Top Enviromental Firms 2008

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top environmental firms

Rankings: Companies are ranked below based
on gross revenue they reported in 2007 for
providing environmental services and products
to domestic and international markets. The
proportion of a firms gross environmental
services revenue to its total gross revenue is
provided as a percentage. evenue figures are
in ! millions. "ercentages are rounded up or
down to generate whole numbers.
Type of Firm: #esignations are based on the largest proportion of environmental
revenue reported by firms in seven categories$ #%&'#esign( consulting and)or studies*
C+,'Construction and)or remediation* "-'"ro.ect and)or program management*
%/"'%0uipment and)or product manufacture* 1#'Technology and)or research 1
development* 234'2aboratory and)or analytical services* +"&'Contract operations*
+T5'&ervices not included in the above categories. Two or more designations appear if
the largest proportion of revenue is evenly split between two or more categories( or if
these categories are within 67 of each other. Companies not ranked among the Top 200
%nvironmental 8irms in 2006 are designated by this symbol 9::;.
The Top !! Environmental Firms for !!"
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$omplete &' page report an(
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RA+. F/R0 T12E OF F/R0
!!" !!3
& & C52- 5ill 2td.( %nglewood( Colo.< #%&)C&2
4 4echtel( &an 8rancisco( Calif.< C+,)#%&
4 =eolia %nvironnement ,.3.( Chicago( >ll.< +"&
5 ' ?& Corp.( &an 8rancisco( Calif.< C&2
6 && 4lack 1 =eatch( +verland "ark( @an.< C+,
' 3 Tetra Tech >nc.( "asadena( Calif.< #%&
3 77 %nergy&olutions 22C( &alt 2ake City( ?tah< +"&)C+,)C"
" &! -A5 Blobal >nc.( 4roomfield( Colo.< #%&)C+,
8 " 8luor Corp.( >rving( TeCas< C+,
&! 8 "arsons Corp.( "asadena( Calif.< #%&)C&2)C+,
&& &5
Dacobs %ngineering Broup >nc.( "asadena(
& & %arth Tech >nc.( 2ong 4each( Calif. +"&
&4 5 The &haw Broup >nc.( 4aton ouge( 2a.< C+,
&5 &6 4attelle( Columbus( +hio< C&2
&6 &' C#-( Cambridge( -ass.< #%&
&' &4
3%C+- Technology Corp.( 2os 3ngeles(
&3 &8 3C3#>&( 5ighlands anch( Colo.< C+,
&" !
&cience 3pplications >nternational Corp.
9&3>C;( &an #iego( Calif.
&8 4 Bolder 3ssocates Corp.( 3tlanta< C&2
! &"
%nvironmental esources -anagement(
%Cton( "a.<
& &3 @iewit Corp.( +maha( ,eb.< C"
2ayne Christensen Co.( -ission Aoods(
4 The Aalsh Broup 2td.( Chicago( >ll.< C+,
5 77
>nsituform Technologies >nc.( Chesterfield(
6 43 &kanska ?&3 >nc.( Ahitestone( ,.E.< C+,
' ' 5#( +maha( ,eb.< #%&
3 " Aeston &olutions >nc.( Aest Chester( "a.< C+,
" 5 3-%C( "hiladelphia( "a. #%&
8 3 2=> &ervices >nc.( ,ew Eork( ,.E. C+,
4! 5!
"C2 Construction %nterprises >nc.( #enver(
4& 6 -alcolm "irnie >nc.( Ahite "lains( ,.E. #%&
4 8 Barney 5olding Co.( @ansas City( -o.< C+,
44 4 &tantec >nc.( %dmonton( 3lberta( Can.< #%&
45 4& -3CT%C >nc.( 3lpharetta( Ba.< C&2
46 4! The 2ouis 4erger Broup( -orristown( ,.D.< C"
4' 44 3lberici Corp.( &t. 2ouis( -o.< C+,
43 46 4rown and Caldwell( Aalnut Creek( Calif.< #%&
4" 45
ConestogaFovers 1 3ssociates( ,iagara
8alls( ,.E.<
48 53 4urns 1 -c#onnell( @ansas City( -o. #%&
5! 4"
&evenson %nvironmental &ervices >nc.(
,iagara 8alls( ,.E.<
5& "& Aorley"arsons( 2ong 4each( Calif.< #%&
5 5&
"iGGagalli Construction Co.( &o. 4urlington(
54 55 %,=>+,( 3rlington( =a.< C&2
55 5' "arsons 4rinckerhoff >nc.( ,ew Eork( ,.E.< #%&
56 6' "4&1D( Tampa( 8la. #%&)C"
5' 5
%/FThe %nvironmental /uality Co.( Aayne(
53 48 TC Companies >nc.( 2owell( -ass.< #%&
5" 6& 3TC Broup &ervices >nc.( Aoburn( -ass.< C&2
58 4'
Aestern &ummit Constructors >nc.( #enver(
6! 77 5alcrow( ,ew Eork( ,.E.< #%&)C&2
top #09for9Fee firms
#ompanies are ranked based on total 2007
revenue in ! millions for construction
management or pro.ect)program management
services performed as a professional service for
a fee.
-ore detailed information on the Top &!!
#onstr%$tion 0anagers9for9fee firms can be
found in the :%ne 8; !!" issue of %,. "lease
$li$k here for more information on ordering
back issues.

The Top &!! #09for9Fee Firms for !!"
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$omplete && page report an(
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RA+. F/R0
!!" !!3
& 4echtel( &an 8rancisco( Calif.
& C52- 5>22( %nglewood( Colo.
4 ' ?& Corp.( &an 8rancisco( Calif.
5 77 3%C+- Technology Corp.( 2os 3ngeles( Calif.
6 6 "arsons( "asadena( Calif.
' 5 "arsons 4rinckerhoff >nc.( ,ew Eork( ,.E.
3 3 Dacobs.( "asadena( Calif.
" & C4 ichard %llis.( %l &egundo( Calif.
8 8 4ovis 2end 2ease( ,ew Eork( ,.E.
&! && Dones 2ang 2a&alle( Chicago( >ll.
&& &! 5ill >nternational >nc.( -arlton( ,.D.
& " 8oster Aheeler 2td.( Clinton( ,.D.
&4 &4 Tishman Construction Corp.( ,ew Eork( ,.E.
&5 77 The Turner Corp.( ,ew Eork( ,.E.
&6 4lack 1 =eatch( +verland "ark( @an.
&' &5 "4&1D( Tampa( 8la.
&3 4& %arth Tech >nc.( 2ong 4each( Calif.
&" &6 5eery >nternational >nc.( 3tlanta( Ba.
&8 ! 8aithfulHBould( ,ew Eork( ,.E.
! &' @4( 5ouston( TeCas
& &3 Aorley"arsons Corp.( 5ouston( TeCas
5 Bilbane 4uilding Co.( "rovidence( .>.
4 & 3rcadis ?&( 5ighlands anch( Colo.
5 4 Tetra Tech >nc.( "asadena( Calif.
6 ' 5arris 1 3ssociates >nc.( Concord( Calif.
' 45 =anir Construction -anagement >nc.( &acramento( Calif.
3 " 5#( +maha( ,eb.
" 4' -ichael 4aker Corp.( -oon Twp.( "a.
8 8 The 2io Broup( &yosset( ,.E.
4! 5! @itchell Corp.( "hoeniC( 3riG.
4& 77 obins 1 -orton( 4irmingham( 3la.
4 4! "-3 Consultants 22C( #etroit( -ich.
44 5' Cumming Corp.( &an Duan Capistrano( Calif.
45 77 4alfour 4eatty Construction( #allas( TeCas
46 77 =ersar >nc.( &pringfield( =a.
4' 5& The 8acility Broup( &myrna( Ba.
43 46 The 4eck Broup( #allas( TeCas
4" 43 4oswell %ngineering( &. 5ackensack( ,.D.
48 48 &winerton >nc.( &an 8rancisco( Calif.
5! 77 &.-. Ailson 1 Co.( &t. 2ouis( -o.
5& 56 +nF4oard %ngineering Corp.( %ast Aindsor( ,.D.
5 ' The &haw Broup >nc.( 4aton ouge( 2a.
54 63 5atch -ott -ac#onald( -illburn( ,.D.
55 55 8ruFCon Construction Corp.( &t. 2ouis( -o.
56 8& -ustang %ngineering( 5ouston( TeCas
5' 77 3guirre Corp.( #allas( TeCas
53 44 &kanska ?&3 >nc.( Ahitestone( ,.E.
5" '3 4oyken >nternational >nc.( 3tlanta( Ba.
58 4" 4arnhart >nc.( &an #iego( Calif.
6! 54 3lpha Corp.( #ulles( =a.
top program managers
Rankings are based on 200I revenue in !
millions from program management fees.
The Top 5! 2rogram 0anagers for !!"
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RA+. F/R0
& C52- 5>22( %nglewood( Colo.
3%C+- Technology Corp.( 2os 3ngeles( Calif.
4 4echtel( &an 8rancisco( Calif.
5 ?& Corp.( &an 8rancisco( Calif.
6 C4 ichard %llis( %l &egundo( Calif.
' "arsons 4rinckerhoff >nc.( ,ew Eork( ,.E.
3 "arsons( "asadena( Calif.
" Dacobs( "asadena( Calif.
8 5ill >nternational >nc.( -arlton( ,.D.
&! 4ovis 2end 2ease( ,ew Eork( ,.E.
&& 5eery >nternational >nc.( 3tlanta( Ba.
& @4( 5ouston( TeCas
&4 Tetra Tech >nc.( "asadena( Calif.
&5 4lack 1 =eatch( +verland "ark( @an.
&6 5#( +maha( ,eb.
&' obins 1 -orton( 4irmingham( 3la.
&3 8aithfulHBould( ,ew Eork( ,.E.
&" Bilbane 4uilding Co.( "rovidence( .>.
&8 =ersar >nc.( &pringfield( =a.
! The 4eck Broup( #allas( TeCas
& 4alfour 4eatty Construction( #allas( TeCas
"4&1D( Tampa( 8la.
4 8oster Aheeler 2td.( Clinton( ,.D.
5 3rcadis ?&( 5ighlands anch( Colo.
6 The 8acility Broup( &myrna( Ba.
' +nF4oard %ngineering Corp.( %ast Aindsor( ,.D.
3 Dones 2ang 2a&alle( Chicago( >ll.
" Aorley"arsons Corp.( 5ouston( TeCas
8 3lpha Corp.( #ulles( =a.
4! %arth Tech >nc.( 2ong 4each( Calif.
4& ise >nternational 22C( Chicago( >ll.
4 C#-( Cambridge( -ass.
44 .A. 4eck Broup >nc.( &eattle( Aash.
45 -c#onough 4olyard "eck >nc.( 8airfaC( =a.
46 ConestogaFovers 1 3ssoc.( ,iagara 8alls( ,.E.
4' 2"Ciminelli >nc.( 4uffalo( ,.E.
43 ?.&. C+&T( 3tlanta( Ba.
4" 4roaddus 1 3ssociates( 3ustin( TeCas
48 @itchell Corp.( "hoeniC( 3riG.
5! "-3 Consultants 22C( #etroit( -ich.
top (esign firms
#ompanies are ranked according to revenue
for design services performed in 2007 in !
millions 9:;. Those with subsidiaries are
indicated by 9<;. 8irms not ranked last year are
designated ::. &ome markets may not add up to
J007 due to omission of KotherK miscellaneous
market category and rounding. ,3',ot
.ey to type of Firm: 3'architect* %'engineer*
%C'engineerFcontractor* 3%'architectFengineer* %3'engineerFarchitect*
%,='environmental* B%'geotechnical engineer* 2'landscape architect* "'planner*
+'other. +ther combinations possible. 8irms classified themselves.
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The Top 6!! <esign Firms for !!"
RA+. F/R0
!!" !!3
J J ?& Corp.( &an 8rancisco( Calif.< %3C
2 2 Dacobs( "asadena( Calif. %3C
3%C+- Technology Corp.( 2os 3ngeles(
M M 8luor Corp.( >rving( TeCas< %C
6 6 C52- 5>22( %nglewood( Colo.< %
I J0 The &haw Broup >nc.( 4aton ouge( 2a.< %C
7 I 4echtel( &an 8rancisco( Calif.< %C
8 8 Tetra Tech >nc.( "asadena( Calif.< %
N 7 "arsons( "asadena( Calif.< %C
J0 N @4( 5ouston( TeCas< %C
JJ J2 8oster Aheeler 2td.( Clinton( ,.D.< %C
J2 JJ 3-%C( 3tlanta( Ba.< %C
JL JL "arsons 4rinckerhoff >nc.( ,ew Eork( ,.E.< %3C
JM J8 -A5 Blobal( 4roomfield( Colo.< %C
J6 JM 4lack 1 =eatch( +verland "ark( @an. %C
JI JN 5#( +maha( ,eb.< %3
J7 JI %arth Tech >nc.( 2ong 4each( Calif.< %C
J8 J6 2ouis 4erger Broup( -orristown( ,.D.< %3"
JN :: C41>( The Aoodlands( TeCas< %C
20 2J Aorley"arsons Corp.( 5ouston( TeCas< %C
2J 2I -ustang %ngineering( 5ouston( TeCas %
22 27 5,T4 Cos.( @ansas City( -o.< %3
2L 20 3rcadis ?&( 5ighlands anch( Colo.< %
2M 22
C#> %ngineering &olutions( "hiladelphia(
26 L2 5+@( &t. 2ouis( -o.< 3%
2I L0 Bensler( &an 8rancisco( Calif. 3
27 2L C#-( Cambridge( -ass.< %C
28 2N %- 5oldings 2td.( %Cton( "a.< %,=
2N 26 "4&1D( Tampa( 8la. %3
L0 28
&14 5oldings 2td. and 3ffiliates( 5ouston(
@imleyF5orn and 3ssociates >nc.( aleigh(
L2 L6 4urns 1 -c#onnell( @ansas City( -o. %3C
LL LJ -3CT%C >nc.( 3lpharetta( Ba.< %3
LM L7 8ugro >nc.( 5ouston( TeCas< %
L6 M0 &argent 1 2undy 22C( Chicago( >ll.< %3
LI ML 5@& >nc.( #allas( TeCas 3%
L7 M6 &tantec >nc.( >rvine( Calif.< %32
L8 MM %,Blobal Corp.( 5ouston( TeCas< %C
LN LN -alcolm "irnie >nc.( Ahite "lains( ,.E. %
M0 L8 -ichael 4aker Corp.( -oon Twp.( "a.< %3
MJ 6J Terracon Consultants >nc.( +lathe( @an.< %C
M2 M8 "erkinsHAill( Chicago( >ll.< 3
ML 62
&kidmore +wings 1 -errill 22"( ,ew Eork(
MM MJ #ewberry( 8airfaC( =a. %3
The @leinfelder Broup >nc.( &an #iego(
MI 60 TC Cos. >nc.( 2owell( -ass.< %
M7 M7 4%1@ >nc.( 4irmingham( 3la.< %C
M8 M2
-c#ermott >nternational >nc.( 5ouston(
MN MN 4rown and Caldwell( Aalnut Creek( Calif.< %
60 6N &T= Broup >nc.( ,ew Eork( ,.E.< %3
top international (esign firms
Base( on <esign Reven%e from
2ro=e$ts O%tsi(e Home #o%ntry
Companies are ranked according
to revenue for design services
performed on
pro.ects outside the firms home
country in 200I in ! millions.
8irms not ranked last year are
designated ::. Those with subsidiaries included 9<;. &ome markets may not add
up to J007 due to omission of KotherK miscellaneous market category and
.E1 TO T12E OF F/R0
3'architect* %'engineer* %C'engineerFcontractor* 3%'architectFengineer* %3'engineerF
architect* %,='environmental* B'soils or geotechnical engineer* "'planner. +ther
combinations possible. 8irms classified themselves.
3,@ 8>- TE"% +8
!!3 !!'
J 2 &,CF2avalin >nternational >nc.( -ontreal( /uebec( Canada< %C
2 M Fl%or #orp); /rving; Te>as; U)S)A)? %C
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page report an( s%pplement)
*free to E+R s%,s$ri,ers-
L L F%gro +@; Lei(s$hen(am; The +etherlan(s? %
M 6 3-%C plc( 2ondon( ?.@.< %3C
6 I AR#A</S +@; Arnhem; The +etherlan(s? %
I 7 Aorley"arsons 2td.( ,orth &ydney( ,&A( 3ustralia< %C
7 J .BR; Ho%ston; Te>as; U)S)A)? %C
8 8 4echtel( &an 8rancisco( Calif.( ?.&.3.< %C
N J0 AE#O0 Te$hnology #orp); Los Angeles; #alif); U)S)A)? %3
J0 N Dacobs( "asadena( Calif.( ?.&.3. %3C
JJ J2 344 2ummus Blobal( 4loomfield( ,.D.( ?.&.3.< %C
J2 JL #ar 3lF5andasah Consultants 9&hair 1 "artners;( Cairo( %gypt %3
JL JI Foster Wheeler Lt(); #linton; +):); U)S)A)? %C
JM JJ The 2ouis 4erger Broup( %ast +range( ,.D.( ?.&.3.< %3
J6 JM 2oyry; @antaa; Finlan(? %
JI JN -ott -ac#onald( Croydon( ?.@.< %
J7 J8 :A# #orp); 1okohama; :apan %C
J8 J6 3?" Broup 2td.( 2ondon( ?.@.< %
JN 2J WS2 Aro%p pl$; Lon(on; U).)? %
20 M7 &@ %ngineering 1 Construction( &eoul( &. @orea %C
2J 20 5atch Broup( -ississauga( +ntario( Canada< %
22 2M "arsons 4rinckerhoff >nc.( ,ew Eork( ,.E.( ?.&.3.< %3C
2L NJ Tecnicas eunidas &3( -adrid( &pain< %C
2M 2L amboll Bruppen 3)&( =irum( #enmark< %
26 2I Bolder 3ssociates Corp.( -ississauga( +ntario( Canada< %
2I J7 TE#H+/2; 2aris La <efense; Fran$e? %C
27 MJ The ShaB Aro%p /n$); Baton Ro%ge; La); U)S)A)? %
28 :: 5oneywell "rocess &olutions( "hoeniC( 3riG.( ?.&.3. %C
2N 26 Atkins; Epsom; S%rrey; U).)? %
L0 LJ C52- 5>22 Cos.( %nglewood( Colo.( ?.&.3.< %3C
LJ 27 ?&( &an 8rancisco( Calif.( ?.&.3.< %3C
L2 LI "arsons( "asadena( Calif.( ?.&.3.< %C
LL L2 C+A> 3)&( @ongens 2yngby( #enmark< %
LM L7 Stante$ /n$); E(monton; Al,erta; #ana(a? %32
L6 L0 %arth Tech >nc.( 2ong 4each( Calif.( ?.&.3. %C
LI LN 5alcrow Broup 2td.( &windon( Ailtshire( ?.@.< %
L7 2N -A5 Blobal( 4roomfield( Colo.( ?.&.3.< %C
L8 L8 4lack 1 =eatch( +verland "ark( @an.( ?.&.3. %C
LN LL %- 5oldings 2td.( %Cton( "a.( ?.&.3.< %,=
M0 L6 %gis( Buyancourt( 8rance< %
MJ LM C#> 4usiness &olutions( "hiladelphia( "a.( ?.&.3.< %C
M2 M2 #5= Broup( 3mersfoort( The ,etherlands< %
ML 28 Chengda %ngineering Corp. of China( Chengdu( China< %
MM M0 &E&T3( "aris( 8rance< %
M6 60 =%C+ Corp.( 3nchorage( 3laska( ?.&.3.< %C
MI :: -c#ermott >nternational >nc.( 5ouston( TeCas( ?.&.3.< %C
M7 6M 5yder Consulting( 2ondon( ?.@.< %
M8 MM 5+@( &t. 2ouis( -o.( ?.&.3.< 3%
MN 67 @hatib 1 3lami( 4eirut( 2ebanon< %3
60 M6 Balfo%r Beatty pl$; Lon(on; U).)? %C
top green (esign firms
The market for sustainable design has passed the
tipping pointand is rapidly becoming mainstream.
%,Os first Top Breen #esign 8irms is an attempt
to bypass the marketing and hype and measure
the market by ranking designers based on their
2007 revenue from pro.ects that were registered
and actively seeking certification from ma.or thirdF
party environmental standards or ratings organiGations. The %, Top J00 Breen
#esigners generated !J.7M billion in revenue from such pro.ects in 2007( !J.I2 billion
domestically and !J2J.2 million abroad.
Companies are ranked according to revenue for design services generated in
from pro.ects that have been registered with or certified by a thirdFparty
that sets standards for measuring a facilitys environmental impact( energy
or carbon footprint. &uch groups include the ?.&. Breen 4uilding Council and
the Breen 4uilding >nitiative. evenue is measured in ! millions. &ome markets
may not add up to J007 due to rounding.
The Top &!! Areen <esign Firms
& 5+@( &t. 2ouis( -o.
?& Corp.( &an 8rancisco( Calif.
4 Bensler( &an 8rancisco( Calif.
5 5@& >nc.( #allas( TeCas
6 8luor Corp.( >rving( TeCas
' @imleyF5orn and 3ssociates >nc.( aleigh( ,.C.
3 3%C+- Technology Corp.( 2os 3ngeles( Calif.
" "erkinsHAill( Chicago( >ll.
8 Tetra Tech >nc.( "asadena( Calif.
&! "erkins %astman( ,ew Eork( ,.E.
&& Pimmer Bunsul 8rasca 3rchitects 22"( "ortland( +re.
& Callison( &eattle( Aash.
&4 &mithBroup >nc.( #etroit( -ich.
&5 5ammel Breen and 3brahamson >nc.( -inneapolis( -inn.
&6 5#( +maha( ,eb.
&' 8lad 3rchitects( -adison( Ais.
&3 The 8acility Broup( &myrna( Ba.
&" A&" Broup( ,ew Eork( ,.E.
&8 @ling&tubbins( "hiladelphia( "a.
2angan %ngOg and %nviromental &ervices( %lmwood "ark(
& 2eo 3 #aly( +maha( ,eb.
Cannon #esign( Brand >sland( ,.E.
4 %wingCole( "hiladelphia( "a.
5 Aallace oberts 1 Todd 22C( "hiladelphia( "a.
6 8entress 3rchitects( #enver( Colo.
' =anderweil %ngineers( 4oston( -ass.
3 The 4enham Cos. 22C( +klahoma City( +kla.
" 4allinger( "hiladelphia( "a.
8 Cooper Carry( 3tlanta( Ba.
4! 4lack 1 =eatch( +verland "ark( @an.
4& "age&outherland"age( 5ouston( TeCas
4 8Q8+A2% 3C5>T%CT& "C( ,ew Eork( ,.E.
44 Corgan 3ssociates >nc.( #allas( TeCas
45 Tsoi)@obus 1 3ssociates >nc.( Cambridge( -ass.
46 &olomon Cordwell 4uenG( Chicago( >ll.
4' 2&L" 3ssociates 2td.( Charleston( &.C.
43 8@" 3rchitects >nc.( 5ouston( TeCas
4" Carrier Dohnson H C?2T?%( &an #iego( Calif.
48 AAC+T( &anta -onica( Calif.
5! &asaki 3ssociates >nc.( Aatertown( -ass.
5& #ewberry( 8airfaC( =a.
5 3lbert @ahn 8amily of Cos.( #etroit( -ich.
54 5-C 3rchitects( +ntario( Calif.
55 -ulvannyB2 3rchitecture( 4ellevue( Aash.
56 2ooney icks @iss 3rchitects >nc.( -emphis( Tenn.
5' =anasse 5angen 4rustlin >nc. 9=54;( Aatertown( -ass.
53 %#> 3rchitecture >nc.( 5ouston( TeCas
5" &tellar( Dacksonville( 8la.
58 &yska 5ennessy Broup >nc.( ,ew Eork( ,.E.
6! 4urt 5ill( Aashington( #.C.

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