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Bucharest University of Economics - Fall 2014 / Mk III.

Seminar title: BUSINESS ENGLISH for 3
year Marketing t!dent
No" of #redit: 3
S#$ed!le: T$!rday% &'"3'(&&")' *&+3',% &-"''(&3"-' *&+3-,
Lo#ation: room &.'/ *&+3'% &+3-,
Information a0o!t t$e tea#$er: RALU1A 2ERBAN !h" lecturer at the "e#artment of Mo$ern %an&ua&es
an$ Business 'ommunication( the Faculty of International Business an$ Economics
Taught subjects: Business En&lish an$ Business 'ommunication for B) International Business an$
Economics / Marketin& stu$ents* Business 'ommunication for M) )tu$ents s#eciali+in& in International
Business an$ Economics* a ,ritin& course for -
year %M. stu$ents* /omanian forei&n lan&ua&e
Office hours: Fri$ays 10.-0-12.00( room &)'33&)&4
Seminar de#ri5tion and o06e#ti7e:
2he main o03ective of this seminar is to #rovi$e the conte4t in 5hich inte&rate$ skills 6rea$in&( 5ritin&( s#eakin&(
listenin& as 5ell as lan&ua&e in use7 can 0e #ractice$ an$ im#rove$( 5hile re#resentin& the 0asis for the
$evelo#ment of 'ritical thinkin& 6'27 skills. /evisin& an$ enhancin& stu$ents8 0usiness voca0ulary( es#ecially in
the area of their s#eciali+ation( is also an im#ortant com#onent of this seminar. )tu$ents 5ill also have the
o##ortunity to #ractice an$ im#rove their #rofessional skills 3o0 intervie5s 61
semester7 an$ oral #resentations
Note: .n essential #art of the seminar consists of stu$ents8 indi7id!al 8ork. 2he class activities re#resent only
the startin& #oint for the im#rovement of stu$ents8 skills / voca0ulary.
Learning material:
- First Steps into Marketing( Bucure9ti: Uranus( 200;
- New Insights into Business( %on$on: %on&man( 2000
- Advanced Language Practice( M. <ince( %on$on: MacMillan( 200=
- Business Grammar Builder( %on$on: MacMillan( 200>
- e-maile$ &lossary of economic voca0ulary
Note: any a$$itional materials 5ill 0e #rovi$e$ 0y the teacher one 5eek in a$vance.
?0@ - final test
20@ - a 5ritten assi&nment: a Euro#ean '< an$ a letter of intent/a##lication
20@ - an oral assi&nment: a 3o0 intervie5
10@ - class activity
Note: If a stu$ent fails the test 6a score A 2? #oints out of ?07( the rest of the #oints are irrelevant.
Statement regarding attendan#e:
.tten$ance is a$visa0le( as the seminar 5ill #rovi$e o##ortunities for &rou# an$ #air 5ork 5ith a vie5 to
practicing inte&rate$ skills an$ '2 skills. .tten$ance also con$itions 10@ of the final &ra$e 6class activity7.
Statement of #ommitment:
T$e tea#$er: is committe$ to arrivin& to classes on time( 0ein& #re#are$ for the classes( statin& o03ectives clearly(
0ein& s#ecific 5ith instructions( #rovi$in& #rom#t an$ clear fee$0ack on stu$ent 5ork( 0ein& availa0le for
consultation as 5ell as 0ein& o#en to su&&estions for seminar im#rovement.
T$e t!dent: are committe$ to arrivin& to classes on time( 0ein& #re#are$ for the classes( consultin& the seminar
calen$ar an$ outline re&ularly( su0mittin& assi&nments on time( #artici#atin& actively in class an$ to offerin&
constructive su&&estions for seminar im#rovement.
Bucharest University of Economics - Fall 2014 / Mk III.1
Seminar O!tline
9eek &
9eek -
9eek 3
9eek 4
9eek )
9eek .
9eek +
9eek /
9eek :
9eek &'
9eek &&
9eek &-
9eek &3
9eek &4
.$ministrative seminar
.naly+in& a marketin& cam#ai&n
6vi$eo: commercials7
%an&ua&e focus
Brammar/voca0ulary revision( 0ase$ on stu$ents8 nee$s analysis
2enses 6#resent tenses* #ast tenses* 5ays of e4#ressin& future7
M. <ince( Units 1( 2( - an$ 4( #. 1-;( ;-14( 14-21( 21-2;
%an&ua&e focus
Brammar/voca0ulary revision( 0ase$ on stu$ents8 nee$s analysis
2he !assive <oice
M. <ince( Unit >( #. ----C
.##lyin& for a Do0
E/ecruitmentF Unit 2( New Insights into Business( #. 14-24
.##lyin& for a Do0 6#art 1: the '<( the letter of a##lication7
EMarketin& GourselfF Unit 4( First Steps into Marketing( #. 44-?1
.##lyin& for a Do0 6#art 2: the intervie57
EMarketin& GourselfF Unit 4( First Steps into Marketing( #. ?2-?>
Aignment &;-:
!ersonal File 6Euro#ean '<( %etter of .##lication/Intent7 - -'< of the final
Do0 Intervie5s - -'< of the final &ra$e
%an&ua&e focus
Brammar/voca0ulary revision( 0ase$ on stu$ents8 nee$s analysis
Mo$al ver0s
M. <ince( Units 11 an$ 12( #. >?-;2( ;2-;;
%an&ua&e focus
<oca0ulary revision( 0ase$ on stu$ents8 nee$s analysis
%an&ua&e focus
<oca0ulary revision( 0ase$ on stu$ents8 nee$s analysis
Final 2est

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