1st Questions

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Compare and contrast the descendents of Seth with the descendents of Cain.

is God telling us about humanity in general?)

The descendants of Seth were godly while the descendants of Cain were not. Then
both Seths and Cains descendants intermingle and marry each other.

Go to the library and find 3 historical, cultural, and or religious facts about the
ancient city of Ur. Also, list the sources for your facts.
City was destroyed and rebuilt several times.
(See C. L. Woolley, Ur of the Chaldees (1930, repr. 1965), Excavations at Ur (1954, repr. 1965), and The Buildings
of the Third Dynasty (1974))
City was the capital of Sumer. (Westenholz, Joan Goodnick. Source: Royal cities of the biblical world, p
1-30. Jerusalem : Bible Lands Museum Jerusalem, 1996 Publication Type: Essay, Database: ATLA Religion
Database with ATLASerials)
Ur was one of the first village settlements founded (c. 4000 bc) by the so-called
Ubaidian inhabitants of Sumer. (Funk & Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia)

What events in Jacobs life show you that God did not choose him because he was
He called his wife his sister, He didnt fight for his wells, and he disrespected his

What was the moment of transformation in Jacobs life? What does the change of
name mean?
When he wrestled with God was the transformation. The name change meant he
would never lose faith in God.

In the beginning of the Exodus story, God reminds us that he is continuing to keep
his covenant promises. What happens that reminds God of his covenant promises?
What specific promises is he planning on keeping at this time?

One thing that reminds us of God keeping his covenant promise is the massive
population growth among the Hebrew people. Another is the enslavement of the
Hebrew people, which God told Abraham would happen in Egypt.

What are the different types of sacrifices introduced in Leviticus 1-5 and what are
the theological implications of these categories?

We are to give God the Burnt Offering, the Grain offering, the Fellowship offering,
the Sin offering, and the Guilt offering. Each is for a different occasion.

The complaints registered by the Israelites in Numbers 11 are similar to their
earlier complaints registered in Exodus 15-16. However, God responds more
severely to their complaints in Numbers 11. Why do you think he responds more
severely at this point in time?

He responds more severely because he is now known as Yaweh not El Shaddai.
This means that he didnt promise them what he had promised the earlier people,
so he didnt owe them anything, yet they still continued to betray God.

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