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Commerce Student Space Expansion Committee

Terms of Reference
Last Revised: June 27

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Terms of Reference of the Ad-Hoc Commerce Student Space Expansion Committee
The Commerce Student Space Expansion Committee (the committee) shall be responsible for working to
develop plans for the establishment of a student social space that is for use by Sauder School of Business
students and that is to be operated by the Commerce Undergraduate Society (the CUS).
Committee Membership
The committee is to be composed of:
1. The following voting members, with the exception of any appointed to chair the committee:
A. The following ex officio members of the Board of Directors and Executive Council:
I. The President.
II. The Vice-President, Engagement.
III. The Vice-President, Internal Affairs.
B. Two additional members of the Board of Directors, appointed by the Board of Directors
C. One additional member of the Executive Council, appointed by the Executive Council.
D. No more than two (2) member-at-large, appointed by the Board of Directors.
2. The following non-voting members:
A. The following non-voting ex officio members of the Board of Directors and Executive Council:
I. The Chairperson of the Board of Directors.
B. At the discretion of the committee, any number of representatives from the Alma Mater Society
(AMS), University of British Columbia (UBC), or Sauder School of Business (Sauder).
Chair and Vice-Chair
The committee chair shall be elected by the Board of Directors and its vice-chair shall be elected by the
committee membership.
The chair shall be a member referenced in sections (1)(A) or (1)(B) of these terms of reference. The vice-chair
shall be a member referenced in section (1) of these terms.
Frequency of Meetings
The committee is to meet no less than twice per academic term or four times per year.
Commerce Student Space Expansion Committee
Terms of Reference
Last Revised: June 27

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Committee members terms shall expire upon annual turnover as determined by the CUS Constitution, or
upon such a time as when the committees membership may be replaced by the Board of Directors and
Executive Council, with such a term not to exceed one (1) year.
Other Governance Matters
Where otherwise specified in these terms of reference, the committees business shall be conducted in
accordance with the CUS Constitution and Code of Procedure; adherence to Roberts Rules of Order in
transacting business shall be at the discretion of the committee chair unless otherwise petitioned by a
quorum of members.

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