making 125mL of 0.40M NaOH. Determine the volume of 1.00M NaOH
needed to make this solution. Obtain an appropriate size beaker and graduated cylinder for the
volume of liquid you determined. Pour a volume of 1.00M NaOH into the beaker which is ~5 mL
larger than your calculated volume. Measure out the exact volume of 1.00M NaOH in the graduated
cylinder to make the diluted solution. Determine the volume of distilled water needed to make the
125mL solution, and choose an appropriate graduated cylinder to measure this volume. Measure the
volume of water and pour into a to-contain piece of glassware. Slowly add the aliquot of 1.00M
NaOH to the water. Always add stock solution to water, never add water to stock solution! Stir or swirl the
solution to homogenize.
1. How will you use this technique in your project?
2. What volume of 1.00M HCl would be needed to make 50.0mL of .200M HCl?
3. How many mL of distilled water would be needed to make the solution in #1?

Table of Contents 34

Return to project: Glassware, White compound, Calcium, Dye, Deicer, Acid


Obtain a watch glass, evaporating dish, Bunsen burner, tripod stand,
and wire gauze/clay triangle (NOTE: Use a clay triangle for
ceramic/white evaporating dish and wire gauze for glass/clear
evaporating dish). Weigh a clean evaporating dish and watch glass.
Place the evaporating dish on top of the wire gauze/clay triangle. Add
your solution or components of your reaction to be evaporated. Test
the pH of the resulting solution using pH paper. If it is acidic you will
need to neutralize it with NaOH (add dropwise) before heating. Place
the watch glass, concave down, on top of the evaporating dish. With
the Bunsen burner away from your apparatus, light the Bunsen burner.
Make sure the flame is blue and low/medium strength. Slowly move
the flame under the reaction vessel and back out again after a few
minutes. Repeatedly move the burner in and away from the
evaporating dish and watch glass until all of your solute has
evaporated. As there is less and less water, the watch glass may pop
and jump around as gas is given off. If this occurs, remove the flame to prevent the solid from
leaving your reaction vessel. Let reaction vessel completely cool before you reweigh the evaporating
dish and watch glass.
1. How will you use this technique in your project?
2. Why is it important to make sure the watch glass is dry?
3. You mix together sodium carbonate and calcium nitrate, and you want to isolate the calcium
carbonate. Is evaporation the appropriate method? Why or why not?

Return to project: Glassware, White compound, Calcium, Dye, Deicer, Acid

Filtration -Vacuum
Obtain a Buchner funnel, filter flask, ring stand, vacuum
tubing, and ring clamp. Set up the vacuum filtration according to the
picture to the right. Attach the vacuum tubing to the flask and to the
vacuum line (near the sink). Make sure to clamp the flask in place to prevent
the apparatus from tipping over.
Obtain a medium size beaker. To practice, add a few scoops
of an insoluble solid to ~50mL of water (or add ~25mL of two
aqueous solutions together to create a precipitate). Weigh a small
piece of filter paper on the fine balance, place it in the funnel, and
lightly spray with distilled water. Then, slowly turn on the water to
create a vacuum (put a beaker in the sink under the water to prevent
splashing when water is full blast). Check your vacuum by covering the Buchner funnel with your hand. Push
your hand down slightly, and you should feel suction.

Image from
Image from

Table of Contents 35

Swirl your solution with precipitate and slowly pour into the funnel to prevent any solid
from running under the filter paper. If there is any residue in the reaction vessel, rinse with distilled
water and run through the filter. Let the vacuum run for as long as necessary to dry the solid.
Detach the vacuum tubing from the flask BEFORE turning off the water. If the liquid in the filter flask
is cloudy, you need to refilter. Carefully remove the filter paper and solid from the funnel using a scapula
and place on a watch glass. Weigh the filter paper and solid only when the filter paper is dry (you
may need to use a drying oven).
1. How will you use this technique in your project?
2. You want to remove sodium chloride from your solution. Is vacuum filtration the proper
technique? Why or why not?
3. How do you determine the mass of solid obtained from vacuum filtration?

Return to project: Glassware, White compound, Calcium, Dye, Deicer, Acid

Flame Test
Technique video: Flame test (You will be using a nichrome wire and HNO3 instead of the platinum
wire and HCl shown in this video)
Obtain a Bunsen burner, nichrome wire, ~5mL of HNO3 in a clean test tube, and ~5mL of
distilled water in a clean tube. Pour a small amount of NaCl into the cap or
into a beaker in order to transfer it into the distilled water test tube using
the scoopula.. Do not put any leftover solid back into the original container.
Light the Bunsen burner. To check whether the wire is clean or
not, simply place the tip of the wire into top of the inside blue flame and
monitor the flame color. You only need to place your wire in the flame for
a second or two. If the flame color doesnt change, your probe is clean. If
you do see a color change, dip your wire into nitric acid and then place it
back in the flame (to burn the HNO3 off).
When performing an actual test, you can do one of the following:
Dip the wire into the NaCl solution, place tip into the blue edge of the inside flame, and
monitor the flame for color changes.
Place a few milliliters of your NaCl solution onto a watch glass. Heat the wire until red hot.
Then, with the watch glass positioned just below the air valve, quickly place the hot wire
into the solution. (This should vaporize enough of your solution to change the entire color
of the flame, BUT ask your TA to demonstrate this procedure before you try it.)
Remember to always clean your wire between tests using the nitric acid! If you do not see a good color change,
try adding an additional scoop of solid to the test tube, re-clean and retry the flame test. Repeat
1. How will you use this technique in your project?
2. What element in your solution causes the observed color change?
3. Why might you want to use both flame test methods in your procedure?

Return to project: Glassware, White compound, Calcium, Dye,
Deicer, Acid

Ice Bath

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Table of Contents 36

Obtain a 250mL beaker. Fill the beaker full with ice from the ice maker in the hallway. Add
enough water and bulk salt (NaCl) to make a slushy solution. Stir using a glass stirring rod. Monitor
your bath using a regular thermometer.
If you are placing reaction vessels into the ice bath, you can use a larger beaker or large
Styrofoam container. Place reaction vessels into the ice bath. Drain excess water and refresh ice
bath periodically with salt and ice but dont dump the ice until the end of the experiment. If you are
using the ice bath as your experiment you can use the 250mL beaker. Do not attempt to determine the
mass of ice in a beaker larger than 250mL.
1. How will you use this technique in your project?
2. What is the temperature, to the correct significance, of your ice bath?
3. What is the purpose of adding salt to the ice bath? Why might this be important for your

Return to project: Glassware, White compound, Calcium, Dye, Deicer, Acid

Mohr pipet :
Obtain approximately 20 mL of 1.00M HC2H3O2 in a small beaker. Have two empty test tubes
ready for dispensing the liquid. Practice using the bulb to suction up the liquid and using your finger
to release liquid.
Do not allow the tip of the pipet to come out of solution when taking up solution. Tip the beaker to the side to
gather the liquid if needed. Get the bottom of the meniscus of the liquid above the 0mL mark, remove
the bulb and quickly place your finger over the top. Keeping the pipet in the solution, remove some
pressure from your finger to release liquid to the 0mL line. If you go below the line, use the bulb to re-
suction. When the meniscus is on the 0mL mark, place the Morh pipet over the first test tube and
use your finger to release liquid to the 3mL mark. In the second test tube dispense the remaining
liquid to the 5mL mark.
Using a second Mohr pipet, repeat the cleaning and conditioning steps above with distilled
water. Add 2mL of distilled water to the first test tube and 3mL of water to the second test tube.
1. How will you use this technique in your project?
2. How many mL of solution (to the correct significant digits) did you dispense into the second
test tube?
3. What is the new concentration of HC2H3O2 in the first test tube?

Return to project: Glassware, White compound, Calcium, Dye, Deicer, Acid

Obtain a clean glass stirring rod, watch glass, and pH paper. Fill a 50mL beaker with
~10mL of 1.00M HCl. Place the dry pH paper on the watch glass. Touch the pH paper on the opposite
side of where you will be placing the liquid for testing. Dip the stirring rod into the HCl and touch the
stirring rod to the pH paper. Do not dip the pH paper into the solution. Observe the initial color of the
paper and compare it to the standard colors on the pH paper container. Write down the pH to the
nearest whole pH.
1. How will you use this technique in your project?

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Image from:

Table of Contents 37

2. Why should you not dip the pH paper directly into the solution?
3. Without using your calculator, what is the [H
] of a solution (to the
correct significance) with a pH of 4.0?

Return to project: Glassware, White compound, Calcium, Dye, Deicer, Acid

Obtain a clean, dry 125 mL Erlenmeyer flask, a 250 mL beaker, ring stand, 2 ring clamps,
and the Vernier Pressure Sensor kit. Turn on the Vernier LabQuest 2, attach the pressure sensor to
Channel 1 and the temperature sensor to channel 2. Fill the beaker ~1/3 full with room
temperature water, and set up the apparatus according to the picture below. To ensure the Erlenmeyer is
entirely covered and the temperature probe is not touching any glass, use the ring stand and clamps to secure each in the
beaker. Use the clear tubing to connect the white rubber stopper to the Gas Pressure Sensor (about
turn of the fittings will secure the tubing tightly). Twist
the white rubber stopper snugly into the neck of the
Erlenmeyer flask to avoid losing any of the gas that will
be produced. Make sure the two-way valve above the
rubber stopper is open. After 30 seconds, close the 2-way
Obtain a small amount of 2-propanol in a 50 mL
beaker. Draw 3mL of 2-propanol into the 20mL syringe.
With the two-way valve on the white stopper closed,
thread the syringe onto it. Begin data collection on the
Vernier LabQuest 2. After about 10 seconds have elapsed
and the initial temperature readings have been taken, add
ethyl acetate as described below. Read these steps first as the
addition must be completed quickly!
Open the valve below the syringe containing the 3
mL of 2-propanol. Push down on the plunger of the
syringe to inject the 2-propanol. Quickly pull the plunger
back to the 3 mL mark and close the valve below the
syringe. Carefully remove the syringe from the stopper so
the stopper is not moved.
Monitor the pressure and temperature readings. To better view the graphical change in
pressure and temperature, click on graph, and click on resize once. When the pressure readings
stabilize, end data collection. Gently loosen and remove the stopper assembly from the flask and
dispose of the ethyl acetate in the waste containers.
To determine the initial pressure and temperature, click and drag the stylus across ~10
second time period of the beginning of the graph. Click on analyze, statistics, and check the boxes
for both pressure and temperature. On the right hand side, scroll through the statistics for each
variable to find the mean. Write these values down. To determine the pressure at the end of the
run, repeat this process for a time period near the end of the graph. Determine the vapor pressure
from this information.
1. How will you use this technique in your project?
2. What is the air pressure?
3. Calculate the vapor pressure of 2-propanol

Table of Contents 38

Return to project: Glassware, White compound, Calcium, Dye, Deicer, Acid

Obtain 2 clean, dry cuvettes, 2 Beral pipets, a Kimwipe, Vernier LabQuest2, Vernier
Spectrovis, and two small beakers. It is important to designate one pipet to each solution to prevent
contamination. Pour ~10mL distilled water into one beaker, and ~10mL of dye into the other.
Attach the Spectrovis to the LabQuest and turn on the LabQuest. Using the Beral pipet, fill one
cuvette full with the distilled water. Using the second Beral pipet, fill the second cuvette full
with dye.
The screen on the LabQuest should say USB: Abs in the red box. Click sensors, and
calibrate. You should calibrate once during an experiment. While you are waiting for the lamp to warm
up (~90 seconds), hold the cuvette on the opaque sides and wipe down the transparent sides of both
cuvettes using the Kimwipe. Always hold your cuvettes at the top or on the opaque sides. Once the warmed
up is complete, place your distilled water cuvette into the Spectrovis (transparent sides facing the
arrow), and click finish calibration. Once the calibration is complete, click okay.
Remove the distilled water cuvette and place the dye cuvette into the Spectrovis. Click the
play to collect the absorbance of your dye using the full visible spectrum. Click stop once the
graph has displayed. Click on the button in the top left corner to display the USB:Abs in the red
box. The best wavelength to measure the absorbance of your dye is automatically chosen by the
LabQuest. To collect data points for your dye, click on Mode, and in the drop down menu click
on events with entry. The absorbance of the dye should read as a dot on the graph. Click keep
and enter in the concentration of the dye. Repeat steps as needed. Click stop once you have
gathered all of your data.
To collect data for your dye over time, click on Mode, and in the drop down menu click
on time-based. Click file, and save to save your data. You may need to re-run Full Spectrum mode to
re-obtain the best wavelength to measure the absorbance of your dye. Use the Vernier videos/directions for
further instruction on using the Spectrovis. Data collected using the LabQuest2 can be downloaded
to your computer using the Vernier Download directions.
4. How will you use this technique in your project?
5. How are concentration and absorbance related?
6. How might touching your cuvette on the transparent sides affect your absorbance reading?

Return to project: Glassware, White compound, Calcium, Dye, Deicer, Acid

Stock solution :
Obtain a 50mL volumetric flask and a small beaker. Fill the volumetric flask with
approximately 15 mL of distilled water. Using a dry funnel, add your solid from weighing out solid
material to the volumetric flask. If the funnel is wet your solid will get stuck! Swirl the flask until the
solid dissolves. (NOTE: Dont forget to weigh your empty beaker so you can calculate your mass of
solid!) Fill the volumetric flask with water so that the bottom of the meniscus is on the line. If you go
over the line you will have to remake the solution, so use a squirt bottle or dropper as you get close to the line. Stopper
the flask, and while keeping a finger on the stopper, invert the flask to ensure a homogenous
1. How will you use this technique in your project?
2. Calculate the actual concentration of your solution (show all work!).
3. Without performing a calculation, would you expect to add more or less solid sodium sulfate
than solid sodium chloride to make the same .1000M solution? Explain your reasoning.

Table of Contents 39

Over titrated Before titration Light Pink

Return to project: Glassware, White compound, Calcium, Dye, Deicer, Acid

Obtain ~50mL of water in a 100mL beaker, a scoop of ice in a 100mL
beaker, a Vernier temperature probe and LabQuest2. Plug in the temperature
probe to the LabQuest2 and place the probe into the beaker of water. Always make
sure the probe is not touching the glass. Alternately, you can use a ring stand and clamp
to secure the probe. The LabQuest2 should display the temperature of the water.
To measure temperature over time, click the play button. Add some ice to the
water and swirl to mix. The temperature should decrease over time. After 1-2
minutes click stop. Data collected using the LabQuest2 can be downloaded to your computer
using the Vernier Download directions.
1. How will you use this technique in your project?
2. Why should you not allow the temperature probe to rest against the glass?
3. You want to determine the maximum temperature of an acid solution when aluminum is
added. Would it be more appropriate to write down a single value, or collect the
temperature over time? Justify your choice.

Return to project: Glassware, White compound, Calcium, Dye, Deicer, Acid

Titration indicator
Obtain ~50mL of base (i.e. 0.10M NaOH) and
~10mL of 1.0 M HCl in separate beakers. Add ~40mL of
distilled water to the HCl and swirl to mix. Exact volumes
are not needed to dilute the acid as you will be determining the exact
concentration in the titration. If you are using a drop counter to
hold your titrant, you will need to calibrate the drop
counter first. After completing the calibration, set up the
drop counter without the pH probe, making sure to plug in
the drop counter into the LabQuest. Alternatively, you can
use a buret to complete a titration. With the stopcock
closed (parallel to the floor), pour the base into the drop counter. Pipet a 10mL aliquot of your
diluted HCl into a 100mL beaker. Add 1-2 drops of phenolphthalein to the acid and place the
beaker underneath the drop counter. Your LabQuest should have a volume of mL. Slowly open
the stopcock of the drop counter to start the titration. Swirl the beaker to ensure homogeneity
throughout the titration. Make sure your drop counter is not adding base too quickly. As long as you
do not click stop, you can close the stopcock and reopen without affecting your titration. Clicking stop will reset the
drop counter volume. As your indicator begins to change to a permanent light pink color, slow down
the drops. The titration is complete once the pink color remains for 5 seconds. Use the volume of
base added to determine the actual concentration of your acid.
1. How will you use this technique in your project?
2. What is the concentration of the acid?

Image from:
Image from:

Table of Contents 40

3. If you do not know the identity of your acid, is this the proper technique? Why or why not?

Return to project: Glassware, White compound, Calcium, Dye, Deicer, Acid

Titration pH meter:
Obtain ~50mL of base (i.e. 0.10M NaOH) and ~10mL of 1.0 M HCl in separate beakers.
Add ~40mL of distilled water to the HCl and swirl to mix. Exact volumes are not needed to dilute the acid
as you will be determining the exact concentration in the titration. If you are using a drop counter to hold
your titrant, you will need to calibrate the drop counter first. After completing the calibration, set
up the drop counter and pH probe according to the picture, making sure to plug in the pH probe
and drop counter into the LabQuest. Alternatively, you can use a buret with the pH probe to
complete the titration. With the stopcock closed (parallel to the floor), pour the base into the drop
counter. Pipet a 10mL aliquot of your diluted HCl into a 100mL beaker. Place the beaker
underneath the drop counter and lower probe into the acid solution. Your LabQuest should have a
pH reading and a volume of mL. Click the play button and slowly open the stopcock of the drop
counter to start the titration. Swirl the beaker to ensure homogeneity throughout the titration. Make
sure your drop counter is not adding base too quickly. As long as you do not click stop, you can close the
stopcock and reopen without affecting your titration. Clicking stop will reset the drop counter volume. Once you
have collected enough data, click stop. Use the titration curve to determine the actual concentration
of your acid. Data collected using the LabQuest2 can be downloaded to your computer using the
Vernier Download directions.
1. How will you use this technique in your project?
2. At what point in the graph are the moles of base equal to the moles of acid?
3. What is the actual concentration, to the correct significance, of your diluted HCl?

Return to project: Glassware, White compound, Calcium, Dye, Deicer, Acid

Measuring Volume:

Obtain a graduate cylinder (10 mL or 50 mL) and fill
approximately halfway with tap water. To accurately determine
the level of a liquid, you MUST be at eye level. This does not
mean that you should pick the glassware up towards your face.
Instead, either bend down to view the level (while glassware is on
a flat bench surface) or lower the glassware (when using clamped
items such as burettes.) The level of the liquid can be determined
by the lowest part of the meniscus, as shown in image on left.
Glassware comes in a variety of sizes and can be used for
a variety of different purposes. For glassware used to measure
volumes of liquids (as opposed to glassware just used to hold
liquids), it is important to report the measured value to the correct
significance. In general, estimate one digit past the indicated
markings. For example, if the markings on the glassware are for

Image from:

Table of Contents 41

every 1 mL, your measured value should be estimated (and the value you write down) should be to
the nearest 0.1mL.
1. How will you use this technique in your project?
2. What size graduated cylinder did you use? What is the measured volume to the correct
significant digits?
3. How many decimal places should you include in a buret reading? How did you determine

Return to project: Glassware, White compound, Calcium, Volatile liquids, Dye, Deicer, Acid, Buffer

Volumetric pipet :

Technique video: Volumetric Pipet
Obtain a small beaker and pour ~50mL of 1.0M
HCl into the beaker. Obtain a 5 or 10mL
volumetric pipet and bulb. Clean and condition
the pipet with the 1.0M HCl solution.
REMEMBER: The HCl used to condition should be
placed into the waste beaker and not reused. Obtain a
100 mL beaker. Squeeze the bulb, and with one
hand at the top of the pipet, carefully place the
bulb on the pipet. Using the up and down arrows,
suction enough liquid so the bottom of the
meniscus is on the line. Do not allow the tip of the
pipet to come out of solution when taking up solution. Tip
the beaker to the side to gather the liquid if needed. Place
the pipet over the 100 mL beaker and remove the
bulb to dispense the liquid (called an aliquot).
There should be a small drop remaining in the bulb, do not
try to remove this from the pipet.
1. How will you use this technique in your
2. What is the volume of HCl delivered into
the beaker to the correct significant
3. Why is it important to not blow out the
last drop from the pipet into your beaker?

Return to project: Glassware, White compound, Calcium, Dye, Deicer, Acid

Weighing out solid material :
Determine the mass of sodium chloride needed to make 50mL of a 0.10M NaCl. Obtain a
small beaker and place on the rough balance. Tare the rough balance (i.e. zero it) and add the mass
of NaCl using one of two methods: 1) roll and pour from the bottle to the beaker, or 2) transfer a
small amount from the bottle to the cap and use a scoopula to add solid to the beaker. Any excess

Image from:

Table of Contents 42

solid in the cap or in your beaker is now contaminated and should be placed in the waste and NOT back in the
container. Once you get the correct mass on the rough balance (+/- .02 from your calculated mass is
fine!), take the beaker to the fine balance. When all of the doors are shut, the fine balance should
read 0.0000g (+/- .0001 is okay). If it does not, zero the balance. Open one of the glass doors,
place the beaker with the solid on the balance, and close the door. Record the first stable reading
(does not change for a few seconds) to the nearest milligram (i.e. 3
decimal place). After placing
the solid into the desired container, re-weigh the empty beaker on the fine balance using the same
steps. Record this mass.
1. How will you use this technique in your project?
2. What is the mass of your solid?
3. Why do you weigh the empty beaker at the end rather than at the beginning when
determining the mass of solid?

Return to project: Glassware, White compound, Calcium, Dye, Deicer, Acid

Table of Contents 43


Using the LabQuest2
There are instructional videos made for the course in the Kaltura Media Gallery on the Chem Lab
Collab site. We recommend starting with the Introduction video. Alternatively, you can watch the
instructional video provided by Vernier on how to use the LabQuest2:

You can use the LabQuest2 in two different ways; 1) to measure a single value, or 2) collect data
over time. For measuring a value, use proper technique (i.e. for measuring temperature of a liquid,
place the probe in the middle of the liquid and not sitting on the bottom of your glassware), wait for
the value to stabilize, then write the value in your lab notebook. For collecting data, have the probe
ready (i.e. for measuring pH have the probe in the liquid), tap the play button on the screen and
begin collecting data. Click the stop button once complete. In order to view your data later, please
follow the steps below.

Viewing Data on your computer
In order to view data/graphs from the LabQuest2 outside of lab, you will need to save your data to
the LabQuest2, download a viewing program (called LoggerPro) on your computer, and transfer the
data file to your computer.
1. Save the data file on the LabQuest2
2. Download the following program to your laptop
Follow the directions in the link below (ctrl + click) for downloading the software
Logger Pro 3.8.7 with sample movies (Windows)
Password: climate

Logger Pro 3.8.7 with sample movies (Mac OS X)
Password: climate
3. Transfer the data file to your computer
In order to download your data from the LabQuest2 to your laptop, open the Logger Pro
program. There are two ways to get the data file onto your computer.
a. Open the data file on the LabQuest2. Connect the LabQuest2 to the computer using
the USB cable. Launch the Logger Pro software. Logger Pro should identify that
there is remote data found on the LabQuest2. Follow the on screen prompts to get
the data into Logger Pro. Once the file is open go to file, save as and save the file to
your computer. Unplug the LabQuest2.
b. If you don't want to open the file first, you can connect the LabQuest2 to the
computer using the USB cable, open the software and from the Logger Pro menu,
choose LabQuest2 Browser option and select Open. Once the file is open go to file,
save as and save the file to your computer. Unplug the LabQuest2.
NOTE: If the device is not register on your computer, on the LabQuest2 click home,
connections, LabQuest Viewer, and uncheck the box that says Enable Viewer of USB. The
LabQuest2 will restart, and you should be able to open the file on your computer.

Table of Contents 44

These videos provide general information about how the sensors work, their general purpose, and
additional applications. Videos specific for the laboratory course can be found on the Collab site in
the Kaltura Media gallery.

Quick-Start Guide:

Stainless Steel Temperature Probe
Temperature Probe User Manual:

pH Sensor
pH Sensor User Manual:

Gas Pressure Sensor
Videos (2):
Gas Pressure Sensor User Manual:

Conductivity Probe
Conductivity Probe User Manual:

Drop Counter
Drop Counter User Manual:

SpectroVis Plus

Table of Contents 45

SpectroVis Plus User Manual:

Table of Contents 46


The general chemistry laboratories make frequent use of volume measurement devices. This project is designed
to familiarize you with the uses and accuracy of many common pieces of laboratory glassware. You will create a
table of descriptive information about the equipment listed below and experimentally determine the accuracy,
for reference throughout the semester.

Criteria for completing the project:
Create a table that contains the common use, to deliver or to contain designation, accuracy, and
uncertainty of the following pieces of laboratory glassware.
o beaker
o graduated cylinder
o volumetric flask
o volumetric pipet
o Erlenmeyer flask

By the end of the project you should be able to:
Correctly read and record measurements to the proper number of significant digits
Use significant figures properly in calculations
Understand the relationship between mass, volume, and density
Differentiate between glassware meant to hold liquid and glassware used to measure liquid volumes
Determine the proper glassware to use for a given experimental task
Calculate the uncertainty in laboratory measurements
Use proper lab technique for measuring temperature, volume and mass
Create a data table

Safety Notes:
Glassware is fragile and should be handled carefully. If anything gets broken, let your TA know
immediately so that it can be cleaned up properly.
Goggles must be worn no matter what substances are being handled in lab.

Waste Collection:
No chemicals other than water will be used, so all solutions can be rinsed down the drain.

Equipment, techniques, & concepts you may find useful:
Density of water at different temperatures
Use of balances
Concept of to deliver or to contain with respect to glassware

Lab techniques
Click on the link for one of the lab techniques you may find useful for your experiment. Follow the
directions to practice this lab technique and answer the three questions in your lab notebook to be turned in

Modified from University of Minnesota CHEM 1065/1066 Projects

Table of Contents 47

with your plan. There are many different techniques that will be used in projects this semester, and you only
need to practice one for each project. REMEMBER: Your team must choose an appropriate technique and
you cannot repeat techniques during the semester. Your TA must sign your lab notebook to confirm you
practiced your lab technique.
Possible lab techniques: Lighting a Bunsen burner, Cleaning & conditioning a pipet, using a
conductivity probe, Diluting a solution, Evaporation, Filtration -vacuum, Performing a Flame test, Making
an Ice Bath, Using a Mohr pipet, Using pH paper, Using a pressure sensor, Using a spectrophotometer,
Creating a Stock solution, Measuring temperature, Completing a titration using indicator, Completing a
titration using a pH meter, Correctly measuring volume, Using a Volumetric pipet, Weighing out solid

Planning Questions:
Outline a plan to determine the accuracy of each piece of glassware listed.
How could you test the marks or gradations on each piece of glassware?
How could the density of water be used to determine the accuracy of the glassware?
Make a prediction on which pieces of glassware will be the most accurate and the least accurate.

Summary Tasks:
Summarize your findings in a table that contains the information listed in the criteria for
completing the project above. NOTE: If performing calculations, only do 1 sample calculation
(remaining calculations to be done for the report)
Based on your findings, explain the differences for each type of glassware.

For this project, your group will turn in the Experimental and Results section of a typical complete lab
report. You will answer the write-up questions individually. Always use proper grammar, format and
include a list of references in ACS format!
Write-up questions:
1. How do you define accuracy? How did you calculate accuracy?
2. Which glassware was the most accurate? The least accurate?
3. How did you define uncertainty? How did you calculate uncertainty?
4. Which glassware had the smallest uncertainty? The largest uncertainty?
5. How would you identify outlier data?
6. How could you justify excluding data from your data set?
7. What trends, if any, exist between accuracy, uncertainty and to-deliver vs. to-contain glassware? If
there are no trends, explain why there are not.
8. How do your results confirm or disconfirm your prediction from your planning questions?
9. What errors occurred during your experiment? How might they have affected your data and results?
10. What additional investigations could you pursue to add to this experiment?
11. Why is it important to know the accuracy and uncertainty of glassware? Give at least two practical

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An unlabeled container of a white compound has been discovered in the chemistry stockroom. In order to
dispose of it correctly, you and your team are being asked to identify the compound and many of its
chemical and physical properties. As an additional challenge for your team, you will be asked to design a
reaction to synthesize your unknown.

Criteria for completing the study:
Identify the compound
Discover as many physical and chemical properties as possible
Design and carry out a synthesis of the compound

By the end of the project you should be able to:
Write and balance chemical equations
Predict the products from the addition of two salts into water
Know the solubility of salt compounds( i.e. soluble or insoluble)
Predict the acidity/basicity of a salt when added to water
Explain conductivity at the molecular level
Differentiate between chemical and physical properties
Identify an unknown compound based on its physical and/or chemical properties
Understand how a conductivity probe works
Calculate a theoretical yield
Calculate a % yield
Identify the proper procedure to isolate soluble and insoluble salts in solution
Evaluate a synthesis reaction based on the % yield
Evaluate a procedure for identifying an unknown compound from its chemical and physical
Create a flow chart

You will weight out ~5 g of your unknown compound. In order to make your task manageable, the identity
of your unknown will be restricted to the following list of solid compounds. They will all be available in lab
to use in reactions with, and as comparisons to, your unknown compound.

Possible Unknowns

Modified from University of Minnesota CHEM 1065/1066 Projects

Safety Notes:
Consult the MSDS for any compound that you work with

Table of Contents 49

The compounds used in this project are generally recognized as safe, but always treat chemicals
with care, especially when dealing with your unknown

Waste Handling:
All waste should be collected in a 1000mL beaker and poured in the carboy container in the
hood at the back of the room

Equipment & techniques you may find useful:
solubility of solid compounds
anion and cation tests
flame tests
measuring conductivity
measuring pH
preparing a solution
volumetric measurements of liquids
filtration of solids

Available Chemicals:
0.1M AgNO3
0.1M BaCl2
3M HCl

Carboys out all semester varying concentrations

Lab techniques
Click on the link for one of the lab techniques you may find useful for your experiment.
Follow the directions to practice this lab technique and answer the three questions in your lab
notebook to be turned in with your plan. There are many different techniques that will be used in
projects this semester, and you only need to practice one for each project. REMEMBER: Your
team must choose an appropriate technique and you cannot repeat techniques during the semester.
Your TA must sign your lab notebook to confirm you practiced your lab technique.
Possible lab techniques: Lighting a Bunsen burner, Cleaning & conditioning a pipet, using a
conductivity probe, Diluting a solution, Evaporation, Filtration -vacuum, Performing a Flame test,
Making an Ice Bath, Using a Mohr pipet, Using pH paper, Using a pressure sensor, Using a
spectrophotometer, Creating a Stock solution, Measuring temperature, Completing a titration using
indicator, Completing a titration using a pH meter, Correctly measuring volume, Using a Volumetric
pipet, Weighing out solid material

Part I Planning Questions:
Write a plan for your first day of experimentation. It should include the following information.
Remember that your tests should be done more than once:
Outline a procedure for finding the qualitative solubility of your unknown.
Outline a procedure for finding the conductivity of your unknown. Keep in mind that
conductivity is dependent on concentration.

Table of Contents 50

What tests or reactions will you perform to determine what anions or cations (if any) your
unknown contains?
How will you know if a solution of your compound is acidic, basic, or neutral? Why would
this be useful information?
Give three (or more) reactions or tests that you will carry out to investigate the reactivity of
your unknown and to confirm its identity. Keep in mind that all of the known compounds
are out in lab for comparison purposes.

Part I Summary Questions:
What is the identity of your unknown compound (include the unknown number)? Briefly
summarize your experiments and the results that led you to this conclusion.

Part II Proposed Planning Questions:
State at least one possible synthesis reaction for your compound. Include the balanced
chemical equation
Determine the amount of each reactant you will need to theoretically synthesize 1 gram of
your compound.
What tests or reactions would you perform to confirm the identity and purity of your
Write a step-by-step plan for how you would carry out the reaction. List the laboratory
techniques you would use.

For this project, your group will turn in the Experimental and Results section. It is due the day of
your presentation. You will individually complete the Introduction and Discussion, due the week
after your presentation. Use the write-up questions below to help guide your writing (do not write
the answers to the questions as but integrate them into the appropriate sections make sure to
include all components of the sections according to the rubric). Always use proper grammar, format
and include a list of references in ACS format!
Write-up questions:
1. Can you predict the acidity/basicity of a salt when dissolved in water? If so, how? If not,
why not?
2. How does a pH probe work?
3. What is the purpose of determining the conductivity of a salt in solution? What is
happening at the molecular level?
4. Is there a standard value for conductivity? Why or why not?
5. What happens to a salt compound when it is exposed to a flame? Is this a chemical or
physical property? How do you know?
6. How did the solubility of different salt compounds help identify your unknown compound?
7. Use your data to explain how you identified your unknown compound. Are you certain you
correctly identified your compound?
8. What additional tests would provide additional evidence that you have the correct identity of
your unknown compound?
9. Why did you choose some reactants over others to synthesize your compound?
10. How would you isolate your synthesized compound?
11. What evidence would you gather to confirm the identity of your synthesized compound?
12. What would it mean to have a % yield lower than 100%? Higher than 100%?

Table of Contents 51

13. Why is it important to identify an unknown compound using its chemical and physical

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Many older people find that they have become susceptible to osteoporosis. In order to guard
against this insidious ailment, doctors often recommend that people take a calcium supplement.
There are a number of brands already on the market, including antacids such as Tums, and liquid
supplements such as Mylanta. However, many people find these supplements chalky, making
them difficult or unpleasant to swallow.

Your task is to design a calcium supplement that could be taken as a clear liquid.

Criteria for Completing the Project:
Under no circumstances should you ever ingest any materials in the chemistry laboratory. Your
criteria for making an acceptable solution should be:
It is clear.
It has a pH between 4 and 10.
It contains minimally toxic materials (as indicated in the MSDS for this material).
It has a known concentration so that people will know how much to drink to consume the
required dose.

By the end of the project you should be able to:
Know the solubility of various calcium salts
Explain how to affect the solubility of an insoluble salt
Understand the relationship between concentration, moles and volume.
Calculate the concentration of calcium in solution from: 1) the mass of a salt and volume of
solvent; 2) the recommended daily allowance of calcium;

Safety Notes/Waste Handling:
Be sure to consult the MSDS for any compound you work with.
Dispose of wastes in the labeled containers. Do not pour any wastes down the drain
Use great care when transferring solutions of strong acids and bases.

Equipment & techniques you may find useful:
Use of Beral pipets
Solubility and how to increase solubility

The cheapest source of calcium is calcium carbonate, and this will be your starting point because it
will not be economically feasible to use any other sources of Ca
in a large-scale production.

Available Chemicals:

Modified from Cooper, M.M (2012). Designing a Calcium Supplement. In Cooperative Chemistry Laboratory Manual.
Clemson University. New York: McGraw Hill.

Ca(NO3)2 (aq)
Na2CO3 (aq)
NaNO3 (aq)
Na3PO4 (aq)
NaH2PO4 (aq)

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Na2HPO4 (aq)
Na2SO4 (aq)
NaCl (aq)

Carboys out all semester varying concentrations
HCl (aq)
HC2H3O2 (aq)
HNO3 (aq)
NaOH (aq)
KOH (aq)
H2SO4 (aq)

Lab techniques
Click on the link for one of the lab techniques you may find useful for your experiment.
Follow the directions to practice this lab technique and answer the three questions in your lab
notebook to be turned in with your plan. There are many different techniques that will be used in
projects this semester, and you only need to practice one for each project. REMEMBER: Your
team must choose an appropriate technique and you cannot repeat techniques during the semester.
Your TA must sign your lab notebook to confirm you practiced your lab technique.
Possible lab techniques: Lighting a Bunsen burner, Cleaning & conditioning a pipet, using a
conductivity probe, Diluting a solution, Evaporation, Filtration -vacuum, Performing a Flame test,
Making an Ice Bath, Using a Mohr pipet, Using pH paper, Using a pressure sensor, Using a
spectrophotometer, Creating a Stock solution, Measuring temperature, Completing a titration using
indicator, Completing a titration using a pH meter, Correctly measuring volume, Using a Volumetric
pipet, Weighing out solid material

Part I Planning Questions:
How can you take calcium carbonate, which is insoluble, and chemically alter the compound
so the calcium ions become soluble in water?
How does altering the pH affect the solubility of calcium carbonate?
What is the solubility of your calcium salt and recommended daily requirement (RDA) for
? How will you use these values to make your calcium supplement solution?
How will you insure the pH of your calcium supplement is within the acceptable range?
What will you do if it is not within the acceptable range?

Part I Summary Questions:
What chemical reactions did you perform to make the calcium carbonate soluble? Write an
equation to show what happened.
Give a brief synopsis of the techniques you used to make the calcium carbonate soluble.
What is the [Ca
]calc and pH of your solution?
How much of your solution would someone have to drink to consume the recommended
daily requirement (RDA) for Ca

Part II Proposed Planning Questions:
How would you experimentally determine the concentration of calcium in your supplement?
How would the pH of your solution influence your experiment?
What would [Ca
]exp tell you about your calcium supplement?

For this project, you will individually write a complete lab report. This includes an Abstract,
Introduction, Experimental, Results, Discussion and Conclusion sections, due the week of your

Table of Contents 54

presentation. Use the write-up questions below to help guide your writing (do not write the
answers to the questions as but integrate them into the appropriate sections make sure to include
all components of the sections according to the rubric. Always use proper grammar, format and
include a list of references in ACS format!
Write-up questions:
1. How did you get calcium carbonate to dissolve? What is/are the underlying chemical
process(es) that facilitate/hinder dissolution?
2. Was your pH within acceptable range? Why or why not? If not, how did you get the pH
within the range? What is happening at the molecular level when the pH is changing?
3. What is the purpose of a titration? How would you have used a titration to experimentally
determine the concentration of calcium? If you did not plan to use a titration, what process
did you find and why did you choose to use this method?
4. What chemical reaction occurs during the titration that allows you to determine the
concentration of calcium?
5. What experimental processes could be improved to make a calcium supplement with a more
accurate concentration?
6. Why is it important to create soluble calcium supplements? Why is it important to
experimentally determine the concentration of calcium in your supplement?

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Many older people find that they have become susceptible to osteoporosis. In order to guard
against this insidious ailment, doctors often recommend that people take a calcium supplement.
There are a number of brands already on the market, including antacids such as Tums, and liquid
supplements such as Mylanta. However, many people find these supplements chalky, making
them difficult or unpleasant to swallow.

Your task is to design a calcium supplement that could be taken as a clear liquid.

Criteria for Completing the Project:
Under no circumstances should you ever ingest any materials in the chemistry laboratory. Your
criteria for making an acceptable solution should be:
It is clear.
It has a pH between 4 and 10.
It does not contain any toxic materials (as indicated in the MSDS for this material).
It has a known concentration so that people will know how much to drink to consume the
required dose.

Safety Notes/Waste Handling:
Be sure to consult the MSDS for any compound you work with.
Dispose of wastes in the labeled containers. Do not pour any wastes down the drain
Use great care when transferring solutions of strong acids and bases.

Equipment & techniques you may find useful:
Use of Beral pipets
Solubility and how to increase solubility

Suggested content-based resources (read prior to coming to lab):
Principles of Chemistry: A molecular Approach
o Ch. 4
o Ch. 14.9
o Ch. 15.1-15.5
Collab documents
o Factors Affecting Solubility
o Solutions 101
o Vernier videos (Drop counter with pH probe)

The cheapest source of calcium is calcium carbonate, and this will be your starting point because it
will not be economically feasible to use any other sources of Ca
in a large-scale production.
However, before you begin to design the makeup of your solution, you will need to do some

Modified from Cooper, M.M (2012). Designing a Calcium Supplement. In Cooperative Chemistry Laboratory Manual.
Clemson University. New York: McGraw Hill.

Table of Contents 56

preliminary experiments to ascertain which compounds of calcium might be soluble in water.

Available Chemicals:
Ca(NO3)2 (aq)
Na2CO3 (aq)
NaNO3 (aq)
Na3PO4 (aq)
NaH2PO4 (aq)
Na2HPO4 (aq)
Na2SO4 (aq)
NaCl (aq)

Carboys out all semester varying concentrations
HCl (aq)
HC2H3O2 (aq)
HNO3 (aq)
NaOH (aq)
KOH (aq)
H2SO4 (aq)

Part I Planning Questions:
How will you systematically study the effect of different acids on the solubility of insoluble
calcium carbonate? Write a reaction to represent what happens in solution when an acid is
What is the solubility of your calcium salt and recommended daily requirement (RDA) for
? How would you use these values to make your calcium supplement solution?
How would you insure the pH of your calcium supplement is within the acceptable range?
What would you do if it is not within the acceptable range?

Part I Summary Questions:
Give a brief synopsis of the techniques you used to make the calcium carbonate soluble.
Write the chemical equation(s) and net ionic equations for the reactions used to create the
soluble calcium carbonate.
What is the [Ca
] and pH of your solution?
How much of your solution would someone have to drink to consume the recommended
daily requirement (RDA) for Ca

Part II Planning Questions:
Given access to any acid, what acid would you use to solubilize calcium carbonate? Why?
How would you scale-up the synthesis of your calcium supplement to manufacture
10,000. L solution per day? What problems/issues would need to be addressed?

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A dye manufacturer has been receiving complaints about the fading of some of its newest dyes upon
washing. The manufacturers believe there are a variety of factors which may be causing the loss of
color, including the basic nature of laundry detergent, temperature of the wash cycle, and additional
ions in the wash. You will be investigating how some of these factors affect the kinetics of the dye.

Criteria for Completing the Project:
Identify the rate law for your dye with base, and explain how that affects the rate of fading
of the dye

Safety Notes/Waste Handling:
Be sure to consult the MSDS for any compound you work with.
Dispose of wastes in the labeled containers. Do not pour any wastes down the drain
Use great care when transferring solutions of strong acids and bases.
Rinse all glassware with ethanol at the end of lab as the dyes stain

Suggested content-based resources (read prior to coming to lab):
Principles of Chemistry: A Molecular Approach, 3
o Ch. 13 (13.2-13.5)
Lab Manual Resources
o Vernier videos (Spectrovis)
o Download Vernier LoggerPro
o Kinetics

Available Chemicals:
Dyes (aq) Ethanol KNO3 (aq) 0.10M NaOH

Planning Questions:
1. How will you determine the rate order of your dye when base is added?
2. How will you determine the rate order with respect to NaOH?
3. How will you determine how addition ions, in the form of KNO3, affect the fading of your

Lab techniques
Perform one or more lab techniques that you will need to use in order to gather data for
your experiment. Answer the lab technique questions in your lab notebook and turn in with your
plan. REMEMBER: Your team must choose an appropriate technique and you cannot repeat
techniques. Your TA must sign your lab notebook to confirm you practiced your lab technique.
Possible lab techniques: Lighting a Bunsen burner, Cleaning & conditioning a pipet, Diluting a
solution, Evaporation, Filtration -vacuum, Performing a Flame test, Making an Ice Bath, Using a
Mohr pipet, Using pH paper, Using a spectrophotometer, Creating a Stock solution, Measuring
temperature, Completing a titration using indicator, Completing a titration using a pH meter, Using
a Volumetric pipet, Weighing out solid material

Table of Contents 58

Summary Questions:
1. Summarize the results of the day.
2. What is the rate order with respect to your dye?
3. What calculations will you need to perform to determine the actual rate order with respect to
NaOH? (actual calculations should be done outside of lab)

For this project, you will need to write a complete experimental section, provide data table(s) and/or
figure(s) to represent your results, and answer the write-up questions. Always use proper format and
include a list of references!
Write-up questions:
1. Explain what a spectrophotometer measures and how that relates to concentration.
2. What are the limitations of your instrument with respect to absorbance values? Why is this?
3. What is the overall rate law for the fading of your dye in the presence of base? How did you
determine this (i.e. What data did you gather and how did you analyze these data?)
4. Use Mathematica to provide supporting evidence for the reaction order in terms of the rate
law for your dye (see Mathematica Kinetics files on Collab for directions).
5. How does the addition of ions affect the rate law? How did you determine this? (i.e. What
data did you gather and how did you analyze this data?)
6. What chemical process occurs when base is added to the dye solution and why do you see
the color of your dye fade?
7. Is the color degradation sensitive to ionic strength? If so, how did you determine this? What
is the chemical basis for this behavior?
8. Based on this experiment and other information you can find about kinetics and dye
reactions, what recommendations do you have to the dye manufacturer for reducing the
fading of its dyes?

Table of Contents 59


Virginians deal with icy and snowy roads during most winters. To minimize disruptions to our daily
lives, VDOT spreads deicer on the roadways to eliminate or reduce the amount of ice present. In this
project, you work for the State of Virginia Department of Transportation and are charged with finding
the best (chemically and economically) deicer for our highways.

Criteria for evaluating deicers:
Ability to lower the freezing point of water
Enthalpy of dissolution
Cost per unit
Environmental considerations

Safety Notes:
Consult the MSDS for every compound you will work with
Perform your experiments on the smallest scale possible to limit the waste produced
Always label any beaker/container of chemical(s) at your workstation

Waste Collection:
All of the deicers (NaCl, KCl, MgCl2, and CaCl2) are safe to rinse down the sink with water.

Techniques & concepts you may find useful:

Modified from University of Minnesota CHEM 1065/1066 Projects
Molality of solutions
Excel & graphing data
Freezing point depression
Freezing curves
Enthalpy of dissolution

Suggested content-based resources (read prior to coming to lab):
Principles of Chemistry: A molecular Approach, 3
o Ch. 6 (6.4-6.7)
o Ch. 12 (12.6-12.7)

Available Chemicals:
Solid Deicing compounds: NaCl, KCl, MgCl2, CaCl2
Bulk salt Ice
Your TA will assign your group one of the deicing compounds. You will perform all necessary
experiments with your deicer only. At the end of the project, your group will present your results to the
lab section and discuss how they fit in with results that all other groups have obtained. As a section, you
will rank the deicers in order of a) ability to lower the freezing point of water, b) enthalpy of dissolution,
c) cost per unit, and d) destructive nature of the deicer on the environment.

Part I Planning Questions:
1. Find a formula that relates concentration of a solution to its freezing point depression.
Describe each variable and how you will find the values needed.

Table of Contents 60

2. Outline a plan for how you intend to measure the freezing point depression of water and
aqueous solutions of your deicing compound.

Lab techniques
Perform one or more lab techniques that you will need to use in order to gather data for
your experiment. Answer the lab technique questions in your lab notebook and turn in with your
plan. REMEMBER: Your team must choose an appropriate technique and you cannot repeat
techniques. Your TA must sign your lab notebook to confirm you practiced your lab technique.
Possible lab techniques: Lighting a Bunsen burner, Cleaning & conditioning a pipet, Diluting a
solution, Evaporation, Filtration -vacuum, Performing a Flame test, Making an Ice Bath, Using a
Mohr pipet, Using pH paper, Using a spectrophotometer, Creating a Stock solution, Measuring
temperature, Completing a titration using indicator, Completing a titration using a pH meter, Using
a Volumetric pipet, Weighing out solid material

Part I Summary Questions:
1. What information did you learn, or conclusions can you draw about your deicer at this point?
Be specific. Summarize your information in a table if appropriate.
2. How can you use the information you gathered to predict the freezing point depression of your
deicer at its maximum solubility?

Part II Planning Questions:
1. Outline a plan for how you intend to measure the enthalpy of dissolution of your compound.

Part II Summary Questions:
1. What information did you learn, or conclusions can you draw about your deicer at this point?
Summarize your information in a table if appropriate.

For this project, you will need to write complete experimental, results, discussion, and conclusion
sections. Always use proper format and include a list of references! Use the write-up questions
below to help guide your discussion and conclusion (do not write the answers to the questions as
your discussion and/or conclusion but integrate them into the appropriate sections make sure to
include all components of the sections according to the rubric)
Write-up questions:
1. What information did you gather to help you determine how effective your salt is for
lowering the freezing point of water? What is happening at molecular level to change the
freezing point? (report values in
C/1g salt)
2. How does your salts enthalpy of dissolution help you evaluate your salt as a road deicer?
What chemical explanation can you provide for the results you obtained? (report values in
3. How does your salt compare to other salts in terms of freezing point depression and
enthalpy of dissolution?
4. Carry out appropriate research to answer questions about your deicers cost per unit and
environmental concerns. How does this information, along with your experimental results,
help you evaluate your salt as an effective road deicer?

Table of Contents 61


Acids and bases are present all around us. They are components of many of the foods and pharmaceuticals we
consume each day. Therefore, understanding their properties is important to everyone, especially chemists. In
this project, you are given an unknown acid in the form of a white solid and asked to use its properties to
determine its identity.

Criteria for completing project:
Determine the pKa of your acid
Determine whether your acid is mono, di, or triprotic
Determine the molar mass of your acid
Identify your unknown acid

Safety Notes:
Consult the MSDS for every compound you will work with
Perform your experiments on the smallest scale possible to limit the waste produced
Always label any beaker/container of chemical(s) at your workstation

Waste Collection
All of the unknown acids and NaOH solutions should be collected in a large, labeled beaker during your
experiment. When you are finished for the day, you must check the pH of your beaker with the pH
probe. If the pH is between 4-9, pour it down the sink. If it is outside of this range, pour waste in the
carboy in the hood.

Equipment, techniques & concepts you may find useful:

Modified from University of Minnesota CHEM 1065/1066 Projects
Use of drop counter and pH probe
Use of volumetric flasks
Standardizing NaOH solutions
Excel & graphing data
pH & pH probes

Suggested content-based resources (read prior to coming to lab):
Principles of Chemistry: A molecular Approach, 3
o Ch. 16 (16.4)
Lab Manual Resources
o Vernier videos (Drop counter)

Available Chemicals:
~0.13 M NaOH Unknown acids
KHP (potassium hydrogen phthalate) Phenolphthalein

Your TA will give your group 8 grams of a solid, unknown acid for use during the entire project. Do NOT
throw it out until you have completed all work. See Table 1 for a list of the possible acid unknowns.

Table of Contents 62

Part I Planning Questions:
1. Outline a plan to determine the identity of your unknown acid. Use the following questions and their
answers to guide your plan.
a. What is standardization of NaOH and why is it important?
b. How would performing a titration help you determine the identity of your acid?
c. How will you know when youve reached the endpoint of the titration?
d. How would the pH at the endpoint of the titration aid in identification?
e. How would you determine if you have a mono, di, or triprotic acid?
f. How would knowing/finding the Ka of the acid help?
g. How could you determine the molar mass of your unknown acid?

Lab techniques
Perform one or more lab techniques that you will need to use in order to gather data for your
experiment. Answer the lab technique questions in your lab notebook and turn in with your plan.
REMEMBER: Your team must choose an appropriate technique and you cannot repeat techniques. Your
TA must sign your lab notebook to confirm you practiced your lab technique.
Possible lab techniques: Lighting a Bunsen burner, Cleaning & conditioning a pipet, Diluting a solution,
Evaporation, Filtration -vacuum, Performing a Flame test, Making an Ice Bath, Using a Mohr pipet, Using
pH paper, Using a spectrophotometer, Creating a Stock solution, Measuring temperature, Completing a
titration using indicator, Completing a titration using a pH meter, Using a Volumetric pipet, Weighing out
solid material

Summary Questions:
1. Summarize everything you learned about your unknown acid and how you determined its identity.
Include all information from the criteria for completing project.

For this project, you will complete a full lab report (abstract, introduction, experimental, results, discussion,
conclusion). Always use proper format and include a list of references! Use the write-up questions below to
help guide your writing (do not write the answers to the questions as but integrate them into the appropriate
sections make sure to include all components of the sections according to the rubric)
Write-up questions:
1. What is the importance of studying weak acids? Where do they occur in your world? And for what
2. How did you determine the molar mass and identity of your unknown acid?
3. Why can the pKa be used to help identify acids? How is that information determined
4. Use the Mathematica Titration.m package to choose an appropriate indicator for the titration of
your acid? Why might you use an indicator rather than a pH probe?

Table of Contents 63

Table 1. pKa values for weak acids in water.

Acid Molar Mass (g/mol) pKa1 pKa2
Acetic (CH3COOH) 60.05 4.76 -
Acetylsalicylic 180.15 3.52 -
Adipic 146.14 4.42 5.41
Ammonium Bromide 97.96 9.25 -
Ammonium Sulfate 66.07 9.25 -
Ascorbic 176.12 4.10 11.79
Benzoic 122.12 4.20 -
Butyric 88.11 4.83 -
Chloroacetic 94.50 2.86 -
cis-Crotonic 86.09 4.69 -
trans-Crotonic 86.09 2.86 -
Formic (HCOOH) 46.02 3.77 -
Glycolic acid 76.05 3.83 -
Itaconic 130.10 3.85 5.45
Maleic 116.08 1.94 6.22
Malic 134.10 3.40 5.05
Malonic 104.06 2.86 5.70
Mandelic 152.15 3.41 -
Oxalic acid dihydrate 126.06 1.27 4.27
Phthalic 166.14 3.11 5.41
Potassium hydrogen phthalate or potassium
204.23 5.41 -
Sodium dihydrogen phosphate
monohydrate (NaH2PO4H2O)
138.00 7.21 12.32
Sodium hydrogen sulfite (NaHSO3) 104.06 7.21 -
Sodium bitartrate monohydrate 190.09 4.37 -
meso-Tartaric 150.09 3.22 4.81
d-Tartaric 150.09 3.04 4.37

Table of Contents 64


Each plan should include the following (Total=5-8pts):
Proper headings for lab pages (0.5pt)
Answers to planning questions (1pts)
General procedure or proposed procedure (1.5pts)
o MUST include approximate masses/volumes (-0.5pt)
Glassware/Equipment (0.5pt)
Chemicals (0.5pt total)
o Potential hazards
o Waste disposal
Equations needed (0.5pt)
o Mathematical and/or chemical
Student roles (0.5pt)
Answers to lab technique questions once for each project (1pt each)

Each summary should include the following (Total = 5pts):
Proper headings for lab page (0.5 pt)
~ page in length (0.5pt)
Answers to all summary questions (2pts)
A summary of experiments you performed & results of experiments you performed (table or
bulleted form acceptable) (1pt)
o May be part of summary questions see specific projects below (if part of summary
questions then answers to summary questions 3pts)
Conclusions (what does your data mean? How does it relate to the purpose/hypothesis of
the experiment? Were there any errors or experimental difficulties?) (1pt)
REMEMBER: All group members must sign
the pledge at the bottom of each plan and
summary. -10% if no pledge

Table of Contents 65

Peer Evaluation:
Each student evaluates all team members for each project. Peer evaluation score is based on the average scores given by other team
Category Excellent (3pts) Okay (2pts) Poor (1pt)
Engagement - Team member participated during
planning, experimenting, and presenting
- Team member sometimes
participated in lab but was not
- Team member had multiple opportunities to
participate in lab but chose not to
Attendance - Team member was always on time to lab
and meetings outside of lab
- Team member came late to lab or a
meeting outside of class one time
- Team member was late to lab and/or meetings
multiple times
Creativity - Team member contributed original ideas
to the project during group discussions or
in solving experimental problems
- Team member attempts to
contribute ideas to the group, but
the ideas may be infrequent or
- Team member never contributes ideas to the
Attitude - Team member was open to others
ideas, worked well as a team, and
respected team members and TA
- Team member may get defensive if
their idea is not used, but quickly
resumes team work mentality
- Team member does not allow other members to
be heard or is disrespectful to other members or
the TA
Team Role - Team member fulfilled their assigned
team role throughout the project
- Team member did not always fulfill
their team role
-Team member never fulfilled their team role OR
team member always took over others
responsibilities without permission

TA Evaluation:
TA will evaluate each student for the planning and experimenting portion of each project.
Excellent (5pts) Okay (3pts) Poor (1pt)
Attendance - Always on time to lab - Late (5
min) 1 time - Late (5
min) 2-3 times
Participation - Always engaged in group discussions
though may not always talk
- Dominates group discussions OR
sometimes seems distracted or bored
by group conversations
- Texting or performing irrelevant tasks on
Respect - Always respectful of group members and
uses positive or constructive language
- May not responds in the most
positive or constructive way but
acknowledges and modifies behavior
- Extremely negative language or behavior
toward TA or any student, raises voice to TA
or other student

Table of Contents 66


Excellent (6pts) Good (4pts) Poor (2pts)
- Includes procedure, data/results,
- Missing 1 of the presentation
- Missing 2+ of the presentation
Visual (i.e.
- Slides contain representative
pictures (NOT clipart)
- Graphs/tables clear, relevant, and
- Slides contain minimal amount of
- Slides may be too wordy
- Slides include some clipart and no
actual pictures
- Tables/graphs may be unlabeled
or slightly unclear
- All words and no visual
- Graphs are absent and/or
tables are not easily readable

- All students in the group spoke
clearly, didnt read from slides, and
overall presented well
- Clearly the group practiced many
times outside of class
- Students were nervous but
- 1 member of group did not
present well but remaining group
members presented well
- Most/all members of the
group were clearly unprepared
- Most/all members of the
group read directly from the

- Includes questions on: Similarities/
differences in group results,
Limitations/errors, Relevance of
project, Future work
- All questions were relevant, well
thought out
- TA used 3-4 of the groups
questions into presentation day
- Some questions were not relevant
or well thought out
- the TA only incorporated 1-2 of
the groups questions into the
presentation day discussion
- Questions were not relevant or
well thought out
- The TA did not incorporate
any of the groups questions into
the presentation day discussion

ALL group members:
- participated in small group and
whole group discussion
- illustrated accurate content
knowledge in discussion
- spoke loud enough for entire class
to hear
Some group members (1-2):
- did not participate in the group
- illustrated inaccurate content
understanding or failed to relate
back to project
- could not be heard by the class
The majority of group members
- did not participate
- had large misunderstandings of
content or clearly did not
understand lab
- could not be heard by the class

Table of Contents 67

Applied to all Write-ups
Above Expectations
Missed Expectation
Missed Some
This category
applies to
group and
- ACS style is used
- Paper is professional in
appearance (i.e., consistent
- Tables and Graphs have clear
consistent format and contain no
irrelevant information
- Equations are properly formatted
and can be easily referenced when

- Paper is 12pt font, double
spaced, 1 inch margins.
- Tables and Graphs are used
when appropriate to display
- Equations used are provided
or referenced from earlier part
of report (not later part of

- Fails to coherently
incorporate one of the
expectations (i.e. Tables
and graphs are particularly
difficult to read, important
data is missing, single
- Fails to coherently
incorporate 2-3
- Fails to coherently
provide more than
three expectations

This category
applies to
group and
- No obvious spelling/grammar
- Paper is legible; grammar
errors may be present but do
not break the understandability
of the write-up

- Grammar/spelling errors
in multiple sections begin
to detract from the write-up
- Multiple
errors throughout the
writeup that detract
from the write-up
- Grammar/spelling
errors make the
write-up incoherent
References - Use of 3
scientific article/journal
citations using ACS format (3
references exclude wiki citations)
- Proper, consistent formatting
for references throughout paper
(i.e. in-text)
- Use 2
non-wiki citations

- Inconsistent reference list
or use of in-text citations

- Inconsistent reference
list and in-text citations
- No references used

Table of Contents 68

Lab Report Sections
Above Expectations
Missed Expectation
Missed Some
Abstract - Abstract is concise and
communicates ideas clearly
-State purpose of experiment clearly
-Good summary of experiment and
very specific and significant result)
- States:
Summaries experiments
Principal findings
- Less than 250 words ( page)
- Fails to coherently include
one of the expectations (i.e.
missing/incomplete purpose
or findings)
- Fails to coherently
incorporate 2-3 of the

- Fails to

Introduction - Uses scientific journal and
textbook citations to support claims
and provide background
-Give one or two main knowledge
points not from textbook or lab
-No specific experiment procedure
but gives reasonable expected results
supported by references
- Is particularly well written
- Seamlessly integrates a deep
conceptual understanding of the
- States:
Reasons for study
Expected results
- Supported by at least Textbook
level sources
- Integrates relevant write-up
- Demonstrates mostly accurate
content understanding
- Fails to coherently
incorporate one of the
expectations (i.e.
missing/incomplete reason
for study, inaccurate content)

- Fails to coherently
incorporate 2-3 of the

- Fails to

Experimental - Experimental is described in a
particularly clear and concise fashion
(does not repeat unnecessarily or use
example procedures)
- Describes the entire experiment
(not just the part completed by the
- Describes Experimental procedure
such that one can repeat the
experiment without much ambiguity
-Results and any background of
calculations should not provide in
this section

- Fails to coherently
incorporate one of the
expectations (i.e. missing
portion of experiment,
- Fails to coherently
incorporate 2-3 of the
- Fails to
provide 3+

Table of Contents 69

Above Expectations
Missed Expectation
Missed Some
Can be
combined with
discussion but
will be given a
separate grade
-Clearly and concisely presents
results using best format (i.e.
- Tables/graphs are professional,
contain only relevant information, &
correctly labeled
- Proper ACS formatting for
mathematical calculations/formulas
- Results strongly align with
- Provides most relevant data with
few omissions or additions
- Tables and Graphs are used when
appropriate to display data
- Equations used are provided or
referenced from earlier part of report
(not later part of report)
- Fails to coherently
incorporate one of the
expectations (i.e.
missing/incomplete results,
table with irrelevant
- Fails to coherently
incorporate 2-3 of the
- Fails to
provide 3+
Can be
combined with
results but will
be given a
separate grade
- Interpretations compare to other
work when appropriate
- 3
Limitations are specific to the
experiment (i.e. not human error
etc.) and provide solutions or
- Discussed expansion of the project
in a logical and feasible direction
- Give 1
reasonable future research
question and demonstrate
relationship with experiments
- Seamlessly integrates a deep
conceptual understanding of the
- Discusses limitations
- Discusses future work in the area
(How might THIS experiment be
improved or expanded?)
- Integrates relevant write-up
- Demonstrates mostly accurate
content understanding
- Fails to coherently
incorporate one of the
expectations (i.e.
missing/incomplete future
work, answer write-up
questions without integrating
into report)
- Fails to coherently
incorporate 2-3 of the
- Fails to
provide 3+
Conclusion - Fulfills expectations but is of
superior quality in writing or
- Provides conclusions based on
results of experiment
- Does not copy from abstract
- Relates major results and
interpretations in terms of the
question (purpose) of the experiment
and reasons for research
- Fails to coherently
incorporate one of the
expectations (i.e. just repeats
discussion points or purpose
is not clear in the statement of
the conclusion)
- Fails to coherently
incorporate 2-3 of the
- Fails to
provide 3+
Students who get Above Expectation grade should also include all information in Expectations standard.

Table of Contents 70

Excellent Good Poor
Research Topic - Topic is well thought out and unique
(did not come from question list)
- Topic related to chemistry
and researchable but came
from question list
- Topic not related to chemistry or
too simple to make a complete
research project
Preliminary Research - Preliminary research includes 3+
resources with notes and references
from each source
- Research related to components of
final presentation
- Clearly group has put in time outside
of lab to complete the research
- Preliminary research from
3+ completed but may not
be organized or related to
presentation components
- Group may have met
outside of lab to complete
- Research is incomplete (less than 3
sources) or notes copied directly from
- Clearly group did not spend much
time completing the research
Final Presentation Components - Includes introduction of
phenomenon, chemistry behind
phenomenon, importance, implications
- Components are covered in a logical
order so audience can follow
- Missing 1 of the
presentation components
- Presentation order was
somewhat confusing
- Missing 2+ of the presentation
- Order of presentation was such that
audience could not follow the
Visual - Slides contain representative pictures
(NOT clipart)
- Structures/pictures clear, relevant,
and labeled
- Slides contain minimal amount of
- Slides may be too wordy
- Slides include some clipart
and no actual pictures
- Structures/pictures may be
unlabeled or slightly unclear
- All words and no visual
- Structures/pictures are absent
and/or tables are not easily readable

Delivery - Presentation is engaging and students
are intrigued by the presenters
- Clearly the group practiced many
times outside of class
- Presentation is interesting
but not fully engaging
- 1 member of group did not
have present well but
remaining group does
- Presentation is flat and dull for most
of the presentation
- Most/all members of the group read
directly from the slides

Content - Chemistry accurate and thoroughly
explained the phenomenon
- Some inaccuracies in
- Left out some chemistry
related to phenomenon
- Clear inaccuracies in chemistry
- Audience left with more questions
than answers
- Group response to all questions
illustrated their deep understanding of
the phenomenon

- Group responds to more
difficult questions may not
have a complete
- Group cannot answer the majority
of questions

Table of Contents 71


CHEM 1611
Fall 2014

Group (30pts): 3 pg. max
Experimental (10pts)
Results (10pts)
Grammar/Format (5pts each)
Individual (42pts): 3 pg. max
Write-up questions (2pts each)
Grammar/Format/References (5pts each)
Lab Notebook pages (5pts)

Group (30pts): 3 pg. max
Experimental (10pts)
Results (10pts)
Grammar/Format (5pts each)
Individual (40pts): 3pg. max
Introduction (10pts)
Discussion (10pts)
Grammar/Format/References (5pts each)
Lab Notebook pages (5pts)

Individual (85pts): 6 pg. max
Abstract (5pts)
Introduction (10pts)
Experimental (10pts)
Results (10pts)
Discussion (20pts)
Conclusion (10pts)
Grammar/Format/References (5pts each)
Lab Notebook Pages

Table of Contents 72

CHEM 1621
Spring 2015

Sections (51pts):
Experimental (10pts)
Data table(s) and/or figures (10pts)
Write-up questions (2pts each)
References (5pts)
Format (5pts)
Lab Notebook pages (5pts)
Mathematica (30pts)

Sections (55pts):
Discussion (10pts)h
Conclusion (10pts)
References (5pts)
Format (5pts)
Lab Notebook pages (5pts)

Sections (55pts):
Introduction (10pts)
Experimental (10pts)
Results (10pts)
Discussion (10pts)
References (5pts)
Format (5pts)
Lab Notebook pages (5pts)
Mathematica (30pts)

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