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USA Immigration law states that you must obtain a visa / permit to enter America.

A visa is an official
'permit' authorizing you to enter the USA, for a specific reason and for a specified period of time. There
are many different types of visas / permits and depending on the nature of your visit to the USA e.g.
travel, study, wor!", this will decide which the most appropriate visa is / permit for you. There are two
separate USA #isa / permit classifications$% &'mmigrant& visa and &(onimmigrant& visa$
The most common USA #isa is a &(onimmigrant& #isa % this is for someone who intends to come to the
USA &temporarily& and for a specific purpose. Typically on an )*+ ,or! #isa, -* Study #isa, .* 'ntra%
/ompany Transfer #isa, 0 and # -ianc1 #isas.
An &'mmigrant& #isa is for someone who intends to relocate to the USA, to live and wor! &permanently&
2reen /ard % .awful 3ermanent 4esidents".
/5/ /orp to /orp" 6 *788 are basically the same. 9ou are paid the gross amount w/o any deductions.
So basically, you have your own corporation or you are a sole proprietor.
(ow, the :uestion maybe should have been &,hat's the difference between a *788 and a ,5;&
,ith a *788 you have to match your -'/A<.=>?", with a ,5, they match it for you. Another benefit of ,5
is that they pay your unemployment ta@. (ow a days that is importantA. 9ou see, as a sole proprietor or a
corporate officer, you can't collect unemploymentA That has become a big dealwhere's the ne@t gig;".
Also, a sole proprietor doesn't pay unemployment ta@. As a corporation you do, but can't collect if you're a
corporate officerand you are with your own corporation". Bither way, you can deduct your e@penses. A
,5, for the most part, can't.
(ow, the bigger when traveling is per diem. ,hen wor!ing as a ,5 some agencies will allow part of your
rate to be per diem. 3er Ciem is ta@ free.
-or *788, and a corporate officer, per diem is not allowede@penses only". )owever, you can 'hire
someone to be your employer'. This can wor! out well. ,ith this arrangement, you are able to deductoff
the top" the standard daily food 6 lodging allowance for the locale in which you are staying.
1099s and TAXES
,hen a person is paid on the form, *788%misc, all money earned by the individual is paid on an unta@ed
basis. 't is then the responsibility of the individual to file and pay the appropriate ta@es. These ta@es can
be owed to -ederal, State and .ocal governments. ,or!ers compensation and unemployment issues
also must be addressed independently.
W-2s and TAXES
,hen a person is paid on the form ,%5, the employer automatically withholds and pays all of the
necessary employee income ta@es as re:uired by the '4S. These ta@es include$ -ederal 'ncome Ta@,
State 'ncome Ta@, and -'/A Social Security and Dedicare". 'n addition, the employer will pay all of the
necessary employer ta@es. These ta@es include$ -'/A Social Security and Dedicare", -UTA -ederal
Unemployment Ta@", and SU' State Unemployment Ta@".
'n recent years, the '4S has begun to realize the large sums of potential ta@ revenue they are losing due
to misclassified *788 independent contractors who should legally be ,%5 employees. ,hen a company
pays a contractor on a *788%misc form, they avoid the following$ federal and state ta@ withholdings,
deposits and reports, the employerEs share of Social Security and Dedicare ta@es, state and federal
unemployment insurance premiums, state disability insurance premiums, ,or!ersE /ompensation costs,
fringe benefits, vicarious liability for employee negligence, and BBF/ regulations. The '4S estimates that
it loses between GH to G57 billion per year in unpaid ta@es as a result of this misclassification problem.
Understandably, the '4S has made it a priority to investigate *788%misc forms that are turned in at the end
of the ta@ year. The '4S is continually conducting audits to determine whether or not contractors are being
properly classified.
/5c and ,5 are ta@ terms. /5/ means it is between 5 corporations many )*s do this term, but US
/itizens and 2reen /ard holders can do it as well if you they own their own business" ,5 can be used for
full%time or contract positions. Fn this term the employer deducts *7? out of your pay for ta@es must be
a US /itizen or 2reen /ard holder". A contract to hire is e@actly how it sounds. 9ou start out as a
contracter earning an hourly rate, than after a few month whatever you agree upon" you convert to a full%
time salaried employee, able to participate in the companies benefits.
The United States .* visa is a non%immigrant visa which allows companies operating both in the US and
abroad to transfer certain classes of employee from its foreign operations to the USA operations for up to
seven years. The employee must have wor!ed for a subsidiary, parent, affiliate or branch office of your
US company outside of the US for at least one year out of the last three years.
/ompanies operating in the US can apply to the relevant +/'S service center for an .* visa to transfer
someone to the US from their overseas operations. Bmployees in this category will, initially, be granted an
.%* visa for up to three years.
There are two types of employees who may be sponsored for USA .* visas$
The legal definition of management and e@ecutive roles for these purposes is :uite strict, and a detailed
description of the duties attached to the position will be re:uired. 'n particular, the e@ecutive or manager
should have supervisory responsibility for professional staff and/or for a !ey function, department or
subdivision of the employer. Such personnel are issued an .*A visa, initially for a three year period
e@tendible in two year increments to a ma@imum of seven years.
Specialized 0nowledge Staff
This category covers those with !nowledge of the company's products/services, research, systems,
proprietary techni:ues, management, or procedures. Staff in this category are issued an .*+ visa, initially
for three years e@tendible to a ma@imum of five years.
Fn completing the ma@imum allowable period in .%* status, the employee must be employed outside the
United States for a minimum of one year before a new application is made for . or ) status.
The )*+ #isa 3rogram is the official and primary USA wor! visa / wor! permit.
The US 2overnment offers the )*+ visa to enable highly s!illed 'nternational ,or!ers and 'nternational
Students, from all over the ,orld, or already in the USA, the opportunity to legally live and wor! in
To obtain an )*+ visa, an applicant must, first, find a Iob with an )*+ visa employer company in the USAJ
commonly !nown as your ')*+ sponsor'.
9our )*+ sponsor then applies for / files your )*+ visa application. 'ndividuals can (FT sponsor or apply
for their own )*+ visa % F(.9 your new employer sponsor" can.
An )*+ visa is typically valid for up to si@ =" years and entitles your spouse husband/wife" and children
to accompany you and 'live' in America.
Fne of the main advantages of the )*+ visa US wor! permit" is that it is a 'dual intent' visa which means
that you can apply for a 2reen /ard .egal 3ermanent 4esidency".
To obtain an )*+ visa to wor! in the USA.... the *st step is that you must find an )*+ Kob with an )*+
sponsor company.
L 'ndividuals can not sponsor/apply for your own )*+ visa % only your new employer can.
'- A /F(SU.TA(T )AS ,F40 '( ADB4'/A$ the primary USA ,or! #isa is the )*+ #isa.
The US 2overnments )*+ #isa 3rogram is designed to provide highly s!illed ,or!ers and 2raduates,
from all over the ,orld, the opportunity to live and wor! in the USA.
The -act is$ 9ou can not wor! in America without a visaA % )* +ase will help you....
9ou Dust -ind a Kob with a company who will sponsor file" an )*+ visa for you.
)ow to Successfully 2et 9our )*+ #isa to ,or! in USA....
Step *" you must find a Iob with a company who will 'sponsor' an )*+ visa for you
Step 5" your new employer sponsor company" then files your )*+ application
Step M" your visa application is approved by the US 'mmigration +ureau
Step H" you can start wor! for your new employer )*+ sponsor company" in the USA.
(BBC 34F-BSS'F(A. ASS'STA(/B; NN SA#B Donths of Searching for )*+ Kobs$
2BT A +FFST$ use the most proven and trusted services available, to help you -ind 6 Secure your USA
)*+ #isa Kob with a top )*+ visa employer. Dany of the Top US sponsor companies place a 'premium'
on )* +ase candidates for their )*+ recruitment needs. -or years our services have been successfully
used by Iob see!ers from all over the world.
The )*+ #isa 3rogram is the official and primary USA wor! visa / wor! permit.
The US 2overnment introduced the )*+ visa to offer and enable highly s!illed 'nternational 3rofessionals
and/or 'nternational Students, from all over the ,orld, the opportunity to live and wor! in the USA.
The )*+ is the most sought after US wor! visa and US 'mmigration re:uires 'every' foreign national to
obtain a visa in order to legally wor! in America.
To Fbtain an official )*+ #isa $%
Step * % you must 'first' find an )*+ Kob with a US Bmployer !nown as your &sponsor&"
Step 5 % your Bmployer files your )*+ #isa Application with the US 'mmigration +ureau
L individuals can (FT sponsor or apply for their own )*+ visa. Fnly 9our Bmployer can.
L To Oualify for the )*+ #isa 3rogram, you must wor! in a 'specialty occupation'$
The core Specialty Fccupations include$ 'T, /omputing, -inance, Accounting, +an!ing, Dar!eting,
Advertising, 34, Sales, 4ecruiting, Bngineering all types", Teaching, )ealth/are/Dedical, .egal,
.awyers, (etwor!ing, Telecoms, +usiness, Danagement.
PPP an )*+ visa is typically valid for up to si@ =" years and entitles your spouse husband/wife" and
children to accompany you and live in America.
Fne of the main advantages of the )*+ visa is that it is a 'dual intent' visa which means that you can
apply for a 2reen /ard .egal 3ermanent 4esidency
US ,or! #isa for /anadian and De@ican (ationals Fnly.
the process to obtain a T(* wor! visa is the same as to obtain an )*+ visa you must first find a Iob with
a sponsor company". This means that )*+ employers and sponsors also recruit and hire people on T(*
/anadians 6 De@icans loo!ing for short term wor! permits should consider the (A-TA &T(& treaty
national" visa. The visa includes most professional designations. The T( visa is not designed for self
employment. The visa is designed to accommodate short term employment in a professional capacity.
/onsultants must demonstrate that they are coming to the US to service a client, not to set up their own
US business.
Applicants may apply at border posts. Show your professional credentials, proof of university education
and a cover letter from the employer describing your Iob duties. The '(S border inspector should process
your application within a few hours.
'f you are already in the US you can apply for T( status by mail through an '(S regional processing
The #isa lasts one year but is renewable indefinitely. /ommon sense dictates that the longer you have
the T( visa the more scrutiny you face at the border.
The T( visa automatically e@pires upon application for permanent residence. 'f you have a T( and want a
green card, change status to )*+ or B treaty status before applying for the green card. The )*+ lasts for
up to si@ years, which is generally more than enough time to process the green card.
The T( visa is only available to /anadian citizens, not landed immigrants.
The T( category offers /anadian professionals a fast trac! into the US. Fnce in the US one may
consider other options for a longer term stay.
The process to obtain an BM wor! visa is the same as to obtain an )*+ visa you must first find a Iob with
a sponsor company". This means that )*+ employers and sponsors also recruit and hire people on BM
The regulations implementing the new BM visa were published in the US -ederal 4egister on 5
September 577>. ,ith the publication of the regulations, Australians are now able to apply for BM visas in
order to live and wor! in the USA. The BM visa will help Australian business people and professionals
capitalise on the opportunities offered under the Australia%United States -ree Trade Agreement
Oualified Australians wishing to live and wor! in the USA now find themselves in a privileged position.
They have access to a dedicated visa that is easier and less costly to obtain than the traditional )*+ wor!
visa. *7,>77 BM visas per annum have been reserved e@clusively for Australian nationals. Unli!e the )*+
visa, spouses of BM visa holders are now able to wor! in the United States % eliminating a barrier that in
practice has stopped many Australians from applying for temporary residence in the US. B%M visa holders
will be able to apply for e@tensions. The application fee for an BM visa is significantly lower than for the
)*+ visa.
To :ualify for an BM visa, an applicant must demonstrate$
Q that he or she must have a legitimate offer of employment in the US
Q that the position he or she is coming to fill :ualifies as specialty occupation employment
Q that he or she is an Australian citizen
Q that he or she has the necessary academic or other :ualifying credentials
Q that his or her stay will be temporary, and
Q if re:uired before the alien may commence employment in the specialty occupation, that he or she has
the necessary license or other official permission to practice in the specialty occupation.
An approved .abor /ondition Application is re:uired and no more than *7,>77 BM visas can be issued per
USA 2reen /ard holders are !nown as '.awful 3ermanent 4esidents' of America ''mmigrants'". A 2reen
/ard is the official card issued by the US 'mmigration Service US/'" to foreign nationals granting
them permanent residency in the USA. A 2reen /ard allows you to legally live and wor! in the USA. 't is
officially called -orm '%>>*, the 3ermanent 4esident /ard.
(aturalization is the way immigrants become citizens of the United States. 'f you were not born a citizen,
you become one through naturalization. /itizenship is a lifetime benefit bestowed upon you.
As a citizen, you get uni:ue rights and privileges which include the right to vote, having a U.S. passport ,
the U.S. government's protection when abroad and the right to petition for green cards for your children
and close relatives. As a U.S. citizen, you cannot be deported or lose your citizenship even if you commit
a crime or choose to live elsewhere in the world, unless you misrepresented yourself to get citizenship or
were ineligible at the time.
'f 9ou're an 'nternational 3rofessional or 'nternational Student who ,ants To ,or! in the USA$
the biggest challenge that you face, is (ot Iust trying to find a Kob in the USA....
it's finding an )*+ Kob$ with a /ompany that will 'sponsor' apply for" an )*+ visa for you.
)* +ase has helped thousands of foreign nationals find )*+ Kobs 6 Sponsorship to wor! in the USA.
To obtain your )*+ visa, the *st step is you Dust find an )*+ Kob with an )*+ sponsor company.
'ndividuals can (ot sponsor/apply for your own visa % only your new employer can.

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